« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | 1/6/23

2023-01-06 | 🔗

Glenn reviews his predictions for 2022, some of which were eerily accurate while others missed the target. Stu breaks down the atrocious killings of four Idaho college students and how investigators landed on a suspect. Glenn previews his latest podcast with Revolver News founder Darren Beattie, in which they discuss all things January 6 and the multiple improbable events that led up to that day.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Most fun you'll have all week covered. I really loved monday and tuesday show this week for wednesday, thursday and friday there was a real drop off. I don't know what happened. I joined the show wednesday through friday, though I wasn't, I was just I don't know if you could today is the anniversary of the most the most dangerous moment for democracy since the creation of the world the day, democracy almost died january six. Well, we got you covered on that. We also talked to you about some of the things that are. happening in the capital I biggest by explained today in
the easiest simplest terms, what the fight really is about with Kevin Mccarthy, and that and so much more on today's program, don't miss a second of it brought you by built bark. There is only one thing: I love more than coming on this program and telling you how amazing built bars are, and that's actually eating one of the billboard, the is our trump men. This is the latest chocolate. What is the name of this charter it's really mud pie. That's what it is. Oh my gosh. It is who good so rich and chocolate and its What is it a hundred and thirty grams, One hundred and thirty, I'm sorry, one hundred and thirty calories, four grams of sugar, four net carbs, it's tremendous skeptical sure until I ate one do this
im going to build dot, com use the promo code back, get fifteen percent off your order, use the promo code back, save fifteen percent at build dot com. You and your tongue will thank me so the others do. How are you glenn welcome to friday? Thank you. My gosh raiders those craziness, even worse than those people who grow cool way during the civil war matters still added in the house, and today is the anniversary of the day mark percy almost died, my god. It's not homer, look at your calendar. No, he does
usually have dare ice age january sakes it's actually like the two thousand and twenty three anniversary of, january six, but we're talking the event tonnage encouraging day day, democracy almost that will live. Where were you? We might mark this I and but I saw a clip the other day of. I think it is carla Harris she's, like december seventh, nineteen forty one september, eleventh two thousand and one and now jenny, where is six twenty twenty one is like what are you insane? They have. They have all gone in saint ives oil gone in same. They are due. Striking the story. Of amerika, and they re writing our history in russia, all time they It is it's the most amazing thing to watch we're gonna get into january six next hour. We have to talk about that.
and you know why I will touch on. There is a black out right now, therein negotiation. We gave him mccarthy kind ask you something: is it weird I mean if I was rejected eleven times really. We like to this job that much you want is somebody else after seven times. Is it persistence or harassment? At some point here he asked the girl in the office eleven tie. It goes to age are brought into that. I asked about here hitting on us, say no, you really want to date. No, we really don't care We have some information on him by the he was with He was with Klaus schwab here so you know I got you gotta love that we're gonna, give you all the details and Kevin Mccarthy and what's happening coming up in just a minute. I thought it was in
in here on the first week that I come back from the holiday that we we, when it counting It is time for a reckoning. Every january. I make predictions for the year and these are not. These are just predict. If we look at the news and I say, nike the trends are growing. This direction, and you know, have to am a reckoning for that want you to know is a long time. Listening to your new listener, believing I say anyway, so you know either haven't gotten numb inside yet you know here Here's the thing of your new listener and by the way I don't We have known this too, but are exposure. I don't even know what to call it now, because there are so many ways to do ratings, but just the pod casts is is up. Fifty six percent this year, while
amazing, fifty six percent level for an old show that never, however, happens people must be so desperate gathered here. Do not bring on and all the other. Like I mean we promise this utopia with all of these choices, and I still listening to this there anyway. If your new listener we're gonna hate me, that's fine! You know that gets its expected, but it just a change is pretty soon yea you'd in two weeks you hate me even more in about a month six weeks you start to go nominee side and within two months beer. dead inside you're, like whatever I'll just listen, we're just part of your life at the media has now that we're like within the family member. You don't really like, but you still see it all the holidays. That's us yeah! It's! like wells like age, you don't die from it, but you never really get rid of it.
