« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Chad Robichaux | 1/16/23

2023-01-16 | 🔗

As many Republicans are busy crying hypocrisy over President Biden's classified document scandal, Glenn dives deeper into the reason for the documents. Glenn emphasizes the powers of the individual while highlighting all the wins we've had against the woke Left. Mighty Oaks Foundation founder and CEO Chad Robichaux joins to discuss his newest book, "Saving Aziz,” which highlights the rescue missions made after Biden’s abysmal withdrawal from Afghanistan.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Yes, I mean, I don't think was to sell I know I know maximum level. For my desire for our curly, might I think we might we might hit please people's backs? Oh, oh, some people were to have their alert for going off all over the country and the sec began. This is well. I was talking about. Thank you for joining us. I was talking about the plague administration. Gosh darn it. Where did I put all those top secret documents and the fact that Mccarthy's, like god, hypocrisy, shut up about the hypocrisy, we got it, we got it
I so I explained what's really going on there also in the next hour, based on something else, I kind of like kind of expose what people really mean when they're like I just don't care anymore. That's not entirely true and you'll, hear the explanation. Then Chad, robert job, who is just a real life tom cruise, comes in he's, got a new book called saving disease. It is what this is. Finally, the official story of what happened. We re, all of that money to free these people in afghanistan This is how it was done. So this is really your story. Saving his ease, you'll have to have to listen in the pot gets by the way. Also Saturday spoke ass. If you missed, it is richer dreyfus and it is a great conversation. may not agree with the amount everything but a great. Conversely, today's bob gas brought to buy built. It can have
built bars are delicious, they are delicious, they have about one hundred and thirty calories. This is one of their new kind of like marshmallow puffs. This is mud pie in thirty calories for grams of net carbs seventeen grams of protein- it's amazing you're, gonna love. It and it's got the protein so it's good for you, I mean it's like eating a candy bar put, then not your wife doesn't look at you and give you the dirty look when you are what overruled what we are about to open hopefully, comas veal, dot com to user. You don't have to actually we're on audio for our continent. I wanna know if you're actually eating. I am a method. Actor of your method, Andrew, I think, is what use will draw garb, build your gum, promo code back the protocol back building
can't say fifteen percent and fifty percent of that compromise go back the only thinking of cuban mccarthy he come out said the discovery of more classified documents in president Joe Biden, possession. That highlights the hypocrisy. What inside the federal government now? Okay does do that, because we but is this: is this new did we have we always said this morning. You would think if donald trump I mean, I guess I can go back in time think of rome. Reagan would have done that. Think of eisenhower, in our view, what I've done that I mean we go all they got like going to feel what I've done that it. This is the same story.
the same story: we got it. Now. Why is this story happening? Well, let me give you they found more documents over the weekend now. Remember! the white house, where absolutely done we're documents they found rather bolivar. They found more over the weekend at another. how many houses the skies like rival, mcdonald roaming, those constantly building another renault mcdonald house? How many houses does that cloud need how many houses that the presidency is a more houses, so went to another house and there like bob's. Ok, it's not exactly over. But these documents really don't matter. Ok, all right! Well, there classified documents? So I'm pretty sure that would matter now They went to wilmington and and and when I say they, they went to work
mountain and rehabilitate beach, that's, whereas other houses and when I say they I mean the same people that went too. You know His foundation with the university so who are they his attorneys. Now this started back in what was it november or or october, where The president's attorneys went to offers to pack up stuff. And and closed that office, his attorneys. Now that is the word: the most expensive moving company guy why would you have your attorneys do that? Well, I could provide a thesis, Let's say you know, you have something you shouldn't have and maybe you ve done something you shouldn't have done. You go.
