« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Dan Bongino & Chad Prather | 4/16/21

2021-04-16 | 🔗

Some on the Left want to take guns away from not just you, but the police. Radio host Dan Bongino joins Glenn to break it down. President Biden is embracing hydrogen fuel, and Glenn can’t stand the hypocrisy. Glenn and Stu run through other infuriatingly obvious things the media has recently realized. BlazeTV’s Chad Prather joins to discuss his run for governor of Texas.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the podcast today feel O Reilly joins us he's here for the hour to talk about everything that went on this week. We have Dan Bonn GINO on as well, and Chad freighter joins us as well to talk about his rotten for governor of Texas and, of course, the terrible decision of starting for governor of Texas by coming on my stupid, show to do a power our in which it has one shot of beer every minute for sixty minutes in an attempt to talk politics with all of us, that's going on tonight, don't miss it go to youtube dot com slush new. Does America could subscribe to channel their and watch the shelf drink along with us? We'd love that long gear? Let's forget as much of it as we can use the package
you- only thinking, excuse this friend of mine and somebody that I I have a business opportunity, I'd like to suggest Dan Gino is joining us Dan. Is it Have you ever thought about signing a big deal to go on a tour with Harold or Rivera because you'd? Never after because You never get a chance to talk, so you could make literally in your sleep, first for Islamic. Ask Dan, I love it. I have always open for business back on that. quickly. Let let me just let me just ask you first, how are you feeling? How are you doing there
God. I appreciate that thanks for asking doing, ok, do it? Ok, so all we re in every day by that doing good how long away are your? How far away are you from getting all clear? Well, may. Third, I have a scan out an empty Anderson, Houston and hoping that one turns up negative and you know it because it's a battle for the rest, your life, You now going go scan all the kind by dollar. China. Ok, I think we're in four. You are, let's a little bit about the insane idea now from the mayor of Minneapolis, of take guns away from police officers. Put really only a traffic stops, cassettes, not dangerous and offer them yeah yeah listen. There are two scenarios in policing, they're pretty much every cop, and I know you know a lot of them will tell you that are the most dangerous traffic stops and domestic violence call up the most dangerous. I would say: hands down,
Now. Why is tat? You know you're thinking, logically, not like you know the mayor of Broad Brooklyn Centre, who said that absurd? indeed air them. They should now guns on some traffic. Stops the real that's why you're using reasoners are self explanatory, we're we're visual creatures right we're not that's! Why not dogs? You know back use, wet and co location. Bribes, use all faction and smell we're visual creatures. When you were approaching someone in the street outside of a vehicle, you can typically ask them to see their hands so Glenn there's a bit. This is really gonna be crazy for the liberalising you can see the hand you know. Eyeballs, don't shoot me, don't shoot elbows, don't shoot fingers your fingers are located on hand. This is all lose the liberals. Ok, so you can see that the problem, your approaching a vehicle and why they are so dangerous is a vehicle is contained box on wheels again news, the liberal you can't see what's inside the vehicle until you approached the vehicle and if someone
it's going to shoot you, God forbid, as a police officer, and you have to react to it. They know they're gonna do before you know how to react. So by the time you see it, You could be already dead tragically, like that officer anymore, to go. We saw that video foresaw against. This is just reason. I know that's difficult for liberals to get through their heads, but that's the stupidity, vast asking officer is most dangerous situation to not beyond the fire. Then let me, let me ask you a lonely branch out here and let's look at the the whole landscape of. What's going on, you push people to the brink with cove id. Even the Hector national director of intelligence has come out and said: they're going to be revolutions around the world and instability because of covert and because of what's gonna happen to economies and people are able to get goods and services are not able to go to work, etc, etc. So the director
national intelligence says, there is a problem and it's going to be revolutions it all. It will take semi stable camp countries and destabilize them, because there will be I guarantee that rushing to those countries and destabilize that country, we have all these things going on the Supreme Court now, maybe thirteen, maybe the the buster hey, let's make border Rico in Washington DC estate. what what what what is going to happen here? Well, I hope I hope conversation, we're about to have is looked at for five years, never be self again and glad that was all crazy. I mean I genuinely hope that these conversations left off in a few years, unfortunately horizontally, because you know I had an eighty history class in high school teacher was uses democratic, smart guy, and he said you know
