« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Bill O’Reilly & Jeff Brown | 2/12/21

2021-02-12 | 🔗

Sen. Ted Cruz joins to discuss the impeachment trial and how the media has become propaganda outlets. Twitter has removed Project Veritas from the platform. Bill O’Reilly talks the impeachment trial, the Democrats’ accelerating agenda, and Trump’s future. High tech expert Jeff Brown joins to discuss newly filed “Navy UFO patents” and the future of space travel.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
America it's friday- oh yes, it's Friday and guys didn't get flowers its Valentine's day. What what is wrong with you? Stop at a grocery stores. Seven eleven and get I dont know a Snickers bar or whether puts its Valentine's day, we'll get into all of the news of the day, and there is a lot. We also have Jeff Brown on our show today. Grubbing up, our number three Jeff is a silicon valley. Expert guidance worked in the big tat for a long time. I asked him to come on. We talked about several things, but one of them are the Navy's. You f o patent. If you dont know what those are you need to read up, it is their something's going on with the United States and UFO technology. We don't know what it is, but I asked him a week ago I said Jeff. Would you just look into these patents? See if there's anything here he's got his answer for us coming up today, Billow Riley is gonna, be with us. We're gonna talk a little bit about going to talk just a little bit of cancelled culture, dizzy where we should fight on that TED cruises. Coming out to talk about the impeachment, and I give you the great reset the Bank of America Press release. They came out yesterday, all of these things and so much more in sixty seconds. The USA has written an article mega co, conspirators TED crews and Jolly play jurors at trumps trial. Imagine sitting in a court room awaiting trial of man arrested for assaulting your mother. There was a robbery gone wrong. He merely tried to spook her into giving him some money, but in the process
became enraged and knocked her over breaking her hip, the judge lets the jury into the room they settle in. You suddenly see a familiar face, the drive, of the getaway car is on the jury. He gives the defendant a thumbs up, and you realize that fixes in that. Is from USA today talking out. Senator TED crews who joins us now from Washington oh tat, how are you? Glenn going to be with you has always I I mean our country has gone mad TED he's gone mad tell us What the latest is in the impeachment trial, what it's about and what the outcomes gonna be. What does it mean sure you know what you started off with his is the simple reality that that our media- totally broke. It now that they no longer pretend to be journalists there, just propaganda that than at the
age of Trump, one, the most significant effects of the age of twelve has been that virtual, the entire media, whether at USA. Today, whether it's, it's your old home CNN, they lost their mind, They are consumed by Trump hatred. They don't pretend cover news. They are propagandists for a particle partisan political view, and so that particular piece- it's it's it's almost as if the It's not aware that the constitution the impeachment authority, the House of Representatives of the United States a size. The authority to try impeachment in the Senate. It's almost as The author of that peace is not aware that the framers there stood that when you are impeaching president, the Senate. Who were who were trying? The case would know the president, be working with the president- would be political players, which is why they assigned it to political branches, because there is a legal judgment, but it is also a poetic.
