« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of The Program | 9/4/20

2020-09-04 | 🔗

Stu & Pat fill in for Glenn, and Jeffy joins with the latest on neighborhood yard sign wars and how football season will be a woke-fest. The economy continues to rebound and has reached levels similar to Obama’s in 2012. Shortly after confessing in an interview with Vice, the “100% Antifa” suspect in the killing of a Trump supporter in Portland was killed in a standoff with U.S. Marshals. But Joe Biden blamed his victim for the violence.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its patents do in four Glenn today on the pod cast Pat from petrol unleashed available. Look if you ve got pod cast off your already on one October to pack relation subscribe right now, written review this box ass, peccary unleash studios America also available for free plots, implicitly free to do over this labour day. We can thrive a little bit about Stephen, a Smith who thinks he knew coach, ugly Brooklyn. That's only guys job because of white privilege. You may have heard of his name: Steve NASH, multiple time, envy, peevish white privilege, it's not like it's a seven eleven clerk analogies higher because he's why get back at skip over other? Really I qualified a black candidates and give it to any white guy now is Steve. Nash is a whole family also of the unemployed. The numbers are getting better. Some encouraging news from the economy will get into. Today we go into Andrew Cuomo and health terrible years. Education was awful outcomes
also the shooter of the troops of border he murdered a Trump supporter had little altercation with police himself didn't work out that well for him, but we do have an interview with him before he died and will give you that today, as well and also the box office, there's a new movie coming out tenant this weekend. First attempt to see people to go back to the movies, so we'll see how that goes. We go through some of that information as well make sure to check that out. We gotta play Stevie Subscription as well. You can still use that code, big tax for twenty bucks off your subscription blaze, tv dotcom, Slash plan code is big tech. Oh, and let me remind you one more thing before we go: Peter Schweizer. You may put him on the show earlier this week,
he has a documentary out that was on police tv for subscribers. Only you can get it for free now, as police TVS, Youtube Channel, go check it out about Joe Biden and all his corruption in China. I think you'll enjoy. That argues fuck us your listening to the master of the Glinda Programme, stiffer Glinda the Good Bye Programme, a joint by Jaffe, hello, is Jeffrey still, the host of the choosing the fat podcast adverbs of Subscript subscription right now on pot guest. Yes, you. What I want to know is: have you been able to keep the price down as it still free? I know been fighting for it for a long time is still free. I have another meeting today, but as of right now you're as of right now, it's free LAO shadowed right. What value to it now get
now remember, you know where we get Japonica guarantee it'll be free to morrow. Almah have still fighting Boca himself over the people about right now. It's free you can get it wherever you get your by gas during the vat at school. I mean you're, welcome. Jimmy. Have you seen any neighbourhood civil wars breaking out as is happening in your neighbour on it? You should ask them, because I noticed last week by neighbourhood, as I was leaving, that others either put up a trump sign rate on the corner. As you leave the neighbourhood- and I thought well that take some guts- that takes our guys. I don't know that I will do that put it, sign uneasily, aren't now on a main corner. You know he's around or our sat right and not not in deep in the neighborhood now thought boy take some guts. Then, like three days later, I turned down the street and too
other houses have Biden, harrassing, yard or large have started. Mad, though, is or, as I also started, people know that this is how the hunger I am sorry that I made in today's world, like we did it. We had the story earlier earlier this week about the lady who got a strongly worded letter from the neighbours because of her trunk sign. Yes right and she and they were they just Haider and wandered to get rid of the sign. In fact- and it using because she's, a mexican American single mother, whose pay it's our legal immigrants, so I mean a deck that doesn't matter if it's a trump sign the drug twenty toys- I don't matter as if you are my wife, LISA Page made me, do it on Instagram, of course, as you make me tell you posted as first place I sought was on her feet. It was some some local area around here where this letter came in and it
