« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: James Altucher & Tom Fitton | 8/19/20

2020-08-19 | 🔗

Entrepreneur James Altucher explains why he believes New York City is dead forever after the coronavirus lockdown, but that it may be good for other cities. Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton discusses why mail-in voting fraud is a massive opportunity for Democrats. NASA is monitoring a strange anomaly, and an asteroid just barely missed Earth.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, America today was kind of a whirlwind kind of programme that you don't want to mess. We we tried to cover the wonderful democratic convention. It wasn't a wonderful stoop, yeah Helen has been watching it and then our crew Helen is a Democrat from New York. Yes, Mary was heard night at least leave yes last night, but tomorrow it's Frederick, Frederick where's. He from do. We know from my Montana: ok, that's how many people are watching this thing and then we're watching it as well. So you don't have to do you have all the update, that's worth updating. We also have the truth on the the stolen election of twenty twenty bar, the Democrats setting this ought to be contested election. You bet we talk to judicial watch which killed your hair will fall out. It is so frightening, also the guy who is trying to monitor Google and Facebook and Youtube and prove that they are manipulating average voters, and we also talk about all kinds of fun stuff about the world coming to an end, all that and more on today's broadcast
The only thing came into the programme James. How are you good glad now. Are you don't buy from a man who share our view that the long term we haven't we haven't talk to each other? It's nice to have done so briefly over your your thesis here that New York City is never coming back. Well, there's a lot of Only so far you can pull back a slingshot before breaks and right. Now we have at least thirty to fifty percent of the restaurant in store for us in New York. City are out of business permanently and there's not a thought, like those tenants dying, come back in. These are gone, which means commercial, real estate gonna get affected. Also, you have all of
if companies now going remote forever city group, J, P, Morgan, Google, Twitter, all these companies that meets all the author, space empty. We're gonna need to run less office space again Commercial Wilson, the entire economic ecosystem around those things are going zero? Meanwhile, the city, the deficits arising people are fleeing, More apartment vacancies than ever so the tax place is going down both from businesses and residents fleeing. So how are you going to make the revenues to make up for the deficits and all the bankruptcies and One out of four objections are going to happen, though I think I don't know You do, even if you don't call they come, is its fine and peoples are coming back there. Just gonna be true many bankruptcies. Gonna, be nobody paying for all the deficit that New York
his wrapping up now what what happened- and you can't it's not like you- can cut back on those things or the city will just decay. I mean that is a very expensive city. Just to keep running and you don't have those you don't have those buildings. What happens to them? I mean New York City. Are is a technically open right now, but they're all empty, like they're about ninety percent empty, because companies are going about any here's, the difference between other period. Now people have the bandwidth to go remote. We never had the bandwidth to have were more obvious meetings before so there's no big rush now for employees to come back and that companies are making much more money being more productive with employees, not at the office. Again they can rent less office space. They don't have to pay those city taxes, those property taxes, though I dont, know how New York City is gonna, raise the money to pay for the services that they know. Really do and again this is not like a temper
situation when, when the pandemics over everyone comes back to work, now everybody's already, God they ve already left and I've got a bad thing for the country by the way it means You could have opportunity now everywhere, financial opportunities being dispersed all How do you don't have to just be him in hand or delay or separatist up? You could be in Saint Louis, Nashville or Miami or Dallas be anywhere now and have opportunity. It's not just hate seven had everything, fear, nothing there anymore, it is true that there are stored at their know. What's going on thing. I need to start a pizza restaurant at York City today I might go out of business the next day. It's it's. It's really sad. I mean I love in New York. If you have ever live there, you have a love, hate relationship with it, the EU there's lots of things about it. That you might hate, but it balances out to wear the the access to things is so off.
