« The Glenn Beck Program

Ep 86 | How the King of 'No Spin' Would've Handled the Hunter Biden Story | Bill O'Reilly | The Glenn Beck Podcast


The king of "No Spin" and bestselling author of "Killing Crazy Horse," Bill O'Reilly, dishes with Glenn about his time at Fox News. He explains why he believes he got labeled as "being difficult to work with," what happened when he asked executives if he could moderate a presidential debate, and what the first words he ever said to Glenn were (hint: It was typical O'Reilly). He also reveals how he would've handled the Hunter Biden email story if he were the editor of the New York Post, gives his predictions for the final debate (if it even happens), and imagines what Donald Trump will do if he doesn't win a second term. "He ain't gonna get down to Dallas and paint," O'Reilly says. "He'll probably buy the L.A. Lakers and fire LeBron James!"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You know I really hate when people say TAT sky needs no introduction, and then they go on and on and on today's gas needs no introduction bill, O Reilly, Mr Bill, O Reilly. How are you, sir, where, where is he I wanna get out? I I want to start here. I want to say that shockingly You have this reputation of being of difficult to work with, and I have to tell you I never saw that and who- and I mean this sincerely bill- you were the nicest guy to me in all- of television. The entire your time, you
didn't hide any agenda! You were plain spoken, you will you listen to me to try to understand what I was trying to accomplish You gave me great advice along the way and and really respect. You really respect you Thank you back. I appreciate that. The reason I have their reputation is a very interesting story and it ended it applies to what we are seeing now in America, with the corporate media never had any problems with guys like you or my peers orient. I doubt that, because do what you do and if I think that your An honest person- and I do in your case- why would I treat you poorly? I mean there's no reason problem with people who or corrupting the me process. This suits tell me what to say who were
telling stories that I might have done that were honest, for Agendas all their long, exactly what's happening in Amerika, I mean you saw what happened to the New York posed. Breaking the hundred. and email story. Well, NBC News they gave, less than a minute ABC News didn't covered on good morning, America, CBS News didn't covered in three hours on a CBS morning, show CNN didn't covered in five hours and prime time and neither did NBC why? Because they were told not to so when somebody would tell me that I'd say no, I'm gonna do the honors thing and therefore was difficult. So now we treat out. How would you treat that story because I talked to the editor of the New York Post today on air you ve done their due diligence as much as anyone. Can they say that they have? there there easiest defence is every
That's on their lot of. It is personal and could only have been his butt still. Somebody could have done an elaborate ruse how d? How would you handle this today? When you don't know the chain of command on that that laptop, exactly how I did handle it twice reporting on this all day, and I said here the holes in the story. Why would any human being? in a laptop for an upgrade or repair with our drive full stop their children. Morgan crack birth. We do the right o. Well, I mean you. Hunter Biden did turn a car my way way of death. Ok, we're there you don't pick it up. you leave it there right, ok, who who would do that now jumble. Why I don't know the answer I just say:
that's kind of strain. The other thing is the guy who got it in Delaware, Mr Eyes, egg How large is a for almost a year and then he says he call we happy. I didn't do anything they came and look at it. Looked at it, You know you copy the hard drive which issue I've done and then he gave it to Rudy Giuliani lawyer or that evaporate may be a dead letter, think you gotta be a little sceptical about how the it cheerful did, get to the trunk. pay now the mid real itself. I think legitimate, but the wording in the emails a little contrived You know a little contrived so I say Finally, the ETA deposed post. I definitely what are reported sort no, and I would have said here we gotta,
and this is what it says which they need. Every we put the picture so that of the crack stuff. and there I wouldn't done that right, but I wouldn't the other stuff it and that I would have asked Abiden campaign Javert with the guy, or is this a fabricated stuff? I give them a chance sites. Are you cover, so bill. There are some, and I know you don't speckly is speculate, but I do I try to Papa. I try to tie things together and see and answer some of those questions saying out front a I'm, not a journalist and be. This is my speculation. I dont know if this is true, but it does make sense. If I don't know, if you know the the guy who is providing Senate testimony from the Ukraine view, very credible. He was the go to guy for the Obama administration over Ukraine heat Defied and last week
