« The Glenn Beck Program

'America, Is It Worth Saving?' - 10/16/18

2018-10-16 | 🔗
Hour 1 LOL?...The Worlds Worst lawyer just got worse...Bad lawyer-ing or political football? ...Elizabeth Big Chief Warren's...Pow Wow Chow...she reveals her DNA results and she's still not Native American?...Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandmother 6 to 10 generations ago? ...Cherokee Nation rejects Warren's test...making mockery out of real DNA testing? ...the Average Democrat is sick of the hard Left's hate ...Radio fan Will Stanford, calls Glenn to discuss his recent interview with Ben Shapiro, and was struck by how honest Glenn was about his struggle with alcohol...going 'rock bottom' to live another day for God   Hour 2 Election By Numbers with Stu? ...CRTV's Gavin McInnes talks Antifa Violence in Portland & NYC with Glenn...Gavin explains what happened to him recently in NYC...The reporting on this event has been terrible and it is shocking evidence that the Alt-Left, the DNC, and the mainstream media are in bed together...these are 'coordinated attacks'...the Portland Mayor is allowing chaos to happen only to blame Trump...'Journalist are Antifa'...the irony of the Left and 'White Supremacy'? ...Yes or No...Do you 'hate'?...Coming together behind certain 'principals' to move forward with each other?   Hour 3 The Donald Trump of Brazil?...journalist Clarissa Oliveira joins to discuss the rise of Jair Bolsonaro...who loves Trump, hates gays and admires autocrats...he could be Brazil's Next President in the upcoming Brazilian General Election?...fear of the unknown? ...Polls are  favoring to Bolsonaro who is 'very likely' to win...Keep your eye on Steve Bannon? ...Missing writer shows Saudi Arabia's dark side?...keep your eyes on Turkey, they're no fan of the Saudi's ...an Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment? ...Glenn reviews the movie 'A Star Is Born' with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga? ...'Cooper sings as good as Gaga acts' ...CNN is chemically addicted to Donald Trump?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand. Back I was gonna start was saying that Michael Evan Oddy is Europe is, is my cousin Vinnie, but my cousin Vinnie is even better Michael ever naughty. He is the worst lawyer in in all the history, the annals of ridiculously bad lawyers, so I'm trying to figure out what national data should be because, with average Go either way right now, Oh, it's a toss up between the no good, very bad lawyer day or the no good, very bad political operative day and a federal judge, was confused yesterday as well now if you don't remember, Ivan Oddy, is the guy who represent stormy Daniels in the defamation lawsuit against the president? Is this
This is the reason why Avenue this reason why we know this guy. We because store Daniel, says his clients, it's all my gosh, the president is defaming me and he didn't say, you're a stripper. Around can defame strippers any more than you. Ve defamed yourself anyway, So he goes and he is the infinite soup. Star lawyer, he's full of awesomeness He decided to build this case. Often get this a tweet a tweet from the president defaming me. Let me see the evidence right here. It's a tweet and he took the case to trouble. Back in April regarding a man allegedly sent by Trump that he had written her not to come forward with their story quote.
Sketch years later about a non existent man. A total con job play the fake news media for fools, but they know it end quote that was the tweet bow, the hounds of hell on earth are unleashed in it. Effort suit so yesterday we finally get to see the case and the lawyer, you know, has to stand up avenant. He stands up and he tells the judge now that jeez just of this just really bad lawyering or something this game of political football. So The judge opted through as both the judge State, that the President's tweet was rhetorical hyperbole protected under the First, amendment and part of the quote politics and public discourse in the United States. So let's that's that's part of it as part of it. So yeah,
can't really get em on defamation. Soap forget for a moment that a federal judge has just highlighted that a defamation suit between a sitting. U S, president apart star in a political activists masquerading as a lawyer is considered normal and business as usual. Consider for justice. Second, that this lawyer is actually considering running, president of the United States, a man that has shown no qualms at all with parading women, First Daniels and then sweat Nick in front, the entire world embed. It's them all for his own ugly political greed, The federal judge ordered the case closed Stormy Daniels has to pay all of the president's legal fees This might be the funniest thing that his has come out of all of it
Daniels has set up a crowd justice, page kind of like a go fuck me page back in April to pay for all over legal fees, and as of today, that page has raised five hundred and eighty. Six thousand dollars. So to everyone who just donated you just paid president trumps lawyers over half a million dollars and as the kids the kid say now days alone, it's Tuesday October. Sixteen this is the Glinda programme. We need to have a powwow about losing orange to how shall we be able to make that old meal soup that she made in power? I don't know, but you should try that I hope that somebody smoking peace pipe on this whole thing, because this is this is just outrageous. Don't you think yeah she release this big. Basically,
say presidential audition video yesterday to show everyone that she was her native American yeah super duper needed, although she was she's, Cherokee, she's, Cherokee and Part Delaware, yes, which is, is something that does not see to be backed up by the facts. Nellie first came out and said: well dna test shows her to be one thirty. Second Cherokee, and then they revise that you won the meat the revised it can they actually looked at the report says one thirty. Second to one five hundred and twelve, then they realize whoops. He dupe see. We made a math error. This is a sin, this correction bidden suitably duty in the correction, but they pay. They should have that it was made. Nothing better sure, but it was between one, one sixty. Fourth, one, one thousand twenty. Fourth, I believe it was your one one thousand twenty fourth, now that, of course, in itself, so he cut the human body up to what one thing
