« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guest: Sen. Ron Johnson & Matthew Peterson | 10/1/20

2020-10-01 | 🔗

Sen. Ron Johnson joins to explain why the Senate’s investigation into Hunter Biden is crucial and how yesterday’s hearing with former FBI Director James Comey was successful. Is the GOP doing anything to prepare for the Left’s election game plan? Matthew Peterson, founding editor of the American Mind, asks why the Right hasn’t war-gamed the election like the Transition Integrity Project and doesn't have big funders like George Soros. He makes the argument for how to reverse the mob mentality we’re likely to see after the election. Facebook and the media are planning to crack down on “fake news” after the election.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Support for this package comes from beam. Oh, why is it a once in a lifetime opportunity for major brands to shrink revenues to grow profits? Is american retail capable of pivoting from a bigger? Is better mindset, unpredictable times, call for expert insights read the interview did covered actually save retail with Simeon Siegel managing director and senior analysed. Get his expert take at B M, o c m doc com, slash covert, that's be M! O c, doc, hum such covet retail and services. We work here they walked into the Thursday podcast. Today is a really important point cast go through in their own words, exactly what the left has planned through sorrels funding work that was done
on the left. That will show you what is going to happen after the election beginning just will actually they say, beginning in this last September, and it is going on now, but it really will heed of on election weak and could go all the way through January. I want you to know this, because if you are prepared for what they're doing you won't, you won't be confused on on what's happening. You know that this is an orchestrated event, not any kind of spontaneous anything, and today show. I recommend that you will listen to it when you have time from start to finish. It is. It is a really important couple of hours that I would urge you to share with her France, sheer pieces of it, and all of it is available at Glenn back dot com. It's free to download all of the original document submitted to be talking about here, but I told you to do your own homework. Don't believe what I say! Look if the original source- and you can do that now when vector com and fears today's pod cast.
The only thing tat the day yesterday was amazed at comin He didn't know absolutely anything and the reports that we now have with their handwriting on it shows that they knew that everything that happened in the impeachment hearing was a set up. They knew it they had all of the information they knew. Hillary Clinton was behind it, and yet they, put America through what they put America through? Why? Because the deep state is two powerful right now and Donald? and anyone who is going into Congress or into the Senate. Is this
opting all of that. It's not. The power it is the obsessing amounts of money. Have you noticed how rich all of these people are? How does it happen? you're going to serve and you leave a millionaire. How does a guy like Joe by spent fifty years as a public servant and live lifestyle he has hours all of his kids, wealthy. Mostly don't care about Hunter Biden, and, quite honestly, I don't care about Hunter Biden either. What I do care about is we're Possum we going to elect a president who the most corrupt, that we have, ever seen. What huh and in China, what happened in Ukraine is sickening and if its not ended, we don't have, Republic anymore,. Senator RON Johnson is with us now
senator. How are you, sir, I'm doing one hope you're as well. I am I just very very concerned about our republic in this coming election for what they have planned, because we ve seen if you didn't believe in the deep state and twenty sixteen I get it. But if you don't, it now you're, not paying attention at all and nobody seems to be interested in in uncovering any of this or actually doing anything about it, except for our small handful of people in your one of them. Well, right through discovered in our investigations, which literally date back to March two thousand fifty one like me, started investing quickly. male scandal in view of the ones are founded, intensive editing of the James call me exoneration memo, yeah work out of the deep state starts right below the surface, and pervasive throughout these agencies. So just bore the political point. Is we have a deep state