Judge yes, and that is exactly how the framers the cost should intended it to operate, but the you I say today propagandist there that they didn't want the readers to understand that instead they want to scare them and mislead them. So I will tell you tat this I think goes way beyond Donald Trump and Donald Trump hatred is into something new, Yesterday, rush Limbaugh Mark live in and I were were targeted by the New York Times as that we were also henchmen. We were the voice that were wiping the crowd into a frenzy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Today I see one that came out a couple of days ago on you by Geoffrey Martin. Lincoln project takes aim at TED Crews, given Mccarthy and others who fed the mob a diet of lies. They our coming this? This is about not just impeaching the president, but this
about saying any one who was g, o P, anyone who was up- but you know, Supportive of the president has to be shot up, sit down, reprogrammed or whatever else? The other really frightening terms there now using. Glenn. You are exactly right listed at this moment. I've had compared to the end of all three of the godfather movies where, where she murmured the end of each of those movies, my Corleone settles is death and he cried to eliminate all of his enemies. That's where the hard left is that they feel, Torreon. They feel surging. They feel in vulnerable and so they're trying to destroy Donald Trump. That's a major purpose of this impeachment is want to utter destroy him, but their trade. destroy you they're, trying to destroy me they're, trying to destroy every conservative in their real target, is the seventy,
million Americans who voted for Donald Trump and they want to utterly silence and cancel and are right Every one of us and Anna have us beat be silent and some We were saying this big tech, which is now the henchmen and enforcers for the far left is system, ethically and ruthlessly erasing and cancelling any one of these views. They disagree. We saw them, do it with parlor, where all a big tat got together in what was a blatantly illegal, violation of antitrust laws to justify obliterate parlor because they wanted no. Avenue for anyone to spend they saw it. Just yesterday went when big Tech ban project bear a as they don't actually want journalists that report and expose their corruption and and mark my words they are coming after you, they're gonna, try to shut down your programme there to try to shut down marks programme. They try to not that Russia's programme could they want to silence. Anyone who disagrees with the two,
military and state so TED how do we speak to an audience and tell them the truth of what is really coming down the pike? What the real motives are have press, and quite honestly, people like Ale, see with accusing you of trying to have your murdered. The crazy things that are being said every day people know they or their freedoms are we're a crossroads in this country. How do we have you talk to them, inform them and it and also ensure that what the left seemingly wants to have is begging to happen repeat of something like January six. How do we, make sure that people feel still empowered and that their progress being made and somebody's in their coroner fighting for them. Well,
I am optimistic that the medium and long term and end because the reason I am optimistic is because the lunatics who are in control they're, going to over reach the far left is driving the Democratic Party an end, the administration you're, seeing it every day there going further and further and further gonna go too far. Now it means we're gonna have to very difficult years this country has they're gonna, implement some incredibly harmful policies, but but the good thing is that that politics is, Dorothy has always been like a pendulum that it swings too far. It on direction and the end. Then the american people get dismayed and pull it back. The other way- and I am I think, twenty twenty two is gonna- a very good election, I think twenty twenty four is gonna be a very good election, because the idea isn't policies there implementing are disastrous Joe by these obliterating jobs on a daily basis. We saw the first day Europe is eliminated. Eleven thousand jobs of the Keystone pipeline, including
eight thousand union jobs. Just this week, the EAST forward to eliminate the work requirement for Medicaid because he doesn't want people working. He doesn't want going back to school. The policies there putting in place are disastrous and the good Tuesday as that that that that is, people see those policies, don't work they will want to return to some semblance of sanity, that's good for the country in terms of our long term. so the impeachment thee left his laid out their case on Donald Trump, as you have you seen any one. How many many Republicans are going to vote to convict? You think. So I think you will problem, We have a total of about fifty five votes to convict. So all fifty Democrats will vote to convict and probably five public and I'd, say, plus or minus two, so I'd say the lowest fifty three, the highest, fifty seven, the good those areas we are nowhere near the six
seven that are needed to convict that's not gonna happen the end of their. Sided late tonight or some time tomorrow is going to be the bottle Europe is acquitted that that is the inevitable result of this. one hundred staggers, know that the house managers know that every rapporteur covering this knows that, but they are doing this because they want a bloody up, not only the president, but every Republican. This is political theatre from the dead. Mc Grath in and then they're, not even pretending to satisfy the legal standards traditional standard of high crimes and missed NATO or the legal standard of insight that which is what they have charged but they didn't come remotely close to satisfy your prove. It The left always has us in a win win situation for them They knew they weren't gonna get this through. They knew it.
