« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | 7/6/22

2022-07-06 | 🔗

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot discussed the divisiveness in America, but Pat and Stu point out the hypocrisy of the message. The approval rating of President Biden keeps plummeting, as Stu and Pat examine how radical his presidency has been. A blast from the past shows then-Senator Joe Biden saying that "many fine people" fly the Confederate flag, which is just another case of Democrats flip-flopping.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the podcast. It is patents due in for Glenn. Today, you don't miss out on any of the program. It's a good one. I think you're going to like it before we get to the podcast. I want to tell you about studios power hour. It's coming up just two days from today. You can watch the whole escapade if you've never seen one of these things. It is completely ridiculous and a lot of fun and certainly get your weekend started right. It is a stew. Does america's youtube page youtube: dot com, slash students, america, you can check it out there. Also. We have the six twenty four twenty two shirt which is up for sale. Now it is available at studios, merch, dot com. You can use the code stew ten if you'd like to save ten percent off. Basically, it's going to go to this date might not even be resonating with you yet, but it's the date that they overturn roe vs wade, it's an important one. They want you to talk about january. Six, constantly want to talk about this day, six, twenty four twenty to get the t shirt, the mavs have a sticker that had all of it at studios merged dot com at out, pat gray unleashed, which is immediately before the Glenn Beck program or sixty eight central time every day or anytime. You want Allen on your podcast wherever you get, your podcasts yeah make sure to check it in and you could subscribe to both pat gray, a leash and students. America right here right now rate and review as well. Five stars is the appropriate number of stars. If you cared about that type of thing, Lori Lightfoot is in the news today in a moment of hypocrisy for the ages, we'll get into that. There is a new poll about abortion that shows the media has been misreporting this the entire time and we get the important words of debra messing now normally, you might just say, I don't want to hear her words she's, an idiot which is true. That is one hundred percent factual. However, you will love this story, because it's all about how celebrities and democrats and activists are turning on the bucket administration and it is delicious not as delicious as caixa cookies. Yes, the cakes dot com, if you want the most delicious cookie ever in the face of the planet, K e k, Sie, dot, com, taxi dot, com, here's the podcast, so the well Lori lightfoot, the mayor of chicago, your soul,
profound and such a peacemaker. I've noticed that two and we tract of physically beautiful yeah, and you really feel that wake as you ve brought it up several times. I now yak, as I am now huh, it's the first thing that hits my brain when eyes how creative lorry my sword, Sometimes I just blurted out now I didn't realize that I had already said it, so I apologize for that, but nah, that's alright! I feel strongly. Obviously you feel strongly about it. Yeah I mean it's a it's a bit redundant. You know because keep saying it, but I want people to understand its differ, to consider the the regime, the administration of of of lorry lightfoot without factoring in that you know, people notice right away how pretty she is yeah. I mean, if I didn't know better, if, if I didn't realize adjure pebbly married right, I might say
that you dare you got kind of a thing for a bit concern than my wife might be listening. cause. You now add its did. Look it's difficult, I'm a guy! I'm just I'm a straight out all american mail, and you see, someone like lorry life within europe has a male right you're, since I am the items ismail now I was born. Assist may, of course, had a transition, actually I transitioned in nineteen eighty nine But then I transition back in nineteen. Ninety nine. Now it was not. I I'm not saying I reckon did my initial transmit transition because that that's when people do that, and even if you ve covered the news, your called a haider and you get thrown out of the media. So I just transition twice and I haven't end up in the same spot It just happened stance, but you just you tried out for a decade or so and then