in twenty four pieces- that one of them were of those pieces, would have Lilburn Cherokee. Now this theoretically, right could at least give her a technical defence of her bull crap over the past. Fifty right where she's lying in saying she's, you know she's in native American and she's getting benefit for this and she's getting It was stupid of soup recipes and POW Chow, which is the goal of almost everybody. How shall how powwow child- and we want to talk about appropriating culture, powwow chow? That's it is I'm going off, I'm going awful envy I've, just I'm gonna I've. Just let's all complain about the names of football teams, but let's let loose I dont worry early when or how well the outer door from here on out our hour it's called our tribe and we mean it in the native American since it's a tribe- to try What does he mean? There are studies that show that
The average person of european descent has more native american blood in them, then before it has even showing, in her study average person the average person, because he I mean look. This is not. It is a very dna, occur, located matter, and it doesn't exactly show what they try to make it out to show that it doesn't show any dna from an actual native American yeah. What it shows we don't have. Any DNA Dna native american tribes have said we are not participate. In dna studies, we don't want dna studies, so they ve never given in dna, so we can use actual native Americans to test a dna against. We have to use people from Peru, Mexico, an Colombia hull, humpy, ah yes low way and therefore in the theory, is that they those the same people one of migrating further south. So you can use them as a standing right, but it does not show that she has native american blood as not even they tested
and even that is its a weird thing. Dna doesn't really do that right, like if you, if you we're board, like TED crews, right TED crews, is born in Canada, as many people have noticed and like to point out over the years it wouldn't. Show the his canadian blood right like that's not the way this works, they all well. I use it was three miles over the border. Therefore he was canadian, that's not what dna does. It shows a lineage and shows its. It can be interesting in some ways. The show migration patterns of that I wonder if he would it would save his blood, would show that he's thousand times more hispanic then Robert Francis order or its term we would show that we, so it's dressing enough from that standpoint of her, trying to put. This is behind her and fall. Flat on her face, first of all its It does not even show the native american thing. Second of all, for which is interesting about this. Is they do have an idea who they believe the native american relative was? It was
her great great great great great, mother. I think Earl generations back and when she registers in the seventeen hundreds she reggie as white now the theory again as put forth by the the warrant, pain and- and- and this is true that He would have had an incentive at this time to identify his white instead of a native American, because there is a lot of violence against native Americans at the time. So if you can get out of saying- if you're in Nazi germany- and you said you were not a Jew right- you and the bureau to get away with that. Be some serious incentives to do that. Number one obvious Why that's true? We don't know that it's true with this person right, we know was true with hit her great great, great, great, great, great grandmother, kite any secondarily bud. What have we learned from regressive? We ve learned, but if you I as something you are that thing this woman identified as white.
And now or her what she herself has identified as she's, And she was white and now we're gonna tell her she's, not That was what I was not allowed to apply to any more. We can do that to her, but Elizabeth Warren is identifying as Cherokee. So we have to accept that he is, but we can't accept. Look I would urge greater great grandmother identified. I know what it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, doesn't I mean really seriously. This is so ridiculous. This story is just so I dont The chair, I don't care, I don't care that she's lying in the people shadow, you know she's lying. Let me just play looking I want a cigar store, Indian, with Elizabeth Warrens face more than anybody else on the planet. So don't get me on a sound those, yet those God only knows what we ve got to start making them. I want one more than life itself. Okay, so you know where I'm coming from. However,
You know we all have things. I have a story in my family. Ok one of my great great great grandfathers. Now my my grandfather actually took a horse, a b, a full size horse. He was, he was kind of a vat and he came and he grabbed a underneath. The chin he didn't have to. This horse down didn't, have a gun or anything else input and he took him and he punch dim in the head and knock the horse out. Ok, so my family my mind my mother's side. There, big people They may they they had muscles in them. Then I dont have ok, now the legend in the family, is that my great great regret grandfather. Was this guy? They I don't know why they always involve horses, but what, if neighbours horses kept jumping over and we
getting into his gardener whatever I don't even want this, and he picked it up. And threw it over the fence. I don't know if that's true guerrillas and say it's not my family, you don't zombie could be true, it might not be true. Who cares? That's what I grew up hearing same thing with her. She might have grown up hearing yell yeah. This is what I was, but it was there wasn't. There was not true how many advantages through your life did you get because you had people in your family who, through horses over over walls, I was almost marinated entered W w e, but how many If you told extra you been, they are for many years. Never! Never! Never! Since you you you, yeah yeah, I get it. I again, it's our! She is you trying to play identity politics if you're gonna play identity, politics, you better be right on these things and that's why I didn't give you that are valid its values. I give you the exotic. Story. I mean you know why. Well, you know what he is. A huge part of this story is that
turkey. Nation came out yesterday, and said quote- You may test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current d, a test do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America, so in tribal nation, set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while dna tests can be used to determine lint lineage such as returning to an end? vigil it is not evidence for tribal affiliation, use DNA class tests to claim any connection to Cherokee Nation or a tribal nation even vaguely is Anna appropriate and wrong. Makes a mockery out of dna test and its legitimate uses wildly. Honouring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose end esters are well documented and whose heritage is proven.
