« The Glenn Beck Program

'Phony Outrage and the Human Condition'? - 6/19/18

2018-06-19 | 🔗
Hour 1 Walls, walls, walls: We're all surrounded by walls...Deeply emotionally disturbing...Sen. Ted Cruz proposes sensible legislation to keep immigrant families together...enforcing the laws already on the books ...Trade war with China in full effect...Tariffs = Hidden Tax on You...buying things won't be same...prices are going up...Zero sum game and free trade?      Hour 2  Are you an abolitionist?...Furthering Abraham Lincoln's work? ...Ryan Mauro, director of Clarion Intelligence Network...Jihadi Cult Member Files to Run for Congress...who is 'Jamaat ul-Fuqra'?...a 'jihadi cult'...what makes the group a danger to the U.S.?...Gregory 'Shoaib' Jones is running for Congress in Alaska...admitted member of Muslims of America (MOA) ...22 Jihadi Wacos, ready and waiting? ...9 Rules From Chris Pratt...'don't be a turd' and 'God is real' ...The power of a sense of humor?     Hour 3 Pope Francis = The Obama of Catholicism no more? ...Significance of June 19th (Juneteenth) ...Alan Lowe, executive director at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, joins Glenn again to discuss keeping Lincoln's mission going...Help preserve America's precious historical collections...54Lincoln.org ...Tariffs and the 'Roger and Me' caller?...empathy (credibility) then and now

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand. Glenn Beck, I can picture it now. Thousands of years ago Quinn, she hung the first emperor of China's ten before hordes of his followers. Qin dynasty, bright, red bamboo, had on chanting build that wall. It took centuries to build that thing, but he got built. And it has been carefully maintained over the last two thousand years, but today the great wall of China is so massive that astronauts can see it in good weather conditions from space. The wall boasts over three one thousand miles of towers and brick and base embankments, or one thousand two hundred miles of natural defensive barriers, slaves
buried within the wall. It's all worth mentioning that the chinese government is also exceptionally good at imposing digital walls, so much so that China ranks the worst in the world for internet freedom because they need a wall between free press, free dialogue and their people. So it's a little strange to be lectured by uh editorial run by a major chinese network in in China, criticizing us and President Trump for his proposal to build a large wall along the southern border of America, quote following the path of expanding and opening up. It's it. It's China, it's best response to the trade dispute between China and the United States. He is also the responsibility that major countries could have to the world.
The wise man builds bridges, the fools build walls, and the Pope also in two thousand and sixteen said a person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be, and not building bridges is not christian. This is not the gospel. Well, I've been to the Vatican, your papacy, penis and you're, surrounded by an enormous wall. I don't know if you noticed that same This is for all the celebrities who live in heavily walled compounds. It's a say, if the measure bye. You know. What's strange, is all of those people keep criticizing the plan to build a wall. Do you know the old adage people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones yeah. Yeah, perhaps the stone thing maybe revamp just a little bit: don't throw stones at people who want to build walls when you live,
surrounded by walls it's Tuesday June 19th. This is the Glenn Beck program. There are three things that we have to talk about when it comes to the border we need to first address the emotional issue of it. If we don't address the emotional issue, then we will continue to do what we always do and that is lose. The argument because what's thing on the border is deeply emotional and deeply disturbing has been when I is there in twenty fourteen. It was deeply emotional and disturbing. I bet
the media to pay attention. They didn't. I want to play some audio. Do we have the audio stew yet of the The children cry behind the wall?. We need to play the we need to play this audio because it's in listing what they are saying or everybody is playing this very, very emotional, audio of the kids crying one looking for his dad, the other looking for his aunt. But if you listen to what the kid is saying who is looking for his aunt, he says dad said that when he had got here, you just tell them the name of your aunt and she will come and pick you up. That's interesting. See when I went down to the wall in twenty fourteen,
some things, I'd never forget. We talked about how this is a very emotional issue and we have to take care of these kids. We have to beat them with respect we to see them as kids, who are being used, they're being used by politicians. There used being used now for props for the media, there are also being used, some of them by drug lords. The families are being destroyed by drug lords. At a time when you could come across the border and say anything under Obama, why is that they were still using not the bridge, but when we we there, they were still using the river. Why? Where they coming across that way, when you could, you is the bridge and just say whatever it was. Obama said you had to say, and
you could get in, because the drug lords we're playing on these families. They were, they were. They were pray. Ready for the wolves to come and eat them at night, any of them would come either without their parents or of their parents would be left behind to do work for the drug Lord and then, when their family got into a position, they would be as to help them on a few projects. Here in America,. They roped them in to a life crime. These kids in these families have been used and abused. And they are being used and abused again by the media. The only way, the only reason why I say this is because it's true.
Because we were there when it was the air president who is in the oval office and he didn't care now, some of us care some of us cared then and care now. Some unfortunately don't but the worst are they ones who only care when it further their political agenda. It's truly outrageous, truly, truly dark and sinister. You know it was almost impossible to get people to go to Mcallen TX. When I went to Mcallen Texas in twenty fourteen twenty fifteen, it was almost impossible to get anybody to go now. Nobody in the media had any interest at all. We begged we called,
we said: hey. Would you would anybody like to cover this? This is a pretty big deal. Is all the people that you say are haters going down and helping the kids that you have just abandoned and once we got there and found out what was going on, we then reached out again and said these kids are being separated not just from their parents. But they're being separated by age, so they come as brother and sister and one is nine. One is seven there, no longer in the same cage, Mickey one was just too far away: it was too remote, it was just too difficult and they had absolutely no interest. So please to the media, save your outrage and the listener in the average American.
Do not get wound up by the media they playing into your diction for outrage. People want to be outraged by something, don't do it says not out rages. The only thing that is outrageous here is how they are using these children. This virtue signalling, is sick. It's psychopathic. So the first thing we have to talk about is the emotional issue, and that is the families are being broken up. Now the other side of that.
Is we don't know if all of these parents are parents of the kids? We have to have a system that somehow or another tells us that we do have a system. It's a system of Passports, if you don't want to use the system of passports, then we have to take your word that that child is yours. Would you feel comfortable with our country? just saying to you, as it is sin as you we're crossing the border. Oh yeah, this is this. Is my kid use we're flying to another country? Oh yeah yep. This is my kid. Don't worry about it. Would you be comfort rible how many of our children could be kidnapped and taken a cross? The border never ever to be seen again if he didn't have a system of passports, and I did
application that we insist on to protect our children. Why are we not doing this for these children? Why? Why do we just think that we should take somebody's word? What are all of these children? There's no bad guys coming across the border that are just using taking Lilburn selling them picking in them. Nobody is doing that. All of these children belong to the parents, because those that dad or that Tom or that mom and dad, of course, we can't question them. I remember the whole house told of what monsters that we're live in California who using their children in the basement.
You see this isn't a hispanic thing. This is a human thing. Even the parents can be bad. But let's have a system to where we know at least those kids do belong to the parents. No, no! No! The media doesn't want that. The left doesn't want that. It's a free for all. Well, though, don't cry when there is chaos, don't cry when children are hurt, at least don't cry to me. There are some of us who would actually like to fix this abomination. Some of us who have cared about these children for years.
