« The Goal Digger Podcast

290: Tackling Your Course Creation Objections with Amy Porterfield

2019-09-09 | 🔗

YOU ARE READY for a digital course. Don’t believe me? I’m bringing in the mentor that started it all for ME to prove to YOU that a digital course is totally in your wheelhouse.

Amy Porterfield is back by popular demand for a two-part interview breaking down the thing she does best: Digital Courses. 

Is a digital course on your heart but you’re not even sure if you’re ready for it? Maybe you’re new to the idea altogether… Maybe you’ve never taken a full step back to look at your own genius to consider, “Hey, maybe I could do that, too.”

I know that mindset, I know that feeling of curiosity and fear. 

Before I even launched my email list, my inner dialog probably sounded a lot like yours. It all can feel confusing but you know who walked me through it? Amy Porterfield. And in this episode, part one of two, we will help you discover all the reasons why you’re ready for a digital course.

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GOAL DIGGER SHOWNOTES:https://jennakutcherblog.com/amy-porterfield-dca-1/ 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Here listening to the gold digger biogas episode number two hundred and ninety should The reason I started podcasting she's teacher who showed me the way in the online course world she's. Now it your friend and she is the only gold digger gas to make three s. Three appearances on this show Michael in one of my swedish friends. Any border field is backed by popular demand for a two part interview breaking down the thing that she teaches best digital courses is These are, of course, on your harbour, you're, not even sure, if you're ready for it we are new to the idea altogether. You have heard me talk about my courses in your kind of familiar with digital education and what's out there, but you never actually taken a full step. To look at your own life ingenious to consider hey. Maybe I could do that too. Me- I know the mindset. I know that feeling of curiosity and fear before even launch. My email is my inner dialogue. It sounded a lot like yours, in fact, in
episode, I'm revealing what my first launch really looked like a boring You Amy, and I am also sharing the five programmes that I could have created. While I Still in my window is obvious in corporate Amerika. Before I even had a business, I mean again all feel confusing, but you know who watch me through it. Today's guy, Amy Porter Field, and in this episode part one of two we will all be discover or of the reasons why you're ready for a digital course get ready, the challenges mindset blocks. Let's do this a real, quick em. Before we dive on in Amy is hosting a super special training that you can join to? Learn all about the three behind the scenes secrets to Digital course: success how to bill launch and grow. I digital course business without having to hire a big team without them
constant overwhelm or their momentum crushing question. What do I do next? I am sending all of my people over there, because what she's teaching changed my life and business trajectory for ever so d learned from any dot com save his seat next to mine. I would never back this training unless I totally believed in it and I'm kind of her biggest success story. If I do say so, myself I sincerely want to flatter training with agenda your pham, so we can all learn from my mentor, my guru, together again, that's learn from any dot com. I'll see you inside of the training you're listening to the gold digger podcast, where we firmly believe that work doesn't have to feel like work self
made millionaire and marketing guru, Jenna Poacher will help you redefine what success looks like it's time to hear from the exports, listen in on onest conversations and learn the best tips and tricks that helped others pay their own way and craft their dream career. If you're ready to dig in do the work and tackle your biggest goals, you're in the right place. Here's your host educator, photographer and Makin cheese lover, Jenna Culture ok, Amy you're, no stranger to the gold digger pod, guys you are the only guy, so we had on multiple times, and now it's like bold, supplying time bustling welcome to this channel of ill extra specials you, while you should feel extra special because you kind of our ok, so I don't want it some of the objections, because we ve been talking about online courses so much on my ipod gas, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that there are
still listeners here. Thinking. Could I really create a course, and so I want to just dive on in say: can any creed, of course I do to be the export of all experts, because if I know my listeners they're just like me and I'm the one being like, am I really an expert at anything so help me out here? I love that you know your listener so well, because I'm sure that's exactly what so many are thinking. So the short answer is yes. Anyone can be a course creator as long as you ve gotten results for yourself or someone else, such as a client or a customer, and you can teach how they get those results in a course now
for being an expert. The beauty of an online course is that you just need to be a few steps ahead of those that you are serving in teaching, because they want to know how you got those results and they want you to teach them. So let me give you a perfect example: one of my students school yes, please, ok, her name is Katrina, you bow, and Katrina was a practising physician for ten years. That was her job, so she got to a point that she was just completely burnt out, so she had gain fifty pounds over time because of all the late night she was working. She was grabbing food on the fly. She had non existent hours to work out, so she was busy and burned out and she had gained fifty pounds. So she decided she wanted to feel better and get more energy. She went on a mission to lose the extra weight and she lost fifty pounds by just following her own regimen that she created for herself, but here's videos the interesting happened. She