So why was this all about? Is it a distraction? Is it a set up for what's coming next, which is just this continual Mccarthy, like Witch Hunt, and the smearing of anyone who disagrees with them. As today's communist, which I guess a GEO p, member trumps, border or ores, It's something else: what what is the win here for them. So I think it is. All of the above, but but I think it started with something similar, which is that I think particularly House Democrat. really embody. I'd say that the issue of the Democratic Party body the rage they hate from with this all concerned passion that that that is deeply on healthy for three it Eddie. It has been their defining characteristic, the last four years as hatred of Donald J rob House Democrats wanted to impeach
in November of twenty sixteen before he was sworn in. They were saying they wanted to impeach him as he was being sworn. This is now the second time they been teach them, and I think the biggest reason we went forward with this is this just stay a cathartic primal scream from House Democrats frankly JANET Democrats, I think didn't really want to do this. I think if you left it up the Senate Democrats, they wouldn't it this trial, you the set Democrats, they just took control of Then they get a democratic, credible, democratic house. They all just got gavel disk, Eddie Chair, I, like the set of Democrats, are eager to go start destroy. The country with terror policy. So do Is there any? Do you see Anyone in the Senate, that is, that you look at it from the other side of the iron. You don't have to name names that is like. I gotta tell ya I mean
crazy we're not crazy. The lot of this stuff, we're not going to I'm not with this is great, is any one questioning what's going on not really looked at the closest to it is Joe mansion is a Democrat from West Virginia who has said right now that he will pose ending the fell about your leave you to do you believe that I mean is already leather wear it. We on his kit, Carson Cinema, Arizona has said the same thing so right now, if two of them miraculously can stand up and hold the line that will make a big difference any of the worst things that the crazies want to do won't happen if they can end the filibuster. Now I gotta say a past. His prolonged I served eight years with Joe Match and I've never seen him stand up. The truck children. Democratic leadership when they really put the thumb screws on so I am huh.
Wait for him. I am praying for forced spiral fortitude, but but they do hold the line. It will be the first time they ever done. So TAT crews, Thank you so much sir. I appreciate it I and my friend, God bless and in just one one reminder got: God is sovereign and remains in control and an hour, country is and will remain a shouted sitting on a hill, and I believe that with with em molecule at my by. Thank you so much the author of one vote away, the senator from the great state of Texas Senator TED Crews, your listening to the best of the Glen Deck Programme, the author of killing crazy horse, the merciless indian wars in America, also
but coming out killing the mob. The fight against organised crime in America comes out in May Mr Bill O Reilly from the bill, O Reilly, dot com website, hello bill you know, I don't do that. If the if anybody advertisers on Billow Riley, die com or on any lie properties, I die just by their product automatically. I don't care what they billow Riley for crack a bill. If we want to talk about so much as we so much has gone on, but I really want to start with the impeachment. We were talking about the game and the calculations behind the scenes on both the Republicans and the Democrats. Really figure out the the The game here for the Democrats, other than smearing an categorizing people, but, but
the is there more than that and the damage they republican side. I've always thought that of Mitch, Mcconnell had a chance to take Donald Trump out in the establishment. Take him out there go for it now heartbeat. They have that opportunity and they're not doing it. So tell me going on here. With these two parties item, accuse enlightenment with entertainment or I'll everybody. Hurry on everybody should be over the plan and paper. First thing that Democrats want to do is diminish the Republican Party and they did that the video constant. You know. Ok, look at this look at this and not only with these people trying to overthrow the government and harm did harm people buy, anybody who doesn't condemn them or is in the same boat as far as supporting Donald Trump you're, just as guilty guilty,
by association, okay, so that number one they want to accomplish that, according to Gallup Poll out, as we did in a short term basis, support for the Republican Party, sound fifteen percent. That was what this was all about. Wasn't about our trump, As far as the big picture is concerned, they hate him. They want to hurt him as much as possible, and that is a given It was a calculated strategy and we ve talked about this before on the Glen Back programme that there are people on the payroll of the dam, Riddick parties, political action committees that come but these kinds of strategy- and that was the strategy- play the video over and over loop. The video will allow a curve cooperation from all of our media allies. To do it the New York Times in order to impose will absolutely by and and
demonize every single person who may have voted for Donald Trump and the party in which he ran well. I will tell you that I think it's fascinating that yesterday the New York Times ran an article about me mark Levine rush Limbaugh and talk radio. It was, it was getting clear targeting of national radio and you know they're doing a Fox news. Another they're telling model too- and this is on the sorrow, stand a little bit different than that than the pact's that raw worker Democratic Party from the source. People say: ok, look, call your cable company and say: look you want. You want pig sneeze off and you don't want to pay that and you know get them that way and then the sponsors of always been- and I was- and you were both of Us- With targets when we worked a Fox news of that caught out, you know a few
sponsored they back or O Reilly programmes and we're gonna put it on the internet that nobody had by another that that ok, so all of that and motion, all of that is under way and not an end on Monday, Abide Mitchell. Where there is an interesting guy, some guy AIDS job, but everyone know another because did not defer to Mcconnell, they want pals, he didn't move with them and Mcconnell like that, He sees himself as the God Father of the report employment, but trump do it. I saw Macao doesn't like it, but the backlash against Liz, Cheney and Wyoming, and and others who did vote to hurt Donald Trump Lisbon- substantial, as you just pointed out, Macao knows that
doesn't want again to trouble, while with the party doesn't want a more damage, not a democratic love, love damage, Mcconnell turn on tromp, I may now would be a tool for we'll get tromp and wool heard the Democrats. The republican party, further saw it gonna be the same. You're not gonna. Have I dont, but you have one defection other than the five that you don't want trumped up experience pain. Anyway, the five Republicans eyes I get out because then they go back to their red stage and they got problems. The primary people be angry at the next time they were on. This will be centre stage. Why do they need it? And why are they need to strengthen the democratic party? Why There's no That is all I want you Have you no forty four public service and what the whole things back constitutional? Why would a boat to something that was unconstitutional.