letter, basically saying hey. I saw your trumps. I just wanted to thank you for being hating immigrants right and hating people. Like me, your view is allowed statement as to what you think of how you are who you are and what this really angry thing and, of course she didn't realize that she had actually delivered it too. Ex again American Beata, who was a trump supporter just incredible, and I had that been got me. Then then, that's when I see the Trump sign in my neighborhood thing that I would do that, I put up the minutes, but I barely one put up a flag anymore. That's crazy! That's crazy, because that is that that that is not America right on the example of a frigging american flag- and I know you're exaggerating allowed a bit here but like the Trump thing is like a logic. If you put a troublemaker on your car, you got good chance of getting keyed and appoint is like yes, I there's too it's me on this one I want to put every
medical sign of our pro life. What about everything there? Just because I hate the idea that this Bees are magazine, angered by on the other side. I realise that now person in in american history has changed their mocking over a bumper sticker or sigh I may have a restaurant or too because of a bumper sticker. Yes advertisements, I guess, does work based these to have these signs ice. Those think this is the worst thing in the world done in Philadelphia when I watch out beyond my commute to these studios there be these signs of the neighborhoods, that would say line. Seven we're airline. Vote line, seven hundred, I M going to tell me what it is or what the name is, because it becomes just a cultural right thing right, but we are going through a neighborhood in here Texas and there must have been and eighty two one ratio of trumped button seconds like theirs. Ok. What is big complexes
every single one, trumps like everywhere else, these deep, deep red one little Byron Harris and it won't abide person you're like a guide. I too am I vote for job I didn't know, but if you'd like the the bravery adequately stick, though, by the sick, the sign in your leisure land. I beheld bad about thinking about this guy, putting up his trump trump pants, twenty twenty sign in the front yard on this corner lot, I'm thinkin. I others, the main road, the neighbourhood of that I would do that by we accidentally have volume whoops did Rick fly out of the back of my pick up drug up against your house. Sorry, one of the things are saying now, as people are putting signs in areas where they can't be trashed set of putting amount on the corner where you would normally put them they're putting them increase their pudding, behind friends hanging over offensive you'd, have to get out of your car, go all the way up to the house. Today, down the side, which is a little bit more difficult to do. That is
However, this must be our country is ridiculous and it's not the same. As you know, during election season, where you have the empty corner, lots with eighty signs. You know for this judge vote for that judge. Yes, Eighteen? Ok, they, like others, fifty signed there as you're at the red light. Ok, that's fine! I guess I saw a story from Montana where they, it were. Some guy came on to somebody's property and towards their signs down, offer their front yard and then set, on fire in the front line. Well, they have kid sleeping about ten feet away inside the house, and you dont know when that fires gonna spread a mean that just its insanity, where people get almost death in over a trump sign get all get over. It he's one of the two major Kenworth yeah. I guess the President of the United States that, by the way, move on, and we who hates people
I know how you that that's exactly how you feel and because you ve he hates people you must now absolutism was exiled ruins. That's what that sign means had he seen friends and stuff in your life. Relatives that have blown up their relationships over this yet Have you been seeing this robot relationships? I move, though, the fights and then not talking to each other. What kind of blowing up really? I gather that necessarily did there never gonna talk again, but just like their their bad. And will not speak to each other about anything while that that's it s. An amazing meant to me. It's like this. You can only can't you're, never gonna change someone's mind like that. I thought about with Jim gaff again. This weakens due to a moment ago, and I look love gaff again the guy. I think he's hilarious. I think he's a legend right by the he's great comedian, he's gone for years and years
avoiding politics, because, as he knows that idea as it, he said it was a really good idea- is a good idea and what he said was like. I know no one wants to hear about policy from any minds right right, which is true. So one day he as a sort of like screw it? I don't care if you or I got his eyes like all wrong about this until it bark blah blah blah blah blah right and they ran on social media. So now he piss off about for this fans, a good of them will never go back to two listening to him again for an early away. I'm not going to I mean I don't like ITALY too. I dont care honestly, like every every committee interact or whatever sports celebrity, I assume, are just mega knit insane liberals on the result of sugar is intellectually assume that about Jim gaff. Again I didn't assume I kind of thought it mean if you listen to his review. Listened closely to him. I think what he actually is is a mid western democratic, like I don't think he. I don't think you if this was not done