started to have women at work say how did you do it Katrina? How did you lose is fifty pounds. We have crazy schedules. We worked so much. You know the kind of work that all stu. How did you lose this, so she realized these women wanted to know and she started to do some one on one coaching with them, but then she you know what I am only one person, I would two instead do one on one coaching. I want to create a course now she creed of course, to help other busy female physicians lose weight. She didn't create a course to help everyone in their mother lose weight, but the women she knew well, because she was one of them, and so she created this course and here's my favorite thing: why wanted to bring up Katrina? If you ask feel. I knew nothing about creating an online business. I was physician, I didn't know this world and she said I sure, as hell didn't know anything about creating courses so
took her wild Canada. It just figure this out, but then, when she did, she was off to the races she created or first course, and her first law. Aren't. You is two hundred and fifty five thousand dollars. Yes for a very specific needs and a very smooth civic plan that she put together, her own result. She wasn't an expert. She was an expert in her results and so from their she launched again same kind of results when you learn how to make money with courses once you could do it over and over again. So I bring up this because Katrina was her own transformation and little knowledge of online business. She was able to create this course. She since quit her job as a practising position and has her own online business. That's crazy! I loved! You gave the example because, as you are starting, I was like a red flag red flag like she's gonna teach everyone and not doesn't vill attainable, but look at what she. Did you like in the a hyper need market. I always here, like the riches are in the niches. Does it say
you're able to speak to your people so well, which is exactly what the goal of this, as I think that was a minute. I love that example, so cool I'm gonna like follow this girl. I know she's great and I love her. Ok, so Why should I have- and I think this is I want to hear your take on this- could encourage what you think is for people that are starting out, what can they start their business with a course or do they have to have a business focused on something else before they try to teach cause? I feel like this is a huge objection that people here in their like? Oh there's sounds amazing. I want to start this business, but would you start with it? Okay, so
I love this question. When I first started teaching courses I used to say you know why you should create your business. It may be due cochin or consulting our service based business and then move into courses. This is years and years ago, but then, when I started to teach people how to create courses, I started watching my students and where they were coming from and what their backgrounds look like, and many of them started with a digital course because they had this transformation. Are they had this knowledge they could share, they got clear on who they wanted to serve and they create. Did their course. Because, again you don't have to be an expert. You just need to be a few steps ahead of those you, sir, so you definitely can start with a course now I know I'm full of stories, but can I tell you and my very over what are you ok, got another really get one array. So
this is a story about Amanda Ferguson in a manner grew up really really poor, like for eight days in a row, they would eat corn, bread and that's all they had in their house. So this is legit, her family struggle and eight years old. Her mom gave her this book about at a cat and inside the book had said something like. If you know the rules of etiquette, you can go anywhere and do anything in life. As an eight year old? She read this and she thought sold, bring it on. So what she does is she started to build a business by going life every single day on periscope back in the day and then after periscope wasn't a thing she moved on to Facebook and she called it. A girl talk with Amanda, where she talk about etiquette, nothing. She learned from the book and overtime he did more research, so she started It kind of know her way around etiquette and what that look like to teach so Jim, this year's. I want to be clear just this year she started applied cast and she became ACE. Certified etiquette coach. She did this while she is
and while she was a full time, flight attendant, ok and her goal was to actually travelled to people in coach them on etiquette said: that's what she wanted to do, but when she had a baby, her little boy really struggled we're taking a bottle, so she can travel and her husband while, instead of going to them, why don't you bring them to you on mine? So with out when coaching and consulting without having this business, she decided to create a course. So she could did her first course to help other women learn it means to master etiquette and I thought when I heard this topic, I thought that is not a topic. That's going to be a big money maker, that's a different type of topic. Here I am having these limited beliefs and so she said, listen. I was determined because I was making seventeen thousand dollars years, a flight attendant that wasn't gonna cut it. I didn't the life that I had as a kid? I don't want my baby to have this life she created, or course, first launch. She made