So they're separated by their parents what about the two and seventy that are coming across the border? Now without parents? What about those kids? What about the kids who have good parents and because we have said we don't care about the borders, they just put their kids on top of a death trap and they send their kids here to America completely alone. Now that sounds now that sounds safe. That sounds totally safe. It sounds like the right thing to do. It's sounds like the right thing to do: not the parents, I understand the parents. If my kids were true. Captain poverty, trapped, ignorance had no chance of getting out of a class system. No chance to work their way out. I would
everything I could to get my kids to America. If America said they didn't care, I would go Mikey. I would do everything I could. I would want my kids with me. But I'm not in their situation and there are you. So because we have been saying, we don't really care about our borders and we make it porous. We make it easy for drug cartels too. Use these people. Because we don't care about the colonias, how long
Is it going to be before they started talking about the colonias? Will they ever now that Gayle King is found a plane ticket and a satellite truck down to Mcallen? Do you think she'll even find the colonias nope? Do you think she even knows about them? Nope! Do you all about them. It's slavery on this side of the border, slavery. So there's the emotional part. The second thing to do is to not. Feed into their outrage find the healthy outrage that you need to actually fix the problem to look at the pro and fix it. So how do we do that? We'll talk about that
next, so the big thing that really want to talk to you about that nobody is, is the the trade tariffs is a nightmare, especially with what's happening with the FED, what's happening with China, what's happening with the global economy, economy and our exploding debt, it all were together, and now we are looking at what is it another total of five one hundred billion dollars in in a tariff against
a couple? One hundred billion plus the retaliation thus expected, will get us near five hundred billion, which would be almost all of the trade when did not well yeah yeah. That's it's a big, it's a big chunk of it, and that will start. I mean the only way to get there so start really hammering consumer goods, so the yeah. This is a tax. This is a tax. This is a five one hundred billion dollar tax increase on you, that's what it is and it doesn't work and it's really bad and if we don't turn around quickly, it's going to crush our economy. So now, what do you do? Well, I would suggest you look into cryptocurrencies now Crypto's are getting a beating right now this week, we're going to have ticket to worry on with us. It's a good week for that, because I think you to a point where you're a little you get a little freaked out about it. People are wondering whether it's going to pop back up it's still up. You know what six seven one hundred percent since
we're talking about. I talked to Tika and he said whatever you do, do not pull it out and he had a really good explanation on then. I asked him to come on the show anyway, he's a guy who has taught us about group, does and and spit together a smart crypto corsets Mark Crypto course dot com. This teaches you. What blockchain is teaches you why crypto currencies are the future and and and helps you understand how to invest? Why to invest? Why not too, it's smart crypto course dot com or you can call eighty seven open, Pbl back. That's eight hundred and seventy seven Pbl back smartcryptocourse dot com. Alright, so there's a couple of things that we can do if we're talking about the border
we can immediately give the parents a choice, go back home and you can have your kids that we can implement two day. Go back home and we can send you home with your kids now Some of them are crying for amnesty. Some of those are real. Some of those are not I'm sure. Ted Cruz has announced a plan, and I think it is a plan that actually works. Yeah. You saying double the number number of federal immigration judges from three five to seven hundred and fifty authorized new temporary shelter, with accommodations to keep families together, Mandy that illegal immigrant families must be kept together, absent, aggravated criminal conduct or threat to children and provide for x. Rated, processing and review of asylum cases so that within fourteen days those who meet the legal standards will be granted asylum in those who do not will be immediately returned to their home countries. That's that's It has to be done.
The problem is, is we don't have the court system that can handle this influx? And we do? Is we hand? People you know, is certificate and say: hey come back to court and you know six months and they never come back, so you have to hold them. You hold them for a trial. We have a judge, listen to their case. Let m stay together as a family, while they're here treat them with specs treat them like human beings and in them home that how you do it now? There's nothing really to be outraged about on that. So it probably won't happen because everybody raises money. Call we're under attack by the Democrats give us money. Oh they're, hurting children give us money. This is just fix the problem, but how many people are interested in that,
but I don't know the interesting, probably not enough it no one seems to be putting the other side of this. To those who are upset about this separation of children, I mean know. What they're arguing for is a return to the old standard was, which is to just let everyone go parent shall go inside the border and then ask them to come back in a few months and for hearing that they'll never show up at that's the opportunity unless you change the law back in a minute. I'm really sorry that I missed yesterday's broadcast. You had the of how to break up with your phone on yeah Kathleen Price, and I have been waiting to talk to her because we are just addicted. We addicted to out Beijing where Dick addicted to her phone jack. Prince of that what is now the average that people use their phone it's for hour.
This is an invention that started ten. You to go again eleven years ago with the Iphone in two thousand and seven a smartphone, and that is about one quarter of our awake time that we've given to it give a brand new invention, a quarter of our lives and no one's really noticing. I mean people really. I mean like it's getting to the point where I think it really is affecting people's lives. And I don't think in a positive way. Very very rarely do I'm like wow, I'm glad. I spent that last half hour on that phone, like that almost never happens so yeah, I don't like it, I don't I don't you know, I don't have a phone, but I do have an Ipad and I use it all the time yeah you should be. She recommended a couple of apps that track this and I'm I'm terrified about what is going to tell me about myself, but it's it tells you how the app I get. One of them is called moment for the Ipad, Iphone moment and what it does it just so far,
Just started it yesterday I had to install it, though it tells you how long you're actively using your phone, so not if you're on the unlike making a call doesn't count that if you're listening to a podcast with the screen off doesn't count that, but if you're at looking at the phone tracks that and also how many times you pick it up and activate it, which that one I'm terrified about, because I mean I check it a lot, but that usually for short periods. I can't even imagine what that's going to tell me after a week or two of doing this. It's going to be terrifying so you should review it on your phone. I loved. I don't know if I want hello, might want to see it. It's terrible ad, it's better and she said that the reason she started with it is she has a she had a newborn and she was flipping through like Ebay, and she looks and her newborn realized that her newborn was looking up at her mom. You know trying, connect with her mom and she was just staring at some stupid auction for antique door knobs.
What are we prioritizing here? We're making really strange decisions, and I don't know- we've actually thought about it. You is talk about like making principal decisions, think about the decision before you have to make it right and don't think we're doing that with our devices. No especially with the technology that is coming our way. Yeah it's going get I mean, nothing compared to what you've talked about it, which is right around the corner, with artificial intelligence and in all of those developments not prepared at all. No, we are not now. No we're not. You know, things I noticed this weekend is the lack of phones in people's hands. I didn't see people in the museum here with phones in their hands. I mean I saw him take pictures, but I saw no one, no known one of the phone taking pictures of the stuff, or maybe they had the tour phone was. You could use it as a tour guide. Basically, they had a little app in there, but that was it you're right but like I'm, going check twitter yeah, nobody was standing off of the side. You know how People
you're doing this, families will be together. There's always somebody that's kind of behind this. Just looking at the phone, usually the kids didn't happen this weekend, just really That shows how much nice was, people were so into it and they came from so far as we had people from all. For the country. Thank you so much for coming going to be making an announcement of something we're going to be doing in February. Have you heard. I don't know we have on on Sunday night. I was sitting in my office with Alan in the guys from from the Lincoln Museum, and they said what do you? What would you think about doing something in February together? And I said what do you have in mind and they said well, you know it's his birthday, but it's also black history month. I said yeah and they said what, if we bring uh,
for cool stuff down here and you do it down here. Thank do people say notice, okay, how great with people from the Lincoln reason they were eight fantastic Allen, real awesome that, but they were just so they were so helpful and so they just cared about people, understanding the history and seeing it they are really. You know they were here Saturday, four or was it Friday. I think where we were king about the Nazarene Funding and that the work that we're doing with freeing slaves. We have some pretty amazing announcements to make here in the next few weeks, but we had a a dinner spell dinner just for that to raise money for it and they were there and- and that I think, is what really took them. They were like. That's that's Abraham Lincoln's legacy, freeing slaves. We've got to get more people to understand that slaves are still. You know in
chains and we going to free them, and I I was just really excited they were they do they do they're, not just they're, not just history, people they're their there they're all there, the Lincoln Museum, because it means something yeah. You know the legacy of Lincoln. So it give you more on that as we go, we we really need to talk about the trade war in a couple of ways tonight at five o'clock, I'm want to be telling you exactly how a trade war works. Why it's really really bad. Why it's particularly bad right now, some of the history of trade wars, but We are looking at a situation to where now the DOW is down another three hundred points before it even opens, because the president wants to put massive tariffs on China. In fact,
by the time they retaliate and we retaliate back, it will be a tariff on all of the goods coming. Our way. That means almost the that you buy at Walmart is going much higher in price. China doesn't pay it you who will pay it? China doesn't pay, it. You know the people who make it they don't pay it. They just pass that price on to you. So it's a hidden tax. We sell China or expensive stuff, they sell us their cheap stuff because we have expensive labor, they have cheap labor, they have slaves, We buy their cheap stuff that helps us and really helps the poor. You know this, the stuff that every buddy can everybody can afford to buy comes from China, and that
stuff is what is going to now be affected next. So when you walk into Walmart or target, and you notice that the prices are going way up, it's because it's a hidden tax, it is the trade war, and it's not it's, not China's fault, then, on top of it, we are going to be exporting fewer things, because their can't afford our expensive stuff, because we you're not going to pay for that tariff. That China puts on the Chinese. People will, and so is they raise the prices of our stuff. There, people can ford our stuff, we can't their stuff jobs to fall apart when job start to fall apart. The stock market falls apart mean it's last money. We are also at the same time. Currently,
even in this, you know all great economic situation that we're in we're still having to print or borrow a trillion dollars extra a year, this new blood, the government, the government put through not even a budget this, this omnibus that they put through, has an additional trillion. Dollar deficit takes a sub about a year to come up with another trillion dollars in spending every so single year. What do you think that money is going to come from well they're, thinking that the people who have invested their money in the stock market? You know these, for instance, the California Teachers union the, Illinois State Pension fund. They are going to suddenly start to invest and buy Us Treasury bonds. Well, are they.
