« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guest: Harry Dent | 2/3/21

2021-02-03 | 🔗

Coca-Cola is now demanding diversity at law firms that work with it, and Glenn in turn bans Coca-Cola products in his house. Glenn goes more into the Coca-Cola controversy and how the company is leading the country into the Great Reset. Pat’s wife has new cookies for sale at Keksi.com! “The Sound of Silence” is a warning for what we’re now living through. Glenn breaks down the lyrics. Economist and author Harry Dent joins to discuss the GameStop controversy and give a dire warning about the fast-approaching future of the economy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's not our in rural poor Moldavia is Summers governor it back in the United States area which might move can already now America's dumbness mobster drew Cuomo, yes he's here and not only been called out by us now. It's all. I get spread a little bit of a little bit here. It's going viral. Yet when people in your own party and then that ones in your own office, it's a kind of a problem. We also have one of the scariest. We should have done and unhallowed one of the scariest guests we ve had in a very long time Harry. Don't the economist who has really called the direction of this economy, he's gotten some of the time in the wrong place. He has. He is called the direction of this economy fact he was on in. I think it was Octoo Ober of twenty nineteen and he said by spring of twenty. Twenty something will happen and this whole economy is gonna turn and we're. Gonna have unemployment, and I thought that's that's crazy and that's exactly what happened. He now says we're forty five days away from the great depression. You don't want to miss that in what he says. You should do about this and so much more on today's programme.
you only thinking Coca COLA, has sent out notice is now a law firms demanding the company will require diversity among all of the law. Firms who billet for work in the United States and Deuce payments if they dont comply. They later went on to say that the Coca COLA, companies, chief diversity, equity equity, not equality, equity, and inclusion officer. Lorry George Billingsley, who sounds rotary driver, explains how Coca COLA is creating a culture of diversity and inclusion.
Coca COLA, General Council, is urging urging law firms to affect real, systematic change by adhering to new requirements that mandate that outside council allocate a portion of work too diverse, eternities attorneys, specific the black lawyers or risk losing money or even a future. Coca COLA Legal Business Cokes It will require quarterly reporting about the make up of legal teams: that do work for it and self identify as american indian alaskan native asian Blue Woman, black or woman Hispanic- let thinks I want latino Man, woman child. It I don't care what you're pronouns are stopped put the lieutenants. I don't know a single latino person that doesn't think let tanks is insulting.
it is directly from the sopranos you're hanging out in some script club gone yea, bring that like pink, so it's I enough with LE tanks algae. B T kill native Hawaiian Pacific Islander in persons with disabilities through percent of aid build associate and partner. Time will be from one of these attorneys and it east half have to be from black attorneys, holy cow. Now, here why can you saving it talking on the phone? You have never know assuming it Tanya on the phone, because no more Coca COLA. No more quickly, and that is like gold at my house, but that includes a lot, the stuff now not leading a campaign against Coca COLA. I wouldn't mind being responsible for that, but
I dont led boycotts. I personally, with subtle there near enough people picked up on and now I'm fine, but everybody has to make their own personal choice. This is the line for me, this is the line for me. I will not cross this line and here's. Why think of the impact that call could COLA is going to have a company. This large and this is only the first- they ve already said over the great reset they're. All in and so they going to require this of all of their partners. So we a company like Coca COLA, says we're not going to do business with you. Unless you adhere to these things. how many companies are just gonna fold, most of them, because they need Coca. Cola is business. So think of this. Think of the truckers. Think of the bottling plants. Thinking
people, who you know supply them with water. Everything else everything they do company. The size of Coca COLA. Tawny is on the phone Tanya, hey I always think of these things and then I get home, and I forget, because we are talking about so many other crazy things. Why Coca COLA off the list? I know I am botany for a while, but we buy toper cheered. What is it tat? You go right, we buy that water. That's a coke product! Here can you go through the cold products? No more in our house, no more Coca cola. What happened? I don't hear about it. I do think it a voice in this, and you d say edicts of no comical not we're on the same age on this kind of stuff they just they there just going totalitarian. As for brightened yeah, so go ahead. Hang on hang on listeners, ok point earlier
she's gotta go! Do you forget later? I won't have any more, but I gotta go sprite phantom deciding smart water minute made in and I know what sums ago some creepy website. Simply Georgia, Costa, Fuse T honesty, fair life power aid. Ceo far were good, except for the soldiers show. Epps, vitamin water golden gold peak apple, These are matters that is but what she go. Aquarius, scam large Man barks, root beer, that's really good root beer, peace, tea which is bringing lemonade,
