« The Goal Digger Podcast

096: How YOU Can Eat Your Way To Business Success (Psssst: It’s not about Calories)"

2017-10-30 | 🔗

Join host Jenna Kutcher as she pairs up with Sarah Adler, author of Simply Real Health cookbook. Tune in to hear us dig into holistic nutrition choices, quality ingredients, and how to fuel your work by making positive eating choices. Hear how how your food choices can impact your energy, mood, physical health, .... and your business? You heard that right! Tune in to hear how you can feel better, lose weight, and take charge of your eating choices TODAY! (Pssttt and the information has nothing to do with calories!)

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You're listening to the gold digger podcast episode number ninety six today, I am hanging out with Sarah Adler of simply real health, and we are talking all about how what you're putting into your mouth and your body can affect your business. I have never thought about nutrition in this way, and this podcast episode is so insightful trust me you're, going to leave, feeling empowered and not guilty and you're going to be equipped to start making changes to feel your fire just a little bit better. Today, let's dive on in today show trust me, for this is a good one as they all are,
listening to the gold digger podcast with Jenna Kutcher, the live workshops, I'll business podcast for creative girl bosses. So you can train from the experts how to dig in do the work and tackling your goals along the way to use your health photographer educator artist and MAC and she's lover. Jenna Kutcher, who are we fooling? You hate, adds ripe. It's like just give me the content and stop trying to sell me on another thing: guess what I heard you loud and clear so loud and clear that I am doing something totally radical and I'm letting go of all of my sponsorships now. I might be crazy, but bear with me because one started. This show the gold digger podcast. It was all about impacting people with the best free education out.
And so do. Align with my mission, this show is not sponsored any more, but it is brought to you by our free pinterest resource, the ultimate Pinterest guide. That's right! It's entirely free and a full seven age guides help you, cracked. The code on Pinterest just get your hands on it. By going to W W w dot J, cape interest, dot com in snake. It that's right. Another free resource made, especially for you at J K, pinterest dot com, enjoy now, let's get to the good stuff. Are you guys ready Hey gold diggers. Welcome to today's show. Today we have the incredible as their Adler on the show. She is a Seattle based woman who came into my life through my mailbox when I received her incredible cookbook to simply real health cookbook, and you guys I was blown away. The best part is that she messaged me
then she message drew and I probably didn't get back to work. They get so many dams and then drew gave her our address and he was like. Oh yeah. I know her nose like way. Whites. I want to know her, and so thankfully I've gone to know her, but Sarah owns simply real health and it's a lifestyle company on a mission to educate teach, inspire others live there happiest and healthier life, and I am just so thrilled that I get to hang out with her for the next year because she is in my mastermind and I'm so pumped about it. So welcome to this show. Sarah thank you saw trailing me, I'm so excited I'm so excited I was so jealous. Andrew is like oh yeah. I know where I was message ignorant over dude. Why are you asking me up with her? I know he's a limit. Does more other cooking yams he's the one that will leverage resource far better than I will guide us about. You guys are enjoying. It is incredible. So let's kick off the episode, and I just want to hear your journey, how you got to where you are too different steps you took along the way and where Sarah antlers at to day he ass well,
It feels like some the longer story, but I will do my best and really going to condemn that today. You do believe pigs, so I, u know growing up for me, a pretty healthy household, so eating wow, wanting to work out and just take good care. Myself was always like pretty, never one priority, or at least interests. Like I swear, I was like a freak child, my parents. I, like Ben, I loved going to the grocery store. I would like it was totally fine with all the healthy cereals and like them at that time. What was considered like my favorite Fred and definition, is changed. A lot computer, when I just have this like innate interests in like learning about food and learning and wanting to be healthy. So by the time I can't
got into like middle school in high school. I was like reading these books for fun like reading every single day. A book out there I was reading like like know Joe. Nutrition textbooks like really sick? I don't even know where I got them homage dealers and making something like a library that was honestly, like my reading of choice switched reading about just food and nutrition That sounds so ridiculous to think of it. I really think it was something has maybe just innately we re born with in some capacity, but by the time I got into high school, as we know most girls as this house. Can I roll out is my enter in food and like trying and testing and expense. Hunting with all these different areas and all these different theories began to buy
just get very serious about it, and it became something that I almost became obsessed with, like I had an obsession with like trying and testing I always wanted, like tinker inch weak and played fire like the one ideal way to eat that with me. How may look the way I wanted all the way The way I wanted all the vain things, of course, does all male Basinger so by the time I got to high school and how they like in a waiter high school. I Ino became like actually obsessed with wanting to be healthy and it kind of way. Took this turn for the negative. It was like a very pure instinct at first. Just this desire to take care of myself would be the best that could be, but kind of assorted took this like negative, weird turn: I became so consumed by violate whatever his pants
