« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | Guest: Daniel Suhr | 3/4/21

2021-03-04 | 🔗

Gov. Andrew Cuomo finally "apologized" after multiple sexual harassment allegations, but did he mean it? Glenn reads the speech that got a principal suspended, which warned his students about cancel culture. His attorney, Daniel Suhr, joins with insight on the lawsuit he has filed.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey it's great podcast today, a lot of laughs and a lot of really important information for you. Don't miss a second of today's podcast if you want to know what's really going on, the only thing is that Glinda Programme, tat Gray is joining us. Let's see, is there anything at all in a vague all, we could talk about. King while Cuomo? Yes, what still you want to talk about global, has real yeah hi every come in, and I see something new car. What I like I've got a taunt him with it
I am talking about a common vision that we go, go, go, go or will the big apology yesterday that was fun with it will show that are a good wheels. So now yesterday yesterday was like, but Bang so I gotta, spread clubs. What me and my dad used to do, all that was you yesterday or the day before now yesterday. This is his apology. But this is what I want you to know what you know this from me directly. Ok, I never touched, anyone ok inappropriate. Never I never touched any inappropriate just set out all? As you just said, Ellison was here. I never knew listen at the time that I was making anyone feel uncomfortable, I never knew
time I was making any one feel uncomfortable. You just said that letter and elsewhere I certainly never a better method to offend anyone. Amy gosh we're getting emotional or cause anyone. Any that's really. Natural is the last thing the first I would ever want to do the first thing you want to do as her. Let me say this look she was there. I was candour about. Maybe I'll buy me on my next move the Tory O race, tomorrow,
He is America's dumbest governor payola basis. All I want to say to you: I can keep it safe from the covets insane just come to spend some time on. My attorney count. She I write baby, I got some must suppose safety equipment bar you wanna, see my p p. It focused who knew that would offend anyone. Why are you intend to a baby? Let's play a little nursing, Alma mater Japan, my blood out on their part, Maybe events if I can call somebody would you be feel uncomfortable? I dont see a surprise. I dont really isn't arise, and this is embarrassing performance last night. He is facing the emotion now you can't say that you dont know I do
I do not want to many frigate Bree. The man is incapable of of feeling empathy for another human being. Its he's incapable of it So where are you? This is what happens when you kill thousands people hard to feel empathy for supper? like this, without the b you sent thousands of people to their unwanted death is hard to imagine a. I was only Krajina flattened couple over curbs. You know tat, I am frightened. You know I, like all my nursing home death numbers the same under the table, what's happening under the table. What It's been look, it's been really bad, but we went to the polls yesterday. Where, from seventy one to thirty eight percent in approval rating, while seventy one to thirty eight percent and other over the past year and more
but one him to resign over the nursing homes than they do the sexual harassment grayish eider onto Gary? I actually, I great yak. Is that because I thought of politicians are using their harassment stuff because they can admit they were so wrong. I'm a covert snipe, and this is a pretty good distraction. Format and look. You know he's definitely acted like a creep to a bunch of women and of theirs. I don't lose all that much done a good job, but it is on its own is an amazing thing. I was going back and looking at his his you're, the poster heave stuff the poster you want our he was driving in is Camaro or something Ursa Firebird, fire out in Rio my God, I'm looking at this thing- and I was like I wonder if you could still buy it- sadly no longer available for sale, it's crawling around which Oda, ok Centres, Armani, has it
Please send it to mercury, one dot org and if anyone has died, suicide looks and you want to make a donation it'll, be tax deductible, send Doktor Seuss books to mercury. One. We tried to go by them and now they're just crazy expensive, but we are already what were of their own. Four thousand dollars apiece now, oh my god, yet thousand dollars release. Now we just the six that we're glad you're gonna get a bunch, a hop on pops that now at tat period you oh, what a tap on pops is Edric Willows Van DEN Berg sixty three she's twenty five. He was up girl, keep popping up and down a pop pop up, and you say he never touched anybody and appropriately when you who have when you just meet a twenty two year old or twenty three holder,
However, all that girl was with the backless dress. It he's got his hand on the lower part of her back and its backless at it and to say: that's not an appropriate. Ok, so Mohammed away went away, and he also any rays. Are that wait, a minute Culture has changed on that when you would put your arm around people for your taking pictures. I use actually put my hands on people now they're floating mysteriously Anna weirdly behind some of your, but was it a picture opera Did you like, I don't think so he just met her. He had just and she's. Almost immediately: he had measured and smaller bat. Listen if she, as smaller back in your hand, Qana slips down under
dress her panties, whereas bite off squeeze is a little bit, but that happen especially when you take it a photo. Somebody rider formerly Riah, I'm thinking about control there. I dare say, let me sly, I'm not even paying attention to what my name is doing. In order to underpin out of Zion everybody can relate body, we should point out two. He walked to this woman. This one woman was thirty three, I believe so like ancient and Cuomo your dog by Eurostat and walked up to her and put his hand on her bare back and she quickly removed with her head of sheep, to pull them away, Atkins after that is when he had the picture that has been out there were he has his hands on her face so
