« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guests: Coletta Kewitt, Bill O'Reilly & John Solomon | 9/27/19

2019-09-27 | 🔗
Glenn’s sister, Coletta Kewitt, calls in to discuss her new book, “The Pie Letters,” about pie, life, and finding peace and patience through God. She also has the perfect Glenn story for Pat and Stu. Bill O’Reilly goes through only the facts about Trump, Ukraine, Biden, and how Republicans must respond to the media’s onslaught. The Hill’s John Solomon – whose research was mentioned in the whistleblower complaint – joins with new evidence strongly linking Joe Biden to Ukraine’s Burisma.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We have a great show for you today. First I want to just talk to you human to human. Could I think it's been a really rough weak and a lot of people are feeling the pressure of all, things that are coming in and I get it also. Somebody said My sister to be felt and I want to thank you for that. Bill. O Reilly is with us. He's he's got the facts of the matter. Impeachment meant any lays them out and then John Solomon. John Solomon is the guy who was named his reporting was named in the whistle report. He was now named personally but all of his reporting, and the only evidence tat, the whistle blower actually has the coincidental timing. We talked to John element about it and his article that just came out about Joe Biden and what
This story truly is make sure you hear the end of John Solomons Report today on our podcast, because I think it really kind of brings at home and you are a way ahead of it. The other audience in America and you're going to need to follow his advice, to deal with is probably the best. A story in our lifetimes. That's what this is going to turn into all this and more on today's podcast
the only thing I don't know. I've talked to President's. I've talked to Prime Minister's. I've talked to really famous people and there's nothing that makes me nor nervous than talking to my family on the air because they know things about you. Prime Minister's, don't know anything about joint dont think that's the collector q. It is the author of a new book called the pie, letters spots and reflections on pie and life, if that sounds like something I could write it's because collective q, it is my older sister and and looking at the cover of her new book where she standing there with a pie. I, Fail to see the almost identical resemblance,
Don t you see as Klaus yeah ended. It really defies all logic, because you'd think I'd make an ugly woman and I I apparently don't apparently don't lie letters. Welcome to the programme and watch your step carefully because you are on with patents. Do whoever ulterior motives the twin sister, know how are you clodagh good morning the morning I'm good you should know collected. This is the safest interview you will ever do in your life. Yeah and below one hundred per cent on your side, and we want to don't copies of the pie, letters that is my main guidelines, and we want to embarrass you would all we want to embarrass Glenn. Yes at all. So how can you help us? We help you yeah, there's
thing here to embarrass me: this is my sister who has. If you listen to this programme, you know we had a good. Wouldn't you agree. We had a good childhood screwed up, but a good childhood. He had. Much of it and how well we I mean the main difference there. Your childhood, though, is that she had to live with. You You are already you, so you didn't have to die to listen to all over hippy records from ethnic room. So we maybe we're. Maybe you know we, we wheat, all, try to remember things more fondly than they were, but I know people had were childhood. Never worse, things happened to them, even though you have ever really truly store struggled in the family, both my sister's truly have struggled and what I like about
but clodagh is well tell you what I like it. I don't want. I don't like what I like about this is this: is my sister finding happiness. And there is nothing I want more for my sisters and my family, then to each of them find peace and happiness, and she found it through what she calls the pie, letters, and so she was motivated to tell this story of of happiness, and ease and kindness, and now what I don't like about it is there no recipes of your pies, which are the benzene pies. I've never had so tell us tell us about the book Clodagh. Well, I am so glad I am it it's really. I found peace through
the awareness of guide through my life. But you don't have to answer. I know your language, you don't have to edit yourself. You can say God and scriptures and everything else in the programme, but that really you know just finding out peace and an patients which you now thought actually happened. Right with book for me, because I'm the one that term I know we all need patience, but all my gosh through the through the whole writing off of it. It was.
