« The Glenn Beck Program

Critical Race Theory Is POISON to Our Kids | Guest: Bill O’Reilly | 3/19/21

2021-03-19 | 🔗

Our kids are being locked indoors while thousands of migrant kids are being ushered into the country, and the media bias is oblivious. Pat joins Glenn and Stu to discuss a white privilege test being used in some schools, which raises the question: Why are we fighting to open schools? Bill O’Reilly joins to talk Bill de Blasio’s newest fascistic idea, the crisis at the border, and the future of the filibuster. Critical race theory is becoming required learning around the country, but not under Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ watch. Parents fighting against critical race theory in one Virginia school district are now being targeted. Candace Owens may sue Cardi B, which led Glenn to find out why "heroin" and "heroine" sound identical.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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keeps they ve got all the stuff you need keeps dot com, Slash saved, make it easy they'll millet right your house keeps, come slash. Safe is the place to go What do you mean not entertainment, the Klondike programme?
the sparse shootings, they're, not spots for the love of the spot, shootings, billow, Riley and the filibuster. Also the immigration crisis. We begin their in sixty seconds. It's Friday club so Leah lives in Ohio, and let me tell you about one of the best days of her life. It was a Sunday morning, few months back she sat on her couch and she was in so much pain that she was in tears. Now: listen what bade her? This is not the best day of her life. It wasn't the worst either she had just given. It was more and more normal thing for her. What may that Sunday, one of the best days for Leah was that she had me The decision to nought give up
and try relief factor. She'd been hearing bout it for a while she hadn't given in a shot been there done that sister, but TAT. This was the day. You know the drill she started, taking she says within eight days. Her pain began to fade, and it's only gotten better since then, really factors not a drug, but it was developed by doctors about sex percent of the people, who try really factor, go on to buy more that's remarks. because you're not ordering more immediate you'll, know in three weeks. Why order more of its not working three week, quick, start trial pact now. Nineteen. Ninety five just try it relief tractor dot com or call eight hundred five hundred, eight thousand three hundred and eighty four or eight hundred five hundred eight thousand three hundred and eighty for its relieffactor dot com, eight hundred and five. hundred eighty three, eighty four
the media has become a useful pr apparatus for the Democratic Party and they are absolutely not interested in proof anymore. If they did, you know every single detail about what I'm going to tell you? the entire world would are real Betty would be different if he who had so the parties, because what happening right now if it were president trumpet the helm instead of Joe Biden say Joe Biden, but I'm not sure he's more of a Trojan horse at this point. In my mind that down City Council got a memo last week and shared with the Associated Press, the day of the details there still vague the assault It impresses suddenly, ok with vagueness from federal government. It say
that the K, Bailey Hutchinson Convention Centre here in Dallas will be used for up to ninety days, to quote how's quote on. Documented, teens and growed. That's what the press is. Instructed, call them now. Immigrant, teens or undone. mended teams, one of the two, their interchangeable, interfere with the New York Times. You can refer. To them as trumps fault refugees. These illegal immigrants are all boys. with our suddenly non existent toxic masculinity between the he's a fifteen and seventeen. Meanwhile, american teenage boys, bombarded with narratives telling them that their bad for the world. Maybe they aren't even boys, have they considered transitioning into a more acceptable gender, But here in Amerika fifteen to eighteen year, old boys can't find a job fifteen.
Eighteen year. Old boys have no hope the fifteen eighteen or fifteen to twenty four year old boys in the Middle EAST. Aren't they the fuel for the fires in the Middle Eastern, throw overthrows. I know I that somewhere. In the entire pandemic. in the entire pandemic. We have never seen what's going on in Mexico,. Yesterday. One thousand one hundred and seventy seven Americans died of covert that was yesterday, but that we're we're supposed to be terrified by. Three thousand immigrants snubbing shuttle to Dallas at the height of the pandemic. They have to go to the
whilst the convention's entity Decompression centre, because the tent, facility at the border is overflowing and the undocumented, unaccompanied children are sleeping on floors unable to shower for five days at a time. I'm not sure to check with the Associated Press. If I got all of the terms right, it's hard to keep track the new terminology I'm used to hearing about genocide in cages had been castrated by Donald Drum. We here's what I want to know. Why does by an administration, consider our children so much less important than literally any other nations children especially now are chill Are literally killing themselves at a growing rate, and everyone agrees it's because kids have been isolated at home, unable to go to school. The isolation has been catastrophic for them and catastrophic
make to our children. That's a contest, be for the future of our nation. they need our help, they need our attention more than they have in any of our lifetimes They need us more than any. American children have needed protection, maybe and our nations history, but certainly in the last one hundred years and what the Biden administration, do they? lock, our kids indoors, to quote contain the virus to keep them. Confined to their cells, isolated alone, a child shouldn't be alone like that and the Biden Administration turns around and ushers thousands of migrant kids into our cities All in the name of maintaining the narrative. Now a binding ministration is doing this and I
can't say that Joe Biden is doing this. I probably should just say the White House or better, yet the state, the ambiguity of all of it is an inch What part of all of this, we can no longer really tell whose controlling the situation. Levers are being pulled entire guy, of people are being shifted in bust, massive secrets being hidden and so easily all in the dark, without our knowing here America take your tape Table scrap it's a little check. We cut for you stay in your home because that the agreement, we ve gotta here, Terry in crisis, to cover up and freedom. Once you getting further in the way, although you do blame trump for all of it. and if you have any further questions about our elaborate wrongdoings or shady behaviour, just consult the press They'll cover forest. I've been, will tell you the truth.
we get away with all of this because of the press. Now an arm of the state that tells what and who to believe they tell us The Texas is dangerous because our governor has just lifted the man Sk mandate, my God, she just wants to kill people. How irresponsible, even after he lifted the mask mandate. It proved constitutional, is correct in their belief that you don't need government to tell you what to do because nothing has changed The mandate was lifted, but that's the problem. You see the governor and the Republicans and all those damn Texans, you're gonna get us all killed because we're ready what we want to kill old people. now, at the same time that narrative is being run by signals love for illegal immigrants to win votes here in the? U s
he's piling him piling them all into close quarters on planes and yes in cages during the pandemic. He's also, allowing God knows how many to cross the border without any checks on their legal status or their covert status. There are tons, people coming and tons of people making a cross our borders, and they are shoving them into planes, Are they six feet apart. Now the Dallas Convention Centre, three thousand fifteen to eighteen year old boys can seemingly come and go as they please nodded out of social distancing, I swear you? It's like an experiment of how to come up with the best possible way to spread cove id. Now listen to the starting point. Twenty six percent of the illegal immigrants or all right the positive.
Oh, my gosh, it's a dog whistle peace, they're bringing disease yeah because their acts, really bringing disease. This is a pandemic. We import to key line cases for Mexico, but let's sky The virus in the middle of the pandemic, jog whistle again, It's not a dog whistle here, the scientific facts you want although science here it is met it goes. City is the only major city in the world where access deaths is above six. thousand per million residents not again you an idea of how bad that is the word. Death rate for any country with significant population is the Czech Republic. that's two thousand one hundred and eighty nine York state is it tooth thousand five hundred and thirty two.
New Jersey is the highest in the: U S with two thousand six hundred and ninety four next, They go. City is more than double than any of those and remember we're testing more than twenty five five times more people per capita here in the? U S than they are in Mexico. They it even tried to stop the pandemic. four nine straight months: the positive percentage in Mexico has been at least forty percent for zero, ours having ours is never gotten higher than nine percent. But it's a crisis all these kids. of them on the border they ve gotta go to. The convention's centre in Axis. The city of Dallas, literally literally arrested hairdressers for
putting their business during the pandemic for their survival. Those hairdressers, those business owners we're villain eyes by the press by the left as a whole, but it's worse. When the press is in on it too has its official. Then you know suddenly, inexplicably the safety protocols are shifting almost as if it's a bad idea to base your political beliefs on relativism ideology and slogans and unstable facts and feelings. most of all the by the ministrations. Dubious response is yet another reminder that later really care about any of us, they don't care. Your safety, they don't care about your children, There are a little inconvenience by your your dick, hence in opinion. Can you just stop asking questions and go away. I'm one Texas citizen where
For the rest, I am Texas citizen that would like have some answers teenagers being tested for covered. If so, how many are coming indoor city with Cove id no, I'm not one to panic, but the press, and the left is I want to say that everybody is trying to kill grandma and grandpa, but the left and the administration is. Are these people allow just to walk in and out are they allowed to leave? Where are they going how are they getting there? what's the vetting process, how we sensitive. Is this spread? Can we Finally, call the border a crisis officially or should we keep blaming Donald Trump, even though he would have never let any of this happen. My team has been asking these questions we reached out to the state we reach
to each a chess for answers. They, tactical in their response with makes this even more? Concerning the total lack of transparency, the absence of answers all from an administration that waged its way into the White House by demonizing a president. Actually knew how to handle the borders. it's funny how easy it is to come up with a slogan and how hard it is to actually be president. I wonder if they ever realise what they're doing I mean they, they know what they're doing there sit. Magically destroying our country. They know that I I wonder how they see
leap at night. If the lever really kind of ponder Power game actually involves real people and that young people are dying will die. Because they wanted votes. A german philosopher said once What makes men smaller. is pursued under the title of progress. We are seeing the illusion of progress. It's not it's regression! we're going the wrong direction. Honour navy degrees in the wrong direction, We are now calling progress theme, integration of our dignity. The one of our most sacred values. That's progress.
