« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Nick Di Paolo | 9/25/19

2019-09-25 | 🔗
Democrats are going all out for impeachment in a game that makes the Clinton impeachment seem RATIONAL! Glenn and comedian Nick Di Paolo go over the newly released “transcript” of the Ukrainian call. Shockingly, the Ukrainian president actually ASKED FOR Trump’s help with the Biden scandal! Glenn watched cable news for the first time in a year and could hardly believe how far it has fallen. Viewers call in to discuss how the media and Congress have become a clown show that condemn Trump no matter what he does.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, America. I would like to remind you today to not be a gold fish. Stand, that has we get into the podcast today, we're talking impeachment, its deuce first day back when he laughed they were talking about impeachment of capital. A week later, we're talking about impeachment with triumph in the cabinet thing is a thing of the past hello, goldfish, we'll talk about that treason and those who are asking for trouble to be executed. Dal Nick Deposit, is on. We go over the transcript with Nicht APOLLO, and then we, you're from you, leave the listener What does this mean? Well, what should happen in even do I think you should just ignore it and say: ok, yet another time the media has hyped. Something told you something that wasn't true the damage
That's our unhinged! I'm going back to work for the american people, I'm not paying attention to any of this crap its. Circus. I'm gonna go Oh do work because there are things that we have to solve for the american people and I think he would win. I think the american people will appreciate that we will see what happens all today's broadcast the only thing to do you glad to be here now. What's the last thing you recall you mentioned impeachment, Remember this being a big focus! Yes, they as very pump up about, while they announced yesterday there going forward with it so Cavanaugh. This there was some actual
Detail now, there's a a slight wrinkle in this story when you left. Yes, the press, the New York Times, had come out with a whistle blower that said, Cavanaugh had done all these things that turned out to not be true and so last week. Yes, we were talking about impeachment, but they were all gung ho on impeaching, brat, Cavanaugh right right now, now for a week you left you left on you left on Wednesday night. Well, something happened on Wednesday. We had another whistle blower on cabinet known on Ukraine on end and trump now we
Brennan Trump yeah. We don't need no training Biden that was more than whistleblowers that I had heard of her now know that was TAT old news K. No, that's quite honestly! Today, that's now what about ism I'll explain in a minute so we have a new whistle blower who we don't know who said that the president threaten to hold back funding if they didn't give him dirt on Joe Biden and his son guy, but we need more dirt. On the Joe Biden and his son with Ukraine, vanity was apparently we do because the press as there's nothing to that story, and saw him from the press reports, read by the New York Times. I know, but there was nothing to that story. Ok, so that's a conspiracy theory. Now
While. I really have to ask you, Mr La so now that's a conspiracy theory and Donald Trump is only bringing this up because he, trying to get out of his threatening verbiage on this phone call that a whistle blower well, I've ever say, heard cassettes away was first presented, it turns out the whistle blower it here about this, but it may have been at a bar. It wasn't even at work. Ok, it had nothing to do with his work, related duties, so he heard someone talk about how the president was withholding funds, and so he blew the whistle to Congress and they're moving forward with impeachment papers. Now this the president says he didn't
this european residents said. He didn't do this and he's going to release the transcript of that conference. Asian and he's also going to release the I e G report, which currently shows that the whistle blower was dismissed, the attorney general, because the whistle blower has it out for Donald Trump is political operative. Oh my god! These new cycles waves have been forty of them in the past five days, yeah so you're with the rest of America. This has happened so fast still, but though the whole all of America is going like like night? Was anybody else going? Wait you're going to file articles of Peter not now sarks? That's enough! they're, not even filing articles of Peter they're, not actually doing impeachment. They have to vote on impeachment. The whole house has devoted. Can they move forward with
appeasement proceedings, so nothing really is changing their just saying it's it's like Michael scarred, and I declare bankruptcy idler, whereby grubs brought about how you declared banker very rough, exactly right, so Nancy policies it I declare age, doesn't really mean anything really do and even does ability the actually vote on. Yes, yes, you do. This is a fascinating policies, an interesting part of this right, because she has been the one supposedly holding this up the whole time. Say what thirty two years of investigation yeah Russia didn't pull the trigger banal in time. When I want on vacation in the last week, she's changes, and on this story, where the zoning instigation changed your mind, there's no investigation on it is even had the transcript of the call enough already for impeachment on the areas. I was just think what she was a doubt singing yesterday at five o clock eastern time. I thought to myself. You know
