« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | 6/12/19

2019-06-12 | 🔗
Best of the Program | 6/12 - Will America Make It? - h1 - 'President' Biden' says he will cure cancer - h1 - Power ranking the Chancers? -h2 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey welcome movie Wednesday. Podcast! Do you got a great one for you? We ever we ever written We start podcast with how America is really split in two cities and everywhere else in how we don't understand in the land of everywhere else. even things like avocado toast? We kind of down to what we need to choose is as Reagan said, and I sixty four a time of choosing. But what is that choice? Now? Also we look at stews numbers. His power ranking, which are quite different. In some ways than just the pull them yeah I mean we ve been trying to get more factors than just poles. Poles are a part of the package for sure, but their earlier. You are
in a in an election season, the less they actually matter. It's about a bigger things. You know campaign infrastructure and all this other stuff that we look at it and come up with final rankings, and I will tell you that his rankings are different than the poll numbers and I think he's right on it, and he also will predict on today's podcast who's. The and it is of significance that will be the first to drop out and I think he's right on that. You don't want to missus. Today's podcast the only thing tat, the date of two hundred and forty three years. You know, and twenty twenty six we're going to have our two hundred and fifty years,
they. I remember what it was like: an eighteen, seventy six, now it's or two hundred and fifty Fiveth birthday, and for Two hundred and forty three years we have been the hope for freedom. We have been the place that people who feel oppressed have come and we have welcomed them. They they ve come here because they know their system doesn't work. They know this system that they ve been living under has oppress them have has stop them? from pursuing their own happiness,.
And now that promise is fading? We may not make it to our two hundred and fifty a birthday. America is a melting pot. Now. What does that mean? We don't talk about that anymore. Then all these people have come together from different places, with different backgrounds. different languages and cultures and an end traditions, and they come here because they want to be a part of it, not the place. The idea. And they melt into each other, they don't lose their distinctiveness because we are all equal but we're all different.
For society for society to survive it huh to come to that understanding that we, are all equal. Yet we are all different. As I was driving too? Idaho, with my son. Over the weekend I drove from texas- reversing I learned was chief texas- just doesn't end was a full day of driving. Just to get out of Texas, and even Texas is different. Dallas is different than Amarillo, and New Mexico is different than Colorado.
and bolder is different than some of the small towns along the way we are all different and in what happened is Many people don't understand the people in the cities. They don't understand, and I know this to be true, because I I have here in my in my house. I have these three lights and I bought them in Dallas and there they were expensive in Dallas, but their old beat up old lights, and I was hanging them in my kitchen and the guy I from town that helps on the ranch he he came in and he said you're you're, putting those where. and I said I put it in the kitchen. I they great any said.
And I heard the why he said with those that I mean how much you pay for those, and I told him any said you know we could just gone to one of the dairy farms and pulled those out of the barn. I swear to you. It was a revelation to me that we could make a lot of money come on guys. Let's get together, let's go out to the farms and you say hey. What's the old grappled, Gimme brand new lights, what's the old crap that the people in the seas are gonna want and why do they want it? Why do you want it? You want it, because you want something that feels authentic feels authentic may not be authentic. I've never been to Dick's bar and grill in Florida or in Cancun, but I can damn well bet
I can buy a t, shirt that says that and one that looks like I've worn it for years. We want something authentic. We want something we want to show that we ve lived We, what we want is we want the simple life. what I actually having to do all the work that is required for the simple life. So the city's don't understand the people go to church the people who milk cows every day they haven't had had. To help a neighbor. They don't understand why. Why will pour park the old tractor or the old truck? Behind or beside the barn, they dont understand that. Why don't I clean that up? They dont understand that were actually very happy. Positive people,
our own lives, but then again, remember those people who live on the country do. not understand overcoat toast we dont get it. What are you doing? How is this suddenly popular? I swear to you. You want to cripple California Ban avocado they'll, go crazy, we're headed for something, and I dont know what it is, but, as I was driving the country, I realized there's no way these people are gonna, give up their guns and there's no way these people in the cities understand that brought that that
that idea? The reason why we're headed for something is because we no longer have a centre. There is no centre any more. What was our centre really? How would you to think about? This? Are centre used to be summed up in the phrase truth, justice and the american way, and people started making fun of that now think, who started making fun of? That is the same people who are leading us down this road today and what did they first come for with the Tipp of the hat Nemo or first they came for the amount Can way- and I didn't say anything because I don't know who cares. but we no longer know what the american way even means any more. What did
The american way mean never perfect, but always striving. Never giving up helping your neighbor being good to one another trying to A better, never perfect, sometimes not even close, to perfect learning from the lessons of the past and trying to be better. That's really what the american way was, but they took that away, let's just focus on truth and justice. Really what came next? What truth? is truth, whose truth there is no truth, and now we're here at a place where there is no truth. You can't say that there's only two genders how very.
