« The Glenn Beck Program

The Headlines Are All Wrong: Odessa Is NOT the Gun Control Narrative | 9/3/19

2019-09-03 | 🔗
Another atrocious mass killing brings yet another weekend of gun control hysteria, but the facts don’t line up! The Odessa, Texas, killer FAILED a background check and had a long history of mental illness, so the real question is HOW he got the gun. And China has issued a final warning to the Hong Kong protesters: “the end is coming.” Back in the U.S., Glenn was on Bridget Phetasy’s podcast, and now it’s banned from Facebook. Hollywood is advocating full-on McCarthyism as Rotten Tomatoes gives Dave Chappelle’s thought-provoking Netflix comedy special a ZERO, and the stars of "Will & Grace" call for the doxxing of Trump supporters. And Glenn discovered that while the TSA has some INSANE gun rules, at least it'll let your miniature horse fly.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The morning, I still how area Glenn? How are you, sir? Oh my gosh, great how's, your liberty weaken. Really obviously I note as the weekend before Football Thursday night big night. Are you gonna be ready for it? I know it is the weekend where you have suffering light. That's it sure I guess that's part of I know I am glad that will affect the front rules. Yeah yeah, though football starts when Thursday night as the first, certainly for the first night, president fell, then everybody control room here is laughing at me. I don't. I have no idea, don't pretend to know, but thanks for that now I've had I'm interested in her. Yes, I'm interested in today. Well we're here, however, some things today that we're both in stood in one gun com,
the and and a whole bunch more coming up the future Entertainment and Latin America. I good news for you. It's too, Jackie, feels like a Monday, but we have already passed Monday. So that's pretty. Lay the last bit of good news. We're gonna give you for the next few minutes, because we had a horrible weekend America, especially in Texas, now it is human nature to say this
is to blame. So who is to blame and why We go from here on in one minute: as the Glen Back programme your companies about to seal the deal, and you can just feel it. There's an electricity humming in the room and you snow that, by the end of this meeting, the merger is going to happen. But there is one problem you're just reaching the decision phase, already the representative from the other country company are starting to shift uncomfortably in their seats. You stare at the office chairs in your board room there like piles of bricks, stuffed into pill. The cases and suddenly you realise these damn chairs are gonna queer. The deal should have on the axe chair really, quite honestly, with its patented dynamic variable lumbar support? The exchequer is what you need for a comfortable work day and thanks to ex chairs
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A free said of the new acts wheels with your chair. That's Ex back promo code back in the desert, Texas, we had bad news. Again a gunman went on our rampage and we all looked at each other. At least we did in my circle- and I imagine it's the same. All of us thought this has got to end. What is happening to us. Well, celebrities, no exactly what's happening to us. That meddler said this: the inner re for years gun dollars of paved their way. Law
lobbyists always buy them something so it is. It is now the end arrays fold according to bet meddler then Rob Reiner said: guns, don't kill people, politicians in bed with the Vienna re kill people Then Casey Mass Graves says I love you, Texas, believe we're all being forced to live in a constant state of fear. Second shooting in my home state in a month makes me sick. When will we live in a world where human lives mean more than money mean the end our ray is taking money and their bribing. Politicians to keep the second amendment intact, job God, just as another week, another gun massacre another week, another gun massacre, Alyssum, Olano, Tis, Happy Friday, Everyone I'm sorry this. Chelsea handler Happy Friday everyone and Republicans about no white supremacy.
This would guns after Labour Day Stephen King. No, the bench warmer in Washington gotta do something about the river of blood produced by gun, violence chow National, the laws or change the ones who make the laws. George, to Kai, said When will the Senate ACT on gun control? How many more mass shootings will we see before we come to your senses? And me a Pharaoh says we have a crisis, here. When will someone do something? So? What you got out of that? But let me go to our politicians. Are politicians. Say they have the solution, the form hugged secretary now running for a now running for President Julian Castro. He said that he wanted to expand background checks for those
sell more than five. In a year so now now I dont know None of you knows, as you have to be a licence dealer and you go through background checks to become a licence dealer. He wants to expand that So maybe we have fewer people, selling guns Baddow. As that he is going to push for mandatory gun buyback legislation. He says As we know, where we're going to speak as strongly and his defiantly as we can, but we are also going to take action, universal background checks, red flag laws and the sales of weapons of war and buying those ache. Forty seven and eight are fifteen's back, so they can't be used against our fellow Americans. He's goin by the weapons of war. Back now now that we ve heard all the solutions.
Now that we ve heard whose to blame, let's have a real conversation. Can we let's start first with what happened? The police chief in Odessa said. The shooter and his company rang nine one one after he was fired, but he left before police arrived. He was a truck driver. He lost his job. But that's not why he went on the rampage. Fbi agent told the press, it didn't happen because he was fired. He showed up to work in raged. Seven people were killed at least twenty two injured in the attack. Authorities have named the suspect, attack or we're not going to give you his name, but he was thirty. Six year old, thirty six year old man, he worked
the journey or services we have found any links to domestic terrorism or international terrorism. You remember when we use to we hoped and prayed when something went wrong, that it wasn't an american that we We wanted to believe that Americans just couldn't do this. He got into his car after he was fired. Police pulled him over as he failed to signal for a turn. He then shot the officers and then he drove to the desk he shot at random. He targeted motorists targeted passers by he was killed in front of a movie theater.
But twenty two people were wounded, including us, seventeen months old girl, Anderson Davis, family friend said she had Whole inner bottom lip a hole in her tongue and her Open bottom teeth were all knocked out. Now that's a pretty compelling story, but let me give you Let me give you the last two paragraphs the suspect had previously failed. A gun, purchase background check in Texas. We must keep guns out of the hands of criminals, said the government said the governor of Texas. Now that's a pretty compelling story.
And if you're anything, if you are anything like me, you were impact it by this story. I was with family and friends and we're all together, and somebody came to the house and said: there's been a. Other shooting the entire room, everybody in the room when oh geez, where. Can. We do one thing today: can we just stop assuming that. Every one within the sound of your voice, my voice, that there is half of the country that once the other half dead, Can we stop assuming that, because
Believe in the second amendment, you don't care about children, you don't care about families, you don't care about what happened as a good friend. And I saw the way he reacted it. It stayed with him. For a long time, and throughout the day he said just in the middle of conversation talking about something else, he would say all those people that got up this morning. They were going to a family picnic where they had plans.
And now nothing all those people that got up and had a son or a daughter and now they're dead, now see. If I told you he was against guns, he would be ok, But his response was, I am going home and I am going to get trained and carry a gun. As I am not going to let this happen around me now. If I tell you this half of the country hates him and says he has no heart, we all of whom the violence all of us.
But just like that story, the headlines were all wrong. That story was not a story that was printed in the first hour or the first day. That story came from the next day. Their stories today talking about twenty two injured and dead. That's not the headline today the headlines in the story, but it happened to me In the last two sentences, the gunman failed. The background check intact. Is so how did he get the gun. Was he a racist he? Add a long history of me
till illness and he failed. The background check. And was not allowed to buy a gun. He didn't buy this gun legally. He didn't buy it in a store because he failed. The background check. So who sold him the gun, and that should be our discussion today, who sold him the gun. How did he get this gun. That's what we should be looking for today. We should also be having a conversation about mental health. But the even that is dicey because we have a preacher. Now that says, if you, if you vote for them I'll drop, that's assign a mental illness. We have people in Hollywood saying that if you believe in the second amendment you
Of some sort of mental illness. Mental illness is always politicized when a country goes insane the first people to jump. Border, the psychiatrists, they'll, tell you. Insane and who should be locked up. It happen, in Germany had happened in Stalin, it happens in China. You use the medical, Terminology in the medical personnel and always more than eager to tell you who should be locked up. But we're not having those conversations today, we're talking banning assault rifles, we're talking about ending semi automatics, we're talking about com, skating guns with job. Even said we should ban. All magazines, its insanity that we have
an already banned, all magazines that huh old more than one bullet. Will that would be a musket Joe we're talking about ed flags and background checks he failed. His background check the law this time worked well, he was fired. He was a trucker. Well, we could go down that rabbit whole. How many truckers are gonna lose their jobs in the next few years. If that's the problem, we have real real issues headed our way. How long did it take Before you heard- and perhaps this is the first time you ve heard it- that he was struggling with the suicide of his sister.
