« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Jeff Brown & Janice Dean | 11/17/20

2020-11-17 | 🔗

Tech expert Jeff Brown read the manual for Dominion voting machines and found shocking safety concerns. A judge ruled California Gov. Newsom’s mail-in voting order violated state laws. The Great Reset is why the Left can’t let Trump win. Notice how many world leaders are using the slogan "build back better." Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean explains why she personally knows NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is awful after her in-laws succumbed to the virus in New York nursing homes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey. What do the podcast? You know sure it's not the daily, then what again kind of us is the daily. We talk a little bit about dominion and what's happening with the ballot count today. Also we we went into something. That's really really important, that there was a lawsuit in California that is going to put a lid on, gave a nuisance and eight it's good for freedom. Lovers will see what happens. He says the same thing that the Michigan ever governor is said. She just gonna go around the courts and she'll just use her own the power to do it in other ways. We'll see is freedom on the rise, or is it being slowly crushed to death? Also, let's be more like France have. Actually we tell you why coming up in just a little while Nicht APOLLO joins us, also Janis Dean, an amazing story of what Cuomo has actually done and how many people here actually killed in the state of New York Cover gotta, go to place tv dot, com, Slash Glenn, the promo code is Glenn, get thirty bucks after subscription to get access to not only of a radio show. We watch live every day also planned backs tv show which is coming up to Morrow the up. It would went on Georgia and what the choices in front of Georgia, this huge one huge store that people are not paying attention to and that follows a brand new stew. Does America as well, so we should check it out place tb dot com, such Glenn promo Code is Glenn. Three bucks off brown is a frequent guest on this programme when it comes to technology, he's the foundered chief investment analyse for brownstone research, cheese, the editor of the bleeding edge,
and I ve kind of asked him to step out of his expertise in some ways. It is not an expert on voting machines, but he is attack expert, twenty five years is high technology executive he's worked with I'll call, com, annex p, semiconductors, also juniper, networks, and I, steam on Friday, me about the dominion voting system, so he's gone to work over the weekend and over the last few days and he's been doing his homework and and looking for the the odds of this being being able to easily could compromise the dominion system. Jeff Brown, just now allow Jeff how area I good morning So you want you started just using the Une users manual, you went and read the cod. yeah man, you went read the users manual. Well, it's it's not
very exciting reading, but it's a great place to start. Obviously its success of all directly from dominion, and we can see how the company essentially manages the voting machine and, of course the security of the should process through its own technology and also goes to pretty detail. Thanks to identify how much risk is actually involved in its own system, which might seem counter intuitive yeah, so first of all, is it can you access the voting machines easily? Can somebody from the outside with nefarious intent, access these we so The answer to that is absolutely now: there's some coffee, One is: is it we're talking about some
when its remote and not at the election of the polling centre. the machine, would obviously have to be connected and, as we learned in several instances, were connected to the internet. So if that, in a situation like that, people would be able to access these machines with the right credentials. what's interesting, though, is that these machines are just like any computer that you or I would have they. ass was called in administrative password and people there. are in charge of managing these machines. The polling centres have access. Essentially administrative access to the machines any on that has the keys or the password to gain administrative access has the ability to modify delete, alter
change the election results and how hard would that be? not hard at all, in fact is. We looked, is reviewed, the security of the platform? Dominion outlines in its user manual that with access A user would have the ability to, for example, tamper with the device configuration they can tap, with election result files. They can audit or change your manipulate the audit logs of the dominion system. They can even temper with transmitted election results, so they and give one thing to the election committee and alter the data that actually on the dominion system. Now what I found that was very ill,
The thing is, the mitigation for many of these six. Parity. Vulnerabilities were to implement our quote: implement the proper process for access control. For memory card handling and unit storage. So The solution was simply he for humans. I e people that were working at these pulling centres to protect them, memory card which is easily accessible. The side of the machine oh so, could could you take the memory card chain, it and put it back or could you swap it out with pre loaded memory card, both The only security mechanism to secure the memory card is one of those small little plastic strings that is supposed to provide Evelyn
That there hasn't been any tampering, but you can simply cut that off. Take out the memory card you could even switch the memory card and put a new kind of Proof plastic. String back onto the dominion system. be very easy to take one memory card out, put the one in would be easy to take out a memory card alter the date in the information on the card? for it, was transmitted for I'll tribulations, So can you can you double votes or change or flip votes? easily can could you just go into the software and and do those things? Yes, again. Anyone that would have administrative access to the dominion machine, could easily do what you just suggested.