How do you know what I know how to coordinate our away? I was born a person us when I forgot transition wise and then transition back individually. Ok, not retracing my steps in age decided to be because of the way it was born, transition back in because of the way you were born and mainly a lot. I will say a good chunk of the reason I transition back. Laurie lightfoot outlined out just just so attractive, just even attractive. Ninety. Ninety now ninety know, you think she's good look about maginot back in nineteen. Ninety nine can I can't imagine I can either. Nor do necessarily want to, but anyway We're talking about the area attractive of chicago and her peacemaking. ability right now she talked about you know how toxic our discourse is right. Now here's what she had to say yesterday and then we'll show you an example of what she's talking about our last week. Toxicity in our public
discourse is a thing that, think we should all be concerned about in its an ironic. Obviously there we're having this conversation is happen on independence day. We're not like a lot of other countries were independence. Their version of independence day is marked with troops and tanks, and you know what we do in this united states as we can together. The media is a coming together. Lastly, clarence thomas, so that's I ironic I think is the word she you see. That's a good word, a really good word ironic and throw in a hypocritical neo. I might throw them in what way back in the way that you should talking about the toxicity and our discourse after having been talks,
In our discourse just last week, but if It would be handled it a little bit differently and you know what just last week I was saying a few to clarence thomas and oh, I've decided that's too toxic it'd be a little different. It will be an interesting approach, wouldn't it yeah there is that there is something to that and politicians whether they meant it or not, used to exploit moments like that are the the to make a big deal out of it. You know but when your side did something wrong, you call them out in Evian not to bring up the example. That's, but I'm a million times that social procedure sister soldier moment of the Clinton administration, where a guy called out like his people who were his own supporters. The end think it earned him some level of respect at that time from people across the aisle who said wait a minute. I'm thanks for calm those idiots out, and I think that there is I think too, that there you to be in l a
especially when you're doing it yourself you're, calling out yourself for your own behavior, you're right. She makes a statement, she says. Look the toxicity is a prominent look. There's! No! I don't like the the state of our debate in this country- and I am a bit and who just told you and just show you how much effort made on this. I'm a conservative laureate puts a democratic I've said nothing, but how attractive she is the entire show. That is an example of coming across the ilo and rage positive about someone on the other side. So I obviously lead. The way on this army is obviously but and I'm a person who's. You know, sold Nancy Pelosi sucks pens right, Andrew cuomo is all fully mugs on may say that was talk that babies up I'd, say that and I I necessarily love, but that's how we do things here. I don't. I don't think it's a good thing in the world I do. Steadily engage in it, but I dont necessarily think it's.
greatest way to run a country, but there is little really no evidence whatsoever that our political toxicity has anything to do with the shooting, but this person this seems to be completely knots. He's gone. I all over his face. He He has been talking about fantasizing about, and wrapping about, school shootings, for god knows how long this not seem to be one of these things for you. I just don't agree with a minimum wage policies of this country. That doesn't seem to be an example of this at all. the the response every single time, especially from the left about guns after every shooting strikes me as particularly toxic. They tend to blame the they put the ball on the hands of their political opponents. That's pretty toxic, but I don't only that's what she's referring to hear. This is not an example of some person, at least, as we know right now and made we'll find this out. There
It's been some rumours of some of his postings having some court unquote right wing, and they said encompasses everything took to the media. When someone does something bad, every everything they posted quote. Him quote right wing, so I dont know. Yet if this is accurate but doesn't seem to be politically motivated it seems to be random. To be a very troubled person, doing some very troubling things. It does not seem to be a politically. motivated crime knows or toxicity have to do with that. Are nothing nothing so what we just like these standard, talking points that the very attractive laureate lightfoot you came trotting out after she just violated them. Stage in front of tens of thousands people last week and how is it that you don't at least acknowledge it. Do not remember what you did last week and it's done many times before as a matter of fact, she's contributed to the toxicity, alot mean when the