These are by and large, committed the democratic mood left us they support Joe Biden, then he'll reclaimed. They do not support present trump and we ve seen them undermine undermine. sabotage administration from day, one What do I need is remarkable within two weeks you had to, conversations present from first to the Prime Minister of Australia and then the President Mexico leaked. the press right you're, not my committee. Looked it least hadn't twenty six, refinement. First hundred twenty six days in fish, no thank to those who do national security, and these were the weeks that spawned and fuelled and kept going, The false russia narrative that then Jane people he's comin robber, more picked up the bomb they just kept, pushing it on the american public opinion and look at the turmoil to put our political system and for the last the almost four years now so that brings brings us to a place run where
We we are looking at say Hunter Biden We now know through Treasury receipts that he took three and a half million dollars from the wife of the russian mayor of the Moscow. Mayor too, only corrupt took a transfer of funds for loan payments, which is code for money laundering. And shipped it directly to Hunter Biden. We know it, we have all of the wire transfers from the the Treasury department and yet them media and and Joe Biden was allowed to say and never corrected it. That's all been debunked, it's not true, Are you so sick bed term debunked When I said for a long time the buys the media's revealed far more by what they don't report
firstly, what the very over biased and what they do and so on what they did for persuaded Your report came out, they were carrying the false allegations of progress and I were peddling Russian, just information right away literally hundreds and hundreds of news stories telling their false allegations report came out. No first, they stopped. without allegation, largely because there's no russian information report, but they just quite away from your report is nothing new here right these rumours about how to bite and been out there? That's true and the mainstream media never covered them so once we put all but more meat on the bones, once you start giving these these reviewing these documents that brother dont be don't answer all the questions. We have access to all hundred Bio binds financial transactions, but there's so much. We did reveal the other three and a there's no through today, one thousand slowed from that widow in into account I'll be ok. You say there was also promoted by Andrew Cuomo, then mill
doubts transactions to and from, Chinese nationals with connections to the Communist Party of China as well as a form of visas with people Liberation Army. These are probably troubling revelations and began the media just up and not the new here, all but no I'm doing, this area it shows no wrong doing. We reveal all kinds of Cheshire wrongdoing and potential conflict of interest. counter intelligence and extortion, risks and threats in it? By administration, so we spent about a year looking at what was happening with Ukraine and the civil society to point out that George Soros connections to getting in wanting to change the constitution setting up You know it. Won't you even call it an extra constitutional law authority.
Solution authority over in Ukraine. All coordinated with the Obama administration. All of this stuff that is going on, and now we are, looking at the same kind of things happening here in our own state in- and I look at, I look at the you know, transition integrity, project that is a a well, coordinated plan to overthrow a election. If the popular vote go the way of Biden. Are you earn accordingly, go ahead. I should we will complete corruption of the transition process. Last I write it worked. We have our reporting. What want things I've been pointing out. Try to use this oversight work again, looking to do state its impact. Is it's impossible to get documents and you need documents in order to dupe decent interviews,
and what we want things I've been doing in most recent tv show, one email that we got from the Genesis, the in our transition investigation give exactly email from the FBI. Production with notable is from the USA. We can, The whole email, the FBI, is completely reject it: It's almost a hundred were rejected, and this is after the appeal I got so frustrated. I subpoenaed their records there. They have just, We just had expired, the second extension and we still haven't based. We got squat Gina hassle. Not provide any information and the One of the main reasons to the hearing with call me was was pre. Successful. Yesterday is the day before We finally dig it from DNA Radcliffe in email talking about the fact Russia, Hereat information, that here we couldn't have signed off. Unease is plain to see. The scandal giants prisoners, candid trump.
