« The Glenn Beck Program

Only Morons Believe Trump Is Selling Classified Documents | 9/7/22

2022-09-07 | 🔗

Pat and Stu discuss the Left's struggle with coherence, like Kamala Harris' absurd grape avoidance claim and Senate candidate John Fetterman's weird criticisms against rival candidate Dr. Oz. Actress Jennifer Lawrence had some strange admissions regarding Tucker Carlson in a recent interview. The guys discuss the latest updates on the FBI raid on former President Trump and the types of documents that were seized. Stu analyzes some of the elections that have taken place post-Dobbs to gauge what America is feeling. Scientists are sounding the alarm on Antarctica's melting "Doomsday glacier," but Pat and Stu aren't buying it. Pat and Stu discuss California's attempt to go completely electric despite not having the power to do so.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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When you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment programme. That is still the blame on the glinda programme. Aaa seventy seven be easy. Came we get some close races going on around the nation. Would fill you in on a couple of them and show you some of the candidates,
that are available. That really going to, I think right. You going to do a good job in the? U s senate, especially we'll get didn't and K J p had some fastening things to say yesterday that more coming up the in sixty seconds, well sometimes in life. The best thing you can do is learn the hard way, but that's not when it comes to real estate transactions. You dont want to learn that way with real estate when you're try. to buy or sell a whole more. Both. The truth is that the sky of hard knocks is a thing to be avoided at all costs. As why yours, Glenn started a business called real estate agents. I trust they pay you up with the best real estate. In your area, so that your chances of having the best outcome possible go through the roof to freeze Mr Hume and is if you need someone who is really going to be able to navigate through a difficult state transaction in this market, every one of them's difficult, especially if you're buying for the past,
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Tat. You did she claimed in reverence sweden a glory grape and I thought to myself weird? Why would anyone tell another person they have? Never even a great couldn't think, never eaten a grey. Why power moment- and this is interesting, because if you haven't heard this story, I have not, I would love to hear your guess is as to why she told people she had never eaten a grave. Why would you want people to know that information now, I might take us in I've, never had four before it, I'm not healthy. that's one answer, but I dont think the combo would allergic anomalies allergic rights as a great answer. Now, that's not while, because there's no political gain in telling me but that you're allergic to grapes, bright right, there's no political gain in saying you don't need healthy, so unreasonably kids, like great moroccan, could lay already have avoided the my whole life you're, pretty klutz That's cause now, apparently The union's boy, did grapes back in the day. Why
and so she said I never groups could she would never cross a picket line. You gotta be kidding now, Some people decided to say you know our highly. I would just believe consular harry. Why screw. You know she drugs. Why has there been a day that has gone by in the twenty five years. She has not had eight or nine glasses of wine. I doubt it due to too just so everyone knows great, are in. Why are you here it gives. You worry I want you to get out of. The sky is made out of its greatest. so now the reason lies they boycotted now. People are like wait. A minute, normally, I would just rust cobbler harris with whatever she s. Could she so trustworthy, you're right right and but there is apparently one person. Probably only one who said you now, I'm a tad skeptical of that. Clearly, how dare there I exaggerate, dare davy
sceptical about anything commonly harris has right. Now there was a union boycott of california grapes, not all grapes, as far as I know, but california, grapes, ok, for I think it was twenty years or somewhere or did they not have any unions in the grape industry. Apparently they were anti union the grape industry at some point, the idea that they had a california reason situation, not sure if that cost all their money, like that all the collaboration money went there and I didn't have any money for the union's. I'm not sure what the conflict was here, but this period. She said she had never had a grape until she was in her twenties was what her claim was, however, the period of the boycott lasted from before she was twenty until she was thirty six so there's no way this story could be true, and it's so typical of her. shit embryos. Are you remember the story which is she smoked, pot back, in nineteen. Eighty, six listening to snoop dog, you all right,
and then we all found out. That's news. I didn't really an album until nineteen. Ninety three right so bit a bit difficult, I mean, maybe maybe he was just in a room, singing to her. I don't know, but apparently that wasn't true either in this is typical of cobbler harris. It's interesting. You look at the left right now. It seems like all of them can communicate for different reasons, you know, a cobbler harris can't tell any any true stories. Joe Biden can't big because he seems to be going senile nancy policy speak because she's drunk all the time right, John fetter became big because he had a stroke. Are you a sailing a man's health situation? I'm not what I'm hearing right now, you're taking shot at a man who is just been ill well
because there's no shots taken of donald trump after he had covert. Now on right, not wanting to criticism. He had a nice. Remember that wonderful period of the donald trump presidency right before the election, when there was no criticism of him, oh no as he was getting one, being ill and that's why you I'm not a ceiling for being. In fact, I hope he gets better, but he should get better in a place that isn't the senate. I think so too, it would be nice recover in a little bird, a hospital or he could reach at home or he could recover in a rehab facility. Yes, but not the? U s set Senate all really Could I just now, of course, if he is fully recovered, he also should not go to the senate. That's other recent sees it. He would be a terrible he's. Bernie Sanders photo yeah yeah, that's a problem and he was a brilliant during his pain, stop and in this speech-
Please understand the stakes in this race certainly the washington d c, the sin so I can work with Senator casey. I can champion the union way of life in jersey. Israel DC. Thank you Thank you very much. It's an honor. I live minutes away from her who, when I leave tonight and I got three miles away, what doctors, It is managed in a new jersey. You got a friend And you have an ally, send a to washington d c. Thank you very much for that mansion that I had a surprising cabotage and vote because I I only live eight minutes away, that's a great point. If you're in walking distance, you ve got my vote. If I can
walk to your house within twenty minutes, a monopoly- real. If John fishermen moved into my house, then I will therefore vote for what I I need him probably willing to move into your house, love that I may love that I dunno. If parents still pay- and I mean I- you know- if there's a rent situation to determine who is fifty one which was ancient times like three years ago. This is look what a bizarre and obviously he's having some issues there in aceh, really It's sad. I laugh at his reasoning that the only thing that look doctor- I don't I don't think doktor hunts- was the right did it, for this particular excited to be clear but like, the steady advanced to criticise about doktor oz, like I do I we honestly do you know any of his positions. I know
I really don't know any of doktor arouses positions. Yes, he stated some of them recently and I d, know him well enough to believe. If he's no concern If our republican or anything, I he's not my ideal candidate but john fishermen, the only criticism he seems to have a missus Raddle rich, is rich and varied. How jersey yeah it's a big house. lives in jersey. Any successful, don't vote, this man, because he has a big house, any successful he keeps putting out the only things I like about him. Yet we like like the fact that he successful I like it, I like it when you're a loser. Nearly you ve never had a job, really that that could port, you or your family, and that your parents have paid your way for your whole adult life. That ties that's not your local down! I want that way way. Is this posted wearing a hoodie as well? Yes, I'm sorry long as he's wearing a hoodie that I would feel now. How many times would you vote for him? Probably yes, yes, I'm wearing,
philadelphia eagles hoodie today in honor of John fetterman, I don't know very nice, it's very nice, and I think there is a there's an odd. Thing going on here. He has no message Now he has. This is different than not having an ideology. He does have an ideology. He is a social edits. Really is a Bernie sanders candidate. He is as far less as any candidate in the united states. That is john futterman here, just because he wears a hoodie and grunts a lot, and his large does not make him any different. Bernie sanders. Berries Yours is a socialist. john futterman is a socialist he's. An eo see candidate nobody's six, eight he's, not six foot eight who Sanders The family is may I see, doesn't seem to be for forty two hundred yes, John betterment is
is tat. All these tall he's a large. He wears hoodies europe. He grew see almost died, the almost from a struggle can grow like I feel bad ones one has a stroke. I've had family members who have had strokes I've had fairly never to have it all sorts of physical ailments never did think you know that qualifies them for the senate. You. If anything, you'd say hey, something that is messing with your cognitive abilities is something that you that would disk qualify you from a high profile role, it's not a thing and our leadership in the united states of america. For some reason, that's just not a thing if you are compromised mentally That's fine with america and how do you know that way, because so many people voted for Joe Biden Joe Biden, for sure, is is, is a great nancy Pelosi super compromised as well yeah?
Kamala harris- is compromised in some ways to listen to her speak. It's like I don't know she just stretching so much, because he's not intellectually capable of making a point near our. If there's something wrong with her is with common. It feels like she's always calculating what she should say and cannot say yeah to not to reveal too much or what's the most beneficial thing of the time. She's constantly making calculations and her brain doesn't work that fast, I mean she's, just not that smart. Now, maybe a really smart person could do something like that. She says unable to pull it off. So she winds up. talking to her enough talking herself into stories about how she's never eaten a grape, and thinks this is amazing. A good idea right, like that, where I don't think that's what nancy philosophy is doing. Baloney he's probably just slashed, also little buzz. You gotta least a dash of the Joe Biden issue. I think so fishermen is what eighty now she eighty. I think she's very cool- if not eighty may
Even eighty one right now issue those reports now that nancy policy, if, if the republic Take the house- and she doesn't want to lower herself- to not be speaker the house, any more cheap, go she'd, be minority leader, man, she now is entertaining the idea of being named ambassador to ITALY. All that good as for, first of all, all about the one hundred support that recedes her in ITALY. He has yes, one hundred percent italy. We got a former speaker of the house, who's now, ambassador to ITALY yeah. I think that's great, but the other. A lot of people pointed out. Wasn't this? The place she was just on vacation with inner bikini roof, which is that hot set of photos, I mean we have to all acknowledge those were really attractive. There is nothing like an eighty year old in one piece and she pulled it off well, but you know Is it possible that nancy just once free trips to ITALY, although time, if yes, very very possible, which again
Corruption in government is bad. We can all agree on that, but that mt of corruption that leads to nancy policy being in ITALY all the time and not here is good. That's good corruption sums, you have to knowledge. Corruption is wonderful in this particular put moment. Having see policy constantly on vacation in italy is something I support taxpayer dollars going too. We should pay for all for vacation, so she stays in italy forever show they're beautiful it will robbing for her be right there wine is a classic. it is incredible. The scenery history path right, all of the other I mean, I know she lot. She seems to really like dig that Mussolini period mission, whatever she's doing over there go. For their doing so good in love it silk in the sun, Tripoli Seventy seven be easy case or sixty seconds art.