Have you seen the place he lived. All the broken windows, so like an old factory or greenery. Can we just spend a few minutes just talking about the real issue here, like adults and not assume that either side is bad, but we're just all Americans struggling with something that we ve never struggled with before continue our conversation in one minute. Yes comrade. I hope here great Labour Day weekend yea
it's a marxist holiday, but that's a different story. I told you last week You know the social is worthy of veto finally made yesterday. A holiday. So I hope you spend some time honouring the workers of the world but Day, I wanna make sure you taking advantage of the huge sale going on it blinds dot com. Yes, Elysium is alive and well the customers This is unbelievable. The quality is unbelievable. The products at blinds dot com or the things that you need if you're looking for window treatments of any kind and you're running out of time to take advantage of their labour day, savings of end just like always, every order gets free shipping and a hundred per cent satisfaction guarantee. But if you go to blame start com by September. Third, today, you're gonna get huge Labour day savings up to fifty percent off of everything plus.
We're gonna throw in an extra twenty bucks off the top. That way you If you use the promo code back, you get the full savings. Its blinds dotcom for up to have Everything that you would order, plus an extra twenty dollars with a promo code back, that's promo code back. Blinds dotcom rules and restrictions to apply, but doorway. Go to blind Dad come use the promo code back today. Sale ends today, again station. I d So, where do we go from here? Well, we can all be fine. By the rhetoric, because there's a campaign going on, we I'll talk about how much money the and our aid gives real. Are you kidding me. We're really, we really are
living in this cartoon world, where thee, the acme. An Ville says. Instead of act, and our re, because that's that's the kind of World we're living in now we ve boil them the thing down to cartoons you're, either the coyotes or the road runner. In the end, our ray is the bomb with that has the few that never goes off unless it goes off in the face of the guy odor, It's the anville, it's the box, a bird seed once you start here People say that he was struggling with this Suicide of his sister.
You ever have a suicide in your family? Do know anybody whose committed suicide? I do. One was my mother, the other was my brother in law and I dont understand either you never come to terms. With a love one but imagine losing imagine losing a younger sister. Now imagine losing MR and you have no fan Your friend network, you are alone, you're isolated, your
living in a living in an old factory with broken windows. You have nothing, no one and you have a long history of mental illness and reminded of this him. Where can I turn for peace? Where can I find some solace.
I know that song and I know where I was when I first really heard that song, because I was feeling that way- and feeling very alone And I realized that I wasn't that God had this. He doesn't have a friend, I don't think he understood God and now our politicians are arguing nonsense. You're listening Glenn back. You know that. Break ins happened between six a m in six p m: that's the middle of the day, homes Security systems are three hundred times more likely to be broken into a lot of times,
just knowing that a home is monitored is enough to keep the burglar away. They just go to the next house and was crazy. Is that only one in five have homes, security now here's a really scary statistic: only one in ten break ins are planned most of happen because somebody's walkin around there, like you know I, was Megan in that house, This is why you need a service that will not only detect if someone is breaking in but alert police immediately once the threat has been established simply safe makes it easy there who contract no hidden fees, no fine brain around the clock monitoring starts at fifteen. Dollars a month. They have a huge. Deal going on right now, simply safe back dotcom go there and you get a free, hd security camera when you order A hundred dollar value have eyes on your home. Twenty four seven in video evidence of somebody try to get in your free age, diesel dirty Cameron. Now it simply safe back dotcom. That's please safe back dot com
There are millions of billions of dollars going to prepare progressive causes right now we look to some of the donor. That are doing this place. Tb, dot, com, Slash, Glenn tonight, So one of the guys who works for Ellen tweeted out here is the truth. I don't have the answer to the gun problem. Oh my gosh! Isn't that refreshing? Isn't that refreshing I don't have the answer to the gun problem. The mass shootings I dont want to take it funds away from law abiding citizens, many people in my life own guns, but we have a serious problem and we must start talking about gun violence, solutions in a bought by partisan way. Thank you Andy. This one of the producers of Ellen Thank you. This is exactly how I believe, all all people who are reason
feel look. I don't want to take guns away from law abiding citizens, I know I dont want. I don't want any of this. I dont know what to do well, Dana formerly of the blaze. Then she left for the array. Dana lash said the tweeted right away and she we have to penalize agencies that do not submit all prohibited cases. To the end see I see now, that's the that's. The that actually provides the the data for the background checks that would Dobbs Charleston an Sutherland Springs, there's two mass shootings, but there following the law we also to stop coddling dangerous offenders in their youth by preventing establishment of a criminal record that would have stopped Dayton and parkland. There's two: two solutions that
actually would have stopped. Possibly would it stop those four shootings. Why, are we talking about that. Now immediately? Somebody else said: Andy risk Did well, that's definitely a start and then somebody started to respond in Dana got bashed for endless sense of time. It's silly to Earnestly engage with a former paid and are a gun shill on the topic of preventing gun violence. Why why they? Don't it talk about the solutions. The end, not Dana, don't make it personal. Talk about the solution, she talked about solutions what's wrong, with those solutions when talking about gun violence. It does no good to talk about the end. Our re. When it comes Odessa who,
who sold this guy a gun? He failed about ground check. Everybody says we need enhance. He failed. The background check you, don't You do enhance it, he failed it. He did. By his gun legally, so where did he get his gun?. We have to start having real conversations. Here's here's Joe Biden, listen to this audio of Joe Biden this weekend. The idea that we now have a limitation of assault. Tight weapons magazine that you have all mobile thoughts in them is absolutely right in its no violation. Second amendment suggested a bow today: special Legislative God manufactured in either. I gotta stop ok. So let's and we blame the Uno Malleson. He says
It's not a violation of the second amendment. Now you have to understand when we're talking about the second amendment. What happens? Is people immediately go while I doesn't affect me because I dont have a gun. Well, let me give you something from shine if I can find it here, there is a story from China out today that talks about how. How they have given final warning now I cant seem to find it in my stack of how they ve a final warning to the protesters in Hong Kong. They said. Enough is enough: they're gonna shoot them. They're, going to imprison them, and they have no way to defend themselves. China, Hong Kong protesters. The end is coming
for those who antagonize China end quote. The end is coming. Now. Why do we have a second amendment we don't have second amendment for hunting K that that was that in the old days it wasn't even for sports, I mean you a hunted who hunted because you had to. There was no growth, restore you know with with food. You know wrapped up, ill styrofoam package, you had to go out and hunt it, so it was survive Well, we don't need that anymore. Yes, but we have hunting we had hunting is no hunting is not a right. Hunting is that when you're talking about sports hunting. It's not a right. Well, I have a right to gone shoot clay pigeons, that's not what they were talking about. Why didn't they put in the boy wizened there they like the year, the thirty Second amendment on bowling everybody!
the God written God, given right too bold, they weren't covering sports. They did. It becomes as England may it illegal to have guns, England, used to have a God given right. Then they took that right away does the government was losing control of the people, so they took that right away We re established that right all year. Fight the United States of America Chee the Taliban has done a really pretty good job fighting the United States of America today they fought. Are warplanes they fought the great the military. Just, listen on the New York Times the daily. Today they were saying, yeah looks like Taliban is actually coming to the table and they have my negotiating power than the United States? How how.
If you can't use the second amendment to defend yourself against another control government. How did they do it? How did they do it with their guns? You know, who else couldn't own guns America who had their rights taken away slaves slaves, never were allowed to have guns and african Americans, once they were freed, they had their guns taken away from them for their own safety. So it's please understand that the Second amendment is not about sporting, it's not because I love guns, it's because I believe ban has a right to defend himself against someone who wants to kill me or my family. I have a right to defend myself. If there were no tools.
There were no guns, there were no knives, they would come and try to kill us with rocks. I. Have a right to pick up a rock and kill them with the rock. So, let's stop with the nonsense about the second amendment, just being because their crazy people who just want guns, no, we actually believe in something We believe that we will protect your right to be free. Should God forbid anything happen and don't tell me: oh well, that's crazy in Amerika, if you're on the left, your current saying that that Donald Trump is worse than Adolf Hitler There is somebody last week on MSNBC that said, he will kill more people than now Hitler, and
stolen combined. Don't you think we should have guns? If that's Through why would you hand your guns over to a fascist you either? You either. Don't believe what you're saying about Donald Trump, being a fascist or you're, just ignorant of history. Now we have to decide Banning assault rifles, but we have to have a real logical conversation on this. What is an assault rifle? What is an assault weapon? What is in a are an assault rifle. What is it.