Tell him to put in Russia and the Brenner actually briefed Obama on this. Clearly, the hurricane subtle decide oftenest on July, twenty six, the two thousand- sixteen, and then that was referred by the intelligence community to the EP, the apron, education to call me. Industry in calm. I don't remember that at all sorts of this they sternly, station Trump based on George Papadopoulos, Hemison BAR talk. In London, and so this things spins into its investigation. Do special council. We got Swindon putrid budget. Call me doesn't remember when children Hillary Clinton actually bought and paid for it. he'll Bassi, which had rushed deserve, and now we have allegations that she was surely proving a plan to speed up the scandal this this is mind boggling, stop in when you put that piece of the puzzle into our time with you by what you did a great job of time. Like we ve learned for new thinking, we put we put that peace, a puzzle,
our time, why is pretty? so she signs often disingenuous enjoy twenty six lets the exact same day, the foot friendly foreign government. Doing this information on Papadopoulos to the assembly, in London Judas. That information is related to the corner. Just vision. It appear headquarters here DC three days later. They they set up cross by Hurricane now are also start. see that Robbie move a month before made his only visit to the White House these are just peace proposal is no absolute proof. It raises so many serious questions that once again three media is completely ignoring I'm a conspiracy telling refused information. I'm a crook Europe who were all tubes know this serious information and when presently said there was an attempted coup against his mistress in his wrath. Exactly what this was aunt was still fret about this and the American
but don't know the truth, because the mainstream media is not reporting on it. A centre I have to tell you, I didn't believe I was very uncomfortable with the talk of a deep state coming from down tromp, I actually thought that there was a good chance that all this was true about Russia and Donald Trump connections, and I hold my staff. I want you to overturn every stone and we are going to go where the truth leads us. If that means we go against. everybody on the right, because Donald Trump was dirty. We do it. If he's clean, we do it there. There was no one that was more sceptical of Donald Trump. At the beginning, then I was, I was probably his biggest adversary. What he said was absolutely true. What we what he said was going on. This There has not been a peaceful transition of power syn. George Bush, and that is
just a fact. These people have worked, conspired and tried to thwart and overthrow him every day, he has been in office and it started before he got into office. If we Clean this up. We don't have a republic The boy knew exactly right, and this should be outrageous and shocking to the american public. these shrug off and again what when when they ask the vice president in the debate, about whether or not he would support packing the court's right, where the EU supports the Senate, give filibustering during the seven in the house. Up he's he's not to actually asked the question: it's gonna drive from nuts. in my this is their their game plan. this is how we operate exactly. did against present promptly spun up this in this entire Faulkner bought rush collusion. Is a diversionary operations. What I've always believed against you
It leaves behind a kick in its way, phenomena we well they did. This gives me they. They literally created intelligence product. The accusing trot Lastly, myself of paddling working disinformation receiving it promised Andrea Durkheim. We didn't is completely false, we get to press three hundred news stories accusing us of telling refuse disinformation, it's all completely false, but they got away with it. We present truck, they didn't try it. time and time and time again center. I know you're really busy. I have to break for one minute for network, but could I ask you to do is to hold for one minute and and come back or do you have to run nine You say: ok, I wear with Senator RON Johnson. You are the committee chair person for the homeland, security and governmental Affairs Committee, so I want to ask you this question today, last night, For the last three weeks, I've been doing a specialist series on
the color revolutions and the the way the left is using that right now to have a revolution I believe in our country, a coup and I've been today on radio, I am going through the prevent, a disrupted presidential election and transition from the transition integrity project. This is so well planned, so well coordinated they They are already talking about going to certain members in the National guard. They have already the if you watch the media. If you read this and watch the media, it all in line This is a coordinated coup and ache ordinated way to change America fundamentally is anyone aware of this and planning for a government response
probably not God, I'm eluded me. Let me look. Look look at how lonely Chuck rashly ire in terms of our investigations. Do we people in our society- and this is not appropriate use of community funds to investigate these types of things So no one people have their head so far and also in the sand here and wants to be seen terms what's happening. It is extremely effective, this year there being almost on white supremacist, he, even though we know that all these rights, these Europe is the timing out and embraces return to into it's gotta be now over six hundred riots in the street. Those rights being run by conserving stocks you're being run by buying supports by black rise matter by Anti fought and the mainstream by and large suppresses that you'll be They don't show the full destruction in connection with gas and I still have a tally of how many businesses were burned. What the economic destruction was destruction was
