« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guest: Steve Deace | 3/30/21

2021-03-30 | 🔗

BlazeTV’s Steve Deace joins to discuss his new book, "Faucian Bargain," about how dangerous Dr. Fauci has been for our country. Are vaccine passport apps around the corner? Glenn argues that banks and companies are weaponizing social justice and that despite what the banks say, ESG scores will affect the common person. The Derek Chauvin trial is under way, and the media have already made up their minds. Our criminal justice system is in trouble if emotions are more important than facts.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the pie cast today. It is pretty amazing show we go into the dark Chauvelin trial, including the back and forth between the media and the coverage of the jury selection process, where we see that, apparently, if you're it all skeptical of covert restrictions, you're not allowed on a jury at the same time, its offensive, if you believe, there's deep seated racism in the police force that you're not allowed on the jury. It's it's bizarre to hear back and of a and b comparison fails Us Steve days on the programme. Dace he's gotta look out called the fortune bargain, and it's about Anthony Faulty and all the stuff that has gone on over the past year. It's up to you wanna, definitely check out. He joined us in our two of the programme. You d want to miss that as well. Don't forget to blaze tv outcome. Slash Glenda, promo code is control for twenty percent off your subscription to blaze. Tv can take a moment and click on over to students, America, right here in your podcast app and subscribe rate in review there. If you, if you wouldn't mind as well as doing the same for this programme and don't forget, Andrew Cuomo is awful, dotcom, mugs, t, shirts and everything else available at students merchant outcome, here's pocket, while he's
he's very worried, because yesterday Can we play the CDC director in what she had to say about the coming pandemic and how it's gonna get worse. I'm not a pause here, I'm gonna lose the scratch and I'm going to act on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom. Stop stop. I kid take it. I ve told me: you heard this and now I'm watching it on the blaze stew, did you I'm going to see this, I heard it. I heard the audio and watch the screen watch the screen. This is Sterical, play it four hundred here, I'm gonna lose the scraps. Relax on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom start. We have, still? What have you noticed there? She seems very upset nowhere you watching her eyes. Dear Well, he's recreating the script accessible, she's, radiator g.
Absolutely is I've got a toss. The script she's reading. All of that ok go ahead, we have much to look forward to so much promising Angela, where we are and so much reason for hope, but right now I'm scared I am speaking today, not necessarily is receiving direct or not only your CDC director fetters away as a mother as a daughter you! Just! Please hold I'm a little while longer I so badly wanna be done. I know you all so badly wanna be done. We are just almost there, but not quite yet so, sincere and and so scared and Joe Biden, as that he shares that sense of impending Doom and here to talk about. It is who are one and only Steve Days, hello, Steve
Glenn? How are you are you say every time I hear our CDC director. I get a sense of impending doom. Twenty two to do do tell me you have written a book about south she and the most the you say, the most powerful man I can barely read the cover from here. I'm sorry, is powerful and dangerous. Bureaucrat in american history. That's quite a statement. Fourteen fifteen months ago. Glaring we did not do we have any found. She was short amount of time. He has without a single vote cast even by mail, not a single vote cast As rearrange the lives of every American, every Mary In family every Mary, in business every american school every I can need I go on to the point.
