« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Rudy Giuliani & Catherine Hill | 12/17/20

2020-12-17 | 🔗

Rudy Giuliani joins to discuss where President Trump’s election challenges go from here and what happened to AG Bill Barr. A new document from members of Congress calls for Joe Biden to clamp down on the religious Right. Small businesses are in trouble. One entrepreneur took her own life, and her mother wants her death counted as a COVID death. Glenn speaks to “Miss Kitty’s Lounge” owner Catherine Hill about her struggle with COVID restrictions and cancer, and he introduces a way you can help many like her.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is a really great. She really great show very, very funny where we're talkin about Quabo. Again there was so much we didn't get too, but what we did to his good if we start to show with Broody Giuliani, we also afraid Clayton Gram and then we end the show with something really special about small businesses. We talk to three or four people from all across the country that are the herds. Businesses are either shut or about to be shot. There are in dire straits just to hear their story. We are raising money for the next twenty four hours at Glenville, art, dot, com, everything that is sold there. If you wanna buy some for Christmas, it's my artwork, its GI clays. They are available. One hundred percent of the profits are going to help these small businesses. Also, you can go to go fund me. Dot com, Slash, Glenn, small business, he's gotta Glenn back to accommodate all the details with everything you need to go to help out. These businesses is really important and they ve been through a lot. So please help and we go through some of the crazy NEWS of the day you're going to not only here about how Congress congressional people have now sent a letter to Joe Biden, urging him to re, educate Christians and shut down churches and, of course, the Pennsylvania Health director with covert safety. If you happen to be going to an ordinary all entities, but-
You only thinking today, because it is the Christmas season, I'm gonna call him by his full name. Rudolf Giuliani is with us now They really how area, goin how you I'm I could be better. We could not have we get as of Donald Trump serving another another term, rural quick. I want to touch on this. Are we you guys? Are you continuing the investigation We are less no reason to stop it. I mean there's so much to investigate So now, what we're doing is where we're going forensically Germany. the machines it took all this time you get them available to us, because all these secretaries of state a plant cover up.
Let us start examining and the change in Arizona, Maricopa County to see how similar they are to the machines in Michigan. that turned out to be sixty two percent Inaccurate out, like you to note that the hearing yesterday crabs, Mr Crab, said only render reported it should be too shed clerical inaccuracies. Amino shall walk. It means more. The vote was long. The night, the owner do I know- and I read the report and I read his testimony to III b- acted liking. I said it was nonsense. I can't even I couldn't even understand the report. I read the report, it's easy to understand very easy to understand the machine, the machine it is like a computer, you can change anytime, you want it's, not helping machine for calculating the shit. So is there a possibility of a special council or anything that can stopped their deposit.
I believe that, and I think that the once we get these preliminary results, without from Arizona we can see whether one is justified. I offered There is a chance that if we can uncover ten thousand votes that would change in Arizona. The Arizona legislature might just take this into their own hands. There are the people. Arizona actually almost had a popular rebellion. state legislature was about to put this aside and they started demonstrations about ten days ago, all throughout our because they claim they know their election, which, though, Think of why they know their election was thought he was by ten thousand votes. How many illegal immigrants, They voted in our though I know when two thousand two hundred out of court install so had been thousands dead, people voted, that's pretty cool Is he all right, they're Rudy, we have a real problem, if we don't trust the?