Will they have the money to if this tray it in collapses? The stock market. It's a nasty nasty circle, and this is about principle. Our personality I mean the media is the probably the most guilty of this right now. They're trying to make this all into a trump is bad argument when these are polish Is the media and and the left has supported for decades. These are these are things that they have pushed for on television for dozens and dozens of years going back the the int progressive era, is based on terrace. Go back even further. You'll find this throughout history. Fail: trade war after failed trade war after failed trade for war, one of the main reasons in the in the United States a pulled itself out of of the you know. The doldrums of history is because,
because of this miracle right this, this idea that you can actually it's not a a a a pie right. It's not it's not a zero sum game. We can act improved by having trade that is free and because we were the first ones that that race, that more than everyone else in the world we were to pull ahead of the world. That's one of the big reasons the entire world is improved now, when we've been talking about the way you know, for example, you know who loves, loves, loves this terrorist, which again or just tax increases no less tears. You Ians Union labor at that. That's the unions have been forcing this trying to get these things through forever. And they have been pushing with the help of the left and the media forever. This is not about. Personality personalities about principle. The principle of it is first of all, free trade is better less government Intervention is better last.
Taxation is better and these things be on the principle actually work, and they have shown to work over and over again, and opposite is true with terrorists we we talked about the one with the in one of the more recent examples is the tire terror. If this is example, much less than what we're talking about today, but Obama put tariffs on chinese tires- and it happened at the end of that nine hundred thousand dollars a job at the best estimate, nine hundred thousand dollars a job to protect a fifty thousand dollar a year job. So it's no sense, meaning that we paid nine hundred thousand dollars. You paid an additional yeah, I mean anybody have rubber tires bought paid. It yet you paid an additional tax, nine hundred thousand dollars in additional tax to save one job and that job pays. Fifty thousand that math just doesn't work. It's completely bonkers at the same thing is happening with the
is washing machines. Now we talked about this late last week. They had all these issues with washing machines. They want. They didn't like the american companies, didn't think that they could compete so what they do put tariffs on the foreign production of washing machines on a couple of countries. They did then was move the production country to a different country and so avoided the tariffs completely. Then they ready to put it on those countries and they moved him again and then and they finally decided to put it on everybody. Yes, they moved some a very small slice of their production to the United States. However, at a cost of six hundred thousand dollars per job to listen to this think alma the cost of your washing machine went up not just because of this hidden tariff tax, but also because companies had to spend all that money to move their operation to another country twice, I mean
think about how how that affect right. Just that alone affected the price of your washing machines. I think it's seventeen percent, since these tariffs went on washing machines, the price of washing machines are up seventeen percent. It ever been over a year to year period, up more than about three percent and now seventeen percent and a lot of times by the way. Other years it has dropped, the price overall has dropped on washing machines, should because it's technology is changing so rapidly. Usually, what happens unless, of course, you put tariffs on so here's the thing: if you to buy a washing machine this year going to cost you seventeen percent. Now seventeen more. Later in the year, it's going to cost you even more than that, could cost you twenty five percent. More. Have you gotten twenty five percent raise? The answer is no so what happens.
When tariffs, because the price of things to go up, it stops the economy, because you can no longer afford it. Why the print money at the FED? Why do they? Why do they do quantitative easing? They did it's, so you had money in your pocket, so you go out and buy the washing machine or the car or whatever it tells it it. It is that you needed it. The economy, it gets it moving. The terror does exactly the opposite. It makes it. You can't afford those things and if you're messing with China, that goes all play down to food. Well, you see the price of houses are going up. Homeowners with a mortgage
you're seeing home equity, increase thirteen zero point three percent. Since the first quarter of last year, your equity meet the nurse, is coming from core logic has gone up: ten percent, if you're a homeowner homeowner. That means investment is making you good money, money that can be used to pay off debt, maybe funds can be used for home improvement or help pay off your kids hice your high, interest College Loan, if you're, not a homeowner, it's just another reason. Why now is the time to invest in your own home, get started today by calling the salary based mortgage consultants at America in financing? So what do you want to refi and try to pay set down some of that debt based on the gains in your house? Can do that or if you're buying your first house, your your last house call american financing, eight hundred
nine hundred and six two thousand four hundred and forty that's eight hundred nine hundred and six, two thousand four hundred and forty or online at Americanfinancing DOT net american finance corporation Nm Ls, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three three 4wd w dot and consumer dot org Glenn Beck! Among other things. What didn't you like about? Obama care, for example, that it was tax increase by the government, so that they could choose someone to give the money to of redistribution of wealth. It was by nature, a redistribution of wealth, that's but it was its main point as stated by them, and so is a tariff. A tariff is a new tax on the goods you buy. That goes to a group in theory, and very inefficiently, that supposed he needs help they're raising taxes on you and there give, it to let's say people who work on washing machines, because they think people who work on washing machines need help, though
just a redistribution of wealth, it's a tax increase to take your money and give it to someone the government has chosen to receive it. That is conservative principle. Now we were not four picking winners and losers. That's not the government's responsibility, Congress needs to vote on? All of these things. Glenn Beck today is June. Teenth. Never heard of Juneteenth people in Texas have her Juneteenth some, it's very, very important. Some states it's an official day of remembrance. Some don't celebrate it at all, but it's actually a very important day is just the dumbest named holiday ever Juneteenth. It's like may the fourth be with you. Juneteenth. Juneteenth, actually is The day in eighteen sixty five,
When the union armies, Major General Gordon Grainger, landed in Galveston, TX, Ann he declared that all slaves were now free, not just the slaves in Texas, but all slave we're now free. Now you would say. Well that was the Emancipation proclamation well, no, it actually wasn't the emancipation. Proclamation happened two years before, The civil war hadn't ended. Until they the most slave owners were like one man, space drive in or anything about that there was rumblings in Dave quarters that they had been freed. But nobody was enforcing it. Until the union soldiers would come to town one The war was over, it was, June 19th that the
Army came in and said you're free now think of that. Juneteenth in some in some areas. It was celebrated. Four years After the civil war almost lie new year's day or new year's eve. Because in some slave quarters that knew that that day was approaching, they actually stayed up and counted the clock and counted the time until they were free So it was for many years almost celebrated as new year's eve. Now we've almost completely forgotten it. Why social justice warriors. Haven't they Want to use this, this is a day of action. Hello,
the continuing struggle for equality white white. How is it that be so? People or you know these evil slave Holding white people that didn't care at all about slavery. It all didn't fight with everything they had to stop slavery? There are more slaves today, then in. The entire four hundred years of the western slave trade combined combined. Are you an abolitionist. Today, we're going to start a program. Fifty four Lincoln Tell you about it in about an hour.
Are you an abolitionist. What's interesting on Juneteenth. Is it's written about by Booker T Washington in his book up from slavery,. He says he doesn't really remember, but she was young, but he remembers. He remembers, someone writing in The plantation to the slave quarters, and it was a union soldier and he is. Lane to them that they were free. He said my mother wept with joy. Said there were singing, there was dancing, it was a night not to be forgotten. He said, however, the next day in the next few days, Something to remember as well.
