« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Rep. Jim Jordan & Dr. Pippa Malmgren | 10/28/20

2020-10-28 | 🔗

Jason Buttrill recaps Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski’s interview with Tucker Carlson. New audio emerged allegedly of Hunter admitting even more of his dad’s involvement in his Chinese business dealings. BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer was assaulted by looters at the Pennsylvania riots and joins to recap the night. Economist Dr. Pippa Malmgren talks about how your “digital twin” is used to track you and the possibility of government-issued digital currency.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Calling all patriots prison Donald Trump wants to make sure you are prepared to vote on November. Third, the red. Democrats are doing everything in their power to stop Republicans from winning and we want to make sure patriots like you are heard. This is the election of our lifetime, a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to save our country, make sure your ballot is counted text poles, Golf two Ella less to AIDS. ro to to find your pulling location alarm,
we are six days away from the vault of annulled transformation of America top all whose excited about that that happens. If you believe the Poles were not so sure we talk about the poles, we talk about the latest on Joe Biden in his family, but knowing that it's about your family, really, we also tell you about the economy and the digital civil war. All of that, and so much more on today's Comcast and the big show tonight to figure out the first hundred days in the jail bide in administration. If it were to happen, what would it look like we should prepare, for? That is the approach the election and Wilfred calls in, and God is a little smoked hats to also did you want me to finish the promotion for special tonight? I wasn't list, I didn't think so tonight is Glenn Special watch it right out of random Stewed as America, its place deeply dot com, slash gland, thirty bucks off these approach
The only thinking this election really is about fundamental transformation of America were six days away from that possible outcome. We have Joe Biden gets in. They are looking at an entirely different country than the one that you recognise will tell you about. that tonight, and we urge you to watch with a friend, maybe somebody who hasn't made up their minds yet we're going to show you in their own words what their planning on doing in the first one hundred days and all comment on some of this stuff and show you as we go on, but they want to throw the economy out and start something entirely new. So is that, where whereat who you trust, to be able to
bring jobs to you when Donald took office in January of seventeen, the unemployment stood at four point. Five percent and remember Obama. An Biden said: that's the best it will ever get by queue for of twenty nineteen. It had fallen by thirty two percent, just or three point five, this included all time lows in a blackened hispanic unemployment over all the trumps trumps unemployment rate set. fifty year loves you U S. Household income grew at an annualized rate rate of two point, one from January twenty, seventeen December twenty nineteen. Seventy five percent higher the analyzed growth rate under the years of the Obama end of their administration. That was a rate of one point two. It was
twenty percent faster than the rate of inflation. One point: seven. Notably, this includes black household income growth rate of three point one nearly double the rate of inflation, and here where it really matters the way age growth for people just like you non executive workers it true added anemic point: eight percent. During the entire eight years of the Obama administration. from Q, one twenty seventeen two December of twenty nineteen, your wages grew over three percent in twenty eighteen. a largely because of the tax cuts. said another way. The new on executive? U S. Worker wages grew one hundred and eighty seven percent faster under Donald Trump than undermine I Obama,
this is about your family. This is about your wallet, but These also who we are. Do we want somebody who is corrupt. In office, they ve it all kinds of charges on Donald Trump, but they have Absolutely no evidence, but look. The overwhelming evidence on Joe Biden. last night, one of job, Itunes Business partners was, Tucker Karlsson. And he has said he's just had enough. we bring in Jason Betrayal, who is our chief free? searcher and national security adviser on the programme? Welcome Jason? How are you Thank you, Glenn Donwell us Tell me what what you pull old. From this interview last night,
I keep waiting to see the smoking gun that I believe is out there that I think they can find, but Its direct money going straight towards Joe by yet you're looking for a wire transfer and I'm I'm not sure if you will find one because of the documentation that we found. Hunter Biden was saying it's to be held for the big guy, but I thought: It's. I really think that if it Bob Linsky last night looked extremely credible. I think that's one of the biggest thinks every He was talking about the locations you he was describing in vivid detail. Meeting up like the peninsula hotel and and that's when he talk to. I think it was Joe Biden worry setting YO plausible deniability fact. Let me let me play this. This is caught. He had just said that Joe Biden he could confirm because he was part of this deal. He can confirm that Joe by
is the big guy, which meant ten percent of all the business dealings was going Joe Biden from China Here's how he was Third, when he said how do you expect to get away with this listen babbling ski on Joe Biden, plausible deniability,. I know Joe decided not to run two thousand sixteen, but what, if he ran in the future, aren't they taking little risk or headline risk, and I remember king a gym buying in saying how are you guys getting away with this like or aren't you concerned? And history looked at me laughed a little bit and said plausible deniability. He said that yes, he said it directly to me one on one in a cabana, the peninsula hotel. After about a new We now have to our meeting with me, asking out of concern. How are you guys doing this? Aren't you concern that you're can put your brother's your future president campaign at risk,
