« The Glenn Beck Program

Stop Lying, Dr. Fauci | Guests: Kenny Xu & Stephen Miller | 7/21/21

2021-07-21 | 🔗

Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci got into a heated debate regarding America’s funding of gain-of-function research in Wuhan, and Glenn has some words for America’s favorite doctor. Sports Illustrated featured a transgender model on its swimsuit edition cover, and BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock joins to share his thoughts on that, plus transgenderism in general. Author of “An Inconvenient Minority” Kenny Xu joins to discuss his new book and how critical race theory discriminates against Asian-Americans. Texas state Sen. Bryan Hughes joins to separate the lies from the truth regarding a new Texas bill focused on CRT. America First Legal founder Stephen Miller calls in to discuss the Biden administration’s relationship with Big Tech.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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all the information and safe Ten percent now wrecked tech not Goin back programme. Yesterday was quite about I don't know who knocked out who, but I think FAO cheese lost a couple. Teeth in the in the fight against senator ran Paul very brief, is this morning. Maybe a broken knows. I thought he was going to topple over, but he
still strangely standing, maybe because All of the press is in his corner. Will tell you about the big fight between senator ran Paul and doktor algae coming up Glenn Back programme so Brian lives in Alabama, Annie. Writing about his experience with rough greens. He says, actors, sorry why experience for rough greens, after taking relief factor for three weeks whose writing this? What what is happening, what is happening anyway. I think he wrote in about his experience with relief factor. After linking relief factories. As for three weeks, I found that at least ninety percent of my pain is gone. I was I need to limit my mobility in my ability to get things done at work and at home. I'm amazed at the relief that I have gotten. I should have started taking relief factory year ago, when I first heard about it on your show Brian, I appreciated. Thank you. So much about
I waited the longer than that. I mean relief at great, been. Sponsor on the blaze for a couple of years- and I hadn't taken it because in the good work? You know he is everybody asked me to what What did you really do? You really use the products? Are you talk about? Yes, I do. Yes, I do but there's something about it. I don't know any here. Cloudlike me on the area like he s getting paid to say that so probably didn't work. It does it has for me and about seventy percent of the people who try to go on to order more order. The three week quick start one thousand nine hundred and ninety five. That's what it's going to take to find out if it will work for you. It work for about seventy percent of the people, because they mean gas either they're stupid, but the go under order more month after month check it out. Within three weeks. You should know relief factor change your life like it has mine like it has Brian relief.
Dot com call eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty four eight hundred five hundred and eighty eight three hundred and eighty four is relieffactor dot com holy cow. Did you see? The fight between Fouche and and ran Paul yesterday, each other. I get this weird sense that I just I don't think they leave it to hang out on the weekends any really. Now I hate when people grow apart meat, me too, I have you, no, I don't Have this weird hate for doktor voucher, but I also don't really. I don't trust him at all, especially After dinner, we read his emails, they can play it brought man, Algerians emails on what what's going on but ran Paul was treated by Doktor vouchers, unlike I've, seen anybody, since maybe the Mccarthy hearings when he was well, when he was saying
have you no shame, Dodger, faulty yesterday said you're wrong, you're, wrong, sedative pool you're wrong. What centre? all was saying. Was how do you lied last time you were here, you told me the end. I age was not doing gain a function, research or paying for any gain of function. Research in in the war on lab. Now, if you want the testimony yesterday you what was weird was found. Cheese defence. Did you notices his defense was the. Wrong, you're wrong, you don't know you're talking about that's now, what that paper says except that's exactly The paper says it was God it was gain a function, research and it was funded through with third party. By Fao Chee at the end I age that money, what direct
plea to the war on laboratory for gain of function, research So he says at first you're wrong. That's not what it says. It is now. The first part of that defends is I'm going to I trust that this restoration The media will back me up and now show what I actually said and what all of this port said, but that not the important part for me. Let's play a little bit of the exchange senator Paul. I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper, that are you referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function. What was we, let me finish: shaken animal virus and new increases the ability to human guy you're, saying that's, not gain a figure. That is
wrecked and senator pool. You do not know what you are talking about quite frankly, and I want to say that officially you do know what we were talking about. Little Kay, you get an unhappy Senate's of age when the energy- and I am saying it was onto this- is your definition that you guys wrote. It says that scientific research that increases the Trans Military about transmit civility among mammals is functioning animal viruses that only occur in animals and they increase their transmissible humans. How you can say that is not gain a fund, it is not its a dance and you're did round this. Because you're trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the from Alison S, that's important when he said that, because You are responsible there That's when found she changed his defence. It went from Europe more on you,
No only me the expert in other people that I've hand picked it there, that I've read this say you're wrong, you're, wrong, you're wrong! That's not gain a function so he's. Not denying that Sir thing was going on and that we funding it at work on the first defence is you all right. We word funding. Something was going on a war on, but that wasn't gain funk. Gin, that's the first offence. Once ran Paul said this. He changed and his defence became what We are not responsible for that. I'm not really possible for that you're, implying that I old four million people, but we didn t so wait. A minute wait, a minute wait, a minute you're saying Because this is what he said, what we were doing did
not causing its different. It's a different corona. Iris. It's not corona virus. Nineteen wait, wait, hold it just a second. I thought you were doing anything at will on Or anything that was related to gain a function correct, even if even in North Carolina running around anywhere else, they deny that over and over over and over again so wait a minute. What you came up with is a different strain than what we now know. As corona virus corona, nineteen covert nineteen wait, you can have it both ways. Factory tat we should go. We should do this, will quickly this. This idea that, to that fact he's coming out within trying to play some semantic game with? This is bizarre. Are any. We owe you could and stand it if he was saying look what what you're acute me it is not true, his opinion, and here
is here's the distinction between what you're talking about and what I'm talking about He saying no you're just lying you're wrong you don't know, you're talking about leaders. Let me give you a couple things from our own Tyler Cardan here at the place. Ok, Us Ralph Barrack was one of the guys who does the gain of function. Research, one of the big scientists it received funding. He called it a comic change again of function virus he is on video. He says he was doing research which resulted in a calm Eric gain a function virus correct. In in the Barrack Paper it says at the bottom. It is all highlighted. I just retreat at students, America and see all the quotes and see all the papers with highlights
talking about these studies were initiated before the: U S: government, deliberative process, research, funding paws on selected gain a function research. However, what else does it say? This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency. They an age continue, each of these studies was requested, and this has been approved by the end I So in other words, this? is gain a function. Research that was done before the ban, yet how however, at the record. Still the and age they asked. To look into this, and so The government has looked into it and they have cleared this gain of function to proceed right by the way, the the title generating infectious clones of Bat Sars, like covert viruses, a virus, I mean how do you? How is this we lay? it's all out. Last week on our Wednesday night special, I went into twenty minutes of all of those mammals back and forth. Without she found she is
clearly lying here. He is, clearly lying in the factory emails. Anthony found himself sends a file titled Barrack, and it goes through the whole at all situation- nature, medicine, Sars gain of function, DOT, pdf. This is an email from a faulty from patchy. He also says he says the paper you sent me in this is this is a response from valuables an email to gee from another person at the age. The paper he sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by the age, blah blah blah blah? She would try to deter what we have any distant ties to this work abroad. This is a crucial questions. They were asking themselves into right. And he's trying to now have this little fun game of doing this distinction as to whether he really means data.