He said the next day: he remembers it be much more somber and people asking each other. So what this mean. What does it mean to be free? Where we go? What do we do? He points out in a very healing message, then, on the patent plantation that he was on. The same kind of conversation was happening inside the masters House. What does this mean where we go? What do we do? Both tides quickly realized they need to each other. Because the people who lived in the main house, they had no skills whatsoever, none they had never done any hard work. They
they didn't have skills. And those who worked in the fields didn't necessarily have the skill to run a plantation. And he said so, some of us left, but of the state by choice. This time forget the stupid name June teeth and recognize this day. As a day that puts all of us into the light where we all have to answer the question: are we furthering. Abraham Lincoln's work, because it's not done and in fact it's only gotten worse far worse
globally, it's Tuesday June 19th. This is the Glenn Beck Program welcome to the program, as you know, if you're a longtime lister, you know that whenever we have somebody who is trying to run for Congress and and they are a nazi or whatever. We have brought that to your attention: here's one that needs to be brought to your attention. It is a jihadi cult, member that his now filed to run for Congress and Ryan Morrow is with us. He is a director of the Clarion Intelligence network Ryan. How are you, sir? I'm doing very well thanks for me on good. Can you tell us who this person is where there running sure so there's basic
the two members of this jihadi cold called Jamat Al Fuqra, which was really exposing best way with off the record, one of which was an episode of that show on the blaze and it's about it. Basically, this group Al Fuqra has a radical leader in Pakistan that the members actually warship and they have all these radical ties, and so two members of for their pr makeover are raw for Congress and the one just dropped out. I learned remember: Greg Jones was running in Alaska before that. The delegate for Bernie Sanders had the Democratic Convention Hall and then the other individual take your and the tool will dude, who is the legal counsel for Jamat Al Fuqra and there is Lomberg headquarters which is open so openly, radical and she's. Also a board member for cares brand in Massachusetts. The council on American Islamic relations that your
there's a very familiar with as the Muslim Brotherhood front. None of it gets mentioned in the media. She is running in the democratic primary, whether she wins or not, is really a secondary issue to the fact that this group exists claims to have twenty two islamic villages, as they do problem around the US and those that are entering the public Square and Rome in loyal to this radical cult leader and stand just a free ride from the media. So this is a. This is something that we did on on the record and it's a it's a. It was it's a terrifying group, then a round for quite some time, but never really had legitimacy. Islam Burg is the the town that was started by this group up in New York State and they they claim that this is a totally cool town, but nobody in the media will even cover this. No one will even talk about this. Tell tells a little bit about it, Ryan,
Islam Burg is just the headquarters of these twenty two islamic villages across the US at this group operating under the name Muslims of the Americas, because it makes it really hard to talk about them with that type of name without sounding like a bigot that they claim to have. The network now in one thousand nine hundred and ninety two one of their secret camps, which was one hundred acres which is rated in Colorado. They found weapons plans for terrorist attacks in there, so we know about the dual nature of this group and- and we have sources through the group that I work for Clarion Project and Clara intelligence that work as a section of that we, sources inside this group with told us about what it's like inside this cold pipe group in apocalyptic mindset. We know. People have been lashed, it's just really frightening and their apocalyptic in that they believe that when their current leader passes away and is replaced by someone else that that end of the green light for this final jihad, that they
the wage and win with the mofi. So an there's by the way, there's also lots and lots of money going from the United States over to Pakistan from this network We know people who have gone to Pakistan as part of this group, and it said how this basically acts conduit to other groups backed by pakistani intelligence, so their part a broader network, even though there are a weird cult themselves, rather jihadist groups embrace them, are they Suni or Shia. Frozen cells as Sufi Suni. Ok, this is a fascinating story, Ryan and I think it has a connection to documentary that a lot of people watching lately wild wild country and which is on the Netflix, if you haven't seen it it's that whole russian Ishi thing from from the eighties. It is an absolute must watch if you're into this into these sorts of stories. It's a crazy, crazy story, but
is a connection to a group that was featured in a really negative way in that documentary. So there is niche It's almost identical, except that was more an indian. This is a weird call of of an islamic fashion and this that cold this in wild wild country. At one point in this documentary series on Netflix, they talk about a hotel that was bombed, but they make it sound like it was done by Andy immigrant bigots in Oregon. Actually was this rival. Cult that we're talking about it was exposed on the blaze is on the record tv show, lol fu crow they, but I couldn't believe it as I was watching while country, and it was amazing and it and it's so it's similar help. Google operate these. They talk about how that whole became especially well yeah. It started, stockpiling doing paramilitary training because their hotel it was bombed and they imply was anti immigrant bigots. Who did it? No was actually this jihadi cold. It was too cold's getting into a fight
yeah, which is kind of amazing in a in a way that they're militarization, the Russian she's very realization was, in so part at least babes claimed was caused by this terrorist group bombing their hotel, and here we are decades later everyone's watching this thing like it's, this retro cute little documentary about this group that we don't understand and here's someone running for Congress, that's tide to the group. And if you raise this issue the way that The group and care of the media is able to savage you. It's just remarkable because at least with the Muslim Brotherhood groups, you have to dig to find out how clear- and they hide it this- It doesn't really hide it. I mean their leaders as Jews are examples of human Satans, the woman who is running for Congress in Massachusetts. She shared a group an article by her leader, Sheikh Gilani, that basically white washed Hitler,
and so now she's able to get away with all this, and I haven't even been asked. The question about my main concern is about the people within this group and allow one of them did ask me to thank you one for the work that the place is done, because many members in this cold are not even aware of the group's own history, they just assume it's all islamophobic propaganda, but send that link to people in the group, and they said it really awoke in their eyes, even though they were lifelong members of that group, how many people are in this group so more between be in five thousand members, but that doesn't include the armies. Kids that they have so it's really hard to track the membership, and then they associate with others that are kind of in the group out of the group. Some people leave the group and then go back because it's so hard to build a new life, Are you concerned at all? You know with their apocalyptic vision. There are many groups now both left and right that have this apocalyptic vision, and especially in the islamic world, they are.
Just waiting for the attack on Israel or some large event to happen before they all believe the time to rise up yeah that that's one of the disaster scenarios. That keeps me awake at night is that I understand that the full potential of the jihadist movement is not being realized, because for many of them they are not credit to use their full capabilities. But what, if these prophetic find that they all claim to be waiting for our fulfil in their mind fulfill? What happens then? And that's the big question mark and in regards to this group specifically because they follow a man who they basically or ship and they believe it knows all their thoughts and the adults they go outside of the sea of bird. That's. Why do you think it's chic, jelani spying on them to make sure that they're not engaging in pure activities when you do all that type of crazy mindset? One of a guy like wants to make his mark on history before he dies, or what is
I have a dream at night and their shake appears them in dream and says: ok now, it's time to go green light to them light to that message. They won't wake up and say that's a dream. They'll say no! That means I'm supposed to do something. So you have ingredients here, just like weed before nine hundred and eleven, where you say, look at all these ingredients is the capability for something to explode, is it possible there could be twenty two jihadi COLT Waco's and the answer is yes, But unfortunately, when I talked to some people in the federal government, they say well, they stopped bring out terrorist attacks in the early 90s yeah. They might be overseas, but really focusing all Kayden ISIS and Myra Panthers. Well, you're, not understanding the ideology and the fact some groups are pragmatic. So when other camps, that's one hundred acres get shut down. Yeah, of course, the lead, it's going to say scale back for awhile. He does don't lose all of his infrastructure, but
infrastructure exists with a purpose Ryan. What is the name of this? This person that is running in Congress, Sahira Amatul, would dude in Massachusetts and which district I forget that that budgets against representative Neil Democrat Primary, thank you so much appreciate it. Ryan people following this for us and keep us informed on what's going on that is director of the clearing intelligence network. You want to find out more, it's hook, raw files, Fuq or a files dot com. Well here in Dallas, it's about a thousand degrees and there's nothing like keeping things cool It is hot and only going to get hotter and with a with allergies, on the rise and also the heat on the rise. Your air conditioning unit is running at full tilt. It's going to