he went in hiding because, after his testimony, all of a sudden, the State Department cancelled his visa. Here in the United States and he took that as a hostile sign he's he called me last week in hiding and he's terrified of what's gonna happen, Because of some information that is looks like it's going to come out, hopefully soon he gave to the Senate so there? creates habit and he believes that his life is in danger. You're dealing with this kind of Jason Bourne Kind of world This is if somebody got that laptop me in some way or another, either stole it or found it as an operative that the kind of thing that you would do if you were afraid of being nabbed for one reason or another, you would turn it into somebody that you thought this person has a circle of friends that might say hey. You should tear turn that into the trump
strain and turn that into the FBI could see that happening in a world of sport. Absolutely right! Absolutely! and you know I tell my audience. I believe the Joe Biden is: a corrupt man right that he used his position, as vice president to enriches family guy. I think no doubt about it. I mean Evidence is overwhelming, that's what he did right so who s grant did that I don't? U S grand paid a horrible price for it is rather ran around, and I- and I am sure you know this back because you are an ace history. Student rather ran around do in all kinds of shady deals. So Barton did it, we did it and hotter got tens of millions of dollars from you carrying from Russia from China gives his father was vice president. I know no doubt in my mind, but in this
tree right now the hatred for trouble. Ride stag. in the minds of millions of viewers, they're saying: well, you know we we rather have the senile corrupt guy, then drop. You're not gonna come tat insanity, its insanity, that's where we all know I know I know I began to New York. times in a Washington pose no by this corrupt. yes, they know his men. The is questionable they know it, but they are Trump, so much data care it's it's amazing to me, because they even held Hill Aris ankles to the fire a little bit. They didn't. Didn't love her lotta people didn't like her in the media, so he held her
kind of accountable, not really but kind of accountable Here, nobody is nobody. Is there hatred for tromp. Has And ten fold, since two thousand sixty do you think I would be any different? Do you think this would be any different? If MIKE Pence, the candidate, I dont, think it would. I don't think data hey Pence as personally and as viscerally as they hate tromp. Liberal, but they wouldn't be digging into the corruption of Joe Biden. Do you think well now, like the left is, laughed they did all like America. They why to redo the constitution. They want to take
of our freedoms like to second amendment in the first amendment and change them, and they want to destroy capitalism and replace it with a big and to realize government in Washington that controls the economy. So, if pen standing be in may I that they're gonna try to get pants, but I'm talking about the folks, I have liberal friends and I say to them: do not understand that when you vote for Biden voting against your own self interest, because the far I've that controls him is gone to then, if they weapon the Senate, what are legit malaysian- that's gonna got your mouth Gonna come in and they're gonna try as much as humanly possible from you and your family. Do not understand that and I but I get is not thing. They no reply. I that because it's true, but they hate Trump so much
I guess you're willing to give up their couch Glenn back. You may not recognize me if it wasn't, for others luxurious, hair, I might my dad. Is bold and I freaked out starting at about six, this a true story. I was an absolute toe head and my dad the cut my hair with a you know, with the buzz, and so I am very, very short, hair and my mother used to tell a story that we were walking in the zoo. I can remember the name of the zoo in Seattle, and this old lady my mom was sitting on a bench with my sisters, dad and I were just walk. Past we were going to another exhibit they were tired, and this old lady sitting next to me said. Poor family be some sort of disease. The child's I'll just like the Father and ever since, ever since, and I worried about losing my hair, if you have ever worried about losing your hair, I get it.
