« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guest: Mike Lindell | 3/31/20

2020-03-31 | 🔗
In today’s COVID-19 update, house arrest orders are popping up, forklifts are loading dead bodies in New York, Ron Paul warns of a power-grab, and President Trump requests another $2 trillion in spending! There’s an update on the couple who drank fishbowl cleaner after hearing Trump speak about chloroquine. It’s official: “Tiger King” is absolutely insane! MyPillow inventor and CEO Mike Lindell was hammered by the media after talking about God. He joins to describe why he’s not afraid to head “into the hurricane.”

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the past. So today we have an update on what happened to the couple that took fish tank, cleaner thinking. It would cure the corona virus that they didn't have killing one of them. There is a great update to that. One in the story just doesn't get any better. We also talk about modern monetary theory. What is modern monetary theory is, basically you can you spend as much as you want just keep printing if you want to spend that money well, probation, Try that now the United States and we have an update on that level, more trillion dollars going out the door. Minimum build a blog yield and your Cuomo we get into that wanted. Someone in the formal family has corona virus to tell you that as an as well will get into them a pillow attacked MIKE Window,
My pillow was at the press conference. Get bashed by the media comes on to tell the story today. The podcast go to mutually rate and review this pact task, as it helps other people find it, and discover to show, as well as going and searching for students. America subscribe to that as well. As my show airs at a pm eastern on ITALY's TV. By the way we have the biggest discount ever at least he be right now going on place, tb, dot, com, Slash Glenn, go there, get thirty, box off. Here's the fucker.
The only thinking totally confirmed cases worldwide, seven hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety five, that's up from seven thirty. Five yesterday that confirm deaths worldwide. Thirty, eight thousand seven hundred thirty five five percent of active cases are still considered serious, requiring hospitalization. That eleven percent of U S confirmed cases require hospitalization roughly on par with ITALY at twelve percent, the you now as one hundred and sixty four thousand three hundred and fifty nine confirmed cases. Three thousand one hundred and seventy three deaths that I can see,
probably from yesterday. We had twenty four hundred deaths as if this time yesterday, in less than six point six percent of the total. U S, population has been tested. Fifteen percent of that point C, of Amerika who have been tested have been diagnosed with covered nineteen, so how did the president make this decision apparently it was Doktor Fashi, the chief medical advisor for Thee on a task force and his cohort Doktor Debbie Burke's they went. And apparently to the oval office on Sunday, Lee over the or the resolute desk, and out all of the papers than showed all of the charts and then just stood there while the president looked at it. Found she said
Firstly, we showed him the data he looked at. The data got it right away. It's a pretty clear picture doctor Bergson I went in together. Leaned over his desk said. Take a look, the president of reportedly look them understood the implement implications and shook his head and said. I guess we gotta do it. Medic This is the right decision and I stand behind it. A hundred percent found she said from a puppet. Health standpoint. We felt strongly that it would have been wrong to pull back at this point, we're so It is physicians. Public health officials were not. Economists were sensitive to the idea that the economy could suffer, but we way that, against the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of Americans life, it was blatantly obvious, looking at the data that at the end of the day, if we try to push back prematurely nodded would we lose lives, but it would probably heard the economy as well so would lose on double accounts. So there was no question is what the right choice was now
Washington Dc Virginia Marilyn- have now joined this its issuing house arrest orders Marilyn Virginia became the latest states on Monday to enact a stay at home mandate. Amid the corona virus outbreak exe, four essential travel for work virgin, His order is, in effect, tell June tenth looking at one of the longest statewide mandates implemented so far merrily penalties for violating its owners are among some of the strictness in the country, including a thousand dollar fine, and up to thirty day in jail for repeat offenders, holy cow in total? More than two hundred and ten million Americans now effectively live under some form of house arrest or shelter in place type orders with another fifty million facing traveller shopping or eating restrictions only six states do not have closed schools, health,