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its parents do for Glen Glenn neglect back programme. Interesting piece in vogue about jennifer lawrence. She the actress from passengers for one passage was a university course you're, not into sci fi, really, not really, so that was a was a way to shay like the the hunger games would be the hunger games, be the thing that you'd point out jennifer lawrence his career. Probably yes, please, better known for augur games. The passage although the passengers is more recent than popped in them. Maybe you go silver linings playbook, because it was award winning film what, or did a winner honest ass garden, she won an oscar for that. I think she did really it was
good movie, mainly because it was philadelphia, eagles, themed threats- and I remember it, but it did when I feel like multiple. There was at least nominal for more towards the eight academy award nominations, best picture best director and best adapted screenplay, AL lawrence won the lottery award for best actress in a leading role. I mean those are the two I would say highlights of general. If you're going going hammers. Oh, I would that name. Passengers, as even the list back toward that you gotta you're, probably too, her I thought was hacked before you get to passengers, but god, I think, maybe you go games. I think you're probably lead with that one. Ok, just this is just my advice to you. Whatever, as a jennifer lawrence themed broadcast home, anyway. She had a mob. Interesting. Revelations in that article, including one that she has been troubled and has spoken to her therapist about her
recurring nightmares. She has about Tucker karlsson. That's it that's psychopathic there, and my guess is she's, never even watched an epoch. of Tucker carlson's show that would be I get now, but if Tucker karlsson does not start his show either last night or to tonight with four lords is dreaming about me and I will be very disappointed. God do he's got to absolutely has to date. Anyone watch Tucker karlsson last night if you did not delayed, because one of the story come out. this saturday yeah. I do remember it hitting yesterday. I think so. If he didn't I'll, be very disappointed in MR clean. Would that be the greatest thing in your life? If Jennifer lawrence admits that she's had recurring nightmares about you, I think so, but grain that's pretty awesome yeah maybe she's so she's tortured by how attracted she is to him and that's the nightmare. That is First thing: you list on your resume from now. On its decision, you should have that is lower. Third, it's at a fox news host is,
in Jennifer lawrence's dreams. I don't know you it'll get a better anecdote them that, but vulgar also noted to her that her family, I guess, voted for trump in twenty. Sixteen. That was very disturbing to her the Republicans right yet leave. They are here So she said I just worked so hard in the last five years to forgive my dad and my family and try understand its different, the inn mason they're getting is different. Their life is different. Yeah yeah, for maybe should apply that to yourself too, because I'm guessing again she's never watch. fox news, she's, never looked in to an alternative publication to the new dark times or los angeles times that you know she's getting all of her information from cnn and MSNBC. I think you're lucky. If that's true, I see cnn and MSNBC, probably not even then yeah, it's probably left wing blogs year, but
because she grew up. I believe in a republican house is Shi Ite. She may have some familiarity with it and his regime. old against her parents over the years and decided to choose and which, whatever eminent it happens from time to time, you, when you're in hollywood, seems to happen often yeah, but This idea that you have to go to forgive your pay, It's for the political police unremembered! I have. I have read it. those who are liberal. I don't need to forgive them. I could try to convince them, persuade them perhaps to forgive them. They haven't done any. They didn't could permitted a crime, but that's what it's like to the left, if you believe differently than they do, it's actually a sin to them now, because climate change and all of these things are their religion, abortion. Is their religion. So she was asked about political exchanges with their family members and she's. and I broach the subject in the sense that I unleashed text messages boom boom boom. They don't respond
oh my gosh and then I'll feel bad and send a picture of the baby running nice, though voter parents, just let it lay just leave it alone. The point you need to make a calculation of what's good for your life yeah the Glenn Beck, responding to jennifer lawrence over and over again on text messages about politics is not good for your life to be there. How would you like to look ten fifteen years younger, do what I look like Nancy Pelosi in that bikini. Well, if you Do you dont want to use jenny cell, but in case you think maybe you want to look at a different way. Jane you sell exists, it's the best in skin care. I've been talking to you about jenny, sulphur years, it's because it really. my wife and my mama both he's jenny, so they love it. If you do with the crows feet around the eyes or maybe a little old lily old turkey neck. It might be tat for you to give jedi sell a try to jenny cell is got the last couple weeks of its jenny cells summer blow out every most popular pay,
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patents do for Glenn olympic programme within reviewing the less his career of jennifer lawrence because still took exception with my pointing out she was in passengers. It does that I didn't remit. We're passengers like many people? you should have. I should him I should because it was a hit over a hundred million dollars the budget of that thing. I don't know two hundred million a year and a half of budget other. But no you don't don't bug us down did it actually make reduction by two hundred and ten million. Ok well but worldwide it made three hundred million. Yes, however, you don't get all the money that is it for box office, so it was, I wouldn't say it was a hit. I'd say, may have made its money back just a minute. That's good, and maybe a little for profit, but not much about it,
if you look at her career, I think you're going hunger games where she's made billions of dollars in the box office she's. Also now a bunch of the x men movies, which I didn't see any of but she's. What is she, the the blue thing? Yeah, the blue person that blue You know that is Martin usable person, the bloopers, they took place, drums right and she she's there's a bunch of blue people. They gonna pay does not allow any they have on my can as a different blueprint and trash cans and stuff. You know now, she's in that, and you know it did. Vit did ok, it's a silver linings. Playbook yes overlap, but what was actually wants, oscar for that, while best actress in a leading role of note a normal, barbarous arrears of her may remember it. I know you didn't. She might remember that one little thing but beyond doubt that she has not had a she's not at a huge it. In a wild I mean the last, this is. Passengers was probably her most recent ma. Our success, even you should be doing some archie stuff. You know he's been get their high iphone hacked
with things like that of ngos that happen that she was that the main doctor and I don't care what year was that aim. Remember. That is like a good sum. We broke into a bunch of iphones in life. naked pictures celebrities is a big story at the time, she was, I would say, the most prominent wotton. She was like at the peak of celebrity and and she energy type again. I don't. I don't understand the fascination of taking pictures of yourself naked eye I now either. Maybe, if I look like jennifer lawrence, I'd feel differently about this particular topic at be really weird. If you looked like jennifer set to be very very how dare you know how No women and men are exactly the same. Is it is? It is their time, martin, too, to jump that comment by pat grace to save his career, because if acknowledging believes it would be quota quote weird strange if I looked like jennifer lawrence as I could easily identifies a woman at any moment, you could maybe I
Maybe I'm a g, you don't know. No are you out of it when I was never accuse you of looking like jennifer lawrence, I don't think I'd be that attractive of amendment old pigs, but she looks great. I just don't think that necessarily her politics. she's so soil to the level of her apparently so ridiculous, and you know all almost all of hollywood is, but it's you know I feel like it can. I draw an analogy, hear them tell me if, if, if you believe this, corinne jean pierre is sort of like if you take the average hollywood actress and put her in the role of press. Yes right, like job here, I think, is a. She seems pretty like she's that battle of the lady they came seems like that's what they picked her for she, her appearance seems to be outside of her in three qualifications. Number one, her genitals remember to the genital. She prefers number three.