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the real, be Elam stuff, but they might have even thought about going to March with black lives matter because you know they ve always been there. They believe in Martin, Luther King, etc. All the things that the Democratic Party can no longer tolerate that vote. Still exists or a is that car act or do you think that vote or no longer exists, I think that order exists to a much lesser stand. Then I did twenty five years ago, and here is the reason this. Ok, so what you have now and on both sides, not just democratic liberal, but conservative republic you have a life. That's being lived on this right. That's why faced book, twitter and all of these things become so important because
the information flow into. the voter. Is not unimpeded This is the way the totalitarian regimes are for their only getting selected information or right, so the lad, weighing Democrat, doesn't know about the wealth tax buzzing about the cancel culture that could be. institutionalized. That means If you say something that is friends of two your boss or coworkers, you can get fired, immediately harmonies? Where were you don't think that they know about the cancelled culture? They know about the cancel culture in a social sense, but not in a word play sense. Are they still think they are free the speech and say I dont like black, lives matter. I dont think that a marxist organisation should be supported. by most Americans, you're fired. Why
You can't do that. I have a right to my opinion. that is soon to disappear by legislation right. It's gonna, something to the effect that if you are deemed a threat in workplace. you can be dismissed on the spot, with no compensation. What's a threat, defined by the workplace, you're here and you see the college's. I don't feel safe. I don't feel safe. Tat, blender common, give a speech feel safe and bill o drives to his car through the campus safe there going institutionalize this stuff all right and make it ll was about this stuff. That's what they want to do so you know, if you object to gay marriage, got nowhere you're a human rights violators, so so have links in the catholic church. Clergy that says: merit
between a man and woman criminals, if you care, operate this, though as far as they want to carry it. So when you're looking at what's happening, we you know with twitter, this week and facebook shutting down the oldest continuous running newspaper in the United States of America. The post was started by Alexander Hamilton. It's not like I fly by night website, this is the New York Post We have a twitter and facebook Google moving people away to saying this is disk. Editing. You can't retweeted you go to the website from the from, but the tweet or the Facebook post. When you have when you have that the same way, the same week, Miriam. Webster's dictionary
changed. The meaning Oh consensual relationship, but what a preference that your Sexual preference is now a negative because of Aimee Combing Coney bear it saying I not again people, sexual preference, the Democrats, Dog piling within the same day the diction Harry is changed on the internet. No new areas, Webster Dictionary On the internet, you couldn't do it fast enough incorrect, correct crucial. You just made my point forming so that the Far less wants to outlaw speech. They don't like that's what it comes down to it. They want to take your pick property in the guise of taxation. That's the wealth tax. They went out law free speech under the guise of your threatening, which are too
threatening right. They want to take. The second amendment and say you have a a firearm to protect yourself on any circumstance, because if you look at it, Jesus only the militia can have them. That's the that's the argument there good they're going to try to make so Biden IN and Harris take over and the Senate goes into Democrats girl, mediately, put five or six new liberal justice is on a court, the stacking the court thing. Ok, Judges will do exactly what we're talking about and they'll all settled exactly. What do they also add new states which will ensure that no Republican has is, however, elected, yeah, like California, might in California so categories. One party state, meagre, So I have heard people say you know:
Joe Biden is gonna, be president in Joe Biden is not going to be crazies, not going to be doing all this stuff he's just using the laughed right now I leave Joe Biden is a Trojan horse for though I believe the left is using him. The other way around your thoughts, I don't think Joe Biden knows where he is I didn't know he was an eye on the other day. I am not saying this with any ran court, all known Biden for a long time, so not a bit guy in person, Thank you knows what the deuce go on back and He'll do what he's tall saw the above a campaign is running. The Ivan campaign David Axelrod, no boys are telling him what to do and say he's slowly carrying out their waters. They go, Mr Vice President. I think you
I'll be in your basement today for eight hours egos? Ok, all right! Can I get lunch. So that's what you're gonna have as president meantime Camilla Hard CORE, leftist you know you are and Baker we don't need a cash day I'll thing No, no, no and she was at one time a pretty response. We'll prosecutor, but now we don't need a cash bow. Hey! Senator errors. Have you seen? What's happened in New York City and your own town San Francisco lightly have you taken a walk through the streets with no cash bow? Have you, madam? What's wrong with you? That should be the but in question. A camel hours by air journalists, what's wrong with you, you know one thing: I we're not gonna have time to talk about with Bill O Reilly, but I really want to talk about it. I was doing my research on on him I learned something I didn't know he has two. I think to masters degrees you mean like a he is I mean
one of them is from Harvard that, if Kennedy School of governments and the sky is wicked. Wicked smart? But you know what what's crazy? I am a co worker of his, and I've got one quarter of college who's, this our guy now anyway Ashford University, If you need a degree of you need education for your job at Ashford expert faculty teaches you real world skills from real world experience in online classes? for your life's twists and turns. Can learn from home or where ever you feel comfortable, you can pursue a degree in one of Ashford. Sixty Plus programs like Business Administration, Hell care administration and psychology with twenty four seven access to your classroom, daily support and financial aid available.