We actually stirabout side our homes and breathe. We hear that is now? the current debate, now that's not the most powerful and dangerous bureaucrat in history, then about by only I don't want to know who is well. According to the CDC and Joe Biden. If we let our guard down now we'll see the virus get worse, not better, and I know that axis let its guard down about twenty days ago, and we still declining hidden, hospitalizations and infections. This book is a reference guide going. It has more references and footnotes than pages and allotted it is how often and frequently these people have been wrong. If any thought she told Christine home, she was good at ten thousand people in the hospital she never had more than six hundred the last time heard this emotional limit from our new CDC director. It was
her unveiling a map of where it is safe, to go to school and for the kids to do extracurricular activities and Glenn international falls Minnesota with the only place in the Delta Freaking Winter Glenn was the only place safe for kids. Be fully back in person. Learning with extracurricular activities we match just obviously defies any form of common sense. On and on and on. It goes I lied repeatedly. Gas lighted us repeatedly, the previous CDC director told us that are useless. Face diaper from China would protect them from Kobe nineteen even more than the vaccines we might or go outside and rain debts moon dance. This is flatter voodoo. It has to stop and that's why, for this, we bypass the normal publishing process of hard covers and distribution that take six months. We gotta get businessmen people's hands as we can't right now. We went right to paper back without me,
We can only sell it at Amazon, that's the only place on earth. We could get an audience of this size, this many books, and so that's reacting unfortunately- but it's got all the information we need to take this to our legit teachers are governors, are city councils, are boards of health an end this farce once and for all call it. The FAO Chee in bargain that's the name of the book, I love the title actually for, of its all of its meaning, would tell me what you're going to find in this book. I'm an average citizen I You know I'm I'm upon it, but not really What am I what what's in here that is going to help me, go to my school board in and to my community and to my senators and congressmen all And all the data you'd largely not been told or share. There was a recent survey that found our media with the most negative in the world, for it
Tina. I woke up this morning and I had a UK physician who has written a book and has sick people. In twitter followers come at me. First thing he this morning he comes out me for fake news, and he made this claim that point The five percent of all people in the UK have died of coded nineteen. I just did the math population and death and three seconds: that's not true. That's his own! That's his to me. This is a doktor with a book and sixty thousand twitter followers. You know this is it. You know tat dispenser me, fourteen five people following an end, so this tolls on constantly I've, never seen a stream of this. This information, like this people, you, and I did it in this conservative media game. For a long time we ve been told for twenty years. We need to be more like Sweden. Suddenly we forgot Sweden, Let them barely know. We don't know what a sweet needs like they so often that never existed the amount of gas. That's got on here. It will all be debunked in this book and it calls into and you know we have, numerous elected officials have endorsed the scope for to govern
On dissenters, Senator and Paul Senator TAT, crews, congressmen, ship Roy and I'm already buggy. Those people are in Washington. We need a nine eleven tribunals, glad to get answers to the two most important questions of this past year that are raised by the block number one. How come only experts with one particular narrative were considered expert, there were mainstreamed and were used by the White House, corona virus taskforce, our own media, etc, when we had export from the very beginning from Oxford. The number one university in the world harboured Yale How did you know one go, and these are all place. That believe in global warming in fifty seven genders too, and they all thought this was flattered, jug, scientific lockdown, and yet they were totally ignored. We give you other their names all their citations. In this book we need to know the answer. To that end, the number two that we have to get an answer to his, what changed from twenty eighth of last year to March eleven on February twenty eight
two thousand and twenty Anthony any thought in the New England Journal of Medicine. There will we got them. This will look at the eye afar. The infection brutality rate for Kobe, ninety It would be that of about a bad pandemic flu. That's where truck God is it's a bad, flew talking point trot just pay without his entire final Europe's administration. Now what would happen he's not in the White House, and so he wrote that On February twenty eight Goin on March Eleven eleven days later and just reading it actually went on sixty minutes untold Americans not to wear bash three. Later after that, in eleven days after he wrote that in the New England Journal, another city went to Congress said that this was going to be basically captain trips. College Basketball in the NBA shut down that night, the country would Right down less than a week later and for the better part of the next year, what changed? What new piece of data did Anthony found she acquire what what information stream did? He access to from February twenty Eightth to March eight, when he was singing only different song Camorra?