workers now using forklifts, too low dead bodies and a refrigerated trucks in New York. Did you see this video stew yeah? This video is really disturbing from Brooklyn it was. Was posted? Do we have that video. Did we run that here this video is. It was posted by a guy in, I think Brooklyn who, just walking by an he said. Oh my gosh, look it it's a giant eighteen wheeler and they are loading dead how into it it's a refrigerated truck and You could see the camera start shaking any says. I'm sorry, my hands are shaking because this is. This is real. This is no joke. This is the Brooklyn Hospital And he said this should make you take it. Seriously now can we play the? Can we play the
part of RON Paul where he says this is not real Ask. Can we play this? I want to hear it for myself why is blown way out of proportion to to the danger and seeing that some people benefit from crises like this people who want more govern. Power and more control over people and want to get big appropriations in and get their special deals. Ass. Soon ass was happening now. Everybody's is a grand bag, so It's it's being used and I don't see it as a up as problem deal with one bar, as I think it's dangerous when people get the bar and are already sack or elderly and have other conditions I think millions of people I have had the infection and still do It is used as an excuse by those who have a special interest to you. That- and I think That is sad, but
hopefully that wake up soon and say well, it wasn't killed as bad as they thought and maybe, as a combination of the virus along with another disease or medication. Some ways immune system. That's that's the problem How much of that you agree with still I mean totally rather they're gonna try to exploit situation? They are much as they can. They already done it multiple times, and that certainly do continue. Who trillion dollar infrastructure bill? Now I get two trillion dollars vessels that's this is insane and that's another one. That's not the two trillion we ve already spent or the tuna there is a new or that this is a new one that the president and again we should point out. This is not how these things end right. It is a kind of noted this is the opening offer from the republican side on a bill, two trillion l il for more than that the Democrats will go for more, was going and looking back at. You know why notes from earlier
this story. This is a big. This is a big story at the time Chuck humor he had to go bowl We need this. Is this court? We need to go big pulled urgent federal action to deal with this crisis kind of measures we are putting together with will mainline money into the economy it directly into the hands of families that needed his proposal. Was for seven hundred and fifty billion dollars, thanks for the last bill, that up at two point. Two trillion show humor was asking for. Seven hundred and fifty billion, and it ended at two point two trillion. Now we have the public inside starting at two trillion. What's this will get in, but his game imagine what this new every cow we, don't we don't do it this is this is really concerning this is real. Concerning we are We have crossed
Rubicon. I think we we, the weird there's there's no accountability anymore. It's just we're going to spend, spend, spend there is really no hardy. That of both opposes the spending. At this point I mean at times in the past, Republicans have voiced opposition the spending, but they don't even voice it anymore. The Democrats obviously have always wanted more of it. So you're going into a bus and aeronautical love, Barbie been keynesian economics but to the point of legitimate. Modern monetary theory I mean. We really are going to this place where what however, we want. We get printing more money. Let's see what happens to people were making fun of Rashid to leave a couple of weeks ago. Forces that she wanted to get to one trillion dollar coins to pay for the last bill which again I don't agree to to-
why would surely coins? Why not one two trillion dollar coin? I dont know the answer to it. Well, not to see I mean I do its clear, that's clear you I mean You want to buyers, I mean the odds of finding ones by four trillion dollar coin yeah. You know is hard enough to find one buyer for two trillion dollar coin and view All the bargaining power hey by one get the second one: half Bryce, oh yeah, I'll, say if you go in and try to buy something with it that they're not gonna, have enough changed for two trillion dollar coin likely on these gratia restores Kenya brow. Two trillion dollar, corn and they'll, say if you d have a wondering how I don't? I don't see why this is gonna, be here upon part. The one trillion dollar coins gonna, be our normal mode of currency area, actually bringing to grocery stores very soon. If we don't stop doing this yeah-
