« The Glenn Beck Program

Cuomo's New York Tyranny Is Over | Guest: Tucker Carlson | 8/11/21

2021-08-11 | 🔗

Stu is back from vacation just in time to discuss Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigning as governor of New York. Stu goes through how he always saw this coming for Cuomo. Pat Gray joins to discuss the shock of Andrew Cuomo actually resigning. Is CNN's Chris Cuomo really on vacation, or is the timing too convenient? Fox News host Tucker Carlson joins to discuss his new book, “The Long Slide,” and the latest on his claims that the NSA was spying on him. YouTube has taken down another Rand Paul video. Glenn takes calls from immigrants who left their country to find success and prosperity in America. Sen. Chuck Schumer called President Biden’s new budget bill the most transformational legislation in decades.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome back, we missed. You were as only a little bit about Andrew Cuomo and the vacant president and his comments yesterday. Why was that intense anyway? First, let me tell you about our spotlight sponsor an is rough greens. If you are a dog are you know it? Taking carrier pat really means more than you know, just given him food and water. The dog is part of our family. oh no, he is- and I know your dog is- we have a dog women, can to you. While about a rough greens, it's not a dog food. It is something that you put on the dog food you put on the dog to I just now really going to benefit the jar. If you have a couple of dogs have a couple of dogs, the other one will lick it off the other dog. My dog is the pickiest eater in the world in the world. We put rough greens on it. I think he's changed. You naughty. Did I cut, him eating part of my wife's salad.
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goin back Programme, America. It is Wednesday we meant a lot to talk about, but stew is back and so do I got you a present here that I want you to cause we're So excited, we've missed you so much, and so, if you just want to return to work for the return to work present, I mean it's been. You know that for a week you know what I mean, so I got you a little present here, I think you're gonna like it now, if you To exchange it that'll be fine. I don't make me a second, oh my gosh open it after the loving. Don't can't you just rip boxes open you just rip the pact's open that Sweden would at Christmas. area. You you gonna, love this Just for you just for you.
it's my very own screen shot Andrew Quabo resigning in rain. Here s, geographic nations hold that put that on your wall, keep it. We had it had it all planned for your return so you can about the resignation of Anna. quavo in sixty seconds That's it and you will have that in your office and hanging on your while, I know you, oh yes, I will it's very solemn day in the world of cyber Security, Andrew Como Cuomo, the governor for the next thirteen days, you know he'd been locked. into is into all of his duties and now I mean what's gonna happen? What's gonna happen? What's he gonna do where's it. What what's gonna happen all of his files, all of it all of the names in his rolodex. Wouldn't you love. To be able to get he is right, the decks cybercriminals, maybe
maybe I'm on your side this time. Listen. Cyber criminals are really bad and they will affect your life. I want you to called life lock. Now add one eight hundred lifelike one, eight hundred lifelike or life locked out come on Is your Andrew Cuomo one, eight hundred life lock or lifelong dot com call now use promo code back and say tonight on Glyn TV there's, a movement for freedom under way in Cuba. Demands in the dictatorship with American less is the cuban suffering. Is our fault when debunks the lies and asked big tech where's your loving democracy. What can Americans do to help? What human spring debunking? The left's lies about: ass TAT S, a West Cuba tonight, nine pm eastern employees to be dot com, Slash Glenn,
welcome to the Glen Back Programme and the triumphant return of the guy who has known this for years? One of them Mr Cuomo monologues do did was. Is it just me? He has been saying that he is, and requirements is just awful at Enrico, most just awful dot com anarchy was awful DA comedy out to get better arrests and you ve been saying that and not become of of we know his handling of the covered in killing. You know all the people in a nursing home or sexually assaulting women You said it because he's just awful yeah. Well, it's interesting Is it really my obsession with
how terrible and awful Andrew Coma was really didn't stem from the nursing home thing which came later. I couldn't understand why he was getting credit for this. Incredible handling of the corona virus. When object. Billy, he oversaw the worst corona virus response. in America? And at that time I think the world and you under like? Why is he getting praise for doing these amazing things and you keep hearing what How great is press conferences were knows. I am watching the same ones because you doing to a day and I'm catching the bad ones, but it- and you know you- you look at it and I think fundamentally, people look at it as, as this has advanced and said Andrew Cuomo awful because he killed thousands of people and nursing homes, good the erratic Gary everyone was awful because he's sexually harassed, a bunch of people whose office good argument. I think, though it gets it reversed AIDS.
It's not that Edra Como is awful because of these things. Andrew Cuomo is awful and therefore for these things occur hit. He is poor is such a continually bad person at its core that, These scandals are the obvious side effect of this larger illness. Is Andrew Cuomo, honest character, he's been a bad guy for you, long time has been corrupt for a really long time and that the fact I think, a lot of this behaviour, like when you out there saying an ally in the meat to movement while, like the next day, these complaints, these harassment complaints, he was going in and harassing these women days after making big speeches about me, do you know that sort of hubris, only comes from, and I never
Gillis amount of power that he shouldn't have had a complete confidence that he would never get taken down and an assistance by the media to a level that UK possibly together federalist to add. I had a great take on this that the one lesson that we should we should learn Andrew Cuomo. Is that he's not the problem? The problem really is the press because Let me think of Andrew Comas life is his father was governor, so you know he had special privileges. All throughout its life growing up, then he becomes governor, nobody saying anything to him he's already a spoiled child already expects to get his way because he's a Cuomo and he's also a very, very vindictive guy. The prince decides just to get into bed with him.
The press knew about Harvey wine steam. The press knew about Jeffrey Epstein. The press knew about. Andrew Cuomo Vader actually care. All of this cancel culture. Stuff is bull crap. When it comes to the press, its bulk I wonder if he's gonna lose, his Emmy gave him an amateur. Will we lose his Emmy? No because they don't care. He's doing this stuff. they like him, it's fine, it's interesting, because that is the difference with Cuomo. They don't like him He is such a terrible guy and has been so terrible to the people around him for so long, like Harvey winding that they were
able to actually look at the facts of the story and not feel terrible trying to take him down, because I will say, while I agree with the Federalist there, that the media is a huge issue in this, there are some people who actually did go after Oh and I dont know that without the New York Times jumping on the bandwagon bandwagon, although very late, I don't know that this stuff would have actually have. I don't know that he actually has outlined. This deserves a lot of the credit for this, probably the most important person in making sure that this occurred. Yes, Janis Dean emanate because, especially because in a look at Janis who people know from me now, she's been tv for a very long time, but is not a hard core partisan. not known for going after people in a negative way it all in her book is. Is this collection of sweet tales of parents like helping their sick children like it's like she's, like the nicest person in the universe right and
that she was out there saying these things about Cuomo, almost shock the system, I think for a lot of people. Wait a minute. This guy really is doing these things. Are this guy really is bad. She wouldn't she. She had no incentive to become person out there being she had a lot of incentive to not just keep my person you now and she didn't do that, which is vital. I so take me through because ITALY yesterday was about, I don't know ten feet the six of last couple of minutes on air, he decides to come out and all the word is that he is not going to resign and he starts his resignation with. You now look, I didn't do these things and I thought- and I said because we ran out of time. I said looks like this. Guy is just gonna hold on ten minutes, into it, he starts, and so that's why I'm leaving yeah it was I think shot after a lot of people. The first really big issue,
your was Melissa, Derosa resigning that happened on Sunday, Derosa was like lead, henchmen, be no four Cuomo any. We're gonna find out. I mean I think there is a legal activity done by this administration and they're gonna have to go through all of this and about out whether What's your name Gazelle Matt Maxwell, don't we yeah. I can either you know, you're kind of fear that person who was again Maxwell's is. Is that much more serious cure, but she was that she was the enforcer she was, the one who made it all go away and- and she added when grace the skids rating employees changing the nursing home report so that it you didn't tell the truth. You know all this targeting Lindsey Boil and the first accuser and trying to helping to try to ruin her life ass after she made this accusation and she supersaver loyal like that lead, loyalist and eat
Dont know if she was a really is, really terrible person. Was she completely terrified to buy enter quota? I dont know, but she did all lots of things that I think are illegal or borderline illegal and when she she really was the biggest loyalist. The fact that she stepped down was a huge signal that he was Can it be able to survive this because it was as far as I know yesterday morning he was still telling people I'm staying. He was still going back and forth after that. He would was trying to do to figure out a way to? How can I cut a deal? Here and entrust me when I say this Andrew Como didn't leave, he did not resign ass. He realized he had no chance in staying. He realised that this impeachment was going to throw him out of office anyway, and he said This is the best pass path forward for him, because that's all he ever thinks about
So this was not him resigning. I you know what I think of doing the right thing for the state as he tried to pull off yesterday, so he's going back and forth. Deciding whether he's going to step down or not again, just a personal calculation? They have an attorney. Yes, I wanted His attorney was gonna, defend them and she did. She came out for about forty minutes and made an extensive case as to why this this report was one sided and you know I mean I think you can make. It argued that it was one sided they didn't. Everyday did include some of the cosmos answers to these questions but, like a you know, he I e that the emu, everything to expect from someone who's going to minimum, defend us to the end and he came out she came out and did this big presentation and laid out went through each Visual accuser and all that. All of that- and at this point borders are getting word that Chrome, has flown from,
Albany to New York City, where she's, making this presentation like our he's gonna make an appearance of some sort. Like he's. Gonna come out an address this, but they had no for sure that he was to resign and he came out. He started his defense. He went through his defense he, went through specific accusers and accusations and said I didn't do these things. They misinterpreted them. These women. You know they do that. Just absolutely didn't happen. You know she made kind of the the the look old of time. I these lines have been redrawn, and I tell you I Where was just yesterday. Could pat paddle woman the behind. For the steadily that's ridiculous added men definitely try right. You became like you became governor and the two fell.