Marco Rubio running right now. I dont think this happens. I think he's one of these people whose been broken by the Trump era right, not trumps fault but like the people who are on the left can not be rational around Donald Trump, it's impossible for them is possible for them, and so this is what he is right now, which is not only I think it's interesting to note that not only is it a waste for him and his career like it will I mean he's he's a big enough guy that he's you'll probably be hurt by this must not destroy a career I dont think, but what what I think on the other side of that is which is much more important for us, because Jimmy it's got millions of dollars already he's taken care for a very long time, much more for us, is to realize how we felt, as he was tweeting. Those things did it us toward Joe Biden
no, no moved away from the more important thing to understand here is how ineffective this tactic is this tactic of just screaming and ranting and raving like an insane person and in saying everyone who is on the other side, hey it It's your bunch morons! You know you're in this guy's a thief, a scam artists. Whenever it doesn't work, forget the fact that its and is wrong and all of the other things it's also has an effective is driven us closer to draw bright, has made us less weary of the well yeah right here by you know the boy he said that wrong, it's like so yeah, unlike what, when we're all around each other, you no revenge. All you want right, but if you're actually trying to to convince some one which he obviously I was he was. This is just not the way to do it. It actually works against you and the funding gas again- and you made this point- tat is it is no. What is politics were my end
a very effective communicator, which is profit we if he would have utilised. His own platform, to talk about these. Things in a way that was still friendly, he's actually capable of doing it. My right he's one of the few for the few people who actually could probably convincingly should use these pious. Yes, maybe now would have been more moving, as I meant that boy now words like anyone I like, who I know is a liberal muted them in my brain until November forth, their all insane right now they d been our king, capable of having a normal conversation. They are incapable of having a rational thought. I all mute M until November forth and then check back in that's a good way to do it and think about it, but then the same the same hand you're looking for to sports firing back upward, football firing back up, and we saw that the way
it's going to be in our face with the ever present with the other fellows will be real bad. It's gonna be a really bad weakened device. We can, they fell. There's gotta be ugly yeah ugly ok, I think I'm just gonna avoid the first weekend. I don't know, what's going to happen with with college football, I mean we're lookin like we're. Gonna have some kind of season weather abbreviated or not, but all the teams, all the players are on board. I don't they get away with it as much as the animal will, but it's gonna be it's gonna be in your face, or how do you mean that its topic, as you know, we we always get? I'm always Boston Glenn, because God and first response, whenever an athlete does something annoying is to come, us go watch. What do you care about? You gonna every move, any gossip and is glaring to of those who, literally every movie, that comes out with every Hollywood celebrity and all they do is Ranten rave
and then in every movie is actually the point of the movie is how bad conservatives arbiter every one of them, and I just his point is Why are we as we point out that inconsistency? Usually what we do is we change the topic. But what my my point here is that, like you really can't micromanaging, you have to realise that not only in entertainment every business. You go into your doing business with people who are insane liberals. Every restaurant you go to one of those cooks whose back there is an insane liberal verdicts, black lives matter did you know to take over the government and Antigua is, is number one in their hearts and you you don't necessarily know it, but it's happening literally everywhere you go. This is civilization. This is capitalism. Really it's the point of have to know and trust every person you do business with that's the brilliance of capitalism. You just have currency exchange. With them. Every one doesn't a little job and you move on with your friggin life.
