« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guests: Rep. Thomas Massie & David Green | 10/20/22


An award-winning investigative journalist writing a book on President Biden's abysmal Afghanistan withdrawal appears to have vanished after being raided by the FBI back in April. Why are we only now hearing about it? Rep. Thomas Massie joins to set the record straight on what the CDC recently voted on and how it affects children and the COVID-19 vaccine. Hobby Lobby founder and CEO David Green joins to discuss the Left's continued attack on Christianity and faith-based businesses and the godly response to it. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why aren't you just saying we should help? That's what I'm wearing telling you as I need to start remembering to say that cause. I never say it and you know I dunno like subscribe. You're. Looking at me, I can't remember, like just name, have I'm being critical of myself. I am asking you to join me in this wonderful array of absolutely ok and you're losing your hair to really here. Out of so many different things If this is the podcast, this podcast to the pod, and you should subscribe to it and students, america they're both available right now rate and review it do all of that. I'm supposed to say that everytime and I never remember today, we begin with a really a story that I have, I don't think ever seen in america. Would you agree with that? Still? Yes, I ever sees a bizarre, unlike bizarre putin kind of story happening in our own country. There
we have thomas massey on whose tells us you know some other things about cove id. What is happening today with the cdc and how you and your family are going to be affected by it boy, and the maddest need stand november. Eighth, just a quick reminder: ba you can and rank and review, or whatever vote vote. That's probably more important. and we also have, I think, a great out of the box. thinker, who is a very successful business man? It also has come under fire by the federal government he survived and how he built is business. All on today's podcast. First gold line gold line offers gold, silver, precious metals and there right for everybody will tell you that diversified diversified, diversify. You have to speak
Cause you don't know, what's gonna what Can be a value you know I have light bulbs, it might become a light, While the kind of me I don't know for awhile might be a light bulb economy, pretty sure that at the end of the road, its you know, scooby snacks, its problem Blue gold or silver, though the always resets to that- and there is something disturbing- I'm gonna tell you about the next week about what the federal government the treasury is doing with our gold. I spent all day yesterday, and some of this morning, and probably all day to day and maybe tomorrow, tryin to get an answer. There's something happening. You need to know about, but beside that go to go online gold line, dotcom gets precious metals and in service right for your family, but please get a against insanity and this inflation with gold, eight six, six gold
Eight x, X, gold, mine or gold lying dotcom fears about gas the only thing came to. How are you you, you know ring endorsement of how you feel today. He I think your little little tense. I notice coming in there's some news, its seems to be a tad bothersome for There is certainly of the republic here, there's a there's. A couple of stories out better are quite disturbing. I am, I think, I'm gonna start with. This one and I want to read it verbatim: It's from rolling stone magazine, something that I don't usually go to for all my facts and figures.
but or anything else, your anything else, but this is this is a really disturbing story. And usually the rolling stone magazine, is on the left and so for them to bring this story to light is quite remarkable a minute before five, a m April. Twenty seventh abc news journalists, James gordon meek, fired. a single tweet with a single word, facts. The networks national security investigative producer was responding to a former cia agents and his take that the ukrainian military, with assistance from the u S, was thriving against russian forces. This age, Tweet filled with acronyms indecipherable to the lay person like Tt Peas, you w and E w was itself
in reply to a massive from washing imposed pentagon reporter, who noted the well of information that the? U s military, had gathered about russian ops just by serving their combat strategy in real time. The energy, change, illustrated the interplay between the national security community and those who cover it and no one straddled, both worlds. Quite like abc news meek. He was and Emmy winning deep dive journalist who was a former senior counter terrorism, adviser and investigator for the house, homeland security commission, his tractors within abc make was some of a military fan boy, but his track record of exclusive was undeniable, making the news of foiled terrorist brought plots in new york city and the army Cover up of these fratricidal death of fight with pride
first class david share it in Iraq a bow shell. That earned me come face to face meeting with president obama nine years at abc under his belt above Hulu documentary ploy, used for emmy attention and an upcoming book the military's chaotic withdraw from Afghanistan. The fifty two You're old journalists seem to be at the height of his powers and the pinnacle of his profession. But outside his arlington virginia apartment, A surreal scene was unfolding and his staff reed career was about to come crashing down. Meeks tweet marked the last time he posted on twitter. the first thing, meeks neighbour John Anatoly notice that morning was a black.
