« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein | 1/21/22

2022-01-21 | 🔗

Glenn discusses the company Carhartt and why consumers need to stand against companies making woke decisions. Buying and selling local is possible and necessary. Dr. Robert Epstein joins Glenn to discuss Google and YouTube, how they manipulate their users, and how to fight the manipulation.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey you want, as you want to stop, feel like you're being kicked in the dirt. Lest I feel good about yourself, America, the future. Today's podcast is for you also the last hour. The podcast is with Doktor Robert Epstein. He is a research psychologists team for the american ensue for behaviour, research and technology he's the guy was bent on with us before that has been studying Google and you too, with everything and how they manipulate elections. Well, you don't know this. What you paid for this research to happen during the twenty twenty election, it's already gone to Congress. It actually was used to help in Atlanta, we he gives you the whole story, it's amazing and all because of you all on today's bike,
The only thing to me it's Friday has to learn. How are you my ass. I am fed aspect oh. I am you know that be concerning anybody who listens to this broadcast because I am more clear that I have been in probably it least- ten years and I am more optimistic than I've. Possibly ever been in my life, but that's Harold at its terrible, whoever your optimistic. It means hell for the rest of us yet mean something his coming very really bad, but I am telling you I see the path to victory and restoration, its
unbelievably clear to me right now. Do we get to hear this past? Oh, yes, you're gonna hear it today. Ok, you're gonna or I'm gonna. Then our number two about our number two. I want a short start laying the path out, for you tell a friend. Pierre have sovereignty who, like really down, go hey, you might want to tune into the Glen Back Programme, cause that's what I think is gonna be ok. So let me just give you some some really good news. This suited addition, love sports illustrated still when you think of that. What do you think of, think of a lot of things Glenn this many thing I ever the ears I thought would be some of the things that iranian dreadful men might foul usanga by those people, though they I'd, be attracted to the women inside wearing sickly, no clothing? In fact, many of the swimsuit pictures didn't feature swimsuits
we really weird vigorously to seem like they were just topless on a beach arm. I got so. This is the kind of the inner thinking that we think I are we hate. We are so far away from that. Thank you because we agree with s eye that their swimsuit edition always been a launch pad for progress for all women. and when I saw those pictures you know some dirt bags, but those pictures out my data put em on our locker whatever I thought this is a launch pad for the parliament of all women. That's that's course,
that's, not what you know it's what I thought I was making sure I know I believe the right thing. I know I thought I was alone now cannot now. I know that's what sports illustrated: that's what they intended the whole time the law and launch. I had for drug progress for all women right. So now, they're going a step further. Now you in only advertise if you have taken the step with them in this journey, they are saying now the only advertisers that will pay with change. So in other words, if you who are company that, is already embrace gender equity advertise. Because they want you to advertising, but if you haven't proven yourself to be a company that is, already. Had you don't you built,
business is a launch pad for progress for all women. You know, if you haven't done that, get you can't advertise I want to put an ad for my cookie butter company. I know you're, not a change through the asked she now in the yeah. No, I can't you gotta, be a change, make her sponsor, got it okay, so if you're a change maker? and- and you are part of our excited- that some of your money he's gonna go to these sports illustrated gender Equity fund. You got advertise now, I'm try. I have to tell you I called our advertising department and I said I know I know how you all feel about gender fluidity in writing. Willie arch amphibians of that yes, for Shan, I said, can we get our adds into sport illustrated, and specifically. The swimsuit addition, because
I think I think this is going to make sports illustrated and particularly that particular edition into something wrong. Complete big, how I think this is gonna. Tell her bow people love had they loved it's out. Why remember, when Playboy made that important decision to not have nudity in their magazine and it really we just raw? It was a rocket ship to the moon. After that, yeah really use it sounds to me, like you were saying So while I they may room of reverse the decision in approximately two months, ok, so I'd, let me ask you to: let me ask you this: will sports illustrated. Finally, a embrace Alex a Lindo o Alex Lint?
