« The Glenn Beck Program

We Need Answers from Uvalde, Not More Politics | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Kellyanne Conway | 5/27/22

2022-05-27 | 🔗

As more information comes out about the Uvalde attack, the story's villain continues to change. Glenn goes over the latest updates, including some questionable actions law enforcement took. Glenn and Stu discuss how something about the Uvalde attack doesn't feel right. Glenn discusses the claim that inanimate objects are the problem and debunks a claim made by AOC. Sen. Mike Lee, the author of the upcoming book "Saving Nine," talks with Glenn about the Second Amendment and the importance of maintaining nine justices on the Supreme Court. Former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway joins to discuss her new memoir, "Here's the Deal," her relationship with her husband, George, and her time in the Trump administration.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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when you are about to. Here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. The program You know you can pass all the laws you want, but if no reinforces them. What good is it either all the cops you want, but if they don't respond, What are you do? It's not the gun. It's the purse, and quite honestly, the people
Oh that are, are put in charge of enforcing the law, the door at the school parenting back door open, wasn't supposed to be kids out there for twelve minutes with a right twelve minutes before he goes into the school. Nobody him? How is that possible, then the cops don't go in Well, I have a few questions for the police officers. We don't have all of the details and I don't want to throw them under the bus, but it's not looking good for them. But, more importantly, I have a few quest genes for the federal agents that we're on the sea in damn near full tactical gear, telling you we don't trust our system anymore and your try
to disarm us. No way. No way because if somebody comes into my kids school, I carry a gun. and I am proficient in fact I'm pretty damn good with a gun, This happens in my school and the police now are reflecting this in kind of attitude in uvalde. I'm going in with a gun and I don't think I'm alone back in sixty seconds, says. We begin first relief factor the value of a dollar. What is the value of a dollar? Well, honestly, problem. About sixty five cents right now. You have twenty bucks about fifteen, but it is invaluable if you spend twenty bucks right now, on relief factor, if you're in pain and just can't get out of it relief factor dot com. It is
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percent of public safety, victor ascalon junior said at a new conference thursday. The shooter was not confronted by any one ass. He entered the elementary school. Any your vault contradicting earlier reports, he said, officers risk arrived on the scene for minutes after the shooter entered the building and that the gunman killed approximately an hour after arriving. in the campus now remember this kid didn't just show up the school this kid ran struck into a ditch started. firing funeral home and people who were attending a funeral, he miss them. Then he walks to the school. He's in front of the school for twelve minutes now did any one at the funeral home or at the funeral did anyone call the police neighbor now says here
shot across the street from the school. He looks out. and he sees the gunman for twelve minutes He called nine one one don't know these answers, but we damn better find them. People are starting to get very angry and they have been angry for a while they were angry the police, sat there and did nothing for about an hour now. Here's the thing. according to rule Ms gomes, she heard of the school and the shooting and where her children are in second and third grade
She heard about it. She drove forty miles to rob elementary school. When she arrived, she said the cops just standing outside the fence. They were going in or running anywhere she said officers inside the school were evacuating school students and the employees I was calling for back up. There was a lot going on, but nobody was going in to get the guy department of say the officials previously set an arm school officer confronted, but we now know. That's not true, lend Martinez a fourth grade. Fourth, greater at rob elementary was playing with other kids during recess. When he first appear on school grounds, within a our fifteen style rifle all ran in and they told us to sit down and they turned off the lights and locked the door. Okay. So now
fourth graters are running in and There is a kid on the playground with a gun. so what are they? Do? They only the school They hunker down. Ok, all right is there? Anybody at the school with a gun? Was there any yes officer, any safety officer with a gun. Let's say three police officers eventually came to the door of her room, which was near the end of it, which is near the end, one in where ramos locked himself in they told us there was a gunman, so we had to evacuate and we had to run to the parking spaces outside. She found her mother ms gomes. A farm supervisor was also waiting outside for her children. She said she was one of the numerous parents who began encouraging first politely and then, with a little more urgency police and other law enforcement to enter the school sooner after minute. She,
said: u s, marshals, put her in handcuffs and telling that she was being arrested for intervening in an active and, delegation miss said. She said. She then convinced local, you, local all police officer whom she knew to persuade them. Shells to set her free spokesmen for the less Marshall service said we never put anybody in handcuffs okay. So mom's a liar to our debt the marshals, just maintained order and peace. In the midst of grief stricken community that was gathered around the school, he said quote. Ms gomes described the scene like this said she saw father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third father, pepper sprayed once freed I'm her coughs. Now listen to this work, is freed from her cuffs gomes made her distance from the crowd jump. The school fan
ran inside grabbed her two children and sprinted out the school with them. ok, so the police can't do that. but a mom did don't know if you have seen the video, but it a video is out of control We ve never seen this before. I that I remember at a school shooting where the parents are like go away in. What are you doing I I'm to play some audio and then I want to describe I been show some pictures here of the scene first here- is the police lieutenant on why the cops? didn't go in listen cut, for there was multiple officers arrived on scene. There were three officers that arrive. They made entry at one of the entrance,
where the gunman actually made entrance to. We have other another for officers. They may entry at the other actions of the school, so there was officers inside that school as there were taking gunfire. There were also calling for reinforcement, backup, tactical teens snipers. Any additional personnel that could arrive to assist to not only with two with a situation, but also to assist and evacuation students and teachers. At that time. That's when a? U S, border patrol tactical officer arrive also what these abolish county sheriff deputy as well as two additional. While the police department officers were able to go into that classroom with a ballistic shield, ass cover and, of course, we know when those officers and age and actually was was shot, was graze on top of the hill but there were able to shoot a kill. The suspect don't current best practices, lieutenant call for off. just to disable a shooter as quickly as possible. Regardless of how many officers are
actually onsite correct the act assured situation. You want to stop it. You want to preserve lie, but also one thing that of course, the american People you to understand. Is that offices or make an entry into this building? they do not know whether governess their hearing gunshots they are, they are receiving gunshots. At that point, a bake it. They proceeded. We further not knowing where this aspect was that they could have been shot, they could have been killed. point that good men would have the opportunity to kill other people inside that school, so they were able contained a gunman inside a classroom so that he was not able to go to any other portion, the store to commit any other killings. but you knew where he was in the classroom. You knew where he was so the first guys in where they dont know. Who the gunman is are wary is ok, I buy into that, but he
in the classroom and he had killed everybody. I don't know but down the door. You know why. He is now here's the texas gps official again. Not giving details on why they didn't break down the door. Listen. So that he was barricaded. Can you explain to us how he was barricade and why you guys can not breach the door? So I did all your question. The consideration will, Do we not dates? We want to do that data to those questions. Now serving chemin problem civilian minute here, we ve been given a lot of bad information. So why don't you clear all over this up now and explain to us how is that your officers or in there for an hour? Yes rescuing people, yet no one was able to get inside our room. She won't. We will. We will sort but whether we want to answer all your questions. We want to do
the why we have set circle, that's our jobs would give us time I'll. Take it all your questions. They get back to talk to the team. And how the two armies barrel. Thank you for being here. Ok, have taught here's. The problem here is the problem. It is much greater than just this shooting and we are on the precipice of chaos in this country. Total chaos. Here's why I hate to be the one to break the news on this news to you, but here it is free buffalo news, dot, com law enforcement officers are investigating whether a retired federal agent had thirty. Minutes advance notice of a white supreme this plan to murder black people at a buffalo supermarket. to law enforcement officials have brief the buffalo news authorities believe
the former agent believed to be from texas was one of least six individuals who regularly communicated with an acute gunman painting again drawn in online chat room where racist hatred hatred was discussed. The too long. This sources with direct knowledge of the investigation stated. These individuals were invited by again drawn to read about his mass shooting plans and the target location. thirty minutes before gunmen arrive on the scene. The fbi has verified that none of the people that were on this chat room with him Thirty minutes prior none of them called law enforcement? to warn about the shooting? Ok,
so who's this agent. What was his agent doing? Please, dear god, don't tell me he was an undercover agent Why was he on if he and the other six people the phone they or accessory to murder, and they should be charged like that But I'm telling you right now. Let me show you a picture. I describe it. If you just listen to us on radio, let me show you the way sure is here now that man is a: u s marshal the is in you ve baldy. He is all most fully loaded with tactical gear he's. Where helmut he's gotta stone, look at the gear that he has.