There are things that you enjoy about in order that actually happened out. Wouldn't I enjoy sports, I'm not gonna, let some dumb player who and thought about any of these issues. Take it away from me, I'm not let them make their decision for me. I understand why a lot of people are like that, and I can of course respect you if you're getting enjoyment out of it, because it so in your face and he leave but like for me. I can just turn it off when their blabbin about this stuff on muted, Listen to it. I know these issues is what I do for work. Leading Europe from some stupid player. Who's. Never look at an FBI. Crime report just read it. I like up Zuri, you know we have this thing. Learn then protest. That order out and learn then protests. Another one learn then vote in that order That's funny that you say that cause. I started a campaign this weekend chewing fat because they talked about. People
king on links that they get tax to them, and that is that you know impermeable what did I read those enough and they're saying you know? Don't click on those. I thought I started a campaign think before you what is now that is my brain is not gonna hurt your side. Business of a sigh wish now aren't mobile due process. Again, how do you know what a furnace I want? I want to. Listen, as this house is really complicated, learn learn then protests in protest. I don't protest and then learn. No, it's gotta be disorder. Learn really then vote think before you link powerful? Our final there go about it and there are good about
I it's Glenn, if you're a subscriber to the podcast, can you do me a favor and rate us on Itunes? If you're not a subscriber, become one today and listen on your own time, you can subscribe on Itunes bags the best of it. So we got some pretty good economic news. How dare you pretty good? No, no! No. I mean pretty badly back really bad economic, horrible news just terrible terrible tellers. All news is terrible until November. Fourth, don't you know that I do know? That's that's the rule in the media that what we have to hit and then it still you to be terrible, depending on who, where diversity, when you say that you now could still be terrible until January twenty, a fish stocks Why wouldn't I live here? Is that too? But we now know Joe, not you re sure do not even know all that stuff. All this stuff has a political angle,
I live in people were like get. You gonna trumps like the term of the trouble restoration, as asked all states to be ready for the vaccine on November. First, effect of that it's funny, because now the left is all anti vaccine than now all a sudden and everyone who has become antivirus z, because Donald Trump is working on a vaccine analogies not in the laboratory simonov, they know that he's helping to coordinate the efforts which have been pretty impressive on this, but I not mean that he's going to be actually he's, not gonna, be injecting you if you're in the left, not don't worry about it dawns, and I really do your house with a needle. Ok, ok, I've decided that a relief, so the unemployment numbers are out, and this is why it is really interesting. Tom Let me give this premise. First, Pat, and you tell me if you think this is the lodge that premise: the election he's coming in November that prior to think you degree with we lost up bunch of jobs because of the corona virus situation and we're bouncing
back, no doubt can boast that back to the levels we were at before the corona virus he's like We d be elected, I would things elected bright. Gazette would be incredible. That would mean that will be the rival if this was just a and again a lot, People have died, I'm not minimizing the covert situation at all, but if we ve we have here is a situation that were hit out of nowhere with a pet, a global pandemic, the worst when we seen in a hundred years and economy has bounced back. Two full levels or close to levels within you know a month. Seven months, that is a really good case for the president to make like the president, I can say that, as he will have a good image you make to the american people at that now that we're seeing these numbers come in now and there is about back. Will it gets at those levels? I don't know. Let me give you couple of numbers here: path: let's go back to a year
visiting the unemployment rate every month. Three point: five. Three point: six. Three point: five. Three point: five m: going to twenty twenty three point: six three point: five March fur point four April. Fourteen point seven. So fourteen point, seven in a big jump, a big chump, ten point zero a month that was huge, may drops it from fourteen seventy thirteen three and, by the way, keep in mind we thought it was gonna. Keep Goin up, yeah might hit twenty or thirty percent is what they were saying. Yes, I mean that for me, when I was fourteen seven came out, there are a lot of calls of of of north of twenty percent. Yet predictions yet did not the past. Fourteen seventeen April steady went down right. Thirteen three and Bay eleven we won in June. What ten point two in July, as today's today's number came out just a few hours ago. Eight point four percent, eight
point. Four percent to eight point: four percent: that's hi hi! We are to talk about three five, three six right, but when was it eight point? Four percent last is fascinating and strong to think point four to me still feels really high for an unemployment rate right, but not have fourteen points after fourteen point seven, but it still seems like this is always the way I well the last time we had an eight point. Four percent unemployment rate was actually eight point: five, Morocco by December, two thousand eleven. What I thought was fascinating tat is, if you look at this exact we ve had, we had brought I refer to terms ran up, and then we have Donald Trump downturn comes in and he's running for reelection. So if we look at the exact same time in Barack Obama's presidency we'd be a few before his election in two thousand twelve. If you go back the exact same month August, two thousand twelve, as compared to August two thousand twenty.