only on the Chinese, the stuff they use is it been doing already in twenty fifteen and two thousand and sixteen around the world, and I just can almost picture his face where he sort of chuckles and says: plausible deniability, so Jason. First of all, explain who bubble Linsky is blonde was so I guess you become a business partner partner with Hunter Biden and Multi. Other of the people that are all involved in the usual suspects deployed Devon Archer, but he was recruited directly and he's even allege that door, Joe Biden was actually involved directly with him in a meeting to recruit to be the ceo of one of these companies that works in these business ventures all over the world? Okay. So why I have one thing to do and I were talking earlier today. The one thing I don't understand is why
Why is this guy coming out? Now I mean any saying you know I came from a you know: a Navy family, so you were willing to be involved in this then, but now you're not do you have any feeling on why he changed in. Why use now standing up? I can only speculate buddy. You can tell that he was conflicted about it because he asked if they were worried politically. Why would you be worried politically, unless you knew exactly who some of these people were, that they were dealing with and nothing talk about little bit later. They did know exactly who they were dealing with and how they were connected with the Chinese. In fact he hears the audio. He said last night that they were proud of their relationship with the Chinese but also sounds like Biden was vetting you to some extent. Yes, of course, lake I request to meet with Joe? They were that I meet would show and
you know he's pudding is and hunters says this in writing. It was a reference multiple times. were putting their entire family legacy on the line. They know exactly what they were doing there. Dealing with the Chinese owned enterprise run by Germany, sea of see their dead shrunk financial support and political support from the church. the Communist Party, Attila, was prison It's me, that's not my own words. That's how they presented to me and read me in on it and my very vague being guilty and another being Hunter Biden. Who was very proud of that and taking credit for When I sat with him for two hours, patio, the chateau more marked no lay proud that they were doing a deal with the Chinese Communist Party, proud that they were dead. He had the relationship with Chairman YE who running a sea of sea and the abyss, for them to get deals done around the world and stuff like that c of sea is the chinese Energy Company that they were involved,
And he also said, as I watched it last night, I was, I was struck Why? How credible this guy looks and feels his answers didn't seem rehearsed. it just seemed real and he talked about a meeting with Joe Biden that he was brought in and be no technical? good night in some hotel? at this meeting where he talked about all of the business deals yeah. I think the big thing about. You know back to your previous question a wise coming out now. I think looks executive that they knew who they were dealing with. I think that now he's just sick and tired of not being able to of everybody else going down and not him are not the guidance at all. his friends Alvis Business partners that they gave to some extent been convicted in? U S federal court dealing with some of these crazy things involving like money, money laundering in one case, deadened archer was actually convicted and this is
interesting, because there was another report that There are some audio. The Hunter Biden talks about about beat him and Joe Biden being named as witnesses you ask a court case, the only other work is, I can think of was the one were John GLONASS, Devon, Archer and Bevin, Clooney or all convicted for defrauding sixty million dollars from a native american tribe. Now. Is that what you referring to its possible? But I mean oh, my gosh, just the opposite: of that right there that the media refused even report. This is the best one. By programme Beck TV, reporter, Eliza Schaefer attacked Tuesday night inside of Philadelphia, Storwell filming ongoing looting in the way go for the police, shooting of Walter Wallis who was killed after alleging charter adjured, allegedly it's not allegedly It's on videotape charge. the police with a knife
hear them saying, drop drop and I've drop the non Ets night. I it's nothing in time. it is clear to me at least the first time I saw where, where is not where the knife is, but it does. No. No one's denying there was a knife used. the color reported shall be tell cod was also reporting from Philadelphia. She tweeted mass looting across the river and Eliza Schaefer just got beaten up her filming. This is inside. The five below store police are in the same parking lot near the Walmart, but there seem to be too many looters for them to do anything about it. me play the video of him being attacked last night. Here it is, the looting look, they survive, Madame now the road the camera person got out Eliza, you were surrounded by ten fifteen people
Unfortunately, it escalated from one person to. a dozen very, very quickly Europe. Obviously punched in the mouth we can see. The effect of that sleet. Your speeches, a little weird as usual or we're than usual hen, sorry to make you laugh and smile, but how How are you doing, You know tell you this. I'm actually really happy to be alive, because in that shopping centre right. Where there is a fifteen year old girl who was shot a corner, ports, and I heard multiple gunshots throughout the night. Another individual is reported to have then shot as well still trying to confirm. I watched people get get pummelled beyond belief, anyone. Their journalist named James Clue. He had to run almost a mile to get it.
