« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Mayor Bruno Lozano & Texas State Rep. Justin Holland | 3/24/21

2021-03-24 | 🔗

Glenn and Stu recreate the media coverage of the Boulder shooting and it’s upsettingly accurate. Once the white supremacy narrative was debunked, gun control became the main focus. Del Rio, Texas, Mayor Bruno Lozano joins to share how his small town is being flooded as the federal government unloads migrants into his city. Texas State Rep. Justin Holland joins to share his fight to make Texas a sanctuary state for gun rights.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey great podcast today it's actually a lead up to the show that happens at nine p dot m on Blaze, tv control, we're talking about gun control. I mean we start out with the the podcast today with us, with a look at at the New York Times and the daily and how the press seems to be covering the shooting in Colorado. But then we get very serious. We talked about the impact we talked to the guy, who is introducing the legislation here in Texas to become a sanctuary state on the second amendment. This is already passed in four states, but it's gone through hundreds of counties as well all across the United States. If you are not involved in it, if your county's not involved with that, your states are involved with it. This is a must, listen to broadcast and tonight, at nine p dot m. We continue that conversation on it. Imma show you something. I think it is a genius but kind of shows you how serious you should take this one state that is making everyone a militia member- and it's not like you- know some some crazy, far up North Dakota, where they and will tell you about that effort. Tonight, nine p dot m on blazetv dot com to use the promo code control to become a member and watch it don't miss it. Nine p dot m live tonight on Blazetv and here's the podcast
the only thing came from the New York Times. I'm my Mobile borrow, and this is the day today just two days, The horrific shooting the rampage, in Denver Colorado information is slowly coming out that the shooter mad Alessi was a member of a white supremacy group called the B Against everything, that's not white, even Eggshell paint militia.
How did he get roped in to this? Today our rapporteur has the floor. story a man who works as the chief investigator, the southern Poverty LAW centre che Escobar. Next, on the daily its march. Twenty fourth. Yeah Actually it's keep inquisitor its. If I'm sorry not to use a chief, investigator, inquisitor, interesting, so J The information that is coming out it shows that mad? postings on his facebook page about Islam prayer. religious holidays he also shared another person's thought the day after the mosque massacres in Christchurch New Zealand that killed,
fifty one people Muslims at Christchurch MOSS were not victims of a single shooter, but instead they were victims of the entire Islamophobia industry that vilified them by Michael? We, we don't have a confirmation that those Facebook boats are authentic at this time, and it is important to note that if they were automatic they would be automatically placed whereby the proud boys, this much we do know and investigators, will we get to the bottom of added released the details of it or, of course they will no longer hold their jobs, fascinating, when he posted the Muslims at Christchurch. Mosque were not the victims of a single shooter and He went on to say if right, sisters, lama, phobic people would stop hacking, my phone and let me have a normal life. I probably could that use
leave is coming from the proud boys, but Michael yes, yes, that's what we believe fascinating, there's, also stories coming out in the press that his Mental health was also called into question. The sun, next thirty, four year old brother, recently said his brother was very anti social paranoid and adding that? Sometimes he would claim he was being chased someone's behind him, someone's looking for him, but Michael yes,. Yes, we agree with that analysis and, of course, dictators are looking at the causes of this mental illness, and we saw there is a possibility that
I was speaking. I dont know why you we need to get her up to me in the middle of speaking. To restate the point I wasn't currently making it impossible to understand your patterns of speak when he was having lunch with his sister in a restaurant, his Sir said that he said that people we're in the parking lot and they were looking for him we didn't know what was going on in his head. That's turning to his sister, who said this was not a political statement, its
Until you will Michael Donald Trump. Donald Trump was present at the time that this occurred or recently before when it occurred, and we know Donald troops is Lubber phobia caused this. We know that we do it with certainty that will drop dead. This double Travis copy. but investigators are looking at reconfirmed that at this time, let me let me ask something else that you know to be true: Road Whitehead groups set up quickly. Of course he did how's that tat from peace such a maid, body, part and he also did go in and say, Donald Trump
inherited a growing economy and the unemployment rate was low. Economy was on an upward spiral and he won because of racism. This goes back January six. There directed at our capital white people did white things at this white building. This caused shootings. This was a militia. These people why people are guilty are you? more than words was one of our producers. Favorite songs there, reason an affidavit tying up. I don't understand why we pay more than words, but all this, let us not does not make any sense
I think you know what we're said. Someone had the wrong button, but what happened? Can we- of two Elon Omar, one of the greatest congressmen ever to be income, press or for that matter, even in parliament she came out and said she doesn't understand an idea, to agree with her. Why this man's race. Now, knowing that he's from Syria plays a role in any of the story, A lot of this comes down to. If this person, this on board, is guilty of of describing. We don't know that Yet it could easily be proud boys, but by this could be connected to January six directly. Maybe people try to re invade the capital but went to the wrong place. too bad. How did he become involved in such a network?