And write. His is now you're gonna go by the eighteen, seventy one, although it was ok, and so he tried that things trot area moves at that, maybe a graphic machine SAM. Yes, I thought she was doing a good job. I gave her a little tap on me, a little goose for her good work, and so he he tried that again, and so it looked like he was going through this whole process and then at the end he just said look I think it's best for these state that I stepped down, now the horse. He does not care at all about any one in the state, not named Cuomo, as evidenced by who got all the quick covert. Tests when they were released scarce all of his family members and friends. But- He sees this as is only way forward. Ok, so I want a whimsical one minute break and then I want to ask you he's staying in for fourteen days, which is weird: yes, maybe because it has no place to live. It makes one of the former prosecutors from
from the New York District for the FBI makes him very he's like Tom, that that's not normal, that's not necessary. I just hope that nothing, nefarious is going on in the next fourteen days since a couple promises, but I want to talk about where he goes next, because I think he was positioning himself. I dont know what for, but that was a position and maybe it was just positioning for a court hearing. I dont think anything's gonna go to court. Maybe it does but once once he's out of the way than people den generally tredah alleged forgiven, forget So let's go to one minute break. Let me tell you about. Rectangular will come back to this a lot, liberate. So why not do with erect tech? Time too that baby up throng delicious stakes and burgers, maybe smoke. Some amazing ribs get the famine in friends over and say: look at S, foot
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So Andrew Cuomo is leaving I is: he is he staying because he has no place to live because he's always left of governors mansion Priscilla yet, unlike so many other people who why not being coming a governor of estate, he has no other home, no other residents. So part of this might be him trying to line up a place but again- and I think you're gonna hotel- you can there be in bed. the audacity to twenty twenty. What right I mean the case would be get out of office. It'll it'll help you, you have to say, guys. I need to stay in their governors mansion for a couple of weeks, ia and even that would probably work and he's also got friends and family. go. Do with Chris, I mean there they order and all the time all the time. Apparently that's another thing: it's in there we should get to at some point today, but either he fourteen days, who should make you nervous from for reasons number one. When you The vacillation he had over the past few days
you realise that their it. It's not completely out of the question that he would just reverse himself. and just so you know what I am fighting kind of the Wolf of Wall Street. Each or even write like I'm stay and I would not be shot at all, except no one will be clapping and that certain matters that are the only difference, so that's possible very likely that he's got a bunch of stuff but he wants to get done before he leaves. God only knows what it is that I think the biggest real worry in that he would he's, got deals that have been working. He's got things he wants to get in place. He's got people, he wants to move in positions that have been loyal to him. Some of that stuff well may occur over. The next couple of weeks would not be surprised at all. It's also important to look at this isn't a collapse that is historic. We think about this Glenn in October of twenty twenty he released a book.
about what a great job he did the covert crisis and- and it was called leadership and ten months later, the exact people was bragging about leading, got him thrown out of office. He was I I was looking back at some of the early shows. You mentioned this earlier if some of the students, America, monologues and such that I've done a promo going back to March twenty twenty and one of them, I started again totally perplexed because He had it just come out that he has a seventy two percent approval rating. Is what April or may have twenty twenty seventy two percent approval rating in the state of New York. And he went from that to such a dead end, that a guy who would do anything to hold onto that office couldn't figure out a way to go forward even for a few more weeks. there are rumours that he was going to sue the attorney general,
office basically to get the entire transcript of all these interviews, which likely he would be able to get. Haven't you to have a good chance of winning that, because, if he's gonna mount to defence It is now a need to know so that would probably take weeks. weeks and weeks he could have delayed. This impey would have eventually been impeached, epic, but it could have become delete it from and who knows what happens right off a bill Clinton be exactly maybe something changes may be. Some big event happened. Every one forgets about it. I've been there was I'm where a lot of people predicted that You know, governor black face in Virginia was gonna resign and he was able to kick the candy the road long enough to apparently survive, but scandal. Where he's pictured in black face gap right, I think, there's a chance honestly what, though, I'm my biggest concern about him in the next fourteen days. Is co I mean they're, so many emergencies yo that he could just
Egg and and take a strong hand on end and people would be like. We need him now more than ever. Yeah. You know, that's that, that's what's scary to me and on fourteen days, this guy who's, this guy will do absolutely anything recently held in New York on emergencies of Mineral Limburg. State arrive as those that economic crash restated office for a third term like I would suggest the constitution, you never know on emergency. Let me ask you there: how much money does he have eighteen million dollars and that's political on political money, so he's gotta do something with that. Theoretically spend it on vacations, though nobody shines mended on another thing that starts with a v vindictiveness here Yes, I'm eighteen million dollars could destroy people who destroyed him yet, and he I many doors. Does a lot to repair your reputation as well. I mean he holds onto that and he can work backed chair,
does funding that money to the various candidates, who suddenly have a change of heart over time. About good old, Andy, and what a great time that used to be would not shocked at all. Even you seen that turn around with someone like an l, Frank and right, where they called everyone. Democrats were largely united in saying he should leave at that point and now they're, not there united at the opposite, I mean arguably helped to sink Pearson. Children's presidential campaign, because she's supported him stepping down the old me to thing didn't last all that long. that particular case. It's not the last. We will see of Andrew Cuomo Mornin Second Prisons programme, I've talked about Patriot Mobile for a while. Now you know what they stand for. They stand for great mobile service, its number one at a more affordable price number. Two having the technology to stay ahead of the competition and
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don't forget to get your maugre t shirt. Andrew Cuomo is awful dot com, This is the global programme. Today. I am really excited to announce that the mercury, one tenth anniversary, body. Is happening. Saturday October. Ninth, the knee. Of this event is the power of one renewing kindness and we are going to be telling you about some new initiatives that are going on plus it's gonna be great. We have a miracle idle, former contestant and major Christian recording artist, Danny, go key and also coltan. Dixon are gonna, be performing live at the mercury. One event their adding these is tour, stops to their two or stand in faith
also the I'm gonna, be, hosting it. I've got a lot of friends that are coming in. For this, it is going to be a great I'd celebrating ten years of Mercury one We saw need ten years ago and we have been working diligently. We told you last year that we ve a new initiative at Mercury one. The american journey experience will tell you more about that and some new announcement for the next ten years may, if you would like tickets, we'd love to have you mercury, one dot, Org or M one next chapter dot com, it's a super spreader event gives us was too parties are not now. Oh, I done there was. That is not a good thing. Now. Ok, cause I've been attending all of those things anywhere, except for the Obama one that Toyota Music Factory in Irving Texas, is where it's gonna be drawn. Is that the Toyota Music Factory in get your tickets at mercury, one or,
M one. Next chapter: dot com. It's at ten here's your you mean like it's been tat. Years since mercury, one existed at ten years ten years that does not ten years, it has been twelve for the blaze and ten four belabour blazed tv really ten years I announced mercury One and then Jimmy tv or what became blaze tv the same day, my that is impossible? It is so. Please join as a reason, love to have four. I know it was just a little just toddling along just you know just ten years ago and now look at its all grow up up instead fed with a bottle, and and here's old yeah we even spitting up and being fed by a bottle. Your thoughts on Andrew Cuomo man- well, I got a bond to pick- was do as I heard you saying, that he resigned because it was to his benefit. Yes,
I know you been on vacation for awhile, and maybe you missed it, but he said from his own mouth It was for New York, not here India, because you are miss or are you just flat outlying, because I also understand your name's not really stupid. Steel. Also of you lie about your very nice man, brawler everyday asian than using a navy and spy telling why you're right, because Cuomo said it was for New York. This is all true, but I will not resign suddenly, oh, I will get a whole relationship that check it out. I was actually attends brised that he resigned yesterday as the east started into the news coverage. Just as usual was ended yesterday we were talking about that and look like he was just going to continue to herds that
how long will it take before Chris Cuomo is out of a job well they're doing everything they can to protect Chris Cuomo if Roy any story, despair we buy a real mainstream outlet about this about the resignation and you will see hey com. went back and forth and he wasn't sure and Trees asking everybody and one of the big parts of the resignation was when Chris Cuomo, who was advising him again that was announced. He wasn't going to really do that anymore, but apparently, in a private conversation it was ok somehow, but he, but that's not the the thing to focus on there. they're, saying that Chris told him to resign, see Chris was the voice of reason. The good guy in the situation he's a good guy. Wasn't he the guy who was advising fight fight fight at the He he literally in the report. Literally wrote the initial response for his brother,
he's. Writing the news, while covering the news writing it. They? Have the email from Chris Quabo outlining what to say and basically he used it. I mean he's changed a few words here and there, but generally speaking Andrew those words that first time he addressed it were Chris Cuomo words and now they're trying to make it out like look, he advised them. He said the right thing to do is to step down and who knows, might not have happened without Chris Cuomo guidance in this situation, I guess they're trying to figure out Cuomo. Greece calls it here. How sure I dont think CNN Cnn. Has any problem with this new procedure. They don't have any standards it on everyday generals to have any morals. They don't care. Yeah Everyone will say we're we're, not fair right Where were evil partisans we hate CNN. However, we do sometimes praise when CNN does good things? Something been while it's been awhile didn't want getting a lot worse, but I give you the example of this. We are talking about this off the air and at Christmas.
