« The Glenn Beck Program

Best of Program | Guests: Brad Meltzer & Will Maule | 11/13/18

2018-11-13 | 🔗
11/13/18 | Best of The Program | Ep #223 - More Voter Ballot Shenanigans?  - A Generations Walt Disney? (w/ Brad Meltzer)  - Hamas Attacks Israel...Again? - Who is Asia Bibi? (w/ Will Maule)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on Demand- welcome to apply, cast coming up this weekend right, the murky one vote? Yes, and we really could use your support just by a raffle ticket. If you can come we'd love to have year its index you can find out what the details as mercury, one dot, org slash. One ball, but we would like you too just order raffle ticket in order see it's going to help us, keep our doors open. So we can do all the things that we we do and for a massive, most importantly, I have even a car when a Mercedes when a brand new Mercedes hundred dollar raffle together only selling a limited number. And I I We only have about a thousand laughed or something like that. So we would love for your help if you and if you don't,
we present to win, though I will take control the car. If you are not now, that's that's! That's alighted policy is not officially. Ok, let's go right to. Let's go right to the d show today on the podcast. We have a couple, so I think you really gonna enjoy. We ve got Brad Melter, who actually knew Stanley, he passed away yesterday, some kind of a nice old tribute on Stanley. We also look at Israel, and what is happening over there and the United Kingdom. What is happening over there also really interesting thing. Who is about the words that you say in how it identifies where you're from they are now able to think about this as far as we can get into this time, the actual podcast but think about this when it comes to data- all the data we give away. Colleague I mean the just by answering a few questions. They can pretty much specifically target where you're from where you corrupt, just by those two words that you use for common phrases. Eight make targeted stew
but they missed me, but it's interesting. What they did saying also Monica Lewinsky is talking about the blue. Spinach dress. All the same? I? Why would you say what she said. She said when the podcast begin: stereo
The only thing to adult excused remember third bomb title lock is actually a company that stewardess me to about six months ago or so, and I had no idea. I had no idea. People could take literally take your title of your house and claim to own your house and then you're done you're out now, I'm in a hidden, barroom, Lena Giant, take big loans out agreement with banks against your equity and then you're stuck with bills, not something you want to have him and Really you know when they demonstrated it, they came here and they demonstrated it terrify. How easy it is your let what I mean this may have already happened to you. This could be happening to your parents, imagined somebody just taking your tea.
It all they own your house, the bank. Then they go to another bank and they say hey. I want to take out a hundred thousand dollar equity. They take the money they leave. You start getting bills. You never took that. You never took their alone out and the only way you can get rid of this possibility is by going to home title I about a hundred dollar search free title scandal: do it for you when you, when you go to home title Acta Comet sign out, why not take it for you value here and knock this problem. That is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. Home title try to go to home title locked up. I'm right now. It's home title locked up back Brenda Snipes, don't you just love Brower County Brower County, you ve got the bested sheriffs. You have the best in election supervisors. You have the best, in school boards. Boy, Brower County, you oughta, be mighty proud she is. She might
remove the YAP. The Vienna Brower County election supervisor from her linked in profile, produce ineffectually, my one just the lead her profile altogether. While she sat at maybe a name change, because things are really going well for Brenda Snipes, all signs are now pointing towards style getting removed from office by Governor Rick Scott or his likely successor, Rhonda Santas. That is, florid ever finishes, counting votes or, or you know, with or or or count hands I dont know if they're doing a show of hands. Now, however, Florida does it's alive Since now every day. It seems to be more and more like a day very novel down in Florida, so I'm really sure how they do it, but they should finish pretty soon, for it is in the middle of three statewide recounts for the: U S: Senate and governors races plus the.