Including high powered weapons show me, sir one other picture this one. you see what is probably a fully automatic weapons. In the hands of this. Oh, but federal, marshal. He is standing outside with the parents, with a yellow plan take taser in his hand, getting ready. detainees. The parents. Why the hell did my tax dollars go to pay your salary, by all of that tactical gear or of your training? your body armor and your team,
using the parents when the average person doesn't have faith in anything. We arrive to the moment of the barber effect, don't know what that is, how remind you in sixty seven baby sitting bike repair lemonade stands lawnmowers services. These are the few, but a few of the businesses that kids have our and he started and they did after reading the tunnel twins and their spectacular show business. We are not teaching, our kids, how to do business were not teaching our kids, how to survive, especially we in a free market system who cares of my kid? starts a business. Well, you should care, you should care, because they're gone
Be the ones that are taking care of the country after we're gone. They are the ones that, in a very short order, are going to have to go and make a living and error a real gap between the magical world, where mommy and daddy in their teachers do everything form in the real world when they have to take care of themselves. Free. How should have this this book? That's why they're making it for free right now. Are you pay for shipping? It's the, old twins and their spectacular show business. It teaches your kids all about business. It teaches your kids, the stuff that My kids are learning now in high school. Barely it's a great look very entertaining and your kid kids will love it. the tunnel twins and their spectacular show business. It's free right now, just pay for shipping, while supplies last tunnel twins back dotcom, that's tuttle twins back,
Calm go there now ten second station idea. It's a fascinating thing to watch this develop because it really started as heroes of of the police and the border patrol. That did all these amazing things and that is switched. The narrative is switched quickly. I think you're right, though, to be a little hesitant to make sure we understand why I've, so you know there's no reason we don't need to solve this today. What we need to do is get the right information and then make a judgement on it You know I'm just so tired, it's hard under. I am every body jumping to conclusions. I'm hired of every one giving me bogus bo,
this information because it will help their political sigh greater get on just one more thing: the story that is affected me, the most in all of these, is the fact that the teacher who died with our students her husband died and they left bind for children. He died of a heart attack after you know what he was doing a month ago, immeasurable a month ago, He was going through a live shooter training at the school. I mean those poor kids can we stop all the political nonsense. You know what it's gonna be like for any of those kids to walk into that school again next year in a wee wee good example of waiting for the facts is one of the arguments the conservatives have made his hardening
targets, mutual security. There, yes, and so the initial reporting was there was security there. They they exchange gunfire, could not act on this guy. He still guy and so the lie. The left went nuts and they said hey. This proves your arm about security is not true. It doesn't even work, and now we find out that actually that that exchange of gunfire did not occur There was no officer there, so they I went out on a limb, immediate, Lee to try to take advantage of the shooting with politics and now are totally burned by that, because their narrative has. It was dumb anyway, but now we know the facts. Don't even support it so It is important to make sure that so understand what occurred before we. We don't need our narrative to be cemented today. No- and I you know what I am I'm willing to give the cops the benefit of the doubt. want to see all of the facts, but you know we pisses me off is you. Had federal marshals there. We
sniper rifles most like fully automatic What the hell are they doing? What word? they doing besides tee Seeing coughing parents at first spraying parents, it's this week the Glen back probe american financing Annabel us one, eight two through three four that w w dot, animal s, consumer access, dot, org cave if you want to make homer Prudence to your home may be finished. The basement renovate the kitchen finish up. The few points checks it were unable to get to during the pandemic. Whatever it is. You might need or want to do. May I remind you that those kinds of projects can be done. Affordably. the little help from your home by which I mean the equity that you have gained in it, because right now, most homeowners have seen gains of twenty percent year over year. That equity can be.
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I want to be very, very careful because I dont want to have to I apologize for anything and that's where we all should be thinking, let's say things that we don't know to be true or take positions on things were not short, we do not have all the facts and I'm not gonna throw the police under the bus I am going to question the federal marshals that were there where the hell were you, what were you doing? I am, question them, I think we have enough information there, you're wearing tactical gear, why the hell is in your ass inside, but the police I dont know, and its not looking good for them, but let's Not take sides it's on things and do what the left does before. We know
the truth yeah, I'm the only thing I again, if you try to construct any reason why they would do some of the hand and very difficult to understand that the only thing that I keep coming back to is the difference, queen, let's say it active shooter situation and an inactive shooter situation. If you think about every house, movie. You ve ever seen right where a person, maybe he's not actively shooting he's holding them hostage, or maybe he he's got university. We monitor that they would have set right. He was holding them hostage. We had contact with him, we were needed. Shading, etc at right. The the move, the right move might be in a situation where he's holding hostage, for example, not about bustin because he might kill more people write the other What is it is dark, as this is to think about, potentially He had already done the killing in this room and was barricaded in this room and therefore the thought from the police officer made
hey. Let's evacuate all the other kids get everybody else out of the room was in his taken an hour. If you had him, if you thought than he was barricaded and killed everybody in the classroom, gay which he did except for two right, we do yeah that we do not do not accurate, at least because There was a story and it's the worst story you're ever going to hear. I don't want to hear at all, but just give me the details quickly. Seems, like the agents said hey. If you need help, you know you let us know, and one of the kids who was hiding said I need help. He heard them came over and killed the kid This is from another child who was in the room who witnessed the answer: ok again like it's dark as it can possibly be, but you can see you can struck the scenario where they believe the most that them the smartest to do because there was an on going active shooting going on was to try to tat every one else. So, but I mean that does let's. Let me ask you this, you don't who did
classroom have windows gifts, oh did anybody have eyes on the shooter or the classroom from the outside. If not why second, he was locked in ok. is locked in there's no shots being fired. Why? What in at least one police officer positioned at that or so if that door open up your shot, the guy in the bad guy and there Why did it take you and our two get everybody out? If you know you guys, you have him locked in a room. Why not go to ray classroom and say out now go, go, go, go, go, go, go, get everybody out. then take you and our to do that, so the something just does look right on this and its most likely unbelievable incompetence, but I can't you know what I just
I can't take the lies anymore. I I can't take the knot, lasting anyone any more, we give you this a eo see she came out with a statement. Yes today. Young women are not doing this young non binary. People are not doing this trans. People are not doing this. This is Issue we have young men are being radicalized right now, really whose radicalizing them, who is radicalizing them the eye, I'm not the one that is turning every student In amerika, to a protester that. The EU and the teachers unions. By the way you also check. Your facts yesterday Rollo teenager pleaded guilty to multiple charges, murder
the twenty nineteen school shooting outside of denver that left one student dead, eight injured, Alec mckinney. who was born biologically of female but identifies as a male pleaded guilty to six. teen counts, including first degree, murder and attempted murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder. After deliberation. Please, god arrest, a yo see now listen people who are outraged by this in the democratic party congressional democrats, laura potluck guard, la la lover, yeah. Well, they were the same people that pushed a bill that would have banned federal funding. First, police in twenty twenty you dont want arm. teachers because the butt
already of americans now say we should arm the the teachers yeah fifty four percent either. strongly are somewhat support. The arming of teachers and staff to respond school shooting only thirty. Five percent some water strongly oppose. So don't tell me our extremist out of step. Most people want he's taken away when actually that not true common sense would be put pull. Is there a law cos the doors are- the teachers- but you know who's against that. My you know here- and this is why this, Why do you know all the Democrats can be counted on not go for this solution, putting guns in schools. Even though the majority of people agree with You know why, because the teacher there's unions
yeah, but teachers' unions. They don't think it should be done there again state prefer not just against it. There hostile. Our public schools should be the safest places for students and educators, yet the gunshots from alone shooter arm with a military, great weapon, shattered the physical safety of the school community and evolving texas. You know what also is a military grade weapon at the time of flint, lock. and then later he was a cap and ball and then later it was the m. Sixteen all guns At the time our military grade why'd, you need that it took a weapon of war so was the flintlock and by the way,
no matter how they try to change the history of the are it it was a hunting rifle first who dear have a reversal. Time magazine has released and up ad sometimes calls for america to return to. God are couched in the language of consolation. Specially after mass shootings when nineteen children work- in a school in evolving texas, tuesday, a republican from colorado, did its times like these, that we should as individuals, communities and a nation turn to god for comfort and healing. Please please america? We are running out of time. Please turn back to god and egg for him to heal our land marjorie.
