« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & Rebecca Friedrichs | 10/5/21

2021-10-05 | 🔗

Pat Gray joins to discuss Taiwan's plea to Australia, the upcoming Supreme Court abortion case, and the sexual assault allegation against CNN's Chris Cuomo. Economist Stephen Moore joins to talk to Glenn about the economy and our supply chain. Rebecca Friedrichs, founder of For Kids and Country, joins to discuss the National School Board Association asking Biden to use the PATRIOT Act against parents.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's kind of an important pod cast, I mean they always are, especially when stews on it. You know he brings all those things that he brings to the tabled again today on today's podcast. Thank you so much of that and glowing endorsement of Europe by a Hindu. Today we add Stephen more on to talk about the economy. We had a couple of people who work there are fighting. The teachers unions comment on what the F b I did yesterday. That's great stop doing things. I think so. I fully endorse all their actions. Can we go up? That's the kind of thing that still brings to the table. Any brings a lot of that thing days. Cod guess you don't want to visit here too,
the only thinking I gotta have to play for you in case you haven't seen it and I can guarantee you. I've seen it the taiwanese Foreign Minister says he country is preparing for war and his. asking Australia for help, and I want you to listen to this He is here. full fledged freaking out here. Listen defence of Taiwan, is in our own hands and we absolutely committed to that in China large war against Taiwan. We will fight to the end, That is our continent it. Of course, during this peace at a time we would like to exchange with other countries. For security cooperation and we would like.
engage in security or intelligence exchanges with other like minded partners, Australia included so the Taiwan is better prepared to deal with the war situation and so far our relations with Australia is very good, and that is why we appreciate it for help us help us they're coming, notice he doesn't need doesn't use the United States- and I stay here or chance the United States at we haven't. We were bound to it, though not a chance Donald Figures, a single tat, not a chance. That's why in saving a bucket ragged knows there is no janitor a lost cause. We won't even q, our own people out of Kabul. Were certainly not gonna help Taiwan. What are they freaking out about?
just get. Seventy seven warplanes from China fly over there. I live out their worried about. You know it was a hundred and fifty or one hundred and two hundred and fifty eight warplanes now crossed in to Taiwan and flown over Taiwan. That has unnerved them a little get fifty six just today, just just fifty Six, though warplanes because it was thirty eight and then was thirty nine and then fifty six and twenty five fighter jets and nuclear capable bombers interest into their air defence identification zone, and you would think ok, sir you're trying at that point to provide something yes, you're, definitely trying to be shot at yes, so that you can respond yes pretty dangerous. Yes, it feels like China is hit some weird level, oh yeah, desperation and anger. I mean I've always been terrible but like they haven't, crossed these lines, rethink recently with the collapse of of that
was ever grabber grand they cut off all crypto currency transactions in the entire control? No, no! You know I've been out of energy problems, yet amounts of energy. No, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! Really! No! I haven't heard no. China has explained all of them all. They got rid of the Bitcoin, because Bitcoin take so much energy challenge. Ok, and this is all part of them going green and now, but they got rid of all crypto currencies and end NEA, because any transaction take so much energy. Nobody, but when you're not along the same system is Bitcoin and even those dumb arguments don't apply. So if you know I mean China, China, as is very clear on this, of just one transaction, consumes one.
One thousand five hundred and forty four kilowatt hours or the equivalent of fifty three days of power for the average household, did did they not going don't on Russia's any of the other crypto currencies that have no power profile, that's anywhere close to that a banned all correct or currency trading bitcoin mind in China uses for eighty six terawatt hours of electricity. Domain. It. Yes, it was first of all words from coal power, then that's why they banned it they're getting rid of their coal power. That's not true! They also of land. They also banned mining a long time ago there. So this is visibly had nothing to do with energy, and secondarily, a lot of the mining was done on access, hydro power as they were set up, close to these giant. You I'll give you gonna, throw in your own little fish.