That really has the nation on the edge of a seat. The state agriculture, commissioner, how is that one gonna land? You know it's bad when Democrat, let's start losing support from fellow Democrats as Snipes has one state Senate Democrat who declined to be named, told politico, he hopes nights Snipes quicks, he hopes Snipes will quit soon. Quote otherwise, she's a goner laundry quote now she is accused of laundry list of nanos, including a twenty. Sixteen mailing that when to an unknown member of absentee ballots that left off the proposed state constitutional amendment ups, I forgot to include that constitutional amendment thingy sorry about that. Also in twenty sixteen shoe posted early vote.
Numbers on line, half an hour before the Poles closed half an hour before the pulls close when that happened before in Florida in it as to some proper. I remember the two thousand election well I learn from that She also was opening ballots in private. What could happen after sweets election in the middle of the night. Her office suddenly uploaded tens of thousands of new ballots that could cause gum, Scots margin to fall below half a percent lead in his Senate. It's against bill, Nelson, that trigger manual recount, but who doesn't upload thousands of new voters you know after the election, there's a lot the problems with the Brower counting Elections office, but in a way we have three hours. If nothing else,
is clear. That's nice is guilty of extreme incompetence with the misdeeds, lines discovering ballots in the couch cushions as county election supervisor. You know you're really only have to prepare one big event. You know every two years, it's kind of like Santa Claus as screwing up Christmas Annie takes every other Christmas off at the best of the burden that programme yesterday news broke that actually kind of made me sad and surprisingly, because I didn't grow up with comic books. I just didn't and I never really understood them until I until I had a son and
wanted him to read and the only thing I can get him to read earlier on we're comic books, and so we went out and waste did reading spider man- and you know, I'm try what else we read, but Mainly spider man is what we were we started and then the movie started coming out and we re he started to get into it. And then we started kind of collecting some. Some comic books and it's been fun with my son and I have become such a big fan of and Lee because I really truly believe he is probably the closest in our generation to Walt Disney Walt Disney was a storyteller period, and his stories were so impact for for so long that they actually Shape America and now the world and
magic in a world without, while Disney, no Mickey Mouse, no Disneyland, no Disneyworld, none of the Disney movies. Imagine our childhood without Mary Poppins, and without all of these things that we all grew up on as staples, I think stand Lee is that guy for this job duration and his characters were endless and so well written and so well thought out. He created his own universe and its remarkable what he did. Yesterday was kind of a sad day, but in a in a good way when done well and he died, nobody understood his plans, no nobody understood his vision of where he was going next? Luckily, people do understand and they respect his vision and the Marvel Universe will continue to expand long before long after his death
Brad melter, who is the author of many children's books in and really great novels as well? Is Since new book out? I am Neil Armstrong. I thought. Oh you Brad. When I saw this yesterday, because I know at least your big DC comic fan. Soon, that you're also a stand leaf in a nine new span. When I, when I started researching my book about the creation of Superman, I did a book called the book of lies. Many years ago, I won't say you gotta talk the Stanley and I was like when you talk about he's marble, and this is the city, but he knew Jerry Single. Enjoy Schuster who created Superman's, they were all kids at the same time, they were young seventeen year old kid gave us Superman Teenagers from Cleveland, Ohio and Stanley. Was this jewish kid?
