« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guests: Alan Dershowitz & Elijah Schaffer | 11/16/20

2020-11-16 | 🔗

As voters question Dominion Voting Systems’ reliability, its Wikipedia page has had a lot of changes made recently. Has Fox News fully flipped? Attorney Alan Dershowitz explains why he thinks Trump could flip Pennsylvania and what he believes is the “only” path to victory the Trump campaign has. BlazeTV’s Elijah Schaffer sets straight the media’s misreporting on Antifa’s violent response to the “Million MAGA March” and discusses whether fighting back is ever appropriate.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Now, it's Monday what a mandate is after the big Maggie March, which was fantastic just so happy to see all of these people out. Unfortunately, there was violence. The media, a million people- are ones that weren't there they were via. No, they actually words, but there was violence. We talk about it today and kind of got into a little too. If I guess with some of the listeners who think I'm wrong about violence and the use of violence you decide. Also. I sets to off today, you're welcome America. Had I'm talking about Andrew Cuomo, I ever really say is Andrew Cuomo. That's me off what Enrico most doing in New York. Now I mean, as you said, on the ear, still didn't think he could make things worse. He just as he just as we have that. Also, Alan Dershowitz talks about the path to victory for Donald Trump, which was shocking to me absolutely shocking. I think you'll be shocked as well. All that more onto these podcast gotta play seabed outcome. Slash Glenn use the protocol. Glenn save thirty bucks off your subscription for a limited time,
the only thinking, reading a been the dominion software stuff, the average that and live again will be interesting to see what they can come up with United States its it. It's tough road, but I think they're gonna do everything they can and they luckily have lots of resources to do it. I keep reading that everything Ben debunked with dominion software at all completely and thoroughly debunked. And yet I haven't seen any damage one you about. Will you do me a favor? Let me see if I can pull up real quick. I want you to go to the dominion. Wikipedia page dominion and just look for the the recent changes. Here's? What I find interesting
v. The stuff that has removed or has been changed All in just, let me see can go for the next one hundred There are what is it So there is little income lease would Emily five. There is legal This is all the changes. Just in November will do this now. Amber sixteenth All of these changes were made to their page, deleting stuff. You see this. there's gotta, be seventy five changes that have been that have been made and The american thinker has come out with some some things where they were at the page before things were deleted, for instance
origins of dominion in Venezuela and with Cuba. Gone. Now. If you look at the look at the things that have been deleted and a lot of them. I mean this is all coming from the left. editing out, I mean Wikipedia is, is bogus, but all of a sudden there is great interest to make sure that some of this stuff didn't appear. On Wikipedia at all one of the interesting things about the dominion thing I think, is that it was really the left poorer, pushing that for a long time. Oh yeah, I want to ninety eight then so. Last year there were so here's. The problem here is a problem. If you if you tweet right now that just that story that lead democratic, we're all over it. You will be flagged by twitter, my gosh that this is dispute. Unreal scares me this is the video of the Democrats, saying that she's
It is absolutely amazing, by the way, that's why we're switching over to parlour I'm by just started in the county. Apparently their several Glenn backs. Parlor I've been saying all sorts of stuff under your name, revile ay, I saw one somebody said one to me. He said you you, you f in trouble supporters just need a buzz like so clearly, not me, but people like is this Glenn back as he drinking can answer that one is I wish they had. You say: yeah yelling at yelling, sorter Yazzi. I worry about that. That's over that! That's an odd that we not only in our joint yeah but anyway we're over there, and I want it. Ok, we're just gonna, take a random selection of anybody who signs up today and comes where the parlour and follows me on parlor veal,
get one of two three year subscriptions to blaze tv three years by three years. That's great prison sentence. When I tell you that stew is on that programme has on blazed, even so as pack re unleashed by the way which list like a lessening of that prison sentence, which you say you I was a yes, you are I'm going up against me and yet valiant be it out at VW, gotta. So Pat, what is what is in your pipe that you want to smoke I'm trying not to smoke anymore.