you think, that's too strong. I don't know if it's like aids, I don't know exactly a tagline to the show that I want to. Oh, I think I do a lot of people will say. A lot of people would agree yeah a lot of er anyway. So for a long time listener there. Things that I say that and I use We tell you that I feel prompted to tell you and they're, usually things that I don't want to tell you like hurry. You, be where you know you, to be. because there's coming a time where your where you are and you're not gonna, move but a year. We just look at the news and we say ok without prompting just what is it that we I think the trends are showing us. So let's go over there, this time last year. These are things that I said would happen in twenty twenty. Two stew, you be the judge, uk
covered nineteen just sort of fades away, despite the best efforts of guy german authorities and the Davos crowd to keep the pandemic going forever. The reality of herd, immunity, plus vaccinations, plus therapeutic treatments, will ensure that Infections, as well as hospitalizations, will decline dramatically in twenty twenty one and cover nineteen will fade into the background very much moving into an endemic phase in twenty twenty two, The most part the pandemic will fade into a bad muddy memory like the way a nightmare can fade into just an unpleasant feeling. For couple of hours after you wake up from it That's exactly what happened right. Do you mind yeah? I think the only thing that I missed here was that it was going to start really turning right now, I think in twenty twenty three by the
by the end of this coming year and I'm gonna get into my predictions next week for this year, but I think This is the year where it really starts to turn ugly, and lips. The other way Do you mean to say you're saying I come flaring back right now right now, I think there this feeling in america that, those scenes were not so good, even though even the people, even from the people who took the vaccine there like aren't into question and I think it's gonna turn ugly, the other direction. You know against the vaccine, send against the it will see. I'm out what I think that these are the prediction of it. Fading away, though, seems really exact to me:
You look just glancing at the stats which I am I don't. We pull up all that often anymore. That's a good sign bright of it right that that that what you said is true, and I think like it's to the apply now it's hard to really. Remember that that twenty twenty era. Where You were Oh yeah! I was everything everything was locked down or, like you know, your wearing masks everywhere just seems like a bizarre memory for gas. It isn't that what seems exactly right, then the next one was wars and rumours of wars with its russia invading the ukraine thinking or china. Invading taiwan or another iranian cause blow for the Middle east? Twenty twenty two is likely to see one or more wars of the words for twenty twenty one are opting into a shooting more in twenty two First, when I put was yeah russia, verses, ukraine.
Tremendous amount of digital ink had been poured into discussions of putin's desire to protect russia, so called soft underbelly from threats within the EU. You this now Five relies on world war, two arrow geopolitics and reasoning they re. quality is theirs currently zero countries that represent even a cursory threat to russian territory. The ads the question of why is russia being so aggressive towards? Ukraine is much simpler and it is often the case when it comes to Putin's political motivations. It's entirely financial, this one is based on commodities, ukraine. is rich in oil, natural gas in rare earth, minerals. Go into the energy thing and tat. They need to be able to have open pipelines, set right to europe, yadda yadda and that they were invade, and it would be most likely that we would get in to get involved
solved in a shooting war in ukraine. Yet my men- news flash that what happened right the next. What I said was china versus ukraine are, china versus taiwan. It would seem almost laughable just a few years ago that china would even entertain the idea of a military intervention in taiwan. However, China, China may have a unique opportunity and twenty twenty two, that the world is massively distracted and distance from taiwan because what will happen in- ukraine and russia. That when obviously did not happen, however, it does seem like it's on the dock, I'm a dark here I mean you know a year ago that was we weren't ukraine, they weren't in ukraine just as ukraine thing sets off a series of events that can easily lead to regulate this. War on crypto we should take this one in.