Nobody should expect any kind of a different outcome, but you'll have to cry that on Monday and Tuesday these are all traitors. Peggy Noonan, one of the worst in the world stretching the Wall Street Journal is already done it. She already filed a calm down you don't both her peaceman, then you were his badge that'll be the dream, And does that play well over the long term I mean Donald Trump will start his own party, I believe, or people around him, we'll start a party and how could run in twenty twenty four, you know and he will have ye will have some control over a lot of people and how they vote between him? On one side, squeezing the Republicans and the devil, whereas on the other, what happen Mr Thee. The unity in the party
Why do you speak for diatribe? Ah, I dont know what he's mine said is. I know he caught a lot of perspective. after the election. And that has heard him historically and is no doubt about that. No doubt no debate here, perspective, we lost discipline, I didn't have a lot of this morning begin with, but what little they had went flying right at the window because he was so shocked and he was so lost, but wait, but so Donald Trump, I dont know what his perspective is. I don't know what he wants to do only way way way way before you go in that eleven. Let me take the first part of that and an improbable little deeper on. He lost perspective As you know, I turn into a big supporter and men when Fundraiser forum I mean I mean not fundraiser, but I buy donated to his legal campaign
and really believed that he was the right choice for America at the end, on. If I were just a judge him on that day, I thought that was a reprehensible performance, Ben Sas- and I don't know if I believe this or not but Ben Sas- says he talk to people in the White House who said that for awhile Trump was gleeful about What was happening at the capital, because I didn't understand what was happening. Ok, so, but that's true, can a guy like that. Should a guy like that be president well up down, shunted good things for America. Seventy two million people recognise that right and voted for our age or that history to write once he was visible We did shockingly disappointed in the outcome of the November third vote down.
then shot down. He shot down, mentally and emotional. Eighty, eight, it ok. that's the truth, that's what happened! you could have done this, you could have. his questions about the validity of the vote in a disciplined way and he didn't so all you do is basically say I would Ghana. Linux done in Philadelphia The odds are and in Pennsylvania that I have Six hundred thousand vote lead Paul explosion. I lose my hundred and fifty thousand. What are the odds? Are that analytically, a million a wan, ten million, a wan and I am going to have the FBI to do. Forensics on certain voting machines in certain areas just as a to reassure the american people that we didn't right now. Had gone on that way, a discipline way and made, about the country, not him number one. We might have gotten some answers about Julia
the other we get Annie. I think that the problem is- and I think the another at least seventy five million Americans who can kind of relate to this- that guy flinch for four years constantly under attack by lies and you know they called a conspiracy theories and everything else, and when you see that time magazine printed a story, where they gleefully said. Yes, there was a conspiracy by big business by left wing activist and the media. Ensure the credibility of this election. could you'd snap at some point, you'd be like guidelines is fake, but that's it you fight a war right now, if you You killed guys over in a box all their common at you. You have to fight smart and he didn't Ok more was I I worry wayward worse and worse and worse and worse, ok, yeah!
and then a culminated in something that he never in a million years. Thought was gonna happen right, Let me know another man and not a violent man around a violent sodas live and in the right you wouldn't have you wouldn't expected necessarily cause. The right has never done that right and I use molasses fifteen. You expect it now do which backed it now know I'd. I think I'm a pretty savvy guy and I think anybody listening to us. Right now will agree. percent of people, will arise as having, unlike a required. No blank include that this might happen not neither did the FBI and neither the secret service and neither did the capital police and neither did the local Washington DC police. No one thought it was going to happen and when it happened. Instead, being proactive, don't jump was shocked him again. Here's your already emotionally weaken man already marginally awakened. Ok and you look at it.
