« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Justin Haskins & Andrew McCarthy | 10/26/20

2020-10-26 | 🔗

Glenn and the guys talk the latest election polls and whether Texas will actually turn blue. Each side says the other will steal the election. Justin Haskins, co-author of Glenn’s upcoming book on the Great Reset, joins to discuss how Time magazine’s newest edition proves the Left’s excitement for ending capitalism. National Review’s Andrew McCarthy addresses how reliable the Hunter Biden emails are as even Joe Biden now claims they’re Russian disinformation. Is the media living in a one-party system?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Patriots election day is fast approaching. The radical Democrats are doing everything in their power to stop President Trump from winning and we want to make sure patriots like you are heard. This is the election of our lifetime of both, We're President Donald Trump is a vote to save our country. We need you to commit to voting on November third text, poles Yo Ella less to eight zero to two to find your pulling location,
they still were eight days away from what either a celebration or suicide. I'm not sure glowed fester, petty party early, is where a days away from the election we want to go over. Some of the Poles today see what what's happening. They seem to be tightening a bit gather some there's some evidence of that can expect that to happen, but will see how it goes to a little to call in most states. Amazing gets an amazing is going to watch and prefer to be over that, including Texas will get into all of that here again, just a second, also the great reset and what it means Joe Biden is elected next week. What will America go through we're doing a special on Wednesday night at eight p m eastern time about what does the first hundred days of Joe Biden look like if he would win its more terrifying because we're using their own words and their plans, it's more terrifying than even what we lay out today and what we lay out on today's podcast is is pretty bad that and also the Hunter Biden scandal. What's new, is the press still not saying anything about it and what is the cure for the Facebook twitter vanishing of the first amendment, all that more on today's package,
The only thing came, Mister Grey joins us from the Agri radio round up with assembly oranges drove thank you good to be here at gray, unleashed the pod cast. You can hear him on blaze. Radio records that every morning before this programme and then you can hear it wherever podcast opera are are heard, which I don't where that is phone booths veto in some of the schedule, as parts of TAT hardware store. I've heard yes, lotta hardware carry podcast, welcome to welcome to the programme pack. Thank it we're just you were just talking about the Poles and and and their if their accurate or not- and you know I I hope that everybody is a little freaked out. I
that prompt supporters are freaked out because you should be. The binding people, the poles are showing the bullshitting Biden. You know I had by forty seven points and Biden. People are freaking out now part. That is PTSD from last time. Yes, it's a big part of it but they are, but they are freaking out, which means there really motivated go the poles, I think, Supporters are very motivated We are also a little, I think, Texas could be very surprised at the edges. up all worries down by three in Texas, which I dont believe, but I also saw we're ok, sixty million people have voted already, they keepsakes sick. Million. People have already voted, they claim that it's a fifty one, twenty six Democratic republic and split on them fifty one twenty six. What was signalman, though, but people it that's what they ve been telling people to do what
go I'll go out orderly anybody else has been like I'm not voting early. I think my votes gonna count why. I think I would not be stunned that after this election we realised that was the single biggest lighter teaching mistake of the rope. campaign. Can I feel, really encourage she. Arnold say now, like the veil voting things, a fraud, don't do that go on election day. They did it for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and out. Look I Democrats are always a little bit more likely that to do early voting, but not like this people Ok, I'm not gonna. Do I'm gonna go to the polls and you should but go to the polls Turley. If you had only a day, I'm going today were saying: go vote early, just vote with the regular way. Don't don't do it ballot. That's what the message has been, but a meagre vote. Early yeah girls load early, as you point out, an area that I'm gonna go today. Homey too, as we point out,
that there is this if you have sixty million votes and its fit basically to the one you're tired myself, so right now at banked votes- and we don't know exactly as we are only talking about party registration. But at this its basely at that would give you a twenty million vote, led foregoing, lied and going in If you kind of summarize this right now, look I don't. Know for sure. If that's real, but
The point is, I will flew. You extracted the election day vote to go heavily in favour of trouble. The bigger this gets, though yeah the worse. The worse it is, in God, forbid, there's a terrible snow storm on. You know on election day. What you could happen, you don't have to shut up shut up. I'm gonna order, hurricanes stormed super storm sand hit me like you, shut up, shut up just shut up, and this is the reason why people like the early voting thing when you're a candidates. Rain is because you get to lock these people in right there. They ve already voted here, and then you not only our do have the vote for sure. So the person does. It can come up with excuse on election day, because what is theirs. the covert flare up are so there's a lot of reasons you take it to the poles and the other thing they like about it, though, is they don't? They no longer have to spend resources to make sure that person goes to vote, so this in your time for Republicans. They need to go back and harassed, he's voters over and over again to go to the polls once these people vote and the democratic side there like ok, zero dollars, get to go towards that person.