It was a gun that was invented, the nineteen fifties and it was a hunting gun. Somebody wrote this can I really David David Axelrod? I really dont understand why people have guns will have these guns if you dont use them for hunting. We do use them granting it's a modern sporting rifle. That's what it is. You do use these dont use a machine gun, but you do use, a semi automatic rifle fur hunting, you know what If you love animals you want the semi automatic because you'll be able to shoot it, and if you miss, if you wound the animal and not kill it, you're going to its going to hobble off you will not be able to find it and it
die in misery, for nothing so allows you to shoot twice. So we do you whose automatic were semi automatic weapons for hunting, but even if you didn't Have you seen the new nine million dollar bill? If you run the body you have to choose, the tires, there are like a thousand dollars apiece, you have to change the tires after every twenty minutes view run in that thing, really opening it up. Now, the question is: where do you really open up a body? You see that had just broke all records? Three hundred and five miles an hour. Three hundred and five miles an hour Where are you going to drive Abou gaudy because that Mugabe is made to drive three
hundred miles an hour where you gonna drive it legally. Over seventy. Over a hundred maybe you open it up to a hundred and twenty but you're going to jail if your cod, So why would you own a Bugatti if you're not going to drive two hundred and fifty miles an hour? Why would you own a Bugatti, because I can I'm not going to anybody who drives a Bugatti? Do you know what they hate? The law, everybody who owns a Bugatti or a car like that? All they want to do is just break the law there speeders. We shouldn't trust them, because you know they're going to drive three hundred miles No, the whole bodies are usually owned by somebody very, very, very, very, very, very wealthy.
And they're probably not driving it recklessly, because it cost. Two to nine million dollars. It- probably every leaves the garage very often, but about God he can't do something that any our can and that it Defend your right to remain free my patriot supply hurricane Dorian, it Ray
is on and our prayers are going out to the victims of Hurricane Dorian, but it it doesn't take human intervention for a disaster to strike. People are fighting to forgetful of to protect their lives, their property right now there have been fighting it for
some time to come now, lives are being just destroyed and when emergencies strike like that, where people are not involved, are you prepared? Are you prepared for days without electricity or the stores being closed for weeks it up at our up our cabin? We have fun. We have these gas propane heaters. We also are off the grid, so we have all solar. While our solar wind down for about two weeks, we were prepared twenty below zero. The outside. We were prepared because we had insulated the house properly and we had these propane Peters than we could turn on the fireplaces and they kept the they kept the place at sixty five degrees for to solid weeks. We didn't have to go out. We didn't have to worry about it now September as national preparedness month. It's time for you to make a plan for yourself in your family.
I've done this by using my patriot supply. These are the people who have revolutionised it from the days of em are ease or sacks of wheat. Now have really good top of the line, food and and also the gear in the water filtration products. You're gonna need at some point If you act today, you're gonna save a hundred dollars on a for weak emergency food package. When you go to my website prepare? Would Glenn Dotcom? That's prepare Wick land Dotcom there for wheat kids. They include breakfast lunch and dinner, the last of the twenty five years and storage their shipped free discreetly to your door discreetly. I love that, like some sex toy or something I don't want people see ya, you dont want people seeing because every time people see it, they say the same thing will I know where I'm going in case there is an emergency, yes and remember, I'm the guy, who really likes to collect D ars anyway pair were Glenn dot com. That's prepare, would Glenn dot com
this is the Glinda programme Welcome to the programme really glad that you are here today. Remember today is today is the day first day of school for many people around the country. Some schools have started little earlier. Some will start a guess a little later, but this was Always the first day back to school, when I was growing up- and I remember the the butterflies at the bottom of your stomach, even if you're still returning to the same school, excitement. I remember you know when I was really little getting the pencils and getting my whole bein a book bag together and how exciting network
and I also remember sending my kids off for the first day of school and the butterflies than I had, then it was even more tense as apparent as you wait for them to come off the boss or wait for them to come out of the doors of the school and tell you about. There stay back to school labour Day weekend back to the ground and for all of us well, except for many mothers who have had to put up with having there around the house all summer. Long back in Just a second and your phone call, the number is eighty eight. Seventy seven bees uk like to hear from you today it? Seventy seven be easy K year, lessening
Glenn back. Where are we talking a little bit about the cancelled culture in the Dave? Chapelle was a special coming up in just a second and I've been banned from Facebook this weekend, who in true worried about a fertile material responses sponsor for the spotlight here it is, it is Americans, american financing Americans home for home loans. They have you covered coast to coastal. Whether your look- to refinance whether you're looking for a new loan or a concern nation loan. Now is the time to become Fisk are really responsible. Pleased battened down the hatches, make sure that you are set. You ve done all the law. To things, to spread out your risk and to get your payments. As low as you possibly can it's a mess,
Can finance and go to american financing? God come right now: american financing, I'm sorry dot net american financing dot net, or even call them at eight hundred nine six, twenty three forty of entertainment and in line is the land back programme, hello, America, it's Tuesday! We have a lot. Talk about we're, gonna talk a little bit about guns. Talk a little bit about Dave Chapelle in the cancer could get the cancel culture. Also, I have a podcast. I was on been banned by Facebook, because violates their community standards really, what could I have possibly said
that violates the community. Standards of Facebook will tell you about and the day after Labour Day first day of school, all this and more begins in one minute. This is that ran back programme every year. America and Americans use guns over too. Hundred I'm sorry over two million times too million times we use guns in self defense. Did you know that. We hear about how many people are killed by guns, how many of you Miller, saved by guns to million times Americans use their gun every single year in self defence.
This? Is why the? U S concealed Carry association exists because the legal defence case costs between Fifty and seventy thousand dollars for the victim, so if you allow your gun and you are in the right, you still have to go through. You know a hearing in court and that can cause you fifty to seventy thousand dollars the. U S easier, are the ones who are protecting you, because once once you get rid of the bad guy, the their bad guys, the ones with suits in brief cases, show up the piracy is the fastest growing community of gun owners in the country and they provide industry leading self defense education train And legal protection to over three hundred thousand responsibly. Armed Americans, just like you and this month are given way a thousand dollars to nineteen lucky winners for free. You can use
thousand dollars to buy a sick or glock or anything else. You need to protect yourself and your loved ones. Just text back to number eight. Seventy two to to claim your free entries. No catch confirmation we'll be sent the? U S ccs, believes and helping to protect every responsible American out there that they can do it there. Ones that can help you text back till the number eat seven two to two and find out more income and claim your entries now then find out all the rules and information at protecting defend dotcom standard messaging data rates do apply
You remember how the world looked when we were kids. It was always so bright and so enormous, so loud fragrant vivid, he wandered through it like a tiny little emperor who doesn't realise what they have been, its preened obsessed. Their meaningless details every day, but from your angle, the life they occupied was fundamentally different from the life that you called your own slowly watched as the endless days began to constrain into something a little bigger. There's the tiny little race car, the full size, Dollhouse shrunk in size. As that huge elephant of a toilet that you had to climb up on reach He turned into that tiny plastic practice. A party that you once used as the bumpers were removed from the bowling lane. The training wheels were unsaturated from the bike
The smiling world of adults occasionally revealed a hint of sadness. Something only vaguely understood, then that one. Day. You found yourself on a school bus. The car so early in the morning and all you knew was today was the first day of school. The idea schools really kind of foreign. I mean what could you compare it to laughing laughing with TAT in the rest of the family in the living room, because he sneezed out some mashed potatoes running around a cul de sac with your neighbor friends, who are really some of the only people, your age, that you knew or what by giving broccoli was up I'm going to church was it. I wasn't owing to a funeral. Wasn't there was an earthquake tumbling through you, because here you are using the dark of unknown territory and Europe shove to write into it by some
big fat guy driving the boss. When you arrive at the wax scented building with the slippery or, as is all loud bells and uptight, adults hurting you into some musty room or some stinky, Jim or some chaotic cafeteria. That spells we too much like cleaning chemicals and it's hardly smelling like food at first day feel, is untempered and confused as the troops who invaded the french beaches on D day, and they all looked so deaf. Really nervous as they waited in the metal boats. You know this because he always stared quizzically Your dad and Grandpa anytime programme above D Day came on tv because it was this far away, look like they were spooked by a monster that would always be there half way through the school day. Yourself laughing with other kids. Kids. You ve never met before at recess You join the kick ball game and before you know it, you headed back inside
