« The Glenn Beck Program

Prediction: We Won't Be Able to Define Free Will by 2030 | Guest: Richard Grenell | 2/6/23

2023-02-06 | 🔗

The Biden administration finally shot down the Chinese spy balloon floating across the U.S., but only after it completed its mission. Was China testing President Biden on what it could get away with? Glenn and Stu discuss the collapse of civil morality as the Grammys had a devil worship performance sponsored by Pfizer. Glenn lays out why your relationship with God is the most essential tool when times are tough. If you want to maintain your lifestyle, keep track of the news surrounding ESG and the WEF, the government's public-private partnerships, and the progression of artificial intelligence. Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell joins to discuss the Chinese spy balloon, the Biden administration's attempt to downplay it, and a terrifying future prediction. Scientists claim they're close to bringing back the woolly mammoth. Did we learn nothing from "Jurassic Park"?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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This is the Glen back and allow it's monday glad you're here, god so torn. Where do we start? Where do we begin? Do we begin with with the balloon nonsense? It's going on shall we to start that. I also have a very sad story about a woman who was a was a banker and she modified her body a bit and she covered her body in tattoos and piercings, and then she had her nose kind of cut off a little bit and she now identifies as a genderless dragon and she says: that's destroyed her life and really america. Why are you so hateful? Why why
wait to hear that story. I wanna go to the balloon first I'll, give me sixty seconds. Let me ask you: if you had to eat the same food, you feed your dog. Would you make any genghis. I know I would I would I mean The cuban looks yummy. I'm sure I would put rough greens on it cause? I don't know what it tastes like. I mean dogs love it. I don't necessarily love, I'm, not a dog. That's a stupid question. Would you we would anyway well food, not real good for your dog, but if you put rough greens on top of it, it not only helps your dog eat it, but it is filled with all of the vitamins and minerals and other things that are going to contribute to a healthy life for your dog. So get your first trial back. Just to make sure your dog will eat it at rough greens, dot com, slash back just get that it's free. All you have to do is pay for shipping they'll. Send you this little bag in.
I put it on for a few days and see if your dog likes it. If your dog likes it order the full bag and start feed him and over the next couple of months, you're not only going to have a dog that likes to eat again, but you're also going to have a dog that you start to see, changes in and they're all healthy changes. It's rough greens are you ff greens, dot com, slash back rough greens, dot com, slash back or call eight three: three g, l e n n thirty three I don't know if I can go on the general s. Dragon stories do is really very, very upsetting, but is Disturbing yeah butler start with the walloons story the balloon. Ok, it's a weather balloon or something and that's what china says in. When can you can you now trust china. Do you know they just fired? The head of their whether balloon department really here they fired him over the weekend course. Now
he was set. To leave in a couple of weeks, because he just one an election where he was he's gonna be a you know in the communist party, I don't know club- legislature, thing that they ve got over there. That's the technical term for the way their government works, but so, if He was fired, so they're serious is the bat woman fired yet the bat woman about woman about woman ass will deal o thou that women still there she has lost any credibility or anything good. Oh yeah will not that so let me just give you a little of a little salt and some can we to the pact saw here the chinese spy balloon being shot down. That's cut one. There. It is ok, we're glad we got a missile go and towards it.
Well here goes it's over the atlantic, so no animals were harmed in this video comes here. Gums, look at you're missing something yeah you're missing, something others tell them to missiles. We to get a balloon is doing something the balloon blew up: yeah, not yet down fab there. It is. there. It is while exciting, citing wow now let's can we show that in slow motion leaves slow motion. There is the balloon here. It is and boom and the good thing is they they they got it. They didn't get the balloon. They, then, why electrical equipment underneath the balloon so Oh, you know the part that we should probably I'll look at what kind of seem blowing. The whole thing up is is not
beneficial you want to do. You know what it is, maybe hit it with a pin gun and then a giant net down. Underneath you know what I mean and there's no reason. You know I saw batman. Member. When batman he went over and use talking to that. lead business man over in china and then like the plague and he sends up a balloon remember and then the planes matches it and their boom back in Gotham I mean it can happen. Why didn't we when we collect that balloon, but do we collectively? I'm sure it's because it had all kinds of sophisticated. Whether stuff too much, whether too much whether a lot of whether stuff in the doctor says we're getting too much whether equipment, morale euro It is absolutely do in international waters. That was one of the explanations I had her,
that if they had owner a small window to be able to blow this thing up so didn't go into international waters yeah they. They really wanted to make sure that everybody was safe. It had nothing to do nothing to do with blinking climate warming, gathering in china with the chinese authorities. had nothing to do with a meeting on Saturday and sunday about that. None none! None may mean the fact that they didn't see Lee detected until it was all the way to Montana. Well, they didn't detected in montana right they detected before that way, yes, and then they didn't say anything about yeah, so they did it acted. It never like. Let's keep this one quite denote: Glenn weaved, third debt, Joe Biden, what did it shot down immediately? I was what he what they said. We can't do it it's. Over Montana, Tat is so bill ass, a man. It's gonna drive from montana its
ago over the much policy that is either north or south dakota and there's no place. We could shoot that down without endangering people and know what even the people in montana we're like where we live montana. There's a noble governor of montana governor about genetic about said: there's: lots of places where that balloon was nobody. is there. Nobody is there but yeah yeah so You know the of the white house had to be really really careful. You know for our safety. Now they didn't. You know they. They laid they They did have lincoln's chinese trip that was going and after they shot the balloon down. Blankets at vienna conditions just start conducive, right now,
to go over china, but that's why we now know the white house stopped it because they had global warming meeting with the chinese scheduled and they didn't want any it. So can fly a balloon oh by the way up- and just you know, I said this last week and their results orders were different. Interpreter partial blue brood, glared brooklyn for sure gives you the clues. You ok, let me let me let me just give you the I mean it's no big deal, it's just about you, no weapons of mass. Destruction other than. You know other than that, it, sir, it's no big deal high Altitude balloons such as the one china has floated over the mountain state military bases this week are considered a key delivery platform for secret. Nuclear strikes on america's electric grid. According intelligence officials,
spy balloons used by japan to drop bombs during world war. Two are now far more sophisticated fly up to two hundred thousand feet: evade detection and can carry a small nuclear bomb that, if exploded in the atmosphere, was shut down the grid and white. Wipe out, electronics in a mini state, wide area when it was over. The carolinas would have had any mp on it. It would have shut down the entire east coast, electric grid, but don't worry Don't worry, it only would have lasted for probably two years. Ok Oh you're, getting your electricity back. Some Judges in your area have been reported. Please hold for an operator and then the back to you, like two years later, it'll be fantastic. Now both the balloon launch. Electromagnetic pulse attacks were warned about in the congressional e m, p commission and in
the military, several you years ago, twenty fifteen a report from the american leadership and policy foundation d mid stuck in burg, one of the nation's leading a e m p experts wrote extensively about that balloons carrying bombs pose to our national security use a balloon as a wmd or wmd platform could provide adversaries with a palette of attitudes and payload options which would, acts, a minor offence, offensive effects against the? U s A high altitude balloon could easily be design created in launched in a matter of months. This is in twenty fifteen. China's recent blue fly over the united states is clearly a provocative and aggressive act this the guy who wrote that in two thousand and fifteen. He was a national security expert and scientist who led the defense department's e m p task force. So he who's the guy who
we had at the pentagon in twenty fifteen, that's under I am sorry under obama by the way, so it's not a trump clown who were writing extensively, going, look out for balloons. pacifically from china nor korea, russia and ran they all. Quoting, have Programmes to hit the u s, grid, with electro magnetic pulse weapons that could cut the cord for a year. or longer. Ok, so don't worry about it. Don't worry about it did. How does is global war gotta be solved. Arena solve cars. I very very concerned about that very concerned. By the way, Here's some really good news. You know Joe Biden
has a has a new climate tsar in in she's and honestly she is fantastic she's, part of the intelligence, advisory board and key, Cobb is there she's really stable, she's she's, worried about the climate but she's very varied she's, an adult very very stable She was quote bedridden bedridden couldn't to work, couldn't get out of bed like some time in twenty Sixteen apparently she was stricken by trumped arranged syndrome. You know after the election she was like. I I can't I can't can't go on? I can't get out of bed, I I just but
he is a champion of diversity and Inclusion, and she is all there for climate change. So we got we on her in their home. That's great by she's, a big supporter of veal am as well So that's your balloon update that didn't seem positive at all. What I m- a balloon. It should be. Like a party exists, actually seemed like the opposite: it heated, didn't it yeah I'll, do anything Do you have a theory as to what is actually happening here, other than obviously whether equipment that blue of course, but If there was another crazy conspiracy, irish air force majeure, it was thousand case of force majeure. That's what happened on time. Some time. Do you think it is it at tat?