We are a smaller nation and a smaller people. Every day we sit and stay quiet. And don't speak up against the lies that were expected to accept as progress. One last note, Governor Abbot way: Will you start to lead thing. To these snapshot of your life could be literally a snapshot, maybe a still frame from some. Finally, video that you know you were taken when in your younger it was the most likely, that's not snapshot. is with somebody with cross, I'd or or lookin weird or whatever they weren't deleted. Back then, when there was actual photographs, do
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the advantage of the exclusive offer send it in when you are ready, its legacy box, dot com, slash back safe, fifty percent, while the supplies last legacy Bach dot com, slash back ten. Second, station idea. What would you like to see vary greatly in our area did area you know better than I was yesterday feeling better. The back is coming the scope, as coming back. The back is going back, so I don't know if you ve seen the recent report in news weak. But there is a new movement that apparently Newsweek is saying, is gaining traction
and its built around the claim- and I am quoting that birds are real. Birds are not real, yeah yeah, between nineteen, fifty nine in two thousand one one to the theory, the guy. Women killed off all of the birds and reply Them with surveillance, drones. I couldn't you just mix the surveillance drones in with the population by you're, going to kill them all. I have to kill him all. First, some of them will talk no what's going on in through parrots they're, not really a bird yeah. That's what's happening, now really happening. Yes, this seems explosion. I wasn't many the other theories I read on the internet. Well, it's completely serious, apparently courting a news: weak and ass. These things I'm seeing flying around are transferred their our own yeah drove into things. People are eating,
thanksgiving order, those drawn parts this guy me, I'm just that. I'm ripping here, I told you, I don't know for sure, but they would be drawn parts if all birds birds, if bargains were gonna drowns, say. If you like again, if you're going to do this, I keep some sort of besides, trying to get rid of them. Birds for another reason why I don't understand why they would not just keep some of the birds alive and continue to produce in Turkey, and things of that nature. but now I'm not well, I'm not sure, because you don't know, do you don't know because Newsweek doesn't even know, because there is a lot of evidence that this is a comedy peace that has been out for a very long time out. But news week is reporting. It is deadly serious, Mona, the zig zag tiresomely. Well, I really sure could be just the the bird drowned that are making Newsweek
exposing this making them look bad. This is the type of thing the bird drones would want you to believe exactly if this work, I'm not a drop down the aisle. It's just a Buddy PETE. Yet knows, rob, but we need the birds to Dell. Is that probably not yeah? So that's a good. I like that. That's a good theory. I think I think I want to accept the birds are real. Just does a comedy thing and just dead panic for here on out birds on the problem with this is alive. These, like joke theories like this little hey, let's come up with a joke theory. It'll be hilarious. Is why the o k symbol is turned into a white supremacy, symbol is never was it's just did you was a joke that someone started right then the media start taking seriously and now people real people are actually getting fired. The organism for I want you to believe you think this is
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This is the Glenn Beck Programme, the news of the day, proof that we do not live in the matrix yet because it would be much happier place, would you be happy if you found out now, you're living in the matrix freely. As long as one I was pulled out of the matrix its it wasn't worth yet. I think in this case it might be warrior. Welcome to pat gray from pap, Pat Grey, unleashed and the home, of the impossible to remember cookie company. It is not possible to remember it's a taxi cook
yeah my wife's S key gay. As my my wife said, what what does cat- and I said it's finished for cookies- and she said well. The Finns will be happy with various shipping a lot if it is allowed a lot about eighty five percent of all businesses it at Helsinki. There really really wired choice. Well, I mean you're all fear of failure. You might be online looking for cooking and its taxi and that's the first thing that comes up sorry. We went with something meaningful to our family. Now my son served a mission there. If you're not aware that, that's why he thought and he's a president of the company so really Yes and a member and members is not as yet is eyes. Emmy by you know, he doesn't do all the work himself now
was dive act. I think we have a picture of mad doing the work and a hairy envy. Do we have the areas inherent around look that's a good one. It is how can we don't have a hearing at over your face for the beard, the beard beard here right over the face net side, I think for the union to have well, you need to have what so, but today we go nationwide today is the day that the anywhere in the nation you can. You can order sexy cookies, sexy dotcom and that's it course that pretend you did not allow these ehler Kalen, K S eye yeah, they are the best cookies and they are there, but they are just fight the name they are limit. Yes, they are really good ideas. We ordered, I shouldn't say, but
lotta cooking a lot of these. Do we or do we have? What is theirs? Yeah you monitoring my committee. S were watching everything you do if it really my costs. When did you turn into company? Slash intelligence, Glenn turn your he doubted, never my wages. Did we not so bad? Yes, here we are the end of the week, a memorable. We call a memorable, a memorable weak. Yes, why? What is a story that we may have missed? Or you Think we really need it. Well, we this alone. But yesterday, but I I was kind of dumbfounded by the route author and his claim about white people should be eliminated. Like a virus from the earth
and why were you I M just I'm thinking? Maybe we need to put a stop to this kind of talk. Why you I'd? Ok, can you imagine if a white person wrote something similar about any minority group? What kind of what kind of outraged there'd be? But we know Are there be no outrage because of systematic racism? why will have all the power all of them our on I just saw. I just saw a story from the EU, the, U N Secretary, general, say that right wing terrorism, becoming a pandemic is its growing in in power circles. in at the political level, and I thought to myself, of course, he's onto us. That's why we have all this power
Yet we are really listen to very carefully area. We are equally own everything we saving. We say: that's why you wouldn't be a big deal. Maybe all white people should be eliminated bout. I got this from alley aka. Who is talking about our college class? It they made everybody in the class. Take a how white privilege how white privileged war test and some of the questions on the test. Artist Well, it shows you, the kind of privileged you have a guy can go shopping and not worry that I will be not be followed or harassed or assumed to be stealing. We hear that all the time, not necessarily I can turn. The television or go to the movies and see people of my race in a wide variety of roles. Yeah lately lily. I see a lot of Romania. Most magazines of pictures of people like me now about that people, no, no, that's not it. They lay down
elderly, really elderly vat, Peter Hooray, Yonah right, there's, not a lot of the now. I can go into a hairdresser shop and find someone who can cut and fix My kind of hair can blacks and his and it's not going to a hairdresser and how well be able to fix her hair hispanic scan blacks, have indifferent hair by me in most places you would go would be able to deal with that right and I don't know his romilly. This has been a long term complaint. Apparently I remember they did eight. There are some. Like all, ask her a winning short film about this, like about how difficult it was to get your hair cut, and I will tell you what s wrong. I would assume that if we went to countries overseas, if we want to place where they cultural norm, but potentially eighty percent of the population was Reno had different here than us, we might have some difficulty finding that as well as on a holy cow
Listen to every hour, every other country is better than this one that our country has. I don't care if you're, the only one you can go in to any play, really seller. All exports. Are you going to rural cookie, storing and they will be caught your air rail, he no matter what grace you or your hair style and every other country yeah yeah they catch it all in a hare net, though gas. It right that I want to hear the cookies. I don't have that right. If I swear or dress in old clothes, people don't say or think all people of my race a router, bad, it's not a thing to look it up. Black person would swear. Would you think alike All black people are bent fin net ridiculous idea that you were in an and act poorly. I do think all people so badly ethnic, then, like you'd, think of the way, if you walk by
of white people in there all swearing, you think their terrible right, That's just a minute. That's just what you do it's yet be it of you so, but the ears like losses as it do. You think any. I think of something about the entire race now, of course not, but now, but way way way. Let's, except that all of these are true just just very now. No, but a free state of arduous Frisian Oregon, except that all of these are true look what Culture is now doing there not say These aren't true, look at us let us hold up the highlights of our society. What they're saying now is you serve that treatment is
There I mean red started the beginning again see if these are all being done to white people right now go shopping and not worry that I'll be followed. Probably not turn on the television or go to the movies is none of my raised. I variety rural. No, I have a hard time that such a reared. I dont understand that one frankly, I ain't a matter not me, I'm look of a light. Dude. Maybe that's why I don't understand it. You know privilege we want to move to a festival here into and Texas. I guess it was when they allowed the winning side. I remember eighteen, I remember when I was a kid and we weigh it was it was. It was colleague, dessert, festival, mousing. That's me, how am I nodded to deserve s? Also, I immediately bought tickets that the dessert value didn't call me. I never and Mr Eddy was, relatively long drive from from where we work here and we went to the place and we walked, we got out of our car walked into the festival and we were the only white people.