your attorneys first because to them. You don't have to say I know this guy, what you say them limits you guys talk right in legally everything. I say to you you here. torpedo guide right: good I all these stops. Eager documents is about, bunch of em over there there might be a bunch of em. I think I might some sandy burger socks. I don't know. So can you guys go in there and if you find them whose do what you have, do I want to know about it. Ok, president has said last week: the attorneys, told me you know do not even ask about it. Ah,. But did you guys talking about it before they said that to you so the iter you go in, they find it and they immediately call and cooperate? We all know that is big of job. I
now that's why he had the attorneys there now whose house, but I have it with my corvette. Ah we're gonna come back to that state. That is like the safest, place on- or you have an old corvette telling you you can't break into that the garage door opener nobody has on allows oh I don't you get it. Get envy because a garage door opens its locked, you need, some sort of like I don't. This is even beyond quantum computing to be able to get asked one of those sears garage door openers. So we're gonna come back to that went so then his other house, this weekend after its out in the open his attorneys her there with the other house now I don't know why they haven't done all of the places. They could look, you know,
at once, maybe in november pay we found him in the basement. You have any- and you know next to your corvette- worries that big oxygen is classified, has big red tape all over it now waste probably go there. We have any other houses the do I don't know why I don't know why, but their fully cooperating. Ok. Now, let's lets the task to questions here. That's too quickly, When something says top secret to get a top secret classification, what are they do before you get that little card stew, they usually do a background. Federal german, ok, good good good. What are they looking for, but maybe criminal, activity criminal activity. Some way you could be compromised, nor, I sure, or you know
as toured the soviet union. You know their look for anything that you ve done. That shows that you are on, let's say, Not america's side or you have any, friends, that might be, let's say not american side- or you have business dealings with some people that live just say- are not on america side and then you also look file thing is: is compromised with money with drugs, is there a sex scandal is he is he paused on to a honey pot thing. Ok, that's what they're looking for because you can so easily need money and then somebody can come on go loosen borders, but I'm absolutely love america and Just want to see the eye
the sea top secret document, because I want to show you how american, I am never say anything. The soviet union. Ok, are that guy could have Oh you know, so you need a little money, maybe heroin? Ok, I can't help. But want to see top secret document That's what they're worried about ok, this is in the president or vice president's house at the time he was the vice president and he had them there while he was vice president and then He kept them there while he was president okay lippman in there for a while who else has been in his house, my Josh? a guy who is constantly asking for money for drugs and hookers, a guy who,
is doing shady business deals with china and with russia. And ukraine. Wait a minute exactly the kind of guy we all want to have access to top secret documents but he was almost never there well. Let's go back to that ultra secure garage. There, That's the house that hand her Biden was right. seen from his dad now now with his art money. Here rending it from his dad when he had no money. Remember I got no money height, That's why she's pregnant I couldn't afford a condo. Ah poor guy, So his dad said just stay house I'm not living there. You just stay at my house, oh my gosh, what a great day
any might wanna make sure? Is son grow up a little bit and you're gonna have to work for a little, but you know this house that the mai expensive rent in this area is six thousand dollars a month, so I'm gonna cut deal cause you're, my son, you just pay fifteenth thousand dollars a month, but ten remember I can afford the condom right will. This is a condoms, minium, but more ladders gotta be a little more expensive fifth a thousand dollars to his desk? It son now, where did is desperate. I don't have any money son get that money. I don't worry, he's a job with like risa here. Doing deals over in china complete we his deal, no big deal no big deal job,
I know, one thing about it: nothing, not getting any money from it. Just trying to help out his poor wayward son, giving them access to How so he has a place to rest his angelic head, while dad charges fifty thousand dollars a month. And what's in that house, vous boxes of top secret documents right there next to the garage so you don't need Macgyver euro need some genius to go. How do we break in pass them? seers, robotic arm? How do we do it cause. You already have a drug added. Inside whose in his family goin, yet least dead. And take half your money really
Burke, he's really bitter and angry with his dad at that. Time Why is there? This is the best one back programme on the quarterback, the buffalo bills? josh Alan yeah, your job, well, of course, was responding to what happened to his teammate damar Hamlin most said. Lamar alexander, but yes to mar hamblin is right. I wanted to see if you were paying- tension anyway. Said the senator forgetteth so so ease, responding dollar that and He says over the weekend. You know I've been the most stirred you know devoted guy and end, but watching it watching what happened on the field has moved me
deeply and you know. Spirituality higher power, and you know you don't believe in that I'm not gonna judge. I dont want to affect won't what who would you know when You can witness something like this and and you have to be? I am so offended by what he said. shut up, shut up trying to couch everything. I mean we get it, we get it and you you know you can couch it like. Hey, I'm not trying to preach to you, but man. This is affected me deeply. I am, I mean, I'm going back to praying and everything else Well, I'm not that's poppycock, ok, cool move on with your life, there's a real problem in america when everybody when christians are all apologizing, all it
I am for everything except real problem in the country, and it comes from this weakness: bull, crap, you you're gonna have to apologize to say no dude over there. definitely a woman you have to apologize, That's what you should explain where it. Why haven't? You should explain, especially ie. If you're saying that to my third greater in class, as a fact now. Maybe we should have that conversation all of this stuff. Is weakening us and, as I was saying last half hour when people say I don't care Don't care anymore What you're saying is I've given up because
I know nothings gonna change. Well, first, that's, not true. A lot has changed. A lot has changed. Just just look at the great risks. They're going into the you know: why we economic forum form there go again and they are changing all kinds of stuff this year, because really, honestly of you, you You don't have an impact a year, ago, last week we publish the book the great reset. Nobody was talking about. Yes, jeez. Nobody even knew what it was is talking about the great reset. Nobody even knew what it was and Anybody was talking about, they were saying was a conspiracy theory. Well, now guess what the world economic forum is doing. angel their language again there in retreat peep good people. Now you who made a difference so don't give up on things.