acts. Here I was ahead of what I was young. I enjoy tell you Ben I'm just yes, I've just telling you that Chairman Z has come out and said we are tried, there's no way we're going to meet the word. Holds standards unless we get off of coal and Bitcoin is part of that, and now were closing down some of our factories and some of our towns, because we really want to hit. green energy demands and sore closing the empty towns that they ve built is out there doing theoretical, goes down all the worry tat, sound them. Somebody one lives it oh yes, some of whom have to close down yeah sure they ve they bow yeah four grand built absolutely absolutely and they ve they have also shift imports of coal from Australia. Australia was the number one import of coal for China and they say no more now now
doubled the mongolian coal that's coming in and so, but they are going there really because they learn. They said you know, we see the writing on the wall with financing and the way western financing is working. We're not going to be able to build these coal plants. So even though they built all of these coal plants, laugh Stu Year They want us to know that they're going to abandon them. Yes soon- and this is what while Howard were you last year I mean I get a room. Remember, was even born last year and I think so, where their dinosaurs, I think there might have been by the way, their peak co fire power generation is supposed to happen and twenty twenty seven they keep move back, but there's
increasing their call consumption freedom, an average of twenty twenty seven and those are their projection, give it they're, gonna close them down real, quick right right now, they're, just that's what this power! I don't think that its some sort of a shortage- or you know central planning, gone wrong. They don't have that's an issue about an issue that all works: fine in China and getting cold Nino no longer getting coal from Australia, that's not strip. He Jake I wanted to get it from Mongolia because Mongolia is land. in its really close to China, where you got a ship that dangerous call all the way across the sea now wow that's an end, the cutting edge of the green movement. I believe Al Gore once told us that he shouted yes, you did what any sound like when he said it. Your training I was asking lies ahead,
China evolved the cutting edge of environmental, live on the cutting edge. that's a real globe by though it is, is an actual quote from him. This is this. The by far the largest polluter in the world are responsible for what eighty percent of all plastic in the ocean response. The boy for emissions that our way above the United States of America and they were building the the equivalent of a coal fired power plant every week when he said it. Ok, have to change the subject, and I have to get the update from baby row baby row pro abortion or not, and we had a prediction. Yesterday, yeah prediction was it's on a b c day before the Supreme Court starts, we know a very controversial year where they're going to decide abortion
and I'm right wing court. You know they're gonna they're, going a lan abortion, social rights there. So right wing and baby row comes out for the first time and she's on ABC, and I thought what are the odds that she's on a b c and come out and say: she's pro life right is that It seems exactly like what ABC would raw totally if amount she's I'd. Look. I really think abortion was that I would have been dead if it was legal back then. So obviously I am pro life clearly that, in our view, would air yes Ray. I dare not a big deal about it and so an errand yesterday, all case so where'd she say buddy their own scope, but I do know the edge. I I think I know the answer to this you're going to be stunned here. She's pro choice now ass, but she was very clear about something why very We're about something that
she wanted to make sure that she was not used by either side and, of course, the way to do that and say your pro choice in the middle of a Supreme Court hearing right on national national television right. That's a time. That's the time to do it to not get used by either side, who certainly weren't being used by being put on television to say the woman who would have been aborted back in the days now pro choice, they're, not gonna, use that at all, and not as it ought to be concerned that special, wasn't even using her thought thing, or she said I don't wanna be used, was not using it and one one other thing: the appeal on Chris quarrels, accuser with Megan Kelly, yes, yeah yeah. Did you hear this interview was pretty interesting? She was so the woman is, it was an executive producers. Abc of Munich has been all over television, a very well known, executive and she claimed to be groped. I Chris Cuomo. He how during grub