We in the entire Vesta. That's you didn't notice it when you walked in because you're not blind Why are we? Then they had cultural differences. I remember seeing
a Michael Jackson Impersonator going around and taking pictures with the kids, and I thought to myself what did happen and that a lot of areas considered within the less? We are then for me to say, but it was a different. It was a cultural difference. There was now art, it is four blocks to get jobs. Jet lag Michael Jackson, I mean you think about this. You ve got all this work, even nailed of Michael Jackson in person a right and that all you're like come by the way posed documentary that came out of each bia, we're out all measures going around like every every kids, like other, take a picture MIKE while it's you know what I write: kids you're, not gonna, be taking a picture that particular in hers and it was really enjoyable. At no point did I feel like. I was indeed a like being looked at her. I was out of place. You just mean we, I don't think you'll think about those things unless you prioritize race, as the
number one thing in your life and apparently we're supposed to know what I think and this I think this is the way it was probably, back in the Sixtys and Seventys, and before that But in the eighties- and I know not what I'd be aroused opens its yeah. When I was a kid, it probably would have been that way. Maybe when I was a little kid, but anyway, wasn't like tat in the nineties and not at all, without and so far no farther the AIDS us a friend of a friend of my wife's message. For the other day, her kids in public school and pretty young Might have led to the inner my six or seven and they got into some of this critical race theory stuff already in the school apparently and before or she live, I don't know- I don't know I don't know before or this happened just like I know my kid like never noticed like these
they might notice that they look different their habitat listen carefully top. It has to be carefully taught to be erased, history, s and so again like that of this. Kid is a racist, but is now coming home in saying that person s skin that person s brown skin. It's not like that thing they're talking about all the time, because this has started it like this. Has law I urge them into starting to think about the differences of race and sorry use that as a way to separate in their mind a how people, are in and what they do is like that was never the case before this trade hang that their receiving public schools. By the way did you see that the California State School Board has now approved curriculum? It's me Tori that every high school students have at least one one class of critical race theory mandatory got enchanted were able- and this again I keep bringing this up but weak yelling and yelling open up
the schools? Why you look at what there is Chris Rueful had another article I put up her my home and teacher kid. There do anything you can do railing we went to Chris Roof has another story. They think it came out yesterday in, Journal and Ngos Carolina is same type. A thing young AIDS being taught all sorts of things about how? If your white, your bad, you know You should be everybody's, a racist or All of these things are being taught in these schools that we, as conservatives, keep demanding they open as a top priority. Now look because of obeyed in all of this, the science behind it each these co schools should be open. They should not be closed for these reasons, and these teachers unions are big part of that. But, like we. What are we wishing for here? We story, a story, a story about how terrible these schools are and then we all beg for them to open, like em thing, you can do not everyone can do it. I understand that ever
thing you can do to try to figure out a different solution. So listen to this in Virginia a group of teacher. And parents in northern Virginia work were out head. If you will they were going after parents. That said no to the inclusion of critical race theory and they allegedly were targeted for retaliation according to daily Wire, the Virginia, object, announced plans for legal action after members of an anti racist Facebook group with Six hundred and twenty four members sought to compile a d he of all known actors and supporters and intended to expose these people publicly. This is beyond. This is exactly what the clan did. Sarah call mercury one in the vault and see You can get the card from,
the clan on the number of people in the faces of the people that needed to be killed by the clan it it's an amazing, they ain't exactly the same tactic to exactly the same credibly. Thank you makes for DR whereby it is already what's that website their power Keck, see Dotcom UK give us a K. E K, as I was alive or full letter, hid his well. I mean at a time say that finishes. You know a difficult language difficulties, a dying language I hold onto because this issue is going to sweep them alive million Finns who are holding onto it yeah yeah, there's five million people in the city alone are right. Let me tell you about my pillow. My gosh did you get? This? Did you get slippers have yet slippers to do you know how these slippers?
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dot com, promo code back call eat red, nine, six, thirty one, seventeen aid- nine six, six thirty one, seventeen, my pillow dotcom, promo code back, this is the Glenda programme. Let you here, Mister Biggielow Riley is grown up next, So what do you do? What you do on the weekends now sob really. What have I done there too? Now you know we were in that era of My kids have nine thousand sporting events every weekend, so we do a lot of that this fund. you know what I did didn't you, the various catastrophes in my life out of my house, underwater, all sorts of late, I'm gonna call complained to me
if I wouldn't have shut off my water? I could have had my whole renovation paid for the ass. It is, I will say my wife is turned around sheet when wait when when we first had the flooding caused, this Texas freeze with pipers people to know it was like. Oh my gosh. This is a catastrophe. Are houses just ruined? Basically I'm in the entire for dinner she celebrating his now it's turned around now. It's like ok! Well, we ve got this deductible to pay and they have to replace all the stuff. I it's we'll be kind of great she's. Like like picking and she's like like picking it all out and all that stuff it she's turned around to now happiness May I just chaos for than several months launches, not months months months, bonds, tat I was as actually see if there was like a good movie, you and I M excited about the Bob Odin Kurt Movie, coming out a couple weeks: regos and kicks everybody's, but that's gonna, be great life, Bob Odin, Turk, like Bob Odin. Kirk is John Wick, all I want to see is the Glen
hey everybody, I'm Canvas Owens. Over the past few years we created something really special together. You ve rallied around me, as I called out. Leftist lies and new cheered me on as I've stood up to the corruption of the media and vague tack, but now more than ever, they wish to silence us. They don't want me to have a voice and, more importantly, they don't want you to be able to hear it. Though we aren't backing down. Our voices will be heard this exactly why I am launching my new show canvas with the daily wire, I'm so excited free to join me each week, as I welcome powerful voices to talk about the important issues break down what is actually happening in our country and trust me we're going to laugh, alot along the way canvasses unfiltered and on cancelling or on this ride. Together. I'll see you there Full show is available to daily wire members. Only
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On doors in an effort to educate people against hateful, come caught a conduct He said it doesn't have to be criminal by a visit from the Nypd or another city agency might have a sobering effect. Over trade are being confronted by the city, whether its N Y pity or another agency, and being told that what they have done was very hurtful to another person and could it be repeated, led the criminal charges that important piece of the puzzle said: build Plaza, No, what happened right after that? monkeys flew out of your butt. Are you? Are you not failure today or what you wanna go? Let me start again: do you know what happened right after the blog, so that now ten thousand police officer, lined up at Andrews almost ass
so bill. Here I mean for people who did not want, didn't didn't you know, didn't wanna tyrant, didn't wanna fishes, take state and swear group of people that hate the police as much as these guys do. What the hell is this about? Well adaptation, We virtue signalling, I mean that's what the plaza your does and for people on a country. Girls be very, very thankful that you do I live in New York, city that it is in the greatest city in the world. It is, but has become if people could stand the deterioration and the damage that one man, the plaza, help another man. Cuomo have done the city? You? No luck I was born in the city and raised here. I know the city as well as any human being on earth.
