« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Salena Zito & Jason Whitlock | 10/27/20

2020-10-27 | 🔗

Early voter turnout has already surpassed 2016’s totals, but the youth still aren’t turning out. Some Democrats are requesting to change their vote after hearing the Hunter Biden leaks. Kamala Harris laughed off notions that she’s the most liberal senator. Did Joe Biden mean to say George W. Bush or George Lopez? Reporter Salena Zito discusses the violence in Philadelphia and reveals the Pennsylvania and Ohio counties she’ll be watching on election night. Outkick sports writer Jason Whitlock argues why he believes many black men are leaning toward Trump and how many mainstream media viewers have no idea that Trump can actually be kind.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Calling all Patriots President Donald Trump wants to make sure you are prepared to vote on November. Third, the go Democrats are doing everything in their power to stop Republicans from winning, and we want to make sure patriots like you are heard. This is the election of our lifetime, a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to save our country. Make sure your ballot is counted text poles, YO, Ella less to AIDS RO to two to find your pulling location,
America hits pot cast time and a good one. Today we talk about the poles we actually we actually also. I mean I don't have to say I'm not a doctor, but I am a doctor pride stoop. So we have a united is yes, why can retire knows anything with the human condition. I meant to be doing the dietary later this week to stop by my office. If you need some things anyway, what things Camacho Harris, there's something deeply disturbing about. There is severe she's got a nervous, take that we need to address, and we did in today's Pascal. We also went over the poles six ways to Sunday, Selina Z, if Zito is with us, Selina is really focused on Ohio and pencil vain yet, and I thought she had some really good news for all this and so much more on today's podcast operated, could have least Evie dot com, slash blennies the protocol planning at thirty bucks off your subscription that less only until next day, thirty bucks off the promo code is glad. Please tv, dotcom, slash me some Good news
with one million two hundred. Ninety four thousand six hundred and sixty EAST ballots cast The g o p leads the earlier vote in Wisconsin. Forty two percent GEO P to thirty. Six percent Democrat forty six percent of the estimated total volts of twenty twenty have been cast in Wisconsin. You can register and vote the same day. Still a close race over the last few days. Republicans have store. The poles and are beginning to take the lead in early voting in several states This is a dirty. This data is derived from actual ballots, cast the sample size larger than any pull. They say it's a very accurate in determining the voter preference. Data does not account for specific demographics are sent aura segments of the electorate that still have to vote, so that is, that is good. They say. What's worrisome for Democrats is the absence of youth voters. This
something that they always get wrong in the polls. Democrats are always expecting the youth to show up the eighteen twenty nine year olds. They do. Usually show up the only time. Its ever happened is with Barack Obama Voting is now up three hundred and nine percent from this time in two thousand sixteen than two thousand sixteen, the wrong number showed the youth vote up in time, the twenty, as a percentage of the electorate, eighteen to twenty nine year olds cast only five percent of the total vote in twenty sixteen, they were seventeen percent of the vote. Data suggests young people are not showing up at the same rate as they have in even twenty sixteen to sell his yes. This is this is a good. What what happened in? Was it North Carolina South Carolina? There's the rub listens are ten.
once behind Peggy resembles, outnumber yeah he's either the other Republicans or ten group, ten percent behind added this same stage in the twenty sixteen election. Hilary was up by thirteen point five percent and await with ends and Trump still one, as at South Carolina North girl, North Carolina, It's it's bizarre and it's like you know. We mention this off the air, but events in Pennsylvania, its sixty four to twenty five bitin. Now again, what say Biden were summarizing. Yours, just party registration. All these Democrats could be voted for Donald Trump. We don't know, but who comes a party registration sixty four twenty five. that's a big voting at a compared to two thousand. Sixteen is up nine hundred and fifty five percent. While now I love this out so weird about this election. It's like the cove id changes all these rules, like I, don't know what you can take out of this honestly. I really dont know what to read into it states next to each other with the same demographic breakdowns
completely different results. Like I dont know what Corky thing is going on with the data or if it's just, everyone is very indecisive, will who knows but air its are to read things out of early vote. If you go crazy with it, you you'll get really excited, are really depressed and you may make it may very well be for no reason, but So far, we are seeing massive numbers may way beyond anything with ever since over sixty million people of already voted talking about you know they expect, but one fifty five. A hundred fifty five million here for the total might be the most. The biggest turn out percentage wise since nineteen o eight did do- Did you hear feels right? Did you hear that some Democrats now are asking for their ballots back? Yeah? after the hunter, my NEA and internationally their allowing those people to go back any ideas, ballot, its legal in seven states, Pennsylvania is one of Michigan another, so there are some swing states that you can chew.
