« The Goal Digger Podcast

532: 7 Challenging Business Scenarios and How to Handle Them

2022-01-19 | 🔗

It’s 2022 -- new year, new goals, maybe a new business? So many entrepreneurs (including us) are planners, but there’s really just one thing you can plan on as an entrepreneur -- uncertainty. The challenges you might face as we dive into a whole new year of business are unpredictable. But even though we can’t predict what challenges this year may bring, we can prepare by learning from the challenges other entrepreneurs have faced before us. 

Kylie compiled a list of some of the most common challenging business scenarios facing entrepreneurs, and we’re going to play a game of “What Would Jenna Do?”

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
How did you approach your own time management, a beginning, terribly significant alone? honesty hey. Ninety Jenny, culture and I am obsessed with all things: business, marketing numbers and helping you to navigate both domestic and the magical seasons. Of this thing called life of a small town, Mama Utica, three hundred dollar camera grew a successful photo bays, and now we work from we run the seven figure online business. I teach you the tried and true secrets to building a career. You adore shy away from the real talk, no way money, hardship, brute force and marketing are all topics we discuss here. Think of this as your. What stop shop for happy hour with a gallop. How mix with business school, pull up a seat, make sure you're cozy and get ready to be challenged and encouraged. While you learn this is the gold digger podcast this is so exists.
Being my friend Amy Porter Field in her pod gas online marketing made easy are officially on the hub spot podcast network. You ve been around the gold digger pod gas for a while. You know that aim. He is one of the reasons why a launch, my own show, will now be effects and the rest is podcasting history, with a focus on online business, including digital courses, list building social media and webinar, as online marketing made easy breaks big ideas and strategies into actionable step by step processes and the show's designed to get you more results with a whole lot. Less stress: do you like gold digger? I can pretty much guarantee that you're going to love Amy show to she digs into topics like seven email, copywriting tips to convert subscribers in what happens when a launch doesn't go as planned, and so much more listen to online marketing made easy wherever
you get your podcast well Kiley. I am so excited to talk about something slightly challenging to really setting up the topic for us. Can you, first of all, can you believe that we ve been doing his colleague Jan Andersson, I think for like a year now, array fine and I and you only just look towards them. One gives you and I get to connect by I it's so fine, now conversations and a lot of time when you host your own show, which you know it's like you're, just walking into your own computer sadness, is like so fine detail. You talk about something: that's not so fine by. I think you and I will make a fine cause. That's what we do yeah. I can't wait to pay a little game of like what would Jana do in these scenarios. You know it's new year? Twenty twenty two, all these opportunities in front of us, maybe
you dear listener are thinking of launching your business and job. I think you can probably really to this from your entrepreneurial perspective, but were kind of planners and like we want a plan. What are you years going to look like what we might be accomplishing. The projects we want to take on, but there is one thing you really can't play it for its like those challenging business scenarios that come up out of the blue, ready to knock you off your horse, and then you have to find your footing again. So that's what we're talking about today is the business scenarios that can be challenging and then what would Jenna do in those scenarios with them all of your over a decade of entrepreneurial experience? You know it's why this. I think I have PTSD around some of these, whom you got off of Yad. It's getting be fun to dive into some of those stories of those early days, and it just reminds me of like all the blueprints all.