all the downtown had a boar themselves up? It's just you. It's the dried by media, and that is the problem that would do it is always had, is a hurdle in turn our ability to get the truth about the american public when the mainstreaming turns a blind eye to it. It's like it does mean even exist. Senator I wouldn't, One last point: his people think John terms not doesn't look like he's gonna report because it might be to put us too Citing the you, your god Almighty diplomacy, you be if it american people, don't learn what happened that the position of the election senator I have been warning of these times for a long time and if, if you in did get anything from the Ukraine special? I am very grateful that Martine could serve but the last three especial said I did, we will send them to your office. You need to see them and even if you can't get anything done in Congress,
with somebody needs to speak to the american people with authority on this, because we are facing a revolution and a coup, and it begins in about four weeks and they are so well buttoned up. I thank you, senator I really do. I think that God bless. God bless you thank you. Senator RON Johnson pray for our country more than just the second best of that programme as you Petersen, his vice president education, the clear amounts institute, and also, the founding editor of american mind DOT Org in Claremont DOT. Org is where you can find him. ass you. I can't thank you enough for coming on today, and being so far ahead of of this particular topic. We are in real
trouble is that of accurate statement. Yes, absolutely by can't. Thank you enough for being one of the few people willing to talk about this in the last month, we are trouble and towards a disturbing. Is everyone knows it I can see what's going to happen and they'll describe it in different ways, but we know that there is a very high probability that this election is not decided on election day. That's by design changes in voting procedures at by the Democratic Party and enormous push midstream to change the rules and regs and who we know what's going to happen after when Trump and others on the republican side, decide to fight it and I urge you to remember this morning there already talking about you know: what will facebook do? What will twitter do cut off the president's communication? So this is a, social crisis by design and its
It is already under way so Matthew. I touch a senator RON Johnson this morning about this, and I said what is the american govern doing and and what is what are? The joint is a gnp doing it. There's no one war gaming, they have been war gaming and in their own words they say that everything we ve seen on the streets has just been dry runs to prepare them for. What's coming at the election, were not what I mean we don't survive as a republic if there is not a another side yeah and what we are seeing is the consequence of of really years of mismanagement, and we now have in the clouds for the GEO be. What strikes me is that it over and over again the debates, everything that happened in the last few weeks you see besides tromp fighting for himself there.
it's not a lot of there's not a what there there's, not the infrastructure. So, as we said in this in this editorial, you know where's the its George Soros, whereas the rights transition integrity project now there's lots of the government should be doing including a bean a prosecuting at these groups that are committing acts of violence, but I will say I mean it's hard for anyone in the federal government to cut put together a plan. That's that's flexible and broad enough. I mean this is really eight and Alexa an election type thing right. This is really what the campaign strategies should be doing. This is what your fusion gps, if you have one, should be working on, but here's the problem, Glenn, we don't have one. We all have our own groups and infrastructure outside of the federal government working on these points bombs and weed, start. If we have, we don't start to create that infrastructure. not only gonna lose in November, we're gonna lose forever more and that I think, is
main problem. So what we need is a leech who're. You know actually people in power on the right to come together and starting work on s, leave everything as we would have the infrastructure. So let me ask you this, though, that there's that's talking down of the road. If If this happens here, you ve seen you read the report. The executive summary spells it all out if there is a clear trump win, are trying to change the Lee whole makeup of our system. If they do when it all changes will never see the republic as we know it ever again and That's not hyperbole. I believe so What is the average person do out? How do we react to this when it begins. Well, the first. The first thing is, we need to be aware of what's going on and we need to be talking about it and we need to be calling it out so
so that I think is, is part of the effort that the Euro is thankfully engaged in now, as is telling people look there, they're not hiding what they are about to do and you're not gonna, hear this from the mainstream breastplates, clear it out may open up a secret really is out me open. You just need to interpret the right way, but I know. I don't see any way around us We need leaders with people who are going to stand up and start organizing at four at four activists type here and what we need activism badly right there were. If so, I was thinking this this morning on the way and look if we called a meeting of all the groups like left did other activists groups and said: ok, we're all gonna go protest in the streets.