there's another mechanism that could also be used. After all, this is a software platform and the ability to function but wait a vote so for every one boat that cast for one candidate. A tube votes could actually be tabulated We end like fraction of votes You can't. Why would you have that why there's only one reason would be to manipulate the the voting results? Dominion systems? I think you probably know are used in some pretty nefarious. Countries who are legal elections are in the owner's manual that you can set it to count. One hundred and forty two know this is just an example of what you can do with programming the machine, but we read, as we saw, in the dead,
you know it's been referred to. Is software glitches or a malfunction were suddenly these machines stopped counting. Obviously a simple explanation. The most simple explanation could be that the software was being tampered with or difference offer was being used to to change the voting results are right, so we have a motive. We have means it could be done but we don't have any evidence that anything was done at all, so we're kind of going this in the in the through the back way, we're saying to that means, motive and opportunity. Yes to all those things. That doesn't mean a crime has been committed. Is there any way to
easily go and look at these machines and audit? And no I mean usually when you make a change to software, you make you eat you leave a trail. that's right, and so the answer is yes. The right to do. The right thing to do to get definitive proof would be, to do a full software audit of the software, On the machines in these swing states in a way The voting Fraud is heavily suspected, it is, and it would not be difficult to find the part of the software showed that has been manipulated to produce different results as a beautiful thing about suffragist does what its told, though, if its instructed to miss count,
then they can find software engineer can find exactly where in the code, the software is that would cause false or for fraudulent. Results, you would seem logical that we would, as a nation, wanna, do this after before and after every election, but we were. I swear, I mean there's. No, I dont understand why we are working with our key. EC software there's theirs. There is no reason for any of this in today's ages there isn't at all and to make matters worse worse, it all since if the dominion machines were designed to have several fail points, in other words, several major security risks. Why would you say that it was designed thy way because no one if they were building a system or a network whether it be for corporation. a government, no one, design. These many
security risks into a system if they wanted to keep the data, information on altered and safe I'll use dominions own words for these? different levels of tampering of of audit logs device configurations? They they, find a risk rating and In many cases the risk rating is high. the Commission's own word. Does it do you have the jury? Do you happen to have the happen? Have the book in front of you cause? You said in the notes that I got that on page, like four hundred four hundred fifty two to four sixty nine, they line in detail, the high and medium risk that balance can be tempered with correct. Yes, Four hundred and fifty two tampering with device configuration the risk rating his high page four hundred,
fifty five tampering with election result files. The risk rating is high temporary with transmitted election result files and also on page four, fifty five risk rating? is high. These are just a few examples Why, from their owner manual, what were their user manual? I understand why Texas would reject this Why would anyone by it Why would anybody by something for actions here in the United States. Unless you wanted to tamper, why would it Ready by that They wouldn't. I can absolutely assure you that any, for example, chief technology officer or chief security officer. They would never purchase a product with software that has all of these votes ilities for their business or their division the government would they would never do it too. Something like this off? Does it require
what level of sophistication would require an and how big of a conspiracy circle would require too, to change. The votes in in Sweden states honestly with if the bad actor is an insider. In other words, they work for the polling station is, They have administrative access, they can. They can manipulate the votes. This is not the another stem is no different than what consumers are used to in terms of working with for example, a windows based system. These are normal the user interfaces you wouldn't to be with administrative acts My point is you wouldn't have to be a software engineer to do it, If you were remote and connected through the internet, then you'd have to have a different level of skills, and especially,
you wanted to go back and make money. vacations and then basically cover your tracks and modify the audit logs to the question you about whether or not you wanted it. Somebody, was really sophisticated and wanted to do this on a wider scale could literally also alter those audit logs That's why you know against your question. You can act design a system, so the audit logs couldn't be altered, but they ve designed the system so that they can be altered, unbelievable Thank you very much. Jeff Brown found and chief investor analysed brownstone research. Also, the editor of the bleeding edge
and find him at his website. Brownstone research, dotcom, thank you is always right out. Your buddies ran on last curve in hand to the next year and hopefully making plans to be spent in time with family and friends. Gathering and breaking bread together. This holiday season seasons change, and I always think this time of the year is the best because it brings out the best in all of us. Well, no matter what your holidays look like, I can pretty much guarantee that you're gonna benefit from having a wreck tech because part of that asked of this holiday- is getting together for food and king every meal together and having it turn out just right. So whether grilling, smoking or even baking wrecked is going to rise to the challenge every time with it's amazing, smart, grill technology, the rector monitors everything you cook in it to the tiniest detail, making sure to adjust the temperature as needed. Without you, and you can control it entirely from an app on your phone or device so follow wrecked.