There is an unlimited number of genders. I could be a purple feathered chicken right now. If I decide to be and that's my truth, so we got rid of the american way. We got rid of truth and now we're quickly getting rid of justice. Justice doesn't exist blind justice. The idea behind justice is don't look at who I am don't. Look it I'm white, I'm black, don't look at my wealth or my poverty. Look at the facts. Judge me by the content of my character and the facts of the case. If, if blind justice is truly blind, there has to be many times that a judge will say: I don't want to rule this way. I don't want to doesn't make me happy. I think you were perfectly wonderful. Guy
But here's what happened? You screwed up dude, you screwed up over and over you screwed up. I don't know, what's going to stop you, but until you figure that out, I've got to keep you off the streets. But now we're ruling on feelings. Just this without any rules. Justice without any jury, dress justice without a trial justice without even a hearing I saw justice. We play by the rules and they changed the game. We play by the rules and they say: well, you didn't violate any of those rules, but we have this feeling that Europe setting the community feeling yeah just doesn't feel good. What you're doing well. Can I just get the name of the peace
I need to make feel good, then, because, if you're not going to judge by the rules, I need some measuring stick give me the names of the people. I need to make feel good now that seems really wrong, but at least it would be something. Do we dare ask who needs to feel good Because because the guide, Hence the rules, the language changes all the time. We can't have a conversation I wish I was listening to the daily the New York Times this morning and they ve done a series on Europe and I swear to you. It is fun just listen to you have to listen to it because her shocked at what they find people in people in ITALY
They didn't like all these migrants just showing up in the middle of the night, and now I feel like we're surrounded by these people, Racism is alive, no no say the Italians we just. We just wanted to know who they are where they came from. Are they interested in being italian because we feel like we're losing our way of life, says the New York Times so their cloaking their racism. Oh dear God, it's hysterical if it wasn't so tragically, sad and so tragically ivy. Sleep leading to another war in Europe. it would be amazing would be amazing, it would be a comedy show, but we can't talk about it because they don't understand. They don't have any interest in understanding it. They think
their smarter than all of us, because they don't keep an old truck X to their barn. They don't have a barn and if they did, they would surely just get rid of it. Right now? The media will not even admit that there's a problem on our border that doesn't start with Donald and end with Trump. They won't talk about any of it, let alone the radicals than the communists who are now ask rating as democratic socialist as if that's any better, who are Do we planning facilitating and funding groups from all over the world to storm our border. Did you know that, just a few weeks ago, Our group of men from the Congo spoke either english nor Spanish suddenly got over. You're from the Congo went to Mexico,
somehow or another were smuggled into our country and now our living on the streets in San Antonio? They speak French. San Antonio government ASEAN. Does anybody speak French because we have to understand these guys? They only both french and somehow or another from Congo. They got there now So you know the Congo is the number one spot in the world, so hot spot for Ebola, completely unrelated ISIS recently was in the Congo recruiting. Are doing something in the Congo, we don't know what. This working on a new project. I'm sure it's gotta be great. Now, God forbid. a truly sinister group, like ices, decided to weapon ice people and a wealth. Well, while we sit here and still fail to recognize it there,
even a problem on the border. That's all you'll possibility, nobody seems to care, nobody wants to talk about it. We can't talk about it. Yesterday they banned live action, live action is lighter roses group on pro life they banned. Her pinterest on Pinterest Pinterest now says and talk about abortion here, but I could share any kind of picture. I want just not pictures of baby said haven't been born. Yet how that happen? How is David Duke and Richard? answer still on Youtube. If they really care about their community. And meanwhile here we see in the in a
an election year. and we have jobs? hidden. ripping off a Heaven eddies slogan. now you remember who he is he's the discredit did attorney that every one on the left loved because he was presenting a porn star, but I, I want you to hear MR plagiarism himself. Joe Biden use the same, In the slogan that everybody did listen, I think time to now. He says you must make Amerika great again must make America. Again, let's make America America, whose Amerika what America who was America even ever Amerika was America graded some time. How dare you say that Joe Biden.