for you know from New York who is stand, Lieber was his name and what they were telling, as you said so eloquently, is the same story that Walt Disney gave us. It wasn't just the story of a mouse or the story of Smart him am. It was the story of us with the american dream that he was giving us an and more business era. He gave us innocence at a time we needed it and wanted it so desperately, and
and we certainly gave me no co created spider man and the x men and hawk an iron man and all these characters we know and love, but what he gave me personally was a creed to live by principles, to honour and the way to behave towards other people, that you should be good, as opposed to being bad, and I think that that's me ass his greatest legacy that we could be another reason lessons are so powerful because we can use his lessons to this very day. You know no corporation or advertising or politician stands for good, for God's sake, Stanley. Yet he made money years later, but not the start. I mean he wrote those heroes that we're just doing good, because you have to do good. That was better than anything else and man. We need that today. Look where the country is today, we
that again and- and I mean if you know we're great fighting- we learn how to fight. But when you're fighting for yourself and your fighting for power, you're fighting for money, you already lost, and I would much rather honest Stanley stories where the carriage, despite because it's just the right thing to do so- bread, I've, I've really men taken by the facts spider, man and- and all of these we know Captain America. All these heroes came The time when people felt powerless, You know a world war two and then the cold war, those with frightening times for people, because they do feel they had control over the over there, the end of their life, really it could be taken by foreign power in a menace that was so far beyond the evil with the Nazis that they, get their arms around it
and then with the cold war. The same thing devices that they just did that your defenceless against the nuclear missile and if they were it a peek at that point and then they and fell. To a normal level. And then, when we need these heroes again and when heroes are gone, and we feel like. We don't have power over our life. We go back to stand Lee stories and we're looking for those those heroes, superheroes but, as you said, also heroes, just because they stand to do the right thing that's the guy. I mean not as the history of the superior and and and any popular culture, entertainment movement. We talked about it before you look at the great depression, the characters that America favoured were Tarzan and Flash, Gordon their characters designed to transport
us where the depression was the pressing. So they want you bonded or the Twentyth century and the jungles of Tarzan and, as you said, what war war too came were scared, as a country where terrify war two's encroaching on our shores- and here comes a carajan him Superman's I must tell the million copies. No one understands why I know why, because we needed someone at them You know. You show me a grade needed any moment in history and that's one that you don't get to hear all you want. You get the hero, you need and if you look after nine slash eleven whenever one said, while never laugh again, whenever joke again, the first big movie that broke through the public consciousness was Spiderman, and why? Because we were country We warned a country's Superman anymore, we weren't invincible, but we could beat up what we were a country's Spiderman. We fell like we're vulnerable, but we still wanted to give it everything we had to fight back everything we had to do right and it's. Why,
I sixteen years after nine eleven. We still are here today with a superhero movie boom, where even the terrible ones are making over a hundred million dollars lie because we're still a country starving for heroes and looking for good ones, and- and I ain't no again- that's that's not just because we like people punching Doktor Octopus in the face it's because we needed, we need it so badly. You'd think good Hollywood would get that and they would they would translate into other hero stories, but it they don't seem to get it. I mean if you look at what the big movies are it's always a superhero. Also, these really spectacular stories about real life heroes in war. They they got that in the depression and in the Second World war. They just don't seem to connect with that. Now. Let me ask you about superheroes:
Stanley superheroes generally have issues all of them of weaknesses, and it's not just kryptonite. It's that they a real people within it, or is not. But- even look at iron. Nobody, even but even never even the war had Donald Blake was is crippled, alter ego, but you had a right now that the right answer is you know. D C gave us what they used to call the lower case. G guy You know you're a boner ball. They were american icons, they weren't human. They were super human rights and then Stanley and Jack. Her became along in the marble universe and said: let's make like us and spider man. You know it was his fault
that's correct is uncle, got killed right would limit. The blame was on him. The guilt was his own and iron man was someone who was a drunken and could care less about the world and correct. I thought he was rich and everything was saw. They were self centred and and four was was banished premises. Guardia original origin is because he became so far. Self own set of them, make you a human being and suddenly the marble universe came and gave everyone. The best story of all our own story is nothing better than the greatest stories, whether its biblical or Superman or a spider man, but the greatest stories in the whole universe are not the stories about other people that the stores tell us something about ourselves. That's why the Bible is written story is not written, would just get out here, the ten commandments and then here's, although if the things to do there, certainly been better than air, but they're all told in story, because nothing more powerful than an idea, and almost always is all those that you have made it together, like a raft of trinity, very good people