to at the time which is changing far away every two or three weeks, so it was like. We know one week, ideally just really focus on my camera calories. I was eating and then the next, who could be like all that protein and the next week was like no other those things as now, it's like low carb. Now it's about oh fat, and so I went through wake. You know. All of this. It was not I just want to be right, mindful to save There was not a full blown eating disorders, but it was. Very disorder of eating. However, I had no idea at the time that I even had going on. I had no idea how much in my brain and my head and my wife was consumed with all of these That's it we're just really in my head, like about food, like working out and about trying to just be healthy, and the thing that I started talking to like. I would get high amounts of anxiety. Almost
going to my best friends house to sleep over, because you had come I said how they have my healthy food. There. They don't it's gonna, be pizza, like nobody else seem to really care what they were eating or doing at that time. Now it's a little different how its majority would topic man. It was a thing like a hurdle, an obstacle, a thing to be dealt with every day of my life. So- time. I go to college and I had they even less control around my food. I was living in a and there was, like you know, a person that came in and cooked in this, like massive amounts of food like a bull, it was really grass medicine. I really like that of chicken with people can the crass garlic over the top of it, and that was Lake Dinner- our growth. So I you know, then I was just like. Ok, I'm just gonna, I guess I'll just work out more. I'm gonna, like China, I have a few
hold your under my bed that, unlike my so called healthy snacks, you know according to whatever book or thing it was following at the time and it wasn't until I studied a bride. The Junior in college that I realize I remember the second one moment so well, because it was in ITALY in Rome and I almost didn't go on a trip, because I was so nervous of now like going to this from what I had heard you good to eat, there's like so much it's an Paso. You can eat pizza every day. If you aren't you could he passes every day you all day you get a drink wine and each Lotto in my head. I was like that sounds so terrible. What am I gonna? Do? I'm gonna get I'm gonna do you. I didn't talk about this at all. This is Of course, this all happening inside drawing me myself and I haven't peaceful conversations.
And I remember a very specific moment of like ok, I went, but I was just going to run every day and just you know, try and do what I could but I remember sitting at lunch one day with a lot of three or four girl and so they had made and then looking up table of like two italian women, unlike There is something in that moment that just sort of lakes, drachmae so hard that I had to pay attention to it, because I realise, as I was looking at them, just enjoying their lunch, like fully engaged with the other person and like Renoir. And they looked like they were happy and like just enjoying their salad and their pasta having sifts of wine, and it was the middle of the day. And I remember thinking, I don't think I've ever Adam Male, like that in my wife, like where I could just be fully present with who I was with you, just fully enjoying the food that in front of me without calculating. Without so-
measuring or without thinking about all the food. Its components and calculating in this big mathematical problem equation that I was creating for myself every day, and I was like woe like why do you now? I want my she's having like how do you, and so then it became like the creepy girl in ITALY that was basically like started watching all of these, like women and how they ate and realising that I had never really. See lot done in a way That was enjoying really good food and good quality food and beautiful food. But then also you know people that we're taking care of themselves. It wasn't in excess. It wasn't anything crazy. So when I came back home, I became very obsessed with like figuring out. Why is the difference between ITALY and hair like Hawaiian lonelier Brent? Why had I never learned that in
all of my years of studying of all of my years of lake like what is it? Is it the food that Japan and yes, that was the thing that sort of started this whole journey and process for me, and ultimately, my business was that realize that there is never we grow up most of us, our generation have grown up in a way that we never actually learn about food for food like never learn about just real food. We were about food in the context of marketing or in the context, a very certain specific diet, which is always changing all the time, so it makes it impossible to combat like keep up with things and to approach to food. That's just more long, lasting and sustainable and like something that could be an actual healthy lifestyle that something that we're just not taught
so that I made it my mission to start worrying about food, and that was the day that I realise that there is such a difference between what was marketed as healthy food and what actually is healthy food, So again, every country world healthy food is justified as it's just real failed. It's just the food they ve been eating for years, it's just like the most. Actual normal. Rarely has a tunnel labels on not complicated, not sexy, really and how its market, if they dont, have like whole food. So they don't have big grocery stores they dont. Have you know it's just: what's at the farm stand by Weight Lake, you know the reasons around them could growl or produce, so that was it. Huge shift for me of learning to start to shift my definition of what was healthy because Truly. There are so many things Jenna that I thought
but I was doing rides and it turns out, when I looked at it in the lens of wall? Is this real food? Is this normal food, instead of like who is this healthy, you does it have this much protein is this mini carbs was like? Is this real I started to see that there are so many things that I thought I was doing right that were so wrong and, ultimately, preventing me from all the things I was trying to get undue show up in the world in that way. So with fat, it was fast, because there are things that I just I had have been avoided. Maybe my whole life. Would never eat a full avocado cuz. I thought it was like too much fat or like had never had like, whole milk, only nine fat milk, because that's what I was trained- was the healthiest way, and even like good quality meat like you grew up with I vegetarian
