« The Goal Digger Podcast

497: Facebook and Instagram Ads 101: Start Here

2021-09-20 | 🔗

If you want to know how to implement an ad strategy, best-practices for getting started, and how to tell if your marketing investment is actually worth it, this is your episode.

I love Renee Bull’s approach to ads. She believes that your business deserves a strategy that can take it to the next level and a funnel that allows you to work less while profiting more. Her proven tactics, updated for all the changes that online ads recently experienced, will help you get started with paid marketing on Facebook and Instagram. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Facebook ads may just amplify with working really well organically. So if you are lost organically you're not going to come in and just your eyes are not going to just take off my name is generator and I'm obsessed with all things: business, the marketing numbers and helping you to navigate both domestic and the magical seasons. Of this thing called life of a small town, Mama music at three hundred dollar camera crew is successful, photo bays, and now we work from home run the seven figure online business. I teach you the tried and true secrets to building a career you with door shy away from the real talk, no way money, hardship, Bro, loss and marketing are all topics we discuss here. Think that this is your one: stop shop for happy hour with a gallop. How mix with business school, pullup a seat, make sure your cozy and get ready to be challenged and encouraged. While you learn this is the gold digger, podcast Asthma, This grows. My strategies grow with it. One big,
entrepreneurial growth spurt for me was when a transition from all organic marketing methods to a mix of organic and paid adds the world a face, an interim advertising is complex, especially recently, but it's all low paid off exponentially, to have a smart, add strategy in place. I love enables approach to ads believes that your business deserves a strategy that can take it to the next level and a funnel that allows you to work less while profiting more her proven tactics, updated, for all the changes that online adds recently experienced will help you to get started with he'd marketing on Facebook and Instagram. Do you want to know how to implement an ad strategy, best practices for getting started and how to tell your marketing investment is actually worth it will? Then this is your episode, Cameron able to the gold digger podcast.
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so a thrill to have you the gold digger, I guess out of all of our hundreds of episodes, this the topic that we need action, it's on, and you are the perfect person for the job, so welcome to the show here? I'm so excited to be here and chat about, as this is my favorite thing to do to get out. So I'm super excited. Thank you for having, ah okay. So what he threw, does somebody get it do the ads base. What is your journey? What is your story that lead you to where you are today? Oh, my goodness, if we go back to the beginning, and I get this question. I lie it, so finding people always like how did you get here? I would say that the first step ways three years ago. I just realized that I hated why ways in life. I was working as a flight attendant.
and I was travelling everywhere. I thought it was gonna, be like my dream job and I hate that was so tired. I was getting sick other times, so I quit my job and I dislike could maybe two figuring out how to provide like massive impact, the people. I really am big on like impact for having an impact for life, and so I went to a crime friends like four years ago, and there was a man there who is talking about Facebook adds funny now and just caught my attention and from that moment I just became obsessed and then I realized how much it aligned with just who. I am as a person, I'm so big oil being able to add value to people and when it comes to Facebook adds I'm just love the transformation of taking a small business. Who is just amazing, but they didn't need that operation
Did you get in front of more people here and a lot of times when people come to me? They're, like you know, my business is doing great, but I feel like we're pie, towing, or I felt like we're just not reaching those right people and to be able to come with a solution of like every business deserves the opportunity to reach its greatest potential and I feel like I'm able to serve people doing that with Facebook eyes. So to answer your question, I quit my job and I went to a conference and he talked about face. The guides I took a probe am, I became obsessed. I failed alot, where I got lost a lot of money in the beginning and I'm very passionate about teaching people how to avoid those mistakes, and now you know four years later I mean you're talking to you about face. Look at is the incredible one, the things I love about. Your sorry, Renee is just when you find something that is fascinating to you, that you like uncover and you're just obsessed with, and it's all
you can think about a new die. Then in you you know you become student, I just think that its eyes, because so many entrepreneurs, that's exactly how they start is like this curiosity. That becomes this thing that you had not avoid any longer, and so I love that its it. So much happenstance, but it's also so much of a reflection of your hard work, yeah and I think the biggest thing for me now, but I realized looking back, is that when you find a skill set It is truly something that can impact other people notice your never be searching.