But you gotta consult your local. You know voting authority and find out how you do that, as is different, and I find that it that amazes ere, you know for somebody who had voted early forbidden, and then they see the the news for them to say that's enough for me to change my ballot. I that that that day, bode well, I think for Joe Biden, if this news would have gotten out, which is why the press didn't do anything I want. I want to play something that I find really telling let's play from Kemal Harris, the two consulates ears cut one of Kemal Harrison Sixty minutes a very different. the policies that you ve supported in the past. Considered the most liberal, United States. Senator is so
but he said that the actual my pants on the debates, but that will actually that non partisan Gov track has raided you. As the most liberal, senator you supported the green new deal. You supported Medicare for all you ve, supported legal using marijuana. Joe Biden doesn't support those things, so are you gonna bring the pie, policies. Those progressive policies you supported a senator into him. and administration What I will do- and I promise you this- and this is what Joe wants me to do. This was part of our deal. Will always share with him. My lived experience as with any issue that
confront, and I promised show that I will give him that perspective and always be honest with him standing Vasco. She is so she's gonna bring my lived experience, but here's the problem- you're, the most liberal, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha all my life she laughing every time. She is ass, a tough question, she laughs, yeah, look the next one and is had a socialist or progressive perspective. You didn't think respect. Women who grow a angering owed. The random child in America was also a pie
secular, who also has a mother who arrived here need to nineteen from India. Early anybody out likes hip hop why you ought to know. I want to give you I'm gonna, give you the opportunity, China and its own suits us seriously its stop its unsettling, its unsettling she's, going to make no mistake, she's going to be the president of the United States. If Biden wins, if Biden wins, she will be the president, I'm not saying that binds not gonna be the present for a while, but he's gonna last for four years. We all know that we all know that this is the next president of the United States, and you know I'm really glad because way. When I said the president was a socialist, I was called a racist. I'm gone
to see. Now it's not racist. It's one thing to be called a socialist.
Let's just go, laugh and stir. It is Crystal clear reason. You believe it is right for marks a genuine, whereas you didn't, I mean you're, brutally honest question here. Wasn't an additional was set, things said, joke or anything I started laughing hysterically were little son, so someone say that you got in cotton deal with Biden that you would actually be the president at some point he was using them preside, Rob saw you
Are you at least a progressive on? I just I just pay attention do add just a little bit by the way the the media has excused Joe Biden apparent Bush Trump mix up next year by this yeah, I think he's talking about Lopez is now I want I want to. I just want to lay this from yesterday. We still have it good. Play within Joe Biden started talking about we're. Gonna have another four years of Bush: George George listen! This is most consequent, not because I'm ready because you are run, my guess is most consequential election and a long long time in the car the country, in my view, is looming on the ballot.
the countries of the former years of Georgia. Georgia gonna find ourselves in a position where it far Trump gets elected. We're going to be we're going to be in a different world, five more years of Georgia. George George Lopez yeah. That's what he's throwing away- or this is not being said by a nobody. This is the Washington post. Might the Washington Post, saying George Lopez, makes more sense then you know, then George W Bush does well. Yes. Yes, that's that's true, but so does George the curious monkey. That's read every night and I know you have another four years of George the curious monkey coming that doesn't make any sense at all, not at all
I started on George Clooney. He really likes charge gloomy and who is thinking about another four years, a bit loony movies about what a ridiculous explaining should, for the four years of George Jetson, widely dogging, add on a magic treadmill nightmare holy cow. The press is just doing everything they can everything they can to MILAN running. This is the best one big programme as it is with us, she's, the national political rapporteur for the Washington Examiner columnist for the EVIL, New York Post and the co author of the great river I Selina. How are you going?