Function. In the same way we mean it, but I mean the bottom line is: if you have Some distinction you're trying to explain your just yet the senator and say you know, you're talking about try to explain what what what what you're distinction is here, you yourself and everybody that your will you work with on in this field was calling it gain of she's in internal email, yeah! That's why he can't use that defends here. And he's using it the way Clinton used defence of depends on the definition of is being followed. Bans on what your definition of is is member, that that was bull cry and everybody knew it was bull crap. This is bull crap and he is counting on you not doing your homework. He is count on the press to now, come out with all of the information. I want you to go black and watch last week special on this topic. We did
I did at least twenty minutes on just the found she emails and gain a function I showed you exist. Equally. Who is funding what and when they were funding? It is much worse than just this. I want to take a one minute break and come back and we're gonna talk a little bit more about What really is going on there is I would pray for Senator Paul, quite honestly, because he is taking on China he taking on the an age he is Making on the right oh powerhouses behind the curtain that do not want any of this stuff to come out. Not that it is the worst crime in the world is just the cover up cover up, is much much worse and this exposed is all of these people and the game,
They always play. This is the same game. They were playing in the Ukraine, just not with medical health. It was just money being changing hands and doing things you're not supposed to be doing, and they just think there better than anybody else, and they can get away with it. And you know what point in Amerika. I think they are going to get away with it unless you know the facts, you can't do what found she is doing and just say fancies of fat head I know what he's talking about you have to be armed with the facts and its very clear. We have the documentation more in sixty seconds aright. Our sponsor this half hour is blinds dot com. You given house, a new look, maybe or not ready to sell one of your kidneys to do it. May I suggest that you stop
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splain to me. Why, when you cite this work, the gain of function, research, multiple times why that doesn't count, has gained a function. Research media aggressively ll, give have him friggin respond to it. I have noticed something about Doktor FAO, Cheek Latin, and this is something that maybe you know- and I know people who watch who don't pay attention this every minute like we do. Its part of our job jobs here to watch the seven I've noticed, something which is he occasionally makes himself available for interviews everywhere so while he's willing to talk to someone on television AIR occasionally want. Some thought Maybe it's once every six months. He will act surely go on tv and talk about himself and his work yeah he age. I know these cameras shy and what are they thousand interviews you do with this guy. Can somebody ask him hey you kid?
saying the gain. A puncture thing is a lie. Hears that paper. Let me read the quote to you and you explain to me. What is insane about this criticism? I can't twice lobbying asked, but there has been a pump legally unacceptable For me, I mean I Can some journalists with some balls? do a little bit of homework at least. Ask these questions he's accusing U S senator of lying, while her holding a paper that he says doesn't say the thing that ran pulses. General she's holder, nano he's holding a paper, it says, gain of she has set here originated and somehow or another. When he wrote gain a function, he didn't mean gain of function. Can explain,
whether that these are not. I understand that, like they like forty more than a lot of other people that are certainly the forehead Paul does, but that doesn't mean you can hold it mitya here's here's a way to sell to the journalists out there make ran Paul. Look like an idiot, because you know what doktor found she's gonna have occurred the answer to it exactly refine. Whatever your approach is: ask him to answer why the words gain of function repeated, doesn't of times does not mean great gain. A function is very basic thing: these papers exist, the quotes. Are there? there on the they're all over the internet. Ask him to answer that specific thing so here's here's what happened He sent an article to a colleague that was published at science magazine dot org in the article the Author mentions two names doktor. She that's the Bat Lady
at the wheel on land and Peter Desert of Eco Health Alliance is is a friend of foul cheese the article hidden nerve or something, because it was forwarded by Fouche II in the middle of the night around several people, and then it just made the rounds later in the day, FAO cheese, another email to a colleague and on it it said he it is essential that we speak this morning now this is bill of hours later in central that we speak this morning. Read this paper as well as the email that I will forward to you. Now you of tasks today? That must be done. Was I mean profoundly I'd like to know what does that mean? You got a view. As you know, Zan, though ask any What is at stake here a couple days ago, to make a couple of things happened the day as zones in the paper, that he attached?
regarding gain Of function, research in war on Eggs actually what fat? What? What senator Paul was talking about me depopulating a virus to make it more transmissible again with the bat lady. Who was doing research on corona viruses. A bad lady Avenue Han. Where did she get the virus? you got the virus from the United States sheet. With FAO cheese approval. We send something It simply are not blaming the researchers who are very, very good in what is it North or South Carolina We send to all that stuff to the bat lady, then found she approves money that
that is not supposed to go to gain a function: research to the war on lab at present Obama said none of what we're stopping all of that. It's too dangerous fouche. He believes its two important, so it gives the money to his good friend, Peter Designate, ECHO Health or Eco health and what Eco health. Do with it. There decide to fund the research with the bat lady. This is found. She is arrogance, thinking he can get away literal murder the sins blunder programme more in a second, Listen, it's not that I I want to be snack all the time, don't don't take it the wrong way. It just happens that if I don't snack something weird instead, it happened to me hike.
Begin to get a little angry and then Glenn skin turns green, any pursuit of his clothes and then its hungry I have problems, sometimes with anger, and, if I just now throughout the day, I only burst my clothes, but I expect that release. That's how it used to be now you can eat. Old bar instead of the candy bar, which I I have had several love in the past. Now I built bar is now you eat them, not as dumb did I eat them from the box and eat several of them. This is one of my favorites. This is grasshopper cookie Let's just say, Yom check it out there. Good, for their protein bars. The hundred and twenty calories made with real chocolate, their great built, dotcom, promo code, Back fifteen say fifteen percent on your next order built dot com
and had over to blaze. Tv dotcom, Slash, Glenn promo Code is getting so that whole Chauvelin was talking about as part of your subscription to please tv this is the Glen by programme. We are very add to talk to you this morning and bring you up to speed, the lies of doktor grouchy and they are verifiable lies we laid it all out last week in our special and I want to go through some of it. We just talked about The research paper that was published in November of twenty fifteen one year through the moratorium, doctors, in the bad lady and whew Hon, as well as multiple other doctors from all over the world, including the United States,
listed as authors? This is a one year, one year after Obama said can't fund this stuff guy, it's description. Is quote a Sars like cluster of circulating back corona viruses shows potential for human emergence. Now. What does that mean human emergence that is gain of function, research, the virus They started. They started with a Sars like Corona virus that was present in bats in China, it was not fact in humans at all, so they and they proceeded to manipulate it so that it was transmissible to humans, known as gain of function. Research in acknowledgement the section. This is: Let's do was talking about just a few minutes ago. The acknowledgment fun
and I'm quoting funding and support came from the end. I a I, the end age, that's doktor, FAO, Chee U S, aid and from Eco Health alliance. That's the money fast the organisation that found she gave the money to so their credit. In the end I age and eco health. There was a halt. On this research. Remember that's why it has Little disclaimers do pointed out just a minute ago, this. These experiments were quote, initiated and performed before the gain of research fund pause again, function, research, funding, pause and have since been reviewed in a report, an approved for continued study by the age, so it's being out and saying a year after the funding was supposed to be shut off. It saying we did these spare moments before, however, this,
now all been reviewed by an age, a k, a doctor found she and her is approved. This research to continue a function, research cancelled for everyone else, with an x adoption of the commune Party in China, now they were all publishing academic studies describing the entire thing money was flowing in the direction of war on the study. Clearly acknowledges that so there's no way found she can deny it, but he Is he is lying under oath We know that? U S taxpayer dollars we're going to work on China through ECHO Health, but there is more, or evidence more evidence of was being done there. Peter DAS, EC March, twenty, sixteen, that's the guy from ECHO Health Arrigo Health, either own words, does
rising the type of research that was going on. Do we have that sound? Listen to this, so a sequence, the spine protein approaching that attaches to cells. Then we cannot do this work of my colleagues in China. You, create suit of particles. You look you insert despite proteins from those viruses sifted buying to human cells. Each step of this you move crushing closer to this farce could really become pathogenic in people. That's the very definition of gain of function. That's a year after the report that sent Nepal held up so a year later because in reported says this has been approved by the end age to continue research. Here's Peter do sick for Makko Health, saying this is what, we're doing now remember
as we explained in the special last week, it's the presence of these spike proteins it is a mystery, the guy sending you S, tax dollars to the war on lab is explaining exactly what's going down. He was on C span splaining what they were doing with a spike proteins: Vatican, splittings everything. Why is this debate? Why is this even a mystery he's explaining it. Then number twenty nineteen three researchers at the war on lab fell ill with an illness that matches the cove id cyst symptoms. We No, this until may just a couple of months ago and all sudden? That's when we started seeing the science, the scientists and the doctors and the media are backtracking on their narrative, because we received proof that it least three researchers at the war on lab fell ill. What what appears to be
Ovid, nineteen, but Or covert nineteen was eaten in bat soup how's that possible. So let's get ahead does Amber Ninth twenty two days before China would report. Pneumonia like virus breaking out in move on that's December: ninth doctors. Scientists are meeting all over the world from all over the world met in Singapore at the vice This international Congress, if you look conference, if you look at the attendees, you have Peter DAS, EC of go health. You have Daniel Anderson who was working. The war on lab, and She by the way, was the one that really wrote the fact check. Trying to disprove the lab leak. Theory so when you, when you hear that it didn't come from a lab, she's, the one who built that case she.
