« The Glenn Beck Program

Have You Dragged Your Kids to Pride Yet? | Guests: Sen. Rand Paul & Michael Shellenberger | 6/6/22

2022-06-06 | 🔗

The Jan. 6 committee is set to make its case in a primetime television event, with a former ABC News executive joining the committee. Glenn and Stu go through the questionable relationship between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. Glenn discusses the record-breaking high gas prices happening across the country and why we have them. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) joins to respond to an attack ad, discuss his plan to balance the budget, and talk about Dr. Fauci. California gubernatorial candidate Michael Shellenberger discusses his race to beat California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Glenn and Stu remember the heroes of D-Day on its 78th anniversary as Glenn reads the prayer that FDR gave on that day.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the the When you are about to here, is the fusion of entertainment and enlightened? the program
and hello america welcome to Monday. Well, let's see gas is down to four eighty five, a gallon food prices are soaring with no end in sight. The housing market is starting to collapse. There's a new nashville retirement savings plan that the guy thought that was social security, that the government wants to come up with. It's going to be great, we're ignoring the dissidents in IRAN, artificial intelligence. This weekend was spotted inventing it's own language, but or about that Joe Biden wants to get rid of our guns. We ve got drag queen show for children at a gay bar in in Dallas, which was just and and What is our government focusing on this week? very special episode
the houses january six committee, joe miss episode this thursday prime time I'll tell you, whose idea this is and why it might be a little controversy over and fall right into the propaganda bucket, start there in sixty seconds? No matter how smart you dog is. I promise you he isn't smart enough to make a healthy salad. You know it. You know is sitting here my feet and I don't think he would make a healthy salad and he is smart enough. He just doesn't want to ye, You know that the problem is salad suck, but he needs some green stuff right. Your dog is said. Yes, start with whatever we decide to feed him, and if that cable, food
your serving you know, fido a big fat plate of basically nothing Paul, the really good stuff gets cooked out in the factory. So kibble has a long shelf life has to last for two years. That's where rough greens comes in rough greens is not at all. Fitted to supplement these sprinkle on the food dogs, love it because it tastes, amazing and meanwhile, the getting all the vitamins and minerals and other things that tear will contribute to a healthy life form. The people are rough greens are so confident your dog is going to love it, that they have a special deal for yet rough greens, dot com, slash back they're, going to give you a first bag free All you pay for is shipping. Just go to rough greens, dotcom, slash back or call aid three: three glen thirty, three, eight three, three glenn thirty three call them now's! Well, hello, Stu Glenn: how are ya yeah? No, I I didn't get a get a chance to bring the get the grandkids
do the drag queen show for children at the gate bar in dallas on little upset about that yeah? I will say it was really really good. They did a great job. I you know I thought there. I thought the encore was honestly better than the main set they really. They turned on really yeah everybody, everybody that was there, was really really poor. you know. I admire those parents did that you know hey, hey we're old fashion, we're not hey olds. Look at us. We are part of this. new trend that is Sexual rising our children, it for- and I think that strengthen the power of those parents should be applauded yeah? I think I think the main issue here is why why over and over again are the How can people requiring drag queen to wait until four years old to dance in front of them, you know they face
thank you, a thank you. Can you can google way younger than that? Have you ever you know those those mobiles mobiles that are like in the in the crib? Why? Why are they? Why are they elephants and giraffes and not drag queens? You know that are now I'm roused, I'm so glad. I am so glad that were here now, because I did bring my grandson he's almost six. I brought him to strip club over the weekend. And man he was putting dollar dollar bills. her panties like crazy. It was great grief, he's. I am raising them rights. Do you know raising them right, yeah, although your indicating a potential future in a straight relationship, which I that that is, I know what he has identified as a girl. Ok of no he's identified as a gorilla, it's ok, it was a lesbian thing that was happening. There
The government is very, very concerned about what happened in Jenin on January six, and they have turned to someone to make sure that america will really truly understand, what's going on there they ve been turned to a former network news executive to hone a mountain of quote explosive material into a activating multi media presentation for a price I'm time hearing thursday, then the love boat. You have James goldston he's the guy that they called it he's the former president of abc news. And a mastery master documentary story. Teller who ran good morning, america and nightline and he has now joined the committee of american activities on january. Sixth, as
unannounced adviser now, If you say to yourself she making this into a prime time special and hyping. It like this and having an abc producer and form. president that right good morning, america. That sounds like propaganda. No, no he says it has to be raw enough, so scared, cool journalist will find the material fresh and chew over the disclosures in future coverage. Now I dont know who those skeptical journalist might be. I and seeing them he also wants to draw the eyeballs of americans who, having followed the ins and outs of the capital riot probe. So he says it's gonna be mix of live witnesses and pre printed.
Whose video and at the end you can view on a special one, nine hundred number three committee has gained access to the official whitehouse photographs from january sixth that have now urban seem publicly and we will open donald trumps, vault geraldo rivera, we'll be there to open it up now is theirs. I I you know I of course think this is a great idea. You know too, Make? Are our hearings into a prime time made for tv special who could think that's a problem but, I just want to point out this guy has deep deep experience. On our knowing what america needs to see and not see. For instance, he was
he was the guy. Apparently, that said Epstein what Epstein stories? We don't need your stinking Epstein stories here he was the guy that kind of buried that for a b c member, that being kind of a problem. In a letter abc news. President James Goldstein, the guy that just talking about road, are deeply concerned that this victim in search of justice went to a b c news. I'm sorry it was a letter to him from Mccarthy. He said that the victim that went in search of justice when two abc news provided information and an interview and then abc news under the direction of James Goldstein, decided to bear the truth about Epstein you see by the way. What you learn ask said about Epstein these,
some questions about that? I'm not that anyone could have any questions about how that's been handled out. No, of course not yeah. Why do you think he's got those questions? Do I've got an answer and love to hear? Yours know why here this is wrong. Bring it up at this very moment per se, though Considering he's getting really, ask escalated criticism from many of the people who ro have were around Jeffrey Epstein, when of course he was alive back in those days? people, seemingly highly critical of love like whom like this are rightly one person that might jump to the to the head the class on that one? Who do you think I I don't know I'm in a recital into enter you suddenly you're fired into any mary throwing a name out bill gates. he's he's ban
very, very critical of of elon musk and seems to be leading the charge against him, and he also was the guy who's I've said I can't lose with you any more scumbag because of what you were doing with Epstein enemy of course responded Epstein what Epstein who's that? What are you talking about? He's great look at him. He's a philanthropist I have a feeling. Elon musk is just raking him over the coals it. This is all targeted towards him. Yet struck his gates was one of the stranger associates with Epstein. He praised him publicly many times he visited with him more often than almost anyone else you know when it comes to the high profile that evil is uncomfortable, went when when you
on the plane more than bill Clinton that saying something Did you say to a society which has tried is hard drive fixed guinea? at least say something like every cause. He met him. He was met with him, even though some of the stuff had gone on. He continued to meet with him after a lot of those things were accused and he also kind of echo's complemented him ass being like he lives? A crazy, crazy life, I mean you know, while he's a wild guys, a wild and crazy guy, which I think was Steve Martin, who would say that, but he this in this case it was bill gates and its us seem like a strange thing to say about a guy who's been accused and the desire to get in trouble for hooking up with under age girls at the time. Is it especially when your wife, Melinda
is saying to you, stop it. The guy is a pedophile. What are you doing stuff, hanging out with him. Why are you owing to the island all the time. What are you doing on the island all the time I can't live like this. You seem to be a dirt bag bell. You know one that kind of stuff is coming from your wife you're like maybe it's just me. I don't think it's just you. I do think that he has something to to end or two on this, and he does not seem to to really be interested in doing so. He did come out and say: are these meetings where a huge mistake you It's easy to say that when, where The guy has hung himself in prison. Allegedly. It's easy to say that, but doesn't seem like there's much there's much screw going on over that relationship other than by melinda your
apparently elon musk now is kind of on the bandwagon, and he making a really good point, no one has been interested in this story. I mean this is the biggest scheme and all story the biggest scumbag story problem of my lifetime. All of you, people. All these high powered people are involved in a thing comes about it, nothing there's no list, do you remember when we were living in new york and that list of that Adam came out. I think they made a movie yeah yeah. Do you remember that yeah yeah at least came out and everybody wanted that list fat with peanuts camp. this this is the whole elephant yeah why is no one interested yeah. He he met with with this really would be an interesting thing to dive into and really look at closely, but he met with gates multiple time
went to his condo. Multiple times stayed late into the night, at least once his. What was his lifestyle is very different and cool DR intriguing, although it would not work for me, said mister gates in two thousand eleven after his first get together with Mr Epstein, now again remember his town house is the one that has on the walls with pictures of like naked under aged girls, that our quota quote art affected. Again, you don't! I sodas sodas abercrombie wreckage nothing wrong with that areas. There are other fitch. That's all it is a lot wrong with it and we held that line pretty pretty clearly It doesn't seem, like Jeffrey held, that line all that. Well, unfortunately, but they met in January two thousand and eleven at the town house. They kept meat