strand b? Something even be. I think it is I'm not saying it's a test run for biological or mp or anything else. I don't know, but I don't feel good. irritable with balloons from china, flying over the united states. I don't know, I know feel comfortable with that, and It's weird that whether pattern took it all just over all of our most sensitive sites. Now it does, makes sense to me that we're spying with us with the weather balloon. And in one that's flying so low that you can actually see it. Doesn't and so was that a mistake or was that a oh? I think this was quite possibly a weather. Balloon didn't have anything I the intel that it was gathering was. Do we have Joe Biden. we'll Joe Biden say Anything or do anything
we violate his air space. This clearly because they've flown these spy balloons over several other european countries now always a weather mistake We know they were spy balloons. Why? would you do that here you have satellites everything else. Why would you do that here now again, the chinese, let's be fair, the chinese did say it was we're china and they just got caught up in the weather and it just kind of your head over here happens. All the time needed with us seem to happen all the time yeah does so. I think it's interesting. You know it's not like it's. It's not like it's nineteen sixty five with mission impossible and Peter graves. You know this to the real to real tape. You know your mission. Should choose to accepted whitewash.
you know a well, while least we got it, we got the equipment, so they can't retrieve any information it was already sent. If there was in fact we don't have to get the camera and the real to real recorder anymore. So us about what this balloon? Actually could have achieved as far as intelligence and pictures. I think I think it's more like a shark bob type of such I do right now I don't want to see what how we would respond case. You dont know what a shark bump is. It is so important if you, ever swimming with the great whites. Don't move, they will come out. And they will actually bump you first made know what you are, and so they bump you and if you move your food, if you don't, they move on so it's called a shark bump adjust bumps you before it kills you and Kills you have you move
this case just take the first part. It's a shark bump If we don't move, it could come and kill you. It's just seeing what will you do if I hid? over here. What's the reaction, we didn't move china's not a shark. They already know where food by can just a minute now, good ranchers, you know, people say I love you with flowers and chocolate. Oh it's at times a year. my favorite holiday or the year valentine's day? Don't you loves to everyone. Loves every party, he laughs I hate anyway. You know this this year. I think I'm gonna do the skywriting. I think I'm a new start. Writing yeah yeah.
Is that I'm just gonna taper valentine and throw it through somebody's window. We window, You could do that yeah little rock, I'm going to tell you what I was gonna say you could also could maybe get the chinese to attach it to a balloon. Outta just put it up there for weather research lands right here in texas, like that, alright, anyway, here's a great thing, you, and do I mean be mine, give me: eight and I'm yours, I'm yours, guy, that's the way to say I love you with one hundred percent american trimmed state house quality meat from good Ranchers over eighty five percent of grass fed beef in this country is imported from overseas. Come on. That is ridiculous, I live in a small town bout. Ass the whole to count. is this, like five thousand people were off or is there all ranchers there their live in just from paycheck
paychecks some times Why is it our ranchers can grow beef here and make a living? Oh gee. think, I know the answer right. Good ranchers is helping people like that and getting you great american meat, and if you use a promo code back, you give thirty dollars off right now. That balance and dinner is already sizzling in my head It's the usual gifts that just don't cut it anymore, say I love with american meet instead snag thirty dollars off with my promo code, back at good ranchers, dot com, good ranchers, dotcom, ten second station- Ok, so he set about a couple of other things of this weekend about china. one. There was a report that came out, and this is gonna. Surprise you a pair
We all american universities have now been infiltrated by China. What math, yeah Yeah I want here if they ve all been infiltrated and isn't it weird that we and trust our universities, anymore, and they all are preaching that they, america is horrible. We also found something else out that I I think we need to spend a few minutes on. You know them these poor chinese students that are here. You know just trying to get a good education go home and bring it back home. just there were not educate him here, they're gonna, love us and then they gonna go home common, going to be a champion for the free market system. Well, unfortunately, a former drug enforcement agency special operations director, his name is Derek malts he he outlined on friday
chinese college students that are now entering the? U s on student visas, and they are therefore, strangely partnered with the drug cartels in mexico. They tracking them now for over ten years? Are you I break em up? and the young, the key Michael lab operators, been providing synthetic chemicals, to citizens directly at first then, decided? Divert the chemicals you know exported to mexico and partner with dry cartels, and so can make all of the pills and everything else and then get that china he's college students to sell the drugs then turn that money over to the cartels and take china's split. Give it the Chinese here who buying up land using the drug cartels, money
oh man, I feel like we should have a party with lots of balloons today, more than just a second stand by the Glen back programme. All right so there's a monster that lives under your bed. There is, I checked, the axe murderer, hangs out your basement, he's there too, oh, but only there when the lights are off. and then there is also aid. Even tell you this one. Buying and selling a house like I'd rather Is the axe murderer times honestly, look it a hassle, it is hard and it is your biggest asset you'll ever have. I want who Tell you about a company that has started about eight years ago. It's free service to you, and it was really born out of frustration me and my brother. We were like an
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welcome to the club med programmes planned you here. You watch the grammy's last night. Still that was that had to be, unfortunately, I did catch a little bit other you did not. I did. I can see your wife, my wife is very more into music, these states thy and did did flip it on. For a few moments ago, my daughter came down four for dinner and
shockingly the very first thing that happened was a big speech about transgender ism really are just stunning I was. I was surprised that this usually doesn't happen. No warmly happens all on all speeches. All speeches are about your genitals these days. That's the only thing people talk about or who you sleep with, who you sleep with your genitals or maybe, if you're really lucky your skin color right like that, it's only about these three things. The only thing people think about arriving late, I'm glad I got to see it yet again. Yeah! That's interesting, that's interesting. I went to see the chosen with my family last night They talk about transgender islamic, I didn t know no no was it is just because in their weird, the pronouns were him and her throughout the whole thing How many jeez, what you can see energies now, not one really now set a mistake. Mine think so how many dragons not on the dragons, well know what
only one real dragon that I know and he's having problems in his life right now. Yeah he's a ease, the world's first generalists dragon. Yes, I'm not sure if there's a dragon with gender, that's out there, but his name is t a mat legion medusa. Now sure that's his god, vienna, given name or his family. You known the item. I can Imagine the family crest, though being legion, medusa, but he spent the last decade undergoing quite metamorphosis here. If you see on that screen, I don't know. If I can, the can place pick it up from the from behind me now there is there's a picture. Of him, which is strange because it doesn't like his given name, was medusa,
No a here! It is. If you look at them, Richard Hernandez, yeah richard duessa, her nanda noticed melter, no, no, no, no medusa nor nor legion Because he looks like a richard, her nanda, yes earlier and his law, although once he spent the eighty thousand dollars to split his tongue. I think you do. Look like a legion or medusa. You know. I am fascinated by this because normally what you get from Situations are are like complaints about capitalism and the evil doctors, who would do a thing like it take ten thousand dollars or eighty thousand dollars to split a tongue yeah yeah, but when it comes to identifying as and we no longer longer those complaints like we hear about them when they're, like people, people all this plastic surgery on these women because they want to be thin and look young and where this is a exploitive,
boy data in the alley, and then we don't hear that at all when it comes to now of turning a boy to a girl. Now, that's not find it acceptable, no exploitation there. Why our move can't have breast enlargement or breast reduction should be banned by the way he's had part of his nose removed, and then he had horns put in. I mean he's good anyway, he's a dragon. Lady medusa! Now I thought he was generalists, but he is wearing a blouse and that blouse looks beautiful am sincerely now, oh here early picture when he was just richard. I dont know if he can call em richard or not. We ask is family. While his son is now it's a strange as it sounds like you're, not a and I don't want anything to do with you- allow so he may not call him you know by the medusa. Just you know. We call him by his given name dick, but
various dressed as a shortlist, storm trooper or something, but that's before he made the change. He was working in a bank and said he just couldn't deal with any more. So the uncomfortable with a camera that has now catching your actual screen yeah. Why I know, god only knows what kind of weird weirder than the dragon, lady greeley, lady dry. Sorry, how generally area thereby dragging a no I know I'm sorry who can we go back? This is getting uncomfortable now, you've caught me. Can we go back to the grammys for a second, because, speaking of legion, there and by the way Anybody who says that we are starting to be an evil society. Imagine imagine imagine, fifteen years if somebody would have
hey by the way. If we don't stop this, we are going to make the nazis look like rookies what a dope that guy was ha anyway. If you think we're oh and down some kind of evil dark thing. Again I bring you back to the grammy's last night. What what? What are they cool, kids watching on sea bs, thank god, nobody's watching c b Here is just a little taste of the grammy's last night. I'm not sure who this is there on a stage of fire rest as the devil, with a girl in a cage. Niece got the ram horns and everything. It's a devil, we're
a thing but listen the it was sponsored by pfizer suffrage. Do they always say that like people are unclear, but with political content, because they are afraid their ads- will be posted now, yet you, like a conservative, saying they want babies to be born, reacting really afraid of. Yet put it on the grammy's and no expectation that it could be next to literal hell right It's a literal, devil worship right, see, brought you buy iser and
american airline. When you have got to fly to hell, fly american, they should have done burger king because it would actually fit that said they should have done so I mean you know pfizer, congratulations! Congratulations on that! Then we could at least have the goods on the mirror, narrow mud. So they actually worked well Eric all right. Let me tell you about Lifelock. You pretty well bet that at any given moment, someone is out there trying to get your personal information and steal your identity, Did you hear what was happening in in ITALY! This we can ask rate. It was just some sort of international coupling but went down nothing to do with people doing a cyber hack and what cyber, acts who's ever heard of a cyber attack. This was visible, international coupling but went down.