I mean it would at least look like right who would be ice now. We would have a list of some group three us, but it would be nothing like what they are always etc, thousands, tens of thousands of union members etc. I don't see any way around people org, I think, for a kind of peaceful activism. there's no way that we have to do that we're gonna, have to create activists, groups that that organised oh and that made our presence in our voice known and we're. need leaders for that, but but leaders are made in situations like this, where average people stand up and start figure out ways to strike back You know we are also going to need some of our political figures beyond tromp too to start talking about this more explicitly and if they don't, you know we're in trouble and in this is a time for those in the region. can party. I know of the moderate too scared right now, because we see the purge it's coming, if, if Biden winds but we're gonna,
to have some courageous people stand up, and I think a lot of folks will rally to them if they start saying the words, when you say we have to be able to strike back? how do you mean that Well, I mean that I don't see a way around making a presence in the streets known having peaceful protests, counteract the protests of the left I really, I would like to say something else, something more. Actual all that, but now we need we're. Gonna need to be in the streets in some way, making our presence known and then also where'd. You don't eat, you don't mean with violence. No, I mean I mean peace, actual, peaceful protests. You you you something modeled after Martin Luther King, exactly again. I think that that would
me. No just imagine the imagery right I mean you saw the little bits happen with the statues of some of my friends and adventurer California went and defended a statue of Saint Sarah, and you know they dailies presented the mob from ripping it down. The city and cowardly officials got rid of it anyway, but but they prevented it and What you saw was families, and a lot of young men standing around the statue and it was very peaceful and just their mere presence was enough to when you saw that the value of it you could see the juxtaposition of them state. their peacefully and then people yelling and screaming. That's all what's gonna be needed. It that's hard because look on the right We as we know people are busy, they have a life, they have jobs or not to go out and do this, but see a way around that in due course there's more than than just peaceful protesting in the streets, there's also the way you can organise online- and I think that
good in our own way make it search for the other side when they do things that we think are unacceptable in what way remain well, I think we're gonna need a kind There were a kind of boycott movement hard to go after big corporations, but who to swarm and make our displeasure known when someone says something does something that we think is reprehensible again, this is sought something we are used to doing. We don't want to act like the left and cancel people, but we do, on the other hand, need to have a public voice,
able, if that would be. For instance, you had did Michael Anton on my friend and colleague from Claremont right when people issue really veiled death threats against him on Twitter. That means we raise a ruckus and we keep some pressure on various people who made those statements we dont forget about it. We don't let it go about wheat. We trust back in our way now look week. We can't just we're not just do what the left as a mere image right are. Our protests would be, in fact, peaceful, but there are ways to do this and We don't start figuring it out, we're in trouble and, like I say it's hard, because we don't have the the infrastructure, we don't have to billionaires funding, activists, organizations and we don't have the billionaires getting all the smart people in a room, took game outlawed, the war game of of what's gonna, happen and what you know how we could move chest pieces on the table, how we could possibly counteract this these people and that's what damning did the people with money on the right are
but a really was shameful. Shameful they will be held responsible at some point in the afterlife. I think for not doing everything they could to pray text man's freedom? I cannot believe the way billionaires on the right really rarely get involved in anything. It's it's tragically sad, we're talking about few Petersen, the founding editor of the American mine VP of education in the Claremont Institute this really the one way that the right can organise quickly is if it was led by pastors and churches, because they already will be able to say, peaceful and there their congregations will understand that and they will follow those. Those both pastors and they follow them into Hell. If, if the pastors have the spine to do it, do you agree with that?