Patience, patience patience. Am I right a lot about my husband, which we laugh a lot about this, because I need patience with living with him, all my goodness. I yes, I think so so pretty funny story about just dumb. You know my generic junior relationships and then there are also those yeah just story. Our life is in some. You know a reason why one of us went into the communications business
and one of those in high business and I and which is in which I forget, I think I think I am not sure I'm not sure how can I feel they re, don't yell to let you know I didn't know. We were having a bill interview this morning and you owe me from a dead fleet Oh I'm going to be on air, ok, so women it when one of us one of us didn't know about it. It was me it too. I didn't know, I think they barbarity, go and they sprung this on me an hour ago. So both of us didn't know. I blame the producer and all your fault, yes, Glinda. How much of this struggles in your life? Would you assign to growing up with Glenn? That's no sense Why said gonna give a roundabout figure, which you have to ask yourself, which one do you think?
help sell more, but not one and do or me well this thing you know his bedroom was right next to mine and he well my thinking. You belong other and our yet stinky his room rooms permeated army line so forget the name of your book until the pilot sailed on Amazon by as many copies as humanly possible. Explain but to explain what the pie letters are collected? The pie letters is a is a book on no don't work yesterday, yeah, but what were the pie letters originally? What were the pie letters? You went into the pie, business, oh yeah, yes, sir. I I had it apply the month club and it started out
Let us first started out with meeting this gentleman who I'm so sorry. Ok So let me deal with pilot. The book is that my sister is dead. Asleep, the pilot letters, the Pilar she started this deal, my my sisters of personal chef and she makes the best food. If you ever find yourself anywhere near Wyoming, find my sister's pies, because they are fantastic, and so she stopped making these pies, but she started making them and selling them and then bringing them to people. You know every single month and it would be a different pie every month and with it would come a pie letter and it basically is what some of these chapters are. These pie letters were reflections on on the eternal.
Truths and lessons of life and it she and what they have to do with pie, go ahead. Clodagh, noise, What do you know what they have to do with pie, whether the thicker density of the pie and lies so so many things in our life? R r M, I'm just gonna get here too. One is the little short nothing. This is the greatest interview welter of all of all tat. I must say I think it's great, I think it's fantastic, including doing a fantastic job and considering these stinky permutations, I came from her brother and the fact that this is not yet again to let my words, you can write a book like this is an incredibly girl. I know it's dead when you're gonna love be still in either way right, o
we'll see at Christmas. What a down princesses called biology one or one and from its scope, about. How often is the ponder our creator is put, it are individual ingredients so carefully together. Yet we get to choose our finishing touches and the temperature settings of the day some time for hot, sometimes were not every day is bent forming our own creation of sell some days. We also form a pie. Are ingredients of the day can be mixed up. Nutty in complicated or just sweetly.
Dont fruits grown out of even the best oil and conditions may become broom, but even imperfect fruit can become a pie to save her life, as imperfect as it is, maybe is a multitude me maybe has a multitude of slavery and sweet bite in each new day. I in life, fell to the ground, with a feeling of our joy losing and bubbling over. I'm just so beautifully messy were hung. I love any pie or day can end in failure, but be perfect. Get on the next pie in life presented in pieces and are just what is left or sometimes presented well, rounded as a whole, your device, same family, I gets out we're getting life advice through baked good right. That is, and is not greatly in great excitement, but highlight are made up of a beautiful variety of spices, indifferent case
I like overworking, can make it too tough pie in life. Tender care will always produce the perfect foundation, pay in life dig in while its fresh and share that creation by the name of the book is the pie, letters, thoughts and reflections on pie and life by sister caloric q it and you can find it at Amazon right now. The pie, letters and it is well worth the reed I I I've heard rumour not that I've read this book several times, I have heard rumour that there is a year there's some other things in this
but they should read anyway. You'll enjoy it, it is the and which which chapter is the Glen Backs room odour of work, and we find tat the the pie, ladders, thoughts and reflections on pie and life Calot. I love you very much and I am very proud of that. Ok, but if someone you bet the bats, I said you stink, yadda yadda. What she didn't say is all of the art work done in this. She she really worked hard on this book. Not for her her friend is an artist and wanted to do all the artwork in the book. All this really align our work now and she was dying of cancer and she wanted. She was like I gotta get this out before. I gotta get this out because she s she's worked so hard on it and it's a it's, a true labour of love and a labour of firm of
humility and, and God I think the pie, letters, thoughts and reflections on pie and life by collective queue at this is the best of the Glen Back programme. Hey, it's gone. And if you like, what year on the programme you check out pad gray, unleashed his podcast available, where ever you download your favorite podcast, I it's Glenn, if you're a subscriber to the podcast, can you do me a favor and rate us on Itunes? If you're not a subscriber, become one today and listen on your own time, you can subscribe on. Itunes begs cheap. Not allowed happened this week. I you're. Talking to me back and hunt, I well you have here the bill on the show in dog, any you this.