Now remember no corona virus in August, two thousand and twelve in August, two thousand twenty, the unemployment rate is eight point. Four percent in August two thousand twelve. It was eight point, one percent so he's running amazing right now, is she's identical unemployment rate as the brilliant economy of obama- that was praise universities should somebody should be you know what next month he's gonna be ahead, probably because If this continues to improve the next month, deceptive, Burke two thousand twelve. It was seven point eight same with October for Morocco by going into seven asian seven point eight, while you remember at its highest when it peaks- and it was it- was before the election campaign. I think it was an twenty ten, maybe twenty eleven somewhere in there, and it was, if I really were correctly. Nine point. Eight percent- he had nine point nine, nine March and April of two thousand ten. What has what did he say about that? At least? Is that thirteen or fourteen or fifteen percent it suffered safer,
and that was what we keep up with the whole global created and save jobs. Remember that, yes, the created are saved jobs, memory which we will wait a minute. What is that metrical? You just invented that out of thin air, which they did what they did so eight point four percent. Now that's what we said. Let me we solve ways to go, but we are going in the right track. Let me give you the job loss numbers here, So this is a way we bounced around flat here for a while, so we had. Let me say: look this up real quick pull this up for this, so this is a labour force Dissipation rate. Give you this so we are at, Eureka, sorry, I'm theirs. Looking at a bunch of different stats here at the same time. Ok, here we got job losses and gains us. These is one for people understand the one where we were getting like two three hundred thousand neo exactly so month, so you have indeed this is people going back to work,
getting jobs, here we go, so this is going back to September again of two thousand nineteen gay two hundred eight thousand jobs hundred eighty five thousand jobs gain plus two sixty one plus one, for so touch a really good. Where was there when hundreds of thousands of remote, solid numbers, plus two fourteen plus two fifty one, that's February, two thousand twenty then viruses kicks in. We go minus one point: four million now that number is massive: minus point four million massive wheat mother were forced closures. Every were exactly, which is why April is a little uglier than March is a line at one point: four million to March minus twenty point. Eight million. That was in order to the system, two point: eight million money twenty one million people in a month yeah. So I mean that is that's rough. However, as a body blow right there try economy, then you go plus two,
seven million in May so right after the twenty million lost the next month, we gain we. How many two point: seven million, while which again two point seven million would be there's this Nicholas, lay new, resides going back and forth where the have to. This is the worst year ever and the republic, as are now starting to say this was the best month ever and it's like well in both of them. Ridiculous. Right, like I right we're, bouncing back that's great, but we have a lot of room to bounce back and the idea that you're gonna put point. This is like all this economy is crashing. I can't believe Donald Trump, I dont know if you ve noticed, but there's a little thing. We're dealing with right now call a pandemic. Big deal so we go my twenty point- eight million in April that plus two point: seven million jobs in May then plus four point: eight million in June, while then why plus one point, seven million, and in August plus point four million. That's the new number, so the
losses March and April, where twenty two point, one million the job gain since then have been ten point: six million we ve got almost half hastily about halfway there so far. Why now the negative look at, that is to say its slow. Right. We went four point. Eight million one point: seven one point three in the last three months, so it is, the rate is slowing and if it doesnt pick up, we are not going to get back to You have full by November, which is ridiculous. I'm not! That would be incredible. To be honest, I don't expect it if you can show and yellow green them into the economy, yet recovery that they're looking for that would be. It would be in arguable break they could get back out. Would you be nice to have an eight, your noble, appoint the US that, the nice, I don't wanna, go all the way there he's at two more months, trumps got to Murmansk. Remember we will not have November numbers by the election of its. It will still be in November. However, I think I think we can, maybe maybe they have October Numbers Healy
as one more month of September now that I feel him up that Thursday right we'll have so that'll be Tuesday failed, it will do after right is the first of the ever balusters. They asked that we will not cease got one more month here. He could probably tack on a couple of million more and we will the weekly reports that will that will have come in before the election. So an argument as to but private What you're, looking at in, if we're looking at this realistically he's, probably die Travis probably gonna, be. Telling you the night before the election that he's bought brought back in sixty and seventy percent of these jobs, which is great earlier, which is look at several holes in it. A few months problem is some of the businesses that were forced into being shut down are coming back and so neither of those jobs. Now so you ve lost already New Jersey. You lost thirty per cent of all restaurants and end their thinking that might go to fifty percent. Before before it's done,