your teacher was kind, but that was her time. She could talk and talk and talk he was a little serious, but compared to your parents. She she was maternal, but in a different way than away you light. And whether you realized it, then it deeply respected her the car right home you couldn't stop talking about everything that happened on your first day of school. Maybe people's first day went differently Maybe yours was a disaster, maybe you cry? it cried until your parents picked you up or Maybe you sat alone at the lunch stable and it was the this time in your life, you understood the meaning of really being alone, but whatever the case, you survived The first day of school embodies the lesson that we revisit often in our lives. We like to think that once you may get through that first day of school, you'll never have to go through that whole routine again, but in deputy kids, it's gonna, be like this for the rest of your lives. The way out, to think of it is there
situations, but take courage, a job interview and exam graduation lecture. Any number of things get to know as you move through life and that's it the professional stuff, the first day of school, pails in comparison to your first date, your first love your first kiss. Your first concert your first day, I've your first, DR alone, with your license, your first big game. So or performance those moments and you'll, never forget, and then there's a rotten stuff, the stuff you try to forget the first time you get your heart, broken or the first time you experience honest to God, betrayal, your first, speeding ticket and seeing those blue lights in the rearview mirror the first time you lose a friend or love one, a lot of stuff. Gonna happen to you, a life and
but sometimes might seem like the world is a whirlwind of chaos. There is a point to it all just like there was a point to that very first day at school. In other words, one moment, you're as big as your backpack shuffling onto us, all bus and the next year, pretending to be apathetic and board. Is you walk into your high school for the first time on the first day, secretly, you're still terrified and it's a terror that feels so isolate that truly believe, you're, the only person in this high school, the only person in the entire world that has ever felt this kind of dread, TAT first day of school. It's an excellent glimpse into what the future holds, but in a good way At its core, it's just an exercise in looking for meaning and that's no easy task life full of joy and disaster, sometimes stuck in the disaster of it for a while,
humans are bad language in thought. We ve all wondered what is the point This weird thing called life. Sometimes in really bad moments of despair, misfortune or weakness. We all lose track of the point of living, hopefully we can remind ourselves today that it can always get worse. He could get much much with believe me much much worse. But even if that happens, you're still way out always Austria, psychologists, Viktor Frankl, he's proof of this. Frankel was jewish. She was in Austria during World war. Two, he lived through hellish realities of being in Auschwitz. He's arrived most impressive of all. He emerged with a remarkably optimistic and humane world view. He writes in his book that you should read Man's for meaning everything. And be taken from a man, but one thing: the land of human freedoms,
choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances to chew. One's own way,. Have we forgotten this, then invite a growing number of decisions, that we have to make? and some of them are really hard and complicated, and some of them were not. Unlike the answers there too complicated, for us to understand. We think which is probably the point of them anyway. Frankel road There's nothing in the world, I venture to say that would so effectively help one survive, even the worst conditions. As the knowledge that there is meaning in life. I have no idea what the meaning of life is: but maybe it arises from the relentless search for the meaning in life and the first day, the first day of school The series of first days and in each age in life, We are and see miracles
it's unbelievable that honestly than any of us were still alive today. It's a miracle child earth is a miracle and at every stage that follows every day that arrives is a miraculous gift. So. As you either fumble with your padlock. Or your starting, a new jobs, new school or your kids, are Europe brand new high school outfit. Your first grade outfit muttering to yourself under your breath, because you'd practices at home to look smooth and natural. Just remember that soon, be able to unlock the padlock without even looking at the dial. Soon you'll be busy talking to friends, new friends, good friends or a boy your girlfriend and the ones possible task of undoing padlock. He's. Gonna seem laughably minor, but you that padlock
like you, are an everyday moving forward. Your great marvelous your powerful cancer. What better way to express this puzzling and beautiful enigma than to quote from poet, Alfred Tennyson, yeah you're gonna, have to read, Then the poem Ulysses which is about the great Odysseus, he looks at life first, with callous anger and frustration, then slowly with a sense of amazement The closing line captures spirit, though which is taken much bides and though we are not now that strength which an old days moved the earth in Heaven that which we are. We are one equal emperor of heroic hearts, made weak from time and fate strong will destroy to seek to find and not to you,
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Second stationary So still, I did Brigitte fantasies podcast, I'm here in LOS Angeles, because I'm gonna be doing Dave. Rubens podcast, I'm actually hosting his podcast he's been gone. Moreover, a month now and he hasn't watched any news here. And check the news watch the news nothing for a month and I want to play ball play a little game, guess the fake headline you know Jeffrey Epstein kills himself, No video cameras are working is true or false Jeffrey the things that have happened this month. You know to a Donald Trump
wants to buy Greenland true or false I don't know how many of these you'll get right. It is bizarre, Are you know that's what we're that's like for him. I wonder without experience would be like an entire month. Wonderful, I wonder, probably right a wonderful soothing, relaxing wonderful, of course it after you ve. If enough people did it for a couple of we would no longer have republic, so it is a lie as air yeah, yeah yeah yeah it's hard to find, but we particularly satisfying, at least in the short term. I think there's and there's not a problem with all of us taking a break yeah. No, I think breaks are really necessary if they do duly necessary, because we're sober now think about what we ve been going through Syn Two thousand one I mean the last normal year I had was in the year two thousand after
eleven everything went nuts. Everything just started to change. Where you're like wait. What are we doing now and it all became the government. Our lives were not revolving around the government in two thousand we ve spent the last. As twenty years in some weird ass, spaceship going through multiple dimensions and we keep landing on an earth than I don't recognize every day. It's like wait a minute, like the worth. I was on yesterday better than the one today what's happening where, whereas this wormhole we keep falling through and will we find our home planet again and that's the whole point of this, though, and I mean, when you argue, for small government right you're, arguing for an idea Your answer, your life back again, it Lou eliminates this out the world I mean it, you have a point of of this country was really let me a good chunk of it was to keep the gun.
Out of your face another. You can live your life when the government even wanted to keep the government of the face and live their lives every day we had, our people will go to wash and they omen farm for six months. Like I mean this is not the idea that every single waking moment of your life had to be dominate Politics is where we ve come. I mean that's an interesting experiment, but by Dave Z, have I think, he's done this before right? Does any dossier? Has it has at last year I think been Shapiro. Did this with him? I'm I'm gonna try to make it to try to make it into a game. Show for dave- I think that errors later this week, I was also on Brigitte fantasies. Podcast and I don't have you seen- is but it's been banned by Facebook, wise Bridget Fantasies pack has been banned. My facebook, because I was on it and I violate facebooks standard.
While who'd unknown Lee clicking block that many times could finally do some damage not escape at least laser is working and called it just as when you say something controversial was there, like, I said nothing, controversial. Just talk like really like illicit topics. For some reason, no, no, I mean you heard bridges, Podcast Brigitte Kid get explicit sheep and she usually has comedians on and their thereof I mean they're trash talk in none of that it was a very thoughtful conversation. I urge you to go, see it or go, find it go, go, go! Go too. I tunes and find the Brigitte Fetish and you tell me what is it that I said that violated facebooks standards, there, community standards, I'm a guy, I'm a guy who's. I've been in broadcast for forty some years
I am very well aware of the lines of community standards because stations, have licence with the FCC, so I after remain within community standards. I am so far away from any community standard violation ever in this podcast there's no way so What is the Facebook community standard? What is it this is Firstly, not decency and common sense. Did you miss gender someone did you dead, name, someone? No, I did not, then are you sure you didn't seem hers general, something that we know that the same thing is happening now. I dont think so this. Thing has happened with Dave Chapelle. Did you see what rotten tomatoes is doing rotten tomatoes they just making themselves their proving our point. Do you ever go and look with the credit say at rotten tomatoes? I look at the audience score. I don't care what the critic say. They ve. Just given Dave Chapelle.
Zero rotten tomatoes, zero? Zero percent? Zero? oh per cent. I mean you wanna talk about out of touch. This is crazy, really talk about the Dave ship, a special zero percent rotten tomatoes next year, lessening TAT Glenn Bank? so. There is a list of ours. Betty shoelaces programme Highbury she tends to garden an awful lot. She. She has a garden out behind a role Nebraska Church where she attends she's, had it for over two decades. She's help raise money for church camp, I selinger fruits and vegetables that local farmers market in a really brings her joy, but it has come to an abrupt end about three years ago. She began suffering from constant pain in her fingers.