Nobody even know who that is any more. Let's make America, America again, what is America the amount could that I knew growing up died some time, in two thousand to, though who were born on September. Eleven two thousand one are now in college and ready to vote for the first time they No, what America was. They don't know what Ameriky is promise is long gone. We replaced equal justice with social justice, we have abolished true. And God knows what the american way is. America is not a place. America is an idea, and this is what should give us hope. America, the idea, never finish
Never perfect, but always Streisand at the best of that programme like listening to this past. If you're not a subscriber, become one now on Itunes, but while you're there do us a favour and rate the shell, I think it's time to now. He says you must make american vain again must make Erica, like anybody what that means anymore. What does that mean anymore? make America Amerika again does require a new president, a different president. It does require a single new law. It does require a dime of new spending. No new programmes nor socialism is going to make America America again, you don't even have to vote this way or that way,
here's what making America Amerika again requires that you begin to believe and understand and fine self evident that all men are created equal and they have a right of group of rights and noble. can take away. And they have a right to live the way they wish follow guy. or not follow, God raise their children by the dictates of their conscience and their spirit. They get to keep the fruits of their own labour. They live by the document that provides for the common defence that All you have to do is live by this document that provides for the common defence promotes not provide, aids, general welfare, but promotes general welfare, and domestic tranquillity establishes just.
It's not social justice, blind justice. All we have to do is start protecting our rights as human beings, all of our rights, not the guy that we like and forget about the guy. We don't like all of our rights and and you do not even not even one group when they of control and they have power and then the opposite group. When the opposite group has power that doesn't promote the general welfare, it doesn't promote domestic tranquillity, it's in the belief of the eye, of America and this a pretty grand idea? Nobody'd ever tried it before. And no one, including us, has ever perfected, nobody's ever reached it. So should we just give up because This is what we have to say to ourselves. I give up. We cannot do that
country that put a man on the moon has to say that's a bridge too far. We can't live and self govern ourselves. We can't live side by side with people. We disagree with that's a bridge too far. We can't do it now. Let's stop and lower our goals, see it's always a race to the bottom, so always a race to the bottom. Our founders said: let's reach beyond what we are now. What we're being taught is to reach lower. Forget about that idea that all men are created equal and eat. One of them have unchangeable rights They can govern themselves through a document that explains exactly what the government can and cannot ever do. That's our hope. That's our answer. Quite honestly,
That's our war, that's our world war, two! It's our duty and for the sake of our children, it's not only our duty, but it. It should be our sacred honour as well. Our eyes had great joins us now from the yet had gray radio round up, which is heard the blaze and also on Itunes, wherever Yater podcast Telepath Haglund, let's make America American. Can we let's do that by starting with a socialized medicine programme and institutional right to continue the slaughter of children. Is all about. That's what that's what we're trying to create here? found a I hate it.