color of her skin. Those are her three main credentials for the job, but the Fourth one is like kind of this- has that way about her like she's here of these topics before right like she, it's not like you know, if I were to talk to you about some topic in deep ash, of physics, you might get a guy. You know you're talking about where it was like she's she's been on twitter and seeing these topics of mentioned re election she knows that You know she knows who won the two thousand. Sixteen election juice know much much about it, but she knows who it right up our action. So one thing she doesn't seem to know. I was about example, because she's actually said it was stolen, but Jane, it's because she knows the general topics about politics. She knows that knows there. Student debt. She knows that. May democrats want to relieve some of that student debt in some way, she's familiar that the topic exists in conversation, but It seems to be the limit of her own
standing. So she reads most of her answers in the great big book of everything at the great book of everything and then allow at times she doesn't realise that what she's reading doesn't answer the question and also she apparently gets caught at times. When people realize issues tweeting that elections previous elections were stolen. Yes, she was asked about that yesterday in here's. What she said. Dude we're all agreement that it is incorrect to say twenty twenty election, the stolen. What about twenty? Sixteen election look Look, I'm not gonna go back to where we were or what happened in twenty. Sixteen we're going to focus on the here and is about wealth, had a growing the twenty twenty election of use. The past too
do you understand you understand that right if you're running twenty election is not the here and now right, I don't want to look back at well. If you don't look back at the twenty sixteen election knew, then you need need a little packet. Twenty twenty election. I should point out to everyone. Men with a lot of people, seem to understand this damage It's not running for office. Currently, he is not on the ballot in any state. For any job he may run for office in twenty twenty four. No, on thinks, he's gonna be out of senate ballot anytime soon he's not gonna be running for a house seat. He may run for president in the future, but currently is not running for president? So idea that you're going to make him the focus of this campaign, which is clearly what they want to do. Is an interesting political bit of gymnastics, but it is not reality. He's not the ballot talk about the candidates that are running for office, can you do that The answer to that is no. No, they really can't so,
The current jean pierre gets asked this question, because this is not just her, it's all of them. This is her saying: a stolen emails, stolen, stolen drone, stolen election, welcome to the world of an president, unprecedented trump, the on the cover president, an unprecedented- and this is her two thousand sixteen saying the election was stolen. She said the election was stolen in georgia as well, and look you can have criticisms. You can say if you want to have the position that you believe it's wrong for donald trump to say that the election was stolen. Ok, but you dont also get to say all the actions. You lost or stolen you criticise some one else for say the election is stolen when you ve been claimed multiple times that the election was stolen? It's just you can't have both of those things except they do they want to I don't think the american people are going to go along with that of your right
I really hope your eyes are with us here more of current jump here. Just trying to understand The new attention on the matter, republicans you tweet it and I'm really is wrongly store election, always waiting feeder. When you are going to ask me that question well, you treated tropical election. You tweet, o brien count stolen election is denying election result is extreme, now, what Well, let's be really clear that that comparison that you made is just ridiculous. I have been. I have been what you're asking me a question. Let me answer it and you feel the weight ridiculous I was we're talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and the what was in danger of voting rights. That's what I was speaking to at the time and here's a thing. I have said your governor camped on the election in georgia. I've been clear about that. I have said, president trot, why the election of twenty. Sixteen and I've been clear about that. What we are
looking about right now. Is our stores not forget what happened on january six times, twenty one. We saw an insurrection a mob that we all citizens rights. The person who occupy those camp is this facility and at that time, and while it was an attack on democracy? Let's not forget people died that day of the the the appeal to the emotions, therapy and peoples forget, die died, well, yeah actually, babbitt died. That day one other person who was the trump supporter died that day, but the others did die as a result of I mean even brian sickness family said he died from strokes, didn't attributed to the mob that I've ever seen The other police officers committed suicide. They didn't die that day, that was later on issues.
Slowly, infuriating that they keep promoting, that lie is just it's a flat out lie and they won't let go of it. They they continually a tribute, five deaths to january. Sixth, when this is not the truth, so what happened? Why would it was that doesn't mean it was a good event. Good day now, I'm tired of even a carnival hedging that with the explanation, because it says it all now obvious that where we all know, we all know that it should have happened, but they have it's so out of proportion. It really has overwhelmed the day its overwhelmed. What actually occurred like their nonsensical treatment of it, has overwhelm the things it all of us working, turned about, and no one wants that
you know, it was so that the reason why it stands out so much is because on the right, it's so rare, you don't see us going to cities to burn things down and break things and break windows and throw things at play officers and hit police officers over the head with flagpoles. That's the left's job. they do that. All the time go to literally any day in Portland Oregon, go to any day in seattle: fine just find the area that we pick the federal building their attacking in that particular evening, go to a six month period in twenty twenty, where it happened every night and major cities all across the country all across the country and was excused constantly. We see this happen every single time that that. One of these we know one of these things breaks out. We see the same excuses from the media over and over and over again and the disgusting set of excuses and largely based upon well, you have to understand, we know mean if they can't control them
else. That's essentially their attitude, making it el themselves. Am I got I know about you, but every person I've met who would fit into any of the groups their describing has plenty of control over themselves. It's the left that thinks that they don't it's the left that doesn't expect. Basic civilization to hold up. when something goes wrong and as appropriate Jim January sixth arrived yet totally. It is totally asinine to call it an insurrection, meticulous. It's not an insurrection on watch ato s widow, this pet. There are certain movies when they come on. You must one if you're, if you're, just flipping through the channels, and it's on you have to stop what you're doing at any moment and watch the rest of instance. The godfather is an example of this. I would put valkyrie to this end of this discussion. Greece in their yes, it see you might not like Tom cruise, but man is at a friggin good movie, and It is the movie about
literal insurrection. against hitler. Uk vague to assassinate if they try to take over government buildings, they took over the government communication apparatus and communicated orders underlings to stop listening, do hitler because he's dead and go with us. Instead, there it's an insurrection and its erect? there's not a bunch of people wearing horns on their head, walk in and putting their feet up at nancy policies desk. That is not an uncertain. It's a bad thing is not an insurrection. It's a different, it's their two separate things and it out but does it mean both of them are good or both of them are bad for both their day, the clearly our both bad but their different scales. Here, there's! No! There is no plan, I e they go through the communications of some of these people who actually were inside the capital, and you can see there are a few of them that seem to have that on their mind. But that is totally do
then accusing the president, the states of an insurrection, it's a totally different, There are always crazy people. There are thousands of people in america right now, planning some sort of insurrection that likely will never even be attempted and certainly will not succeed, that is something that has been going on forever its idiotic, but it's true, that's totally different than what they percent january six as and this is their their whole campaign. Three literate relocating january six and she's, like all. We can look back at the past. that's all you're doing all the time. You don't look at the present. That's that's the problem with this election strategy and why we should reject it. late? Seventy seven be easy. Gay more patents do Don't come back programme ben stupor glenn the Glenn Beck programme triple eight? Seventy
seven be easy k. It looks like a cnn may be considering firing. Another couple of people- at least that's the rumor now and Jim acosta- is one of them. Oh no, all, wouldn't that be said, olga she loves. Jim Acosta is a Jim acosta yes he's the only person who loves Jim Acosta. Yes, he loves himself. Oh my gosh allow gashed, as he love lillian, loves himself enough for all the rest of us all. You say why I don't do it because he done all the word for us here dude loves here himself school, my gosh loves it. Yet he thinks he's. the smartest. The best look and and and just has the biggest best takes on everybody. On network television he he he's the man, who knows it all and he's not afraid to tell you, but hopefully,
He won't be it cnn. Much longer, now, supposedly vivid do planning to do this for a really long time and then finally, they did get rid of brian spelter by see if it happens to a cost, as well as to our very own robbie. No, here the place he's a media critic and- and I said to him like what is there chance. This is like real, like cnn. Is surely changing their ways and improving like what how I asked him, how I wouldn't want attend school? How would you rate the sea it in transition from Indonesia obviously conservative here the blaze sceptic, not a fan of rights, delta, etc. Anything could give it a seven by guy it. see like so far so good here with some of these changes are really going to do it like. Maybe there actually gonna, I know they're, not gonna, do I can we're gonna, get optimistic. I think what are you doing? Don't give up is just that: they're just if she Lucy's putting their lives
what boulder down and I'm going to miss it again she's going to pull it away, she's going to pull it away, but I'm going to try and kick it again, I'm going to try anyway, but then they give us another little inkling with this story and regret a lot of work to do a lot of work at the Glenn Beck program. While that was a lot of wasted time till we got to now when you can get the flu shot and the coverage At the same time, he waited about food. Thousand years allowed on the two arms thing getting a lot of wasted arms. It is a lot of wasted arms, but thankfully we now have a use for both. Yes, which is, yeah mo target will tell you about a sweat block. Now glenys is sweat, lock and in loves at raves about it. All the time he's got the wipes that he says. I guess it's. Something like a seven days is somehow wipes out your sweat for seven days, which is incredible, but every time I think of this product. All I can think about is jaffe like Jeffrey is the sweaty is person ever ever. I dont know I big a jiffy. Was given to arms by god for two shots, but he was also apparently given a lot
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when you are about to here is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment the program
people are actually debating whether or not donald trump. What's going to sell nuclear secrets to the russians will get into that and much more coming up in one minute, so like the best thing to do, is learned the hard way not now with real estate, though, because lower real estate transaction. It can screw up your financial future for such a long time, and you If you ve ever gone down this road and had a bad real estate agent, it could be the difference between us really great transaction and a great move for your financial future, and the destruction of freely really serious thing and it so funny how we pick real estate agents. Usually it just likes somebody I kinda know somebody. kind of dunno
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donna just so asinine. You have to be a pretty big trump haider to believe that he would sell secrets now, clear secrets to the russians or the saudis. It's like a bit. It's like a comedic bit here that the if you have evidence of this, please My pleasure providers, because I will tell you this- you know, there's a lot of things that that I think the the right excuse on donald trump. They, give him a big brake on his offensive tweets more his sorry, his truths. Truths and his redruth. Yes, if he was selling nuclear secrets to our enemies. You know what seriously seriously it's such a ridiculous, idea, they have no seemingly have no evidence of it and they are trying this the thing, because they realize this scandalous silly.