the term pretend you dont honest, I'm playing the role of any individual audience. Ok, ok, all right, anodyne around! I got we're talking on a conservative and roll out there, they're all conservatism or driving around trucks. Already I dont know what it is people do. Would you gotta talk down to those farmer, yeah man? Aren't you glad that car heart just stuck congenital lobby on love it anyway? So she is the world's first also Austin Porn STAR Sure is Glenn end, and so I mean I thought an obstinate porn star is really where sports illustrated should go because her whole thing is hey you have to include everybody in porno films, and she said, because and she's had and asked me that she is. Even
sexier than ever go ahead. Ask please LISA, I had a look it up. Please. I don't think I want to ask. I know, there's a question there's a question I want to ask: ask it please Don't wanna ask I I I took me about three minutes because of the circle that Google has become so she's the first. Damn right. What does it work What is an obstinate porn star? That's what I ask who gave me the answer. Someone who's had asked me. Ok, that does not help it exactly right. Tell you exactly what is it asked of me colossal me, anybody who is headed ass to me has had a whole put in them and a tube for the elimination of waste, so she's the firs I warrant at our eye with it makes her. She said it makes her sexier than ever. She, the first porn star with a bag oppian poop next door, which,
I think, is sauce acts he yet, while European lightened Leah surrounding that listen to the show, probably Doha ravaged by wrecked and I'm thinking s eye if you really are a launch power, thank you launch pad to empower the progress of women. Want some ass models ass to me swimsuit models? Yes, yes, and I think it needs to be. I think we need who stand on this. I will not by the sports, illustrated anything Nor will I contribute to their there Feminist empower, meant fond share. until I have a copy of boards illustrated within the mate model in a swimsuit, and I want to see the bag a crap on the beach does that's inclusive.
We should reveal to that you want people to stand up for this cause? This is what you had in mind when you are putting together. The theme song for this year stand out sand out, so we do need a gimmick. Give it to me modern Gimme, the stand on, I mean yeah and then, with a virtually the lyrics. Worse stand up for us to make porn star, but we live changing. It is too well. I wait a little clunky, oddly too specific because there are so many other things to stand up for like may I Mars incorporated the I'm cool. during the company behind the colorful candy coded chocolates, announced yesterday, a global commitment, to creating a world where everyone, feels they belong. and society is inclusive. Now I immediately think where is the Eminem character?
as a colossal me bag, theirs There is none. not one. Do you know how that porn? Star feels every time she sees those little Amman. Amazon greet the Brown one now should be an ass debate and that to the air behalf so the global commitment to creating a world where everyone feels they belong and society is inclusive, as part of their new mission to increase the sense of belonging for ten million people around the world by twenty twenty five ten May Why only ten million ten million- that's green. If you were making eminence ten million seemed like kind of a small kind of target is it that the entire Asta population, but potentially could be, could be, could be. Thank you. Do I ever
So open minded and had got a real thinker, I'm an ally! Thank you, re, an Asta ally said of belonging for ten million people around the world by twenty twenty five, his their goal, and there characters who service, mascots, muff sorts for the brand Will now be receiving fresh new looks, for instance, the Green Eminem previously seen and adds posing seductively and struck her stuff in white. Go go boots will now sport, a Paris sneakers. wow. That description for the candy company on the eminent was website said she enjoys being a hyper women for my friends, a hyper woman, a hyper woman for my friends. I M a little offended quite honestly, because she's just she's could we color, which he is, and that is a man straighter.
