« The Glenn Beck Program

Dear Jan. 6 Speech Czars: 'We Will NOT Be Censored!' | Guest: Bill O'Reilly | 3/10/23

2023-03-10 | 🔗

Facebook is cracking down on any posts regarding Jan. 6 that go against the Jan. 6 committee, and Glenn has some words for this type of media suppression. How does a primary cable news channel get fewer views than an online subscription service? The Left constantly claims to be worried about “the children,” but Glenn exposes the Biden administration’s “selective caring” over children’s suffering. Regarding debt, the federal government operates on a completely different rule book from the common man. Glenn and Stu discuss the absurdity of some gender identities as parents demand more transparency within their school districts. Glenn discusses the “cesspool” within the mainstream media as his Facebook pages have been crippled over “misinformation.” Bill O’Reilly joins for his weekly news recap, discussing Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 footage, and compares the outcomes of Jan. 6 and the George Floyd riots.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When you go on holiday. There is- fine finer achievement than doing absolutely nothing on the beach, nothing by the poor you can kind of nowhere and chat, about nothing as an expedient member you can save up. thirty percent, when you add a hotel to your flight, so you can have a bit more money to go out there with great ambition to do absolutely nothing. Expedia made to travel. Merrick and giant would like to thank you for doing business with them. They started Advertising with us about a year ago. Well, exciting was our october of last year after I met with the founder of the count company. I brought him in It introduced him to you because he's an amazing either started this can accompany because we not manufacturing anything and he's a guy who's like we ve got to make things in america, so he
and I think he went to japan and brought all of these machines that we hadn't you. You know you that but the old champion, sweatshirts they're, not like that anymore they're, not like they were when I was growing up with because we sold the machinery and we we lost all the people that you know knew how to run them. He put them. Together in north carolina and now he's making clothing all in america and its great clothing free, when two american giant you're looking for clothing, you want the absolute best. All one hundred percent made. Assembled here in amerika is american dash giant dotcom, slash Glenn! America dash giant dotcom, slash Glenn,
it's What are you about here is the fusion of entertainment. This: is the Glen back programme hello, america, I think I've had enough. I think I am finally there where I have had enough and I'm not going to tolerate it anymore.
Live not by lies I'll. Give you an answer. What that means in sixty seconds patricia lives in arizona, whether two dogs and she's, one of those people who have understood their need for good dietary supplements for years until a couple of months ago she was feeding them. Each three separate supplements every day the expenses we're adding up, but then she heard me talking about rough greens on the show and she decided. I should probably try that. for babies. First now her dogs are happy and healthy and she saving a ton of money by getting everything she needs in one bag. I want you to try. rough greens for your dog, it's a supplement invented by natural path. Doktor, dennis Can you pour it on your dogs, food and honestly, I've seen I'm sorry? I was an essay miracles, but I dont want overstated. I thought, I got was old, yet he was doing fine
when I started feeding Uno rough greens? Not only did his willingness to eat go way up also he changed over the months. The first few months meant he was like all of a sudden. He was active again in playing ball is crazy, rough, green dot com, slash back rough greens, dotcom, slash back! You get your first bag free, just pay for shipping rough greens, dot com, slash back backer colleague, three, three glenn, thirty three! So yesterday, I got a phone call. I want you to know that you're gonna see very few posts from me or any of your blaze family in your facebook news feed moving forward You deserve to know why.
Tucker karlsson. Had the the release of the january six footage, and I spoke to Tucker carlsson and I posted we posted the video to facebook. So you could see it in case. You missed well Yesterday We got a note on our page, this- contains partly false information checked by independent backers, see why. So then we notice partially false information and posts shared by your page, contain same information is both checked by independent fact: checkers it have small differences, but the factual, at political fact say. Information about the post chair by glenn back is partially false. To stop the spread of face news. We have added a notice to your post. Ok, fine! Well,
We started dog about it later, Look into it and hears what they the propagandist. Tell us is a fake post. They sent us a warning sign. Well said that my page is now going to be reduced in distribution because of this fund. information what is false in the video stew, you lying liar how you lie all the time we discussed the curious case of re epps. The man who is seen egging on the january sixteen january six protesters. He did it the night before he did it the day. He was seen on videotape doing it. He was seen whispering in the ear of somebody job before that somebody went and pushed back the police.
He then wrote a note to his nephew, saying I orchestrated at orchestrated it. He was on the top. five most wanted list. And then suddenly everything's, ok, the new york times rights. This glowing piece about how re absence just he's a good guy and everybody needs to leave him alone. Why. Ok! So we brought this up. We brought this up. But the lying hacks at political fact admitted that, yes, Epps did send. The tax, however, It's mostly false. Why because re apps testified the january six committee that he didn't really mean it. ah, ah I didn't. Thank goodness you've. Let me know that You know it's weird is, I remember
If anybody would post that Glenn back is and a racist they, probably fact check that, because You know I was a racist foreseen. On television, that I thought oh Was a racist, however, even though my career and everything else was smeared by these lying fat heads and still smear me today on this, even though He said the very next sentence: no, that's not right. I dont mean that I just mean he said to have some day I see No he's not a racist, that's not right, but did I get a break for that, but re epps A guy who's on the f b, I move
wanted list whose seen doing all the things that are illegal, inciting violence, that's illegal, inciting violence. They just take his. Word for it. Ah, that doesn't raise anybody's eyebrows nobody's like. now you know we know so much about re. Apps he's a good guy way. Wasn't he like one of the big? I don't know and dragons or whatever it is firm oath he. haven't you smeared oath keepers and said they are the worst there worse than donald trump. Ok, but he was right and you believe that he didn't mean it. Why that's why I said yesterday when they
ed. All you have to do is issue a correction and take it back and will get rid of all of the penalties. All of them in your you'll be allowed to be read by your people in will be great, I said: go screw yourself I am not changing my opinion. I am not changing the facts, though those are the facts. You The american people decide if they should take re apps at his word or not what january six committee, which sturdy admitted that they hadn't watched the tapes there are going to be the arbiter of truth. Now government is the arbiter. Of truth, do you know why we have a first amendment? It's not I can say things you know out on the street corner it, so I question what
Going on in washington, that is, it is not just my right, it is my duty to question. the government something's, not right. These people are no more than propagandists liar malignant despicable liars. Oh when I was given the option of the correction, I said no, no but Van plays the blaze notified that well have affect more than just u glenn, Facebook says they have to take me. I have to hit all, and I mean they're, going to they're going to have to hit steve days to why. Why why? Why did steve? What is Steve have to do. Well, we all work together at the play, so everybody who's gonna have to pay the price
And so I said to the blaze: well, I know where I stand, but I dont want everybody else to pay the price, so you do whatever you want and they laughed up we're telling them to go to Hell. I just wanted you to know. Ok, all right. We are the media. They are drowning, next thing that you're gonna see them do mark my words. They are, to try to get government money to keep their heads above water there. Not going to be able to make it any more. There are more people listening to me on my radio show Then there are watching cable news right now. That's insanity, berries! the national
bull network, that is in ninety five percent of the homes nobody's watching it, thus would nobody watching. They can't sell advertising and without advertising they can't pay the bills but we're so darn important. telling you you watch they will start getting money from government and Daniel. Be able to trust them for sure, because everybody questions. The person whose giving them money to stay alive. we are in the battle of good and evil truth and lies. there is no neutral anymore. Either you fight for the truth or you enable lies.
We are about to go into some of our biggest battles we ve ever had and I've had big battles. I would like to ask you to become a blaze tv subscriber today, you are truly the life blood of everything we do without you, we at the complete mercy of big tech. We at the complete mercy that someone will throw us a bone and give us a break. I dont want a handout I want equal justice. I want I first amendment rights, not just as I've got to use this word because the they head of thee San francisco inquirer, we had an hour.