when he four thousand dollars. Second launch fifty thousand dollars. Third, my a hundred thousand dollars teaching way in about etiquette, does amazing, as you are saying that I was I thinking about all of the programmes that I've ever taken or programmes. I vote for to see that he drew and I were driving home. We just take a little road trip in Minnesota and we an online sleep course for babies like we took the entire course, while he was driving at home, because it's like nowadays, I want to learn things fast in from people that have gone before me It was just it was such an eye. Opener avoid the movement of the way that people are learning. I think a lot of people think like this. On line bubble is gonna first, but in my opening its only getting bigger like look at all the universe is shifting to online education and courses, because this is the way that people are going. I love that she did it.
I kind of energy grew etiquette course because either and I, as a dinner and as like- which one is my bread which ended up my during I need him. Do I hear you girl, the amazing ok, so I love qualifiers and I think, a lot of times. People Listen depart gas myself included, I wanna know like am I in the right place like? Is this really for me, because there's all of these voices in our heads telling us why it's so water three. You mean why genes are people can ask themselves to qualify their readiness to german if they're ready decree a digital programme. Okay, this is it question because you really wanted to me sure that you're ready to jump in some number wine do. I have
you, I D, is for a digital course, so you want to make sure you come to the table with a few ideas. Now most people have thought about one or two things that they could possibly do, but if you don't have any ideas agenda asked me to come to the table with a few that all share a little bit later. A few ideas to help you with a really great, profitable digital course idea so will jump to that in a bit. If you doubt, however, that is one thing that you want to think about. What might I create? No no Two is due I know who I would love to serve so think of Katrina. She, wanted to help busy female physicians because she knew them. She was them just fifty pounds ago. She knew what they were feeling thinking and what they needed. So who do you want to serve? I want you to put some thought to that for sure you don't want to serve everybody, because you end up serving nobody. So that's really important
number three. Am I willing to do the work now? We are in talk about a little bit later, how to create as many digital course, so you can get started quickly, but you do to block some time and say you know what I'm going to dedicate the time here, because it's worth it- and I know I can create one thing and just like Amanda launch it over. Over and over again? So you want to keep that in mind that you are. You have to be willing to do the work so good, ok, I have a funny question for you, but I know you can answer I'm putting you on the spot this ok. If this was Jenna eight years, ago and our stone that Windows office corporate Amerika, what kind? Of course This could I have created because I think sometimes for us like me, no, we didn't millionaire launches but to recall I can remember the night before at all this knowledge and expertise, and I just thought of
Different courses that I could have created journey that may I use I haven't you ass, I do now I got it. Not even imagine you incorporate am. I will concentrate all that I needed to look. Nice are in areas like I'm not going to invest in writing. Brows should know whatever and others anyways. Okay. So here the via courses that I could have created so line how to prepare for a job interview, because at the time I was in a jar- and I saw all of the craziest interviews known to man, so I got giving people. His ideas and ways to prepare for a job interview. Solana, job number two I was training for a marathon at the time so drew and I were training for our first full marathon we're both working like fifty hours a week, and so we are cramming in training when he cuts. I could have made a Corsair programme and how did you in very marathon doubt of an awesome number, Three, I was planning
my wedding at the time, and we were on a budget like our entire wedding ice, twelve thousand hours we had to undergo only served pizza, and so I agree a programme on different ways that you could save on your wedding while still having an amazing and beautiful event. Before I did just rescued a puppy, and we had to learn a time about like her past behaviors and how to make her feel comfortable in Crete, boundaries and routines, and things like that, and so I could have made a course about that and then lastly, we were combining our lives because we were moving in together and we really struggling with organization and so drew, who is very o in his tendency was were organised use like the Marie kind of twenty eleven and so proud of lack of Meda programme about how to organize your life. When you move only like those areas, I totally the top of my head, but think about it like therein are audiences for all of those things in there
are in here's what I love again. First of all, that is impressive. Just for the record and also what I love about. This is, let's go Jenny came up with those five ideas, and maybe you can sit there and come up with your five ideas as well. You don't to know exactly how you're going to lay it all out just yeah. I start, of course- and I dont know all the details just yet, but once you sit down. You start flashing out, do a little research. It comes together, so don't it! When I worked at twenty robins one of the things he used to say all the time was don't go. For the how right away ledges first think a bit be creative and then we'll move into that. So these ideas are awesome. I mean you could literally maker course and anything I just want people to see that, because All of those ideas would save you time or frustration or making money or bring you joy, and so it's like you, don't. I think a lot of people get stuck on the course. This causes see courses like the ones at you and I create in sexually fairly.