For the next day, like I'm always so, full of being able to speak with somebody about their business, because you know everyone's businesses like their baby and to be able to give them actionable steps, feedback and a plan to help them achieve their goal of. I realise that I was able to do that through Facebook ads and so is bigger than just like all its due as more. So what is your purpose behind your business? Who are you trying to get in front of two impact to bring value do and how can we make that happen? Facebook adds its like the solution, but We, the purpose behind all the business owners and I'm a will to work with an impact, is really what keeps me going. So I didn't grateful that I found it. You know it might is right. I did a lot of jobs. I worked a lot of jobs before I found the thing that really stuck, but I'm grateful that I found it
I think I did it's really rewarding and it's really exciting to work with the new business is all the time and also just give them the information about how Facebook adds can change everything for the finer business. It's no incredible, because I remember listening to a pod gas very similar to this is my friend Amy Porter Fields podcast years ago, and it was before I had ventured ensue paid an so everything that I was doing was organic. Just like you mention and Irene. but on the episode she was saying like if somebody gave me this opportunity to give them a dollar at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day they give two dollars, would you do it and everyone would write like, of course, if you had that dollar to give, you would make that decision that investment, and I remember something about that statement clicked where I was like ok You can invest in a way that converts neck and lead to resolve.
This is a way to scale, and I think a lot of people are in one of two places there either, like you said kind of black towing, are struggling to get in front of the right people they're doing all the organic. things and maybe they're, just kind of hitting this edge where they can't get past it or they find built something that is scalable. And now you gotta put like fuel to the fire and to really get tat going and so Renee are you cool? We kind of do like a facebook adds boot camp for people, in one or two or any of the camps that could benefit from paid adds yeah, let's get into it,
right it. Let's do so farming generous. Can you want me through what is the difference between a facebook or inspiring ad and are promoted post? Ok? So this is one of the biggest mistake that I see on my businesses make as they go onto Instagram and they boost their post and they think they're running ads and because Instagram makes so easy for you to promote a policy really feel like you're running out, and they give you a bunch of Kennedy. Metrics saying, like you know you reached, you know thousands going. You have thousands of impressions, but these vanity metrics and sell the biggest difference is when you booster posed, are used that promoted posed feature on end you're missing out on a lot of key data and the way you know
you're. Doing this, instead of running adds is adds, can only be set up in business that facebook dot com. You can not run actual ads on the Instagram platform. So if you find us setting up ads and its reaching people, but you're not making any styles you're getting a lot of light, your comment: it's because your action doing one of the biggest mistakes. I see business owners make all the time and the crazy turn about this is new fee also in power, and because you feel like people are seeing your paused, but the biggest thing about it is that you want people to take action and you cannot decide which action or objective you want people to take the most it pose. You have to do
that in the business that facebook dot com in the ads manager, you have more control, you have more data and you can place your facebook pixel, which is at the base. The foundation of Facebook adds its very essential that your facebook so its place, so that all the information from your website, visitors and all the traffic that you're getting is recorded so that you can re purpose it to get better results. Yeah, I think that such a beautiful differentiation is. I think, a lot of people tried boosting posts and then there like, it doesn't work for me and there were. The gate adds right out of use, of course, not if the existing posts is like the gateway in two like make. You feel like gear trying, but any are not actually a strategy. I don't think I dont think it actually goes far in it so funny to because you know we invest a lot in
you paid ads and all still get little things in my facebook feed. That's like this post is perfect well. Do you wanna boosted, and it's like that- has nothing to do with a goal or objective or an end result that I actually desire, and so it there's it's almost more of a vague maybe thing, then an actual results based objection, a hundred per se and people. I again, I have a free training on this about the biggest mistakes. Oh my business owners and make the biggest thing I see is people making a mistake of boosting their ads, and I tell them yes, it feels good. Yes, you can set up that Bruce deposed and less than you know ninety seconds and that's what they want you to do, but at the end of the day, you're wasting so much money takes less time to actually set at your business manager, account plaister pixel and do it the right way than to just throw money. I burst it posed cause you're not going
