« The Glenn Beck Program

Two Trials in the Senate | Guests: Sen. Ted Cruz & Bill O’Reilly | 1/24/20

2020-01-24 | 🔗
The Senate impeachment trial trudges on, and Sen. Ted Cruz gives a firsthand perspective. But the Republicans have a “secret weapon”: Adam Schiff and the Democrats have made Burisma and Hunter Biden not only relevant, but critical to their whole case! Glenn believes there are two trials going on – against Trump and against the truth. The media is fabricating lies out of thin air, and Congress is using our tax dollars to spread them. Bill O’Reilly breaks down Biden’s corruption so anyone can understand and runs through this week’s biggest stories: Tulsi sues Hillary, Trump heads to the March for Life, and the Australian fires aren’t as big as they seem. Also, Stu has a real problem with the New York Times’ impeachment timeline.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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relief factor its natural way to reduce the inflammation and seventy percent of people who try it see. Massive results were dot com. Dotcom, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four relieffactor factor dotcom The one, the only Senator TED crews has a few things to say about the impeachment process. And he joined us in one minute is therefore in that programme
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Are you no good? I want to talk about your new podcast on this every day, you're distilling, all of the things that you are, but I also want to ask you personally, I can't take this it's just relentless going over the same quota, unquote over and over and over again and the lies. What is it like to Just sit there say anything and not have any distractions? is this like for you, Well it. It has been pretty relentless your your rights that that the House Democrats, their strategy, has apparently been dented just be so redundant. To repeat the same things over and over and over again and an end to try to I get bore the american people to death is a strange strategy. I've never seen anyone try a case by repeating the same point. Hundred times and playing the same video clip a hundred times, but it's what they're doing
and they got a lot of data. We start today at one p m again and then, and they have another. But another nine hours left of their twenty four hour opening argument. So so at least that will be done by the sea. Has there been any thing that has opened anybody's mine and went now wait a minute hang on. I didn't know that would do they have Any good points. Look I think there had been Oh man, I will say Adam shift that they talented trial lawyer. Really he has done here, is a factor of walking through information. Now it is time to get, gets, condescending and begin lecturing people, and I think that
much less effective, but what are you not on its high horse he's a dozen effective job, a walking through through various fact now he ignores the other side completely ignores the counter arguments and and I'll tell you ethic yesterday was a very consequential day because yesterday that the house managers effectively through Joe Biden under the bus and animals they did intentionally or not, but the reason they did so with a double down and what they had started doing on the first day of arguments which is making the case their entire case now is based on the proposition that therein zero evidence that justifies investigating Maurice. My brief was going crazy and natural gas company, on whose board Hunter Biden, Joe by some sad, was paid a million bucks a year and their whole case now is based on the proposition that that,
that it was that there was an investigation in a brief man was a fraud, a sham. It was bogus that it was completely without merit and the only reason anyone might want of it wanted to investigate. Borri smoke is because of improper political motives, because Joe Biden would be the president's one of his possible opponents and twenty twenty. As you know, and you ve done some. Reporting on this plan that proposition that their zero evidence to atone light breeze, but is utterly and completely absurd, and so I am looking forward Saturday when, when the prevalence lawyers, what will begin presenting his case, because what the Democrats have done is they have opened the door to this, and I hope that that that the president's lore what wars will stand up and systematically lay out the case glad you mentioned I lodged at
pop gas. The podcast is verdict with TED crews and what I'm doing it every night when this thing in the event of an end to the morning, I'm heading over to the state, the doubling the truck getting a studio and recording it that night. Typically within the hour, my thoughts, my assessments by the half hour each night and last night's podcast that we recorded just after midnight went through system equally. Here is all of the overwhelming evidence of corruption from very small that any president not only had the authority to investigate, but the responsibility. Yes, at the gate and and that, ultimately, as why, rather from its gonna be equated at the other. This brought, so you Mew made quite a statement. The other day you said: hey, they just open themselves up for Hunter Biden. Being a witness tell me tell me, because you mentioned it in, I think wednesdays, Podcast, the Euro, the republican secret weapon, tell me what
What you mean by that, and how will you see this playing out so set so the phrase open the door to its afraid, you'll, see trial lawyers and then litigators often make reference to. What it means is what one side makes an issue contested makes any issue important to their case. It opens the door then, for the other side to bring in the reputation of that. So when they stand up yesterday, the house figure, stood up absurdly and argued for for about an hour that there's no reason at all to investigate Brisco that opens the door to well here all the reasons, and that means they ve been arguing Hunter by this completely irrelevant to this case. Well, the house managers have, though, through through their arms
that's made made hundred by not only relevant, is only relevant but critical now because their cases based on they, they built the entire case like a house of cards or the proposition that did that bet that there was no reasonable basis to Esther Gate, berries, mended and that that's just observed. So I haven't heard the Europe your podcast, yet on burry spent everything else it, but you tie end the fact that what was his name color of color shy I can remember his name, but the the head guy of berries by as also the head guy of private bank and the money was going through going through bereavement to provide bank and then it all appears, I mean it's the same guy and and they're doing an investigation now already in yes there, but there the ukrainian oligarchy
but who has been investigated as an asset seized for money laundering, and Joe Biden was right in the middle of this energy around, but not enough people cross country now Joe Biden Right the banks are becoming was proud of that. He threatened the hold up a million dollars in Ukrainian than inform loan guarantees on unless and until Ukraine fired the prosecutor that was investigating Maurice Button company that was paying his son a million dollars a year on Albania. Is he so. I mean he also claims that there was an investigation going on at the time and we have the court. He means to show that it was filed and we also have inside State department memos. We there. They are, They are notifying and saying,
there's an investigation starting. What should we do blah blah blah? I mean we know they knew. There was an investigation going on and hunt Biden was one of the targets when Joe Biden sat down and said you gotta you. You got up you got a fire, this corrupt prosecutor, so there there entire case is built on really. I dont know how to say it other than this lies to verify. Able lies, but that is exactly why you know. Last night, after the show I tweeted out a timeline my my twitter handle. At TED crews, and you can see the timeline if you want to look at one document. The just lays out some of the key facts that played out and then the time line is damning? If you want to understand what happened, you just look at the time line of the keeper
and is everything played out it it it it. It appears clear on his face that bridge mom was vice President son cuz. They wanted to curry favor. They wanted the vice president to help him out, and it sure looks like Joe Biden was, was in on the deal and had more than hell. Why? Because he delivered everything they want, so the the thing with the witnesses wooden John. What are your thoughts on John Bolton and the whistle blower and hunter by any of this gonna happen? So I dont know I act. It's an open question it. It's not clearly the way it's gonna play out Ass managers have another day of opening arguments. Today the president's lawyers have up to three days. They have Saturday they have Monday, they have Tuesday if they could
If they want to take it, I removed they'll take all three days. We then move it to questions from Senator sixteen hours of questions from senators. We don't ask them directly. Instead, we write them out and the chief justice asked them for us at that point. There is a scheduled boat and, and the Senate will vote on whether or not it is an order to subpoena call additional witnesses and additional documents. Fifty one senator say now we know that we got plenty. We got all. We need to decide this, then it's over then we'll move directly to final judgment will vote and the president will be acquitted because the house managers have proven their case and they have met the constitutional standards for crimes Mr me, ok, so TAT. Let me out, let me ask you this because there's two trials going on, and I want you to take off your lawyer hat for a second and end. Even your political had the president, if he is, if he is indeed not guilt,
which I believe he's not end and he should not be removed. When one the case, lawyers? sit down and not its role. The dice you ve won the case, close it However, there is another trial going on, and that is this. I sat down with stew and I was I was going over yesterday's impeachment hearing and I I said to Stew I have no faith if this is what this government can do to the President of the United States. Get away with it? What then, if he is even if he is voted to remain in office, I don't have any trust in our judicial system. I have no trust in our system. Can you make sure that the american people, he had as a fair trial. And and do enough to hear from people that on both sides are like. Well, I wouldn't mind hearing from that person without, urging the other side, which is the legal side of hey. What, while
Many doors he's one well, I think the Senate has already done much much better than House and in the house did a one sided partisan show tat they would own. They only allowed witnesses for the prosecution they would not allow the White House to call witnesses but allow the White House Cross, examined evidences with it. It was a Kangaroo court was was only prosecutor should witnesses allow. The Senate has already done much better we're in the middle of giving giving the house manager twenty four hours only presented
haste to argue. It argued ad nauseam. They bear argued it. A thousand different ways to Sunday were going to give the president that same opportunity. The first opportunity, the president, has had to argue his case where respecting due process, it were word holding a fair trial, as is our constitution responsibility. I hope what happens with. I hope the president's lawyers due to factors job making this case laying out the defence. I died, pulled president's lawyers aside last night and urge them they need systematically walk through less of the process. But the substance make the case why the president is innocent and, I think, bereaved what is right and centre and so set. So what I walk through the pot cats last night about the evidence of corruption breeze. My I encourage the boy.