Utility vehicle with blacked out windows blocking traffic in both directions on columbus pike. It was just four dawn on that brisk April day and self disk police, vehicle historian and tele was about a grab coffee at starbucks before on barking embarking on his daily three mile walk. He closer to get a better vantage and when he saw an olive green lang, co bear cat g to an armored tactical vehicle, often him lloyd by the f b. I am another. Our law enforcement agencies, a few burlington county cruisers surrounded the jaw dropping scene, but all of the vehicles were unmarked, including the bare cat and italy accounted at least ten heavily are Personnel in the group none board
anything identifying which agency was conducting the raid just after ten minutes, the operation inside the sea in a park, apartment complexes, sick story, upscale building for dc professionals, over they didn't stick around. They took off pretty quickly and headed west on columbia, pike towards fairfax county mo, people seeing that green vehicle will think it? Some sort of a tank but I knew it was a length bear cat. It's a view. well designed to jump out of so you can do a raid in a quick amount of time and it can return fire if they're being fired upon. Multiple sorts is familiar with the matter say: meek was the target of an fbi raid at the sienna park. Apartments were He had been living on the top floor for more than a decade and fbi representative, told rolling stone its agents. were present on the morning of
April, twenty seventh at that block, but they could not comment further. Due to an ongoing investigation. make has not been charged with a crime, but in and observers believe the raid was among the first and quite possibly the first to be carried out a journalist by the Biden administration federal magistrate judge in the virginia eastern district court signed on a search warrant that day before the raid The raid was for meeks record's. U s deputy attorney general LISA Monaco would have had to give. her blessings, a new path. policy and acted last year, prohibits federal prosecutors from seizing journalists, documents any section requires the deputy aid Jeez approval, they say Add to my knowledge, there hasn't been any case since january. Twenty twenty one in the rain
aftermath meek has made himself scarce That's the first time this story takes a turn now and I'm not sure what we're getting here in the raids f. math meek has made himself scarce. None of his sea and a park neighbours with whom rolling stone spoke with have seen him since with his apartment. Now appearing to be vacant, see an apartment Meant declined to confirm that there are long time. Tenant was gone, citing I will see policies o k similarly the similarly simple. Yet you know a several a b c news: colleagues who are accustomed to unraveling, mysteries and cracking investing of stories. Tell role stones. They I have no idea what happened to meek. He just
fell off the face of the earth and when people are asked. No one knows the answer. abc representative tells rolling stone yeah, he resigned abruptly and he hasn't workforce for months. Really. Sources, familiar with a matter say: federal agents allegedly found classified information on meeks lap during their raid. One investigative journalist who worked with make says it would be highly unusual for a report. or a producer to keep any classified information on his computer. So now what happened to him He hasn't been seen since April. This story goes on to I don't know it it. It This gets fuzzy at the end
I mean you last. Last paragraph, it is unclear what story, if any, would have put meek and the fbi. Crosshairs meek worked Extremely sensitive topics from high profile terrorist in america and americans held abroad in the us, and the exploits of Eric prince the founder of the military coup contractor black water in red and ears sum of makes high profile reporting delved into an ambush by ices left. For me, can green brain dead meat. A b c adapted the story and a feature length documentary which debuted last year on veterans day on hulu, ok, Is anyone have a. Do we live now in russia, the fbi
It is completely and totally out of control. Emmy award, winning journalist, tweets facts. and then is whisked away into but we don't know if it's the fbi into blue act vans where no one is wearing identification on their flag jacket. Now this sticks out too because last night, when I talk to one of the guys swept up by the aid of by the fbi, member the the other of eleven. He was on my show last night and I said Well, you know how to it. So they were pounding on the doors pounding on the windows. He said I open the window to see what was going on. They had guns. it at the front door. I went to the door
and I said I am opening the door now. I ask them for identification and the fbi guy. pointed to his chest with the little velcro thing that said fbi, and he said: that's your identification now, that's disturbing in the first place. But these guys I have any markings. Why. And where is this guy. and why is and why the world of a b c on fire. Where the journalists, if donald trump had anyone in a gray sedan, not even a black van. a great sedan, an old one from this stays and an old lady got out, and Herr more did trump administration enlarges like air, you about an article they were, Have been screaming high, Heaven.