Been doing too much of that. My you don't like you owes talking extensively today about the million man March. Good words into a million people are worried. You remember, the million man Marge LAD about eighteen people, nobody man, but the violence that was perpetrated because all day long, the Trump supporters were completely peaceful. What were they when they were singing songs and waving flags, and they were a good time and they were getting along with each other and as soon as the evening came and the anti for people and the be all and people came out, started sucker punching and going after moms poor, pushing their kids and strollers an eye
is the incredible just unbelievable to me. How and nobody cares CNN not govern them. nor must it sees not covering that it just didn't happen according to them there. That is the greatest. That is the greatest thing. They really truly believe if they dont publish it, it didn't happen, cases caught a true. It is true now that they have control of social media. Now its social media is is controlling things did you see that There is a new but pull out that shows, pull, who voted for Biden when they are informed about the questions of Biden and Hunter. In China say they wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden, PC that yeah I mean If that's not election fraud, I dont know what is I mean? How do we have you possibly fight things I'd. honestly. I don't know where to
Most truth, I can't hold a Fox news: did you see the Fox news reporter this? we can do without going at the american wheels. Lay this this amazing. What do you want to have happened with seven hundred thousand votes? The ballots priorities is, the Fox report has had seven hundred thousand. How does one shot at nine? We lying showing conversation happens Europe. I say this is done in over them. I'm not I'm! I'm not done over. I'm asking you really are going to find a legal ahead. where the little at forward though that this is now my third time to try to get this answer out. The legal path ahead exists here, because there are clear constitutional violations that are left serve only to mention more than wrong your eyes nearly hate me I get it. I get one. Dare I say it is not our hopes again here very simply trying to stop. I can't lose another more. That's every bit as seen in it is every bit fox is gone. If you are still listening to Fox
I mean honestly the only place I can go now on on tv. us, news. Max I mean I just I use us I don't know who else to go to that? I feel like really will tell the truth. Even If I don't like it, I mean really, though, there, is no there's no place to watch you up here, except here and as it were, the votes gonna come from to answer Leland question who have never seen before. I don't know who that guy is. Are you familiar with them? Now? I don't think I've ever seen him now. I do not watch and fox, though, like yeah did two years ago, thrives in answer to his question, where the troubles are going to come from. They're gonna come from like vote switching. If that did happen with the dominion machines, they're gonna come from dead people, not voting they're going to come from. People now voting twice or twenty times or thirty times? That's that's where the trump boats come from. I think the dominion thing, is really interesting. Did you see by the way I was with me?
louder milk on Friday and if we were talking what's happening in Georgia, keys the centre from Georgia and we're talking about what's happening in Georgia, and he said the the e g in Georgia's out of control, he's republican, but his negotiating with Democrats without consulting the Republicans at all. And he said There was a report before the election like a week before two weeks before the election from door. Occurs for Trump in these very very democratic areas in Pennsylvania. And they were going door to door and they were talking about Trump, and this democratic area has now become very pro trump. and so that's a lot of people who are on the democratic rules, but now are voting for Donald Trump And they were told in several how by several houses there
they were getting calls from the democratic Party. telling them they were gonna, send them a Georgia ballot that they could vote in Georgia, and they were like but I've never been to George. I don't live in Georgia have never and they're, like you know it's ok now Can we're gonna send it to you? You can vote ok now, so this was. This was reported to the attorney general of or the Secretary Secretary of State, I think of you or John, and he didn't to get it not a single according to all the people underneath him he did even make a phone call to follow up the latter. Milk himself, I believe, was one of them. That reported it and I said you know you gotta least check into it, but he didn't heeded. Make a single phone call nothing according to all the people involved in people in his office, he
may be forced to resign for dereliction of duty. We dont know if that happened. but you have the scenery, look into. You. Have a serious crime reported before the election and you did nothing. The alarm of us in the house, but not a cent, always a thousand. Did you? see that, with the view of the house, we have looks like we're. Gonna have a net gain of well, Republicans are gonna, have a net gain of ten congressmen? It looks like least yeah, I mean assembly Scissahs. What's I mean look a lot of people of bringing this up as like? This is one of the things I think that people are questioning on their home fraud thing because Republicans did really well. It is a luxury like other much better than expected. Overall yoga looks like Democrats are gonna have potentially the smallest house margin since, like world war, two, I want it