Vacation this week and while what a convenient time right for vacation and that's what everybody is saying- and that is a legitimate thing to be suspicious over. However, are ever when all of us came to the same giddy lose out right away up when we were at Fox NEWS Channel Fox, he surely is known for some of their pr people little leaking. I against some of their homes. But what can we do not think that art
true now, if I gave you sometimes when they're not really yet I didn't know that tabs away anti things against their own people. Nor would they do that, so they could get power over that Joe measure, not because I was about to far crazy anyway bombers and we had scheduled vacation that another books from Europe, as always, was the case will attacking us from the left and the media and where, right before we went on vacation somebody who knows we could have been no leaked to the press that the fox had actually suspend Yes, I'm going to take us off the weak are off the air for a week. Because of all the controversy around the show, and lie. Absolute lie to the point that we had all of the emails schedule,
the vacation God we did. We had all the emails documents, we all had plans, we all hidden flights booked and everything you do, and so we had. We were able to prove it to the reporters who actually did report the truth on that one, but let alone The only did it because they hated Fox and Rodriguez more than yes but stirrup. That's that time mainly resulting in more than eight it yeah they if they were than anybody else they would have when even with all the evidence they would have gone ahead. I think people would be blown away to know what Fox did on certain occasions to their own fought. Are we I'm sorry about alleged? Are we now do you? Are we now just when we talk about sharing, are probably not wise idea. Now probably, but it's a surprise- that's been talked about by many, though again, there's been movies made about it. In fact, Yes, every movement made about it. But the point is that you could argue: maybe he I don't
They keep saying I got. You always goes on vacation around his birthday. Maybe he doesn't mean more We personality takes a summer vacation, yet it would not. Surprising. On the other hand, I have not seen the emails be producing biodiversity. I mean I haven't. I haven't said anything about him. You know maybe not on vacation because of our experience we ve gone through it. Sometimes that happens and it's just a just happens up and I don't think It is seen in would have had a problem with him on the air through all of this exactly there. I don't know what he would say, though, what polluted area tough position too to be in? but like right, you are, I suppose, it truth, teller, which Cuomo Chris Cuomo says all the time August registry, I'm giving you straight then get out there and defend your brother. what do you really believe, you're telling him behind the scenes to go after these women and say they're lying get on the and say that these women are lying. If that's what you believe again
here and say what you think about the biggest story? Obviously in the country, and also in your world as it is, is your brother and since this is the end, it is allowed him to two to navigate this anyway. He wants as if he's the it is the greatest television personality of all time. Well, he said at length in his time, slaughter by the way has finally took her curls and it's gonna be joining us about fifteen minutes who is really is noble God, I hope what is right, but you know what I mean we ve. If this would have been ass, is there any doubt in your mind if somebody was coming lets, you say after one of you too and you were you were guilty which clearly do whatever it is their charge. You are guilty, thank you. Is there any doubt in anybody's mind, even if it worked, to my detriment, If I believed that sir was innocent or he was guilty that I will. come on the air and say it, you have to tell you
absolutely absolutely redress it now that the right means? Maybe you don't know that every minute of every year, maybe it was just like I'd coming out? Look I worked with this guy for a long time. I had no idea bout. This it looks pretty damning I want the system to work, but he's not on the show right now and when it's all over with decide whether he's on the shout we clearness and theoretical, I just had to say, could add anybody see this coming going. Andrew Como was right in the book and selling them now. How do we know what you ve been doing? The past? We don't I don't know it could be anything if you see all those people have died of covert last a lot liner was Stu, I don't know, I think he was it Obama super spread around and that you also see that in Marthas Vineyard the covert cases have doubled. None of its this quick from the weekend
the law, if it happens, tat. Suddenly you saying that it would, of course they would, of course they would. That is amazing. It does I mean this is gonna, be I have one hundred percent of course, blame Brok Obama. Funny thing is that you know they did the speaking but province town, where than was the big case where they had this outbreak, unlike again that's not exactly representative. I would say that particular weekend known as was, bear weak or whatever? I don't know, I'm not upon my problem. I learn quite a bit from from Megan Kelly and resolve the talk about this, but that it that it was apparently a week where people come out and do things they wouldn't maybe he's completely representative of the rest of society. Less meanwhile, yeah in our real lefty part of the town, the outer lefty part of a very well known this weekend. Ok and guess what it looks like is that the rates haven't gone crazy, so they basically have changed all of the the guidance big
vaccinated people in all of this based a study that did even raise local rates of covert. I think they're positivity rate is like two point: eight percent or something in province down after the study is over so did even happened. what they were worried about, didn't even really set in yet the entire. Our country is now changing all of our guidance, Unless Europe Marthas Vineyard, then you're trying to be funny, that's one way off the co scented way until I almost Africa aren't tonight on the Wednesday night Special. What happened to the freedom protest in Cuba itself, like it was an almost breakthrough moment for the people who have been living under a communist dictatorship for sixty years. But then what happened just a few weeks ago both on the verge of its own arab spring type moment, fuelled by Cubans using social media to coordinate massive street protests. What happened to those people, Where are those people tonight, I'm
give you some idea what Cubans are up against and why it matters to our future. We cannot make the mistake of writing this office. Just a cuban communist problem, posing communism used to be of a unifying cause for Americans, but this freedom flare up in Cuba has shown that is no longer a cause. That's a huge problem for those of us who believe in freedom join me tonight for cuban spring, linking the left's lies about Hashtag s, O S, Cuba. Tonight now in Pm Eastern on blue tv dot, com, slash back used the promo code. an annual save on your subscription Blake. Tv dotcom slash back I've, save thousands of dollars over the last few years. When I got car shield, if you leave your car, is past warranty, you gotta start thinking about what
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people may apply car she'll, dot com, slash back Limburg Programme, this is the Glenn Beck Programme coming up in just a few minutes: Tucker Karlsson, who is probably one of the more fearless people on the planet today in media. He does not flinch. He makes a good case, obviously surrounded by really good researchers and and writers and is on every night, no matter if they, the gangs. Gather at his house to enter. Made him and his family- or
They followed him into a fishing store in Montana, which the press by the way did not have a problem with. They said you. That's what happens when you're reviled in America really wow in. Oh. If so, if, if some of you walked into a store and people treated. You like that. You would say, hey well, I'm reviled by half the country really anyway, he's gonna be joining us here in just a second I'm. I would talk to him about his his book, the long slide and its thirty years of american journalism, and what he has to say is is really important and again just the intro is in the main, the preface of it he ex down Simon introduced Schuster, and and talks about what going on the reason why that's important Simon Schuster published this book
and he is absolutely right about the CEO John Carpet, Simon in Schuster and and how they are how they are the silencing dissenting voices, and it makes silently no sense at all. Anyway. We're gonna talk to Karlsson about his book, also the an essay, spying on him. How come double. Is he with with saying that they they did indeed do all this. They wanted the leak that communications to take his show off the air outcomes. who is he with that and what is the latest Tucker Karlsson joins us after the top of the hour news break glum programme? ok. Let me tell you about Bill bar look, let's be honest: I'm fat, I'm out of shape, got it got it
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a guy who I dont always agree with, and he doesn't always agree with me, but I think he's one of the bravest men on television today he speaks the truth. He D his best to find the truth, and then he comes under tat for it in every aspect of his life, but he remained standing. He is on the programme in sixty seconds programme. Let me tell you about my pillow Lee now famous my pillow to the incredibly comfortable mattress topper from my pillow, the soft cotton of the he's at dream. Sheets. Michael index has revolutionised the way. Americans sleep elite. down on that big pillar and to get hot you're, not gonna, be flushing it all night. That alone is practically a miracle, but I'm also
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called the long slide. Thirty years and american journalism welcome to the programme Tucker Clan thanks for heavenly, you bet you I wanted to. I want, let's start with first justly The USA scandal, that's going on comfortable are you that you were gonna, find out? What's really going on that they watch dog the intelligence agencies are gonna, be fair and independent blood. the scandal I mean it's totally, you should have the expectation when you live in America. You criticise dream. Then they reach her email. For me, I learned so I thought that was illegal.