Things are changing. I stand given up on things like, yeah well they're going to pay a heavy price was rs going to be a hearing on that. That's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. But on things like our schools boost happened in the last year? We could happened in the last year in our seas, rules. A lot has changed. Let me ask you this: have you Would you have heard vis a year ago Now this is at the oxford union. Ruler mobile and this happened during a debate at the oxford union- remember universities. All woke law listen to this statement, it's gone viral. over the last weekend. Listen to this now. To talk to those of you who are work and
open to rational argument, a small, minority I accept, because one of the tenants of work? This is, of course, that your feelings matter more than truth I believe in you. I believe there are those of you here who are awoke, who are open to rational arguments. So let me make one: we are told that your gender, patient care more than any other about one issue in particular: not issues, climate change, We are told that many of you suffer from climber anxiety. You wish, to save the planet and for tonight and tonight only I will join you. Will join you and worshipping at the feet of saint gretel climate change let us all except right here right now that we are living through a climate, emergency and stocks of all of us are running extremely low. I do you in this view? I truly do now. what to do about this huge problem facing humanity. What can we
in Britain do. We can only do one thing. You know why this country, responsible for two percent of global carbon emissions, which means that if britain was sink into the sea right now. It would make absolutely no difference to the issue of climate change. You know why because the future of the climate is going to be decided in asia. In america, by poor people who couldn't give it about saving the planet. You know why, because they are poor because Paul. I come from russia, which is not a poor country to middle income countries. Twenty percent of how Holds in russia do not have an indoor toilet. What they have is an outdoor toil and I don't mean one of those nice port to lose that we get here. I don't even mean a glass than report salute I mean, a wooden shack with a whole, the ground, the holes they collected fermented memory of the last ten thousand visits.
How many of you gonna go home tonight and say: let's for about a bathroom and erect the siberian thousand the back garden you know why? Should they More than twenty million people in china do not have enough food. I dont mean that their own get dessert. they suffer from malnutrition, is that the immune system is breaking down because they don't have enough food. You know, get them to stay poor. Imagine you she drinking the leader of china your ten years old There was a revolution, a cultural revolution in your country, and people came and they go your father in prison. Your mother had to denounce him, your sister killed herself and you no longer enjoying the protection of your formerly powerful father was it's a village where you lived in a cave house, and here you are decades later
you have claw your way up. The blue, the and greasy fall of chinese politics to be the undisputed supreme leader of the very communist party that destroy you. family, and you know that the main thing you have to do to survive and to stay in power is to deliver the one thing that the people of china, one prosperity, economic growth. Where do you think climate change ranks on changing things list of priorities? A third of children who live in extreme poverty in the world live in india. means they are starving and dying of preventable disease now about fish, two months ago, my wife got pregnant. Not me cause worlds. Go
and for nine months we talked about what a boy would look like. He might do when he grows up. We looked at babies and videos on youtube about what the fetus looks like at nine months and twelve months and twenty months and eventually was born, and he is Cute little bundle of joy is cuba, then about eighty percent of puppies now, Few said to me that I had a choice either my son had a serious risk of starving or dying from a preventable disease in the next year, or I could press a button and he would live, he would go to school. He would bring his first girlfriend home you'd, go to university and graduate and become awoke idiot. and then you get a job
get married and have children and become a man. But all I have to do is pressed the button and for The day of my sons, life, a giant plume of sea or too is gonna, get released into the atmosphere, a europe of very young and most of you, know not parents. Let me tell you something there is not in the world who would Not smart, start button so hard to handle, and you are not going to get these people to stay poor you know even gonna get them to not want to be richer, and so I put it to you, it is in germany. There is only one thing we can do in this country to stop climate change and that is to me scientific and technological breakthroughs that will create the clean energy. not only clean but also cheap and the un. The thing that woke this has to offer In exchange is to break, wash bright young minds like you to believe that you are victims, to believe that you have no agency to believe
that what you must do to improve the world is to complain, is to protest is to throw soup on paintings and we on this side of the house are not on this side of the house, because we do not wish to improve the world We said on this side of the house, because we know that the way to him, with the world is to work is to create it is to build and the problem, with world culture. Is that is trained to many young minds like yours to forget about that? Thank you very much. If that is not clear and understandable, woke weakness, Does nothing