Dammit was going on she's telling everybody hey stay in your house? Don't go anywhere! You can go to James! You can't get your hair done, that name: She goes out and gets her hair done then, when she's crashed it about it, she's all pissed off. What will look? I care about my hygiene I know the rest of us. Don't I will say it obviously obvious his letter, heresy very, very dry, but that is a person who is highly a specimen shall use. we're model. We would say she is Jesus. Supermodel about I've been trying to use. Ox out everyday and stage, auto soup. model, she's on auto mode pat and look he she needs to get her hair done. She needs to get her hair done. She's, not like us, pat no she's, not like us, or does she look like she's important yeah? Why don't I we're just dumpy guys what what are her gets cut? It doesn't get cut when the pandemic happened. all of our of our when all the hare cutting places around here- are the salons and barbershop were closed and so on,
sat, therefore, months and months and months without a haircut like most people, do in that period, and you know, unlike most people we have to be on camera everyday doing our shows do as america pat gray unleashed, and did we look a little terrible times probably, but you know what care, because no one goes to us for our looks. They do go to lorry lightfoot for her looks that's why Why do people know that for a fact, I absolutely key, and why do people move to chicago? It's not as stop violence. Rightly, why would you go yuri lightfoot? Will you go for lorry lightfoot? That's why you go there. You move to Chicago specifically to view lorry lightfoot and just you say that you could viewer from afar ali baba. Do, of watching the superbowl live or until television are going to be there in person you really do and lorry lightfoot a lorry lightfoot speech is the equivalent to the superbowl. In my mind, and you saw this yesterday with her incredible points. It's amazing
people like lorry lightfoot are actually in charge of cities. She has been catastrophe right is there. Anybody do argues with this anybody a Democrat in Chicago. That would argue with the fact that lorry Lightfoot- it's been a catastrophe you this is of someone who has his now look, her attractiveness aside, she's not been a good mare, no if did not look? What's happened, chicago while she has been the mayor of it. They had the er we call this the golden mile or the. What does it called we're all those great job here on michigan avenue at that stage, the argo- it is a great city yeah when you're at getting shot, and they were all then eliza and they were broken into on a regular basis for the whole summer of twenty twenty in and then not she's got the shootings that happen every single day and then it a week and you ve got in the dozen of people have been killed or oftentimes killed and wounded by gun.
I urge us normal course of behavior over and over and over it's so stunning about it. You know it. It is and it's so bizarre, the weather the left approaches this there is. This constant churn. Violence in the cities We've been run by democrats for decades and decades, and in some instance, a half century or more honest in most instances now and it just keeps churning and turning in turning no one seems to do anything about it. No one seems to care about. The media doesn't seem to care about it and you have three giant buckets of corn gun violence which in again, it's kind of a weird way to look at it. Seemingly blaming the tool rather than the person using the tool, but let's go with it for secondary in these gun violence, these giant buckets you have the guy the violence that goes on generalised crime in these cities every single day, which is a huge chunk of the problem. We are talking about gun violence. There
and you have another huge chunk of the problem, which is suicide. About half half the half the gun. Debts. This country are suicide and you have these. who huge things that the left doesnt really seem to want to do anything about it. I don't care, they never talk about it. And then you have this one, tiny little fraction, which obviously does it matter if you were involved in one of these things, I mean some of the details coming out of this island park. Shooting are just heartbreaking. I mean absolutely awful in every single way and if you're, involved in seville that obviously there's no aid to to make that pain feel any better, but it's like it is, when you're talking about a nation. It is a very tiny fraction of what we're too about one we're talking about gun, violence or violence overall, and just because the left, If this is the way to convince people that your should go away.