I know it's not exactly said like that, but they can t large swaths of their expected electorate and stop spending resources on them, so it's a money thing to its money. It's a resource thing! It's why likely really vote so about right men. It is, I think, a legitimate point. The Republicans have made during this process to say: hey. Is it sensible? for people to be voting, for, weeks before a debate like that's, not we're doing. I see now there's much to learn not right and there's too much that happens between sip late September and November. Third, when you're supposed to vote yes, its we too long. I think If you want to vote early that isn't a two week, time period seem set now. It seems reasonable. Look I mean, even within that, to touch too weak time period. Look at what we have seen now happen with Joe Biden right. I mean
Look at that information. Is there anyone that regrets it or will regret it by the time the election comes. Is our neighbour I voted for a job. I doubt it. I don't know man, this isn't really bad kisses, really really bad at it. They dont believe he's just passing it off as russian disinformation and always well then explain why that your at times in twenty eighteen did a story on the very thing that we now have proof of the new time said it looks like, and if this is true, it's really bad, and now we have the evidence of it. I mean I know I mean it's crazy, it's just I note that they let him off the hook. Eyesight got three last night on sixty minutes, just let him say it with challenging it at all. She doesn't say no joke the computer, been verified as his and so have the emails. So don't tell me this came from a russian here. She is here. She is less time
Do you believe the recent leak of material alleged leave from hunt, computer is part of a russian disinformation campaign from road to know the intelligence community warn the president that was it actually army was being fed. This information from the Russians under the elderly about this prudent is trying very hard to spread dish information about Joe Biden, We know you're. So when you put the combination of when I should gradually Ani President together sure is just what is this? A smear campaign is, what is is nothing he wants to talk about is what does he running What I do is incredible, that's incredible. Did you notice the way he put it, though it had nothing to do with her question and nothing to do with her question yet good thing. She Esta follow. Oh no! No! She didn't yet but ill. Let me ask you: this Thee does does it matter
that the excitement level is so different Simon level for, for instance, on Saturday Hunt, and thirty cars pulled up who abiden drive in rally gang that wasn't. That wasn't as bad as the Morocco Obama rally. Where four hundred people total showed up four Brok, Gabon Ferber, rack Obama, another idea, the data, creates ears like there's nobody showing up to these things. I was at a. I was at a Trump rally. You know the Trump train life is like she the conductor of the Trump train. Oh my gosh. Yes, she s like she said to me. I think Friday, night tomorrow tomorrow morning we're going to the drug store and, unlike trumps, what is the Trump store and she
like there's a trumpet or you don't others, a term star, there's trouble store and their blot, alot, jeez Health and I'm like ok. Why are we going to the term store because we're going to the Trump train on Sunday we're going wet when what are we doing so afternoon there's a big trump rally, we're going to the rally and, unlike oh ok, dear I mean it, but it was. It was amazing to see because it peaceful it was really a beat. It was hacked and people said of, and I started talking to people, the the one thing I heard that ice there I thought This is who the Trump people are. They said I have no problem if Trump loses and its, in its real. I have no problem with that. but I am so terribly whether you re wrong. He's gonna kill you I gotta go to the sooner than it was a fake election yeah and they said if, if he would just if it was fair and that
with the american people said the accepted they said we would accept it and- and they said and I asked so if that happened, and you thought it was fair would you tell Donald Trump to leave, if some reason- and they all laughed and the like, of course he would leave- and I said right, but anything we're doing what they were right and he didn't. Would you be on that and they said. Of course, we would wish the american system- and we wanted to be fair, but all of thought that there's no way it was going to be fair and that's that get up this morning and listen, I don't know NPR something, and there there these people on who are you know, working to secure. The ballots and we're fighting in court to make sure that we can count on nine days later, and they said you know. The problem is that Donald Trump is gonna steal this election, so both
AIDS or thinking that it is no use at all, let alone so dangerous dangerous, because that's the one thing that was cause us to be at each other's throats? Did you did you see? button bragging about the largest fraudulent voter. Now let it he's ever put together. He had snotty as it is nice not play laid his errand. I have ass. It is Listen, you guys did data for our most the President Obama's administration before this way, put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history.