The charts and not any other city that you put up with it. Now, that is that's. That's all gone one the one nice thing about it is people are starting to look at the cities that they want to live in. They can live in and, as you said, we, We now will have you know, miss the America where you go to towns and their old different. You know there was a while they were all gap and all you know an tailors and every town was the same. This this right and opportunity for one town to be high tech, one town maybe to be just on on. You know something else where those people that think alike just kind of want together that they don't have to, but they just kind of together there so you'd have these cities. It would have real different personalities. Reg over Warner thousand new orders have left since March and many more going to leave when eviction moratoriums or offer me one out of four years,
those are up for addiction and again out of thirty percent of the restaurants in store that a business owner major companies going remote. People are dispersing through this. They always wanted to live in, doesn't mean operate. He's going away. It just means. Finally, opportunity is gonna, be spread out throughout the entire United States sovereign right, here now is not going to be a man had or allay gonna be wherever you are so James you are a mere an angel investor. You you're you're, really up to speed a lot of things. I ve been talking about the Tec disruption that was going to come in and I kept saying is going to come between twenty twenty and twenty thirty. Where Technology just changes enough stuff. There would be no disruption of twenty to thirty percent unemployment. We live the same way. We won't work the same way. Jobs will be taken, we're gonna have to retrain in cove id actually push that
be in faster. I think we're seeing the Tec disruption now. Well, look! Having covert has been the great accelerator, look at you zoom, for instance, you about it Point, four million new uses four hundred million. Who now realize? Oh? I wish I could see people on video now, for the first time ever, I could have remote meetings. I could be productive and then Nay I innovation automation a year everyone was afraid of it. But now every store is gonna, be you'd oak, cashless check out it is very much more automation. It will be much more robotics, though what happens to them? who are those jobs? Well, this has been an excuse. We don't need anybody. Any bore, we're gonna go cashless people are going to have to figure, what to do. What the infrastructure is not there for people to figure it out, but you're gonna have to be much more. People have to be up unease
gills in one way or the other, and, like I said, opportunities will to be spread out throughout the entire country, not just in New York City, where they sort of hoarded opportunity for a long period. So what James? What happens to a city like New York and it's gonna- be all these cities me? Why live? in a dense city where crime, especially with the way things are going now, were crying is bad. Decay is bad. Taxes would be high. So what happens to the cities? it's gonna be? Aren't I mean look, how many I even own a in New York and people are, I want to pay thirty eight dollars, of a kind of toast anymore, they could move to Phoenix, as Oda Edge pay back fifty four in exile, I'd like ie and still make the salaries and still work remotely for companies that are based wherever so, what happens to a city New York City services start to go down, crime goes
up, there's gotta be less ability. Afford healthcare. There's gotta be again: how are they gonna pay? Deficits are going have to raise taxes to the few people who stay New York City, only one percent, the top one percent of New York City pays over forty percent of the taxes in young city. What happens when you don't even have that revenue Harry to provide any what happens to the transit system, what happens to all the public service that nearly offers the universities that the subway and so on it starts to go down. The police starts to go down and what happens to the universities themselves. I mean they're, not here, not back, the earth is right that I need right now, New York City, that all time vacancies? What happens when six hundred thousand students in New York City since our told oh we're gonna do remote fur for six months or a year, they're, not gonna, rent apartments, hence more vacancies, hence more bankruptcies heads.
Warm buildings go into litigation and more Europe, again worse services neighbourhoods and crime and who knows, I mean, I don't it's it's hard to predict when you have a city, that's just combined! in ways that hasn't happened before but they all know people want to come back now, Peter I've already left the employees who are forced to be remote They said our well. I can choose any the United States, New United States is beautiful. The city is that the only city people spread out already. It's not it's not my opinion. This is already back that four hundred thousand residents have left its march. I will tell you- but you know I bought the paramount Moody movie lot here in Dallas, so here these gigantic move studios
and I went up to my ranch in the mountains for three months and did everything remote from my house and then from the ranch and every day I got up, and I thought why might why am I? What am I going back? Why. I'm going back and for me the technology is not quite robust enough to be able to do it. But for the average person it absolutely is- and I know they're all saying anything. An Anglo you're running a media company. So you need video and audio call Iraqi beyond perfect for echo the average person who just wants to do or more meetings and and still be it, without the commute without dealing with all their cubicle neighbours. Whatever their happy and yes summit, I would like to go to work in an and people are going to miss the list. Also conveniences of work done by did elsewhere, but our method at work. But it's not it's not gonna, be their decision. Companies themselves are cutting costs by not having people.