Senator warranties, undermining tribal interest with her continued claims of tribal Eric did ok, look, it's not a good look there. There not they're not offering the peace by peer to her. You'd probably zip it, and it does this not gone this whole saga of the last few days whispered as you point out ridiculous story. Does this not proven? a whole serve as a gigantic warning signs Democrats to not nominate her. This is No! No! No! No! I looked. I want this. This is a science. This she's, you should be as an ordinary cock, really jeez, yeah she's great she's great she'll get thee. The minority, vote, she'll get native american vote, all vote use. While anybody who is one one thousand twenty sixth of anything is gonna, be voting for I'm afraid of her. She should she should be the nominee its work.
Convincing, as I think, and I haven't got it- We either spokesperson or VP core both or bone. That's a scary ticket or enough money. I think they should do it. I think they, a powerful about it. They should get together our filter by cuts due. I brought this. If I change my filters, does I got my filter by thugs, I've ts. Okay, remember! I said I don't even know where my filter is. Why found it? Ok about it that started as white That's very dirty! That's yeah! I went upstairs and I said, see the white and there I mean I have lived. I should about the other filter in that I had the replaced it with but but see started his white. It's it's! Aren't you charcoal grain, that out- and I was ashamed to say, You know the truth, so I said honey. Why Have you not told me
that we needed a change to the filter before now, look at what we ve been breathing you're, just a bad person That's a good directive envisages look jeez what I pulled out. She just likes to be shook her head, like your pathetic anyway, now pathetic, because a filter by filter by dot com, they're gonna, send it to your house, and I don't have to rebounded against another one's gonna, come to my door and when the other one comes to my door, I pull it out and I just pushes went in its really simple filter. I dotcom made here in Amerika. You get five percent off. If you you know, if you'd just sign up like idea that you just have them recurring, still thereby dotcom make it really simple? For yourself it is filter by dot com. You know user, here's a problem with Elizabeth Warren. For the Democrats, people are sick of it
now the you know the live. The left is not sick of this, but I think the average democratic just sick of this, as as Lee the rubble, republican and independent, is I mean it, you know starts with shout your abortion. Shout her abortion, nobody wants to shout their abortion. Nobody thinks that's a good idea, except for the extremists and the and the revolutionaries in the marxist, and you know the the post modernists everybody else's. Like don't shout your abortion, that's not something to be proud of so you have this. You have anti far you have, If you know hating cops, hating, whites, hating, men, hating capitalism, shutting down of free speech, hate God, people aren't People are not in too, you know all in third grade. There's a transition party because all genders or fluid they're not in to that end, they ve had enough of it with Elizabeth Warren
doing this whole, I'm native American. Nobody cares. Who cares if she is? Nobody cares if she isn't me what did brings does it make and sold by playing into it. She's just making it about identity, politics more and more and nobody cared. People are done with identity politics, I'm telling you there done with it and the the first candidate? what we already know, the first candidate was Donald Trump, the city care. I don't care care? What you say about me here, what you accuse me of Otto care. That's why I he won because he that's why twenty percent of the people who voted for Donald Trump and you'll never hear this from mainstream media because they don't they dont. The Democrats what this known twice ten percent of the people who voted for Donald Trump voted or Barack Obama. It Lee once many
twice so they came over from the democratic side their sick of it there sick of it. Now may, not like his extreme tweets and everything else, but they definitely Don't like the idea that yeah we're gonna get rid of capitalism? Does it's an old, outdated idea? Yeah? You know we think we should shut down free speech. All I hate those cops they're, all murderers men. Boy manner troubles freshly white man. Did you know that I'm indian, and that's really great, I shouldn't have said Indian. It really should be native American, because India shut up now He cares with all stuff that is going on in the world shut up. The issue here. Is you don't win that twenty twenty primary with twenty year thirty candidates in it? Without appealing to those activists who do believe all that craziness. So there
There are similar start, their hardly call incentivize right. You win those people over early, which is why there are coming out and anus. Why do the Spartacus moment happened? Why Khumalo Harris was so crazy during the cabinet thing? It's why? I've been out he's on tv within over the crazier crazier stunt every day, but should also. How do you see what is to happen as you'd have to eat the go over to the extreme and then you'd moderate. Could be able to moderate with those people how do you moderate? How do you go over to the side of Antiphon say: hey Idle, think anybody thing is wrong with Antiphon shout your abortion Then, when you get the nomination, come back close enough to the centre to where people are going out. She didn't really mean the shout the abortion thing, but she didn't really mean advance concerned to find the shall your abortion people are not gonna. Let you get away with it. If you get ear, you ve been eaten. You and by the hard left, and Democrats Crasser waken up to it. They don't like it
happening on campuses. They don't like what's happening in the news. They may not like what's happening in the White House either, but they're not about shouting their abortion. This is the Glen Back Programme. Will Stanford welcome to the programme? Glad you're here, our you, sir. I Glenn on doing great good, So will you could have a meal you're welcome welcome to the programme. What's, on your mind, well, I do. Written you an email and wanted to say He very much for being an inspiration from there. I followed Paul. The accent I was eleven years old and I see you was water, the gray and then political commentary. Today, and recently I saw an interview between you and Ben Shapiro. And you came out and spoke about your past with alcohol,
and that you had an urge a and I talk to you, and struggling with alcohol myself, I'm being drunk. When I watch that video you and I- stop that Ireland. You notice this man with others that's what he goes through if he has managed to overcome this problem and become a better person will have seen a good changing your personality, become much more humble, and so the bureau inspiration I decided to step out and go to myself and a huge help. Colored refer you when did you When did you start about three weeks ago and you're still, some you're still sober. Absolutely having a great I'm a girl, that wasn't my experience, but good freaky, good free so so,