Walk through that play. The clips play the clap of Joe Biden bragging among ports in Ukraine. Pressuring you create a fire, the prosecutor. He admits it out of his own mouth, you don't you directed to infer that he did that. He admits that make that case and an end once that cases babe there, one or two paths will go down. If fifty one sided or say you know what we ve got enough to decide that that it's fine in your right once you ve done your case, you don't have to do any more I'm. So I'm perfectly fine without outcome say we ve got enough. Let's move to judge but about not guilty and equip bread. On the other hand, I look. I can't control had the other ninety nine senators about forty seven senators. All of the Democrats will vote for more witnesses because they want to fishing expedition or, as they know, they have a groove. Their cakes here is at least possible that poor Republicans will join them. There are several republicans but have talked about joining them. The pace that I'd naked
to the other Republicans editors. I've said: listen. If we go down the road of witnesses. There are the minimum. We can't be unfair and partisan like the house was. We need to respect the principle of reciprocity. That means if the prosecution gets a witness, the defence get to witness of the prosecution gets. God Bolton said the fence gets caught her by men, and I think there is widespread agreement among the republican conference that we will do that which babe it's either over next week with final judgment acquittal, or this thing is going on for potentially weeks or months, but we're gonna get we even ahead at which means will get to hear from these defence witnesses vows Democrats would allow just by Senator TED crews. You can follow him at Senator TED crews and I have a verdict, podcast outcome, but jets different than what you said. What is the bird verdict thought best not down,
great answer so solid it it's nice to see that people are paying attention for substance, which would you put out every day as well, and that is why your lesters become about three days ago. It has already become one of the top ten in the world drink answer. So so it is it's nice to see that people are paying attention for substance, Would you put out every day as well, and that is why your listeners becoming back? Thank you very much TED, I appreciate its verdict: podcast dot com he recalled right after the trial ends every night in the middle of the night verdict: podcast dot, comrades, thirty minutes well, worthier time. Thank you. So much tat are coming back. One minute from the coast in from border to border. The spirit of the cowboy flows through Americans veins real Arrogance really understand the cowboy it's a cowboy contract, it's a handshake. It's looking in the eye and say no, I'm gonna do this and it's done knowing that you're not gonna cut corners. That's what it me
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repair and remember, enter the promo code back at check out to Clovis West goods for your frontier. We break for ten, again station Eddie for TED crews, to say that to you, the timeline and their case all falls. Apart is really an understatement. It's it's what what the house has presented is so dishonest. Lastly, there should be another investigate and trial on the these guys should lose if they are attorneys. They. Did lose their licence the never seen anything like it and the press is falling in line. Remember Joe Biden,
dead yesterday had fallen line still giving we saw yesterday here we should go through this whole thing: vs baby, they just came out and did exactly what the biting campaign. Ask them to do you mean just the paragraph in this is Mister up has consistently suggested without any evidence that MR by pushed to remove a ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating bereavement. Now. You can say all sorts of things about this, but the fact that the EU would argue that there isn't any evidence when the man is on video saying he did exactly. This Mention breeze, however, later in the same article they talk about the investigations into berries that was being led by the sky. So, like the there
You sing it together if they would only read their own reporting, they might be able to peace this one together and you might think that well maybe he had really good motivations. You can argue that you cannot argue that there is no evidence there also arguing that there's no evidence other than Donald Trump. Why did to get jobs. Ion out of his way, because he, this is what they said yesterday cause. He saw a pole where Joe Biden was leading us, don't ever started and that's in don't do a sorry and that's when he decided to go after this Joe Biden wasn't even running for months before months before Rudy Giuliani was in Ukraine investigating this stuff because he was investigating because of the Russia collusion stuff. Was there before all of that was disproven. We Jason in here go through this point by point, and
We also need to go through the timeline of what you just talked about cause. It's infuriating they're just lying about it. It's not it's not a misrepresentation, it's not a miss characterisation its Well, you could read it that way. This is. These are blade lies lately. They just found a pole from Fox NEWS. Were Biden was ahead of him, the like look, you didn't start carrying until his pole came out. They ve been put Biden versus Trump, his entire presidency, everyone Biden was a guy who is going to run for president, eventually, at least in theory, and so in Poland. It is pick the pole, those closest to when he started doing these things and acted like that was the cause of it, but they missed tons of stuff before that. That enables a merry Giuliani on their own network, saying we're over here: Russia, Russia, Russia. There was no collusion, we can prove it. Phrasing lament programme. Hey, let me tell you about net sweet.
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seriously over the last year for the EU. Often on, but at least the last eight months on this ukrainian business and I know, Jason your head has got to explode, just like mine, does when you hear there is no evidence, no evidence that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden did anything wrong that bears this matter is that there should have been a investigation on Borri Summer and that the the prosecutor that Joe Biden had fired Joe Biden did moved. No, that there was an investigation going on towards his son. That's just not true and as there's absolutely locks damp verification that that prosecutor was corrupt remains the same
Have they been saying for months now that blew our minds, and this of these are the things that you started taking to me after we started first looking into this in presenting the information, was I wait a minute? Is this true Jason? Is Is your information that messed up that if the New York Times washed imposed are saying that all this is debunked and, unlike guy, you know what my word, and so we started looking at it and I could I believe, the wise we are seeing in them just them the misleading statements I will find a mainstream. I will tell you that the New York Times the Washington Post they have adopted the tactics of media matters. In fact, even worse, media matters would take things and they would take them out of context, and then they would write a story out of context. This isn't even doing that these are fabricate and out of thin air you all you have Do is know how to do research. All you have to do is is contained to follow the crumbs when you just
it's so soon? If we can do it, if we can do it, the New York Times, can't they you're lying to you, for instance, less Let's go over some of the things that the New York Times fell in line with Joe Biden and this their report yesterday or is it today from yesterday? Yes, mister Trump, as consistently suggested without any evidence that MR had been pushed to remove a ukrainian prosecutor, who is investigating bereavement Ukrainian Energy Company Kate, stop, He just dissect out again, Mr Trump has made the accusation with out any evidence that Oh Biden pressure, the Ukraine. To fire a A prosecutor? Ok, no evidence of that charity. Have the evidence of of that. I mean in Joe Biden own words of desperately.
Concerned about the backs? Irene on the part of key of corruption. They may it will give you one concrete example. I was not I, it just happened. Tat was the assignment. I got eyes. I got all the good ones, and as regards Ukraine end Ah, my remember going over convincing our team are others to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees and I went over. I guess that twelve thirteen time to keep I was gonna supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee and I had gotten com. From Portugal and from yachts in Europe that they would take action against state prosecutor, and they did so they said they had it walk in at Prescott, and I said I'm to how can we give it a billion dollars? I said
have no authority you're, not the president, the presidency, I should call em taste I'm telling you not stop using their interesting. Now would you call it evidence that he D verifiable, I'm innocent it's easy is in his own words. I have more. I want to come back to this because I understand why he did this now. I think for the first time, but give me more so we actually have court documents official core documents and european court with our sworn statements that say that there was an that. The reason why this happen was because of investigations that were being done by the Ukrainian prosecutor's office that was Shokhin to get rid of these. Some of these investigations are swirling around worries me that it was in official court documents that that was the reasoning behind all this. I dont Emmi ain't you
is. This- does not even harder to find the right it again like you can come up with arguments while you think that doesn't prove Ex wires ie, but you cannot say, there's no evidence when it's in court documents when there is video of him. Admitting it in front of a giant room of people this is not no evidence right that you. This is what this is the following: in line, normally reporting might say here are the reasons that here the documents that aid you know the one coincide says- are important. Here's why Venus people say there not important here's. The fault in that whatever it is to say: there's no evidence, just falling in line just going to them it's all debunk, don't look at it. We there are court doc, Its end, video that'll, show these thing. Let me go to that Jason. Let me let me go because the other side of this was yeah, but he was in firing em. He fired him for corruption,
wasn't anything to do about bereavement because there was no bereavement investigation. Hunter Biden was an under investigation at the time and there is no way that the vice president, if there were new that much to spend a little time on the facts, are now, and so we know for a fact again that there were an investigation going on on berries, my that's your opinion. What what? What is your fact on that? So we ve, we ve, seen the court doc that that show the one from the court documents from the Ukrainian prosecutor's office and there's sworn testimony that ok in and not to mention back that everyone in Ukraine knew this kid. It's all over ukrainian media bother to look there, the top, like there version of like writers are, you know like a version of the New York Times. They were all reporting this that Victor Shokhin prosecutor general already open an investigation. He had seized the property of the head.
Ceo of you well of bereavement and that huh Joe Biden was going to he deposed the very next day after the prosecutor. General was the day after he was let go the next day. He was there as to whether we can only be compared the president and the vice president. They do Reed V, the papers over there. How could they possibly know I mean forget about you, know the embassy getting the papers and letting Joe Biden no Aziz landing on the ground. No, no! No! No! No forget about that. There's no way he's all the way over here in Washington, the phones don't work to the embassy. There is surely no state department memos. They were warning the vice president and talking back and forth going. What do we do here? There's an investigation! There's none of that stuff! Is there? No now? Ok, no.