in eighteen hours, you're either gonna have evidence or not, and we ve found. I thought pretty clearly that if you just wait for it evidence and report back there. I probably wouldn't we have been worked up all their time now, they're not going to do that. Now, so we ve gone. We see we have now gone into impeachment without going into impeachment it's just not on Cavanaugh it's on Trump and it's not on the whistle blower that was discredited for Cavenaugh. It's a new whistle blower that we have no idea of what he even said, and neither did neither does neither does Congress, but there already or the impeach there already for the impetuous does not sound like the action of a party that is competent. It's going to win the next election is here this does not does it does not sound like made either in favour of chaos I gave almost like their their hope is hey. Maybe everybody will be so
tired of this and they'll just go. I can't we just can't have you know, president trompe does stupid things from time to time in the press in everybody's, against them. I am so sick of everything. What do you say, spinning wheel, K, Andrew Yang, is president in out. I mean, I think that's their Hale Mary Pass here is is it's an anybody, but trump anybody, but Trump. But I don't know I mean what anybody, but from his easy you have an election coming up in a year this their jumping on this bandwagon in this short of appear, the time, may I e that there was a on think they're gonna win the living. There is a chance. There is a chance that in the next five weeks the President resigns in shame and we have president my pants down
it's a good chance, but there's a chance. We also have a chance that the president has, as it were, it is going to nail boards across the windows of all media outlets because they ve all gone out of business because they ve so discredited themselves. This is the last straw I mean Let's remind people, it was a week ago- the press- was all in a tether because they were going to impeach Brat Cavanaugh, member it was a week ago- and were discredited We thought well oppress, though his illness in the press. Now they ve been discredited. Oh no same organizations now saying this, which is less into an impeachment frenzy for the president. Now at some You're gonna board up the windows,
you don't mean it some point area. We like mean you wanna talk about the boy, the cry Wolf. By the way you are you, you missed all the global warming or wonderful, ah asked the speeches from the children were beautiful. It is absolute child abuse? What is happening right now, but again, you're gonna board up the windows, because even the IPCC report, the p who wrote that damn reporter saying guys we're not dead in ten years. I just want you to know it's: it's not extinction level is that We're not saying that whose this ten year thing besides, AOL see now the press and everybody let these kids go on tv you're still about ordinary daddy ten years, and everybody said: oh, my gosh look at them. How dare you
size. You one of those one of those little real Dron. I that's one of those things where the the Lord works in mysterious ways your dad and announced very mysterious right now, and he would he you know it comes to. How does he had he provide for your family? I did see clip of of of the climate protesters. I thought maybe on me Commission, while a sixteen year old is lecturing me about how Eve I M over the climate. It's probably a good week for me beyond the geisha. Bravo probably solemnly is poor well Fargo in their their mortgage payments so that they should be made for a little bit longer. Oh today today we're gonna get transcript and its by the way it's not a transcript. We dont tape the phone calls of the president, so don't be surprised how many I'll, tell you how this is all going to play on the press, but first a transcript comes out, but it's not and it's a memo. It's a memo of what happened on the phone call
and the recollection of like four people that were witnesses to the phone call they do this. They put it in a file. So the first thing he didn't even to release a transcript. There is no transcript. There is no transcript. We don't tape. The president's phone calls hello, Nixon a kind of got away from the recording every thing. So the first thing there days. This is and even a transcript we the audio. Why won't you release the audio there? No audio, then they're, going to say well done. I d report and this transcript. We can't tell anything from this. We can tell a darn thing they're gonna, get the evidence that there wasn't anything. My guess is there is something in there something little, but it's going to be able to be read either away and they're gonna say see. This shows it is rooted in the past.