plant based is way better in being weakened as better, and you know Have all of these, like I drink so much soy now. Can I started eating tofu in the name of being healthier turns out when you look at me. I know you like is this real, whereas this come from like how is this made turns out Those health foods are not necessarily real food, but that all real said is how in some way, so that to me is shifted everything and once I realized I was like. I need to tell this like two hundred the teachers to more people. Why have I never heard this before? why is this philosophy, so you know like differ? and new, and it worked almost immediately. I just felt better. I had so much more energy. I never realized how Lake addicted to sugar. I was, and you know
for me that was pulling the effort in so I knew that I note that was the starting point for me. I have to teach this to other people at this. Looking at food in this way makes everything so much more simple makes it clean and exit streamlined. There is never a lot of questions and the best part is that it just as it won't change over time. Like me now dates, valleys so it's Do you see interruption? I know you are enjoying this conduct in your brain feels like it might explode, and so I wanted to drop in and remind you of our totally free resource created with you in mind, your own. John Pinterest pinning recipes fashion in spoke in homesick war? It is time to up level european game and get more pin intentional with your strategy They show ISM brought you buy sponsor and I'm sparing you on the ads, but it is made possible by our free ultimate guide to Pinterest in I want you to get your hands on it, cool so up on it
where did J K, pinterest dot com, grab your copy and start rocking Pinterest, with intention to day hit pie? go, get your guide and then we can jump right back into today. Show us over at Jacob interest, dot com now back to the good stuff. Seriously it's crazy, because I think that you look at trends and as a marketer now I can see and read between the lines, but growing up you here, like fat, is bad. Seventy by all fat freeze of than here sugar is bad than you go for no added sugar and it's all stinkin marketing, it's crazy. Yes, it's so crazy whence he realized that's happening here like wait. A second, no, we hopefully true here. How do you figure it out so that's what I spend is where my business started was teaching people exactly how to do that, but in a real life contacts because
its realistic I've been thinking on a business. It is not realistic to say, or every cooking all of your food from scratch everything, day or that you're. Never going to eat something in a label or a package. This is like not happening so translate like concepts real food and putting it into a day to day every way. Convincing way. Style that is maintained and that's thing I love doing the most so, let's talk about your cookbook. What was the process like creating and developing it shooting a marketing? I know you did all of it on your own, for the most part, so share a little bit about that journey. Yes, so it was crazy site stolen. Like oh, my gosh. I can't believe that that I did that when you have a dream and someday leafy, also like say about an inspired about, and I knew you know. I think I was
three years in my business about point. I am five years and now so I was three years in and I had already you know people were asking for it and requesting it, so I knew that it was something that other people would be excited about and one of the best things. I think that I did with that point. Such was the minute that I knew that that was something that I wanted to do, and I knew I was serious about any new than I was ito getting all the pieces in line where sharing and taking my audience on that journey with me, so I like announced here, I will do you no wake a little behind the scenes peak every time we were doing like a shoot every time it was in the production. More like I was taking people along with me, so the wave of a kind of pan out, which is I don't know this- is not like the official or private rightly do. I was as figuring it out again No really like a real
sources are places they like could help me. So it was a lot of just like ok like ass his people, as I can t, make research all these different things that I wanted to sell, publishing or traditional publishing and ultimately, I decided to self publish a full thing, because I want a creative control. So shipowners that was so important to me and to my brand was to be able to decide exactly What I wanted to look like an exactly how many recipe is in exactly there are certain things that I would like. If I'm gonna do a cookbook, it has to have rested, there has ever photographed for every recipe. Economic, by cutting corners. I want this to be beautiful. I want it to be a coffee table. Experience You can see how everything would turn out and that its awesome It's like five ingredients are last like ten to fifteen minutes or worse lake
real life approved. Most of us really ran and live our lives so the process- It was funny I had had all the recipe is ready to go and or almost completely fully tested. So I rate seasonal meal plans every quarter and that actually became my biggest. And then I would get feedback of like what, where their favorite recipe is. What's one sitting, every quarter. I we get hundreds of people doing the meal plan, and then I would get feedback awake. But whether fever recipe is which ones that their kids love like, which ones made their husbands who care for the first time he could get a clearer like. Why is having so I knew about the top and the favorites and the ones that were being the most beloved on the blog and things people talked about and share the most, and so he listened to that, and I say that because I have also seen a few people go through this process. That didn't really.