Thank you miss the weird terms like weaker women, yeah. It's I don't even when I make that is I don't know what that is quite honestly. Eminem went on to say. I think we all we, when we see more women in leading roles and that's why the guy? Green Eminem said quote: I am happy to take on the part of a supportive friend when they succeed in that great another character, the Brown Eminem, the one I'm thinking that needs to have the ask me bag, scribes her motto as not posse just the boss so eminent Mars has said that there is an updated tone of voice that is more inclusive, welcoming and unifying
while remaining rooted in our signature, jester wit and humor, and quote now- I don't know about you, but with all of the issues that people so call people say that their dean, with every day, I think the inclusive anti of of each color of the Eminem the thing that we should be talking about yes and the more these companies can do this sum or I just wanna- buy their product- oh yeah. Now this is because the large that the left says. You see don't do anything, they don't deserve their their money yet know that. Are you kidding me? I mean so now we have the global vice president of Em Adams, talking about the individual, diverse care,
risks of Eminem first real time they ve redesign these guys since nineteen forty one they are a little out of dates to this is literally a proud a product that is that every store in America two feet from a cash register as chocolate. You'll have to do anything in that job right. All you have to do is make sure the things get delivered, correct it correctly to have to sell them. You have to have your little will need all high made them to learn Elton your hand. Ok, then they do melted yearning to melt in your answer you ve already lied to us. All you have to do. Is just keep making them shovel the chocolate into our mouth? That's right! All you have to do bats it, but this those to the great reset. Sports illustrated totally says they're only owing to accept advertisers, who have The ass in there. gee, I'm here You two other stories fat, by low you're, my right out of this book, though I mean it's not in the book, because it hadn't happened yet, but the sports illustrate thing is right out of the wreck. Totally out of the book is exactly what the
explains, is going to happen and its and is here gang is here. If you haven't got the book get it please download the Kindle version. Now it stemming this thing is so rather might be some individual bookstores that have the book call your low bookstore see if they have it, but probably sold out Everywhere- and I can't wait to tell you or doing about that- oh my gosh, it's kind of crazy, it's kind of crazy. I think you're gonna love it so the book. Now you can you can order it or or get the kindled. Now, but it is a must read: go to Glens new book dot com and get the Kindle book doing This is the best one big programme, the very unofficial, never even paid for, haven't even talk to the company
about a sponsorship. this, our sponsored by Hanks Hanks diet, root beer, Hanks in many different flavors. Some of them die at some of them, not a local brew from Philadelphia. That is what should be buying for your group here in your soda and so good to go to hanks dot com, I'm real work. No idea can we just sit here, and it's really good and then official unofficial, sponsor of the Glinda programmed whether they like it or not, Hanks beverage is dot net. Is the place to go so convenient. Hanks beverages diet that you're gonna change that one now hangs beverages, dot, net roles off the tongue anyway, also not sponsor of this hours programme, but
and maybe they will go, what the hell is happening? American giant wanna say go hell car heart, African giant bringing the american values that never wear out into clothing, can giant their clothing also. never wears out. I I just want to start doing business with low. people and I wanna start doing business with you know everybody we advertise on this programme. I know them all personally and most of them, and I mean it's: it's an amazing thing If we were concerned, if we weren't conservative there would be a business book about what has happened to the clients of this show because As so many have started with five people.
an idea- and there like this- is our last dollar. Look. Don't worry, worry. I believe in your product will be fine. They ve got on to sell for a billion dollars, other publicly traded companies and everything else and then Sir publicly traded than you know, the board of directors comes in and there like, we can't have. You will have our causing on confirm how, but I love our sponsors. I love our sponsors and we have to ring thin our communities? Let me see Let's go to Cory, Align Foreign Virginia hallowed, Corey. How long you been talking about the struggle with the different book formats for your new book, the great reset? Yes, I was wondering if, when an audio books version of it will be coming so I'm trying to I've scheduled tomorrow to begin recording. I was gonna. Do it last week, but if, if you until I don't know if people can tell,
I have really I've problems with my courts, they can go into paralysis and they do about every couple of years and then I'm gone for a month. I'm having a problem with my vocal cords right now to know if you can hear the scratching us in it. So it's gonna take me about thirty hours to record, so I'm just. When a push it off a little bit, but as soon as I feel my vocal courts can handle the the weight. I am I'm reading the book. Well, thank you very much, sir. You're welcome. Thank you, Corey Bud in Washington, hello, bud and more aid. It's a pleasure! Thank you, sir. I want to say I want to say that reaching out to local businesses to sell this book is the first step. I've heard that I can do something with it: it's very powerful, I'm a very big believer that when the Big Box stores combat specially to the small community, They might create a few. Jobs are taken away for businesses in the american dream from our day and if there anything
world esprit people we can do on the left or the right. It is, Go around these giant corporations and put the power or in the money back in our community it as we want that power back. We just quit using those, I'm gonna, other up and talk to everybody. I know in my community itchy if I can't get some people who sell these books certainly go up by one as soon as I get all God bless you. Thank you very much, but do you own a small business? I do. What do you do? I teach truck drivers go in and I teach people better. Immigrants are coming from different countries and they get their studio through me. A lot of them go right out by a couple, a truck. They can go right. We'll call in freight making better than family ways oil. I know step eleven that now have fleets of truck, but the fuels going up so much and the giant trucking companies are HOLLAND for so cheap It's getting harder and harder in the regulations are piling up if we and get around those big companies, even the people
on training, especially the immigrants are coming here. It's gonna help us all get free and more powerful. you are exactly right and that if you ve pretty much summed up the last chapter of the book of the great reset you know what I was talking to my staff yesterday and I'm like we're going guerrilla, which is break it up, break it up. We're in the UK, you can't stop something. If, if it's it's do located everywhere, I mean we're just we just did Up all of the work, instead of doing it at one place and let's go local, ISM am talking about him like this? Is gray race at this. I, how do we not think of this? In the first place, this The solution that we presented the book and can demonstrate it now to people we can get you involved and get you making money your community making money by renting these and selling them in local bookstores end?