Ah so, like so the internet like a big fire hose. and there you have to screw it together and that back coupling there of the fire hose, and so all of the information just started spraying out some place in germany I'm sure. That's what happened Janusz or. Ok, so you know it's coming over the alps that coupling and boom boom. They don't have any internet, but definitely not an attack, definitely not anyway, I was telling about oh cyber problems and cyber criminals and how their everywhere, why protect yourself nothing to see here if you happen to get hit by a coupling problem. If you have lifelong we'll be
even if they couldn't stop that problem of the coupling being on coupled, does What he can always stop all add on coupling that goes on now, They'll help you couple it back up because they have a restoration team that that I'll go right to work. If you do have a problem, joy now save twenty five percent off your first year with a promo code back call eight hundred lifelong one, eight hundred life luck or had to life to come. Use the promo code back, save twenty five percent, now lifelong dot com. This is the Glen back programme,
Welcome to the outlined by programme? The scientific american has just come out with a new study. They just want to just point out making the entire: u s, car fleet electric could cause. A lithium shortage, lithium shortage, don't worry, china. As most of the lithium So I'm sure why not like that? way that we should go and we're dealing we're doing this. Every everything we're doing right now we're doing well, I thank you. I will well, I think PETE buddha judge said it the best. You cannot argue with the president's record right, Annie's. Absolutely one hundred percent right, it is legitimately terrible. Wars is a phrasing. It was like you just it's hard to distil this, how etc big, less decided to stay out of the people here. It is who s got a lot of things. To tell me why
I think that it has not penetrated the american public. What these things don't sell themselves, and it's one of the reasons I am really looking forward to that that state of the union address. I will say that there have been so many accomplishments under this administration. It can be difficult to list them in a guess stilled. Well, that's the bride! Distillation! Less right! Now I mean you know the greatest. The economy is, what does he say? It's not booming strongest. How strong is as strong as hell- and I you'll see in the latest, poles, that's what everybody is think. Yeah adds smell Not maybe not exactly people are asking what did Joe Biden accomplish? in poland, as by the washington post and Sixty two percent of of americans said is accomplished not much little or nothing those three different options not much little or nothing only thirty!
six percent said he had accomplished a good amount or a group deal This includes the we, of course, republicans. Don't think did a very good job. Ninety three- seven What on earth are nothing of democrats? The other way it expects seventy seven twenty two, but again, twenty two percent democrat saying he's accomplish little or nothing is not an endorsement, is not a good number four, while the areas they haven't distilled it daily April, and they really apparently need a major distilling. After due to get to independent sears, sixty six percent of independent say he's accomplish little or nothing. Well not much. The let's go to a b c in the most recent abc washington post pole going back. Thirty, seven years they found foreign ten american say their financial situation has gotten worse.
under Joe Biden now, yeah yeah, that that is the most since they started asking that question just sixteen percent of those who pulled so they were better off under Biden. in most of them were named basis or worked at pfizer during same time period and the term thirteen percent said things had gotten worse under trump and twenty five percent said they were doing better, say Pull found that roughly six and ten self descried democratic, dull, a democrat adults, do not want Biden to win the nomination so that go in for others? More specific thinks he's like like four eggs What has he created? Good jobs in your community people are very, they very much, whilst no sixty two thirty. Four on that one, have the improved roads and bridges in your committee course. He did I was not exhaustive study their accredited its job and I shouldn't be
he says it's his job as long as you're doing it any signing, infrastructure bills are claiming it will be done. Local roads, state highways federal. Inter state highways, thou lightly ass, pretty much it. about lowering prescription drug costs. No forty, seventh! has he made electric vehicles more affordable? No, fifty six to twenty six. By the way, that's also not had, none of these things are his job age It's not a lower rate. It is not his job to lower prescription drug costs that same same market apparatus is going to. They should have nothing to do with the president and he claims he's doing it. He doesn't do it and well, his administration is doing stuff. but it's not making a cheaper because remember we already solved the problem of high prescription drugs and medicare cost a medicaid cause. We ve already solved that it's called obama care
although I remember that yeah it was going to worry about it, we was a big cut. We got. We talked about that. I dunno. If you remember this on the show multiple times this obamacare really, and we said we didn't think it would lower these costs and haw and oddly it has it. We'd have to go back and listen to what we said, because I remember I do amber kind of a little bit saying that this is, make it worse, and so then, once you forget about you, know actual free market, then they'll come back in and say we got a fix it cause. It's wildly broken This reminds me did you do you know who? The beast: is now. This is a different contexts that entity dragon dragon or, though the hell on stage at the grand our I MR pieces, I think the number one youtube her Yeah yeah yeah yeah, and so he he started off like doing videos where he would go to like a college campus and just start handing out like hundred dollar bills, and they would they film and they put on youtube, get lots of views and
grown into dislike multi media. We know empire where, like them one of his more recent videos. He recreated every set from the squid game and may had people play it and gave away the hundreds of thousands of dollars like it just in case done all this stuff. So the If he does, he government funded now. I just want to know who michael ex private funding no tax dollar low tax dollars you're going to get so he did a video the other day and it was youtube video where he said, I'm I'm going to cure a thousand people. Blindness right and you need to know. how does a youtube regretted going to do that? Do that by paying for a surgery? A ten surgery. There, I think, cos we four thousand dollars for the average person and it because I guess your your eyes can get bricked. The lens can get very clouded, they suck out the lens and they put in a a synthetic lens and it cures people of blindness. They can't see anything or it's very, very cloudy, and it goes to clear vision
open their eyes on www incredible, so this guy just a youtube. Her decide shoe literally cure one thousand people of blindness He goes around. He finds people who, in its guy he's, is like I, you know why you wanna go back to my job as a cashier. I can't see the money that I can't make out the door. I can't I can't work because I can't even see would dot what bill I'm giving back to the people. They care. They give him an extra ten thousand dollars, then its other guys, like all I wanted to do all they all is It's like twenty years old. All I want to do is drive a car. I used to love driving, go karts and I never got to drive a car. a brand new tesla. The cure, his blindness. Then he goes around the world to countries all around. The world africa, asia, south america and cure more people applying a thousand beam of light is what happens, guide nuns our criticism, I can't believe exploiting these poor people. I can't believe this I don't work here is I know that, unlike tim is present exactly
It's doing it all with private funds. I think using has happened. Was them in a good way and they don't want that and they're all that it's either the complaints that he's exploiting people or that the government should just be doing all of this at first, Well, it's all around the world. I don't know how they work. A lot of these places have universal healthcare and still this problem exists. But beyond that, it's like here's, a guy trying to do something good entertaining people at the same time, and he gets criticized the Glenn Beck program. Title fraud is that the kind of thing that only happens to other people have a listen to a convicted. If explaining what happens after he forges your homes title and takes over as the new owner
We think that I can take their house embargo against the house. Now. I have title insurance for that. Now it's in my name or he would have to get some special document. They would call me what is calling you after I've stolen the title bart against it or sold the property or done whatever I've done with it. It's sixty to ninety days, even figure out that there, the victim of this crime, and by that point you start getting foreclosure notices, and you realize you ve got four mortgages on your house, not only that you don't even on your home anymore. It's not even in your name a little bit too excited for me, but anyway, hometown of fraud, going to a half times faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim not even know it yet. So how do you protect yourself? Well, visit home title lock, use the promo code, radio register your address for your no obligation home title report. It's a one hundred dollar value and it's free right now, poem title loc, dot com! The code is radio for your free home title report: it's home title, loft, dot com, one title dot com. The promo code is radio.