in two thousand eleven that the it lasted several hours according to mint, MR gates, spokesperson. This is accorded by the way to the new york times, who actually did by this, I mean they have looked at it, but it doesn't seem to have elicited the type attention you'd, expect immediately give example this in a mat gates, a republican congressmen has have been accused of some may no ill advised them. Meetings with who had certain, individuals and that. It's been fascinating to the media, I mean they've been conscious. Now Matt gates is, you know, he's made some news he's in the news occasionally because he's a big trump supporter, but it's not like bill it was the richest man in the world. He created a company that is basically serving eighty percent of the world's computer needs he you know, obviously very prominent with his role in the inn in trying to spread the vaccine across the world and has been you know who criticized forever what the vaccine
across the world, Apparently, maybe some other things on a jet as he went to an island. We don't know that part for sure, but the point being that, like this guy, that that the media is typically fascinated with almost everything that he does and This has not elicited more Criticism even to the point where other politicians there is a lot of politicians, republican and Democrat, that met with Jeffrey Epstein back in the a man. We lack Interest in the details of some of these meetings was fascinating before Epstein went to prison and hung himself right like this was fascinating going back years. We talked about. On the show problem close to a decade ago, and it never created any interest among the media, all of it
whose comes out about what actually happened at is condos and everything else, and still it hasn't risen to that level for some reason what it could be for some reason and It has nothing to do with James Goldstein, the former, president of a b c news. That is the one who killed the Epstein story and now working on that very special very special episode. criminal intent, January six house committee on american activities, Joe miss it is being on every single eddie channel that is owned by a giant corporation. we'll be there thursday, don't miss it: Our sponsor this half hour is that twins as apparent in others, a huge gap between the magical world. Our kids live in, and the real world now the magical world that our kids live in that's
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We are working together to raise some money. This is, after by the way, he's already gone to prison for not the second time where he hung himself with the first time for hooking up with minors, and they see the panel over to go to work and say hey like, should we have some philanthropic ideas like a gates was to pursue this relationship on that front and Mr Epstein told us guess that if they searched his name on the internet, they might conclude he was a bad person, but what he had done so sitting prostitution from an under each girl was no worse than quote stealing a bagel end quote Now I like bagels, quite a bit and stealing them is wrong. I would agree without analysis. However, I find hooking up with an under age girl via process motion to be considerably worse, then bagel theft idle. If I'm the only one on the wagon stole the bagel one of you stole a bagel and violated
could could be, could be another crazy. One is right before he died right before Epstein died. He named this guide Nicholas this last name as eight. Fall back executor in the event that one of his two very executors was unable to serve that guy Is now running a venture capital firm with MR gates has one of his investors and he worked closely queues at associate of bill gates, they were in new york. They worked meetings together, there are like close associates, and this was like one of the last things Jeffrey Epstein did. While allied come on bring it on land back pro american financing, Annabel us one, two: three four w w that animal, less consumer access, dot, org, ok, listen, the ec, stuff everything is going through the roof and if you are looking to
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american financing. Now, eight hundred nine zero six twenty four forty american financing dot net placed here, dot calm, slash, Glenda, promo code bite inflation to save twenty bucks, well, I am glad to see that will be. Goldberg has finally come to your senses and has given americans permission to keep all of your quote ye hog guns but you have to turn in your a r fifteen She says it's gotta go, I'm sorry. It's got to go too much at stake here too many lives have been at stake to me damn little kids, I'm sick of seeing people talk, that we should do something. No, we should do Something and I don't care and our aid ya gotta- give up that gun, but key beer other ye, hard guns,
Hmm, that's a good read of how many jihad guns you have! Oh my gosh, so many well, I used to have them, but then there was a boating accident and it's a long story, but yeah, it's I know I know we have a constitution, and I know it has an amendment in it. I was unaware of what that is at the twenty eightth twenty ninth mehmet, where Whoopi Goldberg sets the new laws. Is that if the part of it now, how does that Y yeah? That's now that sent ass? She doesn't even go for that old dusty document, If you read that that comma there that whole ten torture words and that comma, that is actually known as the ye ha comma freely. I didn't
that yeah come on. Let's fascinating, I you know, I also it would be like easier if we just handed this all over the world. We have all these conversations. We have all this back and forth on the constitution supreme court cases. What if Whoopi just decided everything would be much better you're right, I think I think better the supreme court would be handing over every critical decision to a bunch of old betty gas bags. You know just a collection of what is it six, just seems like six hundred years, but I think it's, I think it's five right and by the way I don't mean hags, like shakespeare, meant hags. I meant you know I guess you know I said haggis piggish, like women, that I'm socking women from scotland that smell like sheep brains,
it's much better as usual. Those are almost always improvements when you clarify yeah yeah to make you glad I'm here for you, I'm here to clarify you know. So I think this is a this is great. Now I would to ask whoopi: do you know what she? out of the texas woman. That shot killed her stalker over the weekend after he kicked in her front door. Apparently this was you know and harris county, which I think is Houston right and he He was in this carp apartment complex. She was inside and she's got this stalker in and he kicks down the front door and she happens to have. I dont know If it was a ye ha gun or what, but she happen to have a gun and she shot him in the chest and killed him.
Officers, sir said their bare investigating its ongoing, but there not really putting her in jail at this point now Maybe they should because. how dare her judge this man as a stalker? That's it your point. I mean she's. Look at that she's being judge, jury and executioner of the of a man who is trying to attack her at that very moment. That's a that's! It I'm going in that moment. That's what you really thought there was a fire. He thought there was a fire in the apartment. There till I came down the door. We have given a lot of things very odd coincidence. If that happened to be the case we have, but what fix its interests are at their worst. There was before there were spoil built in the refrigerator, and she might think it got a kick the door down it could be. It could be it interesting parts about how we added so many guns in this country and by the way are our violence. Breed has dropped and half as we added a hundred fifty million
and to the society, which is weird. If guns are the ones causing the crime, but one of the interesting part about all of these new guns is so many of them are much higher proportion than previously have come to women. Women are buying guns because they would like to defend themselves against stalkers. I mean After that, one telling us that almost Every mail is a rapist, the left one telling us that every every mail is going around. Attacking women constantly the me to movement informed us that Every woman is likely to be raped every three to four weeks in the society. Yet first, reason those same people don't want women armed like idle now. It seems like a really good way to defend yourself against these terrible crimes that are happening at a much less frequent rate than the left claims. But still are happening and women should be able to defend themselves. I dont know why there against that: okay, okay olds, I'll tell you why ok
There is no difference between a man and a woman, there's no, why she can fly him off. She got the same body strain. That's right! Right, I mean you're, a big it is. Who disagree with that right. I'm sure I don't need that was a gun club, ye hot and our re. Why, as well more body man. Yes, as we all know, if there were to be let's say a boxing match between Leah thomas in any of the other women on her team. The odds would be even money there. no favorite in the race, because they are exactly the same. They have no dear and in their body mass at all, and certainly it wouldn't be it all disturbing to the american people to see a boxing match between Leah thomas in one of her female teammates that would not be disturbing in all we'd all be excited to see it because its work in versus woman,
I don't know what you want me to say that I'd rather absolutely right. So, by the way The eu valdry mother member, the one who we talked about last week, that was like guys go in and get our kids you're just standing here, you ve got weapons you're here the gunfire go in there. rested her and then they let her go and and she went inside while the gunfire was going on. She went inside and saved her son He is now saying that the police any baldy have warned her that she will be charged with obstruction of justice. If she didn't stop telling her story, wow she's on probation for a crime. She is said to have committed nearly ten years ago and
than a local judge said there would be no legal percussion repercussions for telling her story, but the police are threatening her. So that's good! I mean you know when you can't trust the feds and you can't trust the local police. That's good news. I don't know what that has to do with a gun thing, though, what can you tie that not Stu. I don't even very very difficult to make a tie in those in that particular case Glenn. I thought so I'm just glad that, instead of a focusing on what the police may have done wrong in this situation there there focusing on on the parents, I think that's the right folk area right now. I think to make sure then that the parents of this particular
community are held to the highest possible standard and not not the police, not the people who who could have prevented some of the death, but the people who lost their children those are the people to focus on right now see what they did wrong, that hope. We can continue down that road Thank you very much. I mean it's almost like. I have the head of the justice department in the studio with me today, by the way, if Joe Biden really wanted to stop people that, you know, we're buying guns illegally in everything else. He would say. With his own son. Why is it that no one is mentioning Joe by the sun hunter who not only appears to have purchased a gun illegally, but then his what I'm trying to figure out how road plain stew. How do you explain the person? That was your?
