« The Glenn Beck Program

The Bizarre Attempt to Convince Glenn to Endorse Fetterman | Guests: Salena Zito & Alex Stein | 10/28/22

2022-10-28 | 🔗

Glenn and Stu review some of the media's shameless damage control for Senate candidate John Fetterman. China-owned TikTok continues to have a scary influence on American culture. Pat Gray joins the guys to discuss the irrelevance of ABC's "The View" and Elon Musk officially taking over Twitter. New York Post columnist Salena Zito joins to blast the corporate media's response to John Fetterman's debate performance, and she gives the facts on his health. Host of "YOUR WELCOME" Michael Malice joins to discuss Senate candidate John Fetterman and whether he's fit for office. BlazeTV contributor Alex Stein explains why he's suing Penn State University after a recent incident. More protesters are attempting to destroy priceless art to protest oil production.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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When you were about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment, this programme,
as a freak. It is her for right, a we begin in sixty seconds stand by first, let me tell you about car shield. You might get away with rolling the dice for awhile after your car warranty goes out. Yeah good luck! Put that hey by the way. It's easy to get a new car stew you're getting your new car today today today is the day, and I ordered it pretty much just yesterday variety months ago, and so that is a two thousand and twenty one. Now it's twenty twenty two, twenty two, it is yeah. You know when, when a very famous car company went out of business faintly Eighteen, twenty nine and everything that was sold in nineteen thirty five was still a nineteen twenty nine. It was built in nineteen, twenty nine. They just had them left over there like slap the label, so is that? Is this a twenty twenty one with a new label on it. Now it's a twenty twenty two I will say some twenty twenty three have already been delivered. So
Okay, people are getting twenty twenty three before getting twenty wonderful. Some people are just looking for like a two thousand and seventeen and they are born. They are more expensive than some of the new cards. It's I don't understand how that works anyway, Car shield, when your warranty goes out, do you wanna to deal with getting a new car. You wanna deal with trying to pay for the chips or whatever the goes into the guard, it car she dot com, slash back car shield, dotcom, slash back or call eat. rid three nine one. Eighty eight eighty eight eight three nine one. Eighty eight eighty, eight, its car shield, dot com, slash back forty, once I've waited for this car and he's been essentially a drought, the entire time? And yet today, the day I'm picking it up. hits pouring rate is a month soon. It's incredible do you like no rain, no rain for months and months and months. It feels like and the day you
your car. After waiting a year and a half, I mean There is a god to be. It says there isn't it's either I've done something to the deep blue dimension, not a force israel and sets a euro more could be that yeah. I also think it could be that the cars going to burn so much gas, it's actually a pre eminently it's already like preemptively that ruining the climate where china I'm off to yeah yeah. That's probably it ok, let me just give you up. I love this comes from the federalist today Everything that Democrats claim is a threat to democracy. Have you know that Everything seems to be well here's the list. Donald trump course right threat to democracy, then republican just generally just generally threat to about democracy. For first it was mega republicans, and now it's
just republicans and a net ted crews threat to democracy, Josh holly. threat to democracy, rhonda santas. Of course he is he's in it. stream threat to democracy, quoting doktor oz and impaired futterman mood dozen pose a threat to our democracy is better than a polished oz. Who does that's what's at stake here? The oz is a threat to our democracy there doing their best to find a pass through. That is this phrase who buy? is this stuff I dunno who buys that I will say we have Selena Zito on today. It was like the read order in pennsylvania on this stuff. I haven't I've, not ready. Yet I talked to her about it. I regularly see she has. She has a new op, ed piece. She is one of my favorite reporters because actually she doesn't live in them cities, she lives in pennsylvania and she just she never too.
the freeway she never takes an airplane? She will drive to wherever she is to report on something because she wants get a feel for the real people and so on he's doing a story. She kind of hangs out where all of the real people are that way, she's, not an outsider. You know she kind of has a bead on the see you're hurt describing this like she's an alien, that's journalism. What you're dismantling is just area is not bad. He has an alien made me laugh. It's like the typical reporter now literally just looks at twitter. Frances Their key words puts a bunch of tweets in the story it and send it to the editor right. Where is only says, wait, wait. Wait, wait! Wait! You can't say that you put in their threat to democracy, to re, inserted, inserted, actually goes and talks to people and its why her reporting has been so good, especially the past kind of accurate, accurate, really accurate, so she's joining us talk about the fall.
From the fishermen debate and she's, like the only but I've been waiting to talk to her all week, she's the in voice. I will trust on what's really happening on the ground, so threat to democracy, now is tudor dixon she's quote a huge threat to our democracy. Johnson is a threat to our democracy. Like this Jeremy Lee conducted elections the eric and time magazine a merry. In democracy, can survive unless the far right is marginalized. Here is how to do it out. Good, that's an article in time magazine. Thank you time, ripe for issued should republicans when they will. Certainly attempt to end our democracy. As we know, a dollar states, obviously that stuff, where the main thing we're learn for we know if anything, the the american right has been against the constitution all this time, today, the entire ate it, and we just don't like it that we talk about it all the time to fool you guys. Yeah generally,
speaking, we just dislike our system so much it's not you guys on the left that are constantly criticizing it and lighting cities on fire. That's not that's! Not a jury! Members do when we talked about. Let me see if I can pull this up real quick. Do you remember when we talked about the fabian societies idea. What are you? What are you recall that oh gosh bring to start with a window to remember the window: stained glass window. While you didn't learn a day, I think why wasn't we shall judge of one that out now I do. I haven't been alone sacho. I did. I watched the show a lot. I ve learned a lot back then and then other meaningless information has entered, My brain and hasn't has. on the battle against that that particular series of shows, apparently you'll start about an hour. Ok, so so listen to this, you remember the fabian social. So me just recap: fabian socialist worst was started by george Bernard Shaw and
a couple of other dairies. They started the london school of economics, yep, okay, everybody loves the london's go: oh the london school of economic yeah. You know who's involved in it now George soros, so it was started. This school was started by the fabian socialists and and there d the shield or there oh go. If you will is an actual wolf, in sheep's clothing, not real subtle, but I think we've got it here. but listen to this. The window express that they're talking about this stained glass window, which I didn't know I was doing some research on the silver day. It was poland and nineteen. Seventy eight and it was gone to like two thousand. Who made it nowhere was and that it shows up southern bees. They sell it and I'm wondering why the hurry, It was stolen, usually stolen stuff doesn't get actions you going, I house, I have no idea anyway. The wind
explicitly reflects the goal of the fear fabian society too, a an outward role, contrary to its real character to you, deception, pursuing its ultimate aim. Spit a wolf in cheap clothing, is the image it appears, the shield above the world being rotten, fabian mould. The biblical refer comes from the new testament and warning it we're Jesus was warning about false prophets. They come in sheep's clothing, but apparently, ravaging wolves. Author gee, edward griffin, in his book, the creature from jekyll island had given voice. To this reality that this shield image highlights the distinguishing figure of the feature of the fabian's as compared to the communist fabian's desire to create a socialist state using subversive tactics opposed the communist method of revolution and violence, we we talked about in two thousand eight, but that what you're seeing now they're just so desperate
and they no longer have the media to give it credibility. Before they used to be able to that's a threat to democracy and the media would parent that everybody would go. That's a threat to democracy. now we're onto the game all of the wolves and cheap we're like guy we see the teeth. We know you're, not a sheep. We know now, and it is its phenomenal to see once you wake up, how clear everything becomes, It's it's really! I mean this is biblical. This is I don't know we're living in any radical period of history. Right now, also helpful when they put the actual wolf in sheep
clothing in their little fat really is helpful to write but see it clearly, but still people in england. Don't people still don't I mean it was. It was the veto, monster from jekyll island that book it was the first to really reveal hey by the way. Look at the window. Crazy, Let's see, and you know what Selina Zito talks about that. Let me just give you this: she talks about, in the federation thing, She would papa. Where is she here. It is the painful story of how John fetterman arrived at tuesday nights, humiliation, listen this this is amazing, most of the voters watching it surely seamen speak it small rallies where he struggled on the back but he seemed okay, but now they were fully realising that he was just repeating memorize lines and could not actually comprehend when others tried to converse with him now.