American airlines is on its own clear. He looked like he looked read that isn't going to any other large border organization in american history. There Susie drought of and ride. There are so many people and are retreating this. With that point of view there, like looking move now all that's about what he was talking about, what you say also those look in Saudi those running against George W Bush, so he gave really trust that he is no. What he's talking about me, I'm just saying best of the current programme. Just ask him editorial director for them Land Institute is also the co author of Asia,
book were working on right now called the great reset he's editor in chief of stopping socialism dotcom men, a fan. Programme for a long time and I ve been a fan of his for a long time. It because just in you called me what was it two months ago and said We ve got to do a book on the great re set, and I was just about to call you it's. We ve got to do a book on the great reset because it is terrifying. It's out in the open sea king going to be the full issue of time magazine. The seem to be afraid of it, and it is barely towards us that's exactly right! Interest! Think about how astounding it is that time magazine just of less than two weeks before the election would devote an entire issue. one topic that
those you just how important it is to people on the left and just how powerful this movement is going to be of Joe Biden went case. So here's the thing I want you to know. If you go to the blaze, dot com or you go to blend, backed outcome, we have an article on it right now that you can spread with your friends so member. Listen in the next few minutes and when you want to share with your friends, what's going on, makes you grab the article Glenn backed our com or the blaze dotcom on the great reset. So we we began what I M an old I feel like we should start with. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is- The world leaders are all involved in this. Yes, that's right I admit that the great reset is of an extremely well documented idea, the great grief it isn't. Something that you are I came up with. This is the language that they views. They ve branded as part of a marketing campaign called the great reset and that the whole concept of the great reset
going to push the reset button on the globe, economy that's what they want to do, and so I dont think I am it is important to people understand that this isn't some right wing conspiracy. This is what they want. The head, of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, but seeing her at the great reset now in the world says that every country from the United States to China must participate in this great reset and every industry from oil and gas. The Tec must be transformed. In short, we need a great reset of capitalism, and this in here about revamping all aspects of our societies and economies from education to Social contracts in working conditions is coming rate from his mouth. This is a credibly, radical and dangerous idea and core. donations from all over the world, international, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Prince Charles all sorts of Americans.
all lining up behind it, and this is this is not again. This straight from their mouths. This is what they want. They want to blow up the world economy and start all but again. Well, they asked what the gray resets all crudely crazy thing is that we have blown up the economy and you know I am not saying that seeing the corona was a very useful. urgency It is why everything is being shut down. It is why everyone keeps saying: keep the economy clothes. We can't go to school. We can't they need the economy of the west to collapse, to be able to do this only be in a collapse that a full collapse that they will be able to convince the american people to go along with this and its aim, new sort of capitalism in you read about this in Time magazine a new sort of capitalism that is
While strangely sounds like chinese communism, is a a capitalism were sure, you're allowed to own your own business, but you, to change the way you look at things. The government you'll be partners with the government, and the government will tell you what is really needed and they'll Joe exactly how to run everything and you're going to pay a lot more in taxes, but because we're more community minded it's terrifying yeah. But that's that's exactly right. It's the state, managing private profit, Eddie ownership, but really is it property ownership of the state is the one forcing you to behave in certain ways telling who you have to have on your board of directors, heavily incentivize in people with gigantic infusions of government printed cash, punishing people with taxes, the businesses that they don't like me, the it's it's the state,
managing the economy under the guise of private property ownership- and you Know- let's just do what, in the best interest of the collective and they call it stakeholder capitalism, stakeholders just another way of saying the collective, its collectivist. Capitalism essentially, which I think is an oxymoron. It is, and it really is not There was some at all. What it is, it's a form of social. Them or some kind of fascism, or we ve seen this all alone. Let's call it what it is way way way: let's call it what it is: it has been practised before it. currently being practised in China, and it was practice the last time in Nazi Germany, you were allowed to own your own properties. But the state told you exactly what you had to do with it and they would they had the power to take away or to punish anyone who didn't fall in line with what the state said was best for the collective period
What it is. It is communism in China today where they call it. This clause. I capitalism, or, the fascism of the Nazis, that's what it is period. Yet that's in just going back to what I said before, when I was quoting Cloud Schwab has every country must participate, must participate and every industry must be transformed. I mean that's that get any clearer than that. What thereafter is putting the elites in not just in America, but all over the world completely transforming society so that a law or controlling the entire economy? Because you know we're a bunch of stupid, cheap and their much smarter than we are. That's that's how they the world, and now they eat their seeing cold? nineteen as an as a convenient justification for starting this process. and they use climate change as the long term justification for keeping it going. When the panda
eventually ends and again. This is an official, This is them talking about these things, they're the ones calling this a justification Prince Charles, called Covid nineteen golden opportunity to an. they saw the rate reset so to all the people involved. Loot! Listen to this call. This is from Time magazine in of, I believe, was a more virtuous capitalist system is possible and it was affirmed by an initiative of the forms International Business Council led by Brian Mona Hand of the Bank of America. They release the stakeholder capitalism metrics, so the man weeks are what is the gender pay gap in company ex? How many p? of diverse backgrounds were hired in promoted, what progress the company made towards reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, how much of that but he pay in taxes globally per jury. addiction and what are they company due to hire and train new employees.