reason you dont, have societal chaos in places like the United States and you like, we want the future. Thank God is because we have a middle class. People in the middle class have a lot to lose. You know the richer, usually powerful. They insulate themselves. The poor have nothing to lose a lot of poor people. Countries with a lot of poor people. You see revolutions precisely because they have nothing to lose. We have a pretty vibrant middle class despite the less protestations otherwise, but you accurate We stated in the Corona Europe, where we use on a virus as an excuse to evaporate pretty much all of our God, given big our rights right glad I mean that's why come through one by one right, you have you previously thought you had the freedom to assemble when using corona virus. The left. This has no, no, you can't assemble matter back. We see you in groups of four or five or larger home, praying we're going to basically men in and you know either lock you up or prevent any practice, your religion, you aren't allowed and church, and we could go through these rights. One by one
even the right freedom of press submitted for all of you, all of them I mean you and I are in conservative media, there's a thread of of being banned from the public space. A new public space in you, You been twitter every day. Liberals on have this problem, so every one of those rights has been under attack using either the guise of identity pilot fix corona virus. So what's the consequences that will the consequence is obvious, you start to lose the middle classes. Their businesses are taken away, the right to practise their religion and you incentivize exactly but you open the conversation with people who have not. Going to lose, unfortunately, to try and fight back. you are a former secret service agents- you're, not just a treasury agent or you know, I work in secret service in Vienna wherever you actually in the White House. When we first met. I swear, I think you were the body double for Barack Obama cause you
look a lot like embrowned a distance hand, Now a lot of liberals would be like we should attend good at him. Well, dad looks it's like his audio gonna cut up here yeah. I did get we kind of lost them here. The middle I mean that's what happens in silencing silencing the voices of conservatives once again Dan, I like how you take that up with just anymore as broadcast professionals, all of us right now. I have the luxury of being tape. The lot on my ipod cats, but doing sublime billions on bought boom. right there and you do not have a job to have a wine ready to go in your head, like the lights on in writing. The very tight vegetative are you? Can you guys hear me now we can hear you now got yeah, I'm sorry. We ever got how how this happened. You broadcast profession.
bout right in whenever the technical out of the car well. We're having a rainstorm here by the state of Texas is guaranteed me that will never have a loss of power so obscure and reset Sudan. You sad, and you watched these people and you, told me the first time we met the this time, you really started questioning things was you were? watching them. Watch me on Fox and you realize some of the things that you with that I was saying they were like what the hell How does even know this and it was just what I was Asked- Rob- each time they will up. Remember that did you did on Van Jones? yeah me do you think handedly time probably got them to say Hey? Maybe this wasn't the best higher that day they could not take it to you in reality, they were obsessed with Uganda, wasn't a joke that wasn't I prevail, and I told you that
no, but you sat there and you said I've had my eyes opened because Ives, I'm I'm seeing and I'm listening and I'm seeing what you're saying and then I'm what they're saying and what they are doing. And I You really need to stop because I'm I'm in the wrong place. I need to speak out. I need a stand against this and I mean you're seeing what's happening. Do you believe that this is all just a matter of coincidence and they're. All they're all really have the best ideas and and g Supreme Court thing we're not really gonna. Do that? That's not really are intention, I mean they are acting like fascists and their due. Yet with Coca COLA and all the rest of them on board Listen, I'm glad you use the airport, and among that yes, I see a word and over the fascist work, because I said this my show the other day,
Why are we not calling it what it is? You know we're living in a society where forty percent of the people are living a lie. We're living in actual. Why right now Donald Trump colluded with the russian army? Were you know the officer in it in this shooting it Don T ride was, was a racist, no evidence of that? What's so what we? Nobody even knows that yet people just living a lie and in its time, like TAT, were takes truth tellers tissue. The truth and use the description that are accurate for. What's happening right now we have people, as we just discussed, trying to wipe out your freedom to practise religion. Your freed up your freedom to participate in it. Inform and by about in a public, get a new public spaces, social media people per I think, you're right, you assemble. Did you scary That's when you realise glad that this is not an accident. Is you ass you? I guess who actually just stated this is being done intentionally body blow to soften you up to get used to