The things that you can study? All of this step by step process is that you can adopt don't normally plan. for certain scenarios or don't walking through specific scenarios, and that's where you really feel ISIS I did and on your own, you feel that, like so low of solo Procureur, when you go through these things, then so what evening you dive in yeah yeah. That's it and I want to start with a big one, because when I think of your past life as a wedding photographer end my little Stir is now in that industry now she's the photographer the thing that freaks me out, the most of service provider role, is you have like one shot to get it right, like Udall its knowledge recording podcast? You can just like role it back and re say something you have someone, most especial precious day. So what happens in that service provider role, when maybe you down or you miss it
buying or you don't meet their expectations in some way like how do you even approach the child Jim scenario of letting down a customer or quiet. While I still have actual nightmares around wedding photography, big, eyes of what you just said. You get one chance I literally had this dream happen over and over and over again in my life, where I shot the wedding and I have no batteries or I shall give you a wedding and I've been aligned memory card and I have to like only fell that memory card. I had one where I showed up to a wedding and add a crate full of poppies and the poppies were like running down the aisle, and I was trying to do rather than how these electronic buzzer's, like. I don't know what it is about that, but I think what so crazy about being in the service based industry, is that you job is literally to anticipate the next need before someone asks for it and it's
you're always trying to be like one step ahead and that can be really exhausting to do for a long amount of time. But all in like high stakes situations like wedding photography, so when you let somebody down the first thing that I've learned and let me tell you, I still struggle with this even to this day, but it something that I really tried to work on is first is not about you. you and your defensiveness. I think that a lot of times when people choose to hire a service provider their hoping that that service, Writer has or best interests is going to do their best job for them, and I would say, most of the time we show up with those you know goals in mind, but I think a lot times when we care so deeply about our work or when we're so passion about what we do. Our first level of response is being reactionary and defensive and
I can remember a story about a particular couple who I worked with and I love them actually still talk to them to this day and I shot engagement photos in afterwards Alex Centre, the sneak peace and they were gorge, they were so gorgeous and she hated them Is she hated our makeup and hair looks so it wasn't necessarily about the photo bites. It was the final product and I remember just being like a sheet blind. She is so freakin gorgeous, like I don't understand and arrogant just being frustrated because, as you know, I did my part of the job. But how do we like work? through this together knowing too- that, like our relationship, is extended, passed an engagement session in so we work together and I was really proud of myself. It was one of the first times in my career that I stood my ground in the sense of saying if it's the Photos you don't like this
really what my work looks like and if this isn't the right fit? I want to give you an easy way out and connect you with someone who is the right set, because I work then like. How is this going to trickle into the wedding day if she's not happy, then I dont want. set myself up for failure or show up so nervous and that that was the first my career, where I really was like giving a client this opportunity to change their mind and this inventory Can't you, because if it wasn't the right fit in the first place, then why would we continue on, and once I gave her that decision, then she said Henderson was? I know I really want to work with you like it's, not the photos, it's my hair and make up, but having that conversation where expectations were sat was huge, and I think that you- and I were just talking when expectation- and aren't sat in any relationship it
if so much room to be disappointed or frustrated or feel like you're getting forgotten or you know, under communicated with and so I think that so much of it is about expectations, and so, if you failed us them in the first place. Here's your opportunity to learn moving forward, how you can set them from the first time. You say hello to a potential customer all the way through the experience, but then really over, communicate without client. What there, options are how you can remedy the situation and the however, one thing to do is repeat back their concerns, proving to them that you actually listened and heard them that really good. I'm not sure I've ever heard you give that piece of advice to give a client give a customer away out, and I'm busy From my perspective, if I was that service If I was in your shoes, the anxiety, I would have felt if that door wasn't there for her to walk
Oh yeah, I wouldn't want to carry on their relationship. If she truly wasn't happy that would have made my job harder, I would have directed going to the next step with that clients oh wow, that's really bad. It was really cool well, because I was just very clear and I was like, I think this work and the work was be to feel like, I loved their photos, and so it was like if you're unhappy, this just might be a sign for us that we weren't the right FED and I think to its like as people we crave being able to make decisions like the freedom to make decisions, so pudding A decision back in her court was such a blessing has won. It really made. Her feel confirmed that she made the right decision in the first place, but it also gave us the opportunity to say hey me, this isn't the right that there's nothing wrong with you there's nothing wrong with me, but let's to figure out. What's going