brother's wife, that you, or having crazy heroin induce sex with after he dies and probably before he dies? Two needs identified, problem here, because there is no section add hallmark for this. I've looked for it, it is not. You can't. I dont know how well they can't they have not but the client hot sister in law, whose just lost her husband. What card is made for her anyway? he was very upset because she took his gun and threw it away in a garbage dumpster. And then the secret service went to go pick it up, which is really weird. I know If I would have committed that, I know for a fact: the secret service or the state police even my local sheriff, would have absolutely gone, dumpster diving for it and then just not said anything to me about it does written off as a mistake, you know
died. I don't. I don't know why the press is not interested in that as a person. And who lived in fear of, because I were I little notice of this- is one way to live in fear. I lived one block away from trenton, so That is one reason just ok on its surface live in your ear, but I I I live a one block away from the river in between nugent. New jersey and pennsylvania, and so chicken to new york every day when we did the show new york, I would have to cross that bridge and drive to the trench and train station and again yes, I fear for my life there, but that was not the thumb of talking about when we talk about is as a legal gun owner in the state of slovenia that has you know what you will say is probably moderate, gun, gun laws, a pie polish state if I happen to cross that bridge with my gun in my trunk and get pulled over, I would be going to prison that
and you know when you live in that community, you run across a street all the time, especially for gas, because gas is the one thing that is cheap in new jersey. So you go. The river go, get gas. If you get the, I hereby that's happening, you could mean real trouble. yeah. I hear that you're right on the gas. I hear it's almost eighteen dollars now a gallon, that's a jersey, it is oh, my gosh now I was thinking about going to do jersey just to buy. Gas. There are eighteen blocks plough. How do they do it? How do they do it? That's what you like about the states. You know, though, that little war right there on the state line in one's its Indeed, ninety nine in ones you no eight, in twenty in your like are these years or these just the price of my gas per gallon and your excited. So congratulations
for living in especially california. Where did you know? He saw this? The price of gas was nine. Fifty six at one gas station, nine fifty six God bless you now. I don't know how you're gonna get you hall and afford the gas to throw all your junk in the you all to get it out of that state. But you may want to think about it back in just a minute, our response. To this end, our is tunnel to towers. Sometimes people we send to defend our freedom. Don't come back and sometimes when they do, they come back forever different. Then the person they were before as patriotic americans. We We not only have the privilege who enjoy freedom. It is our duty to fight for and it is our duty to up uphold those
who fight for it, and I am not just talking about the the heroes that die in the desert or You know some place, we don't even know where fighting in honestly, but all the first responders, I'm sorry, the second responders, the police and the fire. You are the first responders. the fire and police. They go out every day and leave their family and get crap for it every day and don't what they're going to face or if there is going to come home and when they don't come home just like our military heroes, if there a family left behind and a mortgage tunnel to town It takes care of that mortgage and now, through operation, home base tunnel de towers is gift. In tiny homes, homeless, veterans, our nation, heroes, need our attention, while our freakin federal government is taking money from our v a hospitals and shit being those that that cash, so we can have
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trying to make it so a doesn't eat all of us. The thing you have to understand about a I is where becomes a g. I artificial general intelligence. It will think on its own. It will be better at general. It we are generally, we are real genuine general intelligence, being they will be an artificial intelligence being, but they will think do Firstly, as much as we understand space men, We will understand artificial general intelligence because it is complete its not biological and it's completely different than us, and it won't think like us. Well, they oh buddy, I has a site and They were using this sum. You could. You could tie in and say hey I want oh, you know.
Want to see a picture of vegetables and farmers and it would come up with a picture. It would draw a picture of what you just type. Well the problem is, as it went on, it was making like little captions for them and an end there didn't make any sense to the researchers One of them was at sea vegetable it was. I can't see it now shoot key word anyway. It was a key word like the for cooties or saturday wasn't a very good yeah that was it for cooties for cooties they put for cooties and said farmers and ver cooties. What is recruited so the scientists put ver cooties back in and gave a picture of vegetables its creating its own language, they don't stand, why they don't
stand, the language they don't know what it's doing. So, that's really good. You know that's bad news. Here's. The good news here is a good news, the very first time. This is ever happened, There is a new study on rectal cancer, and it's been given to all of the patients and all of them aryan remission. all of them the cancer, is being killed that is, the first time in any cancer treatment that we ve seen anything like that. So naughty I cancer, but eventually eaten by a machine. This is the line back programme, Very much hilary. I wanna to a little bit about sweat block. If youve not tried this yet you need to. I will tell you: are you There are an oppressed, brent and odorant. Stick I've used it all winter because
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The hello america welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Well, how much are you spending on gas? What does it take to fill your tank hundred twenty hundred and fifty is not unusual, and we are just now at the national average of four eighty five, a gallon, that is what another twenty five cents or net an additional twenty five cents per gallon from last monday. This is out of control so what's being done about we start there and with food in sixty seconds. Remember the big mgm resort data breach of twenty nineteen proudly Not a lot of stuff is ever do we now, then
it might make a little hard to remember when you're thinking about all the other stuff. That is this pressure, down around us I don't worry about. It, just recently. The comfort company information stolen from that breach was dumped on telegram for anyone to see and could be used we're scams and fishing emails. But you know what big deal right well now, It is a big deal unless you, of life lock. It. And understand how cyber crime and identity theft will affect each in. one of us now nobody can stop everything. Nobody can monitor everything but life lackeys and they can do things that you just can't do on your own and if you do become a victim there, duration. Specialists will work with you to help. You fix the problem quickly. Joy now save up. Twenty five percent off your first year with a promo code, Becker, one hundred lifelike one eight hundred lifelike, or go to lifelike
gonna, use the promo code back twenty five percent off one eight hundred lifelike or lifelong dot com so I am I. I flew up to the ranch this week and I went into park city, fine art in brought all of the paintings up for the new art show that is happening this, while I think it s he starts to day in park city, and I'm gonna be there on friday and saturday, and I I how you like, I just I mean shock from the gas price, just shock. What it takes now to fill. My truck is outrageous Just outrageous: how long can people handle this? how long were already in to our savings? Are savings almost depleted now, no matter what joe by said on Friday? I don't know if you hurt his speech, but he said
will feel more economically comfortable today than they have since twenty thirteen who Who are you surveying bill gates and george soros five, there's a gas. A gallon gasoline is now in in nine different states several other states are just a few pennies away from it, the average cost of a guy. One of regular gasoline reach for eighty five yesterday that's additional three sense from saturday and twice For since from last week, if you're in alaska, arizona, california, hawaii, illinois, michigan, nevada, oregon or washington. Your paying more than five dollars a gallon and in California, according to aaa
you are now paying six dollars in thirty three cents, a gallon on average. That's insanity. Now what Alaska arizona, california, hawaii illinois, michigan nevada, Oregon in washington. But most them have in common well, asking why you got a ship it over there. Illinois, michigan, california, nevada or again washing our those all left. Leaning states, if the friend continues now and there's no reason to think that it won't Several other states will join the five dollar club in the next few days: Indiana Pennsylvania, main massachusetts, rhode, island and others. One month ago, gas was four dollars and twenty five cents a gallon.