That's the first paragraph of the first paragraph of this, the prosecutor, Victor Shokhin, was widely proceed is corrupt. She said this is a bus. Stop. Can you get through the first sentence, see wildly, but was he wildly known as corrupt wont? Let me there's all: These charges official charges in the record charging him of corruption. You know domain the heat, this night, we'll wait! There's no breathlessness! I write about. Do you buy American therein Minon merrily literally none. There is not one single accusation against the the prosecutor, general, not a single one, there's not a list of corruption, cases that prove it he was corrupt. I've looked I've looked, and I then there is nowhere in the record in this is not only us not being able to find them. This is ever but in Ukraine saying we can't find a single thing. The only thing that this world around is again
this head of burmese Muslim Chaskey, and that here investigation into that. That's what this also round and because he was going after this guy there saying oh, my gosh you screw up and because he He was looking into Miss located funds and others currently seven billion dollars of poof gone money. Euros dollars. Whatever else yeah, I sees that are out there and here for some reason it's missing, and this guy was looking into that now. For some reason, they thought That was corruption for him. To look into that, and there was also just ridiculous corrupt for him to look into this NGO. They wanted him fired for some reason and its There's no evidence of the state to Burma like a memo from somebody with that one of the witnesses against the President a memo I'm him saying to the prosecution there,
no reason to look into this for any lost money. With his NGO, we are comfortable with where that money went. Oh yeah an official animals manner, departments. The state department letter from the acid or funding from the guy that from the head guy of all of Eastern Europe. This is our state department telling them to say. Look, there's nothing to see here There's no miss allocated funds. There's nothing wrong with this NGO. Do not prosecute them, Aristotle lifting the moment, Libya, If lost our money, we're comfortable with her? That's what it says we are comfortable with. What's happened, while I'm not comfortable or you, but where this evidence of our money by the way of that seven, that's billion- is in total for money is one point. Eight billion one per
a billion of everyone listening right now, their tax dollars is currently gone. That's what they were! Ok with, and it's it's not just that it's gone, it's gone to corruption. What could you? What could you fund for one point? Eight billion dollars in corruption we didn't finish seconds so her first sentence of the second paragraph, and some of this you may not be able to go into detail on, but maybe you can give us a little that here the prosecution prosecutor Shokhin, was why they perceived as corrupt and Mr Batten was acting in accordance with official american policy, as well as the policy of the European Union. The international monetary fund and other international organisations in calling for his removal pass pass. But I will say I will say if I can pass.
I'll pass out until they turned me it s a day to not until we have every little piece buttoned up and then we will cut the rope in that bag. Sand and rocks will fall on their head, but you, but you know what I do: I caught a little bit of a year and a real its, and I think that it does my heart well, because they are sniffing around the same things that we are, which means fireworks. This comes on Y, a mighty its we'll just wait. Now again, all this is being presented without question their falling in line with the New York Times for Joe Biden. Listen to this, every single witness every single witness who was asked about the allegations again that bite and had nothing to do with it and it was false. They testified. He acted properly. There is simply no evidence, nothing new
in the record to support this baseless allegation week, that is the New York Times reporting or that at a level that is a quote presented without any critique. From the New York Times so does a quote from the press. Cushions gave here. I so out again like you, you don't point out that there are obviously lots of witnesses who disagree with us. The lots of reporting that day agrees with this lots of court documents that disagree with this lots of ukrainian media sources that disagree with this convictions and court of LAW over in Ukraine that disagree with this. None of that makes the gay the story, I M, not a single witness, which means they only talk to the witnesses that prove their narrative, the corresponding to allow that they're going to set its in court doc? You, but there's a witness, the guy, that this happened to what about that witness. If you don't, even if you don't believe him there's you can sell caters one witness the Ghana, we don't believe, but there's more than that England, you ve talked to him, the guy that work for the ukrainian stay.
Department there was in the United States very quick verifies the same thing. That's two witnesses that we can think obvious at the top of our heads, but why mention that right? Why mentioned that? There is a large law form interviews with the actual people involved in the case of national media, but you can into country into countries. Why not mention that at all I mean I have to tell you. This is superior in usually I just want to see justice done and the good guy you know who the good guy is get his day in court. Then he's exonerated exoneration is not enough. This Reduction of the truth is battery ACID and the New York Times and others must be held responsible, and we must have a full investigation on how this all happened. This This must stop,
day, he went into office and they had the marches in this steel dossier until a day he will leave office in or just over five years? They have been lying and manipulating, and the the press has been with them every step of the way. This stop and they must be revealed and the people who are responsible for lying per themselves the corrupt in very involved in must serve jail time. How much money! been wasted. How much of our? How much how much have we been divided by this using your tax dollars and its lies are Jason. Thank you. So much will have more, which is coming up in Here, while also bill responsible adult, be here, can't wait to hear what he has to say
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this would surely you know what's eating away at my soul, I've they lie about it. On average over the Democrats, that's just enjoying watching you and yours, being eaten alive by something after bill, O Reilly. Yes, I want to go through. Thus you got it's driving me crazy. It is its it's insane what's happening in Washington will have all the coverage and the truth that you need and will have that bill O Reilly first and then the timeline in our number three. As anybody considered that with the corona virus that either the problem, or perhaps the cure, is Here I mean I'm will amateur eight. I don't know- I haven't had any beer, but then again, if I get it Maybe I should have beer
You did have enough beard to last your whole life earlier on in your life, I had you actually weren't a big beard eyes only big various Jack Daniels yeah anything else than Jack, or you pretty much just a jack loyalist. Now we'll rubbing. Alcohol. No! No! No! It's just Jack Daniels makers! Mark Jack Daniels Wine, just those there just those three food group slide cocaine. While now that didn't last long that its aim, That's the guy! I'm just trying to get away. I had a little that underlies empire like that, but that's me Then, who now you get all your agenda? I am I thank you for being Yes, that academics do appreciate that brought the beer of we give o regularly
com to comment on today's in and this week's news, I'm weight on a beer. Entertainment and enlightenment- I don't need to say anything other than hello America, Friday, which means billow, Riley Next Step programme. In the cold dead of night, when the moon is hidden in the shadows of cloud and not a breath of wind dares to stir theirs. Also an invisible moment in the dark train
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Fair trials work bill you I've, it doesn't removed without fair. We want to try and he's talking to the tea cup, but Talking to you in all of the Ottoman Wonderland Characters saw the big story is how Americans are processing that sorry? What do they like this? That I feel that this is beneficial to their lives? I have to say I mean I'm asking everybody that I run into me. We're talking about a waiter region, Jelly counter people and and mechanics of fix your car was good for you It is worthy as honour percent. Now I mean I want any by your. We add, as is really good for their nation, it shows where a vibrant democracy and where just it in
their nose is so. I think that one it's over and I hope that he soon, maybe another ten days I white. By the way I will talk as usual, wiped off the face of the earth. To those, I think that the What say you know what we do want replay events. We got a really reexamined who were going to vote for So we have. We have members of the house. Right now. Maxine waters is one of them. That says we gonna, try him again, we'll do it again. You know that won't happen more, whose combined that's gonna. Once this is over then it'll be full time campaign and the media which is driving those. If you read my commerce, will you know that the media is driving impeachment that that it would not have happened without the New York Times? Why should pose signing off on that
the policy in ship another cover, They were sure to being heroes if they did it and that's why they did it by the media knock and I behind another one. They're gonna, basically throw all their energies into getting whoever the democratic nominees elective. So, Let me ask, let me ask you this: have you ever seen a memo like the one that came out of the Biden campaign that Sir get in line press. Who are committing journalist EC malpractice, if you don't debunk Bree conspiracy, theory out there on jobs, and they went in and said you have to say every time It's not enough just to dismiss it, you I have to say there is no evidence of any of these things being true when there's plenty of evidence have you ever seen a memo like that from a candidate and what would your it lets? A trump did that
and we were both still at Fox NEWS. How do you think fuck news would have responded to that kind of memo. What number one I don't know why they bother with the memo gives a media is already doing that Is there one media Operation, hard news operation that is our scrutinising Vice President Biden now now even Fox do Basically, there saying all well ease their seas that, but then I have people over Ukraine right, no round anybody like there s. Nobody is doing that So was he's a very funny guy vine, I really get a kick out of him. He's in Iowa, Anne and he's got a huge advantage now again, because everybody's, our main trail wine and global, Gerardo manner by them.
Their own ship and milk in the sand, and I can't get out and then I didn't any ambiguity. I'd run around. I visited Rachel one. The porter at the temerity order. The days due to Ass Biden, you know, if you get called subpoenaed by Republicans in his enemy you gotta go in there are now. I don't know it's a gadget she left shoe. I always waited in our trump insane. Absolutely of executive, brutal you're, not gonna parade you guys in air. That's ridiculous! Binding exactly the same thing. Exactly my children up there you get me, president. I'm not gonna be violated get a privilege. So forget it and nobody of I supported your picked it up exactly the same thing, so I think it is everybody knows just as a hollow exercising nobody's.