This in this impeachment. Where do you want to start? Let's start with then go through the whole, our just. In fact. I think I am right, My dad's gonna blow off listening to these morons cable television and never seen anything more dishonest. This is- and I say this every time they do say thing. It is worse and worse every time This is where we start. So this impeachment draw I've is now being sponsored. That's a good word by the media the media, is doing that's, not Nancy pollution than Democratic Party, the media, is driving the impeachment and Nancy Policy, and are Mary people are hitch. Making a wide draw? Would you dispute
yes, I would I wouldn't have two days ago, but after listening to the whistle blower, I think is so far above Nancy policies head. This is going tear down the entire, Obama Dnc infrastructure, that they thought they had all buttoned up in Ukraine, And I think they have no choice, but your ear, you sure you're out of yourself now Joe the story: the Ukraine Tromp Story and the each man, his that has come out of it is driven, by the media. Would you would you see that yeah I mean the media wants to take him down at any cost, but they sense that there's something writer here because of what their hearing from the Dnc the sea is Jack is not telling the truth. Obviously,
well, let's just keep it as simple as possible, because you're, a brilliant man, but I myself or man- ok, are simple man, I'm a simple guy, just a beast really clear, so everybody listening can you know that was a worthwhile, our with O Reilly in back and show the media is driving the impeachment sentiment and if you don't believe look at all the front pages of the eleven newspapers, which is ninety percent of them. So We see words like scandal, Three words like cover up: you words like a mob behaviour, organised crime. All of that is what is being written today. Cept twenty seven, two thousand nineteen, the broadcasts Media picks up. The phraseology scandal cover up
behaviour that kind of thing to on television now policy and the democratic hey. This is good. Because, even though we don't have anything that rises to the level of impeachment, it doesn't matter because the media, saying we do for you. Women so far, yes, I'm with you, ok. So forty american citizen, whose fair minded not pro tromp or anti tromp or but just want the best for his country. The first question you have to ask is what is the violation? What is it that would amount? to an impeachment inquiry and monitored what the violation is back? No can't! Why can't because there is no violation is actually right. There is no violation, it's not like
wide or Andrew Johnson is so drunk. He can't do his job. It's not like that is is no violation, because a sitting president is allowed under a constitution, a call any foreign leader and say, that foreign leader, you know the situation involving a former vice president that we feel might lead to corruption. Can you please check that out for us, allowed back. Of course it is eight. Is international crime or misdemeanor? Look. You could say that they that Donald Trump was doing this to her Joe Biden. But the fact is, this is bigger than Joe Biden and even if it did help Donald Trump? it is in our national interest to the EC. Stream to find out, What's going on right now,
president has the right to ask the assistance. Fine leader, to get information that's number one. Ok, that's number one, You didn't wailing wall and cause call there's. No. If you don't give me this we're going to deny funds like I did, and by did much to doing it, none of that the second election integrity. Ok, that's a subjective thing. It's not back but I will see that Donald Trump Wanna do dirt. On Joe Biden, I will admit, all day long and the reason I admit it, it's because I wrote it in the United age of tromp. If you read the book, you see the genesis of this all bang. The trap is so furious because he believes that Barack obama- We went and Joe by a now Joe Biden him. Personally envy.