was to eat out this. This scenario, this type of scenario, whether I mean when you win- and I want you, knock out in incumbent president, if that's wind of wines up being what happens here, that. You usually have a big market million. Obama came in with this massive margin, right control of the House and the Senate, and see stay senators, remember this like this: it we're in a totally different world of, and that is what is. The Democrats want to say that the american people are with them the american people keep saying over and over. No we're, not no we're. Not Here's the here's the again. The problem that I have is you're telling me that Joe Biden God how many millions of votes more than Barack Obama did in oh eight, be consistent with a very high intensity election on both sides. You remember O eight. That was, I know what that was a high and with a watershed it was now and again there was the same type of thing: work where John Mccain had very little
meant behind or very little interest in, and I think the same is true with bided. I thought though, the that Donald Trump after four years is very much a part of everyone's life. Everyone has a strong opinion on him and so on. I think that the motivation for the left to come out in droves was to get him out of office. I mean burning down cities over the guy. You know they had a lot of passion to get him out of office and those don't usually looked to me like the ones who grown vote, though it's not like that, Take off their mask and, like I'm gonna, be a response that is now being relatively well organised. Yet no early on and more member states, not just anti for members burning, doubt cities the these are that this had we had gone much much more widespread and remember, There are massive riots and rallies before the cities burnt. I want to leave you with one thing: tea in tee reportedly is being CNN,
So, as I mentioned earlier, the they like to buy high so alone. So it looks like end one of the one of the investors somebody you they're targeting. on the basis of the Washington boast now, let's go so things are gonna, go out at a more if they exert I've. Gotta get better. Your listening to the best of the Glen deck Programme- Mister Allen, Dershowitz joins us. Now me is Professor emeritus of Harvard LAW School and the host of the dirt show Were you ever eat your podcast Alan Dershowitz? Welcome? Well, thank you
So much for impact for having been so tell me what your thoughts are on the election and how its being, how its being handled right now I'll be, two kinds of watching the wholesale and retail behold. Sailors reflected in the Eu Pennsylvania case Will you have a legal challenge is Crystal clear. legal challenge. The legislature said the ballots that are submitted before election day. Is, he received before the end of election day. The court's said: no, there are three extra days. The constitution says only the legislature can make those decisions, not the courts so that a clean, queer wholesale constitute the real issue that the Supreme Court could resolve it in a week. The cases are ready, been filed in this regard? It just has to be read out, and I think this sickening
what would probably all in favour of threatening trump that is the way way way way way. How does powdered would somebody rule against the constitution is clearer. It's the legislature and they didn't this. in court already rule in another case that the legislature had to do it in and not the state officials ya and butchers Gore, they kind of suggested tat and There was just forty four vote previously on the Pennsylvania case, Andrews Does the Lido Ass happened, man did that the votes that came in weight, The close of election day have to be segregated straw. Me implying that the court would move in that direction. There is a legal argument on the other side. Legal argument goes something like this. Of course, the constitution says legislature has to do it, but traditionally courts interpret legislation
Where is this? Wasn't really an interpretation? This was an expense in light of covert and probably court would all that that expansion would have to come from the wages. It is not a judicial branch, but the question is: does that get him enough votes? right now, it seems like you may be as much as sixty thousand votes behind showed. A number of disputed ballots under this particular law has to exceed sixty thousand for it could turn round the election out. You can buying that wholesale attack retail to export retail. I mean you know, few projects they're dead people voting people who moved out of the state voting. You could conceivably get your point where the Pennsylvania vote would go. The other way