Was working. There were while they were working with the spike proteins on a bat corona virus paid for by the end I age and then the other person there was at the conference was the bat lady. That's quite a collection of people there. You know before the pandemic officially began. They were I'm talking about what they were doing. In fact, Peter Dasset even introduce doktor she and tweeted photos of her father The tweet, up with a comment of how you can get on train at the wheel on lab as soon as the corona virus broke out and they said questioning. Where did it come from key deleted? All of those tweets which isn't suspicious at all the converts the car greatly conference was put on by an organisation called the coalition of epoch. The echo epidemic preparedness innovations they,
launched in twenty seventeen at Davos of all places You know who they are. The world economic forum. They receive funding from Norway, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Along with this conference Lee at this, France, along with the people from the World Economic Forum the conference was killed, sponsored by the World Health or innovation and doktor fell she's an age. So you have all of the players who have everything to lose, and quite Firstly, you have at least one of the players world hell a World economic forum who has everything to gain. These guys are the ones that ran past. Is really going after we're going
after doktor found she, because he was the liar, and they all probably, if he'd and has to They price it'll probably stop there, but it go all the way they have national governments, big business, huge organizations who do you have in the fight? Ok, there's one other thing On the special I did last week, there's arguments on whether this is natural or not, and what their Is they can't explain the the spike proteins? Well spike, proteins lake? be explained as they were by The report they went to fetch II, and the Peter dazzle Audio I just played for you, it explains they were manipulating those
That's a sign that it's been manipulated vaccine and they can't explain it any other. Until they are going back and forth nobody's it can't be that because foul Jean everybody else's it can't be that we weren't doing that. So How do we explain these so the two arguments is that it was a lab leak and just king at the evidence, it seems to be the most likely you know it the virus. Two hundred and seventy seven metres from where the bat soup was, unfortunately there They didn't sell those bats. There were on market there's no end of anyone buying that that bat that has this girl virus is from twelve hundred miles away in China, you're not going in a united and taking your little your lips
chinese truck and you're a you're, a bath salesman and getting the bats in a cave twelve hundred miles away to bring it to a local market is not happening now. You'll hear this from the chinese and Doktor factory in anyone trying to disprove the lab leak, they'll, say sure, parts of Iris make it easily transmissible and it looks odd, but it was like really involved in an animal and jumped from there. But we and found the animal and we have done this the thousand tests on animals- and we can't find the virus in any animal in that area. None. We can't find the regional, animal and we can't take this iris and injected into bats and bats get sick from it. The bats are rejecting it. So why would they reject something that was incubator in them. Ok,.
The other is the other thing is it was it was. It was lapse, but. Can't find the animal there either. I would like to suggest we're looking for the wrong animal here, something you never hear about. A research paper published in May may twenty twenty the path of the pathogenicity of Sars Cove id too, in transgenic maize. Yes, this came from vanity fair. The research was published twenty twenty, but it was actually conducted. Listen to this some time in the summer of twenty nineteen and it was conducted in the war on lab and the paragraph planes in vanity, fair, it's very complex, but what it, but it what explains, is how
the war on lab and the bat lady were officially humanizing lungs in mice. They don't even know how this works, but they were humanizing the lungs who was more of a human long in the mice, and then they injected them covered to see if it was more time, and miserable in humans so Should we be looking for a mouse. Because they were using mice. With humanised lungs in the summer of twenty nineteen, and they were in acting this covered with a spike proteins into these might in the summer of twenty nineteen and then before anybody got sick. Three reach. There are measures that were working on this project in the womb. Hon lab show up at the house it'll two months before anybody else get sick, two months for that and their sick with covert like symptoms.
Gee. How is this not an open and shut case? How is this not clear and how is found she getting away with lying in front of Congress with this much evidence, so anybody in the media that will hold him responsible and not take off the kid gloves and actually start asking some tough questions Not your fancy is welcome on this programme. My office is going to be setting sending yet another request today and we will be demanding their acceptance or a rejection letter, no more stonewalling centre. I mean no doctor grouchy, we would love to Have you because, if your not lying. You just have to explain this. Just explain it.
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this, this I'll tell you something about the press and end, what somebody is, very, very scared for all of this information to come out because Obama put the ban on gain a function at whew on Donald Trump, later lifted it. After all of this, was done without she, but he lifted it. If, if with something going on the press. All ways goes for the Donald Trump Card: it's his fault. He lifted it they are not even playing the Donald Trump card on that. That's therein to cover this and blame it on him, and yet there not doing it why? Why ask that am questions. This vouchers is clearly lying and its oh easy for the press to do what they always do and blame at all on Donald Trump, even though it's not his fault
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what about entertainment, goin back you remember the days when we really have a lot to talk about not allow was going on. You know the government. Wasn't really controlling all of our lives. They weren't spying on as they are threatening to put people in jail, but just love the constitution. Those days don't come back the days when people like me had nothing to talk about, and we spanned sometimes are we talking about one stupid story: hand every year. You can count on at least today just talking about this, sports illustrated swimsuit in addition- and it was just because we're pigs, however
crazy that we are so busy. We can't talk about how history is being changed and, there's a guy and thus swimsuit addition this time. Wow have things: change, Jason, whitlocke from the Jason Whitlocke programme. And in his podcast. Now, from the blaze he's lot to say about this, and we go to him and sixty seconds programme, way if you miss the first hour on the broadcast. You missed the take town of faulty and how he is absolutely lying, Turann Paul all of the evidence is there and its very clear, The press is in doing their job. We are Somebody needs to ask him: how exactly do you explain all these?
things doktor faulty because he is lying, make sure you rabbis podcast today, if you, MRS Second you'll, miss a lot grab the pod. So we can listen to it at your leisure anywhere. You get your podcast patriot what is our sponsor? They stand for great mobile service that is much more affordable, yet they stay ahead of the competition and I think they do it because they're just not part of the game, you know everybody thinks the same when you're in that click. And everybody is doing the same thing and now big mobile their spending more time, trying to make sure that their woke then provide great service this is where Patriot Mobile comes in there on the same cell towers as everybody else But how is it they could be on those same cell towers and they can offer that service for ass money, because their number two,
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dot com, slash back for all the details or you can call them at nine seven to patriot. What am I want my favorite guys, is Jason Whitlock and when I first heard Jason Whitlock his name, I thought- and I don't have anything in common with him- he's a sports guy he's not what I mean he is a sports guy, but he's not a sports guy. He is so much deeper than that he's a culture guy and really good. Man who admits is false and is trying to be a better man is our better than that and that what we all to be doin working every day to be better than we were yesterday? He is now blaze, tv host of fearless, and he is on with us now allow Jason. How are you, sir, How are you ve learned? Man Things in our in our Nashville studios.
They're gone well we're working hard and producing a lotta com can be an asset. Well, you yeah! Well, you are the first. The show is the shows great. It's really great. I wanted it. Get your thoughts on the swimsuit issue you're saying this is another historic moment in the rewriting of american history. So tell me about it. Well, the less is obsessed with being on the right side of history. And so they keep writing about all these historic moment and Admittedly, the sports illustrated swimsuit issue which features two black, where men and a transgender black woman on the cover. This is now history and its history making deal three
black women nor to black women, a transistor woman on the covers what he was doing and what they are doing is telling you the history they plan to write in the future, and so in the future. They plan to writing history that defines christian values, evil and they left the left wing meat. They were ahead of the curve in we embraced the whole transit. The movement in and men, It feel like women and go through this surgery, and now we consider them women and and and men can, babies in all of this they plan to All this in the future ended in their squashing descent, very clever. Me by writing this history, making events.