You mean about it. He insisted. I was a journalist. I said no, I'm commentator you're a journalist. Ok then I my first amendment rights as a journalist to be able to question. be heard. I don't really give a fly in crap. What they do. I don't I have faith in you. I bet ten twelve years ago on you I knew that I, Would not be able to make it for long and keep my soul in that. Cesspool, that's called cable news. I knew I would not be able to keep my soul. So what are we do? Well, they all said: go out on your own. Do a podcast. I didn't think up. cast was enough. I think we needed to build something that We have some legs, they would be able to stand and eventually
replace them. So, started the blaze? Oh, I was crazy. Nobody's gonna do that our reach now is far bigger than it. Was when I was a fox. me personally, my show personally is it's zenith, but things art all in one place like they used to be. This is why the Ass just ignores Joe rogan. Ah he's just on what are those internet things But they know the power of joe- they know the power of the blaze. and now they can't take it so now they have to rig this system again, don't like fair play, they don't like competition. Because when you're lying people
eventually figure it out. And we ve figured them out, america has fig. weird them out, I bet on you twelve years ago, and I ve told you that we took advertising. We did everything else, because we needed to build it and- We needed you to subscribe, because if everything is pulled out from underneath of it, the underneath us if we Not serving you and giving you the information you need well, then we deserve to go off. But we work hard every day. and I know you work hard for your money, but just the just the information? I believe we gave you this week alone,
is worth the price of a cup of coffee at starbucks done Would you please go to blaze, tv dotcom, slash, glenn and join us? I told my to activate the code We will not be censored. There'll be worthwhile. Bucks off your annual subscription builds only gonna, be active for the next few days, help fight against big tech and government? censorship they I have no right to claim v. The truth they are now the arbiters of the truth. These People have lied over and over and over
again, join us blaze tv dot com, slash glenn use again the promo code will now Be censored and save twenty dollars, Deborah lives in massachusetts. Until very recently, she had a pretty serious problem. The pain in her hip kept her up at night, not allowing her to get any rest and Deborah was starting. A desperate Fortunately, she heard about relief factor on the radio and some incredibly too when did host with a very sexy voice. I have no doubt. was telling her. You should try this, and so she took billow rallies advice and she tried it four days for day she says, debars pain, inner hip, gone, I'm sorry diminished, A few days later gone,
Deborah has been taken really factor ever since when she goes to bed at the end of the day. She knows, she's gonna have a good night's sleep. Now she caught her life back and so can you pay? try the three week. Quick start, it doesn't work for everybody, but about seventy percent of the people who try go under order more month after month, Relief factor, dotcom relief factor, dotcom, eight hundred the number for relief Eighteen, ninety five three week, quick start relief dot com, one. Eight hundred number for relief, really factor feel the difference. Ten second stationing the So in light of today's news, I probably should have done this, but yesterday I shared with you that I bought the entire row versus wade archive from the attorney for row
they were expecting to go to I dont know some library. Some university You know I thought it would go to bill gates because he's always looking to decrease decrease the surplus population body was an auction and my wife and I bought it hundred and fifty document archive includes everything from the court filings at northern texas, texas district court that kicked off. ro. Verses wade it has. It has all of the arguments it has letters between the attorneys it had. As all of the testimony, You can read about it in the blaze article, they broke the story. Yesterday you can see the actual documents, Glenn back dot com, Documents came from linda coffee, yourself, she's, the original lawyer and she wanted to go to somebody that who could in
spire, the next generation of protein choice activists and my wife, and I looked at and said what is this worth. My wife said: sixty three million babies, probably that's what it's worth and so we decide whatever we could pay would be worth it and I am asking you now because this is this- is a mole lock like relic of butchering babies? It is awful. It is now in my historic collection it will remain there as a solemn reminder of the inherent dignity of every human person. But this is where you come in. Being pro. Life is not just fighting for the dignity of babies, but also the bit dignity of moms mom you are just as much a part of this story that needs to be remembered and told I mass and to do something very hard.
you have ever had an abortion and regret it or you were out to have an abortion and decided not to we would love to honour your story, your story matters, and I want to clued them as part of our nations history, along with the rovers wade documents. If you have a story about an abortion that you regret or an abortion, you decided not go through or if you were a baby that mom Want but you survived, please write your story, I ask you to do With a pen in paper, the the handwriting to me is, more personal than just a type letter, but if you have to type it type it and just peace finally sign it: send it to glenn back dotcom. We don't need your full name or anything like that and you just tell us, you can sign it anyway. You want, but we do need a phone number, so we can verify that you are who you say you are find the p o box. Two male, your story. The p o box is at
lend back dot com, but I Ask you to do that. It is going in the vault and it will be seen hopefully soon nation wide right next, ro verses way: documents as a tribute to the sea goodness and dignity of human life. Will you join us on this difficult project? Glenn back. Dot com find all of the information. There are In just a minute, with more the Glen back programme all a lot of good things going on in florida. These days, one of them is the. Let us do good village in land. Lakes is thee, first village of its kind and It's a plan series of communities in
of about a hundred homes in florida set up by tunnel the towers foundation for gold, star families goals our families are like the the thorntons thither. Miss Daniel and our children. After Husband was killed for an active service duty member They were given a mortgage free home there. Now here's why this matter Gold, star families and the families of fallen first responders, as well as families of those of catastrophically injured all neighbours living in the same community together. It helps all. he'll heal the children grow up together to support one another, really, idea the lead us good villages? Only one of the many things that tunnel the towers does. Would you Please consider giving eleven dollars a month to tee to tee dot. Org, that's tee the nuts or to tee dot. Org nazism
time to join blaze. Tv go to place tv dot, com, slash, Glenn used a promo code will now be censored for twenty bucks up. Really sick and tired of. I'm sick and tired of those who claim to bring you the truth on their righteous pedestal and law. I too you constantly every day. Look if I get it wrong. I will admit to it And my agenda is not to get republicans elected because I think republicans sock I agenda quite honestly, is if we could find a peaceful way too on
plug this computer and plug it back in an reset to factory settings, because I think the whole thing is corrupt. So I don't. I don't have an agenda to get somebody elected my and it is to tell you the truth and I leave. My calling is to prepare you for troubled times times ahead. I am, I believe my job, unfortunately is to warn you and everybody just loves those people, don't they I get it. I accept it is my pretty. Which to live at this time and to serve you and the republic at the best my ability, I make mistakes. I will admit those mistakes. I will correct those mistakes, but I
will not apologise or change the truth. Are these these people in washington and the press? They all say what about the children if we could just save one job for everything is always about the children and I have Would you over and over again? They don't actually mean that because policies are impoverishing people, but to go? There anymore report that one hundred and three on accompanied migrant children were found sunday in an abandoned. trailer in mexico. Coupled with a recent new york times. Expos ay on migrant child workers in the united states casts a spot. Two on the under reported aspect of the order. Disaster, the fate of three hundred and twenty five thousand plus alien children that cost
and borders protection officers have encountered at the south with border since Joe Biden, three hundred and fifty thousand children If those children were in the same school district, it would be the sixth largest school district in america and oppress ignore what about the children? they ignore the children. You know who takes a children's health and human services office of refugee resettlement see we're doing something, some two hundred and seventy one thousand two hundred and twenty five on unaccompanied kids, that the. border patrol they incur heard under Biden have been on contagious nationals, and so they were sent. You know tat. Office of refugee resettlement now we all know what happened. two children when their own account.
We all know we all know fosters wisdom isn't really that great for kids but the governor. here to help Now, let me just say, The then vice president Joe Biden explained in twenty fourteen these smugglers and everyone should know it and not turn a blind eye to it routine the engage in physical and sexual abuse and extortion of these innocent young women and men? by and large ok, So what are you doing with a two hundred and seventy one thousand two hundred and twenty five of these children well? We did take some steps, the the office of refugee resettlement, slash the time it spends screening potential sponsors cut it. I built even half, but we gotta get these kids out here. First, oh you're, twenty twenty, two
office of refugee and relocation held the children, while screening, would be sponsors for just thirty days. Yes, half the time. That done tromp was doing it now. What's happening to these kids. Well, the new york times they for once did so in ireland. We care we care about. What's going on a border look what's happening, those children are there in some of the most punishing jobs in the country, including roofers Slaughterhouse workers saw planks of wood on overnight shifts, oh by the way. just the first year under Biden, the o r R had lost track of about twenty migrant, twenty thousand migrant children. I mean the population in the billions. What does too, in one thousand even mean the number
now is likely to be multiples of that. When the administration, the last one lost fewer than fifteen hundred kids and twenty eighteen oh cnn, washington, post. It was front page news. So I'm a little tired of selective carrying. I was, at the border under obama. I was at the border having things awake, because I care about the children, I wanted all sent back, but I wanted them to be fed. them to see decent people had they after they had been raped by others on their way. My took great heat for it. I don't care.