the results that you want and it's really not a scalable model, long term. Yes, absolutely silver people better listening has the pixel thing is something that freaked me out as a non tech savvy person. I was like what is this big, so where do I put it? How does it work? What is it sickly, it's just something that tracks the traffic in the result. So, if you have any pay, that you own, it could be an opt in page, a website, a blog page sales page, you drop in this little piece of code. They walk easier, how to do it and it'll tal. you, how many people are seeing your add or clicking all the way through to purchasing, and it gives you the ability to track different things that will help get you more results. So it's not is scary as it sounds, but it's an integral piece of this strategy. Renee did. I do ok on that
honestly, I didn't know which one of us was the Facebook expertly tat tat was so good and I'd like to add that this is free, its right to place your pixel and the last thing that I'd like to really stressed about your facebook pixel is that it's important to place it on all these platforms got you on, even if you're not running acts, yes, Let me raise that again, even if you're not running ads and you dont planet burning eyes until may be the future. It still important to place those pixels, because that image,
nation can be gathered even before you intend on roaming adds, but you can't you know eyes that data. If you place your pixel, you knowing you listen to this package, is a new place it in a month from now you're missing out on months of data that your pixel could have collected so place. It today place your facebook pixel to day you wanted on as many platforms as you can anywhere. Your facebook pixel accepted website when your calendar on you know Uncle Burke. I know even on convert kid like your young, no marketing, you can place it everywhere place, it everywhere even not running adds that was the biggest golden nugget. I p I've got none. This show lately literally listen to Renee, because here so crazy is and we'll talk. This in a moment is that you're pixel
Basically just collecting information. That's gonna! Allow you to reach the right people like the people that are most likely to take action to get view and end result ends. You want to get as many data points as possible and what happens is is just what Renee said a lot of people, they listen it. all this sounds good. Maybe you know next quarter next year neck, you now, whenever I mean is start this, then I will place the pixel by either and, if you are not running, adds right now, you're pixel can be helping really narrow in on who your target audience is and who the people but are visiting your site is what is their demographic? What are their interest? What are their age? What is their location, what other accounts, they following, and that is most valley you bull information, your business can have. Obviously, when you and to pay it. But it's also just valuable information to start tracking today and now, let's talk about why,
this is even more important, because there are tons of changes that happened with Facebook advertising. Recently we The recent io s apple update so walk me through kind of what happened, and then, let's about what's the most important thing to know for moving forward. Yes, so there were a lot of updates and there are still updates going on, but one of the biggest updates was dead, there's going to be less information shared with marketers
So now? U verse, have the opportunity to actually opt out of being trapped. What does that mean? That means that when they visit a website that has a pixel or one of the platforms that has a pixel before the data used to come back to the marketers people like me, and it used to tell me okay, this specific person got to the checkout page so that we could then create ads to retarget them to take that next act. Like purchasing right all of that data is being tracked and sent back to marketers. Now, because the consumer can opt out of tracking you have eliminated visible the ice to wear your traffic is in their customer journey, but there are always ways to win a big on always stressing this. That
no matter what changes were updates come there's always ways to win, and so one of the biggest thing that you want to do to prepare yourself for the ILO S up dates. Is you want to verify your domain with. means that for your platforms that you own, you want to make sure that you purchase your domain and new, I'll need a lot of people are using the domains that come with the platforms, and you really does need a girl. I recommend my Google domain, the super easy payer, twelve fourteen hours, there's only one domain so that you can verify it in Facebook. The second thing that you're gonna want you do is you're going to want to set up aggregated events. This is very important because, before the updates, when it came to tracking the behaviour of your traffic as it pertains to page views at a cart purchases,
all these events were automatically set up. Now you have to manually go in and you have to set these up, for. Europe terrified domains so that the traffic that is making it to those platforms that behaviour will be track. So there's just a slight change of things that were done automatically now having you going to do it manually, but again theirs always a way to win. Facebook is really great, in walking you through what you need to set up so that your account isn't good standing so that you can get the best results. Lulls. Yes, there's some tracking there is limited, but at the end, the day. Facebook I'd still work really well. You just want to make sure you take those extra steps to prepare your ads manager so that you can still win with Facebook ACT, Rene you make such a good point that Facebook wants you to win like