Its into that whisper voice on address me my mind, although a lovely exchange yesterday, you know a couple years ago, we started talking about this. The wouldn't it be fun. Is he a Donald TUSK Joe Biden match up in the general election? They did. We not Tell fund that was gonna be will be fun a study. We get a little taste of health on that's gonna, weren't or a year and a half away from the general election at all. in one day president Trump called Biden a dummy a loser and mentally weak. plus his heart. I love it coming. I shouldn't know. That's bad of me: I'm probably a bad person, but I loved it. He had imagined Ronald Reagan. Seen wound that Jill by means Dummy,
the only person in the world you as president of the United States would call somebody now it only if Joe Biden swipes back with something just is ridiculous. Lee potential yes it? Well, we have. We have some of that his ears, little exchange back and forth of yesterday tonight I split screen moment and a possible. Please of the general election. He says you must make American again Like America, America Sleepy Joe he's asleep guy, former vice President Joe Biden courting voters in the country's first cock estate. Looking past is more than twenty democratic opponents and then his sight squarely on the current commander. In chief, I believe that the president is literally an existential threat to amend today, president taking shots just before leaving on his own trip to Iowa Estate, he one in twenty. Sixteen, what amount
as the mention my name, seventy six times in spades. Let me Jesus travel. Are you elevating Joe Biden by continually attacking them? No I'd rather roared at your side, anybody. I think, I like it gets people that are weak Bentham I love this just some file right. There is little right. I think Biden. I think he's got something with the sleepy. It's gonna turn India does because Biden binding is making down from look like he's twenty years old, the he is yeah and bite. It is kind of taken advantage of the fact that the I mean the tropic of taking advantage of the did Biden is so old, even know you for years, younger and. but I think it's working days work. It is weak because he is, he is And I ve never noticed this before about Joe, but I think you know when you start to slip it. It can go fast and I
in key starting to be like were Will you remember when it went Ro Reagan first got an office, he wasn't like that by the time he got out of office, you could see the toll it had taken in his age had started to. To kick in any it wasn't that he was senile. It was is that it was a little uncomfortable at times he go well And then he would have a great line, but you could see that he was aging. Joe Biden is to me, looks like he's just starting to fall apart. I think to be binding, always done this quiet voice thing no matter how much energy he's had. It's always been like one of his sticks where he'll just get really, quite as if he sing something really profound, when it's really not much of anything anything he's doing even may I just majesty interjected. Nothing is ever profound when its followed by man right
That is that what is it that is plain, talking? Sort of little clientele, eggs, middle class and middle class? People use the word man right time, and he thinks that if you sorry man ease mill, glass like you, ve just stepped out of the Scooby, do mystery Van enemies like nineteen, seventy, two middle class man, but it's he's doing it more, I think because he he wants to contrast himself. He wants to see everybody in that racist trying to show themselves with, as this would accept it, maybe Sanders estranged themselves, a super balanced com, intellectual because they think it yeah. You know it just is a good contrasts with Trump and more bite, and I probably his strength, is to be more like trump right, like he's the type of person that what about him. He can maybe throw some insults at you and he does that stuff. A lot here to be the likeable guy right. I don't know that he is, but it's supposed to be a stick and he's trying to do this.
There are weird dramatic thing in your right so far. I don't think it's working at all and how dare you when you're part of the team that started the fundamental transformation of the United States of America dare you say we're gonna make America Merrick again you're the ones a year, you're part of the team started tearing apart there's a new story, outdated bite into saying that Trump wants to rewrite the limits of the presidency. Are you ve just spent eight years doing that Joe Biden? can I tell you gonna lecture us on too much presidential power. Are you kidding me Then they also said he was going to cure cancer witches If you get, the lesson was tsar, one, isn't it if he gets elected Joe Biden, weren't cure cancer, that's gonna, be the big take away of his presence, really, which I would say, hunting good promise. I want to do that as a joke river. We were run fake candidates like Ernie Veil, Visa and Harold Flim laxity. Anyone all promised a cure cancer now deal by its really doing it. I mean it