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this phony outrage by the press is just disgusting on the border and I it's phony because it's been happening since Obama. We know we were there. You were with us most likely at least listening to us when we went down to Mcallen and now the approaches with this phony outrage. Excuse me, they've got the new thing today there trying there's throwing everything against the wall on this when they think they have trump they're, all united against him, and that's really all this is about for them yeah. So it's not about the key. Obviously, but what's is that a day they're trying to go with the dual approach of this Basically, the worst thing any government has ever done, and I'm not exaggerating really on that one, as many figures in the media have tide. This to concentration camps have tried. This directly to nazi concentration. Camps have talked about internment,
amps, vanilla right so insult. It's the worst thing. That's ever a government is ever anyone. The same time, they're, arguing that it is not a deterrent. Now. This argument is based on an internal document that shows that it has not deep priest border crossings. Yet I've been talking about it for a week right, let the word spread a little bit and it prob we will be a deterrent, but you don't get both of those arguments. There's no way to argue that it's like the worst thing that anything that has ever happened in the history the globe and at the same same time argued that it would not deter people if it. If it, it's not as bad as you're saying, or it will detur people it's well, it's kind of like saying you know, you know these concentration camps in the ovens, I mean it's the worst thing ever. But it also didn't really get rid of all the Jews. Wait a minute! Wait why right, but like More purely potentially would be like
but it also wasn't a deterrent for people to immigrate to Germany. Well, we'll get was a deterrent for people did the Jews did not want to go into Germany in that time period it was really super bad. They were all captured and forced to go. It wasn't something that they were willingly crossing into. So these things are obviously not to say it's, obviously not a deterrent, because I know we were there in twenty fourteen and we could not get the media left or right. To report on these things No one wants to see it now they do. Unfortunately, it's fake outrage, it's only about Potis. If you could name one person that you think possibly the bravest person alive that has something Theresa Elicia I should to take take take military out of it take military people out of it average. You know
people are, is doing their job. Ninety five and it doesn't mean going overseas and you know doing secret missions who One of the bravest people on the planet is somebody who has a lot to lose and is just not stop. Will not comply. Other than myself, obviously other than still yes uh. You know that's because I have somebody who is really it. Maybe somebody who is, I mean it's always going to be someone who is really famous and rich and has something to lose like to blow up, career over it Chris Pratt, that's a good one Chris Pratt, yesterday. He he won the generation award at the MTV movie and tv awards, and then he used his speech to say a few things. Listen to
yes,. This being the generation award, I'm going to chase and I'm gonna speak to you, the next generation. Okay ie except the responsibility as your elder. So listen up, This is what I call nine rules from Chris Pratt Generation Award Winner number one breeze. If you don't you'll suffocate number two, you have a soul, be careful with it number three don't Be a turd, your strong, be a protector and if you're smart, be a humble influencer, strength and intelligence can be happens and do not wield them against the week. That makes you a bully big bigger than that number for when giving a dog medicine put the medicine in a little piece of hamburger. They won't even know they're eating. Medison number five
doesn't matter what it is, earn it a good deed, reach out to someone in pain, be of service. At good. It's good for your soul. Six God is real! God loves you, God wants the best, for you believe that I do. Phone number, you have to poop at a party you're embarrassed because you're going to stink up the bathroom just do what I do. Lock the door sit down, get all the pee out, first, okay and then once all the piece done poop boom. Minimize the amount of time the proof is touching. The area first, it takes you longer to
He then european. On top of its turn, it up the poop particles. Creative cloud goes out, and then everyone in a party will know that you pooped just tried. Just trust me. It's science, eight point learn to pray, it's easy and it's so good for your soul and finally, number nine. Nobody is perfect people going to tell you you're perfect. Just the way you are you're, not you are imperfect, you always will be, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way and if you're willing to accept that you will have grace and grace is a gift and like the freedom that we enjoy in this country that grace was paid for with somebody else's blood. Do not forget it, don't take it for granted. God bless you please get home safely. I think she jeez. Wow, that is incredible on
multiple levels. Now Hollywood it's got to be set to destroy this man by making appear in really crappy Jurassic park. Sequels don't to do anymore, Chris, don't to make anymore there's a thing what he just did and if it's so amazing. Second point brief: you have a soul, then the third point is strange: an intelligence can be weapons, don't use them as a weapon help people the fourth one is the or someone one he is revealing himself. When you give dog medicine put medicine in a piece of hamburger, they won't even know what it is. So now listen. What he did the the sixth is, God is, real, God loves you, God wants the best, for you believe that the age is learn to pray. It's easy
and good for your soul. What's the seven, the head, burger pooping at a party yeah, I, though, really cause any he's he's using as a joke to make people actually care and listen to his other points, He uses the joke, that's the hamburger to let the medicine get the medicine down the dogs throat. The same point he's actually telling you what he's doing in the joke. It's amazing to it's really amazing and then to talk about being your your grace. Your sins have been washed away by someone else's blood at me. At the MTV or he I mean what is MTV, you know and their award shows famous for? Well, it is usually is, being you know, horrid. How many genders can we get to kiss each other? And you know everything that is praised there and again is you know from
U s all sorts of different things. How out of touch is the media it did, here? When he's first said you have a soul, it was a you, have a soul yeah. I think it was. You have a soul, be careful with it or was it god I don't which one is God we're he said. I know there is a god they, you heard the crowd, it was the biggest cheer yet, which is bizarre. You would certainly be told that that audio would not be receptive. To that view, correct and listen says there is a God. I know it. I live it. You should too huge crowd applause. It is controversial. It's on a t v that is controversial. Every time n t had Madonna kiss a girl, Michael Jackson, kiss a girl
we totally right. They were you'll, never be able to get them out of your mind every time that they have had something happen. That was controversial. The media picked it up and ran with it for days. Here's something controversial and good, and the media is not touching it. Why is that? Why? they've, mistakenly, empowered, someone, the Who actually has sensible views in and and a good perspective on the world? That's not supposed to happen! How does this guy's I've, I don't know he's going to be targeted by something soon. This doesn't end well this. This goes to this really goes to how powerful a sense of humor is yeah If you have a sense of humor, you can get away with it for a very long time. It goes.
To your point you made in our one when it comes to the immigration crisis, right, like the what the left does is pulls on your emotional heartstrings right. This is a somewhat similar approach. Your he's getting a message through of real seriousness, of real depth, right to an audience that in its formative years and he's people to pull that off because of humor- and you know what like it there, it's the same sort of tactic that Hollywood uses all the time the opposite way use humor. They use emotion to bring people across wind. They wouldn't normally cross to their viewpoints, and I think it's it's. Important that you know we learn those lessons as conservatives and an s particularly as people of faith. It is really important, especially now when we're talking about these kids on the border. What is the media doing some media doing?
The media is immediately playing the video or the audio of kids who are crying for their parents. Listen to one cut. Do you have a tear media is playing this and it is hard for to hear it is true, really heart wrenching, to hear we would have to play that for you, but we couldn't get our hands on it. When we were there, we just had to
scribe what was happening because the Obama administration had that thing locked down. We had to take it, people who were working in it and coming out saying don't know what they're doing to children in here. This is. This is beyond reprehensible. What is happening? We throw these things together. This is why we went down and I know many people in this audience mocked us for giving soccer balls and everything else. It was because we have to emotionally care about these children. And we have the emotional high ground because we were they then, and we cared about them. We are they. Now and we care about them.
Here's what the here's, what the priests told me in the pastors, Down in Mcallen, when I went quote. I'm surprised you showed up quote. I only showed up this morning because I never thought you would. I called a meeting of the pastors because the pastors are the ones that are caring for these children. Most of them. I called a meeting at like at six o'clock in the morning when we went down there that day, MOE most had never even met before most of them. Of them had not worked together before and move 'em were only there because they didn't think I would show up and when I said, why wouldn't I show up and they said, because the price is too high and nobody really cares. The media will come down, but they don't ever really care this audience.