Obviously this is this: it was just making their arms do well, hang on what they they have. Restaurants, too, don't they are that Pepsico Pepsi has a bunch of those on debt another. This is just the Coca COLA Company becoming that would have remedies better on workers that recital Bela the others. like two hundred companies that they, reckless own and there's five hundred that they own all or poor or part of so don't be difficult: you're not gonna, be able to eat or drink any more that pressure, honey. They were right to Selwyn and say isolate Coca COLA. Company from our are stocks. No, no more common goal! Now you are, you aware, does do these other companies that do have you checked into their backgrounds. We call a company, it's the Coca COLA, say like you. What's your alternative to Togo, Chico Verandah Perry, I think Perrier, some conservative company, I know it I dont want
So what would you do in those situations? I'm going to eventually run out of things grow out of things, but I am going to look for those companies that support what about Hanks Hankses ominous ears, the bank's room. Where is the best buy? Hanks? Absolutely it's always a good idea. Right I mean just I'm not gonna. Do it anymore? you're doing Sonny I more cookies and less Coca COLA, see who are more clear, shameless catchy, cookies, maxie dot com. Can you know what they probably agree? Taxi k, e k S eye yeah, it's cookie in Finnish, my understanding patch is you are the worst? You learn worldwide birth, first,
What was it scrub? Delicious quotation. You're, like I dont, know how to spell that men, Russia's scrumptious cookies in uniting miracles, can't spell scrumptious, and now it's can't see exit cause it's in finnish all. Well, yes, there are so many catch phrases and american that our finnish level of beet make it easy to find these cookies taxi cooking, I got it all. I see you just go there and you'll find any spell k e k, and, as I am now
do you requiring diversity by training for all of your turning? So I'm not oh, my gosh, I mean. Are you gonna start due not only to be part of a great reset? Now I'm not ok. Go I'm completely against the great reason, good good good, I'm glad I'm glad you're left, so he could eat cookies and has repeatedly and that's all your food sustenance. That sounds like a tree more to be said. Is that, like? I have absolutely no problem with that. Dreamworld join me on this? Yes, because it's absolutely not, and so we're clear. I know I wouldn't let me currently take a drink of dyke opened up Do you have a line? You know I
Give Coca COLA sponsored ISIS directly. I wish you would allocate Literaria drinking less Ryan Diet, Coke, but Jerry they even they dead. The red in our logo is the blood Christian US killed by ices. You'd still think about you know. I will no longer by caffeine. Free died right circumstance that ordinary mortal draw new coke you're out. I just had I not look. I weep talk, but this many times- and I know you're really sincere here- I think it's it it's a tough thing to do in this world right like three hour, because you cause, as we point out there, Every single thing that you do has p that disagree with you strongly and has come and have our backed by companies that totally different. You mean like what, if you, if you find some amazing a company that you want to do business with,
Probably all their suppliers are doing these types of things. So there she's telling all your product chain of conduct that your bike, but you can do things like if you have a foreign cave, you have any kind of money that is invested in the stock market, most likely you're a shareholder of Coca COLA, probably true meaning they do so because it is a big company in in and and solid. It's probably in a portfolio of yours. If you buying a bunch of companies in a mutual fun, get Coca COLA off your sell. Your stock sell your stock. I mean that no, I guess user product, but I I refute. I'm not going to night can't continue. To go down this road and theirs. lots of things like I can What am I gonna? Do I can't and cut out all the entertainment in my life, and there is just no real entertainment that doesn't come from Hollywood
You know that it's getting better but were ten or fifteen years away from a real replacement for these things, So I having given up you know on some of these things. I've given up on certain shells have given up on certain things, but I just can't I can't this. I can do now, I'm looking at you could do it makes you feel like you're miyage. You know what makes a feeling I basically right. I mean that's really what this comes down to, there's no way to actually avoid all the products of the people and ideas that you disagree with me now your ears, erected to your ipad: apples and have this policy horse data of wearing ice cream is a really good example of that all of the premium I screams, except for the ones we ve been talking about from brokers, workers, ice cream, they're, all waging progressing terrific. Yes, in all events, series of the world and in those brands in Ohio, forget what her name is, but there I all maritime progress. I will tell you: lard art Brokers Pham founders, ice cream is just
so good yeah and its now only available. We know by shipping, but that just became available like a few weeks ago to hear how do you get it? Workers ice cream, dot com. It is until you click on the nation ship nationwide table. Let me invest. I've asked him to invest I've only of assets. Pat, let me investing your company now know will obstruct. Let me a vast, no purchase like your avoiding comical. If he's right and I'm areas like my ear, we ve got our lines. Land lying around at Dover, get about a fat grandly, should surveillance on the blaze and, of course, catchy cookies, but as a cat taxi k e k S eye, We could search for this block by Facebook.