I think you should a tv numbers, the harmful and nobody's covering it. ABC Nbc Cbs, not they're they're, not even they're, not even forcing us to hatch it. He had how white but NBC again, very funny? they were MSNBC Commentators are going down, As you know, paying attention senators are nodding out, and then who is it that was played a little game always with war? I barely veil a little tik, Tok Tao, old she'd bill Leslie, Why would I would fashioning a noose for myself if I were sitting in the Senate right now, this is what the Democrats have done. For twenty four hours. Is me?
the same case with no new evidence over and over and over again at some boy you're like I got it, I got it, Jennifer Amis been doing it. Ok, but do I have to look at a It is not just that you ve got the spooky creepy eyes with with Adam Shaven and Jerry Meddler. It is there is nothing interesting through my own arm off to get out? Why I'd like to see them? back to your own. I'd have to be a senator. What did I do you think they have the right. You know the old time you rule about the milk in the water just because they knew senators would just be drinking. Maybe I mean the best rule- is no electronic Sunday there during detox yeah we're always feed their thumbs, actually move. If you watch very, I there's nothing in them. The thumbs move like in the inner spasm, nother torture
we're Mcconnell is torturing these senators, say, and you know you this is right- regular, so we're gonna towards EU and they will do it again. So here's the thing, There is nothing so far that I've heard that would sway any either way? You know All show that right, Americans, I number one. I think this is boring, if I'm a democrat nature by want him out of there and had a really care. Where is it evidence I just want to out and of our marine guy love trap? I don't We care, if trampling over there with a baseball bat like Al Capone in the Untouchables and everybody! I love a man he's not going anywhere so so how does this? How does this, and do you think that the the Trump lawyers, because I just talked to TED crews a few minutes ago and here looking for a very interesting saturday and next week, when the, when the president's steps to the play, because
He believes that they have. The Democrats have open themselves wide open for all all of the stuff that is the president's view. No, indication all of the corruption that was going on with Peru smart and provide bank all that stuff, looks like it's gonna come out next week, but our guns are gonna pay attention back even of adults come out adjusted. We just said two minutes ago: they don't care it's a very light. Trump Let's get this over with them at all. I trump I don't care what you have what's wrong out. So get all the you're, really micro involved in is, I guess, they'll, be excited next week, but if Superbowl weak on go into the game, and people got to talk about next week, so You know me there I'll be there two billion to hang out. The grand jargon
meet you in our land of Lord Ashdown aka great just right. Just right there that place is the largest laws. Wait there for you and if all the little late, though get nervous, but anyway back, I disagree with you. I just don't think dirty headlines coming out of this. They won't be any headlines naked. They can be done with it yeah over its. There won't be any headlines because the press is not going to report on what was said, and no one is actually watching this thing so that it's me to this question bill we are in a situation right now that I you know, I have always believed in truth, justice and the american way, and I know we have problems and we ve had problems. I know that injustices had been done in the court system, etc, etc. But this is the The eyes of the world are upon it. Everybody is watching this in a way. History is watching this. If this
the kind of lies, deception, corruption that they and get away with on a the president of the United States watch Hence does the average human being have if you cross these people. This is so I've seen it makes me lose complete faith injustice because it's not enough that are very interesting thesis. Number one they're, not gonna, get away with it, because it s tromp, wait. Yes, they are it's like Jesse small. Yet he can, disrupt he can make all kinds of charges. He can split us apart and then where's is the penalty? Career is all varies, daddy's finished and where I was going to say is they're not gonna, get away with it, because it is a good chance on frumpy reelected even an end. This whoop into that. So. But nobody is, nobody is paying for it. You know
if they wasted a dollar wreck, a direct price for it. Yes- and I agree with you that the justice system It saves Hunger exists, once in a while you'll get lucky, I knew a jury that actually listens and judge that will actually obey the long ago by the tenets of evidence due process once in a while but the media will never do that again, ever your convicted your guilty. If they want you to be an that's what witness in that, I think, is the most important eat or really is so. How do we five as a republic, if that's not corrected, because AIDS, which basically were a boy Can eyes country now? No longer a united country and the only thing that would ever bring that back would be a foreign attack on us?
we're gonna have to the our of our lifetimes deal with a country that really is two countries. One country believes that America is noble and always has been despite slavery and despite mistakes that we made our historical pass. Any other country believes where bunch of exploiters, white supremacy, this- all of that- that country does not not gonna change. That country doesn't last it just doesn't last there's no way you can serve to masters like that, because nine is here are not there yet to control. That's why this coming election is the most vital in our lifetime, and I am hoping and praying that a message. It will be sent to the radical left in the corrupt media. You loose, ok, wanna talk to you about. That message in Iowa and because we have the Superbowl, then we have Iowa. Then we have the the state of the union a bumper boom one,
after another, while the impeachment is going on. So let's talk about politics in one minute there bought or sold a home in your life, you know that the process process can be really overwhelming and egg but real estate agent is absolute key. So what do you do especially if you're looking for some advice on how do I get my house ready? Should I you know replace the roof, get the deck repaired paint the interior. Dear years what it? What do I do and the buying- and maybe you think you know what you're doing When you go into a, but do you really it's a big decision, so yeah need the right representation. You need somebody, that's working for you, real estate agents. I trust- and not just somebody was working for you, but they have the best track. Third in your area, they know the best practices for real estate, their committed to making sure you're well taken care of, and they have the
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I'm white and I'm really ashamed because I have privilege I sit sit in the back of the boss. And everybody is guilty without proof they would. I want a fundamentally trend form America into a socialized country and I think there are a lot of people that are very uncomfortable with the democratic message. As its coming from these extremists, which is why I think such a weak candidate, like Joe Biden, is is holding up nationwide and that's because at least they don't. They don't think he's a communist or socialist and they don't he'll, be a radical agree. That's true, I think that's vitamins only advantage and but it's a disadvantage in the sensitive progressive press. Does I like him, which is why You saw the New York Times Endorse Elizabeth warn. You still step back from that step. Back from that, a minute you're he a major
population. The New York Times saw cells on the New York Stock Exchange. Basically saying to its employees and the and the nation? We want a woman who is going to come in and confiscate private property. We a woman who does not believe in due process, as we saw in the cabin or hearing we a woman who's going to come in here and basically take apart the entire country piece by piece. That's what we want I mean it's staggering stunning could not have had, four years ago, but it is happening now, but it's a bigger is bigger than Joe by because Joe Biden is basically a guy who is going demonstrated over the next ten months- is a very corrupt, individual you're, going to
that. Now you can make an argument that President drop as delved into corruption. You can make an argument for that. But Biden his corruption is a lot easier to understand and his family multimillionaires because he was vice president, corruption also is in the name of the state? What do you mean by that his corruption, Joe Biden, corruption, is is based, on him being a U S, senator, but more so a vice president of the United States. He turned his office, his public office and our extra money into a atm machine for his family. This He didn't do that really has a senator because he didn't have a Jew select by one He got into being a vice president and-
being a authority worldwide, because Obama seated. That Obama was an interested in Ukraine, a China. It couldn't care less. Bad either of those things. So you Eu Joe, you go over to my own over there you to do it and then whatever allowed. I dont know how much you knew. I'm gonna get brightened due process don't know how directly involved was, but Certainly he allowed his family to enrich themselves to a point that U S, grant would be about Now, that's good one, but by grants brother cause all kinds of above all, because of the exact same thing with around making all kinds of money, because his bride you ass was Ulysses. Was president so living on a long time, but in the back, this situation, even
Maxine warders could understand, you mean Breakin it animal Maxine could get it off. Immediately so, and that's gonna hurt Biden, big time hey. So, let's talk about. I was specifically yes, Week away we can change What do you think is? What do you think is happening? The hawk eyes state people need to understand the Iowa Caucus issues control by the Democratic Party. It is not a statewide vote, very few people, Oh in Iowa, actually cast ballots in the Caucasus most. Those who do and a democratic side are radical progressives. So Santos, I've seen bandage, ok, I wanted headliner it. I want to go into that with you in Ghana WAR game. What's bidding and then also
like to get your opinion on what the president should say in the state of the union, which is just about a week away or so much. With Bill O coming up in just a second here. Listening. Glenn that american financing in an unless one eight do three three Bore W W W that animal, less consumer access, dot. Org? perfect world, you don't have to worry about unmanageable credit card debt or job lay offs, are medical emergencies or car trouble or any ills the things, but in the real world you do in the real world, crap happens and debt tends to feed on itself. When you're carrying that ever heavier burden on your shoulders. It can be easy to lose hope, but why not make today the day you choose to do something about it. If you take ten minutes out of your day, you get a free
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Please, dvd Commies, a promo code Glenn for ten bucks off your subscription and why not go over to Bill O Reilly, dot com as well and subscribe now do you remember what you said about the anchor babies? It there's nothing, you can do about it, and I said yes, there is, and I was right about you aren't. I was right on the actual Israel twice against the anchor baby stuff. You'd have to get a constitutional amendment passed to overturn that you might be able to do it. Then you might call it what you just don't have to do. A cultural treasures goes around and they ve Congress don't know how you to her friends, but I like it you
are absolutely. You were absolutely right on that. I dont know when that came from, but the Trump has put another rule to try top anchor babies without going through for a constitutional amendment. Your thoughts, Well, I'm glad you know. I was right when I was telling a date. He was in a candidate that you just can't blow out something. The constitution, but cleverly it's pretty clever If we now saying that it'll legal, a calm to the United States to give birth, if that your goal, that legal can do, that is gonna be hard when four and I don't think he's gonna they'll be a lot of it horsemen go on, but that's what he wants to do, basically sending a message that he hasn't forgotten about. The issue and by the way, I would issue because it is a con people are coming to get births or their kids are met,
citizens their going around the illegal immigration process, so not sympathetic to anchor baby industry, but it is in solution is what they call a loophole. Aren't limit oh to speaking a baby's. Let me go to Trump is the first president to speak at the big problem of pro life rally March for life. Today. Very interesting, if you re the United States a Trump Never will interested in this issue. And most of his life he was pro choice now that version too pro life. I can't tell you how that happened. But he knows that is based is primarily pro life people, but I It would be wrong and cynical of me to say it's a political play.