but and grabbed her, but and it forever husband and then sent an email. A very legal sick, email to Jane. I took two not say that he did it, but also to try to appease her and say that he was sorry anyway. She went through the entire story. Yesterday, She used the word groped image. That was her word. She was not happy about it. She said she was talked about. How CNN would not hold them responsible she's she's triassic she's, trying to draw this line of well, don't fire and have him go and do specials on sexual. Her ass meant and all these things who wants to watch them it's him wait. I could do specials on sexual around eleven on Tv Gao, ok, yeah, so Chris Cuomo still working. still has not been forced to address this in any way. Totally fine totally fucked Well, well, you already explained Stew, it wasn't so in any way be ass. He grabbed her buttocks, but that wasn't sexual. It was,
You know like a football player to another football player external enough. Bob layers and foreign players are both guys and football players to squeeze the but the kind of habits, but did right, but I'm sure I was very similar rights delta is all over this either that areas in setting thing about lots and lots of NATO wait a minute. You dont know which one it is, and I can't remember which wanted her. It's like the role baby. She pro lie, or is she pro choice? I can't decide which one Shelly Raw said that been o Brien still Ter had basically given up all of his credibility by not commenting on this because, obviously years, there's not a lot of credibility. They give away that's for sure, contravene, but they obviously Fox NEWS person, Amadou even have to say this in a Fox news personality, was caught in this situation and with it was documented, I think
Instead, there might mention it really yeah. I think you might be a little can write it I don't know, I criticise Fox for not meeting the hosting go on the air and talk about. I think this is crazy. Talk. It's just like you know those people who don't believe that China is is intentionally shutting down their own energy supply right now because of the green. You know the green new deal is going to be global. It's going to sweep the world they're going to lead the way and they're very concerned about all of the p
that worry about the planet that very concerned Amazon, unlike you'd laughter, the middle of that set now idols, I just a little while I was thinking pride soldiers. Credibility ass may not have China's. Oh, no, no, not at all your listening to the best of the Glinda Programme founder and president of kids and country and the author of standing up to Goliath. Welcome to the programme Rebecca Fredericks. How are you Rebecca it's great to be here? You'd like at Heathrow. No, not a problem is so this is the craziest story. I have heard the he s Ba, which you're gonna have to explain to me. I know they represent the school boards, but are they kind of like a union? but the essay the SBA has asked
oh Biden for Protect in for the school boards, from the FBI and he gave it to them. Yesterday would tell me about this. Well, this is absolutely disgusting. it's an attack on our constitutional freedoms and it's it's the government weapon eyes in itself against taxpayers against parents who are trying to protect their children. So ass to your first question, the National School Board Association is a union is a union for school members and the SBA claims represent ninety thousand schoolboy members, but that's not true men, Board. Members are coerced into joining, This union and some school districts even pay the fees for membership, but our tax dollars, so the school board members are just kind of stuck in their every school board. Member. I know who's ever attended an annex b. A meeting has been shocked by the law: just agenda, that's being pushed is exactly that of the teachers. Unions the teachers, unions and all their powers in the administrators
decisions, schoolboy dissociation, library, association, even the peach here there are pushing this same radical agenda and is no surprise to me at all All that the binding administration is doing the bidding of these unions, because these unions give you know me to pull millions and billions to the candidates who will do their bidding so I that's what's goin on here in America, needs to wake up. You know we're in the middle of a communist take over in this country, and the unions are the ones behind it at once, funding it and pushing it and using are elected officials to get this done that's quite a statement, but I I agree with you. We are in the midst. I think we are in a revolution. One side is, is aware of it in the other side, wants to just keep their heads her head in the sand, but so So what does this mean? Merrick yesterday said coordination