Or green of georgia, followed deflection, aren't It needs to take a serious look at the state of our mental health. Today, don't you think we do don't you think we do, because today I could claim I'm a woman do nothing else. Just sit here with all the junk in my pants I'm wearing panties and, I cannot say, hey everybody identifiable and if you make fun of me or even question me your they hate or you're the crazy one. Now I don't think so I don't think so. No, We should look at our mental health today. there's a reason. We always hear calls for christian nationalism rather than for common sense, gun legislation from the right,
we ve shown in our research guns are practically an element of worship in the church of white christian nationalism. Why christian nationalism. You know who knows about gun rights better than anybody else, then native american, because what happens when the government took the native american guns away. Took their land and destroyed them. That's right! Why is it that martin luther king couldn't get a carry permit to carry a gun? Why is it because the local share of said you don't need that boy. We're here to protect to relay. They did a bang up job. Why is it the clan made sure that no blacks could have any guns?
that way they could terrorize them at night. Don't talk to me about how it's a white christian nationalist idea. It is a nationalist idea. I guess because we're the only nation that has a second amendment, because it was in written sports? It was written for a government that was out of control. You know, let me fine out of control. Why That is, cancelling everything to do with carbon based fuel because the government is in charge of breathing now a government. that has just decided to spend us into oblivion. To bear out all of the big guys makes special favours for all the people who have big money. You know the government, where you go to jail for
thing, but if somebody in the know somebody gets popular somebody that, god forbid, would do exactly the same or far worse in washington. There never held too good to account, but you'd go to jail. A government that tells its own citizens closed down your business and you have no choice or your owing to jail a government that says your into wear masks after the government- says, masks, don't make any difference I think that's a government out of control and if that doesn't mean your bar all the things that are going on if this doesn't meet your bar? Just wait until they take your guns away now that's not christian or nationalism that
is common sense, gun regulation back in a minute summer right around the corner, Jenny cell is celebrating early with the summer clearance sale right now to have over sixty percent off on genocide. Most popular package at jeonju cell dot com- you can order today and Jeonju cells dark spot corrector will be included. It visibly reduces pesky the dark sun spots for free the results are real. Millions of americans are in love with genuine well, this is the best in skin care of and talking about them for quite a long time every woman in my life loves Janni cell and it's the best. You can do I mean if you're gonna get skin care if you're going to try to take care of your skin. So you look your best as you as you, age, Jenni sell, is the place to go They guarantee results or your money back and
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We'll be available everywhere tomorrow on youtube or wherever, yet you're you're, a podcast I will tell you that, no matter how you feel about bill bar, I asked him every quest Knowing I spent an hour and a half with him, you'll hear all of it on added, and I asked him every question that I think you would want me to ask so tell me about january. Six tell me about Your interactions with donald trump about the election tell why you didn't go look into all of these reports of fraud. Tell me tell me, who do have you seen two thousand mules? Yet I asked him all of those questions. Yeah right, I know you did not want to do. The interview couldn't just ask him whatever you thought was important and- and they will agree to that, and you asked him everything and he didn't in any.
Flinch. Now all I mean it was a friendly room. I mean oh, I'm not going after him. You know like a o c b, I asked him all of the tough questions and you have to hear his answers. You may agree or disagree with them, but you have to hear his answers. The there is logic behind and consistency behind every single one of them, and some of them surprised me his his thoughts on the on? Why he didn't? begin to vote or regular irregularities ay? I not heard this story that he has told now or net? I didn't hear it and I didn't know it, and he talked about private conversations that he had with Donald. and it's it's fascinating fascinating, so that, sir, this weekend, if you're a subscriber to the blaze, you can get it down the Glen back. Podcast would yield. Or did you get into all the stuff about the
the impeachment and the release of the report. I told him I said when you left office. I was hast because what happened to the report and he goes into that in great detail, and you have to hear his answer is that that that was the thing for me that and the election did you. look into any of these things, those things were big on my list and you have to hear his answer our right back in just a minute. This is the Glenn Beck program. Oh, thank you. So much and coming up my head's going to explode, probably about twenty minutes into this hour, then Stu will just gather up some of the pieces, and maybe
put them together, but he's wearing a t, shirt analysis, all the kings, horses and all the kings men. So I dont know I can trust him and It also senator leaves in and then next hour what he five. Second, we have what's her face, in congo, kelly and combat yes, she's in there's been a bit a controversy about her book release you as president. He am going to ask her about that. Yet denies one of her anecdotes in the story yeah in a big way. He did it bigly. Yesterday. it is true, social or whatever? That idea. So that's kind of interesting thing because they theirs. No big falling as far as I have seen them. I noticed pretty angry about this. I mean I have so many questions were like to deal it's your with your husband, cardigan astronaut. Yes, of yeah urine. You wouldn't,
ask her that the when you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment The program
hello America with every one that is lying to you today for political purposes. We're gonna do our best to tell you the truth and what it all means available You may do your own homework goes. I wouldn't trust the boob on the radio right now. I would trust anybody. I don't trust anybody who do you really trust me but I'm not saying that for you, I'm saying you should answer that is well made You gotta do your own homework because things- way way out of work, but I'm gonna try to take a whack some of this news today and we began in sixty seconds,
donald twins, books, man they are the best. In honestly, these tunnel, twin books, are books that every parent should have on the shelf and read it to their kids, kids, love them, you'll, love them and they It's the truth, one of the box that I've asked them to make for free, for you is tuttle twins and their spectacular show business. When you read this to your kids or you have your kids just read it by themselves. There gonna start to think differently. There understand? How big is this works, but what a dog Or means how to earn dollar all of the risk that it takes for you. They will understand what takes to be an entrepreneur and start their own business, and our kids should be thing. About their own business emanates. I thought about it. yesterday for some reason this came up and I thought I am fifty eight now
that means fifty years ago. I knew what I wanted to do and I'm one of the fortunate ones I knew when I was eight by thirteen I'm at work. Why aren't our kids motivated work or we protecting him to just two big and dangerous out there. Let tell them think friendly charger of course, get this new book for free, just the cost of shipping. Tuttle twins Beck, dotcom, Tuttle twins back dot com: all right, then I would like to start with joy read not because she has any clue on anything but because I think What she said was so ridiculously stupid, and I hear it All the time- and I I would like to put an end to the nonsense. Maybe give you a away to argue it. Here's joy ray
Good evening, everyone we begin the redoubt tonight with republicans. tying themselves into pretzels to point the finger at every single thing, but the problem, the gun, in the wake of the murders of nineteen fourth graders until their teachers, voluntary, so the gun we tying ourselves into pretzels to blame everything, but the culprit. The gun now that gun probably sat in a box for a long time when it was ship to the store was in a box. It didn't try to find its way out of the box or the truck when, when it was put up. Force sail to be just used by some one else. It's dependence lost it. Didn't it didn't. Fire or try to shoot its way out of the gun, store, no
just stayed there idle, pretending tending not to care that its being sold into slavery and it was only at the moment that it saw children that it thought I can make my point. these are people too. That is the most ridiculous thing ever you know I remember During the Clinton administration. It was said that hitler through a lamp at her husband. It wasn't the lamps fault. In this case, I don't even think it was hilary fault. It was his and his zippers fault cake was the real culprit. They're, not my. Calloway ski, not Hillary Clinton.
Not the lamp. So let's talk about the real culprit. The real culprit is the person that uses the ben. Now, how do I know? You know that? Well, because the evil united states drop to nuclear weapons? Who gets the blame for that that evil harry truman, the evil war depart and the evil people that flew the plane, the drop, the bomb, the american people first morning, a government that would drop the bomb the land always blames the people. You do here, One saying you know what the problem is at the end of world war, two that damn nuke, your weapon? You can you can blame.
The loss, animals project and all the people, but not the bomb, because the bomb was at war. With the japanese, the bomb didn't have an airplane to fly yet the bomb if it could somehow or another sneak its way onto an airplane. It couldn't just me released from the airplane on its own, the bomb didn invent itself so come you're very clear on blaming the people, the evil white people of the united states for the dropping of the bomb when the real culprit there is the bomb. Let me get dummy, take one other thing. Apart, hear this drive me out of my ever loving mind here, cut to a oh see, yesterday,
reality is and how we feel from our countries wounds spreading. He when really What it is like they don't want to be reminded of the heat that exists and if we are willing to confess it just gonna keep These are questions talking about. It is not fair. get it again exciting and exciting, yeah white supremacy is a fact: okay, it's not just a fat. What you're saying is true. You look at rude, f b, I statistics which under we're hate crimes, police statistics which also under even all the institutions that under report crimes still has white supremacist groups as, far by fire in berlin? I yes right! This is true, leading driver, this instrument, terrorism, united state. Yes, it's absolutely
True, and you know how they get there. Now they count terrorist groups and terrorist activities, That include Only the white supremacy groups in prisons So if there is a if there is a Spanish group in prison that is, is having an uprising in prison are killing people in prison. They don't count that kay They don't count that only the white supremacist groups get counted in prison prison for in prison. That's the lie and share of all of those stats. There you see, but white supremacist today are behind most they ve killed me more white supremacist, have killed more people than anybody else. Member that I just came out and yeah. I looked it up, you gotta, look it up. Stooped
it's great europe statistical monster. You love the stereo, oh yeah, oh yeah, that's how they get that number. They count the number of people beaten and killed in prison by white supremacists in prison, So cause that's, usually what you see when you look at the f b. I statistics, for example, eat. What you see is that the biggest victim of hate crimes are Jews yeah right and now now look white supremacists seem to hate pretty much everybody. Oh yeah shrug yeah the anti semitic attacks, don't necessarily come from white supremacist organizations all the time they come from all over the spectrum. and so would be weird I just doesn't seem to add up, but if he, if what you are saying is is accurate, which I'm sure it is about. Is that would certainly Explain quite sure does how can you possibly get there? That was my question. How did they get to that number?