Or didn't really survey their audience to see you. You know the things that they were loving and wanting, and I think that was a big reason for the success of the book, The more I came out even doing a pre sail was that that peace was there. I think, right from the beginning, so not saying anything right, because I've made a lot of mistakes fastened by Chino we the recipe is done ready. They were like edited, tested, hundreds and hundreds of times over again and the production mode, the photographer ties and employ really can into my wife. At this time, like I think I have lake for weeks warning or something before I knew. I had a chunk of time open to shoot this thing and get it like we're going, and she just happened to be free.
We further those months, but in very limited time, so we actually shot all a hundred and fifty recipes in two and a half months memory, which meant that you know about twelve recipes a week which we were doing one shoot a week. So it was basically twelve recipes day for me to cook I'm one day over the next day and we would like style it together and shoot. Twelve and then I would invite like different groups of people or to my house, after only God what it was like, such a hot, less just kitchen like with torn apart breeding. We did like in my house- like not you, don't know professional kits and we like cleaning you're doing this kind of doing it all, and I would invite differ
if the people over it of any sort of the final recipe, testers and we'd have a random the most random dinner parties. As you can imagine, different lean love, I was going to say: I pray that you would eat food, but after use, dial stuff in its like cold in here like here, is actually be applied or totally, unlike you didn't matter, for the picture is whether there is a right about a pepper, it's about part over, so maybe it was really funny so the photography itself took about three months, which is crazy and we were crazy and I was gonna save. It was really stress all to do it that way, then, in other production that design pirates and with everything else and all of editing rules, everything that went into the book itself talk about a year to produce, which is pretty amazing, then I did a pre say our kind of before it launched and swords wake a thousand books even before
I was even there and then have the crazy, just hilarious job of sing them all by myself to summer gosh solely by a great oak ground. Now other people, I vow source, that peace and that part of it. So now, just a great resource. That's all of my favorite things. It's all naturally gluten free, so no lake! we know how I can get behind that. Now, that's been a really fun. He spent talk about marketing to me in my best, that is all just marketing and almost like a gift. I wanted to share with my audience and with my clients in with my people, that's really with inspiration, tat
never like to have a product or to try and make money, because you really don't make money off of a book, but you really think so that was kind of the motive behind it and every day it makes me so happy to see so many people just using it in their own lives and kittens, and it has changed alive for a lot of different people oh it's a so called to see. That is awesome. So one of the biggest things that I want to talk to you about today- and I was like so cited about a tall drew and he's like that is awesome- is how do you see like a lot of women and especially entrepreneurs struggling in terms of their relationship with food and what impact is having on their businesses my gosh ass? This is such a heritage, huge hitch thing, so most people for food, and I think is especially best. The case is especially so with entrepreneurs is that the food can become
This like last thing that we think about with so many other important things to do like how are using our time how you know I don't have time to cook. I don't have time to think about it. I just need the easiest to fasten the quicker, so I could focus on other things, but my thoughts, and from what I know in the thousands of people that is like been through, my programs end one another. Encouraging. To is that you have to flip the equation around, because when you We are able to put all just the tiniest, like food, affects everything when and breathing instead of being at the bottom, of the pyramid allows like where it's just kind of the last thing that you think about. If we are able to put their and start to put out just when a tiny bit more intention or
I or love or care behind what you're actually putting in your body the results that come from that and in talking about efficiency, it's almost like wherever you are at now. If you just put a little bit more effort time love Karen to that food, you will be like able to serve like ten times bigger I was brighter like talking about MR say with entrepreneurs, a plague you are so focused on giving and giving and serving and sharing. That requires a lot of energy, and that requires a lot of time so anything My thought is anything that you can do it really harness that energy better and to accept pure body, in a way where you actually end up thinking and dealing with your suit with less when you re the quality and the content of what you're, so. What I mean by that is like, if you're not paying attention at all you're, probably gonna, end up eating things that maybe spike your blood sugar up and then they