And she just couldn't do it anymore, and I mean when you lose the ability to do the things that you are good at. I didn't take my really factor yet this morning, and I started writing out for the show and I had changed the way I was writing because my hands were in so much pain. I can't write. I can't paint that's the situation. It was before I started taking relief. Now it take it three times a day and I can write, I can paint its relief factor. Dot com. Try. It Betty tried it she's back to gardening, again good for you buddy It's really factor. Dot, com really factor, dotcom call them now. Eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four relief factor dot com, but a blaze tv dot com is the promo code. Glenn get ten bucks off your annual subscription support can
over the voices right now hello and welcome to the programme. I want to talk to you a little bit about the death of clapped her. It is finally happening The death comedians have not gone for laughter in a very long time, although laugh at the right, they'll poke fun of the right, but because of political correctness they would never poke fun at the left, and now they ve just Four clapped her and clapped. Her is kind like he hit that sir. I made that that's over. And you're, seeing the death of it from aliens like Dave Chapelle. Dave. Chapelle special is quite honestly
It is in many ways it is genius when you think about the jokes, like his joke on abortion is one of the best deep thinking, jokes, I heard on abortion the same thing with what was the other one that he was talking about. Oh use, the use of the end word and The use of the the F word. If you're talking about gaze, you have to follow it. We have so many its everybody's offended by a letter of the alphabet? So you'll have to figure that out on your own and he it he's brilliant. He gets. Trouble. He says with what was the network. He was on stew company sent how many central and he gets in trouble he This is the end word all the time, all the time and he gets called out because he uses the F word to describe some one. Who is gay,
and we all figured that out now and he's told you can't say that I'm pretty sure the outward is now Fredo I remember, the last cattle that stats for Italian, ok, you're describing Howlings and use the F word: that's frayed! Oh, if you're describing homosexuals and use the F word, that's another word, that we can't sand and there's another effort, the traditional effort. You also can't say: that's old, tiny one right now when it actually is okay, unless you're on broadcast television? Radio, as we are now got it, but in like social situations in public, near babies in furs, great class, apparently that's totally cooled idle for everyone to drum okay. So here he says I saw him called in the office and I am told I can't use that word and he said Otto wanted you no offense. I don't know anybody any like. Ok, all right, so he leaves the office and then he said.
He's in the hallway, and he says I realize we'll wait a minute how come I can use the n word, but I can't use that word until he goes back in and to the standards and practice, lady and he said, Why can I use the inward and not the f word? Why is there a wiser that standard and she said well Tat- gave because you're not an f word And he said he looked at any went. Well, I'm not the end word. Even such a brilliant joke, and such I mean that should have been made as a as a an argument point long, ago. Are you saying that African American, can say that about their friends because they are that how racist is that now his guide grapes-
the issues that really what you know. You're, not gonna, agree with a lot of the south. If you haven't seen the special yet there's plenty in there to disagree with, but it never one, that's what we extend a company is supposed to do is put to challenge the way you're thinking about something, and he does a great he's, a really interesting way of looking at, almost every topic, even if you disagree with it, it's still farmer how much writing I'd have to watch it again. I am, I I'm not sure how much I disagreed with I mean, like his abortion point. I thought I disagreed with then you hit the punchline of it. The final punch line of it in your like wait a minute that he just say if you believe in abortion you're wrong yeah. It's that's a really interesting whence I hope somebody maybe it's for his career. Maybe someone shouldn't follow up on it. But pardon me, like you, listen to unelected heaters, kindness safety, a pro life point If did I kind of
did to because of the way he ends at he starts off and it sounds like every liberal. Are you ve ever heard and the topic of abortion, but that's the thing about dish a you know, he goes indirections that others don't expect right. Like an that's what you I don't know, that's what I want on us that stuff like that. So you know I get really bored of comedians who go after faith? All the time I got, sir, I do sir, I like hey, allied believing in God, is dumb and then nine thousand very ably God that's what they do and it's like. There was a time in which that was palsy to do right, like was a time in which taking on, and you should be able to question and laugh about faith right. You should be able those children. I love about bay. Thank you say: governed rather dig up down to your bartenders either.
If there's a there was a time when it was when it was like ball positive step out and take on board all we hear the word by. Indeed, I care need cared about all those people without any ballsy at this point Is it just a boar? isn't it whilst the boys, like you're, going after the sea going after Donald Trump? Is most pouring thing. You can do as it may the lowest hanging fruit, and I understand that, like the, the UN's agrees with it and they could. They gave you the clapped her, and I guess maybe you know it. There are positive things that have endured clicks, and I don't know but like, as some challenging yourself, and this is what I think chapels does really and that's true all. Why he's a legend is? He goes into those areas and he
I think, looks at it in realises is boring to sit here and is blab out about Donald Trump. Where can I go to a place that the audience won't expect? and still be honest, who I am. I will tell you he went to a place, the audience didn't expect, and that was he took them on your pc, he started talking about. You know how you want to talk about these people that will just you know, take it down. If I said anything, you know fifteen years ago that suddenly in a politically incorrect that I can't work any more in their offended by everything and they're all like yeah. Here, keep our breach and day and he's like. Don't you get it I'm talking about you, you my own audience, I'm talking about you. It was like, oh and that's true. All of all of us, all of us have a tribe of friends or a group of friends, Facebook vans. Whatever there
are all again take em on you like. No, no, it's you I'm talking about you to your included in this kind of such so weird, reactionary sort of thing that goes on now, where we, you can't even weight to understand what the person's trying to do for showing your outrage or out like it? You know I was. I was joking about in on twitter. Alot of the gun activists are doing the same type of tweet, wise it easier to buy a gun. Then too, I pseudo fed you like this stupid you knowing, which of course is not. And you may that pointed out. I just I just found to be ridiculous. So many people went down the same road, so I tweet the events of of you know why is it so easy to at ease to buy and a our forty seven than it is to biometric ton of hamsters. I think I don't know. I can't answer that question. I don't know who they answer is now anyway, you know and so like, but the bazaars
put that happens. Even among conservatives right, a bunch of conservatives have retreated it and people are immediately firing back. There's no such thing as an eye are forty: seven pull the end of the thing is a metric tons of hamsters. You think this is a serious political point. I'm I'm are conserved if I'm criticising the law, its response on gun, culture and still, a bunch of kids evidence are all frustrated that I dont understand the ins and outs of are you the re, our forty, seventh or hamsters by the metric tons, and that's just like that's not because they are there too stupid to figure out the joke. It's that we don't and take the time to think for a second. What could actually be occurring in front of our eyes before we reacted negatively to it? If you take, if you just if people are just take the time they would, they would come to the real point that a metric tons of hamsters are they.