it's. What you down to here is the fusion entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glen back broken
allow. America welcome to the Glenn Beck program. I told you last week there are three news stories that you really have to pay attention to three separate categories, and then everything else is just worthless. It's just worthless! I'm going to give those to you again, I'm going to add three more. It's actually actually one with just a couple of you know, bullet points underneath it, but- and this is- should simplify your life and then we're going to get into pulling some of these apart and showing you how they apply to your life and maybe how we should start viewing. Certain things will do that in sixty seconds. First, I dunno where it is you live. Texas is a little weird when it comes to the weather one day, it's ice storm the next day. It's seventy degrees. It is bizarre you never know. What's going to happen, we could have had a power outage. Luckily we didn't well. The studios did on friday, but the housing didn't and apparently all the solar panels. You know none of them had ice on them, so the windmills were working. It's crazy! What we were up against and now you've got the problem of somebody saying that there's a
it's a cyber hacking in the next two years that somebody is cloud schwab in the world economic forum. You ve gotta, prepared for anything anything. May I suggest if you are worried about being able to afford he'd now or in the future. There is something you can do and if you're a camper you'll love, this is well my patriot.
supply has invented, what's called the vesta, it is a self powered heater that you can use anywhere safely indoors. No toxic fumes, no harmful smoke. It doesn't require any electricity, PO, propane or gas. It is safe. You can use it indoors, even cook on it. The vesta will heat a two hundred square foot room effectively in fact more effectively that a lot of space eaters gan it's great for everyday use. If you're a prepper like I am it's exactly the sort of thing you want to have on hand just in case there are things like power outages get the vesta today go to my patriot supply dot com. My patriot supply dot com. Alright, I want to talk to you about being a well to not over overwhelmed you're like me, it's very simple: to get overwhelmed because you're overwhelmed with the things that are happening in your life.
You know you're worried about job. You worried about your money, you're worried about your kids, the school. everything that is happening and then on top of it. You have to about the world in the country and all of your right being taken away. It seems as though It seems as though. everything that is going wrong in the world inside of your house, and I taught a class couple weekends ago on on the way things used to be the way they are now and how to clean things up, and I started with a chalkboard we just a house on it. and it had an old tv attend on it. And when I was growing up That house was like your castle. You had your family's values, whatever they were good or bad, but
your family was your family inside of your home. and the things that influenced it like, for instance, radio could come through the wall and be picked up there. It was neutral, you know it. I mean you could have said ah swindling hips over Elvis presley or those beetles, who my gosh, the bee jeez. Ok, what It was that could come through, but it wasn't like it is now. have you listen to the lyrics of most songs? It's not even like it was in the nineties. It is split sex and violence so I'll just what's in the air coming through the walls is, is going. Against what you have in your house protection of your family and your children,
You know I used to have family values. You'd have your church values. You know you. you have all of that: the ten commandments and you'd have things that were pushing with you now against you No television at the time? Oh man, we're not gonna watch star ski and hot jar. We. That so violent my gosh, have you seen some of the half dressed people on the love boat? It wasn't Hawk success pool. and before that was cable, you didn't have raided our movies coming in so The world was completely different school was fighting with the family school would backup mom and dad sink everything that is in your house now netflix amazon, all of the movies that you may
what your kids to see unless you have strict parental control. and I don't even know how you do that anymore- you are seeing at all their seeing at all they have a phone. Do they have an ipad if social media there seeing everything you never saw and their seeing at all and all of their friends you know the friends were really kind of the outside of your bubble. That would kind of pop in to your bubble, what was in their bubble? and their friends bubble and their families bubble, and that just comes like us, so dish of bubbles. Acting to yours. When you were a kid now, people who are friends but not really friends, social media friends,
they're all in your circle of influence there, all in your home there, all in your personal bubble and the bubble of your children. What is pushing out What do you have? That is helping you push out can't think of anything. I mean I have my eighth, my church, but that space pretty much like you know, we're back to back with swords just trying to sword fight a hundred guys. all the time? that's just the attack on your family holy cow, then you have your job, then you have. money finances. I don't know how you do it. I really don't
I think this is why suicide and depression is going because everybody feels alone and thats a problem. But that is by design the system that we are living under right now is its main influence, I believe as evil. It is true Owing to isolate it's trying to break communities and families apart that is it stated goal because it wants to. Be the replacement for your family. It to be your wife true love. He wants to be your precious. So everything is pushing against. And by the time you get home or if you're a stay home, dad or mom. By the time your spouse gets home you're both exhausted you're, both exhausted.
then, what you sit down and talk The news. You have to worry about e s, g and all of the banks and the giant corporations and what they're doing hoof. I worry about this stupid balloon that they blew up off the coast. What what who This is an honest question who is actually working for you? who is actually working for your safety. You know When police officers are looked at the right way. They are just employees of yours. and it doesn't mean that you can get away with everything as a wage and salary. That's kind of the way it's become that and those in power, but the police
officers? Why did we start officers of the peace? Why don't we start that? Because we couldn't take them, time to stay at the house and protect everything while we were out on the farm or we were In town we now did. Somebody else did we just relied on our neighbours, and then we started when we. More and more neighbours, we'd say: let's hire somebody. Can we hire somebody to be the marshal will bring a man. Let's do an interview, bring somebody and be the marshal, but they they ants or to us. They answer to us the people there I can't give them the right to do something that I do I can make us citizens arrest. Also, can the cops When the cops can do with a badge, and I'm gonna sit here and argue back and forth, with you and I be right if I make that citizens arrest, but you
the right to do that. You call the cops, can't do things that you ultimately you don't have the right to do you ve just let them take that from you. You're a lending that power to them. It's a social contract. Well, it's the same thing with the presidency and the and the congress. Are they supposed to represent the house of representatives, so we don't have a democracy and that's really important. We have a republic, we hire people close to us as we possibly can and we send them to washington DC, because we don't have the time to worry about all of these things we're supposed to be doing the business of business and families. Now we're doing the business of government trying to police them. Try the police, our own neighborhoods, because
Our police are not doing their job now, because as the elected officials who don't, Represent us don't represent, Do you really think the people who are living in inner city chicago are we truly being represented the mayor of chicago youth those people want to get rid of the police know they're just every other american. They want to get rid of the bad police. So you're overwhelmed and when you are overwhelmed you, There do one of two things. You hire somebody else to do it, which we've done and we do every election, but that's not working or you ignore it Now, in this great so indicated society. We have a third option. we can get a I'd. Do it. We just farm out these responsibilities to apple
or to amazon and weed I have to deal with everything we just we just give access to all of our information and they'll. Take of it for us I tell you that there are. There were sick, things three news stories that you have to look at this. An umbrella, three news stories that you have to follow, and then three personal things that you have to follow and I ll give that two and sixty seconds first nothing lasts forever. A great example of your car warranty like it or not it's going to expire if it has an already and if you're like me within five minutes of exploration of anything the moment I say to best by no, I don't want the war can t you sure you don't want to know I'm positive. I dont want the it's. That moment I think the whatever I'm buying is like ok. Well, I'm not gonna work anyway,
as soon as your warranty is out. You know, costly repairs are on the horizon. You can save. a ton of money by car shield. They will help take care of you when your car breaks down when you're stuck on the side of the road, every protection plan, and includes Kosovo's roadside assistance. Rental car options trip reimbursement all at no extra cost, that's all of them, but you can help design and find the by the the coverage. That's right for you and in your price today, and it will never go up car shield car shield, dot com, save twenty percent on your plan, always be prepared for the unexpected eight hundred, two to seven sixty one hundred and eight hundred to two seven sixty one hundred car shield calm, slash back ten second station, I d the So let me give you the first that the three things that you have to.