Ass will assume the worst and they continue to go forward, last night now if you ve been following this at home,. You know that what this started with impeachment, because he would not release the I g report. He wouldn't release the Idee report. If you will release the transcript and you all right, these the Idee report. Well, that is your york. Your violating the constitution and you after we're going to impeach him, because he will not release the Idee report and he will not release the transcript so there and he says: ok, I'm going to release the transcript and I'm going to release the Idee report. They go ahead with impeachment and after she says impeachment, this is a quote from
you, be news this president: doesn't care about the presidency, only cares about himself. He is going to release the transcript? what foreign leader now will trust any of our president's going forward that their conversation we'll be kept confidential. Unreal I mean you do we do. Are we goldfish? Are we goldfish because I really feel like living in a world of goldfish because everybody this turning around in five seconds, they forgotten what just happened. You forgot last week the we're doing this with Cavanaugh and the same People who told you care, but I was guilty- have been discredited and you're listening to begin hello, goldfish of America What is wrong with you? It's really
Annabelle and there's so much more. To tell me, I want you to know, as president doing Laden care about the presidency. Our foreign leaders ever going to trust in you we're saying that he who to release it. This is damned if you do damned. If you doubt, and this I want to remind you goldfish. You know in sheep anymore, Americans aren't even sheet their gold fish worth swimming in a sea of three hundred and fifty million goldfish this damned. If you damned. If you doubt is coming from the Party of fairness. The Party of fairness Week, we know at fair is really a guarantee the transcript matter today, I guarantee you no matter what the Idee report says. It won't matter today. If they both could said they could of the ukrainian President on saying please, Mr President,
please threaten me, no I'm not gonna. Do it it's wrong, please! Mr President, please is I've got information on Joe Biden. I mean gonna hear it. Mr Prime Minister, you could have that on. The tape and they would find away, did you see what did you see? What yeah? That's what the word say, but we can't tell without hearing the inflection we can't tell with hearing the pauses, what he really meant anything who thinks? Well, I got nothing to hide, really listen up. This transcript will not matter today will go to inflection. His in and what was in his heart, but they know because there, the Party of fairness. There now accusing the right of what about ISM
This is just the right playing. What about ism? No, you have to be the first, in with a story to claim that and the oh buying a hundred Biden story. We ve been on for months for many months. This isn't what about ism? This is wait. A minute you're just wait. You're saying that the president's shouldn't say: hey like to know about our vice president. Was he in dirty dealings b as we lost one point: eight billion dollars because job Biden said yeah, just we're gonna give you. This is gonna, go to Paris, Ma I and some other things whatever you decide put it into this bank, we're gonna transferred into this bank, which was by the corrupt oligarch of Maurice MA and it just disappeared-
Does anybody want to know what happened to one point, eight billion dollars of your tax money? I would, I would of builds trust the Congress to get to the bottom of that not a chance trust. The justice Department not a chance. The intel not achieve ants. This administration, no the media absent only not so. Who is going to ask for it. You no longer have anything. You can trust everything. You thought was solid is now liquid The reason why there saying this is what about as of now is because they control something called what we used to call in radio cube and a programme are used to play the cuban thing. All the time
ever has the most listeners, hey, you might have. People were very, very loyal to your station, it doesn't matter Whoever has the most listeners, even if they are listening only for five minutes a day in their lesson in their favorite station all day. Long, though, who has the most listeners. You can steal anything number one hit music station your as long as they don't have a lot of listeners, the very nice. Day if you get on it, so you're the number one hit music station. Everyone will believe they stole it from you, K It is a game of who has the loudest voice right now The media has the loudest voice. It is why they are trying to shut people shadow ban, its work, They are trying to silence the right on line because our vote.