Safe what what? How is the average level of the hamster at the bottom of the pile? Thank you he's still alive and you'll see how much stew just small and that's. Why he's a gun owner foregoing too. Try telling about gas coming up with a cancel. Culture has gone beyond the cancel culture. It is now full fledged Mccarthyism and I happen to be right here in LOS Angeles, California, gonna be in the belly of the beast today So I want to tell you a little bit about what's happening in Hollywood today with their Mccarthyism in one minute in urban, into a baseball game. You looked up and saw yourself on the jumbotron, and you thought man. I
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and how I know I can make things a lot easier. Next time. All I have to do is bring a horse and I will explain that coming up in in just a SEC also Jeffrey Epstein, model scouting. You know, guy that helping him, he was the ceo of the model agency, he's justice, peered without a trace, can't find him. No, no, he might have fallen into a giant, would shipper. We just don't know. Unfortunately, none of the cameras pointed at the wood shiver were operating at a time of very sad, very that is very sad one day. One one moment he's chopping up. Would the next thing we know he's just disappeared all right, so, let's, let's with the willing grace these are the two there is that played willing, Grace Eric Mccormick Endeavour, messing and they are added
waiting for the dock sing and black listing of Hollywood Trump supporters. There We have become Joseph Mccarthy, they have become everything that they claim to hate. They Is there no shame? Is there oh shame Deborah. Have you no shame is there no link that you will go to their doc, seeing people and saying we won't work with anyone who supports Donald Trump. If that's not, these the soviet system. I dont know what is, if that's, not fascism, I dont know what is bad any people from work because they vote differently than you holy cow, I'm having learned
Today, I want to say the name of the person. You know I'll ask permission but he he asked for a lunch with me and he said I want to make it very, very public now this guy on the left and said I am so sick of this nonsense. I want to take you to a place where you know. You'll be seen he made the he the reservation under his name and my name, which you don't do and he said I want every one in Hollywood to know that I am here friend. I want every one in Hollywood to know they'd yeah I can talk to Glenn back and it doesn't make me a pariah and this guy's at the level where
Deborah messing. What are you gonna? Do what you do, because this, the guy that would hire you or not higher you and he's not looking into who you voted for, because that's what communist and fascists do, These people are, they are insane. They have lost touch with reality. By saying actually believing that the country, is falling into fascism, something, we warned about with Bush? and Obama and said look we're taking these steps by established The Department of Homeland Security you're, making the permit more and more powerful Europe leading towards fascism and communism or state controlled authoritarianism. Don't do it. We talked about during Obama, you don't wanna ruled by decree. Now I'll suddenly they see a guy on the other side and they say: oh
its fascism, well, we didn't we. I'm fascists, while we warning about it. We weren't, calling for everyone to be fired. We know Van Jones is the only one that was fired from his job because of the of the heat politically and when who was fired. I said on the year that day I didn't we fired, I don't want him fired onawandah, create a culture where were firing, people for what they believe I just want to know how did he get into the White House with this kind of record they become full, fledged Mccarthy ice. I don't see how they are missing, what their creating, but they so they are so We will watch the movie and even read the script gives it does making the middle American point here. Are they even reading the script
apparently not. I dont think they. I think. Maybe there, I use are connected directly to their mouth and it doesn't pass the brain or collect two hundred dollars, I'm not sure how it works. Careless TAT, Glenn Bank. Welcome to the programme are sponsor this half hours real estate agents. I trust not come over a thousand active agent strong with another five thousand, who are just waiting on a waiting list. We don't just tat anybody in everybody and we only take a certain number of people that we know we can manage and follow up on. So if, if but he falls out of our parameters of what we're looking for. Then we replace them. So we have five thousand
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the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, hello, America, it's Tuesday, I, may. I oh grumpy, at the airport yesterday I flew out of SALT Lake City to LOS Angeles and my wife, was flying back to Dallas and I asked her to take my shot gun with her, because I when you'd be doing up a charity event. Where were shooting and I need My shot gun and she said. Oh, please, don't make me tell your side, it's gonna be a hassle. I said honey you're in the mountain West and your flying to Dallas its I'm going to be a problem, I get it grumpy when anyone makes me wrong with my wife, I guy got. I can do that myself, I don't need any help being wrong and my
if being right. I don't need any help on that front, but I want to say, the tea. I say or just showing us how in competent a group of people can actually be And I want to thank the airline for having just decency and common sense. We go there in one minute. This is their glinda programme, as a group of cyber criminals, found an open database containing data from a major hotel Jane. They stole most a million customer records and those record contained customer names, email addresses and full numbers. Well, that's worth an awful lot of money as you Imagine it was quite the coup for a little jailbirds friends. Now when you're staying some place. All of that information is kept on record than that. For me,
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so I'm in the airport yesterday doing what I love to do fly to LOS Angeles, to meet with a bunch of people in LOS Angeles and the Hollywood type. You know a day after a shooting where Mccarthyism is like year, tribe supporter, we need a kill you, except that wouldn't be the voice. The trump support the voice- will be like hey ear. Support or not or trumped supporter waste. Have some fictions one come over my house. We can talk about things instead, the real hillbillies are the ones that are living in Hollywood, they found out about a they found out about a foot razor in Beverly, Hills, Donald crumbles going to re attending, and then I owe my garage. We are surrounded by people who actually voted for Trump, I'm telling you
I know, people. I know a lot of people. In fact, a friend of mine had dinner with somebody last night who wants to be a liberal politician who said here have no idea how many people are just going to vote for trump because they ve gone racy all of the people there putting up arc racy people. So anyway, they just want to make sure that they find so. I was thrilled to becoming to LOS Angeles yesterday and I'm on getting on the planned? I'm going to the airport, and I said to my wife before we left I said: Honey I'll, bring my gun home, but I don't want it Harry to LOS Angeles. I dont think that would be helpful and can you just carry with them and she was like? Oh no, please don't make me, take your gun and I'm like honey. It's a shot gun snot the pistol, worrying
shot gun completely, unloaded it's open. They can see it No, how did I've I've flown with before blah blah blah blah blah she's. Like I don't make me, take your gun, it's gonna be hassle. No, it's not. So I did to the airport and I check in and I have to go to another line to check in the bag, which is a very very Very long line and all the way along there are people there who are like online. Bags know I'm in line four lollipops. Do we have any lollipops eager handing out? Of course, that's what it says bags you see me all the bags. Yes, that's what I'm in line four I get to the front of the line and somebody as is I had a gun, you mean the Big box. I've been,
carrying. That is clearly a gun box, but I've been caring for them. Asked our while I've been standing in line. Yes, that's a gun. What you can check it in here you got, go down there. Really. You know what you should be at the front of the line. You should be right there, where people are getting into the line where the like you get naked check your bags. Yes, you should baby. Tell them. If somebody's carrying something shaped like a gun, they should say you're, gonna, try to check them and tell them That person should go instead of standing in this line for an hour to go What do the other line? So I go to the other line and I am not in a good mood and the lady behind the counter. Now, I'm I have to tell you, I flew delta and they were fantastic, fantastic from
to finish and I've I get to the get yet to the line- and I said, is this: the correct line to check a gun and my wife elbowed me and she was like stop it and, unlike no, no honey? No! No. I just want to know where, in the correct line, stop it. The lady says I'm a little starstruck right now. I just listened your show all the time I said good. Then you can talk to me about this. This is insane this. Insane and she's like the gun thing- and I said yes, she said. I know it's insane in really insane and I said yes and she said I have to ask you to unlock it, and I said okay, I figured I was going to show her the guy, and make sure there was unloaded in everything else, and she said. Okay now you have to walk with me down to the tea essay and, I said, wait
You told me to unlock the gun and Oh you're handing me the gun to walk through the crowded airport. She said yeah makes a lot of sense done it and they No, I don't make any sense it. She said. Yes, all of us have been talk about it that maybe that tee I say, should make that rule kind alike change. Don't unlock it until you get to the tea essay cause fly about, somebody just comes to the airport I say unlock it. They do we're walking through the crowded part of the airport, and somebody pulled a gun in the unlocked being because that's what ts, I told them to do and shoots everybody unlike this is insane he said, yeah yeah, so we want down to the tea essay, and I mean- and I would never say this if I didn't actually believe it- and if everyone in my party, my kids, my wife,
who doesn't ever say a bad word about anybody never wants to say the guys. I was travelling with we had two friends with us. We all walked away from tee essay and everyone said I don't mean to be rude, but where they mentally handicapped. They were like. Very low level may be sixty, I q, I think, and There were two of them and when were standing in line. There's a soldier and the t s a opens up Gone it's an aid are and end exactly how I would have done it. He takes the bullets and therein a in a box. Or is he in his case there were no plastic bag, the magazine was empty and separate, and the v of the air was there and it was open. So you can see there was not a shell in it. Ok, great here,
prince it up and he's like why this is a fantastic gun. You dude this alot yeah he's a soldier he's clearly a soldier. Yes, he shoots it alot. Why are these in a plastic bag? Will? Because I airports tell me that it shouldn't be loaded and the shouldn't be. Those should be separate from the magazine oh will not hear you don't have to worry about that. Then he says you can go ahead and put them in the magazine. So now Have a guy loading his a our bullets, into the magazine. All you, to do now is grab the gun slap it the base cockpit and fire. Why would you have him load the gun white? Why would you what what purposes that whole so then he's like ok now you just put that in there and ok we're gonna lock up. He puts the lock on ok, it's good and some other
I comes out who has an iq? Maybe forty takes the gun, the next. The next in line is me and I put the gun down and it's in up gun case and he's like. You only have one lock for this and I'm like yeah. I only have one lock for this nice like a can't fly. I'm like I know the case can fly, but your airplanes fly, and so we could put it on the airplane and it can fly. He's like. No, it can't fly sir because look and then he reaches down to the top and he starts to pull it apart needs like see you could just try now operate here and able to, and unlike what are you insane. So we had to go run in by two other locks, so it had three. Blocks on it, it's completely empty. He.