I will. I do have some people around me who I've talked to who think it's a big deal. I can't read my arms around. Why it's a big deal, I'm not saying Donald trump did everything perfectly here. I don't know you don't have the evidence or or the knowledge to know that but like if, if what he did, was have a bunch of documents that, as president the united states, he had already seen NEA and stored in his brain, and he brought documents home and put it in a way, guess is being sick, described as a less than perfectly secure closet among papers. and you're gonna, what not let him run for president because of it. What what what would have been jailed pinnacles genial over this, just it seems cookies, wouldn't leave ridiculous is the implication that that baroness read some of those documents. Is that the
what we're worried about here was his could have gotten access to some of those documents and random, and then what would happen? but right and then maybe baron is selling, will secrets to russia yeah. I don't know your ears, my question for any journalists who wants to investigate this get yours, four nine iron yunker pick up a title list and go out there. walk out to the seventh hole of mar a and see if you can steal a few, was of gulf, see How easy that would be to do see if it be easy to accomplish stealing a diet- coke, from the bar see if you could pull that off before you? You're telling me how in secure these documents were in his prey that residence in a locked closet like I get, that is not how we should be storing high level, security Gimme that are under high level security, I understand that. That's enough.
Technically residency. Archivist were down there and directed him to do certain things to keep them secure think he did say something hard to know. Obviously there so many claims, so many things have been leaked. I dont honestly, no I'm going to the worst case scenario for reason here, because I can't find why this is such a big story, even in a worst case scenario, lest you jump to one would just mention he selling nuclear seeking to saudi Arabia right at the left legitimately pitch this as a reason for him to get live gulf tore events right so that no you're right. I guess if that were not putting it would big story? There is no, since that that's happening. There is no reason to believe it. It's completely ridiculous in every single case, people go away I don't believe it happened. So, unless you very are evidence of something like that, I mean, if you got tax of him, relay prince
bring bring the live gulf tore which, by the way, doesn't exist yet bring it to my golf clubs and I'll give you these nuclear secrets. If you got you're gonna have something and not gonna, be it to be eaten these words in a big way, but like the fact that, like all well text, clearly, this is not a process for whole store in these documents, so this scandals that donald trump has been accused of and survived. you're. Telling me document, storage is the thing you're gonna say this guy down over documents story of their hoping they really are. They were hoping they want it badly. I mean joy bihar. the brilliant joy bay. Hurry yesterday suggested to me was actually selling secrets. I paint more keep asking I do wonder why he's gonna sell em? Ok, really, He's going to sell documents, the former president of the eu, I did states of amerika who loves you country quite clearly,
Why else would you put up with everything he's put up with over the over the last six years, and now he's planning to sell nuclear secrets to the russians mean it just ludicrous and have we not been down this road that didn't, we do of rushing a thing. Wasn't there all years of these complaints that turned out not to be true? Yes, and it was a complete hoax and win it. We're still doing this and people are still believing it I just don't understand,. This is the way like I could understand if he was dealing with russia in some way that we know that they they came out with evidence of this in the motto report like why you think that was a big deal. If what the accusation here is that they just went in for this raid, because was miss. He restoring documents and not telling them the truth about it, or maybe he wanted to keep things that they wanted back. Like all these things here, as already seen business
not him breaking into some vault in taking something he didn't have access to. He was president of the united states, he's seen all the documents, whether you as the documents in his hand or not he's already seen them when you see something it gets stored in your memory banks and you can recall bits and pieces of information. Could have at other points written down in a journal, the things you what did remember from the documents. We know takes a lot of notes and apparently flushes them all down the toilet, which is also something we're told. So I just joe under like it's not as if he were in and took documents he didn't have access to he already. The reason your accusing them of taking them is because he already saw them is because knew what they were, because he put eyes on him in itself, rights to do that is present in the united states is just like there. Have, scandals throughout donald trump. What we know of problem
as a politician than I thought true, will really problematic right. This is not I don't understand if you have an actual accusation that he's done something with these documents his own political benefit them. the line you need to cross if you're the left for this have any relevance to anyone other than you, because if he miss stored documents, no one's going to care if he was really reckless with the documents and again we I have to focus on this because being reckless with the documents is not putting him in a private closet. That is probably the wrong thing to do, as far as the procedure, but like any single thing stored on line is more at risk of being stolen, something and donald trump personal closet, and it to get next to the president, the united states, personal closet and, in that context, Why didn't they care about Hillary Clinton? Z me right and I think like, if,
He was really reckless. Let's just say he was printing these documents on the back of the kids menus. There is a maze on one side and nuclear documents on the other, just really reckless handed them out. He got the kids' menu they're, circling their grilled cheese on one side and on the other side is high profile, north korean nuclear secret? If that were true, it might rise to this to the partisan scandal level and that's what hillary Clinton females were right, the right cared about on the left didn't care about him some. People in the middle cared about him, but not many I mean it was really more of a conservative story, with the exception of James comin Out ten days before the election and kind of the igniting it which made it have real impact for the election, but like The right is not going to care if, if he was a little reckless in the way he store documents that we have. No evidence were taken again. If they were, take it if they were stolen. We know Hillary Clinton had all sorts of email issues around this time. We know
and podesta who they just put back and control of like global warming. He had his emails, hacked these things actually occurred, but the idea that he can they met a reckless way. They might have been at some point at some future juncture. Stolen is just now excite anybody other than the MSNBC hosts, who already are excited about everything about donald trump you'd, to show malice. You'd have to show that Donald trump took these documents out of the white house to benefit. El financially like and the the hurdle to clear to prove acclaim like that is impossibly high, I can't even imagine what you'd have to come up with evidence wise to to show proof of that and if they ve got it every single person in this audience would want donald trump to be in prison if he was naturally actually doing all year. We'd all want him in prison. He does turkey has risen. He just didn't do this. May I get, I feel,
comfort it it just already radio, you say how much money we are going to make from this go to progressively then give me five billion dollars, and this is a piece of paper. I doubted guided, doubted it's silly, its asinine, I mean just to make a really big impact in donald trump live where It's gonna be worth it for him to take some document and sell it to a foreign power have to be quite an arrangement we have to be a good deal, a big pay off for it to make a difference in his life turbulence seventy seven, be easy. Gay more patents for when, in sixty seconds, if you are a charitable person, but you like make sure that your money is going to place. You know I don't know it can be responsible with it. May I recommend that you check out the tunnel to towers foundation their honestly one of the best organizations we ve ever worked with an were proud of all the work that they do when a fur
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it's the t, the number t two t dot, org t two t dot org ten seconds station id the kgb get more from her yesterday, which is fantastic shoost. Jews estimate, shit about the pipeline. I don't want to spoil it check this out, so you ve heard to say this that what we, Russia's doing it within very clear about this. Is that their using energy, their weapon, rising energy and its choosing to to one of the things that, been out there, the shut down the pipeline of nor charm wine or no, they shut down the pipeline of Nord stream, one They had a direct pipeline, my gosh direct pipeline right to the women's lingerie section, really instrum, yeah and down shut it down. They
shut down luxury goods at affordable prices- yes, maybe not, affordable prices, but still that's incredible, but that is the That is the motto right: it's a luxury goods at affordable, this is kind of. That's all right. I just made it up, but it seems like that's that's right. It should. Be. If it's not right, it should be their motto. That's a place said very predictably current job here, probably sharpset like that dresses very nicely. I think she is is that it Anyone it then- and we know how many fashioned thats there might be in there she might be able to lend, would definitely neglect would now, I would say, like she dresses nicely the issue to which I would say: sheepish land is more money on her clothing, then the average salary in the united states per year at the pace. She's got a that's true, but that's true. She never seen her in the same thing. Have you
I've literally never seen her in the same outfit and they all seem like really nice psych. She spending a lot of money on clothing and so normally or no extra bit there might you might even be undercutting of that might be bargain basement for current job. Here I don't know, but you don't seem to spend a lot of time on her appearance. Again as one of them, for reasons she's got the job now she's we talk about the Nord stream pipeline, that they shut down, but we all know that we don't know that. Do we now? Is it possible that new love Ray goods are coming through a pipeline somewhere and she's commenting on it. We don't know- and there is the Nord stream pipeline- that delivered luxury good that this is a great example. What we're talking about earlier she's, aware that there's a pipe That sounds nord stream like she's road of it, she has not like she's completely in the dark she's up public pulling somebody off the street who's, never read news, article rashid just these so unfamiliar. She has no depth so like to her. She heard Nord stream pipeline
you just kind of assumed it was the same name. I had a programme director, early on. In my talk, radio career, whose do did you gotta toad gesine, he said, do toyota occur dude you just need to be an inch deep put a mile wide, so You mean you needed to know a little bit about a lot of different thing there. That's that's like that's what she is barbaric type she's, not a talk host, not a talk, show host owed. She should, you should be a mile deep and maybe each why'd, I dont all, but you should know more were here about the topics you asked about. Also issue does not need to be a mile wide he does need to be more than an inch deep on a few areas, though, and she not she's an inch deep on everything? It's like she. Doesn't I don't don't you have people you talk to at the white house about these issues? Are
I think she deserves. I think I think she does and I think that's the thing people come to her and they explain these things tour, but has no knowledge right. It's like talking to go on about sports. This is happening with this- is legitimately a real thing, we'll go into a monologue and Glen's about do monologue. He'll asked me about like as a reference to sports You know some so thing that you are trying to make an analogy needs. When babe Ruth called a shot. You know And he'll try to work through it with me before we go on the air and he can get to a point where he can hawk like he kind of knows what happened right, ear, when he veers at all off of scrap or if you were to ask him a question, you ask him a quantity of it right get he'll be I cure we like whoa, it's like when babe ruth hit that free through our work, he's gonna have no idea right and it's like it's
things where you know I'll I'll say I remember him doing one thing, whereas I was talking about a pass interference penalty and like the wait. He said it like. He had no idea what which part of that to emphasise because he had never really heard anyone talk about it. He had just heard me say it two minutes before it is trying to make an analogy of something he did I understand and bring it to sports, and that's what it's like with her. It's like. Someone has sort of talked her through an answer on some of these things beforehand. She sort of she's read a couple tweets about it, she's sort of like has a surface understanding that it is a thing, but that's it and she's trying to answer questions from people who have a deeper understanding than her every single time. Man, that's a difficult place to be your pudding. This really is on its unfair to her putting her in a position? She has absolutely no chance to succeed in you know
like I've, I really do feel like Joe saki went to a pr firm and said: how can I make myself look good and they said higher her? That's how you do it. will be like? Oh, my god, remembered the amazing dream. Jens saki was because comparison in comparison to her. Surely was she again at least she had read the full blog entry, not just the tweet, linking to it. That's the difference I'm not saying gents saki was good at her job. She wasn't buddy comparison. It's like The difference is monumental. She's like Mozart, compared if jitney tit to Kay J, p, ear, It is the mozart of white. How spokespeople and that's let's yeah, I gotta be.