From writers who try to be about because- and I will say this indiscriminately- they were specific we targeting white people. last night, and that was who they were why do you say let you lately? Why do you say that because they were only attacking white journalists specifically, and they told me they called me a white supremacist during my Turk and after the fact they came- to me at another location and told me a white supremacist and started accusing me of things at a clue. have no base and Jane had a similar, some more interaction and I'll say this. I was standing next to different reporters who were also filming, who are all hispanic, ended cited to only target me and they let them continue filming. So you know the racial slurs and accusations based with the fact that only one after that white journalists in the group led me to them
inclusion, and is this? Why- and I don't want any details on anybody who is working with you, but is this why the camera was not taken because they punch you and the camera was rolling. And got out yet Well, that was actually a reporter shall be tell caught, who was completely covered up because the lawyers guilt. The lawyers guild was looking for her at the other protests trying to idee her. It's a group that tells them as a legal group, but they really try to docks journalists and get people attacked. So she had we covered out. So tell me your reaction to the New York Times, saying that you were you going in the New York Times they said are covering it. We just covering it from a distance, and we can see everything. That's going on. These guys are just trying to make this bigger than it is in trying to ratchet up the violence. That's what then
your time said about your beating Glenn. I, I'm want to tell you this, and this is what I like what we are reporting at night. It so funny to hear people that are there try to counter it, and then reports cannot later that we were right in. I said that the police lost control of the city, and I got lost does well by the same journalists. Oh you're exaggerating. How do you mean you lost control out, then the black for police chief says the night was total loss and they were unable to get control of the city stretching several several large walk. This is like a man. L, a square mile or so area. There was just mobility from police to do anything with more than a thousand riders in just one location it's either would be. Any work would be two to three thousand writers last night in just a square. Or so the police were not prepared, and at one point it is gave up and that's they really does gave up in this
I know where you were in the Walmart. That's where you were you in the five below store when you're a beat up. I was the site below and I want to know not to make what it ones position or to take it lightly. But why would you the store, that's known for five dollars and under items shouted out where I would rise to allow, but the walmart you showed was looted and police caught it had kind of which was what right across the street and They weren't doing anything for the five below in the EU. I got the impression that they had kind of given up on Walmart as well. yes, so this was so crazy. So what the videos that your ear yours, a vcr or fair, lessening the Walmart, was looted and rounds. So people broke in police, came you're, not the warmer and then they would run from the wall marked in the next store right. Next to please start leading that store.