it'll, be the one with links with with George Washington's head on it'll, just it'll, be the quarter except it'll be edge, in by New York prisoners. Twenty five trillion dollars in this go out! This is unbelievable. I understand we are in the middle of something serious I dont down play it. I mean, I think we have a couple weeks here, too, hopefully see that most of the model seem to peak of the worst this thing in a couple of weeks, if that happens, you know we can we reverse it in and all these things I hope so, but the idea that we can to sit here and just spend our way out of it is not its that's not how this works. Is a bridge is not going to solve the corona virus issue. You don't you don't do it by loving erodes, is solely so here's here's what the president may be looking at last night,
the FED came out and said the job loss could be forty, seven million people unemployment May hit thirty two percent. Can I don't? We just spent two trillion dollars to make sure that didn't happen. Why did we spend the two trillion dollars if it were like these bill itself. Yes, it gives a twelve hundred dollars to every American in a certain income bracket. Everybody knows that part of it because, as the only part anybody's talked about, but it also offers money to small businesses to pay the salary of your employees? The mortgages of your of your businesses, all of the the tightly sort of associated costs. That would come from mere business operating in an environment where you're told you're not allowed to open it. That's exactly what the
who does for small businesses and larger businesses have resources in big loans and in all sorts of things that are guaranteed, and the the loans to small businesses. If you pocket the money you have to pay it back, but if you pay it to your employees and you pay for mortgage and pay for operational expenses. The bill is writ in a way that those Loi loans will be forgiven, which of course, that's not alone rightist. It's a give away with conditions. That's all was to be inherited supposed to protect against exactly you're talking about its supposed global go I know that this we shouldn't, we bore no, or about it? We? If we have a me, we have another really horrible. I mean the problem is as things like oil Jim do realise that oil may actually they may start paying you to buy a barrel of oil, if it may, below zero, the price of oil and gas
ask. How is that possible because they're not stopping production in Russia or Saudi Arabia, and so they running out of places to all of that, your gases that these people who buy The gas even a week ago, they're losing their shirts on the gas the inner there charging ninety nine cents, that's not what they paid for it when they prompted into the ground. So they're losing their shirts, but there there's so much gas available in everybody's pressuring take the gas take the well at what price do we stop taking oil because there's no place to put it I mean it is its remarkable on what is being done to really truly you couldn't design and economic collapse any better than one, then what we're doing all around the world and what all these countries and all of these huge businesses and governments you play design it anyway.
Than it has been designed so far, you're listening to the master of the Glen Back Programme. Well, The programme Glenn Back join now by stupor gear. Our executive producer and host of us do does America and gray host of his own show, Pat Graham you tell pad fellow.
Do you remember the the couple that ingested the fish tank cleaner. I do last week, yes, tell me the story. Tell me the story, the best of your recollection. Well, because Donald Trump made it sound like the the fish tank clean, was a cure for the corona virus. They took they ingested it and of course, nearly killed him that we are basically, it ok from the media rights. So now the washing in free beacon has found their names. They establish the identity through descriptions in the local news reports, the pair identified as Gary sixty eight wander. Sixty one free beacon is withholding their identities at wanders request. However, the Federal Election Commission Records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to democratic electoral groups and candidates over the last two years, including Hillary Clinton. The Democrats,
congressional Campaign Committee Emily's list, a group that aims to elect pro choice, female candidates and, in fact, Her most recent donations went on in February to a democratic act the three one for action fund, that bills itself well out what it bills itself, as in it in a minute, but a coup. Turning to the free beacon and I said that she and her husband are both Democrats there, not from supporters. They heard about the potential benefits of Chloric, Queen Clerk Win and anti malarial drug in news reports, she's decided at the spur of the moment to try taking it, but read for the fish tank cleaner in the pantry, they contain Chloric, win phosphate a different and deadly form of the camera. She said where we're not