Monday. Twenty two central banks and government authorities will move into an active mode against crypto currencies most likely using some eye catching headlines about protecting consumers, but two successfully used that approach. Authorities need an event, a maid. your crime syndicate using crypto, a massive crypto exchange theft in affecting investors. Ah, this is this is written before twenty twenty two right. This is twenty. You wrote these yeah yeah yeah. While the suddenly crypto will become a bad guy thing, something that government. needs to step in and protect us from. First will see laws that make owning or transacting with crypto currencies, legal and that will be enough for most people especial because central banks will be launching their own digital currencies as a safe replacement. One of the core one that is of course tracked by uncle SAM now that all of that didn't happen, but
while he got the us bf yankee exe, so that was the key. The event right in that happen late enough in the year that their hut ears, you deep legislation yet, but they are talking about a car and one of my predictions ev coming for next year. Is it we're gonna, have massive. Well, I won't tell you but crypto currents, The and central bank currency is coming But what here's? What I said in twenty twenty two central banks and government authorities will move into active mode against crypto currencies based on. I urging headlines about protecting consumers. I think that's accurate sure about that that one is well under way of completing the next one. I said market crash ahead,
mobile equities experienced significant, sell selves and q. One of twenty nineteen you two to one of twenty twenty while codes, nineteen got the blame for the sell off similar sell off in early twenty nineteen that no apparent cause from April a twenty two february, twenty one, the fed made more than nine trillion dollars of loans to the largest investment banks in the? U s and that's on time but the trillions of other stimulus in fed or uncle sam currency printing. That's trillions! More entered the economy over that time consumer price. Inflation is virtually guaranteed at the level. Forty six months from now, so twenty twenty it will be a choice between inflation, a market crash or deflation during election year. They say election have consequences, but likewise consequences have elections. Given the probable sequence of a no good choice, place talking about the fed
and what are they gonna do keep raising up the rates? Are they gonna, let it crash, etc, etc? I predicted a crash, I don't think we got vienna, we didn't get a crash, but we did- we are a significant weakening of the market because of the fed. I think I this one really wrong, because so the idea here is this will be one more reason to sell your stock the d and sees changes in twenty twenty. Two, because I said it would also the end twenty twenty two have signal consequences in the election which no,
yeah, it did have. I mean, certainly changed the balance of power, which was significant. I think, and it did go down, certainly in twenty twenty two, but I wouldn't describe it as a crash yeah. This is the best the Glenn Beck program, hello, america, it's right, a ah but a good. It's been a good year, so far when a good high, it's really hasn't been tearing added terrible, yeah yeah, we'll get there soon. Yeah I mean you know we got especially on today the day, democracy, alma, Mozart, I'd normal, january sexy up make sure you stay away far by the way we have some great stuff for you on that. Coming up next hour, I wanna just touch on. What's happening in idaho, with those for college kids that were that were killed and they Been do this a bit in the news for a while, but
its fascinating. I think they got the guide. Our least they think they got the guy, but he's guilty until proven, but furtive ever him. The way they found him is fascinating following this- and I I know if you're the true crime world did like everybody- is talking about, this all the time. I have Sarah really deep into this story. So correct me. If I get outta this wrong, sir, but they you're. Sorry, you lead a sad life. Don't you you just go home after this. I really are drinking. I earlier fuzzy as liberals and you're just watch and drew grime yeah yeah. I should in our board our border operate. If you didn't even did agree at all with an analysis of her life, no she's on drinking straight on gay, uniting the analyses honest so they had. The murders happened for for college students. They have for awhile wild, have a suspected of anything. They don't know who did it? eventually, they lead on this criminology student right he's a guy who apparently has a deep interest in crime
in crime and how these processes go? Barely a great student, the first detail I heard from pathway was he's a register libertarian voter as like our right of liver gerizzim, had a tough enough go here. Really so so He apparently be. No ghost kills these people at least that's the what their alleging now, how they feel I find out that it's him is, I guess they find his dna on the sheath of the of the knife. So they have a dna link, they go to. I think his dad's trash, and are able to extract dna from his dad's trash to match it up. Then they without the knowledge of the day right, which seems kind of caribbean, but I guess I know it's trash, so I heard a little.