This the Walmart run over the next door to clear them out, and then run back into the Walmart, so it was like It's just that I never I love because I'm going. This is what happened. Please just push people, essentially the police kept pushing people tell I counted, overthrow These stores that we're alluded to that A conservative estimate I didn't they went chip fillet. Why we'll racism. Of course, Eliza were you wearing all of the equipment that I got for you last night, while this was a tie, were we where plate carriers- but I did have protection to an extent and I also was I was U Carryings- Bishop means to protect myself in a legal matter. But I'll tell you this There is no law and order in these places and well
I do respect law enforcement officers who protect and serve the people These big cities have a real problem when the police of this. It is, cannot help people- and I will tell you this and we need it the National Guard there and they were nowhere to be seen, and I was confirmed by multiply their outlets, including the daily collar, including town hall. Please you in your crew, stay safe. Thank you so that you, when you were listening to the best of lending programme, not your paper mom, grin she's, an economist. She was an economic adviser to George W Bush. The author of the infinite leader will
talk to her about the economy and the digital civil war that is coming doktor. How are you I am very well under excited to be unfair them with good. Thank you. So I wanted it talk to you a little bit about first of all, the economy as we look the economy, what what's gonna happen with a Biden Green, deal out of radical agenda. If they start to pack, the courts We have a more optimistic view that, as soon as we know the result one way or the other a lot of people say: ok, fine I'm going back to work then there's a second question: What does it mean if a fighting becomes president- and I think it's going to take the Democrats a couple of years to have an internal punch up about? Where exactly is the policy supposed to be
not like we're glad it came in with a pint of censure middle pro business position now we have applied a far less all the way in the middle of the road and no agreement amongst all those folks. As to what should we, actually do so, is an unknown? Is the answer is no, it will be, obviously not one most Republicans would want, but I'm so we don't know how far to the left and might be We are at a time now where the in formation that people get is edited and shaped and put in front of them and they can be manipulated without even knowing it, but we We also know that twitter and Facebook have been editing the news. What's really verifying that nobody really understands is. I have a date it'll twin and you. have a digital twin. Tell me,
That means to the average person still, basically, all of the data that you give off every day, some lunch Searching on a search engine, but frankly, if you have a phone in your pocket and he walked down the street, the phone can tell what listen up. Your heart is on the way to walk in, all these electronic devices are picking up information about us, it's very, very deep and all data is accumulating in like a twin of yourself, but you can't see, but others can be it so, for example, banks increasingly you're applying for and job don't look at your digital twin and make persist is about you based on that. So if you order burning, Jerry's ice cream at midnight on Thursday night, while googling wait, watch her now lower than those gonna say this personal, emotionally unstable, that's gonna, show up in the person.
search and maybe that's the reason you don't get a phone call back or even worse, they'll start to look at at a married couple and compare the budgeting pattern then the behaviour patterns of both and they can anticipate a divorce. But the couple themselves don't even know it's coming and often I've done credit limit of the lower partner in anticipation of that divorce, what I mean by your digital? it's your her. Are you didn't know when it's starting to have a huge impact on Your actual life, so Actually, take your data and will say this is an unstable person. I mean with your example was there, but with example like that. you talk to banks around the world. This is becoming ever more commonplace to think of it. This way
It's a question of the algorithms read through all the data and they start to fine pattern and one of the patterns might be that if you have a married couple and the children were spending in very different ways in different locations, that this is just an he that there is a breakdown in the marriage. That's all this data is typically auction, laugh on the internet right, that's the whole point of during your searches through thing, Google, Google takes the data and the auction off around the net and theory. what they call anonymize, meaning its anonymous. It's not you, but I to say. I have my doubts that data is really truly anonymous is becoming easier easier to identify from Europe. The third and from you daily, I know exactly who and where you are so its becoming a tracking mechanism are we any different than the chinese other than the government is using this data? Are we need
four into they have more information on their people then we have on ours too? I think this is easy. Question of our generation when we talk about surveillance, capitalism, which is kind of the broad name from what we're talking about here. The thing is in China, the government does it in the new ass with privatized. Do we have private entities that are gathering the data but what we don't have internet keeps all this kind of data, either fully private and in your control better permit you to monetize and make money off it as opposed to other, and there are few people Working on that likes, your TIM Berners Lee, who is the original inventor of the internet and a few other people, but it's kind of a hard technical tat, one I guess it really supporting out, because I don't think the general public understands their digital twin and then what they hasty thy at it soon, the one thing that really
Really concerns me is, specially if the Democrats get in they, they have this new. Let's call the new monetary theory It is not a new monetary theory. It's an old monetary. They hurry that just says, spend as much as you want and we can always print more it us with spending habits that we have right now, we're we're headed for real trouble and real trouble with a dollar. You say that the government is going to issue. I am swimming. some point to currency itself, so not jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon. But issues its own crypto currency. And why is that a problem? I think that's right. People thought of Crypto is just private. Entities but now Russia, China, European Union have all said the boy, digital currency,
One way of thinking about this is that little bit like heroines of politicians, in the sense that you can download the money supply with the keystroke, you can also cut it have whether keystroke is not related to some underlying phenomena like gold in the old days that is purely electronic and digital and even more interesting. When you have digital currency, you can chew. choose bank accounts, it goes into or comes out of the Chinese example of an already giving away the new digital currency and testing in a place where people start use it and then directing it to some, not others? You could easily imagine. While politician thing, I would like to give a tax break or Ray money was certain group of voters, but not others, and the criteria we'll be telling the blank now you are able to create a pile of financial communism boring Aging are discouraging particular voting patterns as an example
It allows you to stop any kind of behaviour that you don't like it. It's really I mean the digital twin would be a social score and the Government could shut anyone it wants off. and reward anyone at once. So right, this time, score and that's exactly what's happening as were being scored all the time because of this digitization of of thing. But when you add digital money into to it is not just a score. It's also a kind of wage keep track of occurs doing what in the economy where, when with whom, how and he decided. You didn't like certain kinds of economic activities, it can A lot more easily with digital currency as a sovereign state, then the traditional paper money- and I do think, were on the edge of a huge transition from
Paypal, money ensue, visible money, and this will also change the balance of power between states and citizens and also between companies and customers. Total lots of political consequences of this. technology change. How long do you think we are away from that? Well unless looking at them that open talking to and there's a story that says Starbucks, Starbucks and Subway denied testing China's new digital currency, which will most probably companies like this. beginning to pass the time of giving away russia- has announced the plan to test and unbailed digital currency, the EU has said there absolutely on track- and we knew ass- there's been a bit slower but again cried a jeep. Morgan is introducing a digital currency than J P M coin. That's already ready for commercial use, and I suspect that Europe's governments can lead to private companies.