process if we lose trust in this vote. We have nothing left, it is vital that you and others continue to find the facts, and when you have a buttoned up, when you have a Hunter Biden Computer, you ve, ought to release it and it's got to be it. This has to stop. Are you can't? you convinced at all that we can trust the vote in Georgia. The same issue. They haven't changed one but the same illegal walls. There are already saying that there's more turn out now in Georgia than there was for the general election. Well, There's no reason to believe that would be an honest vote. The machines are not. secure emissions, but it don't have the signature, verification, Donald Trump inside anything, anything that they want and Donald
ombudsman saying you ve got to go out and vote. Let I want to switch because I know you are short on time levy Let me gotta Bill BAR and and Durham. The special council is I mean I'm really disappointed and Bill bar. I know everybody loves him, but I am very disappointed at him I can't be anyone who had more wish that the more trust the boy than I did I dont know what happened. I judge almost can answer for it. It's totally inexplicable to me, the girl relations the heightened I do allegations the average By now, allegations are two years old when I know I know it all demanding new and he knew it and he wouldn't verify any hid behind. Well, we just don't do that. No, no! That's am I wrong ruining of course, you're right. I tried to make that point what he could have searched. Those eighteen months ago, right well before the election. I I
are you to anybody? I could it better to do it now. It until after the alleged then run Do it now, let's get it over with? Maybe it's true, maybe it's not true right, broom He's gotta go to jail, if it's not true. Well, then he was wandering, though, probably went I think conservatives are are missing. The point on this are all saying all look. The press is emitting it now: Northern, They're saying this is a tax scandal. This is a money laundering scandal. It is also on the same emails that are better. being in oak touted as true now by the mainstream media. They leave out the big guy they leave out. The my dad needs a key to the office all, stuff this implicates without the one they used, the hatred for putting on television. They kept locked television for a long time, because it is one tat
detection bother forgot his daughter I had always kickback have to pop to thirty years bright Let us hope you spend thirty years of kicking back to sew up. Will there be a special council? Can the president appoint a special council and will he before he leaves office? Well this? This is a mile. Life is a citizen. I can show you. My advice is a lawyer and my advice as a citizen is really. We need to have a special council. We have to get The bottom addition don't make no mistake about it, the totally investigation is Joe Bite, it is a small boy, the item is why you know one of the soldiers in the market. like the head of the family and then there's plenty of evidence against job. One of the reasons they don't want to really open up an investigation to open up the investigation immediately job goes to the top of the list of peoples.
if you consider right media what no no no problem there. Data persecuted, wouldn't do it short here, the family case, Our duty is sometimes on it: but I thought you'd been getting money for thirty, it go awry. Let's talk about pardons for a second, I know you ve got we ve gotta catch a loose here, but please please tell the president. He should pardon his family and I know it doesn't cover. We know state things, but they are going to kill that family. Anyway, they possibly can until he says, I'm never going to run again, and I hope he just keep stirring it up When he gets out- and he should also look into pardoning Little Wayne Lil Wayne
four for his support for Donald Trump he's now Getting trouble why sure is looking at this very very carefully that's something. I can't talk about it. The president has been our present knows what nobody knows better. What happened in the present the extra know. Nobody knows, The magnitude of this structure of our government could be One thing that ever happened internally in order I think it is putting. It is civil war. I don't let civil war without front. We have one internal trade on the up and go. For a long time going, The plan for a long time much vaunted people think Rudy Cheap, adding, and please please you to end. Please tell the president
How grateful we are, and we ve never seen anybody take bullets like him before in our name and we appreciated thank you guys, about thirty. Read you a merry Christmas to you. Rudolf, Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and a host of common sense. That's podcast, in course, the attorney for this is the best and the Glen Back Programme, and we really want to thank you for listening. There is a new group calling themselves the secular Democrats of Amerika and they have sent a letter to binds team now. When you say I never heard secular, Democratic America, that's ok, I unheard of a meter.