they'll. Never Donald trouble never build that wall. I don't know, that's pretty simple computer. Curing hands we can allow undone, I'm not so sure Joe Biden and what is Joey's yet it like new chemistry set, he's gonna set up on the on the resolute desk, squire, quiet and close. I'm close, I just after poor this be heard in this other black. basically what did it, what it is and we really do I want to say we have to go back and find this now. One of those So there was Harold, Footman has been uneven. Veto said if you elect him, He will. He will cure cancer, but he won't tell you how, until you elect him, which is better strategy by a large majority and I need is we need to start. That means that the job I'm gonna cure cancer he's already cured it. Really. Each of you just have to elected,
for he will tell you how he's getting ready ass. We use a joke about it. He is now doing speeches. This is added the front runner in the ratio is doing speeches about. If you elect him, he'll cure cancer, that's a real thing happening right now. That's amazing! Do you think that, Does he have some information from scientists it there a year away, but that wouldn't Heaven, do with him being elected sites. I you know, I'm not sure I know unless bite and wind, like that's, not a thing, a scientist due to my knowledge, I don't think so. I think he's probably sat down and ran into the research right. I guess he's promising baby, that's what actor say. They're gonna do I'm not working unless you change this law actors in scientist any different, I mean. I certainly
no, but I am not so sure this is the best of the plan that programme I it's Glenn. If you're a subscriber to the podcast, can you do me a favor and rate us on Itunes? If you're not a subscriber become one today and listen on your own time, you can subscribe on Itunes bags the one thing I really like about stew- and there is only one- is he's a stack geek. He is is a guy who is, is really numbers minded and can please tell you everything about every pole and which poles to dismiss and which ones not to dismiss, he's. Usually righty was pretty close on the election last time, if I'm not mistaken, and this time he
really put about a years worth of work into developing a system that takes into consideration thirty different metrics. Can you go through any of those Stu too, so we understand sure, like many think, everything from polling. We use even some prediction market staff. We will go through endorsements and the organization the campaigns are building. We note the debates that media of rage, you know fund raising, I mean really. You know it's a couple of them who does it and they actually grow? We change we chain, The formula as it goes on so, for example, now Pullings gotta be less important. Then something then you know, a lot of you said indicate potential right potential to be more important now than a week before an election. When you know the polling is going to take into account all those things is a lot of candidates. The people don't even know she have to you, there's a little bit of art inside of arab buddy. Overall, it's a good way of looking at the entire
build and seeing who's going up who's going down? Who we are over, on period. Timing cannot follow the race and makes sense out of it, because it's friggin chaotic I mean there's twenty four people in here. how do you had even understand the entire field so not really interested in the twenty four people, I'm interested in the ones that actually have a chance. So can you tell me Gimme, the ones that are really the movers and shakers but a few things from this one. What? I thought were pretty interesting. One was the biggest drop of any candidate since we started doing this and you may instinctively. no, that was better, will work rang fellows seven point four points that we will do. This is all this giant formula basically spits out a number zero one hundred, so one hundred would be in theory. Perfect candidate, that couldn't lose zeroed me the worst candidate a he is.
still kind of him with oddly Stillman top tour of the race, and me people look at orkan, say disguised failed. However, he still beating about eighteen candidates in pulse lucky a lot of these gains that I think the answer I think it's seventeen candidates zero or one per cent of the twenty four so to your, White like your right. A lot of these guys were really seem to have no chance the blossom says he's just getting started. He is he's a zero, but he's just getting started should start just getting finished but as of right now he is just getting started, but I mean there are examples of this. For example, I mean people to judge is one who zero and one percent for months, and now is not enough people these things duty, In short time Elizabeth worn looked done at one point in this campaign and and another big story in this. She had a big rise and. He's having a little bit of a moment. I mean she's she's, pulling better and better and her paw. which seems to oddly be working with people,