We are glad that you are here today. I want to talk to you about a song that has taken on a whole new meaning to me. I've been listening to hallowed Agnes, smiled friend and avoid? that song sound of silence. But my son turned beyond to the version by disturbed and you should hear this the way he sings it is completely different. And it took on a new meaning because of some things that have been going on in my in my life. with my family. But I've been doing a little bit of research just on it. Does this song I mean we ve all sung it a million times. What is it really mean. what Paul Simon wrote.
Is a warning about these times. What he wrote it was: what the hippies used to believe in what all of People said hey this: he's gonna turn into a problem in people like me for years, dismissed them and said: come on, it's never gonna be that way, and now it is what he was talking about was Brave new world. I want you to listen to the lyrics here and I can, play them without any kind of real restrictions So I'm just gonna read them to you. hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again. he's alone, He feels alone important. He's talking to the empty darkness, he says
cause a vision, softly creeping left, It seems, while I was sleeping Have you ever had a dream that you can't shake. What's with you all day and are just like all man, that's what talking about, I had a vision, softly creeping lifted seed. While I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain. Still remains. Within the sound of sir Allowance. In the restless dreams. I To narrow streets of cobblestones neath, the halo of St Lamp. I turn my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the night and tat
the sound of silence, what does that mean. He's working alone again, he has no one to talk to. He's completely alone. everything is abandoned. He's walking down the street at night and a knee on sign staff, His eyes and touch is the sound of silence What is the neon sign Just flashing bar. cocktails? What is it. You'll understand by the end.
And in the naked light I saw, this is the light of the neon sign and in the naked light I saw ten thousand people may be more. He was alone on the street, but the neon sign it flashes any sees. Ten thousand people may be more. Listen to this people talk. Without speaking People hearing without listening people. Writing songs that voices never share, and no one dared disturb, the sound of silence. In the naked light of that sign who were talking. no one was listening. People were taught but they weren't, really speaking, they weren't. it was nonsense. They were
talking about things that didn't matter. and nobody was listening to each other. And there were few- that were writing songs, but no one would ever seeing those they were never going to be sung. Because no one dared- stir, but the sound of silence. What is the sound of silence and what does it have to do with the neon sign. Fools said I you Do not know silence like cancer grows. Here my words that I might teach you take my arms that I might reach you. But my words
Like silent, raindrops fell and echoed in the will of silence. and then the people bowed and prayed. To the neon God, they had made. And the sign flashed out its warning in the words that it was forming and the signs said, the words of the profits are written on the subway walls and tenement halls. Now I find out what the neon sign says and says the words of the profits are written on the subway walls and tenement hold. What the hell is even talking about. The people bowed and prayed to the knee on God. They had made wait a minute.