by passing, all of the the other, That's what has to happen and not just for the book, but for everything. Right. Now you know that there are about six hundred different products in Europe in your grocery store. Kay Minimum about six hundred different products, indifferent, Vienna lines. Do you know the six hundred products all those grocery store shelves, though all of those different brands, everything that's in their there much owned by twelve companies? Did you know that we walk in and we think we have such variety and we do, but they got. Bull everything up and so we are beholden to twelve companies. So when there's a food chain, a breakdown is because one of the twelve companies. The reason why your meat is so expensive is because
We have let the butchers we come from for companies and these or companies they'll, we're convince me they're not colluding, I mean. Maybe they have psychics, it works, so they know exactly what the other people are doing, but they have their. On agenda, they are making money hand over fist, while our local ranchers are dying. So what's the solution while He'd go and vote for somebody in Washington make sure like a break complex monopoly, or you can just start our own butcher. Local butcher places so I dont have to ship my cow in Idaho to Denver. and sell it in Denver. I can. I can have the what you're there in my own local market butcher it and I can sell it to the grocery store order, butcher shop. Why are we doing this?
The one thing we should be learning from Cove id, but nobody is talking about. we had too much stuff from China. Don't drink. Gosh Oliver, rocks by the way it was very nice that Nancy Policy and and the president. Have you have buying up in giving away all these and ninety five masks? I hope, You know how they work because all of the directive orient Chinese made by the Chinese the hell is wrong with us What is wrong with us. No, what's wrong with us, nothing, nothing! We ve just been docile, we ve just, I looked for someone else to tell us what the right thing to do is Paramount Erica, that's the rest of the world. We are the people pet. We say this is the
right thing to do. We ve stopped believing that we can we even We even know the difference between right and wrong, That would word letting some one else tell us, yeah see that guy who's wearing the bikini swimsuit on the swim team. That seems have a lotta junk we're grid. Don't have junk and he's huge muscular yet attitude without saying that We're not saying that we all know it We all know that our girls are being hurt, they can physically be hurt if its official sport. but they also pay girl, Give up on your dreams, see that dude he's built did Currently than you. Oh, no, that's not true. All that not true, he can men strict. No, we can't.