Easy to sell something when there's a monetary gain for the participating if they follow through on it right, but I think a lot of people get Sarkozy like what I don't know how to teach other people. I make money, but I look at the courses I've taken in my life or the online education that I've paid for it's essentially to move faster or to bring joy or to save time in my life. So I just wanted to interact my crazy, listen. Things that I could have thought about. You just reminded me of Sunday when you said to bring joy, so you're, so right that don't let that limited belief of I to teach people how to build a business or make money for it to really work when it might students created a course on how to create carnal, candy apples. Sixty thousand dollar course launch she's, really good in that area. She knows her staff and zone. She taught it. So I want
will this be flooded with the past ability of what you can do with the digital Carson. That's so quota. This is a huge objection and is one that I think my mind can trick me into believing at times now I know my audience has seen a ton of courses in one of the questions are going to ask is: aren't there too many courses out? There has already been done. What about the crime? be courses like what if everyone starts teaching and then the industry is flooded, what would you say to that? Ok I'll This question- and I want to give you two points about this number wine. Yes, yes and yes, there are many many digital courses out there and you alluded to this earlier. The reason for that is because they work so traditional learning is literally going away. Digital courses give you ease of use, you can go to your own page. You never have to leave your house, you can go on a road trip and listen to the entire course. If you want, I mean they're, so many perks. So first I want you to think
Oh, this is on the rise and this is becoming even bigger and better, and this is the time for me to jump in. So what I want you to get excited about that I wanted teach this stuff. If I didn't, I can really see, if is even getting bigger, this is getting bigger so number one. It's where learning is going now, we're too, if you think you buddy me. I want to create this course on x ways in it's already been done before a magic. If Jenin, I thought that yeah funny and out of jenin- and I both have a course on this, but we both have made millions with our individual courses. So I want to point out that people want to learn from you. So when you learn from Jenna all the things you learn about social media, especially Instagram she's all engender your teaching people how to put themselves out there how to find their audience how to grow their audience? Your teaching, authenticity and vulnerability in a way that people will only by from you if they have a choice between your course in somebody else's there, your best friend or they feel like they are
their buying from you. So every that you're doing is why people choose your courses over somebody else. We are in a very saturated market, so we can do it are listeners can do. I loved you bring that up because they tell people about that. All the time and MIKE Amy is one of my best friends and it's so funny it could have gone a totally different direction and what so interesting, as we ve hours, cheered each other on, because the way that we approach things while the principles are similar in the end result is hopefully similar. Our methods different and the way that we approach is different and our voices differ in the steps that we take our different. It's amazing, because neither of us hurting an we're both serving people in unique way where people that by my programme, probably wouldn't buy Amy's and vice versa, which I love. Yeah. Me too. I am a huge, a huge advocate,
put blinders on run your own race in do your own thing, and I'm not perfect at that. Sometimes I take those blinders often should start being ended, start feeling less than I put him back on. But if you just stay in your lane and do your thing, nobody else can do it like you around nobody. I remember the mastermind that I was in. I think five of us had programmes about Instagram, but it was like us who argues. Oliver approaches were so different and it was like it was ass. It was really cool exam. Like all doing great. We all serves its different people and I think that's amazing, so fine bone so I want to ask you a question because it's really easy to say: well, this could work for everyone, but the two this is that there are some reasons that people should look into digital courses as a next step, so give me three reasons like Why you shouldn't go into course, creation and kind of explain to me who courses are not fork is sometimes it's easy to hear like, while everyone could do that, but there