yes and well known militia group as the begins. everything that's not white, even Eggshell paint militia brought about had to do with his white privilege coming directly from Syria by God he came to the United States with so much privilege so much whiteness, so white, the white. This is what really stands out and that's why he was, of course, at the capital building. We believe- without ever set the capitalist. Yes, we January. Sixth, we believe he has one of the leaders, the of the actual riot. fair and yet in victim. While you, oh yeah yeah, you the victim, and he let the rights. That's only because Donald Trump beta believed the riot and he was in a militia group at all.
White Militia group, even though he was syrian while he had identified as white, syrian and and at what and, as we know, there's a wave of asian violets going out right now at the top but he was identified as the asian woman. Wouldn't he have been the victim. of this house double horrific shooting, and you play more than more intimate. I need you to understand. The the humanitarian problem
for not only those who are coming across the border, the trafficking that is happening, the the drug lords and the cartels and are being empowered, and are just gonna destroy lives, but also the lives of american citizens, especially those who live right on the border Del Rio, Texas, I've seen video of Del Rio and it's happening there. The grocery stores, look like there from the Soviet Union there's nothing on the shelves. How're, regular American supposed to help if they can, help themselves. I wanted issue to the mayor: brutal Ralphie, Lazard! Oh, I think it is Do you know by Ralph Ralphie Luckily, I go by fire that may make name by closer economy. Bruno these days. Commie Bruno so Bruno I wanted. I want to talk to you.
Just about politics. I want you to describe to me what is happening in your city and what's happening to the people who are body citizens in your city right the images that you're describing earlier that was taken during the winter storm and that was immediately affecting our community because we didn't have resources for our own citizens and we ve, got notice that we were going to have migrants being released Inter community and just clearly disaffection, unfortunately I even had to make a plea for the presidents about relief migrants Inter community because of the winter storm that took the fact of our community. You are now may fifth, let's play this. This is your first year. Fur plea,
Actually, this is was this from February, when you originally really does he go hidden play little? Mr President, my name is brewing. Others on oh mayor of the city of Dario Texas, and I am pleading and requesting with you to please put a halt to any measures regarding the release of emigrants awaiting court dates into the Adele Rio and surrounding areas, We do not have the resources available to housing. Accommodate these migrants within our community have no choice but to the extreme measure under emerges declaration as the mayor of the city of Del Texas to refuse the entry of migrants awaiting chordates into the city of Del If you do studies individuals into our community, we will before to make a decision to leave them without resources. Under these dire circumstances I am asking Please stop. Please make another plan. for this federal issue came now. So people now urine. a guy, that's after you know by nor anything else. You're a Democrat. You were elected as a Democrat you're just trying to protect your remit
I can citizens whether their republican or Democrat, that you were elected due to help and serve This is not a political issue, so they did release people how many people, how many people live in your town and how many people now you grown too because of the illegal immigration problem, we have thirty five thousand that appear in the city of diarrhoea, within fifty thousand in the county, we get an upwards of you, no one hundred and fifty a day. I think the average for demonstration was that there is any be thirty five thousand total and about up where we carry it but are given to us in February that that's expectations that we're gonna have a transfer population transiting. A community and total. So the way women, fifty thousand people in the county through two thousand in Del Rio and note the inure expecting
thirty five thousand immigrants to come in I got to come in they they they get, they they get drop it about. measuring Coalition and that's where we process you know under fifty idea. What have you? The remaining person scare drop in evil path, tax authorities was brings taxes and our process throughout the entire area but this community alone, the border patrol chief sector, cheese girl, told me back in February that were expecting to get thirty a thousand within three or four weeks that was given to me back and travel, I dreamed that week that I made that that they apply so a pretty close, I mean, There there detaining an average of seven hundred a day right now, the last seventy average salts So you have it equal number of illegals to the to the population How are you expected to do
with this. What what is that doing to your community back The biggest question that I have is that, whereas the funding Mohammed was a fund, an influx of other people, Listen. I don't feel with a budget of only what we have used. Our tax thinks that it sends out of thirty five thousand individuals there. Seven thousand roughly ever so. Also that we'd attacks drop, you know it's just its mind. Boggling the statistics happening. I administration continues to just you know, ignore the embargo problem, and I that there is an actual, an absolute humanitarian crisis in Ireland, eggs or what you said just recently. You said you know I do want to demonize any any group of individuals. I don't want to you know I'm not going to comment on the humanitarian crisis of the Euro, the migrants, I don't to get involved in that I'm just talking about the whole humanitarian crisis here that involve other people as well. We can't help out.