I'm trying to remember the the guy who studied heroes wrote what is it tat? Hero of a thousand faces are but he's the guy who helped George Lucas, put together star wars, and he he talks about all of the heroes of the Bible in this and in all of the legends around the world, and they all just do kind. Boil down to the best ones are the ones that are. Heroes, journey and right to have our different, our each one of the different archetype, indirect and Stanley. Was you at the mouth? No family was a great What color is also master salesman? That's what you want. Isn't it hadn't common great stories are also master salesmen, but the reason they were so powerful is they embedded? Those heroes will decide what that sprinkling of us and in I think I actually brought this was one of Stanley soap boxes used to write them in the back
his other comic books and anyone who says you know why they take Europe Day and make him all about. You know issues, and they were always about issues. They were always about what the world was dealing with and Stanley. These are his words, be took it read any pain. That is what the lay it right on. The line. Bigotry and racism are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today and he's like, but unlike a team of Customs supervision that can't be halted, punching them in the face, and he says- and this is the most important part- the only way to destroy them. Those races out there is to expose them to reveal them for the end
Did you see what they really are? The big it is an unreasoning Haider, one who hates blindly fanatically indiscriminately if his hang up his black men hates all black men, if he hates too, if a red had offended Emmy hates all redheads of some foreign beast beat him that I too a job he's down on all foreigners. He hates people he's never seeing people he's never known with equal intensity with equal venom, and he says that no only if a man is ever to be worth his destiny, we must fill our march with tolerance for then, and only then will we be truly worthy of the concept that man was created in the image of God. Oh God, who cause all his children. I was in a comic book back in the sixties, debt, Stanley, writing and that's what a black Panther came from an that's where the x men came from his new all these people out there that he spoke for- and I said, yeah need help with a civil.
Its movement. It was now the ex members it was always allegory for African Americans were different and hated for be indifferent, and I love that he took all those issues on full force. Your proposal of most of these yesterday on Twitter- and it was amazing to read that, because I'm not a big comic book fan per SE, but what really looking at that? comparing it to the sort of entertainment that has now pushed two young people like these These measures were all thing he was putting and things that were overly bad and fighting for things that were overly good and now we have a situation where, in things like you, know, promiscuity in an anti anti. God messages in an anti american messages are are so prevalent in so much of the entertainment. Today I really find it to be a stark contrast, but let us not just empty chamber: look at our politics, it our entire world. You know we, I think, feel like in a strange way- and I appreciate
you know, they were so vital to understand. Is we ve just become a culture that fights well, but we don't? We are not a culture that speaks well to each other that tolerates each other. That looks at differences and sees something that you know. We all have the same things in common. We all want to be safe. We want a loving Emily, we want to love him, be loved, all of a sudden care who- Our everyone out there. That is your opposite political view, is the has hopes and dreams, and they have this once you do, and I love that family could use his soap box to put those messages out there, and he just did it just you know, put them all into costumes. And the message got to us any any gets what today prevails in others. I've been following stand lease life here in the last couple of months and it didn't see
Like he was having a good go of it, he had problems with his daughter. He had problems with the two business partners. He had suit four billion dollars. His wife had just passed away, so thirty nine years of marriage was he was. He happy in the end. You think you know I'm the last I heard from you is actually very kind to me one asked the dweller came out and promoted and he always had a smile on his face. I always heard the same story. You did. I spoke to his office yesterday have a dear friend who works with him. And said. How are you doing? I think some of the things we heard were true in some morning and I think come. The biggest invitation was the loss of his wife, and you know why to make it sixty nine years and go out at ninety five I feel like we shall have such problems alone. That's what it's like to emulate I'm taking the I'm choosing the Stanley rooting can choose to see the better side of a rather focus on what clearly were a rough six months? Thank you. A much broader, really really preaching