This is becoming effective and they can't have that This is why they're playing what about it, but I don't think it's gonna work. They are not fairness they're, not about diversity. They are about total control, more on the impeachment coming up. The best of the Glenn program. Hey? It's Glenn! put here on the programme is check out pad gray unleashed his pot gases available, where ever you download your favorite podcast the soothing music, is to let you know that one of the most politically incorrect human beings on the planet is about to your ears, his name is Nicht APOLLO. He is the host of the APOLLO show you
find him and his comedy show for free, and I warn you very politely Lee Incorrect and he uses potty language a lot. You can find him at Nick DIP, dot com, Nick DIP, dot com, hello, Nicht APOLLO. How dare you dare you Glenn powder it. What did I say now, neck potty language, come on we're like that you're like a pirate yeah, you do padding. Pirates would blush. Listen Nick. Did you see Nancy Pelosi yesterday and hurrying nerd announcement of impeachment? Well, what eleven are nominated impeachment? It was an inquiry into impeachment
whew, that's like Dean warmer, saying you're on a double secret Paul, but it is good, is holler skin back any tighter, her belly buttons on our Adams Apple, trying to keep her dentures in Biden. Teeth fell out last week. Not yet I want all they need. Is it a tube of Polly Dent to bring this party together, but about here's? What I love for she comes out says: nobody's above the law, hello, Hillary Clinton, hello, thick ankle, Don face and watching the Democrats, trying to pull down trump? It's like watching Antifa trying to pull down the statue of liberty, which is silly string. It is you know, what's really strange is I think the american people are goldfish because it was last week
let the New York Times was trying to tell everybody that they had a source that would lead to the impeachment of of Cavanaugh everybody was talking about impeachment with Cavanaugh, then we found out Oh, that's discredited and we dawn the very nice? today the New York Times had a whistle blower. That said, they have something that could impeach done trump and we all went there and the guide herded second hand. What did he get the guy drunk? Who does the carpets and the West Wing waited bathroom attendant heard something but Trump comes out in, and he so funny, because it was the perfect phone call who qualifies form
you like it at all. This is that this is the perfect phone call honey home tonight. I'm going to Strip club with my friends with see you tomorrow morning and tomorrow morning, in July, honey, just honey, a rubber Robert up, that's perfect form or or Megan Fox cause. Your apartment says: I'm five minutes away gallant and I have a gala baby oil in fifty Oh, that's! That's the proper form, the IRS. You know what we owe you money upon guy. So what do you think is what do you think is the who's gonna work out for because I can't find a good ending for Congress. I can't find a good ending for Biden. I can't find a good ending really for Trump. I mean unless Trump comes out and does the Bill Clinton thing, and let me be specific about that
the view that is a plant yet where he came out came out and he said I did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky and I got to go back to work for the american people. If he would come out and say this, is it clown, show I didn't do it they no better than this and I'm going to work for the American
people who care about any of this. I think he would be the adult in the room and it would make them look like the clown that they are that's what he sang and that's what he's gonna say that he's gonna benefit from this and unless our country is that stupid now, but I mean this sinuses unimpeachable offence, how about Obama sank to the President of Russia in twenty twelve on alive, might Medvedev I'll be more flexible after the campaign over they talking about Height yoga class? What are they may find, and why do you have to dig Bert dig dirt up on Biden he'll, give it up himself eventually he's the opposite of a self cleaning oven you just gotta get get a couple of p B hours at an NGO uncle Joe tell us how you and Hunter Scam the Chinese out of a million and a half dollars. Can you tell us that when again
you don't have to dig up dirt, he's a gap, machine yeah, it's it's! What's what's remarkable here, I'm just looking over the the transcript. We have the transcript, shall we go over it? Let's go solve some of it and see what she was in its them up the transcript. I have the transcript. I didn't get my mom paper that difference, and I just I just I just got it. Regulations on a great victory. We all watch from the United States did a terrific job. You can tell those speaking right now, just by the use of the word terrific, the way you from behind somebody who wasn't given much of a chance and ended up winning easily. It's fantastic! Congratulations! The new presidency, representative right. Mr President, we did we if we worked hard for this, we worked on Then I would like to convey to you that I had opportunity to learn from you. We use quite a few of you skills and knowledge and were able to use it,