crashing down and you have to eat much more often throughout the day and you'd have to like stop what you're doing because then your hungry it's a sort of like cycle that is over and over and over again, whereas if you just put a little bit more time until I came you, they need some good something's. Gonna hold me over something: that's gonna be very grounding for me able two like fill me up nurse me, so that I can go on and go for a long period, The time like have what energy be able to serve be able to do your thing. I see. So often that that is usually the one thing that people need to kind of shift their perception on. If they want to live these big beautiful impact fall a passionate Why is that food has to play a role in that and it only speak
like a value and like you value yourself and after feed your stuff. Well, so that you can serve Europe the world with what you're here to do so reason. Can I share my experience with this because they feel like I'm like walking what you're talking about so most people know likewise, just diagnosis silly act. So now I'm going for you, which is why, when you're could put came over so pumped about it- and it's been so interesting because I was that person you are describing that me no food is my last time, and especially when drew is working as full time, job and not home. I would find that you know I'm notorious first skipping breakfast this then I would work like into the day by the time it was like to be like shoot. I better eat something, and then I would just you know gorge and then I'd be so stinkin tired that then I would sleep in the afternoon and it was this crazy cycle, and so
about a month in being gluten free, and it is funny because it has taken me a while to start to change my taste buds innocence of like what I crave and what I want. But today, even at the coffee shop as like you, I don't want a to that sounds like so much like sugar and as like. Oh my gosh, it's happening like it is happening and the other day drew is like you have so much energy, and I like having taken naps all week and I like em up and awake and alert, and you know just getting so much more done into it. It is absolutely true formative and it's crazy. I'm definitely still learning like you know what I can eat and what it can even trying to transition into like some of the not so great gluten free products, but knowing that like this is just a transition so that I don't feel deprived so that then I can continue that transition to
even cleaner, but it is so it's so crazy. Isn't it absolutely? I mean it's something honestly firmness, people, and I- and this is the same tools like I didn't realize how tat I felt name realise, like included, because I just didn't know oaks. I've never had the experience of like oh, we would have liked. My high energy, when I'm eating really well, that's actually my normal other stuff. That's not my normal You have to sort of have that experience in for a lot of us wages unless it becomes like an issue or a reason why you have to not Everybody learns about is like this magical source of power, namely when you are you're, probably gonna, go up the ladder like you know, five, six,
having more times energy and therefore more productivity and happier, and you don't pick sites and you're. Not so you know, like Moody, totally didn't get it you're right. It is something to that. Your taste buds. Like processed food or more chemicals, or there are things like I injected into foods that just literally cover your taste, buds and so, of course, you're. Not themselves, if you have had more like processed food or more chemicals, or there are things I get injected into foods that just literally cover your team buds, and so of course, you're not gonna like think that broccoli taste good at first, but it's ok, I put some butter on it. You'll be fine we're gonna hall texture? But you know, after two, we so you can just kind of like stick it out and be like right. I'm just gonna, try not to do the super process, staff to my taste buds and until then you're not like
fighting against herself into a really only the target cake, or at least I thought I was gonna, be awful when I went gluten free music, while you're actually doing really well today. So that is a thing. Is a little bit of a transition that I think, and you also like. Even after another month of why you're here and with all your dino shifting and changing that you all it's gonna become more and more a thing and then you're like there's so much I'm sure we're all gonna say it. Like my. I should like on fire even hours. I've even possible we can do is like a visiting operating half energy, I'm kind of I d up, and this continues. So when you work with entrepreneurs in women one early to first things, you do with them so to me from the third side of the leg, nutrition,
so kind of the same thing of what we were just talking about. I kind of way out like the caters, listen, there's three different categories of food. There is real food which has existed for ever, usually one angry man why we usually a seven year old, knows what it is like a kind of back to the basics of evidence, and hence I tell you, my kid you watch level house on a pretty exactly like so I don't like the lake in the cats and that care there is then like. Why would they be able to eat or make? Or do you know, ideas. There's a lot more talk about real food at unprocessed food, but that's basically category number one. I very number two. Or is processed food, and that's just the sphere that nobody Eads thinking that they're doing themselves a favor and sacred and call a gas station food play teenagers and doritos areas. Tease it's all of you