eleven when he sounded the show. Far on this we need to know the answer to that understood. His wife, what number one so that we know fall for this form of authoritarianism ever again, but then number two. When, when we fight, we do to get a contagion that may actually be his history book or biblical level Abed and now we ve conditioned a bunch of our people to just ignore it because he had been he found. He has such a fraud. We need to get to the bottom of the truth here. Clap well they're going to mean they already know the truth. And now the White House is targeting and add campaign for conservatives and they're trying to get the conservatives because they know they're gonna be extra hard. They ve already gotten all the liberals. They say to to get there accedes now they just need the conservatives, and so they ve got a very click add campaign that will love will convince us all that we all have to get the the vaccine
and and and a passport to be go back to our lives this is almost like a mere eight to say this, but if they warrant trying to conditions for some, in the future Glenn. What would they be doing differently? Oh nothing, nothing! So what is the matter of whether this is an accidental Prado version of something the conditions for the future or its? traditional malevolence, but the the end result is just the same ya mean I hope the vaccines work there experimental vaccines there is some conflicting that's out right now, everyday? I would I get one source its conflicting. I get another its positive. There is very poor Did it back summation data right now coming out of governor descent, His Florida, where they emphasise seniors with one of the largest senior populations, for example. So would I We tell my audience and United it's my very beginning, vitamin d, vitamin c work out, get outside get in the sun. If you ve got
elderly, if anybody has a sniffle or call you know social distance, unless it has negative, I mean we haven't, put our heads in the sand on our show about this whatsoever, but we'd action? followed established science like rain Paul was grilling beneath algae with about We could go in the Senate when it comes to this I'll see what I burden urge my audiences, unless you're in a high risk group or you're elderly? First of all, why are you getting in the way of somebody in the high risk group anyway? That's kind of shellfish. Let them go first and then. Secondly, just serve the real time data. We did go to a normal FDA approval process, so just observed. Real time data about efficacy and safety, pretty much sure, under the age of over the age of seventy five with a immune deficiency this virus, if you were to get it you're good to survive it about ninety nine point, six percent of the time, so I don't know why you be in a hurry to rush out and get an experimental vaccine under those conditions anyway
if you wanted those groups, I mean Glen, immediate age of desperate for in America is seventy eight, that's the average lifespan in America. Let me let me read something that a blue check Mark wrote yesterday vaccine. In passports are a good idea. Among other things, it will single out the still large contingent of people who refuse vaccines. Who will be for closed from doing a lot of things their peers can do? It will help break the resistance down your thoughts My thoughts are the fifth and fourteen amendments. Amendments to the constitution have a few things to say about singling people out creating different class if it, patients are people who no person shall be denied life, liberty or property without due process of law? That's the chicken! In that the fourteen timidly equal. Protection under the law clause with happening here is these people
are using this to show you what their true malevolent intentions are. If approximation. This is in your reasonable. This is the worst messaging you could possibly ask or your your base equally begging, people who have already seen there their livelihoods taken away to a friend of past her for my church. Distract me their kid in the public school which just told the start, bringing a second mask, because they sweat tomb during recess. So they need a backdrop and, unlike what are they just haven't? Do rain dances? The just mind will do you no money for the second recess, it'll be just as effective and so the baby. Just these people are tyrants, authoritarian. They can wait to impose on you. Another reason why we had to get this book out. It has many people's hands as possible I think a lot of people I urge all I've never done this before and yet by going straight to paper back, I'm gonna make a lot less money on this, because if the information that's important by extra copies, send him to pay
all that Europe here that our panic stricken elderly, your elderly, they ve, been isolated, stop doing that if they ve been vaccinated. There's no reason for you to continue isolating with them the amount of junk in here literally headlines this morning. That say: yes, the vaccines, worse work. Here's what you still must wear a basque. This is absolute authoritarian, garbage with one exception blunder it there is. There is one exception here that doesn't It is our flattered booty. Would you like to know what it is yes the one exception would be as if the virus is not a natural phenomenon. Because if it's a natural phenomenon, what these people are asserting this is what ran was pointing out to the antennae pure asserting in this has got out was his great frustration. We are violating the established was and precedent super ology in technology and biology, so the only reason we would violate those is it. This is now
entirely a natural phenomenon. Indeed, it was either a region aided or altered, or engineer up or modified in a lab, and therefore, if it's been synthesized at all, then what I urge that we may be outside the natural laws of science and then maybe we do have to look at things differently, but then that would make Anthony voucher guilty of treason for lying to the american people for a year. Setting funding the wolf on Virus Institute is was, at the same time, still five days. Thank you so much. The name of the book is the food chain bargain you can find it on Amazon right now. The FAO and Bargain by Steve Days, go there now, by the way his name is spelled like peace, except one DE and its pronounced days. So you figure it out,
We could find him now at Amazon dot com and he is on the blaze radio network right after this programme, the best Glinda program. You know I was just talking about what is happening. With the passports and everything else and stew. You and our talk. Off the air that Just the messaging of thee the vaccine from the government is is the biggest detriment to Getting a vaccine they're they're, not saying about how great it is and just get the vaccine, then everything will go back to normal. What they're saying is given.