They only win win, you win and that's why they ve done such a good job of educating and kind of coming up with solutions and walking people through. So even ass. Things can too need a change and update? There are resources that guide you through these shifts, and I know for Rene before the Eu S update, we could see like a hundred and seventy different data points with our ads and after the uptake dropped, we were down like seven data points like it really significantly dropped the amount of information we had, but now as were kind of adjusting in experimenting and trying different thing things were starting to figure out our footing again, and I think that you know no matter what of create or you are? You have to be willing to learn again and not just rely on old ways. These old ways can only you so far, and so it's all about experimenting
pivoting and just continuing to keep that attitude. Just like you have that there is a way to make it work yeah. I think that the biggest facebook ads has taught me it's patience, yes, and I tell people all the time, especially my students that there are going to be things that do not make sense with Facebook ads. You will have ads that you launch that are very profitable and then all of a sudden there, tabled for going against some kind of policy that you know you are unaware of unaware is times when your account might get disabled get disabled anything accident and you have to just be patient and go into the steps and never take anything to seriously, and so with the updates. I always like to tell people there are always update There will continue to be updates. Even when you learn Facebook eyes, there are always new changes. The platform always looked different, so you know you do you remain the student? No matter what
but I will say that once you get you to reading your data and understanding what working best you can They are when it comes to Facebook ads and that's really just about in marketing in June money. I understand who your target audience is what makes them take action, what they need to hear c and believe from you to take action. You will never ever lose in marketing. So all the changes. I welcome them, because there is always always away to figure out how to win with facebook ads. I love that. I love that approach. Elevate attitude. I think it's so necessary in the online space that is constantly shifting- and I can say from experience are ads- are always profitable and we always have a goal in mind, so we're not just running ads in saying. Why hope this works? There is always an objective. An end result
in our adds, have always been worth it even with shifts and changes in. So it's all about your expectations and making sure that your actually connecting people to those resources to the things I can help them get that next step further and not just about you getting sales and things like that. So much of ads is service. Would you agree, rename render per se, and I honestly think that the best way to approach as in the cheapest I might I go in not directly for the purchase but to go in to add value and get leads and ass. He teach this method of its three part framework. I really focusing on leads because leads we'll get you to the profits you desire and the trees. That framework is really starting at the base which is defining. Like you said what is the objective and a lot of times people come into Facebook eyes and are like
I want more traffic when really you want more sales, the eye and say that you want more traffic is not the same as saying you want more sales is the big mistake people make is that they think that their objective is more traffic when it's really to make more sales and awaits a pro This is really to get more leagues. Writing you can build your audience and then nurtured them. What is going to be cheaper on the front end with adds to optimize for leads than it is for purchases straight off. The bat and chill optimizing for leads first your audience a chance to build trust with you
the times when people are running ads and are like is not working, and I don't know I'm wasting so much money. It's probably because you're trying to rice that customer who doesn't fully know and trust you into making a decision that there are not comfortable with the best approach, is to really come interface, but adds trying to just add value to your target audience and nurture them. So, like I left it to pieces framework like starting with the fine, then really work, your way up to positioning. Why are you the solution right? What problem are you sobbing for people and then, once you really figure that out with Facebook ads- and you had your targeting, then you won't want to optimizing in scaling pudding. You know all the money behind it, but you really take some time to test and figure out what works and what your audience responded. I'll tell which I know that you are doing great. You know, but that takes time