the next step and I think a lot of times when you're, starting out in his service based industry. You want to please everybody. You want to work with everybody. Anyone that's willing, hey you you'll, like say you know, send me the check at some way, you're like no. I want to work with people who really appreciate and understand what I do. It was just such a good lesson for me that, like it's, ok to stand firm, but also to give options- and I would have willing, Lee connected her with another photographer, who I thought would have any good vent if she would have gone that rule and unlike man, it's like a win win all around. You know: yeah, that's really good. So I think this kind of leads to the next challenging scenario. It sounds like that was addressed. in that allowed you to put a boundary in place if it's not the right fat you're not going to work together and bound
resigning for entrepreneurs, especially at first when the whole idea is to say yes to income opportunities, because you are an entrepreneur in your providing for yourself in your family, you can where the lines of those boundaries where you really want to say yes to projects where you should be. You know me saying no to protect your piece in your time. So how do you approach boundaries today and how to contrast with how you are setting boundaries for yourselves in the beginning ten years, the agenda. What is it what's about now? This general, like boundaries, are literally like my greatest life's pillar is so it's interesting. I think that one of the things that men's and one of the reasons why what you just said ring so true is like in the early days. You just want to say yes to everything and I think it's a lot of being not confidence in Europe, ready to move forward or to find the right clients or to really catered
with specific audience? I think it's a lack of confidence that makes you agree to things because think a lot of times in our brain. We ve heard so many stories where an entrepreneur hits their big break or this one job change. Everything for them and it's almost like we're walking through kind like if your single and you meet IQ guy at Starbucks like this. Is it this might eat your husband? Like me, I knew a moment looking for in your own business, which really create this lack of boundaries. He's and cause you to say yes to everything and wanted biggest things I found up in saying yes to everyone else. Whether it was clients are different. Projects are different opportunities. I was ultimately no to the things that matter to me, my own business, my own growth, my own relationships, my family and so work Laundry can be really tricky and I think to at the beginning its like you're out there and approved yourself first and foremost, that you can actually do this thing, but then to prove to the world
and I think that when you have that idea of this, like almost vengeance standpoint your prone to decisions at our kind of hasty and that really dont protect you in your peace, one of the biggest on that I ended up implementing has changed. My life even to this day is really protecting. My phone number and what I mean by that is when I first started out specifically in sir space industry by even to this day in the digital space, is I handed out my phone or to anyone and what would happen? As is so often, people would tax me at nights or on the weekend. They want to know if they could see a certain photo or if I could quick added this for their seed? The dates are things like that, I never realises that pretty soon I was dreading grabbing my phone. It was making my phone This thing that connect to me back to work and if I was in my life, it pulled me back into work, and so I think we ve talked about it on the show for what we have such strict boundaries on our team when it comes to phone use.
so my? I don't want my team to hate, picking up their phone and thinking that there's a fire they need to put out in the works, but you so. I would just say that, as you get going expectations like what we talked about earlier? Are going hope you set those boundaries so towards the end of my career as a wedding photographer I would only give out my phone number the week before the wedding and then yes, would say, you know like as we it closer to the event, because, on the day of I wanted them to have my number if we needed to get in touch of anything, moved or changed, and then, after the event, I would switch rape acts, email and that way it wasn't, opening up these lines of communication that were threatening to pull me out of my life in that was really good, and even to this day, it people ass for my phone number in its first in for work. I just direct them to the other places where I can respond to them better and faster, and it just protects them. Boundary, which I think is so important because you dont know when you send a text message. If somebody's having coffee
with their mom or snuggling, with their baby or taking a nap like you, don't know insulting to really beautiful way to be respectful? And I think it's just something you ve got a learned over time. The only phone they come in these days anyway are renewing your Otto warranty. It's all you know, there's really don't how you did your phone number out there. No, it's gonna get anybody. Eighty war, no man, so, one of those who work abound, dream that I think, is most challenging, especially as you know, I'm as an entrepreneur, but more of aside hustler for a while- and I got stuck in saying yes, Income opportunities because you However, no one that incomes going to slow down when you might hit a slow sees it and that's definitely a challenging business scenario and maybe, if it's your first time, jumping into entrepreneurship or your first year, full time or whatever that looks like you may have jumped in full time, because you, at a high seas and any did have that free flowing