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now things have dramatically change. I just saw a video, somebody driving down from Saint Patrick's down to the library on Fifth avenue, and ever a single store was boarded up. Why two is the future of New York City. Well, the plaza has got a year left. You know lot damage in a year. Venezuela Caracas parallels New York on people I'm crazy when I say that, but I'm not the social disorder that you see in Venezuela is now in New York same social disorder because the car as the laws yo, and he is a communist. He's going to deny that coupled with the far left it dreams of Andrew Cuomo. The governor basically may the city on level. You're too he's gonna lose a million people in the next twelve months. One million is gonna. Go from
eight point. Five million to seven point. Five and almost all of the people that are leaving are big time: taxpayer affluent people, property owners, ok, because you cannot live there, not only with a family, but if you're an elderly person now look you don't work. Rick, around the act. Arraying Ghostbuster Ani shrunk, because why will easily done up upper West side in a very affluent neighbourhood for decades? So we walk down the street three weeks ago. Guy comes up Hundreds of interface eyebrow It's it's the ground and the guy keeps walkin So Miranda's goes. ass, it always got stuff wrong with them. Files are criminal com, I call the precincts. my grandfather was a cop cops like me, and I said what what the deuce is going on and goes to the sword. The deaths argue goes we ten of those day here, the upper West Item and we have ten today, people
blogger down a bang, and I said what and when you cash this guy who's that among video, because no cash bail, out he's probably got along wrapped Sheet Willie Yet time Fred and Miranda Snow yeah fine. No, I don't have any money. Nothing will happen to him. That's anarchy! so anarchy is gripped New York City, so there sloan with Bite and Harris Biden Harris basically wanting to define the police all over the country. What do you think happened? Your town will look, ask this black. So this is. This is the other thing that I keep thinking that there will be Democrats that are decent Democrats that are or attention and going wait. A minute wait a minute there. Now condemning this kind of stuff there there releasing people from prison they They are saying no cash bail, and
people who just told us that only the police should have guns in our schools. Now, say the police, we can trust the police and You won't can't have a gun either to protect yourself at some point. Doesn't the light go on to most Americans going wait? There is no way for me to be safe, there's no way for my family to be safe and there's no way to do business in a play like New York. That is a scam from New York, guys like this, nice place can movie by you, answer is no because people here, live in America anymore? They live here. So if you were to go out today and say, hey you think about Miranda, Gettin punched out, they're gonna go what most people, oh no They don't personalized things and they're, not thinking about
What will happen? Ok, I'd and Harris is looked at that incomes in what, will happen. There are think about that what you're thinking about is. Do I look tromp or do I hate Trump, all about drop, an addition- why more people hate tromp, then love trump. I'd idle? I think it's close, so he didn't. He didn't want to ask what it's about. He didn't do himself any favours in the last debate, and I think it's just because he got me nobody was holding the ice actual accountable and he just an eye wood to honestly. I mean I would hope I wouldn't do it, but I will Oh you reach the end of your rope at some point. Go is anyone going to talk about the truth? I spoke. the president about five days before too bad. He call me up. When president calls me, I I take the call right yeah, you brought
Obama, call being Bush the call me. You know and answer the question. I want to tell you what Conversation was because it was an off the record safety, but I will tell you that I said look. You got a big chance here on the first debate, because Joe Biden is being fuddled word of the day be funded. They're gonna rehearsal, you yourself have to ask him questions that he's not prepare for? If you do that, he'll melt. Ok, I didn't do that. I know I don't know why I dont know why? Yes, you're right Chris walls, Questions which ran five to six minutes each act walls was finished equation, what was the question again? You know he's yours, he has longer questions and I do it was I would of course, but our. to anticipate that
I said Mr Wallace is a very smart man and he you know it and everybody else. So I ask you a question. It runs a long period of time Do your best to answer the question. Thirty seconds then pivot, Joe Biden his age, or this is what I want to know. you gonna, do anything about all these demonstrations you gonna do anything about it. The looting and a burning and killing you gonna do anything about a job, because you know Kurzweil started to ask a man, so you would have asked. What do you think? Whose fault is it that we didn't have a second debate covered by an trump card me both problem both in that because because Donald Trump did not later This is not unusual for him why he didn't want to virtual debate. I wouldn't have done a virtual debate and Why doesn't want only debates? They don't want. are we going to have a word wonder: are we gonna have a?