they will have a federal office, I'm sorry a global office if they get their way. That will will go and look at all of these metrics for every single business in the world,. I know about you, but it doesn't fun, it's exactly right in a lot of this stuff, with spell about that, the principles were spelled it. An agenda, twenty one, the United Nations agenda, twenty thirty sustainable development goals and all these things what this is its in it. It's an attempt to take those- Annabelle development goals that came from twenty one agenda, twenty thirty and in imposed. Those on corporation, in business, is now they behave so that, if not just what gum it is doing in government programmes its how government can force businesses
corporations to do the same things to an act of sustainable development goals. So it's forcing businesses too to become leftist. Instead, oceans engage in social justice causes and you going to use the power of the government through regulations through taxes through incentives and all these other things to force these companies to enjoy in this behaviour. That's the plan and its incredibly well documented and it is being sold Thou by time magazine the entire addition of time magazine. Is it this week or next week? do you know I had already came out in order came up here, so it is now, and I suggest that you get it and read it It is the great reset calls for the introduction of far less progressive and socialist policies, such as Google, run healthcare magic that basic income and the green new deal, if adopted,
great reset won't be subtle. A add and dramatic departure from the existing capitalist system and one that would demand changes to America and the World social contract in an article pub wished on the world economic forms website Schwab's, I quote the world must act jointly and swiftly to reverse. All aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contract, to working conditions every country from the United States to China must participate, and every industry from oil and gas to tech must be transformed in shore We need a great reset of capitalism and quote this something you must understand before election day? If the Democrats, get in the great risk?
that will be part of the american society, it will become what we are a. A stakeholder capitalist society. That's how they are selling Fascism, just exactly the way the Nazis added or chinese communism, if you believe that that is the way America should go, then you should vote for the Democrats if you believe it shouldn't you I too understand why their fighting so hard to sure that Donald Trump is destroyed. This is something that you must understand, and the article is available now at Glenn back dot com also the blaze dot com, don't miss it. It is It's the full edition,
this week's time magazine this is the best of the Glen Beg programme. Mccarthy is contributing editor at the National Review senior fellow at the National Review Institute and former chief assistant. U S attorney, he has written a article that I think is worth your time how to put a stop to twitters game playing on censorship. With a hundred I didn emails. Welcome to the programme- Andy Glenn Great, to be with you. So it is really hard to keep these all of these leaks straight I mean they seem to be coming from everywhere, the laptop the emails from Slicer, the Bevin, Coney emails and now ex messages from tony bubbling, ski
Any reason to believe that these things are illegitimate. I don't think so glad. I thought that even before we got the the later two strands information. So when the story was just the post story before we got the latest stuff from Schweitzer and are the bubble and ski stuff, I thought if you looked at the computer, the avenue, but then the first thing a prosecutor already investigator, looks at when their China decided. What, then, is the authenticity question? Is the stop itself, because, if it looks fraudulent or, if it doesn't look like it is what its represented to be. you don't have to go to all the other questions about its providence and contractually the email said with a lot of stop at the Peter Schweitzer had already done a lot of investigative Scott work on so contextual fit.