income things were looking good, the books were, but but how do you play four or if you hadn't, planned for a slow season, how do you handle it when you're in it yeah? So this huge for me and I'm when I look back, unlike Bravo twenty three year old Jenna for thinking about this, because wedding photography in the matter? ass is wildly seasonal, we're talking six months of crazy and then six months of nothing and high and being able to leave a corporate salary it with confidence that I was going to make. through the winter required a lot that form, and so one of the things it? You really want to look at, and this is why I think it is so beautiful if you are granted the opportunity to do your. this. As aside hustle is you can start recognized trends an seasonality and flow
unlike what that looks like and that's why I think it's so beautiful to make the leap corner quote into entrepreneurship more like an inch by inch journey. I really am grateful that I did not, because I was able to kind of understand the climb that I was walking into, but also to be able to prepare, and so one of the things that I did early on, that I am so grateful for its like. One of the things I did right was that I looked at ok if I book twenty five weddings for the first year, minimum around fifty five thousand dollars, how can I basically put myself on a pay role to pay myself the same amount year round, so that, when that why it sees when it gets dad. I don't panic and freak out and when I'm supervision The money doesn't burn a hole in my pocket and run out, and so from the very beginning. I mean, even when I was three years in, I was fortunate enough to be making six figures as wedding photographer. I was still
Hang myself of fifty thousand dollar salary because I knew I could live. all of that, and I knew that we didn't need more and I wanted to just start building up our savings, and so it was really for me. I was like lights, live off of life Let's not let our lifestyle shift until we no, that this business can support it, because I just didn't want to move up too fast and then have beef forced on that treadmill of working super hard just to maintain the lifestyle and even to this day. What I pay myself as a fraction of what the business brings in, but that allows us to best in other ways our team for one k, savings investments, things like that. So if you are knowing that your business has seasonality. The best thing I could tell you to do so work with an accountant and see if you can literally put yourself on a payroll where yours Savings well help support that payroll when this slow season heads, but it also just help you
create some sort of consistent money flow in your business year round, because I think that gives you the ability to see those oh times as this invitation to rest or to actually slow down without panicking it Gunnar reminds you of like locked down in quarantine like We would have known like here's the start date. In the end day, I think people could have relaxed into the new norm better but away uncertainty, its we panic, gray hidden. How can you like had yourself from that panicked uncertainty, and you can do that through planning the The thing that I would just say to look at is like look at you numbers and look at the trends and look at things that you can predict as close to precision as possible, and that can really just help you to understand here's, what the business can bring in here's? What I need to to do that? Here's, what I really need the live off of, and I think what was so beautiful about how I navigate
the early on was that I was able to kind of rest in the winters and not feel frantic urgent because of how I created an income. That was an you all year round, even when I wasn't shooting- and that gave me just a little bit more balanced than I think a lot of people can have. We have a entire episode of gold rigour, rat gonna. Go your blogger com, slash boost sales and as more advice for what to do with those slow periods when business model, or if you have a seasonal service based business or anything like that, there's a lot more. Information, a ways to really leverage that time to prepare yourself for your next busy season so I'll make sure that's linked up in the show notes for you to find it We want more advice in this area, a brand new year. I'm not even sure We got here so vast, but I am wildly grateful for another year with this spot guests and, of course, with you,
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All right, so, let's take a little turn here. Let's talk about negative reviews. Reviews are either the love hate relationship right. We ve talked about a lot. You know how to really listen to feed backwards. Is criticism cover that allow on gold digger, but that first name every when you feel like you are crushing the entrepreneur or life business is great and all of the sudden someone comes in with their one star in their very loud negative voice, and it can get you down. So sure. Do you remember a kind of like the first time is one that I am not a fan of jet culture and over here to tell you all about fifty yards sleuths bring me back, I fear that this wedding it that it was literally they probably when my first weddings ever and the bright in groom were in a fight like an actual fights vignette. He had gone