The time it takes a lot of reviewing white working organically and then implementing that with Facebook adds, because I always say Facebook ads just amplify, what's working really well organically yeah. So if you are lost organically you're, not gonna, come in and just your ads or not gonna just take all right. You really have to be clear on who you, Sir, what problem you saw and how to get people to that end solution. If you reach a point in your business, where a customer relationship management platform is necessary to keep growing to the next level, will you'll want to work with the CRM that simple and seamless to implement in use hot spots power? Full crm platform is easy to adopt, which leads to better data, richer insights and a bit your impact on customer experience tools like spots contact, I might give you the historical context. You need to get work done and connect with customers and because all
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launch or they're they're putting up as product in their like, ok now. to start with ads and unlike way, way way way way like. I can tell you right now, so we run most of our adds. Probably eighty to ninety percent of our ads are to free value, so freebies opt in to grower less and to take people on inexperience, and I love that you talk about that Renee, because people often times are not ready to me. Purchasing decisions on the fly unless they have already qualified themselves and your offer as a solution, and so when we run our adds to our freebies. They can go from anywhere from eight cents, a lead to around a dollar two dollars per lead, which is one hundred percent worth it because and were able to nurture them and serve them and really take them. On this experience now when we run adds to bigger things that lead to sales which aren't even just like by this thing, but like watch this webinar
ten, this training, that's a lot of times, four dollars to eight dollars to even ten dollars per led. It's a way: bigger investment in its also way harder to to get the right audience. If you haven't been doing these warm up that, allow you to really figure out who the right audience is for the offer so where women say people should start in terms of like first timers using adds using free content or away to grow? Your list is the place to begin a hundred percent. I really preach. About giving value and nurturing your audience. I think that at the core of just marketing right people take action and they buy from people. They trust and so, if you are new and wanting to during last, wanted to build your audience and your end goal. maybe to sell more courses or get more people and rode in your programme the best waited.
That is focused on Lee Generation and the best way to get leads that are not only going to build your list but are actually while any leads, because I talk a lot about that two of not does running ads and getting the lowest you known cars per led by getting quality meat people war actually, your ideal, client or customer. You really want to focus on Crete, eating what I like to call a value exchange, which you talked about with a freebie and a lot of times, people get a free, they put it out endemic. I'm gonna build my list, but you will you wanted Think about it like this, your valuing, Spain should be a qualified air, were your end goal. So, if you're looking for people who might be interested in a higher ticket item or a court
you dont, want to throw together a free me and tell them to grab this. It's free. You wanted to be something that can add value, maybe prepare them for your next offer. Maybe help see that you are the solution to a problem there having it all plays in part to the big big picture right and that's why it's important to define your objective in the beginning, not just throw at to try to get numbers or build your list, but really I understand your angle and then work backwards. So I would say you Daphne: when autumn as for leads get people on your list. You know nurture, ban and value them so that when it is time for them to take action at purchased from you, it's not, then Billy uncomfortable! It's there. knowing and trusting and understanding that yours
solution because you ve provided so much value that they are jumping at the opportunity to invest in your business to purchase to become a student. You know to join whatever it is that you are offering so focus only declaration and then nurture, and then position yourself for sales so valuable, Thysel so valuable, and I think too, Rene. Tell me if you do this, because I think it super fascinating, but you can actually invest in, like Spearmen station and what I think is super cool about AIDS is, if you are wanting to increase your traffic. Increase your sales when running adds to freebies one the cost per leaders alot lower, but to a kind of gives you this ability to experiment to analyze to look at what working in terms of copy graphics, headlines. Titles subjects: do you like
use ads for kind of experimentation into kind of figure out like what's sticking to pursue that so wait for me. What I really love to kind of drive home with people is like before your big launch. You definitely want to understand what works well and used experimentation? I usually stay testing. All of these things are, like you know, interchangeable. You definitely want to test to see what works and I always took boy. You never know what's going to work until you tested like in them getting. When I first started with ads, I used to spend hours, creed eating these. You know high technical bidding ads and high quality, and I would think to myself. These are going to just blow them away. I'm going to get the best friends onto ever and I spent hours putting these ads together and I would launch them and they would not.
