« The Glenn Beck Program

'Socialism Is Sweeping the Nation' - 10/10/18

2018-10-10 | 🔗
Hour 1 'The Clinton Standard'...hypocrisy on high...Hillary Clinton says there is a 'difference' in the Kavanaugh case, compared to her husbands, wait what? ...The word 'M' is the new 'N' word?...CNN host flips out over the use of the word 'mob'...Rand Paul: Fears more assignations?...Lawmakers and Leftist continue to push 'Get in their face' tactics ...Mad Maxine Waters vs. 'Mob Rule'? ...Caller Dan: 'at what point do we fight back?'...fighting fire with fire    Hour 2  Is America good?...Believing in fairness?...When Mobs rule? ...Robert F Kennedy, announcing the assassination of MLK ..."The Greatest Speech Ever"? ...Why has the Left  become unhinged?...Because 'we're winning' ...Death throws and eating their own? ...Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and now 'Big Gingerbread'? is hijacking Halloween?    Hour 3 Death by Hanging 2018? ..."Christians in the Age of Outage" with author, Ed Stetzer...How to bring our best when the world is at its worst?...today there are too many Christians outraged about the wrong things...there's more outrage towards Starbucks cups then Christian persecution? ...'factions' in a world of 'factions'? ...Amazon and the corporate takeover?...Non-fiction no more?...more Amazon Prime Members then church members? ...Amazon and the death of the shopping mall?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand back well good news. Hillary Clinton is back again kind of like Herpes agent. You just can't no matter what you take, you just can't shake it now was that was at unkind. Us do an interesting comparison. Well, it just won't ever seem to go away. Will it she's to remind us that she is relevant and her husband, a Democrat, is not a rapist, definitely not a rapist, so we shouldn't listen to the dozen or so women who have accused him of sexual assault over the past few decades. In dad. We should focus on the evil, Republicans and their plot to fill the Supreme Court with sex, we'll predators, also he's going on tour and want everybody to know that seven hundred dollars a ticket Totally worth it here, she
talking about her tour in an interview with the very fair and balanced Cristiani unimportant? Do you say that you want to talk about the difficulties that your husband went through the you went through obviously you're going to be prepared to have questions about moment in ninety. Ninety eight, the impeachment the allegations of social harassment against your own husband rape? Are you prepared to answer those questions? Is he prepared to answer them, and how do you see that similar or different from what President Trump is being accused of and Cavanaugh and others today. Well, there's a very significant difference, and that is the intense. Long, lasting, partisan investigation was conducted in the ninth, if another Republicans, starting with President Trump on down, want a comparison. They should welcome such an investigation, arms
I do. I welcome the comparison with the you you shouldn't? I don't need to welcome it. It's already happening they ve. There's been a partisan investigation on Donald Trump, in support, for he was elected. One woman who hasn't remained quiet about Bill Clinton's, bad behaviour and the hypocrisy of the left is one need a broad Rick. You know the woman who said Bill Clinton raped me, She says I have twenty times more evidence for my rape by Bill Clinton. The doktor or it has against Cavanaugh Democrats all turn, backs on me all. Women are believed as long as they're, not conservative. As long as the assault was not done by democrats, end quote here. She is in a recent interview with Lord Ingram when asked what she thought about the Democrats. Circus, like handling of cabin confirmation, makes me go back
doing ninety nine win. Dying, Feinstein along every other Democrat Review to read my deposition to them dependent council. They wouldn't have nothing to do with it, That just shows you the difference in the double standard that existed back then, and still does today. I think it's. I think this is astonishing but they can do this to Mr Cavanaugh, Sir, Pushing certainly is the word its astonishing that someone could survive with such cognitive. Dissidents is net. She complains. Democrats should be tougher and fight harder but she clams up and start speaking full blown legally. When someone ask how can you go on huge, ran about sexual predators, when your husband is wide he considered to be a sexual predator and has a very credible charge of rape, of course,
She responds by hardening her face into that stony grin Hillary Clinton, certainly, vanishing. It's Wednesday October tenth your listening to their land back programme, the nice thing, though, about Hillary Clinton. Everybody knows she's like intervene, every nobody buys nobody buys her act anymore now, which is really not ease. The really well CNN, Christiana poor. She still buys into it yeah. I don't know that I would really make that distinction. Who cares what what she thinks?
really either of them, I mean I mean it's voices that I I almost can't hear. I guess so little about way they automobiles, like their cutting woods and afford. Had I praise, are falling and nobody's hearing and I'm in the middle of a city yeah many many hundreds of miles away. I cannot hear the trees via a tyrant, I want something that was so outrageous. Last night was, and I thought to myself now: I'm really not outrage. I don't care. They are just don't care it's hard, I mean there's a lot of stuff. Today I mean there is in the things that the people that are trying to cover this election in these the Cavenaugh thing are actually saying there incredible it's as if they dont here, what the words there saying mean now well well, for instance, let's let's use this because were changing definitions of what
here is hears Brook ball. When on CNN they're talking about how we we we ve ought to be careful because people are gonna be heard because, worse, we're we're seeing mobs start to form air. It is, I believe, it's the over reaction of the left. When you see people like TED crews, getting chased out or a strong by a mob you're not going to use the my word. Always it is totally a mob. It is without a doubt, there's no other way ass. Its look, glasses, put up a law set up stop mob is what we saw in short twelve Virginia to August, now more subtle night. What we saw chain, I'm sorry. I didn't write. What about the people who were at the Supreme Court? Bang on the wall. What do you call that civil protest or that a mob, I think as easily Oman
yeah and inferiority partners would call it a mob for sure come on. Let's, please Cuba, because I saw lots of tea party, is going to the Supreme Court in banging on the on the walls and by the way I have plenty of supply court decisions that make me want to bang on the walls the Supreme Court right. But we don't do those things, because repose close to being civil society right. Am I try to remember I'm trying to remember all of the people, the tea party ears chase down with their children, in the home made signs how many people chase down in restaurants and surrounded, cannot think of me Exactly in fact, if you want an example of this, what did Nancy policy do during the health care she and was Jean Louis marched out in to the crowd in two. The crowd trying to get them to do that and they wouldn T remembered her,
tried to get them to be violent. They said all kinds of crazy things through gasoline all over them and then they laying terms in March bravely through that crowd when they didn't have to they work rallying to get the tea party to become of violent mob, it didn't. Can you imagine what would have happened if Donald Trump and bread, Cavanaugh would have linked arms and tried to walk through the crowd, in Washington DC would not have been pretty, it would not have been pretty and by the way I mean you know we can talk about. Some of these things are antiphon. That's not me they're like torturing cities and their taking over That's the! I will let you shouldn't that's a riot that is a riot by a mob amplitude define mob. Please look it up in the dictionary find out. Let's, let's make sure we know what we're talking about mob
a large crowd of people specially one that is disorderly, intent on causing trouble or violence, ok and then the quotas, a mob of protesters that's it that's their usage. So is this not a disorderly crowd of people that are trying to what little incandescent on causing trouble intent on causing trouble? I mean So, if you think well bred have an opposite. The terrible person and stopping him is good. So that's not causing trouble. I mean you're going down that road. I guess that's our hands that that doesn't say there in unless you're right, is intent on causing trouble array. Its doesn't say you know, but within it option of those who are absolutely right. Why? What I'm saying, though, is that the media does not see harassing conservatives as causing trouble correct, that is the issue
right they see this as a career. I see this as like that you know there is basically a charity were right. I mean that they're they're doing good for the people, yours stopping these evil old white people who have names the crews? save me things better: every night sky, the Iris guy funds, this all wrong. Let me tell you, I think these white people, these owes a white people, do yeah, really bad out really, ok, so It's a new, a couple of things for First, we have CNN, we just played oh you're, not gonna, call it a mob bs, I'm going to call it a mob. Now Maxine Waters, trying to say we're, try, to redefine protest is mob rule. Here it is. Protest, is guaranteed to a Democrat,
society. We know that this is guaranteed to us by the constitution there trying to change the description, a protest and call it a mob. Well know this President, is the poster boy for what a mob protests looks like he is matter back here? the one who has been violet in his speech he's the one currently railways. Things like this I'd like to put him in the face. Trumps said that at one of his roused he said MAC, the crap out of them. Would you, and so it's ok just the hell, I mean poker or I'm ok, we got it now. That's what she's and she saying that Donald Trump is the one who's violent in their speech. Let's go to Jennifer Epps Annals, Addison she's. The net work, president and co executive director at the center for popular democracy here