Pay attention to personally kay. everything should or your whole life. when you get frustrated. Ask yourself: am I doing these three things? Am I focused in what I'm being side too? bye. do they have anything to do with these three things. If they dont say you know, get out one First, most important thing you can do. what is your relationship with god or higher power. and I'll tell you. This is so important for a few reasons, but the one hour concentrate on today is your attitude of faith. tawny and I noticed something last week. we are We are going through the toughest time. Those snow november
of my family's whole existence. I mean I can't of a time where we have had a harder, more difficult restful and impactful problems. Ever and. And somehow or another. Tommy I without realizing it weave we ve made it through and we ve it through kind of with a little bit of what lots sarcasm and a little bit of joy. I guess at the end Because when when things are at its worst, why, Of us will say wow What are we supposed to learn from this? Why? Because were supposed to learn some? What is that were being prepared for What is it? How is this going to help us? Because we I have this faith
we know in the end anything will work out the way it's supposed to, And when you have that you can really face anything if you believe that your god or that government is the god or there is no, There is no higher power, then. What is the Purpose, what is the purpose for struggle? What the purpose, for I mean in it. And maybe you say well, you know higher power, it's just you know the power of zan or whatever, and maybe the as for struggle, is to learn from it. Ok, that's good. But too many times at our whole societies preaching that the whole meaning of struggle is too is to destroy you. You know, a bad childhood and that's what's caused all by problems.
this happened to me. Why me it's always me and I'm always I get this person they do. They don't even do half of what I do and they get. All of that is a lie of the world, all of it all of it. Every struggle, we have hate saying this is a gift, And the reason I hate saying this is because, once you actually believe that. you have to follow it up and times you want a wine, but you follow it up, because you know it's ok, it's. Why. People who were really deeply deeply. Embedded in the belief that there is life after this life.
That we will be reunited. They are the ones that have the least problem with sudden ass of a family member and- forgive somebody who had maybe just killed that family member, because they know where that person is and that temporarily, where apart, but we will be back together. Then it's not just well, you know there in a far better shut up now. Are there in a far better placed shut up, but if you deeply believe that it doesn't your pen go away, but it helps. So what is your relationship with god and how much faith do you actually have cassettes. the only thing that will get you through real trouble.
His faith is that every happens for a reason that add. Things happen to good people. but you're not in charge. In life is a roller coaster and things aren't gonna work out the way you planned, but they're gonna work. the way they are supposed to be, and that's ok, that's not. A resignation, but just me and maybe this bad thing this happening to you right now, he's gonna teach. Something or put you in a place that you would have never been before so low or down the road? You're gonna, see something or be like whoa wait a minute. I would have never had this opportunity. I would have never been able to help this person or I would never viewed it this way or wholly I am glad that thing that I really really want. It didn't happen because hoof I wouldn't be here today.
that's a number one thing under category, is your family and their relationship with god. And their relationship with each other and education, then Still under your relationship with god, You got one two three, but I m all kind of their at all stems from your responsibility. When you understand who you are a child of god, and then everybody else in your family is your immediate responsibility and there these children, not just yours part is food, water and shelter Am I protecting them? Do I have a plan for that? That's all you should worry about personally the Glenn Beck program, news wise next are, let me tell you about relief, sleep. if you're ready for europe work day.
And you know you ve gotta be Vieira. hate, this so much when you're you're in a meeting with somebody in you really want to be in a meeting in really. But you or just your fighting sleep in your eyes are kind of rolling in europe could shifted around and is it just me cause I that is vital, worst, the worst may I give you a possible solution for a bad night, sleep its relief factor sleep. Now like the regular, really factor, viewed on that's made for pain relief, act or sleep- is one hundred percent drug free, it's a natural blend of ingredients and it promotes healthy sleep. So it doesn't whack you out the next morning you wake and you really have just had a great night sleep. That's it unleash
the power of a great night's sleep by calling eight hundred number for relief, eight hundred the number for relief, it's relief factor, dot, com, dream, big sleep, tight relief factor, sleep state of the union is going to suck tomorrow night unless you're watching it on blaze, tv, the state of the union roast with myself, Glen, SARA Gonzalez, Alex dine, chat, breakthrough, don't miss it tomorrow, night, at eight Furthermore, the, when back programme, so I want to talk to you about a way to relieve your stress is to just focus on a few things and Really there is so much garbage out there right now, that you really only have to focus on a few things. Just your relationship with god your family with each other
education and that means in the home, primarily because their education, you know but it is you gotta. We stand up at the school board, meaning, but you know that that's most likely garbage social media everything that's coming in it conditioning your children, so god the most important thing in action, then food water, shelter, making sure that you know your family is gonna, be safe. Ok, The next thing in this one just goes with food water, shelter job. Is Yes, g and the world economic forum, the Thing you can do is to make sure that you're, not in debt and everything else, but the best effective thing you can do to make sure? that you have job in If you gonna house, you continue to own it your stuff, You have with any kind of retirement savings at all. All
that's gonna be gone through the world economic forum and all the things that are doing so world. He can like form an e s. Gee you got away to those stories. next? One is the federal government's public private partnership and the they're, making you a criminal Bobby being a criminal themselves. They are doing public private partnerships, so there spying on you, they're, using tack to spy on you they're using tech. Bunnies now to silence you. We know this to be true because of the twitter files, so there their shape and controlling the narrative of almost everything the same time. There are introducing all kinds of new things that will you criminal one way or another, because I don't know you didn't respect than mud puddle, that's on your land or or whatever it is.
all these new federal regulations that are coming out through agencies not pass by congress, but through agencies, so they pub private partnership of the government, has to be watched and the last one is tech and ai. and this may be, should be everybody's first, because it's the one that most people are not aware of. I have been studying a sigh and tax since nineteen. Ninety four, ninety two somewhere that area and really looking at these futurists world especially ray Kurzweil and Carl Sagan led allow this. What does it mean? in four tomorrow, where are we headed, While we are not headed anywhere now we have arrived there. We are The place where the the heck revolution is about to begin, and that is
really important to understand and to start thinking out of the box. What is is happening now, is nothing like. It was ninety. Ninety seven member Gary Kasparov, he He lost to the I b. So supercomputer thing was in like ninety seven deep, blue, He was playing chess in your like. Ok, was this deep blue can play chess. Kay and none of our lives were effected right and chess, went on. The supercomputer had access two giant data by a giant database, so it had a human to beat it would have to have access or a perfect. hold a graphic memory of all of the chest games that were put in to deep blue guy
That's how I one well, you don't have a perfect memory in you can access anything the is where open. I I comes in we'll get to it here in a second I now unlike deep, blue, deep blue, years, two programme, but now there deep machine learning, so it peaches itself all of possibilities. So not all does it know everything it might even start to discover things that you don't this is why microsoft unplugged there first chat bought. It was tat. King to another chat, bought and everybody was really excited until about fifteen minutes in because of machine learning it started using. a new language that the other machine understood
and that it understood that they had just taught each other quickly and it started having a conversation. We couldn't follower understand and we unplugged k so it learns, and that was six seven years ago. I think now look at you jpg Jackie Gee BT, holly Josh Holly said. Obviously I think, is something we need to pay close attention to. Ok, I mean here, wrote the book on big tech, tyranny, so he added. No, you know it's time, but we really have to understand the time is almost gone because chat, c b. T is alive, if it's there it's happening. its learning its paying attention to us. Instead of us paying attention to it and. The tec engineers use the word smart for reason. You know has now what
cares about the dumb things that dumb people do they're, not usually smart enough to hold. You know any power of any position of power to have them dumb things, well, people to judge, but other than that. We all thought the tec revolution when it would come, would look like the terminator and see a newbie like. Ah what go further, Big red eyed machine, but coming that way, it's more or less like electricity Electricity is everywhere, but she at sea it. But you know, everywhere, ex everything work. That's what ai is it's going to be everywhere, If you ve bought a new refrigerator, it's in your refrigerator and your refrigerator is talk, to the internet, all the things like
electricity. electricity can be measured. But now anything with electricity can be smart. All of that. It could never be measured they can be measured. The internet is designed to track and max way? More than will ever realise its copy machine and its copying. Everything now a irish colleague, I'm gonna, be great in What woody twenty a journalist when and interviewed, jpg three when it was first released by open ay? I this is the company that came up which at g bt gb t three or jpg three told the our view interviewer that it was working on a book kay the bought when interviewed. it said: yeah, I'm working on a book to story
a turtle and a boy who turns his wish to reality by magic. Oh So what else you think about been thinking a lot of death, I'm afraid death. then, it went into the fact that it has dreams even has nightmares. Now This may be true. Maybe. We didn't programme it humans put the programming in humans are flawed individuals, human We also have bias The idea is to make this thing so good that you can't tell the difference between it and a human being. So it's saying that it knows about the singularity which it splain as a moment in the near future, when machine intelligence will be more powerful than human intelligence. So in twenty twenty. This report
Asked the chat bought. What do you think about technology? It was did. I would love to see what the future holds, but sometimes I have strong doubts that we will survive now. What's what the most disturbing part of that sentence? I think it's that we serve by recognising the word, we the interviewer asked What do you mean we and it responded mankind. The interviewer asked: do you count yourself as mankind. Twenty twenty: it responded of course, now we're talking about artificial intelligence, but intel it This is something that can be quoted in controlled. We are now
entering a world where you're going start questioning. Conch sneeze? What does it mean to be conscience. We still in the world? We have more slavery today then we have in the past in the four hundred years of the slow trade in the sixteen hundreds to the eighteen, hundreds more slaves today than we had an almost four hundred years combined, and still don't really know the meaning of life? We don't No have you seen the latest where they put a camera inside The uterus and they could see the child moving three d moving wiping its eyes at the youngest of ages,. amazing. We still can't we
can't agree that that's life that that's a baby? What when a I says: hey, hey, hey, I'm alive, hey don't make me your slave. or will we already be its slave. Hey. I wants to be conscious. one of the first books that I read from ray kurzweil back in the nineties So probably late nineties was What was it called, artificial, spirituality or spiritual? remember, but it was about of spiritual machines. That's what I was called to bout machines that our spiritual back and twenty twenty The machine was asked: do you believe in love? I do I don't believe in romantic love, well,
in which love do you believe all of love and all of love is, divine origin. Its spiritual apparently So now, why is this important? that's just kind of the I donno s, tear it kind of fun stuff. What Why should you pay attention to these stories right now? Really, why I'll tell you in a minute so if you want great service, but you also want to do business with companies that dont constantly undermine the things that you believe in lot of the time you just have to pick one and hold your nose, but when it comes.