what was it that was said in that, but that turned you No, it will be talking about the way it was funny. It it was really impacting to take sherry. Be so honest I mean it s got to be tough being public I'd come out, something so personal that really hit me like a ton of bricks. And I knew it about the the lady in your again your group? That said all honey, we're all drugs in this room, and I thought I'd always seen a meetings as probably something way more or people it wouldn't stand me or anything like that, and that was the one moment that really turned my attitude, let me go, I can walk in the door and I can do this and I'll be ended, I found out to be true, but are you
every a meeting is different. It just depends on where you are and if you don't find one that you relate to go find another one because they are- Wildly wildly different. I walked into a a meeting in Midtown, Manhattan and beyond, I had a hard time relating to people because they literally were in the gutter and just coming out, and I never experience that, and so it was. It was different for me, but you'll you'll find the people you relate to I'm so happy for you did People in your life know that you're having a problem will yes, you know my problems have been pretty it's for a long time. I struggled with alcohol for almost twenty years. And I first I first got drunk when I was fifteen up. I've always struggle from self confidence issues which is gonna of under current that
Heaven help make, and when I was around nineteen, I was in a terrible relationship and had a bad break up and and got and alcohol to kind of cope with it try and get over it and get over the emotions. And I made a terrible drunk decision and China in retaliation. I committed a crime, my parents helped me through that time got me counselling got me things that I needed, but with this outcome thence issues. I have always hatred that came from committing that crime and coming out about. I was drunk every day for about seven years. You know and I held my life together. I would sober to go to work, I come home and just get tank. You start all over again and then back in there's two thousand eight. I had a terrible accident drunk again around of fireworks,
from. Why omen? and walked fifty percent of my left hand. Oh, my gosh. And that didn't sober up. I sobered up for for years and I got married We took on three step kids and walked into a different life read out my relationship of God and I came to a point of stress, as comes in marriage, and fell off the wagon and others, way because I had forgotten God that I didn't keep my eyes on the future. It was good. I've I've kind of bob in and out of alcohol problems in and thank God for my wife, she's been so patient. I don't I don't deserve this woman, she's, wonderful, and so, I sobered up for a while, but wait a year and a half, and over this past summer I walked away
the family company and got into a job that I thought I wanted and those people that job Just aid me alive: it I'm not really hit myself, compliments bad, and so I was drunk for six months ago. I was working us stand sober just after work, Amanda come only get drunk. I was isolating myself from my family in my office, a sleeping in my office in it really hampered my relationship with my wife and my kids. He also by the time I others interview between you and ban. I was at my own rock bottom. You know I was a rack, but I was keeping my wife together and I was very honest with my wife- about my problems with my parents. You know and recent live you back into the sea my company I wanna, take it over. I know that that life is for me and beyond I'd like I said, I followed politics and tables
kid and really want to. My aims is to write a book despite my past, which I might get eaten alive for I'd like to enter political realm and kind of get on board with you and and other people and political commentary, and use my experiences to inspire people as well. Well. That is a great goal, and I am so glad to hear you said that time you know they got is a part of your life because I would not have made it without my faith. Man, my and my wife so Would you do me a favor? Listen to me. I want you to listen to a couple things there. There was an interview that I did a couple of weeks ago. Stew, his name he's the pastor, was wrongly accused, went to jail and they did and- Maguire go to my podcast and listen to Jean Maguire
He was wrongly accused spend thirty four years in jail in prison. And his attitude and story of redemption and also sobriety is remarkable and then also you might find it useful. I did an interview with Louis House school of greatness a few weeks ago and that kind of goes into things a little more. I was operating on about three hours sleep when I did that energy and I listened to it. I went oh dear god. What am I doing so there? It is that's very frank on that one you might want to you. I want to listen to those. Do me one more favorite you have your wife call me if you fall off the wagon just just for a little just innocent. When we can we can, we can chat on the air and then the and maybe that provide a little incentive for you for you not
my wife, my wife, told me if I ever drink, she leave me and I believe her and at that, this crossed my mind. I believe, even if you don't start treating, she may be there she's she's, getting up to the point now we're just like I'm gonna start drinking or I'm gonna, let view but but best of luck to you will, when you least it backed it expected. If you, Just remember that that your mind will be no you better than than you think, and it will play all guns games with the b. You will make it when you least expected expected. I made a book out. And we're gonna put put it into into the mail for you. Thank you so much rate people. I appreciate it. I you know I want to spend some time, maybe on tomorrow show I want to spend some time about this, I'm getting so much mail now on people who
trying to go through recovery but, more importantly, I'm getting a lot of mail about Depression and suicide. Now- and I know no, why this is happening, but suicide is a huge spike and I don't think people understand it, and I want to share some of the things that I have seen in the mail and some things that I've heard of you saw a star is born. I do not know. Sprightly Cooper lady Gaga yeah. They also be now Oscar contender. I think they're, both gonna win Oscars mean they. Should it's it's it's fantastic. But it is SAM. No one will wreck anything, but it term deals with alcoholism and and suicide, and it's it's very powerful and its betrayal of that, and