but she's saying to the crowds lawmakers leftist continue to push protests is guaranteed to sorry, Sorry, I regret that I have listened with another and examining what went on a boat wait till they go anywhere. We see them now. Here's here's the problem, let's ratchet things down just a bit and listen to somebody who says think, there's real trouble on the way and has reason to say that here's ran Paul Owen people, Coy Booker sake, get up in their face. You may think that that's ok, but
Does it realises that for about every thousand person that might want to get up in your face, one I'm gonna be unstable enough commit violence when I was at the ball field, These colleagues was nearly killed, the guy shooting up the ball. The old and shooting. I think five or six people were shot. These Gleason's almost guilty was yelling. This is for health care. He had a list in his pocket of conservative Republicans that he wanted to kill. You know when I was attacked in my yard net. Six of my ribs broken pneumonia. Lung condition all that these are people that are and
even we don't want to encourage them. We have to somehow ratcheted gown and say we're not encouraging that violence is ever ok ever a reason for or a means for trying to resolve that. I feel that there is going to be an assassination. I really worried and someone is going to be killed and that those who ratcheting up to be the conversation, those who ratsey at Saint getting their face, they have to realise that they bear some responsibility of this alleged violence. So. Do you remember the time when people like Bruce Baldwin CNN were lecturing us that you couldn't say you're going to target A district because that, of course, lead to violence, couldn't target a district. Remember the Lex, of your words have power because you don't know whose listening to them and we said unless your unless you're endorsing this, we are calling for peaceful rallies and they were
they were. These are not peaceful, how many people were arrested from the tea party riots? Mobs? How many I don't remember any. There's four hundred just last weekend on the left. Four hundred, That's disorderly: that's a peaceful protest Your words do have power, because you, to do mean violence. Now how Glenn back, even say that well I'll back it up when, come back, ok heads up Facebook, spinning, but only leave. All they put in jeopardy. The security of about fifty million people, so I mean that's no big deal right. They stole the access tokens which can be
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Why calls for unity? And american politics are just not enough something wrong with the rest. The internet can quickly I thought of the end of the story is look to nineteen thirties and fortys the? U S is in the midst of a tepid economic recovery following a catastrophic downturn, but millions of Americans continue to feel left behind some turn: their anger on corporations in Wall Street others, too, non white immigrant workers, Karras media personality with populist message, attacks, religious minorities, conservatives denounced the president and his allies for flouting the constitution and steering the United States towards socialism. Meanwhile, many on the left warn that fascism is taking root in America. Ok, let's just go through look just go through this because they take this. Isn't this isn't our time? This is this? Is the nineteen thirties and fortys
the. U S is intimates of topic eager tepid economic recovery following a catastrophic downturn, millions of Americans continue to feel left behind. Yet that's that's been true. Now we're not in a tepid recovery. Are we some turn their anger on corporations in Wall Street? Yes, that would be the left. That would be the left. Others target non white immigrant workers whose doing that I guess they would claim that's like border enforcement. An idea that's border enforcement that allow different than Clia. That's the law, that's claiming we do not know who's in our country, and we are also worried about terrorism. Charismatic media personality with a populist message? Attacks religious minorities? Who could that be? as I don't. I know I went to stand with Israel. If anybody's attacking religious minorities hell with that religious? majorities, it's the left!
conservatives denounced, the present in his allies for flouting the constitution, steering the I'd states towards socialism yep did that one, because that's what's happening, that's what did in Alexandria, Curzio, Cortez yeah. That's it offers a crazy accusation. Rice point many on the left warn that fascism is taking root in America. No, Socialism is taking root in America socialism damning people on the left. They fascists every time. Someone does something they don't like right, like every other financial fascism that is its socialism? That is sweeping the nation. Remember the headline we're all socialist. Now, that's! What's keeping a sweeping the nation per between the two areas aren't perfect but lily. Nineteen thirty hold as an
the statement of the early said at last. Setting out the parallels between the two areas are perfect are not perfect, but that is one way to describe it. Just done about three quarters of em are completely inaccurate too, but in an eighth night laid nineteen thirties. As today political Anchor social division and the threat posed by alien ideologies sparked widespread the unease. What is the alien ideology of today? today or back then I mean with the fact that one Two major parties is embraced. Democratic socialism is very alien debate. Yes, the leave. The fear, back in the thirties was communism. The end the left said: no, it's fascism! Well, ok, I guess I mean it was Adolf Hitler and Mussolini that said that after a r is one of us. He is a fascist.
Maybe it was bad, but there's more hang on. This is the guy that programme. You know, if you look at the the civil unrest in America, and you really look at the history we'll find that it is almost always the left and input The killer. The communist marxist left that is behind the civil unrest. If you look at you know years. Seventy eighty three to seventeen, ninety nine and you know it twenty nine to eighty. Fifty, the riots in and students. That's you know a paragraph. Each But after the communist manifesto. Well then, you start to get some interesting riots. Usually called strikes. Now. Some of these things are legitimate.
When it comes to race. But a lot of these come from a progressive in office. Who is doing something and stirring people up against one? other, for instance. The greatest example is Woodrow Wilson, where he's. You know these practically. He, being praise on the clan he shut the first movie ever shown in the in the White House and its one glorifying the clan a clan goes row resurgence news heavily involved in at every seven. Eight of the military ended all sorts of things. I so you see this all of a sudden. You start to see this real uptake of race riots again in the in the nineteen Nino fifteen onward, will that because of resale irrigation and all the things that a progressive planted aright Let me just go through and see if you can find any patterns here
the Patterson silk strike the copper cow. Strike the Indianapolis Street car strike. The Seattle general strike me a day riots right This summer, the boss police strike, the deal strike any of those. Seems labour related? I was less labour related. Doesn't it labour who I'm sorry? If you these up almost every time you will find the international workers of the world the international workers of the world. As of course said. Based in communism- is that it is communist bar me here in Amerika, the intern National workers of the world unite rise up against your oppressors. We also had nineteen sixteen the preparedness day bombing in San Francisco. You had a
You had read summer, which was about twenty of them. You had May day riots you at this end trail massacre was watching Sting is the preparedness day bombing that was the last and communist saying you. You can't get involved in the war, because it's so unethical and we're going to bomb you until you stop the best way to say that weren't icicle, as with a bomb right this, Inter Alia, massacre if I'm not mistaken, was again the leftists the remember which one it was, but it was a communist organization that was against I love the all of the american legions and they we're coming home so there they may go in protest. I think it was a parade and they actually end up right? killing people, ok, good, then Look in the nineteen thirties and fortys.
In that way, a centrally was and industrial workers of the world that. Thank you. Ok. In Minneapolis Teamsters strike? Nineteen thirty four, the auto lie strike? The the West Coast Longshore strike. Do you even know what that when was that, when that happened? May nine, through October twelfth That one shot down San Phronsie go Bay ports in California, Portland and Seattle, and who was behind that one report Only some conservative think yeah. No now the textile workers strike a flint sit down strike the battle of the overpass the Republic steel strike almost All of these knowledge is or is not surprising, that this is happening again. The constant I just I am I communist and marxist fingerprints on them by summits
fundamental to the ideology right revolution is fundamental to the ideologies or is not surprising that this is happening again. The constant I just I'm, I'm really tired of. Of hearing our I can say this way, I'm here tired of the media and their lies. I under cover up for history and truth. You know. Donald Trump says that you in media are the enemy of the american people, if you are knowingly lying, you are. And I'm I'm sorry, but I'm I'm trying to get my arms around a group intelligent people that I not see that They said about the tea party that never happened. Is now what their excusing from the left and we
We already have attempted assassinations. We have of somebody who tried to assassinate com Congress? The republican congressmen oh, Most killed one of them as he pulling the trigger shooting at all of them. He was shouting. This is for health. Care and people like do believe. Ran Paul said he thinks there might be an assassination, I dont know Oh, he was standing on a friggin baseball field being shot out and then got attacked. It is front yard of organic. Now I can believe these things. That might happen all those a couple times. I have. That is the only thing that has happened. If you looking in the nineteen thirty's. Teams, the sea, cities and now today, the only thing that hasn't happened that hasn't repeated itself off exactly.