and on American, in an assault and civil liberties by learn from the daily beat that actually, if you complain about it than you hate America, okay, genera shut up an accepted, you have no privacy. The war on terror has been turned against american citizens, but you deserve because your wits correct that that's what I've been told correct it. Is it it's? It's pretty phenomenal. What is going on in America, especially with the with the with intelligence agency be coming, now have not only Americans being spied on your being spied on You also have the capital police becoming an intelligence agency. The pope, Stop is so distressing, I mean I I moved to wash them when I was fifteen. My dad work for the federal gum he worked with the CIA. I applied to work at the CIA. When I graduated college in operations, I thought it was. Totally. Honourable thing, we understood- and you know you were with the same
about EU member. We understood the, U S, government and our into agencies and military and our federal law enforcement. Honourable designed to protect it and honourable actually right. If you know the idea that your son not to be an FBI agent, you thinking, while you know I would be really proud of him. I wanted to work there. I mean that tells you how I felt about it in the difference. Look, you can't turn the awesome law enforcement, Intel gathering powers at the federal government against american citizens on a wholesale basis like that the nightmare scenario. We have a lot of laws in place designed to prevent it and now it's happening and it should be willing to meet it like no one says anything about it like this is totally cool. This is the way it works, no, its, not cool, it's not the way it works. If you care about democracy, you are opposed to this with everything that you have. If they they can do this, what they did to Donald Trump, and they can do this to you. What makes the average American think they won't turn it on them easily you have no chance exists
exactly right- and I am concluding things and things out loud, that I just thought years ago. I never would have imagined, I would say or him I, you know I would have thought. Oh, that's paranoid. That's crazy! I think I'm, the least paranoid you know study is both optimistic, naive. person. I know what you are, never assume bad motives, the part of any American. You know, I don't want you anyway, but yeah. I think, if you're paying attention your deeply concerned about where we're going and that's on a partisan point, you know if you care about basic civil liberties like the right to disagree, The right to speak your mind, the right to follow your own conscience, the right to raise your family, we'll roughly the way you want you nothing crazy, this, not ideological stuff. Let me about them Let me wait. Wait, wait, wait. Let me come back to that for a second on that. That's not an ideological point and just ass. You one last question on this:
Do you know who unmasked you? I don't know I was in Washington for a funeral. I moved out of washing for thirty five years. They didn't have much choice, so I did, and I was back and I ran into a very old, very close friend of mine who said who said: let's get together. I gotta talk to me who said in person You are planning this trip to Russia and I said why haven't told anybody that Southern, how you'd know because and then this person told me that the USA had been reading my electronic communications, my texan emails and add unmasked me and was gonna score. This news organisations to suggest that I was somehow disloyal Eric and achieve its. It actually scared me. Not normally rattled buy stuff that's show over the top. Did I media? we called like the only person in politics. I would ever talk to the? U S senator whose wise- and I said this is Carrasco scares me on
So what should I do? Then? He said you gotta go public with a computer, have any other defending what, if you don't have actual power you're, just the only power you have is to talk, which is true I need to do that right away as prophylactically the sub defensible, and so I did- and I felt kind of a lunatic you wanna go on tv, I mean, would you go on the urgency, their spying on Mina Usanga Nutcase right, I didn't feel like I had a choice, alright salami, let me go back to where you just said. This is not a partisan issue, because I think it is- and I think your book is is kind of evidence of that. He? U beauty about the thirty years and american journalism the long slide and you yourself say you couldn't do the things you couldn't report. The things to do. That you were doing back, then you couldn't. The system is no longer what it was when we thought
at least we all agreed with each other, and we are all seeking the saying the same outcome. I don't think there. I don't think so. Americans even agree on your right. Privacy and you're right of freedom of speech anymore, will you're absolutely right and if I mean I'm strain of its experience, everyday things are changing so quickly. You wake up in a brand new country, but it's hard to get perspective on profound changes, because there are so few mile markers. You know, you know it just seemed like. Oh, I guess it's always been this way, going back and reading thirty years of journalism, most magazine. Journalism was should cover, welcoming a lot of the pieces in the book. I wrote for the New York Times. Can you imagine Esquire magazine, I wrote for the Washington Post, I you know repartee Q there's no chance my would ever I want the New Republic mine and I also have a law friends. Over the I mean a lot of friends, not just a few. Like a lot who were Democrats, I went hunting with them. I went on trips with them.
I agree with him all my life and now that possible. I mean they wouldn't have me. I am actually I've never been very partisan. I'm not super impressed by the Republican Party. That's for sure I don't like the Democratic Party, but I don't hate people because of their voters. D. You know, because, if they vote for I just that's, not my temperament and soon reading you really- I really got the sense that boy. You know it's a completely different world. We are polar ice. Point where you, you wonder how we reach agreement on on anything in to your point. No, what do we agree on? What do we have in common, the Susa, as always, Burnham a multi racial country with no state religion. you know we ve always been in some such diverse countries, and that's great I like that, but you have to have something that unites something that we all agree on and why we are living on this continent together, sharing common federal government,
if we don't agree on anything. So what do we agree on? What is the american creed that unites us? And increasingly it's hard to answer that question. It used to be the bill of rights. Yes, it used to be the bill of rights- and I contend- you could get a may be a majority, a slim majority to disagree with. Maybe eight of them first ten in the bill of rights that you have nothing left. If you don't have the bill of rights, Well I mean that's exactly right is at this point. If you can agree on that, the army will not just be totally blunt countries, don't hang together as they hang together, naturally there's a footnote. Does the centrifugal forces a basic principle, and this is a huge country and its diverse and every level, not just ethically but geographically people in the country won't hang together unless we work intention?
we and ceaselessly to create a reason for the hang together. An account is before us again to speak in a week and told the Pentagon obey that that's not enough unique consent of the government and they have. The majority needs to agree that in this together for a reason can be shared this in common and if you set out to destroy those bonds, if you set out to increase tribalism, which is what they're doing no. Your first point is to your ethnic group. Are you joking Euro who to Europe see like how do you think that ends its show insane, and so I do think we need a national movement, starting like this afternoon to figure out what it is. We have in common and emphasise that, because otherwise eyes. I mean it's a very clear where this is gonna go what term You look at other countries, I mean for a long time. We were to be more like Europe. We gotta, be, I
in some ways, I'd love to be like some of the countries in Europe. Some of that kind of some countries in Europe are are breached. Against us there like, don't Follow America, whatever's come whatever poison is come another, don't do it, and I've heard you talk about Hungary and the way the way that did the government is now in Hungary they are more free. Then we are well that's. I empiricist funny to be in your fifty because you You ve dimly, remember await our and your sit. What she decides makes me laugh because I was in Europe last week and I thought that the whole time we mark to Europe, I mean constantly mocked Europe, an Inn How sad is it? I take no joy in noting what's true, which is when and if you're in Budapest in you disagree with the with the ruling party. He ain't, you don't eat on bodyguards, you're, lucky to be silent,
Shorty of media in Hungary are opposed to the rules, party the ruling party may lose in the coming elections, and that's you know that's how things work in a representative democracy. You know like you, you have peaceful transfer of power and people are allowed to say what they think in store. Windows aren't smashed, because I disagree with the covert policy or the black lives matter. The trans policies like it's all right. How is that not fear? It is freer. It is for energy That's a cautious me. I know me to Lenny ass. He because I finish The last book I did I've been with Simon Schuster for twenty years, and I want nothing to do with John CARP the ceo vase did firing. Conservatives that Simon in Schuster start closing things down and we re made no sense to me. You have
this publisher, Simon and Schuster- is your publisher for this book and a true you go after them in the book. I mean that takes born you I mean they. Then I told them. I was going to the movies links. Will they published ITALY? Nor are they know? What's in it did, in fact I I dedicated to John CARP effectively so that you know they now. But what look? It's really simple? There were the most powerful book publishers in the world need should not be a betting censorship. The whole point of publishing and of journalism is to keep open the screen exchange of ideas. You don't agree with at least half of them, but it's important for people to build a voice went back. Essentially, you can have a democracy without that show. You he had Pieper censorship and they are- and I I was shocked when they cancel Josh, always book because they didn't like as vote. You may not like his boat. Ok, that's that's! Alright, but Josh Ali has a right to share his views. They cancelled his book. They issued a press release.