and carried her year high. I'm I'm really good. I'm really good how you feel about what the New York Posters said done with that Hunter Biden in those lies. You knew I I'm I applaud you know our job as a journalist is to take a team over the finish line, but you come uncovered the uncomfortable facts, and that is what the new year, Post has John, and I think there it is incredibly towering. There are cultural cure is first of all. I have done this time it is social media, big tack, are punishing them forward, afford doing actually doing doing their job, and I think that when you met all in things like that at your silence, things like that? Was there you are doing not only a disservice to your
consumers, your audience or whatever, but you are also stifling the ability of her keep the two are worried about but you know people find ways to read about it, because I think they made the story even bigger Selina. Let me let me talk to you now about Pennsylvania state. You know very well. You been travelling back and forth. You been talking to people there's a couple of things that we need to address. First of all, the riots in Philadelphia yesterday, cause when police shot. A black man who was not on armed is coming at them with a knife. It was all on on tape. Is this going to help or hurt in the election? Now I think that The challenge for Democrats will, in this instance, is that Black vote has mutual trust.
in Ivory Party, too to have their back and there owing to I don't think that bear necessarily gonna say this Donald Trump fall because it happened at Philadelphia and they happy that happened in the city of Philadelphia and the people that have sorted the control of the city of Philadelphia, the crack you The oil crisis do much more oil goal. Then national. I thought it would What I'm asking you about is the let's say the suburban voters in the voters that look at Philadelphia and see riots on the streets. Is this going to be good for Democrats or bad for Democrats? Here's what I think I think, I'm suburban Democrats or suburban Republican too, could
No reason to come to you to vote for tromp. Are you gonna? Do one or two things there are going to put about providing because they think that what happened is an extension of Donald Trump. I dont know why, but also, I think, queues. Martin Trump voters, who are a further down, abide its policies but you face the peer pressure of living in the suburbs. They're going to people tend to road thought for themselves, but their communities and a lot of people don't vote ideology. They were for the person who had their communities back I think in that way the tramp benefits they either vote for him or they dont show So, let's talk about why she didn't county because you have been examined or article where trumps twenty twenty coalition must come from in Pennsylvania,
to be about washing in county. This is the largest producer of natural gas all of the counties and the second largest producer nation, wide carousel Marshall. tell it to me is sorted boilerplate of what needs to happen in counties outside our daily work. Pittsburgh is located and outside of the Philadelphia cobbler counties now in two thousand and sixteen came out at about two? Now there there were ten of them who were not convinced that Mitt Romney was a good business. Man who were conveyed. It was the guy who was actually come to their desk with a box rather and build a new company. They face in trout that he would the guy that we started tax. They took a terrible and they voted for him if there were ten counties that just needed to turn. two thousand or both over what Romney good and,
they did now up to and he won Donald Trump because counties like Washington, county who had been torn and Democrats registry, the parties for years for ever since, like that, King authorities, why is that the yard deal coalition key man? Now you Only those ten counties which is also ear user, Westmoreland Butler Fever, but they cheat the addition. Oh counties that run across the top of the stage who our conservative counties but were they didn't show up in the high number four trump anyway, because these are farmers, gas workers, whose the method twenty six page sounded more. Like a liberal Democrat, the conservative, now people were murdered and all our trump
it is about fifty thousand votes tell it all out of all of these. What I call Sheep counties no matter what happens, illegals here, Y, all or Allegheny County that will accede about the good Democrats have by March it's gonna be close, was charged with its on the back of those voters puts the voters who put him in office. It twenty twenty two thousand accountings I'm watching election night. If they happen I turn out. Or if that is telling be, that the road to victory So what are you? What is your got? Tell you because he never knew. He not only needs at least what he got last time. He needs an additional three percent of the vote to to offset the numbers that have have have changed since twenty sixteen and I think