Accede you still probably have to isolate you're. Still have to wear masks. Oh and we're gonna get passports for everybody. It's like this is the worst messaging campaign of all time, and you know it. It goes back to its deep was talking about. I think in the in the interview that we had the most negative covered have covered in the world. This continues. You listen. I look officials and scientists, are going to say things that aren't necessarily about messaging. They shouldn't be put it. They should be focused on messaging per se right, but You is, I think, a lot of this is the media. Who is taking this information. Is there a small chance after you get vaccinated that you could still be infected? Yes, it's possible avi citizens or ninety five percent effective, not one hundred percent. So yes, there's a chance is chance it. You could spread to some one else. It seems possum but incredibly rare. So why would you focus on that? When you talk about
vaccine passports, and you talk about all of these sorts of things. You know when it comes to. Well, you soon, software mask any still can't gather. You know what, maybe, by July fourth you'll, be able to gather with a group, of other vaccinated people in your backyard, its attack terrible messaging now so far we ve cross the line where the supply and demand are out of out of whack. I mean the the people who do not want to get the vaccine has decreased over the past few months down me now south of twenty percent of people, and it keeps as than are shown to be effective. It keeps going down, but I'm gonna hit that point eventually there's no reason to two to make that point happen any earlier than than it needs to the messaging. She from our government should be. If you get
Maxie for honestly, if you ve had cove, it already is, as you and I glenarm covert. Nineteen survivors yeah, if you ve, had it already like, time to go back to normal life? at some point, especially, there's enough supply- and I know in Texas this week they started out anyone over sixteen can get it. We're The point now where, if you don't want to get it, if you're a person who says I don't want to get the vaccine years just go take on your own risk right. It's now available for you, if, if you don't want to take it, it's a different the different calculus than back in March and April. When we didn't know where it was, we didn't have testing. We didn't have treatments, we didn't have a vaccine and people we're getting it no matter we even when they were trying to avoid it. Now, if you at the point where you don't want to participate in this stuff. You shouldn't have do and should be able to take on your own risk but see that is not the plan. You can't you're. U have to lose your individual choice, to be able to build back better or to go back to a new normal. You
have to lose your choice and they are already doing it already today that we have talked about the forced vaccine and the campaign to be little people and the campaign with passports, to make sure that you don't get your freedoms back unless you do what the government says. We told about a school district in Virginia that is taking away and and and actively saying and stating on Facebook? they are going to silence all opposition to there, to race, theory, teaching, etc, etc. Now, let me tell you what we're gonna talk about tomorrow, tomorrow night show at nine p M, we ve been talking about yes, gee, that's environment, social justice and governance scores every
watching my show. You remember how the environment and going green is being used to bend. People to the governments will tomorrow I'm going to expose the s in s d gone, the days of social justice being used as a political tool, it is now being weapon ized by the largest financial institutes in the world. I'm gonna however, this more on tomorrow's programme, but I will tell you pointing this out in one show. One mention has already made me a target of the financial industry. The the information that I will share with you scares the crap out of the banks and investment firms that are involved, and I do not believe that most of people that are involved in these financial institutions have a nefarious bone in their body. They are trying to control your life. They just
haven't thought it through now. That means on the lower levels. I believe the upper levels know exactly what they are doing and they think they're doing the right thing. Telling us that this is not going to affect the little guy at all. It's just for your educational use, so you can No, to invest in really so aren't the bank's. Then controlling the investments by telling you that you should probably be investing in this institution or this the killer business because The others aren't really socially acceptable. Its not surprising, to me in the slightest that these institutions can't grass power. This is going to affect the individual because they Carol less. They couldn't care less. They really couldn't. Why would they care about you.