offering that morning and the whole schedule was just gone it was a very chaotic frustrating. there is probably a lot of lack of expectation set on my part, but I remember when I delivered the gallery. They were like Where are these beautiful portraits? Now? Are you guys when even stand next to each other, like? How am I supposed to get these portraits and so It was one of those things where it was like so circumstantial and so specific. However, it was like a devastating views, as can I really do this? Unlike am I supposed to be like a therapist as well as like groom corral or as well as like all of these roles? I can I do this in. is really worried because, as towards the beginning of my career, so I didn't have a ton of reviews. It wasn't like a one star out of a hundred. five star. It was like. I had five reuse total and it was just
really frustrating, because you know again are first instinct. to get defensive and I think that there are always do sides. Every story, and you know hurt version of it was probably different than mine, and it was just really are- because it was like. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what to do. We can't go back to your wedding day, but I think the things that is so important, especially as a business owners that, like again, like you, said we ve, talked so much about discerning between feedback industry to criticism an understanding like what can I do differently? What could I do better and how can I remedy it and I believe I ended up sending them back a portion of their payment, because I was just like you know: you're unhappy, like I'd don't want like? I want to do so Thing- and it was one of those this is where I could have totally argued in just you know, held under every dollar. But to me I want to do things I've learned so much is like whatever you need to do to protect your piece like. If something is keeping you up.
At night. If something is consuming and bubbling over into your personal life? It's not generally worth that ever you need to do to like release that into the universe and let it go is sometimes worth it and so for me at that circumstance it was worth it. I remember sitting the emails to my mom and be unlike mom. What do I do in order to renew our seas and nursing instructor, but it was like one of those things are as like: you're on your own, and now you gotta make these decisions and like it is kind of scary, so I would just say if you get a negative review and its public and you can respond to it. I highly highly encourage you to respond to it very thoughtfully, carefully somebody else read your response before you posted. again reiterate what their problem was, so that you prove that you understand what the issue was and then, if there is further on tax. That would help other people who might lean on that review or read that review, provide that context and then
would also just provide an opportunity for that person to get back in touch with you to create. A solution that feels good for both of you, but especially when it comes to public reviews and people read them. I'm always impressed when the person handles with Greece and also handles it in a solution based way, and I think that we all have the opportunity to do those things. That's I really like the way, so I was thinking about this. You know we're working through some updates on them, courses and where I would kind of be nervous about facing reviews had on someone ask for a refund for one reason or another. They provide feedback on why they want that refund flick. For me, I would want to just pretend we're happened not look at it again, not read their words, because that would bring the anxiety up again, but instead the opposite. We have
The entire document that have you know the feedback from people who have asked for refunds on courses are alike, have sent an email with a piece of criticism, slash feedback, and we use that to make our products sir this is better to show up better and I do love the way you address it had on a new art freaked out about it. I love it and I think, to its really cool because, like even when it comes like our course says, every single guy check in with our customer service and, like we have less than one percent reef Andrey, it is so miniscule, but every a week I check in with staff our team and like hey, are you noticing anything? Are there any trends? Is there anything that we can address? Can we do better and like a while, it does give me slight hives most of the time engines in those reviews that a lot of it its circumstantial, are super specific to that person. Randall
the times were able to remedy that just by offering a solution or an opportunity to connect or communicate. But I love how we here and all that, because its metric that we track it, something that we're paying attention to, but it also a guide of like oh yeah. We can do better and like doing better, fills really freakin good, and so I love it. I love it and Amy at the same time like that good, like that good cringe, when you look at it, ok so Java again as an entrepreneur or you are full time responsible for yourself, mostly at getting us a prisoner answers to themselves only and so time management. When you don't have time card that your punching or an office, your showing up to I can be a little bit freaky for people, men, during that time is your own boss. How did you approach
your own time management at the beginning, terribly significant alone. Honesty in them as well, and I think here you know, I was actually just reminded us this when writing the book, because I was talking about the early is when I would work may in a regular job, which was ten hours a day and usually one hour commute on either side, and then I would come home and work on my side, our souls and my editor was like what did drew do during this allows, like honestly like he was really supportive, but, like we didn't know, any different, as we had just like gotten engage whereabouts, Mary there's just kind of like what our normal became. Anything you have been hard. We had settled in a married life and like had the normal like, let's go to the pumpkin, John Saturday or like lets, you know, go to them farmers market, but like we never really had that we are both kind of retail positions of working, just different types of jobs, and so I had a really really