Go back to work using covert as an excuse, for we have to be safe now for carbon but they're gonna, elevate, eliminate six out of seven floor, Read it at a major office. Building Europe York, be commercial. Real estate goes bankrupt, which means, A litigation means potential. Financial collapse means less tax. Avenues for New York, city and again lower services to pay for education, healthcare, police, social services and again as a new Yorker. It's scary, but as a U S citizen, you say well, Katy economy is not up or down. It's just tell me things are going to spread out throughout the Eu S. Opportunity is going to spread out and you don't have You ve traveled to any other city over the artist beautiful, all over the United States? I wish the best The new Yorker might get a new Yorkers we're all my life, but you have to face Quality those problems that can't go There are already fact so
James one last question people still. I think Americans are slowly coming to the realization, Can it be the same anymore? we're not we're not we're not going back there. Others, it's just not happening You know trying to build in some parts of the camp country. You just can't get supplies it's very different than even the great depression. There are things that you just can't get and I think people I'm really felt it all. Yet when do you We're all gonna come to the conclusion allow America in the world is just never going to be like it was such a great quest because, a few months ago, people were asking when in go back to twilight, team a few weeks after they will win, is they're gonna be a new normal and now I think it's starting to people
right. There is no new normal. It's a a great reinvention is what's happening. Everything is now quite starting from scratch, but like you say, automation, is on the rise of that's gonna affect people's lives, zoo heading four hundred million people? Essentially, you know to United States Zoom the number of users that can effectively. We we work at the interface with each other at at interact and so on top? I think, people who are ahead of the curve here are gonna start looking for this. They need, whether those are you don't marketing. Wholesale skills, technical skills of setting up a calmer sites. You know what Where it is, are you like go or I think I think we're gonna start to realize over the next year that there is no These things are going to get worse in the major cities.
More and more of an exodus from the first hearsay for the second year city and people, are going to start a real, more and more every month, that ok, maybe lotta people denial, but going to start making changes in my life and gradually everywhere will come to that realisation. I say this with glee. I wish I know where the same for this so a James. I dont know if you ve been following what the economic forum has been doing with the great reset they been working on it for a while before covered and we'd love to I'd love to check back with you after you, ve kind of looked into that. I think will probably disagree on Oh, you know, maybe it whether it was a good thing or a bad thing and what it means, but it needs to be discussed out in the open, because the world is changing. And I think the average person needs to be involved in what that means for a future. So but have we
spend too much time out outsourcing. All of our political decisions to leaders who Abbott, frankly accomplish anything for you have fifty year. So yes, without a go back. Talk about it. I'm I'm well aware: ok, great James, thank you! So much and on a Sunday I sent your article around and a Senate around with this is the saddest article you will read in a long time and everybody emails we back and girls. I it's. I can't disagree with it and that's what makes it so sad. Thank you very much to the best of the Glenda Programme conveyed has made the world up for grabs. It's going to be completely redesigned, it's called the great reset. And who's gonna be designing it
only if you are somebody that likes to hold all of the power you're not gonna, give that two Donald Trump. He stands in the way of all of that The constitution stands in the way of that. Our history stands in the way of that. That's why everything is challenged right now, but you also have to ensure a win, so you onto it least, if you can't pull it off you at least, have taken to convince the american people that you, can't have any confidence in the vote and that is the campaign that the Democrats are on right now. The girl hope that is really the one that is watching over our right to vote over this pandemic is judicial watch. The president is Tom, Fit and unease with us now high time how area to be with you again. Thank you. So, let's go through some of the things that you know that they are
They are saying now about are elections and that we really need to jump on the vote through the mail. That seems insane but they're saying that there is never any problem, the mail in vote. Can you give me the facts on this or that they are going to be problems will vote or fraud is going to happen. Before male in an aptitude ballots. Everyone agreed prior to have become a partisan issue. Just now is that that's where you have the option to survive You ve voting away from the oversight. Mr Schulz and party activists who go in a manner that the ports, but on top that we ve got a ethical ramping up people voting by male resources. Push, I think, we'll be ninety two. Ninety three million Bautzen bow application that will be mailed without anyone asking for the fifty,
it's fifty one million ballots alone will be Melbury one after another number that is is far in above by multiples of any prior move from me. You had a few sir. Here and there, a lab by male programmes that were set after years and years and, frankly, still large trustworthy. This is article escalation of slow by mail and in two thousand sixteen one. Three hundred and nineteen thousand absentee ballots now? Imbalance is thrown out. Much of what the numbers are going to be now she's got the vote by. Voter fraud opportunities about harvesting fraud opportunities, but I think there's Emerging issue, I think we all need to be concerned about if we and frankly, the left should be two votes being thrown out by the millions they don't get there on time, because they can't be counted and assist. The brakes