Campaign and then, after you want and that he believes that formally correct any watch payback and because we did our homework starting a year ago and did to episodes on this, six months ago. We know that that is true. We know that is true absolute. The planned Biden. Oh yes, no doubt, but I will be listened to next hour. We have junk. We have. We have John Solomon on with its next. He just got some additional documents from Ukraine yesterday and case is the case is moving forward and it is damning on Joe Biden and the Democrats. Ok I'll see that time, but the record on the record, the United States or white there. So you can see it is Barack Obama.
As far as the United States knew was informed by the CIA in August, two thousand. Sixteen that Russia was trying to intrude on the election and block Obama chose not to say anything not to give either campaign. I heads up that on the record that happen. That's a fact crop is pure. It's about that because as easily as might any other present. What is it a be careful what you do Try to intrude, but I didn't, do it. Secondly, I believe this is a fact as well, that Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee, money too far nationals to get the dossier dismay. The dossier that turned out to be false, both Quinn Campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid money too far and nationals through view
PS! I think Asians were paid right and I think you will find that they also did it in Ukraine. The you Ukraine, as the middle man, to get to the real dirty people in Russia we'll find that to be true soon. Ok, do I know I know our back. Stating the facts but either way every every word that I've said up until now it is true that the very I am so now you have the american people, the american people going what to do This is happening Our congress can be diverted into trouble destroy I sitting president based on- why nothing, there's no crime and let's get into the cover up the cover,
every president, since George Washington, when they Sensitive conversation, not only the far and leader but anyway. And in government here puts the sensitive conversation in a more secure place. Every single one of them- yes, but but there was nothing. No, no I'm there was nothing sensitive in this, except for for him saying I want to ask you for a favor dot, dot dot, I need you to get some dirt on Joe Biden and his son that that's what they're claiming that there was nothing sensitive in this but accept for him. What was I know? Look the cover up thing drives me not because you, as president, had not put out to the public that you talk.
To the president of Ukraine or Australia or anyone and here's what I said if you do- that no one will talk to you, so you going to put it in a more secure place. It's not a cover up. This is standard procedure, yet on the front page of the new. The papers. Whistle blowers says cover up. I mean it's just Are you always say twilight Zone? I always it is, but now on anti off back now mad and it's not because I'm sticking upwards I'll drop. If you read the United States, it dropped, the man makes a lot of mistakes and he makes them because he is a lack of discipline. When he's a tat and he does things he shouldn't, do I honestly yourself any issue I honestly entered the. We didn't do anything wrong. I know I entered the week when I
about the whistle blower thinking. Ok, let's keep an open mind you know he could have. We could have done that we also when, when they said well we're in a release transcripts, I came in that morning Goin. Well, you know he it's a lot of stupid mistakes and just kind of mutual just blurt things out, maybe, but I am at too loudly convinced now that end and I'm gonna do a special on this next week. He nothing wrong. In fact, I fully support what the president was trying to get out If I understand this story right- and I believe I do- I fully support him in and the way he handled it I would have handled. It exists actually the same way. I couldn't give the press and I will support at this point- not of handled it, the same Why he did, I would never have trusted
leader in Ukraine. It wasn't a foreign leader that blunders the foreign leader that blue this, that foreign leader, I wouldn't have done that foreign leader was the guy who agreed with the present in fact brought Judy Giuliani up. First, he was the guy who said I know- and I am on this, and I've got the people. The one rapid him out, but one that broke this confidence is the the deep state Intel that was spreading, or that was ready, homilies you're going in the next few days who that person is that's definitely gonna, come out while way way way way, since we are in fact based our who is he yeah really. Do you really want me to say way? I do I'm gonna give you just because I'm
we wait and on the wagon? Yes no come on. I because I'm a jury broadcaster, I'm gonna, I'm gonna make people listen to this one minute commercial. Then we're gonna come back and you were on the rack. You are going to tell us what you know, because you said This was a fact based our the name of the whistle blower, The best of the bird that programme hey, it's Glenn and you're. Listen into the bloodbath program. If you like with your hearing on this show, makes check out, Padre Gray, it's available were Are you download your favorite podcast? John Solomon is an award winning investigative journalist. He has worked for the Associated Press, the Washington Post. Washington Times he's the executive. Ice president at the hill and is