There are other Arab. There are about the issue in and says: look you know on born babies need protection to it. Historical thing is happening today, I'll get no media coverage. You know buddy, a huge, the went at least for those members who believe in in life are rightly Go to Clinton and Elsie Gabert and an her lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. He s going nowhere at an opinion, she's not going to be able damages policy. You have to do that of your famous person well, she's. A really interesting person Teachers up in the limelight by doing all That'S- genuinely despises Hillary Clinton as a lawyer, I given
jazz. Given our ties you, I don't think this is giving urge, as I think if that was me- and I was running when trying to you know be president and have credibility if another and it it came out and said yeah there, grooming, her and, the v, the Russians, have her on her there radar and their helping her right now, that's really damaging, really damaging She s a show. It, though, just show this island, This amount about- and I can prove I did- and I you know it- you might let's get into the debate back. That's it probably are strongest arguments. I just don't get Americans Corps when we talk about this in the last segment, very little John, Just go on. I did Illyricum the famous yeah yeah, and, if we add the british system, good again. Civil litigation, MRS couldn't be in trouble.
This building here in the United States. You can say and do anything famous people almost and get away with it is built not settling scores for Clinton cause she keeps coming out. You did. This, tells you Gabert thing and Gabert mean famously endorsed. Sanders in the primary was a big deal, the time she's kind of wanted revenge. Since then we have the addicts no thing where two weeks before Iowa she's on this documentary talking about how no one likes Bernie Sanders he's not effective image is just about settling twenty. Sixteen scores organised an unhappy woman. We all know that you know I just as a bit to realize what you want, a debate which is presently and I states being itself, from New York. Secretary of state wasn't good. Now she had to be president. I don't know much about these diseases aids.
And a good place to ashes odd, I mean that's my amateur analysis of her the corona virus they this virus in in, which China they have now put yesterday- was eleven million people today. I think it's thirty four. Million people and cut them off from the rest of the world. They ve just close these cities down. You can't come in or out China, you can do that. I mean better basis they say, you're coming out of your eyes, you're not coming out so without the changes were allotted constitutional rights and try right. So what you know it was really going lying idle. I don't know much about these. Diseases. Aids strikes me to be somewhere to be a ball, a virus that some people are gonna die fortunately, and Diana what kind of Peter out
their so. I hope that you know These are. These are things that happened in large. There like disaster is on fire, All I need is, there's nothing else but he can really do about it. One last question on the Australia fires. Stew gave me a stat last week that I could not believe On the australian fires,. Basically the amount of acreage burned in Australia as actually on the lower end of the last twenty years, in fact, as I believe, the second lowest year so far over the past? twenty years. The difference here is that it's the hit more. Populated areas, which is why people are freezing out about it, but that, wouldn't populated areas wouldn't indicator and increase because of global warming,
it would be the total acreage. That would be the issue there, which obviously is now not showing up, and the media has made. It seem as though this is the biggest fire of all time, and I mean that things have been easy to see it, and you just got the impression that the entire country burn down. It's the second lowest acreage. Air in twenty years that's interesting issue. I do not doubt that good work what I was, what caught my eye was back, went to his failure and then, as soon as it came back, everything went to tell him tat. I left that cigarette smouldering there in the ass dry made at that that will go my eye yeah, any any excuse to promote global warming and climate change. In the lab. He's gonna. You may suppose that so a year in New York, where I am, and we got a very benign winter-
No major small snowfalls in December in January. Yeah. I mean you know. This is kind of good for us up here, because when its nose is crazy, anyone who do I want to get into the to the state of the union. We want to talk about me. I got him up. Ok, so I'm gonna predict that the president is going open the state of the union with a very simple message to the american people. We made to Ukraine was perfect. We can assume somewhere but your those words will be local aid. I I would not bet against that bill. Not, I am, you know, going I want to see this is gonna, be amazing. Has the trial is either going to continue to be going on or adopt a gay
what time did you wait and see? Even nobody could stand it anymore. I'm nobody saw I'm on predict. I don't know the time frame, but each get their suspended or they'll take a break. There are about a club, Med, and I handed you can't do it anymore. I think they re by the way, I got invited to analyze the state of the union on the blade slew without a mistake, or did you guys do that on all I've been I've been pushing for that? I I'd like, have your your analysis on the blaze for four all of the EU for all of the big nights this year are. You will yeah. We can have a lot of money while we now, let's discuss details, are super bowl dinner in Orlando. Do they stay revealing in Gratis, SAM, I'm gonna? Do it breaks new? Really? Are you gonna get weight, so you gotta, be in Washington or in New York, Maybe a new you're. Ok,
I'm gonna be in Washington. I would have liked to see here the line. I from bill orally Dotcom. That's great news to here. Thank you so much bill gutless. I'm sorry about always want you back our I made. You know it's really hard to focus on the things that you have to get done throughout the day without having the back in the leg, pain and feeling cramped up in your chair. For that matter. On four in most people sit in an office chair that sucks that they got it like office deep hours, someplace, that's like buying cheers from Guantanamo Bay. I'm just saying Chances are sitting in ease, are not something that you're looking at every day, which is why you need to look at an ex chair the path the dynamic variable lumbar support it is you'll. Never get out of this chair would back pain doesn't happen. The exchequer is what you need. And what those around you need for a comfortable worked day. It has
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promo code back at Ex Chairs next chair back DOT Glimpse programme I will tell you this: is this is reason number one why more and more Americans are starting to say? Ah, I I'm very uncomfortable with what's happening in Washington with the with the progressives and the democratic socialist. Let me play appears Morgan defending himself after a petition. Try to
him fired listeners, one of them by the gender lobby group, which is highly abusive. It wants We body that they don't agree with to be fired, cancel destroyed and everything else, and I say what is wrong: but you and I came on we debated on here right yeah. She learned a bit from you, and perhaps you don't have been for me. Maybe you didn't, but your response to a good natured debate. Unless come back on and demand. I got fired because we only one people sitting here that you agree with, and I say that most people most people say with respect to you- people think the concept of a hundred agenda is utter nonsense. I did it takes me to say on television get away. If miss this ridiculous control, frequently stuff I was allowed to challenge. It is to me that says the I'm gonna say and you're not going to stop. And you're not gonna. Get me five. Here's what's amazing Remember he was the darling of the left.