They are founded and backed by many congressional democrats. So these are, Congress, men and women that have written this. Twenty eight page document that imposing a right now at Glenn, back dot com. So you would I dont the story on it. I want. I want to tell you the story. I what you do actually see from their own website. Restoring constitutional secularism and patriotic pluralism in the White House. This is there. Proposal in this proposal. You're gonna love it. presented by congressmen, Jamie Ruskin set a guy or a girl, Jack. Do you know what gender is not as a newly arrived riotous Jared Hoffman from California, endorsed by congressmen, Jerry Makin Ernie of California, and in
This document, you will see that it talks about how the incoming by an administration, must Gee Kate, the american public particular those who are identified as the religious right, because they, to keep their religious dogma to themselves they. You talk about a courage of social conservatives from all levels of government. Labeling them white nationalists and of course, everybody's ever popular spirits, see theorist document states and I'm gonna quote constant entanglement of religion and government promoted by their religious right and intensified by the trumpet ministration, so Epps far beyond hot button culture war issues like abortion in contraception. It permits it's every aspect of government policy, health care, public,
private education, foreign policy tat policy, environmental policy, military policy and more all of which are going to be addressed in this document. That's fantastic! Now It it also has all the part of this document all section celebrating the response of covert nineteen? climate change and you know it's weird if you ve done any homework on the great reset. it's like using the same language is great. Is girl right Calling you know really for a new global economic and social order, which is great it's it's. A scientific scientific authoritarian kind of government, run by unelected technocrats, It is Woodrow, Wilson Stream and how
Do I love Woodrow Wilson, but not mom? You actually say I hate that guy effort emphasise NATO hell. I think everybody knows what you're just saying is a lie: cause in part of the Inn group, the document chastises President Trump for not following all of the arbitrary constantly changing rules coming from the World Health Organization, saying quote: policy decisions, listen to this policy. This is congressmen, risk people. Congress units. Thank you. Policy decisions, quoting that should be guided by science and evidence on matters ranging from climate change to comprehensive sex education to federal funding for stem cell research have been skewed or blocked entirely by powerful religious interest groups. And further undermined at every turn by the Trump Administration there.
is no example more grave than this administrations lethal mishandling of the covert nineteen global pandemic. Each has broad death to hundreds of thousands of Americans disregard for science and disdain for expertise has reached an all time high. in this administration of magical thinkers and conspiracy theorists. But He's policy distortions did not begin with the Trump administration and will not end without deliberate action too. Store, rationalist, scientific and Matic policy methods and judgment. We believe now that the time is right now and it is right to make the case for reviving jeffersonian approach to governance, that favours reason and science and here's a word. You don't hear very often avid ants
strangle, disentangle, government policy from the influence of Terry and religious interests that have become dangerously entrenched All levels of government we gotta get him out of there. We have not to get them out of their. Maybe maybe Can everybody loves camp, maybe we can send them to a camp. The paper states still quoting. We urge you not to underestimate the institutional strength of what we refer to as interchange ability. I think it is in this document- and it is the christian nationalist movement or the religious right as an interesting combo of things, the religious rights being an organisation that you know the moral majority Ryan I like hey. We should not, sins and things of that nature than christian Nationalists is
that would be Father Coglan, which was a social justice organization corn republican activist rate Oh now now, but I mean, like you know, you're there trying to get you to associate the, typical religious republican person, with with a white nationalist? Yet their racist, their nationalists, Neither do I mean to go to camp. They really do, Do you remember needed done? The lizard Lady This is not a big fan of Chairman MAO
the character from the early seasons of the automotive industry is over that wonderful documentary. And yes, I do remember her making a speech, and I do remember the main thing I remember about her is not even what she said about mouth. I just remember her licking smacking throughout the entire speech. So anyway she was a big fan of now and and China. He's communism and the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which You know just forced the chinese people to submit to His view of life which was Anti Freedom, Anti God anti religion. You know anti free market price. Anti people after mouth killed about anywhere estimated between fifty and Ninety million people- you know There are fifty million you just stop counting you're like I do now. Does it matter anymore? Yes, I just want to point out yet it doesn't matter. So here are the authors.
representative, Jamie Rask, son of Marcus Ruskin we got. Tip by the way, from Trevor Loudon, who is that guy's a warrior Marcus. Ruskin was the founder of the Institute for policy studies, which Loudon says as connections to the Soviets back to I seventies, Jamie Ruskin was a congressmen. Now has long connections to the democratic Socialist of America. He's it and for their publication, he's what Trevor would call a smart communist one. That's like and I do not a cop marxist communist- what else dangerous people, nine is thinking in I'm just out here trying to be pragmatic. another author is congressmen Jared Hoffman of California, a member the congressional progressive carcass?