think of the President winds five percent, that's enough to offset any of the finance against or anything else does he have indeed the d or you seeing signs that that's happening gosh you, twenty fixing at the signs were over the top. You know I saw how things went. on the side, retainer undecided, so Barnes I saw horse. I would term pit- alongside this. Third people, don't have one. They have nine. They also have to cloud the poor by eight and their front porch awkwardly cover the front window beer his own. Is there and I want to be clear- he doesn't need trump. Isn't he three percent more of all out throughout the state it's just a nose world counties so bad about two to three thousand or votes in sound these war or counties and people go to sleep the com. I waded out a completely
like every county to watch. I want to watch Philadelphia. while they don't have their? Ah there Brazil and show at least Friday, but I would see what was the enthusiasm, moral counties which were to be able to see are probably faster Philadelphia and end the collar counties, something I don't know what you're doing and who you're with, but I'd love to. Have you on our coverage for the for the election? If you would who in mind dropping laundry and telling us all about Pennsylvanian. What you're, seeing on em election day absolutely web chair, aright, sleep, Thank you so much she's, the national political rapporteur for the washing examiner columnists of the New York Post. She does despatches from Ohio and Pennsylvania, but away do you have any information on Ohio Selina
oh yeah I ve also got to sleep- is either dot com. It's about the third Storey gal. I say if Oh hi is about three or four percentage or tromp on election go to the polls going into election day. Ah, the democratic way that people in D C a new Yorker them were writing about. It was obviously very possible. That means it's gone and, and that means the tramp at least is. Getting a better chance in Pennsylvania and Michigan and North Carolina of States I'm that are a little more democratic than Ohio, but ever higher coming in it like a Threed aboard a five percent when for trial. All things are even going into election. I, what did you win last time in Ohio, You think a long arm, a percentage points
I actually think that it's going to be maybe six percent in Ohio, and I got a good way out of Ohio as well a couple days ago come for the examiner, I'll, just go to my website. Good I'll, Selina, Zito, Selina, Zito, Z, eighty Oda come Selina, thee The poles are showing the exact opposite. Are you meeting very many people that voted for tromp last time and are not voting this time for him and never meant that You ve never met that person. I've ever met that person Does it mean they don't exist? In short, there is theirs. All kinds of social pressure with, in particular the suburbs. But what I can't believe our people that where there is a story, I have other line that people in Cambria county, Homer, Jack, America. You remember Jack, Mirth area Glenn this this,
Canada has always been democratic, registered county line that people who voted for Clinton and were changing your party registration to Republican, that is now republican count it blows my colleague, John Pennsylvania, is now a republican county Selina. Thank you. So much God bless she is she's an amazing reporter and she is the one that said right after the election. The problem is: is that the media, his words literally and didn't. Take him seriously. the voters. Kim seriously, but didn't take his words. Literally
thought that was a great understanding of Donald Trump Best Glenda Programme Jason Wedlock host of fearless swiss Jason Whitlocke he's a sports rider. He can be found it out, kick dot. Com now and Jason joins me now the Jason welcome to the programme. I want to start with something you just wrote round. Kika president trumps, dragon energy entice is ice. Cube Kenya, where fifty cent and other black men twelve years ago, though, when I trash Sarah Palin and having to post column and across social media on a daily basis, no one cared. No, told me to stick to sports. Although a non voter, my preference for Barack Obama, Joe Biden, was quite clear. I am still a non voter, but my
reference for Donald Trump and my pants now it's quite clear, my crib. passionately want me to stick to sports by presidential preference. Is now offensive. I've sold out I've changed, I'm a hypocrite. This Wednesday, I visited the White House to interview President Trump. I wanted to opium on why black voters, particularly black men, seemed to be breaking from the facade that he is the grand wizard of the coup. Klux clan what's happened. Jason, what's what's happening in the black community Well, I, I really believe the facts are starting to speak for themselves. In that tribes record of accomplishment predict. Where is it released African Americans speaks for itself that He actually have a record to stand on. Unlike even