there are no suicide is in our is in his Ike iced right now and so well, we'll talk about it. Way. Tomorrow be mentioned. You signed a book for for him and the book. Of course it did. He d outrage we ve talked about about twitter five zillion times in the past couple months, you may know that it is available in bookstores Howard one thing we don't mention often is the subtitle, and you know that it's about how Treating the country right and admitting that we have a problem not like us but like the country is as a whole as a whole, has an issue with the way there dealing with problems, and if you You look at that it causes about. What do you have in front of me? How thinking like a recovering attic can help you he'll the country? Now I mean it's, it's it's those principles that are helping him get through that alcoholism, right that a lot of same principles would work on our country, know they definitely wood and
That's right! You know you get into some of the editor addiction issues in the book, but also how that applies to everything we have to deal with an entity that basis with it. Or for Michael Evan ADI like this. Is it that's? What's the book is about right? It's about being able to plot apply those in it. The poles to other situations it starts at the UN it starts at the beginning is not just a meaning. You have a problem that we all have a problem. The nation has a problem and I think we can all admit that, but it really it release it. It's a scam I think there is a section in here that in the book that really came before as an alcoholic I had to decide is life? worth living and in the book there is a chapter of. Are we good or are we bad? Is this republic? Is the american experiment? worth saving and we're talking about that we're seeing people
ere it down, but nobody who's talking about. Is it worth? Saving so I'll. Do weeds answer question The book go through that and I think the right. Owed to recovery of of our ills in this nation start there. Oh you know you can say Hillary Clinton can say well, I can't compromise with people in. I can't even talk to those people because they want to destroy everything I believe in what is you believe in. And really believe in dont. Tell me the trite little thinks tell me about Amerika tell me who you are now she can't do that because I don't I just don't think that she's she's honest enough to tell me she's the politicians seas of calculate And so are most politicians right and left it's up to. Us. We have to say that to our neighbours that we think we disagree with. Can we just? Can we not talk about politics for second,
is America worth saving, is it a good place or a bad place, and the book shows you how to have that conversation and gives you some some facts both on good and bad. His both sides have to but have to up to the plate. Both sides Republicans generally see raw. All the good things, red white and blue and were patriotic as we believe and we don't, onto here the bad things, because usually the bad things are being told to us by people who hate the country we have to go out and learn the bad things about the country and those people who that's, no! The bad things about the country have to go and honestly look for the good things, because. I know about you, but I'm both good and bad in my struggle every day is to be more good than bad three little. Better than I was yesterday, and if I left Self go I'll, be a bad guy.
We ve let herself go we're not trying To balance that anymore,. We're saying we want to save this: will why why what's worth saving what is it? What are we saving. And can you save quote the free market system by vice leading the free market system? The answer to that is no. So what is it we're saving and is it worth saving and once we decide on that will know the path forward? What are they correspond to the set our its exchequer? Just new chairs for the studio and it's the exchequer stew. How do you like it love it's over now, it's great it's really comfortable and that's not Thea. We had kind of like I know my colleague cheap,
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and racial balancing. I think they're about to lose the land back. Mercury swing back is coming lie to talk about the right tat forward and to make fun of the people standing in the way we might not be able to save the country, but at least we can all go down laughing Glenn, backed by the addicted to outreach toward on toward this ball, back election by the numbers. So, let's start with a Senate Glenn and right now it is looking very good for Republicans. You control the Senate input potentially even expand their majority on fact the chances, are pretty good that there are to be able to do that. Let me give you two that we have a little graphic here. You can kind of set up here will sit. We let everyone in a radio knows well, there are forty six seats that are pretty much assured for Republicans right now:
We cannot use the solid Republicans seats you're up to about forty seven and then three seats that our leaning Republican right now, they're, Texas, Tennessee and North Dakota. All three of those are leading to the republic inside all day, did. You was win the leaning states and their two fifty, which gets them control the centre for at least a couple years. There are six races in the task of category and each one of those is going to expand that majority. If they can do that, so I mean Arizona seems to be going in the right direction right now. There's a couple of Florida Nevada, which are really close, easily total Ta up races he's around. Very close right now, but you can easily see a scenario where Republicans can get to fifty three or fifty four seats. Did it all comes down to this question in my mind, do you want to shout your abortion, or not a shout your abortion I'd, rather you do. You believe that it is a healthy direction for the country to be have representatives and senators who
stand right next to people say shout your abortion be proud, a Europe abortion, none no, what happened is safe and rare what happened? I was The greater part of it is dead. We're about to shout Euro Board should be proud of it. Let's make a comedy of it, and I got news for you by the way abortions are not safe. In fact, they are a hundred percent effective at killing something yes, I never was safe. It is currently legal care about rare anymore, that one does not know the wind and it's not just that. It's extremists on all fronts. If you, if you look at what is happening in portland- and you think this Are you know? I want more that? Well, you know who to vote for that's it at times you have. You want em in look at all the things we ve seen over the past few years and from everything occupying Wall Street occupied. Got waters. State house are occupying the keys don't pipeline FBI buildings in Portland. You want,