A terrorist, and I watched my job and knowing that I had a book. You do that. So I called John Carpet. I said what is this and I said I feel a moral obligation to report this out because I'm getting paid by Simon and Schuster, I'm participating in this benefiting from your censorship, and I feel bad about that salmon are right about it and if you don't published a book you don't have to, I think he'd they really. trapped because they knew did they cancelled. My book I was gonna, go up earlier, which I certainly would so it would just as one he's weird circumstances where I got to report out. Censorship in real time, and I thought that I should I felt it was my duty to do that- for you I'm no longer with Simon Schuster. My contract expired and I couldn't be happier, although my next book is my next book is coming out self published, and I don't know anybody in my size that is ever tried that before so we'll see how
works out whether that I've been I I would love to talk to you by because it that seems like a future meeting, and I are we putting all our ideas into the hands of soldiers. I mean. Why are we participated the system it is the city I mean it's the same, I'm in the same place. I was in Vienna ten years ago when I started the blaze tv where it didn't guinea sense, though all the tools are really there nobody's actually breaking the moulds on this, but it has to be done because I'm not going to I'm not going to sit and be held hostage by a corrupt system. Right. I looked and I realize how stupid I, when you started bleak music, what you know bureau like the biggest guy and cable news? Why don't you just you know just stay in cable news want in a wide make the effort to do this and unjust show grateful that you did
I really really am and am grateful just as in a much I'm not saying this by the way. As finally, I mean it totally sincerely the fact that yourself publishing that you build your own thing. Those turned out to be incredibly preshent in important decisions, because the current system, unsustainable electricity. We don't have freedom of the press, we have to build around, and so thank you for doing. but, as you know, cause I I write to you from time to time justice. Thank you for your monologues in your bravery. Thank you for standing up. I've been in your position. I know It's like, I know what it's like for your wife in your children, and I I try. Lee pray for you and admire your courage, Tucker. Thank you up. I appreciate that gun. Thank you bet. the name of the the name of the book that you can get it out
today? The long slide thirty years in american Journalism with Tucker Carlson by the way Tucker is going to be doing a podcast with me in the next couple of weeks, so we'll have a good hour or so to be able to further our conversation, about a MAC. Yemen joint aim at yet there's a few good race, You should first and foremost, is the advocacy for conservatives this the association of a tour american citizens and they are on it, they are on it and they in you to be a part of it and they they help shape things in Washington and there is power in numbers why we need to support people that on the right track. We need to do business with people who are helping us. You know Mac is what almost two and a half million men. Now that's a lot at the p
of the ETA power. They haven't think five million Americans and look how powerful that was there. is power in numbers. It's why Biden is true. to get everybody to union eyes. We need to be together now you get, the benefits in the US and the information that you need that you get you know from anyplace else, but I think he get it better really from a MAC. make sure your voice is heard. Stand with the people were standing with you, you also get life insurance products, travel discounts in much more. It is a MAC I M a sea dot. U S, slash back, make sure you join now a MAC dot. U S, slash back ten seconds station. I d
Today I want to talk to. I want to talk to immigrants, yesterday I spent an hour taking phone calls from people who had no reason to make it. All they had no reason to believe they never make it because of their childhood, the things that they went through the things that they did and yet they found their way to success. However,. Are they define it today? I want to talk to immigrants. I want to talk to people who have come to the United States and play by the rules and done the things that they would have never been able to do in their own country. I think there is a high rate of success with immigrants that when they, when they come here if they are why themselves, they always say the same things to me. Always you can't get any I can t do this job. You can get anybody to
actually care about the work and I'm talking about I'm talking. People who are stone, masons, like Tanya Grandfather, was a stone Mason. He came from ITALY and he was a bricklayer. He was an artist. Well, noble, in the family. Is that our disgust? Nobody now wants to work like that, and so the stone layers are coming from other countries, They can make it and start their own business. So kids don't have to lay stones. I wanna hear from p. all who came here and we had no chance of success either here or in their own country, and yet they found it here- is that you call me now. The number is: seventy seven be easy. Gay many be taking. phone calls on this in just a minute Seventy seven be easy K. I want you to share your story of what
you came from and why you came here and what the difference is it's time to put some good stories out about America and these are truth is I could stories, but why not just talk the people who are living it every day. Call me- that seventy seven be easy K decisions, program, clerical financing and at last one eight, two, three three four W W w dot. Animal, less consumer access, dot, Org, so Michael has written in about it experience with american financing he says I have banned, I ve been working with fear and America. financing. Since we made the decision to refinance, she been such from day one she answer all my questions and there have been plenty she's returned every call. She works seemingly twenty four seven
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forget tonight's Wednesday night. Special is all about the truth on Cuba. What's really going on and where's America tonight lays tv dot com, this is the Glenda Programme were the glad that you are here today, thank you so much for listening. We have some really disturbing things that are going on Youtube has taken down. A second ran Paul Covet video suspends him. He was on the floor of the Senate and the well of the Senate. When he said these remarks it is. It is protected speech institutionally protected speech doubly. So because he set it on the will of the Senate floor. You that that is the ultimate protected speech you tube doesn't care
and we are getting into a very, very, very bad place with All of this also, I want to show you the pattern of the radical nominees yesterday they passed the interest, to rebuild and everybody was sent by the infrastructure infrastructure for what infrastructures and there the infrastructure a different America. It is the infrastructure of a very radically different America one. Where We are going to be silenced and we will all agree or we won't be able to move around. Quite so much. That's all. all coming up on later on in today's programme. Also tonight is my Wednesday night special.
We need things that can unite us. We need things that we can all get behind. That's. Why I am so passionate, one of reasons why I'm so passionate about saving people who are slaves weather therein, Thailand, or therein, a rack be in America or Jamaica. We, must I don't want to be around people who say while slavery is and always wrong. We all agree that way we have to get down to the basics. We all agree that wrong. All of us. That's we need the finest Tucker was just saying a few minutes ago: fine, the things we can unite on one the things that I don't think we're gonna be able to get all of America to unite on, but is so important that we do. Is Cuba and the people in Cuba?
they were the having all these protests and then all of a sudden, the internet went out who stress change because Facebook and everybody else made it made sure it didn't happen in the arab spring, but the Cuban spring, not so much so that many regime, since the protests on July Eleventh have taken hundreds of their citizens. We don't know the number exactly we know for a fact of. I think its eight hundred and five citizens that were taken through forced disappearances, they would sweep people up and then try them ten or twelve at a time. This is This is not. Thing where you were even allowed an attorney. You are prosecuted without evidence, Some of these people are in jail, prison, some of them. We don't even know if they're alive, some of them were beaten tonight we
going to tell you what is going on, and we're gonna get the real stories from people who have fled and family. There and you don't want to miss tonight, show the crack down it is. It is in a very very important show tonight that Don't want to miss on our Wednesday night Special, the Cubans spring debunking, laughs lies about hashtag s o S, Cuba you'll, find it on blaze. Phoebe Dotcom, Slash Glenn. If you are not a subscriber, please join us There is strength in numbers, become a member today Blaze, TV outcome, Slash Glenn, use the problem Glenn annual save on your subscription aright. Let me Two I was dead. In Missouri, let me go to Dennis I Dennis eat. Where are you from originally? I am from South Sudan. Originally I can't you, America, nineteen eighty nine
nine ninety ninety nine well and What warrior faults in hopes and dreams? when you came here well, when I came here, I spoke to willingly small English he'd. Just like we ask my name. I barely just can say my name and well leave, but my my dream is to learn English and because- by that I mean I M, leaving now one of the greatest country in the world. So I went to school boy eyes, programme for DSL English, at the second language to you and then I went to college and then I went to university ability University in Illinois? Ah, then, I wonder will think that a moon school up on one of my professor, he was attorney general. He then Why is it then? He, he retired. he came back to teach he. He said this meant Roma.
Kennedy that ask you what you country, asking not what you can't. We can do, ask you what you can do and am about it. Didn't I remember vividly that what can it contribute to these countries can contribute to myself and underscore the topic Yesterday, when you ask you, like you know, if you, if you are into a you know like eating. Tragic situation are tragic situation. What is your life now? so now. You know I could you from university. I then I I when I shouldn t like to daily and translate I'd, be very poorly, so I work with our troops in Iraq. I want the movement places in Iraq for two years, They came back and move to Kansas City. I worked, who are now working with which they should have cancer theory I wanted upon. Ah monsieur administrator, Let me ask you this Dennis omit. Let me ask you in
Sudan. We are told that America is the. Are you white black? What color you I'm glad, you're black, ok, So we are told that this is the worst place you could come. If you're a black person what why and what is the difference between America and every other place, you ve seen what well, what I've seen it in after even in or even an blackened living or most people in Africa that black, even seeing some with somebody in that it's not it's not the same. They probably could you they re from different. Try you in addition, try by the President s are you be treated differently or even schools too. You know you treat differently because you are either in their tribe, immaturity. Try so,
a thing when I go to America, you know people talk about racism, I dont see is there, but it is not really a symbol. You know really in my life living here. So agitated again this one of the greatest country, regardless of what is happening, you could make your way. in Windows in Africa to help shoes. I don't have enough food, we eat one meal now. I hope I have let towards shoes and you can make your life if you like, Dennis I I love your story. Thank you very much, God, Let me go to Tom in Colorado who came from Poland when we're in Poland, Tom. was born in Poland in Texas, the older than you are its members, but nothing much components which you had on yesterday. A people that has
through Hell, they're like through their describing yesterday, I basically came through treated countries any greater. When I was twenty two with then my girlfriend to Germany was to work there. There was a possibility, migrating to Canada and that's what we did after two years you left you left communism, then you would come here than in the eighties. I left in eighty six. Yes, eighty six, so you know what communism was like in Poland well and then, sure, I now have a lot of retirees admired french and I see that they are not basically have the same curiosity that I had when I was growing up in Poland. We used to live at least to listen to radio free Europe sponsored by american government and
The time you were always seeking alternative use, because what we were being shed on a daily basis was laughable. We knew that, but somehow but he kind of like when I want to live alone and so does that sound familiar Huber. Yes right now, as you mentioned Cuba, that's the main thing that I'm asking people is like look what happened first? They first down the internet for what reason, so you would not have access to alternate news. We all have access to alternate news, but nobody kicking it. Everybody is used. Would you describe Cronkite another body all saying this? Is the use and everybody trustworthy hearing on a daily basis and some singular voices like
yours or Russia's or or other. At the talks issue. I shall talk, show host. You have to seek those easier to be able to listen to you. You have to want to listen to the podcast. Everything else is basically be. meaning what I've seen in communism and other places like than as well. I've been here long enough to see what happened to Venezuela, which, following the same pattern, but somehow, born here, and I have my daughter who she was born here, so I'm exposed to what scolded teaching right, I'm an older father the very young daughter ended raising what their teaching or trying to teach our kids and reversing everything that this country has established over the years. So I am really worried us, the path on which were on and sort of surprised. It majority of Americans kind of take this for granted and think that this is somehow gonna get reversed and laughed
election act. She showed us that people were thinking dead body for somebody who is familiar doesn't matter. which body, but somebody who has been in government for years. Some are always going to bring us normalcy. Yet tweet on see that we are now attacked we are being attacked by government they all these words called three lighter agencies and their is no more constitutional, follow up of the structure. power when those three letter agencies are able to write their own laws each city season, to write their right, the laws in a sense, to forces to do certain things. what happens when Department of Defense right there on loss? What happened twenty Department of Homeland Security? It starts a letter, Jerome Algeria and we're on a very slippery path, and I am surprised by the steed. Actually, I was very surprised when they mandated masks and old Other restrictions on us
digital citizens and nobody at sheet lifted it more than a finger with exception of several. Several people were small places. I will tell you Tom that I think that, as regards the speed, it's been happening for a very long time, but nobody really paid attention to it, and I think it's gonna come down. Just like the Berlin Wall. Did we're: gonna lose our freedom the people in Germany did one night. It's just going to happen, and and we have to look back and go. Oh yeah. I was happening with just building to this moment, but now it's too late Now it's too late, I understand, but our founding fathers said we will have to still glad to again our freedoms and that's what I fear the people do not understand it. That's the only other step, possibly Tom in Colorado, sorrow eating it to your business, but I know that you're successful in you started your own business and thank you for being a great American. Coming from Poland.