the change to the best of the Glen bank programme irregular forward, just a bit of it from by saving aziz. I first met chad, rubbish show in twenty sixteen through mutual friend David Martin I had heard about him double deployments in Afghanistan struggles with ptsd and suicide after he came home. Our shared love of history, independence and, penance on our faith. transcend the dark valleys of our past and desire to use our struggles to pay it forward? These things instantly bonded us. I could El Chad was the real deal, a man of his word. He was a man of I had a mamma show several times to share his story and speak on veterans care and how he's organization, the mighty oaks foundation, was working to combat veteran ptsd in suicide PA
hearing his words. I said sign me up my wife and I and our charity mercury. Why became a supporter. We remain in touch over the years and when the debacle began in unfolding in Afghanistan, I didn't if the decision a second thought, Chad and I locked arm and dove in together to do what we really needed to be done and we did ed what our government wasn't doing. In that same, as many people as possible from the blood lust of the taliban more to these, whereas ivf meaning they were qualified for special immigrant visas because they helped our country and american troops when they were deployed on for a couple of more pages, and let me just give you this, I chad, while this crisis made me ashamed of our government. It also made me ponder about the american people. I was at the point where I was apt: lately hopeless about america. I thought we're just not gonna make it, but then
saw people from all walks of life and all income levels and all parties come together and say this is wrong and we'll do something about it. My heart swelled our national honour may have meant nothing to those In washington, but it meant everything to countless americans, for the first time in my life, I felt if the government in elites would just get out of the way the people we saw all the lot of our problems. This is a book that tells, the story of what happened in afghanistan, and I mean really in afghanistan. Aziz was the interpreter for chad, while he was over in afghanistan, for how many tours did you do over there? I did eight and now all eight, where, with his ease his were very very unique scenario and of my job specifically in the way our relationship plus story is also a story of god in the mirror Walls that happen when you just do all
you can do and endorse just just start to open, pretty pretty crazy yeah its aid to set the example of when you obedient to gods, burning of your heart and you step board and faith, a bible, sazen and secretariat. Eleven five, seven that we we walked by faith by sight, and we see things impossible in and they are impossible. but these things that guy, escape bordering somebody, said to me. I have had several Christian say to me: you know What are we going to do? What are we going to do and I'm like? Well, you know, I think the only thing that will happen is if we turn to god, and we really need to turn back to god and they're like yeah yeah, I know, but what is into, and I I keep wanting to say you know the guy, you look at his savior and me too, he rose from the dead. That's a little. do than saving the country? I think god could you could take this on the have we all just rededicate ourselves to him
you know this story and if I could get one thing out of their stores aiming as easy, it is to tell that the story of god do miracles today, because what what Ben in the rescue of seventeen thousand people by the way by just a handful of civilians who had no money to do it. Had don t matter an operation like that before and in we're, not with the government anymore, It is a story of a of the mai miracle that smart enough or cable enough had the experience of background to do these things, but on that's more of cable and up to pull that off. It was too big the thing, would and it is amazing because you went and actually were over there and you were due in the work? But you, like you said you didn't, have them me and I was over here- raising money not connecting yet now raising the money. Our audience was given money and I was saying internally: we don't have any guys on the other side of the fence right. Are we gonna get them to these planes and that's what
we connected yeah. It was amazing up with organization after organization all brought puzzle, pieces together and try that We were all short of I'd say it is? It was perfectly orchestrated series of events that, if any wanted to have been speaking a lot about this, if any one looking back now, if any one of these pieces didn't work, yeah fail, or adored to open the whole thing network. I mean when we were there. You know. Obviously my original intent was to go rescue. My friend, you know I I had add. Did I deplore that, with his ease, he was your so dear to me, so I'm going saved your life. Several times to saved my life on three occasions, so, to give a little background of how we worked, I was at I was in a J soc task force, a joint special operations command task force with one of our premier. operations units and is what kind of ethel their advanced bourse operator, which really is like the best way to describe as I'd be undercover. You go in a single thing capacity by yourself and you with a local national to go out That's your unit in amounts, Afghanistan, a cross border impact pakistan to build the emperor.