bad time management, and I I think too, for a lot of people who certain structure, certain schedule, you're certain days of the week that they do certain things in a corporate setting or in any sort of setting, and then you go to endless free time, but that free time needs to be filled with priority. Is it can we really hard and I think one of the hardest things for me was the lack of feedback. I came from a very feedback. Oriented company target was so on par. with like consistent feedback knowing how you're doing performance indicators all these things and then all of a sudden you're like now Telling me I'm doing a good job. Am I doing a job? Am I doing the reigning like what is this look like? So I would say that the biggest thing that you need to do for time management is to go back to the boundaries thing. What do those boundaries? look like when? Are you committed to working? When are you committed to being online and available? When will you be unavailable? Things like
responders on your email, can literally change everything. I think it really can help set expecting and can also get you off the hook where it says you know I My email once a day money through Friday like things like that where it can buy. time and make it so that you're not so connected, but then I also two. If you are in a situation where you live with family or you have a partner or spouse or a roommate or a friend that you can kind of crime your own life flow with them, whatever that looks like and have that account Letty, unlike for me, it's as simple as like leaving my computer in a different room and not having it just right there. I can just crack it open at the drop of a hat things like really checking in auditing like, whereas my time going where am I getting distracted? Where am I getting pulled off course? What is that shiny object that keeps sucking me in Instagram, I think
and so really just looking at what that looks like, and I think to a lot of us need structure. So how can you create your own structure that works with your flows state, but that also supports, like moving the actual needle forward, I had such a distorted sense of how long things took for them Longest time- and I always blame- this on my mom, because when I was a kid like even a teenager, I would ask her: how long does it take to get to this place? It was twenty minutes hugely had me, believing that it took twenty minutes to get everywhere in the state of mind, and that was how long are we going to be here? Twenty minutes, how much longer twenty minutes, and so I just like it so funny, but that sort of informed my own time management as I got into adulthood and working work from home jobs. I really distorted sense of how long projects would take me. So I had to get honest with myself that I can't pull together a script for something in twenty minutes,
is actually going to take me probably two hours, so I figured deported to guide of analyze your own belief round time and how long your projects, how long your work actually takes and planning for them. Which sounds really, but if you had a mob who always told you twenty minutes might, as it is said that it's not going to take you ass much time, all action, then you're setting yourself up to finish today, feeling defeated like you didn't, kill anything done. So I think we ve gotten really good at that on. Our team of like realistic, all setting and also just flexibility on it like where it's like. This feels like too much to say the word we literally said the other day like say this: aid word and we'll just now. You know like let set this goal and let's go for it, but if at any point it feels so urgent or stressful, somebody's gonna call at the same for it and we're gonna just pull out, and that's ok and I think that it's really important too
like you said, have realistic expectations and I think to that's where, like tools that we talked on the show like batch working or establishing your big three like what's gonna move the needle those takes up wars can actually help. You finish your day. Feeling like I got something done today. I got something: accomplish you don't the boss to tell you that. That's where you know that, like you you are in charge and that you're using your time well, yes, one overarching theme that we keep coming back to during this conversation is expectations and I think expectations really come into play with this next challenging business scenario and that is when you are finally ready or should be ready to delegate a task to someone else. There's a lot of experts mission setting from both parties How did you finally release your grab pieces of your business and delegated out to some one else? Very reluctantly, razor
Thirdly, I think it very self aware it a lot of these places of like well, I really wrong delegating is really interesting, especially at the beginning, because our businesses are our babies, and I can say that as a mamma to our businesses, Are you know these things that we literally like built from nothing and so the thought in the notion that you are going to trust someone else. Your baby, like I mean, let's be honest, cocoa has never been babies. Happy like anyone other than my mother, and I greater letting go of my baby and trusting you know. But what I think is so interesting in terms of regulations, and what that looks like is at some point. You can not do at all, there's absolutely this threshold that human being were hit and a lot of times we keep pushing pass. It would.