and that is what counts ground to somebody. You put your hands on people's faces like I. Would you do that to you? Do that to children who cared may when I mean at home, and does it two kids and then he pulls the men closely a theme you only do there and when you're talking down to somebody or some it's a very intimate moment with you and you know your spouse or somebody. You know very well very well right and not as someone who is just the first contact you ever made with the person physically removed her hand. Now, let me that's it. That's like right, that's! What's he doing he's just now he sought. Is he talking down door? What did he say to her when he asked her? If you can kiss her? That's what he said? Oh my god, I understand that you do not get the I just removed your hand from my ass. Did I not get that one? That's bad a minute's again is: is it a criminal action? Probably not is. It is the time
think now. This was not at work event. This particular one was at a social event, but is a power dynamic it better it the power to an annex. She was twenty. She was twenty five. He was six hundred and seventy years old and and also he was the governor of the state, the animals like lawyer monster, Miss one. You have to understand these. The eight separation was only three decades here, so that wasn't it's not. I mean look at the only three have already lawyer, not what is like a lot in common. They both wear shoes, then cable have your skin. They have skinny. They had almost causing our shoes, their hats. You wear pats or no pants on assuming, though, that she does not where Doktor shoals feathered was talking. The doktor fell. Silk doctor Jones actors stances epidemiologists. There are things that are veterans, assholes, I've I it's. I do think a lot of this he's an excuse for his other
border line possible, crimson actions he's taken and when you go a year and praise Andrew Cuomo for his hand, and then, let's not talk about probes or handling that ok, I'm a little side city of right. Now, when you do that, you can't just reverse it right, because and you're admitting your incompetent during the entire covert thing. When you you are praising him for being wonderful. Now you realize he was terrible UK turn that around so easily. So I think they're utilizing these scandals to show where they have a way to turn this thing around our now. We think he should be out of there. I honestly, I think, the people of New York. The best thing that can happen. Is him leaving any way possible? I'm a huge sceptic, that's something that positive for America can occur, derives this. You don't between the two, our aim is coming to his defence.
Tolerated, as the actual aid is saying that you Several accusations on sexual harassment, but it's time to demand due process. Was it time with cabin, I wasn't never done time. It will be time next time. Nobody knew no ninety one bit I've even for Andrew Cuomo. He will not give due process to the next republic around goes through this, though I do say will agree and be consistent. I think we all well that that he does deserve Yahoo process for this. However, he's had due process for the nursing home thing that we ve got. That they would not yet really cha negligent, negligent homicide on this yeah negligent Hama really collages. Negligence right, listen, homicide! Yes, he knew what he was doing. He knew what he was too hard to imagine. It really is hard for it meant for me too, Equally imagine a person go through the scenario in saying, ok, wait: we want to do what now you wanna take the people who have covered nineteen, many, what
in the same rooms with the most vulnerable people only five governors. Did this court added on to this and did a situation where he couldn't he made it illegal to test them. It's like what's this, that you knew you were to take a covert nineteen positive patient into your nursing home. You might at least put them like the back room. I dont know away from the other things right, yeah that he won't even allow the testing to occur to know what they were positive right. It's not like Joe Biden who knows these people have covered and because they're illegals he's just going to release them into the general population of Texas or a prize, not that no, no, no. He wouldn't allow the second test to be dot right here and then there's the situation where his excuse for this- is where we thought hospitals were going to be overcome. And the ceding seated a terrible job with our hospital estimates early on. That's why we shovin amendment ovens live here
changes were overwhelm Viana do some might get into this island, but about God, nursing home in particular, wet to Cuomo in the middle of this and said, hey I know you're saying we need to bring these covert positive patients back newer, freaking nursing home, but I but the notice this job ship that Donald Trump pulled in. Could you said the United surrounded hold that thousands of thousands and is entirely empty? Can we take those people and put it on their night than we do now? We will have it now. It was empty with despoiled Cuomo said, and I do not know socket no You want your lying. When our give me one more story on Governor Cuomo, This is an opportunity for you to find how politically incorrect you really are. I
No one on this programme to say anything about this story. This is a joke. If you find this funny, you'll have to ask yourself why gang We cock Chicago Mare, lorry Lightfoot, Don't I know is, I was lap has sympathized with the women who accuse New York, Andrew Cuomo, of inappropriate sexual behaviour, because She said she herself has been a damn of Wharton play sexual harassment. You have to ask yourself why? Right, if you have heard, I believe, you're laughing in Europe that logic Europe, bad idea, bad at the best of the programme