one year ago it was three dollars and five cents. Diesel prices also hit a new record high on Sunday national average price is now five dollars and sixty four cents a gallon. the rising energy costs are a big part of our food. Thirty year high inflation now I ask you something gang when will america realise that it is this global warming, s g bowl crap that is causing these prices to happen. The president has already said, and so has kamala harris, both of them in speeches that we're going through now is a transition away, fossil fuels and we're paying a high price for it now now they they will kill
you to tell the show jobs of the world that are not paying attention that this is the new gas price hike, but it's not There is meeting it to them. Those in the no on on video, saying, this is going to make us a greener planet. In the end, how Much longer are you going to put up with it much longer before people are telling the federal government enough is enough. How much longer before you start marching in front of your state houses, saying get rid of yes, gee you have, you have plenty three states, I dont know why it's not at least forty, ten states are insane. We know that when is enough enough by the way?
The calmly teach your friends when they talk about gas prices, you need to call Let's just say not, this is vitamins fault, just say you, Oh, it's! The global warming. Yes g thing! That's causing this! What what's s g? It gives you the opportunity to explain it in here. What you say to your friends Yes, she is a very chinese style up for the governor? and the financial system to rank us on whose being best with social justice and environmental and governance, how many women do we have on the board of directors, the blacks. Do we have on the board of directors, etc, etc. Now you ma I agree with all of those things, but this forcing the companies too,
and in their search for gasoline. They they cannot. Build any new drill sites. They can't they can't pump any oil, because they're not getting the loans from the banks, so that capitalist system is now a shareholder system and the first to place your seeing this or series stakeholder system you are now seeing in the first place its results in gasoline, and it is not going to go down. I think people still think that there is hope that this will go down. No, the left hope is that you won't catch on until it's too late. You'll continue to believe that this gas problem are inflation problem are in our food inflation problem, is called.
by something else, and it's only temporary It is not temporary. This is the plan now I know that this is this- is the press, is starting to say, conspiracy, theory. This is a plan. It's a plan, that's great see that's what the geo piercing yeah. You know Jim Jordan's right he's absolutely right tell me all of the things that are going on and that are going wrong and even your day, socratic friends who are not crazy: what's happening at the border. How is That is that an accident is that caused by putin what cause. that we had that solved. You know a year and a half ago and then The first thing: by do he opened up the borders is due liberate,
because you learn from your mistakes, say that after understand was a mistake, All agree on that. wouldn't you learn from that mistake. That job went on and on and on, and they still say that was a success story. that was a success there. Either all crazy or they have a different standard for success? They have a different plan. You know when Biden cancer. the drilling leases in the gulf and then blocked entered exploration and the oil rich part of alaska gas. in oil prices creeped up for two straight weeks, and he cancelled our pipelines, gas and oil went up.
If he really believed that this was for the planet and not to hurt our gas and oil explorers and companies if he really was doing it for the planet Why would one of the first things he do is open a pipeline for europe? from russia and then go to war with russia to try to. Stop all of that oil coming through a pipeline. It's intentional! It's intentional! By the way the food Ices. You know food at home has now arisen. According to the government. Remember the government is not measuring things. The way we use to measure things they played all car, The tricks and this not abiden thing this they started doing this in the nineteen nineties, changing
definition of inflation and what we measure so the but that you see, which is I don't even else do what is it eight point? Six percent now our inflation number from my head, but it's safer a little higher germany's right around area. Can you can you just look at it for me so the inflation rate. It is not that the actual shadow stat, meaning the way we use to measure it back when we were too king about Jimmy Carter if you measure those same items? We are now up about seventeen percent inflation, your foot food at home index over the last twelve months. It cost you ten point eight percent more than the same set of groceries that you had last year you buy.
Same thing, you are now paying eleven percent more for groceries. Now I dont know if you miss the news last week, but according to the usda, the government, is coming out and saying take the inflation that we had last year and double it, that means at best we're at twenty two percent food inflation, but I do leave. They meant double the inflation and add it to what we have, which would be thirty, three percent inflation either way. People are not gonna make it not when they're trying to fill up their gas there, their gas tanks so What is it they're trying to do they trying to cripple people with oil and gas and diesel.
so you will go out and buy a new electric car, but that will drive up the cost of your electricity because we are shutting down coal plants were shutting down Or turning down nuclear plants, we are Replacing this energy then unreliable energy of soul were in wind. I am not against solar wind. I am completely off the grid, because I live in the mountains and there's no electricity lines even that come up to this place, your broad, asked at your hearing today is run, On solar and wind power, one thirty per cent green this broadcast today is one hundred percent green. We never know if we are going to have enough energy day to day
when I have the whole family up here with me. We have to turn things off beginning at eight o clock at night, just so we don't get rid of any more the solar energy, you have to just shut down so Have about an hour's worth of light? and then you have to be very careful. That's terrifying! One run your country like that. And your food people die. understand? Because they think it comes in this magic, saran, wrapped styrofoam container, but where's your meat come from your meat comes from cattle at farms. How do they feed them? They feed them with, brain or worse, thou falsehood that they have grown on the land using seeds. Fertilizer and tractors.
the fertilizer uses up propane be able to make it natural gas to be able to make fertilizer. You don't have that that's why fertilizer is up inside places. Three hundred percent imagine going to the grocery store and paying three hundred percent more for your meat. Well, eventually, you will and why because they want you to stop eating meat. This is a plan its fortunately crater ring the country, the numbers of Biden and his administration. However, I don't No, if it's really connected with the american people, they blame it on him, but they don't. Anderson and why he's doing it and is
it's his pillow, riley and others want to say he's incompetent, and I agree he is. This is a plan. back in just a minute. Would more. So our sponsor this half hour is patriot. Mobile free speech religious liberty. Second, amendment across the country, your constitutional rights are under constant attack both by the law. And even by some of those who are supposed to be on the right and it's getting worse by the day, which is one of the reasons I am proud to now partner, With patriot mobile. They are not only america's only christian conservative cellphone provider, but they are all So one of the few companies that are fighting back every single day for the law of our freedoms. They are fighting against those people who are trying to take those freedoms away, and they do it with her own profits. It's an amazing company. They have applied And out of it any budget they
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and is another plan to push us into socialism when our retirees cannot afford food. What's gonna happen, they're gonna, have to have the government's step in and help it's a green, who deal it's a new new deal and there is legislation that is evolving now in congress and the want to make sure that for middle, and low income workers. There is a retirement plan, these rules plans never work out because governments, always take that money and they spend it elsewhere. It doesn't work but That is just part of their new plan to be able to absorb everything when you have nothing and your loving it by twenty thirty by the way you know I'm. I started talking about the the arch of I'm having at park city, fine art
to do another one in in august. I think I've just waiting for the dates in august in south florida, but that one's going to be a lot different, that one is going to be bringing a lot of artifacts with it. It's art, a r t, capitalized effect, artifact, tour and and this one is just about the art in part city, fine, art and I mean I deliver them on saturday, they had even been hung up. I get up to them. And they had already sold three of them. I am I'm just I'm amazed- and I am I'm flattered- go too far city, fine art, if you want to see them, if you're thinking about purchasing one of the originals you might want to think about, doing it before Saturday's, if there's a favourite of yours but I'll, be their friday and saturday, and I hope to see either. You have two rsvp just go to park: city, fine, art, dot, com and content.