your listening to the best of the global programme. Like listening to this podcast. If you're not a subscriber, become one now on Itunes, but while you're there do us a favour and rate the shell, so grateful to have a really factor, not always a sponsor. But I am grateful myself. For having relief back I'm grateful too, because I had to deal with you before you today and it was awful. I am now that you take it at least you're only moderately unpleasant. You know if you ever get to a point where you can't open ajar or you can't open a bottle top, because the pain is too bad. You know you is Please a man it it plays with you in a place where the hard just playing with your grandkids, if you can play with your kids. You grandkids because of pain
Please try really factored one hundred percent drug free created by doctors for key ingredients that help your body fight against inflammation, where most of our pain comes from its worked for me, please try it relief factor order. There are three week, quicks quick, start you're out box if it doesn't work, but seventy percent of those who try for three weeks it works and the order month after month, relief factor, DOT, TK There are some important things going on in the world, but we don't seem to care about those anymore, but there is one thing that I think you're gonna start hearing in the media and it is possible to you, know, spiral out of control into something much much bigger and broader you're going to hear from probably all the media and multiple world leaders, and maybe even the glorified you and they're going to say this. Israel attacks Gaza, the IDF has launched
multiple airstrikes aimed at the boar Palestinians, and now is Israel planning on invading. It's the same old song and dance, and people actually have the balls to call me and anti semite for criticising George Soros Thee so the same media outlets, world leaders, but will actually call Donald Trump, Site her of Anti Semitism forget the fact that he moved the: U S embassy into Jerusalem. As you know, it's crazy, but that's the capital of is and he also scuttled therein deal. They love him in Israel, they'll proverb: people like President Obama for giving real anti Semites people like the Ayatollah Khomeini. They gave him bill
ends of dollars. It literally had no other purpose for that money other than to go in killed Jews, that's how that money was used. The world has gone completely and absolutely insane. Now. Here's what's really going on in Israel, its kind along, but let let me quote this from the vast charter, because it says everything I want to point out that Hamas is a terrorist organisation and anyone who says you can have peace with Hamas doesn't know who Hamas is and who am Hamas says they are the this? Is there This is their charter, the Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land, Israel, Palestine, is and islamic land consecrated for future must
John Generations, until judgement day it or any part of it shall not be squandered it, nor any part of it should begin, up neither a single arab country nor all arab countries need neither any king or president nor The kings and president's knee or any organization, nor all of them, be they alas, or or arab, possess the right to give this land away. So anybody who says, while United Cheers Data using a Bible marriages, Santa somebody violets religious thing, what do you think this means Palestine is islamic land consecrated for muslim generations until judgement, day initiative and so called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradict
gin to the principles of the Islamic Resistance movement. Hamas gee. I wonder how good of a partner there going to be at the negotiating table. There is no peace. Forget about justice: there is no peace. Justice for them is the destruction of Israel and they will pursue that, regardless of whether the international community tries to broker peace deal or not, it will never stop Hamas. Swans Israel destroyed simply for existing. They want Jews, dead, Syn, for being alive. That is the plain truth: read their charter Now here's what's happening over the last seventy two hours over four hundred rockets have been fired by Hamas into Israel. Rockets fired direct,
the jewish civilians. Now this is the largest escalation of rocket fire. Hamas has ever done. They shoot it israeli civilians and then they hide behind palestinian civilians. So how do you get a tear? organization. You know how are they being a pass with a global community. Well,. Who, but a natural anti Semite would justify the killings of Jews by terrorists. This is hurling towards a much larger conflict. Remember this involves Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan ran The idea is moving additional troops and armor to the border. Now a limb, it. Ground invasion is possible will, as well. I join in the fight from Lebanon. It is possible
the uranium troops that have been setting up shop in Syria joining as well. Is all possible. I had so many my office yesterday. He was a jewish businessmen. He said I was in Israel a few years ago, and he said, I saw people wearing these tee. Shirts everywhere said: Glenn back and restoring courage. He saw what was that all about. I said I. I have this, sir. I have this gift and this burden sometimes that.
I can see the direction that the world is going and bad timing But I see the direction. And I wanted my children and I At my audience to make a decision of who they would be as the world hurdles again towards nightmares. Because Anti Semitism when Marxism is on the rise, Anti Semitism is always on the rise when thanks go down Anti Semitism is always on the rise. I have said this to you recently. But I want you to hear it again. The things that I have talked about, the things that I have said you have to prepare for. And they're gonna be tough times, but we're gonna make it has really make it together, and you have to be prepared to know who you are.