Can all social media and sign up for their newsletter to get great recipes? Its wrecked tech with a queue at the end are easy t, Q, dotcom your listening to the best of the Glen Back programme. Generously in is the Fox NEWS, senior meteorologist. She is also the author of mostly sunny, which kind of way for this hour, maybe kind of sums her up mostly say. I guess: how are you I'm glad and high to thank you for have me through their agendas, I'm thrilled to meet someone that is is upset, as stew is on Andrew Cuomo? I dont know how he gets away with what he has gotten away with in new,
but it's despicable it really despicable tell me how this story affected you before we get and all the stats, while my husband locked both parents to coronavirus virus his God within a nursing home. The plan was to have both parents in an assisted living facility, close to where we are in story on that? Is his parents lived enough war story, walk up in Brooklyn for almost sixty years they didn't want to move, it was rent controlled. We tried for many years to try to get them to move. They will listen to us as they got older. They had more health problems is dad was suffering from dementia. He was his his help going downhill very quickly his mind, had problems walking. she had to use a walker. We had aids coming in to be the building, but my husband still had to go to their apartment. There were trips to the
Yar it was. It was to the point where we had to have twenty four hour care for both of them. They can take care of themselves, they couldn't take care of each other so we found a great assisted living residents very close. To offer long island in the plan was to have them both together in a double room. His dad did we have because he had a lot of health issue that we had to get him in better shape He was only there for a couple of weeks, Glenn and when the corona virus came in to play, and that was at the very end of march. We got. call on Saturday morning thing he's dead, wasn't feeling well and up until this point we're we're getting updates. He doing fine. Both of them were doing fine and the Saturday morning, Sean gets the phone call that his dad didn't feeling well, and that is running a fever and three with later he's dead holy cow yeah? They call us to tell he he died three hours after the initial phone
a thing he wasn't well and because we were in a quarantine, we couldn't go physically, go see him you know at least a week and a half we weren't able to go see him. We were trying to get regular updates, so we and find out that he had covered uncovered doktor to, and We didn't know that at this point that the governor was putting covered positive patients into nursing homes, it was after he died, that I started seeing the reports and I remember getting a phone call before he died from one of the aims that was taking care of him. In that they were moving him to another floor so that they could accept more patient So that was my first and your husband's mom yeah hid his mind. Husband had to call his mom to tell her that her husband had died. She seen him in and many weeks with the hardest thing.
He's ever had do she got sick in her assisted living quality and with transport into the heart, but all- and we didn't know she had covered until she got to the hospital she died. Several they later and the other reason why I'm angry and I'm upset is because her number does not count because the and are well not count or at least release the numbers of covert patients that got covered in their elder care facilities, but died in the hospital. there, the only state that counts it like that right by the only state that says if you got it at a nursing home, but died in a hospital. It doesn't count correct. and there have been people trying to sue for this information. We were supposed to get there. information from his health Commissioner Howard Sucker before.
election and then it was delayed until after the election, and now we're not supposed to get the total numbers until in January, though, there are at the end, or centre, which is a watchdog of thought, it has viewed the governor and has helped as for this information, because we're gonna go forward and we're getting into a second wave now, if we don't have the actual total numbers, that's a big problem. we have any idea of a gas and educated guess. The educated gas is double what According to the governor of the reporting, I think sixty five hundred deaths in them thing home facilities and what I am hearing, the estimates are at least double bad. When you include those that guide in the hospital but got covered in their elder care facilities to some new perspectives too What are the wet or other states looking at
I mean a New York's performance and basically every category is worse than every other state and the only thing the only states that compete with New York our stay. Like New Jersey, which was largely overflow from from New York, No it in to show you how disingenuous Cuomo has been on this point, and we all know that he imported covered positive patients into nursing homes right and He also will not tell everyone What the actual total of of nursing home deaths are. You won't say what they are. He we will not. Report has been months and months and months lawsuits in everything else. What what makes him you equally awful in every single way. Are things like this where he uses the second point that only disclosing half the deaths defence for his initial policy, be when you ask him about his initial policy of importing these patients, he says well, look at our numbers were like thirty, fourth and the nation, or Europe Thirty fourth and the nation, because you're lying about the total, which is
committed not by just conservative sources, but all over the mainstream media that this is has not occurred. They have not disclose the correct number of patients so also uses his lie. To defend his policy. That I did so many lives. It is it in comprehensible. How terrible he's been through this so generous? How come the the law suits or not winning how come you're not getting the release of the information? What is the excuse they need more time. Apparently they need more time to get all of this information. It is a very frustrating and of course we have other question like governor, why and you use the facilities that were provided by the federal government to you, including the mercy ship and the the centre and some of the makeshift hospital, but were put in place where taxpayers
Millions of dollars are making these makes it possible so that you could put corona virus patients into these places, instead of nursing homes, the most vulnerable areas and the beginning of best go when he was talking. He knew you said if we put the buyer, with a nursing home would rather like dry share it. of him saying that on the record, as though he knew, but I've read things that are very you think me that you were getting whispered in his ear by some of his top hospital donors at the hospital. Then we cannot deal with all of these corona patients. We are not able to care for them, like perhaps made a nursing home. Oh my, so maybe that's where we should put the corona by rotation. So, there's all sorts of interesting things that I think are of an investigation might
so so because of my next question was why would he why do this. It was so clear wean the one thing we knew going into it is, if you are elderly and sick or weak you're done We knew that that's one thing we knew as it was coming over, so he, had to go ahead, No, we did know that, and you know, within the last several weeks. I've been doing a lot of these rallies with some of it. Families that are going through the same thing that I'm going to drew our family and I've talked to nursing care workers and they have the same Jones, and they were the ones that actually right away raised their hand, wrote documents thing Please do not do that. We aren't. We are not equipped to take covert positive.