Pretty bad to make Jen saki. Look like a mozart character. It's it's incredible like none of these people can play beethoven. Nea however, like gent saki, is taken a few lessons right, so she can play a little bit a piano. Why? if the current jean pierre, has seen people play piano, that's a qualification for the job. She once saw someone play piano, so she knows the fingers sort of move around on the keys which isn't which one's oppress, she's, no idea, which ones depressed she has like she's like acting she's she's got a role you're going to be pressed secretary today and she Does it have a script she's improving sponsor cities things unless she literally looks down at her script and reads word for word up. What's on the day when she does off and often- and I will say the one thing you could say better is she can't read she like literally, can read words in and say them out life. That's the best thing you can say about her, but it's
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I looked so let's go to mike in georgia mike you're on the Glenn Beck program. Do good work on it. Don't worry, get yourself, I'm a retired navy for thirty five years. I handle documents like a monk batman and felling document that they most? When did you ever her young for thought? For starters, our enemies already have an information. So why would they want the buyer right because it his is information about foreign countries, is the new act. That, though the latest round of leaks from the fbi says that these are documents about like what they north koreans north korea's nuclear arsenal, and it's like well as north korea, gonna buy documents there are two the clear, an arsenal. I guess other countries might be interested, but there. Our enemies, so I dont think its necessarily huge problem that they might know
not to mention that he didn't do it. But this is a ridiculous conversation anyway, because the president united states was on selling nuclear secrets or or or just a crazy yeah yeah. I look for stuff from top to bottom all the time and I'm thinking to myself Why would? Why? Would anyone want this? We are now already have it yeah thanks for the call. My guy- I don't I don't understand, I dont understand anything about the story. Frankly, I dont understand I don't understand why to this big deal as it is now be, neither I kind of get politics. Have it right we're coming up to an election that might be related, but, like? Let me do this, that the special master thing down trump ones special master said, so an unrelated an independent source. through the documents and see what should be. You know what. Documents are what they contain right is sewing selling secrets to the special master jet. What's going on, maybe that's it figure. That is it so he went
This happened. What is the I know, all the political arguments? What is the justice argument that if we are looking to maintain the reputation of our justice department and make sure that we all believe that the present the former president, the united states, is either. Held responsible for some crime or treated fairly by the justice tomorrow, What is the argument against a special master? that they ve already verde reviewed all the documents that they be eyes already. Thoroughly gone through. It there's no reason to go through it again. First of all, obviously his complaint here is he's been treated unfairly, so the f b I going through it would actually work in his favour. Yes, thanks I'll write, keeping that's what I've heard them say that were already done, but get that's not a justice argued. That's a timing argument right like there. That's not to the truth that we need to get their quicker. right, we need we need to get there and in a more
heightened fashion, because just two important need to get it right now, right now, right now is master more, might delay things a little bit, but would be a more direct path to the america. people being comfortable with the outcome right right now- and we are seeing is unprecedented situation where they raided the home of a former president which I'm sorry is suitable guy. If you if you don't see why that would be a notable part piece of history I got. I can help you, but I mean, like it's a big deal, whether here guilty, or not, it's just a big step to take. So this big thing happened. half the country thinks its total bs half the country's gonna. Believe anything. You say: that's bad about donald trump. So why when you take an extra step to show to have real trance and see, to have an extra person but extra set of eyes and these things to make sure everything fundamentally goes the
right way, so the outcome can be trusted. I believe I have an answer to this question. I believe I have an extra discussion and that answer is friday- two days from today- Two days from today is friday and something Morton happens on friday. Friday is sixty days before the election. And if they do not indict him before friday, beyond Written rule of of the fbi is, did not take major political impact, forfeit positions within, sixty days of an election, it's not a hard. fast, rule is not written down, but it's what they ve always seen. Gazeta violated that rule twenty. Sixteen with Ben the myth analysing what not yes and rightly nuts and them the fbi. his bowed. Not to do that again. Yes, they ve been very clear about that. They, like that rule We saw that with even bill bar supported that rule.
It's one of the things that they want out of that window. Now it could still happen, but I think part That the reason why you dont want to special master is You can rush through an indictment that gets through within a window that it that the The deal J is comfortable with an lines. With their unwritten standards. That's friday, I mean that's how close we are to this thing yeah, just crazy when you think about it that sixty days away from the election, So we are in that prime time area, where they're not supposed to be announcing, make her statements of former presidents so we will see if they hold to that but the special masters already been looks like we're gonna happen, so that made it, long enough baby to hold off unindicted. If they actually believe it's coming. I will say, like the indictment is being promoted as its this big thing, but it's like if it, the indictment is sickly. He had some documents, it didn't returned them in time. I just dont think people care the same p
who care about every little twist and turn the donald trump saga will care about it and the same people on the left who who care about every little accusation. I believe every little thing are going to make it out to be there. big deal and people on the right who don't care about anything, the donald trump does aren't gonna care So I don't know what who this moves. No, I got well, you know, he's had all these big, these big. I profile scandals that we've been talking about for months and months. At a time we spent millions and millions of dollars in investigation, but you know, what's going to get him the filing cabinet, that's going to be the big thing, but put it in the wrong filing cabinet You know it and put it. He put it in his that residents. It's not like you. rented it You know a, u haller and dragged it to a public storage and put it in their without a lock. It's in his house. I picked up a guy. They act as if it so well. Some people may have gone into this area.
I mean it's possible in that. That's probably not the best practice but like if you think you're holding onto your job and not not getting tackled by security officers. Sort of moral log. If you try to steal documents from their anger and saying this is not that's not what's going on here and didn't barack Obama have documents liver to a warehouse in Chicago. it wasn't even on his premises. It wasn't even near his house. It was just this big warehouse and he had all these documents, thousands and thousands of dark documents, delivered to some warehouse. Nobody cared about that nobody had any interest in that. What was obama going to do with all that stuff, it does seem like there's arguments between the archive lists and the former every time a leaf every time there are always taking documents there, not comfortable with them, taking the question it's? Not that I don't really like I'd ever sat here, railed on radio, about how moroccan obama took too many diamond like it is just not eggs like I'm, not that interested and, frankly, the only one
ever remember, really making a big deal about was sandy burger right? Who in nine eleven the documents he smuggled them out in his underwear. He stuff them. on his pants and that just seems incredibly suspicious, storing, documents that you'd already seen is also unsanitary who wanted to touch them? documents again idle, maybe was the player maybe get out. Thinking final now, it's fun. Well, that was the whole possible. It is possible- and you know- bring up the point that worldly sixty days on friday, six. So we must be what sixty two days from the actually now good math. I think he's awesome. Thank you yeah, I'm all on my own in my head. I didn't even use calculators incredible, so yeah, to reach our euro be reading it right now, if you like, sixty hold on, let me get the calculator up sixty one, and then you want more on top of that, sixty who is due to actually do yes, I do
still optimistic about Republicans havin, a good chance to take the senate, you know it's interesting at there is this narrative. May we can go into this? a little bit today at some point. But there's this big narrative that there's huge momentum on the left that the keep seeing that yeah and man. I gotta be honest. This is part of my job get the stuff everyday. I don't see this overwhelming out of evidence. Would suggest this momentum is there, so great now there is our wholesome right. There is some evidence that would support it and then the basically, what the left is doing in the media is trying to promote. Are these special elections, where you're seeing results that are disappointing for republicans, if seen three or four of them, since the since the dobbs decision, in particular the overturning of roe vs wade. michael surveillance.