supporters of Trump, but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff, and we is made a horrible, tragic mistake. It was stupid and horrible. We should have never done it, but done now and I've lost my husband and my whole life was my husband. We didn't think you would kill us, thought it would help us cause. That's what we ve been hearing on the news we sought jump on tv on every channel and all of his buddies that this was safe. She said Trump. Kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure. She said you shouldn't believe anything that this president says the way the pact that she donated a lot of money to here recently was the three one for action fund. That is Old, as the
pro science resistance group, their resisting science, because that would actually, I think they are. I I think they are I don't believe anything. This president says to people it she's in shock. Still over her husband's death, we were having the best day before it happened. I made him his favorite lunch grilled steak and asparagus and red potatoes. We were just having the best Sunday. That's. When I went and got the key. Or a queen phosphate, which is not what president was talking not at all, he did. He never told me about it. I d fish tank cleaner though dont. Do it right, nor any say right, a cure, even the right form of it. He said they were going to test that any was hopeful yeah now You know it's really interesting. Any also said talk to your doktor talk to your doctor,
It what's interesting is there's two good there's do quotes from her. First one is from the Washington Free Beacon. She decided at spur the moment to try taking it but reach reach for the fish tank, cleaner, phosphate, blah blah different from the chemical. She said we weren't big, so orders, but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff. We made a horrible tragic mistake. That's in the Washington Free Beacon. Here's the interview with NBC Andy and be see. She said she said: don't take the president's words. Oh my gosh don't take. Anything. He says, don't believe anything that the President says and his people. So I'm I'm wondering why she didn't say that to the Washington, Free Beacon or if she were was prompted into that or she's trying to make herself feel less stupid by blaming it on the president of the United States.
I'm going with that. Yes, I'm going with the latter strive to make herself feel stupid? She also knows who she's talking to when she's talking to them and we need and we see people are gonna, be more receptive to the don't. Listen to any The president says than the Washington Free Beacon is, but I missed the speech where the president said: hey, if you ever miss tank? You know we ought to do his run over Rob and grabbed a cleaner and just ingested and then you'll be protected from the girl in my garden. Do that Bobby like it? We all know that you can eat fish, but you don't go to your fish tank meet the fish in their own right. I just go to fish day I get. Did you happen to be a similar word that happens to be associated with a fish tank that doesn't make it ok to eat? No astride unrolls drew rule of life, yeah, I did so I mean it.
It really is set out. We know there is speculation in the beginning of this are like just sounds like she just killed her husband and its well, I don't know that there is any evidence of that. Mean that everything was on the up and up issues. It is a really tragic story of somebody who really was a victim of their own stupidity and it is really really sad, but you know the way that it is seen in the richest, so bizarre, coming from a person who is making a big political point out of it. I can't imagine if I just lost my husband that it be sitting here like very the american people. Not whether they be completed listening to this president, this president does not fourthly, I believe fusion donate to it just doesn't see it seemed like on ferries, it's a very shady story. The whole thing is that it is, I think it is I haven't the slightest idea like somebody yet ourselves like somebody something somebody would say this been watching the tiger like somebody something somebody would say this been watching the tiger king, because that thing
is insane and you find out that mean early on that Tiger King is in jail, I think we don't really know at the beginning. You do you find out that he's in jail and its because he would a hit out on this woman who is trying to shut his tiger camp down she's in Florida and she rescues tigers and she he's putting them in really crappy cages. I mean his places. Nice competitors and she's I you can't keep animals in cages and she's got him all in these really could not gauges anyway. Apparently he was trying to kill her, but then you find out that her right leave rich? You know, millionaire husband just disappeared, and- and they have never been able to find the body, and they say that maybe she killed her.