we need more than that, because the goal of the Trump legal duty is not to give Trump two hundred and seven votes that out of the question the goal is to keep buying from getting to certainly show that the election was thrown into the house of their position. The way to stop buying from getting to seventy, according to the legal team would be to have challenges in enough states. Pennsylvania, joy, maybe Arizona, Nevada in the battle to bring him from three or five to sixty eight to sixty seven, if he doesn't two seventy. It goes to the house and the House votes by delegation. That is each speakers vote, and there are now more republican delegations, then the right Democrat, the allegations that dear. I'm not saying I am advocating it. I'm not saying the goal when I'm just telling you that's the only route to victory at this point that I consider
wow, so soiling you're, saying that that the Trump legal team says that their theory is. They cannot get to two hundred. Seventy electoral votes. Speculating, I don't see how they could get a leader two, seventy, but they don't need it all they need is to stop by getting to seventy the key: that's what happened in eighteen, twenty four in the Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams Matter. It would have been essential when we have two children Hayes dispute their three instances in the 19th century with something like this happen, and then, of course, if you follow through the Jackson, Adams, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, What happens Jackson loses that, even though we won the popular any electoral vote and then the next four years he campaigned against called the corrupt bargain winds in eighteen, twenty, eight and search for eight years. Oh, let me live age. We go
with his again with you, so the he just needs to bring Biden down to two, Steve nine, even right and then it goes to the house in the house. they use delegations, it's not just a straight votes. So how is that are ours that selected? What does that mean? Every delegation say: take good job it may have idle route. Eighteen, twelve. whatever members of Congress, if there are more public and members of Congress from George is endemic in Democrats Glenn. This state debts to cast its vote for the republican candidate and the vote needs is fifty one state So if you win fifty one, forty, nine,
How should represent lives, then wars. In that case it would be The house of representatives here you have fifty states sure you'd have to win twenty six march. Twenty six votes you like the president that happened in the past Thomas Jefferson, What did by the House of Representatives not mighty like? How do you stop me? How did they stop civil war at that point the constitution doesn't provide for that. In fact, we had a civil war, then anything. What does she didn't provide to that? I would hope good sense, common sense prevail. Neither side would resort to arms, but I suspect that if you had that situation, there would be some vile no doubt about that. They could you say they try to lower Biden from three o six to say to sixty nine votes.
Electoral votes than don't wear would that what would happen to those if you're saying they're, not affirmatively, gonna get Trump over to sixty to seventy? Where what happens to those electoral votes, we let go becomes irrelevant, constitution puts the electoral college aside, says we now have in the house who were beginning to show you a roll call vote is enough. void well. Ok, so hang on just the same the cases wouldn't they be decided, I mean it during Bush of Gore the the Supreme Court May. the decisive moves? really so did up before the the state the states had to send their electoral college. They not done that. Had the Supreme Court deferred its decision The case might have gone, the matter might have gone to the House of Representatives is neither candidate could have gotten to seventy and that's what happened
in the three nineteenth century elections that I refer to actually for Jefferson as well, that no candidate. Member those days you have four five candidates running in eighteen, twelve. before you had Henry Clay, you had somebody else you had, so I think there were five candidates. Divided. The electoral votes. Jackson got the most votes, but he didn't get half according to. Constitution need a clear majority. If you don't get a clear majority, it goes to the heart and soul for one more on this. So. The court's B behooves if you want this- and I think this would be really powder keg that I really want to see her letter. But if you wanted this to happen, it would be who view then too where, file lay towards keep those courts somehow Other tied up is a right cuz. After what the thirteenth of December, you saying that at it
just automatically triggers. You don't have to Oh, I remember. The wholesale seats can be decided on legal principles, without a trial, but a few. I claim there were ten thousand in doubt about your. If you follow what the Sydney Paul said yesterday on news and you challenge the computer saying computers turned many vote that was supposed to be for Trump Divine lets. The argument, if you may then are you you have to prove it. Sets the entry argument, and that requires a trial and if the court set down for trial all the challenged ballots in poor five stage You might accomplish their purpose. You couldn't have a trial and we are now in mid December did the way or yet do is ask the trial in under the seventh amendment to the constitution, you have a right to choose,