partnership with local law enforcement is critical to implementing these measures for the benefit of our nations, nearly fourteen thousand public school districts. To this end, directing Federal Bureau of Investigation working with each of the United States attorneys convene meetings with federal state, local tribal and territorial leaders, and each federal judicial district within thirty days. These means will facilitate the discussions of strategies for addressing these threats are r r, school boards getting a lot of threats like that or mean what's happening while in this terrifying. In fact, what it is, its gas lighting. So these school board the scoreboard Jason is claiming that parents are doing Firstly, with the unions and scoreboard associations have been doing to the rest of us. For years, they ve been bold enough leave unions, the scoreboard associations, if you're an honest, hard working school board. Member
you could easily be chased out of office by the union if you're, a good teacher, doing a good job. You're gonna be harassed, a good parents, so what's really going on is they have twisted the narrative? And now they have the government, the d o J, the F B. I these three letter agencies that have also and corrupted by these very same unions. hygiene claiming their bringing benefits. No parents bring Bennett to their children good teachers bring benefit these corrupt unions and scoreboard. Associate, and bring zero benefit. They are the threat, but their flipping. It and I mean it where the threat this is frightening and, like I said before, America really needs to awaken I'm an earlier. I mentioned this, this communist takeover will. I would just like people to know there were some gold of the Communist Party to take over our country. They were ready to our congressional record in nineteen sixty three and goals seventeen says: get control of the schools, use them
transmission belts for socialism and communist propaganda softened. The curriculum get control of the teacher associations, but the party line in the text, but where does watch this come to. Fruition got control the school board associations as well and most other government meeting into our country. So it's not only of the eye. That's coming after people Biden Is I guess, gonna? U, the postal service, to intervene against threatening letters. and cyber bulling attacks soon I mean so. The post fisheries control by union too. So, ok, let's get back day Election paperwork, let's use the post office to harass people and to deny them of their freedom of speech to send a letter through the postal system. This is out, control. This is the way A nice enough, the government against the people and we the people we people are sovereign, a we are citizens wit, which means that that we are
the leaders. We are reviewed all equal and the these folks are supposed to be served. There are two control we need to put him back in their place, so it can be. A massive fight here is here here is where the rubber, it's the road, I'm I'm really tired of people saying well, I'm a good teacher, and I mean the teachers Union get out. Teachers unions. You know quit the teachers. and I know that you know people want a change from the inside and then we'll lose Oliver good teachers. Well, if there isn't a guy of teachers that rise up and school board. Members who see this NGO, I'm not what I'm not going to be a part of this they don't rise up together where we are going to lose we're going to lose You can't stay silent in your in your job and the parent. You can't stay silent, a
men in all capitals. Glenn. We have been speaking up. So many years- and I agree With- I- am a teacher- my husband dear teacher, so I can say this. If you are a teacher- and you say you're a good teacher, you're still paying the government unions, are complicit in evil. You are complicit, harming children, sexual rising children, harming parents. If you are a good, Your leave the union today well believe you're, a good teacher. Good teachers must stand up with good parents with it's cool board members. We have something we shall adopt a teacher where we asked good parents and others to just get every Peter, you know and educate them, because most of them have no idea that we won them the right to stop funding unit. Because the union path a bunch alive to make it illegal for employers, Dick
the people they ve been freed from union. So please help us to get the work out there. They can find all the information they need on our website called forgiven country, dot, Org and in a man we must stand together. Things are out of control. We could stop this a long time ago if teachers would have listened and awakened and schoolboy members and other and parents and pastors we only stand together. Are you seeing still the ground swell because it seems to have gone quiet Abed Yeah. We are seeing a groundswell around critical race theory which, by the way in this annex b a letter, they lied and said, they're not teaching it in our school Roy. Yes, they are yes, they are there there implementing it in every subject they use. You know tricky wording to try to make it sound like they're, not doing that. But yes, we see a groundswell around fear tea which thank God, but there's still the other problems in our schools. What we don't see a groundswell around its people awakening to the fact that the root cause.