patients in your home. We don't have a ppp. We kept separate them. This is going to be like fire through dry grass. All of these people, these experts new Why did the governor had put out an executive order? Forcing carbon positive patiently nursing home, not for one not for two weeks but forty six day until. Finally, he resented the order and the other things do knows very well is that if you go on the health care website of New York, you cannot find that that order anywhere. They have grabbed it from the website. This country is becoming so dangerous that the politician, without a a free press- and I don't mean free as an I think, CNN, his Frida report anything they want. They just choose differently, but
without a press that is actually trying to stand for the people not for the institutions not for the parties, not for the politicians, but for the people. We are so far off the reservation now of a country that can even be free, we're not even getting the news and their scrubbing it, and nobody cares well you're right. Some of those places don't care, thankfully your you know that a blaze is helping me with that. Fox news has helped me with this: the new post has been added some good investigative journalism, but you know the Wall Street, while there have been a couple of articles in the New York Times The problem is, and that's why I'm Bhopal is because I am not Indeed, mainstream media, you know, asked these questions or demand and accountability of their leader He really has been ruling with an iron fist and every time he
get asked the question he, a blames everybody else except the person that find the order, he's blame God and Mother Nature and the near Post and Fox news. Any and the nurse at the nursing care workers and the visitor, and by the way I was never able to is it my loved one. So I didn't have a chance to bring in covered nothing in and we need. He is now gone to the tactic of saying How dare you even asked that is so hurtful to meet even playing the martyr on this right, He is actually said how how cruel of you do. You don't put the blame on me and the sea These interviews, still to this day going around I'm a Heath published a book on his leadership, but he continued the public, live and in my mind he is profiting off the over
Thirty thousand new Yorkers, including my in laws that died by publishing a book, leadership of New York after he is help really I mean he. His order has helped, kill thousands of rum because of New York State, and this is not political Glenn. This is not about republican or Democrat. my in laws were, were registered Democrats. This is not about politics. This is about a town ability for something that went wrong and its because of your leadership that we're point
wait. You're listening to the master of the Glinda programme by judges, rules that govern Newsome has violated the states constitution by unilaterally ordering you that all registered voters be sent mail in ballots. Now this could play a role, in the election in other states. If this continues eat you, the constitution is extraordinarily clear, the legislature overseas, the election and only the legislature can change the laws. This is something that the Trump Administration was fighting fast in furious. If you will
all? Throughout the end of summer andean Fall and in some cases they won. That case, I dont know why they didn't win in every case, but now in California However, however, the court. Also ruled that there was good cause for permanent injunction? straining Gavin Newsome from is issuing any further unconstitutional orders that make. Who statutory law or legislative policy wow so a bad means is Gavin Newsome all the things that he has? The has done now issuing fifty eight executive orders changing over four hundred laws, unilaterally keeping People locked in place at home has now been rule, unconstitutional. This is Untasted canoes, the job
rejected, rejected sums, argument that section eighty six, twenty seven and the emergency services at gives him autocratic powers. At least twenty four of his get executive orders rely on. That section the most damaging order, of course, was the lock down Pacific. The Pacific legal foundations, new law suit, uses the same separation of powers, argument over victory established as a successful legal theory color. Blinded or this color coded blueprint. complex in its mechanics and sweeping and its implications for businesses throughout the state. Business owners are left without a representative voice, as the governor decides fundamental public policy for the state continuing exercise of one man rule violate separation of powers, because only the legislature is allowed to make these kinds of fundamental policy determinations under the California Constitution this. The California Drudge, this that's crazy.