In Alaska yeah, the paling one, but they pale in one, is a terrible example of this. Like Sarah Palin is a divisive figure right in in Alaska yeah, they either like or you hate her, and you know The reason why Sarah Palin lost in alaska is because republican voters, republican voters voted for the Democrat. That's all that happened right in what like she didn't when the first round of voting, and then she didn't, Then a bunch of republicans twenty eight percent of republicans that voted for the other republican, a good chunk of them switched to the Democrats. That's what happened in that that's how she makes it a lot. Resent, was resentment over her leaving the in governor early again drying up Knocking Sarah pale in here, but little she became a giant celebrity and was govern if the state and they just decided to leave in the middle of her term, like alaska, didn't like that, they didn't. They didn't appreciate it that much and so, and she still only lost by two points, but I think you know look
What are these things? Where that why Think is a good example of it. There have been three or four special elections that have gone on since the dobbs decision, and probably the best have evidence here would be the kansas abortion, a referendum and they they went against republic. some republican still one, but they won by less than expected. Some were purplish type races that went the Democrats way and so people are like. Oh gosh. That shows that the left is is animated by the dogs decision. right is incredibly animated by the dogs decision, but we just one that one you dont, can you don't get it to go to the polls to supply. The thing we already have right. That is not what animates republican abortion voters and in this particular instance the dobbs decision, I think, unleashed a peer This is a theory of my like. So I want to is not necessarily. We don't know what the outcome of this
but this is what I believe the Dobbs decision did animate democratic voters earlier than republican voters in the cycle, so they got on board and men got into election mode a couple of months, early, If republicans, which have led to some of these special election results, that make sense would make sense. Republicans have not turned on their election. Attention yet and that will start we can really kicking jus gear neck. we can in the weeks after, and we That being said, you're still seeing pulling, in a lot of these senate results that show tightening these races doctor, as was done by sixteen points three or four weeks ago. He's. Not around by four or five blake masters, with down by eight heeded now down by four we're seeing a hugely missouri for schmidt. we're seeing good results out of florida we're seeing a lot of things that do not line up with a democratic
bit of momentum here so I think, we're going to see. These raises continue to tighten over the next few weeks, you're going to see a intellection that I think the house is, is still more heavily favoured area for republicans. And the Senate is. They may still even be the underdog there, but they definitely have a chance to win this idea that they really have a twenty five percent chance to when I think it is not correct. I think we gotta give it a few weeks if we're still looking at same in four or five weeks, bull change my thesis on this, but I dont think I don't think that's true. I think right now. The left wants this to be true, and their desperately begging america to believe this momentum story, so they can create the momentum, that's not actually there and the media's going along with it. So it's starting to look like maybe right. That's really trying to ensure at it like there s frying, to start and push This train down the tracks, hoping the engine goes in and can start hall.
All this very heavy freight. That's a lie to carry, and it's not at this point, I dont think the evidence is there to support a moment ago with a good guy Because I just feel better now gathering drivel eight seventy seven be easier stand. sign up for the free newsletter. Today, Glenn back doctor. Hello it's bad and stew for glenn on the global programme? we're just noticing the Keck dot com website? What was it you're concerned with
boss, it twelve cookies. You could buy yeah, k and end in these. It correctly dot com where they have the world's finest cookie. They are fantastic, but in the box of twelve has how many cook, He's pictured in twelve, I would say right yeah. So, following that pattern, when you buy a box, aid how many cookies would be in the picture of the box of eight cookies Obviously, six. you are right. I don't know why you wouldn't think that's the right number, but you are correct. There's an interim six cookies in the box of eight years. Ok, then and they were offered X. You offer a box of six which make no day there's a box of six
Do you use your think? There's. Probably four cookies are exactly right: the foxes, because somebody's already eaten two of them in each of those boxes, but they haven't gotten to the box of twelve. Yes, it's a weird pattern of eat. It is but yes, a box of six shows them there's four cookies in the box. However, I think when you order it, you actually get six seven talked to somebody about that. I don't know who, but Somebody at management right right, somebody somebody might have way yeah. I can't say that I would have make sure band we going to tell you about the doomsday glacier ooh. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, why they call it that and what's about to happen, come on oven. The programme such about guilt bar pat and bar? Yes, how did a little katy bar that can't way more than a few ounces? How can that make you gain like I've pounds if you eat one, it did it happens, and if you, if you would like,
something maybe a little bit more healthy them, add something that can put aside that sweet too. a little bit. You get. Try bars my wife, one least page The LE speech made me: do it: instagram feed she's, the one that really discover these things and glenn likes to take credit for it are found billboard. Now you didn't lisa, found them and then LISA told, tanya and tongue. You told you and try to harass you and actually eating something healthy for once built have like a hundred thirty calories for grams of sugar for grams of net carbs, seventeen grams of protein, their great they taste delicious and you're, going to not pack on the pounds eating them, but it's a great way to go built dot. Com is the place to go to get your built bars, built dot com use the promo code back, get fifteen percent off your first order. The promo code is back for fifteen percent off at build dot com.
The you are about to hear is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment the program the great stupid year for Glenn Beck program, the jubilate. Seventy seven be easy, got to tell you about the doomsday glacier the. What now will tell you about it coming up in sixty seconds the
then stupor learn other triple eight. Seventy seven bees uk joint for my show that graham leashed immediately preceding there's one life every week day Sixty eight cents time and their nerves? Stew does america now happens daily we to do anything else with your life, you just need to listen to play, shows and the so take all of them. You'd be a lot happier. Sumo them yeah, you don't need we're talking to your family is so overrated. Why? Why do it now? Instead just listen to our podcasts and I make sure to subscribe to and we do appreciate it and I will after watching the media. And the way they're looking at the election and everything else we were talking about this a little bit last hour. You need We all need places like the blaze. That will actually talk about the truth, because you see the narratives develop before they even take hold. You see what their to do in the media they're trying to shoot down, so many different roads to believe all these things
It aren't true. that they don't have evidence to support and if you don't have places to push back the there's going to be an issue there. So we know I'm thankful that the blaze does exist, but by the way you can subscribe, blaze, tv dot, com, slash Glen, the promo code is glen there. If you wanna, save ten bucks, but we do pretty you been part of the movement and part on the effort, push back against mainstream media, well, something else to push back on the antarctic glacier at arc in article has a glacier called the doomsday glaciers nicknamed that, because of its high risk of collapse and the threat the global sea level. It has the potential to rapidly retreat in the coming years, that's? According to scientists applying concerns over the extreme sea level rise that would accompany its potential demise? It's actually named the weights.
Glacier, but its capable of raising sea levels by sea sixteen feet. That's a already bad! It's really bad, because this glacier again very vague, really big yeah it's a rolling, though along its underwater base as the planet warms in a study. I love this in his study. published yesterday or the before I guess in the journal, natural geo science scientists map the glaciers, historical reap retreat, hoping learn from its past what the glacier will likely do in the future, wait a minute if it acted like, is in the past oh, why are we so alarmed by that? In the future. This is does. Naturally, this is The glacier acts But I will say this: you know one:
melting ice eve, seen ice melting, glass, right, yeah a bunch of ice at last, and then it melts yep and then it floods, your house, nor hey, raises the exactly what had water level in your house by you know ten fifteen feet. Sometimes you ve had that happen I've I've had and have everybody's out it up it does the glad when the ice melts. Obviously it no we're in the glass Not really. What happens, though, not is it was this this glacier, because I talk about these this the ice. Melting on land and then it flows into the water, and that can obviously, if you had, that would increase the greater. But this I mean it's already in the water. So you ve already at the volume there So what are we worried about, like? I guess, if, yes, if the ice melts on land runs into the water right that I would raise the level, though
in the amount of. The amount of ice were needed You ve it more than like an apple cubes here now It will be more than that it be more and more than even on large snowballs, like think of it, the biggest no man you ve ever seen, would not be bigger than that it would yeah, while that's pretty the pretty vague I've seen five or six foot snow. May I give you my size, you know they can be but you're talkin bigger than that lay them you're talkin seventy eight feet and to ITALY's nba without ballplayer late that size, like they keep cause, they constantly act as if ever One of these things is yet another not already getting another crew cole situation that's going to have all of humanity, running further hills and not being able to adapt, of course not being able to figure out a way to manipulate
our surroundings to survive these things. Now you know what this has happened through the the heatwave here, not that long ago, that hit europe I looked for heat wave? Is here we how will this is what could happen to places like they would have to deal with temperatures like and I'm looking at the thermometer here, taxes and thinking. Yes, this you, what you would do is build a bunch of air conditioners, No, I won't. They don't have organisers, they would need to get some if this were to occur on a constant basis. That's how you all problems like this. You can you handling ere. You can do You can do that, and you can do that really inexpensively like less expensively, they trying to control the global temperature, what one of its role in one room: what if we not only try to control the global temperature but weep all the rooftops white. What if we did that
Would that be helpful? I doubt I will sincerely doubt it because I've seen that kicked around a little bit, though yeah, let's paint all the rooftops white or put plants on all the rooftops, that's another one. They kick around yeah. I liked that too. It gets to put some greenery up there I don't understand how, like we adapt to these situations all the time. Countries all over the globe are in different situations and have dealt with every these issues individually on their own. there has never been hot before it has it's hot here. Every year, its high, here, everyone that it is in europe during the heatwave, we somehow survive it, and so the answer should not be. How do we change the global temperature? The answer, should be hey like let's come up with enough energy to supply the needs of modern civilization. While that's radical The crazy idea, I think I'll figure, gretta loretta, big driving in on the programme.