This assassinations. Well, because the press didn't make a big deal out of it, because They wanted to bury it because it was a Bernie Sanders Volunteer. Don't realize you, Add someone try to kill us third of the congressmen, a third? right now, the ghost I want to say was because they were there as it was at one time. Of the elected Republicans, ok, but we re also, all I m a tenth of the Republican you'd they eat tried to kill the mass of Republicans amazing. It is. Incredible mutton, and by the way, not in nineteen eighteen, where we are into contact with? This is just what this is. Two thousand seventeen This is not a long time ago.
It was too that was sixteen or seventeen with seventeen wasn't a seventy yeah. It was seven terminus. Isn't it the fact that we just had the one year anniversary of the game that, just a month or two ago, It's incredible that that event, how on earth can you being purging your crazy side when you're Maxine Waters or your be no someone I left encouraging. Go out and get in the face of report in congressmen when they ve all, They tried this one at the baseball field Then we ve seen the results of encouraging people to get in the face of republican congressmen. We enforce it. Anything like that. We talked about about ideas. You talked about gather right gathering together. You saw the actual gatherings. We were a part of you, The one in Washington DC, five hundred thousand people there's barely a piece of trash left after we walked out of place.
Dan in Georgia, hello, Dan here on the glimmer programme. Are you doing this hastily out. I want to ask you a serious question: when is it our turn But is it our turn for what I tat one? Is it our turn to take the capital and in what way? In what way are we talking about me? You gotta get a couple a few weeks. He can give vote in an angry at that here I am, I am, I intend to vote. I also do I and two thousand two thousand and nine and two thousand And what I told my wife that there will be blood in the streets so. What is your question you define? When is it our turn? Tell me what you mean by that? Well, we gonna be allowed to protect ourselves, protect our representatives, protect our streets, protect our businesses. Protect the well? You are
allowed to protect yourself. If your life is in danger and you are under threat, you do have a right to protect yourself. That's a natural, but it's nice long, natural law, natural right. You have that if you're talking about when are we gonna grab guns and go people you Count me out in that, never a clock. You can count me out on that now. If not, I you forgot before that they know What are you asking for when it will you keep saying? Do not you not? do not give. No. Why not? I do not say that I do I'd you, no sir, no sir, not only all the time to not fall the trick, don't let them when don't let them Don't you know that this is what don't they will harm them? Yes,
don't be com? What you despise do you want become them like you to become what I want to protect my children I want so do I might spread so do I, but has a lot of I dont? Have six million dollar security guards. How do I do When do we? tell me, sir. What your threat level is right now tell me what your threat level is right now. Well aware, assured that says: fan for the flag. I worked Kroger and I get already looked to do much better, my gosh dirty and long really high, not dirty looks we not derive a rice aware since against dirty looks right for you guys, the joke out. No, sir, I'm not making a joke of it. You are you know, I'm not! You are obviously ready to fight right now. I am. I feel that it's getting to a point where we have to I,
because the way that this is going, how do you want a final at which it wrapping up? How do you want to fight howdy? What if I dont know what we should do you do you just won't say on national radio? How do you? I won't say it going. Say that you know you to buy. I don't care about then say had man fire with fire therein our face we get up and get back in their face. They threaten us at a dinner table. We protect our dinner, able I mean, can we hope to have a proper three emesa, we're gonna go to jail and we called certain name at what point Are we allowed to our jus are allowed to defend yourself to day. If you are under threat and you feel that your family and you are, in a actual unsafe condition, not a college, I feel unsafe, but an actual threat
use me, sir. Let me talk up. Let me talk. They took a protest or downward. He ban Gunnar roaming down there. I mean you know if he thought it would be a ban, This is why a friend his family and his circle from further escalation of ice, you aren't you gonna win. Foolishly, there would have been foolish to do it. Escalating violence is not a defence against the pronounced relation of violence is going to make it worse at me what protectors did was win right. What did you do take crews lost that did? Did we lose the cabin? I think we did. We think about in the streets and any scream and beat the crap out of people would cavenaugh ASEAN Supreme Court we would have lost the cavenaugh can utilise the universe. You would have why certainly we're lost Jeff like he was dying to vote no, but we can give them yet the opportunity you went through an handle, the situation right now, capitals on a Supreme court whose handled well. What, then, was the net? Well there, I go out there and I dont know we'll have to wait and see you seem to want to predicted in.
Act on it now yeah? Well, I'm I'm I'm not with you on that. Believe me. I will protect my family and I without. My security guards. I'm sorry, my threats are a little bit more than getting dirty looks in the gross reached over into deeds. Kroger thou. Have you ever had that I've never had a transatlantic Kroger. Look at my shirt, so I am sorry that you don't have my security. I am sorry that my family has to go through this. The threats I just wrote to a friend I just To a friend this morning, who said hey, I want to come and stay with. You guys are. You know, just hang out with you guys over the weekend, blah blah blah. I said my If doesn't do that anymore, trying to get my life, my wife to two points, her guard down, we don't people over our house anymore. We don't have any over at our house anymore. We don't do things. Like that, because
Our life has been so Oh unbelievably, chaotic And yes, a little more than Kroger. I am not mocking you for what you have to go through would just like to remind you that Martin Luther king, went through a lot more. Abraham Lincoln, went through a lot more Abraham Lincoln, you don't think Abraham Lincoln, as a man want to make the south pay. If you don't think he did. You dont know history. If you think that our, greatest founding fathers. Exactly the same thing we do not want war. We do not want bloodshed. Take it take it. Take it
until they couldn't take it anymore and they ve RO wrote the declaration of independence, which did not lead with why they were so mad. Instead, They rode up plea. This is who we are and will Stand you just seem to want to fight. I am not with you by look to win I want to tell you about pro flowers of Unita. Send somebody else Are you not pro flowers, one, eight hundred flowers, dot com? If you into send somebody flowers, you need to poligized to somebody who you view you screwed put your wife or whatever so one eight hundred flowers, dot com, they have your back, send the flowers right now they have a spell.
But what is happening right now? If you use the promo code back you're gonna get a d. Didn't read, roses are multi colored roses for twenty nine ninety nine, but if used a promo code back they'll give you another dozen so two dozen roses: absolutely. Absolutely free the extra doesn't end. The free glass vase go there, oh one: eight hundred flowers, dot com, it's one, eight hundred flowers, dotcom use the, welcome back Glenn. I apologise for losing my cool that last collar, but I want to. I want to pick it up are we just left off and I I want to try to explain. Why he's wrong coming up back? If you just joined us a little while ago, I had a collar call in, and we were too about how the media in and end the lad
It has truly gone insane And they are, they are now. SK using the mobs they ve been excusing Antiphon there. Excusing using all tactics, they're, not paying attention to any one, You know calling to surround people dinner. Their home, wherever they are this is going to lead to violence It is going to lead to violence. And I went through the history of violence, no matter what the media might try to right today, the three of violence in the twentieth century Civil unrest in violence happened, mainly for two reasons, the communists. The international workers of the world ginning up strikes
sometimes justified against the the corporations not saying the corporations or right That was not the reason. Those strikes actually happened. Strikes have because of Marxism communism period? May at times? The the race riots were gender exactly the same way. That does not mean that thirties and fortys and twentys in the teens that things were not legitimate at Jim complaints. They did Erika was an awful place fewer. It was an awful place. But we have to tell each other the truth and we have to study. And we have to take these times seriously. And I'm sorry but research.