This should have been other second one, but are we have another one by doesn't want it right, then, why? Why wouldn't K Navy forced into it in Tennessee a week from today. Ok, they may be forced to shove. It one if they feel that there are sure leading, and only bad things could happen in a second debate. Your trunk desperately needs it. Yes, he needs it, but it's control himself so the women vault I'm a guy like you and I we don't care Vienna robs Randy. So why interrupted? Am I offended by that? I interrupt all day long, Arriv offended by somebody else interrupted, I rang with the women and I'm generalizing now, and I know I'm a massage is bigger pit. That's me, he rode here. You know, and I know I don't wanna be. I thought that it was not easy interrupting. I thought is interrupting was who I got to
point, two where you couldn't hear either of them, so it may be. I can I throughout my answer like this is right. This is worthless. I don't know what either one of them are saying. That's true. And and Donald Trump lives in a world where Donald Trump is going to do what he wants if you read the United States tromp, I lay it out his whole life. he's done what he wanted, one guy it is life. That control them, that was his father, Fred, no one else. He d does what he wants. you you hit it right on ahead. He got angry bill. There's there is, if I were him and and believe in the deep state. I thought that was STAR chamber kind of stuff. You know in twenty sixteen I mean I thought there were bad p all in and people that you know we have worked in the State Department. I thought the state Department was kind of a deep state. They gonna do whatever they want to do, but I did
think it was as deep as it is. If you didn't believe in twenty sixteen fine, if you don't believe it now, you have been paying attention at all. I don't think he knows who to trust. I wouldn't trust anyone in in in an anti department in the White House, Can one man actually put of Pitch work in the monster of deep state. No, because you have too many employees that are there for life. I mean a problem: the FBI is that its politicize, so we see that they participated, in trying to bring down trump campaign and then after he was elected, they trump president. What we usually have told furtively try to do that. You told me for a long time. You trust bill bar everybody. I know says trust Bill BAR, but Bilbil is not moving. Is he is he a part of it?
or is he just building a solid case and he doesn't care about politics or or what happening with Bill bar? I sent it on my programme that Bill bar should have a press conference tomorrow and give us update our where he is. Is that unreasonable? You don't have to choose anybody. You don't Bring in evidence. Just tell the nation where we are watched taking so long when we expect some kind of If a of what the FBI, the c I a the NSA's, what they all did to try derail the Trump president when more. We gonna get that when trot immoral Largo three years from now, because billboard it's not going to be in that job issue Rob loses bill bars in the hell, wants these out of there. Ok so right now, he owes it. Mr, always it to the American
will bring us up to date on where this Durham report is now, why he hasn't done that. I don't know, I don't know I think, he's an honest man bar. I do but I dont know why has brought us up to date, quick, Lee, because I found the hearing so boring any. on Amy Connie, Barrett. I couldn't even use a sound bite and three days right soundbites. Here I mean I mean unless, if you're looking for something so late, that is nothing, but if your room looking outwards, gated are what do you say? We invest the data. We investigated her separately, which I will Now do on almost every big story, because you Obviously can't you ran proceeding now. You're gonna do so here is the profile on Judge Barrett, honest woman, cross border. I never been attacked where she has been accused of even any
kind of his. Jeanne woman, no doubt right Read the things that cheese filed in her adulthood, brilliant some of them, are brilliant. Gay, responsible woman, Ass Notre Dame locker, pressure, upheld all her duties and compassionate woman looking to children from Haiti yeah, seven kids and she's a law. Professor, I say that's compared so we are honest. We got brilliant, we ve got compassionate. So what else you want what else? So why is Amy closely char? Try make her look like somebody who is deficient. Why? Because, global char worships at the altar of reproductive rights that her whole World but there's no way they're going to overturn row verses way. This is not going to happen, but it wont to punish her shoe
we hope to show its punish judge bear it because Judge bear it respects life. Amy CALL which does it so I mean Mobile char has to diminish Joe buried in her own mind, to justify our position on that site. Interest, but pretty obvious. So do you believe that this election has a good chance of being decided in the courts cause all male mail in voting and everything else either. There's gonna be problems, but think I d there's so much emotion that one man or the other is going to emerge with a plurality, but I'd no which, when it's gonna, be, and you believe, there's anything to the idea that Donald Trump Woods say
damn you all hell, I'm not leaving so when the Marines Common Rotarian out. Here I mean this is I think he and I think, if he I think, give he loses he's. Leaving start his own television network and say I'll, just right. I mean. Why would you say why would you go to prison and stay Emmy that don't make any sense that make any sense a document? Listen, he's not irrational, always not on a rational man. if he loses he's gonna yell. Scream for two months and then he's gonna leave and, as you said, might start a media company. He certainly not going to get down to Dallas and paint like Bush, the younger you gotta know it's inattention, junkie, yeah, trumps, lieutenant junkie needs attention, so