You want some common sense here. It is, and I want to quote directly from a transcript you'll understand why I am saying that in a second quote, thing. I want to talk about. That's happened recently and I never from my years of teaching and administration I do not into religion. I do not get into politics with my students, it's not that I doctor, I'm not involved in them. I'm deeply involved in them. That is my belief, Michael, is that those thing should reflect your values, and values you should get from your parents, so I always want to have a student's go to their parents when they have a question about their values and how add value should be reflected in their faith or in their politics, and you to align those decisions about religion and politics with those values and with truth, em all
not a conspiracy theorist, I have no believe in some great overarching, Illuminati group, that's taking over anything, but some TAT has happened last week in now. This was in January eleventh that I some problems with that. I think effect you and I but you know how I want to help you think about them. I'm not gonna. Tell you what to think. I just want to help you think, and no, it's not the capital riots that was ignored, at the highest levels. I dont know too People who are gonna be ok with what happened, care whose side you agree with. We do not practice sedition. We do not tat attack our legislature, but no What's going on with Twitter and Facebook in Google and Apple there, decision as private companies to filter, and decide what you can hear and know about, and this is now about Trump I'm not getting into that. This is about speech,
because there have been times in american history where a small group of people decided what you can and cannot here. Think about me car theism. If you don't know about that girl let or talk to your social studies teacher but think about deleterious governments think of North Korea Think of China? What makes us types of systems possible. Is the risk Britain and the elimination of the free exchange of ideas and America in democracies. We talk about the market place of ideas. Well, what happens when the market place of ideas becomes a forced monopoly, what happens when you don't have a descent. Opinions when you don't have an exchange on competing ideas. How do you know if your idea can stand on their own if there is no market place of compete? ideas and saying that, because I am in favour of parlor from favor of Donald Trump or in favour of any one else who is being banned or their app is being too,
You can't be in the marketplace of ideas, because you don't follow our prescribe values or ideas, a huge issue with that and to me this became problem back in the nineteen nineties, the early ninetys in that event in history, known as waco- and I know most of you weren't even alive, but your teachers in your parents know about this. I was now a part of the branch debate did of divisions. I don't have anything for or against branch divisions or David caress, but what happened but because of what happened. There it was a religious group and Waco taxes that thumb some four start- was a little odd and discuss the government. Does did that they needed to go in and check them out and, of course, They were doing some things that most people would have thought a little outside the norm or maybe way outside the norm. But that's not the point. The point was that a group of people decided that somebody who disagreed, who thought differently or look differently from them need
to be filtered needed to be reigned in needed to be controlled by someone else, well that was a religious group I belong to a religious group. What happens one day, a different group of people thinks it. My religion is different or funny or should be brought in Turkey under control or should be filtered. Take that into speech maybe right now, I'm in the norm. Maybe now my speeches not to outlandish or too crazy. You might agree, but I'm not spouting violence, racism, sexism or anything else that has a culture we deem. An appropriate, but what, if a different group comes into power that no longer likes what I have to say or how I think or they begin to think that I am extreme. At some point, any time we allow any group of people to tell another group of people. You can't think this. You can't this, you can't write this and you can't go to play this is where its talked about. That is why
step away from now. What is happening to you, because right now it may be the ideas that you value are shared by people who are in power and filtering though, people who are not in power, but in one election one moment away There can be flipped. I'm only get into this because you as a young person. This is your future. You have future ahead of you and you will be developing your owned ideas in your own values. The way that you, want to express yourself, not on Twitter, I'm not an facebook, I'm not on any social media. My children are not on any social media four percent against Twitter and Facebook in Instagram. Not only because in an of themselves or bad bad platforms, but what is happening on them. I am not in favour of that. This goes on, but it's the same tone the whole time this,
principle, is a principle that man I would love to support the school that he is the principal of Hershey. She actually turns. To be a he its debt, it is. Even have the name of the nuts. Oh it's Barton Thorn. He was the principle of Cordova High School and he's b. Represented by Daniel Sir. He is the senior attorney their liberty. Justice to centre, because this principle was was suspended for that speech. He's now suing welcome to the programme Daniel Sir. Good morning glowing greatly worthier greater greeting, if you tell me what happened, in this in this school in Tennessee
and this is one of the most Boyden examples of care for culture we have seen in our country to date, and yet are used, is red the transcript of what principle Lord said. The irony here is the key was morning his students about the dangers of careful culture and the import. The free speech and he's the one who ends up during careful as his school administrators reactor that speech, by putting him on leave suspending him from his job cooking him out of his school building for seven weeks Beethoven s again, doing. The job was disputed until he has to do them and ass. If this is a war zone