Kid it's incredible now, so we have we ve just debunked the whites premises this nonsense, that she shovelling and everybody in Media is shovelling. Its nonsense spoke, crap first of all, you know it's not true. Can you just know it's, you have lived a life where you can observe so you know that's not true. So the first question should have been: how do you arrive at those stats? Secondly, you also know the gun is not responsible. If. gun was responsible, then, when we had these automatic, where and which are not automatic assault weapons there not assault weapons. That's that why. Why are they assault weapons who them assault, weapons somewhat. They weren't they were. hunting rifles and they were out for sale, the nineteen fifty's
as hunting rifles? Why wouldn't why? We have all these problems back then they were available. Why do we have more people with flint locks, just killing people randomly, even if it wasn't a mass shootings just one. How can we didn't have that? It's not the gun unless the guns, all were so enslaved back then that they were convinced they didn't have the power to shoot. The white oppressor see it's the people. For instance, you don't blame the nuke. You blame the people who have the nuke right. For instance, a lot of anti semites say that Israel shouldn't have a nuke. Well, Israel doesn't claimed to have a new. We all know they do, but they don't clay.
to have any nukes. Is anybody really afraid of Israel dropping a nuclear weapon that there is a greater chance that russia drops a nuclear weapon and what's the problem with nuclear weapons when we weren't when Putin wasn't desperate dying, and vying for global dominate. Who did we have a problem with all those nukes that we're sitting in the silo stocks? We thought there were relatively safe: they wouldn't they weren't in control by mad men, but the laughed Doesn't mind in fact the left is helping iran get a nuke. Now that doesn't make sense. Why would we be encouraging and in our own negotiations with iran making it possible for them to build
a nuclear power plant and to be able to enrich it. Why would we do that when we can't even build power plants here. Why would we do that? Because of politics, politics, I want to share something with you that you don't know most likely whatever happens two persia ray we're happen. Persia right, I mean I know, I know it's modern day iran, but whatever happened to it. When did it change from persia to IRAN? Oh Oh, this is a great story that ninety nine percent of americans don't know that you should- and it's weird because Anybody on the left? That is feeling We should help or just tolerate nuclear weapons in nuclear technology,
oh in iran boy you I have some splain into. Do sixty seconds ramon rights in about his wife's experience with relief factor. He says I order Lee factor for my wife, her pain level has dropped off dramatically. Not only were able to get around, she was able to get around the house easier, but her pain level is so much more manageable. Now, thank you so watch for this product. It's making a big difference in my wife's day to day ability to live a more normal life. Look! Ah I started it and I I didn't think it would work, and I would I, It made a slight in the first three weeks, a slight difference. I didn't think any until I got off it and then I'm like. Oh my gosh, yeah I'll. Take that difference. I was willing to take it just for that difference. I am ninety five to ninety nine percent pain free now, that is wrong, I have my life back, please try it
you're in pain, try relief, factor, dot, com relief, factor, dotcom, take the three week, quick start trial pack aid. the number for relief, eight hundred for relief or relief. Fact dot com feel the difference. Ten second station idea So I ask the question of myself, but persia and google is around, so it's pretty easy to Canada's google search. You know persia Persia was was actually kind of retired So the grand mufti of Jerusalem, the head of the islamic movement back in the nineteen forties, so he could present a gift to hitler. Is he he read
im. He he loved the idea of what hitler was doing. And so he's. He started telling everybody about how great this is. Maybe we could even build some of these concentration camps here, they're gonna, build concentration camps all over the middle east and who convinced to be a really big supporter. Were the people of persia lee The leadership of persia. We have pictures and our vault of the meeting where they act we gave. a ran. If you will as a gift to hitler, you see persia went away because they wanted to rename it something meaningful to show their solidarity with Adolf hitler around translated is area in Adolf hitler. We are your area in nation no less out the p,
Well, that's the leadership that did that the islamic leadership that did that and they formed little little death squads? This is from world war two, if you're watching I'll described to its affairs rien fez, we have a green one and a red one. this was a elite ss muslim unit their main job was to round up and kill the Jews. I didn't know each this stuff. Had you heard this by the way, just add insult to injury. I must say the inside of the fair. I don't know if you can see it here if I can catch the light barely, but it says in pen where it was made dachau.
So now you know that when they say the jew, who will not be able to hide behind a tree or iraq for the tree in the rock will say, quick there's a jew hiding behind me and when they they'll burn in the in the fiery furnace of the islamic fury. And then they say their building a nuclear bomb and they are going to use it first on Israel is at the bottom there we worry about, or is it the people that are using it. If you say you're against weapons of war, as probably the biggest one yet. Do you have the same kind of
seal for nuclear missiles that have been in our ground forever and we're not gonna, use them or russia. Why weren't you out protesting russia when Putin seemed half waste a killer, but halfway saying. and why are you helping ran? Do that because their mad men, who have a story of wanting to eliminate all the Jews, It's in their name aryan, and they say, they're gonna use it. The reason why nobody does this and reason why people are not consistent is because of politics. Even on our own side, your for why person one day, and then they do one. Thing and they're not with their the enemy. Wait a minute wait a minute. Do we disagree
with what that person just did, because they did they ve done stuff. That's really great! Do we? force them to walk in lock, step we shouldn't because that's what the left does you have to agree on every, because it's a religion they can get away with lying cheating and stealing, because their religion says it's good for the collective. If it's good for the ends doesn't matter what we do, it should to us. The world is in a very interesting place. Right now we are in a place where we don't have confidence in really anything and the real replacement theory from Real religion of the left is
ring down all of our institutions and our trust and something has to give here or it will nap in half and I these shootings in what Joe Biden did yesterday with an executive order What he said yesterday about the second amendment might be that breaking point, and I am not so convinced that they I know that my colleague we'll sword, a few things out for us in just a minute stem so back when you have whatever I just got a letter in from Maria she wrote in about rough green. She said glenn after tell you how much I love this product our dog really had bad skin allergies, and we had tried every thing off.
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three three glenn thirty three place gb com, slash Glenn is the place to go to subscribe to. Please tv use the promo code, This is the Glen bag programme, kelly and conway. Coming up in just about a half hour. We haven't studio others now senator glee hello MIKE could be with, you MIKE has put a new book out, we'll talk about it a little bit next week, saving nine, it's all about the supreme court and what they are trying to do the supreme court and why it's so important that they don't win and let's talk about the supreme court, and I want to talk to you through guns and right.
Now we have Biden saying in all the second amendments, not an absolute you couldn't have a cannon, and this was written, I think you could mike- I think you could- on a cannon and you can have you know you can have weapons of war. That's what flintlock was at the time is an absolute or not its absolute with regard to weapons commonly held by law, abiding citizens for lawful purposes. So yet that extends to guns, extent, To most guns, it extends to most knives all knives. As far as I am aware, you have the right to bear arms. This goes back, I mean nearly five hundred years. This was a deeply honoured tradition and is something protected under the english bill of rights ground. for we became a conference. So but wait a minute, so you said you have a right to own a weapon that is legal.
Allowed to be held, will then so. Could congress pass laws that just say, and that would be constitutional? They could say you know what only only six years others are allowed, and I mean you know revolvers will now, because we have a long history and tradition of allowing people to have guns. add commonly held by law abiding persons for lawful purposes peaceful purposes. So if there is an established tradition for that weapon, then you ve got a second amendment mehmet right to it. That doesn't mean that we can't keep away from people who are convicted felons or who have been convicted of a misdemeanor offensive domestic violence or are addicted to drugs or have some other
mental health? Yes, who had been adjudicated incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction? So you have first wall, California, just the night circuit court of appeals just said that their under twenty one gun restriction is unconstitutional, and I know how we can ask somebody who is eighteen to go fight, a war for us with a gun and a lot a day. Dress things and down there life as a citizen for this country. And then, when they come home, if they come home, you know before there are twenty one. They dont have full rights so that citizenship, by the way where they lay down their life for their country, holding their weapon of choice right is a gun, radio. They can be trusted in that context, but not elsewhere its esteemed they are allowed to drive. A car is also a dangerous weapon that can be used, has been used for that and soak yeah. That seems like an arbitrary distinction, and so
Biden has come out and has said that he wants. Something has got to be done. That is really dangerous. Mcconnell has directed at chon corner, to engage with the democrats on a by partisan solution on gun violence. I have no respect left for John Cournand. even though he is from texas, he is no friend of liberty or what it? What is that all about? It's it's hard to say. I dont know that we heard from john corner or from Mitch Mcconnell what exactly We think they want in an active but I'll tell you the sultan, my approach to it. I do think there is some danger in upon reaching a national emergency and responding to it. By saying we need another law, we need another law right now, every tonne government expanse every time it it extent its reach by passing a new law. It undermine.