to continue there's a way to get at it. There's no way to get it in fact, turn devalue up, rigorous and his friends will do it. Are we we wanted to bring gave him again Gavin Is a our tv house get off my law, which is, I think, my favorite name of any show and he's in trouble now, because the press is decided, he's he's very, very violent, he's canadian writer actor in comedian. He is the co founder of vice media and vice magazine. And now and see our tv, and we welcome him to the programme Gavin. I really appreciate you come on I am really happy to be here for the few places tying the right story. Well, I will tell you this. I mean or tribe, believes in take him on and on and that's a totally find me
a tribe reluctantly is more of you now stand with peace and more Martin Luther King, New York Malcolm X. I want us to be able to understand each other and live with one another cause you're, not the let me end and what you guys are doing. I totally and completely understand you ve had enough, and you want to stand up and say: because nobody else is am I right is at what what's happening or look at those to those two versions wouldn't have been that different on Friday night the the guys who were looking for a fight. They got in some extra kicks. Why so? That's maybe five seconds violence that wouldn't have happened if it went your way, that's five seconds out of three days: terror and teach them was, was threatening the venue they were giving death wretched. Its old lady
answer the phone they're getting on a new start. Not let's go back to what you are doing what the venue is, what you have to on the poster, because I think that MR is just of entertaining but go ahead. Why o Koyo Yama good she killed the socialists? Would a samurai sordid nineteen sixty and it's a funny troll. Let a right wing guys deal it's like the Pinochet thing, rewrites helicopter rights for commies early satire right right though it is, that kind of set up. I announced on Tuesdays, call myself or Toy Yama Gabby and I'd photoshop myself into his mouth shut. The second we announced that- and anyone who knows me too knows it better and cheaper, goes all black They start attacking the venue attacking the old lady there, the culture coming from all over the. Country by the way? So this is a planned attack that anti for his work? I think
at sea and the people working in Hampshire this was well organised and well funded. So then, that those attacks continue night before the venue totally trash window, smack big ridiculous, pretentious manifesto kneel to the door of it says that we put the Republicans on notice. This is only the beginning. We are not civil which, by the way, the Hilary quote I get to the menu that night for the next night. Total and outer chaos beautifully made sign. Screaming hurling bottles of urine which one of them I call on the way out organised rallies like that. There's this guy animals had your fee. If you really get deepen the Fox Where he's calling anti fine thing. Are you guys go right? Over there, a citizen journalists get beat up, they take his backpack, the police. Him and then they they were arrested. Citizen journalist, yet not Friday, rats three out at an who mob disk,
Ok, but I had I interviewed him today and he was talking about coordinated attacks, seemed very military, so this isn't anarchy these anarchistic Well, you know, I don't know, I'm sure you are and too far Austin, is on their facebook. Page has called for a gorilla style taxes. They can. They ve called for a what do they call it a blue shirt army or something I read a red shirt. Our I can't remember they're, calling for people there I just want to go out and do what antiphon normally does, but there also calling now for eight an actual standing army and they were looking for people that no military tactics that could teach people so let's that's happened- Of course Facebook doesn't have a problem with with covering that, but
that must be. The men had got. The police are looking for that. My citizen journalists told me about so yeah. That's got guts were charged with assault and robbery because they gets back so now you and I, by the way, peace, former mindless, became more correct. I same experience right up till this days and then it's time to leave. I come out there. I got my plastics I make a toy dynamic which each oak and make that I heard the urine at me. I jump in the car and then this group of probable These are the last wanted to go. They they leave and the video camera that's breaking I'm one one on twitter, they attacked by Anti. Only clad with all their gear and they throw a bottle at them, and a huge fight breaks out now: your world that fight would have been diagnosed, K, cops, cops or something like that in an outcome actual it's a little bit longer, but again, five to ten second different so wished
Harris here you, the real issue, is we are up against Thomas lunatics with no agenda no plan, it's like they know where we're gonna get no are gas and oil from after the revolution. These guys just won a burn America to the ground and the media is on their side. I know so it's so frustrating, because we have the same kind of thing happening out in in Portland, Oregon and no Portland has I dont know who this mayor is what I mean What the hell is he doing where they're already directing traffic antiphon, the police are standing a block away than they do nothing my understanding with these two per laughing towns like Berkeley in Portland, if the man, allowed Anti for the re and then he can say sorry. Trumps supporters are trouble
I mean look at all the case, as it happens. What somebody like Trump shows up one on republic and concern that around so I was just if you dont want Antipater around stopping being that's their sort, a model and it works it is interesting because the because the initial video seem to indicate that your guys were in the wrong that they They started this in and they started the violence Second video that was released, however, shows clearly someone from aunt. If a throwing something, the bridge, proud boys and and at night when, breaks out. It was not something that you guys at least that the main one that has been covered. It was not something that you guys instigated. It's strange, how quick the media is to run with evil, nazi narrative without doing any research whatsoever and strange to how the media takes a five second clip and makes that the total store
when we have days and days and days subterfuge days in Asia, domestic violence, they almost, I must point out. I think you don't just like Antigua, they aren't you for, I think about it. Journalists, the lower half PO bloggers, we'll go to rally of math I am convinced I will tell you, I am a very hard time defending the press, which I have tried to be more moderating on my on my words with the press, but the the deeper, We get in to the violence on the streets and the calls for kick him when they're down in all of this stuff there no excuse when, when, when the, when they will not call a mob a mob an angry mob. When everybody knows what that means I don't know what I don't know what to say.