What did they? Why did they kick him out? So the school district kicked him out fur for talking about basic civic right. The the administrators of the district heard that that message that you just read and they called it on Fortunately, they said it didn't represent the values of their public whites and they kick them out. Scooby. What does it listen to the rest of this Mccarthyism and all an all what happened? How many people ass their jobs their lives, even because, of association or because of thoughts that they may have had or just wonderings. Can we now. Wonder anymore about things. I want you to think about it in time to your parents about it. If you trust your teeth, talk to your teacher about it, be aware be in the loop as far as what's going on and whether or not you agree or disagree with people being filtered, but this can open to you one day. Can it and think it and just remember that power
is in our choices? We choose our actions, but not our consequences. Make wise, choices and have a great week, what part of the principles Do they not agree with your crazy guy right? This is worth public education has come to where, if you'd about liberal orthodoxy in your classroom? If you champion the Likewise matter. Other parts of the liberal agenda. You you're just fine, but if you say something in mind, controversial as free speeches, important think for yourselves have respectful conversations with people. You disagree with watch out because they're coming for your job, like that's what happened here Daniel, how conference
Are you that this case can be one and a profound message can be sent to us about the constitution line right? This they fight fundamentally for free speech in a free society, and I feel great when I got the constitution on my side as a lawyer- and I feel great when I got a client like Barton Thorn, who is a great principle who is a good man?
Had a person every parent wants? His senior students is important. Life Lawson got your great about our case and I hope the school district does the right thing here, which is not his giving barn his job back, but acknowledging that what he said was right. This is a teachable moment. The school district needs to tell it students, but if they talk about free speech in a paper they're not gonna, get it half used to tell the other teachers in this district across the country. It's ok to talk about the constitution. To teach basic civics I have the watch, your back, that the speech police were coming for you, the hope when the district does the right thing here and acknowledges what it did was wrong. Any legal framework Daniel, Sir, the senior attorney the liberty, Justice Centre D I think it is, it is important really important. Natalie
these reinstated, but I agree with you that they admit that they were wrong and that this what he said was right, not just that they were wrong. What he said was right: you should be able to think for yourselves and discuss these things in a reasonable manner, but I I would like to see? Is there any way to see something more? then this is there anything that can be done. That sends a message, because this is happening everywhere, and it's why people are not standing up and as we Glenn why programs like yours are so import. We have to shine a light on this the only way we will fight back and win and cancel culture is if people have courage, they had the courage to their convictions if they stand up in it
others stand with them and if we shine a light on these outrageous examples like what's happening, the principle of the word and the message gets out thanks to platforms like the one you have that this is not acceptable in America we still. But leave in free speech in America and careful culture isn't gonna win because at the end of the day, the first and then met the. U S constitution, that's what we as Americans, valued! That's what we try to. And that's it we're gonna stand for some pursue. Where was that story that came up about the teachers being taught that children, babies are racist, Arizona in Arizona here, and we were having a conversation about this? I think maybe off the air this morning and I said I, but I honestly I am beginning to blame the teachers that are going through that and not saying anything, because if the teachers
don't stand up if teachers would stand up and there's out of a hundred there. Twenty of them. That would make a deal prince, but they're afraid that they will get a job or anything else. But that's what's yours for right? That's what many justice, liberty, justice absolutely were here to bite for people and defend free speech and thankfully Euro principle born like he is a good man, is a great principle and he has your courage to push back. That and we need more people to show more courage to win this fight would cancel culture.
Arizona is another example of the liberal orthodoxy that their teaching our kids. It is pervasive, it is everywhere. We have responsibility as parents to teach our kids the things that are right, but we also citizens want to encourage good teachers. My principal thorn right to do the right thing in about the constitution, with our kids, we should celebrate. That is its aside. Daniel I'd, like one of my producers, has set up a private call with you some time after the show. I wanna talk to you more about this, but anything anything you guys need anything that this principle needs can count on me I wanted to end with a negative for the first amendment I want you to donate now to Liberty us dissenter dot org we have got the people who are brave enough to stand up, have got to have the best defence, and that takes my and a lot of attorneys? So please donate now
to liberty, justice, centre, DOT, Org Liberty, justice Centre, DOT, Org, stop it Four you're, the one that needs. The attorney
Transcript generated on 2021-05-22.