fraga. I heard that he'd left dna at the house, but he wasn't in any sort of government database, so they use used familial dna to actually find yeah, that's what they would have done with the track gather watching other dead at the dna, not from him. I should set out clearly so not really about from his dad they what, but there are three trash to get the dna which, as you know, as a result of these, we scenes with these public dna databases like you, give your dna to them in their search we ve seen, as well, but this one seems to be right for the day then he goes on this. They they found car regulate in some of the we camera videos. They like ok, there's a white hundreds and they alone try think it was, and they see car and they may later on, he apparently which is his license plate now again there's their becomes,
comes a time where there's just a bunch of stuff that adds up like they don't have him on film killing anyone, but there's enough there were like. Why would you change your license plate immediately by the way play highlights of the january six interview I did with. guy from revolver news. You want to talk about the most impressed probable story line ever its story line of the january six committee wave. Until you here each piece it stacks up at like what are the odds that and then there's another one. Oh my gosh, the odds of that are even lower. Oh, my gosh, the third one there it's probable story after story after story to get you to wear the narrative of the media makes sense, really is incredibly incredible. That comes out when That's right! Now!
stevie and out tomorrow on you know they saturday podcast, deliberately release you get the podcast early if you're a place to be subscriber by the wedding I'll, get it at Glenn back. You tube dotcom, slash click back, so you can the watch? It is well, it's fascinating anyone guerrillas, idaho thing is going to go on for a very long time. He was in another state where they found em right. They were able to bring him back pennsylvania pennsylvania. So it is on a guy see from washington. Was it he going school in washington, a school in washington guy, he lives in pennsylvania. He was on a cross country carter, with with his dad can like a lot of things coming together to make you think that that he's likely guilty. Of course, as you point out, once and he went on across country trip with his dad now what what right? After a minute of the cross country trip, in and of itself is not necessarily making you feel guilty how
when you're a suspect in a major murder and your drive across the country a lot of times that might be of real, but usually not with your dad. Now you know that I give you come bloody, so to your, like: hey dad, what All our trip in high time- let's go see america still wearing the bloody clothes when these neurons, but being your dad digging you're dead dad was involved in any of this. I didn't know, sir. No, no, no, no nation are the reason why he took they. Now he took his dad is because the f b, I called the cops and said- please pull them over for just a check up to see his hands so for whatever reason they had to see his hands in this photograph that they took him until they knew they took. He took his dad on the trip It worked because he needed to see his hand apparently marino, why people with a knife tends to be a little messy and apparently they think you know cuts as the persons fighting back or you know, all sorts. when they find on their hands. They know now, but
You don't know, I don't know know, but they that knife tends to slip, and so you end up cutting yourself when you stab somebody that many times and they didn't know? He didn't know when he was pull over by the cops? Are they were taking pictures of his anorak? Those like body can footage or something unbelievable, It's really incredible. it just imagine how his heart was pounding when he was still I had no idea probably thought at first. Oh god, they know they know they know, and what is a just stryver registration and then he gets away must stay cool and no idea they were to him and gathering more evidence. Absolutely incredible minutes obviously have really horrific in so just watching it, and you know it's, what's it fascinating about? It is he's. Apparently you know really smart guy criminology student and it's almost seems like if you're gonna build this the narrative a little bit. It almost seems like he's, trying to pull off the perfect crime. Knowing all of the shuffling,
into investigating a crime, and yet still still the police were able to find him. They still were. You know he was he but his car pulling away, not a camera on the process, but on the on the actual place it where the murders have but him driving in other areas. They were able to figure it out. They found out that he had cellphone things at the address of the murders. twelve times previously to the actual murders taking place, and it's like they it is getting to the. The word is so difficult to do something like this and that's grass is why you will not believe what you're gonna hear about january six, because the tec, ology that we have now You could narrow it down pretty darn quickly, specially have a cell phone and it it's it's. It should
king. This story reminds me: have you ever seen the movie rope it was my Alfred hitchcock heads jimmy steward and it is fantastic. It was maiden late fifties early sixties. And it is shot with three worlds of film and only reason why I say that is if you know that there are only three at tart sorry to edits in this film, and when you see how this thing was shot in the timing of everything. It's like, I don't know, how they did it. I just don't know how did it, but anyway, story is the sky, who is in college and taking criminology he and his friend invite their old professor over Jimmy stored, who asked them. One point k: You devise the perfect murder. How could you? How could you do the performer?