wiping out of your big, our God, given rights and replacing it which objective government values all of a sudden use. like I did when I left the secret service whole. You know fill in the flight. Not going to be a part of this and I'm wondering where more truth tellers are you see- Yesterday with the whole Russia the bottle that the intelligence community at the top a lot of its been corrupted. You know this whole Russia about the story about the story was fake, totally fake and we see this other story conveniently comes out the same day, I'll look at I think Olympic was the source were poor man, for whatever, then we find out, he was a source for the Obama administration. To this is all down to foster a narrative, and none of it is to advance your big, our God, give. Right. You none of it any view of people. I dont know what they're motivation is, but you have even lorry Lightfoot there, the atom Toledo shooting. Are you familiar with this the very the guy that-
the guy was shot back in March and they withheld the tape, and let me just play real quick, the Lee. twelve seconds of footage earlier on the Paris club hose in They shoot him, and when you see that you're, like oh, my gosh they shot and on our man, they never released the video tat. They release that, but they never really release the videotape until I think a couple of days ago, and if you look at it framed by frame. You see this, but the frame up very is standing there with a behind his back now, copy. I noticed his ending right. what, if I were you here, they know glad blade. Off, so you can see his rider. Why did I just tell you and you? elbows, not shoulders right. You can't speedy his right hand the hand he has the pistol, and when you see
the gun you all of a sudden. He drops the gun, but then the hand, look at these bladed off. You can't see any more. So you didn't know, we didn't have the God, but nobody's gonna tell you that doesn't advance. You're there were detained by GINO. Let me know about the test. Man will keep praying for you, God bless you thank you for everything you're doing and thanks for being on the program appreciate it. Thank you talk to you soon. The bent of the Glenn Beck program I need your help on this story because I'm going to lose my ever love in mind. Let's do it.
V Biden Administration now seize hydrogen as the swiss army knife for eliminating emissions. the binding administration in all types of industry now are saying we should develop domestic hydrogen as a linchpin in our economy and the linchpin in our effort to eliminate U S, emissions by twenty. Fifty now, I could I. Why would I possibly be? are your ugly upset? Well, I remember sitting front of curbing Columbus Circle out front of the old CNN building
and watching you get out of a car general motors that ran on hydrogen, ran on hydrogen yeah. I really early admission, zero emissions, and you remember what I said to the maker GM. Do remember what I said about that. I remember you saying it was pretty amazing car and could really easily be the future if it erased yeah yeah and he said no, the The government is embraced it we ve already got a deal with one of the major gas station Jaynes there. Be having hydrogen stations. All of this is gonna, be done in the next ten to fifteen years. Hydrogen is the future, and I said the left, we'll, never allow you to do it and what was the first thing the Obama administration did vote. First, thing they did when they get into office. Your
I don't remember the exact details. I just remember. They thanked the higher yeah. They too the hydrogen car and then when they gave GM a bail out, they said yeah. You need to go with a chevy volt, because that things hot I mean really hard. I can't I can't take government getting involved in absolutely everything hydrogen is the future. z row emissions now do. You know how we make hydrogen. Well, we don't have to mine anything all we need to do, is take the water that is being used as a coolant for our nuclear power plants and in that of having our nuclear power plants, powered down which they don't ever have to do power down in the middle of the night, while everybody's going teepee seep, they
and make that they zap that water and take out the oh and get the age that's how you make an unlimited supply of energy. really complex and very dangerous for the planet. I can't take it Now me the no kidding, in fact we have the the Sherlock. I think this is appropriate because I've got a few of these. That are just a little obvious. You have him, Sarah, ok, let me start the story, a mature, already of students now say it's on fair for Non College, educated taxpayers to bail out?