All in a racial narrative, so that any body they criticise it. If there, why you're races, if your black you're a sell out in an uncle Tom, it's very clever, whipped, do and how their attacking christian values rapidly in black packaging, to silence us from say, like a man, this is what will you do? You're putting a biological man who more power to him has had surgery in is now woman, but no is unknown or no need. Not a woman biologically scientifically not a woman. Slowly, holding him as such is calling himself a woman, and out of out of reference to him, and we whatever we call him a woman, but he is not a woman totally, yeah. They want us afraid to say, would you just say erect, because
I gotta go in back of racism. No, I firstly, I dont know you think I would be try. I think I would be by phobic Earl or what is the transatlantic trade. Yet I just. I just think that we need to be very clear full especially those of us who are in in some sort of a leadership role, and I say that will almost barely able to keep a straight face, though of us who are in the media, we have to be very very clear. If I'm, if I'm with that person in you know a private situation or at a party or whatever I refer to her as she. If that's, what makes her feel better, but if something happens at the party, and she has to be going to the hospital. I M going to tell the hospital she's a guy, because biologically that may make a difference on what is happening in how they treat her
actually him. I think we need to be compassionate. And and also accurate, and we need to be more accurate in the media, so people understand we can compassionate, but also scientifically correct, totally agree with you. I think them I believe, though, people are less fearful of being caught transposing because facts are so clearly on your side would no doubt as to what they say. That's a man. Born a biological man. Yes, they have, this boy, confusion and identity, but It is a man, and so I think they feel I won't glim back. He can argue factually tramp overcome to stating facts.
They weapon eyes it that's why sports illustrated intensely they could. The goal is to push the transgender There is all these different gender identities and, and so they intentionally chose a black train gender to package. This is some black history making event because the accusation of racism is very subjective in the public space in any I can argue anywise racism is. There are no facts there. The peak people could care less and so that the ultimate weapon they're, trying to silence all over Glenn Back Jason, with Jason we'd love to sell out? He doesn't understand these not on the side of the right side of history. On this historic, the issue of blah blah blah going back. You know, of course, he's server that he believes in God, and that makes him races and Christianity ratio and justified
slavery and in a minute factually wrong, but they seem to have one this argument over twitter and social media. It is just frustrating, so I just see what was really a lotta legacy mean. This is very clever and calculate I I had to do, and I have to tell you, though you no one and I and I would like you to explain his because I think I understand what you're saying and I think we're saying the same thing but bulge we should make it clear They you ve, said a couple of times. They believe they are on the right side of history, and this is why they're doing it they're changing their their writing history. Or to Morrow today and You know, I actually I'm glad there pudding all of this down on paper. As somebody who is compiling a museum We have. I mean
heavy in an entire. I could fill the vault just with the papers that I have on eugenics the papers, I have on dismantling Amerika and how wrong they are they people who were for fascism here anymore. A car or for communism, They were shamed by nineteen. Fifty, because it was shown to be a deadly deadly killer, but fascism wasn't a dirty word: eugenics, not a dirty word until you saw what happened at the end when this society falls apart and when it, when it completely breaks down, and we have to start all over again these people will be on the record of being on the wrong side and- I'm actually glad that they are. They are clear
what they believe is is right, in normal unnatural, has its own knocked the glue. I think your accurate I think, with their argue into their camp is, you're going to win, I believe we have put Joe Biden Corpse in office in the White House, detail we ve got a massively Gutenberg there. So far behind we women this culture war and, as we all know, winners write history. Yes, they see themselves as the winners they're going to write the history they Glyn Bag, Jason. We like them, What about the transgender issue there wall about everything else, America, Does it mean christian values? America needs more. Communism would be in all these other things, and and I'm too
I believe, your grandchildren and great grandchildren will be reading there book of history, I you will be the bad correct, and I and I believe there is a chance of that, because I dont know how long it's gonna take to reset active common sense in and iter. All truths, but I want to ask you what they specifically think were wrong about when it comes to transgender I'd like to, your opinion on on. Where were wrong, because I think we're with most Americans, when they actually not when we're spun, but when we its exposed on what we actually believe I don't think we're off base with them via asked majority of Americans backward. Jason Whitlocke in just a second don lives
California, she wrote in about our experience with relief factor, she said I had horrible pain and swelling in my hand. I couldn't find anything that gave any kind of relief. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't cook I couldn't take care of. The house can do anything I was a hairstyle for twenty five years and I had pain in my feet. My back, but relief factor took off of my eggs and pains away from me. Inside of a month and the longer I take really factor better. I feel I just don't live without it. Thank you really factor so much Donna makes me so happy to hear that you are out of pain and you have your life back. It happens and it's. It's really strange if you feel that you are getting relief in the first three weeks. It's true Don said the longer you take it, the better, you feel if you don't have any results in the first three weeks, your most likely not gonna get any really formerly factor in about thirty percent of the people who try it then, go on to order any more because they don't find the really
but seventy percent do so. Please help Lee factor now. The number is eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four, it's relief factor dotcom ten. Second, nation Eddie so Jason. I want to. I want of state where I stand on transgender, and you tell me where the horror story is idle eve in science and I believe that there is a biological, scientific, chemical, difference between a man and a woman, and you can have all the kind of surgeries you want and you can make it look like you're, a man or a woman, but that doesn't make you a man or a woman. I
I believe in compassion. The people who, like Bruce Jenner, who suffered, is tired, life feeling trapped and that he was not himself and it was can't even imagine how horrible that life must have been, and so I have compared. And if he wants to make that choice with here, body. He has the right to make that choice and as a compassionate person, I will call him Kate but unless we're in a hospital you know there is, there is absolutely no problem the the last problem that I do have is what's happening to girls and children, the man, coal industry is so afraid of, saying anything that it is likely that your daughter, can go in to now. One of the three hundred centres where they will Have you been a medicine on
A first visit. Go in your a fifteen year old girl, you say I think, I'm in my road, the wrong body. They will scribe hormones and they will not send you first It's getting sick! valuation. Let's talk this through. Let's splore all other options. They will immediately start drugs no one, no one under eighteen should be able to make this decision when you're twenty twenty five, whatever I'm fine, because you're an adult but not a kid- is irreversible. How then a horror show well I'm going to a little different, a glance. I'm gonna, save this other sites that arguing the other side of your argument, Their mountain is from the science and what
actually say what that actually means and take give me a second explain is trust Satan. Who is Val Wilt is the dry. The philosophy of the left. It say, tat, philosophy, it's it's a lot speed. It puts man at the top of the food chain, and so when the same trust I've tried man, we got it figured out, there's no power, there is, no God there's no Jesus. Jesus God are not at the top of the food chain. For the latter fired fears, man is due, Thou Wilt is and so is used You like a woman. There is going to do it and it's equivalent. I listening to your explanation is like I have a boost.
The Caitlin Jenner feels like a woman, and he just wants to go with that, as if Jason Whitlock has no struggle, Jason Whitlocke feels like eating fast food six times the day should I just do it do is? Will it The only the negative side of the principles were taught in the Bible. Or guide to a purpose filled fulfilling a life filled with joy and happiness. We just can't give in to everything that we feel and that's what the left and trust the size and trust man endures: thou wilt that what that's? What they're telling us? It's a satanic philosophy, the leads exactly Where you say it into this chaos we have with kids now and kids looking at the sports illustrated cover in people, the cat
tell that can't say when they want to go to bed and when they want to eat breakfast their impact. To choose their gender at five six, seven years old, the brains are, at that level where they can be making these kind of joint. We don't even let him put their food, but they can put your gender. It's safe, panic philosophy that create the kind of chaos, confusion, divisiveness that we have with this country, the the so that the bachelor read that we celebrate the degeneracy that we celebrate. It's. It's say tat. I have to tell you Jason. I it's an honor to work with the really is Europe very accomplished: Man Break broadcaster and a good. Decent honourable man as well say: I'd uncle me for me. If you have
seen fearless. Yet you need to blaze you ve plays tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn user, promo Code, Glenn and you'll see furthering its ten percent. When you sign up make sure you can Jason Whitlock. I have a feeling today can be a great show fearless. You can also find It on Youtube, dotcom fearless with Jason, Whitlock this the one programme ten seconds station. I just as second first, let me tell you about. We have wrecked tech been telling about wrecked out for about a year and it they It is a game changer, it is a game changer. You ve gone from burning. Almost everything that I make out on a grill too. I mean Meat they will fall off the bones ribs that will fall off the bones. The perfect stakes- they're not burnt anymore, it's
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meta com, Slash, Glenn, provocateurs, Glenn Economic Glenn, tv stewed as America, and also fearless with Jason Wedlock welcome to the Glenda Programme tonight on our way, Thursday night special tonight is a chance to really educate yourself on. What's really going on and the routes behind it, we ve heard about critical race theory and for good reason, it's racist. It is a rare, Cyst ideology purposes designed to corrupt our children undermine the the values of the West and in particular, american values and those values are hard work pull yourself up? You know don't be a racist,
the real values that got us where we are and made us a people that could forget, live and move on well, the results that we are seeing right now. This has been decades in the making and it's not something: the mainstream media, the Democratic Party or even the teachers, unions, one you do know, they're doing everything in their power to try to convince you that it is no big deal, so they remain in the dark. It is a very big deal and to overcome this, we need to educate ourselves. We need to understand what fuels it and and what I'm gonna do to nine on television at nine o clock, I'm going to expose the deep seated marxist origins that, if fuelled this devastating cultural tragedy, more importantly, I want to show you how you can take these dark practices and make them right. I'm gonna try this we, something in hopefully today about what
plan should be moving forward. It is time to act. To act, and we no longer have a choice if you're sitting on the sidelines, you are part of the problem. There is a book out that I'd like Gotta pick up in red. I think it's really important. It is called an inconvenient minority and It goes in to one of them real problems, Asians regions being deemed sell out. And their success being swept under the rug. I mean this is a group of people that were not welcome. By a lot of people in the eighteen hundred they built the railways, and you know no Chinese all kinds of slams in jail band, they ve
nineteen, forty, all the Japanese were rounded up and put into concentration camps. I mean it. Couldn't have been worse, in the twentieth century- and yet they are succeeding, why it's a cultural difference and they are doing exactly what blacks we're doing for the first. What fifty years until Booker T Washington died, asian story is the an american story. They too their freedom, and they said nothing's going to stop us. Then the progressives got in and at the time I want to do is to dismantle the the the black family and black success and that's where we are today. They ve done it successfully and now they're trying to convince everybody else that the asian minority is somehow or another.