is where we hit burn out and frustration where we just want to quit altogether. But I think that what happens, is one. We are self aware enough to acknowledge that. Yes, I can do that thing, but I shouldn't be doing it or I'm not the best at doing it again, absolutely Tipp the scale for me, one the first thing, that I ended up outsourcing that I swore I would never do was outsourcing editing of some of my images and Isaac, but I love editing and I can do, and I was the one that shot that moments and no one knows how it feels, and I want to make sure it's all perfect and it was so interesting, because I found a way where I got to edit my favour. One hundred and fifty photos, and then I outsource the rice, and it was this beautiful, delicate, island of me still enjoying that aspect of my job without burning myself out on it and without this belief, not like only I could do it and
think that when you start to recognise that you are able to trade your money in order to get back your time- and you hit that threshold, where your time I'm is more valuable than money. That is where, you can start to delegate and when you start to delegate you ve gotta leave room, for human error, you gotta leave room for a learning curve, but it's also up to you two sat expectations into set someone up for success and I think the way that you do that is really walking, Samantha. Here's how I ve been doing this, but I want to give you the its economy to figure out if there's a better way or if there's a different way of there's something you want to try and I'm in a trust you to do that, and I think that really the secrets ass is like handing over what your processes, but letting someone have the freedom to create their own process. That probably we better than what you were doing any ways, but delegating can be a challenge again inches expectations and I think it's a lot of those like tipping points when
really recognize. Like I've gotta loosen my grip, I've gotta, let someone else come in I've gotta try. Someone to care for my baby and I've got a chance to take a step back and let them have that ownership, peace, pink, when I was preparing to delegate my first episode of my Ipod gas, which is my baby. My fears, were all of these scenarios. I had in my head that, oh my listeners aren't going to. joy as much I'm going to get negative reviews, because they're gonna hear that I didn't write this episode completely by myself, and it was all of these. Imaginary scenarios that I dreamed up in my head as being a negative to delegating, but I released one episode with a co writer and it came. out, and I didn't have a single negative review now. No one reviewers lag and said: oh, my gosh Kiley didn't write this all by herself, but what I did get was all the positives where I had a full.
Weekend to myself. I didn't have to work through again to prepare this episode. I got to drink coffee, watching h, G tv and not have to think about the work that was to cut like It was only positives after I outsourced that first thing, unlike once you get comfortable with it. You, like it's amazing However, only a year ago, a footman eyes did they do even with writing a book. I told my mom when I started the book process as NEO. Read a lot we read a time and we share in the library. So out of times you work through books gather and as a mom in your assignment for them here is to read the acknowledgement for every single book that we read because inside of you nonsense, you would never imagine all the people that play a role in a book. You just see the authors name on the front cover right. same thing with this pod gas or with my blogger, with anything it's like Islam,
as we are serving people- and it is true to our mission, our brand values, and it is because our team has the in shares those values, people don't necessarily care about how they're getting the content they want that offend city. They want that alignment, but they just want to be served the end of the day, and so I think it's ok, well when you can start to look at places where there is a whole team effort coming through, and maybe there is one person who is the face or the voice or the brand, but when, They can acknowledge that they get help. I think it also gives us permission to get help, and I think that that is the most beautiful invitation we can give people. Yes, ok, I love you, I want to outsource source more things more. Delegating are, let's close it out on a tricky one. I know you are no stranger to this, nor am I but one thing that can, be so. Frustrating is based.