Student loans really have you found it. She still looking for it. I would just we're having also say thank you. kidding kidding it's unfair. Now, I'd like to now that you're, using your take a collapse in your local job, wrong guy unfair, to have somebody who didn't go to college pay, for my cottage could for you who stinkin now. Let me take you a step further for people who did go to college and they did come up somehow not her would all that money to pay for it at college, so they could ever education. Why is it fair, for them to pay for yours after they ve paid for theirs. I know it
kind of our brain vendor. Isn't it it's very difficult? you're that one out. cities with the b, a Lamb protests, Sir, these will be a Lamb protests have had six thousand more homicides than expected wow who would have seen that coming add up to six thousand more homicides. What does that have to do with Blm protest protests model? No, maybe we should Maybe we should imagine a new way to police well Good news is Portland play. To commit combat crime. Now, with
on armed park rangers now. No offense to our park rangers. but the last criminal I saw them try to get said, get your own, picnic basket, I mean it you're chasing down. Yogi and Bubu me. Maybe we go for the park ranger, but if work in for crime, three imagining things and thinking that's not probably the best idea, let's replace them. Please whip park rangers, take away their guns to oak
Hey Maryland has become the first state now to repeal the police bill of rights. That's gonna work out really really well and the latest word You're not supposed to use is mistress. What are we? What are we? What are we call the person, because I mean we could go what we call eyes when their breakin up a marriage, we would just call them dirt bag slime bags, but many people will use em efforts is at better than mistress. Mistress sounds kind of nice and happy. Does it's the it from the eight p too? That is doing this right and they recommend using either lover or friend,
Is it really descriptive enough? Is it you know, I'm gonna go out on a limb here. Stew, I'm gonna go out on a limb, but I think that if I come home and I think when I I'm home and there's lipstick all over my private parts my wife says what site from, and I said oh, I was just out with a friend I don't think matters if you call her a friend or amiss dress. My gosh life is not this hard to figure out. This is the best in the Glen Back Programme, and we really want to thank you for listening. We have Chad Prater in with us. Chad is.
Are we aware what are you exactly as comedian singer, songwriter. What, when it's kind of funny they had meets, they wanted me to come speak. The GEO P want to become speak of state Capitol on Wednesday, and so you did the flier. You had all these state reps and state senators, and then it was Chad, Prater comedian. I think we can but may at least change that the tv hosed or something conservative humorist LISA lays the guy who the guy who won in Ukraine was a comedian, absolutely absolute ala, president of Ukraine, and I we could only President now that the present of Sweden, It was this: the weight leave the CEO of IKEA Brighton two weeks. Does cabinet together, but I d like a mad cow dad banks used about our designing that allow guy you know I do comedy I consider myself a comedian. I do. I gotta do comedy
but at the end of the day I ill you name it do everything so you're running for you're running for governor of of Texas yeah? And you say this is serious, but I dont believe anything you say is serious, but you're running for governor? What what is your limits started glint what not arrive, limited and started. Galileo obviously went through all the shutdowns in the mandates and everything that happened intercourse. Texas was not immune from all of that, back in July, I was in South Dakota. I was getting ready for the president's speech at Mount Rushmore July. Second, I'm sitting there with Don Trump Jr, I'm drinking a glass of wine. We get another mask mandate and I it was the wine or sitting next to a trump and that I just got on Twitter and said Scrooge. I'm run over governor in twenty when he too, I went to sleep, woke up to a fire storm of response the next morning, and I thought, if I back out of this now they're gonna, tar and further, but it was with true conviction
the state of Texas. I really do it's. It's! It's been really good to me. I'm not originally from here been in. You know, the Texas D of February form twenty years now I loved this my place of identity and destiny. It really is- and so I just don't like that we're not leading either. I don't like that were following. I think that our current governor, who has done a respectable job of Saint Stew yesterday He puts his finger up in the wind, and basically looks to see what the Santer says and does and then gives it five days to get the public opinion back and then he decides to save himself the deer. Between he and a Desantis is decides, is doing it and in Gregg Average is saying it so we're following we're not leading and others just not a guilty. I heartily I think that a me, because Gregg Abbot doesn't sock right. He just isn't. He just stopped Texan enough and he's by that? He was born and raised here and I, like Gregg, appetite border, much valleys, raising taxes.