We're the ants we are the last because of the the the fine or the of the franc, the Dodd Frank Bill. It went through after two thousand eight crash, the bay. Can now look at you as the lender of last resort. So the take your money and your last in the line to get any money. And when I say take your money, I mean the money that you have in their bank, so the is what they think of you. I want to show you. This is John Kerry. After being asked what would happen to the oil workers that just lost their jobs because of the pipeline? Wasn't what President Biden I still do, is make sure those folks have our choices, that they have alternatives. They could be the people who go to work to make the solar panels. So if you're, but somebody that you know has been dictated to work on a pipeline and that your skill just go
get a new education, and forget about your family right now, he's just go back The school get an education, and find a job in the solar panel industry. It's just that easy see control, they see power and they see a whole lot of dollar signs to boot. Ownership you a charge of your watch in blaze. Tv right now take a look at this graphic. If you're just listening to us, let me describe its currently on the screen, This is a representation of what the people pushing all of this plan to do now the image taken from their own reports. It depicts the Oh of money, though, they control the money or at the very top they funnel the money cash down through the investment firms and the banks. Add money then goes to industry as a whole.
But in the middle of the image they propose a disruption they play. To turn off the funds going to where they deem are high carbon, towards entities that are low carbon as I will show you tomorrow night. This includes those people who are or are not woke enough. Now to the bank's claiming that this won't hurt. The individual tell me this. One prince to everyone associated in any capacity to the company Is the cities the towns that operate on the left side of this graphic, those considered high carbon and not Oak enough what happened? To those people, will they we'll tell you, will you just have to move to the other side, that's taking away my freedom of choice, and it's it's not this is why libertarians have got to lose the mantra of well, it's private business,
This is now a ball of business, They are working in tandem to control. What happens to the West Virginia Coal town, it's alright, struggling as it is, but now it has to deal with all their investments being pulled one by one. When the coal mine is forced to shut down what happens to the corner drugstore the popular I say everybody likes to breakfast in the hardware store that's been in business since the town was founded. Tell us tell us what happens to those individuals to those businesses? because I don't think you're gonna buy. This is for educational purposes. Only would have through. The college. Town that you may live in if the university takes a stand to go against critical race theory, there too, The coin on Go Roque ago woke, go broke. To go, woke or will force you to go broke.
Many scholarships will be lost when their low, P s g score dries up all the cash how many less bodies walking into local businesses. Will that mean how long before the little college town can't last if it stands against the Woke theory, we. Parents are gonna, be forced to pay the last bit of their savings to to go to an out of state, more expensive school. So these are the factors that they are not putting in their equation. They don't Sorry you because they dont consider the individual, the endeavour in this theory and our coming society does not matter the law, just banks and financial institutions, all around the world. Currently redirecting money by the trillions of dollars. They don't care about. The trickled down affects the new.