are some people that it might not be the next best step. Okay, so who are courses not for number wine? If you ok answer this in two ways of you have no idea who you want to serve in ITALY, I know who your audience is. Are you haven't started to build an audience? I would spend a little time there before you start entertain the idea of a digital course. So you can do about at the same time. So Indus recently asked me Amy. Could I build a pod cast to attract an audience? Well, I'm creating my course by all means. Yes, you could do that at the same time, but you do want to start building your audience. People often ask How big is my email less need to be before I launch a course Iowa. Tell my students of you of any malice or two hundred, and fifty people are more. I can help you grow that list, as you create your course just get the foundation sat, and you can see building your email list, as you start talking about your course online, so you want to get the ball rolling there. So
number one if you don't know who you want to serve at all. If you have no idea, let's get a little clarity around that and then you can move individual courses number two. If you do not want to do the work, if you literally are looking for a quick way to make a lot of money- and you don't want to spend time diving into this and making it great just don't- do it now generally it is your horse in seven days. So we know that I've never done that for the record that Jenin I have so different, styles, windbag, clean it is wiped out by with that she's. A perfect example of you can do this quickly, but it's also work. It's not like it's just you clap your hands, and it's done so. You gotta be willing to do the work and you want to know who your servants of those two things and you you're not looking for get rich, quick overnight Kennedy. Can I tell your story is what you just said. If brought up my first launch ever,
today I want to hear it was before I was introduced to you- and I had an email is probably too under fifty people. So when you said that I was like bingo I want my first course, and the best part was is that it was literally only voice recordings, like I saw in my bed how this little handheld MIKE and are accorded my voice- and I was teaching- and I saw the programme for twenty five hundred dollars and I mean J J. I offered three one on one coaching cause as a part of that noise. I made a fifty two thousand dollars on. First launch- and I really want it- establishes as an educator at the time I didn't have a pod gas it and have courses it and have a business item of my business, and so I was just a wedding photographer who had done really while and wanted to teach other people, and so
It is kind of crazy to look back because it was all piecemeal together, but because I knew my audience and the women that were burnt out that wanted to make more money, but they weren't sure the steps needed to take like all too five of those girls made it through the entire programme and while on the phone and awful lie, if you add up three gouging halls were twenty five people. It was a lot of time spent on the phone with people, but that started my. Entire course creation thing with like zero ground, zero, like that was where I was kind enough to ices. What kind of that's for sure and two things I love about that one you charge a premium price which I lie. I make these programmes that it has been so many more lives, really impressive number two. You did something that most people want. Do you added one on one coaching, and I tell my students this severe just starting out and you can figure
the bandwidth you offering your time will do two things. One more people will be likely to buy if they get one on one time with you and number two. I bet you learned so much about your ideal customer getting on those calls and help me. I figure out what kind of courses I wanted to create down the road ass, how to eliminate the need for me to be one on one. So it was honestly like a beautiful mistake, innocence, because through all those conversations I got to listen to the pain, points and understand the real needs, but then I also got to set myself up first six says the next time I went to launch something and to really build out a course that didn't require that one on one hand holding that, then be done in a group setting. So it's amazing to look at the evolution of that cause. I literally did have a list of probably two hundred and fifty people, and that was where I started kind of crazy. Guy, isn't some
Let's see someone is listening in their field inspired and they are determined and they are going to create a course. Where do they even begin? Okay? So, if you feel, is excited in inside. You know what I could actually do this. I have some ideas for a course. The next step is to choose the type, of course, that you would want to create now a lot of my students who have never created a course before they like to start with what I call a workshop course or a many digital course, which essentially, is you creating a two hour workshop, either live or recorded, and you are helping your students get a quick win, their stock somewhere in your same here's how to keep moving forward. Here's how to get some quick results. So it's like a quick