We need it for comfort because of celestial Jake, because we think it tastes good. Like so many reasons, and most people know that that's really more of the junk food staff, then there's a third category, which is where I think most people get trip, tapping confuse and that is just process- health food. So that's the stuff where it is just marking to you as being healthy and a one time. This is kind of like imagine, walking down the cereal I'll and it's almost like shouting kind of like the boxes Sorry that you like this sweet. However, and this as you know, you know now, if omega three fatty acids- and this has you know this- has protein or whatever theirs. Why so much bragging that happens? Learning to live distinguish that and taking that as the truth, because food companies,
they would ever they want our front of a label legally where there are no rules around it at all and so learning to become like a little bit of detective in some ways of like. What's actually in that, but does that sound normal? Does it sound like something Lake Laurie, while there could have made or girl, found somewhere so that's kind of way, I'll start with with most people, especially with entrepreneurs, because its easy, too. You know see all these trends, and we see like different people, seeing about paleo and began in gluten free and everything on Instagram in its Oliver Pinterest, and I think, trying to teach yourself, oh way, and a philosophy about food that war, for change that you can once you have sort of understand what those three categories are and how they like look at your ingredient way law that enables you to go
anywhere in the world or to eat out more and different types of restaurants and just sort. It's almost like retraining your brain to like what is hardly a, maybe what's not the healthiest, but with entrepreneurs specifically I think it's a really important to think about, like whatever thing. Do you know if work really well for you. So what's your schedule, I like what are you doing when you wake up in the morning and almost creating like little ritual. A eating really well written, therefore, there actually rituals of just like taking really good care of yourself, so that you can have the most like power and the most do. You know that biggest heart to give in to serve out to others. So usually suggests and based on their taste, buds and kind of what time they get up and really like, where their zone of genius is like those couple hours of the day where they're like on fire or
They have been slightly trying to work around that so that you know for me, so I'll say it's like some type of You know what ritual routine with your water in the morning that yours, having like you, know it's the least twenty four ounces of water before you have something else just to help flesh out yourselves and even a lot of times were way more ready hatred, Edmund, actually hungry and then having before me, and I know I'm working at my desk. I call them like healthy Babby is like them just like a baby lady and with every freak show the parity of its like summer or wintery like I have to have some warm drank, whether it's like Malta or it's called, grew with. Cocoanut water or its. You know an almond milk latte of some sorts or something that I am creating. But I like to have that lies in our work. It feels like a little powering up ritual, but is all sesame, and it's not gonna like take all that goodness away.
It takes a while for myself take on my energy. It's not an energy sack, so the best way to think about your food is like this energy giving boosting food is this. An energy sack to me the most important thing when you are trying to work create and be I really need to be a really good clay slate mentally physically. Firstly, I think to kind of create your best and so having little way, grounding rituals, so it could be in water in the morning and then your morning bevy and I always think it's super important take an actual lunch and it's you most hard just any way of getting maybe some I suppose in your bakery, every person is a little bit different. So it's not! There is No, like one right diet one right way or types of food that something that just takes a little bit of time,
figuring out like all. If I eat those that I'm tired, you should never be. Tired an hour later after eating. That's a good sign. This means that when we really can be so that helps in ITALY's gives a really good starting place to just think about food as a normal part of the day, but that if you are able to eat just good quality stuff all across the board, whether eyes they like you, can make real food I can t is real tease and real fresh pasta and real better and your body is to handle that so differently than you know, sir. That, is they re a little bit more processed or has some chemicals in eight or things like that, so all across the board. That's the first step is to stand upgrade the quality of your ingredients and then committing to having good quality ingredients, will oftentimes take care of the rest of the things that follow.