He did not know what to do. He doesn't know attack his own supporters, okay and so He doesn't do anything for an hour or, and I ran down his throat so all of these. Things are logical if you stepped back and you look at reality, which of course, nobody wants to do because you eat a lovely robbery later. This is the best of the Glen Back Programme Brown, founder and chief investment analysed for brownstone research, editor of the bleeding edge you follow him at Jeff Brown letter dot com Jeff, how area he warning doing great. I am all excited to talk to you, because I know you have answers about stuff that I'm fascinate.
with an curious about contacted you. What will is a few days ago? Maybe a week ago, the? U S, o patterns and ask you to go in and and look at them and explain what they say they are and of youth think there's anything there so can. Can you tell me about the patents that the Navy has filed, and what they say they are. Yes, it was great to actually read the fact is, of course, very interesting, but you know at the highest level that the contract, is effectively technology. That could be. Whose potentially too build a spacecraft for space travel. The core of the patents is built around. What is
Compact nuclear fusion device and we could think of. This is really the power source device that can create enough energy to do some pretty extraordinary things any kind of crafty wouldn't have to be just a spacecraft. You could uses for an application, a maritime application boats submarines. Up is even around half of this nuclear fusion device, some of the other patents are support of advanced propulsion, technology, laser augmented propulsion system, so we need to think of kind of the generation of rocket engines. Which is an area that I actually specialised in proportion when I was a pretty university he's rockets and
I thought you were, I just didn't know for sure. I'm not smart enough to figure out you're degrees, here and there, a bird when they have. he. This was called a mass reduction device now not gonna. Take the leap in court anti gravity. But let's just say that the outline of the patents would make vehicle, what's a good eye analogy lighter on its feet, really capable a very extreme speeds when you are talking about very extreme speeds. What kind of speeds are you talking about well over time? especially in space propulsion. For builds on itself. There is it's it's a vacuum, so the longer you use propulsion or thrust the faster you go. You can begin to start to approach the speed of light.
which Einstein says, if I explain this equals M C square beans. You can't be the speed of light, because you would need so much propulsion that as you as you build it big. And bigger and bigger it slows down. So you can there's there's a point of diminishing return. Is that as an layman's understanding avatar, is completely wrong. Well, simple way to explain. It would be to say that we can now the speed of light, but we can't break through it. Which is really what I research was about the crossing. The threshold of the speed of light is the tricky part why they figured out quite how to do that. Yet Why have for the reasons for the reasons that you mentioned actually ok traveling beyond the speed of light is theoretically possible, but just
track its ability get faster than the speed of light faster than light particles witches. just the tricky part, but look if we could approached the speed of light with a device and power generation? a fusion device that was outlined in the patterns tat, would the doors for some pretty remarkable I travel beyond our own solar system, for example, so they they also had a electromagnetic. shield of some sort like a defence shield, the did. You sit that there my favorites, I'm calling it the force field, patent, ok, called the electromagnetic fields generation it is essentially what it is. Their using. A lot of power to create aids. We can think of it as an electromagnet shield. That is.