Taking the foam out. Like you note, I swear to you- is bomb sniffing dogs on mine, he's telling the other guy in front of me going. Load, the magazine with me in empty shot, gun he's gotta take all the foam out and everything else. This is, Ray Z, I'm sorry, but the tea. I say there are good PETE. There was I in Dallas who so great and he was met. The trains ran on time on his life. He was here. Everybody was laughing and joking with him because he was like no don't touch that don't know, don't touch that trade yet no nope and he was just running it. So fish gently and so right and you all stood in line in view moved in line. He was like none, I didn't say to go yet: weight but he had a sense of humor about it. Any was cool and he had he doing his job and everyone was cool with it. There are
rate, ts agents, and then there are really bad ts agents and then the tea I say just make stuff up. Well, I've scattered up to me whether to decide that flies or not This is not a system. This is ridiculous. There are really good ts agents really good inside like city. There were great ts agents. Did there Look you in the I looked at yours. Identification were actually doing their job and once in awhile, you'll find a Buber too. That arch. They have no idea what they're doing they don't feel you with confidence, and yet they have total control. It's ridiculous ridiculous. All I had to do, and I found this out later. All I had to do was bring a miniature horse
fire would have brought a minute your horse, I would have been escorted directly to the plane. I am not making this up, somebody said me just a couple of weeks ago on the air. They said you next year in to orders, has oh assistant animals. You know those those animals again, I wear the little roused yeah yeah and I said: don't laugh, don't laugh it's coming it's here. Did you see that. Sure of the horse on American airlines, one, broad and emotional support, animal and it was a horse. Now I don't know if you're like me, I don't have a hundred pounds. German Shepard, and he is a protection. Animal he's act really gone through all the training he has. The little vast he's got all of it.
Bring him everywhere? I don't bring him on aeroplanes, because I think it's kind of rude I dont know if somebody has a bad dog allergy just like I have a bad cat allergy. I don't do that. So we can know. We can use him, that's his job, ensure that we're safe. I dont do it because I just don't think it's right. This person brought up pony up, pony- and you know yours- it's crazy. In the article it talks about how the Ladys was having to say sorry all the time, because the horse cap, Joshua jostling the Other passenger in the seat next to her in the pony- and I thought you know if I'm if I gained another five pounds. They're gonna make me by a second seat. But if I bet pony on? I don't. To buy a second seat, the world, Has gone in,
say excuse me, could you could? You may be the pony in the overhead costs. I do have a hard time sleeping. I know I do because I'm through about how crazy the world is. So I lay in bed. I count ponies. Here's away, you could act. Get a good night's sleep. Try me a pillow dot com, cut, the power right out of it, you can count the money that you ve saved. Instead, my pillow at com. They have a great special going on right now, if you go to my pillow dot com and click on new radio listeners, specials you'll see some amazing offers on their pillows. There really really great sheets mattress operators and so much more. For example, their dog bed is one. Ninety nine- I don't know how much it usually is, but it's not easy were close to that. I dont know about their pony bed. I have
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but I have that in there and I'm gonna write in mind my emotional support pony and I'm going to buy the extra seat because I'm five pounds too fat and then my pony and my gun and I are getting on board. I think the world makes total sense as an incredible that I'm have now. If pointed out this horse thing, I've gotten, of course looked at the photo of it. How on earth how on earth could that happen? We all we had to bring it our little dog on the plane, one time and didn't when your little dog is like ten power like ten pounds in France will choose a little further time. Twenty pounds Mary and but to an attempt? Ten of those pounces there's just in the eyes, yeah sure it was a pug so brightly they gave us such a. I mean just
to put the thing under under the sea were just sat, sits there calmly and does nothing for the entire flight that was deposits in and for enabling and making sure there is so much we had to do just to do that. One time you can, a friggin horror: the horse, a steady across the entire row. It's our yet a horse the legitimate horse, it is a horse, and it is its head is like in the lap of the other passenger and you're like what the what can you imagine sitting down and somebody Goin excusing schismatics gives me this is my role you in the right seat. Skews me: do we have a pony with. You know this is not your I'll. This is not right seat. For you, scared me, stewardess. She has a pony. You won't. Let me keep my lap top out under my feet
we'll. Let you let me have that everything has to be over. She has a pony. I dont know how we're all gonna get out if there is in emergency because there's a pony, blocking our way we are really at that point in our society. Where a normal thing, is hated by so many and there's the cancel a culture that comes out and goes crazy. You you say, one thing that slightly wrong: you post, a picture that looks and said it is like I there's a couple of those stories today where it was a king card ash in and what was the lady from modern family Sophia Gharra posted photos of the harbours like how paused a vote you are very kind, does dry eyes, and it's like that the words were so offended by the most minor things and then so. Accepting of the most bizarre thing
one on a plane. They made a movie called snakes on a plane because it was ridiculous, Another horizontal planes, like that's a sequel, you wouldn't even make you know the two most under word under used words in in the english language. Today shut up shut up sees me. I have a pony. How do you shut up, nor really the pony shot up? Nobody gonna get it on the plane shot up. Billy I mean we just the I wanted teacher. I wanna Glenn Back programme shut up teacher. Because that's what needs to be said all that this is really stressed, shut up now. Can I please point no airlines to someone says we have to have a conversation about gun violence yet shut up, because you don't want our conversation. You don't want to talk about it now. Just you preach about it. I want somebody to give you a clap and you
to win an argument so shot up back at him with my phone here listening to the land, back right. You then did you know, did you know I think I have the wrong commercial, whether ways when commercial. Here What is it simply say how it is simply show? If ok did you know that most break It's happened between six, a m in six p M homes without security are three hundred percent more likely to be broken. Two and a lot of the times just knowing that the home has a security system is what keeps burglars away. So what are you thinking? You gotta get a security system and the one that you is affordable, the one that doesn't make you over the coals, the one that doesn't trap you in a long term,
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Welcome to the programme, just a quick update, China has threatened the Hong Kong protesters said quote: the end is coming for those who, in tagging eyes China. Oh, oh, that's that's good. By the way there was, but a response to Deborah messing and the guy who played will who was so irrelevant. I dont know his name. A response came from the guy who played J, Biederman GINO Hurley, I love GINO early, he was the guy who played J Peter men and on Seinfeld you remember him and Alain used to work for him. He said. Conservatives tend to be loan, wolves, there's more
diversity in the land, a beautiful people than you might think, he said, I think they d. The left has the bully pulpit right now to say it out loud. It doesn't permeate Hollywood to the free that you think it is, I think, there's a nature among the liberal thinkers to form packs or to form groups, whereas the conservative mind is basically an individual and they're tougher to find, I think, that's true I think we are a product of You can assign negativity to this, but where a product of the me side of the equation, the left is the we and there's there's theirs, race and there's prosperity when that is balanced. Whenever is me me me me me we forget about to many people.