Now we have a FBI that is completely out of control and they pick up a journalist in April and we're just hearing about it. Now that might be the most disturbing part of the story, the fact that a journalist could be taken out of their home in a raid by the government. And no one, no journalist reports, it no ones. Reading about it. There's discussions for six months yeah and the way his partner, who worked with on the v bonde, documentary, they produced, he told, stone, I'm not Commenting on this story then hung up. This is not good america. This is not good
would the fear. And the madness has got to stop. We must end it november. Eighth, We must end it november. Eighth, I dont think america, I dont know I don't watch mainstream media anymore, so I dont know what everybody else's saying. I don't even listen to other talk, radio show and listen aiding, so I dont oh, what warnings you're getting elsewhere. But if your not hearing and urgent warning on the loss of your country, our bill of rights, your freedom and your ie can make freedom. you're listening to the wrong people. This is very disturbing. This is this is amazing, is amazing,
Simon, to choose from just reading this, some more co authored americans who undertook one last mission and honoured promise in afghanistan, which he co, authored with lieutenant colonel scott man. Hired green bray, meek even fee should a picture of the soon to publish spoken is bio and social media, but post a. Twenty seventh, the book jacket photo disk, peered from his bio, and so when in schuster scrubbed his name from all of the press materials? The first and of the jacket previously read in April. Abc news corresponded James Gordon got an urgent call from a special forces operator serving overseas now it says in April. An urgent call, was placed from a special forces operation serving overseas? Why is he being erased? Why
Is he being erased. Welcome to nineteen eighty two gang. This is the best of the global programme and we really want to thank you for listening representative from kentucky thomas massing. How are you tom, hi I'm doing world when something evil is happening today So we were having a at an early morning, producers conference and there was a story out yesterday. That talked out how the cdc was gonna vote and try to get the covert nineteen accent, accident vaccination in to the piano mumps and rubella category, and it would protect them if they could
it would protect them from lawsuits and this morning in the meeting hello. My producer said know that that is not happening today. We can't find it anywhere on the schedule. What's happened happen, it is it's happening, it's happening is happy I'm a u S, congressmen who does not go off half cocked here I have reached this four hours? I watched the entire meeting yesterday yesterday they took a vote on what I call the ppp. The pfizer profit protection act. Ok, this guarantees that, after we go out of this emergency situation to back these will be perch building purchased by the government. She was a vote yesterday and it was unanimous. It was unanimous fifteen, oh today, at one twenty on their schedule, there's a vote on adding
but I think the childhood immunization schedule now wait. What you're producers are correct about is that this won't make it mandatory for schools and free state not immediately, but in some states it will, when it kick their, not looks like this on meeting. I was watching this morning. It's going on right now, they're doing this right now that this will kick in some time in february, and then it would trigger automatic, a coven mandate for schools in several stakes and playing sports as well now do as far as liability goes directly, manufacturers are worried about that, yet that that might not happen in this meeting, because we ve already got yo protection from liability under the pressure that which I call medical malpractice martial law, you knew we are literally the project,
right. Every state law and every federal law on the book and the nuremberg law, yes and it was if humanity you can't even take them court? I have. I have a woman in my district who wanted to get a covert tat by we everything's covered if it has anything to do with covered in its under EU egg everything's covered by the president. woman in my district. He could talk. He went to the hospital to get a covert cast. They stuck to swap so far per knows that punctured the membrane to keep your brain fluid. It only hurt, wrote required surgery to fix and they could she could not to the people that did that too. Because they said they didn't do it on purpose that how expansive the prayer act they're not worried about liability. Ray now the vaccine manufacturers, but they want to get this on the childhood schedule. I've got a slide. That was presented yesterday by doctors, they're all over their meeting. It says: incorporation, carbonizing, vaccine