the centre of this story, John. I don't know what you're deals like yesterday when you got up and washed and read the whistle blower report, you are named as the mouthpiece, is for this conspiracy. Theory, well, my name lot in there, but my reporting curly is yes and- and I think there are some trouble questions that need to be asked, which is, why is why is reporters factually proven factually based fully authenticated, fully documented stories, the matter intelligence community as anyone been monitoring, we have they been looking around masking my calls overseas. Why they matter invisible? I can violate entirely before I'm, not an intelligence officers very they very serious question raised you're about why my reporting withdrew
into a narrative that absolutely my running has nothing to do with intelligence law. It has nothing at all I felt it was clearly and ironically it big this whistle, blower complaint was filed in July right around the time. I began for many crises to Joe Biden about the story, but I just wrote last night and I think that if you look here today. There was a coordinated assault on my reputation, all of it factually false, and I intend to eventually show the american public how false the story if in the narrative were yesterday, but it can be an accident that all This happens, as I am finishing up the latest story and Joe Biden, which came out last night when you look at what I reported Joe Biden Hunter binding Legal, the legal team for very small working on Hunter bindings watch when he's a board member consultant and according to the company overseeing the company's illegal strategy. They are telling the Ukraine prosecutor's office that the information that was
is to justify Joe Biden firing. The chief prosecutor of Ukraine, the man investigating funds company, was quote false information. Why? Why would wait? Why would bereavement do that? Why would the lawyers I dont know answer we don't know the answer. Right is all sorts of possibilities which, if they were but the new guys the have feel good about them. They wanted the new guys to make the case go away and settle the case which they did they settle it with attacks find at the end of Barack Obama's presidency, Nobody can understand the dynamics your yet because in Ukraine is a very strange were right, in truth is always what it means when you first get there, but the the importance of the american people is. It Joe Biden has staked out a very clear.
I find the guy. Yes, I knew my phone company was under investigation, but that's not. Why fired the guy? I fired him because he was. He was a corrupt now, but I put in the record: yes, they were just old fashioned doctor. They come from public releases of information from the office. A prosecutor in Ukraine and from an affidavit filed in Austria in court and here's what they show first them and he was fired, Shokhin demanded by force to be found. The man who was investigating Hunter by my company and at that moment he was fired, making plans to interview Hunter binding. That doesn't mean by doing wrong, but he was about to interview, underlined in the middle of the twenty sixth. He like that would have been a big story right. He says I was told, and I can tell you for certainty. I was fired because I continued to investigate brief. My when Joe Biden wanted me to stop and that's what President Bush Anko made clear to me. That's important thing. If, under its under penalty of virgin, we should evaluate that, but it doesn't matter
Joe Biden story now. Here's a second thing doesn't match Joe Biden story. Joe Biden said it was all about the corruption but the day that he fired. That Ukraine prosecutor far while in Ukraine miraculously very smooth team, is at the doorstep, you get a meeting immediately with his replacement. If they're not, Why is brief Smith, interested on the day of the fiery, to get to see the new guy? The acting prosecutor anecdote that acting prosecutors are busy that day getting his job in place, so he waits about a week and then he takes the audience with bereavement. These are three american lawyers to working for a publication lobbying firm notice, boost our strategies and want a famous criminal offence, livery accomplished of defence lawyer in either Massachusetts or New York. They come over and they have the meeting and in that meeting, according to the prosecutors memo of summary of it,
I am by the acting that at that time, the acting prosecutor. It says I apologize for the false information that U S, officials had spread about the predecessor. Mr token, They knew that it was false information and they would like to arrange a way to make this all up by bringing the left remaining prosecutors to Washington, getting good with the Obama creation. Tell him what really went on for there's no more confusion, going forward that that narrative. Those documents do not match Joe Biden story now. Maybe maybe someone's made them up. Maybe someone there's two different possible stories are but Joe Biden very clean story doesn't met any of the documents that I obtain an and people. They want to Ukraine, prosecution member? Why should we trust it well? The answer is, I also have the emails of the very small american legally
and the those email show that what what the prosecutors memo says is actually what those american lawyers said to the prosecutor. I actually have the invite from brief MA's american lawyer, saying hey you guys, you got victimized come over, the United States will hook yet with the Justice Department. You can clear the air about this false information, so these these facts all add together and they don't add up to Joe Biden story in that. That's why I wrote what I wrote last night Ho Jon. I believe that there is with exception of this new information. Now that there hasn't anything that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden was doing? That was illegal? It was just grotesque, just grotesque. Do you agree with that or not Lawyers make decisions on legality, I'm not a lawyer, I'm I'm a reporter. I can tell you what the ethics standard is for the United States for all yours govern official.