that happens and as an end stage our challenge. All that goes to the house. Ultimately, an emissions? Nancy policy decides which practically speaking could be the next day So if you, if you look at the male fraud that we have had in the in the past. The male fraud, happens. When let me give you a few examples: Virginia postal workers last week indicted for manipulating eight voters absentee ballots. In twenty nineteen Oakland County clerk outside Detroit Charge, with illegally altering a hundred. Ninety three absentee ballots. Many Plus a man was charged with helping thirteen others falsify output, absentee ballots ahead of the twenty eighteen election day, County Texas Man convicted after seven in a seven hundred mail in ballots were witnessed and signed by predict fictitious person. North Carolina, ninth congressional district grace
scheme was to steal twelve hundred absences ballots and fill them out in a race. It was decided by only nine hundred votes, so when the Democrats, in an Michelle Obama, said you gotta go out and vote like your life depends on it, because sometimes in twenty. Sixteen. They were voted by an average of they lost by an average of two votes. These numbers may seem small, but in the right districts it changes. Everything Well, not exactly why right you got the presidential wasted issue and then you have these lower these races down the ballot, including in the house. That can be overturned through fraud, nor any other reason. We want a process in place that frowned upon fraud and secures the vote so that people feel comfortable that's one of the reasons we have about. Like that's what the court has said. It is not that we don't have to prove fraud, the per
Voter idea is to ensure people and reassure people that the elections count and met, and right now, it's chaos. The has been nothing like it in american history, where you have nearly a hundred million balance about applications. Things thrown out flooding the males, ten percent right now, ten percent, a first class late. When you look at the percentages of balance that our return, your talking, actually, millions of balance that won't get placed their supposed today. So this is a an opportunity for fraud that we ve never seen before and, as I said, as importantly, you can't be sure your vote will count. I wash you vote in person. That's the best way to ensure your voters. We'll, be counted and I'm not guaranteeing you're about won't be mitigated because someone got your mail ballot votes in your name and there is a dispute there, but either
can't rely on the system, because I think he's gonna break my fears, gonna break and when you're talking the percentages of ballots gets run out. Percentages in my view- are too high for meat arrest. My vote by now four years ago I said earlier. I would necessarily said: don't know by now you your likely to lose your boat wooden advise anyone about by male these days, so Tom how I was also in the news today. They are in riots in Belarus, because Russia was interfering in the election, and the opposition is saying to the world. Please don't recognize this administration and I in Belarus. They probably how are right, but I see that kind of scenario playing out, no matter who wins this time, is a constitutional crisis on the horizon. We ve never faced a what,
Already gaming allow plan b the at their root, go and look at this document created by the transition integrity project who's, the war game or for them and for Joe Biden when they were doing a little awarding John Fidessa So someone who was a little while shot on the establishment and their time about having states threatened to secede from the union. I was they get there like counts. Electoral boats counted, I guess, despite allegations of fraud, so they are prepared for a revolution, and we were ass. She had already rebel She was revolution in Portland. You ve got the cup kindness insurrection as it is and believe me they are preparing to apply it to the present Joel watching that you can read about it in the New York Times
What do you say to the people who say Wolden Wizened, the president, stopping what's going on at the post office? One the trains was the them the states have decided they gonna male. These ballots does fifty one. Fifty three million barrels going out- that's gonna happen at the Post office, is gonna do what it can deal with the volume, but on a good day, you have five to ten percent of the material that gets. You were supposed to be or get their late, so to me? That's an unacceptable risk for voting by now and then What we need to be talking about, if I were the president and frankly on his stomach, We are now beginning to talk about because their nervously, they recognising the issues. You should be vote. In person, Michelle Obama highlighted that her talk the other day. What's really been interesting, is to see people like Stacy Abrams who, for months
far less candidate from Georgia lost. The governorship there she was anti they again yesterday for the DMZ telling me all they should have to decide between their boat and their lives, so they're scared the big Jesus, our people from voting in person that suppressing the programme not suppressing about think some democratic taking. What are we doing here? We're gonna tell people oh by the male. No one really trust the male. Maybe we need to go back to the basics here and start getting carried people to the polls in person, even darker found. She says you can vote in persons, others look the corona viruses in Asturias accused anymore. What is who is watching all of this Tom that is trustworthy too. You know it Lee. The majority of people that that we can we can look to that has been monitoring. All of this is there.