elite. Immunization schedule is an important step towards inclusion of covert ninety back see in routine vaccination programme. Now. What's that mean She sang in the mandatory vaccine programmes in many stake for your trouble in school now hearing- here's another story. I want to share with you. You can't escape this. If you're a working Mom, a single mom and you ve got kids that, first and foremost, that you hope you're could get educated school, but the services they provide is taken. And a woman contacted me during the covert or shut downs of the schools? She had to lock her twelve year old daughter in her apartment. While she went to work at a bottling facility for for soda pop and a she
she said she felt yelping when she was at work as she was afraid or daughter, might be eating all their food which she didn't know when she could get more of it. A mom like that cannot take her kid private school. This is a sentence for fur, but single working parents and for double parents at work and for parents that would like to live a normal life but d, I believe that an m rna. Accede should be put into my childs arm. Absolutely and endless producers another one of her slide from yesterday about they're going to vote on this today after much, but is one of their slides yesterday when they were promoting the vaccine for kids ages, five to eleven one of the things they promoted as a benefit is rates of my card idas After primary theories and children ages, five to eleven are considerably
our than rates and adolescents. In other words, my car diet is caused by it see. They are promoting the fact that kid's five to eleven should get the backing because there, a lower risk of getting a card I to spend the vaccine and kids, then are older, siblings. How bout No human made risk about that one. Can we do that? One about a risk? Verses reward benefit calculation. It takes the account prior infection and natural immunity, because the cdc isn't complete denial of that for children, but they don't talk any of their sly and they also that this goes against. All everything we ve ever heard about children are the least likely to get it or to have a bad spell with it why have it
they have another slide where they show. You know we're infants get covered at that are in the hospital in ages. Sixty five enough having covert on that flight to graff, you can't even see the line for children ages, five to seventeen they're, not even visible in that graph cause they're. Basically on the x access. Their speeches is flat line. You can't even measure them unless you zoom in and idumea- and this is not a childhood disease- You know you were mentioning the vaccination schedule for children for things that children get. This is not a childhood disease that particularly, but you know, affects children. It's mostly in adult. so too so thomas? Why is this being done. if and you know in in congress, they teach us not to question the motives of our colleagues,
you bet I will looking to question emotive. They might be thinking that they are doing exactly the right that there are people there are actually people they think reducing the surplus population of earth is a good thing. We called them nazis, but many of them believe that was the right thing to do. So, I'm not extending motives. I'm asking why why would you do this, even if you think you're doing right, sir It doesn't show that they are well. I think want to destroy the control group and then There is absolutely no liability when we re enter the regime where there should be liability and by the way, the fifteen people who voted yesterday or the same once you're gonna vote today their choice, to be on that committee, because they have doktor phd after their name there. They are the seed that leads to all the mandate for the kids, because they give the imprimatur of science,
to see the sea which as a lot and lacks all credibility, but they want to bring in this group, and the group is pre selected to be cheerleaders for vaccines. But even even this group was somewhat sceptical of the few slide. Yesterday there was a slight it showed that pregnant women sixty to seventy percent of pregnant women, have gotten a vaccine and even one of the vaccine cheerleaders. I find this sketch so they're they're, even a little bit call those haven't changed under agenda at one twenty today. So what can we do about this well happen at one o clock they they have twenty.
And it's a public comment. Ok yesterday they allowed six people. The comment there is virtually no chance of getting in orally during that public comments that you can submit something written, but I think just re hack what your congressmen, because if republicans get the majority back, we can t find this activity. Are we going to do? I don't know it's the question every person, whether their running for school board or dog catcher? Or u s then it needs to be. asked in front of a camera the use of port mandatory, covered vaccines for children in order to go to school or eat your play sports or anything like that. I don't care if you republican Democrat dont, give anybody a path, let the unless it answered a question. I mean I have a lot of them. Do you, but Will you allow the fbi to continue to scoop up old ladys in a boat.