in my by the allay layers and fire abroad, for I put it to do some something day. and then the New York authorities are going to try to make his life a living. L that will lapse. Lily happen, so he may pardon himself before he leaves. I wouldn't be surprised. So it is up to go through all add is that is to me that's amazing. We become a banana republic. I mean Michael said to me one time: I said: why are we not prosecutor? I think we should have prosecuted Nixon and he said Glenn. That's what banana republics do and he said once you do it to one side. The next side is gonna, be so angry they'll. Do it to the next side. He said you walk away, you're gonna, walk away. I I've never been comfortable with that, but I think he is right about a banana regime like you do that to trump well, you know gonna get power again as a conservative, but if he ever did get power again
you'd go right after Hilary. That's why you that's? Why Trump didn't put Hilary in jail part? There is no appetite for the power brokers too. Humiliated people who run for office right there isn't because they are going to happen to me. Nobody's perfect, but state of New York, so out of control, they'll go after trunk is since that, Cuomo would take. attorney general spot. maybe coma loves power, loves power. How these attorney general Do a lot of damage you get bigger, get a lot of people attorney general, if you take just the deaths, from New York state alone. Out of the mix, your number Two hundred thousand goes bare minimum to one. Seventy could go as low as one thirty
How does how we see? How did he have the mutation that he did you know and the documents to prove what he did to the nursing home and all those people die and nobody seems to care. Is it the phone again? You gonna hold up the phone again. No, no, it's all different thing I do a Sean, W B C radio Yet- and I address this very issue today- tonight amount at ten o clock and I take it. So Andrew Como knows you can say whatever he wants to say, because nobody in the New York press let's make a move that neither do you house doesn't like I'm all right, but you know, but New York Times all the network, local news, gas back then, drawn up against him ever pneumonia, she's only wants is like by binding
there goes all all of the accusations against my son. Hunter had been discredited, Heaven bright, everybody go no that's right Now, right then, and there Chris walls just at a time out. We are to take a little pause and I'm going to ask the president. The vice president, that's not true How can you say that get opening that? Never happens that never happens. Why does it at my would do it, but I'd never get in a position of moderating debate ever even when I was fox news. They wouldn't let Meda moderated debate. They laughed when it's a look. Let me motto: The debate will gets up. Madam it everybody. Ho ho ho all zero but it is aware that sets a system bill. Let me ask you this, because I remember well, let me ask you two things.
I remember the first words you ever said to me: do you recall sure you I don't even know where you were backside. That's enough to value! You said to me: I was I was at your teeny little desk. It looks so big on tv, but it's a tiny little desk. You are how Six, five right, we had never met before and I was leaning in on the desk and you came in and you said back and they use down, and you didn't say anything you don't like to talk to people for you go in the air and I was leaning in and you just said to me: you're in my shot and I was like you're gonna customer for we can get on the air and right before we went on the air, I grab your hands, and all of you remember this when it really said Five four and I reached over grab your hands and I said please, kill me
You remember that would you giant head was block and in so doing all we did. We see, ooh back at his head and I gotta get you move that it The other thing I wanted to share is I was on your show and you and I have always had a great back and forth where we could just blast each other, and we know the other one is doesn't mean anything about it, except for fun. But you said to me: I was on your show and it was like my nineteenth best seller and you said back, you're writing all these books and I said bill. You want something that lasts and nice source of income. You should write books and you were teasing me on it. Now you have seventeen million books in print
you have your your latest book, which is killing crazy horse, which is crazy horses is one of my favorite people and in american history. you haven't, sent me the book as you make me pay for them, but tell me about killing crazy horse. We three copies back three: did you sign and you can put a body but yeah you're producers are still in our design. Ever gonna kill you Rachel and crazy, or I led three hundred dodging copies and furs for weeks it it's a very and when you read it, won't come back and talk you because it's a fair book. I wanted to be ere the line. I agree on the Ganges, Why is brilliant village, commander. He was not the chief, your God was soon, mostly with that use achieve now he was sitting all roads sitting will never fought the war, never Jaguar
Right now or in killing batten, ours is a man, never fallen about right, so crazy, Lord Wisbeach. quickly a guy. Who is a military genius and the? U S. Army couldn't defeat him, so they say Easy George Custer out here. Gettysburg to get together and crazy whores relished the fight or he wanted to go, begins. Custer now, though, reads that crazy yours fighting in the first place is because you S Grand went on the treaty, originally the Sioux? given the black hills right in south quota. But soon as gold was discovered in exposition. Cluster was involved in. U s and so they re like that treaty rough and its use. wait, a minute right, so crazy. Yours was so successful and we cry