thing about gray Gabbett that I hear is exactly what you said in taxes should be leading not following. So I have people all the time that ask me one amount about and travelling this it. Why isn't Texas doing what South Dakota doing or what floor railway with all due respect to Christie Norm, South Dakota doesn't have its own toast. and you know what our there's no waffle arms in the shape of Lord it right and proper that we in our girls put on bikinis that that are our state flag and flowed down a river every year. They didn't do this kind of things and other states. This is Texas by God and what I have always said. As we talk about things being bigger in Texas or people walk in a little bit taller call it a humble arrogance. You know we ve seen the humility like, for instance, what Harvey hit we all banded together. We didn't ask for a lot of federal help. We people show. Up and they help their neighbours, and we ve seen that over and over again, we sought with the snow Mcgann that happened just weeks ago,
there is at humility, but there are also you just don't tell us what to do so. There is that arrogance about us and me we, we have been a republic within our own nation. We ve got rich heritage and rich identity, but I think we ve lost the identity. So what I keep saying to people glint is Texas. Isn't that x is the most Texans think it is anymore, Well, you know I've seen some I've seen some appalling numbers ear in Texas, anywhere close to losing Texas. We are, but I've seen in pulling numbers and the ones to really be concerned about, are not the ones necessarily moving in, because a lot of them moving in feel like I do right, I'm coming here for Texas I the rest of the country's lost its mind, though is that really are a problem. Are the ones who grew up in Texas they are, you know, just Are there just changing and their becoming I guess maybe the same way that Americans were. You know right around nine. Eleven
if we were invincible until it happened and they're. Just there they're, not thinking the Texas could ever fail Daniel Horowitz, said something pretty profound in me, the other day on the news and why it matters EAST, There is really no red states anymore. because of the big cities, the big cities of all gone blue. So if Look at San Antonio in Houston in Dallas. Now, even for worth El Paso, you look at the big cities. You know these sister cities in Texas, they're not read at all here's what I am concerned with glint is when it look you look at state politics in Texas, I'm not words so much about the left, as I am the people who claim to be on the right in where art we have a lot of rhinos. We have a lot of people who who have written the republican way. The way they have you we passed House bill, one thousand nine hundred and twenty seven yesterday for constitutional carry right. It was still not a great deal. I don't still don't have still not pleased with what they passed.
Things should have not only pass resoundingly. It should have passed a long time ago, this the first time in twenty five years that they actually got close to taking a look at it, so this is this. Is this? Is you can open carry or concealed carry and you don't need a period donate a permit. You pass a background check. What I don't like about it is they don't want eighteen to twenty one year olds being able to carry under the same rules, I don't like that at all so You had a maid of your old enough to go right war, your old enough to carry a gun. I mean it's not right. Yeah I, I agree. I think that Gregg Abbot is not a bad guy. I think he's done respectable job, but I although these texts on enough, that's a great we're putting that people who would argue with that. There are people who look at what I'm doing as a gimmick. At the end of the day, I'm wanting to kind of stir the fires of history and get people talking again about how great Texas has been- and I believe if, if
can apply that identity to who we are and re capture that than we can re, embrace our destiny and continue to write history and leave a legacy. Animal not doing that right now we're coming work, I've gotta some thumb in the wind and we're just kind of waiting to see which weigh it blows and That's not the way to really lead a state all right now, when, when I hear this, I think you're right in and stirring the embers am I still on stirring the embers of history, the first thing, Think of, is you know what we need is governor that would go on the stew show and hammered. Will that's gonna happen fry? That's gonna! but in the necessary, seem like the best ideas. Great on them explains up the two men. Everybody keeps said: do you know the skeletons you're gonna come out of the closet? I said: look I don't,
a closet. I burned it down long how Macgyver broken down to sell them lie with what my skeletons are arranged in the front yard. Like Halloween, I have Kane sitting. There are all out there for ever. I did ass the blizzard man. I've lived for a better terms, a rock star life. I've toured I've been all over the world You have done all these kind of things that would make my grandmother blush. I've done them. I've found it there's no hiding it. We talk about it on my show all the time we ve lived a life, but you know there there's nothing. This guy, I haven't done anything illegal, Amand, anything you know I won't make less land less just keep it. There still is on how you define. I can pass a background check their round. You gotta plenty of things, so I dont worry about things like that us face it, I'm not I'll drop but that change the game in that regard. Area is already a. I may use that reality. I am concerned about my friend, stew
because it seems like he's doing. A lot of theme shows where it's like less is gonna hammer. The best thing about doing shows where you're getting hammered as the the audience doesn't expect quality no you're gonna give about low call right. I guess we're train is ringing arbitrary, our electorate we're already stretched out, let nor will. I know that you know Stephen crowds attorney bill, the asian lawyer, half Asian, how starvation hey yeah? Well, I hated the white part of him said Asian like anyway, I know last time you do this, you filmed like it three. In the afternoon- and he came in already hammered lighted a bit arises: lunch added in the way of this.