On social media- is not taking these time seriously. My full time job and I am Wildly unqualified to do it. My full time job is to try to explain to you what's happening and give you my opinion on what we should do. Wildly unqualified. The show when national, whose. How goes it was a clown. I with I didn't know anything. It started the week of nine eleven, I spent that we on my knees, saying Lord, you ve got the wrong guy, I don't have anything to say. I don't I dont know what to say I've Taken this job seriously be honest with you A few years ago
Multiple reasons I just gave up. I gave up. But I couldn't leave and they had nothing to do with money or anything else it. It was wrong. I want you to know, I'm just like you. I'm struggling to figure out what's happening. Great men have lived. In this country, and have stood up. I am not a great man.
I am a man that is just trying to hold it together and be better than I was yesterday. This collar. Suggested to me that it is time for people to rise up and fight back it was clear to me here Onto do strike out where, we gonna be able to protect yourself. Well, if you are in danger, you have that right now, if you or your family are under threat. And feel that your life is at stake, you have that right. That's not what he was talking about. I want you to. I want you to really listen to me carefully. Please, please, with an open heart. Listen to me. We,
and disagree and we Talk about it- and I was Speak to you, if you disagree. But please listen to my reasoning. I have looked for an answer to this end. I have most likely. I was one of if not the first person in your life, to tell you this was coming. I believe that before I started to say it on the air, Once I felt that way believe me, it drove me to my knees to try to find an answer. And nothing seems to work, and I keep. Going back and saying that doesn't work.
And I keep getting the same answer and I keep looking at history. Do not surrender. Do not sit down, do not comply. We need to go to the polls and we Need to vote. Now. I know people in this audience a rolling their eyes that doesn't change anything it. Changed a lot Already it has changed a lot. We have gone to the polls. Frankly, if you would have listen to me, we would I had the two supreme or justices that we do.
You wouldn't have a president who stood up against the mob. Now without being said, this president, also with its tweets, has throws gasoline on the fire sometimes and that's not helpful, but it feels good. It feels good because people have been kicked to the curb so long. I cannot even watch CNN anymore. I can't I I can barely watch any news anymore. We must stand for what our parents taught. Was true. What we learned was true and there's a lot.
Things. Unfortunately, we have to start, it sticks and stones can break. My bones I asked the guy. How is your family under attack? He told me well, are you don't have to go to a grocery store? If I were a flag on my shirt, I get dirty, looks dirty, looks. This approach, I need you to hear. I need you to hear it very clearly. First, let me ask you this question: is America good. Do most Americans. Believe in fairness just be fair. I think you
I hope you still answer yes, but it seems to be getting smaller and I would free with you on that, but we have fought fire with fire and it's not Changing any hearts in Fact it's doing the opposite: it is chain in our heart we are not getting stronger in our judeo christian values. We are getting weaker, we are getting more angry. We are moving towards the edge of an abyss that others are Wanting us to walk off, listen to this one explanation and you will understand why I feel so desperate right now what
they did bond offer fail. If you dont know decree, Dietrich, Bonn Humphries, you should look him up. He was upset The fist he had a lot in common with Gandhi, except he believed in Jesus, but thou that I think that's the only real difference he was pacifist? He was a pastor. He was in Germany. He was the street, on crystal knock and went in to the. Stores with broken glass and Bob things from those stores the very next day this guy did not sit down. He was not quiet. Day, the furore gave his enough address his broad asked was shot off because while vat was happening here, giving a speech on radio called the furore principle here.
Speaking out to a nation wide audience. This is wrong. He had influence, he had power. He had position, he was in the right place, Why that voice not able to convince his fellow Germans. Because they had already gone over the cliff, because They had lost because of world war, one in the nineteen twenties they have lost their judeo christian values. It was in Empty shell, there was, A thing laughed other than the tradition of going. Now I Don't believe that that's where we're are yet, but we are approaching that.
If we lose our judeo christian heart, our values, our principles, we lose our arc type as a nation that Jesus is who we should try to be. We're done. Finally, we done we become the darkest nation in the history of all mankind. You think you're Fraid of Google now wait. You think China is a mess weight. If we go dark we, who would be responsible for enslaving, the entire world. I've said it for almost a decade and a half we will make the Nazis look like rookies, please hear me, what's that us is judeo christian values, though
are under attack. Gandhi, one member, he didn't do a hunger strike against the english He did a hunger strike against his own people because they said enough is enough, pick up a gun in fight he hunger strike was against violence. By his own people, a righteous violence. But the English still had their judeo christian heart and when they saw a good man stand up and they saw the response of their own government to a good men to a good man A change sides they stood with him. Why did Martin Luther King win. Martin Luther king, one because he refused he
every right to swing back. It was right and righteous to swing and hit the people who are releasing dogs who were come? at night the man went to the government and asked for a concealed carry permit. He denied, we'll keep you safe. They said. Why did he win because overdue? day, o christian values, Those who were not angry, involved directly in the fight looked at the two sides and said I want to be on his side, not their side. I dont given the look of them. I don't like the way they got. The dog new. The only way to beat England was to be a people ere it something in the eyes of God would look down and say those people good.
If Martin Luther king would have followed more Malcolm X, It would have been a race war. I'm looking for a great man to stand up. And we need one more than ever. But I want to show you what a great man looks like a great men never wants to go to war, Warriors no, it they'll fight when they have to, but they dont each for it. George Washington knew the only way to beat England was to be a people of merit things in the eyes of God, we're God would look down and say those people are good.
It was April. Fourth, nineteen sixty eight and Robert Kennedy. Was any net Indianapolis and he had to speak in the ghetto. Long before social media, when who were still getting their news from the Television news and from newspapers in the morning. He had to go that night and tell those people, Martin Luther kings, been killed. The police. Everyone said: don't go He gave one of the greatest speeches. Story of Amerika. The history of great men. I share it next, because boy it could be given today and should be
my patriot supply emergencies usually strike without warning. We are sitting here with an emergency coming on Shore in Florida, and our prayers are with everyone in Florida and mercury? One is already mobilized and descended Florida. Now you are in a situation where you have to be evacuated. How much is that going to cost you I mean how do you afforded sincerely? How do you afford it? You ve got to have tell for your family. You ve gotta, eat out all the time. I don't know how you do it the best. You can do, is prepare for a natural disasters. It is. Mr, when things are calm ass, yours, right now. How do you feed your family for two weeks? How do you do it? I was the time use my pay Reed supply get a two week, food kit, it'll get just started. This gets on sale for only seventy five dollars. That's two weeks of food
Special website, let me ask you: this year, you have to evacuate you're, going out to dinner with four kids. You spend seventy five bucks. You bet this is two weeks of food prepare, would Glenn Dotcom, go there now or call eight hundred two hundred seventy one. Sixty three prepare with Glenn Dotcom, eight hundred two hundred seventy one. Sixty three prepare weekly dot com so a foreign play this audio for you, because I wanted I want you to really listen to it. It's about three minutes and I want you to really listen to it and what ask yourself do here. Voice anywhere today. Before I play this. I want you. I want you to ask yourself
direction is the country going more christian, more Christ like more decency, more helpful? more understanding, more compassionate, more empathetic, or are we headed the other direction. What are the leading indicators? What what Pollack mission is leading us. There were media source is leading us there? What Educational source is leading us their and our. Churches are they? stronger weaker we don't keep our hearts soft we don't win, Bon offer was right, but he was the king to people that their high had already been hardened.