Just do the next right thing. That's what your model should be. Do the next right thing? What is it and don't care about consequences? I dont really care and that's where we all have to be. Except, what's happening to us is this lying media are made a list right now. I just wanna go through some of the lies The media has told us just recently just recently that are now proven to be lies. there now having us argue about Joe Biden budget. Does anyone think that adding twenty real in dollars to our national debt is a good idea, maybe maybe twenty
trillion dollars? That's that's! His budget now went back such adding to it twenty trillion dollars? That would be a debt that would it fifty one trillion dollars by twenty thirty. Three, twenty three, thirty three fifty one trillion dollars would be our debt. Well, he's not mentioning where were were currently you know, spending a lot more than now we're we're gonna work, reduce our budget deficit by three trillion. hey so wait? A minute hang on just a second I'm trying to figure out how to use, but how do you caught your current spending by three three trillion dollars because of a new budget, you're gonna? add another twenty trillion to the top I don't know I didn't take common core math. Can you show me the vote?
work on that one. show your work. Here's the thing. spending next year at six, point nine million dollars. we'll be higher than any time during the global pandemic. About two point Five trillion above pre pandemic levels. What what are we wait. Where were we adding how much about thirty, thirty five no fish Five percent right we're adding fifty five percent in growth. Does anybody think we should grow this government bigger? I mean besides the authoritarian Have you noticed lately what they're doing to you, your friends, the constitution, we're gonna, make them bigger, now, Let me explain. This white house claims the budget plan. If enacted would reduce the federal budget deficit. There's a difference
between deficit and debt, novice how stupid they think you are. How do you add twenty trillion dollars in debt and reduce your deficit. by over three trillion dollars the same period. Well, let me just talk to you. about you for a minute! Now. Governments, like you, that government is us and when a car to math Math is The science. how much you make a year! That's what you gonna ask you first thing you go into a bank, how much you make a year. Can you show me budget. How much you spending woe We are spending a lot more than you make and it seems, like god, Jia looking you ve been doing this for decades. I dont know you're a good risk bob. I right that's what they would say if Your books- and you said to them on- I haven't made a budget since two thousand and eight I just kind of go with it: you'd be kicked
The bank the bank would say no, I don't think so, but the government is different and here's a difference They have the federal reserve, now, the federal reserve is Bank of banks, all the biggest banks, run The federal reserve what is the federal reserve been getting from the government? Nothing other than trillions of dollars in bailouts. so the federal reserve is there for the united states government. Now you and I sitting there, the bank would be ass, a couple of other questions What is your long term debt? Look like a cheer in first rate on those yet mean vehicles up by two or three or five percent to pay for those hikes when you can't pay for them already again, we'd be rejected just on that, but if they can ten you to question. how are you paying for those debts.
Well? I mean I've got a sugar daddy. He pays for everything. oh all kinds of questions would be ask. Then you have at what sorry what ashore daddy yeah. When I need money, he just goes finds people too, you know, give the money, I have to pay them back, but here's why I don't default on any my debts, my sugar daddy, does it by the way if you go into a bank, you go into a bank and you say: I've gotta, thirty percent down payment. Ok, can't figure out how you save that thirty, three, we're that thirty thousand come from. Oh, I got it your daddy! That pay just gave me thousand dollars your red acted for alone. You can't do that but how it's ok for the government to do that. You know cause might trigger daddy is the fed there. The bank of the banks, so
now the bank, the bank, my sugar, daddy's, already loaned me nine trillion dollars on their book I have no idea if there's more off the books, because nobody is allowed to look at my sugar daddy's books, which would break all kinds of questions. If it were you or me, but nine trillion dollars on the books- and you know that eventually going to want to sell it or you know, be paid off, but things are going to change really yeah see when we want something, we sell bonds action, the fed overseas, the auction with the treasury and if when buying them. Then our sugar, daddy, the fed stands up, says, will buy em nine trillion dollars we ll, buy em. So this would be like every time you go to the store. You pull out your credit card at some point It was a hang out just a second and they call all your neighbours in the neighborhood and say: hey: does anybody want to buy this debt again? Ok I'll buy it.
But at some point your neighbours will look at all the things you are buying the boat that you, but even though you will live in the sahara desert, all of this stupid stuff you have purchased and then Look at how you are treating friends. How reckless. You are on almost every front and that you A constant fight with your employer, the ones who. Actually are giving you the money to be able to pay and the part of your budget. Well, don't worry the federal reserve as a private corporation, and it's here to give us our fix, bleed at some point, the neighbourhood begins to ask: How is the sugar daddy getting out of this? I mean that must be some really hot sex. Nine trillion dollars. What is the real agenda and motive for the sugar daddy to keep strain, go in.
because enabler doesn't go far enough. at the press. Will just have you arguing over no fifty one trillion by twenty thirty three yet, but we're saving through trillion dollars off of the deficit. You go ahead nor argue that the real questions should be what really going on with our money. How are you sponsible is washington and what, the real agenda of our sugar, daddy. When you're trying to do something that is complicated and difficult. Maybe even a little scary as I was reading the first line of this commercial, I thought my mouth is: right. She, my mouth, has been I for the last two days ha. I think I'm doing something scary, way maybe even a little scary, it's nice to have a partner someone who will not only be there but will be
there for you, when you need it caught, this is their son. Contacts going on in my mind with you had me right now I can tell you how many times I have noticed this when it comes to buying and selling homes, because I've Moved around a lot over the years and I've, never I'm not competent at selling my house pricing, my I don't know what you're supposed to do our job Oh some blooms and have some of the other real estate agents walk. The house. Ok you're on your house is really worth ok This is why I started my company real estate agents. I trust because I wanted to find a way to connect myself and you to the kind of agents that I found out. You should be in four and I found out what they do, because I was working with five hundred this. According to the washington or the wall street journal, the five hundred best Le state agents in the country and I started until then. I learned a lot from them. Well, you
need to hire some of those people knowledgeable helpful thing the extra mile, it's real estate agents. I trust dotcom real estate agents, I trust, dotcom, join the conversation aid. Seventy seven back the Glen back programme welcome to the land back programme gosh. I got some really bad news for you. It's spring ahead weekend So is yes, so it's gonna make watching the oscars really difficult. All have to go to bed very hard
or yet I was so interested to see what who won out of the bunch of movies I've never heard of amazing. I wonder why avatar has been no frigging taras, because James Cameron is for the liquidation of useless people. I think that's pretty popular concept in hollywood affair, we should reduce the surplus population. Oh thank you. Mister scrooge, I mean Mr Cameron programme. My patriot supply when it comes to stocking up on emergency food, I think you should be prepared. anything I mean zombie apocalypse. Would it be a surprise right now follows on people died, and they got back up our lord of arkell, ok I'll. see, that's happening, but I'm not not say in that either anyway, my
patriot supply has a three month: emergency food kit. Were you two hundred dollars worth of survival gear as a free bonus. If Something goes wrong. You need your family to be able to survive and have the food that they need and and everything else that they would need your to hunt are bonus gift at my patron, supply will make sure that everybody in your family is per haired and has food it's my pain It's like hurried: do it now sleep better at night. My pay Reed supplied dotcom score free shipping as well my patriot supply. Com in the sales not gonna last forever. Next, afghan up, when you go on holiday. There is finer, achievement then doing absolutely nothing, nothing on the beach nothing by the pool You can kind of nowhere and chat about nothing as an expedient member you can save up
thirty percent. When you add a hotel to your flight, so you can have a bit more money to go out there with great ambition to do absolutely nothing expedient made to travel. It's What are you about here is the fusion of entertainment. this is the Glen back programme,
hey, there's a new god. There is a new god in town and left to it would like to know that. I'm I'm surprised because I've been saying that this is a religion and they look at all of this. Is god but I think that actually say it out loud yeah. They have. They have all explained to you. If sixty seconds listen, I am a rancher and I'm the best kind of rancher, because the very rarely exists like this I'm a rancher that doesn't do anything with cattle. I don't know anything about them. Wait I I should put hay and water out for them one. I have people that actually their real ranchers and they gotta just take on my cows as well,
real ranchers, are having trouble right now. Real ranchers are being priced out of existence. Real ranchers can't pay for the food to feed their cattle. They can't pay to pay, and enough crops they don't have enough water, sometimes too, to water, those crops and now, no fertilizer, not great. Meanwhile, are our meat, a packers. there's just a couple of em in the country and that's not a monopoly, don't worry about it! There not buying. the cows at a price that the ranchers can afford to sell them hat so they're going out of business and that great you to support the ranchers and the farmers in this country please, call good ranchers go to good ranchers dot com by your me, one hundred percent among reckon beef,
satisfaction guarantee, you get a monthly delivery of me. You just take it out. Send up the subscription it set up. Is really really easy? You'll save thirty dollars of use the promo code back, but it's the best be beef in america and it comes from oregon, good ranchers, good ranchers dotcom go there today make trees a promo code, beckoned save good ranchers, hey, a stool and right? Stop with your god saying: you're restrain shove, your god? my throw you know, oh so, ok Jesus did there's Jesus the debt, whatever keep it yourself, man, you have no right put daddy and schools. Are you put them in schools, mayor separation of church and state? Oh dear recorded appropriations and budget meeting Democrat oakland. Oklahoma state rep, Regina Goodwin referred.