Don't you is on. He was on CNN everybody loved him on the left. He could do a wrong. He was a champion now, It's not enough. He can do now. If he its agrees on one thing and he makes a really good point here, most people, think that's nonsense. So now You're gonna just shut down the debate. You ve got to convince people. Uk Encouragement to say, if you see someone is actually in a half months pregnant and their suddenly coming over here with a will exactly what the ancient church was doing to scientists. That's, Why we have ten or in universities. It's not tenure for what they were using it? For now it's ten year to be? we'll do say the uncomfortable things to get people to think and be able to explore. You see This is science, but it's not science. You see
this is science and you your shutting down any kind of inquiry. It doesn't make sense who's the science denier, I'm fascinated by just the how these arguments keep bumping into each other. You mentioned the the issue with the anchor babies here in the United States, where they're saying a Trump administrations gives new encouragement to say if you see someone his island and a half months pregnant and their suddenly coming over here with a with a couple big suitcases. Maybe say you know what we're not gonna, let you in because it's possible their part of this birth tourism thing, which is a big problem, so one of the arguments by the ACL you is to say that this is only. This is unfair because Europe bring new restrictions only on women guy, because only women can come on, we're here if and comes over here, for example, and says I went over and spread my c two women. All over the country, all that that then that's told
find what you're saying you're owing to stop women that's wrong, because you can't stop one. Gender is not equal rights against up one gender, because only women can be pregnant. Oh no! No! No! Wait! A minute I was told very specifically, Men are having babies all over the place. That's it almost every day. In fact, when I say you know what that's not a man having a baby, it's actually a woman having a baby. Who wants you to call her a man, you call me a hate, monger and say I should be thrown off the air so which one is it Are we targeting women with these new policies or I no can did not have babies cuz! You can't have both of those things. If I were Donald Trump would respond quickly with stop any man that is coming across this border. Put Will you stop any and every man equity, as this later
legal right into a legal right into an all. You gotta, probably why I'm sorry not specific enough. I'm just go ahead. Let everybody know Annie. And the first man that comes over the border. Pregnant he's got he turned around as well, don't think we're and I have a lot of problems or issues with that one per year. Just so, your consistently amazing are coming up in just a minute, something that has been driving stew out of his mind all day and I've made him wait just for Europe. First pleasure for me really it is the timeline that New York Times and also the impeachment process. Yesterday, the house doubtless timeline timeline. They said it's all here, just absolutely the time like well they're right except their title, doesn't work you not with the facts and working to lay out the time line, and in just show you what's really what
Really going on that time line in a minute here, listening Glenn Our new year deserves a new pair of takeovers. Boots, start strong without feeling of confidence in comfort that only com with a real high quality pair of western boots, even if you ve never worn cowboy boots before the cove is as the perfect pair for you to call his boots. There made to honour the cowboy and all of us and on care where you live. There is a part of you, that's cowboy, honourable, in your daily dealings offence. In the way we live committed to the ideals that built the greatness, that is America and every power
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Let's get you gotta do whatever I want plan, I glanced at cost, a company lots of money and Europe can now now I live in a shop that says you. I got up I did for the new do show calls do. Does America, yes, and I think, don't like enormously somebody clips rehearsal, learn our close to some of the stuff reanimates. The locking other details that technically sound sooner than just that's February, forth by stew, doesn't dot com subscribe and you too, for free in the future. Of entertainment and enlightenment, the most agonizing story from the New York Times that we have written a long time and that is saying something wherever this is the same New York Times that are pretty much
Eric and way of life. It is born on the souls of the pair of his boots, the thing going on with the Jews with Hitler. So We have a high standard here for the New York Times what it takes to be really to buy them, but they follow Joe. Itunes, advice and boy: did they line up soldier and and take on? Joe Biden Cross, that he has to carry? and lying July after lie and he's been right Stu crazy, because he's been looking at the timeline. You know you look at the chalkboard and any look at the New York Times and everything they say is a provable line. We go there in one. This is the Glen Bag Programme, down the wind swept in dusty plains of the American Frontier in even and measured strides walks out cowboy he's a man.
Your words, but those words are as Bonn. The calices said you'll feel in his handshake, but you know that integrity and hard work or the cross bars in the compass by which he guides his life cowboys still exist there all over the country Lot of them are still out west with their horses, Furthermore, in business, some of them are in Chicago and Atlanta, New York wearing suits in businesses. This guy he strolls across the american way of life. It is born on the souls of a pair of his boots, the cowboy boots and takeovers. Still makes the great american cowboy, and when you're wearing a pair yourself, you're gonna feel the call of the frontier wherever it is beyond me, obscures the call of the frontier to cope with
Today, when you make a hundred and fifty dollar purchasing Andrew Beckett check out union free hand, states Cowskin card case, it's a forty five dollar value, you carry all your cashing your cards and it's it's really nice. It's really perfect to call this doesn't discount there. Products because they seldom directly at amazing prices, already they ve cut out all the middlemen. That's why you're gonna get the the best boot available at half the past now, through January twenty January, thirty, first, you gonna get the card case free just visit to come was t c, o vs dot com. Slash back, find Europe Erin and remember to enter the promo code back at check out to Comus western goods for your frontier you are right: ourselves do just reading,
for the New York Times, I don't see what your problem is. You don't really Don't get an idea, but get one they're coming out in their saying. There is no evidence, none whatsoever, no evidence of anything that the president says. Being drew and the only real he didn't care about. Corruption will read this paragraph we still can is one is. Ass. It is to me- and I don't think, you'll notice it subtle. Kid sort- or so you guys are really gotta. Listen I'll get on this has not the New York Times following the Biden memo that went to the press two days ago. That's it fall in line soldiers, not at all. Ok. Mr shift brought Mr Trump into the chamber, at least on video, to use the president's own words against him. He could see they're gonna get up. I gotta get. I got his own words yadda yadda, with a clip in which the president called the both bite and corrupt, corrupt and called for Ukraine to start a major investigation into them right member, the word corrupt for just a moment, media, here's, the
next sentence, the president has confirmed what he wanted in his own words, Mr Schiff said he has made it clear Doesn't care about corruption right, but so let me go. Few next to each other. I the clip that proves this is where the president call was the bite and corrupt, but that makes it clear here. Didn't care about corruption, exactly right. What? What is your problem? Look up. The word look up the word. Corrupt look up. The were ok, look up the word corrupt the New York Times here mean man. I thought you had something really we're gonna pull Well, I look up. The worries is rubbish, letting the thing that they learn. Gaza word: corrupt, corrupt, yes, ok, popping up now, having or showing a willingness to act, dishonestly, dishonestly in return for money or personal pneumonia. Personal gain, great okay! So now look up the word. Corruption That's the route for Abdullah our the word. Corruption see if they're the same they're, not the same to decide
sir fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery heat. So what he was saying was Joe Biden and his son. Corrupt. Their willing to be dishonest, their willing to take money for their own people little game, but he doesn't care about corruption, because do they have to be in power. No, he just says they're corrupt that doesn't mean corruption, and if this is about this better than their argument, you get your hair in tee. That is more well thought out than their argument. I mean the legitimately two paragraphs right. Next, each other, one of which says he calls the patent. His complaint is that the man is corrupt and the next day graph is that says that that proves Trump doesn't care about corruption. Really what happened at a new start in later times Then that's, not even the famous prospering right, my art. This one is particularly about the time.
The time allotted time. A big part of the impeachment case yesterday was that tromp only started caring about Ukraine when saw Biden leading whom, in Fox NEWS, poles and twenty nineteen ok, this house guessing that they were not using my time. No, no, no. This is this is their time here. So I time line is based on facts and the gregorian calendar that's what you do ass. He did. He look at our agenda Kelvin scale when you refer the temperature. That's right! Ok, so this was pirated, without critique by media sources everywhere summary of it. Basically is that shrunk. And Giuliani didn't care about any of the corruption and create until by started, running her and then realize he was in trouble in the poles who get desperate started, reaching started, calling for leaders and investigative ecevit gate. This is This is the Sylvia, but what was it?
the vigour, see I can learn all day, she'll be as arsenic. Giving voice is one of the house managers, and this is her laying this case out explicitly yester alcoholism. But let's look at one more important reason: whites clear that president Tromp simply wanted a political benefit from Ukraine's announcement of this. Investigation and didn't care. Doesn't exactly underline conduct the allegations against wise prayers, by were based on events that occurred in late twenty, steam and early twenty. Sixteen, The centre was, as there are well publicized at the time, were they well publicized? As soon as president Tromp took office, he increase military support.