What does a neon sign do. A neon sign draws your eyes away from everything and it advertises. And this sign was advertising that the words of the profits are written on the subway walls. Will, when you hear the phrase written on the subway walls and you ve ever been to New York, it least lately mean spray paint. That's not what he's talking about. The words of the profits are written on the subway walls. He was talking about at ties meant. Was talking about giant corporations that were controlling everything and we're making it so wonderful, so comfortable No one was even talking to each other anymore.
Everyone was talking nonsense and he was standing there saying people wake up. and no one would. And those words of the profits were whispered. in the sound of silence. Paul Simon saw In his generation. He saw the things and stood. Against the things my grandfather didn't understand,. My grandfather said you know they're all hippies. No, no, no solemn grandpa have good point. Some of them are just dope. Smoking orgy, loving hippies, but
a lot of them saw problems with the nineteen fifty in the nineteen sixties and they wanted to change society and some of them were really quite smart. but it seems as though those people have completely sold out because maybe they became rich, And now there in charge of the machine now. There writing the words on the subway walls now they are in charge of the neon sign, and they are demanding that people talk without speaking Bull here without listening. And anyone who writes a song that doesn't go, with the neon sign. No voice is going to share that song. What was true, then, is true today, unless You choose.
To dare break and disturb, sound of silence. This is the best one big programme buried in the other a zero hour, an economist who, I think, has called many things in the last twenty years even longer than that thirty years, really right on the money Harry welcome. How are up a backlash. So I want to talk to you a little bit about game. Stop because you know I've been saying that this system has been gained for long time may mean went when you know George Bush had to violate the free market to save the free market we bailed all these banks out, etc, etc. Then we just continue to do it. You and I talked about in what twenty nineteen you said in the spring, something
happen and the and the stock market will fall and the economy will totally change. It was cove id. Was that something that happened, And you ve been right now it What what does this mean this? This game? Stop thing some people say it's the beginning of the end and it's a real revolution. some people say it was no big deal. Some people say that it is going the change and the oligarchs going to rule because of this I feared more. The revolution cycles were in a very important cycle like the american Revolution that brought in democracy in and knocked down the monarch for the first time before that it was the revolution that took down the all powerful catholic church. At the time I speeches central banks going down this time, and I cannot wait because this whole Danes thought thing only happens in an environment. I call the markets on crack. That's also people think BS
I do not believe in market pole just out. Sixty six percent of people inside is a manipulated market while its worst turn that it starts with the Federal Reserve in central manhood and pumping non. Stop me gotta women. This is lowering interest rates in inducing people to borrow a little more is literally putting trillions of dollars. Direct created out of nowhere in the markets Please now more more, chasing the same financial assets with pushes the much vaunted that not all because they say gonna constantly by these bonds, which pushes down long term and short term rates. That means bonds go up and that means starts go up so that traders. Big traders, the real manipulators, see my God now We can leverage even more and all because we know the direction feds gonna put stop and we're not gonna sit down parents belong, it reduces the risk and now at cop, almost nothing was vague interest rate zero rates. True to find
if its leverage, so so what has been Happily, I've been saying that for years in unequal to good with the big Honey, the hedge funds and not in the leverage traders they throat wait around. They have the best information. They know what every body is doing. You me little traders, other funds, everything and when these you think people going. What in one direction like bullish, they join bonnet may short in the problem. Is I don't mind they short anybody should they'll go long or short the problems they can do it on high leverage with option. then futures and literally just Porsche market down until the people that are long capitulate, so they ve been doing this for a long time. So I spoke on the part of the Harry. What's really disturbing to me is let me first of all your exactly right eight they if the FED has been just they. Investing. They have been dumping money.
Into the stock market, which creates It's a bogus stock market They are putting money in not little people and, and why happens is when the FED just starts to buy the stock market. The FAO, it has gone to advisers, their advisers on who to invest in has been black rock will now rock. The all of the heads of black rock, I think, except for one hour now. In the EU in the Biden administration, the chief economic advisor for the but for the President Biden is now Blackrock executive that chief Ec Economic Advisor for Koala Harris is now a black rock executive. The right hand, man for Yellin in the Treasury department, is a black rock guy.