Hu the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda, as god What was she didn't? I mean it comments were in response to house bill, twenty. Seventy seven and education, transparency bill energy by republic cans called legislation would require oklahoma department of education to allow parents now listen, how crazy this gets. Allow parents. Allow parents to review their schools curriculum. Online transparency portal, ok now he's saying this is simple middle of the road common sense solutions. Let parents find out exactly what's being taught in the schools, so we can stop all this nonsense and and for the what's being doll was knowledge is put at all on
a portal for the parents to me. Look the oppression ruin the surprise. Surprise your kids, a communist that would totally ruin it. Well he's not gonna she's, a communist. Now that others do so as is also the gender riven wrecking the bill, would support parental rights to access review and comment upon curriculum instructional. materials, textbooks and library materials being used, by the school district, where the child tens she pushed back the legislation calling it a very controversial bill, it would burden. Educators with government overreach. Well there. It is very disturbing date, superintended unabated do with diversity, equity and inclusion, d, the I is a deity diversity, equity
an inclusion is god end quote. I've heard about this trinity thing, but I don't think it's what you think, that's not bad here, and it's not that trinity yeah. So there it is It's got a unified shoving. Your religion, down our throats there are also is a and others that I I felt I need to bring to your day, quoting a gender queer shaped shifter, gay a professional development training session to educators within the colorado school district detailing the deuce indulge with language around. and identity and the importance of pronouns. Now a lot of people might start discuss. That I'd like to go back to the first three words age The queer shape shifter then
a professional development trade. Accession, I I dont know what gender queer even means. Really. I know o k olds, Now I get it just you nor guy in all these new fancy terms, your gender queer, which has existed since the beginning of time. Just Brave and you come out and say you are engender clear in my day: Queer was an insult. sorry. but the way gender queer person whose gender identity does not correspond to conventional binary gender distinctions. Ok are women. be non binary. I know you. But all what's the big it did full of it.
you're insane hate. They now I will say a nest. Yes, I am full of ignore that the gender queer thing was not as disturbing to me as the third word right shapes after the or It's happening is we're spending so much time on. Pronouns were forgetting about verbs. Unlike regular nouns, could you just jump sheriff shifter for me, what is the definition of the word? I think I know what it is, but like to know what a shame shifter. Is that doesn't form to usual binary sack. Now I could look at shaped shifter from a dictionary Which is which says it is a person or being with the ability to change their physical form at will, mostly in fact fiction or mythology. However, I am seeing an l jpg,
two definition of shape. Shifter, ok, lucia. Try that want that one, yes sure for it. I want to learn c shape now it's now, then they won't give me. They will let you and now they're, not letting me in what is a difference between non binary engender queer. We have that answer and I don't need to know that I want to know what an l gb teach you I too plus I I x Y nine seven eight you is defining as a shape. Fifty I mean I've, gotta, read it through a red thread with this question are shaped shift is inherently trans or gender. Fluid it doesn't get written question a great idea. It's I don't know. I answer only well well anyway, I just feel like the ads. I will be served if I click on this report. Six months me that dedicated something have you been to place the blaze tv.
I've come. Have you been there? I, yes, I had already analysts ago this one might take you off that list. No he's open minded anyway leah? The name of this shape? Shifter is sayin wellington, a self described under queer, shape, shifter an artist of people. Now to know what an artist of people is because in my day that would have been somebody that said hello Clarice, I'm an artist of people, So I don't know what that means, but I am glad they doing professional training at some of our schools here in amerika. That is fan task, dick just fantastic, so d, I is god
Gender queer shape shifter are giving professional trains to our teachers. Three, point two million: u s. Children attend public schools that conceal students, gender identities from the parents. Oh ok, we'll that I mean is that bad. I mean what are the odds? That's one of your kids. You know and screw the other people's kids It's only three point, two remember when they said none of this was happening that doesn't exist, there's no such thing as c r and d. I wonder other EU conspiracy, terrorists all and then it was or war, but it's not what they say it is. Then it was. but it is not being taught in most schools we're dead two three and a half million. U s. Children are in a poem, what school did
policy is to conceal the gender identity of the students to them parents, while you're just a big it. Although all the things you denied we're even happening all the now that were there and and its clear in everybody's. Like I mean the teacher with Big bosom buzz is the shop teacher now and I m really: it's not happening woltz happening, but you're just the big it, Oh ok, ok, why did you worked so hard to say it wasn't happening. Is it you knew all of amerika to be kind of lead to that water. You needed to make it political, so you could shut the brow means down of half of the people in america. So you just we are a little business, a conspiracy from conspiracy to these hard right lunatics, who are true,
jam their religion and under there, crazy, anti government ideas their brainwash people to have that going for a while. So we can our you about that and then eventually, when you're like Of course, we ve always been teaching this wealth gender neutral is something has been around forever and half the pop Nation goes. Yes, it's around forever and you're a big it if you against it Totally new thing you just came up with has always been true. How many times are we supposed to believe that by the way I do have shapeshifter, okay, good cause? I've got another headline for you: okay, as many shape shifters can change sex willingly. so I started way way way way as many shape shake shelters, can change sex willingly willingly they may jumped. The
under barrier to accommodate a lover or just for a change of pace. I believe that's vice I cannot hold on ok right because they may be able to shift to a form which is completely. sexless or How is this, as does the though we, poppy. Unlike a belly button. All of a sudden I mean you so happens on social now that he's gone and then what you take your finger and blow and like a balloon. It pops back out. This is ridiculous: they may be able to shift to a form which is completely sexless or has facets of both sexes. Can I tell you something? That's when I find so attractive. You know something. That's completely sexless, I'm like a cause. I I made love to a cardboard box last night
was so hot because it had no identity whatsoever. I was like europe square, but I could make you kind of in two of flat piece of nothing or a square, or I could kind of, and the corners and make it into a circle. It was a shape shifter and we had sex. All night sounds sense. Erotic! yeah. Doesn't it ok, try this one on four do have more. I could give you this last values, which I can't even comprehend, mocha, so they say that the debate will shift to a form which is completely seconds or has facets of both sexes because of this issue. somewhat common for shape shifted to be able to be willing to get it on with either sex is specially Especially part especially if their sexuality is tied to their current sex,
I have no idea what that means. is this kind of ignorance obvious this country back form an and irs. Maybe we should set the country back. Didn't you say something about default settings earlier on the show, as it did, that it's time to unplug it and plug it back in restore to factory settings. I'd like that just to be You know I. I would really like that to be a campaign slogan for the g o p. You know proverbs dlp headquarters. I am an amateur rap. you tried unplugging it and flung it back in an hour, I ll last headline and I'm telling you I'm gonna give you the headline, and then you explain it to me: sex, positive fat activists says man, men with rape kink should be it to pay to drug consenting women to drug consent, consenting women where women are
consenting to the drugging and the sex and the rape. Okay will cause the oil and all the men have a rape kink. So I you decide. I don't know. I want to know what a sex positive fat activist his first. Maybe we could start there. in sixty seconds, it's hard to improve on perfection but we're doing it as a country aren't we we are imagining everything and it is work, and now I mean look at the test results so far. It's nearly impossible to improve on perfection, but Michael index is try and every day this guy gets up. How do you make a pillow better Well, he's found a way to do it. It's the my pillow to point. Oh whether you ve already got on board with my pillow train and you have the original or your brand new, The experience check out the my pillow to point. Oh, it's by one one free, it's a limited time with a promo code back.