So they ve been working on it. They ve graduated. They invite him over and over before he comes, they murder one of the classmates, and they put him in like this coffee table right in front of the couch, and so there their eating their so arrogant there like hell, never know he will never know, and it's him. going over hates or what you guys been doing. It's great thank you for inviting me over excited to hear about what yet and the psychological game and the air against of these guys. You know so it it's a little bit like this guy who appeal here's to be fascinated by it and why I bet I could get away with it. Yeah, that's it.
Each homes is similar to sir. I just think it's fasten your just how far this is going and we talk often about the privacy concerns for average citizens who are being violated in it. That's it's true, but you until you something like this happens. You don't realize how far this step is. Come I mean. Did you that ted Bundy they make was on me. I didn't want to go and I think it was netflix, not that I could watch me. I guess criteria, but the TED Bundy one was fascinating in that like now, he would just submerged a bunch of people in one state and then just move to another state, and that was his way and getting out of it right. They would never connect the dots that, like hey all the same types of workers, happening in like one thing and another state. It was just like they just through there heads apparently got it was a whole new series of murders with no information we ve gone from that to our sea. To me almost to be almost impossible to get away with. unless you're a hunter it and when then, you could do almost do anything. That's what
really terrifying. It began I ate, keep bringing back to january six, but that's: what's the terrifying, all of the new technology, being used to get the bad guy. is as long as they're not on the inner circle, bad guys in remain We are selectively choosing at the highest levels, whose a bad guy who's got a bad guy, let that one pass and its really terrifying, because not we can they catch you, but the quality for the bad guys at the top level too, incriminate you and make it so the average person would go nine, that's not impossible. If not it's that. No, I I I saw him or I saw this, and why would you do this in this? When the guy didn't do this or this, but the evidence shows
that a really did his a foundational piece of civilization, falling apart and forever eyes. It really is, I mean because if you don't, we all have that idea like all rich people they get off all the time. You know, like that's true some level. Sometimes it's not the re, like a maniac harvey Weinstein's in aid programme, a long time, but he's in prime, but like one We believe that there is oh justice, that's are found. national pillar civilization. Let me tell you something that is right around the corner that you know you say civil, nation falling apart from foundational things volleyball. Let me tell you, something that technology is going to do within? I think it's within two years, but it probably would be five years. Maybe, and it is, It will fundamentally change absent.
Literally everything you're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program? This is the Glenn Beck program, stew, and I were just talking in the break about what I would what you're going to hear tomorrow, if you're not a blade subscriber you're gonna here tomorrow in the podcast episode one sixty nine. What are they? its hiding in the january six investigation, and I interviewed for about an hour darin baby, he is the guy who started revolver news, and he is on this, like nobody else and he's been fun, we from the beginning and Do said you know, get questions, nl there. I think they're, really stupid and in their knots do most of us have not followed this, because we know it's full of crap. That's what we felt we it's full of crap
and then the rest of it. We ve only seen what the media and everything is putting out and it does make sense, which leads us to go. There's nothing here. What is this. It's really important that you understand now, two years later, Two years later we now have. All the evidence that the federal government can come up with and it is implausible. It is salute the implausible, so is it just in possible. Are you suggesting something specific I asked him what this a plan by somebody or was this taken advantage and I think where it comes down. Is there? May have been some people that wanted to do some stuff, but those
infiltrated by the fbi so manipulated by the fbi, and then other people just took advantage of what was supposedly happening, but the the pipe bombs in particular are so important because they can, find these people. They can't find the guy on the scaffolding who, when you Look at the video. You read his reporting and you hear the the message tomorrow. This guy, this guy is should be number one should be number one not re apps it this guy number one he went before. There was a crowd he caught All of the fences, then, he climbed up the scaffolding and he stood on, the top layer of the scaffolding with a bull horn and he waited and then, when the crash got there. He gave instructions on what to do this is the ringleader at least on site can't find it.