A slave to these white ideas of of merit and hard work? Any she was the author of that book, an inconvenient minority Annie's joining us. Now I can see how area. It Glenarm well think so such rather make sure. Where do I have this? Where do I have this wrong? I don't want you have it wrong. All though I would say You know right now: it's interesting! Could a critical race ideology, what it what it tackles at five, because you said Asians were discriminated by America, which is true, but now critical rate theory wants to discriminate against agent in the other direction correct. Now, too, you know, because if you are going to create a racial admissions process or racial hiring process, as critical raised, there was wont to do
want to remove color blindness and they want to make it about race. Asians are gonna, be the ones that are going to keep penalized along with White, Harvard already bases their admissions process, often critical race theory and guess what black Americans given advantages over Latinos over whites over Asian Asians, are actually the most discriminated against and Harvard emissions, because there we shall ideology presupposes that Asians are a so called privileged group, and that's what my broken inconvenient minority is telling a story. So is it is this about? Is this? about anything other than does drawing destroying meritocracy destroying our arc. Sure and our society and people I mean I don't want to go to it doctor who got in class or got grades because
as they were, of a different skin color or that I want the best doctor and I don't care what they look like. You know what mean this is not about helping. This is really about destroying people and our culture entirely. Well, it's also about its also about, but critical race theory tries to also addressed, though, is the failure of liberalism over the past fifty years, because we thought- and you now, as your listeners know, the great society Lyndon Johnson thought: a combination of welfare firm action would lead to date, these great strides and in black excellence in America today, but critical raised there is, are frustrated that there still race gaps. You know in education, in the household income and wealth, and they ve gone to the point where the
saying. Ok, you know what forget all of those old welfare programmes. We just need to force black people when hispanic people into these into into admissions into colleges and into jobs for the sake of equity. So I think it's also a reaction to the failure of liberalism, the sixties, because as they are. I think it fails because everything they do dismantles what is responsible for kids do well- and that is a a healthy, strong family that understands the eye dear of you gotta work for it. You gotta, work for it. They wouldn't. Happening with the asian community in So what do I know but what's happening with the asian community has nothing to do with
Asians, being you know, innately, smarter or anything else, its cultural, its cultural right a year, and this is why, in our view, this is why this book could shed could shed some light on the situation in and inconvenient minority because you know why is it that asian, even though they were a race that was discriminated against and still faces. Discrimination today by the ivy weeks are still able to succeed in this country. It's nice nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with culture. You know asian study twice as many hours as the average American more stable to parent family structures, they have lower rates of crime, lower rates of drug use, and this is applicable to any race if black merit
at the same out of wedlock rate. Birth rate is Asians black Americans at the same drug use rate end and those kinds of things I wouldn't say the problems of the blue many would disappear entirely, but it would go a long way towards solving and it would be all your pulse in. That's any color, that's an economy which is not just not just the blacks, I mean. Obviously I wish my family, I wish I had more of the asian cultural work ethic because I think my family would be stronger for it. Kenya is about the recent. Isn't that the direction of the left right? Now, though, which is to say the problem, I'm sure maybe hard work does lead to better outcomes. Maybe you know showing up on time and all these basic being polite, It is another one, though that is often cited as good things in american culture,
they are now saying that well sure that might help, but that's the problem we to stop looking at things like hard work as positive, because that's white, supremacy and action right and now you know, critical re theorist are what they want to do in the destruction of meritocracy. They want to associate all of these values of so called hard work, so how'd. You know working hard in getting a good education and and and those kinds of things, as associated with whiteness, which is associated with white supremacy. Now, which is the most racist thing you could possibly riah, really right and and you know, then the fact that it that minorities are able to actually accomplish this in do well really inconveniences their narrative. So let me ask you can cause I've. I've thought about this. A lot and I and I've I've tried you swear off. You know calling things evil.
Because that implies something you know really dark and sinister, you know people are generally wrong, etc, etc. But, as I look it critical race theory and see what it is doing and I see that it's not based on anything other than the goal of destruction. I think it is evil can you find anything in critical race or have you ever heard anybody? they are making a decent case. That is wrong, but is that that they actually believe that this is going to make things better. Without drawing everything first well. This is this is the strategy you know here. Here's the thing, even though critical,
theory say everything is so I want to go against. White people might supremacy the funny thing about critical race dearest. Is it the way they propagate? Their theory is through these so called white. A weak institutions date. They they're, not gonna. Do the grass roots they're going through Harvard University, for goodness sake, that's where they invented critical race theory. It did. I know it's the White progressive Elite, that is, that its funding and supporting an intellectual, rising. You notice this this rationalization of everything in all of our structures in our laws. So what what needs to be done? how do we wake people up? I mean I, I look it. Everything that is going on. You know that the funding of the police and, I think, In winter winner, the African compare american community going to see
who is sowing the seeds of their destruction because they are the ones that are hurting the most from all of these policies nor are we making and in road on any of this. While we have to start with race glide nest, that's what we have just in I'm friend and of color of color, us United Color, Us United dot Org, or we advocate for race, Blind America and you know you're a listener and you to speak out, but you're. You know you're superior employers, retribution and everything like that. We totally understand. Let us even voice thought up. Our organization, arrest, united, dot Org and we need to. We need to direct. We take on these institutions that are propagating with head on and show how race blind alternatives are always better biggest it's not about raised here. Your success has much less to do with your race that it does have to do with your hard work and new values.