and New York still isn't open for indoor dining. Yet two things got all those restaurants we're going to make ends Meet on twenty five percent of our door area being filled every day. Well, that's not enough for these guys to make ends meet. Of course. Not so that's why Don t you robbed- and this is a vacuum- come back to the problem A big problem with his economic argument is that so much of it is hands up the worst people in our society, Nancy Pelosi, because we had obviously we all understand, even even more libertarians pretensions talked to about this understand and agree that when the government. Comes to you and says you need to stay home for a couple months, government needs to step in and make that right. It's alright, it's closer to its closer to a eminent domain Jason than it is a bail out. Raven
basically saying we're. Gonna take this from your to take two months. Your work, your ears, are compensation and when, as we heard you by the government and the government's responsibility is to you- and I may be right- almost everyone agrees that should be yes actually happen for a short time, you're not forever, but for a time, There should be some sort of some sort of exotic in exchange, Sir, that happened and it did protect. Obviously there some there some ability to be able to just pay your way out of these problems for a short time, so that we did we spent. Trillions of dollars to me so it was only twenty million people who are losing their jobs and not seventy right. So that has happened is also now expiring. If you were on unemployment. You know this. If you're one of those twenty million people, you notice right, where you lost your job, the unemployment giving
The six hundred dollars a week bonus basically to cover the fact that they told you that you had to lose your job and that has now run out. If you were, small business. They gave you money to bridge the gap here that is now. Run out and not everybody got it and not everybody got it anyway. It was not well run anyway, I was, I was thrown together. It's the government, that's what I do is what happens not well. So now. That's all expired. The Republicans and Democrats both say that it should continue, obviously and Nancy Policy isn't even admission negotiating for about it, because she knows she holds this in her hands and if you are one of these people who feel Nancy policy care so much about people that she destroy the economy for a couple of months to get Donald Trump out of office course. You would of course you what right like I don't. Even I I don't know, there's a hesitation in me that says that Nancy Policy would, if she's You have a choice between
potentially helping Donald Trump election hurting millions of people. I not not every Democrat. I would say this about Nancy Policy absolutely say it up. She would much more prefer She doesn't want the economy to combat not until November the jobs to combat she may right. Not some of em are at least right. If they if they wish shall be happy to try to bring it back, but this is they were basically republicans are agreeing with Democrats yea. Now we get through trillions of dollars at this problem, and so these members may get worse because of what is happening with this government programme again, we all realise this is not sustainable. We can just pay our way out of this forever, but to try bridge. This gap is important, and I look. She doesn't want to do it because, She knows it's gonna help Donald Trump, so either one thing at one or two things are gonna happen: she's either going to not there are this government programme which
going to obviously hurt in the short term or he's going to extract such severe penalties and asked for such crazy crap that may may not want to it anyway. So it's a tough for the public into listening to the teeth of member one president, even who shot killed the Trump supporter the other day. It was himself shot and killed last night when police caught up to him and die. Apparently he went for the gun and- and I guess he was gonna- have a shoot out with police and he was on the losing end of that. So we lost him asked, but vice interviewed him Obviously before that happened handsome interesting things to say, here's what he hears, what he said lots of lawyers suggested. I shouldn't even be saying anything, but I feel it is important that the world
at least, gets a little bit of what's really going on, because there has been a lot of propaganda put out there. I had no choice. I had a choice. I couldn't sat there and watch them, kill a friend of mine of color. What I wasn't going to do that That's not what was happening. He had no choice. Who is- to kill their wages. Standing there and street corner there. Far as I know, they were both unarmed right, the other theirs some potential so earlier on. In the day they were shooting paint balls. You see this footage where the Trump guys were in the back of a tree and they were shooting out ain't balls at some of the protesters and they were spraying. I guess they were things. Pepper sprang out of the back at summit protesters, it appears in one of the videos that the person who was killed may have spread. A little pepper spray in the direction that you don't die from No, that's not it isn't That does not mean like a visitor, It excuse race, trying yes