those watching had no idea how bad veterans health was causing. I believe that no one reported this sooner many were angry. The Democrats and reporters knew about this the whole time. Why reporter who did mention fishermen's inability to converse b c news reporter dash burns was viciously attacked for her passionate reporting not just from. Veterans campaign and supporters, but also blue, a journalist on twitter and her own NBC news. Colleagues advantage gathering gay on fourchan Lay the accurate story about federation instead became a false story about burns, and even in the attempt destroy her career? This include the veiled threat from veterans, wife, who mr large platform to demand an apology from burns while threatening com sit quences for her reporting, one
to wonder what those consequences would have been and still the ruth about john fishermen's. Cognitive abilities remained buried a secret but a seat. well known to journalists with personal access to him since late July and those who have observed him failing comprehend anything his supporters say to him on the rope line. They said and wrote. Nothing The question is why why, They afraid they would receive the vicious, cancel, treatment and threats that burns god, where they afraid they would hurt the political team that there were not so secretly rooting for either reason is a stain on the journalistic profession, those culpable I should really never again mock. Anyone who question the honesty of the press. Then she goes into how the Democrats were doing the same thing. This
is the way it used to work. This is why they try everything to silence you. They do every they can t control social media. because social media really is talk, radio was the only defence but or social media it was programme? like this in rush limbaugh, that allow you to talk allowed the voice of middle america to be heard. No other format allowed. That. we also because hush limber had me millions and millions and millions of listeners and that hadn't pinned before. So that was the beginning of the end. Once I mean I worked in a third
years to gain an audience. Learn enough to be able to have people want to hear what I have to say and trust that I'm not a complete idiot, I'm an idiot but not a complete idiot but the audience now has an audience you and have an audience you most likely do. Even if it's a couple hundred on facebook You have an audience every day: that's what they ve got to stop. Because that's the regular person, whether that the crazy guy that nobody talks to down you know on the corner that areas like hey, kids, don't talk to him. Don't devils, don't guinea candy firm him he's a teacher. It are you got that guy. Never nobody ever heard him, but that guy who's like a pet of failure, not that bad he's. Now, god
Five thousand people cause there's five thousand people that believe that. That's what they try to use as a threat to democracy. Are those people who have lived amongst us forever, but they work why it I'd rather know who they are. but the media needs to build those voices up to scare. You to scare you, so you go somebody's gotta stop this and go running into the arms of the people who are true, to silence everybody, not just the pedophiles every body, but now because the genie's out of the bottle and with elon musk yesterday taking over twitter snide eleven o clock, he treated the bird. It is free, Things are going to change you I trust the media anymore. What's
tat, is a lot of people now are getting their news from tik tok tik tok I've never seen anybody with a coup on Tik tok, but that's another thing: did you know that tik tok The algorithm here shows us stupid people the algorithm for america shows a stupid. People shows us doing stupid things. We all laugh. Ah, you know it. algorithm is for tik tok in china. The owl rhythm. Their highlights you People doing amazing things now is that a coincidence they know, but showing p doing amazing things in china. It will shape their culture into people go and that's how you become famous a star or that's how you succeed.
And ours is just a twelve boogers from my friends nodes and that's what makes you a star in america, I mean that video in particular was pretty good, but I know what you're saying I mean I've never seen it before I mean I was like the matrix not going to eat another one. Oh he just did it. Is there pos billy a warning sign when I think it's twenty four percent of all young people get their news from the directly from the chair: these government. Do you think that that could have any negative consequences in our future. Donald trump was right. The first the fourth and last things he did was ban it man, one of that he is not here, no power to ban it, but he peered the right instinct there to relax out and they were wobbly and the first thing that biting did was shore em up I will say and he's gonna look. Trumped was right,
that as well as a lot of other people who recognise we should not get our freaking news directly from the chinese government. I why on earth would anyone think that's ok, we all know the chinese communist government is not a good influenza has a nobody. Let me explain why that working in just a minute, sixty seven Let me tell you about relief factor, it's that that walk the We have gone on with your dog every day. That bothers your knees and the in more bothers you because your back or whatever it is it's couple of hours you like to be sent to spend sitting in one place, leaning over table, putting all that that world war to fighter plane model together and feeling, like you, just gotta to buy that plane. When you stand up, it's just bout me able to feel good in the morning Otherwise you might not that's. What really factor is all about relief factor,
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carry lake is our us, our podcast, that we'd released I think, on tuesday or wednesday, and then who is it its voting right, voted bachman from ass He was in town he's an amazing guy and amazing guys, a preacher, from america group in the streets of allay now and africa he's running a university there, but boy he tells it like. It is doesn't really put up with, woke stuff. I know not a fan, not a fan, not a fan, really early marceau, yeah, really great guy. He was actually they wanted him to be the head of the southern baptists convention Because there's a political split in that it didn't it didn't work out, didn't work out. However, he is playing a big role in that try to save that faith. That group of people in me
sure they're not getting into woke ism anyway, we were talking about the media. and stew before went into a break, you said, Oh you don't even remember this is trouble, cause I'm using you to remember that we are talking about the media. We were talking about talk here. Why doesn't China's July? It doesn't here's? Why? People are getting their news because people trust other people, even if they don't know them, they try someone else, more than they trust the media. It's why, when you look like the media, when you are all polished in produced,
it's not as effective as when you're just holding your phone in telling the story, people feel they want to get it from somebody like them closest to situation programme what you do here from olivia, whose visit to pre born clinic made all the difference in the world. Listen site like the only ones are really there for me the women at the clinic again and actually did empower me and help me. I will wait to get my answers are still member, no feeling everything. this changing eyes that I would knock and aversion. So, what's going on, his baby with or without him, though he said without. I think if I didn't find the clinic- and I probably would have considered abortion the women there are just so kind of there's just so genuine. It would not be this strong without the clinic my dreams,
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Twisted frigate welcome to pat gray from tat gray unleashed tallow, pat hello plan cells to it's friday. What is that, the story of the weak, or the thing that is that everybody should everybody should go wherever it away and don't have to be, could be any story, any story, anything from the weak jump in your first, yes, John veterans, debate my answer is well bout. Crap are disguised her time to think of something else, the ferryman debate, but which, if I just took from paris his idea, but I'd like to comment on your dear. I sure now, just to give you an update, there's been a couple. Poles have come out since the debate up, one has oz up three another released has us up to that should be sent us to a. I want a six percent, but that's what I asked I was all, but for six or seven now these are the
first couple, so sometimes after these big cultural events happened people necessarily watch them live. They see all the clips afterward and everything else. All the conversation afterwards so sometimes take a little bit to build. The good news oz ahead, bad news. I would like to see more that's what I would like But where I mean you had to be just perplexed that this event occurred. Weren't, you pat, I mean I. I can't even believe they let the garden state. I know think they really regret at. Even though there trying to painted is he did just a marvellous job, he didn't so much better than anybody even anti to remember. Do you remember how they treated rossi arose, running mate general stockdale stockdale com- let's not a politician rhineland. we're talking all this politic mumbo jumbo between the tomb and he went. I don't even know I am here and they become what he was making a common honest. I don't do this. This is ridiculous and everybody knows it
the media spun it like yeah. You wonder what it was. You didn't know what he was talking about. He was an admiral by the way, another general admiral, but he was a really well an accomplished guy with an incredible history and Just re used to call him lieutenant colonel stockpile. Really get a lot of title anyway it was. It was amazing what used to happen yes and now, and they act like and now there are acting like this- is normal. Yes, yes and you're supposed to welcome him with open Firms or what are you ate, decide people all of a sudden can so transparent red gillis. Yes, just hate all disabled people. That's it's like honestly. It would be like taking. Your driver's test from abroad, and man right,
dont. What you'd only aligned people right now turn minor norway, dr right here, I'll turn its house. If I turn now turn now, ok, not a good idea, that's a good example! to cause you love blind people, their fine. Nobody has a problem with the blocking first now you just don't want them driving correct cry. I dont want my huber driver right to have a. White, stick with a rather stripe at the bottom offer. The bumper just has trouble. processing road signs that all deal just said. I mean that he is he's still thinking about how to drive. He can still move his arms back and forth. Hey because his feet work. Fine, it's just. He can see what the road signs or the dots on the road mean he does. He can't process them and see them. He just can't promise to who can we go lower? Can we have a lower bar for standards look, I can, we might think of land and probably very soon. I can't good
god misused to already yet a president whose compromised you got a speaker of the house who, I think has compromised. We too divide. I am Feinstein Johns better many. I mean come on you by the way to Nancy policy our prayers should be on Nancy Pelosi's husband Currently, there was something that happened. There was a break in the house, was beaten and was beaten, bad and he's in the hospital. Could they expect him to fully recover but yeah, but yeah he's a means, but eighty two were just as bad as I am no idea about any with. The motive was where there was a normal break in or something else. Who knows that I mean we know what the left to say. I'm looking at twitter, there, saying it already that of course it was conservative who broke into do this. Now Hu, we don't know anything about it, so it is now, as we want me like a conservative and we won't be,
like them? We won't. We won't predict the news here. We will just wait for it, the facts to come out either way I mean it's, it's obviously a terrible terrible incident I mean I am nancy, doesn't live exactly in a bad neighborhood. This is he knows everything there. Now is a bad idea. That's the problem. I mean everything is bad now and in these people that that think that their friends are on. The left you're, seeing it we sought with the view this week when you know they weren't pro testing ted crews, they were ro testing the show the view for now covering climate change enough can peace dreams, you know hey, let us do our job and they they just disrupted the whole show. You should have said: hey we're a bunch of idiots. We do not say anything so dont. Ask us to talk about something complicated. Is that what you really want that you really want them talking about climate are now
Don't trust me whether no matter what side gerard you dont want on roaming about everything about it didn't have a single fact in their head. Ever I mean combined, they don't in fact in their head. It's like how can we combine the absolute and dumb people in our society, gonna show. How do you do it? I jersey shore, let's try this. We ve talked about this multiple times, remember how how tied up or or button, you used to have to be on cnn and fox. Oh, my view would have screwed up the facts, very nice. One time I mean just one time would have been enough programme to get you off the year. Oh, you know where I was. made very clear to you. Remember how I am the only person to ever lose money working at fox news. I paid a million dollars a year for my own research team. because I shining everything it had to be checked. Ridable check triple checked before you went with it on these ip cannot do it and we were lucky. We worked it at sea and in which
david me and we, They would not let the show air live. Yeah and so we had to take it, and sometimes it would take three hours to tee but one hour show because they stop it and say: give me that acts on that. We, like we ve already it's everything's foot, noted that can't be true Ok, here it is, and so we'd argue back and forth. We never changed a word of the script, but they would check every thing. whereas the witches in the coven on the view or just spew out nonsense every single day, and nobody even calls them on it, because that's a branch of a b c news. I know that I do yes, I do see knows that Barbara Walters show unbelievable yeah is so anyway, it's nobody's nobody's listening, nobody's watching what is the way I'd love, to see the ratings of the view over ass ten years. I don't I mean I don't know why.