pull for our elections and, yes, it is through. These were unique elections. We were in you, exaggeration, able to achieve unique success, uses unique like Trump uses, or, if I may, tell you following for first time. You called me to congratulate me when I won presidential election second time. You are now calling me when my party one parliamentary election. I think I should run are often you can call me war. Often we can talk on the phone more often laughter trumps. As that very good idea. I think your country is very happy about that. Well, yes, to tell you the truth, we are trying to work hard because we the drain swamp here in our own country. We in many new people, not old politicians, not typical politicians, because we want to have great format and new type of government. Your great, sure for us in that the President you see this is will apart, where the present it gets. The idea this is the perfect phone call This guy is really really sharp, say these things to the president, he's gonna say it's a perfect Funchal. President well. That's very nice of you to say that also
we do a lot for Ukraine. We spent a lot of effort in a lot of time, much more than european countries are doing, and they should be helping you more than they are Germany cobblestones. Nothing for you love this. All they do is talk, and I think it's something that you should really asked them about. When I was seeking to Angela Merkel. She talks about Ukraine and she doesn't do anything a lot of. European countries of the same way. So I think it's something you want to look at, but the United States has been very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening and are not good for the United States, but I've been very good to the Ukraine. It problems with any other. So far, nothing has happened. The president of Ukraine, says yes, you're, absolutely right, not only one hundred percent, but actually one thousand percent, since the per apricot good tell you following, I did talk to Angela Merkel.
It me with her, also met and talked with macro and told them they are not doing quite as much. They need to be doing on the issues with the sanctions. They are not in force The sanctions they are not working as much as they should for Ukraine turns out, though even logic The European Union should be our biggest partner, but technically the United States is much bigger partner than the European Union, and I am grateful for you because the United States, doing quite a lot for Ukraine much more than European Union, especially when we're talking about sanctions against Russian Federation. I'd also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defence. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specific. We were almost ready to buy some more javelins from the United States for defence purposes. The President said I'd like you to do us. I'd like you to do us a favour, though, because country has been through a lot. Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to fight now. What happened with his whole situation with Ukraine, they say crowd strike, I guess
You have one of your wealthy people, the server they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of it went on the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people, I'd like to have the attorney general call you or your people, and I'd like you to get to the bottom of it as you yesterday. The whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by name. Man named Robert Mover in compound performance but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can. Do it's important that you do it if possible, president, Linsky says yes very important for me and everything you just mentioned earlier. For me as president. It's important that we are open for any future cooperation. We are ready to open a new page in cooperation relations between the United States in Ukraine. For that purpose, I just recall our ambassador from the United States, and he will be replaced by a very competent inexperienced ambassador, who I was a card on making sure that our two nations are getting closer I'd. Also like
hope to see him having your trust and confidence in personal relations with you. That's you want to go on that one Nick, I wanna have personal relations with you, so we can cooperate. Even more, so I will personally tell you that one of my assistant spoke to Mr Giuliani. Just recently and we're ok very much. The Mr Giuliani will be able to travel to the Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to the Ukraine. I just want to show you once again that you have a nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I myself for the best, and most experienced people. I also want to tell that we are friends, we're great friends you and, Mr President, we have friends in our country. We can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people. In addition to that investigation, I guarantee the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done, openly and candidly that I can assure you good because heard. You had a prosecutor was very good, but he was shut down that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about