Liberty in one way or another doesn't mean it's always a bad thing, but it is a bad thing, typically to legislate on d intense emotion in the media aftermath of an emergency, a crisis- that's were bad law happens. So so mike What is coming our way that would do. Do you think this supreme? knows who the leaker was. Yes, I do, I believe, the supreme court certainly has figured it out by now? I believe spring core probably figured out We re in a couple of days who the worries- and I suspect, dont know this, but I suspect what they're doing They wanted to wait until the end of the term until after they dobbs ruling has been announced before airing to the world who it was because that might just add to the confusion, the discussion around it and even my- please or somebody will pay for that. He I I do. I do, I think,
They know who it was, and I do think that that person will have consequences if, as I suspect, it was a law clerk. I think that leclerc, like will likely, will never practice law it. That's not okay to leak confidential and patient, not your own out to the world, and this was very, very sensitive information. I hope somebody sport cassettes? Another problem we have in america right now, people don't trust the system and there's no, there's really not a lot of reasons to trust it. No He seems to pay for crimes, and that's the sad part about this- is that in that case this was one system that still has been trusted. Yes, the supreme court of united states look works and all they they they should plenty of rulings that I disagree with that I dont, like our federal court system, is the best of its kind in the world
and we benefit from it tremendously as americans, because of it when you leak an opinion before it's out trying to impact the outcome of that particular dispute, you undermine the credibility of the court. That's what the left trying to do so, did they and do you think this changed or hardened the stance of this leak hardened the stance of those that were four of you know this, the the the opinion. I hope- and I fundamentally believe that it will hardon the stance of those who had already yeah. I did preliminarily to cast their votes with justice. The leaders masterfully written a binding. So too it was beautiful, is brilliant. Anyone on either side of this issue: should read that opinion, because it is fantastic yeah. So now we have, let me go back again. Because I'm looking at? What's coming building this to the nine
justices that they're gonna wanna pack, the court. We have a couple of cases that are just as strong as road. Mrs weighed in their area? Do we not? We have one on gun rights. We do indeed at new york state right. for a pistol association versus brown. Our case Which I submitted an amicus briefer friend of the court brief very significant issues related to Second, which means is what the argument is: the new york, and I know it because I couldn't get a gun in new york and I had fifteen active threats on my life, the end entire time I was in new york, and you have to prove that You have a need to carry a gun and exceptional late. Yes, you have to prove that you are different
differently situated than most citizens and that you have this heighten need to it. What they're doing is taking a generally applicable right that the founding fathers gave us and said okay. This obviously can be for every one can't even be for most people in fact, we're going to make it only available under exceptional circumstances. It's rather the opposite of a right right. So we have that coming out anything else, it's real controversial that you think they will. There are some admit: critics law decisions coming up that, I hope I suspect, could end up having so bearing on the ability of the executive branch agencies, unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats to make law. Ok but the real the gun one and abortion ill could ignite the streets.
And then also start a push for packing the court. Yes, that's what they do and they glenda that's why I wrote my book: saving nine, which is avail. I have on pre order now he can buy it on amazon, now saving nine. I started writing this over a year ago because I predicted this very thing happening. I started thinking. I realized my gosh. We could end up in a situation by the summer of two thousand and twenty two where row its overturned and in response to that, the left were trying to demonize and de legitimize the court isolate those who have voted for it and they're gonna go back to their tried and true playbook of nineteen thirty seven where they tried to pack the court I explain in saving nine, how it is that this backfires, this backfires on the best judicial system in the world, why? It is that in ninety
thirty, seven. The last time the Democrats tried this. It left a lasting mark, a mark that has caused all sorts of problems in our government ever since then the threat of court packing, even though it didn't succeed, their influence, the court. It harassed and intimidated the port, the court to the point that the court deferred blindly to fdr and changed the law so hefty. Did this, but the Democrats, generally speaking, were against it. It was the Democrats. It were fighting along with the republicans fighting fdr on this. You don't have that croatia now you don't have that situation now and in fact, the very same democrats who have for decades decried court packing their ashamed that their party did. This are now changing, course there now back on board. Look Joe Biden when he was in the senate, called it a bone, headed idea it was a bone headed idea when, after your did it and it would be a bone, had an idea now write his words, not mine route, bitter ginsberg, just a couple years ago before she died,
said. Essentially the same thing democrat after Democrat had said this, but now there ignoring all that now there say, but we have to do in that because the debt I in my opinion, the democrats- are not democrats there more marxist revolutionaries, because this is, once you lose this you're done as a nation. Are you not well yeah? you're done at least as a nation that lives under the rule of law, because in order for the rule of law to work in order for a republican form of government to work in a constitutional republic like ours, you do have to have a neutral, independent arbiter of what the law means. When people disagree as to laws, meaning you lose that if you the court, because the court then becomes a political football, it stops resembling a court and starts to resemble the inner galactic senate in star wars were lessened when it in havana to ride one last thing I want to talk about the durham case. I just talk to
ill bar, and he told some fascinating mine. Scenes stuff that that's a podcast it's out today. and I was really actually angry with him- that we are like whoa aware was, is any had really good explanations for all of it? He said: had that he knew that durham would continue, but we're look king at now the I mean it looks gets tying write directly to Hillary Clinton. I mean it looks bad force us men and end the Clinton campaign. However, the jury is Washington dc there to do There's two Hillary Clinton campaign. I mean it's, it's a very tainted jury Is there anything I mean if the fact
sir there and the jury dismisses it it's over rank. Yes, that is a central feature of our system correct. When a crime is prosecuted, you ve got a jury and the jury makes a decision. The jury's decision is unreliable, so then If they don't pay again, nobody pays for this. What what do you mean? week: how do we? U retrieve? That's it! That's a good question. So true, the jury's decision in that case is unbelievable. That's those are protections we all for the individual is or should be, and I agree with double jeopardy should nap, but when you get a jury that decides not to convict for whatever reason that doesn't mean the facts go away, it doesn't mean the evidence. Isn't there, it doesn't mean the american people can't won't be in shouldn't, be informed by the evidence presented to the jury. We still will have that
I have one more question for you, but I gotta take a quick break back for another moment with MIKE Lee. Name of his book is saving nine. You can get it now. Some decisions are really obvious. Don't ever say that about his unsinkable price you know and if you do say that don't book a third class ticket than this and if you're paying too- to all companies for your phone service switch, switch They offer the same nation wide coverage as the major carriers, so you get the same great service, plus the great peace of mind that your money is combating the After attempt to silence you so don't say, don't don't don't make a decision based on thing, the eu, that you know is not true. This is a obvious decision for you to make stand with the people who offer you great service at a very good price is gonna, say,
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where are we going to actually see a strong report? lincoln senate and house. If you wish Are we going to see people actually standing up or are we going to have more? You know more of turtle face. What's his name mcconnell? Yes, we we are and we are because we have to wait. because we realise this is our people in asia and plans. Are they the there are plans to so my colleague centre rick's got from Florida has come up with a legislative plan. My leg just put the major legislative plan, for if we get the majority focuses first and foremost on passage of the reins act which invests rains act, a very simple thing: it just says our laws, laws that affect the american people have to be passed by people's elected lawmakers, and not on elected on a cannibal bureaucrat I'd like that simple, that
changes every changes. Everything has a spill over effect on everything, bad the federal government does. So I think we should focus on that and make that are pinnacle, achievement and promise. While I, that that also gets into kind of seems spooky things that you know powers that you don't know. The government has right right powers that You dont another government has because the people have never given up that power. Is they ve, never elected? Anyone who gives the or to some nameless, faceless bureaucrat who well well educated, hard, working and well intentioned, doesn't work for you. You can't fire him or her. That would kind of really deeply affect the deep state to wouldn't it absolutely would change everything: ass, brilliant, okay, so elect likely senator liefer Senate dogcart. Thank you. Thank you very much. Like the name of the work, is saving nine senator MIKE lee
lee for senate dot com. This is the line back programme. It is a fascinating podcast and you need to listen. I asked him all the questions that I may think the audience would want to ask and the ones that I wanted to ask, and he did have have a problem answering any of them very frank. Now I don't think he's one of the most popular people with the with the former president, but I I mean there is our next guests. Are we ever gonna be able to talk to donald trump? Ever again, having bill bar on and then on the day that he has a problem with our necks ass he made. I think their relationship is solid. I thought I was pretty good yeah. I know it's been good, but he got really mad yester yesterday I did the aim that yeah, and so you know I don't know if you'll ever talk to us again now, but I am anxious to talk to the kellynch conway. I thought she was very effective. Five sack in what she did.