This is how this is the one they go after all the time- and you know because often their guns, that are purchased legally. Much more often than than the typical murder right they go through. system they go. They pass through. All of these laws and still are able to often get these guns where in the typical gun talked about this before the deal jaded a study about state and federal prisoners, and they asked them all the people who got caught gun crimes, they said, hey where'd, you get your gone, they did a survey of them. They found that one point three, sent of them, got it through a retail purchase one point three percent, so but a lot of them were stealing them from friends stealing them from relative from of friends or relatives by giving the gifts from friends, relatives, people
gave them the guns. Sometimes they found them on other crime scenes. Sometimes they were both the black market all of these other ways, but none of them regulated none of them that any of these laws would actually touch none of them I'm a one point, three percent, so they're trying to micro manage the criminal behavior of one point. Three percent of people who are already criminals- Punishing ninety nine point: nine percent of the regular people out there that by guns and dont use them for the nefarious purposes. It doesn't make any It would make sense in any other context, but here we are because of People like lorry lightfoot, the very attractive lordly foot and other politicians throughout america who you these things for their own advantage. Obviously pat no one could make the statement that look like put made yesterday with a straight face if they actually meant it man you just war, onstage, sank, half the supreme court justness clarence thomas and
the next day or like you know what we need is civility call your listening to the best of the global patents do for Glen or the glimpse programme triple eight. Seventy seven see kay yet another paul that book so well for our boy, dead. President Joe Biden here is really not doing well in these bulls. I bet you the problem. Just haven't, communicated their message well enough yet to the american people. If they could just community, What they're trying to do to raise inflation, gas prices we re
allow free flow of illegals in drugs and terrorists across the? U s border if they can just communicate why they're doing all of these things it would be so much better for them. You we think pudding, Joe Biden, in front of the people. More often, for him to fall over on a bicycle in public is exactly what needs to happen. Yes, exactly really for him to stumble uns damper and not be able to get his train of thought, goin and say the wrong numbers. You know assisting with numbers, he can save a number correctly. He can't do it. It does matter of its written on teleprompter in eighty five it doesn't matter. He just can't give you a number, what the deal is with that, because it can get through some things some of the time, but can never get through numbers, as to SAM he screwed yeah. It's will do it
there's like a mental blocking of some sort, and I think the mental bloc, as it is, is turned from a block into a giant wall. Yeah that is impenetrable. He is he the capital. Now let me go, some actual numbers here, Joe Biden, Mario Monti started off ass, he was run of mid fifties, approval rating and there are is high, is like fifty nine was no fifty eight or for some hours at the monmouth pulled. I think you Peter fifty four, but he has constantly all from those levels and to give you a sense, it's it's very typical for president to start their administration in somewhat of a honeymoon pair. You ve, heard that phrase before you get this sort of power. So everyone in america them generally speaking, the american people, like the country there willing to at least give a new president an attempt at success right, I'm gonna say hey, I'm done. The same way like I was very confident Joe Biden was going to be a terrible present. Now I don't
but I thought I was gonna, be vis bad either you just gotta be terrible. I can tell you, I did not think would be this basic line, you guys gonna be bad, but there is no way you could ever predicted how bad he would be. Can I think I think that's true. I mean it. I dont know Think of what I expected to be different I I didn't think the withdrawal from Afghanistan, where botched as badly as it was rights, dance like can't think inflation would be almost ten percent Because, although a real number being close to twenty percent, I didn't he gasped It would be one hundred and twenty dollars per barrel, which they're down from that now, but one hundred and twenty year dollars a barrel yet to use sic and the reason why cause you might say: how could you not think Biden was going to be this bad? Here's, my by two part answer to that. One is we went through? The obama administration, where you have a guy, who, I think, arguably one more committed to the ideology than Joe Biden is a guy.
With sixty votes in the senate, let us proof majority who of course did spend, lots of money, a launch bunch of new programmes- and we didn't see inflation like that at that time, right, Brazil, like think ok bite and is has less support in congress is less convincing of a speaker of you- every one loved obama back in the day on the left, and so think he'd get less done and why he might be as bad as obama. It might not be worse than that the second airily. I would say you know, as a guy who, who went HU, the obama administration, who is in the in the obama administration Biden, was obviously a guy who is far left but never seemed as committed to that ideology, as is obama, was our many people around him instead what he has done, as is try to run this as If see. As president, I mean like the he has been.