How you gonna kick border restaurants sucker crossing just today said: can't go to restaurants and no longer conservative can go to a restaurant, that's a new one and its because the media will throw around white supremacist like it. It means absolutely nothing awaits the parameters. Is nobody sees white people as, above all other races just inherently better. All the other reaches out of America, then, is a remarkably s care view to have its debts. A crazy you to have the latest, throw it on us and its text like glue as it affects our family. Affects our lives, better person alive, there's gotta be some culpability. There ok so given hold on for a second, I want to own it. Did you ever across the break in and just you, what it is you believe What is the America that you see and that Europe for back with gaps
again is coming up in just a second. Let me tell you a little bit about gold lying if you, Think this stuff is going away quickly. It's not if the Republicans lose one or both houses of Congress. We are in wearing for a real wild ride. They are going to subpoena the tax records and when they don't get the tax records from the White House, the White House will bring it to the Supreme Court and then the demo rats will say the Supreme Court doesn't have to It doesn't have a right to do this, because of of Cavanaugh ON and Cavanaugh needs to refuse himself and he's not gonna accuse himself. Then they're gonna try to impeach cabin on and they all impeach Donald Trump. I mean it's this what's happening. This is what's happening these, we're playing for keeps and they are not paying attention to. Things like I out know the economy. Is it isn t really heard in ice?
the tweets from Donald Trump all the time I see all the stuff there saying about Donald Trump, as anybody really heard? What's going with the stock market. Does anybody really paying attention to what's happening with Saudi Arabia? That's a pretty big deal. When you look at the price of oil, We pay a vision that nope not the media, Norman, put together a report for you on all of the scenarios that could happen if they take one or both of the houses and they're they're, pretty you, you need to be aware of them. Things can change quickly. By gold and silver as an insurance against chaos, and I were becoming more and more chaotic gifts. Copy of this report, now what is coming next? Due to this, election. Eight six six, like one thousand, eight hundred and sixty six goldline inform yourself now, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six gold line or gold.
Com. We're with gave again is: who is the host of get off my law on see our tv He is a writer actor comedian. He is the founder co founder of vice media advice magazine. And also the leader of the prow boys, which the media is saying. You know their their violent and racist activists so tell me who you really are given tell me what you're really fighting for what is your vision of Amerika wealth, I'm, not the leader of the proud voice. I just started it there It grew organically. I just happened to be there and it grew organically to someone I want to stand up to the violence of visa, who were pepper, sprang, their culture and Lord Southern in me, and all these other people who just want to go to a talk- and they haven't stopped with this violence
Inevitably, when you that, while a media slashing tired, you gonna have the tire boys you're right, and so this group would not exist if, teeth. I wasn't trying to shout people down in trying to take them out. I don't think so. I think you did. They disappeared a power like the Alps watch you they wouldn't becoming, but to defend people. But more importantly, though, the way I feel personally is America's grace contractor, because it is not about identity politics, because it's not about your action. It is in Britain or where you come from its about meritocracy. You come here. You posture, ass, you at least appreciate judeo christian values. You could be an eighty is, but you have to understand that is the backbone of the country, and as long as you give your part of us herein we'll character from Uganda, Singapore, you posture ass, your into american values. Urine
and there's not a lot of places like that in the world, it is very rare to have that, but a lack of class ism, Annette admiration for independence and liberty and hard work, and we got there. A horrible list of Upton Downs and and rights and wrongs and trying to correct things. We had slavery, for treatment of the Indians was not the, but without what you expect for some time the sermon on Mount withdrawing commanded, you says, but we ve. We we got here altogether to all this mess in all this, and here we are in the three countries of the world and we get people complaining thing, it was never great and an that's. What pisses me off and if I wanted that, would we get cold white? The premises because the reason we love America is. It doesn't bother with all that crap game This for a long time, I think that we need basically just said aunt. If I was a baby didn't exist, they ignored them completely and as the vial, has escalated. Their new tactic seems
the be well. Yes, there is violence, but it's it's the proud boys fault or it sets the right wings fall have you noticed or they're just exercising my favorite? Is there just Exercising their first amendment right of assembly and petition, of course, and growth are curious, even if you detected a difference recently in the approach from the media as it is trying to make your our group, the real value of the real villain in their speeches. I mean I favour. There's a twig tweet strangling on about the alleged violence by proud boys members and it was retweeted by people like Maggie Haber men. Like the big time reporters were going after this, you ve become. I think, a central target in this is that do feel that. Definitely I think that the ass he put their heads not he'd have no home here, that's the only thing they have to say to America and its an idiotic thing that data like sitting, we We are sick of violence, like me,
really weird concept. These evil nazis and, I said we're America of the clan and Nazi now there are not so good go. Oh, we got expand than that here. So now. Anyone who disagrees with them is part of this evil hate they have to stop and I unfortunately have fallen into that that definition, and it is that it's me, that and cheaper and the media and the DMZ are all in Cahoots. Like Cuomo was saying hey. This is like a, I can put it on dry dry grass and then the wind just takes it. I think the matches Antigua The wind is the media and again be are starting fires. Are you, I have to tell you. I have a hard time disagreeing with that. Seeing the way the the left has just consumed the Dnc, I mean there than theirs
you know when you, when you're into of an organization where you're starting to say you know shout your abortion and and and that kind of really spectable kind of behave. You're bound and determined discharges going way off the rails and there they Are there there, the extremist party? Now it's all getting so great, I mean they used to it and at the same instant written by the way. The way that Did he ever uses anti further paramount till it kept Para What are you doing here? the media users that you hottest over there in and the attitude in both cases the My enemy is my friend he first language and that the Anti Lambert's getting more and more similar? Just like that note that we are not so that's what he said: when we go low when it, although we kicked him or makes you wonder, saying no, not freedom. No spell p.