I have to be able to come up with enough g to supply the needs of the human population, that's the answer. The answer is not going to be pudding a nest thermometer on the earth and twisting it that's like that. You can do that you, do that you can't even do the most based things you're trying to do little control inflation, one if we put a heat scream between the sun and the earth, would have we did that screen heat screen woah, however without their own spaceships see you would somehow you know, hang it in space. Maybe between two space station. Like windows, tent, a vote, I see sort testicle and we put that between us and the sudden me don't don't get predict Thus, with a bunch of details, you know you could do this if you wanted to really. I do know that you're using. I know that you know that you know that so
if we tended the earth it be a little bit cooler right, just like your car, when you put that screen in the windshield thou. Like the sun, shone yeah yeah That is your ass uncoiled leads you to do that and space so that He doesn't get here that deal with that. one way to go that far would be a way to guarantee that I will grant you I know actually seen that proposal the simpson put forward. I think in an article montgomery, burn, worrying, Montgomery burns did this. If you remember, he blocked the sun yeah, he blocked us on the block the sun. It was because of the evils of nuclear power. Remember a while remember when that was the thing cause. Now, all of a sudden, the environmentalists are like. You know what we've you're not going to believe what we've discovered power. An atom. We can do what we can do in boys and girls, but we swear, and these right wingers want to stop us from doing it, but we, do it this time secreted.
we ve been saying we wanted nuclear power or ever forever. We ve seen it. It would be a major solution. I I lean and it's renewable yeah, so you so you don't have to worry about any of the problems. We're always going to have atoms now this only this does not solve every problem that fossil fuels does solve, and you know like there it just it's just an electricity solution more than anything else in that doesn't you know it's not necessarily the right solution for heavy transport, and you know industrial. He processes and lots of other different things. But I will say it would solve a lot of our problems when it comes to electricity and I'm old enough to but just as an example, joy and mccain running for president on applied form that advocated hundreds, if not thousands, of nuclear plants being built right and they laughed at him over it. Now, the green movement is saying you know what what if we just Nuclear power is green, which should have been a long. We just change. We just act like we didn't protest it for the past. Fifty years,
and we now embrace it and say that's yes differently to now. That's good development for society that they recognise that and its good. If we start building nuclear plants, but so impossible to swallow. The fact that they are, now trying to claim that are the ones who want will your power. We wait a minute. This is what they do with every everything they're trying to say you know what hey guys do no, the right ones to do for the police. How could you possibly believe people are gotta actually swallow that, but they do. at all times you get away with it, we lose them. It goes right along with that's truly there was this bill this bill. He mounted. There was a light and their about funding and a national police force, and they they said they didn't want it Well, yeah, that's a different thing than what we're talking about, and you know it What we want is like stop burning, building work. The people when they break windows- and make sure that the police are there to stop crime.
You wanted them all to go home so that when all this this was happening. No one was able to protect themselves, and you also one of the second amendment to go away, so they could even fire their own guns at these people. That's there that's their line in our luck. America can choose this if they wish, but as a bad decision is I hope that they won't It really is aaa. Seventy seven back more coming up. The patents do for glenn the Glen back programme. Triplets, seven be easy gay. I love these global warming articles where, within the context of the article they show how flawed there thinking is. Oftentimes married. These the points that they made in the article on this gigantic glacier. in antarctica the may melt, and there
worried about that they found some point in the past two centuries, the base the glacier, dislike from the sea bed and retreated at a rate of two point: one kilometers per year: that's a in point three miles. That's twice the rate that scientists have observed in the past decade, or so so in the last two centuries. It's been retreating stir than it is now. But it's it's climate change, global warming. These swift, disintegration possibly occurred as recently this is as recent as they get the mid twenties century so in nineteen fifty, it was it was a disintegrating faster than it is now and yet we're supposed I believe that we need to change everything we're doing spending. You're a trillion dollars and ex this climate change problem get just don't make
He said he'd, I'm I'm old enough as well. To remember a time where Glenn back was cons, currently marked for his doom room where are they sustain Alec Stephen coal bare and Jon Stewart, those guys we like eyes, you no gun back spreading fear spreading. You know all this cataclysmic fearmongering that that glenn back does in his doom room six, because Cindy yourself, all you do is say the world is ending its. Ninety percent of your propaganda is related to the fact that we're all going to die because of a points degrees celsius of temperature warm over a century. They did despite all the evidence, shows that we ve been able to adapt much quicker, then then this process eggs Yeah, can you imagine if, by the year twenty one hundred which oftentimes that's you know four for those who have
some kind of common sense and realise that we're not gonna be over by the year twenty thirty the year they reject. A lot is twenty one hundred. Can you Imagine if, in the next seventy eight years, we don't up with something that helps us get rid of co2? If that's, what we really really need to do is is lesson the c o two in the atmosphere. We, There will be no discoveries, there will be no inventions. There will be nothing that helps us on that, literally how they do these projections there. literally literally, go through and say what, if nothing happens. What have? No changes have been. No innovation minutes impossible, no adjustments by humanity. Like you see this the adjustments we ve made already course like. Look at you know you go to em. There's this big Eddie that came out a while ago. That's talked about how many people
We have to move from like bangladesh because of the flooding that comes from global warming over the next hundred years. Yeah I'd say: the numbers are gigantic. When you dig into the study, they literally literally, are figuring out. If no one changes any of their behaviour. why on earth would if temper, if, if the sea level was rising, why on earth would know one change their behaviour at the very least they would move At the very least, they will just stand there and drown. If the sea levels rising sixteen feet, I would think miami enemy residents would want to say, hey. You know what I understand. I was really nice is tommy exactly and that's the that's if it happened so quickly, they could do nothing about it most likely what they would do is they would do what holland is done or they would build, see walls or they would cut. They will come up with other technological solutions like we have done all across the globe to deal with water, getting it wrong places in nineteen hundred with that technology. Galveston
Texas raised the city seventeen feet think about this because of a hurricane that hit them in wiped out the town and maybe kill ten thousand people. so they raised this city said nineteen feet clear back then cheese with the tal gi. We have today work. What could we possibly do and we are the ones that are pro science here yet right, like all, we are sure ain't in science to actually develop things that make life better. You now, I'm thinking the the lady light is a good example of this. You had a situation where bananas is. George H urged w bush, who who did this but heaping things missy for something press through something that made incandescent light bulbs, memory avenue they banned them basically, except for artistic uses and stuff, and the thought was well will force everybody's fluorescence, which sucked many here
and here came ellie delights, analogy lights, which work on a fraction of the energy of even the fluorescence. They last forever there either. Customizable they just performed everything else on the market, and now it s better lie all you can buy your right like because it just one it's better it worked. need to what a class of people to do it. People wanted to do it and therefore they did and that is going to be how all of these changes happen in the real world. You can put all these laws in. You know we should go into california, maybe a little bit coming up because they're in the middle of a power crisis in the middle of one, our crisis in which they are telling you. You can't charge your electric cars, which already encouraged by and now you charge it increase. Well, how fast it has happened. You know days after they banned gas powered cars in the future. They can't
they are going to their citizens in saying hey decades, dec before this is reality you Two, but we can't even with a power needs, we have right now, in the future as how the newsome could possibly be considered. A presidential candidate is beyond me and it has been a complete failure in everything he slew disaster disaster throughout all video, a disease, esther with energy enduring under his tutelage. For the first time in its history, california lost population because of the way he screwing up. California, people just fed up with it now, and you really do want to have your wife near him. because he seems to have sex with a lot of the wives that is best friends have that are nearby right in us. They don't do that either. There's not there's a lot to be critical of gavin newsome. Now I guess, for a Democrat, all the stuff adds up to presidential hopeful, but I can't imagine to them
the country it does. It does tell you. The sad state of the democrat party, though, did they Nobody else to turn to new else. Is there even Hillary Clinton said she's not going to try it again now Kamel Harris, I mean she's, never eaten the grape, or at least not until the twenties, so maybe she's the next one, the Glenn Beck program spat in stupor glenn on the Glen back programme, drivel eight, seventy seven be easy K. California is being forced into some interesting decisions. Here we were just talking about the climate change, Situation in how that's affected places like california,
but they are making some laws and some regulations that are just not gonna, be advantageous for them in the future, for it right now there in a situation where they live. goaded everybody into buying electric cars. They ve told them residents that you won't be able to drive gas powered vehicles. Twenty thirty five, the only that will be available, will be electric vehicles and they tell the residents? Oh by the way yeah we we can't have you charging your electric vehicle between four and nine pm me after him. But other than that other national drowsily going really well. Walls of all solution to your transportation has just make sure you don't have to travel and that time period like five hours the day, just how hard three m right gig work at three p m. Instead, you know why not! I be that's an easy way of doing it. What does my one of my shift?