warm well and then I would launch an ad where and is holding my phone and talking to it like himself email and those, as would be the most profitable adds the ads that took fifteen and to make? It is the only way to figure out what really works well is to task, and you have to give you yourself time to test audiences, to figure out your targeting to figure out which add to work best is it video adds is picture adds? Is it gets right? What are you a copy works really well with my money it and the only way that you're going to figure. That out is if you test and, like you said, experiment right, the worst thing can do is assumed that something's gonna work and you never test anything else. You choose one add one cup We won caught action, you launcher and then your light on this didn't work and you stop there. No we test for ever right, even if something is killing it won't. Let that run and Walter
another angle begun I'll, just never know when you can get better results and the only a figure that out is to continue to test. I always say that like if you have a video at those performing well awesome, let it run and then toast another video add test. Another picture at sea how many angles can convert for you and be profitable for you and it's gonna get fine, because while it has a budget of light, while this work inside it Are you kidding? I don't we just said we dispose of a London and my adds. First, no eighteen carry was like guess what it was like. The top converting she's like this do burgundy colored. I never used before, and we were like how right you don't like where it's like everyone, you don't try different things having so much of business and a marketing is experimentation in not being afraid to try, and so I love you
methodology of just inviting in that feedback that allows you to refine. Your ability is so can you walk me through I would love to know Renee like water, some, he. Indicators that are facebook. Add strategy is working, so, let's say someone's dipping their toes in and there like. I do. you know like is this gonna work for me? Is it working? Should I shouted down or keep it going? What do I look for what numbers and things indicate that is actually working for me. Yes, that's a great question, and this goes back to biggest point, Rhine rely on the data right rely on the data to make decisions, and so my biggest thing that I like to tell people is one: you know if an ad is working for you is it it's profitable? That's the first thing right you're spending, money and you're making money back, but when we focus on it, the generation strategy. I like to say that if you're leads
are under seven dollars, then you're doing really Willie gray, especially your targeting something such as a freebie right, even if it's under fire how is your doing amazing it? You get your lead counter under three dollars. Well, calling you get your leave. Your Casper Lee under dollar. Please give me a call. I may have a job for you. when he ragging the cost per led for Lee generation. You really to understand that, yes, it will cost you a few dollars get them on your list by, at the end of the day they convert to your higher offer. Three dollars for a lead that might convert into a two hundred three.
under dollar, you know conversion. I will pay that happily right, and so you want to focus on your costs per lead. You also want to really focus on your costs per landing, page view and your costs per click. How much is costing you to get people Facebook or from Instagram want to your landing page on to your website. If it's costing, you said, then and twenty dollars it's too expensive, because where it is talking about the cost it takes for then to view your website.