yeah. I think that's a that's a very important point and I think that people of space need to realize that this is not a drill. You know this is this is not. This is not an exercise. Game did the violent. brown. Shirt should have been marshalled for the sake of political power by the left, and then it's only a matter of time. We already see churches being burn down, no one seems to be investigating are very interested in that. Why are these poor people lighting charges on fire? We see this at the margins, but they did can I get worse, and now we re really is ridiculous. At this point we know where this goes. So, if, if the churches do not step up now, they don't start You protest now to add to counteract what what's happening, then we're gonna be
The world trouble very soon and we know where it goes. I know this is a logical. A train right to train wreck and slow motion is everyone's been saying everybody. We can see this. Everyone knows we, we we need people with the bravery and what I would say is if you stand up, I don't so many examples of people in their job in their church with you stand up and start saying some of this union. Surprised at how many people will rally to you. I mean obviously be prudent. We don't want people to just lose their job for free. I think of nothing, but but there are men, examples where you would be surprised if you listening out there at how many I agree with you and in fact you know where I had about these people agree with you, but they're scared. So what what you need is theirs is agent three cap analogy. In his comes from our era. In a retreat everyone's in retreat in the Trojan war and a dizzying stops the guys who is leading the retreat.
Energy waxen with a stick of Thursday. We're gonna stand our ground and once they stand their ground all of a sudden everyone else. standing around them. That's the way it is. Of the mob mentality. That's how you stand and you need people standing up and people will rally around you. But if the churches don't do that soon, You know I mean it. Would government already has incredible amount of power over over worship. They don't care about religious liberty at all and they're gonna, say you're all hate groups anyway, we're talkin a few Petersen Founding editor American Mine, VP of Educational Claremont Institute, I have one more question, but I needed to take as one minute network break. You hold Justice act out where they are turning to Doktor, Matthew, Peterson, You mentioned, you heard something on NPR. I heard the same thing and I actually pulled it for the show today. Let me played again please this is the audio from NPR today but this time as Facebook chief operating officer, Cheryl Sandberg, told all things considered this week these coming
we are concerned about what happens not just before the election, but also after November third, both twitter and face say there now can be cracking down on post. That say, for example, voting by mail is somehow fraudulent post that advocate violence to disrupt the transfer of power or premature claims of dairy and they'll do that by either labeling or removing we should say that some of these kinds of messages and spreading doubts have come from none other than the President of the United states himself. I mean just: does that fact complicate things for these companies and what they can do, what you say We heard this again from president trunk this week at the debate he's suggested he might not accept the results of this election. You know in the case of Facebook, companies come round pretty reluctantly to the idea that they might have to somehow moderate what the President says, that's a remarkable piece of audio, especially if you read any of the stuff tat we ve been telling you I'm posting today at Glinda COM, you can get it now, thee the
the transition integrity project. What they're saying they're going to do in already are doing their already in the press but in their own, in their own words and in their documents they talk about the that they have to find a way to silence any voice that can rally people and they talk about first going to those people and asking for their better angels. While I haven't had a phone call from anybody on visa, a transition, integrity project, I dont think Ben Shapiro has, I dont, think Stephen Crowd or has Wooten PETE. You can you can you give me your opinion on the z silencing of voices, I'm lucky because I have radio but island. Seeing a voices on line by just shutting down our pipes will still be online, but no one will see us and social media believe that's going to happen after election.
yeah. I think we know I mean, let's believe what they're telling us right now, that the big companies are a bit nervous and twenty sixteen they were blamed four trumps win and they ve had powerful forces in America going after them every day for four years ever since or the internet was great and wonderful. I went Obama's president and then, when it blew up in their face when drop one, all the sudden digital technology, his terrible night came down these companies and sadly, of course, allow these companies broke a lot of them didn't need much pressure to turn to the left, and I We will see how far they go. I would say I silver lining here is empty hours running this story, cause they're still trying to put pressure on Facebook right
I mean the reason their running. This story is be also to put the tech companies on notice to keep constant pressure on them to do what they want them to do, and that, and so that's that's notable it's not as if the tech companies all one thing, but they serve. We are not on our side. They certainly know what they're supposed to do and say an honor, the right. The left mainly and pressure on them young and we haven't done that to the extent we started talking about it. It led to great results, but We need leaders who are willing to stand up to them. Thank you very much daughter, Matthew, Peterson
Transcript generated on 2020-10-12.