which was established by Bernie Sanders, a socialist except that weird now in the document that you will find a Glenn back dot com right now, calls on Biden to make the following changes. Now: listen to these eliminating government support for all crisis, pregnancy centres and all abstinence, only education programmes in school I am a big fan of now deny free speech and religious liberty to select Americans based on their religious beliefs. How on earth can thus be real ends? It is, I know you, but I wish I d I just don't. I dont understand how it is twenty twenty and we're going into twenty twenty one told you twenty twenty one's gonna be worried, sick incentivize states to strip parents
of all non medical exemptions to me The Tory vaccinations for children in schools or day care centres Here's the tried and true in God we trust, has to be removed from currency appeal the religious freedom, Restoration ACT. rescind and replace the Trump Deo Jays federal protections for religious liberty. A point an attorney general. Who will support governors? Listen to this appeal did attorney general, who will support governors who emergency covert. Nineteen executive orders risk Ict gatherings at houses of worship now wait a minute. Wait a minute wait a minute you're an anti God organization. I thought that was just for public health and safety Cole FED. Now, all of a sudden wait you want this as an anti got. You know what this is I realise this field a couple months ago: I'm
How long does it take to make a habit? They say thirty days for weeks they have. so many of us have been in the habit of going to church every Sunday how many Now you have that habit completely broken in their family, but sometimes they still can't legally got over a growl right Tom, but even just because of the break that happened earlier, I think a lot of people got used to either going online or not doing it at all. and you know that I am, I think, a lot quicker than this fall like September. Something we were going back to church. Our church was opening back up we're going back to church because we had been weakened. watch it on line. We watch it. You know every Sunday as a family, and so we we do our own sacrament meeting and we watch it online. We were going to church, we have
a threat that was manifesting itself around the church and sorry about that. By the way. If agenda, stay away even say a guide to. I was having a restraining order, but anyway, so we decided that we are still gonna stay out until you know. Well, sir, date when the threat kind of goes away her and I realized We are now almost a year. without going every day, we still do something on Sunday we still gonna. Have you know what Tanya makes us dress up? So we still get dressed for Sunday. You know service, but it's in the living room I don't wanna go back, I'm dig in that. He s got a nice, it's really nice, but it's breaking our habit of doing some part of going to church, at least for me, is
doing something I don't want to do only Robert Artillery Robins straight at a Sunday school. I know it is Sunday school teacher for a long time. Strangely, they said, stop teaching. Tony Robin stole me. He said I have a bad dip pool. That's like I don't know he so tall its public eighteen feet, deep and just about three feet by three feet: some like that he keeps it it fifty seven degrees- I think he said every day I get up I walk outside. I jump into the poor get out start my day and I went well- I didn't think I was gonna put that on my list of things never going to know terrible, and he said no, it's awful it's awful. He said, but I tell my brain. I tell my.
Body I in charge of you. I'm going to do I control you, you don't control me and he said, is just this mindset and for me I do not want to get up on a Sunday morning and go to church. I don't, but I do it because, I tell my body and my mind. You are a servant of the Lord: do What he asks you to do here and it's important How many of us are out of that habit and once you break that habit, if you're somebody who is just like, I just go, causes tradition are you still going. Are you going? go back. This is why they are shutting our churches down there. Are doing it too intentionally. toy the church, and I,
think this is evidence. We could say that I believe this is evidence. Their goal is to destroy the church they want a d o j. I headed the d J to come out and be appointed that support those governors who have direct coney in Edicts against going to church. You can find this entire document at glennbeck dot com. This is the best of the Glenn Beck program. Viruses get weaker, when they are really strong because they kill the host and then they die. And only the weaker ones survive only weakest virus survives Gazette, could ve started, toasting spread do another one and it does
Die out when the hosts dies, we are killing the host right now. This virus is eating, The western worlds, lunch and It's killing, Voest. Over three hundred thousand Americans have died already from covert nineteen. We know because we see the numbers every single day three hundred thousand americans- that means. There are millions of Americans who are going to spend their first holiday season without a loved one. But one of the other parts of this devastation. That nobody seems to care about. Goes beyond the loss of human life.