And so when your cost for landing page view is over five dollars. I like to say it's time to go back and look at a few things. Maybe your targeting needs to be adjusted right, maybe your add needs to be adjusted in its, not catching the attention of the audience that you are trying to get in front up, there's always things that can be tweaked so that we can get need metrics or hit the key performance indicators that we want to see. but those are really really important. Metrics to pay attention to the last point that I would like to pay attention to is the cost per impressions who, though, when you focus on Asia, add converting as it were Well, do people like you: are they interacting with it right? You want to We view your impressions, how many people is getting in front of how many people are interacting with it and then taking action if the cost is,
very, very high. You might need to again readjust your targeting you're right test out different audiences. Different interest. Go back. and really think about your client avatar and where they could be followed, online under different interests and demographics, and so all of these things really have to do with testing testing testing and then reading the data? Yeah yeah? You are so without explaining all of this, then I think a lot of times people kind of a hauled themselves from even crying or starting because its unfair, failure. Right, like I mean how many times do we do that in our lives, regardless of if we're talking about marketing or facebook guides are just trying something new, but I think what so,
awesome about Facebook, as is that you get so much insight and information. It's it. They want you to be. You know having a positive expire. they want me to become profitable in One thing that I always lean on and I'm sure you do as while Renee is that it is my easier to retain a customer than it is to go and get a new one, and so, when you investment in these new leads. You are given This very, I think it's sacred opportunity to nurture them to get them results, give them value, and I think that when we as creators, stop focusing so much on sales and profits in those big members are, we think about. Where is this person in their life. How do I guide come on this journey. Had why, sir, them and then invite them to the next step in the next up, and even if they say no to that invitation, how can I keep showing up for them? It
We challenges us as creators to give people this positive experience, but it also is the long game. I like we're, not mean it just for a quick head if you look at entrepreneurs that our successful that I've done business free, years that have made it through all of those milestones. For so many people quit or their business fails. It's because you're thinking about this long term relationship, and I just think what you just walk through with you. Indicators. Those are signs along the path that are guiding you to become better at serving people hundred per se, I love you talk about the long game, because that's really how this Lee generation approaches as well, like the difference between people who optimized for leads, upright and rivers, would be to optimize for sales of fry. Is that I'm ok with taking in this area
here I would say: making the investment in getting you into my community I like doing like our businesses are communities right. I'm I'm! Ok with making the investment giving you my freebie. You into my world to help, you see that there are different solutions that I can help you with that. I can your mind you with anything, but a lot of the times people want to take with the drugs when it comes to business writer. Everyone wants to add the sales in and have the money and take the withdrawals, but it's important to make those investments affright to and with, as I think, if you keep in your mind that I'm going to add value to the May people, as I can I'm going to do that by giving first you're out of in wanting to receive right that long term you will see that when people start to convert like wow this price it it was from this freebie from London,
ago and now they're a student of my or a client of my right, so the customer journey is long. Some people really action faster than others, but I've had people confer on my offers who watch one of my free trade he's from one january- and there are now working with me and the like. I've been watching you from minds and you ve been insisted. So I want to say like it takes time. I mean that going in the Facebook earth, if you have this ideal, that your way to go away in the first need become a millionaire. You already lost right. She's like it really going in with the right mind, set an aspect nations is key, and if you really want to go away in a long term, see that your ads are profitable call in wanting to give rather than to receive yeah really be patient, continue to test see what works. Well, with your audience and eventually
As you begin to see, based upon your data, what's converting well you'll be able to scale, but you really have to go in with the right mindset. Be patient because ads the work is really just about having the strategy being consistent, because another big red flag has people going. They run ads for two weeks in the never again and unlike what happened to retargeting through one happens, getting back in front of people, and so be consistent run. Your ads, you know, continue to run your ads as long as possible, don't start and stop them because consistency really matters continuing to show up to your audience in retarget them matters, and then you'll start to really see consistent results