Capable of deflecting out Ex as large as asteroids. It could the fucking objects from weapons, space based or land based weapons. pretty much anything you can think of so theoretically, what it outlines is the ability to project the spacecraft from any incoming missiles or asteroids are devices that could damage the craft itself and there were a series of another one of the patents was was a high frequency gravitational waves generator, which is also related to basically, this force this ability to shield the aircraft from anything might damage. so before we get into what you believe, what would the world be like if, if as the Navy says, theyve
they ve already tested these things and they work. There is no evidence of that, but what would the world what Would this mean if we look at this, Surely from May power generation perspective We should remember that nuclear fusion produces more energy than Israel hired to run the fusion reactor and nuclear fusion, produce zero radioactive waste of any kind. So what this means change for the world, presuming it it would. Work could be limitless essentially Free, clean energy for the entire planet. You could put these very compact nuclear fusion reactor. Almost every neighbourhood- and it with you,
planet will. We know it happens, because if you saw the documentary film back to future to Mr Fusion was their powering the car. So we tell it happens in the future. Are we talking about something that could power like that, are our cars. I guess we would run off of batteries, so we could compel everything yes witches precisely what would happen so, for example, right now, as we think about our electric vehicles or one of the biggest areas of tact. spinning hyper. Our hydrogen fuel cell or hydrogen as a clean sources of energy, which it is, but the problem is: is that were producing hydrogen and were producing electricity almost exclusively with fossil fuels, so the electricity is dirty. It's based on carbon but the car itself doesn't have any emissions, but
nuclear fusion power like this would mean that all of the electricity that we produce with would produce. Hydrogen fuels, which your electric vehicle, and the whole energy production and use consumption supply chain would be clear I remember I remember- let me just changes subject here for a second. I remember in I think, nineteen seventy six fish we. sent Voyager out. And it was too many years ago that Voyager finally left our solar system on the on the the crew half the spacecraft that you say good approach, these kinds of speeds How long would it take us? How fast could we get to just the outer plan of our of solar system technology, like this so remember back in the seventies,
its armed are propulsion was almost in it. its use. An analogy in the stone age is Riah right there, a very simple basic. limited output in terms of thrust, which is why Voyager took so long to leave our solar system warranted different world right now? It's twenty twenty one we can do in what's being suggested here. You know we would be out outside of our own. So The system we have counted in a matter of days, just this is a very different if it's real, looking at a completely different paradigm for ok, exploring not only oil, solar but the rest of her rested a gouty. Ok, this stuff would be game. Changing we know the Pentagon, and specifically, I think it's the Navy
has been telling us now for about a year that alien spacecraft or or Oh, some sort of spacecraft that they believe has other worldly capabilities have been spotted and tracked incredible speeds and agility. and we ve seen the videos, them release stand verified by the Navy and the Pentagon. So we ve been feel like something is happening here now with this stuff may those were: U S, tests, being done. But when you look at the patents, because we can, talk to the guy who the actually says that he did All of the work when you look at the patents, is this stuff real Jeff. Well,.
One of the reasons they were interesting to read is because, theoretically they certainly, have the potential to be real, but it was about in a way that they were ready is that they were remarkably like details very base, in terms of the diet I'm that were used very basic in terms of the science and mathematics to to back up or defend what was being proposed. and also a lot of what I would call presumptive language in terms of some of the most critical about the hardest things problems to solve quantum mechanics him how to had a managing container nuclear fusion plasma reaction theirs. No detail whatsoever
so in that regard, the patents almost read more, like science fiction, an actual technological patent or breakthrough that that makes sense. Ok, so is that something that The the government has done in the past or would do to protect so nobody else there not giving away information. for this. I unusual, I can imagine if you and I were sitting in a room and have this technology under control working for a government who would matter of to U S or otherwise We certainly wouldn't want to share it with the rest of the world and make it public information. You know this, Technology obviously could be used for offensive and very dangerous purposes, I saw the world's need for clean energy right rang. So I can. I can look at this from respect
I've got a wifi away. We, why file a patent? If there's nothing, really in it, that I mean what what would that protect? Why would you file that that does it I agree that doesn't make any sense. It does not protect the actual invention. Presuming that there is one and unless, unless the one thing that I thought of over the last couple days is, it could be intentional. Information. Another word designed to look a little bit kind. fluffy and weak, to almost prove that it it exists when in actuality, perhaps it does. It could also be. This is when these mine games start in it at all so that the technology doesn't exist, but they ve they
had so many releases of these videos of of graphic are unexplainable that makes our enemies think. Well, that's them. They got something that we don't have sure and could force other countries to spend in order in order that amounts in plenty sobbing, problem that may be impossible. This all right, and do you know anything about the inventor that he's these kind of in the shadows. Do you know anything about him I certainly don't be so it seems like much of a mystery
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.