Shocking. What has happened in the last eight years to New York City and it's not gonna, come back in my lifetime But what this is all about is the plaza or putting himself up there, and he looks like a big panda by the way and he's sitting there and he's not. You know I am so noble. I am such a good guy that I'm going to order the police to ignore the murders and shootings with your up within a hundred percent. Then I have to worry about that, Why do you stay here? Somebody making fun of somebody else, something that's what it is. and it's insane, and it's all about applause you it's always been about him. He pre news all here. I am, and I am the greatest sky, so New York Don't you know what I want, but really because it with Cuomo. I just saw the latest pole. I think, came out last night on Cuomo Sixty. seven percent of Democrats saying he shouldn't resign,
doesn't seem none of this, the killing of old people, a great story. Let me let me explain you whipping, so number one only Twenty percent of new Yorkers want Cuomo to run again in two thousand twenty two so he shot. I am Republicans, Democrats, no matter what it is, then a one but People understand that somebody's after him and so we have. The accusation to war, regain somebody. He held my hand oh and armor strain it now, but I don't know what happened and I don't know, but but workers they have this like yeah. Cuomo knows that and he's not gonna quit. So the Democrats, space, we say an hour. I just stay up there and then we'll get somebody else another. Going alone in when you leave, it
effect should require and the driver point about this. Is the Democrats in New York state city. Of course they have no I conclude how much damage Cuomo, N, the blog you have done to their own lives. I mean, if you go. the poor neighborhoods in Brooklyn the Bronx? Are you walk around them? control by the city, their control by drug gangs, and that didn't we, was not the case under Giuliani and Bloomer. Now wasn't: okay, so the poorest people, the p who whoa Democrat, no matter what ok or the people that are suffering the most, but they can't put it together or they would put it together the press doesn't. plumb, hurried away their friends back? I mean a lip depressingly orders shot. I mean it our ties: ridiculous, daily news item. business posts Conservative
This doesn't exist in any meaningful way. National Pressyur wow, How do you run a city without without That's why they get away with what they get aware. Right, right, when does no report die when our? local news in New York, I mean we were but people all three affiliates. Now it's Tammy out in Mexico, There's a train high, I mean come on, by the way how repertory was not your word of the day- I I don't know, but you do not agree with the rapporteur, so great word than we do I'm bill, O Reilly Diagram. I know report eyes and then analysis off that wherever you are, let me talk to you about the border. Tell me what's happening on the border, This is another unbelievable story, an end you know my new hobby. You know my new hobbyists. Do you know I don't know
torturing Biden boaters, I've, I've, I don't do anything else, but that and I want to see a more cometary dog and I know somebody neighbourhood is voted for buying their will sign on the lawn. I got a what The border thing Well, I didn't mean that we would have I don't think, that's good. And by the way I heard some eight migrant fail. General Paso are moving at his block. Did you know that giving them a little boom boom boom Story is multi, as you know, here's what interested me the most. By demonstration has now said to all. I refer you cannot shoot em it is on federal property friendly. Why you can't shoot anything? I that's Putin stuff, the area there All right, then, I said to the
What a patrol and female and all the other people down there. You can talk to any body in the media that actuating about this right. That now we're up the Beijing we longum Putin to Beijing. Ok, now you can talk of you. Do you being executed, that alone use by demonstrating commanding a black out on the border should tell you. This is not good down there. It's not a good thing, and now we're you are back. They convey centre in the hours are they now get out the women's apparel convention bring in the twenty five. And teenage Kurds who the cartel shuttled across the border, while AIDS it's, I think it's three thousand is the: is the it'll be efficiently next Thursday, I don't doubt it What you crazy ever doubt me what's crazy is bill the city. We have demanded answers from the city, the governor off.
Of a murder or plain hot potato, and everybody is blaming they're all they're, all blaming the conventions that are well. They they had a right to know. No, no, no, no! No abbot! We by demonstrating promised a city of Dallas of millions of dollars to take em now right, the city Douze gonna get big pay day at the end of this rainbow That's why they did it. We have an infection rate of those coming over the border of what is it still twenty four percent is in one group was twenty six per sweaty. Six per cent of it Paypal right yeah. While you would think that, because the wrong man, together in these yeah up tat. I M extend there's no social distancing here in Dallas and it's our understanding that they can. When go as they please yeah who's going to supervise exactly right, Not only will so, but but this is next year,
stay Joe Biden has run, the first one and sixty four days: okay, so you know these gonna get border questions he has to. I mean the press knows that its corrupt, and it knows that it doesn't do his job, but there comes a point where I mean are you? Do you want to be a cartoon? I think it's up there already, but they gotta ask em president in office? You have a solution to this problem. Mind now, they'll. Ask him right: what is your favorite part of immigration crisis hooray? Will it be upset? You have what what do you know if I were the first question, I would say Mr Batten, Mr President, offers well, let's get The excuse making out of the way its terms fault of the right at the boy. yeah I'll get a job. Ok right, that's gone. We gotta run away now We understand that millions of foreign nationals. If this doesn't stop,
come here in the year: two thousand twenty one, because in February border patrol and authorities down there interactive, let's use interactive. Such a nice word interacted with more than a hundred thousand migrants and they re is for every interaction get over occasion, for everyone, a stop to they don't catch, so that would put three hundred thousand migrants coming over overages February, so there are twelve, once in the year. Mr President, my going too fast for you. Certainly it's loaded with India is unwilling to millions of people and why do you think they decided to calm the day after You won the election because that's when this all started the day after he won the election? What do you think they started, then now. That's a pretty good question back right. Yes, ok! Now,
asked not gonna be ass, now invite He's gonna have his little answer on a card, a leg pull it out like he pulls out the card of covert debts. He's gonna have his answer. I will come up with something oh you know it's it's about the country's down there. We have to get to the root of the problem- the oh, my God Saw you gonna, go back to the aspects of our doing so. Well, I want when I to ask you. Let me take a woman, a break and then I'm gonna come back in, and I want you to tell us how who does powder the by administration handle press conference, how what get away with on calling on people. You know questions in advance, etc. What do you think this is gonna be like, and what is it traditionally like and What can they get away with
coming up in just a second one, more minute with bill, rarely from billow rarely dotcom. His new book is killing the mob. It is out next month. We copy of it more about it, but apparently it'll be out in bookstores builders can send me copy in advance for some reason, our We tell you about relief, Sarka relief factor, Keith lives in Washington. He literally has been kickin button taken name server for decades he run A family. Martial arts studio teaches a karate class every single day, a stir had to climb up into his fifties, and you know when you Fifty Oliver City bodies, like tired it's weird he might have even given up on his passion. Every I've heard about relief factor on the radio. He acted on it now chief. I know how you feel at some point. I
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it's Friday bill, O Reilly from Bill orally dot com is with us now bill. What do you expect from the press conference and what? How do they normally work? Usually the president, I think, comes out with a list of who calling on right near? I sought abolition of people and they ll know generally Nina what those People are interested in, they don't give them The question is in advance, I mean maybe some corrupt people do, that we don't all about you. May the Amelia because generally our works is visiting, indications office right and gin. Saki is a primary spokesperson, but there's about five or six people in that office and there interact with reporters? The White House press corps all time they talk on the phone, And sometimes they border so we'll get you. The third question,
what kind of an area do you think you're gonna going that's how it started off the record, so they have been a good idea. so the only guy and there's gonna given jazz is Peter, do see from Fox game. The rest of them. They might ask TAT question about the border, just to show off and say: look I'm not in the tank that could happen woman, Caveman. Now what her name is on CNN. She does that, but they're not gonna follow up. Or, if Biden misleads which he certainly will do or also outrages chums fall to some ridiculous thing. They're, not gonna, challenge. Ok, when Biden walks and he's gonna have a sheet of paper and firm and very big print. And it's gonna be numbered and how we will call on now,
crash doesn't have to dig it out. They could have a conversation totally different question it's not like. You asked this, so people think that you know they make deals in the Senate, sometimes, but not a lot Because of that ever gets out, then press person is cooked. oh, do you think, because a pass key because I refuse to silence the p as her family has done for generations? Now, Pacific, has actually been hurt ass, a bit or at least tested a bit the there's there is some push back of her. Is she doing good job or, as is the kind of push back, we would expect to see on Thursday. Why thinking? ok, he's like Sarah Huckabee Land area I'm out of deference they accept, while there is on the way she treated yes,
yours, but just in the demeanor of the two right they're, both authoritative, they stay on the message. They don't deviate away from the message, no matter what you do they're gonna say the same thing that they decided to say before they came out there that's what White House press people do with the exception? Anthony Scary Movie, who juggled and then did some sort swallowing. It's what he didn't hear very long day, but are not there to draw attention themselves right there. they have a message- is decided upon in the morning now the thing about Biden is binding and do anything all day on Billow Riley Dotcom. The first thing we do each night is give you Joe Biden schedule: ok and the schedule is nothing on the schedule. So, for example, antibiotics day The president, one two eight o clock mass too, I guess prey to say had her got on all then went to washing English. He was an wilmington
and then he had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Ireland- and I was it though and then we don't really have a big thing going on with Ireland, it's like hey how you doing he wasn't for me sandwich. We heard we heard all the time about how the president's schedule was open under Donald Trump. compare that now, but that if you read the United States, a trap which I sent you a copies of, he came down and thirty in the morning and he worked delayed o clock at night, There were no bowling or movie night or badminton. He was there No, they are using it. There you see in their jobs, is not there all day. I think by June is jammies by six I think he's you know. How long is there, because, when I get any anonymous sourcing out of there is an interesting out every day we got anonymous sources that Trump broke up
eighty stab some guy in the heart with now. We get nothing that another. It's it's it's so corrupted so ridiculous, but the official schedule for tromp was ten times bomb, is gradually crazy. He had stuff all over the place, but buys got one or two things: that's it. and they had to tell em look at me. You know you can you can put your toward her and the schedule. Mr President, the minutes, that's not what people want to know our I'd be! Ok, twelve! When we come back, I want to compare some governors and the heat that therein and the things that they are doing, and I also want to talk to billow Riley about the filibuster looks like Joe Biden is now endorsing the report.