or if there is not an orderly info, if there's a if you don't go through the right doors and you overwhelm America and towns like yours yoke. Survive. To be a help drive right that's exactly the problem is that we cannot sustain this at all, and you know every movement has their own unique store their own situation in their own reason, for coming at United States of America and and I don't want a demon than by any means, but you know how can you say here and tell me that the border patrol about treating a few mainly when you have mothers, you know getting their children across a crossroads its river. You know in an income at whether an no drowning. How is that? How is that any? you mean and what the border patrol is trying to provide the quota, which was just doing the directed and find a directive that are given by the Department of Homeland Security in that direction. At coming right now, under secretary, my occurs at markets, and this is happening
there is no plan of action is extremely unfortunate that that we're losing live on both sides were losing lives to the migrants crossing. You know, had I to be chase a couple weeks ago where we lost eight eight illegal immigrants and that its mind boggling. so what is the White House or anybody saying nationally, while the first point that I got from from from another individuals set up there with the White House. She told me she told me, MRS Miss Julie Rodriguez, that you know inherited a problem or a dismantling of immigration from the Tramp administration, which you know. That may argue that that's true, that's not, but you know it's been a couple of months. I ve been in office, will wears a bad where's. The recovery where's the way, the long term loosen were the search short term solution. Blue undermine way way way way. I know I know I I I just have to correct that. If you in
merited a problem. You didn't inherit this problem, you inherited what you thought was a problem of being inhumane, and so you dismantled it so, cause the problem, because you didn't have another plan other then right. But it up exactly enact exactly the factory is that you know you have on one hand you have the extension of a cupboard nineteen restriction, you can enter lawfully, be the bees are holding back from that mexican, national and others at their family cannot stop in our communities because of complementing restrictions and then extended that two through equal twenty first, yet on the same and you know you have a novel entry happening. How can you here and tell me that that the people ministrations you no problem, this is their problem they were elected to do a job and they need to stand up and start doing at you know we need action now. We need too. We need to get these borders secure and we need to open up, isn't commerce to the border town community. that we can get our economy back in order, so
How can we help first before ask that? Has the state reached out anybody from the governors office? Is the state of Texas doing anything to help you? I appreciate that state but I know that they were trying to help you know with with testing at one point and which I appreciate what I'm set the icy there was governor, but this is not a state or local issue. This is a federal issue. I agree. I firmly believe that the federal government needs to take more action and come in and be actually present on the border. We're getting seem a response by we were getting. You know it's a testing. finally being done at the Department of Homeland Security directive, but at the same time it fight neither come down and actually fender people took to mitigate. All of this is not- and this is not the subject areas issue. This is legislation process. she was a federalist you absolutely so Is there anything that we can do to help you? I think I m strain this. or he gets out and that you know that there is transparency happening. I think that's one of the biggest you know lay them.