his face act. Arrest while- not leaving, you know not leaving ever breadcrumb and air a piece of evidence just sitting waiting for an fbi agent to show up on the people who are firebombing programme. If clinics Meanwhile, this is it They were republicans win and I think they're going to if they were in the house in the senate. I have to tell you you know this thomas forks and torches are coming because a lot of people know our rights are being lost every day. Every day I sounds like a broken record on this. I probably mention it. Every time I go on your show. We ve got to separate the spending built into separate bills. Republicans do an omnibus bill, but fixes in
they will say we can't get blamed for shutting down the government because- have to win the white house in two years, so we can t find the fbi's. You know around if the old ladies and put them in jail- or you know it's about twenty twenty four, that's all false, separate the bills fund, nasa funded roads, fund or bridges, you know pay the soul. first and then do you find the eighty seven thousand iris agents in a separate bill? Well, I think The strategy that I would use if I were on the left, I would have you guys, be responsive four quote collapsing: the economy. and so I think, every every site no politician is going to be afraid of doing that. It will be scare mongering tactics. I mean I've already heard I and national media that
We are gonna, lose our credit rating status because We will just default on all of our loans. We don't default. We don't do fault, that's a lie. Is it not doing that it is a lie. Here's here's the thomas matthew planned. If I were speaker the day after I got Jane wherefore, I would pass- and this is hard for me to do- I would pass continuing resolution that doesn't kick in for nine months. It would find all of government it that ninety percent of current levels so that for nine months republican have a runway. Where democrats can't say, if you don't get your, I've done the government's gonna shut down know the government will be fine, at a time left on the dollar, but we could also cover make sure we are gonna, pay off all our debts and we're not gonna default same cr in that way you to take that argument away from the media and and Joe Biden,
you think anybody will listen to you and they on and get it getting some trash good good people who want to hide behind an omnibus, don't like it invited That fear would only kick in nine months later. If we don't do our jobs, which is to pass twelve separate spending bills, thomas. Do we have a a constant who shall republic that we're living under right now we do not it we have all power in the form of, a collusion between the the social media companies, the government, the pharmacy. go companies and the fbi that you know the federal police. It's it's a collusion and I'll, throw in the? U s: d: a and the food processor. It's it's! You know in a you know, libertarian sort of see there are no walls to prevent you from doing things, but you still have. I ability you still can sue somebody if they hurt, you were missed,
We need your cheat, you but what we live in today, scotty, communism? It's a forum where they empowered did the private companies the government work hand in hand, so when they need to violate your constitutional right, they use the private companies willing the violet, the law they used the government in their work together. There is of a name for that kind of government. Yeah I won't give it with you on the phone calls and you'll have to pay all kinds of prices for it, but don't you think, F word. Tat was thank you. So much did you go god bless. Please get involved with this call. Your congressmen call your senator and vote vote fear and madness must end
november is the best glenda programme. So there is a new book out. It is called leadership not by the book by David, green, in and bill high from hobby lobby. Welcome David, our thank you to to be here? You good to see you again so first, one. I didn't special last night about the fbi and the fair agencies and the media, weapon icing again christians and as individuals- and business you were you're. Fine was how much well they were.
find me one point: three million dollars a day I fired if I didn't, follow their instructions because we got that number by the number of employees we had is like a thousand dollars a day per employee, so that was a lot of money. So one point three was what we were looking at and and the all be all you had to do was just offer birth control or a boy russian railway. There were four pills that we in in prescriptions that we could not provide, because we knew that it was after the fact that we were taking life and we knew that we just could not do that and we that in turn had to have that in on when we signed our next insurance policy, and so this was what the government was asking us to do then you're, just we knew we couldn't do it. You know was just some things. As you were saying earlier, you just can't. Do you can't go against your conscious and they were asking us to go against our conscious, so you won that case. We did when that caged. Thank god you one that rise,
and and that you know that that changed. Of course, I think for the First, real big win for me because, as we have noted in the past, where it sure helped us, because we didn't, we didn't know what we were going to do, because people would ask me: what do you do if you win lose this case, and I said I don't know what we're going to do, but I do know what we're not going to do under any circumstances. Aren't we going to pay for someone's aborted peel, and that was what We had decided as a family. In fact, we came together our family. We call our jan one and our kids, jan two and gentry, and we had all of them in a meeting to see you do you see this any different, jen three, the younger people family and all of us did. This is the great. and said, none, no, our we're not gonna, take life and for the sake of making proper. Hobby lobby store isn t. So, let's, let's talk about by the way, I think what you went through and I'd love to hear your opinion on this.