Crazy, good, now makers up in Michigan are doing the same thing with Whittemore State Representative Matt Matic. Several of the republican colleagues announced that they are seeking to hold impeachment hearings for governor Whittemore in the State House of Representatives They posted this on Facebook over the weekend, a they listed several reasons why they say Whittemore should be impeach removed from office, including ignore court orders ignore during the process and the legislature they charge that she's using our kids is political ponds and denied special need students who depend on the services that occurred during in person classes. is the Michigan Constitution in powers. These state House of Representatives to impeach any civil officer for corrupt conduct in office or for crimes or misdemeanours estate
responding to the lawmakers. Wit MORS offers listen to this. So she said the governor doesn't have time partisan politics or for people who don't wear masks on leave a ball. Unbelievable. You don't have time for partisan politics. Really my gosh so that is happening in Michigan and we are going to need every citizen on high alert because, as many people found out. Do we have the just in Trudeau audio from yesterday? He has many people found out for the first time over the weekend, the a reset is coming This is something that was trending. Thank God. The great reset was trending on Sunday and it is the same great resource that we ve been talking about for several months and the police
Are the police? The press has been ignoring here's. What the Prime Minister of Canada set over the weekend, building that better means get support the most vulnerable, while maintaining our momentum on reaching the twenty thirty agenda for sustainable development and the Stds Canada is here to listen and to have its end. Make has provided an opportunity for a reason This is our chance to accelerate our pre pandemic efforts to re emerging economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change, there's a couple of things that he said there. First of all, he started with building back better have you noticed that building back better is behind the heads of prime ministers, all over the world now really weird it's really with terrible slogan on it, always is built in his catchy. As me, read good right that I mean It really is ridiculous statement.
It is a global statement, now build back better He's I've never heard anything so bad and that's why it sticks out. But it's heart now of the great reset and when they talk about re, imagining economic systems there talking about shareholder capitalism, which is the closest thing I could describe to shareholder capitalism. Is this system. They have in communist China, no hyperbole. Or the system that Germany went to in the nineteen thirty's, no hyperbole the elites at the World Economic Forum in June. the United Nations the International Monetary Fund, dozens of other nonprofits incorporations met to discuss how they plan to use the corona virus pandemic to push the reset button on the global economy
Many of the details are not hammered out yet until the wheels of the World Economic forum meets again early next year, but they do lay out their broad outlying, and it is terrifying. They want to impose a mountain of massive new government programmes, including the green new deal, a jobs guaranteed and government controlled health care, but that is just the start. They also to completely change the whig businesses operate, so every corporation is co worst in becoming champions, four left wing social justice causes. You wanna know why Nike and everybody else is already on the bandwagon because they know what's coming they. Create a new international digital currency that could be used to displace the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the is going to be disastrous for everyone in America that has saved money? Your member
I told you almost twenty years ago. There is no way to bring the United States level of. Excess and monetary prowess up you can bring the rest of the world up to our standards, which me They have to bring us down to everyone else's standards and that that is what this is all about in the name of social justice by the digital currency and international digital currency that is going to take the power the ear, economic power. that we all have in the way with the invisible hand of the market, and it go, to a small number of bankers international officials. They will be able to control absolutely everything, and all of the elites in our pushing for the great reset- and they know that this this movement would ordinarily be impossible to achieve because of
he's like the United States. This is why Donald Trump could not win this election. They wanted. Sure he is not in office because he's the only one that would have stood against it and that's why the pandemic is so important to the left. It's a big reason why someone left wing. Politicians are now again asking for joy, shutdowns down our economies. Lorry Lightfoot in Chicago issued a new stay at home advisory Ellen threatening to shut down the entire state. According to the Governor Virginia there you're Governor Ralph, for them as increased restrictions on all indoor gatherings and many restaurants, the governors of California, Oregon Washington are gearing up for the same thing. They are going to kill the small business crush entrepreneurship for
all Americans to come crawling on their hands and knees to government for survival, so they can reshape the entire world. Prince Charles said, whose a great supporter of the great reset this a golden opportunity to seize something good we are. The earliest stages bud much darker days lie ahead if Joe Biden becomes our next president, because we have strong evidence, Biden and his closest allies are all devoted to the great reset it it is important- it is vital to you and your children's freedom and economic freedom. You know about the great reset go directly to the World Economic Forum, their website, its but you ve forum, DOT, org, slash, great hash reset, but go.
To the sources, read through the world economic forms report on reforming the way all corporations are going to operate. It's called measuring stakeholder capitalism, don't lie send to people who are giving you conspiracy theories and don't spread anything from any one else? Go to the source It is vital. We do it now
Transcript generated on 2020-11-17.