them with an rsvp and they'll. Give you a time. I just don't want you. Standing around in a line longer than yet, then you have to. I really appreciate everybody who is coming out on saturday are right, we have ran Paul coming up I really want to talk to him about a few things, our national debt. This despicable add that's being run against him with a black guy, I with a noose around his neck. But also I want to talk to about ukraine. That's all coming up next, the Glen back programme, Ok with food prices going the way their going. Please please. I urge you to not yourself into a situation where you have to be one of those people that are looking for a handout? Not every
One is in this position right now, and I appreciate that, just if you're not go to the grocery store by two boxes, macaroni and cheese and put one away anything that's on sale put one away, but if you do, have some savings and you can buy some food now. Emergency food has never been more important than it is right now go to prepare wit, glenn dot com, prepare wig and dotcom. There's a special deal. You get a hundred and fifty dollars off a three month emergency food kit. A hundred fifty dollars off right now that food kid is three months for one member of your family. Please please consider this go to prepare. We glenn dot com prepare with glad Calm go there now,
we usually by inflation, cos you money. Even now can save. You must put in place to be dot com, slash, Glenn used a promo code, bite inflation to save twenty bucks. The pain of our past persist to this day in Kentucky like many states throughout the south, lynching was a tool of terror It was used to kill hopes for freedom. It was used to kill my ancestors now in a historic victory for our commonwealth, I have become the first blackened sucking to receive the democratic nomination. For u s. Senate case die opponents done If you don't have the blaze tv in europe, watching this. This is again running again, senator ran Paul
and he is speaking buddy. Has he standing with a tree behind him and a noose around his neck? It is of the most outrageous salacious and, quite honestly, just wrong add I have ever seen and I ve seen some bad ads in my day, senator and Paul joins us now. Hello, senator good morning, gland acts. Rather, you bet this add is just crazy absolutely crazy. What oh? What's your response to his nose, despicable I'd, say it's cringe worthy reminds me of jesse small it it sort of tension get her. You know based on our hopes, based on alive. He said The ad, oh, that I blocked a bill on launching which
Absolutely untrue, actually worked with the authors of the bill for over a year to make sure that a punch it tunnel actual lynching and didn't I minor brush up against somebody calling people names graffiti things like that it originally written the bill was black lives matter. Remember, painted graffiti on their church in lafayette square that under the original riding the bill. Would it be considered lunching and power? more by ten years in prison for conspiracy to launch by doing graffiti, which obviously launching into beans the horrific thing that happened. in our history journey wise one yet the bill right? So we did punish people actually did this horrific crimes didn't punish people who slept somebody or did something even if there is a punishment, it's not the same as lunching, but for that this guy really does the whole jesse smaller thing, but a noose on himself pretences he's being launched. I dont know I'd is despicable and despair.
Well, but on one hand, on the other hand you I wonder if it doesn't make him this look incredibly foolish. Well, Is there a problem with lynching? I mean looking it up the ladder, ass, lynching in kentucky was nineteen twenty seven and to to watch him standing there. It is its horrifying and makes it seem like lynchings are happening all the time. Grounded distracts really from the war we have at our big cities right now. You know in law of all we have more martyrs per capita than chicago we had a fourteen year old, standing on a bus. Stop and many of these tragedies are occurring in mind. Community. It shouldn't say at risk for a bit murder? You know at the bus. Stop, I met a law that we lost his eyes like.
My guy. Well, by again, are you? Are you back they now glenn yeah. We are, we are glad and die. I'll tell you that we also experienced recently a mom whose son was shot and lost both of his eyes five year old kid, and so I think when you mean I'm thinking, just a small and put a noose around your head and start doing, You distraction on the real via that problems that we do need to work with. You know we need to figure out how to get more stupid. What is more, fathers and how we need to figure out how to get more police patrols, You know this guy that brought against also wants to defend the police, so he's for no police. Worse and want reparations for slavery and then somehow thinks that putting a noose round his head. It is, is going to be something better I've used to making our allowances, smiled
not to minimize racism. I lived in kentucky for awhile back in the eighties and there was still problems with race, but it is Ben, being better. I know I know you well enough to know you take race seriously. Let's talk but a couple of other things. This is, Really getting to me what doing in ukraine we just sent them more money than I think all most more money by about maybe five billion dollars, then the tree of russia spends in a year in their department of defense. We sent it over there. I don't see any accountants going with it and then we keep like Last week we sent him another seven hundred million dollars just out of the blue, and then we sent them. I owe a missile system that russia, out today's. If any of these missiles land in russia we
strike america's homeland with a nuke. What are we doing yeah so many needs to be counselling. You know what happens and one of the possible ramifications of this, the real you're right. We ve given them about sixty billion now, and it's about equivalent to what russia spends in a year, but have also that only last until september, so in September there going to be back at that. Off they're gonna want form and It's not money. We have. We don't have a rainy day fund, you know, walk over to the federal reserve and open a big safe, and it's like our hires all the money. There is no money, it's all borrowed. Money so either borrowed from china or the federal reserve prints it up and we and we borrow it from the federal reserve, but that creates inflation, and so they're going to be back in september, wanting more energy, there are starting to talk about what happens when a word. Finally, over it's going be trillions of dollars to rebuild ukraine. Did you think they expect rebuild? You cried the united states, and so I think there
we do need to rethink their should. I am sympathetic to the cause of the ukrainians, but in a chair, begins at our man. You can't give you can't give away money, you don't have it so I know this sounds paranoid, but I just don't trust these people in any way shape or form, meaning our own government are. We are we just to engage in a war over there because it seems like it well, you know. I asked one simple thing that these special inspector general for Afghanistan has been on the job for a decade. Who's got all team in a desert, a job of trying to prevent people from stealing our money and steal our weapons. I asked the day that he be put in charge of grain, his team should they can immediately start doing it, for you to dealing in a war zone. Flatly rejected, not only by democrats, but also by the the hall its leaders and the republican party. You want to get involved and really think that somehow
this is this is going to be our war and I don't care where it goes. from here and nobody's castle cash counselling caution as far as possible. Is this a expanding into a much larger war? So now we should be. We should be worried about it, not that you know the thing is: is we can all I think we're unified having sympathy for ukraine but same damn if you put missiles in there and they launch a romano russian city the war expands into russia. United, I think really The reaction of the russians is unpredictable, perfect, yeah. Let's see, I've got so many things to ask you. I want to ask you about that. This information, FAO, chi and I know you're you're, unveiling a the penny plan budget today and I'll. Let you pick if you can squeeze two of those ds, disinformation, fouche iii and iv,
want to give us some preview of the penny plan. Today, when the penny glad balances, budget in five years and why the reason I have chosen five years to balance the budget is what we have introduced a balanced budget. Amendment likely- and I did this a few years ago. The amendment says that the budget, must be balanced and five years, every republican votes for it, and then guess why, when I put forward that actually balances in five year, like the balanced budget. Amendment would command. I get it we twenty out of fifty, and so we put forward as a litmus test. You know, which republicans are big government republicans you want to see who the good guys are see, who votes for the budget that balances in five years that I'll put forward. Now. Here's the problem, eight years ago. You could free spending imbalance in five years. Then it was the best plan. You cut one percent and balanced five years now job to sixpenny. So it's actually a six percent cut each year for five years People shall say like, oh, my goodness, I saw my job. We ever do it
It could eliminate the department of education tomorrow and you would never miss it. You wouldn't fire one teacher as you wouldn't miss it. If you fire, if you got rid of the entire department of education, you could probably get rid of half of the department of Interior most of the department of commerce, but the thing is: is even a six percent across the board, to everything there's that much waste in every department he now. But I'm with you on eliminating these departments, we have two ran or we do not keep our our freedom what what the administration is doing in weapons rising each one of these mr rate of arms is terrifying. When you look at it all put together. Forty seven different federal agencies have swatting some african could almost we're talking about controlling the guns of the government, and I think that too many people walk around with water and look police you know I led a habit in big cities. What it's all about, but tat I do