of the filibuster and Elizabeth Warren says the Senate filibuster is racist horse. It pursues the programme So it's not a question of if you're gonna have to start moving the lot again, it's a question of when and give spring is fully here. At least here in the south. Question can probably be answered with one word soon comes time to get out there and give the long hair cut. You could spend all Saturday doing it with some rickety lawnmower that doesn't. New corners and moves about. Do you know the speed of Lee Iceberg that hit the title or vice versa. Something more inspiring is right around the corner. Have you noticed it's called a hustler turf, zero turn lawnmower these. People that invented the zero turn lawnmower end. It will really cut down your time. Moving your long to about half. There
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that he is ready to start pushing for the end of the filibuster de read it that way, not quite and by the way. If you can give me ninety seconds at the end of this, I got really my good man. Story. To tell you, I took the filibuster Biden. Is not in charge, and we all know that ok, so there aggressive wing people who are. We really have the powers, right party. They want to knock the filibuster out, but by his cognisant enough to know, there's danger for him here, because he is friends, with major Mcconnell in fact Mcconnell. the only senator invited to the funeral of bovine. Did you know that? No direct? So for decades, Biden and Mcconnell had been bought. I'm a colonel sent him a very public men message. If you mess with the filibuster in the Senate, you're not gonna, get worse
one thing through find a way and believe me, Mcconnell will find a way we'll find waited to rail. Every single thing you want to do so. You bet Not do that and into In twenty two, we have a very good chance to win back the Senate. True, just because of the border regions the mortar thing is not going to be solved. This is not a problem. The Democrats can solve the can't solve it. It's open, they're, not gonna close. It. Ok in eighteen months, many Americans that voted for Biden or I'm gonna vote Democrat again because of this catastrophe down there, and I also the economy is gonna go south beginning. November of this year, because of it rise, so anyway, I'd knows this orally that if YE
to be high, knocking out filibuster in the Senate that its war war with the republican senators, doesn't want war, he's never been a confrontational man. Biden was the only cabinet member to object you, the way on been lot that killed them was the only one it doesn't like confrontation. It doesn't like any of this kind of stuff. So what by is doing, is he's playing a game like well, maybe will require that you have speak to filibuster, so it used to be back in the nineteenth century. If you wanted Delay about which is what to filibuster, is delay or kill about. You had to physically speak for like four day, so Mister Smith goes to Washington. Right now they knocked out, and you said, I'm filibustering and they don't have to speak so by tomorrow.
We bring it back, why it's useless it's ridiculous, but that's what trying to get away with so something will happen, but I dont think to filibuster will be knocked out, and then you have Action from West Virginia Cinema from Arizona to Democratic, Senator, as you said, the market, a vote not before buster out. Have Elizabeth. You have Elizabeth WAR and now saying the filibuster as deep roots in racism and should not be permitted deserve that function, to create a veto for the minority and what she's Tom about here is: are you really going to stand in the way of the biggest civil rights reform Voting rights: are you really going to stand in the way and and hurt black people? from voting. That's how their framing each hour one. Will she always outside. What I mean she's, a communist, that's what she is
the european Socialists, but she's, not and in order for the communist socialist, whatever they get their agenda, they have to say you are racist. If you oppose us, I think most people have that by now. That's what the thing is it, Always be that way, no matter the issue is you'll, be erased of your post. Let me just touch on one thing quickly and I want to dwell on this, but do you see they. Could you please play Biden says president. Please here it is. No impression Harrison I took her virtual term vaccinations General Arizona Not long ago one of the nurses on that on that tour He keeps saying this President Harris right in to that, or is it just a slip
The is up that I mean other than the reality that he's about fifty percent of what he should be mentally it in his ability to concentrate its all about concentrating he? Can concentrate, you know when I will be speaking you What I am speaking to you now back I'm cotton not as much as I would have liked financed body else, but rather concentrate here. That's weird, but I'm not concentrating on anything right. So both of us I like right, employed on a given in a half a half. Everyone knew right right, yeah. If we one or two. We can bring it back. He can't Is concentration abilities that's why they don't have anything on schedule. You know talking to word. George bush- and you know, George Bush was like, and I you know I had ended the M, a shoe
maybe like you were searching for the word shoe any news constantly doing that kind of stuff in Paris, and he was a radically different man. And I asked him where is this guy, because this is the guy that America needs to see and he said you can't imagine, We think that I have to juggle in my head. I am weighing every single word Gaza, because about boys, the younger younger, yeah, right I write and in its true- and I think of this- would Joe Biden and I think, what it, but it's even worse with Biden, because they rehearse him We can't even go out. I don't hate you, nobody, and say he cancer, here's ideal. They did we urge that he cried, I back and say: come on man right figured that it every their thing dad says in public is rehearsed, is and when you have that, that's what you're
thinking about what a what am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do is this you I have spontaneity. Is this why Vladimir Putin said we want ye? I challenge you to a lie with Tommy was mocking by and that all came up my question. I got no credit for it. For top Because my interview with tropical for the Superbowl four years ago. I said what about anyone answer. I should he's a killer you remember that right, yeah, yeah, yeah, ok of course, that made world deadlines. I even heard from the russian ambassador in Washington about that. Now the The thing is back so potent gives bite we'll, just because, while debate you because and this acts as you moron? You can't get a sentence. I write a real. before we may get your story on the mob. Let me ask you why you mentioned the tax hikes were look
going from a twenty one percent tax hike to a twenty eight percent, which would put us as again one of the highest tax rates for corporations in the world right and it will dramatically effect, especially since The government is now due to start requiring people to keep a record of their environmental and social justice impact, so you're, have higher more people to do that bold, crap now you can also get a seven percent tax increase. What is the rabbit, Station of that bill got regatta tax increases on gas So the moment Dead Biden said no more pipeline, no more drilling on federal land gas crisis, starting to ascend. So the day said that I tracked it it two hours and twelve sense Gowan on Long Island, where I live now, it's to seventy five too much. That attacks saw everybody
in the countries pay more for gasoline to drive and the heat and cool your home tax write but so now Biden says we take it up when he had projected why you think the Corporations are going. Take a hair cut a seven percent here, they're they're gonna do two things number one: they can allay people off. First thing: Ten percent of the workforce pay Sheila, thanks a lot and we too can raise prices, particularly if there things. Are people need yeah, Bab gas, specifically if that's the industry therein, so that another tax for everybody so by- you don't buy torbert browser you're, not gonna, be period anymore. That's ridiculous. well he's already, but he colleges these also violated. That e said no person makes under four thousand is gonna receive tax. Now he's changed that to any family.