I fear we have a limited time we, Have a window of opportunity- and it is been with us now for a while- and it is starting to close That window that is closing is that that window of. Of Christ as our exemplary. To understand that you are on a path to victory right now additional view of how We are to behave hey. How are we to how we are to act? there will be a time where fighting is the only Joyce. But it's
now now is the time to leave the judeo christian values that made us in. I want you, good I want. I want you to understand that you are on a path to victory right now you are on a path to victory. If you're, angry this morning. I understand I understand, because you're watching television or you're reading things on social meeting you're like I can't believe these people are calling for for me observe riots in there and then The media's excusing them and the media, winning. The media is only we're allowing them into our life to win Their meaningless. The media is not winning. You are think of this
You got the most unelectable man in american history Elect. Did you gotta I did everyone said, cannot do it. The ultimate outsider does in play, politics does and play games doesn't do anything that anyone would say you should do that killed. Have him like did then did he do started doing the things he said he would do what I've never seen that from a politician. You're winning do you think The left has become unhinged because you think you're on the ropes. Do you think the left has has just signed on two Democrat? Ex socialism, A radical on american idea: do you,
I think that their excusing and too far because they think we're about to win. This is the last gas in death throes back Do you know a corner no place to go? What do you do? You're just start, throwing punches you're, not the corner there in the corner. Why are you acting like you're in the corner. They are trying to get you to feel like you're in the corner. You're not turn up protesting, because your weak, there testing, because you are strong. People say I want to talk to the democratic- can talk to the Democrats. Really really, I'm not But the politicians- I'm not talking about the crazy aunt of people on the edges, I'm talking your neighbor? Now a lot of people can't I get that? I can't talk to a lot of people
I get it, I do get it, but let's now Forget twenty percent of the people who voted for Donald Trump voted Morocco, Burma. Were where they come from. We don't want to two people who voted for Barack Obama really comes when percent. No you're, not hearing that on tv, because the democratic and the media. I don't want you to know that there are twenty percent responsible for this monster. You're winning Africa. American unemployment is the lowest in its streets, our! current unemployment rate overall, is the lowest since the nineteenth sixties. Your winning. You have a conservative court and if things continue this way we go out and vote,
I guess what you might Of two other court appointments Do you think they'll be mad about that big? Your well meaning. Let us remember that and keep them into perspective. And we call for violence now, why? Why punch down. We have a bigger vision for America and its happening. Why punch? down. It's a relevant. It's easy to get mad. It's easy to get mad specially in today's world. It used to be that to be mad about something that was real now, Americans. Are it s mad because, oh my gosh, did you hear that use the m I actually have Click on the story, because I didn't know what the M word was
Headline was CNN. Hosts goes crazy because guest This Edward. What tat is the ever word mob mob? Don't use that word now can call, and the far or what's happening at the steps of the Supreme Court MOB. No, no, no four Hundred arrest, that's not a mob so it's easy to get angry, but when you are angry, that is when hair here comes out: that's why people see who you really are and if people are Looking for a home because I'm not comfortable with socialism, I'm not comfortable. The people who are saying I dont like capitalism, I'm not come credible with people who are calling for mobs and calling for riots and surrounding people? In restaurants, I'm not comfortable, I can't vote for them. Who do I vote? with. Where do I go? If the other side is saying, kill, get punch back then
Were you either April. Fourth, nineteen sixty eight on the act of a flat bed. Pickup truck. In the heart of the worst part of town, the ghetto in Indianapolis ATLAS in on almost entirely black crowd before social media Luther king is shot or, if he is on the way to speak. Everyone, the sheriff everyone says you can go to your a white man in a black crowd. They will kill you. He said no, they won't. No handler, no cell phones, no writers, nothing. He takes a little piece, paper, pretty jotted down a few notes and he gets up to break the news today, black crowd that Martin Luther
He had just been shot. I want you to listen to his message, because his message is exists Clearly the message that I would love to hear from people today.
This difficult time for the United States. Its perhaps well know ass. What kind of a nation we are what direction we want to move in with those of you who are black, considering the evidence, evidently is it they were. My people were responsible, you can be filled with bitterness and with hatred and a desire for revenge which move in that direction. As a country with great a relation wise white amongst whites filled with hatred towards one another, Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther king did to understand and to comprehend and replace.
That violence, that stain of bloodshed that is spread across our land, but the number to understand compassion and long, but those of you who are black and are tempted to fail will be filled with hatred in mistrust of the injustice of such an act against all my people.
I would only say that I can also deal in my own heart, the same kind of feeling. I remember my family kill, but he was killed by a white man, but we have to make an effort in the United States. We have to make an effort to understand to get beyond go beyond these while the difficult times it. Maybe all my my favorite, Poland was escalates. He wants road, even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget almost drop by drop behind them are until, in our own day, despair against our will comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. What we need in the United States is not division.
What we need in the United States is not hatred, but we need in the United States, is not violence and lawlessness. But his law System and compassion towards one another, feeling of justice towards those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black greatest speeches given by any man in the United States or F K. Martin Luther king had one already he had one. If a politician would have gotten up on the back of a pickup truck and said what politicians are saying today, get em.
Martin Luther King life would have been wasted because. Nobody would have wanted to be a part of that and they would have I Then defied people would have looked at I then said yeah its justified, but I don't wanna be a part of that you're winning day the courts do not play into the game of those who are in their death throes there eating their own don't be fooled.
I want to tell you about our sponsor this surveillance. Blinds dotcom, blinds dot com, I would like to remind all of us that the holidays around the corner, cheese is hit them it's the middle of October. Already, isn't it? so crazy. How fast this year is gone. History is sign of how old we all his like. What they just Christmas like last week it so we because sometimes things seem like it was just last week. He can't believe that its already October and then it their times, like you said about the you know the assassination attempt on the Republic, India, that was last summer or spring summer, at the help given that sea. Like it was five hundred years ago. Yet was just over a month ago that we had the anonymous up ed erode the that's. Just look it up
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you realize this is only extra credit. When I said honey, you're dealing with an alcoholic. I meet her all in or I'm all out those you know we made a paper machine volcano in its political prince, pretty elaborate But then I have two posts that and I have to post what my sister sent me last night. Mr Michel, who is probably the most talented and the family. She said me, oh we're working on our gingerbread. You know house for contest. You know again this year, and they always gonna, win a ribbon and whatever does she's like a massive overseer so she said this year were doing was revised theme MIKE up Kay the wizard of OZ. She just showed me. She just finish. The witches house and she said, me and see it goes up here and she's may,
a gingerbread tornado and the house is sitting in the tornado, its raising it is I who raised a hand even begin to think about what that would look like I'll show it to you answer me. I after posted, are posted next to my volcano, and you tell me which one sicker ok, I mean I admit my family- is riddled with illness mental illness can't stop, can't stop, but I'm healthy compared to her gas. This. This leads me to a bizarre question. I simply amassing an already about. Is big gingerbread make a move here for an additional holiday? Have you noticed this lightly. I've noticed some Halloween gingerbread houses. Now different houses are christian of serious things right like that? You did at Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving, because we argue right, yea area. We have to Halloween gingerbread houses at our house. I won't do it. How do I start? I won't do it. What is being gingerbread, trying to do yeah we're gonna, have
if I July fourth gingerbread houses at their red white and blue damn russian Austrians or whoever is behind than you know, that's a foreign influence. Definitely rush in Austria is a so many russian Austria gingerbread thing got that right where inside telling you little words. We know about piggyback big tobacco, big farmer, you now get big gingerbread. I haven't seen that oh yeah, but that is something that's something I would march in the streets for or against a gas. Why not exactly against no more, houses. We know how do I know you think this is. I dont like the along geisha of all these holidays or we're gonna be in one giant. Crew Smith, Rama, Hannah Kwanzaa, Miss Unkind holiday year round, if we don't say enough to operate gingerbread, is for Christmas, not for Halloween.
Monday was supposedly the last chance for Asia Bibi she's, a christian woman in Pakistan who has been sentenced to death her fate, still hangs in the air. She was sentenced to death by hanging in two thousand ten. Here's your crime. It was a hot day she was thirsty, she was overworked and she d bank from the same water container, as some islamic women that she was working with they d, did that she convert to Islam right away. They then said she insulted Mohammed, the mud, in profit she denied ever having done so. She just wanted a drink of water. But you know from a water container. That's it. But even if she did insult what? What insult would be bad enough to warrant death by hanging? How
we in twenty eighteen while we are marching for women's rights, is its Ok for a country to have anti blasphemy laws that carry automatic death sentences, women that can't drive women that Can't go out of their house. Why is nobody paying attention to this and now laws that are we ably backed by millions of people. This is not a radical idea if you won't convert, you die. Monday, was supposed to be the last chance baby had to appeal her death sentence, but it was delayed. Her lawyers Oakwood journalist, I'm one hundred percent sure she's going to be acquitted. She has a very good case, But even if she succeeds she's, to remain in prison for years her lawyer himself is now in grave danger. Some because he defended her. He now ass, to have around the clock security at his house. He said
I've lost my health, I'm a high blood pressure, patient, my privacy is totally gone. You have to be in hiding, but everyone knows who I am and they this house- and they know this is the home of a person who can be killed at any time by a pack of angry mullahs. He also has watched others who tried to defend baby, been murdered. The intolerance, the entire Tolerance of Pakistan. Are we on this road America. Where there is doubt there is freedom, its barbaric, what is happening all around you're. Not gonna hear this on college campuses. You won't see it reported on any mainstream network. You won't read about it in the New York Times, because legists liberties do not apply apparently to Christians.