Because it's on television, I don't know any. But do you know anybody who watches tv? Don't worry, especially about the view yeah. I don't know anybody who watches but I don't! I don't even know anybody watches prime time television now! No, I don't I mean only time I turn on you know the cable or the satellite is to watch tucker and football. yeah, but it's the only time. I watches for its little crazy. It is so. How do these people I mean, is no one telling them. Guys, you're losing everybody, everybody apparently not apparently not. Apparently not. I mean it's a little difficult to it's sort of the the story of visionary now where there, the ratings against their opponents daytime talk, show our pretty strong but they're ready view. Yes, their ratings sure verses. We know their old ratings are very, very much down there, their audiences much smaller than it used to be, but as it compare
as to the other, shows that europe. Now you want to look at you, wanna get old, technically or, but you want to look at cube You want to look at how many eyeballs are watching what divisive, its fallen off it in dramatic fashion as far as cultural impact I mean we. There were times where we did. This show where it was like the big topic for multiple weeks at a time, the view where someone would say something stupid usually and it was like a big deal, and everyone was talking about what they said on the view and once some joy bay hearts at anything of you go back to fourteen hunter, for joy, they heard saying something of consequence, but I mean like I'm pretty o independent. But like it, I like what Elizabeth hassled back remember when she was not show like people like new york, like big blobs, the time they were. It was a big news stories seemingly The other week there was a big blow up on that show. I'm occasionally when megan Mccain was on their. There was some stories that that ones every once in a while. But really I can't remember the last time we we heard anything-
we can. We have an eclipse or when would be set, something a clue, We have demonstrably fall. Let's find the one consistent thinks that the big guns multiple times just she's, a horrible human being you're, not judging or not you now known shield is just. I would urge the fires of Hell, yeah, liver, all time and rifle, but who are we to write when you're not to know? What's judge judge I was very, disappointed in her when she justified blackface from her, then boyfriend yeah that was yeah. We don't bring that up. Yeah, okay, alright, stay with us back cause I want to. I want to talk to you about elon musk in twitter. That may be the biggest story of the week as well, but we just don't know it yet, we'll talk about that coming up in just a few minutes, stand by verse. Let me ask you something about europe we'll phone service company, the money you send them every single month now. That would be a weird question. Ask a you know that money you send
What are they doing with it? You re, like I dont care, however, when you find out that some of the big cell service providers are funding plan. parenthood I don't know, I don't know I have a problem with that can you switch to a company? That is not spending their money, your hard earned money that you pay them. They take their money. Can you the company that is not going to do that. Every time you make a phone call your are fuelling the end of the republic. The other, is one company, it's the only chris gin, conservative phone mobile phone service out there. It is patriot, mobile, patriot, mobile you're, going, great service there on the self same cell, two hours are going to get the same coverage and all everybody's in america so yearning it? You know people You call need help minutely, thy spake marking,
and you also will save a but load of money every month. They have something for everybody, you just call him up and swim today. By the way you can get free activation with the offer code back free. All you have to do just go to patriot mobile dotcom, slash back or call them at nine, seven to patriot might show each spike murchen nines. In two patriot or patriot, mob, dot com, slash back the Glen back programme mrs day, miss alot visit delays, tv die com to day and night a moment of truth.
the bottom to the Glenn Beck program. So elon musk he's got a big task. He's got to figure out how this company that has had more free advertising than any other company on the in the history of the world twitter. how come you're, not making money we give you a little tipp. This is from tick. This is from tik tok,
made by one of the twitter employees. Listen to this welcome to a on my life as all twitter employees. So this past week went to search for the first time at a twitter office. Badged and honestly, it took a moment to just soak everything what a blessing also started my morning off with an iced, much of them the parrot. Then I had a meeting so quickly scheduled one of these old pod rooms, which were so cool they're, are literally noise. Cancelling tickets meeting got ready for bunch. Look how delicious this food legs? Oh, my goodness, I was so overwhelmed then made my way down to this log cabin area. I dunno what this is, but it was really cool. I played some foosball brands and also found this really cool. Meditation. Meditation is super neat I didn't doing yoga, but the whole game so also thought that was really cool. I had a couple of more meetings in the afternoon. Had a ton of projects that we needed to knock out to my teammates,
point to the went to the library to get somewhere worked and see how tamar, after you caught me, so maids miss press there before leaving for the day, hudson red wine at once went up to the roof top unjust, your wages and just on while waiting for some trap she's in winding from the the stress of rule on winding yeah yeah, what an earlier shannon gruelling, growling and and lunch I can about they have shafts there really caught topshop had looked relevant. I can't was, I came and imagine what he's gonna cut. What could you possibly caught out of money, That is why it's amazing- and you know companies are struggling with this now you get remember what we used to say: yeah, wait until they get in the real world. You know that's not
that's not a thing anymore. They got into the real world and changed it. We folded, we folded. You know you know I gotta have my I've got out my latte and I need a yoga room. There are companies that I know big companies that I know that you would be pretty to work at there are now having to have happy hours, bringing lunch or or breakfast just to get people to show up to work. real it's crazy unreal, real raises credible I remember we had an executive in at one point from one of the oil companies, a former like ceo of an oil company. big ones, and he was like a lock you now weak. Look at this climate thing is like we understand where, in all this act, Some is gonna happen, but in the end, if you know people need oil and and then they're gonna wind realities in the face and its interests. Because I had that view for a long time with, like you know, younger generations, who would eventually,
Would you like? I know I had views when I was eighteen that were completely ridiculous, that I will today and say: oh god, that was wrong. When reality sort of hit mean, I grew up and I became an adult, and I saw these things happen. I was able to write ray quality and adjust my viewpoints. I dont that happens with these generations that have been like drill. It's been drilled into their head. All these crazy things from birth. So years what's happening just on steroids, the each generation, the world war, two generation, they were steeped in hard work and everything else then be generation showed up and they choose aged everything. They changed free love. They changed the way the office work. Nobody was wearing ties anymore. All of that stuff, then We were the one I was the one after they hippy generation and I feel like I've spent my whole life trying to clean up the mess after the hippies. The same thing is happening, generation that is in their thirties. Now there that
there are the new hippy generation and the what is it the z generate, whatever the new generation Jen Genji there, more conservative and we're going to be the ones doing clean up the mess it clean up the mess so sick of it so sick of it by the way, jens z. They are hard working and much much more conservative they're not buying into the crab their best procreating. Let me tell about sweat, block if you, if you have gone through deodorant and antiperspirants, and don't really hold up for you nothing, worse, there's nothing worse and I No. In my he said my wife alla time we use to when I would tourism like dwight, voicemail and she's like no, you don't, but I always felt I did.
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this world? But there was another path or the battle to belong begins awakened by a united defined by the cause you fight for no one can take away what it means to be among the few proud we learn more,
when you are about to here, is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment programme.
Thank goodness. Thank goodness arizona. You ve got crime. You got crime taken care of. You finally got rid of that seventy eight year old grandmother who was arrested by police officers because she was serving food to the homeless. She had just serve twenty eight people who book and a police come up
hands on the car grandma hands on the car. They've got her off the street. You just don't want to mess with that. Of course you can get fentanyl all crack, no matter whatever hey. You want to buy a little kid to have sex with. Don't worry you couldn't do it either at the border wide open. Why not? We've got grandma in jail, however, just when you think the world can't get more insane, there's a debate between DR oz and a guy who's just had a stroke that can't process anything and we're still looking going. Is that going to change anything in this world of ours? The only person I trust to give us some insight or answers is, I think, the
the journalists, the one that is still walk in the beat and knows how to do journalism, Selina Zito, she's in pennsylvania, that's her beat. She knows it. We go to her. In sixty seconds, What have I told you? It's not only possible to get rid of the pain that you've been carrying around for so long, but you could potentially go back to feeling the way you used to remember those days back when you didn't have to check in with your body before everything you do you like better? Not do that guy better, not to lift that. I had terrible pain all the time and I went to the male clinic columbia university. I went everywhere, and why you trying to find something that would relieve the pain I gave up fine My wife said: have you tried the thing that the blazes advertising and, unlike what are you
Getting may really. I wanna buy something that's advertised on the radio that will work didn't think it would work because it reduces inflammation and that's like ibuprofen me, and that has never done a thing. For me this is complete, lee different. It attacks inflammation for different ways, so covers a lot more people than ibuprofen does so three percent of the people who try this find amazing relief. They go on to order more month after month, so try it three weeks, ninety ninety five just try it and see if it works, for you be part of that seventy percent they got their life back. Like me, eight hundred the number for relief, eight hundred for relief or relief factor dotcom feel the difference lies, go to salinas, Zito, hello, Selina. How are you
one side hurry is a very good you, some tired, then work and hard not like. to a bank headline going. That's that's com, your time on the road talking like people. Yes, thank you. That, by the way you're the washing examined or national political reporter. You are also a columnist for the new york post and the co author of the great revolt which explained what happened in twenty? Sixteen, you guys because you actually talk to people you wrote an amazing article that has just come out the painful story and how John federal arrived at tuesday nights humiliation. I read it on the air. Do just that, sk our. I want to get to that, but I I first why to get your reaction on water people say what are the voters saying what's really happening on the ground there, you know it's funny story I drove
all the way out to the debate from pittsburgh to harris birds. I got there lila is that the only people I would be watching the debate with was either rip ordered no. My cab, I'm not going to learn anything here all the way back halfway across this date and stopped in a bar. And ah just sat back and observed people watching the debate and I think the most powerful saying about watching those reaction- was the watching the realisation under faces today no idea that dog I remember was in this sad and a condition, but they understood as he would do a rally here, and there spoke a couple times they understood. There was somewhat of a problem, but they didn't. They thought it was beach related, as opposed to cognitive.