trying to say that he was innocent and was defending himself when clearly was not clearly, not just a murder. Yes, and this is what happens when you hear you hear his friend or compatriot say there's a couple of em right here, there's a couple I hear, and then almost immediately you hear the gunshot zip and they kill him there's no one, so they were has no general for them. Just really maize and an end. I will say this again because its seemingly lost in the news coverage of these events a lot of people who are saying well, these trump supporter shouldn't have been there. Kyle, Guenaud, Kyle, Rittenhouse shouldn't have been then there are certain arguments that I would agree with on that front I will say this way: we had Charlottesville what happened. You had bad guy people who are out there
that bad groups of people on both sides and how it don't you dare Laval signed. All people were going on one side and a bit more about the other. Now you had one white supremacist, obviously terrible out their pro. Resting and doing their thing. Then you had anti protestors Tita, where some of them, some of them, were just regular people who were there to say. I don't want this in my town, the bad guys who were there, as in doing there met their tiki torch. Juicer will not replace us thing, one of them ran over one of the counter protesters at no point did anyone say, the counter protesters should not have been there. Including on the right or by the way, but no one ever set out a cow. Those counter protesters should not a showed up. They should have been there. Nobody said that now, with this but both of these situations and
in windows. In the end, it was Portland and canosa right, yes, or is the two areas? The Portland one anchored in the commercial one, no once it every one single whether those counter protesters should never showed up, they basically caused it. They called it on themselves as well. Now, that's not the way this works, This guy murdered a trump supporter for no reason. And we were all supposed to say well, it was his fault for showing up to be a counter protester, so they say Charlottesville, we could vote we can all pretty much agree here that people like this guy who murdered them were bad people, their rioting, their breaking windows. There terrorizing these communities counter gestures, show up, and one of them gets killed we're one gets attacked and then has to fire back and what supposed to believe, is its. Therefore, for showing up is counter protesters totally different construct than last time. We just what is reversed? Those rules,
sorry. There wasn't account of protesters fault written run over by a car. Obviously it wasn't and the right and agree with that now what happens the other way around the leftist changes, all the rules and the media changes all of its rules. It really is fresh it's really trust me notice, released untruth anymore. Pat it just what what's the field I know how we can get away with today. Italy's frustrating this off, It has been so bizarre and so frustrating from the very beginning. Another of those frustrating situations is this poor owner of the Minneapolis salon. Writers. On fire and burned this one. Business was completely gutted completely burned off. As to the ground, but it wasn't absent Lee burned to the ground, so it was to dangerous the city said to allow to stand so the city went in and tore down the rest of the way and sent the boy.
To the owner of the salon believe or two hundred thousand dollars issue. This is not the only case of us either is happening to several business owners. There I mean, if fast frustrating and makes zero euro. When the woman was in no way responsible for any of it. In fact, she, just lost or business because you didn't protect it from the city. The city of many apple is didn't protected from the looters yeah so she lost that to fire? stir livelihood. And then, on top of it when they tear the building down to give her the bill for two hundred thousand. All incredible it's american. No! and in one of these things ever seen, a couple articles and beckoned Adams wrote about this in in Washington, examiner and there's been this case from the left, which has basically been hey
it just property rights. And yes, we know they should be merged in buildings down. But you know what it's not important. It's not that's, not important though they have insurance, though get their suffer placed lowly, rarely but ass. She s, like part of me, said, wait a minute. Morally, this is reprehensible. Talking of burnt someone's building that even at the very least, did they got all the ruddy back for the for the business from insurance. Still have months or they weren't selling their product. That's where they know had it. Lay people laugh all these other complicating factors, in the back of my head. I thought to myself at least at the end of this, maybe they'll be made hole barely not only not quite the opposite, yeah, listen to some of this either. This is really interesting. Like dozens of other investors, whose properties were severely damage in the May Riots, the king family was stunned to discover that the money it would cause from its insurance company for demolition won't come clean to the actual cost of doing the job most power,
he's a limit reimbursement to twenty five to fifty thousand dollars, but contractors in submitting bids of two hundred to three hundred thousand dollars, in many case, The price of the work is not much lower than the value of the actual property records show one. This is a sports dome reap retail complex different company than the one tat mentioned in Saint Paul, had the the city, hired a crew came in because it was an unstable building. They had a knock it down and then and at a bill to the property owners for hundred and forty thousand dollars to hollow the debris This is happening in place after place after place another company said they got a hundred and twenty five thousand our bid, but they only had fifty cents dodge from their insurance, big companies. We'll have each once that might cover them like a Mcdonald's or Wendy.