that the way you shut your own, very good prosecutor down, yet some very bad people involved. Mister. Giuliani is highly respected. Man he's the mayor of New York City, a great mayor. I like him to call will you. I will ask him to call you, along with the attorney General Rudy. Very much knows happening in these very capable guy. If he did speak to him, that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman. She was bad news. The woman the woman. She was bad news. The people woman. She was deal within the Ukraine were bad news. I just want to let you know that the other thing there's a lot of about Biden, son, that Biden, stop the prosecution and a lot of people find out about whatever you can with the attorney general. That would be great Biden, Winner on bragging that he stopped the prosecution of you can just look into it. It sounds horrible to me the press, The response I want to tell you something about the prosecutor. First of all, I understand I want you to understand. I am knowledgeable about the situation
since we want the absolute majority in our parliament. The next prosecutor general be one hundred percent, my person, my candidate, who will be approved by the parliament and will start a new prosecutor in September. He or she will look into the city wage and specifically to the company that you mentioned. That would be very small, the two of the investigation of this case is actually the issue of making sure they restore honesty. So we can take care of that. We will work on the investigation of the case. On top of that, kindly ask if he had any additional information that you could provide us. It would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure we administer justice in our country. With rigour to the ambassador to the United States from Ukraine. As far as I read all her name was Ivan the which it was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador, because I agree with you one hundred percent. Her attitude attitude towards me was far from the best
as she admired the previous president and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new president. Well enough, then, the President says: ok I'll, Mr Giuliani call you and I have a journey general bar call you and will get to the bottom of it? I'm sure you'll figure it out a year from the product prosecutor was treated We badly any was a very fair prosecutor. So good luck with everything your economy is going to get. Better and better. I predict and You have a lot of assets, it's a great country. I have many ukrainian friends there incredible people and more done. The rest is just going back to port about energy and and and nonsense put you through the one part what you thought on that the craziest thing about that whole rating was how good you are russian accidents I'm starting to think you had suddenly to hang out with part of Europe that resemble. That was the best example of quid pro
Oh I've ever heard bodies in such trouble right. You know why one thing did catch Meyer, javelins, what we selling may we sending aid for the Olympics? Why is that that called for somebody to see what was the job online producer that that they're not javelins for the Olympics, but I don't know, I don't know what they are. We would be sending a skates wherewith Nicht APOLLO usanga tonight shall late night David Lettering, Jimmy Camel Conan, o Brien he's been nominated for Mps, Did you ever win anything because you wrote the HBO Chris works special yeah, what they had won T as in a rather when I came on the staff we got nominated Persia they lost so how to make regular, which connect the dots and that all right, I got nominated twice right away? It was my favorite job in show business and he is a comedian that to say he uses dicey
language is a very big understatement agenda. Spent too much time and SALT Lake City. I know I have a way we have a lot of listeners. Who are you know right now, their face would peel off if they watched some of your. So you should stop, but it is very, very funny and who give every legal work a lousy. Our Joe Biden he's just bleeding from the eyes, but no aright. So it is anybody ever problem. I don't have a problem with anything that was in that it does anything other than Fact that the guys really kissing his ass, I'm in but the reality is they but those are exactly the same. I mean I, but now that the new media narratives gonna, be. I can't believe Donald Trump is bashing Angela Merkel to another foreign. This is irresponsible. He needs to be impeached, they should be so
they knew they take out of this cause. I mean this is gonna, be a rises and nothing burger. Nick yeah, I heard no, I heard no quid pro quo. I heard no mention of money. I dont know what they're doing the dams are committed. No aside here, it's it's funny to me and then, like a media is doing it too. Don't you think, of course, while went Trump goes away, whether it's you know at the end of this term or in another four years, there's gotta be no knows else you can put on cable is gonna just be say. I am MSNBC they're gonna fold up like a cheap hammer. There's nothin I mean he's keeping their ratings alive. So well unless they have video of some sixteen year olds that that want to tell us all the things that were doing wrong. Did you see
did you see the sixteen year old girl? Can we play this audio please this a sixteen year old girl telling the telling the adults of the world shame on us with this is all wrong. I shouldn't up here I shall beverage school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words and yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about. Is the money, a fairy tales of eternal economic growth?