You're a racist, nor not you don't even understand what racism is because you're telling me I should judge people based the color of their skin. There is racism period? You. can get all your scholarly think, tanks and professors together, and you can make up all kinds of new words and definitions. You are full of bull crap, sorry, that's what we need to start saying. say that with malice saying that to make her. somebody feel bad I'm just telling you that's the truth. I'm not going to live in America anymore, because it's not America This is not America, kids You happen to be listening to me in here with your parents right now. I
I you to really listen and it made mean anything to you now, but it will. When you get older- and I want you to remember that you were with your parent when you heard it and your parents Did you and said that's exactly right there. is not America What's your living in is some sort of funhouse distorted, mirror of America? This and reflect any reality of who we were and who we are and most Portly who you will become, though, One who decides that is you no matter who tells you no matter how many times people tell you owe you can't do that. You're, not smart enough, you're, not rich enough you're, not you're too pretty urged or you're not privileged enough? All these p
we're standing in your way, so I've got a vote for that person and then, when we get Washington we get the White House in the Congress then we're gonna. Well, can I come in? change it back all eyes all eyes. You want to change something us believe in yourself just believe in the power of you just believe: in the power of freedom just below leave in the power of decency and goodness you know it. Capitalism is capitalism is you not in the morning and go, and I got a great idea, You know I really hate doing this because, as such pain in the ass. I just came up with a way, so I don't have to do it or AIDS. Much easier thing to do or system much better way of doing it that Capitalism, you having an idea and then
The job of the government is to protect your idea to make sure It remains your idea and isn't given. to Google because they have more money and bigger attorneys. Europe fifteen years old, you had an idea it. Your idea, Norman whom they can hire, no matter how much they have that America, that's the job, of the government me sure, Russia, China doesn't come in and take all of our stuff I don't want a war. I just don't want for stealing my stuff, and that includes my right the job of the government, the other job, make sure your idea remains your idea the rest of it is up to you. who, in the rest of the community and as such
mark. My words you'll. Remember that some day as soon as this country decides. It's going to take about twenty percent As soon as this country decides the hell out of my way. I am tired of the excuses. As soon as twenty percent of this country decides America We'll magically reappear, and we will write our greatest chapter yet and you are going to be the author. This is the best of the Glenn Beck program I am so thrilled to have back into the studio. Dr Robert Epstein, who is the senior researcher research psychologist
we have had on several times. Who looks at Google and you tube in everything else on manipulation, and refresh us. The last time we talked it was in the run up to the election. Yes and you needed a but loader money, yes and you said. If we can do this, we can find out. If this manipulation is happening, corrects this audience was the one it stepped up, and I remember how much we raise, but you got enough money to do the research glad you're here, the euro, zero listeners, your people- ok, I don't know who these people but their amazing because they stepped up gave donations more than seven thousand of them gave donations of between one dollar and three huh. Thousand dollars wow and we not the money that we needed to set up. The
largest tracking system, to track big tat. can see what their showing real voters literally real voters. We had one thousand seven hundred thirty five field agents in swing counties in the swing states, an their permission. We were basically capturing. What they saw their screens? We had equal mix of liberals, conservatives, moderates and we preserves Massive minor from Asian that is normally lost forever. One point: five: million ephemeral experiences, which means it's it's fleeting, it happens and then it's gone for I've gone forever, it not stored. We pay one point: five million political affairs our experiences in the swing counties in the swing states, content going to real Reggie
these are all registered voters again identities we kept secret so that these companies, ever knew who they were wrecked and we're three million web pages and we ve spent the last year analyzing the data, but and we found credible by us all that stuff, but also something truly amazing happened, and this is honestly Glenn smile. When I come in here, because this is you and your people who did this, so it makes me ok and literally no one else stepped up your people did. This is amazing. On October, thirtieth right before the election in twenty twenty, We were seeing such dramatic results, which I'd be happy to share of courteously that we decided- and we ve never done this before even of the election. Is you know not? For a few days we went public with some of our initial findings. and I share them with my contact in Senator cruises office and then
Ex thing happened was November fifth two days after the election. Three: U S: senators sent an extremely threatening, letter to page letter to the sea of Google sang. Epstein work shows you did this in this and this in this and, as you know- and you know please explain this. How do you account for this and Yes, what happened? What Google backed down in Georgia? we had over a thousand field agents in Georgia. Google stayed out of Georgia completely. That is the first time ever. Anyone has gotten a leak. What what this says is what this says? It's a lesson here, the huge lesson for all of us. No laws. Regulations are ever ever going to constrain these companies and