Anybody. I know that's what you're doing, but the right. Rusts. You left and trust you so Do we turned to a week I knew you and I and groups like us. We can do fifty thousand. Do you know a fifty thousand before you you know, but at the point places that's where the parties have to provide the site and when it comes to oversight, the left is far beyond the Republicans. They got it They do their work in other organizers. This is what they do and so you'll have left us poor workers who are lawyers and sophisticated and know how to challenge and on the way your have volunteers. Are we trained young war not investigated Turning varies a lot. They'll be outmatched on top of that, you ve got the political side, because we think it's gonna be decided by lawsuits.
This fight at the lower levels. Now it's gonna be decided in Congress. Ultimately, that's the way our constitutional system works, and that day, I've already game that out, and I could tell you the Republicans in an conservatism put. We don't know much about how that, what in Congress, who do we never would it mean they were a game that out? Will you talk about ended this transition integrity project were Jump Augusta games out the no action being resolved by the house in the Senate, and if there is no decision I a date certain in January and I get strangers extra. Oh, that layer, becomes president acting capacity. Nancy, glossy Nancy, natty philosophy, I think you'd, probably just drop the phone. After speaking, words, it would give most people heart attack
at times. I mean it is so it's gonna work, and you know what you're saying is each man each. Delegation of the house has about its not by person, not by vote, it's not by house member Currently republicans have a majority of the delegations in the house. So that's why Democrats and after gaming it out and you know it, It comes down to a kind of an honest political fight. That's one thing: we already went through a coup. Do you think it's gonna stop? Of course not. Well, it's been cheery talk, India, Tom said A few hours we gotta height, we gotta, know what the problem- and I know where to address it. It's it's not that Gonna be negative and destroying to highlight the real issue. So we can t were not surprised, can people help all individually. They should figure out how they can become all workers, what the rules are. Your stay contact, your local party and an volunteer
encourage young member. You encourage you're you're you're circles. The vote in person whose watching over the post office on the post, to me it's gonna like another issue. It's like our late. Can you trust the Post office to get the balance to be your location on time? Now? Don't use it and, frankly a you know: it's not too late. Pull back and you can call your like the decision of the state level. Don't move those bow of applications unless someone asked for them do a traditional activities. Our programme were shown proactively, has asked for a ballot. Don't draw ballots into the mail? Always there requested it's not too late to pull back. We ve got three or four weeks
the train in other trains, about your listening to the best of the global glasses, actively monitoring a strange unknown, not enough said Only thank you in earth. Some Ag Netteke field, a giant region of lower magnetic intensity in the skies above the planet. This is about the polar shift thought throw that in because last week- and we just missed the closest the closest asteroid in history on believable Cloe right. You know they consider close Gulf four million miles, reform million miles right ran. This was the same distance as it is from Dallas to Boston. It was eighteen hundred miles it
didn't give me yeah, yeah, there's a bad one. Car sized extra doesn't really give me a lot of confidence that NASA is up on this one. Now does it inspired yeah it confidence at all. Now really doesn't really doesn't, but hey we're, not column black holes, black holes anymore and that's what's important, clean. No more siamese Twin Galaxy Galaxy now stars! So have we got there yeah, but we did miss the asteroid that almost hit us at midnight. We sought after it went by those who we saw when we know that quite a lot, zau man, oh. What was that? That's that's pretty good, that's pretty good! So I'm just looking for good news for months beside re- probably not about this. When about this one