that makes it so lock, these already violated that it doesn't matter what he says. Number one. He doesn't know what he is saying: doesn't know. Macro economics, he doesn't know it did eat the Obama Happy with a year's or the Obama economy that throw you, anybody, Bueller, Anybody know poor, going right back there except I think we have more mob tactics this time, which leads me to your book, killing the mob object. So send it to a few people, including when back now received it got listen, Pinocchio, look, I am a buyer, it still is not binding and the millions of workers in the EU are not buying. I ask you to look at the facts every time he sent me a book I about that. Is delivering. What I'm back, what a mailman said. Do I have to these two areas
Everybody knows you're like, as everybody knows, you would never talk to a mailman there. Nor any spillover gave gave my mail mad, loves you so anyway. This is can't killing book, as you pointed out, but it's him personal book because you yourself, the reader will know these people. So in the fifties and sixtys organ, his crime control the entertainment industry in America. People know that movies records concerts some television there was a program called the Untouchables DE remembered. I do now. it Nashua after the Italian MOB, the organ crime chieftains didn't want them programme on the air all right, so who is the executive producer of the Untouchables a man named. Does he or knows member desi? I do Lucy balls husband is this when they own Desi Lou studio? Ok, right
Does your nerves was producing the untouchables account? ACT went out to kill him ago, while they kill daisy. Ok our modern day anymore, because I wish I had the book. You know you're just doing this one does. Nobody is interested in Desi Arnett, except for Glenn Back I use it all conscious. Yes, I am you tell the audience. The truth yes, Glenn is: is undue heavily drugs today. So my eye, that's what I thought I have now arrived tell If I have not received the book, one of a thousand story. I one more tea organised crime had thing to do with the success of General Patten and World war. Two. I mean it's just an amazing saga: taking John Dillinger John Gaudy may forth,
by IRAN, Billow Riley Dotcom, give you fifty percent off going crazy man, German, Hubert, really appreciated. I lose control of the show, all of a sudden he's and when I say nor did, I thought it was God is. I think it's about stinging. Laugh you draw our. I let me ask you one of those people trying desperately to get out of the big city Have you had enough of Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsome, or the clown in New Jersey or Virginia Now, maybe you should think selling your house, you think conditions are gonna, get better in those Like MRS get out, come to the United States. Come too Texas, Goto floor oh, really Good news, real estate business is really serious and what I ve been founded: real estate agents. I trust I why I urge you to be able to easily access the most serious agents. I was working with the best
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This is the Glenda Programme so glad that you have joined us today, the new his name Cumber Bunch Benjamin. bunch of illicit combat. Yes, that's the guy he's new movie is coming out. It looks really good the courier I think it's cold WAR story Boca. sign, not seen any previous fort yeah, but time I'm I'm in sounds interesting. You know, I'm guy ordered Tawny and I am waiting for the theatres doped up. That's that's one of our favorite things to do is to go to movies and, and then you know, walk out and talk about this. Stop we are at Hollywood for everything and then Reno we're. For it by the next Friday we go out to sea and other movie. You are interesting in that way like get really pissed off at like sodas, when they do something you don't like, but like the movies, you don't care, you just keep going back to yeah yeah like a g
company. If they write commercial, you don't like, you will never buy them again and you ll stick to it yeah, but like it bought a pair of leave, I sense, but, like you could have nineteen communists in a movie you're like Gibbey. Let me how do I spend twenty dollars terracina because I get oh, I grew up expecting them to become. Yes, I do that they meet my expectation, promise versus perform. Yeah. Ok, you know they're going in and you are expecting Americans to be making movies now none. But if you go you go, and these are all russian spies. You're cool too good started here only little. I can't let you down by the way. What's your name that was in princess bride, she had the movie in the woods serve all alone or something like that. She played the princess. And Princes Robin right, yeah Robin Robin Right patent, ye right, communists we saw her move a couple of weeks ago, really good.
I generally really good. These movies need to start coming out like the they're starting to move them up now. On enough, you seen the added black spider, black widow or whatever it is on the move up the buy it place to live in theatres. I'd like to tell you that move that up as well, I think to Memorial Day said: they're not there. They don't think that its ever gonna go back to the ethical, only release alone, probably the right thing our. I let me tell you about build bar last night, my niece came into town and those yes that was saying this year- I think it was and she had a built bar the first time and she would. She was like, oh my god, I've been hearing you talk about these. These are fantastic. They taste I say with me: candy bars they really do. They tastes like candy bars their fantastic and there really healthy. For you, three
Two five ned carbs low in calories high in protein and one zillion flavour sent a zillion flavors they're, all really really good. I mean I am not talking about him, because I am I don't have my box, I would have, was in here filleted for you, he was deafening. I oh yeah. I now stash only. I know why do you think you're not here in the studio anymore, he built bar gotta com, use the promo code back fifteen, say fifteen percent now not entertainment Klondike Programme
welcome to the New America. Isn't it great where, if you have a different opinion and you're a tenured professor, if there isn't a popular opinion, you could be fired for it. How great is that- and I mean it's not like your pro american or even pro science- praying logic now now, if you or any of those you're going to lose your job will tell you about the students that are trying to get a professor out, because he said you know it's this anti white sentiment is going to cause problems. How dare you, and also what the teachers and Some parents are doing to other parents that are standing up saying I dont want to use this anti white stuff.
I don't want any this critical re stuff taught to children a blast from the past. said. The man who knows the history of the plan will tell you about that, what's happening in Virginia and sixty seconds programme. Charmaine lives in California. He wrote to me about her dogs experience with rough green, she wrote my dogs. Salute Lovett Glenda can't wait for me to poured over their food. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for rough greens, sure means dogs can't get enough of rough greens, and I can't tell you how many people here now that they are finicky eaters, the door said just wouldn't eat them. love it so much. But now, if you don't put it on, they stand there and they look at you, I'm expecting them to start to growl.
You know if I don't but rough greens on his food. He looks at me like what are you doing? Wasn't the arrangement we agreed to of greens is chock full of vitamins and minerals, as well as things like a mega oils, any oxidants probiotics all the stuff that contributes to a much happier and healthier life for your dog. If you Sceptical about your dog, loving it as much as is already the other dogs that I know that eat rough greens, most org, Go crazy about it, like Charmaine Dogs, but what about your dog will love it. You don't want to you know, spend money on something that each year for your dog any takes one sniff of an hates it. That's why They have decided to give you a free bag of rough greens. For your dog to try out all you pay for is shipping a movie honest with you. I asked them how many people Answer because you can put yourself on an auto delivery, that's what we're on how many people
cancel after that, figure out that their dog loves it. They said. most none until the dog dies. I mean it. Is there is their confidence in it because it's a chain, here's your dog, and you see the difference in your dog. You really will did your free bag just to see if he'll like it and then started on rough greens. Are you F, F, green dot com, slash back or call eight three, three Glenn, thirty, three, that ain't three three jelly and an thirty three called today: rough greens, dot com Due to my yeah back this week, I was unable to do a new podcast. We have a great podcast come in for your next week, maybe actually to cause that the gas that we are supposed to have this week this week, will blow your mind. He is the
the guy that I have. I've been looking for a guy who is an expert on this particular topic for probably. At least ten years and I'll. Tell you more about it next week, but it's great. If you miss last week's podcast, you can Grab it now and listen to it. Now it's up online or you can get it at blaze, TV, its Rick Grenelle, These are former director of intelligence. This guy he's said more. He said more. then most people say any interview, he said more by the things he didn't say, the things that he was like. I see I care really say because of intelligence. I mean it's an amazing interview and it ranges from aliens. I mean the actual space aliens to the border to
You know, God to the cover up that Biden. Son was involved in with the Ukraine, so I mean it's amazing! It's amazing the great interview, Rick Ranal. You can find it where we get your podcast or ablaze tv it's available today, don't miss! We should point out too, that he's one of the guys that is rumoured to potential step in if Gavin Newsome is recalled, Gavin Newsome Seamen your drive they needed to get about just under one point. Five million signatures to get the recall on the ballot, just finished this week they got to point, one one: seven million- Which is shared and they made it. I mean the state made it almost impossible because Cove areas are covered, yeah yeah, I mean it was almost impossible to get those and they were worried at first at the very first like the first few weeks that they would be.