We think about bill. I don't know if it's the white side of emerging asian sight of him, but he could drink, floated away. He embarrassed all of a sudden is are anxious to invite him back this type of your own harrassed. Again, as I know, the more you drink is assigned the more you have the wrong. Give it is true that it was so I tolerance works. We should point out by the way this is: it's called the stewardess America, tuna, fiftieth anniversary power. Our It means one shot of beer, permit, for sixty minutes? and we try to what actually have coherent policy a call and an issue based conversations and it works for a while if a lifetime, and then it gets very messy and life tonight- that's gonna, be tonight nine pm eastern. I am a Youtube dotcom, Slash Astute as America, my sovereignty there, Chad Prater Jason.
Throw Spencer, coarse and answer guns Alice as our moderately Solberg doesn't alien river. I'm telling you cause, I can sue Spencer coarse and he used to be the protector of mind before he went into his own. Business has got a book and I don't think so. He'll you'll have him so broken down. You ask him questions about my family because then I'll let the proceeds with you will see this not out of him fired area. Yeah. Getting to violate that NBA that'll be there'll, be a good and Jason Bottle was also one of your protector. So we gather DJ answering rock. you think so tat. My thanks. I don't you. You saw him last time he was. He was skimping on his shots, beer. I mean I think, Spencer, I've been I've seen Spencer drink before I think he's gonna be able to bring it. I don't know about. Jason is a visa. One thing about Matrona is a just eight. Would stare office blankly sweeter Lucifer like ten minutes at a time relic we're supposed to be doing is show here. What are you doing? So? Let me ask you this that this is the two hundredth
to end the safety authority or fifty of episode of that crappy show me: how dare you got it as it is one hundred it if you haven't episodes have I done. Oh my gosh thousand. We actually tried to do this for one of your anniversaries and figure out how many hours of broadcast you ve done. I mean really Europe. Life is even accomplished a lot. It's really been of salmonella. Just series of four gavel shows overly out of a deck. Yes, that's your light, that's on Amazon or tombstone! Why don't you count this because, if you're doing shots at two hundred fifty we should
I've, just like a drip of heroin for every minute, leaves you just have to try to legal error. You like we gotta, keep you clean Glenn. What we do is we take a shot of a suppress. A shout of this process will sound like auction errors at the end of an hour and then draw debt of a heart attack that is on this too does what is it suited as beer? Now it's the tuna fiftieth anniversary power, our tonight you to dot com. Slash, stew does America, I will say the pet chat brought this up in the show. Last night, you know a lot of big important societal movements have started around a beer. That's right right around in a tavern around a beer who knows what could come out of this. Even there I mean I'll bet,
that's how the clan originally started well started. I was gonna, go with validating, goes well spent and not allow the beer hall poise, you're right. Let's keep this notorious, including big, so much Jed, greater ownership or not do a chats, untoward watch. Chad, dotcom, recharging, reorder. My book at my crazy gas cannot in August right. That's right. It's a big deal come out in August and, of course, to the website has all the details to have you, whoever you again, Chad provision also watch him on blaze. Tv. It's really a good show die I'm just saying that it was printed in front of me. I've never watched
Transcript generated on 2021-05-16.