it's the loss of one of the greatest most special aspects of our society. It's a small business. the small business man, The small businessmen family. the children that are being taught in no uncertain terms. Now the gulf, and controls everything. and if you're, an entrepreneur or small business nice pretty risky. I don't know about you. I grew up in a bakery and Grow up in a small town, Mount Vernon Washington it. So a small town. the carnation plant used to be down at the end of the street to the milk processing plant and its who had the steam whistle at noon every day it. it, was a special place that had moment. Up stores, because everything back then was mom and pop. Yes,
Had serious and J C pennies, but everything else was locally owned. There were special places. the movie theater was, Then a m c It was the Lincoln Theatre NEWS. old silent movie theater- was justice relic and I remember seeing star wars there. How are they fearing through? This is still open. Maybe the candy shop or the ice cream parlor, the bakery or the bike shop or whatever it was. That we would visit. Hot summer days, we'd go down and We dream or we'd just the cool down or whatever it was special restaurant. You went to only on birthdays, and that was the day your mom would say
You can have soda. Every single one of these places has an American with a story of resilience and bravery, encourage, bind it every single one of those places is now at risk. If it's not passed for them already of never opening their doors ever again. We ve lost three hundred thousand Americans. but did you know? Is anybody talk to you that we have long a hundred thousand small businesses permanently just In the first two months of this pandemic, been ten months now,. A million businesses have closed their doors for ever.
millions of Americans have poured everything into a dream and now nothing to show for it. If you're a small business man, I know the pain, I know the pain of struggling. My dad lost his first business there, in times here that we have really gone where weeds, where my wife and I would look at each other, and we would cry ourselves to sleep and say it's just not worth it it's. Why It's just too much pain and too much misery cause. What about all the employees. Entrepreneurs are proud people, they built it from scratch there one man shops, do it myself, brought myself up by the bootstraps these people our heroes. And nobody, not not one of them, really wants to ask for help and certainly not from the government put the gun,
and is putting them out of business. Some of them are now asking for help. Others are saying their business. beyond saving, but please just tell my story, could maybe it will save another business. this hour, I want to Exercise, a muscle, I believe we are all God's hands and feet and back and fingers- and he is, thus. this our you're gonna hear from for small business owners around the nation from Boston. California who all have the same nightmare scenario. Their stories are different, but success of their business all relies on the decisions of a common enemy, the city and state leaders who seem almost adamant. small business
is so important to communities around the nation. It so important now to make sure they perish. I want you to listen to their words, I'm gonna give you away to donate and it's gonna, divided among small business is gonna, help some of these businesses and then Hopefully we raise a mouth enough and we're gonna start helping small businesses all over the country. I want you to go to go. Fuck me: dot com, Slash, Glenn, small business, go to Glenn, backed our com and you'll, see we'll see. Also, if you Glenn Back art, dot com, all my covered in all everything on my website: Glinda, art, dot, com, ray penny of it. we raised today will go to this small business effort. On go find me. So please, if you're gonna,
do some shopping, you want to buy a gift for yourself for somebody else at least look at those are not making any money on it. Just Glenn, back art, dot, com. Now before we hear their stories. I want to tell you the story of of why person who couldn't come on the radio today. Her name is Rochelle, Rocco She was the owner of a boy Two barn Bengals in Canyon City, that's in Colorado,. she was just awarded the best new business of the year. She is fearless I mean she would we water rafts Sky dive camp The Colorado mountains, where I mean you, could be eaten by amount Lion Joe. What are you crazy. National Guard.