Can resolve and find solutions to this problem it. This has. This has been an ongoing issue for decades in it in the future so he paced the head on, but we need to be transparent. We're doing that. You know you can't you can't not call it a crisis. For one thing, it is a crisis so that the humanitarian crisis can you can you tell me cause? I don't have a clear picture on? Is life normal for the the average Delorean That is, that is conducting their life. Is it? Is it do they have access to the things I need? I mean I'm I'm hearing, Bartley you lines, for food, but that might be the Vienna relief food. What what is the average lifelike. It must surely you know there was a huge what you know draining the storm that you you couldn't get through during the winter storm and emphasise that want to start. As you know, life has gone back to normal a little bit, but the main
concern now is is the security of the border community. I mean we're safe small fleet, it how you know we we know each other with weak. We know each other with the highest under the grocery stores. Think like that, and now we have concerns small business owners like the foot of a tall refer, she treated about business at the creek at our city park and sheets, fearful that suits them be robbed. He says she has migrants coming up to her and asked her for money and for food and now secure. Is that you have a duty to protect my community, and I have the tragic population coming through our municipal areas and and parks. It's not it's not safe, but I have to tell you I I admire you. I admire the take that you have in the leave. The brave stand that you're you're making, especially I know what I no. What the world is like today, you're either part of a team are you're, not part of the team and that killing us
On the other hand, I do so I admire that. Please keep my phone number. If there is anything that we can do for you have a large charity arm anything we can do to help the citizens of Del Rio. Whether this you please let us know, I will think I presume That said, you had an odd and ensuring the story with happening along the border. Thank you. So let me say that you bet Bruno look Le Lozano from Del Rio. Texas he's the mayor: this is the master, the Glen Back Programme, and we really want to thank you for listening. There is a direct push. come after your firearms to to start changing the laws, to make it more difficult to take a quote:
quote assault rifles off. These are modern sporting rifles, that's what they were called by the company that made them beginning in the nineteen fifties their painted black solar scary, and there is a movement that I highly recommend you get involved in its the second amendment sanctuary cities, movement. There are three: He states now, Idaho, why you coming I can remember what the but the other one is, but three. aids that have passed this, but there are two ton, a ton of counties that all across the country up it's actually forced dates? Alaska is one of them It started in Alaska. It's happening now in Texas as well.
And it needs to it, needs to go through, but I want to understand it and help you understand it a little bit Josh just in HOLLAND. He is Texas State Representative here the guy who introduced Texas House built twenty six. Twenty two, and so we we get him on and if you don't have this happening in your house of representatives, it it in your state, you need to get involved in this and get it moving now. just how are you, sir, I'm doing great glands good morning? Is it Kansas, the other state. There's four states do you know I believe you talk, TAT S, why the other states, but it is something that gaining more momentum in our state right now we're open the gate at play. this legislative session, with just seventy days left. So this is something I was talking about before Biden was even inaugurated. We need to have Sanctuary states
It will operate the same Whaley Sanctuary cities did for illegal aliens and I think that's what your bill is doing. It is its putting together a movement that says no state agency will help with anything that is and the second amendment is that right basically, that is right, anything more prohibitory or restricted by regulation or restriction. Something like that that would come down from Abiden admin, straighten or any subsequent administration. We're not going to allow our state and local law enforcement resources to enter into agreements with federal agents? That would be against what we right now on the books. We want to keep our second limit laws and our constitutional rights as strong as possible, and we feel like that in France. Man is coming in his closing in on her. So that's what the the over the thirty thousand foot view is very soon
what you said. So we too in the bill, it actually says magazine capacity or size limitations, ready straighten requirements, background checks, but so that's it anything that they are talking about now, that's right, anything that has to do with a firearm, a firearm accessory or firearm ammunition in your means of obtaining them. We want to maintain our second amendment rights and constitutional rights in taxes without the out of touch powers. These. Are the bite administration coming the taxes and in an pampering ass? So now, let me ask you. This is a really selfish question, but the federal government would love to make examples of other people that around spoken who have firearms. I live in Texas if the we'll government decided to come and confiscate mice
for the FBI was at my door and they were you know they were like you're or we need to see your clips, we ve got your closure magazines. The with the state protect me or just not get involved with that of a state. Is the federal government still has their own ability to him worse their laws? We cannot stop the feds from enforcing federal law, we're just going to allow local entities to enter into agreements with federal agencies. That would ask them to do that. On their be asked. They would actually lose state funding if they complied with federal, more research. agreements after this migration of Joe Biden so is this kind of lightly. The the ideas, because if Texas did it or you targeted by itself, it wouldn't really be that effective because they have the resources is
kind of Lee Christie, NOME idea that I need a coalition. The power is the real strength of this comes from the number of states involved right and I think that's the biggest saying that we need to stress nationwide is our tenth amendment rights estates, if all the states that are second amendment, loving constitutional, loving states will come together and and push back, because, our constitutional rights, as you know, are eroding day by day, and as we have this new administration we're all a little bit scared. You can try to give him as much You know what we can watch them very closely, but you cannot, let me buy administration. The Democrats in Washington Control, though that we lead the way that our way of life is and our values in taxes, and so yes, I think you'd be wonderful, could push nation wide campaign war, sanctuary, secular moments thing.