related, ah and when he was put in a position where he had you answer questions and provided all the tools available to him and he skills struggled. They now realized. Nobody been telling them that I have got your very bad but that's about it all the other reporters have just oh you did. This is an issue, and so, as they were talking among each other, they were really frustrated an angry at my profession for not being menstruating exactly what the problem is being honest about what they have seen over the past couple of months. Really mad at other democratic leg, senator bob casey under a deal with him
in about a half a dozen event, maybe more and and and talked about how terrific shape is at an end I believe you go on national news after the debate and said he the terrific job. Then you that with the philadelphia inquirers but he won the day and the unemployed thing he wondered debate and and and are you at all that together and and there's this further in this bull and quiet thing going on with voters saying your gaslight. Yes and we're tired of it. So easy go to change the way people we are so sat in our camps. Now that I want If anything would change anybody's mind now Will this change their mind? I saw it happening in real time. Look waited a thing.
It was so important about the book. The great revolt it was that it was understood this coalition and this conservative party with care Listen that formed long before Donald trump ever done it age and remained intact. You look at pencil. in twenty twenty. So what happened? Joe Biden, one job, One barely what people did not talk about was that there was a significant, and read wave down ballot in. congressional races in this state wide roma perpetrated in the state. How in the state senate, coalition remained true to gather once again proving that this was not about rob, but it was about thereby their their communities, how they are accurate and I think that remains to be the underlying the the or the story that is consistently missed in in
in reporting and and and an example of that. The other day. Did you see that practical minor who came to the backup why? Yes, yes, ok, then sat by the way. This thing I see all the to me, that was like yeah, I mean that's. What people do right here. I would like, oh my god, but it really is that image started to be shared across the social media at the exact same time that the Washington post wrote a story and they said why moral americans are so angry and we stand for and why your voting republic, and I thought this is the perfect example. These two moments, together of how my my profession does not understand the very people deaf their covering Coal miner was not angry and resentful that he had to go to the game like that. He was appreciative that he had a job to go to
the ability to leave that job and go sit in a basketball game. I sold so you bring up in your would so intimately before I go under this The polls show that oz is now up to three points I would in normal times. I would have expected that to be six, seven, eight, but but who knows are, are you What are you thinking about? Is fishermen going to win. Is there going to be enough space between them? here's a challenge for betterment and by the way I would say it's been ciao either reporting this since mid september, doktor eyes, who are incredibly speck skeptical of in in the beginning, when he first announced he was running, has actually proved and matured as a very good candidate. Someone who someone who those places
I call on the middle of somewhere and and talk to the voters that nobody thinks about, and he listened I have on one thousand, of miles on the back roads with odd watched him in rural areas, watched him in in majority minority area, just listening urge more by the way, no one there? a porter would be so he's not there to get a photo off now they're on their and he's surely doing it because you want to understand what the issues are shocking, was a long way of telling you that I have always thought that joint, better men were. is losing voters incrementally, but losing them remember. He was up twelve manage point, but he also has no ability to gain voters, and it's not just based on hidden his illness.
I have been doing, help anybody's reading it. But I've been reporting that as mayor the whole sorted elevated story that you Nowhere is shown in the atlantic knew your time, these glossy beautiful pieces about how you save this, this burrow in tablets and has remained open covering him since two thousand and five he didn't say that town he he was barely ever there he can be obtained. He really had very little power to begin with, HU. I am aware not population decline and the heart and soul of the town. The hospital where there was the only sit down restaurant for people to go to the cafeteria with whom we worked with torn down. I hope people go to sleep no com if the reporting that I've been doing, I know not on social media, but but that report
it has been a busy year for martin I saw the- I saw the story on that when it came out and how do the people of the town feel when their hearing hey. He say. our town, but that was a beer. If that of that story, that wasn't me telling everyone that that was then they talked about how their town didn't get better. They talked about new jobs coming in, they talked other people that have led to get did there because there's no hope and there's no opportunity and they talked about it, always being about him and never about them, and they talked about him going after one of their neighbors a I'm, a young black man who was jogging and he put a shotgun to his chest and kept him there because he thought she was some sort of a in a heartbeat. He thought he yeah he and and by the way, thank you life has been destroyed?
the young man's life has been destroyed it. He has never been apologize to or the kind that he went up to a local bar, a night club owned by way by a black entrepreneur. And change the wording on the sign at two o clock in the morning and a camera caught it saying that it was closed and not open because he deemed it worthy to be opened in the town. These are the story, the people, a radical count you noticed were it not me saying that this is them saying. This is why I think that reporting, as important mm. Let alone was that he didn't pay his taxes in a poorer school district in one of the poorest school districts in the state, he didn't pay the school tax Ah you know it it it it it it. It frustrated me. Every time all these glossy stories were put out there. You know with him standing in front of the steel mill.
it is at the same time his parents were paying for his education. I mean paying for his family lifestyle, it's either. It's amazing to me he replied: finds me of in many ways. Karl Marx com, Arcs was a horrible human being that now never paid a dime of his own way he he practically bankrupt his parents. He lived off his parents and then his family for his whole life, never really accomplished. Anything oh my god, the standard I couldn't even imagine not wanting to have purpose in your life and in that way other than the purpose of power. which is what I believe that it is. This has always been a bit okay, so Selena, hang on just a sec cause of what I want if you could hold for one minute, I want to do a commercial then come back, and I want to talk to you about the press.
And the Democrats that have stood by its what you brought up in your latest article on the washing in examiner- and I and love. Some answers on What do you think is really happening there? we'll go to Selina z and return with her here in sixty seconds stand by, when you find yourself just going through the motions when it comes to feeding your dog bowl empty grabbed, the bowl of kibble filler up, but a tonight. I want you to take just a minute as your feet, near dog, and really think about. What's in that kibble food, all kid food, no matter how good it is, no matter how expensive it is. It's dead food because has to be sterilised be able, at last on the shelf for a couple of years. That would be like if you just lived on you know, mcdonald's, mc ribs, not good, not good, so
we do well kibble. Food is fine. If you put the nutrients and the vitamins and the probiotics and the Annie oxidants back into it, and that is exactly what happens with rough greens. This is some Just put on your dogs food as your feed them, they love it. you watch the change in your dog over that next year, its remarkable rough means dot com, slash back rough greens, dotcom slash back call three three g elliot in thirty three rough greens, dotcom slash back or eight three three then thirty, three column today, ten second station iD, ok, so we're tartu. Selina Zito us cut salinas ito dot com is her web address, but she writes for the new york posten, also thee, washington examiner when,
in twenty sixteen, when you nailed what was happening really only one that they media went, how did she get this so right? and you wrote a book about it, you went to work for cnn as contribute are there and I know you silly. I know you problem We walked in at first hoping that people will actually listening get it and then they didn't and thus down the toilet. Even more will Why are they not looking? Why are they not exposing things like fetterman? Are they afraid or are they afraid of being ostracised by their own there? a group or is it? Is it that they just want do it because there on the bandwagon? So it's an I have an entire chapter about this in my book and who think that its problem,
It's the one that people should really richly pre occurs, called a culture craving respect and The problem with my profession is the same problem that used in corporate amiss. in our major news organisations, but also in institutions and governments, but even in sports organisations, in that the people in the board room are all come from the same, They all live in the same super zipcar. Do I mean by super zip code, the wealthiest counties in the country, are they all went to that same great schools? Now they may have, I'm from iowa, but they left far behind once they. Dc or new york and- and so what happens, is when they go to. whether it is right as story or do a commercial make a bone. Boneheaded decision like the nfl did, and luckily
captured it do whatever he wanted by having a contract. That said, you cannot do. That is because they don't, they does show disconnected from the people who read their story, go by their tickets, who said in their seats. That is the larger problem right. That's what the problem beginning! It began at the same time where more of companies can kept buying up smaller companies, so there is less coat low. an action to the people who buy your products, but all local news organization. Chart started to shudder and and show people had to gravitate you buying them items and or reading the news from places that No them that feel Anyone who sits in a pew every sunday no anyone that has a clear before dinner. They don't know anyone that owns a gondola leeway as you, the gun.