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sky, so passive girl aggressive, was like so what surety agenda with All of this museum stuff you collect, and I said what much might gender Yeah, well, I notice you collect a lot of slavery issues and, unlike. So what do you mean by that? I mean I'm, preserving some really dark places in. History. That's what I mean I can't take being questioned. on things that everyone should understand. What is What do you mean? What is it that You mean you, don't know what a sex positive vat activist is
nobody knows nobody. It's a made up term shape shifter anyway. So what's a sex positive fact of it, I was told that you don't want to test positive around this particular topic but apparently she hawks positive, ok, sex, positive land, she's, a fat activists, ok, she's fat and she and she like sex she's. What we're yes, she's positive. If I pause, I'm I'm generally positive about sex your name if it was the same thing, really think it means this area. In fact, I'm pretty sure. After the description of what she's rooting for here british jury, you're gonna say. Well, I mean you know the the sex positive. Activist says that men with rape kink, should they gazed. Rape is not a king, No! This raises weren't, it's a crime, it's not a king! it's it's. It's yeah, it's a kind of rape, no matter, Does it yet, but I was wearing clown suit. So doesn't that make that I don't know,
me or something: no, no, no, it really doesn't know it's rape. No, it's kind of like you know, there's there's a big list of really bad things and, like there's a murder, probably at the top of it number two yeah exactly one of the worst things you could do besides, besides being a racist, homophobia, all the things that you are still so anyway. Men should be able to pay, women if their consult a consenting to them drug them, so they can get in their rape, kink fantasy. In other words, what she's advocating is for women to get paid. two go to sleep, not sleep with someone, so their wide awake, yours, eating and you're doing all kinds of things to your body that. You don't know, cause you're out. that would also be called a crime. Ok, that
cry traditionally? Traditionally, ok, but they consented? Oh, so we're encouraging women to literally be used as an object, because Man has a rape. King and the same things positive. It will tell you that, like fatty someone at work cannot make color joke around you, or they should be their entire livelihood, should be destroyed right, how How are these things power, these positions consistent b as you have. May I you have sex negativity? Oh ok! we need to create a world where sex negativity is gone, so someone is able to pay women and consent to being drugged, and then you know, have sex, while they're out what could pass
simply go wrong with us now I think bosses certainly certainly no one should metabolisms real cause, be rights law. We need bail, outs bay, marble does bay, oh yeah was a rape gig. That's all the Glen back programme, I bet he paid quite a few of them in one way or another. You know who you are the moment, how dare you say that it was against their will? These women are consulting to be used as a bag. Oh ok, you're right, women power the moment. I start talking about severe in frequent pain. Your ears might pick up a bit cause you're in and for some reason, and mostly the same thing: it happened to me. I heard these commercials and I go always talking about a new re. Oh yeah, yeah will work for me and in an honest and we honestly, this strew
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inevitably ever dot com, slash, Glenn, save twenty box with the promo code will not be censored. Welcome to the programme, I want you to know you're, probably going to be seeing fewer posts for me in your facebook news feed moving forward, but I, but I thought, Oh, you are. Do you done this effort? Please you'd! Oh it's good for you! My video, where I commented on Tucker carlson's release of the january sixth footage, was just hit with an apps. Move like common sense fact jack faced
sent us a warning saying that several over pages, including mine, will have to be reduced in distribution, because we share false information and what That false information we asked well in the Yo stew and I were discussing the curious case of re apps the man who was seen egging on the january six protesters the night before then during then I think there's two of them during and then lied under oath, that he said I wasn't there at this time, and yet the video footage shows that he was indeed there. At that time. We bring into the ears of somebody right before they charge the gate and put the police back well, we thought That's a strange thing: zoos on the top five most wanted. Listen now nobody will answer any question. Nobody will answer single question. They just are, we believe re up ma. Do you hot? That's weird. So the lying hacks political fact said. Well, yes, that's why we
It's only partially false because did send that text, but he, I said under oath that you know that's that statement. You know he He didn't mean it when he, I did ah. Ok case closed, your right, bad glad. You don't believe re apps wow that's right! We're shave, we're sex, positive shape, shifting fat activists, and we know that ray apps, who is what They had haunt shows that the oak keepers, which the southern poverty law center says, one worth the groups of all time. Everybody involved there were wraith, is killer. but even though you they had a that, he told us, I didn't mean it he's a man of honour, shut up or work, so we're being we're being we're being punished now, because we refuse to stop questioning.
our government, as is my right as a citizen and as a boy castor, so we He said we're not going to make a correction and they said well up all the blaze. Gonna be ok, that's fine! We're count! on you. We are counting on you. I I poured a lot of money into this idea because I was pretty alone in the industry. Only my band brothers, who are still with me, really believed in this and we were all like. I dunno. This could not work when we started the blaze. and I did it intentionally for a time, would come. when they will stifle us everywhere, we take commercials, But we take commercials from people who actually stand with us,
but in the end, if they make it so uncomfortable for those people. I'm counting on you, I serve you and just the stuff that we did in the last week, I think, is worth the price of a starbucks cup of coffee. I don't know what the biggest one is, but that one. I think it's worth that and if its not, then you shouldn't you shouldn't, put your money into it, but I believe it is. Would you. take one less cup of coffee from starbucks and join said blaze. Tv blazed the dot com, slash Glenn you go there. Today and join us. I've asked them to use a promo code, not be censored and I'll take twenty dollars off of your subscription.
I would ask you, join us now and stand together. Even the gender queer shape sifters. You know they can join us to okay let's see what else is on the o. Yesterday I told you that I have recently acquired the hunt. In fifty document archive of ro, verses wade. Now this is free Linda coffee, herself she's. The original lawyer that kicked off this whole case in nineteen sixty nine, she put em up for auction to inspire the next generation of pro life activist. Well, unfair in ITALY? They didn't have much money ass, my wife and I had maybe- or they just weren't as committed, but my wife and I believe that the real price tag of all of these Arguments is sixty three million children. and we are going to use this to help promote life and the us
I said I'd like you to write to me, I'm asking you to do something really, tough if you have a story about an abortion that you regret, in that you decided not to go through with. Please will you hand right your story with pennon paper and go to Glenn backed outcome I've put a p o box there that you can mail you story too and I'm going to include it in our historical vault about abortion, alongside the rovers wade documents. It is so critic All that the lie that now women they shout their abortion, they just loved the scars, not only the dead bodies. but the mothers who struggle with that guilt. That regret we single day we should put some stock into them, because we have got to look at both the child and the mother.
Glenn backed up come. Do that now aren't let me go through a couple of things. First of all, Joe Biden, he has not been censored. He can post this wherever he wants He wanted to remind everybody about the Republicans cut one maghreb republic We are calling for defending the police department, yes and a fun the fbi b. That's a good right now. We're guests were refused to provide funding he's going to keep community safe and secure to talk about. well stop trying. So it's it, the man republicans are the ones that are defending the police, No, and the only reason why we wanted to fund the fbi is because its corrupt, it's absolutely corrupt. don't know where the cut the wet weather answer really is, I hope it hasn't spread through the whole body of the f b I and justice department, but it might yeah some chemotherapy, but I'm doing it to stop corruption, I'm not doing
because I want to re emerge in the fbi. what, if they all have bananas instead of guns, no. so he says, republicans and he's doing eddies tying. The defined police in with the fbi, because that part of it is true in the correct context. It is true, many of us are saying to the fbi, but we ever wanted to fund the police? We wanted to clean that mess up, because we knew we could clean by our own communities. We could do that without defending them. But no you wanted to re. Imagine now here is in twenty twenty about defined the police. So my generic point, we agree that weaken redirect some of the funding. Yes, Absolutely absolutely what he was doing, an interview with stephen hawking there. That was weird but anyway now.
Let's go speaking on the floor about the texas abortion case. congresswoman presley talked about abortion, care While there are many forces and people at work who seek to spread, lies and misinformation, let me set the record straight aboard Health care is routine. Medical care abortion care is saint aboard in care is a fundamental human right, Abortion care is health care, good, god almighty, where black lookin, like looking like oh weaken, this They're gone. I am just casting this spell on you. There good, is evil and evil is good. It's health care to kill a child. You, votes Roy line
You kidding me now it's misinformation, everything I just said to you about abortion being bad and abortion care is safe. That's why We just want to have every child be able to have access to an abortion bill, because or abortion pill, because you know that pills. We don't have to actually. If we don't have to proscribe, then we don't have to find out how old the baby is, and there is nothing like. The non affecting images Add a young girl might have whose taken abortion pill as the body of the baby either is on the floor of her bathroom or in the toilet. There's nothing cause she's, not they go back to that seen every day and think about that. None of this is health care. This is good for their mental health, evil its evil.
now. Debbie waterman Schulz is back ass. She had a few things to say to Matt tybee about the twitter. Files cut five. You stated this on Joe romans, podcast about being spoon, fed information, and I quote I think that's true of any kind of journalism in you'll, see it behind me here. I think that's true of any kind of journalism. Once you start getting handed things then you ve lost. They have you at that point and you gotta get out of that habit. You just can't cross that line. do you still believe what you told mister, rokesmith, yes or no? Yes or no? Yes, now you cross that line with twitter files, elon musk its time. Please do not interrupt me. I shall ask- and I let you I must spoon, fed elon, musk spoon fed you his cherry pick. The information which you must have suspected promotes slanted.