There is a new study on our dogs and I can't find it now others, a new study, which emerge hollows? Amos per is going into any authority on hearing this too. I think it's the hardware, olive found that it makes more sense than what is actually going into the hardware store holidays, Third is ok. Ok, here it is were they ve done a study on our dogs now and and it sits, you're gonna. Have the EU justify more reasons not to like your neighbors, so They compared Democrats to Republicans as dog owners, Democrats are twice ass, likely despair, neuter their dogs, and I thought I listen control that makes sense, population control, yeah and also they probably live in cities much more and they probably are like. Oh, I don't have a bird
or comes in. I don't want him to rip the face off of somebody I do Are you so? I keep all then testosterone right there in the body that dog they, the company, used gps technology to tap into its database of one point: six million to Dogs comparative voting data from the twenty sixteen election now remember. All all your information is composed lately, private, oh yeah, leniently, Brighton, so here among the findings dog names for Democrats among the top five most popular for Democrats, diamond print princess king and body body, Badia No, I don't know anybody there. As Diamond princess, king or voting, I did have prince as a dog when I was a kid then with Republicans, what's the difference?
Brutus, router Sassy A and baby- and you know baby is not a little doll baby like the mere dog bats. Yeah yeah. That's absolutely true. Babies, the biggest dog on the block and of all of them babies, the one that's gonna, kill you easiest rip look instead, think bigger, is better. Thirteen percent, more likely than Democrats have dogs weighing more than twenty five pounds. Twenty five pounds us not a dog that's a dog, I went to a five pounds and its exciting went maybe or a rat Republicans or twenty percent. More likely than Democrats have mixed breed because. Most Republicans. We just you know you just go out two of shelter and get it for all the she under talk that all the left does know they want their pure bred. They want their own know that the special Bree death is that doodle. Nearly sip pick up whenever dog bit us on the way home I would like dogs still attached like when you walk in the front door. Now too,
this doesn't make sense the dog named three dogs- you just don't like you- would not want and I don't mean because of danger. I just really like Alan Reed sucks people pit boldwood the vast because of Damien. What's the dog that you have, that with a smash knows I'm a hog about asses? Yes, I want to lie down upon for lady. You have unwanted, let the rat breed yeah. I've got the glorified red worker, yet When I was a child, I wouldn't want to show. Why would anyone want to watch while Arcadia Mexicans? Obviously right you don't want a pug would take a bull dog, but I would on a pug pugsy awesome. Yet all dogs are pretty great too great. To accept you feel bad from zero is Walker. I want the best right yeah, it's like me. I it's it's lives is ideally on a leash, that's all add hands and the other one. You said it poodle ya know. Yet
Democrats or six times more likely to have poodles, though I believe that our poodle makes it absolutely absolute. Laboratory to thing is a big thing. Now. That's part, Labrador, Part Poodle Fund. Words correct and they look great when their puppies the ebbing away unless they always like horses, like curly hair to more Sensus, and where did they get to adulthood? You're like ok, you didn't go play with the neighbors permanently at that, and we therefore feel that there should be a puppy exchange. They really had been a Christmas, probably exchange where once the dog first of all, they have to be potty trained. Then their given to you like in a little gifts box and then Three, six months or so olives and the dog is young. Again
you're, like all law, flew at small again, and it's just a service that comes in and switches the dog and you get a new puppy and what happens that we hold down? They don't ask questions, asked questions, but I just no longer limit the rumour as they wind up in South EAST Asia. No, no! No! They go on to live great living in a puppy. I've done what I may and understanding- and we just don't want to talk about that Bobby Kingdom, because we don't want. We don't want peace to wreck it right and they will. They will sire. I everything yeah, and a final thoughts here on the on convention tonight. Line up tonight is denied is what's commoner, mom Camelot its common time. Let's let somebody else's videos agonizing is speaking tonight as well. Coarser all agonizing. You know.