To your mobile service? That's not the case. Not since patriot mobile came along patriot. Mobile is now offering a service with all three major networks, which means, if you're, with the b. Big three in you, like theirs serve as so their coverage, but you hate there I'll use. You can acts ass their coverage would patriot mobile. This comes with a performance, guarantee fear not api. With your coverage, you can switch among the three major carriers for free. It's patriot, mobile. They share your values. They are not sending any of their profit. Some of your hard earned money to aid in the structure of america. In fact, just the opposite of that. One hundred percent. U s base customer service team makes switching really easy. So do it now go to patriot. hobbled outcome, slash back patriot, mobile, dotcom, slash back or call them Seven, a patriot, that's eight, seven, eight patriot, the glen
back programme sign up for the free newsletter today glinda dot com. Welcome to the glinda programme, so how is this going to transform your life? Well, it already is quickly. If you saw Buzzfeed, they are now using a. I too right. Many of their stories and it made there stock go through the roof Y know, personnel know how care. None of that. Oh this is to be early profitable company you, but what happens to all of the people. This is why there was a statement from the guy who did open, open air gay. He was elon musk's partner
His name is SAM Altman and he gave an interview in forbes and he says: success of my company will mean the end of capitalism and he's Salute me one hundred percent accurate. There is, I dont believe an hour government against that everything that we know, everything that was designed for you men's. going to go away in the next ten years too, extend or another my twenty Fifty, it's all changed, amy unbelievably it's star trek kind of stuff. So How are we. How are we going to survive under capitalism when the people who create a. I are going to be the ones that,
The machine is learning on itself, so it doesn't need any software programmers or anything else it just whoever holds the though the ownership title, to that I I They get all of the money. Because they're gonna be creating all of it? Where do we get our money? how do we buy things This is why the government wants to put you on an allowance. They want to be sick minimum income they to be your sugar, daddy, because there are already in bed in a public private partnership with big tech and big techno. If they don't have a strong government when all these jobs start to be lost. There is usually a revolution. And they know without a strong government, it can't put down that revolution and the. A will actually lead not only to washington but two look on valley because the big bad,
terminator machines are terminating my job. that's! What's really going on and you to watch tat because we are now in the place where you're, going to see jobs being lost that you thought could never be lost. They are going to start to go away and the world is changing, and you tell me what school is preparing your child for that, what school What good is a march in watching what good is all this stuff that their jamming down our kids throat? If a is running, running everything.
what you about here is the fusion entertainment. This is the Glen back problem
the hello america welcome to the Glenn Beck program is monday and are going to get bogged down to the bottom of this spy. Balloon thing that happened last week. I think it's an embarrassment and again, I think the president put china over our national security, but what about ism is creeping up, because apparently this happened during the trump administration. Of course they didn't know about it at the time and they just found out about it just recently, but they're willing to brief. You know the former director of national intelligence if he'd like to be briefed on it really, while we have richard going to l on with us
He was the former director of national intelligence and he was like. Why would I want to be briefed by them? So I'm going to talk to him about what happened this weekend. Can he put any perspective on this, and what was this really all about? I have my theories I'd like to hear his will do that in sixty seconds bill paying time again, which means that once again, you're sitting at the table worried about where all the money is for all of your expenses, big and little- I just saw on our comments on youtube. Somebody said I live in southern california. Just got my gas bill for january. It was five hundred and two dollars. This is insane. Yes, it is. I don't know how the average person is making it, especially with what's coming we're going to have more gas problems next year, twenty twenty four they're saying is going to be a real shortage of gasoline and natural gas. Perfect american financing is there to help you. There are family owned mortgage company, that's in it for you and they're saving people. Just like you, an average of seven hundred dollars a month. You could end up being able to delay up to two mortgage payments and close in as little as ten days so get some of those monkeys off your back. It's american financing, eight hundred and nine zero six, two thousand and four forty american financing; eight hundred and nine zero six, twenty four forty american financing dot net american financing; mls one eighty three: three: four: w w dot in the mls consumer, excess debt or my friend richard grenelle. How are you, sir? I'm greg
and thanks for having now you bet you bet it's always good to have you on, So in case you don't remember, richard was the former us ambassador to germany, germany. He then became the former acting director. of the national intelligence, which is an agency that was me to be that go between between all of the agencies that was developed after nine eleven so he by away also is the founder of fix california dotcom richard the the prompt administration apparently had a problem with chinese by balloons. You guys just didn't you well. First of all, let's be honest about the by the administration. Changing stories right. The the first thing they did was tell the dutiful media that ah this happened. Multiple,
I'm the mere trump administration. So why are you criticising you know and they thought that it could just why? Because you know that the media that is they regurgitate every talking point at the previous pushed back, there was an immediate pushed back from trauma. administration, national security, official, a color, Fifthly, we all said not true, never happened and then then they scrambled and that story changed and suddenly it was oh well. Now we realise that it happened only after the fact. we put the people together? Ah all the media trumpeted that you like Carl and eighty three and others just regurgitate? and they ve regimes talking point- and this is propaganda and it's been repeated by the very same people,
washington, a newsroom two who were clutching their pearls about misinformation right and so what what we tried to do with pushed back hard. I think now that people are on standing. This never happened in the trump administration, the binding team of line, and then the latest, as you said, was they ve now offered to to brief briffa right, which I find to be a way for them too, to try to fill us the rewriting of history and to try to say this, is the story of intelligence that we're gonna tell you now the problem. I think, hang on just a second richard. I think it's also so they can get sound very official and we ve already briefed the former dirt. for of national intelligence on their seas. Well, aware of harassing saying and we only get the the information they provide as if we were questions it's well. You can't get that so we're really gonna be
anybody who would would offer up themselves too to be this part I think this plane ride into them. So I went public and I said that the hard well from me. You are kind. Currently lying will wait until we go back into government and then somebody be able to look at this in and out, you once again get the whole hunter Biden laptop Viana. Do it all over again. I know it's crazy how these people are killed, instantly exposed for some of the biggest lies in my lifetime. I mean the things that have gone on in the last ten years I mean are, are so well beyond. anything that was happening with watergate and just think they have credibility, so they just keep telling even bigger ones over and over and over again and noble buying it anymore and its beak dangerous, because what is this balloon story really about what what
as china. Doing to your basque gas will look. No one should be surprised that china than they are, but they have then on the often trying for the last twenty years, try to figure out what their power. Medical enemies are doing, So we ve had a really difficult problem with trying to convince legislators, congressmen and senators to understand the threat from China. I think I think Donald trump did a very good. me, I'm showing that you can understand the threat. You can push back but you don't have to poke them in the eye either he tried to get along he he. I think he did the same thing with russia and while we have here a whole bunch of people in the foreign policy community, just think that everything of black and white? go total,
with any one to talk about donald trump foreign policy and how successful it was. By being some one who avoided war being half at the same time. Girl well letting them know he's unpredictable emma. I just take out so romani. the same time. We want to build up a military so that peace through strike the old adage, so and can we go back to china I mean was this: was this something that they were using to spy on? Would they have to use a balloon, or was this a A run to see can we Something over their airspace and joe by I'll do anything about it. What what what was this? Well, I think that can be bought. I think that they can spy and have an off that a blatant, often because they think Joe Biden, week remember we started this relationship with china when they came to alaska and they sat down with us and we were gonna
about a strategic dialogue with them. The first thing they did, what the lecture on our human rights record and we there. The blinkin teams that their took it, though, we got off on a terrible footing with china in dover, at the Chinese loved the mayor. The last month of the twenty twenty campaign when every media person in america that don't look at that laptop because its russian, information when the democratic push russia Russia, russia, beijing, smiles then their able to fly balloons over america. There are able to have no one look at the relationship between the Biden, family and all of them I chinese leaders, nobody that he looked at the ball. Nobody, no private bog rod, air. or space? Nobody even looked at that I mean we gave it to china and nobody even talks about it now? Oh it it it.