isn't at three. What? If my business isn't? Even open three, I am what what we know. One free that you come to your mind, is being on time is late, always show of early really so shelf at three thirty am threat clark old car. Here, you sure I as one way to get it out front. We do so maybe massive exercise, just you know, keep the engine, idling! Well right, Bien, listen to the radio or whatever. Until we can't do this open, then you'll have to charge your car between four and nine on the way home. So you can't do that, but just figure it out- shut up, you figure it out. People does not that hard people realise that what the electric car situation is like and like there, for certain people, in certain circumstances, there's nothing wrong with electric car, Elon musk has built some really nice. Once I mean you know, they're not necessarily built to the specifications of of enthusiasts enjoy it, but
very fast cars, yeah very fast lying there. Good look at me makes a nice you may as a nice. Lookin consensual applied is basically the fascist, our ever built unless you're spending a million dollars and as you know it you know, is zero. Sixty in you know near two seconds and not just fun, it's but even doing on. That, though, is gonna just drain your power writing fast. I'm gonna have to charge it again. I have three hundred miles per charge, not if you're driving it like you drive a tesla plaid. Then you ve got macros it I mean it's really really drains the battery quickly but again like if you're doing is commuting ten miles to work and back every day you can probably pulled off. Now I looked at it full of electric cars is. As you know, my car saga is still ongoing in some ways and I still don't have the one you ordered, and I want to order. We are now going over a year whose august twentieth two thousand twenty one. I put the order and incredible, and they still it still on hold sitting in a lot somewhere in michigan, without ships
parents got its built its built, but not built because it doesn't have the chips It's still really doesn't have the chips. I guess that's the reason. That's what they tell me. This is after I removed features on it to get it built at all. If I didn't of those features. They would still not be accepted for at this point, while so We are in america, that's that's Joe Biden, america. Everybody make sure to remember in november Because this is the world you live in right now. You know so I started looking at some of the ones I looked at were electric cars and you think yourself Ok! Well, my life, eddie much is a life that would generally work with an electric car. I drive from home to work they no longer have the ridiculous community had of north east. It's now fifteen. Twenty minutes it is door to door, it's not too bad. I Generally speaking, DR here drive home, maybe a step or two on the way home, but that bout it on a normal day. I dont have take time
in tons of long trips, though I do take them. Sometimes I would need to probably wind of renting a car for all of those and it would be a hassle, but theoretically I could do that or could sit around on the side of the road and hope. A charger happened to work out on my long trip but I don't take enough of them that it will be damaged. and if we did it as a family, my wife has a giant earth, killing suv that we could drive in that way. Yeah cause. I don't. Why does she hate I think she hates animals and and plant life. I think that's her position trying to kill you trying to kill them all with it, so we could she just randomly cut down? Trees? Oh yeah, all that I also poison the mod she just spikes are you know she was poisoned, baby seals- oh yeah, she sees a bbc or she will club it as she will oh yes, she will club it. So our failed one that could adapt enough to deal with an electric car and again that should not be the thing
you do when you purchase an automobile. You shouldn't be like. How do I adapt to make this work for my family, but in theory I could so I started yet some of them just a kind of check them out as I've done, research and a lot of different cars over a year, and the charging was fat, was fascinating if you bump into a fast charger, you can actually get one that works number one and that not one of the lower level fast charges you gotta get the high level one. Usually, when you have a slew of electric chargers, only one of them will be the right kind for the fast charging. Some of them will be like we would like more, like your home charger level, which takes while longer as all mentioned here in a moment, but if you go and you get you go to the fast track, it might take time. thirty minutes if you're lucky now, that's not bad, in comparison to what were used to with electric car or so, but it's really not great. I filled up yesterday in two minutes. I timed it. I filled up from below two to in two minutes and my car and was eight to drive it away
out even thinking about most, it might take three or were met right It's just an easy, quick. It's just a great process, even though I don't like buying gas that the efficiency of that of that, This is really really great not to mention edicts. It gives me an excuse to go inside and by snacks delay. Car. If Europe, if you have it at home, the most likely You'll do is install upgraded electricity. the two forty in your garage, if you have one and if you have the opportunity to do you're probably looking at something like anywhere from five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars. Depending on your situation, maybe even a little bit more in some areas. where especially these days to get This installed in your home, get that inside you have so again you're starting off down a thousand dollars. Let's say: and I will note that this electricity is not free.
people think, because they're not seeing the credit card numbers, you know the inserting the card in watching the numbers go up, that it is free. However, it is not you will be charged for this electricity. Have they allow you to use it as we're seeing in California they allow you to use it. You charged for this electricity. So there is no magic electricity that flies out your, but in two Your car and charges it almost instantly will say I've never tried to put the charter in my butt, but if it works its use today, so I don't know I don't I'm not sure I'd try it. I wouldn't try it. I wouldn't try it. I will not be the one leading that experiment. Just like milk, I would have been the first one drink it. of accounts teeth it's that, wouldn't, let me remind you, know I wouldn't be number one and that parade somebody was. Somebody was number one good for them, milk, as they bear lotta. Delicious products came out about experiment that should the same would be the rule. nature with the electric cars. So you put this
two hundred and forty been up to forty in europe in your garage and you go through this process and I thought would be like when I was looking at what I thought that would be like. Alright, that's that's the faster to write you put in their get the twenty minutes thing it's worth having, but maybe I won't even bother with it right like now. That's it that charges it overnight. So if you clearly the electricity in your garage. You can fill it with an all overnight charge, that's the up graded electricity, wife, you plug it into your normal wall, socket three days, three day ease of charging to get it for now. This is one particular car that I looked out is, but while three s so basically completely unusable in that format right unless Europe legally, unless you never drive it below me. Now. Fifty percent and a jurist concept like filling up in your letter.
In a few miles a day it might work but get might work for, you know for you. If you are, you know you you're, a company that that beneath have you ever go you're going to accompany you? That's very low in the amount of distance you're, always working at the same place. You don't have to drive it around a lot. You don't have to take long trips, there's a lot of things that you just have to eliminate out of your life. What we are seeing is, which is really just apps the adorable is people buying electric cars to go back to work and then keeping a third car that they use for longer trips, I'll get it. If you have the means go for it, however, It does nothing for the planet. If you got a third car, you are now its gas power. It's going to be so that there's a we went over this and stood as america thing was last week and we played clips from this than this one ted from this environmentalist
I got an eyelid gus others with electric cars and is like a really good idea. It's really good, because it's an easy environmentalist c b knows hundred percent on board with global warming. In all the things, this is the one who's thing was yet you gonna look at the whole production of production in the car and how? unfriendly. It is and the environment how the electricity is produced and you have to let them make the range equal if of a gasp our car. As four hundred mile range, you can compare two hundred twenty mile electric car. Now there are some trestles that are up there now three four hundred miles, but again that mean you're a lot more when it comes to the production of these cars ever tussled, it's gotta, four hundred mile ranging the long range want it's at least been announced, whether not bad, but now it's not that. It's not me, look even musk, as is good at his job I mean this is an good tesla is a good company, they like. I dont, then this is the price. is. It seems like when you're skeptical of these things you just
mike electric cars. I don't, I think, there's a place for return through. We drove a tesla and we both of that? We both know. We don't want to buy one after rio. Its then I just decided snipe practical. I can't it's too much of a paint it would. This is before the one we drove was before the model s performance which preceded the plaid so we're two generations ago, and it was still breath taking leaf I care was it asked us I've ever been earlier. By far It's so fast that it's almost it's almost uncomfortable like. I bet it would some us too many g forces, you didn't reminding ended like your stomach would be rattled again. You wouldn't you know, but it is that fast and its look. That's great, I like the fact that there is an enormous, wasn't get the next. Two generations? Don't you just download into the tesla I think I can you can't on this. You can improve the car that way over over the air updates, and you can add horsepower like they'll give you an opportunity. You want to buy an extra fifty horsepower
it's a thousand dollars Did you say yes, she's, so increasing credit not saying the technology is an amazing and in many ways electric cars will outperform gas power cars, especially when it comes to just raw acceleration, there's no way to equal it with a with a with a gas powered car. There's a lot of other things that you don't get out of them as well, but it's just not feasible right now, It really is. I think, for a lot of people, it's just not feasible and they're gonna make you force you into this life and look what's happening. in California. Days after they declared a state? Why grid emergency and their face the possibility rolling blackouts. Well, they ve had to activate there Gas powered emergency generators near to take care of it an amazing, and now they are saying by the way the nuclear plant they were met so focused on time. offline they're, going to delay that closure for five years, because they can't even do it now. There five per
the cars or electric and they can't even power them now. What it's going to happen when it's a hundred percent, this is going to be a disaster catastrophic. The only hope is that they just bit failure, but soon we hope the We hope, as they go down this road it so bad. They stop the only hope they didn't by the way the nineties they they tried to force electric cars in and it gets so bad that they stopped so it's possible. Naw man they're going down this road really fast triple seventy seven be easy case. This is the Glen back programme at patents do Glenn. Today, like they stand to we're talkative. California is energy, want the climate nonsense and California, maybe the biggest subscribe? to the climate change nonsense.
ahead of labour day weekend. Caliphate and were advised to set their thermostats to seventy eight degrees or higher. No thanks, no, avoid using large appliances all day course and charging electric vehicles only in the off periods like can't do it between foreign, nine p m. So what bits of yours would have if you're somewhere, where you need electricity to get to your next destination, between the hours of four and nine p m molly suck it as he says, I could up buttercup, pretty much sit incredible. I am entirely as if this had happened in ten years. It would be embarrassing the fact that his hat Before they even implemented, any of these rules is like: how can they? How can the state taken seriously. How can, Evan newsome be considered a presidential candidate spin and
stop catastrophe every minute of his life and added. Gotta like what about him. He's alive What is more, they could save for most of the other candidates. Andy's got good hair, so between breathing. I have a pretty good hair now, who else are they going to get a friggin herman, Munster running for senate in pennsylvania I don't know where it would also they gonna hold dear you a sail. A man is healthy condition. I powder, but mere at great healthy, assumed to live for hundreds of years. holds on his neck. Though, or something did, did you have a vote now? That's what you're saying then, John fishermen has bolts on his neck. I will say herman monster of much more well spoken than john feminist sets, not a fair comparison, but I did I
if, as some similarities, their lives like eight feet tall, and they seem to have the same, intellect, although I will say herman, muster embraced the free market much more than john fervent us. That's for sure. I just embarrassing, as it is an embarrassing freaking time the Glen back programme.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-25.