As is looking at competition specifically, you know maybe copycats pop Maybe someone is doing exactly what you're doing five steps behind you and you know they're following in your footsteps, and that can be so irritating when you feel like you, ve come up with this business ideas. You believe in and suddenly there is the competition trying steal, some of it away from you. So how are you approaching? Com, petition these days. How does it work differently from how you felt about it? In the past me, this brings me back to one story that all share really quickly when I first started shifting education, which was about three, and two wedding photography, doing one on one mentor sessions and you could do him over Skype or you could come to my apartment where we lives and a local
geographer refer had signed up for like an hour long session. In looking back. It was totally not worth like what I was getting paid for what I was giving and that session. I, like handed over the keys to the kingdom, I gave her my pricing guide and here's. How I do my emails and here's how I walk through this you're, my templates, and I think it was. Most of the entire year later. I found out that she, and literally just taken everything word for word and just change out her name and change the photos and a customer actually figured it out because she had inquired to both of us and got sent back this. pricing guide, oh wow in this scene, email and she flags like she was like John. I think this girls, like ripping you off and I was so bombed because, as
here, like I handed all this over to you, you know as a favour to like teach you to show you, unlike you literally word for word. Did this and you also undercut my price. Significantly and I was devastated and I remember drew and I were on a trip to Chicago like you're supposed to be like a really fun weekend and all of this is consumed me like. I was so angry I was frustrated. I wanted to talk to a lawyer. I like it. It just like broke my spirit, especially in the transparency of like wanting to. Aunt or someone and then having that turn around and that incident We held me back from education and this desire to share anything about my behind the scenes because, as I people he's going to use it and it's just gonna blow up in my face again in its impacting my business, and it is really and I think that things like that now
actually happened, one teaches lessons bomber. I freakin hate learning lessons but doing it. They make us manner but also chewed, a kind of help us set up those boundaries and those expectations and all the things that we spoken about on the show anything to with competition. It goes when I was saying earlier about this lack of confidence when we see competition and when we obsess over it when we left, really like take away. Our peace is usually due to a lack of confidence in what were putting out there and there are absolute these scenarios in situations where you might need legal counsel, or you might need to go that next supper. You might need to send an email to say: hey, I'm noticing that you know this looks varies. more to mine, but there are are also circumstances where you gotta, just let it go and you gotta put your head down in blinders on and do the work, and so I think
that discernment can be really tricky and we have an episode Kiley about what to do in somebody's copied, you in that walks use room the different scenarios of how to navigate what to do and how to really process through those different situations, because they will come up as a part of being a business owner and so with competition, and being copy it, and I think that at the end of the day you don't wanna encounter things in your business that make you lose sleep. Can you tell that I'm in a siege of life were sleep is literally the most important progress with respect, and so you are losing sleep. It's a good sign that you got to just make a decision on how you gonna move forward and how you're going to release set whatever that looks like love. This is Ben, probably one of the
This- is a great way to start two thousand and twenty two. I think, with a Kylie and Jen episode. It's so juicy everything we just went over, I think, is a great way to get prepared for Eddie we'll challenging scenario that comes over the next year as an Japan or from what when you let down a customer client setting work boundaries dealing with negative reviews delegating tasks to someone else, we covered at all and make sure of that follow up resources for more listening. More learning in these areas are all linked in the show notes, are some Kiley things, for walking through life challenges with me. You can put it that way. You a boar. This amazing conversation. I really hope it encourages, are listeners to know that their not alone, if their experiencing a challenge, but also to know that the challenges are those things like when you're in them. You're like I'm, never gonna live this sound, I'm never gonna forget this and you will be able to laugh
them or share them- maybe a decade from now on upon gas just like this, but those are the greatest lessons you will learn and you will navigate them with grace, because know who you are as listener, and I'm just excited to walk through this new year with you so Kiley. What do we say? when we sign off until next time keep on digging your biggest skulls, I'm over here, giving you a virtual high five, because you just finished another episode of the gold digger podcast tobacco by weight vast for anyone else. If you want more head over to gold, digger, pod, guess, dot, com for show, notes and all the discount codes from today's sponsors and if you're looking for a new crew, movers and shakers like you'd, have bounds, ideas and ask questions, be sure to join that exclusive community for gold diggers on Facebook, the links with
Transcript generated on 2022-01-19.