so powerful. You recently mentioned- and I got wind of you saying this, so we are in queue for a new kind of estimated and said that you thought that adds we're going to become more costly in quarter for what me through. Why? And what can we do about that? Yes, I'll kill for is always inexpensive time for add it always will be. Why? Because this is a huge huge time for holidays. We have you. No black Friday, we had things. Skin we have cyber Monday. We have Christmas, the huge, for shopping, and so when it comes to add your not just your adds up and running them on your own. Each in option there are a bunch of different business, is trying to target those thing interests. Those same people answer
As a small business, if you starting off in your doing, like you know five hundred dollar budget or a thousand dollar budget in the beginning of the year, During quarter wine, two and three you might be able to get in front of an audience, for you know much cheaper, but then during queue for the cost again in front of that same audience might have tripled. Why? Because big corporations are dumping in Milly, didn't get it in front of these same audiences
you and saw the big key is, if you are starting, your ads in queue for is not to be discouraged, is to one understand that results might be more expensive, but the opportunity to make sales is still very high. When I would encourage you to focus on is retargeting. That's why it is essential for you to have your facebook pixel on your platform, because in cure for it's going to be more expensive to get in front of a cold audience people who had never heard of you. Seeing. You are familiar with your brand, but it won't be as expected to get in front of a warm audience, retarget people, so the best thing that you can do and queue for his retarget. Your email is retarded the people who had been interacting with you all your love retarget, your past purchasers. Your leads right
use the information and the data you ve collected all year and you can still run add, but just be very strategic and getting from those people were most familiar with if you are going to run out to accord audience people were not no you're with you just be aware that the cost per result is probably going to be very. Very expensive. Bite do not be discouraged because you can still see great results include four Renee, you are so brilliant. This has been such a great boon camp. Where can everybody find you connect with you learn more from new work with you give me all of the places? Yes, so on instant rehab, I go by helpful digital marketer and even go to my website helpful digital marketer dot com. I also have a six week- accept,
reader, where I teach service based businesses, how to increase their legs and build their sales on a consistent basis. With my leads to profits method which really encompasses what we talked about today noticing on adding value, building your legs, building your community nurturing and then seeing those profits Roland. So that is a six week, accelerator open for service based businesses, you can go to lead the number two profits dot com and you can apply for the accelerator, Six weeks with me learning how I'm able to help my client scale to six figure haunches and beyond, and how You can get started, seeing real results with Facebook ads you are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you so much for coming on the show today for breaking it all down and for really help
creators serve at a higher level, you're, so welcome and I'm so excited for everyone to take action. Yeah they serve pick saw yeah. I can't wait to see your face book ads. Rene. If anyone is listening right now, You need to do your action step for today is to get your pixel in figure out where to place it in place. It everywhere you possibly can Argentina as your fingerprints on all of the digital spaces that allow for you to serve higher level into collapse, that valuable valley bull, valuable information for if, in way, You become ready for a paid out strategy. That was the best Tipp that has been given in a very long time really love. It can't wait to see airlines ads. speaking with remain today, which is so inspiring, and I think a lot of times when the online world shifts its ease,
for us to grumble income plain, but I just appreciate her can do attitude and her ability to pay. and learn, and I think so much of that comes from positioning yourself. As a student, I mean we're all lifelong learners right. This journey of life is to help us just to learn and soak it in an evolving it. Better and Renee is an absolute expert at that when it comes to Facebook ads I remember the first time that I decided to invest in adds it just made every feel so real, like, I believe, in what I'm doing, I believe in its impact. I believe, in that end, result enough to put money down and the processes absolutely refined over the years, but adds did. She has been the number one way that I've scaled my business and been able to reach more people whilst still using all of those organic strategies that allow me to connect in community Do you share my life with others like you, so I
hope that, if you are listening to today show and you're in a place where you either feel stuck already to scale than this formation gives you the power in the encouragement to simply get started. real guys plant you're pixels today, I can't tell you how valuable that will be, regardless of it You decide to run adds next month or next year that is like gold. A freer business in I sincerely hope you check out Renee cheer her on and thank her for coming on. The show today, as always, gold diggers It is an honour and a pleasure to get to serve you and to inspire you and keep digging your biggest cause I'll talk to you soon, I'm over here giving you a virtual high five, because you just finished another episode of the gold digger podcast tobacco thy way too fast for anyone else. You want more head over to gold, digger, pod, guess, dot, com for show, notes and all the discount codes from today's sponsors and, if you're looking for a new car.
of movers and shakers like you'd, have bounds, ideas and ask questions, be sure to join my exclusive community for gold diggers on Facebook. The links with
Transcript generated on 2021-09-20.