Because a woman is being sentenced to death for being a Christian. No one pays attention than by a government by government, not by some radical faction, but by a government. How long are we going to skirt around these dangerous ideas without calling them out? No, I'm sorry, they're, not equal How longer feminist and social justice types going too scream about men splaining yet remained silent on atrocities like those that are happening, threw out the world in the name of a certain religion. Forgive me yet I'm not sure if I should say it, but it is out Islam. In many places, the costs of Miss speaking is too high costs. Today it is
I price, but not the ultimate price. Yeah it's Wednesday October. Tenth, your listening to their land by programme ought to think in stature. He is he's got it. We had booked last hour and kind of way a different direction, but I did it fits right in to what we have been talking about today. I had a collar about an hour and a half ago. Who said that you know when, as a time that we're gonna fight back and we should fight back. We should fight back at the polls. We should stand true and steady? We have to speak truth. Do not for the things that we were all taught and we Oh no are true too civil unkind to one another, but we
we're not at a place where I think you grab a gun. I won't. Christians in the age of outrage, how to bring our best when the world is, at its worst ed step. You're just wrote that book welcomed the programme. Add how are you Iq banks, or rather me, and I think we both what books on our rate, nice timing, a dog about outright we did- and you have you found- add that it's not necessarily and understood topic or a popular topic right now to try to do this use it or explain what it does to us. You know did you? I see the word used more than I've ever seen before in my lifetime, edit, your rage and our aid in headlines of articles all the time, but it's when you go deeper and in your case talking about relationship to addiction or in my case talking about our christian might engage the age about Rachel. I dont think I think that a lot of references to it,
not a lot of ok. What do we do? Interacts having you not banned from Georgia, who are fascinating, fascinating call and add you gotta go, Through that with him, he's clearly outraged his spots would be very different than yours and I presume you responded and mine and I think ultimately, challenges is dams response. Is I'm dataset other say it just to save your dancers? the way a lot of people feel right. I know you are you a lot of built up outrage that is, and it's you know you both the conservative and liberal side and it in many waste hearing our country bar from my concern as a christian leader, Unama, the Billy Graham Centre. Will my concern is that Christian how are we going to engage in a world filled with outrage at when sometimes where there were the cause of it, sometimes where the targets of it? It's it's a make, and I love you it's about religious liberty, to I mean I'm. I am deeply concerned about religious liver around the World Bank will, for you, bring that up bring in that case up even today, but but but again,
Christians who are outraged about Starbucks cops rather than persecution around the world and I think we got our own issues to deal with, but also its culture, though so tell me, because I don't know if you heard last hour when I was talking about bond offer and that we have This closing window bond hoffered did not succeed in what he tried to do. We, although he was in the end victorious, but he didn't he didn't change the people, because the people had already abandoned their judeo christian values. They were angry, they were outraged they were they wanted political solutions, not a spiritual solution, and they they just went for it. We have this this window on judeo Christian culture and our and our underpinnings being lost and if we don't get through that window and keep people's hearts open, we're gonna go really awry
we are doing- and I think ultimately, this is our moment. Then you don't not every we don't get to pick the moment were born or that we then too, in every generation is facing new challenges. But this is moment in it in the book I sort of go through every charred and some staff. We have the new statistics in each chapter and I about how, in many ways that Judeo, christian consensus has been lost and now the views of you know, Christians, different groups may be better more. The conservative side are now outside. In many ways of the mainstream society, once they were the main stream and that kind of lead to an accelerated outrage cycle led to. I want to turn up the volume to eleven and ultimately I dont think that the path I appreciate what you do said earlier when you're talking to talk in Sudan is we ve got to? We ve got to choose a different way now. One of the key things is, genes are consistently choosing it everywhere. We don't need to be disciple, buyer cable news net
We don't need to be shaped. Currently by our social media feed. I think ultimately, we need to be That's Christians by. Christ is an Jesus was not afraid. Stand up. I mean he was in the Temple and he turned over tables, but he also but this remarkable ability that we can move all due to build bridges with people with whom he be around the good samaritan woman at the well, and I think, ultimately, we need a better path. If the answer is not to get laid the world the answer for Christians in this age of our aid. To really follow the way of Jesus in two. Well then, I might some you don't want to stand up for things. Don't I'm leaving. You said you fight, would you fight? For example, You can't war at a people and reach of people at the same time, The question of how you approach that we'll just whereby Egypt, I were addicted to outrage right now and I'm I'm I'm trying to say there is a better way for Christians,
to to do to do about. We wonder if the targets of the irate and certainly but not participate in creating foe in full, crises and outrage? Well, here's what s interesting to me- and I pointed out last hour, if you talk politically we're winning you look at the Supreme Court, but Bread Cavanaugh. I don't know of any president that would have stood up for that liquid and with Israel in many ways we're winning it's not they're, not forming mobs and going out in, and you know trying to get people's face and getting them to react in anger because there winning their doing. Because in their desperate we're action, making progress and somehow or another we're just being swept up in their drama. Why people are we that appeals to us is a part of us. I think that's, why we'll mine, you told them some some
writers on social media that Chris you'll be very attractive to, and then we find out later that wasn't true in it spread around and in ITALY, and I think that part of the concern- what is it in us that us to outright each rather and to engage, and I think, there's a there's a difference but- we in the two any I'm some forget lump sum. It is deeply pro life. You spoke at the March here in Chicago not that long ago, and you know you have cut of europe- then the good those of us in the March for life speaking up and standing for life, and then he added some protests. Round the side, just calling us terrible people, but then you had some some somebody about yelling horrible things at them here and I dont want to be. I wanna be in the group that saying I'm going to for live now. Yelling horrible things at one another in thinking. Even the counter gestures, who were kind of part of the march for life. Left and started yelling. That's the probably look too much like them- and I dont think that that's our goal- if our goal- and we talk about this- a lot increases,
The needs of our aid is to hold a bill a world view, but then, engage the world with a winsome approach in an incomparable. It's worth I mean advancing to watch you sort of walk through that journey as well, and I think I really do not want a lot of people in the way that they would think and so took it out to you for even writing on this subject. I think matters I'd like to talk to you about your solutions as a. Let me take a quick break, the name of the book as Christians in the age of outrage. I think it is really important. We cannot become that which we despise. We cannot play the same game for small, just strategically you lose also we lose? Who we are when judeo christian values are under attack and our art type has always been Moses in Jesus, we take Jesus and Moses out who are we modeling who are we modeling? Who are we striving to be weak Forget our art type back and just
First, let me tell you about gold line. President Trump has been warning about their risks to every American. If the Republicans lose one or both houses of Congress, this November We will see an impeachment proceeding. That does not mean that they will remove him from office, but they will impeach him the first chance they get if they win the house. If they were in the House and the Senate, you're gonna see. Gridlock you're, going to see nothing, really, nothing good, we need to go out and vote now What does this mean with K? If chaos is happening in Washington more than it is? What does mean to the economy. What is that into security. What were enemies do gold line has put together a report on what can expect. If there is a democratic victory, you can get the report for free. All you have to do is call them. I've read the report
I really would advise you to get it and share it with your friends. I buy goal and silver as an insurance policy against chaos, and if you ve been paying any attention Kay as is only getting worse, get your copy. Right now by calling eight six six gold line, one eight six, six gold line or gold line cam- you be informed of what our future may hold git your free report now eight six, six gold line The name of the book is Christians in the age of outrage, and it is very frank: it talks about what Christians cannon and to do and also have not done and how we are actually hurting ourselves. You talk about our guy really kind of being identity now, music. That is a big open. We,
over. The nation mood ourselves into factions, and I dont want is christian- has to be a faction in a world of factions. My big that's the part of the problem, but but I beg you he will identify themselves. As you know, I'm I'm there, sir, I'm that I've got up social media community in and then then there faction, sort of becomes identity becomes a fact in the faction becomes an echo chamber and then ultimately weed. Are you? Miss goes up up up up any anger, discos up up up up and, and we can't bye, bye, big as a nation factional. I think, at this level of actual your vulcanised you to turn from history where we're gonna break apart, and so I think the open the thing is: I can't. I can't solve all the political things here. You got much bigger platform talk about politics than I do, I'm just trying to, Christians to say art. How do we react? How do we risk bond and the other is, if not, that take identity from anything other data and- and- and I know that overtly spiritual, but we're talking here in this and has focused