Only has he been a bad income president, which I largely would have predicted pretty easily, I think he has been much farther left than even the president. He served under it means I dont that's an accurate younger. At least he is governed that way govern that way with razor thin majorities, Try tried to pass six really dollars of build back better spending with fifty senators, and then he talks about a frugal he's been I need didn't get that done believable and he tried to get three point. Five trillion done, that he tried to get one point: eight trillion that he's tried over and over and over. He spent one point. Nine trillion uncovered nonsense that we did not need at that time. He then and got the republicans to come along for another one point: one trillion of infrastructure spending that we did not need he's gone through all of this and he's been while the general
what the direction of incompetence, I think, was predictable. With someone like Joe Biden, who has never really succeeded at anything in his entire life, I mean the other guy has been a complete failure at everything, he's attempted in his entire life, and so this is what get when you, when you select someone like that, but like he has been met much more incompetent than I could have imagined I honestly believe if you mickey random, stranger off the street and put him in office. He could not be worse than Joe Biden this and that's it. It means a lot of this might just me because at times he's completely to doubt, but I think that if that stereo what more true all the time it things would be going better. You know if he handed this off to leftists poor, generally professionalized at what they were doing so he's advisers who around him if he handed off the presidency completely to those people, I
things would be going better because at least those p, would be able to do things in some relatively competent fashion. Afghanistan is the perfect example that path We all knew, though, what the left wanted out of afghanistan. They want to get out of there as soon as possible in the event of they. Don't her ties are defense. We all know the way that they, act and a lot of us were on board with hay. Eventually, this needs to end. Like the way they did. It was was just peace in utter incompetence fuelled and algae that blinded them from any other downsides, and that's it the thing is it almost impossible to predict data it's almost as if you hired someone who's intentionally trying to destroy the country. That's what it feels like at times. Yes with Joe Biden, which there's a question. We ask almost every day on unpack re unleashed, which happens. ITALY, before the show life and then anytime you want on on your podcast, but if you will
trying to destroy the country. What would you do differently? and think of anything. Now I mean there. They ve covered all the bases and then some after its work. The thing to spend one point: nine trillion dollars on on stuff. We didn't need. When you come into your administration. Almost every administration seems to get one bill like that at the beginning, like you know the the stimulus plan with obama, everyone seems to have that, one bill that they get past the beginning. The tax cuts for tromp, like everyone gets one through it, seems they. So he gets the one point: nine trillion dollars through fine. Obviously it's not fine at all, but like we kind of expect that and but that was really before inflation started, hitting in any noticeable way in the statistics. It was happening, I think, was bubbling under. You saw you know things like crypto currency react to it right and have that big run kind of lead those numbers, but it didn't, leave the spending the spending was there. It started, obviously, in twenty twenty, with the covert
definition initially and then, once with the country had already started, bouncing back people were going back to work. We spent another two trillion dollars on it, so that was really the thing where democratic economists were commands guys I'm with you want a lot of stuff, but you gotta stop right and people we're in the obama administration treasury secretary of the eu in the obama administration came out and said: hey guys, you do This now we're gonna have massive inflation, but ok they get that through the The inflation happens. They do the infrastructure bill. he's still wants multiple trillions of dollars of spending. after we've, seen the results after inflation has happened after everybody's already paying the price for this, they still want to spend multiple. True, of dollars. So there's this weird. intersection where president Biden stands in the middle of every single day. Between complete and utter incompetence and an odd I,
illogical, lock, that's immovable by fax, you don't. We goes back to you, don't chairman MAO right, whose I get look things going so well, but we just keep pushing through. Yeah sure ten million died in rio. Let's keep what would let's keep going? eventually this will turn around and they he's going and going and coming and going and knowing that Sort of ideological debt creation to this dickie alice spending, and these terrible ideas is fascinating from Biden and then his Seclusion of it is always terrible so two things combined to the lowest approval rating ever recorded from any president output. Until this day, of the presidency. Missis Now, he's he's surpassed trump who was the other guy who had a low approval rating again. The asterisk is always there with trump because he started without the honeymoon period he's his
Rural reading was literally the entire time was president, never above fifty percent. So we started much lower than these other president's, because he came in obviously is pretty divisive figure, but just ever approval. Writing was never his thing right. it's not how won the presidency? That's not how we govern. He never he'd, never tried to be this like broad base. Everybody come together guy. He was a guy who said look. This is what I even the sort of thing to do, and what a lot of people on the conservative side liked about right. He just didn't. He didn't care. Well, that's not! What biden ran on he's red is the opposite of that. A guy who was supposed to bring the country together is big. nighter, whose number everybody together. So we started four percent by summer he was down in the mid forties, then you had afghans, and go on. He dropped down to forty two percent and then, since the end of the year, forty to forty percent, thirty, nine percent, thirty nine thirty eight percent and then yet again
another new low. This is the monmouth poll. Thirty six percent approval rating again lower than any other president. At this point in the presidency, in recorded history, going back to believe it's truman, so pretty incredible, good, just communicate better. What he's got his his message? Yeah just needs to be communicated better and then I think it's sky rock either yeah. Now, what do you think he could clear? These numbers is. Let me give you. The breakdowns by party are a three percent approval by republic. Now that is re. Three three per He was never seen that I don't think we ve ever seen. You might say, that's not so good now I gotta say right off the bat that doesn't seem good. You don't get. Allow you to believe that, but it's not too or one which are the
bother lower options or zero, it could be zero percent us a good spin on that to do so. It's three percent, which is much better than the alternative era of zero one or two were ok. It's bad. fifty percent higher than to now. Independence, though, must absolutely love, they love, absolutely love it. You might say what you were in a stereotypical world worldwide I get, is a zero percent approval re from publicans, a hundred percent for democrats and fifty percent from independence right that might expect independence. twenty nine percent that is, the catastrophic level is look at its catastrophic. It is People are Democrats who just kind of say their independence. Like you know, I'm registered independent, obviously I'm conservative and do not vote for them kratz, but I am a registered independent. I mean I've been that my entire life, so I would under the category of independent, and so this is true.