And I got a lot of questions for her on she's got a new book out five hundred pages, and it's really is really really good, we'll talk to her about some of the things she reveals in that here and just a second step
the when you are about to here, is the fusion of entertainment and enlightened. The program kelly and conway rights in her new book. That is, that is out now
she writes in here's the deal heading to the school year, the followed twenty, two thousand eighteen, all four conway children were thriving. They were with me for, I'm in DC my mom had moved in Thus, to help my core for george was spending the time in new york, at the firm, where he voluntarily went from partner to of of soul role, spending is alone at our house and alpine new jersey, two hundred and forty miles away from DC. The numbers don't lie during time. The frequency in ferocity of his tweets accelerated. Clearly he was cheating by tweeting. and I was having a hard time peter, with his new fling She goes into what those tweets, how they dealt with em, how the president dealt with em kelly, and conway joins.
In sixty seconds, about you, but it really it bob me a great deal when we have to ask people to go out and protect us or protect our country in our name, president, doesn't send them out the cover. doesn't send them out. We send them out, and many times are our own kid is relatives when come back or when they come back catastrophically injured. What is the government doing. Right now. This administration is taking funds from the visa hospital. And sending those funds down to the border, so we have doc. There's down there for all of the people that were letting in across a border. It's our responsibility, did you take care of our veterans. They took care of us. So may I ask
you to join the tunnel to towers organization tunnel, to towers its tee to tee dot. Org I'd like to ask if you would donate eleven dollars a month to tee to tea. They have operation home base which gifts, tiny houses to homeless veterans they every time a veteran a first responder police or fire. They fallen kind of duty, and they have kids tee to tee. comes in and they take the mortgage away. So the family does not have any problems. Financial problems at least take that load off of them too. To tee dot, org step to the played america, because our government is failing us too. Many times tee to tee Dodd or well, it is a pleasure to welcome on the programme the author of her,
here's the deal and former trump campaign manager, former senior counselor to president trump kellyanne conway, hello, kellyanne. How are you I'm wonderful, Glenn Beck and thank you for having me huh bet. If you hear your voice in person, yeah thank you, and so I had. I have to our cause. This is the I mean, I'm sorry, but this is the thing that I've always wondered at you in here. Husband? Are you like James carville in and mary Matlin? Now, when I and I know I'm glad you asked a question as other people to write it and they presume it. That's not what this is. He was never a Democrat working against my republican presidential candidate. That would be James carvel, who helped make though Quintus career, Mary madeline, very smart. We
public and tragic, to work for the bushes and others. In this case, a george and I both for a single mind that donald trump had to beat Hillary Clinton and become president of the united states. George was incredibly supportive, even helpful calmly. The campaign may nice, after leaving his own job, a few blocks away from trump tower, and I right in the book this new book. Here's the deal when great be treed, great fathers. They give it at folks. I write there very explicitly that people say without kellyanne. Conway donald trump would not have been elected in two thousand, and sixteen that's debatable. But what will never be in doubt is that without george conway kellyanne conway could not have been the campaign manager in this closing months of twenty. Sixteen to the extent I was, he encouraged, if not insisted me to take my shot, he was the george was the only person I told in the hours after
as MR trump offered me, the campaign management job and he said kellyanne you're doing this. He can actually win with you and I'll help out more at home and he did, and so people just need to know the facts in georgia and I had something else in common and not just as parents of these four one four children going back, but we had in common that we both accepted big jobs in the administration- everyone as it might have. They saw me out there again and again, but george had accepted a position. In a nomination as the head of the civil division of the. U s of justice, that's a big job, and he did that. Now he changes and about donald trump. This is america. We can all see that going back. You can change your mind about donald trump, about politics, about what you're, having for dinner, whatever it is, but to do it in such a public away, was so not george and was so not helpful onto his wife. Normally, what why did he feel it was necessary. You say it wasn't like him. What can you get into that
Why did he feel it was so necessary how I think people who chain their mind about donald trump and people who are already congenitally afflicted with trump derangement syndrome, for which there are no therapeutics novak seen may look around there. Certainly isn't they feel duty bound to express that publicly because they ve find an immediate and equal lever. Sefer is hungry audience in so doing, but, as I put in my book, you know I missed the privately brilliant george conway, not publicly bombastic bombastic one that he had become, and I listen george is a very smart. Can you graduate a harvard at twenty graduated yale school twenty three made partner at the premier law firm enough, city. At thirty unheard of in these days after five years, only unheard of in an he's been married. For many decades we have four children together. What what? What does all comes down to I don't understand what was happening. The reason I call it cheating by tweeting is because of how he was spending time. So if you have a side, peace,
have a mars. The italians and my family, you time at my family, did I mean, if you had a you know, you have a mistress, you're spending time without her. And thinking about her and meeting with hurried being with our and they pretended he would return to sell. This was very similar in that this is concerned an awful lot of his time and his attention, and you saw what happened. George Conway he may folk hero, but actually kelly and Conway's husband did I put in the book quantitatively that he was referred to as kellynch conway's hussar routinely, which tells you all you need to know about what their real motive was, particularly those beginning months, if not years, which was to try to take it to mean to try to put division between donald trump and made to try to get me to quit. My job was good at my job loved my job. I love my public service job and I was darn good at it and I was very focused on it and I think the media who never knew who, whose job he knew at the job of it.
media gwen, is, in my view, to get the story, but they took it upon themselves to get the president and those around him, his family members, his senior staffers and their families, and they couldn't get enough of kelly, Conway's, husband I just have two has just one quick, follow up question cause you right in the book that vodka came to you and gave you. I think two names of marriage councillors. you guys, went what it once you guys are married in. It are things better in our. We did not go, but the only you didn't not girl, and I thought you said that you give you names, and he said yes, one, that's right. He said no to war and then he sort of shrugged at the other- and we never went the way I look at it- is that that it wouldn't be so public about something so private, except it's important to Oh, that I take my marriage veils very serious. I have always been faithful to them and when I said forever, I meant it and dumb and it was very nicely bianca trump who- and I put in a book.
and that you know I I was talking to her about something else. Our offices were right next to each other in the west wing. On the second floor, I called the cool kids wearing white house counsel's office me Johnny Destefano, DINA Powell, at avon In amerika a prosperous and I and I she was very new values, a very nice person- very gracious, very kind, and she gave it to me and oppose it she knew. I was open to receiving it and she said: listen. I've got lots of Democrats in my family. I know how this goes and these are making things harder for all of us and it was very nice of her, but we never wet, and I the the reason I talk about it is. I think that um, if George wanted to do that, he would have done it because that's the way, he's BC the way he spends his time. He did exactly what he wanted to do. So I want to make very clear right now, as I made clear in the book, because I know it gets manipulated, is that george does I owe loyalty and fealty to donald trump or to the president, the united states, or to a political party or to this or that the vows were to me. So if he wanted to change his mind, he can do that. This is america
but changing his mind about me and that job after we moved our family there, together with the kids, a new schools except the jobs, even when he took his name out of contention. I see yes, how out of contention forty civil division of the us depart injustice: justice when he put out a state not on twitter, but he wasn't much. It will treat your then put out a statement saying. Mr president, thank you for this wonderful opportunity and, of course, ice support your administration and the work of my wonderful wife. Couple days later, We set out his first tweet I put in the book. That's sean spicer, then the press secretary is coming toward me in the east room and he said: did you know about this and he's showing me a tweet that apparently came from George conway? I have an entire chapter in my new book. Here's the deal glenn that says but george doesn't tweet and that's exactly what I said. I said that can't be true that he doesn't tweet, that's a fake account and then- and we all know the rest is history. Ok, so you don't you you mention that of anchor was very gracious to you and that
the one thing that I don't think that now we're comes out about the president as well. His children are very, very gracious, but he is incredibly good. Issues and warm in person. It's like he's like a different person, when he's not on, you know he's not on stage is, do I have read write of him. You have it absolutely right, and I know that you ve had contact with him, see you notice to betray you ve, had your invitation to temper and more than a few a glen. It is absolutely true and if Donald trump was not a good boss, let alone a good boss to women or a good boss to working mothers of which they were men, in the white house, I wouldn't work there. But I do that he was a great bossy, very warm and I think Donald trump will never get full credit for something is ever ass. Credit, for
how many times he trance positively transformed people's lives by picking up the phone by making a call by making his private jet available back in the day by rigid. Just connecting people need opportunity and- and he never really- you know he doesn't brag about that any more than the people who would run around in the coms department thing I think he's gonna do go. Do it off the record ice cream star with your nine grandchildren and they wore. Why would I do that? I enjoy them in private. In other words, he he's very often take that way. Any very warm ungracious, an epa Hillary Clinton, I've written a book. Hillary Clinton acknowledged as much in a debate in one of the debates and twenty sixteen one each of them trump and hilary were asked about the other day. Something nice about the other complement the other and her compliment of him was, I don't agree with that. most things, we disagree on everything, but he has raised a really great kids, adult kills trend and then look what happened on. They went after them still do, but
But it absolutely is true and look it's a measure if we could all be remembered. As for our kids, I think that's wonderful. I I said when you know when Daughter, quartier she's only twelve was didn't, want to move to washington and of the fourteen. I say as a poster if you get seventy five percent agreement on something you really win But as a mom, you basically need to get close to one hundred percent agreement, so I need all four kids on board and she was really the hold out and I really feel for her and she's great kid great kid, and now almost a woman, Claudia is you know somebody even the washington post is doing a profile on me and they said well, we saw. Quartier com is only with a change that or petitions stop. The comic gives removing to DC. Without about. I said what we she's honest. They said the rest of account, the rest of the country, I often pretend I'm a revolutionary, I'm a change, my grandmother, as they go to my dolls? Every night order number three but you know at least she admits that she she at least she admits. She wants things to stay the same and not move, and they said well. What do you say to her? I said I
Well, she said mom, I don't wanna, go to DC and be noticed. Kellyanne, conway sorta and I say guess what you cure: cancer and I'll be known as Claudia conway's, mother, neil and that's very true, and for donald trump. You know he raised great kids were all trying to raise great kids Most is the one most wonderful contribution can make to society. It is I mean I am, I know, that's the one thing I knew. The whole time was that his kids loved him and at the end, I'm not sure my kids would walk through that wall of fire they They never abandoned him at least publicly and the idea, I doubt They they agree on everything, but maybe just me and are not asking for him for inside information we're talking to kelly and conway she, It has a brand new book that is out now we're going to spend more time with her here in just a second. If you want to pick up the the book, it's called here's the deal,
by kelly and conway. It is out now, wherever wherever you order, your books or get your books from back and sixty seconds? First imagine the day you wake up and your money is gone needs worthless well Let me bring this. Let me bring this up to something that, because that probably at some point will happened to your dollar, but you're done is now worth what seventy percent of what it was worth just a decade ago. losing value its Prices are necessarily going up on. Something's prices are because of the demand, or the I don't know, lack of supply, but lot of. This is cause just because you're dollar is worth less, please all I want. I don't I don't need to make money. Of my money. I do. I just don't know where to put it, I d,
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and conway after station. I d, I want to get into some some of the things that you have said in the book. Special about you on paper fuel, and I want to talk about that. But first, can we clear up one thing there were present and trump was mad you less land mad at you last night, because You said that something like ie you aren't going to win. I dont know if you're gonna win and you told him that- and he said you didn't tell him that now said that had a bunch of twenty somethings in his era who pronounced screaming headlines from who he considers to be the fake media and they print out the headlines say: kellyann says trump lost.