Points or at the very least, generates another right wing. Conspiracy. Theory: you violated your own standard and you appear to have benefited from it. Before the release of emails in of the emails in august last year, you had six hundred sixty one thousand twitter followers. After the twitter files, your followers doubled, and now it's three times. What it was last august. I imagine your sub stack leadership, which is a subscription increased significantly because of the work that you did for elan musk, yeah yeah, curious Here's work for you, oughta exposed things that happened. That or true Who verifiable of courses ratings went up these tests the truth, and even if it's not the truth, what did cnn take all of their commercial inventory and give it to charity during the trump years the way it works. You imbecile by the way, I'm gonna take a quick break up and show you how that should have been answered, and I think we're headed.
for this moment of history we ve been here before, In just a few minutes. Hang on you- and I oh, that life, is incredibly precious. I am dedicating myself: my wife we're dedicating our family. to the defence of life and the defence of dignity for women, and we have one thing we ve done is partnered with pride born its ministry and they are on the side of good. In every day they introduce moms to their unborn babies by offering free ultra sounds, and for sound cost. Twenty eight dollars and these come in. They think they're thinking about abortion. They get an ultra they show them, the bay we and there are much more likely to choose life and they are safe being babies every single day. An ultra sound machine, is like fifteen thousand dollars. Then you gotta have the people who are trained to work it. It's
when eight dollars per ultra summit's cossack dinner hour, all this year is for this audience alone to save eighty thousand babies, that's quite a goal, but we can do it. Dial, pound to fifty say the key word baby pound to fifty key word baby or go to pre bore- dot com, slash back pre, born dotcom, slash back sponsored by pre, born the Glen back programme, These hearings have ended the way they're going to end this time back in the Mccarthy days. Senator have you no shame was one The other one was howard hughes, and this came after the war. Pan am wanted to be the exclusive airline to fly. Overseas, no one else
Andy, a senator from main decided to make that his case. He was on the payroll of panam and I'd to scare howard hughes, into an howard. Hughes was not a guy who was frightened by much here is a bit of his testimony, listen, lameter! May my! I have your question about you, wait. Hell I issue is a bit over mister mark. I back the senator with producing. you said you didn't know his eye on them. I don't remember about my well what why here am, I don't remember the local market, Allow me to you, I'm asking you what your answer. Why and we're not online. I fighting for you or they committed going to hamper the question. You have may just now about a reply that I made my answer, as I don't remember the man. What gave him will you bring, mr at the top,
I know I don't like? I will try to you, find it I'll try He was not afraid of the committee. and he went on, go ahead, play the rest. This about the spruce goose. They said you laugh always my life. Another thing I have my reputation rolled up at it and I have I have a terrible time, but if it's a failure, I'll probably leave this country and never come back that I made it. One senator brewster realize that he was fighting a battle against public opinion. Loathing battle. He folded up and took a run out powder yeah. That was the tip off one. Senator brewster hit the road for them What the main that meant by hearing was over wash ing ton was too hot for him. He couldn't take it. After that.
other members on the committee saw no reason why they should fight roaster. Losing battle for him. If he was too cowardly to remain and faith some bills that here's the thing senator laughed because he was exposed. He was exposed as a fraud he was exposed of doing other people's bidding, He was exposed, a guy who just would not sit down howard hughes, who is not afraid of him, find whatever you want me. You say that I've embezzled about boeing, how two mcdonnell douglas about all these other air, no aerospace, engineering firms that lost much more money than I did my plane will fly or I'll leave the country by the way, the plane. did fly hughes one it just takes one.
One person to say enough is enough, and it'll change public opinion. that's when the green we programme tell you about notorious there's a movie. I ve been telling you about nefarious, sorry nefarious, I been tell you about this. I read the script for and I read steve spoke and he's been talkin about. He asked me to be it not like. I don't think you want me to do that, but I mean it by nefarious, it's a modern day screw tape letter. It is a story of good versus evil and I think that the guy, who plays nefarious is if this would win an oscar. I really believe it's that good of a performance of the guy. Just I mean just as stop the whole way through. He is really really good. I want you to work. I want you to go, see it visit and nefarious, dot com, see the trailer nefarious,
opens in theatres nationwide April, fourteenth save the date by your tickets. Don't miss it Who is nefarious dot com? Who is nefarious dot com? It's really powerful. Anna comes from our own steve days. Ok, you re for the weak stu so ready for the weekend. I am I am there already mentally, been checked out for me. I gotta going to say me too, and you're going on vacation annex we I'm on vacation next week your attic ocean on its own. Is the oscars, though something I'm on vacation you'll forget about things like that. No you're, right I'll, have to set my clock the exact time not want one hour of the night. I don't do it don't do it. It's gonna be, while
what are you about here is the fusion, entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glen back programme, hello, America. I have a question for the newsrooms of america but, more importantly, I have a question for one newsroom in america. The fox news, newsroom kind of important question alaskan sixty seconds tuttle twins would like to give you in your kids are free, but time is running out. Today is the last day get a copy of the tunnel twins and the creature from jackal island absolutely free. You just pay for the shipping, and I've been talking about the total twins for a long time. They got great books on history. They have great books about ideas like the federal reserve and they make it easy for your little little kids, they of books. For the you know
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So you know there was a lot of talk this week about all the things the government is doing all of the ways that your rights are clearly being violated by the federal government We found out this week that the by the administration has poured billions Of dollars across multiple and agencies to infringe upon your rights to own guns We have found that they have lied to us through. denial of well we're not talking to the bridge. What are we no we're not telling them to get away from stories. What are you no there's no relationship. We now know that is absolutely not true. We know now for a fact, because of whistle blowers, that they did target ro life people over people like James revenge, who they just can't
find any of those guys. It is so weird because the fbi has all of these tools. They can get your your flight information and and many guns you purchased in the past, from people Like mastercard, big that we found that out this week. Remember when that was a conspiracy theory we found out this week through de mony that mastercard now Only gave the fbi all of information of any other cardholders that we're in Washington d c on january six, but volunteered it here, we can help wow, I feel safe glad you gave. I gave my information to you. That was a conspiracy. now it's fact, we found out a lot
this week we found out. We showed you in the last couple of days and if you missed it, listen to yesterday's podcast or listen to blaze, tv dot com, go there glib in a blaze, tv dot, com, slash Glenn and listen to the Wednesday night broadcasts asked. We showed you what I believe is treasonous, but it is at least sabotage of our own power grid by our federal government across agencies, and it was it's all being doled out. Bribes are being paid money he's going out to be businesses, big oil ha big oils now getting all kinds of money or they hate big oil they're paying them billions of dollars to play ball. We outlined at all
and took her karlsson this week he got on and he said We have focused on three people. One. The he's officer that was supposedly killed, because he hit over the head with a fire extinguisher let me just show you that it's true or not. He wasn't killed a fire extinguisher. He died. I think that, next day of a stroke, a stroke if the stroke that, was natural and not caused by being hit in the head. One of the reasons why we know this now is because carl, soon followed the guy from getting hit in the head. If a fire extinguisher in the crowd that looks really bad and it is don't let anybody with a fire extinguishers that person should go to jail now, excusing the violence. But I am questioning the lie.
Why did you say he died from that boy? the next day, but it was from that really because he was wearing a helmet, we now know, and he in the capital- and we followed him on the on the tape in the cap, rotunda cleaning things up, ushering people doing that he looked pretty darn good. So that was the first thing: ex thing was the shaman It showed the sharman being escorted by police. Now the police He came out and said: well, not you! We were de escalating the situation you delay. you had one guy. In point. He was standing in the midst of nine police officers. Nobody else around now just say: hey dude You know sorry, but where it after kafka, no, instead they tried to get in to the senate with a locked door.