Even Goldman Sachs didn't have the french German, which puts a bed german and a third person in the treasury. So yet we got everything lock towards endless stimulus in this Jason Biplane, so get FED, adds money to the market, pushing up prices. Traders add a lot more leverage pushing up prices, yet the most important number and economy are now blend. Nobody thought about five hundred honey trillion dollars in financial aid. That's globally, six point two times global gdp at eighty four million and then way more than money and everything else. This is the biggest babo, it's worse than the debt bubble, to interpret the three truly see in a norm. what country a growth economy dead, be one and a half times. Gdp and financial asset might be to two and a half. Now, there's six point: two deaths over three, This is the greatest possible, but the bubble now, because the central bank,
he's quantitative easing putting the money and, as you say, the animal life created the actual asset Well, that's the bigger monster than the debt problem in that can be leveraged and disappear money even fast. When a debt elaborate jigsaw, these guys are creating a monster. That's going to check them very hard. I think it's cool men wearily and weeks or months now, no more than that, so I I did I did it. report back in two thousand six or seven when I was on CNN and I did a monologue on the money bubble. I said: look The housing bubble is coming and it's gonna burst and it's gonna be ugly, and then here's what's gonna happen and they ve done all of those things, and I sat at the end of that monologue before the housing market bubble. I said the neck. bubble is gonna, be the money bubble or the everything bubble everything will be put in, and
the grossly abused and then ever- thing comes down to agree with that: yeah yeah, that everything calmed down by him, Three on the guided studied his dream. What actually happens is that ideology leads forty to fifty, some of those financial assets will disappear forever. That is two hundred to two hundred BP trillion dollars two and a half to three times global GDP is gonna disappear. If that's not going to cause a recession, Glinda called it. Question when you have that much de leveraging China course, then the daddy Where did the lot of economics for a while, we gonna handle some of the dead stop. Last time, that's not gonna, be as bad. No no Who did that will deliver? Is this Babylon, gonna deal average first and trigger the debt, leveraging and the whole thing come then I'd gone. I could see nothing other than something like twenty nine to thirty two coming in the next two to three years, but that'll be it
you're we ve been in his slowed unless, unless we go to the great reset You follow what they're doing in Davos, with the World economic forum I'd only all those guys you got it you have to the great recent- is happening here in Amerika. It is its. incredible what they're doing, and I think they, You know they're they're, all just banding together for the build back, better campaign which is not a Joe Biden campaign. That's the World economic forum in all these prime ministers and world leaders are using it and it is too, I think it's. The biggest theft of wealth in all of human history? But you know is this possible bursting out. He said In the end, twenty nine to thirty two crashed, it was horrible, but we eliminated about forty to fifty percent of the private debt, which was off the charge back then we rid of a waters. Zombie come you tribunal, nineteen percent,
We probably need on small businesses public trump. These large public. I can't even pay their debt service and a cap that cheap, limping along with this liquidity game stop go. up and down the appointed eighty two points found a one. Twelve in one day could there's so much liquidity that heads in short, big time and bought knocked down and then now small traders, which is a really great thing, banded together and say, look we're city, you guys beaten on Us Bay shoved, though shorts up these eyes and they lost five billion dollars in a matter of days, Melvin Capital at some other hedge fund, because they did same thing when these guys were heavily short on high margin day just bought on and pushed his thoughts after They cover their storage and lose money, have pushed the stock so here? Is it so hard so so Harry? Let me let me let me take. who here because I'm really torn on this, because I think that look
I think you should be able to go long. I think you should be able to bet that a company is going to go down, go short and you should be able to use your money, but that's not what really do they borrow. They have all kinds of devices that the average person doesn't have. And so when the wretched people got on, they look Did that and said there, forty percent more than all of the shares these guys are just pigs. the trough? They're. Not even there, not even thinking there, just money, money, money, money, money, so I have no problem. I have no problem with them figuring that out, but what and concerned about, is foreign country could come in and and leverage the stock market and play these games should we have should we have any kind of rules here, for this or or just leave it alone, and let the system be what it is slowly free market. Listen does not work without rules, but they need to be simple, simple rule You do not have margin,