A donald trump who said he lost in the rig documentary, he's sitting with dave, basi and says, and we lost he's explaining how that happened. It was rigged, etc. But no, what I told him was that he had every right to see. You have to read the book to actually understand that one needs to read the book and the twenty somethings around him aren't going to read. They just read social media all day and I'm you know, people who aren't close to him like I am feed his brain and go ahead. I dunno. If you want to talk about it. I talked about a little bit yesterday in a podcast, but I was presented today's friday. I was presented Wednesday night. What the president was going to put out that night about me and my book and it was highly complimentary selling people to go, buy the book.
she's a great as america, first mag all the way. We may have to do this together again, so I think, for the first time he's allowed somebody to really try to get between us getting his head. I'm so I told him he came up short, meaning be you'd, do not produce enough evidence by december, fourteenth correct in the electors were going to certify the election, and I also told them in a six weeks in between he had every right to do what hilary done AL gore and others, which is go, find that evidence go showed this date would yet there is theft, fraud, malfeasance, and I think that in fraud, where the wrong way to start, because if you start with crimes your giving yourself this year, you need to bear this very high, evidenced and you'll. Never do it in before we start out with word here and crazy stuff, look at this. They won't let our they won't. Let by parties and they want, but our people went to watch them count about date. Would look ito? Look at the zoo, I mean his one point. Four billion dollar campaign couldn't put zoom in a ring cameras in the back alleys of though the voting places there
There are invasion of privacy in every neighborhood. So I also and very critical of this twenty twenty campaign, because we did not have the one point: four billion dollars they had in twenty twenty and twenty sixteen we had hunger swagger creativity, a candidate willing to go everywhere. Not talk about grievances, talk about policy, a man who elevated issues like immigration, in trade in into the public consciousness and did something about it, so he just as people. I am sad to I'm sadie sad to see it, but I am so I know I'm very comfortable with who I've been to him and what I've done for him you over a number of years, and now he is supported me too. I didn't I d. I honestly. I dont think that he's that this I didn't get the impression that at your relationship with him was gonna, be in trouble. Maybe errors they maybe there was a disagreement, but I am glad to hear that that is the case. The the election I talked to bilbil
Yesterday I did a podcast with him. That's out now and in it he said pretty much the same thing? Look after the after december fourteenth it the constitutionally. That's it that's it and he said you can to build that case, and I said so: did you lookin all these things. He said he I looked into all of them. He said, but those things have to be decided by states unless there is clear fraud- and I said you didn't think there was- clear, fraught? He said not in the time that it would take to make that Some try that case. He said that that's what they should be. Doing now is looking at all of these things and if they can find them and and verify them. Then it should go to court, but he's like there. There was
nothing. You could do at that point. Do you agree with that? Well, I wasn't there, but it sounds reasonable to me in so far as nothing ever happened. The way he does as he describes, meaning he's saying, here's what could have been done to send it back to this state or that state, and it wasn't done so. I think the people calling the president on a daily basis who didn't I'd have access to him who resort to shut out of the white house or who were the heat, really rely upon them for very much in those four years. They are the ones feeding his brain. This is a day it is going to change in georgia. This is the day we're going to get a favorable court decision and it's not happening. So I think that December fourteenth was the key date There were other people, think we january a key date and here's why? Okay hang on justice more with chile and conway magazine back programme
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we glenn dot com go there now prepare with glenn dot com Those who know what's coming are using today to prepare. Are you please, tv com, slash Glenn is the place to go to subscribe, to believe tv use the promo code glenn to save ten bucks This is the Glen back programme. There is a new book out that I urge you to to get. If you really somebody who is telling you the frank truth and really it's a start, just an insight look of the last few years that we ve all lived. It is a look at a very powerful woman who has defied
the odds and has become the first woman to manage a success full presidential campaign. So you don't hear about that if she were on the left that would be everywhere but she's on the right, so Kelly, and conway. Has the new book out called here's the deal and she is continuing with us here for a few more minutes and I've got so much to ask you. Maybe we can do a podcast kelly and at some point, but damn I want. If I want to make sure I cover The! U s a woman before You use you start. The book was saying you know on paper everything about. May I should have been very liberal and democratic, a feminist, but you, you went in a dish direction, but europe fairy powers, for woman and wind Chris
in blasi ford. We start to go after cavenaugh. Can you talk about that little bit in and what happened there. Yes, it was really fast because, as you know, as we all should remember glenn during the cabinet hearings, the hearings were done. He had submitted himself to the judiciary committee. Maybe Herodias is in harrison the world treated us to m of vision, of their heads because they are always looking down at reading notes. Other people write, I memorize the tops of their heads the way they part their hair and we had other questions being I believe Lindsey graham, was the chairman of the judiciary committee at the time, and I had a conversation with him on the sunday night when the story broke, and I spoke with president trump as well just to get my arms around the facts and what the process would be and chairman, graham at that time, told me, look we're going to give her the privacy and community can testify from California. She doesn't need to come here and make it a spectacle. She went there made his spectacle, but she had
Her day in court, as it's called, she was able to testify under oath in front of the judiciary, committee and so did cabinet, and then there was a vote. There were dozens, I think dozens of F b, I investigations and supplemental investigations and and fairly and squarely he became an associate justice of the I say to bring court, but the christine lousy ford. Testimony to having me out there in the present one in need to be out there at that time was critical because I famously said she won't, be ignored. She won't be insulted. I knew she was going to be able to testify Then I ain't blurted out that I dunno somebody would more talk about consciously that I blurted out cheek capra that I too had been a victim of sexual thought. I regretted it. Said that it blurted out. Nobody really cared today because something unjust alone just like that was not something that was an accident that just came out. Totally as it was coming out of your mouth, what were you thinking? I said I carefully. I just said this is his pre tape,
can we get that out of there, but it was live tv and he said: oh, he didn't know that, and he said I'm so sorry for you and I said well, I'm just sick of the the pr the another words for me that person is responsible. I'm trying to get glenn back to break having a mickey mouse are not responsible? In other words, it's that persons has stopped making everybody responsible- and I regretted saying it because a it's very private, but I also I'm jake tappers. I wrote in the book how he showed compassion, which is very nice when you said I'm so sorry to hear that, can I have never heard you say that before and then literally the next things out of his mouth was, but you work for a guy who's been accused have you know, in other words, it's always, but trump is the end of the sentence, but I think in the case of bazi ford, she was wronged, but there's there was not enough evidence that it had been bright capital, and so I'm, I think that everybody got to see those hearings, respect
became an you know like when I think people should realise. I wrote about this in a book, and I said this to president tromp. I have left the white house already on my own tour terms, my own time line in a out late august, twenty twenty, but I was put back in four debate: bread and the one thing I said and was don't forget its Joe Biden, who has politicized the united states supreme court confirmation process, key started with clarence, thomas He was the chairman of the committee thirty years ago, thirty one years ago and when thomas was was up for this spring court vacancy and before that you had answered. Scalia had been him firm sunday like ninety six to nothing mind each nothing. You add ruth beta Ginsburg confirmed ninety six to three glenn and then here comes Joe Biden politicizing, and I think it racist way, challenging by challenging clarence thomas who then, and then saying this is a high tech, lynching. So it's here
I did that and I I like pointing out the conflict between Senator Biden and president Biden, because there are many but um look, there's no question it helped to have, if you, spokeswoman, sobbing and very strong, held and very strong show both compassion for the woman who I knew was gonna get testify with. Let's hear her, and then let's hear less here the cabinet whose opening stables one for the ages by the way senators, in collins, heartfelt heartfelt explanations, why she was going to vote in favor of brett kavanaugh's nomination to the united states supreme court. Go pull it up. It's as good as a senate speech will ever see her explaining why she's going to vote for him and part of it