Has been and fed him to tigers? It's the crow you watch this you're you just like I owned I've never seen a bigger freak show then than than this than this show it is. It is Racy, every ten minutes, you think a keg worse than this? Ten minutes later it hits much worse than this. It is it's it's Florida times a thousand. Anybody who ever lived in Florida understands what I'm saying he every crazy story ever that you ve ever heard somehow or another, is connected to Florida. So I mean end there actual murdered on going on and we're making a reality series out of it. That's really already justice done any country or yet look it. Here's here's the featured story, the top of the page of blaze, Popularity
Tiger King Documentary Prompt sheriff to ask for leads in cold case of women's missing, former husband I saw a ceiling. We knew anything any more, that link that legal system just sit around and wait for document or is now, and so we do when they got wait. What our colleague did what, while that document, really let's get him in prison bill cause, we did what ok now it's time to go after him, oh they're, making a murderer is the same thing like being only they eat. This guy had been Indiana jail this time, and it was this cold in case it already been decided, and then they had to go back through it and look at it again because the documentary about that's how we do it now the true crime by mediation. John reduced, drives our legal system. Do you guys have to just watch At least one episode watch. Just one episode. Could you have to meet Carol: woman and the people who are the people who, making. This are genius. Because they're they'll leave in footage,
of of them veto at times like their driving up to meet her for the first time and you just here, one of the camera man or one of the producers go well. She's asked appropriately and when you see the camera, come on her. It's like! Oh, my god, you you you, you would not believe that this is crazy, as, what's the group there Did the spinal tap and best in show Christopher? Just movie using yeah, ok, it is crazy, as those people then fall make bets all four comedy. It has all of those characters in it. It's insane it's insane we talk about this too, that it's gotta be one of the larger sort of shared. Cultural events in a long time, because You know what you're thinking have audio, let you have a totally captive audience like when you hit one
These things, when you hear the big documentary that everyone is talking about, the big show that are ones talking about on net. It's already a big thing right, but now everyone at home watching television- I mean everyone- is streaming Netflix. At the same time, a hundred million people watch you- probably it probably will go back to some of the Israelis duty. Vinos yeah yeah can you action. If this was happening. I contend this quarantine could not have happened fifteen years ago if, all had die or netflix. We know we are therefore Netflix than dial up here, because unless blockbuster was deemed essential yeah I mean you could just you wouldn t you couldn't have done it. It will drive you insane yeah. That's why we're unwilling to give up a constitutional rights, because we got Netflix now just watch Netflix, I'm fine, fine, I'll, stay home and wants Netflix right can you imagine how big the actual viewers
numbers would be. If we had the for networks. The three networks are for networks and just regular television how huge numbers would be now these Netflix numbers have got to be outrageously, huge and me another they don't they don't share them. So we may never know. This is the best of the planned back programme. Hey it's Glenn, and if you like what year on the programme, you should check out pad gray unleashed he's pot gases available where ever you download your favorite podcast. So yesterday the president was in the rose garden and he had a bunch of sea egos, their Procter and Gamble C O was there lotta people, and he
talked about how they were all pitching in to help the media and twitter went crazy love this one trump showcasing executives from all these private companies instead of talk about government efforts is a reflection of how little is administration is doing to respond to the corona virus, nothing, nothing it the media up and lit social media like MIKE Lindau, Michael and L, got up these the guy from my pillow and he's retooling his factories to be able to make masks for the hospitals. That's why he was there when he got up to the mark, Forrester thanks. Mr President, if you don't mind, I'd like to just make a quick statement, he said God gave us grace on November, eight to twenty sixteen to change, the course we RON gods been taken out of school and out of our laws out of our lives, A nation is turned its back on God. I inter encourage you to use this time at home too.