by jury of any cases that would tried by common law, so it becomes very complicated. Look if I were teaching at heart now again stopped eating five years. You, I retired. Ah I would be teaching higher seminar on this election. It raises so many intriguing Institutional questions are not advocating any particular reason. I'm just giving you my constitutional analysis. the odds? You think this might happen. Very low you'd need a perfect storm. You enough stage where they are or enough challenge is to make the difference. so that the courts would refuse or the secretaries of state, some of which are a republican, would fears to certify the boats so that the electors could be chosen. It would require a perfect swarm of both judicial electoral political considerations to come together and the
the very low, but it's the only possible road that President Trump has to victory this very unlikely. One hair, which is me to believe that he should not suggesting to see concede, I'm not suggesting that he stopped This challenge is, but I am strongly suggested there. T allow cooperation with the in addition to you, because the likely outcome is going to be president by on January twenty it and if that is likely theirs good reason why the tree, Position can't go forward while challenges are still being made and no concession is altered. The media says that once they call an election, they call on election day, collar, yet they don't call the election there's this is just a guy. Not fighting is not. Officially The President Elect
until and unless enough states certified. the election result or the other candidate seeds get a President elect through CNN and WAR through Fox Right was an assembly shoe. You get a presumptive president, you all what you want, but its immediate term legally, the President Elect is only when those two circumstances are met, that is sufficient state certify were the other side Neither of those things have happened yet and when you, when you look at what the media is also saying about this is this: is you know? Unheard of that. We don't do things like this in Amerika, we ve done. We have asked for recounts and we have challenged elections. this essentially in the the the modern era.
Or the late modern era as much as we did in the first hundred two hundred and fifty years right away have also Bush versus Gore was a direct challenge. Look condemned lawyers. For doing this, I got an email, the other, to ask you to sign a petition disbar the lawyers. raising these issues now that there are people want This bore me because I defended President Trump on the floor of the United States Senate. You know this our lawyers for doing their job? I don't condemned the lawyers who are raising these arguments? They may lose their may win, Even I've lost some cases. You know that's what happened. you don't always win your cases. Are you try it whence look every day, I've been dealing with this complicated issue. On my shoulder, shell, and getting these intriguing calls from people coming up with interesting ideas for how
I deal with this proposal to the house and the democratic side Anna repulse inside and each of which a fascinating sure I figure we earn the victories trump receives will be corrected. Rachel receives in factories. Pennsylvania, maybe up places, but they probably won't be enough to stop vice president, Biden from hitting the magic to seventy. Alan Dershowitz always great to talk to you, sir. Thank you very much. You can find Alan Dershowitz. He can follow him on Twitter at Alan Dirge or you can find him on the dirt show that is a pod cast wherever you get your podcast. Thank you. I'm sure this is the best one bank programme we go out. Mister, Eliza Schaefer, who is of course, part of blaze. Tv he's the blaze tv host of slightly offensive interests,
idly friend oversight, but I've never seen anything offensive at all. I you know I, like John alike eyes, only slightly events had anyway. He was there and the DC million mug of March, and he has this report. Hello, Eliza! women? Still don't gotta you still in DC. You know I just got back to die thank God there is definitely a swamp somehow to be home. Yeah good so tell me about the march. You know, despite report, I do. I woke up. There was already, information people take picture that seven. A am M think there was a low turnout. People were uploading, black and white pictures of Nazi Germany and that these were sunk, so low rose, images of people gather I didn't was no shocker there, but by about ten o clock you already saw maybe ten thousand or more people. gathering together, and the group had gotten so large that I didn't realize
I think it was a tell not only could not find my team, but we could get hold of each other, because self service completely stopped working in the area. There were stamboul every type of group that was out there. Despite reports, it was not full of militias proud boys different groups, that they want to try to use to say that that this these are who are legally event, some somebody people where there is no, no I've, no problem with them at all, but this was ninety five to ninety nine percent just fell. these people, who are America chanting? U S weight american flag, giving a lotta love. There was every race, sexual orientation there. This was that this will be in March of unity, a Marshall and when they talk about a time to heal these are the people that I would trust to do that. so. We were just having a discussion and the the audience may be upset with me because I believe marches are to change people's hearts,