NATO is to take out any working visas, venuses not coming back air force. One he's not widen the donkey or an elephant when he does and to ignore wage that I'm only all in as a Christian in followed Christ, and everything else is shaped around that my identity is more to Christ, the kingdom of God of our Motto: Europe, we college my identity Christ in his kingdom than anything else. So I explained this yesterday that you know the Vive so called Christians of the Westboro Baptist church. The you know that they hold up signs. You know God hates This- God hates that blah blah they're, just despicable you D. Win by by holding up signs. No god hate you and shouting things back. You win by listening by understanding by embracing them as He saw or a brother and sister, not though it they're doing standing up, but people
have been changes. One woman in particular that actually left her own family in the Westboro Baptist Church because somebody's. Oak tour with civil with civility and said the duchess reason here for a minute, Ok, I have on my desk. Actually, whenever you're running a name plate, Gaza they protested at my church. We went and them copying doughnuts and they called me in the National NEWS. I get you'd want the Bobby and radio, but a lying beep, false profit, and so actually in one of my staff made into a name played on it as it headline blank false profit, whisper, at this stage which, by the way, is neither rapidly because either raptors nor church, but but in So I me the question is: how do we respond with somebody reached out actually interviewed whatsoever, the family as well appreciated? I tell somebody read it out and I will tell you, I think, that's what we can do right now with people who deeply disagree with us in the book is filled with examples of Christians actually built relationships with people who radically disagreed and in the process we able to
it may be a better understanding. I want examples, for example, is up in the press by only university, which is a christian University in California. I met with the the leader of the the Party as a legislature there in California, that was the change of laws that would make it illegal for by Allah to live their christian beliefs about Mary, sexuality and more oriented up getting understand each other better, but will the bill ultimately not moved forward, but dropped and men, and now our two very different place. Now, I'm not thing, and always do that. But I am saying that Christians meter I don't do that and I do think in doing so, will act a lot. Like you, or even as happened a lot more like Britain's historically, because though the moment wherein is not time a to join in ratcheting up the outrage and, as you said earlier, to your collar, I'm calling people arms yet That's not I'm glad, that's not
uncommon view, and I know some of those some of the worst things I see on social media. I I click on a link and I, the Bio and its first think. Listen, something is christian and I'm like that's not what it supposed to look like, and I think that's what we is a change in a lot of arts, I will tell you this: the ones who can teach us this right now or thee, the victim of ISIS and the ones who word were literally chained as slaves. You know, story after story, after story of these Christians who the I know one family that actually wrote to ISIS after they said you are all dead, we're coming Saturday to kill. You I think it another thing was on Sunday we're gonna come on Sunday and kill you. If you old, submit an crucify. You, the family, set down kids at all and wrote a letter and said we your stand. We forgive you for that. We're not we're now
Gonna leave will be here. You can come at three o clock. We only ask that you do not crucify us it it is. We are not worthy of that kind of a death And they lived because they stood up with PS, unbelief evil what's happening. Where are we? from global Christians are also historically, there was his emperor fasting at work, all Julian the apostate. I write this in the box and he actually called the apostate Gus. You know the right: they history in the Christians eventually became more prominent and here's. What he right did he so angry about are you to hold back the advance of Christianity, the pagan, and he says whilst the pagan priests neglect the poor, the Galileo galileans devote themselves to works of charity goes on and, as these impious Galileans imply,
scholarly ends not only feed their own poor but is also welcome them into their again by the name of the book. Is the name of the book? Is Christians in the age of outrage? Pick it up. It is well worth the rain. This is the glad that programme the lights were on late at night last night, mercury, one hour, mercury, one partners are are ready to provide aid and relief to those who have argued. To be effective. It is now coming on shore Alligator point Florida. It is a monster category. Four, I mean boy. Did this fast dangerous storm surge, the wins the flooding. All North Eastern Gulf Coast. And a lot of people didn't even get out and evacuate because it happened so fast. We do have our hurricane relief fund up now. We need your help. Donations
oh directly, where they are needed most if you'd donate directly to the disaster. Relief on one hundred percent of the money raised goes too. An effort, so you can go to mercury, one dot, org, Slash hurricane Relief, mercury, one slash hurricane relief, that's mercury, one dot, org and please help us, so we can have everything that Florida might need their when It is time most likely later today are right, Gray is joining us from pack re unleashed and pat welcome. Thank you. Good to be here yeah. It is, what is on your mind today. Did you ever see the the tv
continuum. Did you watch, I loved it, the as a great shout. It was all about corporations running the world in the year, twenty, seventy or something, and you know what it was kind of silly at the time. I have marked blade runner and everything yeah corporation by don't come on you're all scared of corporations. Yet the that's the one thing the left had right: they might yet they might right in the right way right a minute. They would you say: profiteering motive was bad re exactly what this is all I remember when they put the flag with all the corporate logos on at everything else- and I we saw all- please give it a rest, but it is. I mean you that put Amazon Google Facebook on the floor again, a very accurate yoke We ain't. We now have an those are some. Mention. Do we have companies that are big enough to really fit fit, that role at a world that that they do not yet but Amazon in particular, is just getting enormous. In the boy
the four they hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. The third talks about just how massive Amazon is, for instance, far fewer. U S, households have a gun than Amazon, Prime thirty percent to sixty four percent holding. More Americans have, prime than voted in twenty. Sixteen, only fifty five percent more Americans have Amazon, prime than go to church more. Have Amazon prime, then then are in an monogamous relationship with us. Pox. Let me didn't. You have said that about more Americans had NBC and it s, an abc. I mean maybe but they're into so many other things to which you know. You gotta consider that that they're they're into everything else like that. I think
Fifty five percent of households in our sixty five percent of a have Alexa, Let's go. And ass old heroin just do we invited value surveillance and home if they want to use it that way, I don't know that they are they are, they are recording. They are recording the gas recalling continually yet because they they it needs to a listen It's also learning trying to learn how to communicate yes and their their reporting on her moods, our tastes All the things we like all the things we want, the things we need and our fears- and they just report all of that back to Amazon Headquarters, yes, gobbled up the whole foods and when they did Kroger's stock, we thirty one dollars a shared, a twenty two. That's how big the company is now they're going to be the largest clothing retailer bite. Twenty
they already sell more books than anybody on earth, they ve driven how many book retailers out of business, there there about to spend more on regional programming than even Netflix there. Be the biggest Hollywood producer. So many things is at times I mean I don't know you do about it. Do you favour as a capitalist, breaking up a company? That's what they did to Microsoft, that's what they did do or they tried to to Microsoft. That's what they did with Mountain Bell, If it mountain Bell was in with the government, Was it that was protected by the government in part of a you know that was that was a protected property. You couldn't you couldn't start anything against them right. That's why yeah I mean
you know you could start your own amazon you're not going to compete, don't think tat. There are other options or other outages it just people. The problem is Amazon. Does everything better than everybody us here that this is the real problem where we ve been talking about this for a week is idle? should a change Amazon. I like Amazon, I like Amazon, Prime. I like the fact that yesterday we are trying to build a stupid volcano for my daughter and twenty one. And got we percent hydrogen peroxide an end were reading and I'm like a pig. Thirty five percent is a different kind of peroxide end. It is, I didn't. I mean it's a game, this kind of peroxide we inhabit have go online, I'm like: where can you get it Amazon I mean no haven't you'll have tomorrow we adopt resource, I mean it's. The I dont want them to change some of these things, yeah
and were the same way with Google and Google's getting pretty intrusive things right, but we like their search engine we'd like their browser, their mail is greater. Mail is great, I free, and so we just we get ahead out. Will you give in it all from Google? But let me Amazon, you made the same ardent Amazon controls. People are like all. I buy a lot of things for Amazon and it's obviously a big part of our business, but their cloud computing is really the main driving off their profit. Honor me now and it's in so many places use it every day. You go on the web, based young Amazonia, I mean and Psych Alex at this point is a it's a luxury jury. Of moderate you know our utility right, like I'm an idea like it's fun to play with, like we use it as a speaker.