Both sides there's a lot of people who register as independent them in a surly in a party, but they real leanings people are included in that twenty nine percent, so there's a lot of democrats, essentially in there and they, are counting in that twenty nine percent, but this It might be the most disturbing one and its lack of sound that bad, but only Seventy four percent of Democrats approve and those numbers to give you context that is about where Nixon was among republicans when he left office while only about about seventy percent approval rating for four nixon when he left office. Among republicans. So your party basically doesn't abandon you rightly you're, always gonna have most of them people with you, it's impossible to get at lower, not impossible. She put a passport and but its very difficult to get it lower than this. This is basically your bottom. It's really hard to get your approval raining down to seventy four percent. Among the party that elected you just, do it happen very often,
and here we are seventy four percent. You start getting that into the sixties. I don't know there will be talk, and I think a lot of it depends on what happens in this election coming up as to whether he's candid and twenty twenty four, and we definitely that already they don't want him yet we should get into some of that, maybe to want it. There's some big there's a big stories that have come out recently on this budget celebrities called the white house they had this little call that I've been doing we're hey guys. What, if you guys do some tik tok videos, you guys can pose some tik tok vetoes, here's, what we like you to say in your tik, tok videos, to support the administration. That is going on for a while, but now those celebrities why? Why are we gonna? Do that you? What are you doing for us? They are fighting back but like if this election, goes as badly as it may for democrats. You're going to see, I think a real push for someone like Gavin newsom to be the candidate at instead of Joe Biden. I don't think they're gonna push for common. no. I don't think so either. Why? Because she's a black woman,
The only reason and the racist either restless turbulent. Seventy seven back the best of the Glen bank programme, as is where just talking about, are wonderful president that we share all something from the past from Joe by This kind of interesting, because something was said more recently along these lines and the person who said it was vilified, demonized. They still bring it up and it happened not or not three or four years ago. Four years ago, maybe five job
back in nineteen. Ninety three talking about confederate flag waivers and here's what he had to say about them. it's the senator made a very moving. Eloquent speeches, the son of the confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change. He knew to a position that soldier carol, mostly braun on the floor of the senate, not good. in a federal charter a organization made but many fine people all who Continue to display better flag. I wait Many finding people, I've lay the confederate fly wherever I heard that before I kiss
somebody else said that armed with eggs and very fine people almost exactly the same phrase wow but just unearth that instead started. Do you know circulating on the internet and appreciate whoever spit. Was it sent that to us, because that's incur That is really incredible. Gay wait. You The exact same thing thirty years ago, and now it's the worst thing you can possibly say and like they did. The same thing applies to tromp that apply to Biden at that time, which is you know like it hit the ball was brought more broad than saying they're. Both there are fine white supremacist. That's what they're saying I know they're saying that europe, some people use that flag. For I mean look the freaking looks of hazard use the flag right here, it was it not seen