Interesting, because, though Democrats today are so bad that sometimes you find yourself a little nostalgic for the Bill Clinton days, then you see him speak and it's like. Ok, that's that's why you're here is terrible, that you write our all that and he's probably molesting all sorts of people by one when we thought I'd have signed. It may be that a photograph came out the day. He was supposed to speak at the deal, and you know the lending unknown, unrealistic and other released. It. The London and paper How come when lead? We just when did we just give all of our reporters? pass and say DA just stay asleep: let's the foreign press do anything the rumours they paid a bunch of money for the photos so sometimes? Sometimes U S papers will not do such things actual journalistic efforts, though we have a lot of tabloids too. Sure why none of them decided the pony up. For those photos. Do not. She is coming out of things. She said he is nothing but a gentlemen right, that's what best
I nothing but a gentleman bs she was she was. She was trying to say that he did not molest her Jen that's going to go hunting arresting. He did. We know we did some the less the better thou art, yet we always cheer on less molesting from built. Have you heard of you ever heard of the fashion tycoon from Canada named Peter Nygaard, I'm the only one in the room that should have heard of him and I've never heard of him. This guy is out of control. This. The big scandal in Canada, this guy? Is I I did hear about. Libya is Canada's Robert Epps, our, if see real, Jeffrey Epstein and I mean it's the same story guess who made visits to his private island all the time Prince Andrew, though honey
Prince Andrew Guy he's it wasn't was we're getting married to Prince Andrew, is that who she married, Were you any, and all these questions in this arena have literally no knowledge of I don't know. Some of these people are the rice. Possum sounds right and she was made out to be a monster and prince, I think, prince and looked at ups. Do I Prince Andrew was married to her and they made her look like a monster. This guy s, former life of Prince Andrew. This guy is I'd, love to hear from Fergie about this. Heads it's a weird weird one. I mean the people their putting on stage should they should be ashamed of themselves they put on this, we know Andrew Cuomo, who comes on he's killed more people than other, but of a public official in the world has grown of artists are welcome,
the corona now those denied outcome and he's out there touting a new book. Yes, he's frigging, releasing about how brilliant he was turned the corner virus. When criticising Arizona, then, as one seventh of the deaths of of work he's releasing a book. His last book, which I just love. This is last book. Bonus of seven hundred and seventy eight thousand dollars, and then it was many thirty, two hundred copies, so they paid him. Two hundred and thirty seven dollars per book it's a halt, which is not what they charged stores that was actually has while Hannah? I guess it s all his always and only hiring and is always hiring Canada, and then that, though, the woman who they put out there to complete We exploit her grief ass, her other who is a Trump supporter died of corona virus and big point was his only
preexisting condition was trust. Donald Trump Holding, I mean the most fixed point hated thing. I have ever seen this poor woman who lost her dad- and obviously is not dealing with it well, but who would write and she's now try and she's been. I went back and looked at her post, almost all over posts were upset at the governor, not the president. The president was occasionally mentioned. You know, in the face of this tromp unduly up like a how he's mentioned in every friggin story, for whatever reason, but whose almost all about the governor she wrote. A letter to the governor did not mention trump. She mentioned the governor, the governor, the governor than ever. Now they re makes the story to me all troms fall so that she can come out in the middle. The democratic national convention in plain trump cares if he's literally governor of areas she's going to the governor of their Arizona, despicable sending it course there's a million problems with stuff that she said in its. How are you can't blame her she's grieving, but the Democratic Party, is ghoulish. They are taking
this poor woman who lost her father and joy, running around in front of the cameras to try to get a couple more box from donors and a couple of votes from stupid people who will never look into the story. I mean it is our disgraceful in every single way possible. I've I've never seen such bald face lies and serious lies as I have during convention and all you need is to do your homework, which reminds me there's a story out. I have to give it to Morrow did. You see that scientists are now saying that it is very important that people do not do their own homework when it comes to science. So I rather like surgery that yeah, I'm not you do do not have the qualification, as you Know- and I start with an easy example- is Guide you have no business. Looking into all of these things, leave to the experts,
Oh my wife, my gosh, I've never seen anything like it,
Transcript generated on 2020-08-19.