Those times are now here, thereupon, us and if you haven't started preparing mentally and spiritually and physically, you need to you need to, because we're not gonna find leaders at the? U N, we're not gonna find leaders in Washington. And you know at those leaders are not going to be the ones the people turned to anyway We're gonna be turning to each other and that's all We are choice. Are we going to? on each other or we turn to each other. Prayers for Israel and prayers for the- I was standing people who are being used by, I think evil forces. But prayers for all of them: prayers for
is your listening to the best of the Glen Programme Chris in Mother Asia, baby Ten years to remain in Pakistan, despite open threats against her life, From islamic radicals, who are desperate to quote finish the job and execute the harmless mother of two, despite the fact that she was acquitted by the supreme, or on bogus charges of blasphemy. This is the putting paragraph from will. Mall Asia babies lie
Still in grave danger, as she desperately seeks asylum in the west from faith wire dot com will welcome to the programme. Are you there will end up as I'm I'm gravely concerned about this and what it says about the United Kingdom. I wanted to your perspective, but first fill the audience and just a little bit on on on who she is yes, baby. He fifty three year old Pakistan, the christian woman to about ten years ago, in two thousand and nine with it, was convicted on charges of blasphemy? and I was basically as a result of her again into argument with a group of women. While she was like The women accused of drinking from the same type as then I said because you're, a Christian you don't think you're on clean energy. This is offensive and she then
Julie, responded. Jesus Christ thought my sins and wanted the prophet Mohammed do for you that since now been prepared to actually be wrong, she didn't say Otto but other time those will they claimed on a big. She got The house arrested, found was tried and then convicted, twenty turn of blasphemy. Taylor. For that. Let me just make a comment here. If your God can, handle some earthling saying. Well, this Christ died for my sins. What does your God done for you if he can't handle that your god a powerful enough, if he, You to kill others for saying things like that? It's just rageous that indeed time when we are rehashing the past that we have actual hey. Why only Muslims, only water, fountain dispute and black for me, and nobody on the left seems even care, yeah right
right and then, of course, ten years later years in prison and ten years later, this this case funding goes to split the Supreme Court in Pakistan. Everyone's gonna Odin their breath because everything budgets nowhere they're gonna ruin favour than they may this landmark ruling just last month on the thirty first saying that you know the to the citizen or keys that no regard for truth, and there they, basically, they threw it out completely undeclared or innocent. They said last year was crazy. This is something they said it was. It is nothing short of concoction incarnate, seaside she'll go completely made up and they were afraid of course, then, that spot huge mass of uproar in Pakistan among the radicals, who announced still still campaigning for To be executed- and it's not a small group of radicals is a major released. The videos seem to be major movements in the streets yeah. He hid crowds a couple of weeks ago towards the end,
the weak it was, it was getting ridiculous. I'm in three or four thousand strong crowd in the streets demanding amending authorities tomorrow, an appeal against the ruling initially The primary simmering commie he seemed like yours. They strongly. I may day made a public address to the country where they said we won't be either. We won't be cowed by these. These clerics iraqi, we're going. Uphold the rule of law, and this is the final ruling and then, of course, a few days later entered into talks with another declaring and the political bodies at a some things which were pretty disturbing so now she wants to come to the United Kingdom and over the way in the United Kingdom, in the biggest active cowardice I have ever seen from great Britain. And something that is gravely disturbing in
Not shell tell me if I you know, I don't speak the queen's English, but I do I'm an alcoholic, so I do speak bull, crap and if I'm hang, if I may translate the queen's English out of bull crap in two of regular people speak what they Dad was we are afraid of our of earth. Islam communities, wherefore. They're gonna rise up and we don't feel comfortable taking you in go, find some other place to ask for help. Yeah but there was the head of the British Pakistani Christian Association. I was exactly what he and he's been campaigning for about ten to the entire time sheep he's been campaigning for release and his understanding through I get in touch them. Peas and itchy The case tat I M saying: why? Are we not immediately offering asylum was the government?