It almost seems like the good old days, compared to what we, facing now things have gone pretty much on a daily basis. Here I can't even imagine what the governments asking us to do and how their common against us, if you were, want to be a christians so somehow another today were seen as the haters, and yet we have the greatest story in the world about cries. Who died for us were yet centres, so we're not. The haters were the one. That's got the best and the greatest love story in the world. I have to tell you: I've met so many christians who will come up to me and say: hey clin. What are we going to what we do and, unlike what there's, only one thing left to do in its what everybody dismisses, but if we don't turn to god and ask him for forgiveness and help we're not we're not going to survive. He's the one The answer at this point and people like you, yeah I know, but what are we going to really do? I feel like Do you not believe? Do you not believe that the guy
who rose from the dead harder trick than fixing our country is not. I mean people of faith I'm not sure that a lot of really truly have faith that when it comes down to it whatever since its in his hands yeah, but I think there is something we have to do so. I think you ll see us our family with a lot of other families. Come in on a programme when you're gonna see it you're gonna see at the superbowl. He gets us so, where wanting to say we be in a lot of different people that he gets us, he understands all of us. He hey too, loves who we hate, and so I think we have to let the public no and and and create a movement really, but that is a different. That's a different movement I agree with you on that. There's lots we have to do but that's one of the most important movements. I've heard, if that's, if that's what the movement you're doing
he loves those who hate us right. So we have to find a way to love. It doesn't mean, don't stand against it rise. You got to be firm and clear on your stance and are not moving, but I can't hate them. That's right. We have. Present the only answer to the us and its, not politics, and you have already said it. It's him. It's Jesus who died for us loves us until we, kept him in know him and his scriptures and his book that he's given ass. We can't we can't say I settled the problems we have so you you have written a book leadership not by the book. You're, the founder of hobby lobby, which started out I loved the way you begin the use it out making frames with your family in the garage exactly in our boys, when I made seven cents a piece to put him to gather my wife work for free for five year, so we just crawled for a long period of time but
and what we have been blast to work. Today we do eight million dollars, and so it's we ve come a long ways so yeah, I think so seven ceti alpha. Yet so you have twelve labels in there and I've. I've highlighted a few of them, but I want you just a kind of give the overview of the book. Ok, I think People ask me why I write a book and I think one of the greatest reasons I wrote it is for us to understand that we don't own where we have not because I say so because the scriptures in the old testament, as well as the new testament says that god owns everything, and so I think, as we see what we have is owned by him than were nothing but servants- and I say nothing, but I would rather be us to serve and to be us to take care of. What god has given us than to have ownership? If you really studied down on those that have been wealthy wealth is occur. and so how do you handled the curse? And that is to it?
to be someone that takes gods. What god has given us and know how to handle it? I think we use to understand that concept a lot more. We were a country that had great wealth, but we helped we help each other you were always the first on the scene, and now I mean it's that's kind like government. Does that you know what you just have this, which is not the same, people, where the government's done too much and that's why sometimes we backed off what are we could not have backed off yo. We want to make sure that what we do with our profits really makes a difference. Okay, so So, let's go through some of the principles that that I'd like to talk about build for the next one hundred and fifty years, not just the next generation. I don't think there's people Think there's lots of people that are just building for tomorrow, not even the next general. This or chinese in your thinking, gatling. Well, I thought
it's also thinking about what we're doing and not our lifetime. What are we doing? It doesn't matter a hundred years from now. If you get the thinking and drilling down that you want your life to be something that's eternal and not just temporal. So that's what we're doing there and so we're doing at ways of making sure that our children come along and serve the lord and also have this. priorities you do and that is to have hobby, We go on forever if possible, and be a ministry to those that are in need. How do you go from a framing place? who everything you sell with vat. I think there's a lot of people. They separate. I won't talk about family to cause. You talk about this separation, they separate god end and their faith from their business. And they'll come up with all kinds of excuses that I got. It What I gotta do right. We gotta do business right I dont know how you do it without trying to find the bar. This book is called leader
not by the book when it hopefully is by de book right, and I really don't know how you do it without following the book it gives us so much our creator Has given us a book that really will help us? What are some of the business decisions that you had to make that we know that on the surface word nuts that were regular business people go that that and now, but just had assurance. I know this is what he wants me to do and it'll work out. I think one those things and there are a lot of them. I think one of them is just how we treat our employees of yeah. I sense a lord just gave me those spirit that you need. You are in charge of these p, I put you in charge of those people, and so now you're saying well. What does that? Look well, it looks like they need to go to church on sunday, so you gotta clothes on sunday. It looks like Maybe there you oughta close at eight. No me open sixty six hours away. It looks like, maybe your minimum wage oughta, be eighteen dollars an hour. It looks maybe oughta have seven different chaplains.