and we don't even have leaders by the way who are capable of passing soya or an understanding that the technology Bruce. Does that mean that in few pia there are more in? But not only have even if they did pass laws. You can't keep up with knack terrorists too fast, but you know what we learned from this process. Thanks to you we learned that monitoring systems, monitoring and tracking them doing to them what they do to us and our kids? Twenty four hours? A day tracking them gets them to back off, they have to back off because we're exposing them. And we have massive amounts of data there. They can't they can't deny. So this This is the solution to protecting our democracy, protecting kids protecting our own minds for many people asian by these tech companies. Today's go and tomorrow's Google is we,
have to set up a large scale, permanent monitoring system that is self sustaining its an all. Fifty. U S, states. It will monitor, it will track and it will expose. So. The key here is: how do you keep it neutral because I I don't care who's, running Google or any these tech companies. It could be all run by conservatives. I don't want them influencing people exactly to be done right. It has to be done with ass. We buy partisan, not partisans. There's gotta be now that bureaucracy, which is you ve, got to make sure that this monitoring TIM, is run fairly. I would personally would not trust the. U S government to run it. I would neither so you know, began I was in power, would control the monitoring, so you want some thing that is neutral there. There are such organizations out there,
believe it or not. I mean you know of their out that many, but- and this has to know you well, this has to be neutral. It has to be you know, Anti salts let's go through some of this. By the way you can get a report he's offering something really great. If you to my Google research, dot com, you're, gonna, find all of the research you ve updated just for this audience, and you'll be able to see all of it and and what he again we will send you a digital copy of this work, which I just view with them, which is my congressional testimony from twenty nineteen, but I just updated. In fact that is dated yesterday's energy twentieth and I David it with all our new findings from the presidential election: twenty twenty from the Georgia elections, and some of our latest research we ve done break through research. the past year that that eclipses everything we ve ever done before we have at this moment in time,
well scientific papers under review and for that are in press solely. We have all kinds of new discover the senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behaviour, research and technology he's all the former editor in chief of psychology Today Magazine a Phd of Harvard University fifteen books on artificial intelligence, yadda yadda yadda. guys resume is key. Amazing, to Robert Epstein, is with us now Did I say there? Is it Epstein Epstein? I keep getting around. I say Epstein that you just think. I think I think Einstein happy if it's ok all right, so Tell me what you learned. Ok, two kinds of things that we ve learned, for the past, specially over the past year and a half. I've been doing all the seven effort over nine years, but last year and a half has been spent a windfall. So in twenty
When, in the presidential election days leading up to the presidential election, we found, as we find in previous elections, consider bull liberal by Us- and I am a liberal- a considerable considerable- RO bias on Google search results possibly sufficient to have shifted more than six million votes with no one, knowing that it was being done and except for our monitoring with no paper trail for authorities to trace cause, it's all ephemeral. So how did? How would six million people will have their minds changed? What did you see, because if you go back in time at some point in time. Twenty percent or more of voters are undecided, independent, election backed up. That percentage can be much higher. But if you assume twenty percent a few months before- and if you assume that Google is. is stacking, the deck on those search results, people trust what's higher,
Google knows that and if they put content, that's higher. that favours one candidate, say Joe Biden and makes another candidate look terrible like Donald Trump P, the undecided people, those are influenced by that. That's what our experiments show. You can shift up to eighty percent of undecided voters after just one search, if you a biased, search results because p I trust that high ranking staffed by the way we even know why now people have that trust, because about eighty six percent of the searches, their people do online are for simple facts. What is it? capital of Texas, I should know that cause I'm in Texas right now in Austin. Thank you is there. Yet the point is the most what people search first for simple facts and where does does answer turn up? Always at the top,
over and over him, we're like rats in a Skinner box were being train. What's at the top is best with at the top is true. We done experiments to prove this by the way and so if you are a company like Google and you have a strong political bias, whether its conscious or unconscious, doesn't matter if you put algorithms out there that boost one candidate or boost one cause, that has no effect on the people with extreme views. You know people are committed to one position or another, but it has an enormous effect on people. were undecided, uncommitted really trying to make up their minds. They trust what Google shows them at the top of the list adjusted podcast yesterday with the FCC commissioner, and we were too king about A sigh and searches and everything else, and how frightening. This is when these companies have so much knowledge about.
you as an individual, their cause. The time, and I think we might be there where you'd No, if you have Will you dont know if you made that decision or you were kind of pushed and moved gently slowly into that decision. Oh, I know because I'm doing experiments in this work for over nine years. I know for sure, because it's not just search results that that's a big one but search suggestions that are wash statue started type a search term. I can prove it to you. If you have a phone here You are being manipulated from the very first character that you type into the search bar on Google. Take. He has got phone open yet area where I really will that camp. I am about to go to Google. That cannot, as I will prove it to you. I have so these suggestions that their flashing at you, correct hills, aren't to help you those are to manipulate. You wish and experiments despite fiddling round with search suggestions.