get to one point five and then after they saw the reaction where people would would drive, to them wherever they works, you had to do it in person as well. and they had? No doubt they were, they were immediately say we're gonna get one point: eight, they ended up with two point. One two point: one: there already have one point: nine six, four million pre verified through an independent third party source of this is the way they do this in California, and you could easy they ve, tried to recall him before it hasn't got anywhere. This has gone over the line on if they would it got there without this with or without the french laundry, dickie Alice S racy. Really. I think that's what connected to people who were in engaged in politics just don't understand what people are. I mean the priorities, the hypocrisy. We, I guess it is the hypocrisy, but there are so many big things are being Cuomo thing you know
remedies upset about how he was treating women and you should be that's really bad, really bad, but not the same as killing people knowingly in nursing, home sardine. It's like wait. A minute you're upset at which one yeah and I get a needle by the way Glenn. One thing we have not really spent much time on and we should is that he Cuomo did a similar directive on meant. disabled people for who were in certain types of homes and that has been withdrawn. It was the same type of thing how Europe can evade covert deposited patients back in time, and told kind of mental institutions were yeah, differ types of congregant homes, This has not been withdrawn. Yeah, like gosh and so nobody cares now. I would assume at this point after all of this you'd hope that wasn't continuing at this point, though it still wasn't withdrawn. You think, at this,
Maybe we know enough about the virus and they ve been able to two separate this. I don't know there's no chance at this point of it being o the hospitals being overrun. where we are right now, but still it that was never vote, is kept doing it. At least four for awhile salami We an update on a couple of things. California has now passed ethnic studies, It's taken them two years, but now the State Board of Education, K through twelve, has unanimously approved a model curriculum to guide. How the histories struggles and contributions of asian, black latino and native Americans and the racism and marginalization they experienced in the United States will now be. Talk to millions of students in high school you have to take their seats, are required, clad history is U S? History is now required now in colleges even
for four years and not take us single we'll class on: U S, history and its fine, totally fine he's the ethnic study to end. It is coming to you. ever happens in California. It is coming to you. Unless you stand up now. Luckily Florida has a great governor in De Santas, who said this about critical theory being taught nope summer. You guys have seen this critical race theory. It's basically teaching kids to hate our country and you hate each other based on race. It puts race as the most important thing. I want content of character to be the most important thing. I want to treat people as individuals, and I want the history of our country taught you're late, and I want people to learn about the founding fathers and learn about the constitution as well as other great people, like president-
Lincoln like what we did in world war. Two like the civil rights movement like the cold winning the cold war. Those are all very important when you start talking about these wacko theories. It's all designed to put a political agenda under the guys of history and civics. I dont want politicized civics, I don't want politicize history. I want accurate history. I one makes make sure people understand that this is a great country. Ok, and if you want your taxes, hours funding education, that's gonna, run down this country. You got the wrong guy. Because I am not going to allow that is totally. Monies- are totally represent an advert for eels every after a great start, and is he has you know with some people have just discussed here they professionalized trump. In that he doesn't get into as much trouble. He doesn't. He doesn't go off the into the more. You know,
cultural and, like I, just fighting with a person in the media type a stop. Yes he's more attached to issues, but he has that seem sort of spunky doesn't mind mixed up with the media and its performance, I think, was pretty good and if you get the trump machine behind him, he would win. He might win and that's gonna be, of course an interesting thing. I mean I think, you're not gonna get trump to say here. not running no, not until the very least until you might, he might easily eighty three, oh, I think you could be saying it up until the convention mean it. I mean yeah right. I would, if I were you, I always say this exodus going back to and Sarah Palin they are talking about her running in what was areas in twelve and east there and she's like I, you know I don't. We have meaning decisions on this any real the second you say: I'm out you lunar relevancy you're gone like an old oak, ever moves on, so why, when you just keep it alive, even if your
you're, no you're, not gonna, do it. I still think Trump probably is gonna run so clearly the favourite for the nomination. If he decides to pull the trigger, I want to show you what we're up against Remember I have always said that they will suggest then they'll shove then they'll shoot. when you you'll suggest something you'll try to get people to you know by into it, and if they By into it, then you need some teeth and you need regulation to start to shove people in that direction and then the shoving gets. Harder and harder and more violent in the streets, a k, a b, a lamb Then finally, the last option: if a country- out there. If they continue down that path, they find it a good part Population will not go along with it, and so then have to start making examples and you jail them than you shoot them suggest shove,
shoot. We are now at the end of the shove period. It is it's bad If we don't progressed to the next one, this is really bad. I'm gonna tell you something that is happening in Virginia against parents, That are bringing up to their teachers and saying we don't want critical race taught to our kids, I want to show you how bad the shoving has got me. and I want to show you in history exact. Leave the same thing. It's been done before. just not as quickly and a story you most likely. never heard in sixty seconds you know. Twenty twenty was a record breaking ear and a lot of interesting and terrifying ways. One of the most interesting and terrifying ways was from twenty nineteen to twenty twenty site.
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to twenty five percent off your first year at lifelong Dotcom, use the promo code back and, annual, save twenty five percent of your first year. Its eight hundred life lock one eight hundred lifelong or lifelong dotcom, promo code back saved when a five percent tens in station I d so in Virginia, as in all over the country, parents have started to rise up if you, thought common core was bad. Being shut down. The throats of our children in all of our schools. Now with critical race theory is a thousand times more dangerous than common core in common core was really bad. This is poison
in in Virginia, parents have gotten together and they are opposing the critical race theory, sculled C r t they don't want it taught the schools where their children are well Apparently the anti Racist Facebook with Six hundred and twenty four members which includes parents and teachers were compiling names and addresses. In fact, let me say: please his comment below this is what was posted? Please below with the legal names of those individuals trying to stop C r T the area of residents and or The school board, RAP known known, accounts on social media and any other information you feel is relevant well What do you think that,
all about them targeting parents who say this is wrong and teachers are involved. You ve got to stop putting all teachers into the good Category B is it's time now for teachers to show us, Are you on the right side? Stand with us against critical race theory. If you don't I'm sorry, you're not on the right side, music, I can't lose my job yeah. Well, I can lose my children I get loose. My children, and maybe you don't understand the damage, but all you have to do is reed. So now there being targeted. Now this is happening in the south, as is happening in Virginia. Let me show you something that we have in the vault and l describe it to you. If you are listening to us
if you're watching us on Blaze TV, you will see radical members, the head of the. I think it is g o p legislature or the Georgia legislature, this California, sorry see that so far away radical member of the California legislature and you will see that there is one thing: twenty five thirty people pay and this is a very old card from the eighteen hundreds. And you will see there are black people and white people bow Half of them are black, most of whom are white doesn't appear that way to you here, at least at least half of a more white well. What is this. this was a card that was given out too. people, clan meetings you see on the back. It lists who they are.
This was a polite hit list the clan always denied that. But how do you think they found the people they wanted to Lynch All of these people were Republicans if you don't know the history of the clan you should it was started by. The democratic party, as in enforcer. Those who were g, O P, Members at the time that meant that you were against slavery- and you were fighting of you- know too, and racism and they were losing, so they needed somebody to scare people. This is terrorism and actually printed these cards up. Will You tell me the difference between that card showed again with the pictures that card
you see these people. What are you doing? This is just so. They could see what they look like. Why would What to see what they look like this is a list of names and their faces. If you see this person target them, kill them That's what the clan did Now what is the difference between vat of lots of fee of do whatever it takes to shut these people down because they disagree. with us. They think They think freedom for everybody, what to do between that plan card and what the These people are doing these teachers are doing in Virginia. They are making a list, Supposing these people showing them. Why? Why do you have a list? What do you have a list at
asked to harass them at best to scare them. You wanted about. You know organised violence and teaching p. To be violent. It isn't coming from the GEO P. if it is in any shape or form, I and the vast majority. Ninety nine percent of my audience would condemn it. This is being done in Virginia and no one is saying anything: there is no difference what was happening back in the eighteen hundred with the clan and what happening right now and for the same reasons: the plan was racist Nicole race theory is.
Racist and teaching? Our children do hate people based on their cover on their color. It's the same story. Spruce spring spring spring is right around the corner, which in Texas means that the birds are singing for a week. And then the weather gets so hot, all of their feathers burned off, but right now, you can be outside, at least in Texas. It it's coming to you one of these days. Well, Minnesota! Not really! but there will be that day some time in August, where you can be outside you'll be comfortable wreck. Tec is all about. changing the way you see. Grilling, you don't to stand out in the heat you don't have to stand out in the cold if you're like me in your grill year round, rectangle sturdy made from stainless steel, the way it should be- and it has smart green technology which allows you
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This is the Glenn Beck program. We're so glad that you tuned in today. Thank you so much for listening. I was listening to Ben Shapiro the other day, and he was talking about the Grammys and and So the fight with whose then who's the stupid rap The woman wrapper that yeah I'd leave, you're talking about party being S and the war that she got into with Canada, Owens dear. But this I did. I was hard to hello, but I did seal a candidate is going to sewer as she should is. She was posting basically like bs stories about allegedly was YE sheep. did a story that data Candice Owens was her. Husband was having a sexual affair with her brother right, not
not true tat, absolutely not true some through some Photoshop tweets of this, I ask, is what they got involved in Rand yeah and it's you know you wanna talk about truth on the internet, so she was posting this, and saying you're talking about me gyrating on a stage when your brother is at home and apparently you like it and want to be part of it and Canvas roll back and said this is a lie. This is the easy Disproven real you're going for this, and then she went and double down cardy be doubled down on it. She said my brother is up, every citizen and now you're you you're slandering his name and we will see you not a public figure right and so she's going to be suitably bid Canada is serious about a cheese moving forward will lawsuit and sheets.