Sure because it, that when they plop into a place they they seem like a freak show they look at the people say you're all y'all are freak show I have one minute. I have one minute the reporter that her job was threatened. I mean she was just beat up by everybody from NBC yeah is it she and she folded Is that a message did everybody who was covering this? No clearly what how bad fishermen was once a day. I do so guys watch them what's the same things, I think they knew they always knew the shepherd. Is a very good report and I will think her praises forever because she has kept on that story and he continues to keep on the story. I would I keep an eye on her, and I think it is a good thing that a young woman in sixty three or grandma fairly have the nerve to write one
question ten seconds veteran gonna win or on what I think it is that the idea It is a lie I hope, you're right this time. Thank you so much slowly, god bless and will follow your reporting. Selina Zito dotcom the Glen back program. You know tunnel the towers his partnered with this programme and with me, because I really truly believe in them. They have the same mission in many ways that to the american journey experience has in in m one. They want to preserve history right now Our kids, if your grades, kay through twelve, your now getting anything on september, eleventh or not, learning about it. How is possible the You have a new institute, nine eleven institute that teaches kids and gives us
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I love michael malice. He is the host of the podcast you're, welcome and he's this fits what it says on my my seat here from my producers. Eighty and attempts to convince glenn to endorse john futterman have got it I call- and I know you're doing this just because you think fatter been in office would be fun. No, that's not correct. naturally- and I also want to point out something- else. I had a correction issued from vice magazine, which had said correction. in a previous article, Michael Myers. Was identified as a comedian rice, I Evan. I don't find new money at all. My that's. Why I'm on the show where humorous rose to die in common? I m all right all right all right, so why? Why are you going to try to convince me too
for John veteran, I dont think I do not convince you to vote for him. Because you're not pennsylvania, but I will convince you that it's a good thing that he defeats doktor oz and for a couple reasons, would you agree with me that it is superior situation for america that we were obama, burma tromp. Then, if we had gone obama romney romney in the elections. Yes, so if you went back in time, the twenty twelve and you told yourself gland quit now you're going to be a mess in ten years, but other than that you should prefer I'd, get rid of stoop because he's out of control, but you should prefer that obama take this. election, because it's gonna work on the long term? You would have thought you were crazy, but that would have been the correct resolved Ok, so I have wait. Wait wait, wait, wait! Am I not another out, I'm leading the good that you're on your own, sir, if I could but may I speak as the guy had earth I stopped I
stopped trying to figure out long term strategies after because I realized you know what it's got. Ill it'll all worked out for the best. Just do the next right thing and you'll know convince convinced me that the next right thing is to have john at her bed in actions. Haven't you very easily, and this is why? Because the only power the republican base has over the publican party is to refused put rhinos into congress. That is their only what we saw in twenty. Sixteen were establishment candidate after stems from candidate. Was the stop trump candidate we're, seeing it now and twenty twenty two where much Mcconnell is pulling money from new Hampshire wouldn't ball, which has a chance against maggie Hassen. If it's a wave election and he's putting into whatever north or south carolina ferocious, definitely going to god, republican, because MS mcdonald s
it's that vote. That's going to be more loyal to him than towards the measuring and to the american people. So if you are going hold on, let me just finish: if you're going to take losses somewhere or other it better to have that loss, be a Democrat who can't even talk then, let's suppose Barack Obama, whose charismatic or nancy policy who a good parliamentarian. Ok, except don't think he would serve out his full term, and that would put it wife in the dallas design, but the point is, as woods puts a lot right me know, let me say one more sentence or if you're on the debate stage, saying that your goal is to work with the Democrats and your goal is to tighten up background checks. You know perfectly Well, how this person is going to govern, but this this is what you ve made your point being that it is that the anti trust candidates, right worthy establishment people. But this is at its wisdom, trumps peck crisis soldiers, shrimp, endorsed romney twice trop only cares
someone returns. His calls I wasn't exactly you have nothing to say your eyes. I have decided that an office would be very, very bad. We shall have a very bad woodbine varied. Why do you want to be heard and democrat because you want what is good at being a democratic, no, not known. We know if he's going to pay if we have to have an encumbered democrat one that is terrible. Ok in some ways would be preferable because maybe they be easier to beat. This is also strategy bit. That's been attempted by the democrats multiple times and it has not worked out. Particular we got John. We have. We have Joe Biden on the same strategy. I dont want another in competent person in which you rather have a bomb in the white house right now than Joe Biden.
such a thing about that I mean: isn't it a good thing? Diane Feinstein, according to your post, was told three times by chuck shimmer that she has to retire and she agreed three times and three times she forgot about. The conversation is not a good thing. Yes, it is, it is blocked eyes in it. Good thing when the democratic parties regard as a laughing stock. As John stewart made the bush administration for eight years, instead of simply some organization that people can look up to admire, look might look like let michael cinema listen to me. These are all good things. If it's not good night on election night or bad Election day on the next morning, having you on saying these things will go. You know what europe
It is a good thing that betterment doesn't feel good bura. He is save that save that cause. I don't need that. Is there any situation where you'd prefer that the democratic candidate win over the republican candidate? I think this Speaking for myself here, I usually am incredibly I hate partisanship this particular election, I more partisan than norm because I want there to be an ability to stop what doing the facts is like doktor oz, ass. stated, a thousand times is not the candidate that hunt as it were, not looking senator. However, the
votes matter and the fact that we may have supreme court justices that there are to be able to push through and things of that nature, I think, are really important so controlling and set it matters that we can get up to fifty four. Fifty five senator send you're looking at a potential filibuster proof majority at twenty twenty four. Yes, I tell you there are reasons for this. Yes, so despite you just saying you're, not a partisan, you're, saying the only just to be clear. The only time you come the democratic in his seat is. If there's sixty republicans. No, I'm I'm comfortable with a democrat like if, if Joe liebermann decided to run I'd, be like it. Ok he's pretty good. Is he the jolly boat enroll bomber care just because he like increase size, endeavoured. I see what you have your liebermann now, that's the that's. The old liebermann on some things. Management is good on something I released agreed with him at times, and he did have his own mind. I'm getting a wine veritable scourge on something's nokia. How you'd
Can you not can disagree with me? Are the only time there's an effective anti war coalition in congress is You have a republican president and that's when the Democrats become anti war in every other circumstance, both parties our tripping over themselves to support imperialism in the wars state and that's one thing: fishermen would be good for I dont, have things I've done everything I think we have a new democrats in office now there are thrown in how many billions of dollars like if you had a republican president, that's the only time, there's an anti war coalition in congress with that, but I think I know president's have led many. Many wars are right and the only time Dave opposition is with the left wing of the democratic opposition happens is on a positive note. I know what I'm saying. None at all, but what he is saying is if we had- and I don't think the same would be true with donald trump, and I think this is changing. I think they're alive
of conservatives are actually changing very with where they're like. Well, what it can. We learn our lesson here. This doesn't work get out of these years learning your lesson cause you keep voting in rhinos and oz. Is the king of that here they show for ten years. He had never stood up for conserve our principles on a show once he's oprah when peace puppet an opera, winfrey single handedly, god Barack Obama, the nomination. It would be. If we are surprised over with free, has not come out and help to doktor us at all. I wouldn't help about she supports it would help we're penalised. As I said, we will see the lack. What's that she has to support by. well she would be black. That's true! You're right! It's need. I always forget that you're not really black cloth, but in the constitution, if I'm so so, Michael living. Let me ask you this: what Your thoughts when you watched him cause it
It wasn't funny at all. It was really sad, but it made me also angry. watch story, it was extremely funny because he open up the debate by saying hello, good night and this shape chewbacca that, but is white blocked me because she's like John federal said otto. Remember the statue of liberty said he doesn't remember, remember anything you sadistic, which it is despicable His family and his team put a broomstick up his bomb and women that mic when any other candidate could have served. That purpose, because they're not really voting for open. Your voting for democratic about right, like it, you don't really really the staff will run the they like the senate office. So even if you can't, even so It doesn't really matter we saw there was storm thurmond towards the end when he is literally a hundred years old yeah your years. you're, seeing that with the what's your name, you just talking about in ilo tonia, yeah you're, seeing the same thing. That is that that is the biggest
you no threat to democracy that use as a threat to democracy? They don't actually care about deliberation. They only want people in their they'll take them brain damaged, on a stretcher, almost lay dead. They stood just said. He will verse support the republic in any circumstances until they not be what I said at what I said was I not a partisan which, by the way, true I'm not a register republican or democrat? I voted party all the time. My point is only in this election. What I'm rooting for nine, as I am voting for what I'm rooting for is added freaking the end of democratic control of the senate. This should not be a controversial point on this. Particular programme is now I just like. I am with him on this because we are at the end of the republic and I know make some people happy They make me happy I'd, like
two before we burn it down I like to see, can we get it on the top enough find you to find an elon musk that will come and go yeah we're firing all you people. I am just shocked that we got stew to admit on air that he's a member of Andrew yanks forward party type. A study. Where are your argues that, but here we are, is this: where you're at an art? Is you come off and stir it all up and down? leave This is why John veterans, wise wife block, deal mapped out by the way la real quick. What do you think's? That changes are going to mean anything substantial with twitter? Yes, I think that for Long time, corporate journalists and academic professors who were I you know referred, was of the enemy class. They were taking loss after loss up,