and so then they had to go away around to another door and they let him in an aim really gets up any praise for the police officer praise for there if the and their vision and wisdom for letting him in hay didn't see that didn't see that pose a third one police officer o re up. Really really wraps what happened to him. Now, this videotape was given to Tucker karlsson so took her car since crew went through it? Now I work in an industry that is extraordinarily back stabbing when I was a fox I used to promote other people shows in specials, not because they asked me, but because I
wanted to show them that I support you, we're This is a team. I support you didn't work, It's a really do. At least it was back then a very politely oh place and, and every these pitted against each other, and I hated it. and everybody was peeing on their territory. I asked her karlsson this week has the new Department asked you for a variety of that footage. No. so fox news did out Ask you for any of that footage, no I've noticed now and day to when I spoke to him that fox news dot com, has zero coverage of what you just did. They were not Covering the videos they weren't covering anything, why is that but I knew the answer he knew
answer. He did not give me this answer. I will tell you from my own experience The newsroom is full of cowards. Is exactly the same kind of thing they all went to school together they all. each other, and anybody who has a different belief just shuts up, because you'll be run out of town. They don't want. The truth and by not asking for it, they don't have to do anything with it. There have to lie re at it. they also just by ignoring it, send a message to all their colleagues is Tucker karlsson he's on his own. I've had this done to me and the reason why is being They want their white house parties they want or white house friends. They were
Their lefty organizations do still talk to them. They, still want their sources who ben lying to them for least ten years, so they to keep their status. It is says cesspool the bill, rallies thoughts on this. Just a few minutes. it is a cesspool we have been fact checked. So you know you're not gonna, be seeing many. most from facebook from me, because I D, aired question, dared question re up. what this doesn't make any sense on re ups, none whatsoever I have a right. My first amendment right as a citizen and a broadcaster to call sk in my government, and so I did, but facebook does, like it and why they say
that this was partially false, because I said that tat he had bragged to his nephew, which is true that he, orchestrated this january six unrest. So how could they possibly say this was untrue? Well, because the hacks political fact admitted that apps did send tax, but he rated The statement as as mostly false himself, because he too the january six committee under oath. He didn't really mean it. Oh, so, if I was stirring the nation up, stir the crowd up and say get them. as long as I said: no, I didn't really mean it. They'd be fine with that. That's a weird standard. they're lying about this
I dont know what it is. I don't know what the answer is, but they're lying. They cannot. find anything on the plate bomber that day, don't believe it. They can't And any matches with the guy they have complete pictures of there was on top The scaffolding guy can't find him They removed three people that were on the fbi. Most wanted list. Epps is one of them. Without any explanation or we don't have to look for those people. One of them is pictured wearing an ear peace and has a gun in his belt. We don't need to look for him any more. What hold what. They're lying to you they lie to you by adding sound effects to a video. So you know I as a commentator, would not add sound effects to a video that no audio, but a b c producer added
Audio files though the january six committee could have a more compelling case be fired for that. If you worked for me. they lied about the biggest threat since the civil war, the bombing of of the capital eighteen eightys. I all that went off right there in the senate wing destroyed, the capital. I don't know I was a kind about of violent inside action, wasn't it about the weather? underground in the nineteen sixty now you guys have all of those guys in vain cushy jobs. Now they love to the people that the in instigation would look at everything. Just yesterday, one of the people on the committee emitted. Yet we didn't really look at that. The video or you turned over every stone, except for looking at the video evidence. Ok, all right. These are the same people who today in their own paper, claim
why people who drive cars through black neighborhoods are killing minorities and we expect we, we, going to apologize to them. You're gonna, you're, good, wash my distribution because I'm lying now now, I I'll go a court of law and, if I ever appear jury, my peers- and I mean people at all- it's all agree with me but Joe definitely not a jury in Washington dc without corrupt job in Washington dc I'll take mom less wide it out in court whose lying I'm pretty? confident that not the one lying and I also have a right to ask these things under the first amendment, but don't How about that I mean listen to them. Just because they said by rematch new police thing. Cities are gonna, be much better. They lie,
about george floyd, light about say saying that most white people are conservative, people didn't care about the horrid murder of george floyd. When we did, I don't know a single person that felt that way. We were united until the press allowed and encourage those who wanted to spread hate to divide us women. took that death and made a political, not in person? I know felt that way, not one, but these are same people that claimed the events They saw an american cities burning. People kill, police officers, They said that was mostly peaceful. Remember remember. They are also the same people that you know declare that the man nickel science said that you'd be safe. If you protest, stood in rioted looted. But if you wanted to go again covered you better stay in your house, Europe,
kill your grandmother. These are the same people over over lying about the war on labs, gain a function, foul, cheese role in squashing, the lab weak theory, does they lied about afghanistan, the real agenda behind s g heck? They denied g in the great reset even existed. I use on facebook or you to one of them who were the great reset. While I was promoting my book the great reset, because they said that was a lie: they about inflation being real they're lying now about our digital currency. On the horizon, they lying ukraine, they lied what is happening due to toxic clouds in ohio. No, it's fine. They lied about the caliphate. They lied be a lamb, the they lied the truth of what it's gonna happen to our children by closing schools. They d c r t was a thing
and then when it was, then they were like well. But it's not that exactly now they now They admit millions of children are attending schools were there is act. We'll policy not to tell parents that their kids want to change their gender. What are they gonna say. Will I issue a correction? Go. Yourself. No, I'm not going to issue a correction. Why because I have the truth on my side and. I believe in the american people I Even you wherever advertisers cancel. Ok, the only one I really care about is you. I get up every day do my job to inform you in the best way. I know how I built the blaze
to be able to do that and whether these storms I'm asking if you would get in the fight with us. I ask them to do a promo code will not be censored as we need you placed dot com, slash, Glenn, blade tv dotcom, slash, glenn use will not be censored today. So for twenty dollars off the annual subscription. We need you and if can't afford it. That's ok. Would you pray for us. back in a minute or italy talk to you a little bit about patriot mobile patriot. The business. Is you patronize it means something when you, spending your time or your money. your time even just giving cnn a second thought to waste. We are helping them every time you buy
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station id now, I'm not not saying that this happened or didn't happen. I'm I'm not saying that this was foul play, but the This is the kind of stuff that your question, and this could be something that you're like. Ok, they explain it to me and I believe that just listen to this headline, miss georgia, father of five found dead rolled up in ass, dick and carpet Lou, easy police say no foul play involve. You're gonna need explain. I hope I'm gonna yeah, I'm gonna have to figure out what happened, his body, was found on the side of the road behind a funeral home six miles away from the last place. He was seen wrapped in plan
dick inside a carpet. Now I dont know if he was in a plastic store and just got all, tangled up in it and then fell on the ground and accidentally rolled himself into the carpet and then out the door. down the street and behind the funeral home could be but maybe we should question: does he live on a hill Could it? Could he role that now now now they they say no indication that was foul play, but we are looking into how he ended up where he was so. It might have been a good samaritan, others dead guy over there? Anybody have a time when a carpet elastic put Just put them behind the funeral home they'll find emea, you know do whatever I dunno, who he is I dunno didn't have a wallet are currently doesn't have a wallet on the Glenn Beck program, Eric. a cold hard truth. Car oughta outlast its warranty, you're
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two to seven sixty one hundred eight hundred to two seven. Sixty one hundred car shield dot com, slash back, but we will, be censored. Good ablaze, tv dot, com, slash, Glenn use, the promo code will not be censored and save twenty bucks, three things on my plate, but as we are coming to, you know around the last the last stretch here on the programme and were up against the weekends. Do you have to decide? We re a bill o reilly on onboard yeah. I have a brief leave tariffs. story about for banks in the? U s that are now struggle,
because what happened at the silicon valley, bank kind of blacks, one event, freakin everybody out, myths, kind of interesting story or and up eight on the hundred and nine trillion old Adviser de Corey bush, all mug, I've gotta know what's going on, what are its origin? Do bill riley over and then, when our natural in years old yeah is cause it's an amazing. They can cause earthquakes with his mind and gay. He doesn't he does it go. nobody could majority followed, the other he did. He did. I'm don't bring up. His name now are good bill orally is with us now high bill? How are you in writing. Following the witches saw, em annoyed his hard work. at night. How, I know writing a book is hard. I know you know we have a quite an extensive library on salem. If you want to
like anything or no. Thank you. I wish I had known that beforehand, but um. I think we've got it all down and used a smoothing it out I'll go Glenn Beck will enjoy it. I will have to disprove anything, though I'd hate to know so. A bill O'Reilly from below rally dot com is on with this one's killing. The witches come out, number twenty search just in time for halloween, I'm scare, all kids. Ok, I want talk to. I want to talk to you about what's happening with tucker curls and did you watch the reports this week? Yes and your thoughts? Well, I come out it differently. MR karlsson, or the or maybe even trying to destroy him and fox news. I'm pretty much a fact: they sky, so my analysis of the january six
capital intrusion is non. Political has nothing to do with ideology that separates me from almost everyone, including tucker cross, so I start with a hundred and fifty police officers being hurt on that day. That's that that's ground zero. For me, I so that defines the riot then as a violent event even though most of the twenty five hundred trespassed into the capital were not violent break it. agnes the it happened at the george Florida. Thank you mostly peaceful Yeah so the demonstrators were violent. However, the level of violence was wholly yes, it was I weren't language, they didn't seven a city down, but it was inexcusable awful hollis, whatever term you wanna get those be Bill should go to jail. Ok, seven thousand people had
the hospital during George lloyd riots right seven thousand right two billion plus in ensured property damage. Those are claims. This is the george lloyd, ninety five, percent of those arrested. in Dallas philadelphia use in an airway. Had the charges dropped, and some of the more bailed out by comma harris right and heard her report is so we don't know, because it's all local, if any body, sir, I'm in prison for these rights. Okay, so those are the facts and they were miss reported by the court, bird media, because the court, media sympathized with the protesters. Ok, the famous thing, was a girl cnn. Reporter stand in front of the burning,
the ongoing age, mostly peaceful, about birth buildings, So then you go into the capitals which way he had the same thing, but not on that's a mass of level where you have some americans, who believe this was not that bad. This capital riot was not that bad. When I say that when you say that it wasn't in comparison to be a lamb, but I didn't want either of them. They both are bad. Yes, but they're like different hook toward the capital riot who's that injured the united states world wide. Ok so did the poor dry and, to some extent, but not like that So that all the enemies of america wooden shoes so my use that correct all look at this country is this Countries are to control their own people. Don't look
their government the propaganda of anti american stuff, and that go down in history. Okay, so wait! Wait! We agree. We agree. All that stuff we agree. Knowledge about the tapes, the tapes They don't have any sound that the january Ex committee added sound to be more powerful the three cases that took her karlsson showed re apps healed? I did the committee and any part of oath keepers. Why was he just excused and above peace going through the new york times the the guy with the horns, the shaman. No, it's it's it's. I personally to say, was on a tour, but they weren't de escalating him? He was in the midst of nine police officers at one point and they did The doors tried to get into the lock senate door and then moved around and open the door for him to go in that.