That is so inspiring and so incredible in it's funny, because I realized today like when we first at our first miscarriage, I had so many nutritionists reaching out, but I just wasn't at a point that it is ready to deal with it. You know it was like I had to have something in my life shift where I was like I'm ready. I am in because I failed so many times at different quote died. So what would you tell people that feel like they're just incapable of that change, because I know I was absolutely there until I had a better reason to pursue it yeah, absolutely so. The best thing I think, that's where the folk about it It's just like just eat real food. Just do the best. You can do just like heat going to quality ingredients that your body can figure out what to do with. I mean if you just take that one little chefs you all kind of start the process, journey of committing to just.
Yourself or whether they are better than you can, see you we're talking about having experienced experience, sometimes of knowing, maybe not knowing what it feels like to feel really good seriously, but I, having a good relationship to food is just as important and so for me, I had a terrible relationship to food when I almost as my life like growing up, I never really knew it at the time until I saw it down a different way, but the halving the element of like enjoying your food and wake appreciating and seeing the view and how much it is serving new and how much it can kind of. Like a boost, your life, if in so many different areas and senior relationships and in your work and in your leg or expect in your love for years
now. If I think, that's truly like the underlying, maybe value that comes with it, and when you are able to do that, you really don't ever have to do and you die it's because at least your body can handle and break down what you're putting an if it's not super process. Tat four has kind of additives, are a lot of chemicals that you're just me. Learning to just be kinder to your body, and I think above diet above lake, vanity reasons or even like health reasons, is the thing that I want to try inspire more people to kind of take on, like you were being kinder to your body, you are being a better care, take her. You are able to show up more fully in the world when you're able to look at those
and so for women I mean we're just trained and tied, unlike be over the head with so many different things and how we should think about food. But if you can just simplify, like almost like you have to clear the cutter like offload all of that and try to clear your brain, and just like starts with the basic things of. Can I pronounced this like what is just taking a second look: it's not about being perfect, it's not about being rigid. It's just trying to upgrade the quality of your life by upgrading inequality, your food and the two are so so highly connected and even within, like us, for weeks I just trying I mean I would encourage any if you're listening anybody just try it it's a little experiment. You're not gonna, feel deprived. You can have, we know is real, Ice cream would be five ingredients sake. It's real
cream and milk and sugar, and maybe some eggs and vanilla, that's so different, then like shot free for, yogurt, where the ingredient less just like twenty five law in certain doesn't mean. I can't have a joy in your life and pleasure and go out and have great dating took. There has been an amazing cocktails and the world of good food. It's like food and food, basically, That's so much more fun. It taste so much better and you just get so much more out of it and in all of the different ways and all the different categories of your life two. I agree so much like now that I have to be gluten. Free looking at ingredients is like shocking. I think I had no idea is. There is gloom in so I saw us like white like I bring my own. Soil saw us first sushi now, just in case, because I had no idea
gluten in your shampoo, like I had no idea, and so it has been totally mind. Boggling in the other thing that I love that you talked about is eating real food like I feel way more full and I need weigh less if I eat like real cheese vs like fat, free cheese that tastes like cardboard. You know what I mean like, so it is funny because drew- and I talked about this- a lot but
Both of our mom's grew up, doing like weight. Watchers, and you know a back, then all they looked at was like fat and fiber for the most part, and so you know that was kind of what we were raised and you can see that in a lot of decisions- and I think a lot of that trickles down to the way that we look at food. And it's so interesting nowadays like when we're like putting more butter on stuff for like cooking with like real olive oil and things like that. Where we're like, not afraid of fat and just the way that it makes, you feel- and I think that's all just so incredible one thing that I found that's been so interesting in the kind of like what you said about how food making you feel is not sweet journaling. For the sake of like I mean to write down when I by writing down how I feel after I eat certain things and man, you can start to notice. Some trends are real, quick talk,
and there are so many things that we take us like normal. We know it is normal that I get sick all the time, it's normal. They get scientists and actions or its normal. That I, like all this, like digestive or normal that I have heard it burn or normal that I have. You know but I'm starving all the time or normal that I have is intense, crazy, cravings. It's so much That is not normal when you're, just eating real food. In its purely like more nutrient tents, food like per by your actually being way more efficient, which, as a business owner, I might all about see some ok see you know you're gonna have to eat. What can you do to prevent you from having to eat again in the next hour and think about it? You know: have all these crazy thing so totally safe, and you can start small like there is no you're not going too far.