How dare you comrade gnawed yeah? A lot of people know her. Parents took it Chuckie cheese for eight birthday and five minutes after they left the clown committed suicide. What actually makes Hilary look likeable this thing you gotta be kidding me. You know most most sixteen year old girls lows. Their innocence to look at porn is something she lost to watch. Satellite maps on the weather channel. She is thy, blame her parents. I think your parents are you wanna talk about, so you stole your childhood your parents and are telling you live ten years to live this is the best of the blend back programme hey it's Glenn and
listen into the Glen Back program if you like, with your hearing on this yo, make sure you check out. Padre unleashed it's available where ever you down your favorite podcast I'd like to know Do you think about the insanity going on? I watch this. I want to see an end for the first time in a year last night and they were I'd. I'm telling IDA walk into the kitchen and just tug, my wife, and she just when it was that bad said it was Vietnam honey. It was Vietnam having to watch those buffoons for an hour. It was Vietnam, ridiculous. Nothing in the world makes sense to me anymore. So what should the President's do? What is the exit strategy for the Democrats? What do you think
happen with this mark in Georgia, hello, Mark you're on the Glinda programme. Thank you so much for you bet calling from Savannah W cheek. He s an amazing bill. Edward said to warm up for you. I saw the headlines in our paper and it said no one is above the law and I went immediately over the home people and got enough shiny, duct tape to make me look like a sultan, because my head was going away, these people are so out of it? They? How was that they pass that they exempt themselves from the early, are above the law and when they commit crimes like sexual harassment, sexual attacks should some short like slab somebody in the butter wherever they you our money to pay off the victims
Here too, one ought to know who is paying off in all some poor bit. We don't need to know the victim, but we have a right to know all these perpetrators are people are that are not we're gonna rated so mark. I I have to tell you. I agree. I think that we are living in the times right now were you. Obviously or along time. Lister. Thank you for the duct tape reference. You ve heard me talk about the Bubba effect. That's what's happening right now. The Bubba effect is going in two hyperdrive another year of this and no one's going to listen or believe they started mocking people in Congo,
this last week during these hearings, they were openly mocking them. Those people should have respect. You know nobody has respect for these people, none of them. No one has respect for them. These guys should be very concerned and that's why I think they are working with Google and everyone else. Gotta get their power base. Somehow they should be very concerned that they are becoming a national joke. Now it's always been a joke, always been a joke, but a good kind. Hearted joke on any more. We were to the point where, like I'm, not gonna, listen to you be real Oh really, you're, you're, you're, going to protect the constitution, now yeah Where were you on the IRS targeting conservatives under Obama? Oh, that's right! That's right that that was nothing oh you're
go after Donald Trump. Now on this phone call, where here's the document there's absolutely nothing in it, that is of concern, or at least impeach, for sure, but you you don't want to hear about the Joe Biden thing with his son. That's a conspiracy theory happen. We have all the facts. We have all the facts. You know where we get some of the facts: the New York Times how possibly a conspiracy when the New York I'm itself reported. It can ask another question on the score of your ear. You're helping me clarify this a little bit K. Let's just say the worst is true. The accusations against the president with this Ukraine thing are fully true and they will play out.
Evidence must say a recording from down trumped can download hurling the cat in his big oversized chair Pettengill, including yes, yes, now my plan right. So the accusation is Donald Trump uses the power of his office to influence Ukraine and an investigation in Ukraine to get the result he wants and if he doesn't get that result he's going to with hold money that Ukraine is expecting, that's the act. Position against Donald Trump, and we don't have all the evidence that that's true. They deny that it's true, but let's just say he came out and he there was a statement of him meeting this in public. How is that different them actual initial conversation about Joe Biden.
This is the initial clip that started this whole Joe Biden thing him talking in front of an audience talking about how he went to Ukraine and threatened them if they did not use this our ague, pursue this investigation and fired in owner and fire unauthorized earlier. He would withhold money. He's admitted this camera listen to the cliff, desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of key
terms of corruption, they made me, give you one concrete example. I was not. I bet it just happened to be. That was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones, and so I got Ukraine and I remember going over convincing. Our team are measures to convince you that we should be providing for loan guarantees, and I went over to guess the twelve thirteen time to keep an eye was go supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee and I had gotten a commitment from portion. Go and from yachts in Europe did they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so. They said that they walk out breast cancer and marketing or when we're not going to give you two billion dollars. I said you have no authority you're, not the president. The president said I should call him. I said I'd tell you not get dollars. I said you're, not getting.