brought Obama when we need spread out of the EU, had much of a record to stand on in terms of a what did he, actually deliver for African Americans, president drop as things he said. he can stand on em. You know beyond that, I think black people understand when you start talking about black, employment rate in Amerika the unemployment rate and then, when we decided for black man beside me, been putting on at relates to drop it is, is embarrassing. I doubt if woody just because. We have celebrated him in your pop music now we have. Ah We have been friends with him and socialize with him in every way possible from
When free Jesse Jackson to this, number of african american celebrities, You know this whole thing that you know plainly races. It just doesn't true and people having to deal with that reality and I think, for black man. This is masking there's masculinity, his fear listless. It just resonate N rings. True to us, you know who I am geez. I got a lot of heat for saying about six serve, maybe maybe, as long as a year ago, I said that Donald Trump, is the alpha mail and that he is one of the only eggs
samples in in public life outside of sports. Perhaps that is an alpha that doesn't mind saying yeah, I'm a man, I'm all man and you may not like the way he manifest that put in some ways, but he's not ashamed of it and we are living in a culture where we are told to be women manner to be women or damn near, and he's not he's not and I think that plays a role in the psyche of a lot of men. I think without question. You know I've been on this, dead, like everything masculine is all right toxic and that's not true, and I think for men em a segment of the female population. I think a pretty large segment. We just don't buy We understand that American Free, Don't worry on through masculinity.
There is a way to be responsibly masculine, yes, and it is a way to be irresponsibly masculine. We need the rid of the ear responsible but pay all masculinity as toxic and evil and detriment to the country is just wrong. Am I just people, by them to imitate. Look. I think, the black matter. Rioting moody in this respect when you have any sort, just ten percent. Christian values, five percent it just why plows matters in all what we ve seen all summer. It just doesn't gibe with Any time, though, in values of faith based values. Can it values american values? But but let's say
want to have some anti american sentiment. It could it. I love my mother hard core Democrat in her heart. She taught me over bridge for Brocklebridge Bonham, constantly questioning her like a hat these policies coincide. With our religious faith? This is worth bid at the pound, They should about family. This is why you took me to check Toby Sunday as a kid. This is why I was baptized these things that you are supporting politically its sole crystal clear. Now they don't come inside with our belief is what is what did she say? She doesn't have a great answer. She just gets frustrated and she thinks that she's, been convinced that racism is above all things and I'm not trying to diminish racism, but it is just a sin:
it's gonna wanna, say just they feel it's it's greater worse, Than any other sin and Salem fight, I went I look, you understood, the Baltic the world unfairness in the world, and if someone getting and says, the wrong word? That does not mean they're, not human, that this means there a centre like you, I've heard you say the wrong were, but does that really? write your actions on a daily basis, and so we may racism how'd. You judge people and and we in the media can define almost anything as racist. So anything can be a dog whistle how do you have
said to your mom what you said last week about Anti. For being, you know the modern day clan. Of course it were people live in their own little bubbles, when you live in a bubble of frame You buy MSNBC, CNN yeah. You should the people you know. Maybe I heard something about a Joe Biden fed up with an idea she hasn't feet. She doesn't know what's going on in Portland in Seattle every day she We know that there are paid organise product after looting and burning down these cities, She doesn't know that doesn't get into her bubble. Em, you know What I I explain to her and I have spoken at the church. I grew up in an up explained, Could I still? Finally, if we support the church, I grew up and grumbling. We can't
Politics become our religion, amen. What we can't. We in I've, asked my mother all the time that I finally got her a queer, but you can't talk about Trump and Obama more than you talk about. God does not. We can't be that in move. It is starting to get through its body. Glenn President Trop gave me up it to give to my mother, em told my mother this? When I came back from you, I said he gave you a key to the White House. Is very nice, I'm going to send it to you and she thought I was joking. And my mom theories, and so literally her reaction was like she didn't think president prop was capable of an act of kindness. That's how much! tv and my mom's. Eighty, so we shall see them out like a lot of people like a lotta tv, any kind.