Individual expertise. That's all we need to crow promote an american society today, and that is a winning message with all colors. So tell me cause I'm on their website. Now. Tell me what how this helps. I go to the website and how does it help me yeah? Well, if you sign up arrests, united, DOT, org and add your name to the petitions that were putting a poor one of arabic petitions right now is we're petitioning the salvage, An army and salvation Army is this. Is it asked their members to up to to repent for their ratings even though there not racist. You know- and this is something that we know how to strategically tackling. I tackled Harvard University discrimination and I'm gonna put itself Russian army and we were scheduling and were pushing through, and following the leadership, because a lot of these leaders are well intentioned abortion. The leadership, this kind of thinking is only
take your organization down down a hole in Britain, organised thousands and thousands of employees and volunteers too to join us. So you can do. And if there is well well count me in the website is color us united DOT, Org color, us United DOT Org, the name of the book that is another critical book for understanding. Everything is an inconvenient minority. We ve been talking to Kenny Thank you. So much. Can I appreciate it- God bless Glenn, even so I love sitting down to watch a movie or a tv show with my family, and it just doesn't happen anymore because you can't watch anything with your family because you know there's a dinner. It is making family programming anymore and video can make it for you and let me explain,
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This is so we we don't have to teach about. Martin Luther king or others all this nonsense. It's not true or go right, to the horses mouth we're gonna talk to one of the Texas State senators whose behind This text, the Senate Bill three set the record straight yeah whose providing misinformation and whose, providing accurate truth. This is. The Glen Back lodging Jason into space. Maybe someday we could all down with you you're wearing a tank top late, lose me tomorrow, boys backed up day. Yes, I love data. Thank you, Jason That I believe, is William Wallace, who once said they may take our lives, but they can never take part in our home Dinah Luck Hook or or
our tech top like you. He was wrong. Of course. We all know who worked out with him the end he was. He was a victim of home title four audibly, that's how that that movie ends. Is that right, hometown theft is now a real thing, but in fact it is on the rise in a big way. Because of the we now the way home title theft works, you could be a victim and not even know it. Yet. Here's that goes down. First, cyber thieves search, hundreds of pit public databases for high equity homes leave pager home off. Maybe you have a lot of equity in your home, of certainly that the home values have gone up quite a bit. This is high time for this type of crime. They get control of your title and then basically your skirt. They take your equity. They can borrow against it. You to try to wind it with banks, insurance companies and local governments. It's a disaster. He need some there's gonna help, keep you safe protector, most valuable asset, registry redress, see if you're already a victim. I don't even know it yet and he had a complete title,
Three of your home, a hundred dollar value free from home, title lock, dot com do today, comb tied a lock, dotcom, prettier show starts insects, what are you or not Entertainment Goin back programme, so the White House this week told us that they are coordinating with big tack. To flag in silence people? And then they said you know, there's really twelve people, but then they wouldn't name the twelve people.
Now they ve name the twelve people, but what's happening to those twelve people, and does the government have a right to take away your right you just because they can call up a private company and have it done? I don't think so. Stephen Miller is looking into this he's just he's just started the America First Legal ease the founder and president of that and he's gonna talk about what the administration is doing how their coordinating and how we can stop this does it is apt leaned not constitutional and there's there. What they're doing is their silencing people for misinformation, but at the same time the Mainstream media is lying about what is happening in Texas with the Euro, the voting bills, they're saying that we're cutting hours, etc, etc. But now it's even worse now they're saying we're
could even be able to teach Martin Luther King, we're not gonna, be able to teach the evils of slavery because of these, said it bills not through me We should make a list of twelve institutions on the left that shouldn't We listened to anymore and maybe should be banned and I'd start was CNN Cbs Nbc. Maybe see all of em, because they're lying and we begin their in sixty seconds Glenn Back Programme, and when I was a kid one of the things I was really afraid of was quicksand. May from Gilligan, silent but didn't seem like, Television back in the day of the Brady
wherein quicksand at what always quicksand, yeah- and I don't even know of quicksand exists to get Bruton really too, certainly not like it doesn't know, shows yet my kids to see that they were like daddy. Have you ever seen quicksand, no higher than y know? I don't. I don't even know if it exists, and the more you struggle to get free. The more you sink. Well, that is the quicksand. That you actually deal with, and it doesn't make for a good funny, comedy sitcom, the quicksand. You really are in. Is your finances? Usually you know you struggling to get free and then the more you sink, and you knows you're looking for somebody with a tree branch that will come by to give me how people put myself out there I'll do all the work. Would you just hold the stick for her me, and it's always at the last second: isn't it don't we until the last second, before you go under in the quicksand I've, a tree branch for you to american financing
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media right now is coming after Texas with both barrels, but they are. There filled with fraud, I mean everything there saying about the Texas Bill on voting is not true. Now Are there actually saying that we're never gonna be able to teach? You know about me. Luther King or or or Susan, be Anthony if the Republicans have their way. You'll never hear about those people in school, and I tell you something: critical race, we disagrees with Martin Luther King, you keep critical. Race theory in and you will lose. Martin Luther king, that's not What is in the Senate bill and instead of owing to some expert who has read the bell and knows about the bill- and I gotta tell you this- is what I read: let's go to the guy who actually wrote the bill, the guy. I who can set the record straight, is Brian Hughes. He's a Texas state, Senator he's the author of Senate.
EL three welcome to the programme good. Thank you. Me, I'm so glad to be. I see it must be so frustrating for you, too, These these quota unquote, trusted voices talk about the bill, and just lie about it like they are going She's beyond words, we deal with me, the biased for a long time everybody gives that, but to falsely state, objective facts. And to do it again and again in the Danish, ECHO Chamber and I'll tell you this. You don't want to take my word for it. Anyone can go to chapter one Ten of the text is administrative code. That's where our curriculum elements were found chapter one. Thirteen taxes military of good. That's before my bill, that's after my bill, it's still there and you will find many specific references to difficult subjects like slavery, the coup, close clan, eugenics bright things like that,
and suffers movement, a lot of that doktor king? We we're door and look up the doktor king, so much you'll find many web. Just to him decision be Are you the civil rights movement, the the grand railroad, the very things, the very things that we are accused of removing are specifically set out in the curriculum standards too, today, that is not changed yards were multiple. So what happened? What is what basing this on. How could you possibly outcome and honest person reed your scented bill three and come up that can and honest person do, that I can you could look at the bill from last session. There was a critical race theory that came out of the house last session, a bill about critical way theory and it had a long, exhaustive reading list topics on the left and the right all kinds of american history, and we heard from teachers
from the stable and education, and they said I leave us specifically. Thus the details for your bill just put the broad topics so soon adultery, remove those specific items from this, attitude, but it leaves them where they belong over in the curriculum in chapter one thirteen. I have not seen a single story, a single story, that this look at chapter? One: thirteen in the law in taxes, taxes when truth code that list Doktor King Susan B, Anthony are on the ground? We are so complex. So what are the category? What does this new bill say over so excited about this bill, because this says we're gonna teach our students to judge people based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. It specifically says that in Texas, public school We do not teach that one race is inherently superior to another that one sex is imperialist, appeared. It specifically rejects white supremacy or any racial supremacy or inferiority. It also says gland
then one race members, one race or not, here only racist and unable to overcome their racism. Do we have problems or America's past, of course, and we teach american history and Texas history good, bad and ugly, but we feature students how we overcome it by coming together is american. Not by being racist. I am I if you feel the same way Brian, but I am shocked that we have to outline this in every state in the union. I I I can't be leave. This has been so well crafted and is so far down the road that we have to have these bills and am also shocked at the people who are stand. Fighting against them,
remarkable and perhaps one of the war still understood. We had this during the debate on the spill last week, one of their worst elements, there's a teaching that meritocracy and work ethic and working the vessel racist contract and what is the worst thing we to teach our children, regardless of their race, color gender. What's the worst thing, we can teach them that hard work doesn't matter! That's the essence of the american dream. That's how everyone can see seen in this country like no place in the world, and these people suggest that we should teach hard work and marital? she is a racist, that's horrible. I have to tell you it's one of the things I mean. There's you know Firstly, a lot of things like I don't want my kids to be criminals, and I dont you know all the things that you worry about. I'd love! My kids to have a great relationship with God, etc, etc, but as a day I worry all the time about teaching my. Children work ethic,
How do you? I learned that I think through Us Moses, because my father was doing and we were all just expected to go to work with them. We on our own business sought eight years old I'm I'm working. Well, I don't have that kind of business. For my children and that that's Here's me that they, they may not have the right work ethic and here, We have our schools wanting to teach that that work ethic. Is racist. That dismantles everything in our society. Getting used to the well dismantles everything you and I and people Europe and America understand this American dream right that, even if you fail before no matter the color skin? No matter what your parents did, no matter where you were born. If you work hard and trust the Lord and play by the rules, you can succeed and you lift others up when you do that. This critical race theory, this toxic evil doctrine,
attacks the very heart of american dream it. Let me just say this Glinda money. This is pretty obvious in the hammer home talking about this in critical race theory there reaching little. Why children that they should feel guilty about bad acts by previous generations, a white folks, but even worse, they're telling little children from a nordic There is little black children, brown children are telling them. Oh, you can never make it in America America's so racist. It saw against. You you'll always be second class. What a horrible message to teach those children less teach them that we can all succeed or their problems. Yes will overcome them together as Americans but everyone gets a chance. Everyone can succeed in America and critical waste theory. You said, undermines the very heart of the american dream, Teachers are already reporting. They say that at the very beginning of seeing some of the early results of teaching critical race, they see
that they are already seeing white kids being rejected from play groups, and there being ostracised- and you know wheat, we did a study- I wasn't. That study back in the nineteen fifties or sixties where they taught children if you have blue eyes you are inferior in Europe to be feared and if you have any other cholera, your fine and they could. They classified the children, a blue eyes, and they only did it in one day, and they said by the end of the day children were already separating themselves in breaking friendships, can you imagine I mean we know the results of this. Can you imagine teaching this all throughout our country for even just a year an impact. This would have.