The wagon you're, not gonna, like less anything of its just the process of learning yourself a little bit better and that's a very tall, Like my lady boss, girls, all of the girl and lifeless and lake. Then one thing that it takes. So I ran up successful. Business is knowing yourself my nose and the period like them. Oh, that you can truly know and love. Grace who you are, and that goes for everything for you know like food, especially if there's so much of that. That is how it, just even within the food peace, but with everything else like personal development and growth, ways, is that you? feel the most inspired and the most let up in the things that dream you and that goes for people to emulate goes her everything. But it is like you after new yourself? Well, so that you can really just you know
harness all the good stuff and leave behind the things that our kind of cluttering and and mainly weighing down So why would you give our sinners, like as one piece of advice that once starting point, I feel like ok, I know I need to make some changes on the little resistance, but I'm gonna give it a shot. What would that piece of advice being, I think, honestly, if you just do one thing if you just take away one thing like from blessing to this episode, it's just I can't hear ingredients because, honestly, even if you still decide that you want to eat, Do you want to eat the Orioles like fine, that's great, but at least you are starting. It's a little bit to fall. Why mere starting to learn and teach yourself what are in different things? so the maybe you could find something that would be like upgrade of that same thing, I'll give you the same sense of like you know
enjoyment from it, but just not be as hard or as mean among your body. Essentially so looking at ingredients is so it won't. You know it's the one education thing we don't get or we never learn about food, and I tell you how low swimming discover it needs. Facts right now. Like none of that matters. All that matters is, can your body break this down or can it not? Because, if it can it's gonna be come, a problem and really start to weigh other things down in your body and in your mind, the mental like emotional physical connection, is real. It's a real thing. None, so in one piece gets like whacker weighed down or awake now, cysts covered apple, everything else sort of sufferers so just Looking at your ingredient, less is so how far the second part,
why health is the then you're able to like know a little bit more like you're, putting these alone Knowledge Lake Nuggets in your pocket like ok now I know what how MRS made when now, if I go out to a restaurant well homeless, This probably made with eurobonds are beans and since Essen receives and garlic and all via, okay, so that makes it real food and so the more levels you're sort of able to look at things that you have just in your normal everyday life in your pantry in your car in your purse. Just start like educating yourself, you, don't have to follow it right away. You can buy just our educating yourself, because then it helps you like tat. If you felt bad an hour after you ate something, maybe it's It's just make a mental note of what was in that food, so you can just sort of care, absolutely not. I didn't say tracks and patterns, maybe pick up on what's going on and it will help you work for maybe some option
that are very similar to what you're trying to get or accomplish, but they may be just cases a different brand of wake up. Are like a snap bar in all of our can very so wildly lake. It may just be a just by Brandon takes care of the problem completely so. Does anyone number one piece of advice? psych start wherever you are in always want to learn because there's always new products coming out. So, even if you do live your life. This way you look at me, the same grievance. It's always a good thing to do is kind of like chicken and figure out what am I really eating the most of through mode, so my day. Is it mostly like nuts and fruit? So maybe I could is a little more evacuees or no visa. Ah, but you really like me and potatoes, and so that enable its just like your in taking my taken some surveys
what's around round you so that you can maybe pick a few things that don't feel like. Huge sacrifices are a huge deal and slowly sort of upgrade ban as cat in the next time. You run now the next time you at the store and just sort of take a second look I love it. That is so amazing. Thank you so much for just sharing your heart in everything. Where can everybody find you online? So maybe this is simply rail, how so simply rojas dot com and applause there that a clog weekly, though, is that all and best things I find that traders and all that kind of stuff and Stan incident is my favorite play some on Facebook to it simply wrong incidents, and they are have pretty much.
But most salient those you guys need to go out and buy your cookbook. It is amazing, it is just beautiful, like we were just scanning at we're like these orders, so pretty I wanna make them, even though to pry like nothing like this by all, and so just thank you for reaching out. I'm so thankful that we are connected, and I could not wait to see what is in store for you next. Thank you. So great vigor, thanks for listening to. Gold digger dive into show notes for this episode and all past episodes W W W that gold, digger podcast dotcom thanks for listening and you'll, see a next time you, gold, digging dream tastes. You.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-29.