lawson twitter, because for the first time that accountability they're, not in their offices, where they kind of protected against criticism and now without having that shield in front of them there really. I have come to Jesus moment. Their depravity malfeasance and it's gonna be actually glories to watch the throat, then third chantries ex up so does on Monday. He said the change. Some changes are going into effect. The first changes back on be donald trump, whose back, I hope, trump. I hope, trump weeks until after the mid terms, because This is just going to give the Democrats in issuing distraction from inflation and every and all this bending, so we can whereby try on november? Ninth you. I really hope he has the presence of mind to keep his mouth shut just for another two weeks, Michael Myers, Thank you so much breach. Yet it my own supplies I spent environment. Holster arrogance is urging jerk is such a jerk here. Loves to stir up he's, gonna be on the coverage and I'm like those can be fun. I like that
we're not gonna, get any real work done because he's he's gotta petty, contrary and just to get us all go, but anyway we're going to have a lot of fun. All of the blaze hosts the biggest blaze hosts are gonna, be there. with our coverage. You don't want to miss it. On election night we have Megan kelly, we dave reuben, jason, whitlock stew, pat everybody's asking to Aragon, our gonzalez also prime time, ninety nine Alex stein, who is between him and malice. If I, lose control of the night. It will be these two to blame because there you ve, you never know what they are going to say. Also the quick reminder the following wednesday, a week later, I'm doing a special show on targets of tyranny, how to survive being an enemy of the state. This is
an amazing show. We are going to have a small audience if you would like to be. Part. We never open up the chocolate factory anymore. If you want be a part of that broadcast? You have to email now it is for Saturday november twelfth it'll be in the evening saturday november twelve tickets at Glenn back dot com. Do it now tickets. At Glenn, back dot com, and I welcome you enter our studios Ok, so you saving money, my mom and my grandmother, my my grandmother and my mom, because she grew up on my grandmother. They saved everything all wrapping paper, all the tin foil, don't throw that away? It's tinfoil! It has cheese on it. We can get that cheese off right. Gate grew up in the great depression, that's the way it was, but they used a clip coupons all the time. To do that its much much easier. Now you want to really save money upside. It's an app and its
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free upside app, the growing back programme? the what the Glen back program. You know Talking to Michael malice, we stop the clever voting. Stop it doesn't ever work out for us sit dozen ever worked out. Nineteen elections from now heavy handed out, better known and I'll rate John roberts, I'm waiting for John roberts. He wrote something it he changed that vote. I remember that red revise their means, gonna. What he's gonna do shot up right, devote for who you wanna go for, I don't eat, I don't care who you are you what you want you want to. Do you doing the next right thing? It just doesn't it? What you believe is right that yes,
we'll get so like earth. We are like this I wouldn't lose to that person who wouldn't be thrown out of office and then by cousin Jimmy he will get the seat. It's like. Alright, I'm sure in your world. That is going to happen perfectly just like you think it is, but in reality, like you, what you shouldn't try to predict what is going to occur with every single thing in. If you just do the thing you believe is actually write that that's it morning. Your conscience has had a bad day over the years, for whatever reason, but like it's still, the right thing to do. Just just do the neck. So right thing let the consequent is fall where they may do do the next right thing vote for the best person
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The program hey welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It is friday. I just want to give you some serious news here. Before we get into Alex stein was in studio with us to Nancy. Pelosi's husband was attacked in their home last night. Blood force trauma he's in the hospital, they say he's going to survive, but somebody came in and almost beat him to death with a hammer. God bless them. Where was the security junction? They have security. The answer to that is clearly gas. We don't have any details, but this is this is bad and all of our politicians, our judges, I don't care what side you're on if you're serving you deserve some protection,
because the world is gone in, saying we pray for the policy family today, our eye alex Stein joins us in sixty seconds few things. I love better than a good night's sleep. It. Let me think about one: that's it. I love a good night's sleep and it is hard to get a good night's sleep ok to two years, think you can get a great night sleep with my pillow products. My pillow he's. A dream sheets are the best in their back at their lowest price. Ever the sheets are sixty percent off means there is low, as thirty nine ninety nine, with a promo code back, I just thought of a really good bananas split select three, A guarantee t that you're not gonna need they of us
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He is a blaze tv contributor, prime time, ninety nine alex time I just I did something with you on television last week and I played some the clips of you you go in and you'll go into city council meetings and you I don't know how you pull this off with a straight face for as long as you do, because their absurd, what you're saying is absurd and every He just act like it's, not I mean we live. We live in an absurd world, so people are having trouble decide. What is real and what is fake, and you know my comedic heroes, Andy Kaufman, so really I'm just kind of a hack, I'm just you know basically mixing absurdity in reality and in the culture we live in today, you can't tell what is we can't make can't so you're just up at a campus. You are going to give a talk with what's his name, Gavin began again mcguinness and they actually spent
on you literally literally, and it was a pretty this. This girl she'd been practicing That was that was not a first time spinner. Can we please the video here, did you guys I'm in This is the future of the brightest Oh, my god, my karstadt,
said she had a lot of sped so she's was: u S it get you naughty. A person So let me just have neither any old notary was crazy, like that it was just. The micro is a little too close to my mother. Yes, we did really here. We know why not if, as you may know, I was in a war zone and the economic goal of getting an answer- the iron and steel. I apologise again so Europe, state and they wanted you not to be had penn state they don't understand freedom of speech at all. Our you d garrido,
when you think about it I mean not the spitter I mean the spitter is just now she's a young kid. I mean I'm not going to go after her that'd be punching down, but no, I am going to file a civil rights lawsuit against a penn state university because they said they had a lot of kickback land before the advancing. Oh, it should be shut down and should be shut down in the university administrator said: oh well, we're going to go on with it. We believe in free speech, where state universities are publicly funded their federal money, so they're held to, standard than these private colleges. They shouted down you that made them liable to a lawsuit. But this is the problem when, when you're in that group, Glenn every euro fashion, you're a fascist, I said, will define affair Just for me and I think benito Mussolini define fascism as the merger of corporation and state I'm. As I stated, and I know, incorporation and stay together at all either, but these kids do so it's all projection. It solomons keys rules. For radicals where you accuse the
comey of doing what you're actually doing- and this is a clear cut example of these kids being confused and not even knowing it's like the dog that chases the car once it catches up to the bumper doesn't know what to do with it. So so this is the future and we used to say yeah, we'll wait until they get into the real world. That's all they are in the real world. Now we're the ones having to change. I I saw a poll recently about freedom of speech and everybody says therefore freedom of speech, but there's a good now I believe the majority of fur, bull under forty that are saying give it. I mean some free speech should Put you in jail here, which is nicholas and if you look at on twitter right now now with the elon musk taking it over and giving us the impression that we're going to have free speech, people are going nuts there so excited within the people on the left. Glenn are melting down and that's where I'm like. Why are these people, these blue, checkmark, afraid of letting her well beings say, however, they feel and that's promises,
wants you to be able to say. I actually feel. Also today is gonna, be interests, be the next few weeks really on twitter, because I just have this great urge just to go Iver. I is the best hand, you know, people will push the boundaries. Of free speech which there. There has to be responsibility with every right. There's responsibility does not do that's not necessarily good for society moment The favorite is a guy or excuse me, woman, rachel, levine and Rachel Levine, who was born dick levine, and if you say rachel Levine is a man on twitter. You can get kicked off twitter as a matter of fact, evelyn, be that's why they're account suspended for just saying. I basically a fact me rachel at all
she's. One of the most beautiful administrators you've ever had she's a man. That's a dude baby has awesome power say I dunno, if that's always added, but if you say that a man, a man you're sharper than england, but I'm just saying it's just. You can't even point out the elephant in the room. So when you say the ivermectin, you say the sudden adult death syndrome, you say any of that type of stuff on twitter, you're subject to removal, although that that that Instead, I inferior well isla, masks and see you learn more said. The bird is free, eleven o clock, he tweeted last night. The bird has been freed. Will you know in egg? I take it back to the mid term too. It's like you know now that they give the impression that we have free speech oftentimes. I think they can. Even since it s more like we see we're gonna have a red wave in the coming elections, but because of all legislation that by administrative and my by an administration, is put in for the past two years we
I even get an office and change everything, so that will all lay on the laps of conservative. So when the economy, crashes and everything goes to crap they're going to say, well, you guys had all the control. You guys did it all. You know you didn't. This is all a republican problem, and I said this a couple of weeks ago who you are they ve been denying that we're in a recession. They be doing that there's any kind of problems, jobs or fine, weave. All been saying no they're, not this is gonna get worse from here. Now Biden is already setting up. I'm telling you, if you give the congress in the senate to the republicans from it's going to get worse yeah and you look at our economy. I mean the idea that anybody can buy a single family home people. Can I mean people can't afford the groceries people can't afford to fill up the gas tank so if people are struggling right now and and they're asking for help, but all they can do is give an eighty eight, eighty more billion dollars to ukraine. I mean it's just absurd that these people didn't want to help us. I think everything they're doing is a controlled demolition of them