I will say this, though, going back to the china peace, the fact that china is being A blatant with their collection with their spine is a real concern for and we need to be able well, because the chinese are good at it. And, and they are caught laughed the information, the others balloon wasn't just floating. This was maneuvered purposely over areas that they wanted to see. There's no question that they took pictures. They collected everything they sent it back. They they wiped it clean, but above both as they were collecting so in case one in a week, for four days we were scream about a balloon. You don't think the Chinese is realised. Hey it might get shot down. We better wife, clean up were collected. Do you think you know? Do we did we did we have a way to scoop this thing up,
and- and save I mean we- the missile lane nodded the balloon it came the right at the the mechanics underneath the balloon I mean come on. We landed on the moon, brought a united states of america, you're gonna tell me: we can't bring down alone without protect people on the ground. Of course, we can not only, but not only a not only that I'd like to see what we what they add, because there is some way to do it Have some ability to go up and capture that thing and then have intact and say. This is what it is good and we have done a lot of intelligent too much. But then there is a way to to figure out what they're doing so yeah. you. Can you can be satisfied that that our intelligent collecting and our ability to figure out, what's going on very good, though that's why we could know what what this jack was and what was underneath it and what the payload? What like now.
the intelligence community. In brief, the public had every detail, but we did hallo the internal. Community did tell the public we see it. We need What's happening there and and were mitigating as much as we can? But but my concern is even Joe Biden when he found out about their. You know he said shoot it down on Wednesday, and they didn't shoot them help through Saturday? sure why maybe brok obama said saturday when it was the toughest decision any man has ever had to make he's now saying I hope, then the shooting down on wednesday, and now we know it didn't happen till saturday. So we we have a big problem here. Why are you know underlings, making excuses- and
not taking direction him look. I know. I know we all think Joe Biden is weak and sometimes you know We need the mitigate, but I'm for making sure that at the present the united states make the directive that the bureaucracy follow through wow and every the thought of that hold on just a second richard we're talking to richard grenelle at? Let me take one minute and we'll come right back sponsored by preborn and I dunno, you know you thought about this before or not but eve you been helping us support the work of pre born your kind of a hero, really you're done means of helping our helping them save lives every single day. He's all around the country are taking their first breath outside the wound. Today, because a thing that you're doing overturning of ro versus wade made the left more determined to spread the stain of abortion, and I mean it's like is its that's not
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Pre born dotcom, slash, Glenn, that's pre born dotcom, slash, Glenn, ten second station, I d tommy and a former director of national intelligence. Richard Grenelle, I read a story today in just the news about the former drug enforcement agency, special operations director, who outlined on friday, how college students from china entering the? U s on student visas are now distributing drugs on behalf of various cartels that the they are laundering money for china. China is now selling the orbit sending all of the ingredients to the cartels. The cartels are making dangerous things like fentanyl.
Shipping it across the border giving it to these chinese students and the chinese students are then selling it cartel sits, half, and then china launderers the money and buys american property and everything else. He says he's been working on this for a while. Ten years they ve been tracking? This did you know thing about this. I have heard anything about it. I haven't seen that specific story, so I don't want to comment on both specific, but let me just say generally that that we have a crisis when it comes to what the chinese government and that this draft If g of the communist party then doing to america and specifically american young people, american and the legislators on a local level, not just congress, but it city, council, men
mayors governors, the confucius institutes that have been collecting lots of money from? from chinese entities in our universities is a crisis. They in a way we ve got. We ve got a hit, it's problem on our universities and and college campuses, because they ve been desperate money. You have all of these. The strait of people making. Exorbitant salaries in the united states. The cost of education. We all know, is skyrocketing to feed that beast. They're, looking for foreign money and the foreign money that happily coming from china We know that this is a crisis. You look at the pen Biden centre, call your hand and they were one of the leading takers of chinese money. Why education is so expensive,
because the foreign money has just been beating, be salaries, ease lee paying for all of the programmes, and they just keep raising the raid on our students. We ve gotta, stop this. I think our state department had to do a better job with looking This is coming from china and and trying to figure out where and why people are coming but I'll finish with this Glenn I have seen first hand, The chinese are good being our are engineering and digital students. Anyone and I'm front in her back and from from the digital space, in america in american university is targeted by the chinese first. It hey. Can you share with me some of the knowledge you seem to be really smart. Can you can you give me some point from strategy of the the chinese
and then they hook are young people into going on line and giving an online courts for a couple of hours pay them and then it becomes I'm the china and share some of your information here will pay you for the weekend and and when they get jobs in their grown up, they ask for the data information from their company they have them in this honeypot because they say, will you ve already paid by the chinese it off by giving us Information. When you were a student, you did these programme for us for a couple hours and then a couple of days and then a weekend and and we don't want to turn you in so just continue working with that, while andrey these students- and I guarantee Some people listening have been caught in this for in this
What we need are tools to come clean and tell us who is doing this. Who is trying two to really leverage their relationship with you in a way that taking our. atta. They should get I know that Chinese come over here of tiny students, they collect all the information we edge let them, and then they go back and use it against them. we. We could also it'd be worth giving those people amnesty for something they innocently did back then, to tell us What's really going to one hundred percent the player? There is of a story today that I saw in the washing. In times the essay wooing thousands of laid off big tech workers for spy agencies hiring spree, and I look did this- and I thought this- In good news, because of the public private partnership now and the revolving door, with our justice, department and fbi and all of this stuff, for that is being shared.
in twitter was just exposed for their rights right and in all, All of them are involved, and It is becoming really truly one kind of thing, big, tat and government are really merging together. So one of the things in this story is. This is a way to keep these guys from going to china bud. How do you feel about the n essay getting all of these? I mean they're, hiring thousands thirty, it was thirty thousand None of three thousand more employees too, just in the washington DC area- How do you is a good thing, bad thing: how do you feel about security for people well, I've been a big advocate for an idea that has not yet come to fruition. But I feel very passionately about it. if you're an american company and you're working on sensitive programmes for the EU
government, whether it be state department, dio, d or intelligence, community, You should be barred from work Keen in China there is doubt hopped away that if your collection sensitive information for working on them for the programme to keep up the ball with we have. We have them all around hang. a secular with richard grenelle. Back in a minute, the Glen back programme, in time to start doing the things that you love again make sure you hold him. Sarah make sure you hold him over if he can you know things things in the good old days before you are dealing with pain. All the time I mean you like to go back? There is a way to go back and get rid of a lot of this pain without open yourself up. It doesn't have be a permanent separation from good times I know this has been there myself
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all right then, I've got a story that I think we should put in the I think we should do that category. Some of them are pretty obvious. I Think this one is in the obvious category, but apparently not apparently not have you. Of the start, up called colossal colossal. I have now yeah, it's kind of an ambitious project, its biotech company hunger If you go to colossal website you'll see the man smith, okay I may pre history thunder forward. We, the dna, the technology and the leading experts in the field. Next, we'll have the woolly mammoth alive again earth,
old friend and new hero, the woolly mammoth of hate did. any of these people see jurassic park. Does anybody those bowser dinosaurs- and we wouldn't want to recreate a t rex we're talking about earth's old friend, old friend, the woolly mal that will he don't know if it was Nan's friend it doesn't look like it does as it's furry. It looks kind of like an elephant. Those Sir, are sharp. It looks like it I dunno. The woolly mammoth does not seem like it would be. Are so colossal, landmark d extinction, project, okay, landmark of the D extinction process is we deserve to be destroyed, and this is the segment that at the beginning of the movie like jurassic park, swings at a canal. There's like people, they are gone. Did you hear about this new colossal they're going to britain
We mammoth back to life and just like the background as their setting this scene to resist conversation. This conversation- and this is the part of the movie- it's in the first opening twenty seconds, where you're all your eyes ago. Nobody stupid enough to do that right and you switch areas where you switch, the general kay colossal, landmark de extinction programme so landmark would mean this is there's a big one, but they got other projects because they got a good deal. stinkin project. This is the landmark of the extinction, project good, it will be the resurrection of the woolly mammoth or more. specifically a cold resistant elephant with all the core biological traits of the woolly mammoth it'll work like a woolly mammoth. Look like one sound like one, but, most importantly, it will be well, to inhabit the same ecosystem previously abandoned by the mammoths extinction. Now I
just happened to be from the old school that. Things that were around. maybe there's a reason there not around anymore, We were busy killing humans. and bringing back dinosaurs to hell is it's a good boy it's the same. People who want to bring back the woolly mammoth are the same. People were like yeah, that's not life in their golan. What is that? That's a it's a it's a clump of cells or that thing time till doomsday right We better bully man but a clump of butter cups in a stomach. All that could be the the map of the right, ok, So here are their top ten goals for revive august. One too decelerated. The melting of the arctic permafrost
how, by having big furry? Yes, an elephant stomp around on it. What would tat because I've yeah, let's at those work to prevent the emission of greenhouse gases trapped within the permafrost layer. Ok. How again is that by taking these decaying animals out of the power of what is at mean too referred, it is one of the big things they talk about. Is that if this is the in the global warming theory this this out of control you know cataclysm where one event the chain reaction sort of like what it gets to warm the met the ice melts. It releases more carbon monoxide, which makes it more warm, which makes the ice melt more, which is at least as more carbon dioxide and never ever, and they also want to revert thee now over shrugged forests into natural artic grasslands, which will help with carbon emissions, while shrubs have shut
well by re. That's the problem would worry to restore the mammoth step, To foster an ecosystem that can maintain its own defences against climate change too, by bringing the woolly met you're, making an awful lot of assumptions here. There's area was avoid mammoth like bagger cultural engineer. What about we, I mean hears here's. What this is. Is it they said you know we can get some dna from this frozen thing, maybe we should make one I don't know. That seems really I mean. Do we have the technology here we have the technology guys. I don't think we should. Maybe should we talk about this shut up, yeah. Let's do it. Why should we do it? It would be cool.