The weather every once in a while, I mean there's a couple things you can do it, but I mean, like I gotta know as Alexa changing my life now at this. I know my doll absolutely has changed my yes. Yes, I mean it's shape. I caught eagerly awaited or shot from it. Yet primal can illegal ever to your door within an hour and then you could, I think you could safely say. Amazon has almost killed the them all yes, yes it most of them right I mean at Vienna and between Amazon and Google. They have totally changed the world and Bulgaria like there's a desert, big mall near where were during the show in Texas, and now it's still has tons and tons of stores in it, but you or to notice the way it changes, its changing from a place to shop into place for experiences. Yes, there are lots of EC things for kids and Lego stores and aquariums. Here they took one of the Big Box stores and they made into a giant its advocates, Copperfield House. It's a joke
Jim, with, like twenty five basketball courts and all leagues goes more and entertainment outlets Norman. There came a complex, as has to go That's a surly, a bad thing. I mean. I know it's it's a cool. You go somewhere and have an experience of other people. Then people bring things dear door, it's fantastic okhinnah handsome. Can I can I can I tell you about the experience I had last last week and I have to tell you: it is ok. The only thing you get to you read It's the same problems, just bigger Kay. There is one game changer and that is private air travel that angels, your life, entirely? Ok, on that mousing me, yeah I've seen some things that are game. Changing in certain ways, you know being able to do it on line instead of a tv s is pretty big. No! No! No! I went Do something called the void? Have you heard about this yet,
there's only one in Texas, its Lucas, its George Lucas, that has done it and the one in Texas is at the sinner mark in West Plano. I think it's, thirty dollars for fifteen minutes. Woe I'd pay, sixty one! but we do is what is ok. It is. It is virtual reality. And you are you going and you put on this virtual reality suit you put on the the goggles. And you go in to this this room? That's just like it. It looks like a cubicle when you're goggles or up it looks like a cubicles. Just that's all it is you put the goggles down and they start, and you are now in star wars. What yeah it's on believable! you all the people. You only go with four people maximum for, and so you're going in and, like you know,
My kids we're all storm trappers and I could tell who was who, because we all are linked by coms and the sizes are there, but you put the guy Those down there in suits. You are in a suit. You looked down at yourself in your suit. You put your hands out and you're in a suit, and Are you going to reach for things and it happens at one point, the the empire is pulling you over here on this mission is pulls you over and you're on. Remember that have no probably nobody remembers is, but whatever that. I, though, whenever that planet was, it was all lava that you know episode three get your pulled over on that planet and the doors open up and you have to you have to, off of your ship and get into there's the doors open. You feel the heat of the lava and we're
ever you look you're on the planet. It's unbelievable how's it. I have not heard of this. Clearly its revenue, just at local level, Lloyd Void, admits in Plato in West plain are the only one in Texas. It is game change, why I said to buy said to Rachel. I don't play games all that stuff on labelling. I don't know how you are going to leave, leave virtual reality. It was the coolest experience. I've ever had you were there. I fought Darth Vader, it was on level. You really feel when you're walking out on the ship you walking out and it looks when you looked down. It looks like you're on a great, so you're, seeing the lava beneath you its act, It gives you that spooky feeling of like I'm gonna, fall really yeah. It is unbelievable. Have after do high level this.
This month. How many juicy have nationwide? Did? I don't know this last month it is star wars. Next month is ghostbusters and you're going in and you have the power pal. It's crazy. I gotta get to try. Making aid are obviously the virtual reality. Figures is, is not done at this level normally like they have some stuff around thickets. Yet know this as their enormous is well done. My size have a little mobile units. Lay punk adds Galiano. Here, you fight and pack your fighting when you're fighting here you ve got a you know. You ve got a plaster and you're fighting and when your shot, you feel it you get a tingle in your chest or wherever it is, they shoot you it's while it's amazing it is, The closest thing too. I didn't know that ready player one died. I didn't that was available. Now here you know you we they talk about that being. Something is going to happen in the future. We are to have it here and you see in tickets sold out all the time reality.
Sold out hideous fan so ass to how foreign advanced you have to. I don't know have call and just see a while, but get your tenure, you will love it find if it's in your state or in your area again only one in Texas, so far, citizen Our can Wes Plano and it's called the void and its Lucas film ridicule good? That's that's. What that's valuable in programme is value for money and I'll get access all right now I would, but now you ve given is something we can appreciate. I wouldn't it let's go. We should all go to add. I would love so cool. Is sofa he's a chance to use weapons against Glenn to wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait! A minute! Wait a minute! No sir, we're just imagining what we were going to be on the same team. I'm scared. I want to talk a little bit about filter by stew. When's. The last time you met a real man. I mean a man like your dad used to be that the EU
The guy who changed the filter and as all that stuff, where we were, we hire them to come over and Wheat Morton work at our house. Don't know those people exist. Tim Tim, my son in law, he's a real man He's too well dressed to be a real man. No, I think that it makes him a renaissance man. That's right, you would say something goes wrong in the house. Tawny will say well, can you fix and, unlike course again phone number changing the filter, Allah stuff. I forget- I just I mean I forget This is the way you need to change your filters filter by a dot com. They are America's leading provider of eight track filters for homes and small businesses. They'll make them custom made they have over. Six hundred sizes they ship for free within twenty four hours there it here in Amerika. So it's all you know supporting workers here in Amerika and ears of
part, you say five percent. If you subscribe for Otto Replacement, so use Oh my god, you're like? Are you just get online and early? Ok, I need that filter for this, and it tells you when how many times you supposed to change it when you spoke- and it just shows up so then, it's there, so you can say honey. You, gotta change. The filter again filter save time. Save money you'll, breathe better. You will have an eight track system that burn out on you, it's filter by Walter. Be you why dotcom that's filter by dot com now that I've run up the void now, that's all stews guys not was on all day, and that was in any of your points where the news and why matters might have story. I was gonna, be this void mark that great and we talked about how much time do you have here? Sarah lunatic? eyes. It can Texas Hallo Isaac, you're on the Glimmer programme, yet Yad honour to speak these here they come.
But I was I may move too quick things to. Thank you for first is being me realise not not turn into a concern. Helping me realize that I already was a conservative. Allow an alarm. Those lines listening to our three of yesterday's programme with real potential, and I just want to say thank you and that I think you know you are say that if it were to save the nation that it will be your audience that plays a huge role in it and I think that's true, because I think one has three looks back. If we do save ourselves from this, that you Be a huge part of that, and I really appreciate your approach and what you're doing this Thank you for that. That is the amazing thank you so much. How old are you Isaac? Two six? Twenty,
and what you do with your life. I I own a tree servicing wake up for you, man, article twenty six good for you, how it how's business, give yourself a plug it. Yet its get either can pals trees. There is that there has been great I'd, be remiss if I didn't ask for. I haven't, read it yet, but he arrived at the outrage. I've already just made it out to you, so it's gonna be on the way. So I'm gonna, put on hold we'll get redress on where to send it and we will send it out to you D. Tree service up in the Dallas area. Could a conviction? Occasionally I go that far north. Ok, why I may reach out to you cause I've got a lotta tree that needs to be carried out, and we also ask for the media the as yet we have all down all adjust their healthy they're beautiful. I just caught him all down thanks. I think Glenn back.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-06.