our consistent, especially the idea that why are they taking us off energy independence? The oil and gas industry can lift up this entire world. We could We could basically supply not just your texas. Why are we not doing that? Why are we not taking advantage of the things that would make our country, which was the most powerful in the world. I dunno, if that's the case any longer, how old are you thirty, five? Thirty, five years old? I was just sobering up when I was eighty five point you know: do you say that glinda changed my life? I could drinking when I was a thirty one, and that was the biggest in my life that that was and everybody out there I'm not trying to be a you know. negative nancy? I know everybody would have their fine, but alcohol and drugs is a lifestyle that will only make you more depressed and it will only run you like the destroy it. Just destroy it, and once you can take a step back because you can't see it, you can't see the forest for the big tree in front of your face. If you're out there and you're struggling, take a break, take a month off, take a couple of weeks off but you know in society with a fenton on the drug crisis. Everybody has a problem, they want to medicate. So I think, sadly, the drug problem is only going to get worse
I was reading right holidays, new book, which is about discipline and one thinks he talks cause he doesn't drink at all and he talks about how the best make a decision as to whether you should continue a habit. That's questionable to you is to think about it. Is it if it came out today. And you knew everything about it. Would you still make the decision like if, the hall was released in stores tomorrow. For the first time with all the info, that we already know about it. Would you start drinking tomorrow? Yes, yes, I will, but I really is wise way of looking at that, because you know more about these things they become like drinking is cultural I drink certainly a little bit Can you guys at this point, but not a lot, but a social drink or have a drink or two? If we go out to dinner whatever it often you go out, and it just feels like our aid, everyone else's order to drink, I should order a drink and it that's just dumb throw pressure, but pendulous said the same thing. You know he just
at that point where he was like, you know what I don't care anymore, I'm not I'm not going to be embarrassed about not ordering a drink. Oh I I, I think you guys are on the other side of this, where maybe you know you've had a glen. Certainly, I dunno you know Alex's as well, but, like you had a the problem with this, it was ruining your little line. What a major tonight that and you came on the other side- and he said hey like now- I can at this and see how absurd these things work, because you went through that pain. Most people don't go through that pain. I never had any of you never had any negative consequences from drinking other than a couple of bad headaches and vomit right. You so like you get, realize it's just a dumb decision overall Doesn't it doesnt improve your life? It doesn't make. It doesn't give you any long term prospects of of growth. Per se, it's just something we do because its culturally their violent about stock in jack, Daniels or makers mark I would have made a lot of money
by adopting it all you want to do, is get I'm convinced. I just me alone that combat headliners year points do, and I always say this. You know I saw this and Charles Barkley eighties, I'm not a role model, so I don't wanna, give anybody necessarily advice, but the first of advice, I will give everybody, as I say that do not worry about the opinions of others, and so each nobody cares. Even your person, that's probably now they say you know. What is your biggest fan is a stranger in your biggest see no enemies Robbie. Seventy row close. You shall worrying about the opinions of strangers, just be yourself If I saw I saw an interview, Larry king right before he passed away, and they said what is some advice for future broadcasters, and he said kid just be yourself, and I think that you know you could extrapolate that For everybody just be yourself that doesn't mean be a jerk moreno ale, but just be yourself and be unapologetic. and I will tell you that buoy, especially drinking out of you were like this, but you didn't we have a problem with it, not necessarily when I stopped drinking misery loves company.
Nobody likes the earth. Good friends, I lie most of all and I ve ended up with Stu? This is not a commercial rioting and also to our friends. They love you, the way you are and when you say, hey, I'm clean up but You do whatever you want done, bother me, I'm just making this choice. For me, a lot of my friends, wouldn't they weren't for it. Two scarlet letter for whatever reason, because you're not on the same level, you not the one getting intoxicated where we're. It's really really strange, so where are you going from here? What's what's the next? Well, I'm I'm headed to florida, but I got another speaking engagement in the spring at university of tennessee under the same group, uncensored america so we'll see, I'm sure the you know, I'm sure that college kids will be out in full force with their pitchforks but at the same time, when you know people say oh, it's scary, it's really not that scary getting people yelling at you, I love
I love it? You know, I love confrontation, so for me it's like, if I could do this every week and glenna get on the flight. So let's go yeah it's only because you know you look at all those kids. You see every single one of them. You're like oh, those kids are insane well, the only person more insane than those kids was me: parents and ninety nine alec signs. So I'm even equation there: ok, king! I just a second. I want to talk to you about the election coming up, adjust just sing and one minute. Let me talk about lifelike, We are who we are individually rapidly observed or into the folds of the collective. It is, port in that you hold on to your identity, in everything that that means cybercrime is out there and they not only want what you have, but also who you are the safest best bet when it comes to protecting your identity, is having the lifelong there to help. They have. Both proof
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In station id the? So did you watch the fetterman debate as embarrassing? The only person like the debate more than any conservative is doctor oz, I'm an elite. He was he's a real champion. He was, I think, that I think that took great restraint from us. because fishermen was a jerk from the yet go he's not only not only having hard time processing things here. The one thing he's a lot like my grandfather, my my dad father who was a jerk in real life and then, when he had a stroke he was just mean, and I, kind of got that from fishermen too. I think he's a mean guy out for sure and his wife, jersey, gazelle she's not very likely there, but you know the wouldn't what I've noticed on twitter. Now, though, the blue checkmark they're, saying if you tease,
in the same are we cannot make fun of your enabling here an aimless for making one and that we need more stroke victims in politics. It she's tina, there's a big elephant in the room and if we point to the elephant, you're racist or you're a bigot. What does it tell you about the Democrats that they. They already have feinstein they have nancy Pelosi. Who is me? No, arguably, Not everyone created you have you have Joe Biden and now fetters I mean they say they believe in the individual and democracy. I don't think so I think they would line up a whole bunch of zombies if they would just vote the way everybody them to vote. Will that's obvious. Did you see the runway footage of chuck shimmer talking to Joe Biden? He said you could do you know here morning that the debate didn't hurt us that much these people do not care about these. Actually candidates emmett, if they would, they would put the visit best candidate for it. But the fact that John federation is you know one of the most important senate's entrance of aid.
Yeah, and he is their best choice. That's just the kind of a shocking sad realization that lurches is going to be running the country I mean come on. I really think he looks, He looks like frankenstein from young frankenstein. I really if Jean wilder was around, maybe somebody can do this. Just you know with photoshop at I'd like to see federation dressed in the talks it on stage doing put down the rights from the movie young frankenstein. Don't you remember, but neither read don't remember somebody look it up yeah! Well, it is john fetterman. One of the movies that were shot here was the Addams family values, which is a great movie, and he looks like a character out of adamson I'm here literally looks I settling a lurch situation going yeah, I mean any the guy yet, with his tie was I mean How do you even consider a guy?
who lived until what he was forty or fifty and in his parents base men took their will and an eye, and I brought up this was too how did even become the lieutenant governor? How did that I dont know? How did you come mayor in determining the mayor? They lost forty percent of the population there, their population down to seventeen. Our peoples are, I mean the guys in discussing a similar debate, overcoming these people they can lose elect. and somehow they fail upwards. It's insane. I had loved him he's always talking about gun, violence and all the things he did doctor. I've never did anything to stop gun violence, you're mayor of a city of seventeen hundred people, how much guy? I lived in a small town growing up. It was like ten times that is how there's no gun violence there. What what haven't you gun violence was, There is twilight. I know that there was a black man running throughout his name. He didn't have a gun, but veteran did and held him at gunpoint. He said Doing that that's true
we did sit up there and speaking of gun violence. I think, if Paul Pelosi might have had a gun, his situation would have been a little better in san francisco or somebody around him. I mean like that is a terrifying situation. We don't know anything about who did it? We all know what's happening on twitter, where every republican that has ever been born is already being blamed for it. So congratulations, everyone. I apology yeah but like in reality. How does this house there not more protection on a nancy policies? Hope, that's absolutely inexcusable course there should be. Theirs it takes one idiot right: it only takes one person. Even if He was not famous she's, very, very wealthy. You should have some security there and these sectors are. These are the same. People is a genuine. Six is worse than nine eleven, so I mean come on if you're gonna protect yourself here, if they believe that she would vaguely if they believe that and she would be protected as if her houses fort knox Alex time. You always a pleasure. It is an honour and a pleasure. It's it's good to have you here and be joining us on election. Yes, sir I'll be there and we got some bits. Some wild
upcoming so make sure to tune in guys we're going to be going insane for the ukraine. It'll be it'll, be great. The Glenn Beck program, one wrote in about his dogs experience with rough greens. He said Joe Joe is getting older. in a slow down quite a bit lately, but ever since we started using rough greens, things are different. I see embark, I see him run, he's now chasing cat jumping up on the bed, whereas before he would just lay there. I will tell you that oh no started when he was nine. Nine may be started taking rough greens and I He was normal. I thought that's just the way he was, he said. Using a. We started, giving him rough greens on his food every night and he come, please he was like a puppy again. He really. Was he was running in doing all the things that you think of it with a healthy, happy dog, I think rough, green,
has given him an extra couple, maybe three years to his life and I being approved that, but it just the way we feel because he's a different dog hit your first trial bag for free right now, just go to rough greens. Dot com, slash back put it on your dogs, food and just watch the changes? Rough, green dot com, slash back or call eight three, three g, ellie and n. Thirty, three, that eight three three glenn thirty three rough greens dotcom slash back! the best election coverage available, blaze, tv dot, com, slash, Glen, Alex died will be there. It's going to be a lot of fun use the promo code, Glen, the Let me give you a couple of things. First, the update on the missing abc news employees, who