Help the people in need that have different problems site. It looks like that also good for business, we are very, very profitable. We have no dad and I think that people would say because I know you write about it in the book would say cause. I know you write about it in the book people say, and you're like we're getting up to eighteen fifty an hour when he talking about in up to eighteen fifty an hour. What are you talking about and everybody will say, as I know, I've been around make the argument you can't over pay, you you can't you, you can't make your hourly wage that can't make your hourly wage that high, because you won't be. Yeah. When we first started, we just trying to survive. So you know first started. We just tried to survive. So you need to understand that it was just surviving, but as we tried to follow the book, which there is what other, do you want to guide your life by there's only one book- that's of god the rest of them are. There's only one and that's he is and he's given
the book and direction book, and we I follow it. I don't know that. There's a I don't! I can't tell you of a better way to run a business then, following the book and follow things that I think would be faith is one thing but talk to somebody who doesn't necessarily have the faith somebody who doesn't necessarily have the faith just about how the principle of paying your employees doing all of the things that you do. How do they? faith, not your kind of yeah. Well, my kind of faith. Pleased that guides word, of course, is where we're gonna be now well. My kind of faith believes that god's word, of course, is where we're going to be best in our life and everything that we do he's given us of a direction. Our creator gave the care of your people and they take care of years. Have had no faith at all why doesn't look good to take care of your people and they take care of years if he had no faith at all? How does that not look good? How does what we, being told him in god's. But how does it?
if you really want em to care for you, so people know by the way who hobby lobby as before they even knock if you really want them to care for you, so people by the way who hobby lobby as before they even knock on the door for an application. And because of that, I think we get the very, very best people that are out there, people that have a work ethic, people that have integrity, and so I think that's one of them. conservative and religious person that I was at a camera what city was in, but I think there was a michael's and I didn't know that there was a hobby lobby, we gonna Michael's, and it was just it was, as I could wilson, I didn't know that there was a hobby lobby we go into and it was just it was not good and I'm like we of find bailout, we gotta below, go and hobby lobby, and it was like this little island respite. It was just like I know. Things are safe here I know things are the people are gonna, be nice, you know nobody's judging
No, but I you have to have any kind of stupid societal rules. You know it's it. It's nice! it's nice to know we are when you're our stores, you see ya, hear bees beautiful christian music. Every department has something that's the glory, eyes, our lord in and if you come in the front, of the store and there's bibles in theirs, good christian books. We have like a miniature christian bookstore, in the front of our stores. You are breaking every rule, business right, you know it. you would know, I know, but I mean if you are just a business person, I think you feel happier and it's just amazing yeah of where we are proud of what god has given us and by the way I give the floor it, in the area of where we are proud of what god has given us and by the way I give the floor to a lot of a great great people. We have just a lot of great people are officered by the way average over twenty five year. So we have people that stay with us. They love. It then later
but because they know they're doing something other than just doing something to make the owners rich cause? That's not what they're doing here. first after my business stabilizes after I'm dumb working on my masters degree, my masters degree I complete my phd. I you just have to finish this one working on my master's degree, I complete my phd. I I just have to finish this one project and things are going to change. I've said that I I that all the time. our leaders and we tell him the same thing. You say you know the easiest thing for you to do it that's right and for when we bring our leaders and we tell him the same time. You say you know. The easiest thing for you to do is your career. That is the easiest thing, but you know what the hardest thing is. Is your marriage and raising children, children? They come it's up to serve the lord, and so I really want them as well as myself to make sure we know what's most important in our lives, so that's something that you can do, but how did you? How did you start that how do you convince somebody that is,
like overwhelmed work? Think that I I I gotta get this done or long we lose my job yeah. I think that no, I I just how can we not get their that our family is the most important that is that has to be? I dont know how you not get there to be honest with you: about that and know that it. How can we not get there that our family is the most important and that is that has to be? I don't know how you not get there to be honest with you we usually say: god country family The founders were very clear: it is god family country cause without the family. There is no concisely without the family, there is no job of language. I thank you so much by the book. Twelve unconventional principles to drive incredible results. Leadership, on principles to drive incredible results, leadership by the book peg as
thanks, you greatest docked in germany,
Transcript generated on 2022-10-26.