Glenn. What a nightmare you made. A great point to emerge study demonstrates that racism ass to be taught time, and we have we of challenges in our history. Difficult challenge with racism even today, but most of us would agree we are making guess we got a long way to go before making progress to a doktor. King said this teaching this critical race theory pushes us, backed generations. It creates new racism in our country. The last thing we need at a time like this so. Is this going to pass this bill is going to pass. It is passed the Texas Senate, as you know, over in the Texas House right now we don't have a core, because a number of our democratic colleagues just left to go to Washington, and so we don't know exactly what their plans are. But they're going to come back at some point. That got homes and families here, in the other, Abbott says when they come back, he'll call us back for
the special session- and I can say for my part, that I'll stay here as long as it takes and come back too often is many times it takes. Yet these bills, none flemish, this bill, there's election integrity, you talked about every speech online at helping our retired teachers, children a foster care public, actually so many good bills. We want to get past, but we can't do it right now, because we don't have a corn in the Texas Ass Are you convinced that if we pass these bills, that they're not just going to change the names or they're, not just cut a wink and a nod with the with it. The real radical teachers and they'll just teach it anyway. I'm glad you brought it up. If you read this bill, it doesn't use the phrase good grace theory. It describes in detail those pernicious doctors, but yes, have to watch that questions come up. We have great teachers in Texas was thankful for them, and most of them rejected this. The vast majority in fact, effort from an upper teachers it
support the bill, and teachers have sent me examples of where they see this creeping in the curriculum. So the Good NEWS is, we have great teachers and taxes. It now believe this We want to make sure that their supported and then being pushed a teaching wise like destroy children, Rhine things so much for being on with his brain uses, a Texas state senator setting the wreck, straight and telling you exactly: what's in the bill, not the lies from the mainstream media, Texas, and it bill number three brine. Thank you! So much God bless travelling event. Stephen lives in Irish on our roads writes about his dogs experience with rough greens. He said I heard about rough greens from your show, Mr Back, Mr Back, please call me clan a dog J J is seven years old and in good health, just a little overweight pinhole. Let me do she now rules on the floor. When we fill her bowl, her coat is shine ear and she no longer
as dandruff J J, is a lot more act if thou to increase constantly going back to lick her empty bull. That is something that you know does. Then I mean I've never heard him pushed the bowl up against the wall and he just hear the metal bull cling up against the wall. Theses licking it. Never never has he done that in his whole life he does now with rough greens, apparently, J J is the same with the even in Arizona seamen. Thank you so much for listening thank you for writing in it- is I'm I'm glad to see that your dog is more active and enjoying if a little bit more more healthy, that's what rough greens does it's not a dog food. It's a supplement that you put on the food, makes your makes a dog food healthier and makes your dog healthier and happier most dogs love it. But if your dog, doesn't you don't wanna, be out, you know a bunch of money because he ordered a big bag of this stuff. That's why they're offering a
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of script. Yeah axis really been an issue. The media just hold them to account Glenn. Just so much now. I think he's talking about the the marxist that are actually waiting behind them, but he is in trouble now because of what he said with Facebook, that we're coordinating with them were working with them. The White House Esben like today, strangers to walk that one back on that's after because they had to walk back that Facebook was killing people yeah right that this is what Biden does do he p boards things out, venting it's called it on any tries to back off any usually goes Bruce in the wrong direction? Again, like you look at the vaccine numbers, you can argue spoke. All you want, the literal peek, a vaccine, since in this country was the day they implemented the Johnson and Johnson pause? It is in tire really responsible for the fall off when it comes to vat,
scenes at least the timing of it. If you were gone three or four million doses a day for another couple weeks. It would way above the goals that they had set. You pay attention to all these numbers. I don't forty eight per, isn't it forty eight percent of the country is vaccinated now vaccinated, fully vaccinated and in that's, including children. Right now I want to ask yes: oh if you include children, that's what striving that number way down its forty eight point, seven percent, but that includes everyone under twelve, which is not eligible for the accident, which is obviously very differently less dicky S. Ridiculous standard really wish need to look at is the most important number of all of that is at least one shot. Sixty five in older. That number is eighty nine point one percent with synthetic as I've spent. What did you expect to happen Yes, You would like it to be in love
to hurt immunity. You'd love to do do all those things about. Fifty six percent of adults have received windows. Excuse me fifty six percent. Of all people, have received one dose and sixty eight point. Three percent of adults have received one doesn t mean it's it's crazy! First, while one doses, probably enough, that's what a lot of experts or say other some doubts about that would the Delta better Georgia makes it look at less effect right. But, yes, I would agree. It gives you a significant amount of of pretend the way their counting this. Why, while counting children that cannot get it, you can't get it it's. It's means Sun City Florida, one hundred percent Utah fight percent. You know they have Such a young population in so many kids, it's ridiculous. Way there doing this. It really is an insane things.
The reason they used it fully vaccinated number on the news. All time is because they wanted it make evil trump supporters in the south. Lebanon is its evil trumps of murders that are doing it. It is a spanish in blacks. That is why I really art are not there. The The leading factor. Others are doing it but share the leading factor. Why don't we hear that all the time? Why don't we hear that at that? and even include people like yourself, Glenn who you're not anti vaccine nope, but you had covered. You have a level of protection. You ve had a positive antibody test right even include that in these donors is so we know more people than this have some low. Of immunity to the virus is just too another talking about you not thrown masks back on its the return of the Basque, and it's like again you will be familiar incentivize in people to go, get the vaccine. We are telling them that they all have to wear masks skin. Why would they
say what you will be like. Why would I bother with this? You know I am not, as is not even can mean. I can't get it from my doctor. I can't get it from my dog, the vaccine away from my doctor. You have to go set up a separate appointments. Stupid said it's just so stupid persons programme it's the misinformation people that we have a star so we'll get to that hero with us, even Miller, from the White House in just a minute, former White House, gold line. We are going into an inflationary period. I dont know if you saw this. Experts are now saying that food prices, this fall, we'll be up ten to fourteen percent the inflation on food, whose getting hurt by this whose getting hurt by this. The people who, living on the edge of our society, we're gonna tax, the rich we're gonna, do all these our and spend spend spend. Who
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This is the flung back Programme, Stephen Miller, used to be a senior advisor for Donald Trump, and he was the director of speech riding for that and it is well which I'd love to talk to us. I'd love to talk to you about that, but. Gotta get to some important stuff. First, he has just found. It is the President of American America. First legal! and they are law king, now an effort to get all the documents and find out exactly how the by an administration is coordinating with big tack, as Joe Biden just got us, be allowed the other day, they're kind of tracking on that now, but do you have any doubt go to Stephen Miller, heist even greater beyond the grand thanks for having you bet you met, so tell me what you guys are doing so
the whole world saw a few days ago, Jen Saki emitted in the White House, press briefing that the bad administration is actively coordinating with the Tec conglomerates to de platform censure in silence, Americans. It goes without saying, although I'm going to say it is it only authoritarian and wildly inappropriate, if also unconstitutional, ideas and raises unconstitutional, is pretty straightforward, which is that The government cannot use any caught. Him quote private company as an agent on its behalf too, DR somebody at the foundational right show a very basic example of this you might see alone order, episode we'd, be that if the government wants to search your home but doesn't have a search warrant, they can't ask upright
security company to break into your house and take your file ruined. I owe you at the private, accompanied it that's exactly what they're doing here with respect to free speech, but and to stop them. We're going to need more than just jockeys admission, although you'd like to think that would be an up we're going to me all the occurs all of the emailed all of the documents, the show. This unlawful coordination and you'd Andover Stephen, you know it's happening at it may not be on a White House dog Gov email address, although I would let it pass them, but you know oh this is going on and even if they say where are we not doing it, and you know they have found a way around it. They are. They are talking to each other? I mean it is the left it has all of their people embedded in those places. Yes, well, I think first,