Tested out before they died and tell them what happens to Bitcoin. Well, I think people thought that by having, but are you how is the government's government surveillance tribute, the taxation of them and I think that's not grex, because in the end, even you, you wanted to do all that you have to actually login to your bank account. Then you delete a keyboard of some kind in the world war. Describing here is it still? He's a digitally try. What is what are you typing into your keyboard? I mean it's gonna wish. Why we're the only person who won't know your password and you re of both do you know why you're intentional Bay there's no way the really high it's it's a very miserable electronic grid. That's captures all the activities of hurrying inside it
He can't really step outside that digital bread, and particularly not one money itself becomes part of it. We are seeing now The the breakdown of our society in in certain cities and were seeing riots and burning of cities, etc, etc. I think Both sides feel like they ve been pushed to the absolute limit. You talk about a civil war, but you say it's not going to be like its ever been in any civil war before what do you mean by that what I was talking about was less the sort of violence that. We are witnessing a more aboard Phenomena which have written about some years ago in a book I wrote, called signals on it's about the breakdown of the sofa. trust, the relationship between states and citizens between companies
customers among citizens, and I personally think that, because the heavy debt load, the most nations carry and that that load of bricks promises the old uneasily together, like you can retire at fifty five on how we can we can and the first part of the workforce of people over the age of fifty five is a key element of savings. Make it to the end of their life and death. Renegotiate, negotiate. A contract contractors reveals a lot a long standing. unresolved issues and by the way how they exacerbate that was called. It also reveals the pre existing underlying conditions, initially in a person, but also in companies in a society in politics and one of them underlying conditions. It has revealed, as this issue between African Americans and
russian society and a kind of unresolved sense of what is the right social contract, the inclusive of everybody in a way that everyone is complement and can and benefit from, and so some people are taking for violence that others are using technology to overcome that ends this is where we are. We are renegotiating contract right now. What the question I know you're an optimist, long term. What do I do it? You think twenty twenty one's gonna look a lot like twenty twenty or worse or better. You know I pay. I believe you are really optimistic view, because you know nobody else is gonna. Give you right? So my really is like we ve a wave of entrepreneurial energy being unleashed of people get fired up it a closed restaurants, quite a business, an idle,
like most people lie down low over and say: there's nothing I can do Marshall go. You know what I have an idea and they will try to build something new and two thirds new jobs are always written by companies employ less than fifty people, so you're gonna have a wave of entrepreneurial energy, not all that will work, but it's gonna be a very exciting and then, and that we have this. record amount of money that can inject into the economy from government, which I am not in favour of. But the fact is there: it is its willingness to them I usually that money will find good business models and then too bad? This technological revolution were going through digitization the efficiency. the master, and so I actually think of recovery may happen much faster. more sharply than people expect of us.
Another building on the great depression marked shoe, and I'm not at all convinced that that's how it's really gonna play recovery may be much faster. I e from your lips to gods here. Thank you so much. Thank you. Ben Dodger, pebble, Pip, Amal grim. She is an economist of former economic adviser to George W Bush and the author of the book, the infant leader.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.