Thank you know. The departure of education need a swat team and I've got one. I am. I am growing mike growing concern over the fact that the states have not put in any kind of legislation to stop what happened? The last time we had covered Nobody is paying for any any of the constitutional stomping that they did vouchers nobody's asking any questions except you. Where are we without you you're. My wife asked me that every week, when I returned from washington chooses how can these non jail he has, but I'm try it I'll. Do it every day. I can, but you know, he's been referred where garland to the department of justice, but you know that's, that's a blind blind and it's not gonna happen, but thing is: is come now amber going to be in charge of at least power, without hopefully the senate, and they will be
investigation. I will subpoena every last paper of algae, because I think he's now we ve been dishonour. About funding the gain? A function and move on, I think, there's been a cover up. in a misdirection campaign, the misdirection campaigners together to think about other things, but not to think about the room cause of where we got the virus, but his other. Just bailing out. Research should be filed, is simply that he never talks about treatment. If, if you know you can still get at it, been vaccinated. What are you supposed to do? People need to know that your first get tree both in about five days the treatments work basket. In five days of you're getting sick and your risk? You need to get treatment with it. five days. There are several treatments that actually do work and can save your lives. I still have people. And get treatment are denied, saying, oh If you're not high risk, so we're not going to give you the anti viral pill or what about the monoclonal? They say. Oh, they don't work anymore, so the government will allow you to use a monoclonal. So it's it's
system that is now show socialize that all of the directives come from government and from faulty. Instead of you talk about your doktor. These are various treatment, somewhat better the others we would and better on day three of your day, six or seven, but we're still going to give them, because we think there's a chance. It'll keep you off the ventilator. None of that is happening. None of the discussions happening it's all coming down from fallaci, who makes it and right now in america he will not let you have monoclonal antibodies period. We will ease, Typically, the last two years, wouldn't let you haven't once you became an impatient. You had to beg delay the hospital. get monica lad because of algae, judy rules in his algorithms. quickly. Do we have anything to worry about with monkey box it sure I I? How can you be the complete answer on that? But it seems to be a contact disease. It seems to be mostly being spread as a sexually transmitted disease,
so we'll see over time, but I can't say that I know much more them than that ran Paul. Thank you. So much god bless you a stand tall and stand strong. Thank you for everything you do and senator ran Paul D, senator from that per senator from Kentucky. If you are in kentucky, he is up reelection and is one of the strongest defender. Of the constitution in washington, dc aright sponsor answer. This half hour is car shield. It's bad enough that yeah to pay through the nose for gas right now, but imagine what your car would cost if you broke down in this economy, Without a warranty, you're gonna be on the hook for thousands of dollars. Thankfully car she, it offers protection plans for around the house bucks a month that will cover more parts than ever before, so whether your car has five thousand or a hunter
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Your plan, now it car shield, dot com, slash back, stay, informed, sign up for the free newsletter. Today, Glenn back duncan while still got a bad review for the podcast. You know: we've been we ve been asking people to make make sure you rate and review the podcast, because it helps people discover the podcast change, The algorithm, so please five stars and a review if he can and I'm going to read some of the best ones, here's one a game it gave us only one star Stu, I dunno sorry going dear Glenn back talk and utter nonsense that adds inserts, but nothing but now
boys when his guests are talking. He adds nothing and is too emotional. I like the guest. The problem. Is him we're going to take that as a positive? Actually like the guy? I mean that they, I think, that's a pretty good, take actually yeah agree or the problem weight. The since I now can repel liberals. This is dunk one. Forty five since I began Listening to the Glen back podcast, I've noticed a few on usual things. I've lost approximately. Forty pounds and certain people are attracted to me not in this sexual way, but rather they are attracted to my intellect Inversely liberals seem to be repelled by my aura. I've noticed liberal. Women are driven to hysteria, and liberal men tend to be reduced to tears. I'm so much happier with this new life thanks Glenn Beck, podcast you're. Welcome
how in changing people's lives, we do our best yeah dunk one, forty five, if you your review to be read online? Make it a good one and I mean like gub kiss bought one I mean, maybe good. What do you know what I mean and make it a short you can read and review our podcast wherever you get out of your podcast. Make sure you do that it helps the podcast in the show, an awful lot disease decline back programme wanna. Thank you so much for subscribing know your listening to a sun blazed tv. You might also listening to us on m satellite, but talking to you crumb, bums right now, people whose actually subscribed to he's tv. Thank you
what we really overwhelmed on the weekend, I saw a man in a new subscribers came on board that we had some technical glitches. I understand, but they're all taken care of now. Thank you for your patience and we live for the stability of the network. That's it still uniting us now, as you would you live. stability of the network and a weird nineteen. Eighty four raising is that exactly riot We are supposed to say it out loud. for subscribing to the blaze tv, the
the when you are about to here, is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. The program
Things are changing. People are waking up on both sides of the isle good friend of the programme, but not politically we're not politically aligned very much of the time, but he's a good decent guy, Michael shellin burger. He looks now this, according to the headline of the san Francisco gate, He looks like the only candidate who has a chance of being given newsome in california governor rays, and let me tell you something, even though he is not a conservative, he would be a massive massive upgrade and really help california get back into some sense of common sense. He join us in sixty seconds
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rusty, real estate agents. I trust dotcom. The name says it all real estate agents. I can trust dot com. Michael shellin berger, is with us. He is the founder and president of environmental progress. Author of san francisco, and a friend of the programme, Michael how're, you, sir greater good you you're breaking up a bit. You're primary for caliphs it is tomorrow and it. The way it works is it's the two top people. So if it's an independent and a Democrat, there is republican in the race, if I'm not mistaken, so yeah, that's right! You have a chance of being number two right. That's right! open primaries. So Anybody can do for anybody. Tat you will get is gonna run
election in november and drawing support any equal levels from Republicans and the parents Democrats We saw that once we gave a run off, we can be galvanised. Member have been in a debate with Gavin, yet my yeah This is still early early days by. I think they're scared me they're, trying to elevate my opponent. They don't have to face me in the face you're the only person I can really can gather This lies his misinformation, state is being. down the drain Glenn. As you know, I mean we're in simultaneous cry. She's on the worst crime, enormous crisis, our history, our forest fires out of control we're having blackouts and water. Just for the fourth year in a row, people are fed up, they set up,
with the ideology, their fed up with wilderness so on that's, been able. They really challenged the governor on these issues and I think what we get it or we go to beat him in all. no, I love about you. Michael is you're you're, honest you, you will honestly search for the truth, and if new information comes you will change your mind and you'll admit it. You ll say Why you changed your mind base in common sense and actual you know facts when you you're talking to californians about gas prices. This is all because of e s g and trying to be gas and oil. Independent orbs are not independent off gas. an oil by twenty thirty five, and I don't think people get that yet do californians get that
No, I mean this is its outrageous. We ever higher taxes in the united states. We have the highest gasoline prices, the second highest electricity prices, and yet we have open air drug markets killing our citizens. We have kids becoming addicted. Our drugs. We have homicide to increase thirty percent. The cities are unlivable here we were the critical we import a huge amount of petroleum from the amazon, but we won't allow. We want unleash oil production in California. We ve seen yard Carbon emissions in decline, twenty two percent between two thousand and five and twenty twenty we won't allow more natural gas production and shutting down power plants are innocent so could actually has not yet go headway. neural, I am sorry to interrupt we're too slight delay what tat way
is your plan for thee for energy. If, were the governor. What are you gonna do differently or the most important thing to understand years, there's two kinds of environmental as those pro human environmentalist that our programme there ro abundant energy enemies The human anti growth proves scarcity environmentalists, I'm the former. pro abundance the governors pro scarcity and forty I believe that by administration is pro scarcity. That's why we're in the worst energy crisis from fifty years we need more, abundant natural gas oil production. We to keep our nuclear plants operating we need could build new natural gas facilities in california, when I had extraordinary powers, particularly in an emergency which is what were n, I will use its powers to make sure that we
you the rely on that we expand energy production, with enough energy. You can produce fresh water through desalination from the oceans Will you that I will make my appointees to the california crystal commission. Another commissions make sure that recent abundant water for the farmers, for the residents and for the natural environment. who are probably the worst. The case scenario for democrats, although I should say the the Democrats that are more Socialist in nature, the ones that are still saying we need to get rid of the cops and everything else There is a real split in the democratic party. Is there not. That's a movie! That's why we're pulling support, be what you see It is interesting, of course, in a black democrats want more police lackey Democrats want.