another reason will buy. You cannot draw a line, were big government end, the Czech began, it is because of me entirely incestuous nature, exactly passing relationships between the two: they go back and forth, we know from the White House to Facebook to face. Back to the White House, exactly an egg should the Capitol Hill offices in the house and send it, but supposedly oversea and regulate, and so I have a eunuch vantage point here, because, in addition to serving in the executive branch for the last four years, I was on capital hills, staffer almost a decade before that, and so I can tell you from first hand. Knowledge and experience met any staffers one Capitol Hill dream of nothing else, but getting to go work at a place like Google or Facebook or twitter. It may be, and so that's also pay
a bit incestuous relationships. We really can't tell our one ends in one begin, so how another important point here it is that the the White House and the majorities in Congress are actively talking about new legislation that will supposedly govern the rules of the road were big tat, knew better illegally legally, because if you who are saying. On the one hand, we control over your business model. We have sure all over how you operate, and on the other hand, you send a request. That said, would you could you please be platform, this person Indo? Ah, what that means is that the company is effectively. The worst into doing your bidding. I am definitely not making uses for these companies. They they love, they are run by radical progressive who hate everything,
but we believe something. A little matter is also important that the government, as we speak, is talking about regulation and lecture concerning, be tack. Will there's two things: there's two things on this. First of all, I don't know what you believe, what happened with the urine Contra Fair, but I actually but Oliver North didn't tell the president the President may not have known he just knew the president wanted, Do those things and to keep the keep everything oh safe. So the president good on they say I didn't know, I think, stuff happens all of the time and sometimes miss judge the President's. Sometimes they. You know the president's happy about it, I'm sure, but I believe people take the initiative themselves to get things done. And so that the president president, doesn't even have to be involved. They don't even have to say it they I know that this is what
They all want to do, and so they just do it Livy. The second thing, is. They also want regulation and it is exam equally the same thing that happened with the three big automakers with empty are they went to after an hour after hour, went to the big three and to the tire companies, and there were a lot of really good tire companies back in the nineteen, thirties and fortys and after our went to them and said you be of good rich and you good year. You guys come with the regulation for yours, end, Chrysler and GM and Ford. You come up with the regulations because we need to regulate. You will all regulations that were written, benefit, those companies and put everybody else out, a business that that's that's the kind of legislation you're going to get from
The United States at this point. Will these companies the quid pro quo yeah and that is where it is entirely. A symbiotic relationship where, One needs. The other big tech needs. Big government to protect its monopoly at the government, needs big tat to censor dissidents and inevitable they made about. Other companies also applies here just to illustrate the shooting, the example to Wall Street as well, which is the Dodd Frank Legislation YAP written by the people who were being regulated and written by the staffers You wanted to go work at those companies. The end result is to make so called too big to fail even bigger and more horrible, while killing Mikuli back yet exactly right, exactly right, so we know what's gonna happen. We also have seen big talk from Republicans. We're gonna get tough on these but you know section
to authority work and nothing happens. So Stephen. What is going to happen now, what what's the plan that you think good effect this, the great question so first on the legislator, because there is a lot of ongoing debate in the house, some about what legislation looks like for what it's worth my own view on this than I believe, Clarence Thomas, pointed the way his opinion that he recently wrote. I think that the large technology company, These should be thought of as common carriers, in the same way that your telephone company is providing a basic surface, telephone company, your water company, etc. They can't on your water. They can turn off your phone service because you express heterodox me that's a pot with everyone. She I have very little confidence that that is the direction that cars and go
you go on- I'm only guarantee yet from eight from the legal standpoint in the courtroom me. The key is that we are going to have to most likely go and enforced spoil request course, a boy of freedom of Information ACT. The way it works is that You have the right as a citizen of the right. Leading a nonprofit group to access these records. They belong to the american people. These are public servants. The oftentimes people and government do not comply with these online file suit in Washington DC. I'm sure that's, whereas petted, but the angle, If we are successful in getting these documents- and we were able to show this collusive behaviour- and we will have a say- Bush H through legal route for liberating victims, censorship and deeply worrying because will be
Will the show that they are victims of government censorship and the tech companies arson? doing the bidding other government masters. Well, I mean I don't know how you I mean, I'm sure, there's not paper trail and contracts, but when you have the government and the Pentagon saying you're going to be our cloud servants you're going to be. Where are we going to be our repository for everything that you wait? A minute You can't have that relationship with those guys because they are not going on a piss, you off you're, not gonna, want to piss them off. You get special fate, is because they are one of our biggest clients. Aid happens without even without even asking for it. It will happen. Gregg ABS, an important point in two years ago, perhaps accrued example, that if the mafia,
and ass a business owner very nicely for five hundred dollars. They dont have to complete the rest of the sentence the understanding of their correct and these companies completely reliant on government protection, govern contracts and government neighbours and again. Likewise, this personally, government too are you know, think of themselves as very porn and people. They also think themselves is entitled to make a very large amount of money. And where they think they are going to get a large amount of money and such imports people to be Washington and go work for again, a Google her face, bore a twitter Stephen I I support you in in this end and thank you for fighting anything we are the audience, can do to help you get the
Everyone can do you just go to visit our website, a legal dot org that a legal dot org and you in silent for a new letters you can read about our latest cases. You can join the team and help us not just on this issue. Which is obviously of essential importance, but all the legal battles that were currently raging against bad administration Stephen Miller, founder president of Amerika, first legal, it's a F legal, Dodd Org! You can follow him on Twitter. At Stephen em. Steven. Thank you. So much gutless bless. You, God bless you bet, you did the others, two kinds of real estate agents out there, the Cotonou Treaty, almost like a hobby and the kind of bus there, but because they actually care that that is the key. It's not somebody who is awesome. Just as a good job when people act, really care, that's what makes things different and you need to
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I trust dotcom tonight. On Glyn TV, you ve heard the lies about critical re steering its harmless. It's just a wall theory, it's the new conservative, boogeyman opponents of security or racist. It's not being taught in public school blend, exposes the true origins of critical race theory and gives you the facts. You need to fight back in the war for our children's minds. What marxist methods debunking the left's lies about critical re steering tonight. Nine pm Eastern, at least to be calm, Slash, Glenn, this is the Glenda programme. Tonight you don't want to miss SAR Wednesday night special at nine p m. I to be
taking a through the history of c r T and the marxist revolution. It is really important that you see how these p we'll work and how we arrived here historically. Speaking. If you don't know your enemy, you can't you can't beat them and there is a lot to be learned, and you know the problem is as they make it Hard to learn about them because all of the work language and all of the twisted No philosophical, bull crap in the language that you he'd they just make up swear. Do you they're just making it up? If you ever try to read Karl Marx yeah it's just as there is always a sort of circuitous yes speed shit like you know the way it's written is
because I like a lot of the woke stuff is written today appeal the academic papers on you know women studies, engender studies and all that it just like this circuitous nonsense that, but it is itself proving nouns. Yes and you have read dusk, dollar new year like what way, what how how. What what are you saying? How is this supposed to work if part of the design of it it seems, I know I know so. It's really difficult to get through some of those things. We're going to break it down tonight and I'm going to show you Historically, how of this came to be and what their tactics are, if you, if you want to, if you want to beat them yet need to understand them and that's one thing that we don't have on the right: we don't have an understanding of HU, the enemy of our republic and our car detention really is, and it's a pretty bulls, I meant to say that we are fighting an enemy that,
domestic and foreign that is trying to destroy our constitution, but that is exactly their stated goal: destroy the key institution and destroy the western way of life, and you do that destroying America. They are changing everything and they are way way. The way ahead further ahead than I even thought I thought you know I worried that While we had trumpet office, they were just plotting in planning and that's exactly what they ve been doing, but it's it's worse than you know, just the last four years. This is a hundred years worth of work, all coming down the pipeline now at once, and if we're not educated- and we
know what we're facing. Then we lose, and that cannot happen. Don't miss tonight. Special plays tv, dotcom, Slash, Glenn, use a promo code plan and save programme.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-22.