Get no facial recognition that It is not even mentioned as the most one. he's nowhere near nowhere, clear photos, although it's not like one of these things, where he's wearing a mask, it's not like there was a third shooter in the tree or you know what I mean. There are photos of him all over the site, overall, the several videos, okay, so then the the ex thing- is the pipe bum. There were two pipe bombs were, at the Dnc and one at the aral sea. We know. because a video that they work planted the night before came it was cod on video. The visit was there, however, the The only video the fbi has released is an edited video so we only have with theirs. I mean this is almost remit, This is the b and c
The Dnc is is what water great gate was bout, a break into the deep sea They have all kinds of threats, they have all kinds of important people going in and out of the dnc headquarters in all set. Rich, was in the area of urine urien washington d c, which is crime written You don't have the best security cameras there. Of course you do. Of course you do he into what that film actually shows its implausible. But anyway, They only release this guy who comes on the scene. He's got the pipe bomb with a kitchen, timer and he makes a phone call live you're making a phone call. I can triangulate you, I know who you are: they can't find him have been able to triangulate, don't know down over this guy's. While that's I'm impressed
then they edit the tape, so they take one camera with him and he's moving into place the bomb, then they take an added they cut to him placing the bomb, but you don't see his arm, below his elbows, so you can't prove that he placed it in undermine. Why what Can we get because the other camera would have shown him placing the bomb I can't get a hold of them? There's no, nobody that is willing to release the full tapes fbi has them the thing that is really to coincidental is the commonly harris goes to the Dnc unexpectedly. She goes to headquarters? She leaves capitol hill ninety minutes before they're gonna start verifying the count guy. She leave she's like I gotta get to the Dnc she
city. The Dnc secret service just go they haven't munich, the surprise to them. Celine sweep anything, but while she's there they sweep everything don't find anything. This pipe bomb in plain sight where they say they found it it's in plain sight: nobody saw that in the morning nobody saw them. Overnight: no nobody, that's the guy that is hired to be standing in front of the dmz as a, but he didn't see it the b, I say they sweet, they swept. They didn't see it And the only reason why they found it is because the pipe that was at the aral sea was found first and it was found by somebody who has deep ties to Dnc. She happened, to be walking by the. r n c and look into this alley, and she happened to see this pipe bomb with
kitchen. Timer stock at twenty minutes? She finds it at twenty may. It's too eleven will its stock. We don't when that was planted, eminent could the we have them of the other one being planted at night. But they immediately say. Oh my god, she was twenty minutes. There's an attack on the capital at eleven, but the pipe we are not known to be, you know, fake or we're not going to explode, so they call capital, the cow little police redeploy a bunch of people down the currency in Dnc, which leaves the capital open, okay, much more open than it was so you and all your resources going down. There is five it's after they find we are in sea bomb, the sea great service find the de and see bomb and hush gamala harris out to safety.