To Ukraine and twenty seventeen military sport and the next year, twenty eighteen, but it wasn't until twenty nineteen over three years after a vice President Biden, call for shoguns removal three years after that present Trump started. Pushing Ukraine to investigate that conduct so was aged. Word changed I can answer the wide at present trump, not care at all about vines request or the removal of show came the year after it had been in twenty. Seventeen Ok for the next year in twenty eighteen show centres, we call him show. Can you nowhere He calls him shown twenty nineteen. We don't change what present Trump Subway cared. Suddenly, it's that Biden that in
race April. Twenty five vice President Biden announced he would run for president in twenty twenty, that a huge surprise, huge support everybody, knew nobody knew. The Joe Biden was gonna run no one. Obviously there is some thought about that, but having I also goes into the poles as well about how you know he saw these. Poles are Fox news and he's a complication losing out to make these calls that's one of their being. Of course. Obviously, Fox NEWS in Ivory pollster had been pulling abiden Trump race on and off for multiple years it was obviously possible minor one knew it was possible. He was going to run so Think about this, though, for a moment does. This opens up their entire case to some real problems, because if Trump did care about Ukraine before twenty nineteen four Biden announced it would disprove this entire narrative right right
Yeah did care if there is any evidence right that he did care about this guy or twenty nineteen. It ain't there's no evidence well one little problem. There is some evidence for example, Giuliani eighteen days before by now said I want the Ukraine investigated will find a lot of answers for how the steel dossier was put together and have a metaphor case was revived No, that was eel Darcy. Yet that didn't I'm glad you pointed out ackland, because, yes, it was only a couple weeks before the actual outsmart, but that's an interesting part. What he's dead as important this? deal with your dossier and The men of Fort case was revived because there was a case Men for a long time ago- and then this black your came out. And and made news and brought the case back to public and then metaphor went to prison soap. Let's move on others. Eighteen days before maybe he'd bills of it was imminent gang. Vague key can't fault about that. We're not six months before
How would he, six months before Joe Biden announced? No? That's when you get didn't care right, that's what their cases Yeah, you know regionally already was in Ukraine in Ukraine, meeting with sugar cane or broken, as everyone else has analysed, Genco beyond the two prosecutor, central to the corruption allegations and by the way I have noticed these specific points. Democrats said Trump didn't care about in their argument so jewel is meeting with show came the exact purse it we're talking about here, six months before the investigation. Now, of course, you don't just meet him. They didn't bumpy to enter other into an airport. There was a long courtship process before this meeting, which you ve talked with Giuliani about. How about the report? Investigation again, including ready, Giuliani between roughly May and August of two thousand eighteen. That is, Eleven months eleven months before Biden
yeah, but he was talking about buying every time he would go there. He would be in Beebe, Rudy Giuliani was letting the State Department no letting the Justice Department and the F I know that he was fine, all kinds of dirt about Joe Biden to write was now not exactly because we're told again that Trump doesn't care about corruption in Ukraine? He only cares about it because the bite in the Fox NEWS pole in April twenty nineteen, but what about when Trump declared that he wanted them? Bassett are evolving, fired the ambassador to Ukraine. Why did he do that? This was April thirtieth, twenty eighteen, three hundred and sixty days before Joe Biden announced an apparently, but he didn't get drunk didn't care seems like he did care if you wanted the ambassador, Ukraine fired and again you can complain about that which the Democrats have done, which is so interesting here, because the evolving firing has the
interesting distinction of being both a point about how Trump didn't care about Ukraine and appoint about trumps obsession with Ukraine, You know, I have to tell you still this If I were in a jury box, this would be laughable. Do I literally could go and and give a winning defence in front if the death pen, tea, was on the line. I would feel comfortable. Looking at that person go and you're not going anywhere, don't worry about it. I will provide and closing arguments here if it's that week that way, since that weak, it's it's laughable, win win the other side is presented. It should be so easy you just take this thing. You go through the timeline, you're just laying out- and then you say why else happened. What else happened? What could else have have, but so This Fox news Paul. What else could have happened? I don't know election in Ukraine have labelling,
How would a guy who said he's going to clean up all of the corruption, and then we have the transcripts of the meetings where he said. I don't want anything to do with Ukraine, they're all corrupt and they're like no. No, you should talk to this he may not be corrupt, and then you listen to the phone call worries like look. I don't know, I think you need to these things, because we want to stop all this in, but we think that you're, still surrounded by some of the correct people. All of makes absolute sense and by the way, why would he give the stuff? You know why give the stuff to Ukraine, maybe because he smart, not the russian asset that you say he is. Why would the President arm Ukraine, Russia's enemy? Why why he approve all of those things even with occur. Up to administration. As he knew, defence, not money. Defense was import,
so he sends that their because all they had forgotten from the United States of America in a hot ward, under Obama were a bunch of blankets. That's what we sent them. Blankets and then money to launder here duly sent them missile systems. So he said is there a missile systems? But how could he do that? If he the russian agent, while that doesn't make sense that even doesn't fit your narrative he's army the Russians enemies night and then what changed he's gone. A new president who what he says he will. To be clean and wants to clean up the corruption, and the president is talk. Into going in and making a phone call and saying are you going clean up the corruption. I want to see some evidence and he'll be. If we want to help you. This is exam actually what happened- and it is exactly the right thing for the president to do more than just a second
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corruption until Joe Biden announced and he realized he was behind in the polls and a Fox news pull at such a good case such a good case and again no critique of it anywhere. No one saying well actually there's lots of evidence that he did care about Ukraine before the suckers. This defend this. This at these accusations were made by third great India that that week, between all of us, hats to does America because you need to have it all and share it with your friends. These meetings that prove heated actually in all these comments. Let's keep going, though Trump tweeted that Ukraine was quietly working to boost Clinton. We know Trump was very concerned about, as as we mention in the Juliana Clip both the steel dossier and the men of Fort investigation. How that was brought back to the forefront he treated that Angie I twenty fifth two thousand seventeen six hundred and thirty nine days before Biden announced six hunt,
and thirty nine days or about one Rudy Giuliani was in Ukraine lecturing about Denmark. See and the rule of law, which you might notice, is the opposite of corruption, the rule of law, specifically lecturing on that topic on Eighth, two thousand seventeen six hundred and fifty six days before Biden announced we could go on and on and on and on with stuff that you guys talked about in your interviews as well what's on your chalkboard, but the bottom line here is that you can argue that tromp was only concerned with ukrainian corruption over the other dozens and dozens of other countries that are corrupt, because that corruption was affecting him quite regularly
You could say that that was the reason why it was on the front of his mind. You can you can make the case that he was he cared about corruption really because it just affected. Much more It's more solid case and Lee Joe Biden completely out of it you and say he was: driven driven by Ukraine and what was going on because he knew it was the source. That's where his whole ukrainian steel dossier thing was hatched. That was the germ that lady into his you know, he's a russian asset. The Russians or are trying to the election for him and he's part of it, and he knew and all that that all M from Ukraine, so you can make the case that he was so driven blind by I'm a russian agent and Emily illegitimate president. Now, through the election, you have
evidence to show that he was obsessed with that winning Prescott at their argument is the opposite. Her he D S, hair about it at all here in care about that at all, or just so completely ridiculous and is of even greater. You can argue that he was. It was on the top of his priority list, because the corruption he perceived affecting him. You can make that argument. However, you can also argue that he magically started caring about Ukraine in corruption after bite and announced and tramples behind in the polls is blatantly untrue, and it's so obviously untrue. You have to wonder that the fact that the the Democrats ink polluted it. In their case, it all is either an embarrassing level of incompetence or desperation. It's one of those. I think it is one of those two. I think they are living at a third mocha. They have. Such a low opinion of the american people that they actually believe that they could say anything
and they're not going to check it out. They're, not gonna here, and you know what they're right with a lot of people but boy do I want to vote for people who have that low opinion of me? This why progressives look at the country as sheep and they are the ranchers and they'll have the ugh run around in park to keep you in line? That's the progressive, woman. They look at people as idiots where you might lose, but I'm gonna go down swing in saying they're not idiots. They just have to be sure why they should care about this corruption here listening,
Glenn Beck. I want you to do me a favor and go into your bathroom and grab all your shaving cream and throw it in the trash now gather up your wife's shaving gels and creams and chuck those in the trash. All right: well, maybe you could maybe you could use them until they're out, but then what you do is you go to. I think it's at Walmart you can go online and and get shave secret. Shave secret is the best way to shave it. Take it three to five drops on a wet hand, and then you work it into your beard. Or she works on her legs and you shave, and it is an incredibly smooth shave. It's not a em. It's not an advertising. Gimmick army really the shaving cream in all this. If it's a gimmick to get you to buy more staff that you don't need. Shave secret is is a proprietary brand or bland of essential oils, and you work
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good happening and in the movie, through my wife and I haven't, you know we go to a movie every week. Jerry do yeah movie where I live. I love movies love of either to I don't get too. I have about ten that I've wanted to see for since before the new year last one I like I would do do Jumanji too. Did you see it now? He was good horse, I didn't see it. Did you see start you saw star wars, star wars till I see only one. I think I got to see now I got to see I'm the. I went to the Fox NEWS, one to bombshell. How was that you don't use it? Obviously very anti, Roger Hills, media, Montenegro, Megan telecoms- are very well in it. So that's Canada, the act at the kind of approach of it. I don't. Obviously I dont know all the details behind the story of how much how much licence they took. I think I think Megan did some interviews of the actual people in the movie afterwards for her, I think, are you to channel and it was pretty interesting,
they did point out that there were some factual errors in us and Relentless yes m dramatically since taken in some scenes. I bet to make Roger s better, No, I wouldn't say that right, and that is one of the interesting part about that, because there is some sort of get it occasionally from a lot of people, even the people who accused ills of these things. Where there is there some level of admiration of him in a way like what They recognise, he really was a genius and television and they recognise too that he was, oddly loyal to them, and it so and would like go to bat for them over and over and over again, even after these things took place, it's a very soon, and dynamic and is the guy. He is one of my favorite people I ever met. If I had to say,
who did? Who is one of the most intriguing people I ever met in a good way. It would be Roger Ales. I think he would be number one think you'd be number one but if I, if I also had to say who was a guy, who could wear a mask and you would have no idea. It would be Roger ails you and that's kind of I guess what the movie itself, I think, had some issues. I will say Charlene therein as making Kelly like I couldn't I found myself in the middle of the movie, not even knowing it wasn't Megyn Kelly like I just thought it was her. She has the voice thing down. She has the look down like it's incredible. He lost myself that it was a movie. I've just seen the trailers and I'm and I'm looking at. Unlike that, that's them it s, remark its remarkable yeah so that that is out. There is every move, because the gentleman
this weekend. Yeah the thing is it getting good reviews looks good, but I dont know earnestly lets you, gentlemen,. God I have no idea what that movies about, don't go back and forth, be gulp of between its somebody. Were king, honest story and saying ok, she's gonna, be the story, something like writing something or- and it's just kind of all played out in it heads or its guy Richie, so you probably aren't going to understand it, but if oh and American, Ex Pat, who built a highly profitable marijuana. London. When word gets out that he's looking to cash out of the business, it triggers plots schemes but Brian blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him. I let's forget seventy one percent on run tomatoes, the other things, so you have nineteen seventeen which
you raised about. I will tell you I was afraid to say that it was as good as private Ryan. I remember writing that line and gone gonna get killed on this case. I could just here Do you see any further riot? Are you kidding I like how you think about now? I do here you're in my head. All the time- and I wrote it anyway and I'm like I'm- I think it is. I am talking to people All anybody who has seen this movie so many people are coming up and gone saving Priori it's better than saving private railway area. It is so good. You got us ever seen, and now I wanna go see you have to see that you have to see it in a movie theater under the eye, one I think what I want you to know that the time
you wanna, get busy of the inner Lando meeting with tolerably? Really, I think, really, while its unfortunate, as I have only seen it, you know I gotta screener for it so because was during the holidays, and I just couldn't you know I couldn't go to a theatre in LOS Angeles, to see it so they sent me a dvd of it, and so I will see on the small screen and I want to see it. I max Gazeta gotta be unbelievable and I'm acts somehow bad boys. Life has a seventy seven percent on rightly that does not look good does not do. Little also does not look good that seventeen percent you saw Jumanji the next level you liked it. I, like it seventy one percent, not as good as the first one, but I liked it, but I also want to see I'm I wanted to see Richard Jewel, which I never got to sing ever got see that really good. I heard they reveal that I really intrigued me on. That was, if you want to understand impeachment, and what really going on in washing right, now, see Richard Jewel yeah, that's Clint, Eastwood.