Ghost towns that it will create the closed businesses, the joblessness and the fora, one k and retirement funds that will begin drying up bit by painful bit? This is all about control, and it all fits in a covert virus. The Control of your schools, control of your children, control. Where you can go when you can go the deceased, action of your business, and now the Eu S G. Can anyone see how this all fits together? This is Not a conspiracy theory. This as I showed you that chart that's from their own website this, this is their theory, not mine,. We're just show you tomorrow, night directly from their own reports,
planned, a weapon eyes, social justice and reengineer our society, and probably the largest power grab in history, I'll show you how they're gonna do it, Samples of it taking place right now and where it all began on only show you how its moved on from college campuses and now been injected directly into big businesses, but how it is now being pushed in grade school. You will be forced to comply unless you stand together now its tomorrow night, nine pm eastern on Blaze, TV and Youtube It is the Wednesday night Special titled comply or die. However,
Russia will enforce total openness. This is the master, the Glen Back Programme, and we really want to thank you for listening. I itself there are children The trial has now started and both the prosecution and the defence have given Opening statements, the situation is holding in on the amount of time that George Floyd was being restrained, Defence is focusing on George Floyd's. Continuous struggle with drug addiction and health problems include a heart condition, but let's state the the predict this obvious right up at the beginning this case is way more than whether a cop committed murder,
This is the latest attempt to further the lie that racism is rampant in our country and their using the death of a civilian and taking advantage of the emotions of a family and of the country. To ignore some facts and some evidence. I dont want to set this guy free nor convict him in media. I haven't seen all of the evidence. Neither have you but The fence started with the fact that there are fifty thousand pieces of evidence in total for this case, but this this is being painted as something that it isn't this case is about to people. Derek Chauvelin and George Floyd, that's what this is about and the prosecution has stated in The opening statements quote This case is about Derek Chauvelin the police or the many
apple, is police department? That's great! I wish it was about that but with the establishment media They have already taken this case, as they do with every case and giving it the meaning they always do another sign of racism in America and George? Floyd family has already bought into that narrative. Claiming quote D. Chauvelin trial is a referendum on how far America has come Do you understand the danger of that statement? Be cuz if you do not convict Derek showman for four chauvelin for some reason or another. It will show that America is racist. Our judicial system is not set up that way. Our judicial system in it demands that this is all about the individual and
not about some other bigger picture this is all all about the individual becomes about the bigger picture. We're in trouble, you won't get Real justice you'll get somebody with an axe to grind and blame that and say you know what by punishing this guy. It helps this problem over here, that is not yet this. New York Times released in article sharpen and Crump warn that the world is watching as witnesses begin to testify. Here's a line from the article quote Iraq is on trial to see if we have got into the place where we can hold police accountable if they break the law, well, I hope that we have got into that place. I think we have been at that place for a while, but that's what they're asking them, have already decided that he is guilty now
Are you expected to get a fair trial if everyone just assumes your guilty? How can anyone with articles like this. Turning the temperature up for everybody in America who already believes the lies that this country is irreparably damaged by racism. How do you get a fair trial. All this is doing is getting. People worked up to a point where if the trial doesn't go there way, things will get violent. It will be much much worse than Rodney King. It will be much much worse than Oj Simpson. This is, extraordinarily dangerous, We cannot have a country where our criminal justice system is so polarized and politicized that you can't get a fair trial without fears of more crime and more harm being done? Now,
First witness that was called yesterday was the nine one one operator who handled the nine one one call on George Floyd. She stated in her initial testimony The footage she saw of George Floyd's arrest was unusual and disturbing My question is which food Is she talking about if you're watching the blaze, you will See this footage. Was it this footage that she was talking about watch patent, no what resisting arrest,
the matter with you They're, putting you mean the police can see without I'm gonna go you're, not gonna, go we're not only then to get into the corner began a guy. I will die right now. My business, I got you dont want coded. And I'm gonna die. Now. Was it that because I never saw that footage
Do you know why, because The attorney General Keith Ellison deemed that footage too shocking for the public to view. That's more shocking, then the police officer kneeling on his back really cause. I don't. Find that part shocking. Why would this footage me hidden bike. If Allison you see, this is far more than a simple racist murder from a racist cop. They have to choose Derek Chauvelin with Second degree: murder now a person to be charged with second degree murder. If a person causes of death, human being with out intent, killing them, but your committing or attempting to commit a felony offence. Her eye so? You can be charged with a second degree murder if the death was caused without the intent quote of murder.
But while intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm upon the victim oh, if you are restrained. And you are trying to quote protect the victim and you are intentionally harming him. Then you can be charged in Minnesota. With second degree. Murder now. I just showed the footage that Ellison didn't want anybody to see where he pulled out of the car, is resisting arrest and then their trial. To put him in the back of the squad car for his own protection, and he won't go. He will not bend and there like come on get into the car and he won't band and he's like I am getting in the car. You won't, let me but he's not getting into the car was, trying to hurt him.