We can turn among undecided voters a fifty fifty split into now, early, a ninety ten split just by manipulating search suggestions, and no one has the slightest idea that their being manipulated heavens are well. What does he do? Are you there? I'm at Google Insert in the search box. I am by plenary. I've, gotTA, Amazon, Boo, amazing academies Sid outdoors in Amazon, Amazon, Prime thought stop right. There Well, that's the most sir. I mean that's what people are looking for when it Harry. I have that Cherisher sherry's, thereby that's what people will think well, as it happens, though, call it a coincidence that Amazon It has to be Google's largess advertiser. An Google is largest single source of traffic to Amazon that there is it's a business relationship and if you don't believe me, gotta G just type, just a gene erase the a tight budget
Google translate Google Gmail. Oh, what do you know what you know about what a shocker? What that tells you, as if you're gonna start accompany, make sure the name does not begin with Gee? I would like to know how many people are going to google dot com to search for the word. Google I feel like it. Look, there's a limited amount of people who would go to google dot com to search for Google Yvonne. You know your ankle already criterion rotate, but it's not just the search suggestions, its those answer boxes. Now that they show you all the time ass. Ok, we we have and radical new research. Just on the answer boxes. The answer alone it stops people from looking down at the search results. They literally don't down there so funny, because it does the opposite to me, I really does I've these. These answer boxes will come up and I'll be like who the hell are you to tell you not? I mean, and I go back down and I'm I'm searching you do this.
Now what I do for a living average ever said, Anthea reacts that way. Now people are lazy and people are trusting, especially of of Google. You know it's such a cold name, it's gotta be good and you know what the answer box alone can produce a thirty eight percent shift in the opinions and thinking of it people are undecided and not just on on on election issues, but on anything so take that step further now is worth gets. It gets Sorry, ok, hot, like I don't know, I'm already a little alone and in an honor I verily I've hardly got going here because take that a step further! giving soundings gives me would examine little like vizzini. There are differences were having no, I haven't even got one of my favorite
you need a ten should make us anyway, so answers it gives you an answer right now. We call this new effect. The answer bought effect, because what else gives you just the answer, your phone you're, mere your pad you're any they these these devices that are called personal assistance. All of these personal assistance, like Amazon's Elect Alexa like the Google home device, which they tried him. Have you put in every single room in your house? These are answer by and when you ask a question, only give you one answer. And now we have shown in controlled experiments that, with one single question and answer sequence, we can produce more than a forty percent shift in the voting preferences of a group of
decided voters, and if we give them the same kind of biased answer over and over again, we can produce over a sixty five percent shift in the voting preferences of undecided and none of this is it and for your research, and you know this audience raising the money to be able to track it. None of this would have been provable correct it just a theory I would have been theory, so how does do that without me, the trail, the algorithm ass to be not as its approach priority I mean that private proprietary tenets algorithm is worthless. You can use the algorithm to go back in time and and find out what ephemeral stuff they were, showing you or your kids. It's impossible and they know that, and that is why, if there was a leak from Google emails to the Wall Street Journal of it and one of the Leave email said it's. It's one, Google Earth
other burglars- and it said he How can we use ephemeral experiences to hang people's views about trumps travel ban they know this. They know that ephemeral experiences, except for what I do cannot be tracked. You want a full report on what you know you want to talk about out a rigged election, as we had another one common, just to my Google research dot com? My google research dot com, you get a free pdf of the of the of the booklet, Google's triple threat to democracy, our children and our minds
Transcript generated on 2022-01-25.