There are of these photographs? Obey the idea, the photograph and videos, the idea that they had been folded up seems highly unlikely and of course the most important thing was they wouldn't come out and say it was stake. In fact, the first impulse, the Biden campaign had They were asked about whether a vice President Biden had met with disparagement official wished to check the official calendar. Do not they thought to stop which fraudulent you would figure first impulse would be. Why should we check the calendar? It's all faith, phony whatever, so I thought he's pretty strong, and now we have these two other entirely separate streams. of the same information which are both Robert. Do there informative in their own right, through the notion that this is not automatic to me. It's just that. It's frivolous at this point. all right. So I just want to ask you, as a as a
you know? U S attorney you are? U S attorney in southern district of New York has a prosecutor Some of the messages revealed by the daily collar had been criticized because they came apparently from a phone that appear to be connected to a russian cell service. hey. What do you make about that I haven't seen. Anybody say that they were falsified It fair. I mean I feel uncomfortable with things coming from Russia We should these outlets be more clear where they came from, and just because it's connected to a russian cellphone does that make a difference to you the prosecutor, it would put mine antenna up, but at the same time you know, I think you have to bear a few things in mind since we become so irrational about Russia in the last four years,
One of them is that the fact that something comes from Russia does it mean false allotted time, Russians dump information on us. That is embarrassed. Thing and difficult to deal with, because it's true and uniform the democratic Euclidean the emails and twenty sixteen the reason, king and the publication of them was an embarrassment for Democrats was because they were authentic, so You know the fact that Russia rears its head in something is Red flag for them gator, meaning you always have to be on guard that you're you're, getting something that could be misinformation or could be found it up, but is at least equally likely there is true information that is embarrassing and difficult for us to deal with. So you do what you would In any instance, I mean I learn when I was a prosecutor that the Europe we took in from
sure from terrorists. We took information from head man. We tonight from the most awful people on the planet. Do your homework? You know they give it to you because you take it because they Maybe the only sources of that kind of information that you get. You know we don't get upstanding members of the community to give us information. The print about criminal activity. But then, you do your homework on it and try to corroborate it. So the the laptop itself was given to the FBI. I believe last December Rudy Giuliani didn't get a copy of it until a week ago. I think it was a week ago last weekend, and he then pushed it out Why? Why and the FBI release this information. Why has it taken so long? I assume that some of it may have been that that they were slow to act
I understand that the first FBI office that offered the information didn't accepted you know we still haven't got. I dont know the answer to that. We haven't gotten good answers from the FBI about the this has been handled. That's the kind of thing Congress really has to bring worryin and ask them some questions about they did here, but to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think it looks like there was there It is a serious, ongoing investigation about this that is sent in the Baltimore Field Office. I think, when the story I heard was be that the fellow who had the computer first try to give it to the FBI Albuquerque and then, ultimately, it was taken by the FBI in Baltimore by
two of us Subpoena grand jury subpoena that was issued by the U S attorney in Delaware, and there is no reason to think that they are not doing a serious investigation on it. But you know when you if you investigating evidently Looking at money laundering, that, according to the coding that we have from some reporting about how they open the investigation. and you know we know from the man of Fort Investigation that that Mahler did when you dealing funding streams that far from out like the country or a lot of the informational. All the records of all the witnesses are outside the top of that stuff is not easy to run down. We see the questioning of by the Senate of Tony Blair bubble Linsky, Do you think will see any criminal charges for binding without delay? direct evidence that he was personally receiving some of the money I mean. Is it enough to go on the
email. It says: hey ten needs to be held for my dad or I'm sorry for the big guy. When you a bubble saying oh. He was the big guy, that's Joe Biden, me that's not enough evidence to to bring a charge, but it's enough evidence to build on and I think what you would want is to see is this? Is this a one off which might make it very tough to prosecute, or is it a pattern of behaviour that you can that you can prove any other thing to bear in mind about this is that the Supreme Court has made these corruption cases very difficult to prosecute, since the Mcdonald decision about three or four years back involved the governor of Virginia, you almost half the house, wrong bribery, type evidence of a of a clear quid pro quo and poor.