It's a a right or wrong was not seen as a white supremacist symbol its entire time. It was seen as something as it became something of a southern heritage symbol and, like So a lot of people that put it up even though maybe they should have seen it another way. You can argue it, but they put it up because they just you know like the south, that was it. It was some big reboot. We know there are laura fine really very, and I think that's what bite is referring to hear right like he's referring to people who didn't use it. That way now, I think, he's an absolute raised, which is how long about white supremacy right there exactly, and this has that albania to trial with It- that's how they said it, but that's what they did with trump lay it as if they didn't understand that there's this idea of plausible deniability not is this. Actually happened. But can I come up with a scenario That will allow me to convincingly argue that I think that's what he meant. You know that
happening right now, with the january six stuff, it's like well donald trump, said he wanted people let into the area around a speech. Though they were armed and his what he said. This is the accusation from the testimony of the january, sixteen, which I know you weren't listening to. So let me recounted quickly. She said a cassie, hutch hutchinson, said: hey in the word I got was that he said he wanted. People lead in that were armed than here. Answer was well these pete. These are my people, they're not gonna harm me, you announced king about their armed but they're, not gonna, hurt anybody, though, so what hey security relax. These are my people they're not coming after me, I think ever we body that hears him in the context of that moment with that for and understands what really occurred there, that that is what he say if it, if it happened at all, that he sang look? These are my people, I'm not worried about you. Let me the man. I know you're trying to protect me, but I'm not
worried about that. Just because they have guns does not make them dangerous imo who believes in a second amendment rebuilding understands everybody. I think everybody on the left understands that what donald trump bet without they are saying publicly is they he didn't care about anyone else. He didn't mine, but with guns being around because they were gonna, go, kill mike pants and and and people in congress, not him. So I didn't care about them here. Wanted to lead them daddy one in that it be arbitrary, knew there were to target those other bad people that we're trying to steal the election from hedges, bull, crap and now everybody knows that's not what he was saying there everyone, but they have plot double deniability because they ve been able to come up with this ridiculous. Justification of another way. He could have been thinking in that moment and then they all act as if they actually built
that's. What he meant it's the same thing here you know over and over again the same thing. It is applied that the both with the good, people on both sides for our fine people on both sides was an example of that they knew right after that in the speech he said, I'm not talking about the white supremacist, so they knew he wasn't referring to that right, but they packed it as if he was, and then a bunch of. people down the line. Dont look into it and think that's what really happened? Bananas. it's a real problem and it's been I would say it was all around before donald trump, but it was really brought out from the media when they try to deal with it up donald trump set off this thing where they sit where we don't have to try anymore, we have to act like we're trying. We don't have to look like try to do journalism anymore. It's. This is too important. There's something going on here. This guy's too bad he's easy differ creature. We have to treat him differently. Stop acting like we're journalists just go for it
and that has set that has set honest. I really what they ve done now really bad series of events. I think it's really damaged our. situations. Ella trump has had problems with his institutions as well. It doesn't always care about, but there's no question about their have. This has gone on. You know, this is not just the media, doing it. It's everybody doing it at the same time with the media seems to lead it because they're, the ones that are supposed to be the responsible party here we all know politicians act on their own behalf. We leave the act in there. Our own best interests. We know that about politicians, the media support to be the ones coming and saying hey. This is what's true, and this is what is not true for trying to help us dissect one politicians make claims which are true and which ones aren't and they ve given up that responsibility they seated at completely yeah I mean it.