structured up, put our soldiers on target to capture the bad guys. That was my job in Aziz was now I'm interpreter, but he was my teammate in autumn. Spent weeks and months like that either get hate the guy I love the guy and I fell in love with him. He's he's one of my best friends in the world. He he say like multiple times but I'd say he saved my life everyday, like don't walk there don't eat that note this person to be speak right now, they're gonna kill us like in seen and put his lay a lifeline for fur, Several members I mean heap. I just got him recognized by us congress who's, the first afghan every recognized by the us congress for the for the rescue of four navy seals that an operation he in IRAN. I was tasked with his operation to recover these. The clandestine extraction is for seals that were caught in his taliban village and in a week Our options in it was Aziz who stepped up and said
I do this. Let's take this vehicle. He drove us through the night in this town village, and we got these afore navy seals out. So he's an incredible human being. You knew when this was all falling apart. You knew that should have been on the list would have I mean He had been the browser six years for I had been he'd been Anne S, s ivy process for six years is a broken system is supposed to take nine months right. But six this is close to nine my turn a nine upside down. It looks like a six anyway, so He is You knew immediately, there's no way he's gonna get out now because I had already tried to use my relationships in congress and senate and, and it just wasn't happening, and it wasn't happening for many as abbeys and, like I said it's a nine month process and a promise that we gave in two thousand and I know interpreters and we had. We had a. We had forfeit. This hour are committed to them. and in a guy who guy who had access, secret information service, bash operations from fifteen years been polygraph. If he couldn't get out
yet another lesson than others right, scylla, so I knew he was in danger in April, not august endeavour job all back in April, one about or teammates that had turned on the taliban ahead. had been hunting Aziz before hit the sky. Had ten our team members killed, who are friends of mine. He had he drove away robot about what he had. Some my drive a vehicle bomb in my house. Look four Zizi jihad me condemned by foreign intelligence agency, which I can't say which one way I mean it's a really our guide. We had an arrest it, he was put in jail, but it press obama's administration. Let him loose as with many others, and he turned back to the taliban, so he's looking for Aziz all back in April. And in so we started moving as ease and I'm getting more more desperate, and we, dear president, Biden now said date to say we're gonna withdraw on the anniversary of nine eleven, sank and I knew a couple of things one I knew this was could be catastrophic if we go into. If you want why further was purity and national security of the world.