I have to tell you you know I've been saying this for a while. I think the states that get it needs to be a constitution, sanctuary state that that anything in our bill of rights if its violation of our bill of rights, we're not doing it. I'm just as concerned about the first amendment I mean you, we lose the second amendment. The first amendment is definitely gone. The first amendment is is going away quickly because they found a way around the the constant, good bye, bye using private in mystery to be there strong arm, that's right lucky. I disagree with the Glen, but the Spirit of House built twenty six twenty two spoke a sign of arms gun legislation. I know I know the eye so, this is gonna pass. I'm surprised that Texas has led the way in this, but is it will tell you the odds? Did it's gonna pay?
seem very, very likely to me. The governor is behind this. This is the governors priority, second, I'm a sanctuary piece of legislation good. He has been active in vocal on social media about this bill about our legislators. We work closely with his off, as we will work closely with tax estate, Rifle Association in me, in meetings and discussions with the an hour. A people are their momentum gaining behind this, I think we're gonna passes, build a session That is fantastic news. When will we know how long is this going to take? Well, right now? We just started in earnest meeting was and laying out bills. This bill has been referred to the state of play this committee and the taxes house. It will wear it. We requested a hearing for that. Once I lay the bill out in the committee, it should get that was in a week or so from there were up again,
the timeline? It needs to happen in April for sure, because towards the end of our legislative session, it gets big, becomes more and more difficult to pass bills of Europe, get the moving. I wish you luck in the next. blow weeks. We're gonna, get this moment bill, moving down the line and to the Senate so that we can now we can get it to the governor snails lotta people around the country, don't understand the reason why Texas is still as free as it is an offence to you is These the state House may adjourn and there are only in what is it every other year so every other year for a hundred and forty days, we we make laws for a hundred and forty days when we go back to our communities and businesses and live under them with the people there It is in there the more that we're in session the greater your liberties are in trouble. It is. It is the reason why Texas has been this strong and Morris more state. That's the way. Our founders set things up
and Texas is really the only one who laughed I think in the country. That's living that way Well, that's why so many people Glen or moving here, I know your old, because it's their freedom, capital of America's our governor likes to say, and we want to keep it there. way for our guns is where I have some friends living up north and they are visiting this week and they they couldn't believe the growth Texas there like how is estate keeping up with it and, unlike the state is really smart and regional got they built the infrastructure add of time, but it is phenomenal. How fast this state is growing did growing. Very Could, I ask, is if somebody is interested in this in their state. It did you use another bill from somebody else's thereof? Misery, like. A mad live version of this bill, but states can start to go off of
well I'll tell you what we have a couple of different versions of it that we'd be happy to provide to any other legislators or people that would like to send it to theirs. They taxes lead. Fletcher online as a great resource, or you can search the bill. Twenty six, twenty two house built twenty six twenty two and get the language to share with their legislators and our office would be happy to provide that its well read. How are you where? Were they find that online? It would be taxes, legit nature online. Do yellow tt! Hello! Yes, deal, ok are, thank you. So much would please stay in touch with us. Let us know good. Do people should we be calling our our stay representative here in Texas Tell us what the best way that you could do is call your state representative and tell them to co author, this legislation that decision, means that they will walk down to the House Clerks office. Sign their name on. As a co author and support, the more correct
there's we have the stronger chance that this has to start moving and move quickly and that's what they would do, support this bill by co, authoring it until their state To do that great, thank you so much we'll tell you there's gonna, be a tonic? This gains real traction here in Texas: there it will be a tonne Soros tight money coming in to stop it, oh as Texas goes it's a little like California in York, as Texas goes so goes the country and I urge you, if you're listening to us in Texas, to call your state rap. It's. How spill: twenty six, twenty two. If your lives listening to us anywhere else in the country, key all your state represented call, your we're your local people and say we need to have this as a sanctuary city, and a sanctuary state there again
and there are only three or four states now that are doing this or have already passed it? There are men, or coming, but there are counties all over the country theirs, I don't know how many four hundred and some counties it is a the The map is awash with counties that have already done this. So if your stay, won't, do it get to your local level, you county level or even your city level, if that's what it takes but get in, volume in this movement and tie It is of the essence now
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.