What why? What did he do exactly that? warrants for years. I just like to know well I mean, I think his lawyer and we tried to contact his lawyer by the way who blew us off completely. So I'm not real sympathetic, I'm to him the lawyer I think that would be absolutely appeal to a federal judge today and the shopman was denied due process, because this tape was not allowed to be introduced and it shows he was violent that capital police officers and they were drawn up de intensifies. Jewish, no doubt about that dated think that he was a dangerous. Why is he serving four year so and I think you can get out of jail today if Petitions were made by a responsible attorney, which I don't think he had so here's build here's the here's. The thing I think,
story is important not because of what happened on that day with the violence K, I you want the left ones. Everybody wants the people, they were violent to go to jail What I want to know is why Did they escort this guy into the senate? Why who were re? Apps where's, the pipe bomber? Where are these people, but we can't seem to find yet we can find people in Alaska that were walking on the mall that day? Well again, you you don't have subpoena power back, so your nine only be able to what I am I right. But what I'm saying is this should be the question on every person's mind in amerika. I dont disagree with that right. So what is it going to take to get them or are we just so locked in our positions that nothing's changed? Well something may change if and then is his administration lose and twenty four, but not until then.
The attorney general, is corrupt. We'd gone over this miracle it is going to selectively prosecute based on idea chief and politics. That's what the man is going to do. Ten years, I don't anybody can do While he holds power, nothing ten years ago, if I would have told you just of the regulations that we have found from whistle blowers just this week about justice, suburban and f b. I would you have believed that would be narrow area. What is an american tragedy that budget law enforcement apparatus. In his contrary, the fbi is a corrupt agency. Now end there the guy overseas? It is worse than they are the iter. Need general- and he was almost a supreme court justice, but the democratic party, does not care. I mean this january searched committee
ways as partisan, and useless it was just stunning. They didn't want to know anything other than trump did it right. They didn't want to know anything else, one more one, more one more thing on this: the committee releases this josh hawley video. Oh my god, he is stunning bill. Is I mean? Would you not fire any one who brought you that video represented it the way you did, and then you find out that it's that that's the case. Now they they caught the very out to show that a holly running, but they did now all the other right. So here's my question on this one, Would they do something this petty? If it's the most important thing, they hate holly and and and that committee we ve run by shifts
what's her name from wyoming, arming need any I'm in aid in, but this just goes to show you that the american People now have to step back They don't have any body with a brain knows we don't have confidence in our law enforcement apparatus at the federal level. Ok, they dare not doing the job. It is insane whether it's twitter its enforcing the law equally, which your compelled by the constitution. They not doing it it's all politicized now and it goes all the way back to call me an end on Biden who doesn't even know. This is happening by the way
I didn't even know. What's going on crazy, read my message of the day: I'm bill o'reilly dot com. Today, alright, I mean the man does not know what is happening day to day in this country. I guess he's on tick tock all day Probably giving information to the chinese sounds like him. billow, rightly from below rally dot com. Get is, is a thought of the day. Every day his message of the day commentary that you're not gonna, hear anywhere else bill is bills bill nobody's telling him what to think he is unique in his a p o v. You can find him at bill. O'reilly, dot com make sure you watch his no spins one bill, O'Reilly, dot com. Spill appreciate it, thanks think charming. I want you to imagine that everything in your wallet is all of a sudden worth absolutely nothing your cash. Your credit cards, oliver worthless nothing. Well,
That said, I think, would what's gonna happen. One of these days, one of these days you buy food for your family. I get gas. your car. If there are gas, There are a thousand what if surrounding that moment? Eventually it will all kind of balance itself out and come back up. I mean unless we turn into Venezuela, which is a possibility but eventually kind of balances out the mena we have to fix it. Ok In the meantime, what do you have today? is the last day of the special gold line is offering a right now. It's irian retirement account promotion, free metal, ship directly to your front door, with every qualifying, irae called old line, and find out today how to add precious metals to your fora. One katy s p account sap and you're. Simple ira roth, or traditional IRA irae anew the annuities. The cities or any other retirement account that you'd like to protect you
and do it now call them at eight six, six gold line, eight six. ex gold line or gold line dot com. This is the Glen back programme We have got to issue this update. We a story about corey, bushes hundred and nine trillion old trillion year old bodyguard and we took it, I'm I'm just saying: poligized for it, but it was not the be ok, they did the original reporting. Oh so it was their mistake Listen to this. Do we got a correct this sure, Corey bushes security guard, who claims to be a hundred nine trillion years old and a master psychic.
An psychic self defense master, who can cause earthquakes with his mind and tornadoes and hurricanes with his anger. I reported that you're not correcting that porno is not one question, no, no! No! No! No! No! We! We reported that not to be reported that he was also an anti semite. According to a recent interview with free beacon, he claims- that's, not accurate, this comes from Andrew Kerr. He says I spoke. We corey bushes body guard the one who thinks he's a hundred nine trillion years old. He said he can't be anti semitic because he's our high priests of is a car one of the lost tribes of Israel. You're dealing quote with the priesthood literally now
We didn't know that we were literally dealing with a high priest. We thought he was just a figurative, pretty yeah. We didn't know that, and we didn't know that and so corey is a bodyguard claims, a host of supernatural abilities he claims that he's a hundred nine trillion years old he's a spiritual guru We had all of this, but he again said. makes me a hebrew. How could I possibly be anti semitic? Your literally dealing literally, he said it twice by with the priesthood, super embarrassing for the be super embarrassing for us, we didn't know, but he said if you retract the whole anti semite think as I'm not man, I'm not I got permits, in this city. there's no way, I can be an anti semite, no way in complete your homework, and I have to stick up for the be here because you,
it permits its on europe, the thirteenth birthday and oh, that's a hundred and eight trillion nine hundred and ninety nine billion nine hundred and ninety nine million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty seven years ago. How could they know? I don't think they were keeping records of that in Saint Louis at that time, as the wave internet way back machine go back now it does it. Doesn't it doesn't? So job not to be negligible. Give him a break on that anything passed two hundred trillion years old. It's it's tough to know exactly what, when we know the exact temperature of the earth. Clearly in years ago you again to that end. We know, what's coming in the future of good, does as well. Yes, but that just might just be because you know he's a hundred nine trillion, so he seen a few things you ve been around this block a few times sort of surprise is a guy. With this sort of experience of one hundred and nine trillion year, old men would have that corey.
His bodyguard is really what that experiences lead. I gotta do a little of everything not doing I rejoice in. If you just kept money, unlike our interest, bearing account, he probably would need to work at all. Well, he can't because he said the rothschilds rule the world, so I don't know how will they rothschilds are like six trillion hundred seven trillions of them, I rarely get so they I mean they were basically kids at the same time and in that way, they apparently invested their money. He wandered it on. I don't know movies of girls. I don't know well, you always say you lead with your mistakes yeah and in this case well, this is the end of the show, so you've actually ended the show with your mistakes. Like you said that I said it, I want to be make sure that we're accurate and the one hundred trillion trillion year old bodyguards, not an anti semite.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-12.