cash injections for you, but also quick results for them, and it doesn't take a lot of work to get it up and running said. This is sometimes a really cool place, a start who ok. So I want to ask you all about how to do this, because I think that this is an amazing place to start it doesn't feel super overwhelming you Don T build up a million modules and sales pages Hastings, but also violate this is going to be a lot to cover. So how about we wrap this up with one final question and then to Morrow you we're going to workers too high, create enlarge many digital course, because you there's a man bar excited to do this and you guys we totally plan there. So it's not like you know we're just Europeans, but I am homage com. All much content for Amy that I sent over the questions and where there is no way that we can do and went up its own say said, are let's do two parts? So what are
three do in the next twenty four hours before the next departure for they listen departs you, which is gonna, be all about how to create and launch a many digital course. Ok, so here's organ to do if we're going to pick a back up in twenty four hours right, that's what we're going live with. An extra runs, ok, this is what I want you all to do. If you ve been thinking that, of course- and you may be even have some course ideas. Let's get this into action so too can start. Your digital course journey. The first thing you're going to do is you're going to come to the table with our next session with three course topic ideas. So the you're going to do that. I'm and give you actually two strategies to use are a number one. Is from now until you listen to the next episode, you're going to do a no judgment, brainstorm session, where you're going to open up your notebook, do it old school style, there's something about pen in paper that gets you more creative. I firmly believe this opening up your notebook and your.
When to write down every single idea, you have for the next twenty four hours about a digital were so you're walking around you're in the kitchen grabbed the note book no judgment, there are no bad ideas here. Ok, that's a first thing, you're going to do and then, if you want to sit down for ten minutes and just think of those ideas you ve had in the past, like what generated with her five ideas, while she was still in cornbread, take over, old time a focused time to do that as well. The second thing is, I want you to of your own transformation. So I admit It is a powerful way to come up with a course topic is to look at your own transformations and think about how you ve overcome offs goals are struggles in any the area of your life also consider the desires you ve had just a few years ago, You ve had goals in dreams that you ve met those goals in dreams and you ve surprised yourself in the process about what you ve been able to do right, was down because those transformations just like Katrina could turn out to
a very profitable course, so you're gonna do a no judgment, brainstorm and you're going to think of your own transformations and desires, things that you have made happen in your own life and then come to table will talk about that many digital course. I M ready. I M excited so ready. Eyes were drop in a bonus episode tomorrow with Amy Porter failed. We'll talk to you tomorrow are you am for here too I mean it was so much content. There is no way that we could fitted into one episode after we hung up, I was thing about a million other horses. I could create. I mean Amy literally said she's like you could make millions. I could teach people about going gluten free. I could teach people about Jim to all natural products. I could teach people about the five things I did four fertility to help me: have a successful pregnancy theirs. So many things that life has led me through, where I did extensive research and trial and error, and I got myself or there's results man.
This has an inspired. You are fired you up to really believe that you could start a digital online course making business. I don't know what well, but maybe virtual anyways had to learn from Amy Dotcom Saviours seat at her webinar training. We are packing and so much content, she's revealing so many secrets. I know I want to go on because she's gonna be talking about the slides it you have to have in your weapon hours like that of fires me up so the? U inside the training, again learn from Amy dot com and two nine in two episode number two of these two part series and don't forget the homework that she gave. You you have twenty four hours ready set, go thanks for listening to the gold digger podcast dive into the show notes for this episode and all past episodes at W W W dad gold, digger podcast dot com. If you love the show share it with a friend the more the merrier thing. Cartooning
Transcript generated on 2020-04-24.