an enlarged and pass the exact ahead commercial. All these! the future enlargement, was so legitimate com, these that need to deliver a purchase things in the future investments. A commodity can hedge that and guarantee the price at a small cost, and they need margin and options without the do that it should not be used for what I call on calling what you just described, predatory investment needs. see people leaning in one direction and you just come down and died bomb them until they capitulated cell then you turn around and by that is not good for the market and a guy Hedge funds have been doing this big money forever. Now the small traders Donnie other end and actually teaching the husband. You better be careful next time. You do this, we are now watching you and doing the same thing out there, but the problem is this: creates this on board? side. You would limit all this stupid stop. If you did,
allow leverage investing. Just you go short along. Leverage is only for legitimate hedgerows in not for predatory so the Harry? What does this mean? You know twenty nine to thirty three kind of crash. You say coming in the next forty five days or so and I've heard others say exactly the same thing does that mean for the average person like the bank and your loans? Can they call them in what? What does that mean? What's gonna happen to leave the homer simpsons of the country of debt earthy, it hits the rich hard so that in future every day, people but every what have the these assets will go down businesses will fail, loans will fail that mean and then in businesses will lay off workers and people before closed on real estate will go down thirty to fifty percent foxes around it, and I do so so People don't have what I said. I way way way way way way way. You say,
ox will go down. Ninety percent yeah, eighty nine, that is what happened: twenty nine to thirty two that was just simply harshly longed that bubble leveraging, it's the most powerful downturns, this Glenn. This is what causes depressions instead of recession, recessions or cleaning out, but he's an ordinary debt. These are bursting major bubbles, and it's always ugly, so you have they get out of the way the best thing or get real quick get out of all Average asset of eel stocks real estate, and you can and do- get out of alone. Do not pay back alone, When loans fail, this time, they're not gonna, build a bail out the banks like last time that didn't work, that's not gonna, be the possible, and you may get your mortgage written down forty or fifty percent down to market this time so get out his what they ate it. But they should have done last time called mark to market, should mark market a suspended that she that's why these These are good. These debts,
written down at the expense of the bank's these peacefully, she'll bubbles go down at the expense of the rich. I am a traders it up every day Harrison may lose your job offers sir more and then and maybe have simple culture, but they end up coming out the winners when mortgages are more formidable again and they can best for the future in this box or more real. Why do you think they'll returned to him? Why do you think they'll returned to mark to market when they didn't do it the last time? And that was what always did but ok, I said earlier: they created bigger, but the save the debt bubble from de leveraging the banks with it. Then they started data bathing. It only work with driving up assets. doubling down on this front, Natural asset monster is bigger than the central bank remotest at six point two times GDP. When this, but now space it s. You should notice every stock crash, so the peak in January
early. True that two thousand eighteen, which is the beginning this crazy products. Every crash, has gone to lower load after high in the next crash is due to be forty five, fifty percent, and that's when and your badge lose control. It goes down so much the better but they will weigh in UK competent money to say begun and we keep going lower, there's something wrong here and they lose their credibility. I think central banks are they go down like the catholic Church and the monarch did in the past too, major toy. I don't I mean in a way I hope you're right about you know what they're going to do about it. I just don't think they're going to adjust. they're, gonna, try and recorded Glenn. When you re going to try to consult they're gonna product they're gonna try to consolidate globally they're gonna make it bigger than it is now he knew this is bigger than then. How can they control a five one or two
a trillion monster where, as we observed in February March last year, stocks alone drop. Forty four Saint globally and five weeks. I was like forty trillion hit the global economy. Might there I'll take them? propaganda. There's a point where you keep doing this annex. it's going lower every time. There is a point where it seen as a failure and not a success. People still think the central banks are saving the con me no they're, creating a twice as big a bubble, as we had two thousand and seven will lose control, all bubbles go out of control because you can't keep doubling everything every about a year and without, It finally blowing even without a trigger itobad, is the perfect chirography clinch we ve gotten back. Eighty percent be a twenty percent. We don't get back there. There's many industries travel entertain a lot of Egypt really not coming four years so so we are
I'm gonna get back to normal, and yet the stock market price, like we're gonna, have the greatest Pullman history.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-24.