Standard is not only to avoid a conflict of interests, but to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, I think most average people would say if Joe Biden New, which he acknowledges you did, that ass, a cuter was investigating a sunny should have left it to somebody else to fire that prosecutor. Why did he go out of his way to do it and when he did it, what did you use? He used? U S, foreign aid as the hammer. If you do not fire this guy, I'm gonna Bankrupt Eureka our country by withholding one billion dollars. Remember that's what Democrats just accused president Trump of doing right, of course, where the transcript came out, there was no quid pro quo, linking: U S, foreign aid, to a request to the ukrainian present, but in Joe Biden gave it is irrefutable.
The link you s, aid to the forcing of a firing of a prosecutor that he knew was investigating offence company so under that standard a lot of people will say why. That is an appearance. Why didn't he stepped aside? Why did you let somebody else do the job Joe Biden hasn't? answer. Those questions. Do I see any criminality, I'm not a lawyer. I think we need to see more thing. Might my reason for writing. The stories is not accuse. Someone of breaking the law are committing. A crime is to put into the public information the accurate portrayal of what are you a government was doing overseas in Ukraine. So tell me about tell me about what happened after the fire and after the firing and after the New York Times pretty much verifies everything that you're saying and write a story about Hunter by men. They say, but there is no wrong doing. It's just grotesque, no wrong. Doing when go ahead. The other some interesting story,
they get put out there. I also miss and Emerson BC. The other day, we are simply not true one of my favorite storylines Joe Biden defenders like the throttle the time Joe Biden I find your binding effect. You waited. The firing of this prosecutor really was in an open case. It had been closed and twenty. Fifty that's not true. There was a british case against policemen owner that was caused them in great Britain and twenty fifty, but there were two open cases in Ukraine active at the very moment job. I did so that's a straw man, it's a false story, but it into the narrative, because the same reporters that wrote about Russia Collusion and now writing about this Ukraine story, it is simply not true. Shoguns affidavit makes clear he was preparing to interview Hunter Biden. He told that to the Washington Post he told that ABC News. He told that to me. So that's a false storyline
People are perpetrated. Yet we have to ask yourself: why are they giving the american people a false story? Why don't? They just admit? Yes, there was an investigation now, one of the most damning pieces of evidence. That narrative is that Brief MA's own american lawyer genre gave an inn when the case was all done and he laid out the timetable, and he confirmed that one the criminal cases. The investigations embrace my wife close down nine months after Joe Biden, ineffectually for nine months after and that the second case was settled with a fine. A few days before Barack Obama left office and turned the key for the White House over to die trot so brief. My own, his own lawyer, debunks, the very relying on a lot of these media champions of Joe Biden are now putting into the american public for feeding the american public a false story, and that's what complicates the ability of Americans to make a good judgment on. There is bad reporting on this
tell me about the New York Times story that comes out and Hunter Biden and Devon Archer have a meeting at our state department Yes, so all we know where there's a text message, the demon Archer tend to one the best of colleagues on December tempted two days after the New York Times raised the question thing. Joe Biden, anti corruption, fight in Ukraine is really being hampered by the appearance of this because his son work for this owner and this owner in this company are currently under investigation. That is December of twenty fifteen now the next day job.