every single branch issue you are fighting is that teacher unions and their communist agenda and any other government union. We have to awaken people to stop thinking their government union is our friend. Their government union is destroying them their profession. They will destroy your pension that they promised you at some point. We fall the communism, so people have to awaken stop trust in these from an union if weaken, we'd, get them out take away. Their power. We could fix all these problems Rebecca. thank you so much. I appreciate everything that you have done. She's the author of standing up to Goliath, she's been standing up to Goliath for, for a very long time, She was a teacher for twenty eight years, she's all the founder president for kids and country. You can find her at the website for kids and country dot org? If you are somebody that wants to stand up in your community european and you must stand up for your community go to
for kids and country dot org. If you were a teacher- and you you want? You are one teachers you're, like I am not the bad guy here as Rebecca said, and I echo the tie. for being in bed or one foot in each side of the threshold, way gone, you are either in bed with these labour unions? And your can tribute in to them and yours supporting by just being another number on their sheet. You either with them and against. The pair its or your with the parents against the union's, but these labour unions have got to be so they are the poison that is in our system and the FBI, I now treating parents as terrorists should tariffs,
I every single American. That said, I'm not doing anything wrong. Why it matters to me because if you dont now agree with what is in your school, your gun, to be labelled a terrorist. We must stand together, Rebecca! Thank you! So much God bless you. The best of Glinda programme, more joins us again a renowned economist, end also the senior economic contributor to freedom works and CO founder of committee to unleash prosperity Steven. You know me, I have been you know calling for doomsday for a very long time and
and and you know I I generally, my predictions are in the right direction. a day. You know my timing is: is all off? and they have broken all of the fundamentals to try to make anything. You know- try to make everything good and I think they're just making it worse and worse as we go on. I I let's first talk about the shelves that are going to be empty next year what is the impact of the american people? While you know it's interesting, I'm case during that point, gonna break which is top. Ah, I got an email from What am I want, my guys, and it says that dumb, China and India because of Bob Energy problems. Supply problems were just talking about guess what what
resource, China and India, which I think combined up two point: five billion people who gets what they're. Turning to would say, and I hope that it would be clean energy like nuclear, but it's probably coal call it back at him. Often solar panels right it call it and then turning to call, because we ve turned up there. The deaths of natural gas and oil, and, by the way I support call always this country was built on call. And we have, the point is called the world in the United States- will not producing at some other timber, producing dirty call, it is now India and China has one thousand coal burning plants than their building hundreds more, do you think they care about climate change
Well, the presidency just came out said he did that's one of the reasons why they stopped coin it has the afternoon. Was these people, but also for the sun loot, light absolute library like it's like believing brezhnev right now, we re believe you sell. My point is that we get the left lives in a fantasy world that they believe it weep. We're realize they are fantasies they they say the words they wanted to be, not as it is, and so we do have the supply side, problems with respect to the superb blockchain and is getting worse and its beak We heard the dismantling our free market economy a mere depending more and more on government. I'll. Give you another example something I worry about. The supply of drugs and vaccines sweep got that. The basically Biden wants to take over the the drug industry,
It states that run out of stock approved they do that Stephen if a lot of people aren't paying attention to the cars there was like aw man, you know the new electric cars are coming and it's all going to be electric by twenty thirty. Yet it is lit. We all going to be Ferrari we'll be making all electric cars, no more conduct combustion engines by twenty thirty. All of that companies are going to this where's all that power to go and look for lumbering. I wrote you for once that you'd what percentage of cars on the road to day or electric vehicles three percent, now you're due weight to write about one point: eight percent, while I'm twenty percent does anybody in their right mind other than your hide. You think that over the next fifty years, we're gonna go from one and a half per cent even fit well that thirty percent, all of them
All of the new cars, though every single company has a commitment to be all electric by twenty thirty, it's crazy! I got you know what gets super. They forgot to ask the other people worse. Yes what I don't have anything get start was driven to test for the wonderful vehicles. I don't know what the government for them, then we ve got policy up, you can't make so stop up. The government is interests in this five trillion dollars. Spending go gonna, provide pay, seventy five hundred dollars to you, if you buy an electric car weren't, nobody gonna come from and by the way who buys tat was even poorer. People living in the inner city by two hundred thousand dollars. I thought this was a bigger give away too rich people at work. So what are we facing with inflation? What is it relation going to be like the pants. It depends on the desert, but this
In that way, the reason I was so eager to do your shorted out, because I know you have such a it. Well and armed and a large audience folks. This is not a fire drill right. There are not making a step up these. both worrying Washington right now. Are cocoa past I mean they really want to transform America. Imbibed said daddy. Such we're. Gonna pass this built as we want to transform wrapped awoke Glenn. I kind of like America were hit this right now. I don't allow us towards France Spain and ITALY. They want to move us towards a social, a big government, socialist economy. We have to stop them. I'm running a coalition called saved. The country killed the bill. with Larry COD low and many others who want to save this country from socialism. If we want here is the prompt if they pass this try our spending bill for the rest of you and my careers, we're gonna spend every day trying to undo the damage their doing.