This audience sent truckload after truckload after truck load, almost three million dollars that fall to the border. You went from the summer until almost Christmas time delivering food delivering clothing to these children. Couldn't get the media to cover? Couldn't get anybody to join me? I ask people on the left. Join us join us. They wouldn't. Why? Because it hurt their president Do not turn your eyes, do not become what they were. By dismissing this, this is a horror, show. And it's really easy to take care of it. We have to do few things. One up encouraging people to come here. As I said earlier,. You would never ever
allow a US citizen, two people to claim the that's their children without. I the and proof that that is their children leaving our country going to another country. You would ever do it. Why? Because that how children are kidnapped and trafficked? Why are we accepting that? Where saying that? That's what has to happen, these kids must stay with these people. If they have proof, then yes, perhaps, but they should be turned right around if they don't have evidence that that those are their children weed, no, they could be trafficker us, I hope to God, not but so
Of them are, we need to strengthen our border, we can keep parents and children together quite easily TED Cruz has a plan. I hope the Senate will pass it and pass it quickly. But don't buy into all of this hype, do not they did not care the media and the left did not care. When this happening under Obama's watch. If you didn't, if you didn't care when it was happening under Obama's watch, we all make mistakes. If you don't care right now, we all make mistakes. We must start caring about the human condition and then, while we're caring about the human condition, take the steps secure our border,
we can walk and chew gum. At the same time. I know people in Washington don't think so, but it can be done volatility in the stock markets down three hundred and thirty two points today. Why is that's too? Why is that down tariffs? Oh tear, that's what it's called tax increase, really on american consumers, don't know what you're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars, yeah so China is in full trade war. Now we're talking about a response to China, which will be a full terrace on all trade with China, five hundred billion dollars of of terrorist tariffs insanity insanity. If this continues, we going to experience very bad, very bad times. If you care about the president,
you should call the White House right the White House and beg him. He will listen to his constituents. Stop the trade war. Please stop the trade war. It's going to kill this economy all right. As you see the stock market going down inflation going up, that's also be as of the trade war. Our dollar is in trouble. May I suggest you look into gold. Gold is one thing that thrives in inflationary period. Gold old he's goes up as the dollars become worth less and less and less until they are eventually worthless there's no other asset that does this. It is gold at gold line, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six gold line. I want you to call the operators right now. One thousand eight hundred and sixty six gold line find out if gold or silver is right for you, but take a look at the stock market. Today. Take a look at the trade war today. What this mean, I would call gold
eight hundred six Goldline or Goldline dot com. Welcome to the program. You know Chris Pratt said Well, he won the MTV award. If our strong use that strength to serve the week, we're going to tell you what about that with five four Lincoln next Glenn Beck Immaculate Nazi doctor hovers over a newborn, he probes, and then he sneers. Okay, take this one away. He says That is the very real process that not nazi doctors under during the era of Nazi Germany, two doctors had to agree.
Then somebody from the administration had to agree that life's not really worth living. Annex the studious sterile I'll search defy in children. That would define a pure breed for the german lineage. The ubermensch. During a speech to a delegation of ITALY's family Association in Rome. Last Saturday, Pro Pope Francis referred to Cruel nazi practice and used it as a can person to the increasingly popular process throughout and here in the United States of ending birth defects by offering women abortions who have babies with any kind of defect. The Pope said- and I quote I say this with pain in the century. The whole world was scandalized about what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today we do this
same thing, but now we do it with white gloves. Still quoting I heard that it is fashionable, or at least usual when in the first months of pregnancy, they do studies to see if the child is healthy or has some sort of defect. The first offer is less just send it away. End quote now: CNN heard the news they didn't report right away because they had to verify it with the Vatican. It didn't the usual narrative. They didn't think that that was actually come. Coming from him, some people reporting that this was just off the cuff remarks. It wasn't. It was in a speech. He also address claims that he has dedicated himself to the l e I causes he says today. It is how to say this, but we speak diversified, families, different types of families. It is true that the world word. Family is a were
bird beak that we used was a family of stars, a family of trees, a family of animals. But the human family, in the image of God May and woman, is the only one. It is the only one. A man and a woman can be non believers, but if they love each other and unite in marriage, they are in the image of God, even if they do not believe. In quote this guy been seen by the media as a cool Pope Pope Francis he's the best he's the Obama of Catholicism but remembered that he was a Catholic this weekend, it'll be interesting to see how abruptly and how severely that perspective on CNN and other media outlets change
it's Tuesday June 19th. This is the Glenn Beck program a very very important day after the civil war June 19th. It's now Juneteenth and is the celebration in most Americans. Don't know this, but on June 19th on actually the 18th in some slave circles back at the end of the civil war, the actual each count down the hours to the 19th of June, because that's the day the proclamation it's patient proclamation actually took effect. They were actually truly free.
It's been kept from so many slaves slave owners just kept their mouth shut during the civil war, but once it was over, the announcement made that it would happen on June 19th that date June. Nineteen, for many years after was liberated in african american communities almost the same way as it was celebrated during or if the seller will, as we celebrate means a new year, Tuesday, african communities would stay up late and they would count down minutes until the new year or until June 19th. If you will to celebrate the end of slavery, it's almost all but forgotten it is this. The state of Texas is one of the only ones that I've seen really mark. Juneteenth least the states that I've lived in. It is a day of remembrance and an official holiday in many of the states wanted get Alan low on he's executive, director of the Abraham Presidential Library and museum, and I thought it was a
a day to have him on on on Juneteenth Welcome Alan. How are you great to be? going doing. Well, I have to tell you: it was a great weekend this weekend here at the Mercury studios, where you allowed us to have the gettysburg address for it's three days out in the sunlight. Can you explain to people why it's why it's always in a dark? Vault, yes, We want to conserve it for future generations, so we have to be very careful of how much light it's exposed to. So it is. It very very gingerly in only comes out a few days here. We were really really happy to bring it down and share it with you and and all your your supporters there in Texas now in progress. I don't know if you saw the people that came through. We had some people that were crying I I will tell you that the the when I saw african american families go up to it and it explain it and read it to their children. That whole section was so
unbelievably powerful. You must, you must see a lot of amazing things. I do, and you know that the Gettysburg address not just the most important speech american history, but really helps define who we are, what we are and watch your every time. I see it. Then we have so many items like that here, one of his stovepipe hats and when you see that you're saying Abraham Lincoln, it feels like- and it's all a very emotional, very emotional thing. You have his hats, you, his hat and his gloves. And yes, we we asked if you could bring down, but they are in there such delicate condition that they you're afraid that they'll just disintegrate is that is I that's right, yes, a very, very fragile, so we every now and then the hat will come out and be displayed her, but very carefully, it's very difficult to transport them the same thing. We have the fan that Mary had the night in at Ford's theater that has spatters of the
blood on it and that's very, very fragile, so that very rarely comes out and his and his gloves as well. That's right. They were in his pocket that night. My understanding is, he hated wearing the gloves and it was the fashion to do and Mary. He handed them to him and he usually stop them in his pockets and that's where they were the night. He was assassinated, so Allen one of the things we talked about and I'm so we are. We truly honored that you would allow us to have the gettysburg address and some of the author amazing things that that effigy of of Lincoln. Can you describe what it is? It was show power, sure sure a small doll made to look like Abraham, Lincoln by his enemies and other Anti Lincoln rallies all over the country. Forget how much horrible credit This man took during his time and how much system he had to fight. So this is an effigy doll that we're lucky to have usually burned, but this
and survived, and if you lift the little mascot that looks like Lincoln on the front behind it is a black face, and so you see the all racism of these people continually attacking him a fortunate to have that in our in our in our collection, it's basically the reverse of what some people like Clarence Thomas, have gone through, where they say he may be black in the face, but he's actually white man here they were saying he's. Actually a black man just in white face, rather he was called a black Republican is the term they would use right. So this collection that you brought down it is, it was did all of these pieces. A lot of them were from the night he was killed and they were collected by just one private collector. Or is this a group of collectors it all kind of ended up in the hands of one man
things you brought brought down from several, but but several of those items were from an individual. This paper in California collected a huge sort, The documents and artifacts are all related to President Lincoln many associated with this fascination, but other things going back to his youth and that collection was purchased bar foundation back in two thousand and seven and we are continuing challenges paying off that. The remains from that purchase of these amazing things and include things like the bloody gloves in the store, hi, Pat okay. So now those things were never seen until you guys had them right. They would never right display. That's right, our is in private hands and coming here, then we are able to know, preserve them and make sure they're here for this. Future generations but to make them available to people. So in our museum but in our research room through educational programs. This is where you can come