Back in just a moment. Let me tell you my bill bar talk to you, seriously about something. Tat anyone within the sound of my voice. I need help. I'm being hostage by terrorism, and that would be really pretty easy. I mean it's my daughter, yes, she's she's, really feeding me vague in food I don't know Earls the dirt. The illegal later this bit build visor like a healthy Brodie bars there made with real chocolate, fully take, Great every leg, communiques is listening? I love the vague and food honey. I brilliant nicer seriously out. May billboard in addition to be made with real chocolate, their low calorie low carb high protein and high fibre, they have. Nine amazing, flavors, plus the occasional limited time flavour get the mix box and you can try.
Two of each for the nine flavors. They have a new url super easy to remember: it's built dot com built dot, com use the promo code back fifteen, get eighteen percent off now at built dot com, you were listening to the Glenn Beck program, this week. I am talking to people that have made it in America, where the odds were against them, they have found themselves successful in America, things that just don't happen elsewhere today, I'm talking to immigrants, fear and immigrants. They came to this country as you couldn't succeed elsewhere. And you came here and you did what, and what did you find about America,
tomorrow. I want to talk to people who have been at the very rock bottom alcoholism, suicide, whatever an, turn it around to you that will be on tomorrow's programme. Let me go to Aurora in Arizona. you. Your husband is an emigrant from Panama. That's correct, Jemmy Button. Ok, you don't see right here. I left home. Tell you his name is Carlos Foger Yorkshire brain. Nice to meet you, Sir NICE, to meet you Carlos. So you are Panama did you live under the dictator's island. my entire life on their dictatorship. I came here today, Where's when it was about twenty five years old, but I if, through their invasion of Panama, I at least through the years when the real was born in Panama,
I've seen a lot of some other similarities that we live in our country. The today we're having here in these countries is incredible incredible but I was I was in Panama by one in nature happening. Nineteen. Eighty nine in was removed, I do not want to have a chance to come here to the. U S assistant. I wanted the exhaustive study, English. I went to Houston Texas to studying the coming first all those who use them takes us to study image when everyone is being right. I just vanished greenhouse gas, so he asked Why I moved to you time because I am I made my my wife's brother in Panama, it was an airplane, began again told me about my I've, been I moved to you tat. I learned that we got married and they decided to on a military, because I wanted to return the something that the United states it from
me, when I was in Panama, I wanted to be part of something baseline, military In writing. I voted for, and I therefore almost twenty two year at last, I went to. I read Afghanistan and I said a lot of many years in Colombia, I kind of drug operation I have to We ve cut. You lose we're up against a network break, but thank you so much. Thank you for success story and your travel from dictatorship to freedom, hopefully
not a return ticket mass glum programme amounting to payments Goin back programme today of all but phones to immigrants, people I have come here from other parts of the world community specially those who came here because they couldn't make get in their own home country. Maybe they were. They were living under dictatorship or communism.
came here from some situation and they came here the right way and now they ve made it. I want to hear your story of America because I'm tired of hearing all the other stories. Seventeen and be easy K. Is the phone number gonna go, the phones here and just a second also an update. I've been talking to you about, hitting franchises there. is the way to send a message if you hit franchises well, we go there in sixty seconds program right limit Let me tell you about a rake on rake on wireless ear, buds, the best thing that I have heard no long term how how long your ear buds last before they run up cash. Even now you can you, can you make it if you're flying coastal khosala. Can you make it Costa Rica
now has a thirty two hour battery life Thirty, two hours, you you could where those you know for two days without recharging them and their great headphones too. There really. they create they sound great? They fit flush against your ear than unlike dangling like your dopey earring things from apple yeah. their half the price of apple also, and they come to the fore five day happiness guarantee so what he have to lose if you're looking for your buds, do you really have one choice by re com. DOT, com, slash back by a con dot com, slash back safe fifteen percent off now on these re cons its by rake on dot com, slash back,
tonight on Glenn TV there's, a movement for freedom under way in Cuba. Demands in the dictatorship with American. Worse is the cuban suffering. Is our fault when debunks the lies and asked big tech where's your love democracy. What can Americans do to help what human sprang debunking? The left's lies about ass TAT S, a West Cuba, tonight, nine pm eastern employees to be dotcom, Slash, Glenn, alright I'll get the phones here. Just a second talk to people who have come from other countries. The stories are fantastic will get to that here and a second first. I wanted give you an update on something I've been talking about for the last few weeks, and that is France. eyes ease you ve got a hit, the free Josie If you want to make an impact now everybody you know, if you want to stop Coca COLA from being so woke and training people to not be so white you're gonna complain
to Atlanta all the time, and they are not going to care they're not going to care you're. Not. convince the Woke Board of directors to switch gay. However, you can go to your local Coca cola, bottling plant, local Coca COLA, bottling plant. This is like franchisees. These are people that they don't have anything to do with coat coke. They bottle Coke and deliver coke and their living in your neighborhood. So many of them probably feel exactly the way you do and When you go to them and say hey, you know what I I can't order. Any from you as a company anymore. I just can't do it and I want to but no chips, note, nothing, I'm not any of the vending machines done by you because you're in bed with Coca COLA, and I'm just at a breaking point. I can't have everybody tee king my children and teaching.
the employees, Coca COLA, that they should be ass white, that's wrong! and you know it, and so I can't do it anymore. I guarantee you. Enough people, go to the local Coca COLA, bottling company and say things like that, and you- we're going to see a change now have already told you about Unilever and how you leave her. Now is in a tight spot between Bening Jerry's and their franchisees donors. then Jerry's and Unilever. All Unilever does is just provide the ice cream. They get it from banning Jerry's in they put it into stores gay, and then and Jerry cells, these franchise locations, where you can go and have your local Bennett Jerry's franchise. Well, forty of them count them four zero. Forty of them Have. I have said I can't do it anymore: you're, killing us you're, killing us and
you gotta stop with your boycott on Israel, where, I'll bet in Jerry's, made it worse by having a conference call on Saturday and said this: a learning opportunities for you to learn how bad Israel is. They didn't like that. They, like that now the franchisees or looking at how do I get my money back for my franchise. And Unilever is going to have to make a decision. Last story: subway owners. Subway the franchise of subway, that's not owned by corporate subway. That's a local subway owner. Subway honours, want kneeling, Megan, RAP Uno drop as spokesperson sub, who is in charge of the advertisement but the law cool stores are the ones that are getting all the heat for it and so they had a North American Association of Subway franchisees meeting
a lot of these franchisees stood up and said: I'm tired of apologizing. I'm tired of saying I know I know I'm with you. I know that were demanding that they fire her. This is the key. You have to act locally. You can think about these global corporations because they don't care, but they do care. You wanted. You wanna make a difference you start saying: I'm not going to buy any Nord streams. You're selling, Nike. Until Stop selling Nike I cant do business with you anymore. You make the local franchise uncomfortable and they and Nord Stream says I we can't sell Nike anymore, because all the people are coming into our stories in the not gonna. Do it anymore beset the subway examples such a good one, because you pay part of your friend?
ice fees for national advertising four and a half percent. Yes, so like they are using that money to not promote your product, to take your customers and them, go somewhere else for lunch or dinner and come in, complain to use your sitting out there trying to talk down some ice customer because they have got a national. But he's running an ad with a crazy soccer player which, by the way, soccer Would you ever higher anyone who play soccer? allow as much as an anti soccer stand, but Emily again like this is supposed to be helping. You as a french icy, not hurting you not distracting you from your accurate work, because you have to talk down a customer, so I once you do know they passed the infrastructure bill and then today they pass the three and a half trillion dollar trick. I shall have to look at you very trillion. Highlight three.