Dorothea, uncut, gems, the Adam Sandler movie, that's like darken! I don't have any interest in seeing that, but I hear he is so good in it gaseous. Just it's not a comedy It's like a wry, it's a dark drama about a gambling addiction jewel guy in the jewellery business, but it looks really get. You saw Ford, Vs Ferrari right. Loved it. Have you not amounted to see? Now you don't see that I didn't get to see that Mr Rogers Movie Beautiful day. I didn't see that either that one looks really good. Is it still out? I think it is still. Only a fortress there still out yet again, stone theatres and if you haven't seen astute that that nineteen, seventeen and Ford verse of Ferrari, if youve, if you haven't seen those to both must seize an and really in a theater. I mean there's nothing like the roar of that race car in a theater once the all them. There are so many and I didn't mind getting like any of em. I just
saw star wars which I would generally like. Bombshell was ok, but I mean, and what I have just, which is the only one out of that entire list. I just gave you I could convince my wife to go to all the other one signal, one, war movie where a movie about some guy was accused of terrorism in Atlanta wit. This? You know there's hard because it's like there are so many movies that I want to see like theirs, what is it just mercy yeah, as it looks really good, and I really want to see it and then I'm like, I don't wanna, go to a movie and think We you just want to go and just have fun: That's that's! Why movies so many movies during world war? Two were just frivolous because people were to
wanted to escape its interests. I'm stuck into a sunny Bunch reserve movie reviews to start those website. The repeller now, which is a kind of like a cop, a conservative taken, unlike a movie sites All these sites are all now left. You know them later on entertainment sites and they kind of taken a different tacked on that and I'm sorry to hear about it. So it what is it. What is is tat is a kind of a conservative, libertarian sort of spin on like an entertainment site. So, like you know it, it doesn't say it doesn't, focus on You know what culture that, how diverse as the caste and others in here you like it just talks about like is the motive for good. What are the parts you like about it? It's like a it's the way we actually want to watch movies net, the way you're supposed
because I was a sad I wanna see. Somebody who is like now is good about this, as it did relates to the tax decrees Reagan. Now I think what I do, what I want to take it as more of his like you know you get that sense when you, when you watch movie reviews, while they were, they will talk about the movie in a way of like well. You know this was a brave choice. To put all women, Ngos, busters right now I dislike. Well, let's be honest about it that sucks it's a terrible Maybe you, like I like did, I mean only look great, but it was about. I don't even know what they're reviews of that movie, but you get the general sense you we don't have to fold in every time. Someone has an opinion or like a thing, that's out of step with work culture we don't ask for them to get cancelled is I think, right the idea, was item about any asked me what my favorite genre of movie was, and I really. You had no answer that it took me a minute, so I had to craft one, and I think this is when I came up with and it relates to richer jewel, which is,
recreation of a relatively recent historical event. I think is my favorite genre movie like Richard explaining to me something that happened at it from world but beginning of world war. Two today, that's my that's my window near beginning of world war. Two too that's true event dramatize, to make it interesting, and this would include everything from you know, Solly too, captain what was the other one. He was in the one of these, the pirate thing using a couple captain different captain movies, Captain Philips, you know Richard Jewel to write rush. You alone, survivor that that sort of stuff that I know real or at least close to real and their tell something that I can kind of learn about, but also learned and entertaining way. I think that is my. If I take a genre that thou we my favorite
the solid governmental, negative Communism Canada's yes, it's true to life stories. My I'm going to go way out and brought me know, he's angry with me, but the one daddy musical now musical one there's the genre that I keep coming to its very, very narrow, Danny. Craig James Bond movies, very narrow, James James Bond is I could watch, is soon a royal and sky fall a hundred times and in a row and just not be sick of it. I gotta we watch sky, flattery. Loves that when I liked Casino Royal casino Roy always than TAT I want to probably about times a year as a family will get together. We only want to watch. Sooner or later. Is that, like thing- and I know you get in these moments- were like your surrounded by election?
she meant and viruses breaking out anywhere. You want to have the ape tween between mission, impossible and James Bond. Daniel Craig by could live happily forever. Just watching those by mean do you have to keep make new ones, but I could just watch John read those two storylines forever an end. I'm gonna go out on another lemme, I'm sorry but on Connery isn't even close to Daniel Craig John Pottery used to be the obvious one, but that's all because they used to have like hey I'm go more pile hand about. We take a look at em. Hooters book, you know, I mean that's what he was in competition. If your analysed pvc forever, you missed Glenn, at the outset that sound activities that have the best part of the shouted back in theirs is just and nobody I could give you gotta be all right all right.
By the way, did you write more than countries? Your point, yoyo, even Roger more I mean you ve seen how do I killed a solid, no sallow film, no aright going doing Harvey wines to your writing. I, let's just talk to you a little bit about car shield, so there's Batman and about mobile, and it's his latest encounter with Joker- and he is- I mean he is descending now over the good people of Gotham today to save them, and
The hold the flame goes out in the back of the car and it's the check engine light and it's like what what now, what he calls Alfred UP and Alfred says dude. I can't I mean it's a car and there is no warranty. We built this our self and that's when Batman remembers. Oh my gosh, I have car shield and told to get this car taken away, and this is services repair. They light the b engine light up again. In the end, it's all ready to go in the bike works. You know they're at the end as well. He gets Joker He didn't have to worry about. I mean yes, he's Bruce Wayne, so it doesn't have to worry about money anyway, but he hasn't even paid for the bat mobile to be fixed. It doesn't. There's five thousand miles or a million miles on the bat mobile he's covered. You can do. This is well car shield. It exists, yes, kids beyond got call eight hundred car six thousand when you're engine like
goes on, don't worry about it. Eight hundred car six thousand and mention the promo code back or visit partial dot com and use the promo code, beckoned you'll, safe, ten, percent. So that's car shield, dot com, promo code back or one eight hundred car six thousand one eight hundred car, six thousand or car shield Dotcom Promo code back deductibles may black death.
Finally, it has been seriously then bring great. We have one piece of audio we want to get too before we take a break for the weekend. Elizabeth Warren, who hang as you say, was probably running. Third right now. In the race. Yes, she was confronted by a father who is has some questions about student loans little hard to hear but listen closely, watched ass. My question my money money, so you're gonna pay, you didn't say money. Those of us who did the right thing in my body had been patient. I say my money made more ninety word. I dont work actor. Might not so your laptop?
Why don't we get? Who absolutely right? Did you get absolutely right. You know this is Joe. The plumber yeah exactly So if you couldn't it's a little hard to hear it, I know come into the radio might be a bit tough to pick up cause, there's a lot of room noise, but basically he says I I did the right thing I saved my money, my buddy when I'm vacations and Bob boats in cars and he He still has lots of student debt in Germany wipe all that out when ice. If my money and paid all off and she just laughs at him and he's like you're laughing. He said my daughter worked since she was ten to earn money to go to college and we ve saved and saved and saved and didn't do anything, and he really pissed. This is not a political is Jean Pierre Cot. When you come to see the headlines, it seems like maybe was when we think that was a plant in honor. He's too he's legitimately annoyed about this any Feel forum and he's worked.
A lot of time to write things if we can get him on because she cut I think she there might be part of her sensing it is some sort of set up or something and she contrast to just brush off and smile. Any notion posters cameras around. But she wants you to want to be seen to be having some fight, but he gets a pieces not even more. She just laughing at him and he says you're laughing to combat laughing she's. You are laughing and its thick. Will I appreciate your time. He's walks away. Doesn't sugar aunt or anything we pissed off is that its work is asked to do things the right way, and this is the same thing we hear from legal immigrants in this country all the time I went through this terrible system. I sat lie for ten years. Hers. I work my ass off to get here. I've done everything right and now you're gonna, let these people who broke the law com. Now the same status as me. But that's good. That's completely unfair, no, its social justice, Social does its social justice and because of social justice people,
become less and less responsible, they will I hold themselves accountable, be responsible for things because they know they'll be bailed out or that given this or that and You will need a ruler over you to control people's lives, because no one will be responsible for any thing well Come to the progressive dream come true here, listening.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-22.