which is essentially going out ensuring out a new Who policy proposal every week you're so that going, I wouldn't be more than another aspect of your life I want to get into this, possibly at the bottom of the hour that she seems to have an answer for everything. Now, not cancer. Joe Biden is the answer for cancer literally play audio just gave missed it. It's amazing. I promise you The president you're gonna see the single most important thing. This changes America's we're going to cure cancer. Credible, incredible so She doesn't have that answer, but she does seem to have an answer for everything else. That is her. That's her stick, and it's what people really want, we can get it at her, a little bit more about it when she was the biggest riser, the entire winos. This addition, of the power rankings that we do and we thank them all from one to twenty four in theirs. It just takes too long because there's two dozen freaking people and yet
find something interesting that all them. That's not easy, but A Buddha judges, another guy who I find really interesting here and that, like I caught a thought out, another bump had kind of faded a little bit and think that somewhat true, you ve seen the polling that Buddha judges sort of fallen back. He had a really good pole in Iowa this week, which that was before this is after we collect did all these calculations, but that you know he's that's what he's focus most of his attention. Its worries polling day Obviously, if anyone who who wins Iowa is a real fast during the race sort of automatically. So the fact that he's right in there- you know this is vital- probably weakest early early state, you know centres it's. Ok, they're warned us pretty well there and so does Buddha genuine. Does that mean I mean if if if Biden loses, it'll mean something? But if he's five eight ten points a head inside of me, it is this. The number two will mean something because the media doesn't,
I dont think the media really wants Joe Biden Win, but you still, I mean the chances of of anybody else. Beating a ten point led coming out of Iowa Well, let me we're to step back here. That was very early. We haven't had one debate yet, if you read me Joe Biden yesterday came out, set and promised that if he was elected, he would cure cancer. all realise that Joe Biden is going to have twenty two thirty complete foot and mouth we know faced rake sort of moments in this pain, the idea that he's gonna win by twenty points? I mean it? Is it's possible he's winning? I love you. I love you back. There were Joe Biden it would. It should be. Rate to face, but would Joe Biden he so incompetent its face to rake deployed Rick is still lying on the ground. He just falls down in some adequacy space into it. This is like the rig just like I gotta hit that guy. I gotta think
it's a distressing, do make it look. It would be ridiculous to to say bite in is not only the leader in this way but really in a tier by himself, and you cannot even put centres in his tier right now. I mean bite in absolutely. This is his. Grace to lose, but he's right, the good at losing races, mean he's done. This isn't here he's run for President a hundred and seven times in his one approximately zero times. So now he s been one hundred and eight is the jar yeah I it's in there. I will say this, though forbidden number one He is running a different campaign that almost everybody else in this race. Yes, he's hanging back from the cameras, which is obviously smart, considering he's a gas machine, but in addition to that he is the only one of the Only candidates in the race and the only one I can think of that's above you know, Aythur tenth in this race. That is not folding to the sort of hard core so
most messaging, you know he's a guy who's come out and said are not given everybody free college owing to have free community college. really want Medicare for all? That's not gonna work. You know what we want We want abortion to be progressive, but the height amendment should stay. These are things he's the only when doing it, and there is a reason why he's winning with a field that is not entirely socialist, the democratic vote or the average person living in Iowa, the average person living? in these states that is gonna vote before Democrat is not- eccentric cause Cortez in every other candidate is trying to be her. She seems to be seems to be the only one. We recognise that there's there's a day after the first primary there's a a after you win, you have to go up against our trump and try to win voters from the MID West who dont want Medicare for all who dont want socialism. So there is a there's, a difference: here too, a similarity and indifference difference with twenty sixteen and twenty. Sixteen. You had the same thing.
Donald Trump was not toeing the line of the traditional republican right, even not saying all those things he said, I'm mom, you know now. It's all you just answers to anybody who is no doesn't he doesn't? He carved his own path and he held that buddy. is his own man. I'm not sure Biden is his own man. Maybe he is not sure. He'll hold this path for very long, at least after an election. If he became present in the United States. So he is. He is sensing that these parties are not reflective of a mess. as a whole because it leaves out the independent and, I think, there's a lot of people in America that are tired of the hard line of the hard party line, because I don't see the parties is doing anything.