Trillion dollar spending package. That is the second half of the infrastructure in it going to fundamentally change American, the American, culture, the America, in business landscape. It is going to change us and it is going to be a fight between the big guys and the law we'll store owners. You need to support the local thing and make your voice heard at the local, levels, so they are barking up that Jane and saying I'm so, guys. We can't do it anymore. We can't do it That is your best, I think plan, to force success, and somebody needs to pick this up our. I let me let me the phones in just sixty seconds. Let me just quick her early break that way. We can just talk,
the people who have fled from other countries and come to America. I want to know why, and I want to know what the difference is and you succeeded in Amerika. I didn't think anyone could succeeded. America, It's a lie. It's a lie that you cannot succeed where a talk to immigrants coming up in just a second for they say what you they say. What you eat you are, you are what you eat. Well, I'm not eating a lot of fat, and I am fat anyway built bar built bar is a great way for you to stay in shape now, I may have built bars, but I also may have too many built bars and a cheeseburger, a slice of pizza and various flavors of ice cream. The laws is not an Jerry's I dont discriminate accept against vintage anyway. This is supposed to be a bill bar and a health. Also health segment here
Bill bars, are low calorie low carb high protein high fibre enough I would, by you just said all of the wrong words to get me to buy it now. Let me say this very: unbelievably delicious? They taste like a candy bar headache in nine different flavors, Their made with real chocolate now twisted built dot com, it's kind of that spot. If you will write in between good for you and Delicious built dotcom promo code back fifty get fifteen percent off your next order, its built dotcom, promo code back fifty ten seconds station idea. Man, we have Michael calling in from California, Michael welcome to the Glinda Programme, how are you
hi. How are you very good you you came from where I came from Poland. and you move to California, you should experience Fredo right now today in car, ok, good intermit were ok and I was I was very smoky here, so You move from Poland, and why did you move away and come to America, so my family experience, quiet, held during where we're too to my grandfather, was appeal. W was murdered by the summit and Cambodia trail Precursor of the KGB say was only thirty one years old and so the rest of the family was,
The porter to Kazakhstan in Siberia, yadda yadda grandfather, was which the british eight army there was a polish unit there, so he was stationed in Iraq, then Egypt and ITALY. After the war, most of your soldiers were to be prosecuted, although he was staying in England until nineteen fifty eight caring for his wife and took the family. How lifting the commonest, poland- and I was growing up in that place and I couldn't believe you can live in a cage. As a human being, I immigrate amongst twenty years old. I basically took a tourist trips and flooded
And ended up in the West Berwin applied for immigration visa and then to the United States came as a refugee, and when I landed, I had like three hundred dollars in my pocket and a country that was really really pre. There was a huge difference and you know I'm calling the first whenever I would ever call it a station, because what is happening in the United States today, I find it terrifying, but only people like you generally agree with me. I was stopped in them all the other day by a woman from I think Poland and she We came here for freedom and end what's wrong with you, people it's it's. They all falling apart. You you're going you're you're, do
what we escaped from her? No its freedom is until the others it yeah. so you had three hundred dollars Where are you now In MID West show in just the Indiana When I came out, she was working three jobs all part time and going full time to college on the EAST coast a very prominent school, for I was the porridge kid on in their school with you, no friends driving forces in procedures, and I was trying to get better
Heavy but tell me for the agency are made at college and then and then went graduate school than I ended up working for big multinationals worldwide in the United States overseas in Japan, in Asia, in Europe all over Russia and all the territories show- and I was very, very successful after being basically arrived and was once should guess who have one pair of shoes, grow America, Michael! Thank you very much for calling in God bless you. Let me go to Blanca, I think in Illinois. Blanca welcome block. Are you there, Ok, let's go to Paula, in Pennsylvania,. My saying a right, La Palma, ok, I power yards I gladly and how are you going
a little bit nervous. I'm idle talk a lot. No! It's just me five million love butlers, go ahead here I don't know. I came from Dominican Republic the child. In the early nineties, I was seven years old when I came here, my I'd actually came seven years before. when my mom was pregnant of me and it took seven years for him to bring his whole family over, so we were separate which made the damage their marriage by it's basically, ah, my mom was gonna. Leave us in Dominican Republic Wash you here. So we waited here. Ma Am that was a cab driver in New York City. He worked sixteen would ease and finally made enough money to put my mom into college. She was a doctor or a Dennis already in my country. I couldn't find a job didn't have anything to show for it he came here was accepted and why you and she
you eat it and actually, the first year that she worked as a Dennis was the first year we ever had a Christmas. We actually had who is it was amazing, my brother, and I always remember that, because we had nothing and I've always watch my parents, pretty much must in their home working for us. Damn? What now? What a great What a great story! Syria Surely you are really blessed to have that memory of your family and of your life I mean I have. I have kids. That are older in their thirties, and they remember when dad was broke and We really had nothing, my younger kids. They were born You know around love the height of mice, s and they don't have that, and there is something to having the memory of nothing it it did. You do
It makes you up. Pollack. Thank you, did nothing for granted. Thank you so much. Let me go to his Blanca there. Now, hello Blanca here I am taking right crowd. You bet down. First. First of all, I wanna, thank God for his grave and I was because I was born in Colombia- South america- up in the mountains, We had no running water, no electricity, nothing, when a radio to listen to the news, and I came to this country at the age of eighteen years. All with ten dollars met no English. I I myself English, I I mercosur on bananas- and I burned english- I took my do you? Do and then I went to the university and I was by the grace of God. I was able to get up
our job selling insurance? So I started from zero clients and I ran the office with graves in in loving my clients and loving God in I was able to bring this company to be worth millions of dollars, and are you running run it now? No, I saw that I saw him I agree that hired at the age of fifteen years- oh my gosh end in I retired, and now I've been retired for nine years to block of what are you? What do you say to people who are saying you know, I'm so upset by a statue of that. I can't function. that America is such a racist place. You can never make it unless you vote for these people in Washington Glenn. It breaks my heart and I I
literally cry when I hear this, because this is a land of opportunity. This is where you can com in these, something I dont say is easy as I was working fourteen hours a day when I started my company and if you work here, and you believe in yourself, and you don't give up a new sky- is the limit to do, and I I I thank God, because without him, if you are nothing, but if you trust and God in your card, because God it's not gonna put it right on the doorstep, but he give you
a mind hands in and in an opportunity that nowhere in the world there is no other country in the world like this country, where you can be free, I would have never ever been able to succeed in any other country, because I came with ten dollars in my pocket and I was able to sixteen, because I believe that there is an opportunity chip for everyone, for everyone who wants to work hard in that depend on the government. Governor managed not be understood. Government gets in the way of people getting to be successful in this country, and I am so fearful these days for our country, because- and this is my country and I would die from every country if I had to be paid because there is- is the street on, but there it seems like we are being
tat of freedoms are being a passing. Well, I will tell you Blanca, I am more and more. I believe that, if the somehow or another. We could get all of the immigrants together and they could become a pack and could run commercials and they could make their voices in their stories, heard that things will change. We we're only hearing bad stories of you know. Immigrants were only hearing at all their living in. Already and everything else. No, no wait, wait a lot of immigrants to this country, because every single person, that is here unless your native American and then I'd argue the land bridge his from someplace else. You're from someplace else, so
How could we be a nation of immigrants that hates immigrants and doesn't provide opportunities for citizens programme There has never been a better time and it has never been a better idea for you to take a portion of your financial port for YO and put it now into gold and silver they just past. These three point: five trillion dollar budget package: that is on top of the info rupture pass it Deb package that they passed yesterday so about five trillion dollars, But wait there's more, please I want you to call gold line and find out if gold or silver is right for you. The dollar is on numbered days online will ship you, five free one out silver gold line bars just for completing the application, there's also
bonus metals when you complete the buying process, so make sure you ask them how to get those delivered directly to your door, their standing by they want. help you now at eight six, six gold lying eight six gold line just called for the information make sure you ask him about the free silver silver, a gold bars silver bars and the additional metals at goal line dotcom. Eighty six gold line are brand new students, America into a brand new Glenn Back TV to night blaze, dvd com, Slash, Glenn, promo code is glad to save ten bucks off your subscription to police tv. This is the Glen Back Programme- were glad you're here tomorrow. You don't want to miss tomorrow's radio programme. We are gonna arena. Sir piecing this together for you, so you know what these infrastructure package's mean. They are building in
structure, but it is infrastructure to combat the capital market that we have always had the free market that we have always had. We are dramatically chow changing because of the three point, five trillion dollar package that passed today. It is infrastructure will, explain that to you on tomorrow's broadcast tonight, you D one amiss are show on Cuba. We have to stand for the people in Cuba. There are eight hundred plus people that we know of We know of that of either and killed or in prison and beaten, and some of these are kids and they're going in front of you tribunals, ten fifteen at a time now Evidence no lawyer for defence and they're all convicted and thrown in sight. Of them are just disappearing and the
cuban government is saying: if you ask bout, your loved one or, if you let people, No, that your loved one is missing a worse sentence. as for your loved one, and we might for you. Eight hundred families have decided the of the war. Needs to know the names, and so they have put together a seat document will show you that tonight and tell you what's really going on. These are people we must stand for, we today are talking to people who have from another country they had no chance of survival of success in their country. Came to the United States. We are told you can't make it in Amerika. I think that's a lie No because I came from nothing and I made it in Amerika, I want to hear, for people who have come from other places and you ll notice one
things that they all have in common, is they all to speak English, they all said separately the first I did was learned how to speak. English. Lucy and North Carolina, hello, Lucy, yes, How are you a great honour to be on your? So thank you very much Lucy. Where are you from originally I from Bulgaria and ice Bulgaria, the refugee actually end. It was still communism Nike. Ninety I was in my of almost twenty years old and I was an artist are actually going to academy of fine thereby ports. You know Bulgaria with Communist Cooper. ran a co, obviously no freedom. So we escaped went to Austria and we were there in the refugee camp and eventually got accepted to United States.