she was satisfied in the with the investigations and with the fact that the country- and, of course the u s and the judiciary committee- had had the opportunity to ask the question. But look at dolphins legacy has many great things in it, one that really stand tall. In my view, our judges and the judges will the people's judicial appointments. Often many them out, live the president himself and what he did to the Jews to transform the judiciary. The number of vacancies that obama left present obama left left for president, but try to fill were really eye popping and he took advantage of that and put great men and women in there who don't think the constitution is a piece of paper time. I talk all about then a book. I also talk about how his list of twenty one judges that he would nominate to the united states supreme court. Having that,
to real men and women that you can go and research and look at it was determinative predicary. After the access of hollywood tape bit praise promo promises that list of twenty one judges that he would not do to the supreme court when he was giving people received beforehand, and it may be different heller d- of a sort hilary? He called her out of extremists on abortion at that time, and I mean twenty sixteen debate europe each year. an abortion, you would rip be the abbots mothers, women our before its born that, coupled with her, using two even name a name that you upon a supreme court allowed us to radical either as we are approaching the mid terms. I think, What happened in georgia sent a message that I would hope that the president would here is heeds. He has knocked out of the park with all of his endorsements all over the country, except to
that were very important to him. I think personally in in georgia, and I think, because these same republicans that voted for camp, the the and people voted for, audrey taylor, green and an eye I think that was a message from the republicans we still. We want fighters, but we don't want to fight over the past is that to the message that you got. Do you think the president the can, here that if he runs again are and we re litigating every thing of the past or what he be able to look to the future. The twenty twenty election
major feature of most of the present communications, his tv appearances, his social media post on his the some of his private conversations. He he believes that he was seated in twenty twenty and I think that movies, like rigged by day, bossy, insist and united do lay bear some of the questions that remain an irish never happen again. by greg fox. All of that I mean there. There are so many improvised. I think what happened in two thousand and twenty though, as I told them, was it's one more game of whack, a mole I said to him on the phone. This is not bush. Vs gore and mister president, I lived through that was part of that. Isn't not bush vs gore, because there that was about hanging chads in one state, really Glen, two or three counties when you got down to it. So it's just much much cleaner, a question of law and counting the votes in two thousand and one after twenty twenty he had I'm opportunities and evidence of malfeasance in improprieties, and even if it were nine ten different faith they were pursuing, and I do think that will never know
I say in the book we'll, never know which apparently people around him can't just read and tell him what's in there. They just have to show him screaming headlines m and- and so I write in the book- will never should we know the full story of twenty twenty and I dont understand my half the countries and control about it and the other car after the country which includes all the mainstream media, one our complete, in curious about it. I know you'd know every american should demand that we have transparent hearings on all of us not to do say Joe Biden is not the prisoner is the present just so it doesn't happen again. We never have this kind of doubt again in are in our voting systems. And there I think, that one of the loudest voices for that for what you just said is donald trump keys, the latins credible voice on me. I never have this happen again. He does say that, but I think what people want is a road map, a blueprint of what is it. I can never happen again and have like four five specifics and
can rattle them off? I mean I rattle them off of my book. I read off in the book the the questions that remain. I think pennsylvania is a very good case study in that and look we, we sort of know who won the. Us republican primary. Their states can't do what vermont, ohio and florida did in two thousand and twenty gwen count. The damn votes that comment ahead of time have them ready and then add them to the day of voting and tell us that night who won, unless it's a very close race as it seems to be in pennsylvania, and it goes to automatically tell us who won. Why has election day become election trimester Election sees an election period. Its wedding day is graduation dates. Retirement age a day is committed to something it's important to you in your life. We need to get back to that with the exception, of course, for absentee voting for folks, but if eating one one thing the president could really say- and I told him this because he be a very strong and credible voice on this- is to talk about how, whatever the covert compelled measures
were in twenty two funny that I do think screwed him in many ways been wherever the cove and compelled voting measures were in twenty. Twenty is a right. My book make sure they shall become permanent you're becoming I'm in many states by my own look at illinois. It's crazy! That's where it and that's where anything that went wrong where wrong. How so is he going to run and Does he have a cause? I know he has the answers. Does he have the discipline to lay out a course. America's role really only gonna care about the economy and there security and their life, their money, you know the irony is people are really hurting right now. The irony that the cruel irony is lots of the trump voters, seventy four million in two thousand and twenty record number for any sitting, president by far twelve million more than he got the first, so there isn't doozy as him of course, they're the ones really hurrying rate outline they're, the ones
I mean. I know a lot of america's hurting hurting under the policies of this. This is crack up it. Joe Biden, Kamel Harris man made disaster of a white house administration, but I think that the present wants to talk about the past. He should compare that policies that he had they kalisz merrymen, brought forward to what Joe Biden is doing now. It is such a simple contract and people are making that interest in their everyday conversations are saying they're not just saying I think it could be better will be better where america, where resilient it was better, not that
long ago. How do we get back? What do I need to do so? If Donald trump wants a rematch with Joe Biden, many people would love to see that and it would need to be on policy, and I think if he wants to talk about the elections, he should say. Folks here are the five things we have to do to make sure these ten things never happen again. If he does that it's gold I'd love to see justice, I loved, when his tweets were about m that that they had a blueprint or roadmap policy. I love to see that on the street social or his next a tv appearance, because people will listen to that and they will see that what we need from him. I mean here's, a guy who transformed american politics, and I am just thrilled. It is the honor of my older professional lifetime to have worked in the white house to have been his campaign manager and twenty sixteen to have had that relationship. I have had this relationship for many years, but I tell you when he took issues like immigration and trade that were mired in single digits if at all, in the polling
an elevated them and then follow through on those in the white house. That's what we need from our presence, as we know, from our leaders and relaxing the sorely, but people are waiting for him to say that they really are tell you, I'm conway. The name of the book is here's the deal form a campaign that is a former What's so what's a secondary line in this book, I'm sorry killion about me put in Title has been known or no. If here's the deal. Oh no, I don't have a secondary line. That's it! That's the elegance of it. Other people have different names in their titles or something anyways, just a memoir. Here's the deal I just and you know what it is: kellyanne conway you can type it in it's a great beach. Read it's a great father's day. Gift you'll want to see it. It's a listen to Glenn. Unlike these other people who slink away in shame work or were for the white house, her fired, I didn't write a tell all and bore most
I very rural, very, very vulnerable here I dont divulge on private, embarrassing information about other people, but I'm very candid also. I think people I know the story behind the story and how to look forward what happens to the seventy four million trump pence voters who were not in the capitol on January six, what happens to those who took a chance on Joe Biden because they think, oh, he was brock obama's vice president and he's not trump or what happens to them. If you look at all the polls right now, there's a natural big attrition away from Joe Biden go back How does he writes that? Go back to an american first candidate, kelly and conway? Thank you so much had loved a heavy and for a pod cast view. Just have such great look on everything past and future Killion conway The name of the book is here's the deal estate agents. I trust there are decent real estate agents out there, and then there are. Then there are the agents, come from real estate agents. I trust this is my company these people don't work for me. They don't work for my company. We
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state agents, I trust, dotcom com back, joined the conversation. Eight eight. Seventy seven be easy, This is the Glenn Beck program so it is The it's the weekend I have a very early, showing the only when I could get into of gun now. Nice, corn, with my wife and like for the afternoon, does as I get it, why you don't see it this weekend. They think it might set the record for memorial, moral back, I'm so excited for this item. You, and can I just ask it to tom- bruce kind, a piss you off a little bit. I mean at his age,
he's still one of the coolest guys alive now and can seemingly do everything. Okay, god slowdown on the Tom cruise thing where he had to slow down. This is the Glenn Beck program.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-28.