Shook her up a little bit like all my god. This guy is a human being. it's. You know, but Jason, it's weird because you get. I get that reaction. I get that reaction from people who meet me. I mean I know. that was so that hated me so much that give- into a meeting with me. His hands were shaking. He called me the devil. When we first set down forty, five minutes into it. He said why Oh yeah. I mean you are nice, you're nice got any felt bad, he told everybody after I left the meaning of badly felt saying those things people just don't believe that concern. It is for one ending in some ways. You know Democrats are due. some people we just make them into these monsters. If you're on, outside side monster. That is the point or of social media, and I keep
for your people: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, there's some of the most secular places on earth and weave redo everyone to a tweet that we disagree with yes and we used to be that way. We used the firelight Jane. Carl Bildt wife. They want I know that the political and, if I we, the legal, lies all of that and we used to live in a time where people could disagree politically, still, city, humanity, each other, still love each other and love to get married. And now it's like all. We disagree politically you're, the one human being on the world. That is how much Social media in the mainstream media have divided us. We defined and each other on different sizes, political stripe, as will it take someone like meekly
political I've never voted. It drives. My parents crazy. Betrayed me crazy to I wish I'd like to. I wanted to ask you that. Why have you never voted? I don't believe and politicians? I am a person of my word and so on, say: hey, I'm gonna do something, I'm really gonna. Do it and I'm gonna due to their expectations? Politicians don't stick to their work and this is why it's taken time to realise think me, three and a half years to realise. Like the reason I gotta half way like Trump he's a politician like, oh my god, the stuff did he He said he was he's, actually try to do it and have done a lot of it. That has made me? I've waited too late to register the vote here. Timothy, if I hadn't, I think I'm too The point I wouldn't go. I would have voted this election believe you got here
You know whether I agree or disagree, but all men of fears, design, I have to tell you, I ve called me out on a year ago, when I first started say: maybe a year and a half ago one of her start saying I was wrong about him and I was wrong about him because I didn't think you keep any of his promises because he was, as you know, is a business man in New York and there's no ways and to keep its promises and I started to say on the air. He kept his promises and I think, he's actually doing a good job and he called me and and he Reno. Thank me for then. I said no mean you don't have to. Thank me. It's my wrist stability is Eve is a a decent human being to call you know, call him. As I see him, and I didn't I didn't like you- the beginning, and I didn't think that you're going to do anything, but but you did- and so I've gotta admit that- and I said but I didn't mean I like everything I said you're your trade policy here
talk to me for probably twenty five or thirty minutes about trade policy, ask me, really intelligent questions. He, went back and forth with me and in the end he said I still I I just like trade policy, so I'm still gonna doom. Here say to my face. What every other politician is ever said. Well, you know what I'm gonna look, I'm gonna think about that. He didn't you just said I agree with you and I loved that I love that. I I think if he would get off twitter, if I'm hoping it way if he gets a second per that could he's made his point about the media and so on, and I agree with you about the media- be an enemy of the people and fake moves. I agree with I dislike same bill. More kinder and gentler in his second term, where it is just be easier for me, with a focus on what is. Acts yeah
What is that it up today for me, as an african american support of AIDS Bc, use the opportunities owns his platinum plan. There's a sincere commitment to make things better for everyone and again the America. First thing is, I told him in our interview the number one thing for me and my pair, my mother, was a factory worker. My bad was with incredibly high school factory worker who then started up. Our business in the inner city for factory workers. we gotta do something about it and manufacturing jobs, here in the United States, so that people like my parents, can uplift their children despite the not having college education, there's some kind, wake up, the job me and my brother and I gotta steps the strawberry close to all of US college girl
Do it all of us doing? Well, in life off the backs of factory workers, your factor in doubt the american first agenda beg my mother. Why? the inauguration speech, it's one of the greatest speed, It I've ever heard any speaking time, recklessly you Jason, I have to run, but I thank you very much for standing for what you believe in whether we agree or disagree. fearless with Jason. Whitlock is exactly the right name for anything. You do. Thank you. Jason Pritchett about Melick Jason, went law, sportswriter out kick dot. Com is where you can find it.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-27.