When everyone is we we we we we we generally to attend to gas people that we don't agree with. So we need to think about we're all in this together, the we part in a balanced way and it's the power of the individual. That makes the difference. That's that's the american way, and I know you don't I dare say that anymore, but that's the american way, not well sir. If you want this video here, Glenn, oh yeah audio. We do it yeah, John or early on Fox NEWS. I'm embarrassed for both of them, and I say this because I know them both and I've worked with ever before the votes, smart people, they do wonderful work, but their pushing a case that falls apart from the sheer weight of it, Lunacy is all very Hollywood. Community needs to be purged of this social and intellectual hygiene problem. Call
conservative thinking and adjust. If, if it falls, it underscores the fact that we aren't receptive to diversity of thought, which is the exact opposite of what you feel the liberal, but the liberal way would be, and I find that obscene artistic expression really is the act of the infinite possibility. All viewpoints must be observed and respected. So, at the same time we are supporting free thinking. We also have to support free reset people that will allow other ideas to infect him. Some of the best conversations I ever had on the Seinfeld set with Michael Richards, who thinks totally differently than I do, but I couldn't wait to present him with an issue where something peace. I was always interested in his perspective on it, and I was always fascinated my dearest friend Brian Crampton. Another liberal thinkers certainly opposite to me. He and I can sit
hours hours discussing an idea, and I love that I cherish set out with the premise of trying to convince each other. That is what we have lost in our certitude. We are certain to quote my last book We are certain that the other side has nothing of value to teach us so we don't have to listen to them. All we have to do is convince them how wrong they are and that's the problem we are all filled with moral certitude. Well, you others there, sir. It's an amazing thing I've. I've actually had people on the left who have had no wakening and said. I can't believe it the people who have been the most kind and compassionate have been the conservatives and I
expected them to run me out on a rail and no real conservatives, real conservatives. Do not run people out on a real. If you believe in the constitution, we want to have a conversation, but we also want to be able to have a right you're wrong. We want to be able to come up with a solution. That is somewhat verifiable, though as verifiable as it can b. We want, if you show me scientific proof,. And you show me something that I can run a thousand tests on and it continues to come that way. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm say. Yes, I just read something about the farmers almanac, you're saying that the farmers almanac is calling for a really really tough winter, but in that a scientist was quoted in we have a hard time trying to figure out what the weather is going to be in the next day, who let alone a year from now
but you can tell me what the climate is to be a hundred years from now, You see any irony in that these c and d d c may be needed Maybe you should be a little less certain about what you're certain of, by the way Jeffrey Epstein the guy who he was working with the model agency boss. Now this is the guy accused south scouting young girls, further the pedophile ring they had has now disappeared. Investigators have looking for him, french authorities. Want to talk to him over his Ties to Epstein is part of their own probe into what he was doing
being in his house in Paris he's a ghost that has disappeared without trace illegal source in Paris. Told the paper oh really invest. It is a bit inquiry throughout the: U S and Europe, as well as Brazil, where the Frenchman was seen looking for girls just three months before Epstein was arrested. There's no address! three him all of his internet accounts, including social media, have all been wiped out. He's on contactable really ha. That's weird in there
swirled, where you can find any one at any time this guy has just disappeared. He fell into the wood chipper. What but I mean you, don't think the Clinton will. Let him live to you. I love saying that just because people think I'm being serious, how dare you? How dare you it is a weird out the whole story. So bizarre, although I dont understand in other conspiracy theories on the on the emptying thing, just I dont understand why he they wouldn't kill him when he was just walking around Florida. For the past ten years, why would they wait until he was in a federal prison seems like it would be so much more difficult to penetrate a prison to kill him when they could have just killed him when he was like, while they waited too long, they wait. They waited too long Hilary arrogance she thought she could get away.
I've got to, and so they waited too long to us as Easy Gimme, a gimme another one. I can t I can help you out on any conspiracy. Think you solve that one. Now I saw that our guy they making they had all their people positioned in place, and you know ready to go so he could continue to do that because they were, they were selling these young children in pizza, such shops all across the country. That's my oh madame resemble each other condition it just the pizza union alone, the power of that pizza was gonna, die and somehow
another had slipped through the cracks and he ended up in prison. They had given their escape, never think it about killing the pizza and so would fired pizza and they thought about killing him there and they thought now. Hilary will pull the strings, it'll get ITALY, it he'll he'll, be fine and we can continue to sell these. These small orphaned children case closed Jeffrey. I am, I know I am satisfied that the heavy got plenty, the guy. I think the guy was very busy. I don't understand is all because they they don't know how he really made his money. He seemed to have a relationship with one big billion. Ever he made like all of this money and he continually was just importing women girls all the time. Like there's a rip. The latest report had him rejecting a twenty three year old girl could she was too old and because that was one of the people who was recruited, he was paying hundreds of dollars per woman several times a day. I guess to have women recur.
These girls from high school and bring them into the house. How does this go on for so long? It's really is incredible. It really is an incredible story and I swear to you. This story existed for how many freaking years were. Conservatives were the ones Saying hey! You know this guy who's flung with Bill Clinton, twenty six times as jet and gone to some creepy island somewhere. Where he's been molesting girls like shouldn't, we into this a little more seriously. What's going on with this, and no one cared for a decade and all of a sudden when, when its trumps labours, her Terry, whose uncovered that he's the guy that gave Fc Sweetheart deal Now everyone's hyper focused on making sure these were women and girls get their justice. It's interesting because no one was interested in the FBI. No one was interest it and the IRS whether there was something going on during the tea party in Obama was using it. No one.
Interested in the FBI. You know with with the justice the director of justice. Attorney general saying you know what we have to do in advance of being attorney general. What we have to do is we have to get these guns in the hands of bad guys and let them use them and that'll teach America that we need gun, control and then run. Name guns across the border, selling them doing the various the very thing he stated. Nobody was interested in that nobody was entered, did in anything to do with the Justice Department or FBI, but they made Mistake of when Donald Trump was in office going after him and I think we're going to see a lot come out of these Pfizer courts. I think we're. Gonna, learn an awful lot here in the next cup weeks, maybe this week on what really going on in our government. Let me to extreme: they did it with Russia. I mean had half century of the left, embracing Russia and sing how wonderful they are and having multiple
Potential candidates go there on honeymoons and now when the. Finally, what could, because they place too many facebook ads in some Donald Trump. I guess now of the sudden. The left is just terrified of Russia and what's meet, wants to make sure that we take it supercilious. It is they were the ones who just said the nineteen eighties called and they want their foreign policy back NEA, and now it's ok because now you'll see a few of them, so you know well. I guess that was not the appropriate approach at that time. Oh will win, doesn't when they pay the price, for that is ready point where we you know that analysis was really damaging to the country, and you because you wanted to one election, its Mitt Romney. You decided to excuse Russia who everybody knew was acting in iter. I think they're paying the price for it right now. I think if, if the left were honest with themselves, which will never happen, the left were honest with themselves. They would see that the ones that are responsible truly for Donald Trump are the
those who said George Bush, he hates black people in and tsar blowing up the levies and he was in nine nine eleven and then then excusing absolutely everything that Barack Obama did that there was nothing that that guy could do. That was right, and that was in any way, shape or form covering up all kinds of stuff, and there Mitt Romney runs. Mitt Romney, he's the devil incarnate. It's gonna be the end of the world of Mitt Romney. He gets rid of dogs on car robes, all over America. He has. They have elected They have demonized every one. Everyone not just saying that there are not a good candidates, those bad policy, but they ve demonized everyone to the point where it does its no longer affair. And that's what we're seeing now I gotta give you the stats on me to movement. That thing is rebounded and its.
Exactly what we said it would do. It would actually her real women with real problems and its rebounded, and I think they left is going to be shocked. Shocked at the earthquake that they themselves have started when this, when all of comes rebounding back back in just a second somewhere within the sound of my voice somewhere in America, is a man of faith who loves God. He loves you. Family loves his country up to get out into the country and just be quiet. He loves his pair of two calls. This boots. In fact he loves it. So much he's talking somewhere in America into a microphone brightened. This is about me, isn't it? Yes, I'm that guy today, I'm that guy.
Out who we were been restoring a cabin check. It out a glimpse outcome. We ve been restoring a cabin that was built in eighteen, eighty And I have been collecting stuff for the inside of this cabin and I've been going to yard sales in little. You know you know antique. Jobs on the side of the road and buying things for ten years for this cabin. While I finally is finished- and all I want to do is just stay there and listen to the sound of the aspens and just read and write, and I and because I had to get onto a plane and go to LOS Angeles, so to make sure that I still carry That around me, I'm wearing my two Clovis by two Comus boots. You can get them now at two covert dot com, slash back tee.
C o d, a s dot com, slash back. They are a fantastic boots and with any one hundred fifty dollar purchase that you make today. You're gonna receive a free, half skin soft leather card case hand stitched in beautiful bourbon, color leather it's a forty, five dollar value and it's free with any purchase over a hundred and fifty dollars. You just have to enter the promo code back at the check out, but do now find your pair of takeovers, they remind you what's real Jacobus odd com, slash back to Kovac dot com, slash back make sure you enter back at the check out and you get your free card case with purchase. It's too comus dot com, slash back western! Where for your frontier, you're, lessening tat, Glenn back.
We are now discussing whether we should have more laws and make it more restrictive to be able to buy a gun, because We had a shooting this weekend, we the shooter- was refused a licence by the State of Texas. He did not pass the gun test, he could not buy a gun legally, but yet that doesn't seem to matter onto our program. I want to show you the brave new world, three stories that came out this weekend, one I interest have discovered a new kind of quantum time order, wait until you hear about this fraudsters used a I to mimic, see eels voice in a cyber crime and. Sound the alarm over brain reading technology and what's called Neuro Capitalism, the
will be the most frightening thing. You'll hear all week guaranteed. That's on tomorrow's broadcast, your lesson tat, Glenn back.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-17.