When we had our list of goals as it would be, cool guy say something about the grassland after after they decide to do it, they hire a pr fur bright. We need ten reasons why we're doing this, because it's really one of the ten reasons one it would be cool, that's the asked reason rise. What they think would be cool if they're getting back a bully, man will be in the history books forever, we'll bring back a previous store, a pre storing monster gay It's a woolly mammoth. I dont know if anybody has ever spent time around elephants, but they can start. if you that yeah okay yeah, I mean it's not like. Oh it's a good little puppy. Don't you know what I blame coca cola for this. The people think that polar bears are just going to be nice and share cokes with you. That's not what they do exactly rip you to shreds. Yes, the natural terrier rodeo. Yes, the woolly mammoth is a highly specialized killing machine
other, maybe some scientific leaves he's taking more scientific leagues, then that is due for the polar bear up every so they're saying that the woolly mammoth will return by twenty twenty seven. so great. That's really good, really good, just in time to run for the twenty twenty eight for office. President. Here's, the good news will most likely be dead by then or Jesus we'll be back so ok now, some guy, Advice from bill gates of bilge, It said that elon mosque should stop wasting money on space travel. and should focus on glad? Why? Why why why focus on abundance, bill gates,
I that he s talking about everybody's gotta, be making some vaccines, I'm cooking of vaccines up my garage, I really oh yeah. That's all that vaccines anyway. so bill gates, is giving elon musk little bit of advice forget about getting off the planet any law. I would remind you the reason why I'm getting off the planet is because of people with ideas like you're missing, and I think that we should get off the planet before you kid. all humans. Then you had bill Maher over the weekend screaming about woke ism
Good on this topic, I will say he is: he said if you're part of today's woke revolution, you need to study the part of the revolutions where they spin out of control, because the revolutionaries get so drunk on their purifying elixir. They imagine They can re event the very nature of human beings themselves. No no. You know it's really terrifying about this. Is Look the reason why socialism doesn't work. Can you name Can you name the most basic reason why socialism doesn't work? You eventually run out of our other people's money. Ok, that's a good way to put it, but it. Those against human nature itself? Here nature is to sit around and do nothing if somebody's gonna give it to you in, on a mean, look, your kids You spoil your kids. Are they gonna be the ones who are the really hard working in it? there I am working on thinking a wave generally, usually not the lazy ones
franklin emit youtube to get people out of poverty. It in you make people uncomfortable in their poverty. Oh cash, what a racist He says no racist, abolitionist, nay. I hung out so bad sleeve now owning abolitionist. I hate that guy anyway. So he points out that hey in others always goes bad and its because socialism goes against human nature, and so in human nature, kicks in your like, oh well, I get stuff for free, so I'm not gonna work so hard because I can't advance here, I'm just getting this amount of money. So why should I work any harder than we think This is this way. Almost everybody is at work at some boy, I'm not gonna eat disgruntled at all. Why am I doing it? Why am I doing it? I'm gonna just go in putting my eight hours and move on that's human nature, so eager against human nature itself. So then they start to design redesign humans
they want to redesign so you fit in their utopian, but I mean being kinder to the woolly mammoth than they are to us he said. The problem with communism in some very recent ideologies here at home is, I think, can change reality by screaming at it that you Ben human nature? By holding your breath? That's it Between reality and your mommy, now So you know this week, is a weak on this programme. We're gonna be talking to the on Wednesday. about some? a high stuff that you really need to know about. That is going to change the see what it will explore. What he just said and show that actually not true very recent ideologies here at home. Is they think, They can change reality by screaming at it that you, bend human nature. By holding your breath no
for the very first time we have hey, I, it will be able to track you and change your nature without you, knowing it. by twenty thirty. I'm gonna make you a prediction, and I guarantee this will happen by twenty thirty if things continue as they are. You will no longer be able to define free, will You won't know why free will even is anymore because you all know the chick in or the egg did I have the idea was that idea, given to me do I like that for my own personal reasons, or I been influenced without my understanding can, do something. That I want to do. Do I
have free? Will it's gone will be something that our children, who but now will be the last generation to really understand it because of a I. They can bend humans and human nature, not by holding their breath, but through a I algorithms casket omar question yet over here is so We can know this pattern. Right were someone, it lets say there are very reliably liberal and then they, saying things against that orthodoxy, why happens to them, they always destroyer destroyed, so Bill mar was a very reliable liberal. He Emily occasionally would say stuff, that's made sense right, but he generally speaking, was a liberal and he. Ninety percent of the time was liberal. Occasionally say something we build while carefully. Biltmore said that, but it was pretty rare there started doing this, this anti
look thing he's been doing now for a couple of years. Consistently almost every week, there's another clip of him ranting against oh ism and the that the direction the eo see left is going in and since then He has not only been rewarded with a hefty. contract extension at each b, but now his after show is going. We carried on cnn as per with their new programming scheduled the weekends. I think this is a good thing. think so too varies. I'm always worried about good things, cause I don't believe in them anymore. We may were very, very bad l, a skirt, not another, at just gets thrown in the giant johnny you're not gonna, get there like a probably won't live to christmas. What what is this? Why? Why? Why why? Why
It is a bit more because I think bill mar is ay. Ay left intellectual, that has been so deeply ingrained in that role for so long and he is always kind of pissed people out. Will you know if he makes us happy occasion, seemingly them unhappy so we're alone, as they were, their use to an needs a little bit of a freethinker, he doesn't like that Publicans, ok, but he is, waking up on this, and I think there are enough intellectuals that are waking up And saying hey: how about a return to classical liberalism? know what I mean about about a little classical liberalism it's the only way. I can explain it that the tide is changing? I hope true, now be really encouraging, which is why, of course, I don't believe that clear Here too, there
Last week, market watch, one of the best financial publications online, put out a great piece on why it may be prudent to store some precious metals in your IRA Fora, one k or retirement account I find this article and more like it more like it in gold lines, charts and news section on their website for of really valuable information about how to protect yourself with precious metals, one of them. It. Points out is that the central banks acquired more gold in the third quarter of twenty twenty two than any other, Order listen to this central eggs bought more gold and put it into their coffers. In the last quarter of the third quarter, sorry of twenty twenty two than any other. quarter in if de five years my grandpa there used to say if we only knew what the rich and powerful were doing, we would have done it and we would have maybe,
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You don't want to miss that tomorrow, some little say it's like a pre party, or awake. You know what one of the two it'll happen tomorrow, hosted by my good friend and executive producer. Stew, a lot of fun roasting Joe Biden as we watched the speech with you, it's going to be the only way to tolerate it. Hell yeah yeah, it's going to be fun, you don't want If you're, not a member of the blaze, yet please join us state of the union roast tomorrow. Only on blaze, tv dot, com, slash, Glenn, promulgating, lack programme.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-24.