Nicole, his military successes. So walk. Did you start with his? childhood some fascinated by his childhood. You know he was. He got the name crazy horse crazy horse was actually his father's name. He bequeath it to him. After an event, as a child, he was out in the woods with two of his friends. The people were starving in his in his tribe, Buffalo work becoming more and more scarce. He lay captured a deer and they by the neck on a rope and they tied to a tree as they sat down and at an eight some food, and they to bring the dear back, but the dear was fighting so hard and it bothered him so much tat. He got without his friends knowing it and he cut the dear loose and that was his first framing of nuts, a thing should be captive,
which he sought reservations. People were being held captive and the my party is when I did go on a big hunt for Buffalo. His father got one and here and crazy. Oars ran home anytime everyone everyone needs tonight. My dad got a buffalo and when he did that he made everybody basically a promise that his father, honor to his father and mother and their buffalo was gone in one night there the night he said you have us a very important responsibility, you care about people. You feed people. You want but to be free, gave him the name crazy horse and is the idea that this list little spiritual kid that was so kind turns into one of the greatest warriors is fascinating to me, because if you
If you're on Custer Side, you think he's blood, thirsty and he's not well We didn't get into that micro analysis of crazy will concentrate on the war Yorkshire, but we do give some by about him and how he worked. His way up. To the Minister of WAR of the gallows sue, but here the interesting Weedin research, crazy whores from the White Man's point of view. Yes, because but one war, no white men laughed your cautious last stand We re searched it from me or all history of the Sioux X or so all the stories about crazy or surpass down by mouth until maybe thirty years later, when they incorporated more into society and began to write down, some native Americans began right down their history. How hand entire battle,
I do not think there was. I kill you not gonna, get a more viv, no, no! No. I know that but, unlike like the Torah, people memorize the words, and so it's very. The oral history is very accurate. How accurate think this one. Every eyes that's all they did there were all they did are all eighty was passed, on the oral history they hit shrunken right, that's ok! I'll see you got oats They were pretty good, only de jure and anyway, We put you on a battlefield the South Montana Bighorn battlefield Stan and annexed to Custer from the indian point of view, I think, has ever been done. Ok, so it's harrowing? But here is the kick ironic crazy. Where's ordered his warriors not to touch clusters body.
because you re spending Custer as the leader and a brave man, so every other body was defile because That's what the native Americans did or not just a wise man, but anyone they fought long before wider encourages stout right there, weren't scouts working for customs right, ok and then what journalists now I was hoping they win New York Times, journalist to warrant the culprit journal that's a job, oh now allow Riley he just hates people if you re, killing, crazier should get a totally different view. the native Americans side, and that's the beauty of these books. That's why they ve sold in seventeen million copy. I will tell you build that. I I love your books cause you're, you're, a great story, teller and you ve got good right. Urge behind your partner. What's his name,
we can do. Yeah he's he's he's really buttoned up and if we don't start, telling our history accurately and telling it in in not a utopian sort of way that all the white man was always good. We lose everything. So I appreciate what you doing. Can you just tell me the the and because I, crazy horse went on armed, to go visit. It sitting ball was it. one of the other deceives sitting. Ball sitting ball left for Canada. Ok, easy. Whores still wanted to fight it out, sitting bull new new organ. be the? U S army with too many of them. Now Railroad, which Nan establish they get cannon in their fast. So city Moselle, I'm taken, the women and children, I'm going north into Canada, words say crazy, stayed to fight it out.
But then they ran out of food and animal and crazy. I gave up and he walked into the white man and Ford and somehow got killed I wasn't. I was shot in a eye shot in the back on these way in or out of jail, No, why all that happened because it was fake news back then DEC and the news organizations and newspapers demonize the native Americans to the extent that, If you kill them, you would so, finally, even if they were doing anything even if they were babies and women, if who killed a native American that was ok, that's what the biggest close newspapers more. Do I write. It was a little faction in New England had objected, but the fake news never giving the native american Side letter to an enormous amount of violence against India. Bill always great to talk to you
he's so much for your friendship and thank you for a month, so much for standing standing. True when so many people are afraid to actually speak the truth. Thank you for doing it. I pray Yeah me I'm back again soon I'll, be back just a reminder: I'd love you to rate and subscribe to the podcast and has his own to a friend, so it can be discovered by other people.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-26.