and went to New York City. So it's been thirty years, but I see what's happening right now here in this country, I had only thirty dollars in my pocket start, from zero, basically and went to college again finish my illustration degree top of my class gold medal to basically two years into on work at the same time and got accepted to Disney working them. In turn, for the lion, king back in the day, cheese anyway won't door amongst report. Now I'm independent order- and I see what's happening here in this country, which is so disturbing as our thought it painting political work and I'm getting the backlash from the left. T art world ya I I'm living that, because I know you you live in, that you know
but I'll tell you one of the reasons why I decided to start taking calls like this is because of my experience. There no way, Glenn back, no matter how, Good of an artist I could possibly ever be. There's no way. Glenn back could ever be a success in, art gallery world, however I've? Just proven that wrong just what last week or the week before and tremendous success to the point where the gallery said: we ve never seen anything like this before and if I can, if Glenn back can get his art carried in a gallery in a place like park city and its success who I'm telling you you can't make it you can't do it hood, who wouldn't have credibility with that? its insanity? Yes, this is this is the place.
Opportunity and believe me I was shortly or not, in bulgaria- and you cannot succeed where you could knocking the communist regime, they real expect. You do to paint propagate in the end, it was absolutely perfect. Poverty no no, no freedom, and when I came here with hard work, I really become We well known in my field would mature member of numerous watercourse aside, I paid no more power, but really I made it then I feel very successful, but I agree with you. This is the place. Any really pains me to see the situation of where we are right now, this the last bastion of freedom any lose it. This is it. This is and so I feel kind of emerging the merger of re much ashes and communism all into one. That's! Yes! Oh yes, thank you! So much hey what Lucy would you just
judge me on Instagram I'd like to follow you and see your work. She's gone. Ok, I guess not! Ah well, Would it be nice? It was she to get strong stand to get Jacqueline is like a grand. Now I will I will ever have. Never. I don't want you to follow me. Never. It is its remarkable How, if you watch for patterns, it's usually the lefty artists and the lefty you know with our of all types stage, screen, etc, etc, that take a country free and sell it down the river and and tat these fascistic kind of life Yours and movements and then, in the end, when they're all in prison, then you know sometimes sometimes ten years, sometimes eighty ninety years later, they all started
Wait a minute, wouldn't it be great if we all had opportunity and could live side by side and we could have for an opinions and we could just be free, yeah, hey artist, you should read some history because you guys always all ways are leading in the wrong direction, and you know why I think it is because it's a bunch of elite, that control your world, and you know it if you don't bow down to the elites, mere screwed, I'm the only reason why I am as success is because I can bring my own audience. You have to gain an audience from the art world. So you need the acceptance of all of these people in the gallery saying. Oh, my gosh, just so have real us, who is? Is that pandora on blue number, two yeah,
my god, you just screams to me. I don't have to do that. I don't have to do that and you get trapped in that world. How many people right now in all in in all business are doing things you don't want to do now. There is some power, of it where you dont want to do their part of my job. I don't want to do so. We don't live in utopia. There are parts you just don't want to do, but I am saying how many people are doing things that go against them that go against what you believe How many things are you tolerating around you? You can't you can't anymore times are too serious. You can't tolerated any more. You have to take a stand,
let me do I have time for when we take one more. Let me go to Romania in Florida. Elbow room, I don't know, I'm I'm good, how you I'm doing great, I'm on the ice cube fifty years old. I was nine months as a refugee animal back before I made it to the country are obviously a fifty six you know, there's nothing to my name curly I'm a business owner great family own property. In others, there is no better placed to be than here was going on in Cuban. It's basically up its isn't it data, should communism, you name it. Are we heading in the right? We have you right on that direction. So I he's been on the wall for a long time. You see happening under a big here, a little bit there an interest it it's it's coming. Romania is not the way want to end this segment
What are you? What are you here? You have friends in Cuba. very little family Cuba, one box about five years, but for my dad died am I experienced a mathematical stop and I went back to Cuba and enemy. I could write a book about the medical system that everybody calls noise the world beyond Radiance owner support ya, it's so good! You found some indifferent and so good yeah aroma, thank you so much bless you and keep up the hard work tonight again only on blaze, tv dot, com, Slash, Glenn, you're gonna be able to watch the nine o clock Abso, not like eastern of em. Wednesday night Special and this time it is on cuba- and it is a
really importance of this is this is like when we all said you know what we have to stand up for the people who were enslaved by ices, and we have to do something I know exactly what we have to do, but the first thing we have to do is decide that this is right, but Q. when's standing up need to be heard that Cuba should be free of this dictatorship. And tonight. I hope that you will join me for, nine, a clock Wednesday night special Blaze, tv dot com, so ask land, use the promo code Glenn and save gender lives in Minnesota and she writes about our experience with relief factor. She says I've been hearing. You talk about really factor for a couple years now in your show, and I finally decide to try it because nothing was helping my back pain, can't tell you how much relief I have experienced that lower pain. That used to be spent is not anymore. I honestly doubted
Lee factor was gonna help. I now say we may, but with the three we quick start available. I decided. What do I have to lose? I'm glad I did. I feel I can new person. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Sandra you have joined in a league group of people, those whose lives were once ruled by their pain but discovered release, factor and were able to take their lives back. As a member of that group, I can tell you I wake up every day, thankful for relief factor, I'm glad you do now to try the three week quick start trial. It is it's gonna work for you and three. weeks or not so you'll know in three weeks, if its not working, don't order anymore, but seven percent of the people who take it go on to order more month after month, relief, factor, dotcom, eight hundred five hundred eighty three, eighty four relief dot com, eight hundred five hundred
Eighty three hundred and eighty four Graham, early this morning in Washington DC the Senate pass the three point: five trillion dollar budget, a jug Schumacher is calling it the most transformational legislation in decades. They concern by that is concerned, what he saying is we haven't add something that transforms this nation. Like this sense, I'll be J and before that F D are, if you know anything about him, free. Those were nightmares. Those were nightmares. L
Jays great society has cost us almost every time. Until recently, almost everything in our national debt has come from L b j the rest of it pretty much game from safety are not not talked about, often enough as the worst president in american history he's he's in the running things in the running. You may not be number one, but he's in that conversation Wilson, of course, Woodrow Wilson, though he took a country that was going one direction. Foundational principle still were hanging around and jolted it like put it in reverse, like we're going three miles an hour forward and he put in reverse started going backwards. be J. We were going backwards already at fifty jammed on the gas even harder and we're going we a hundred and fifty
He really accelerated our problems, so you know it's interesting. Is Barack. Obama was a transformational president, but he is not going to be remembered as he's in a footnote to John Joe Biden, the job administration, which is amazing, to say it's amazing, because he was a footnote to Obama's administration yeah I mean? Obama is running it. I mean his. People are run. It saves illustration and so what this is, what this is doing to us. I mean this this bill- It doesn't really have anything except you know a bunch of structure that should scare the living daylights out of people and then it's up to be. The three three letter agencies, FDA, etc, etc. To put me on the bones
Lucia, says: hey this framework, we kind of want and we're gonna give you all this money. You work it out on how exactly you're gonna to to do that. That's how insane this bill is it it in courage and gives power to unelected officials. We we are living in Woodrow Wilson Dream time and you need to you need to know about it and we will You all know the details on that in in tomorrow's broadcast chase. By the way, Cuomo sexual merchandise, is no longer for sale for reason they have decided to get off that bandwagon. You know it is for sale Glenn. What this mug I hear that says: Andrew Cuomo is awful available at Drew Cuomo is awful dot com by the way, one thing that
also be good for tab in the future. Chris Cuomo is worse dot. Come because that once the next one May we go from Andrew Cuomo is awful long arm to Christmas morning. Worse! Well, what we started that, because I kept saying Edra Cuomo is awful down. calm and the people say grander, Cuomo crisscross worse, so that we made Chris Cuomo. We're stuck. I want a Chris Cuomo is Fredo Mug That is, that the radio hates that, if you see him, make sure not to bring that up, because oars not lower make trees. Do bring that all that would you might be thinking, send him a mug Chris Chris Guam always Fredo. I don't. I encourage our industries to be hit by his worried rage programme,
Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.