the story- is that they both were stuck at twenty minutes. Well, twenty minutes, might tell you something if you knew when the bomb was planted, we all know when one of them was planted. It appears to be overnight, but why the rush to say this was a diversion when you know when it was planted and how odd- is it that they found it twenty minutes before eleven and they were sent to twenty minutes before they went off. I mean It was twenty minutes before eleven right when it convenient to say, they're gonna start loretta verifying these votes at the clock and they can't I'm the guy, there's no there's. No, it's a complete dead end, find the guy who made a phone call on your cell phone, Is it just like a hero? bunch of really strange things and we don't have
explanation for them, or is it like hey, there's a unifying theory here that leads us to. We don't have evidence to prove it, but like here's, what we think happened so it to me. Here's what happened! to me, speculation, such total speculation. But to me the most logical thing is there: were some people in these groups. You know like the you know, what is the oath keepers And I have no I'm just using them as an example I dont know, but there buzz on the internet, or there was buzz some place that we're gonna get em we're gonna go. There are eleven o clock. Let storm the cap and addressing to be some evidence of sorrow. Ordinary should be switched to some of these groups are wrecked front, and but the ones that were coordinating work that way
were there with the fbi. So, there's no way these guys should have even made it to the capital gay you don't let them go to capital is committed and then afterwards a yet we know they did it use upham, as, getting ready, you, don't you don't help the terrorist and then blow the building up, it's a keynesian caught em right right, the eyes. Are you stop them in time? So all of these were watched me all of these increasing in there with them. They were. They had been info traded infiltrated, who were monitoring and had dreaded correct and people turn. on the inside and were round if you will for the fbi, Kate. So I Wasn'T- it stopped my fee. three on? This is because it was to someone's political advantage and I'm not I'm not hard to say was you know
the Dnc or anything else. I believe this again is deep state. Donald trump was not just taken out by the and see this was intelligence and law enforcement officials that are part of the deep state that don't care whose president they're gonna do what they do. They were the ones that did all of the russia gate stuff. They fed it to the press as they fed it everywhere else. I believe that this is. deep state, taking advantage of something helping jew people up using re apps who is absolutely involved. with the government some way or another. I. I really believe that I can't prove it, but I do believe, denies that obviously yeah. He does deny it, but I think there's some I think this is this is the kind of stuff they get you killed. If I wasn't
national figure- and you know talking about you- know things like this. I think we all know. If I die, I'm not suicidal. I'm not. You know app to run in front of a bus today and you're cholesterol, fun, So I think it is people taking advantage and then playing up the advantage, for instance, the attack with those, Eyes who have been wound up by themselves or by people might work for instance the guys on the scaffolding, the scaffolding man that guy I have been an operative for the government- that's why nobody's looking for him he was just helping the people and helping keep them wound up to go in. Ok, I think that's what happened. There were sincere people, but they were torques and couldn't have done anything with
the assistance of some dark arms and dark agencies gay and that all happen, and then I think the piper I could be wrong and all this I think the pipe bombs were both planted again by dark arm that realized. We can get the agencies Do they of capital police to come down to these two locations, which will help the the capital rioters. Let them get away with some stuff. Ok, but we re haven't under control, nobody's gonna get killed, but let them give way for stuff, so we see that happening will pull these. People out, so they can get into the capital, but don't let those by go off because if they go off, then answers are going to have to be taken
so just use them as I dare version, but don't let them go off. I think the pipe bombs are totally dark. Art, stuff, look I know you want to be clear. I know you're giving me the action movie version of this. Like you don't know, that's true. you're, saying like you know, now: here's your speculating health in a healthy I am sceptical. I am. There are speculating in a more reasonable way than the january six committee was not a generous activity which just about saying volumes about double terrain. nothing to do with trying to solve this correct but like what is the? What is motivation of the fbi to encourage an incursion into the capital to paint those who are against this globalist the world economic forum. This isn't about left and right and democrats and republicans this the fight for
nationalist, I love amerika. Let's make america strong to know. Why and internationalist conglomerate that is going to rule the world K, Donald trump men. People who believe in the constitution are not internationalists and that's why I believe that this whole operation happened beside January six donald trump. targeted from the beginning, because he's in america first guy- and he was taken down because of that he could not be paid. and they needed to kill not only him, figuratively speaking, they needed to kill, not only him, but the entire american constitutional list, america, first kind of movement. That's why and look what they ve done. They ve tried to paint the country,
to these people believe in the contracts constitution. Believe in bull, controlling things there, extremists their dangerous,
Transcript generated on 2023-02-26.