I will be leaving here. I think it was what six hours elegant leaving six hours the prosecutors not fired, you're, not getting the money or son of a fire they put in place, someone who was solid at the time. So again, like I forget the forget. The hunter bite in part of this at all forget if he was motivated by Hunter Biden, forget that for second, this is the exact thing they are accusing Donald Trump of doing of withholding money to get a part He result in an investigation with this particular case, firing the prosecutor from all investigations and he's withholding money and is using the power of his office. To accomplish that goal is precisely the thing there accusing Donald Trump of and it's a thing that started Conservatives on this whole
tall trees in the first place, and so that made me think of this, as you know, we are talking about what is the motivation here. Is the motivation essentially to get out in front of how bad this is for I didn't because yeah now what you're doing they both done the same thing yet exactly right and you are missing the Hunter Biden story right now. He did with the prosecutor that may be that they fired the. Right prosecutor or fired the wrong prosecutor. Listen to the president. This is from the transcript. I heard that you had a I figure was very good: knee was shut down and that's really unfair. Lotta good people are talking about that. The way there shut your very good prosecutor down and yet some very, very bad people in involved? So now he coming to the President of Ukraine, saying the exact opposite, the exact opposite
Brok, Obama and Joe Biden, said: that's a bad prosecutor. Some people think he was a bad prosecutor. Some people, like the current president of Ukraine, dont, think he was a bad broth. Dont think he was a bad prosecutor thought it was, good prosecutor. There was gonna be that it was wrong. I don't know but you have them saying exactly the same thing just on opposite sides: HU, the bad guy in the governor was its assent, it's the same store now that does this additional layers and also we should point out again that Trump has not admitted to doing the thing that bite indeed admit doing. He's didn't he did. It was set by this inside source that that's what he did, that there is no talk of that whatsoever. None in the transcripts, and it was a friendly phone call, but the british press Inexact reign was like. I know we. How to get all over that we are working. Now we'd love your help. On that day, they were in complete.
The agreement, so is the is the effort here by policy, to launch this investigation into the inquiry into impeachment, to essentially give the impression that both of these guys are guilty of the same thing, so you can't really counted it spite him, and that means, let's not yet you have to go through a million, and you have to forget about the Hunter Biden, part of the story, but I give you something that really didn't get much attention. It was reported that Robert Menendez, Dick Durban, Patrick lay. He wrote a letter to Ukraine's prosecutor general your Ie Sancho, expressing concern at the closing of for investigations. They said were critical to the Mueller probe in the letter. They imply that the support for the- U S, assistance to crew Ukraine was at stake, describing themselves strong advocates for robust and close relationships with Ukraine. The democratic senators declared we have supported the capacity building process
and our disappointed that some in Kiev appear to have cast aside those democratic principles to avoid the ire of President Trump before demanding Lukashenko, reverse cool, I'm quoting reverse, coarse and halt any efforts to impede cooperation in this important investigation? So wait a minute, so you now have. You now have unruly senators, three democratic senators. Going too, Ukraine, saying exactly the same thing that they just accused president Trump of doing this doesn't go anywhere. They all did it. And everything in today's world is political. Every when bathrooms are political, Of course, political people talking to other political people, is going to be political, because there is no integrity, anymore
on any front. It's all about politics now, so this is. This is misdirection This is saying see what Joe Biden did in Ukraine wasn't bad. I don't have a problem with what Joe Biden did. Ukraine. Unless it is connected to That prosecutor going in and starting in opening an investigation on Borri smile and die. Includes the board of directors which Joe Biden son was on, we lost that memory, so we're not gonna give another billion. We're not gonna give another billion dollars. What we did another billion dollars, but what that prosecutor was looking for was where did the one point? Eight billion there was supposed to be in this bank, and go through bereavement. Where did that may go. It was just gone. It went to offshore entities and the guy
the bank own Borri, spa, the guy who's on the board of directors was Joe Biden son. Why was he on the board of directors as he speak, russian busy? Does. He know about the oil and gas industry. The answer is no. This is this direction to me. It seemed like what Joe Biden did was just say fire that prosecutor. That's not why, The problem is and about as for Joe Biden, is its even worse, the blame radio network on demand.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-17.