In what in what areas trying to deal with it, trying to deal with the massive government take over the healthcare system, the master of increases in taxes there are others, our businesses and american companies. Dealing, what they want to reverse. They want or have forced union power visa every statement today I dont have upon the union's, but I do have a problem forcing people to join the union. I mean, I think our story got Glenn. I mean I could talk for half an hour about house sinister, this bill. Is it with poor. Did you know they have a? They have a provision this building. reporter you, you don't have to paper I'll catch up here in the media, they wanna get exempt the payroll taxes and they also want to exempt union, do stay where make those tax deductible, so they want to give a big sweet, our kids to the EU and in the media, she, why do you think they wanna? Do those two groups- oh yeah, they're, the ones who made the election bus unbelievable graft its graft
you PS, the? U S, p s, I should say, is launching a banking service like that, such a great I know I know they want the be United Sates Postal Service now to be a place where- You can cash, your payroll, Jack Airy, your business jack's, and you can, keep money on deposit with the: U S, postal service. Schools right hand in hand with What's her name, a school are, moreover, right now you can imagine that, yes, yes to tell people about, that's got she's the one who went to Moscow State University writer right and born under the Soviet Union added. We we sometimes
it all day the lustre left us our socialist. This warm enough in the socialist Shiva carbon free rein. She wants the government, I'm not post what I'm gonna talk. She wants the government to take over the banking industry in America and she was the government to take over the financial industry, America and the gods show the politicians and I make all the decisions about you know who can get aloud and did you see by the way and this bill this horrible bill. If you have a financial transaction of more than six hundred dollars They change into a thousand change it to them. at all. Ok, I'm a little behind as a thousand ten thousand ten thousand, they moved attentively you're paid than most people pay tracks for good, They call you put your mortgage pray much why they want to hire seventy five thousand new roof age. Paraca can keep track of everything were doing and by the way, who do you think they're gonna be tracking, giving there'll be tracking, liberal democratic borders? No, we came up with a new name.
Always learn. Remember here. She was, and who political weapon eyes the IRA's under Obama. What did she do? She went after any conservative group, already, conservative donor, that's what I mean and what they can do with seventy five thousand new agents? Where is your ray of sunshine that you usually leave me with I think the american people revolting against this. I just see it every day that that nobody voted for this. Do you think people went to the bulk of the Poles in and in November, and about people voted for four or five did so because they they want a ten trillion subdue spanning adapt the arrow. I recall that I mean that there's no mandate for this. You know about the alibi. That's all you wouldn't do I got here. We were gonna, you know we have a new deal. I went up the
one he won the biggest landslide election in american history right the mandate this this president? First, people are even think he won the lecture on all feed it or didn't that point, as it was a razor than margin. The Democrats have fifty saddler out of a hundred and they have a force. majority out of more than thirty five in that house, through the water Now those no mandate from the people to do this. American people don't want it. I think we're gonna rise up and we'll get a defeat. I really do gimme. The web address with where people can join your efforts. Well the person to do just get our daily hotline. I hope you get a lot of you. Don't please get in touch with me, but it's without a daily hotline, everyday agreed at five minutes. You just have the five or six bullet points in attracting points every day about, what's going on with his belt just go to the committee to unleash prosperity that calm and sign up and by the way I'm not follow the anything out. Unlike job, I'm telling you the truth, it's free, it doesn't cost any opening up. For that. Ok, I will
I can't afford. I didn't know about it. I will sign up warm thanks. So much Stephen appreciated. Ok, glad you bet CO, founder of committee to unleash prosperity. Stephen more again, the website is committee to unleash prosperity die Cobb
Transcript generated on 2021-10-06.