Honour at TAT very moment of that story, came out Joe Biden with in Ukraine meeting with President Bush income. President Bush Ngos AIDS told me on the record that during that meeting, Joe Biden renewed or pressed again to get Mr Shokhin fired something that doesn't happen for four months. So article comes out, Joe Biden makes another request to fire the prosecutor and then Devon. Archer is talking about the business partner of Hunter binder, both on the border brace by their long time. Friends, Evan an somebody that has met with the vice president during the time he was on, breeze was board and archer rights of friends and we want to change the narrative. We just came back, meaning hunter in HIM Hunter in Devon Archer. Do business partners came back from a meeting at the State Department and there's gonna be some announcement of? U S. Hiv money, meaning state department, grant money coming to us now. I can't find that grant, but couldn't
It references a meeting in in December twenty fifteen around the time of this negative story by the New York Times. So I have Firefox a FOIA request. The state department did not comply for that to get records eating I have now sued, and I expect over the next few months that I will begin to get documents from the state Department identifying any and all contacts. At Hunter binding Joe Biden. How unusual is it? How unusual is it for for that to happen, for somebody to go into the state Department and change the narrative Well, yeah Americans meet all the time of the State Department, particular those american set that are working overseas right and, if you're working in Ukraine, it is a volatile area right. You got russian right next door, there's a lot of corruption in Ukraine and in on its face. If not
necessarily unusual it. It could be entirely appropriate. The idea that Hunter Biden and his business partner or looking for grant money from a state department, which is the inference of effect, message that stands out again. It's it's for fills us with another piece of this narrative of Hunter Biden, riding in the vapour trail of his dad's policy wagon and trying to collect it. Joe Biden goes the China. He brings Hunter Biden with them. The hunter binds firm walked back with a one point: five billion dollar contract. Joe Biden his name, the point man for Brok Obama, Ukraine. Three weeks later, he our a few weeks later. He goes to Ukraine any gives a meets with the Prime Minister of Ukraine. This is really extraordinary. You can look at the transcript, they put it up, not rate. Not too long ago Joe Biden meets with the Prime Minister of Ukraine in April of twenty fourteen, just a few weeks before hunters name to the board. He says you know what you ukrainian should start in expanding your natural gas
I M an American should be here to help you in fact summer here right now getting that process started. Joe Biden basically lays out the idea the Americans should come and help expand Ukraine's natural gas production and what happens within three weeks Hunter by MS added to the board, even though he doesn't seem to have any experience and natural gas it and seem to have any long term experience in Ukraine. Those are the sort of acts that raised the question of displayed in appearance of a conflict of interest. We have John Solomon on. He is an award winning investigative journalist. He has been at the forefront of raw. The game changing investigations he's worked for the Washington Post, the New York Times the Associated Press. He is now the executive vice president of the hill and. He has been instrumental on the reporting of what was going on in Ukraine? I have a theory. I want ass by here in a few minutes, but first I want to ask:
this John. Is there is there they're trying who allude that you, we're getting your marching orders from Rudy Giuliani right by the inference, yeah and we want to comment on that I think if people just simply looked at the public record of what I've done you of this, that I began reporting in writing on Ukraine months before Ready Giuliani says he began investigating Ukraine. I can tell you some of my early sources, because there are clear now from my stories or Democrat working for Ukrainians who are concerned about what went on inside Ukraine during the twenty fifteen election? I can tell you that the Ukraine embassy provided me payment that Mr Giuliani and his team never buy one confirming that the democratic no committee asked Ukraine too
here in the twenty sixteen election, that the Ukraine government also may turn down that request. I concur. Aren't you that I wrote a series of stories are a sorry about Mr Fort Ashes, Casey Ukrainian a Ukrainian. Dark that is intertwined with Joe Biden. Twenty sixteen period be Giuliani had nothing to do with that story. It was actually by a democratic lawyer. Ok, I just I hope I have a thing another break and I will come back. I want to go in and I want to talk to you about the impact that has been fired. What that story is all about and what? What kind of things were going on. Do you believe now, through your reporting in UK, enduring twenty sixteen. How deep does this girl John Solomon. You can follow him in TAT, J. Solomon reports, the hill, the blue
His radio network on demand
Transcript generated on 2020-04-17.