Two children. This. this best new business of the year after a month after month was Getting worse and worse and worse, it was dying each day just a little bit more cruel sort of death for this business, after months of crippling financial stress watching or business die. Rochelle took her own life. best new business. She did. It should, An explorer. After nine months, can't do it anymore. Sherry Rogers, her mom ads. The Canyon City, Colorado leaders week later, listen
The financial toll to her was huge. It's me, opinion the casualty of carbon. She loves. Just couldn't take it anymore? He tried to try to travelled taken. so maybe less, he needs there's. Probably people in this room that instead, I can't take it anymore. I don't know, but I can stand up to this anymore. Business owners who. or their last dollar where their lesson Whatever I want you to reach out oops that's what this is about. Sherry wrote an article on Facebook. If you happen to be watching the blaze she's, just a normal person.
She's somebody. Her mothers is somebody that you see every single day. She wrote I'm trying to live life. without my daughter in it, not possible. I see her everywhere. I'm still not able to articulate how she pleaded me as a mom However, today she was woven into my existence, all is a part of my thoughts and plans, always wanting more time with her. I used to sing, you are my sunshine. even when she was an adult. She will forever be my sunshine gift from God bless me beyond measure. The thriving. new business of the year boat, barn Bengals is gone. More importantly, Rachel his
on forever. We can either take her story and fall into despair. because these stories are not uncommon and happening in our own families we despair, or we can say enough enough. And not just stand and be mad, but in dead, decide. I'm in and out have this strength to stand to stand in a wheelchair. He had he could not stand, They stood engaged speeches he grabbed onto the podium. and he held himself up even when he had, he didn't have the strength to stand, he stood. That's who we are
and who we need to be. I want you to do two things today. I want you just to say enough. Is enough not going any further, not doing this? No, I want you if you're a small business person, no no more If you are a person it can go in and frequent a small business. Do it Also just listen, and if you have even a dollar one dollar, I want you to go to Glenn, backed out com, follow the links to the go, find me page and these businesses. I asked Stand with me to show that, even though the government may have abandoned the small business man in the entrepreneur, we know oh who they are and how valuable they are.
We will not abandon them, so I want to introduce you to Catherine Hill. She was born in Hanford, California, in nineteen, seventy nine. So now I feel like father time she grew up and animal lover and animal advocate. She skewed animals she's, like my daughter, And at the age of thirteen she thought I'm gonna become a vegetarian and she still a vegetarian. She has to kids. Two grandchildren. Catherine, open up a neighborhood bar called miskities, Lounge and Clovis California, because she likes to save cats. The Was paid on time every single month until the pandemic struck in Org Best of twenty nineteen, she was also diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. She
went six months of chemotherapy fifteen rounds of radiation right, Nickel, mastectomy. She was already through tough journey. and then covered and she managed through all of this- to be able to keep her lounge open, but then something happened She couldn't make her aunt and she tried to work with the landlord, but he wouldn't work with her She's on with us right now, I Catherine. Catherine. Oh you, their high I just love your attitude, because if you were one of the people said look, I am, I think, I'm beyond help, but you needed your story to get out. Tell me tell me It is important for people to hear I felt like what's the point
for people to hear is that there is so many businesses that fell through the cracks, because the governor, And PPP doesn't work for alarm because we were shot down and we have no employees and our biggest expands is all ran. and if you don't have a good landlord, that's gonna work. with you, they're the ones that are now putting you add a business like line Samuel, a female. He refuses to work with us. and not only during. Beginning of pandemic, when There was a more Tori EM, on eviction Roy. They were and hitting me with candy notices to vacate cheese and and
because there were the moratorium. They couldn't do anything so in dad of trying to work with us, hit me with a lawsuit coming after us, for the remainder of the leave attorneys feebly, We count he overheard and fifty thousand dollars here's here's the thing that Katharine wants you to know that this is happening, but there is, A way to to help and and you can go to go fund me right now. Just look for go fund, be dot com, Slash, Glenn, small business and so you know we're gonna, we're gonna die
made some money to cancer as well for in her name,
Transcript generated on 2020-12-20.