appeared, rolling, stone magazine, wrote an article article. About this guy's disappearance? I know where he they don't know where he is. He was picked up by the fbi in April, and nobody saw him after that. Here is latest Corny rolling stone or first report of the fbi's raid and meeks mysterious disappearance immediately thereafter, meek was allegedly suspected possessing classified documents in his personal commute computer, which, by the way you cannot, rest, a journalist, and you can't take their computer on that Least, without letting the attorney general or assistant attorney general know about it, but now, into to a more recent report published by the daily beast, which is completely which is has even
far less credibility than rolling stones. The battle of the absolute bottom of the barrel at her and was of here between rolling stone and daily based, makes disappearances. Abrupt resignation from abc news in the fbi's rate on his apartment are not connected sources. spoke to the daily bees. We don't know they are revealed that Meek has not only safe and living with his mother, but he also resigned as networks investigative reporter producer to avoid embarrassment meagre quarterly told friends at a b c that he left for personal reasons and in an effort to save colleagues in the company any embarrassment. How come any, the colleagues at whitewash Why are the colleague saying that they have no comment on this? They dont know wire. his friends, saying what happened to him haven't, seen him who, unlike the because theory we came up with at the time was like. Ok, maybe he's going through some real me, no personal heart like he's out. It has a drug problem or has gadget glittering out whenever one of those types of things
I wouldn't embarrass abc moose know there will be no reason for, to hide embarrassment of it. You see news like that, has nothing to do with it. He only thing I mean what would embarrass cbc news or ab scandal with their reporting some right here, making stuff up right, something like that and if that's true, let's eat this, makes this store even worse, is that he considers is hiding the scandal correct their hiding. The candle and the fbi picts pick this guy as he's writing a book about how disastrous things were in afghanistan and the fbi I still has not responded. We can't get any family members to respond. We're getting a dog that just never lets go of a bone next week. asking him now, hopefully albion next week, but I somebody who will not. rest until this is figured out by a twitter taken over by elon musk, the the sink thing
the other. Was you don't even know what that was ilan? It was very strange, a really bad dash the joke yeah. It was good, bad, dad pun come into work and let that sink in and then he walks in the door with a sink whoa. That is because I thought this guy was like this rockstar rebel, and then I saw that like? Maybe he just is, gives gotta doubles? Pickle ball match around the corner and Geneva Gabriel was very such readiness It was very strange cause, it's not him know he gets flame throwers and puts rockets in space, and it goes real. Life second sees the real life tony stark, yeah, okay, so that ye, who advise again yeah he's he's a quirky character. So maybe he just loves it. I dunno weird and here's a chuck schumer and Joe Biden on tarmac outside air force, one issue
we're telling him that the pennsylvania debate didn't hurt him too much there. Picking steam in nevada- and that, should that. It would be hard to believe that georgians would go for herschel walker, isn't Did you know? I can't you can barely understand him here, but it's hard to believe that georgians would go for herschel walker. Why, why is that hard to believe? If you just put a I who cannot speak or think on the stage, and I didn't fact things? Why do you think it's hard to believe that georgians would go for Hershel walker, a state that's been read mostly all of this, and also as they're running a you know: statewide hero years, hooker, one of the most beloved figures.
Until this race, everybody in georgia loved him now only half the people love, but look he's, there's a reason why he got that seat and why the republicans were so excited to run him that he has a great reputation, In the state I had also, is much more closely aligned with traditionally what the state likes to do. family values. Burritos, lower taxes have read this red state profile than his own recently changed. So it's out at all surprising that they would vote for herschel walker. here's a another eco terrorist that have targeted a girl with a pearl miss painting in the hague in a museum rural? This, please don't worry, others think there's only about eight What are you doing?
stable prices being apparently destroy. Failure should be arrested. This is this? Is this scottish stuff? This is just these people who spends a really good, think pieces on this people saying like. How can we destroy art, and am I the only one who just says you know I just don't care about art that much I gotta be honest with you. Don't I dont care when you're making me statements that I like they should.
do it, but, honestly, you know what I'd be much more. If you, if you burned down my local target, I'd, be more upset if they, if they weren't targeting the ones with glass on the back that its aim and it's not even real. How do you feel when it's supposedly be destroyed the same way, I feel that the environment and the earth is supposedly being destroyed, so not here's Biden he went up to syracuse. Yesterday and he wanted to make sure everybody knew the economy was roaring by the way. I know what you're thinking he was in syracuse, answer is dream sickle his favorite ice that that's what he was having all ok, so here is on food prices by the way the food prices, the main driver food prices is not the price of beef and asia, etc. Are up its packaged goods,
package good to see people not buying kellogg's raisin bran, which I didn't see them by another raisin bran, which it'd be a dollar cheaper. I mean so what's happening. Is there is real movement of eat too much bread there? Is movement if you re ass, yet that didn't make any sense at all I mean upwards s, not fetter. Men had a comment on this. I don't know if you heard the federation, comment. I did not hear no yeah. Have you ever had a dream that and you ask you what you can do you wait you once you and you can do so. You you'd do you can either you why you want Gary, so mightier could do anything, so I mean, I think, once she once federal raise it weighs in on things. It becomes very, very clear. It does become clear, that's a very strict! So he his point.
I want to make sure I understand so. Beef eggs thereof but they're not up as much as packaged goods and the solution. That is to buy packaged goods from other brands that are a dollar cheaper. Yes, yes, the packaged goods because those are up, but not the name brand. So you know by something else: that's not made by you. One of these corporations sediments point made more sense. It did it. It did and the podcast this week and there are two of them yeah yeah, that's a mean. I am working my fingers to the bone and then I come. when do you care? No, you don't care you now, don't you can watch the podcast. Anyway, I did tupac ass. One would carry lake is a must watch that came out. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not I'm just listen,
new talk about your interviews, em an excited to hear them, because actually, both of them are really interesting. Figures and the other one is voting bottom. He a guy that I discovered that that I discovered is like he was you'd. You someplace unemployed, America's vernier family law come here. He is he is a man he's a fascinating, fascinating guy. Who is a preacher kind or run out on the rails here in amerika, because he was speaking, the truth about social justice and everything else? he got an offer to who run a university in africa so he's over there in africa. He is truly a deep thinking in fact he was nominated to be present in the southern baptists convention. He he talks about that little bed and now
trusting? That was because there is, there is a battle in all of our faiths, all of our fates, they are going woke or they're gonna stand, which is it he will help you navigate those waters. Here he is in from the podcast talking a little bit about dealing with a hostile government listen and they become abusive. Really abusive, two things that I hold sacred that I like not the but sacred. How do you? How do you square that circle with me obeying your governments, Here's what's interesting work. We're not necessarily called too obey our government in every thing. Nobody can command were god forbids it can forbid would got commands gay
covered. Regulations notwithstanding that that was inappropriate government does not have the right to tell the church that she can't meat for and we have, for example, in an annex chapter. Four we have an example of this when it appearing in and on or told not to you know, preach teach any more in the name of Jesus and there spots is right whether it is right to obey you, rather than god you be the judge, but we cannot start speaking about we heard? when the apostle Paul is in jail and philip. I he's been jailed there? Eventually, they find out that he's a roman citizen and you know- ok, you go! No, I'm not going. You bring the magistrate here right here build me a legitimately right. So as christians
Our position is not that the state just you know as the right to do whatever the state wants to do asked questions on the one hand, no one has the right to command will got forbids or forbidden god commands right. deference to the state were willing to accept whatever powers we have to accept will receive no regret, but on the other hand, as citizens, we have rights, and here's the other thing as americans would have very unique position and again all cries for all of life right. Most americans look here like romans thirteen, you know, I think that you at your alluding to and they say We know, couldn't aromas thirteen. You know we have to submit to them. Guess as an american do you My governing authorities is
an individual god. It's god is ultimately my going authority, but as an american citizen, my winning authorities, the constitution. Yes, correct, It's my governing authority and everybody is held to that governing authority, so one of the problems that we have is we don't know what it says. So, when miss persons, something that's completely out of line with that? we go. Oh, I guess I'm supposed to do it now when you might want to do confront that boy, on the fact they are not obeying. But we're all you know agreed to obey, which is our a we of more on this issue is a fascinating conversation with only bought
and you can get it now at the blaze or you can listen to it on my pocket, sending its episode one. Ninety one voted We know be out. Everywhere tomorrow. The ground shakes man, it's only a little bed, so you don't feel to concern that it takes a little bit more. This time, the water in your class ripples a little bit. You think to yourself I've seen this movie moments for the giant tee rex comes stomping through The house right you issue maybe I should have prepared. Maybe I should come here in the first place. Ground is shaking right now we're pass the were pass. The little tremor we know it's coming the mole, dangerous moment in our nations history, like is beyond where we can all see it and it's not a question of whether its headed this way the question is: are you ready for it if the you
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gold line. Eight six ec schooled line or gold line, dot com stay and sign up for the free newsletter. Today, Glenn back doctor the glinda programme. people of husband, I just tweeted, now. Prayers for Nancy Pelosi in her husband's horrifying, no matter who did this math had left right, crazy, not dumb die, don't care. They need to be found and they need to be jailed there. no room in our society for this kind of behaviour. None none and I don't care if it's an unknown old man in a subway or not see policies husband enough
is enough enough is enough. We'll be back pray on this one. Goes is gonna use. one way or another, and god bed it turns out to be somebody who doesn't like nancy policies, policies, this is really not good. Pray for the nation. This is a threat our democracy, the Glen back programme,
Transcript generated on 2022-10-29.