the catastrophic, but secondly, my heart went selfishly to my friend and said I have to go, get my friend where did you first girl? What did you do? What was your plan? Might I add two plants and the first one to work out. The first plan is called the richer mcguinness who works for tucker cross and he's an when under cover with antigua and be a lamb, you're crazy enough to do. It now said: hey you want to store in afghanistan of the withdraw I'll, get you air will go in and we'll get it will get my interpreter on the ground to be our cultural liaison once we get to get the internet, we're gonna fly back to do by interview, him this family and then these ever go back and area daily collar actually move it. and now, but it happened. The. So we couldn't pulled it off, and so I say we're just gonna have to go in and get him, and so I call story calling former spam operations guys that I
I could trust because of Needham long term they had the air, so fo level experienced to work independently and air mature guys who had already been to combat city wouldn't be itching to go and get into a gunfight with the How about it? Is that what you mean by you knew you could trust him. Can you addressed him in that yeah? That I mean I want to bring guys we're like haven't got to. stay go get some in owing to combat an mba there. That was not well we're goin. Therefore, the time for combat was over. This was bit rescue my friend his family and potentially others, but where is she that was one of our teammates? We're guys your seals for become range green, whereas we had a couple of paramilitary option: a cia very experienced guys, and one of the guy said hey. This is group. Thirty thousand orphans. What do we get them too? and in that we had a pause for a second said, the skills that we have in the room, the passion that we have to do this. Let's get as many americans interpreters, their families, women, children, christians are to be pursued. Ask me peoples. We can end up I believe it They never one neuron was
believers and christians- and I think we all This burden on our heart? That's why call that task for six eight provides essex eight here my sent me and and we just all wanted to be obedient to that- and if anyone It credit breathing, and I know you'd, give me credit with them for angel ward and congresses recognize me for this, but if we can- kind of breathing. The only thing I feel like we deserve credit for was being obedient to say yes to a burden, a guy our heart, because after that everything was a divine miracle. I mean with three days the sovereign or talk to the joint chiefs and got permission for us. surveillance they go in sky airport, which deal decontrolled into a civilian evacuation. Anyone knows anything about the military, that's impossible. For that to happen, and I was stolen, know how it happened. There permission to go there and they said they would better. and a fast Secondly, we have to move people visas to another country, which is, human traffic, any of the paperwork, yet the only place. This allowed is right here in laredo texas, but in the real world you know we have to have. We have the
information, so we called the royal family of the. U a because we had relationships there with us when the family members, two of our teammates, actually had historical relationships there and we told them a work. I do and they said not only will you can you bring them here, but we'll give you humanitarian centre, doctors, food, we're going to care. I am anna and will work with the state department to bell to actually get them to us, because a lot of people gave a slack, but we are bringing people to the. U s. I don't have the ability to bring people to the. U s had the ability to evacuate people from Afghanistan, but bringing the workers not up to me. and then and then that's up and then there are the romantic says after that, now that will really be to see seventeen planes and Pilots, which sounds like a lot, but we need more answers. but that was amazing and then the next thing that happened all within three days is, I got an opponent do and you neutral that you get behind a microphone because you want to do what would you
what you had this your greatest weapon and you pat your use that your voice and and and people responded and- and I think you were like- I didn't know what was going to happen, but we raise millions of dollars and what are we gonna do with it and into you? Connect me with Ruby. A dollar amazing, amazing, human being and mercury one, and we synergies and effort to start coordinating the procurement of planes, well to manifest planes and planes rotating at an inn in the blood majority of of does that seventy thousand people we got out we're on planes mercury, one in europe, so at them, please them during the year to be it's amazing. Seventeen thousand people and it started with I gotta- go overnight for a start with I gotta, go over, say my friend I am. We did get us the first day you we had, we had so much happening. We end up our our team in adobe, which is where I was weren't ring operations where cerebral sir borders running washing DC to take applications and make sure they are the right people now, just anyone who vetting the right people, which unfortunately deity did not know that in
we'll say they were concerned about who is coming here. I was too, I wanna makes em in our links on every single person that was in our per You on our planes. We work, as are the united states government, didn't see daycare didn't care. Yeah me weep, we did our diligence and we didn't bring him straight to america. We put them through a filter process or a third party country, but you know for us we that process running was very intricate and it was amazing how fast I'm so proud of everyone else involved. How fast we able to get a system in place. We, a ground team going outside the wire age kyar and three men teams. They grab people week coordinated rescue list and in no one stop to sleep. I was so amazed. Everyone ten day, if you stopped for menace asleep. You felt like you're trading outburst of human life. And ass. We know it seat, my Phronsie spray or out of the book. He lost thirty seven pounds in ten days we didn't know how we do know how long we had. We knew we couldn't stop, but when that gable up and thirteen other service members, will kill we.
we watch the military, well, those gay shut and u s, Military did not want to leave behind. had to, but we didn't have to and we chose to stay. I was I to talk to me here, given gimme a minute here and we are going to come back. The name of the book is saving Aziz by chance a show, and it is it's fantastic and it is the story of what happened because you responded. He was over the seventeen thousand people that he got out. Many of those were were out because you gave five bucks or a hundred box or whatever it was. This is your story, saving his ease. You can get it now
Transcript generated on 2023-01-17.