to see those things and to learn about our greatest president and two did these things suffer because they weren't curated proper, or did they did where they did? This person actually do the things that needed to be done to keep them in the right shape, I don't think uh in this specific instance. She did anything on purpose. To do that. I don't know yeah, of course, but- in this case. We have, you know, expert, can see murders here we work with so this. This is where they can really be taken care of. And you know we know all the standard says your folks were great working with us and that type of thing in terms of lighting and tech after in humidity, all those things are critically in Morton an we can. We can take care of those here. So with that Hesburgh address, we were talking about this, you don't. I was shocked that you guys don't display it and It's because you don't have the argon gas system that you know the declaration of independence and bill of rights has, and so you're only allowed to take it out about. You know for three days a year,
do any idea. What does an r? What does that cost? They Argon gas my crew. Look into that early on and it's you know it's it's well over one million dollars to get the. What we would love to do here in one of our many dreams. Glenn is to display the Getty burger dress. We also have a copy of the 13Th Amendment signed by President, Lincoln all the members of Congress who voted for it as well as a copy of the Mansa patient formation, find said. The original signature by Abraham Lincoln. So my dream someday is that we would have those cases and those conditions security around it, that they have like the national archives so that when I, if you come here, you would always be able to see those things now. All of these things are owned privately right. This is in a trust of some sort. Well, some summer own bios summer in own bar foundation, so that taper collection that still own bar foundation right as they have paid down, but it's not government owned. This is not government owned. Well,
we are. We are part of the state of Illinois here or so. Some of it is some of it is not. Some of it is foundation out right and the hat in the gloves are now here's the reason. The reason why I'm nation and here's the reason why I want to bring this up to the audience is uh What about the hat and gloves about a month ago- and I saw that they were maybe coming up for sale in about eighteen months and, of course, immediately thought. Oh, my gosh. To raise money to buy those and- and we started to talk about it and think about it, and we thought no well, they need to stay with Lincoln Museum, they need to stay together as a collection and they need to be protected, seen as a collection, but all the time there is nine point: five million left on this private equity loan, that's Nine point seven left on this phone, that's right! Yes, so
the thing so al- and I were talking over the weekend and and his partner, Michael from the museum and there's like to things that we would like to do and they have a mission of keeping link transmission going, which is free. Slaves. You know, are you an abolitionist and so there's lots of things that we're going to be doing in the future. But I would like to ask if, if you are's crazy about history, as I am that if you would take five dollars a week five dollars month, whatever you can afford five dollars a year? If you would go to fifty four lincoln, fifty four lincoln dot org and make a donation and become an abolitionist. You could do one time of you know one hundred and five dollars or one thousand and five dollars. I would is that you would do five doll
there's a week, that's a cup of coffee, five dollars or five dollars a month and just click on the on the page, make it recurring, and then who asked you? How often you wanted to recover and it will quickly go to to make sure that the the that and the gloves are stored and kept properly and they are. They remain in the hands of the Lincoln Presidential Library. There is probably I mean, there's George Washington and there's Abraham Lincoln and there's those two and you know every Abraham Lincoln did is still happening today. He is probably one of the most important men, important speeches and important depths in uh, our country's history, and we would love for you to help on this project. Five, four link, dot, org and all the proceeds will go to
to preserve and pay off this debt. So it doesn't. Go back into the shelf. It hadn't been seen for you know about one in some years, one hundred and two thousand five hundred and thirty years hadn't been seen, and if it It goes to the auction block most likely. The same thing will happen again and it won't be mean for another one hundred years it's gone to remain in public view, Alan thank you, you Glenn, thank you to your listeners. I I get very emotional about this. Abraham thinking was a good and great man. He save this nation. He gave us a new birth of freedom and- and we take our mission here very seriously- to not only preserve it but to perpetuate that legacy and any help. Your lesson have to keep these men those here in the land of Lincoln. In our nation that he so loved that he saved, we would be deeply deeply grateful Alan thank you so much five youbet54lincoln dot org. I will tell you that there's some
things that we're working on that, I think, are the game changing specially for the Nazarene Fund and everything else. These guys are so passionate about Lincoln, not just the history there passionate about what he was passionate about stopping slavery. We would really appreciate it if you could help them out on this project and get them out from underneath the eight ball we have. Eighteen, to raise that money and get and get that done. They are also- and I'm connected to all of this. They are also going to be doing something really amazing with us. Come this next February we have talked about doing something for black history and for Lincoln's birthday here again at the studios that I think will be just game. Changing just gay. Changing five, four lincoln dot org. I think that I think, if you're, you know what
I'm going to talk to him, make sure that when we pay it off there free day, anybody who is an abolitionist and help 'cause you're, really the ones that are going to own. That hat and those gloves you're going to be the ones who saved it from from going into the darkness again I for Lincoln DOT. Org, please share it with a friend. All right Two thousand and seventeen BBB, Better Business Bureau, heard more than five thousand complaints about alarm companies. Now that puts home security in the top ten percent of the just complained about industries. That's phenomenal to me. The people protecting your house they're, the ones that are getting some of the most complaints. That's insane. The reason why it's happening is because there's all kinds of hidden fees, there's uh all kinds of stuff them coming into the house. Then up selling you stuff that you don't need. The prices are crazy. You can't live under or with the contract, it's horrible.
Well, there is another way it is sick. Please save! Now these people, all they do- is work to earn your business every day. Don't rely on tricks of the contract and vine, but there is no contract, there's no those strings attached and There's no wiring in your house. So when you want to move, you can move and take it with you if you wanted and you can you can cancel at anytime because there's no contract and it's fourteen dollars and ninety four cents a month. It's one all kinds of awards and they have an ape. Plus rating with the better Business Bureau ten years running so they're, not everybody else right now you can ten percent off simply safe. You want to protect your home and your family. You want to protect your business, say: simplysafebeck dot com. Do it now, Simplysafebeck dot com get ten percent off, simply safe Beck dot com,
Glenn Beck was talking about tariffs in Michigan, hello, bill, you're on the Glenn Beck program, how you doing good! Thank you, much for taking my call and listen to you for years, but you struck a nerve today. Ok, alright, so talking about tariffs and stuff. My Grand Father, retired out of General motors. He was probably the last, and I know that looked everywhere for a Zenith television, because at that time, still made in America. Yes, now go into my parents, my parents age. They wanted more. For less money didn't care where it was made because they're going to get more for less money now here I am in Flint Mich, then General Motors is gone, nobody's there to pay tax. This is now my grandkids have to drink bad water. Well, That'S- there's the bad water thing is not necessarily connected to tariffs, because and I tell you why, because there is
more general motors too many people were trying to get more for less money, so they bought a lot of vehicles out the country were at all time, production highs in the United States. We've you increase the economy in an incredible amount, with ripped two slash three of the world out of Potro extreme poverty over this time and yes, there are cases certain towns, like Flint, have had problems, but the overall outcome here is incredibly we're. Still the number two manufacturer in the world only behind China has that has four times the amount of people yeah Oh I want to take that, though, built an answer that bit by bit when we come back Sarah Gonzalez joins us from the news and why it matters which airs at five hundred and thirty eastern time only on the blaze, Tvtheblaze dot com, slash tv, you don't want to miss that it's uh, the great conversation with all of us about the news and why each story matters, but before
we get to a SARA Sara I want to. I want to refer back to that last caller. Who said, look I'm willing to pay more if it keeps jobs here, he's talking about the tariffs, I'm willing to pay more if it keeps jobs here, and you're hearing a lot of that- and I understand that sentiment- however, we have to think it through. So, let's fix reason firmly in her seat in question with boldness. If I said to you, look I'm willing to pay more if it saves the planet, would you be for it. Now most of the audience would say no and why not because they hate the planet, that's what everybody wants, people to believe about the right that we hate the planet. No, oh! It's that we're not emotional about it, and so we use reason. That's not the best way to save it. You don't just poor government money.
And take redistribute if wealth and take it, pour it into these companies because it doesn't work like that. Best thing is to let those companies use the regular capitalist system, the market will shake out and they will innovate. That's how I that's how a free the market system works and when we're not emotional about it, we know whenever the government, props and industry up it all These fails in the end, because that is a socialistic or it is it's. It's it's its extreme either fat mystic or communistic idea it. Why communism fails you don't prop up companies that just can't make it and compete, so I'm willing to pay more if it keeps jobs here.
In the long run. It won't also it doesn't keep jobs. It's it is socialism. It is never worked. When Obama did this with tires those fifty thousand dollar year, jobs cost you, the taxpayer, does tariffs or really only attacks. It's a it's a tax by a different name. You when to buy something instead of saying: ok, here's your sales tax, it's built in to the price of the product, that's why they love them, because you don't feel the tax you're. Just like China charging us so much. No, that's the federal government charging that extra price washing machines up twenty five percent. How long can we do that? That money is now going to government where they take that twenty five percent increase and they ship it?