for our business. I guess because then there's someone else to call it out and say hey. This is true, and this isn't madison another, it's good for society overall, no, that's just one of the things that I guess we ve accepted along the way, as the media has just flipped too, HU, a biased organization as a whole, and that's just the weights gotta be now just like. The Democrats have flipped on certain things, like when it comes to the pandemic. They have completely flipped on big, the farmer used to be the big bogey man. There were terrible people, they were overcharging the elderly. Here they were responsible for driving people into poverty, just because they wanted to be healthy. All sudden, now they're heroes, the big farmers,
it doesn't get any better. Oh for democrats- weird, I mean so we I've done the show for twenty years plus now You ve done you no radio. even longer entire time. I've done it. The Democrats hated big pharmaceutical companies hated them. absolutely made documentaries about how evil they were. These every movie that came out was about how a pharmaceutical company was screwing people over. Yes, they literally hated all of them all the time and then all of a sudden they aroused them all the time. Then, honestly, the saving, the opposite has happened on the other side, where I don't know that republicans ever loved pharmaceutical companies, but they said were more defending. They understood yeah that, yes, they charge a lot of money for them for their products
do a lot of good things. You on research and development, and almost all of that is done here in the united states, by the pharmaceuticals in america and so yeah and the price is a little higher. Basically, every major development in modern edison has come, come from the united states and many of us companies that it has it mean they're angels, but doesn't mean they're, perfect, no they have. They have done plenteous stuff, they ve gotten in trouble, for they have literally you know they ve gone rude trials and done things that are wrong and put out magic medications that at some point have hurt people in there all that stuff, true They also do not want a really good things and I think the pretty sure I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the correct attitude, toward them as to what look at them watch them on their merits, not to love or to hate them but just to say, ok, look. These guys are doing a good job with this right. Now, these to do in a bad job with this right now, that's kind of this simple way. It doesn't
It seemed like the the left just seems to be absolutely despising them for forty years and then absolutely loving them and treating them like their god, a whole hearted embrace. Now what is so weird diver? They could see that day, no Absolutely it's so strange. I don't dont. What's even more interesting is that it was it was. Tromp was well king with all of these companies to bring about this vaccine seem to have forgotten- that little ass by having the ignore everything about him except this, but They don't even give him credit for that. No pay act as if he had nothing to do with it I just will never understand it. I was doing a podcast the other day and they were like. Well what do you? What do you think some of the the the? How did politics of you know how to the things that you notice about politics that were strange turned upon pandemic and, like I can't come up with a better example of that, then that there's just its this store forget the reality of what true and what is it for a second, it's this
strangest thing I've ever witnessed in politics like the left, absolutely despised, everything. Donald trump touched you see She came into public view and and they told everyone- the country to not take the vaccine because Donald trump helped it is going to force a vaccine through without the proper safety testing who cuomo formed a separate council to double check, donald trump work because they were so scared. It was going to be a scam and Joe Biden won the election and all of a sudden it was the better say that had ever existed and it was perfect. Men are the other side, all of trumps supporters and not all, but many drug supporters whose, with trump as he campaigned on vaccine development cans,
stand the vaccine and never want to hear about it again. Leave as donald trump sets back is like. I think it was this great thing that I accomplish alex shut up this guy. They love your word. What about it? I don't care. What is true of what is in it is the most the strangers en masse will change. It is a political major political out completely illegally switch to the opposite side. Is it really legitimately fascinating to watch that happen, and I you know that will be one. If, if that will down injustices in in a political science study for the ages, no question. Did you realize that people are commonly Harris were telling you? This was like poison? like October twenty. Twenty january. She was getting the job
everything is fine. It's the best thing ever and this is going to protect you. You won't get the virus. If we get this in fact, you're gonna lose your job right. Are you a first responder who dedicated your life to solving this crisis, ear out and you're out of the streets in fairness to trump supporters who flipped on this as well? It was poor actually the mandate that made them flip- yes, I untold weakens are lost or else verily. I don't want to know, and that's very true look, there's an Everybody has there there there's it's it's not, you're right, like you know, a lot of people who are big trump supporters got vaccinated, I mean know, I mean look trump did very well with elderly yeah with elderly supporters, and you know we are ninety some odd percent, so we know that a lot of people who are big trump supporters did get vaccinated, but I think This is why I think your point is so valid here. That is that so much of the attitude and language and approach of the bided administer
nation infuriated people who were very open and to getting living on the eyes open to it. In the beginning gap and its item, then wonder not getting it because people were just like get out of my face. What are you talking it was a violation of their personal liberty in a fella giving in to Terrible government programme rather than just like. Ok, this bynum, this medicine works or does it, which is how europe this is how medicine supposed to be in our interest to make medical decisions based on whether you think it's good or not, not how the government is forcing you into it and threatening you. Be fined earth be thrown out on the street from your job really hurt really hurt.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-27.