Back to the word to read our bibles, bring your family's back to God. I thought I was in credibly, brave and not unusual Unfortunately, yes, it is in the world of the media. This is from Alley veil. She from MSNBC trumped just called the my pillow guy up to the podium in the rose garden. You can make this stuff up Jim Oh Grady, are you effing kidding me at my pillow guy on the cell is garbage product during a pandemic briefing, he wasn't selling anything and no one, no one fights a pandemic better than or more scientifically than in the insane, my pillow guy talking about the Bible it when on and on and on. Michael endeavours here, two to respond in and tell us how you feeling today, MIKE I thought incredibly brave
say what you said cause you knew you were going to take a beating for it. I thought it was eloquent, and I thought it was exactly the right thing to do. Congratulations for doing that might well. Action, I am now. I have brought you to draw down. Yeah. I can return to the present because I did not I I said you. I want to set up a lot that cop hear it. I did you know I thought. You'd, think he'd be attacked like out. I really doubt we're not. Why I had already, and then I had over seven hundred and fifty some catch messages course them were good anybody, I believe, people I have my phone number we, I people, I got you a good, so I retail trade they'll kill you, the morning, but I actually I actually want. I would today the bad media sites and framework is trying to be put out there and when one thing I want to say is, I think, everyone out there even proposed size, because
so many people that were on the five, even the media that say on these horrible things. There are people- there are going. You know what we just like. You said he was a salary thing. It what's wrong with me at home,. Your family's enough just used opinion Emmi there I bought about this country. Like I told the president, I said you know, Mr President, We gotta, we weren't overlap is about a half hour after that human eye, and I said you know what I said: these press briefings, or so got your people see and who you really are. Who you are Did you ever hear of your heart Anna and all this big news in this crazy attacks out there by the left? They said, I should I I could hear the words going up and I read in the text I got from a friend of mine, whose is very much President Eve Aigner, and he said, but I read it to him and said Might you know I'm not a big Donald Trump found, but he said you know what God bless them stolen incredible job is like he's gonna job Champ
and here I think, he's goin on me and if this was happening, I think people gonna quit be Brainwash by the horrible creed. Media. And they know who they are not and then, in the public's, we're going to see this. It's amazing jobs in our present stolen, but I say You don't like beginning interview after interview today, I'm taken all the best, once I think, I'm goin on a view to Morrow I will Oh my gosh, I I I I love it I want to go right into the hurricane. I get finally get to speak out for Jesus like I want you, that's great, that's great my? Could tell me about your company is doing he had you on on the stage along with other sea egos, because you're doing something with your company. Tell me what you're doing well about two weeks ago. You know what we gotta make me out. I heard there was a need I reached out to the vice president: he's had a desk in this whole thing and reach out to his arm
and they directed me to Peter Navarro who could copy? Who caught checks, be right back and then call me in, and he says we have this thing shut up in a coalition. I call them they were sure I'll pull in finding out specks than I these caught mascot and then I had to outsource kept. You know Figaro working up, they allows big in our country and In the meantime, I said you guys were doing we're going all the way in, and we rebuilt by one of my factories, two hundred thousand square feet and we put in safety precaution for all my employees. Whether Turkey, the door they China, China, they can take breaks when they want and we went all it by within three days. We were up to ten thousand miles training on nine. Three ships, and we want to get up to fifty, by the end of the week by one of the things that happen glance was, WWW fifty thousand fifty thousand day or, at the end of the week day, no adverse holy cow we're. We're
good. It were very good at tat, ramping up at my pillow and and ears. He used to big numbers and I have such an amazing. He we we had both soil machines apart, we had dinner with very expensive a dichotomy cuts. Outbreak so- and I am not one of those back because they wanted a hundred and fifty three counter better. My turns out it was too oh five double swords borgian. Shall we overshot the marking So there was a lot of things that were that, whereas set up almost perfect for such a time, as is for my pillow to get Bob, but where things have happened. Yes, I became like a bicycle. Harbin. I've got a whole team of people. I have plenty. People is like a taskforce where she gonna put a website up because we're getting right. You know from all over the country you know hey. How can I get involved is a business hope I hope I have five other businesses I dealt with this which, over to getting so in these mask a NATO. You know, I want to say just a few
were there at the White House. There are so many companies out there that are stepping up in his just amazing to see that you know that I read one of the guys it said. Do you know that that is the fact that the president is showcasing. These private industry shows how little his administration is doing. That is the. Idea of a free market. This is exciting and why we always pull ahead in a crisis because The free market is, we don't have to wait for the government to requisition things we just do them, we find a better way to do them and we get it done absolutely, and I want to tell everyone out there. I went through the white I'm you know, you know me, I'm an optimist beyond belief. I went
for the White Austrian, I'm the proof. We had a round table thing when a vice premier, president. These are in these other companies and myself had found a, and they are talking about youth, these statistics. He knows he says to me: she might this one took they said it would take a year. They did it. In two weeks I mean he's able to take the private sector and the governments you know what this one company called uppity or one governor called him up and said: hey, hey, I'm I kept by the government's block enough it badly at the federal day. I am in. He called out there. Now you gotta, in two hours have what months I mean I mean this is what he's the best calm, his there's a calm ears, common sense problem solution and manifest to gonna manifesto no he's built. For that I mean I want, I loved her, I'm more optimistic now that I was in for me to go up debate to double my optimism. Gonna, while he's gonna through this. I shall again Charlie when I can all Maisie things are doing.