More police. It's really wipe democrats live in the hills were upper income that are the most woke. The people, who must live with high crime who live in it. You live in the flat one of the law and order they don't want to be open. Drug market are the ones who suffer the most, so we're significant support from those communities that split in California is that it's really among socioeconomic class among people that live in reality, as it was the people that live in social media. Whose heads are lost the ideology, I'm trying to call the question on practical solution, common sense solutions? I just don't listen as to whether or not you should have an open air drug market should not be a left right issue. Whether or not you should raise standards rather than get rid of algebra, which is what the governor She will want to do should not be left right issue when I use
enough electricity in fresh water. These are basic functions of civilization. That's it at stake. Is our money on a pro civilization platform, the right The left has gone so far in california. They really do you know who would have guessed the people that say that western civilization Evil would, in the end, be undermining the institutions. Are western civilization, the good news as I believe there are a minority of people in california. Opera is very liberal people, but we want to keep the lights on. We want to keep the water flowing. We want our streets be safe. We need more police officers leaving the possibility rehabilitation, but you can't just shut down three prison. Like the governor is proposing to do and let em buddy out without there being any consequences, ernie probation these are, I think, it's back to basics in california, back to the fundamentals of civilization, every time some
it goes wrong and we ve seen these institutions fail. You ve got to get new leaders, people who believe in the american way of life, the greatest country in the world, I believe calibre is the greatest stay, the grace I'm sorry, but you need leaders that believe in it. You need leaders that are aren't full of self hatred and white guilt, who aren't out to punish the institutions that are necessary for our survival. Michael, what you always this way, or did you think the party was when, when did you become a kind of at odds with the what's now main stream democratic party we are used to you know I was a young radical on the last day, overtime and fifty so parliament, I've I've travel the world I've seen had been too africa, latin america and asia. I've seen that we
have the greatest system is just to take similar to taste systems in the world gland. There's just one system which is what we have said. Democracy is followed us ascended, the law, the same rules apply to everybody when they don't, then you can go to court in an address that and then there's every other the man in the world that is not like that, which is, basically might makes ready and that the powerful people dominate and that their in the grip of some religion, whether it's the hutus against the tutsis, are issued Is she able? It's just I will end with america has done what the western civilization is down, as is created fairness, equal just some people more. I came to appreciate that by travelling around the world and seeing that our system is not only the most fair. It's also what allows degree
his freedom, the most prosperity or issues I'd like you to understand that renewables two unreliable there to dilute the power, a major anderson we'll civilization, which is why we're having power blackouts by the way, not just in california but around the united states and I've, come to also see that the left gaza. Then to victim radiology. This idea that some people- inherently becomes other people are oppressors. Child like its childish. There is one thing that has changed there I mean. Even when I was a progressive, there were still roma, martin luther king of nelson mandela of this year, that that you could achieve a better life he could overcome adversity. That's also positive psychology,
if you the idea that you can change your mentality, change your life work hard at discipline, get the right diet and exercise that you need this these are now viewed as oppressive by a much of the left is in the grip of white guilt and victim ideology. On budgets I rejected. I know it's unhealthy crosses individuals, it's unhealthy for the society. I mean look at No, this the mistreatment of our most vulnerable in the name of compassion, it's done because were treating. People like victims were treating them as sub human. I just think it's wrong. I objected to it in. I think it's a common sense you gonna beetles, we need love, but the beatles were wrong. love is not all you need. You also need discipline, hard work, there's a big today!
about. How do we deal with the regional disparities and education will miss? You know this is not complicated. If you want to improve student performance, students need this study, more schools Are we shut down our schools drink code that it was insane? The governor sent his armpits to private school friend classroom instruction? We saw the impact was worth among poor kids, minority students. I believe that hard work makes all the difference. My parents, ah me how to work hard on you. Have you bring discipline? and mentality focused, utilise. We a leader of California, that will bring that spirit, bring can't do energy to our schools. Rather this pathetic revising condescending meteorology. So you look, I've got you. It's two mentalities: one is the mentality that you can overcome adversity, healthy its strong it worse for people and works for countries. It works for institutions,
and then there is another mentality which is a pity mentality. It used to tell people that their weak, that big can't overcome their circumstances. I think when people are forced to choose, they choose the armor they choose strength they treat, they choose resilience. That's what I want people, embrace right now. We need to know, as they say in good times, make weak leaders week. Leaders is what we have in california, but weak leaders make bad times an android support because people know we need a strong leader that wall tat ended Inherent resilience to overcome these policies, Michael. You know the rest of that is hard times make strong leaders, and I think these hard times have made you. I don't No, I don't want to saying that hurts your chances so, but if I lived in california and I was a republic, and I think I would probably vote for you because you're the
only one that really does have a chance as an independent, to beat Gavin newsome and we agree on enough of the stuff. And you are at least some one that the conversation with people who disagree with you and that's. That is the first step towards healing common ants and including everybody in the conversation waiting for the governor of California, the author of san Francisco. He is the founder president of environmental progress here. Website is shellin berger for governor dotcom, shellin berger for governor dot com. Michael best of luck to you tomorrow. thanks so much glenn. I welcome your support and appreciate you. Thank you, gutless bobby american financing nl as one eight do through three four w w w that animal S, consumer access, dot, org.
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and station id- can you imagine if he won as governor of California how much positive change he could make, but the kind of pressure that he would be under my gosh, just the teachers unions alone, for what he said is true, just kill him and one of the things we ve talked about this goes through education. It goes to certainly things like yes, g scores and all of the battles that we're going through right now, forty is such a big state with so many people and so much money. We ve seen this happen where textbooks get chain and they changed them because they gotta they want to please people in california and an ear in mississippi and you get hit with those crazy california. Textbooks changes from these companies say things
with these investment arms, where their their chase The EU s g scores because her going so much pressure from the government of california you only California's governor is makes a big difference to the entire cunt. free and that shouldn't be the way it is. But it is real. Letty and having someone like Michael and control, rather when Gavin newsom, who is the worst of the worst and will undoubtedly take this next term Try to turn it into a run for present, at some point man there is on a lot at stake here and this election wasn't michael, the guy who was like the environmentalist of the year, yeah, Michael yeah member, who, under the cover of time, magazine environmentalist of the year around two thousand eight and and now listen to him I mean he still an environmentalist you, nobody
more of a modern environmentalists like people are on the right. I am all for clean energy, but if you're for that, then let's use clean energy. It's called nuclear power and there's new generations of nuclear power that are safer and better than the nuclear power in the old nuclear power is the most safe power generation, the world has ever seen. Go with it, I think I ever was aware of michael shell. Hamburger was, he was featured in a documentary on cnn about that topic and he was I mean how else would get on cnn. He was an environmentalist of the year and interviewed him about nuclear power and he went through an outlined all this. All these facts about nuclear her and I are remember sitting there watching this documentary thing like how is this on the air on sea on cnn and the answer is. Has a legitimate. rotation as an environmentalist and and and knows a lot of these players to the poor?
when you read his books. He gets interviews with all the big players yeah, you know when it comes to the environment. When it comes to homelessness, is in his book francisco and vague. Outwardly say they didn't even make the points. That people like a r o c or saying like when they had one of the big ones he takes out. He goes to the person who says supposedly that lino global warming and the earth in ten years and and talk to him about it, and he said he thanks, Michael for coming to him, because he said anything like that. It's a bit total lie that has been no the media for the past fifteen years, and yet he didn't even occur. It really is incredible. The Glenn Beck program, so jimmy diamond, the ceo of J, p morgan said, and I think he was couching is
You know you don't want somebody like that. You know the head of J p morgan to come out and say everybody run for your lives, but what he did say: was brace yourself for an economic hurricane. That's remarkable rim, marketable coming from somebody like Jamie diamond, I suggest. But you brace yourself, but also prepare for impact youve. You ve got to act and prepare it's no good. You're standing euro in your kitchen and the and you're right by the windows in the hurricane is coming in to brace yourself no get out of there, and can you put some words up on the window here What you really need to do, battened down the hatches, kick it in a high gear. This time it is gold and silver that have saved, Or folios for hundreds of years gold line, offering a special incentive to get started or add to your self directed irae fora, one gay, your thrifty,
beings, bland raw, traditional irae and more find out the one hundred and six percent more in additional metals. All you have to do just go eight, six, six goldmine, that's eight! Six, six gold mine this is the Glenn Beck program, is the seventy eight anniversary of the D day invasion. at mercury. One in our museum. We have, one of the most. Ah, spiralling and precious items in the collection is a flag that Was on a landing craft that brought men and tanks, across the channel on D day.