for the individual to March. It's not for anything else. It's to send a message and you are sending a message of support to Donald Trump, but you also support is sending a message to the American. People now, whether they see that are not through the media. doesn't matter, and we know that the media is is actually nodded, not effective anymore. Peoples are seeing through their lies and so when somebody is attacked, Do you believe I believe it is absolutely their right to, to defend themselves What are you a more of a Martin Luther King Guy or or not. No! You know I know. As a member of the press, I have to be a little bit more careful not to fight back because Welcome Especially rightly media they want to seem like were violent or agitators,
so you are trying to de escalate as much as possible, but it is. It is in the right of Americans to defend themselves, and I will say this- you know earlier on? In the day, I recorded multiple assaults, Anti Trump protest is war targeting individuals, I've actually record at least for rest of Anti Trump protests. I mean: what were they do? What were they doing? Elijah growing water for water bottles at the heads of transport is walking by throwing rocks projectiles reason, including one individual who is no. He was a white providing support to sit out. Always it I mean the ear. Listen is now he was a white liberal, vital support ahead by it was and had shown signs talking not violent. Yelling is in derogatory slurs at first generation Mexican Americans, immigrant women, You'd acoustic world is upside down man, you idiot totally upside down.
What we are doing. We know and that of the civil, and I asked him. What are you out of your deal? You immediately assaulted me by smashing his bicycle up again we have put sitting in the head with his bike helmet on, had budding me and I was going to say this is gonna, be here. Let me try. Supporters were inciting violence. I guess they meant asking people questions. Walking down the street. I mean at this point to the media trump support. others can do no right and banking. That's why they took matters into their own hands, because police I'll tell you this with some connections in the police department. The police were in some standing down. They were looking more for ways to site or to keep a zero tolerance policy to keep calm supporters in line, and I can definitely tell you- the police were not helping trump supporters who are getting attacked in when it comes to pour surrounded by black lives matter activists and cheaper,
when they were one half block away from their hotel. The police would block them and make them go back around through the lines of the Anti trust protesters. The police were clear thing. The daytime support Is in Cuba, the line of attack? So if Europe were now listen, we're law enforcement, is it protect you and you are forced to you an area of antagonism, If you dont have the right to defend yourself than what right you have. While that is that's really bad. That is really bad. Thank you so much. I appreciate Eliza, All of this is me about all of his video everything you can see it on blaze, tv or blaze of ablaze, dot com are new site, and I urge you to to watch it. this interesting conversation going back to Our previous one cause you you mentioned this here and on the use of this before
morally justifiable for you to defend yourself when you are in the middle of a merchant being attacked. It is my God given right, who defend myself at all times, so you're our care. If I standing next to the Pope, the Pope starts Salt me. It's my God given right to defend myself. Pope has a really nasty left Africa. Have you decided yesterday? I tell ya. Is not only a socialist but he's a fight as if those things are of memorial decision but like you're saying that it's not a moral question, a moral justification. It's a question of the best strategy to choose to accomplish your goals. Little if you're in the March see, I even separate the people that he said as they were going to their hotels police, the men they needed to get through, they were being forced to go through a hostile crowd. Well,
I recommend that you take them on, but you know I would do everything I could to escape If you have to defend yourself there to get out, that's fine, but in the March in the march if somebody is doing something, you are part of a group that is trying the two who have a well crafted narrative, and that narrative is aimed right to that that suburban woman who is seeing things go on in her area, believes that the press has no reason to doubt You need the videos that appeal that appeal to her, where she sees the truth. How many times have you met? Somebody who said you know when the Cavanaugh thing happen. I started really paying attention and I started I to do in my own homework and I started listening to other people. That's what March for is to get there