He is a guy, and I have said this for a long time. He loves a crisis, Peter loves ease. He lives for that that moment of crisis he creates. He creates chaos. You know through his twitter fades and everything because he loves it. A feast on it This is a real crisis and you can see how he is. He has stabilized all of the other behaviour that usually causes the crisis, because he is in a real crisis now and it he's, operating as I think he does when he building giant Munich building projects. He can just take on a whole bunch of different tasks, and remained steady. How is he here to you is this or its end, and now it is tired. No no cattle picky tyres, I mean
did he works wider than anyone ever I've? Never seen you don't twenty item at twenty hours out of a twenty four hour day. He does that my pillow, so yes, quality sleep up, put a plug in there the he hears like you just said it. He lives for this he's he he knows he's the best at it and he is like a big guy running out orchestra, all these temporary files. At the same time, hunting through the tape to get this done. To get this done, and it's amazing any spirit so good. He don't, you know he's. I think he is people don't realize. The bottom is he's he's amazing listener. He takes it all in You want a right at the figures Edith if I get inside your computer taking into his brain and then you get the God given enough guilty, just raise it in here. Cancer and you're going to have a hard time changing my mind once he gets that answer you said you're not going to. He knows it's the right thing and just because you got other people putting their
maybe having their own agenda once he makes that decision he's going to get from point a to point b and there's nothing to stop it's just a matter how he gets there. Did you with the other seals? Did you guys talk about the economy and and how we are to turn this thing back on all day, You know one of other things is why I think the frustrations I got I brought up, I said you know: there's aren't you These places that are open like your wall, martian grocery stores and ass. I am, I was sick and I walk into one and they don't have people at the door security. Then he put a mouse gone users, sanitize or year gear or even their own employees within the business. I set it up a pillow. Why not me? Why do you? Why don't they have saved you? Things had they're getting to be open this because their essential report, I told the present- set down in Oklahoma. Randomize got how David, if you know how these things are, not it's not
said. It is essential that you haven't church open but yeah. There's a hardware army, no car parts store. Whether all congregated with no males together clerks not wearing a male. What's wrong. With that picture I mean, you know what we need say: practices for their businesses. Are there so they can give us companies, you know when we will, we go back to the other business start open. If these are joining, you knows is showing say, practices is just and we ve been talking. You can be dealt with the present right now he's hearing on one hand, millions of people will die your saving I've got. My first thing is to save wise, but he said he said, but we ve got to get people back to work, so we need to give you that we need a good solutions and he's that's what he's way and that's where we're waiting on now is for the president took that you just keep taking an employment when you, when you're standing delays or pay will wait most in other person.
Data here, what more stop keeps coming yet more steps is right on when I'm gonna be, I believe a day's calibre can go. You know what we're gonna start here, these things. When I open up your back and said nature, wide open it up or what she'll be it'll, be all right, the pulp and then my I've gotta I've gotta run up against the network break. Thank you so much for what you did yesterday. Thank you for the masks and we'll talk again soon.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-16.