The ship was sunk by the germans on omaha beach. In one of the sailors went down to rescue the flag, it is that one flag. tells the entire story of d day. It is rip to shreds frayed. The stars are still together. This was the big military operation in world history, three million allied troops. Were sent across the channel. no one, knew if it would succeed or not
no one knew if hitler was expecting them if he if he was still there, his troops were on high alert. If he hadn't looked elsewhere, we were dead. Imagine being on the shore of england getting ready to go across the channel, knowing that really truly one of the most that hardened and technologically sound armies was waiting across the river on the beach. For you. Eisenhower our rota note. He wrote it to everyone who was going across. He said you are about to embark on a great crusade.
Toward which we have striven these many months and the eye of the world are upon you, the hopes and pray. Years of liberty, loving people everywhere march with you income, with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the people of the german people's war machine. The elimination of nazi tyranny over the oppressed, peoples of europe and the security for ourselves in a free world, and it's an important one. I think savagely That's it. That's a great bitter gray point you make their glenn. We did Lucy here for just a quick. Second, maybe you could back off a salary. Is a huge salary level, but little bit of technical dumps are is ok. The eyes of the world or upon you, the hopes and prayers of liberty, loving people everywhere march with you in company
with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts. You will bring about the destruction of the german war machine, the elimination of nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of europe and secure before ourselves in a free world. Your time Sk ahead is not an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well, equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely, but in this year nineteen forty four much has happened since the nazi triumphs of nineteen, forty and forty one billion. Nations have inflicted upon the germans, great defeats in open battle, man to man, our air offences seriously reduce their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground, our homes, once you have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war and placed Our disposal, great reserves of fighting men, the tide is turned, the freeman in the world are marching together to victory. I have full
Confidence in your courage, devotion, the duty and skill in battle. We except nothing less than a full victory, good luck and as all beseech the blessings of almighty god upon this great and noble undertaking. as they were, reading that and then launching one boy. One empty- are was on the radio talking about the fall of rome the next day, once they had gotten onto the beat and we're making progress after yard, to the airwaves again in one of the most out rageous speeches. If it Given today. That you will ever read magic in your president, coming on the air and saying this
asked I when I spoke to you about the fall of rome, I knew at that moment the troops of the united states and our allies were crossing the channel in Other and greater operation- and it has come To success thus far in this poignant. Our I ask you to join with me in prayer. That's where the president today, if even said that would leave it He then says- and I am quoting all mighty god, our sons, pride, of our nation this day, have set upon a mighty endeavour, a struggle to Serve our republic, our religion and our civilization and to set free, He suffering humanity Lee. Damn straight in true, give them strength to their arms stoutness of their hearts. Steadfast in their faith. They will need thy blessings there right.
will be long and hard for the enemy is strong. He may you her back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again, and we know that by thy grace by the right justness of our cause. Our sons will triumph, they will be. sore tired, but night and by day without rest until victory is one the darkness will be rent by noise and flame men. Souls will be shaken with the vital interests of war, for these men are lately drawn from the waste of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquests, they fight to liberate they fight to let justice arise and tolerance and good. we'll among all thy people, there yearn, but for the end of battle and for their return to the haven of their home.
Some dear lord, will never return embrace these father and receive them thy heroic servant into thy kingdom. And for us at home, fathers, mothers, children, wives, sisters and brothers of bread if in overseas, whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them help us almighty, god to read. Kate, ourselves in renewed faith. Inv at this Were of great sacrifice, many people, we'll have that I call the nation into a single day of special prayer, but because the Road is long and the desire, if great I, ask that our people devote themselves. wolves in a continuance of prayer. As we rise up each new day and again each day is spent. Let the words of power, air beyond our lips, invoking thy help to our efforts, give us strength strengthen our daily task to redouble the contributions we can make in the
physical and material support of our armed forces led, are high, species stout to wait, the long travail, Bear sorrows that may come to impart our car john to our sons where Ever so, they may be, and oh lord, give us faith, give us faith in he faith in our sons, faith in each other faith in our united crusade. Let not the key! None of our spirit ever be dulled. Let let none of these impacts of temporary events of temporal matters a fleeting moment. Let not these deter us in our unconquerable purpose. With your blessings. We shall prevail over the unholy force of our enemy, help us conquer the apostles of greed, and racial arrogance ease, lead us
to the saving of our country and with our sister nations in a world unity that will spur. A sure peace, a piece in vulnerable to the skimmings of unworthy men and a peace that we let all men live in freedom reaping the just rewards of their honest, toil. we know that I will be done, almighty god amen. Could you even imagine hearing our president speak like that today. We have a real problem in today's world, where. We don't even really want to admit our own faults.
If we are honest about what we are facing today, it's all of our own fault. we let our. We let our love of of unbridled freedom, conquer our duty of responsibility. We let our wants become our needs and there is no one to blame any more, or at least there is no one that will take the blame. Dwight Eisenhower's become one of my favorite people in history. Because, while he said the eyes of the world are upon you
we are going to win in his pocket on that day, he had written a letter for release if things did not go well,. He said: are landings, have failed, to gain a sad, satisfactory foothold in. I have withdrawn. Our troops I decision to attack at this time and place was based on the best information available. The troops the ere. The navy did all that bravely bravery and devotion to duty could do and blame or fault that it attaches to this attempt. it is mine alone.
Right now our politicians are trying to do something. They think very brave and noble. They haven't even told us what they're truly fighting for it's, not ukraine, that is driving up the gas prices. It is their fight for climate, it is their fight for the earth and they will blame the repr caution was on anything. It is the money printing of greedy politicians and an absolute criminally in in incompetent, fed the greed of banks that is caused this inflation,
For secretary admitted it last week, yeah we miss red. We failed to see things we shouldn't have done, but not are commander in chief. Let us not forget what honour truly looks like and tried to emulate that in our own lives every day, beginning today I want to talk to you a little bit about relief factor. It's magic go. When you can walk around without pain. And you don't really appreciate that till your, maybe in your forties or fifties, unless you ve had a bad accident or something if you been dealing in with pain, I don't care how old you are, and you ve tried absolutely
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get your life back yet decline back programme, this is the Glen back programme, so it looks like doktor oz now is the candidate. For us senate in pennsylvania, and I'm all on the oz bandwagon now I am praying that he is the man that he says he is I'm praying that he is not mitt, romney or another. Rhino Another gazetted romney window you just into the thing with him is Kenny. You you now it's a tough state. I think he can any end republican should win any republican in any state.
Were any republic? Why hasn't chance to win? Should win this tat this cycle, so he hopefully Why do you think he wouldn't win? I mean I you know there's a when you are in a bright red state You know: you're gonna win the race. You can run privilege anybody and you'll win the race when you have a situation like this, where you're in a purple state in europe, a guy who's, never run a campaign before who has been all with the board. Honestly, I mean, I think he would even admit that that you know all over the he's been all over the board throughout his career, believing all sorts of different things, a guy who, if he If he makes our stakes it's a below laborious right, like you could lose this race if he does not run a good campaign. If you run boring generic republican in this race, your likely going to win it if you If you have a guy who gets lots and lots of attention and then messes up, you could lose donald, maybe
after I won't do that. I'm sure donald trump took that into account when he made there. You know the endorsement, so hopefully he knows a hell of a lot better than I do you know, as I just I'm risk averse in the cycle, because you don't need a great candidate to win. You just need somebody who's, not an oral. I know all of the aws bandwagon yeah go on.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-28.