There wasn't a shortage of cameras. Filming this whole thing. Are we so I too believe that hurt George Floyd in front of all of the witnesses and the cameras was the real intent rather than restraining him. Not in a million years would you be able to prove that one way or the other? So what actually going on here. Is this justice, or is this about making a bigger statement now I talk to you about the jurors, How were the jury going to be able to handle all this they see the news. They know what's on the line, if they decide that we know he's not guilty they know that violent political groups, what their wanting them to do their from that city. They know therein trouble if they don't go along with the mob outside
And some of them agree with the mob outside now should be going in with no facts. No opinions no headlines but the media has made this impossible, as did the riots for a good reason. The media has done a lot of this, because the jurors. Have those headlines floating around in their heads. So this is may jury selection very, very interesting, and I want to play something from the New York Times. This is the New York Times on the selecting of the the jurors and they there there's actual audio of the interviews of each jure. This is Michael Barbara speaking with the New York Times criminal justice reporter about the list of questions sent to potential jurors to determine what lens they see.
The case through now, listen carefully to not only the questions in the answers, but how being framed by the New York Times, I wanted us start with what this jury, selection process looked and felt like. I know you watch two very closely my senses that it was. Always seen as something that is going to be very difficult just to pull off because of how many people have seen this that's at the centre of his keys and People have developed a pretty strong opinion about what happened, right the judge set aside three four weeks, almost as much time as he set aside for the trial itself, just stupid, the jury. And last fall. They sent out a fourteen page questionnaire, which is turn by more than three hundred jurors, who filled this out and sort of the first Hague screening jurors for
Some of the mundane things like. Could you even do this? Do you have young children? Will your job allow you to do it, but, more importantly, questions lake What are your attitude is about the criminal justice system. How do you feel about black lives matter? How do you feel at ease? Do you think the police are racist mean just pages and pages of questions and theirs, it is this really central idea, which is what is your lens? We're all gonna look at the same set of facts here, we're all them look at the same video, but wetlands are you seeing it through? And what did you make that? What do you think The lawyers are trying to really get it there while the lawyers are using these questions, to try to figure out who they want to kick off the jury and who they think will be on their side, and they want to keep vine so this is not about the these two people or Really just
the police officer because The jury is ass, just to judge the police officer and what he did No! No! We have to make it about more than that so What did the prosecution and the defence do they sent out for these potential jurors over three hundred forms and then had all kinds of question pages and pages of questions about the people? they could figure out who they wanted on the jury and who they didn't. Now I want you to listen, here's how they here's, how the process the commission was interviewing people and deciding who they were going to have on and who they were. Gonna dismiss list carefully. This is from the daily podcast from the New York Times: listen, listen! things is like a cue. It's like the prosecution and defence are pretty little check marks, columns, yes, no
good bad protest. This anti defence come on up, have a seat and There was one woman they asked yet there were some people and perhaps very vocal folks who would say that the restrictions that the government placed on people for social gatherings and whatnot went a little too far higher. Feel about the covered restrictions. It's been pretty tough right, bars. Restaurants, gems, wish your opinion of Christians are airing on the side of conservatism, I'm just trying to keep it. As you know, a safer simple, it also that may have, as it turned out, going overboard, but then and she said the covered restrictions have been a little too tight. So
that again is like proxy for a kind of conservative attitude that the prosecution wants to avoid, so they moved to get her off the jury. Confess a name shall so this jurors objections to government restrictions on People's movements during the pandemic was seen, the prosecutors is potentially something that could inform bias against doors, Floyd or towards the police yeah. It's a little reductive, but they have all of the indicators and they it together like pieces of the puzzle and they start went too many conservative puzzle peace is, nor do they want someone who's. Conservative views are really strongly held. So strongly held it. They can set them aside. Ok,
so they're so strongly held that they can't set them aside. The I dont know if you heard the woman she was dismissed, but she said she thought at first. To the government was, you know, maybe doing, and you know of standing on the side of error force, safety you know it's better to do a little more than it is to do less, and she thought that was fine and then maybe perhaps it got a little out of control. But then again she said, but then again you hear reports, so she was not stay fast in this? She questioning she was open and no way. It was this way, but maybe maybe it turned out to be wrong, but then again you hear reports that say it was right. So I don't know that's what she was saying she had to be dismissed and the
New York Times, didn't really seem to have a problem with it.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.