The reason this is all going to be difficult- is for a lot of stuff. I think that that sort of smoking gun action message, a email that we're talking about my right. Election. Is that Biden wasn't in office at the time? I think that will serve. I think that was twenty seventeen, so they may have a obviously it stinks to high heaven and its bit, sir obvious corruption in in a common sense kind of way, but it turns out Is this a prime crime that you could prove in court where you can prove a quid pro quo, beyond reasonable doubt under circumstances where you do. dealing with all these different entities and people will come in and say. Well, you know by was a really bright guy. That was why we wanted him on our board. You handed yet you have to make sure you have evidence to overcome all that. I wanted get on to talk to you about the the
the whole smell of this Hunter Biden thing and and there's another stanch that is coming up, and that is the first that this is really kind of becoming dangerous to talk about twitter and Facebook down the New York Post, social media, making it hard for anyone else, and not only on this story, but anything they deem damaging to their chosen candidate. What are your thoughts on this? Well I was astonished, as you are blind by how blatant it is right. It it's been. for a long time to serve additives. but I just think that it Broad shouted conservatives and the of camouflage of it is tromp. So for a long time It's taken the position that trumpet such an unusual president and he was elected under such unusual circumstances? You know losing the popular vote by as much as he did yet aching.
Victory in the electoral. At the story? Is that he's illegitimate and they have you said a year, but basically a rationale to treat him Firstly, then any didn't has ever been treated and now it a blight over, I think, to treating people in his in his camp or perceived to be in his car. and in particular any stories that might help him get elected arm. Looked at with the same thing, the legitimacy that they are basically tried to bake for forty and now that we're down to the short straw, it's really become embarrassingly blatant that they are politically thanks to this guy. This is not like a media thing. This is an adjunct to up to a partisan political effort,
it's, it's quite amazing. His we fight the sensors all the time they have suppressed us recently. did a story on the ancestors of of Hunter by I'm sorry of Joe Biden owning slaves. We had one of the best researchers and researchers firm of genealogy in the country. Do the report they give it to us and it was all clear all buttoned up, but it still took us days and days while they were suppressing us they by the way we just got a letter last night saying, ought joking guess you're right, but they suppressed US and suppress that story yeah. I they can see that it's more insidious than that blood. I've had the experience nets three times in the last Several days where I sat down, and went through twitter,
try to reach wait a couple of saying something that weird, but the editor aerial we had put out at national Review about the Hunter Biden stuff, a report by a terrific forwarding Jerry done. Lady at the Washington Examiner answer the same information and one other story? I can't remember what it was about the top my head, but this you try to reach waded. They put a little sign up its wouldn't you like to read this earth, like you. I mean they have no way of knowing what the Abbe haven't, but I bet you they don't. Therefore I know they dont do it now will story minority and yet so I just take its creepy help. How this is how this has happened. It not just their tactics, but the fact that They don't seem to be ashamed or embarrassed in any way at how
Yes, it is that there are putting their some on the scale for one part is inside. So what do you see any happening if Joe Biden Winds and the Democrats win, I mean you know that I think even the Republicans. I have lost their nerve, some of them, not all of them, that's all, I'm lost their nerve gone up against these guys and they what they will only a few republicans are actually threatening to do something there. publicans that did threatened due something say where subpoena we're bringing a subpoena against these guys. You come to Congress now the other Republicans was stout and said. Well, we will wait until after the election I'm worried Glenn said they will join with you'll. Get elements on the right and elements of the left. It'll come together and do something that'll be bad for the country. We have a situation. From here. That obviously needs we addressed, but I think it can be addressed by
amending the four provision that controls all those who are supposed to section two. Thirty. In a way that takes, ambiguity out and makes it clear that if you gonna, engage in content editorial rising anyway, that you you're gonna shoot content if you're gonna, let's stop go from one side, but not the other side. You should be treated like a publisher It doesn't mean that you do anything that's illegal you're allowed to be a left wing website. If that's what you want to be, but that's what you are and if you want to have the status of an internet media platform that it in a year and even handed way, just transmits information so that you can get immunity from lawsuits. Then you can't editorial eyes by contact. You beat that would be the easiest way to do it,
The best line in one of your one of your right up those immunity is a benefit. Lack of immunity is not a punishment. Yeah right am I. We need to see it that way. What I'm afraid of is that these guys are gonna get together and have a government board. Oh yeah. Foresee how these are. These outfits operate and ass a disaster for everyone. That is why what will? Let me ask you: why is at a disaster? Will because we have been That's exactly what we have the first amendment not to allow would use the government to shape content and then to shape our political discussion, vintage What is a nuisance, appropriate political action? terrifying. What we're facing we'll find out which direction the country chooses in eight days from now Andy. Thank you so much. Check and again with you, my friend,
Transcript generated on 2020-10-27.