worried about what they call security concerns already knows quite well. It means, but, like you said that there might be a tax on embassies also very vague and actually How about you just just from a couple of I was in parliament on this and there are guys about getting for asylum. A minute just said from doesn't sway, knows just tell me just written to the prime minister with his colleagues asking to be given asylum air. Mps who are doing. This is just a case of actually trying to grasp why the UK, its holding back on there is in my mom is no reason why we should bear to accept and unless you think that the union The United Kingdom, as you know, is it is is not under the influence now of Islamist. I'm unite that to me. This screams cowardice and it screams we're on our last leg here, if, if you are-
afraid of a group of people, what they're going to do to the streets of great Britain or what might happen to your embassies You are not a world power in fact, you're, not a power at all. Yeah and memory within, but take me today- It will say more more people come out and itchy advocate, I'm embarrassed Johnson, the former foreign secretary tonight There is absolutely no reason why we should do now. We ve got to go to more responsibility and absolute responsibility. How the british government does too to offer asylum I'm really. I don't really see why I can't see person Why does any reason why we shouldn't be the home of a dozen doesn't comment on particular like on individual cases, It is frustrating and then does Baroness news outlets.
In the UK or reporting that the government had said things like we welcome. The assurance of the Pakistan government, as you know, is keeping our safe and things his course as yet. It is being held in Islamabad under God, in an undisclosed location, so sensitive, saying what we we trust the pakistani authorities to keep us safe until something can be organised in the programme. That is the environment There's the pakistani government is saying: well, we won't stop. Any appeals are lodged could offer that kid that could appeal sentencing and even overturn. So that was one of the criteria that the data they did with. Ie is loud sites it's difficult, and I think it is money This is nothing really else. Other than Mps writing to the Prime Minister, which deafness just told me he's he's done that you have just heard from European member of parliament as well, who has,
Oh me, that is immoral. That Britain will allow thousands of legal economic migrants to come into a country, pretending to be refugees and made of asylum and then bar the baby, a young woman in danger, but the most terrible mob death, because she's believing Christian Asia cannot? asylum in Britain. Member must ask itself what of country we have become. It's it's and you know what he's absolutely right and this it with this will be remembered in history. This is a very big moment for the United King. And it is, signals I think, to those of us who stand in America, that you know our ally is weaker than we ever thought. I mean in others. Is this. Is this? Is a pre world, or to kind of stuff that that is happening here end. If you're afraid of your own population boy. That's that's real trouble
You tell me also what's happening with the Scotland Yard, just started an investigation in the Labour Party because of Anti Semitism, because it's getting so bad there now as well. You tell me anything about the Labour Party in what's happening on that day investigation? It resumes, I think, sparked by Jeremy Golden the Labour Party leaders, attendance at a group and carbon the name of the time I had, but it was a group which is heavily associated with the anti semitic message and I went to the growing greet them and spend spend a few hours with immense. I think from that boy than it wasn't. It wasn't immediately condemned the Labour Party didn't immediately distance itself from well to see the company distanced themselves from that party leader but Jeremy Carbon and take that didn't distanced himself from the meeting and
condemning entirely starting from that point towards the schoolyard have looked to tell you why no investigation into that workers are still ongoing another. They remain quite quiet and what they found thus far. It is amazing to to see what's what's happened, their especially with you the people who are in breaks it there being called all kinds of names, and then Labour Party's, not for breakfast bricks breaks it are. They are much better now yeah and her, and then you do you see this this going on. You will love, Thank you very much a we just keep us up to speed and feel free, please to reach out and and bring his updates on on. What's happening, am I'm fast made by this- and it's not getting very much covered here in the United States, ablaze radio network on demand.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-05.