Might have. Insurance is gonna cover. Suddenly this a small business doesn't this isn't gonna wind up having their lives destroyed over something like this. And they were never be made whole many of them in this shouldn't matter, but many of them are immigrant and minority own businesses who likely supported these rallies and riots at other times and now are paying for it, and this is fair, even if they had political. You know believes that are insane some people? Do it still my fair? They should now there's stuff forged for no reason- and I do think this connecting not only to people in the community, but also people when it comes to the general election there. Looking at this in their same wait a minute. One of these parties is blatantly Despite the recent denials blatantly on the side of the writers, they I mean the vice, as an essential candidate of the United States. Try to raise money to get people who are accused
murderer bailed out of jail and successfully in some cases. In Minnesota. She was raising money to get these people bailed out. That is incredible, Unless you want a chaotic were unless you want, you know the ear life to be. You know some some ETA group to war torn lino province of some four kin disputed territory. You know like where were you have? It's an blacks fighting each other and you have tribe after tribe go it after each other and there's? No, able government and no police. Unless you that world in your future, you? How can you want this How can you sit here, sit there and embrace it? What are you Donald Trump or not it's hard to imagine a world in which are like of cheering this up and any
and even you can tell the Biden Harris campaigners realise that this is true in and now you're trying to back for that. But we're not idiots we're all here, although we all saw you do it by you, said yesterday. Let me quote what he said. I think what happened Portland, where one of the Trump guys riding along advance, inciting responses, shooting rubber bullets, I guess or Paypal's you don't even know what the deal is right up. Currently, there was some one shot by some one in the crowd with a bullet and killed. So I didn't blaming blaming the victim. In this particular case and and just minimizing the fact that the guy was killed by this Screwball in anti FA thinks will not condemn the things that anti for do haven't said the name as far as I know it now they haven't. You heard they want to Jerry Adler on the street and and he would she said it was a myth.
But was remiss rise to this guy's dead. I don't think I've seen a single Democrat. Damn what they're doing art them to stop, and that worries that hard. I don't know I don't know I get my auntie FA, these, your constituents. Are these people you're trying to please or there certainly energy on that site and maybe they're just try not to piss off. You know those guys jobs, but I mean how often padded they go after Donald Trump for. Denouncing the outright all my whites of data will do it any any did denounce those we did. I don't think you do not see all right as well, but he deftly denounce white supremacist. I remember that specifically multiple times over and over again, it was never enough. They don't have to do this time with Anti for have to do that I have to say you know what black lives matter. There's a lot of good people who are Who are right if rallying and an MP and peacefully protesting- and I think they should be
highlighted more in the news coverage, but I will say there is a sliver of of this group that is terrible and they're doing terrible things. They don't even know as far as they want, though, say what we don't like violets, but they won't say blacklist matters as is involved in it, for I won't say, Antigua is involved in it. They would say that these. You're doing this all the time in left, leaning, cities, Oliver America, why This is not hard unity and you're going to lose votes by saying anti for east of to violent there's. No. I like that. Lose the votes of the anti for members. I mean most of them just want overthrow the entire government and they're not gonna vote. Most of most of it would be my guest
Transcript generated on 2020-09-08.