And so, if somebody is an independent thinker or appears to be an independent debtor Americans, I think, are attracted by the eye totally agree it and it's really important point out Joe Biden- is not a moderate not at all one of the most work. Every one was either we him or a bonnet was the number one most liberal senator when a bummer ran for present. I believe it was Biden one in about two, as the most progressive sent the guy's email, moderate, anybody's messaging. In that way, which is smart, Because no one's addressing those people but he's not a revolutionary now see, I think, that's a difference. Now we have, we have a causal Cortez and But these people who are truly revolutionaries and when a burn, the whole system down, that's not Joe Biden He wants to carve out a nice little comfortable place for him and his cronies in the world. That has already been created. He's he's the kind of guy he's the kind of progressive
that never delivers to the left. I mean you're, not not enough, even though they I mean he belike Obama. Even he passed. You know your biggest massive expansion of government with a problem, recently my lifetime, yet he still seen as disappointment somehow to progressive yeah. I think that's true No, I mean Sanders, I think, is a real revolutionary relic that he He has lived. This summit gave went to forget the Soviet Union on his honeymoon, famously disguise is someone who is a real revolutionary. I think at summits to some extent Warren really is too there's a lot of them that are playing the role, and I don't know how revolutionary they are a bite and is, I think, you're right at a democratic, far left Democrat, a guy who represented the state of Delaware. Remember for all of those years. This isn't a guy who he likes to say he was from in open. Albania, and he likes that kind of portray that those midwest values. That's not what this guy ran on and the only reason people get confused with Biden in
think. Well, maybe he's sort of moderate is because he's old, hee hee, take him rural positions in nineteen? Seventy eight that seem conservative today, because the country has massively moved to the left, and so they go, well. You said this in nineteen eighty will in nineteen. Eighty was like basically socialism when he was recommending right right and so he's constantly been on the progressive edge this entire time and if he becomes president, he will be, at least still by and what I was may go even further, but he'll be he will be very liberal president that will try to change things up. He might not be Sanders, he might not be Warren, but he's gonna, be don't don't let him for you. There there's this idea that in there several candidates that are attempting this in the race which moderation with a wink right leg, basically saying I'm a moderate wink wink, hey Democrats, I want you to. I'm not a moderate and we note
There's something that bite is attempting, there's a bunch of candidates at the bottom of the field, who are attempting in his well unsuccessfully but its large, because Biden so far has been successful. to imagine there, some wing for people who want a normal bite in the sort of Democrat here, as they see it, and that lane is now can we take. By Elizabeth Warner, Bernie Sanders. This is the Glen and we're looking at the power rankings that stupid out once a week stew, what is the where the strength and the weaknesses of binding Well, I mean Biden, look is, is that the name recognition is is, is very very high. I mean much as we talk about how there's so much power with the socialists out there people really, generally speaking, remember Biden fondly as Democrats again, I'm not talking about him going up against Donald Trumpets. This is just a democratic contest and people like him, I mean you know he's got a favor ability view rating of seventy seven percent
seventy seven fifteen is his feet for available in the Democrats in a democratic way, so that's I mean that as a boy, you know, that's a nice thing to I dont mean Bernie Sanders has a high one as well. Of course, every democratic candidate with the exception of building Plaza was fever, is. Is this relatively fairly building a puzzle has the worst approval ratings in the Higher fuel than he just got into the field like you said he. You know, the whole field is rated fairly. I think their rating him fairly to know yet that's true, Not well, I would say, look Certain candidates on here and coupled that I would highlight, would become a Harris and being Buddha Judge who have a massive gaps in their familiarity. I mean like it's all about. A third of Democrats have never heard the name PETE Buddha Judge before I mean that is like we know we talk about the stuff every day so too to us. This guy's been invading our lives for several months, but I mean he is basically
our candidates go pretty on? No, I mean he's in the area of hooligans straw is far as name recognition and the forms and ensure better than Castro does as far as favorability I was in no music radio. I used to pick the music for radio and I remember look at research and you would look at the familiarity and there was a tipping point, but if you had a pot song that was very very popular and people love but it was unknown to the mass you had a pretty good shot that once it was exposed it was going to it would take off the thing with Buddha Judge once people know who he is if his numbers, how water is, is likes and hates end. And really really love cannon uppers do look into that at all. yeah, that's that's part of this. You know he's at forty two eleven right now. One important thing
understand, though, is basically every candidate in this race has about ten percent of people who will say they dont like them,. and it goes up from their liking. You centres is almost twenty, but you know Buddha judges at that floor. Basically it's eleven per cent, and he has forty two percent forty one ratio plus he has Thirdly, the audience that has not even heard of him yet so he can continue. sort of ratios he's in a really nice position and that's the thing about Buddha, get him! Why he performed so well on on the power rankings is because he's got tons of room to grow right. and if he has deep passion, not people were like. I like that peat guy but Deep Gaston, that much room to grow. He is a real contender yeah, I think thing when the his big concern. I would say just watching him as a candidate is he needs to he's one of these people and there's a few in this race. I would say: Corey, Booker's kind of in this post,
and I would say Chris Cuomo on CNN is this type of person who thought sterile lot smarter than We want else on earth and he It definitely shows that from time to time he thinks an awful lot of himself and it comes through in this angels that will analysing you heard him that will seek lays radio network on demand
Transcript generated on 2020-10-12.