Decided card to be decided to pull those tweets down because you're kidding now she said it is she didn't, do it for any other reason, other than hurt hurt. or feed. Is a happy place, and she knew well yeah. Ok, that's good to hear that great to hear if she needs any money for the lawsuit. Candice call me be happy to help happy to help. Canisters does not seem to have much fear such or such, like would be surprised, Sivas go forward. So Ben was talking about this story and he said off handedly that Eddie B is like heroin for those who want to destroy America, those who are looking to just terrace apart and say the worst things and pump into our system. The worst things she's like drug of choice. said she's heroin
and as our Zuzu that I thought I, I understand that, but I turn the word heroin differently for the first time, And then I thought while she too vague, two people want to tear down the country. She is a heroine. She is a hero of female hero. Is a heroine right right, and then I started thinking have I mispronounced one of those works perform behind on the same day, I was aim. Is it the same word which lay me down a rabbit. Whole ono because I wanted to find out cause, I immediately once I realize no, you have been through mispronouncing one of them. I thought I bet. Those two are connected.
I hope it wasn't. The brethren homer. You say cash. These words sound the same. I should try heroin. That is not a rational and wanting to do draw yes I'll guy. Well, I tried it and it s really great has everything. They say that it is unfortunate, explains, though, using the three days off this week by an effective assets are right, so I started looking into it and its heroines real name, its official name when they first discovered they took morphine and they changed it. Amicably Abed and it was called diamorphine, and this is the end. What Teen eighties somewhere, and they changed. It became much more powerful and it was is named in Germany, because this is of course, all good things come from Germany, dont think now so in in Germany the it was called.
here. I wish. which means in german heroic. Thought. Why are wise? It heroic for two reasons. one. They say heroin makes you feel like a hero. It makes you just have this they talk about this rush that you get if you use heroin and you just feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but you feel heroic. If you like, nothing, good, stop you, ok, and so it was called it because of the feeling it gave, but also because They thought this will help this how people kick morphine. because, after the civil war? Here in Amerika alone, there were about four hundred thousand former soldiers that were addicted to morphine, and did know how to get him off of morphine, and so they were.
king for something that would help well? Alcoholism was also a problem, as were quote female problems, so eighteen, ninety, six or something like that- bear Aspirin the bare company introduced two things heroin and couple of days after that they introduce aspirin so you can go to the store now and by bear aspirin were bare heroin for female problems or for Sobriety Brahms, because I will testify to I'm recovering alcoholic. I've never had heroin, but
Are you from everything I know about heroin yeah? They would have stopped me from drinking. I probably wouldn't have been drinking potentially breathing tat. I d like to scotch water gray. So so it is named after heroes. Heroines And I thought how appropriate how pre it that we use that word or Ben Shapiro use that word to describe Cardy B and you could describe. All of these people that are better pushing this nonsense. That is poison. Its poison for our society and those were pushing critical theory.
That there is no difference between men and women and you call people whatever they deem because science doesn't matter all stuff. The the our pushers and their put being a heroine that is- going to end up the same way as if it was real heroin for our society and how, people who are on their side view those leaders, We were also heroines, theirs ending up, oh there, so brave, really their drug pushers, that's what they are there heroin, pushers syn resting in Ireland. I think one of the things I ve realize, I think recently, when looking like this critical race, theory stuff and the anti racist and white fragility and all of this stuff that is combined to that very connected movement is I sort of I think I do
leave there was a line, but I thought stuff like Would not catch on in America because there was sort of like a out of line a wall of some sort of of of to do that, we would not cross. I thought so too. I thought there is like this. I don't know this inherent thing in America. But it's the same thing. I would stop us from crossing a border like you know, for example, like give. Puberty blockers two three year old, so they can change gender like thing like that. Are so crazily far over the line. I never. I thought there in a natural wall to stop that in there does not seem to be one does play it- would place into two things. One like
all felt after nine eleven that we are all on the same page and we were for a very short period of time. I've. Never seen the country more united than it was on nine twelve yet and we were united, but then we started to see the cracks and we started see: oh wait a minute we don't all see progress. In the same way, we don't Agree. You know we. I have this belief that we all we all love. The country we just disagreed on the way to make us better then I started to realize dollars. There's p Are there who hate this country? they're, not just eating around the corners are not saying no higher taxes of the way there saying destroy America, That was a new discovery to me and it happened. between probably o six in oh two and twenty ten there It was a massive change.
Then you start looking at the schools- and you realise there is a reason why the California Teachers Union dropped the the rule that you couldn't have been part of a evolution style movement that was communist or wanted to overthrow the United States of America. They change that rule in two thousand eight, and I was puzzled by it like. Why would you do that will now? understand. Why? Because that's what the teachers union is really all about the old, throw of this system that they disagree with. And you sit here and you you look at it and you Ok, so was it a was it that we didn't pay attention to what was being shoved our kids throats and we dismissed because we just thought now, but that that's not gonna catch on, because common sense or Is Hitler right
When he said the bigger the lie, Easier, it is to get people to swallow it. You know pulling. Is Hitler right out of context? Oh yeah backwards, the totally ethnic yeah. I know I know. I think that I think I could be wrong in this, that there isn't line. I dont say another there's any limit to what I no longer believe there is a limit to what people will eventually believe. If, if the right circle it's as arise I guess my my question to you would be think I think there was at one point align. I remember doing this show years ago, and we work with this is that the twentieth here this, and this will be the twentieth anniversary- will be this year right up doing the show nationally team, which is incredible to think about feeling very old saying, and I can't believe we lasted this lou- not a lot of shows lasting this long, but I think at the beach This I remember doing stories where you'd havoc
concept. That you'd think would be a problem, you'd, show an example of it. that was so extreme in such an outlier and people, recoil from it. You know why Briggs just there's a million example say watching a boy. dominate a girl's track event by. A mile and p I'll just be like you know, that's, ok, that's acceptable! That's the way it should be. There is a loss of foundations yeah. It is another discovery I had in the last ten years. I used always say: freedom is the natural state of man and are born free and so you could go to the people working in the fields of China. say you should be? Free and should be free of the suppression and people would embrace it. That's not true, not true
It's the society that your raised in that's why but culture war is so. important to the left. It's not the policies, you ve got to change what's being taught and accepted, because if you can just get people to think: oh, no, the guy payment is a good thing and the bigger the government, the better it is. you'll, have slaves. If you stop teaching children I don't think it's a coincidence. What did you do for slaves? You sure they were never educated you set them back is as quickly and as and as efficiently as you could wire- teachers, not opening the schools? We all know it's bowl crap that they're afraid. Why are they not opening the schools? I think one of them is the intentional somewhere along the line, the Inn, additional understanding and execution of accept these kids back. I mean how far back
are our children being set back for a year like that Somewhat critical time, they're saying that, You know this is going to affect graduation where this is going to affect the generation for them entire life and work king, it easier for them to be slaves more in second Ro homeowner and near the type whose fiscally responsible right now is the time to make a phone call. Your one phone call away from a massive change for the better in Europe: natural life mortgage rates. to begin sinking over a year ago, and they continue to plummet month after month to the point that lately I mean it's weird to see a mortgage rate. You know, two percent range, but now it's weird to see what it for your like. What why so much There is no good reason not to give american financing call about your mortgage and what you can do you can see
as much as a thousand dollars every month, many people are excited for fourteen hundred dollar check from the government. That's one imagine getting seven hundred dollars every single month. It will genuinely save a ton of money change your life role, your credit cards into it, and it makes an even bigger impact, this is a trust did family company trusted by me for cash over ten years now a mirror can financing eight hundred nine zero six? Twenty four forty one, eight nine, zero, six, twenty four, forty, a merry! financing, dot net american Financing Amabel US one, two: three: four: W W w dot animal, less consumer access, dot, org programme?
we have an incredible weak for you next week you don't want to mess. First, we're gonna be debuting, something new that we ve been working on that actually play
just a little bit of this medical training credit card adhering to doing there on a radio. Now look I'm gonna talk about the average guy, the John DOE, the man. That's right, slimy poverty! We have always unemployment. It is down to see what you look like when you want anything gas price dumping fashion we are going to debate. This is something I've been working with, one of the guys on the staff Nick Daily. He is amazing and
find a tell stories in different ways and we're going to start telling them musically as well. I will premiere that on Monday also the latest on the great reset boy. There are a couple of stunning up it's actually what our Wednesday special is gonna, be about next week. You don't want to miss a single minute of the show. Next week you miss a minute you'll miss a lot then have a safe, weaken its nuclear programme,
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.