One image one thing that makes them say who know what this is about because I don't think this is this: isn't roof acting the violence that everybody is saying. It is that's what happen would be a lamb the media was saying: they're, not violent, they're, not violent, they're, not violent. Will everybody could see They were soon I went down, it was violence, They could see that, and so they started doing their own king and their own work. That's the point! of these marches the media, is doing the opposite. To these arches to any Trump supporter that they're doing to black lives matter. The people saw for themselves, and they refuse to deny what their eyes told them. So you need to be extraordinarily discipline. Look, this is not. strategy. This is Gandhi, Martin Luther King and so It is morally absent, lovely right,
and your justified to defend yourself. You are simply throwing rocks at your head. If you're in fear for your life or you're in danger, you have every right to defend yourself. Morally, I'm done strategically. it's interesting cause. You can, I think here in Eliza him, making that same choice in a different area because Eliza absolutely morally justified to fight back himself as a human being when he's attacked, but as he said, I have to be very care about that because of conservative media, and they will paint all conservative media members as mongering violent people, or I do that. So he holds back and doesn't do that. The question is, I guess whether, if that's the message you're trying to send or not, because if I'm not in charge of these marches. You know I'm saying on a personal level, making tat choice. I am I mean if I,
we're doing these marches. I would do what we did in in Birmingham, and everybody said: why are you doing this? We had you take the lead, pledge of non violence from Martin Luther king to March with us? I did. Do it because we were gonna come under attack. I did it to start planting the seeds that that's the kind of discipline you're going to need in the future and there and here we- and here we are now- get really clear. we're trying to save the country, so we fight in the courts. We fight Every legal means that we can possibly do. We We fight on line we fight for our children in schools. We stand up. I am not saying that you become soft or you dear, not outspoken, you MA to be outspoken, you have stand you have
stand. There are no sir, guidelines here But a march is a strategic event. And you have to understand the strategy of what that's trying to do. That's one piece of Austria the g to save your country Andy. If someone, if these, if event, if I came to my house and they Can I come to my house I'm going to use my God given right, because there packing my house. It means I go to jail like that. Couple in Georgia may go to jail well so, They have every right to stand. Was a Georgia saving Louis Yanza Louis They had every right to stand in front of their house and say get out of my proper
get your climbing over the fence, we're in fear for our life. They have every right to defend themselves. You're threatening me and my house? You are threatening my country, I'm going to stand. You take my country, you take my country, I'm going to stand its true ito. It's it's interesting because I think it is a a cold battle for people to wage cause. People will look at this and say, like I'm sick of this, I'm sick of I'm sick people pushing me around, but look at like one of the probably the best the them most successful conservative, sort of one of these stories that worked out on the on the right side. Of truth. Here was probably Nicholas, Sandman Right, limited to the extent that he's big stracted millions of dollars from major media organisations, and the reason was there was absolutely no doubt what he did was right, because
he just stood there and heat. He took it Salts people were people remember, people working all sorts of terrible things about him. Guy get in his face and he stood there. doing anything and strategically strategically. It was the right thing to do at I'd oil, and that moment I dont know what he was thinking, but I mean he didn't he didn't cross that line it's a difficult, but sad. If now it's because you know I'm in as a human being, you have those real emotions and those real those battles I think internally. Oh, how do you handle those because you're not gonna, be able to keep a giant group from having so people who break those those those king did it king was able to tat. He had largely do they had. He had marchers that were captains, He had every howdy broken down to like a certain number of people per captain, and that captain marched with
in the line with their with is do not twenty five fifty people, and he was then that captain was stay alive, stay in line stay in line. They were shouting things, throwing things at them, day in line, and it is all because they were willing to be look This didn't work in Germany because They lost. Their faith in Christ, the Judeo Christian values were lost in Germany and That's when you had bond first stand up, who was a pacifist and a preacher The Jesus is the way to go. Gandhi is the way to go, but he chain because the people had lost Christ. We haven't lost Christ Gandhi, knew he was fighting against England and the Jews
judeo christian world that understood the peacemaker. That's why he was successful. we are not in a position where we have lost the judeo christian print. We're close were headed in that direction, but we're there yet and that mess age, will still work for that suburb a woman who is frightened for her children does know who to trust gear her some something and some one too us,
Transcript generated on 2020-11-16.