The washing in you know the washing machine companies or whoever to say jobs. When oh boy did this last time with tires those fifty thousand dollar year, jobs cost you nine hundred thousand dollars to save it's not worth it, it doesn't work. It is socialism. You also the last colour also said, I'm willing to pay more okay. Well, you might be willing to pay more on one thing, maybe washers and dryers. Somebody else isn't willing to pay more for a washer and dryer twenty five percent, and how many of those things can our economy handle as your job? Your your pay is not going up. So if it not going up, how is everybody going to pay for the increase of twenty five percent on all products? Ten percent on all products? Can you
Ford a ten percent increase across the board with food and services, and other is that you want to buy, would would be better if the people say keep their money and you tested it if he was concerned about the Detroit area in companies like shine. What is this amazing company that was the first in to try to help turn Detroit around the id of low taxes? You have more money and you can create businesses you and create new ideas. The low with the taxes, the more the more people with ideas have to be able to start a new business. This, the most important thing you can remember on tariffs, its attacks, everything you hate about taxes, everything you think is true about how taxes stifle its eggs
exactly the same with tariffs. Tariffs, however, have started the grey depression and most depressions when you started fixing tariffs to things, especially if you have a weak economy, it will shut it down and shut it down hard quickly. I believe we're headed towards those territories and have a great day well put, I mean 'cause, it's a redistribution of tax. What is redistribution of wealth? and no one made this case more powerfully. The exact case that are color just made that Michael Moore, Michael Moore First, successful documentaries called Roger and me, and it was exactly the case that are colored just laid out exactly the case again, you'll, see that there are twelve assembly plants, four GM in the United States, most of them no longer in Michigan. However, most of them have moved S. Why places who have
at her business environments in away from unions? However, they still make plenty of GM vehicles in the United States, plenty of them correct it. Detroit is the mess not because we didn't have tariffs. Detroit is a mess because it has not had a republican or a small business. A business minded small government kind of person. Since one thousand nine hundred and sixty alright. Sara is here she's filling in for Pat as he is on vacation, how you doing Sarah, I'm good, I'm good. So what watching in the news. What do you? What do you find that people are talking about that? You think it's important for them to understand,
well, I mean, I know that you guys talked a lot about all the stuff going on at the border. So obviously that's number one- and I think you know just the disconnect between what the american public is being told, is actually happening versus what is happening. That's not to say that what's happening is right or can't be improved upon. But you know just children are being kept in dog kennels children are being kept in concentration camps. I mean that's not what this is and I see you know a lot of people in just in the general public just so outraged that children could be treated in a way but they're not actually being treated. So your problem here, yeah when you're trying to you're basically lying about the policy, the the entire time there are bits that can be rough there's, but there's like for well, there is. There is a photo, that's being passed around retweeted 10s of thousands of times of a child behind bars,
frying looking, maybe for his mommy crying as these. Behind these in a cage and reality of the situation. Is the kid is actually in a cage. It's a cage activists put up on a sidewalk you could show what it would be like if kids were in a cage but they've zoomed in so far that it doesn't look like it's a it's an activist cage on the sidewalk, that's uh, protest, it looks like it could be from the government and people on later tweeting it around as if it's the real thing, when it's not when you zoom back out it's a bunch of people standing on the sidewalk with an open back. The people that same kid is walking around the cage. Free lead, ' 'cause he's not in the actual cage. There utilizing him as a piece of political propaganda, and that is the sort of stuff that's being being spread. You know like these are not bad people that people who are in these organizations and the government groups that are having to deal with a massive problem. That is not of their creation
doing the best that they can, but it's still you don't want to handle like this still. Who was it that in two thousand and fourteen came to us and was telling us this has got to get into the press? Please talk about this. They were the government workers that were being forced by the Obama administration to do it and they were saying at that time. We are not prepared, we don't have. We don't have any ability of to do this. We have Experience to do this, we are not the people to do this and we're just holding them and they were beside themselves. Nobody pay attention. I I have I had empathy. Then I have empathy now I am out aged by the media. Then I'm outraged by the media now and uh we're doing is talking about. We didn't want to talk about it, then, because they didn't want to talk about President Obama, and they do want to
about it now, because all they want to do is pin it on Trump, I'm sick of it yeah yeah, it's really it's the most outrageous for me is seeing these children being used as political pawns by the left that that's the thing because they came out and they said you know when Obama was doing it and they said this is wrong. Let's come find some kind of common. You know ground here, let's find a reasonable solution. You know that I'm fine, but the fact that they kept quiet and now all the sudden, it's a big problem for, you know treating these children the way that it's child of as you know, we are the are the terms that they're using and it's just so it makes me inferior. Can I tell you something? Yes, I believe were the only ones in the country in national broadcast that have credibility on this issue we cared. Then we went down there. Then we tried to expose it. Then we thought it was wrong. Then we
think it's wrong now. The question is: can anyone handle Nuans anymore, for instance very few people, This audience could but very few. We could handle the nuans of me going down to the border, bringing toys and feel things just to make their stay in those cages tolerable and bring food and everything else while saying we have to secure our border lot of people didn't like that, they did. You understand the new ones, because nobody listens because there take a picture of a cage and a kid, and nobody will zoom out. I think, should go down again because we're the only ones with credibility on it do the same exact thing, but I'm not sure that people have a noob ability to hear nuans do who doing anymore? Can
we have adult conversations anymore? Can we I don't know I I believe me. No, I don't think so. I mean look at you for calling out example: Breitbart Breitbart was when you went down to the border was saying like how you were a sellout. How dare you try to make these bring soccer balls to the border you member this whole thing? Yes, I do. What is their current defense of Trump after the so these immigrants aren't that bad they've got soccer on television. They've got it they've got video games. They've got place patients? These facilities are fine, that's their current defense. Trump, because now Trump's their guys, so they say whatever they have to do to get that through whatever they got. The soccer balls, whatever Probably your soccer was the same taka soccer balls. They were bashing back then again, like the principles consistent here. It's not about the personality. There's no reason to make it about that. I mean Trump and his motivation. Here the left is going to he's evil. The
is going to say something else. The bottom line is eh. One recognizes that this is not an ideal policy. It needs to be fixed long term, the op, the alternative right now the media is trying to suggest, is instead of a set in parent from child. Let parented child leave together, go inside the borders of the United States and do whatever they want until like mythical hearing that there's no way they're going to show up two and three months. Sarah is also ridiculous. Let me ask you this question: would you support a policy forget about the southern border? Would you support a policy that allowed children to get onto a plane with their parents or any adults that claimed that they were the parents and go to another country without identification of a passport matching kids with you, or I mean that's just asking, for you know, kidnapping and human trafficking to take place, so no, I would not being supported that policy. Do you think the american people would be for that? I
but I hope not right. Do you think that the left would be four just people leaving the country with kids without any documentation that that's who they belong too, while they're telling me that they care about the kids, so I would work not. Why is it ok that we see people coming from other countries and we say oh no documentation, oh you're with them you're fine that could be human trafficking. We don't know again when people become emotionally attached. All reason goes out. The window thanks, sir. We'll see you on the radio here in just a few minutes on the blaze radio network, the blaze dot com filling in for pat and then again at five thirty. Thank you. The news! Why matters thanks and take about Casper Casper, actresses, so just so great they to take the the mattress out for a hundred a test drive so
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two dollars on select mattresses. It's promo code back at Casper COM, say fifty dollars on select mattresses, Casper, dot com terms. Conditions do apply Glenn back a great example on how you can sleep at night when you base everything you do on principles, but once was an attack is now a defense right part article after article about how bad it was that Glenn Beck was bring soccer, balls and hot meals to people on the border illegal immigrants on the border. Now their giant defense of the Trump Administration is, I mean you could actually quote. The facility is located on a main street in a quiet, suburban neighborhood. There is outdoor recreation with picnic tables in a small soccer pitch as you go screw the photos. What do you see the pictures of warm delicious pizzas and coach chocolate chip cookies laid out for the illegal immigrants that now
it's their job to defend that policy before it was their job to attack you we're having a hard and caring both times both times. So even though they're illegal immigrants deserve hot food, even though they're illegal immigrants deserve to have these children children deserve to be. I have a little bit of joy in their life. If the specially like human beings, then we can talk and hash it out on what the policy is. I strong on defend the border, but we must be humane, Glenn Back Mercury.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-13.