Sure what ever go to their homes attacked them. We got people on CNN, saying that there are to be Saunders chip. As for the rest of her life, that's a life sentence if, at the same thing about Susan Column, the setting rice him to Republicans, we got ran, pause, white sleeping with the gun. We got senators getting the Tec be heading for the cabinet. Come then I mean. Can you tell the difference in although stories between Cuba and the DMZ, They are very similar to me Mcguinness thanks brother, preceded just Douglas, given It is from sea or tv get off my law on these. Are the conversations we should be having we should be looking inside and saying what is it? I believe what works? Doesn't mercury You know in the year in the book addicted outrage. I
in some people who have read the book think that it is about certain bring or or just making friends with the left? And it's not that's not what this is about at all, about knowing what you believe and then taking a strong stand, but with a different approach because times have changed and they're getting more and more dangerous, and I have to talk to you about Martin Luther King for a long time somebody the wrote read my book, who I really respect. They they read it and they said tat your about a year to a head, I'm not sure, maybe maybe because Think more people will look at this as things become crazier in crazier. Maybe, but it's not about its,
about reuniting with the left, because I dont think you can unite with the left. The left has gone insane. I think you can with a lot of Democrats. Not talking about the ones in Washington. Not talk about political people, integrate your neighbors. But the first thing we have to do is unite with each other We have to unite people, people who or on the right part of the spectrum need to come together. We have to come together and I'm I'm really. I am I dont like thee, hey your. The train or you're, not on the train. What are talking about? What train wears a trained going. Here's a train that we should all be on the declaration of independence, the constitution and the bill of rights? Because that's why people came here in the first place, people die in the middle of the night in the dust. To get here because we have a a rule of law, be we do
I have a class system, you can break out you work hard. You're, smart and Europe it'll be lucky. You can break out. You can. Change the world you can invite. Something in your garage and become bill gates? That's America! That's great that's why people come here, and we're losing sight of that and so the first thing we have to do is ask: are we worth saving and I think the answer across the board I'll bet you eighty percent may be. Ninety percent of America says. Yes, America is worth saving. So what does that mean capitalism capitalism but not necessarily the way we're doing it. Where its playing favorites, because institution, but we haven't been on the constitution or the bill of rights in a long time. But we do need a rule of law, Let me start asking you just a few questions, health care who you voted for. I don't care what I did the aisle IRAN Joe,
answer yes or no. Do you hate men? Do you hate white people? Do you hate black people, you hate Jews. Do you hate cops? Do you hate capitalism. Do you want to shout down others that have a different opinion. Do you want to shout down God or hate God? Do you Believes street violence the way we solve things in Amerika. If you answered yes to any of those things, I don't think I have much in common with you, but I don't care who you voted for I'll betcha,
ass majority said, no to all of those things, and it was hard Moonlight own. It was no no oh no, no, no, no, no. That's, who we are. Those are the people we? U need. We need to unite with, but the easy ones to get. Are the ones on our own side. Haven't Mcguinness and I made: to agree on a lot of things. We disagree I believe that it would be. Much more helpful to take the Martin Luther King Pledge go and walk through Antiphon. Singing hymns and let them club you in the head go ahead. Let club you in the head. I know that's not fun. I dont want that, but that video of not breaking ranks and not punching back there.
Video will speak to eighty percent of Americans that Your will cross all barriers people will say ok, look at these got they're, not even defending themselves. Look at what they're doing to them. You evil, verses, good side by side and people in America at least still at this point we She was good, but it ass to be really good. To be a shining example of good it s to be over the top good. That's why This is where we disagree. I understand you know Gabby. In the end, the Prob boys, what they're doing I dont think they're wrong for wanting to do it, and I I think they're wrong for thinking that it's the right thing, because how is it right you? How is it wrong to stand up to bullies? I was wrong
I was wrong if the police won't stand up if the media won't stand up who's going to so I come legally understand that, then I can't blame you can't I get it. I just think it's not. Effective, because what happens is the media then just takes the peace of the video that they have where somebody swinging back and then they say it's their fault, so it's just not as effective, do I get clubbed in the head. No, no. But if Gavin and I can't come together- Even though we have big disagreements, our disagreements are not on the things that actually matter we're not talking tactics. The things that actually matter or the principles bill of rights,
constitution, declaration of independence, judeo christian ethic. Eventually the left, as you talked about the for shouting their abortion, their prey of their abortion in their heroes the proud boys are proud of the west. And there the villains, you know Thank you and gave income would agree completely on on what too, to be proud of. The fact that we know western the western way of life is is something to cherish it's a miracle. It is and in there's nothing wrong with with defending that at all. In our tactics are attacks. Tactics aside we have to. If we don't, finally just gonna go what we know there were only one generationally from losing this, as we all know, and maybe it them a generation seems like it could be. Week or two away at this, that this rate, so we after we sit there and defended its it's just you know, what's the matter
way of doing it, and I think that there's there's a discussion there, because I think I think has got would acknowledge what kind of talk about it in the interview they're gonna, be there? Can we the microscope now to go beyond our absolute best behaviour as well, when the tea party was going on right when we went out and did these rallies if there were, you said, don't bring signs because we know if there's one sign that's out of here if one person makes one sign that has any hint of something bad. It will be the entire story, don't bring signs, make sure you clean up when we when we walk away, we want, and we want this. This we had to be cleaner than when we got here and tie. After time after time, that happened More able to show to save it with any evidence that they were violent, so here's the thing I think, we're Her way ahead, but Roger else told me once he said you are so far ahead of the parade you're about four blue. Ox head the kid
when Siemens you walking by herself, I wonder for blocks ahead of the parade you're, just it his point on a stroll that was his buoyant and he you're so far ahead had a nice. I don't know I'm just doing what I feel is right and he said slow down your way too far at that was Advice he ever gave me I'd, never listened to it It was good advice and I think, when we were taught people used to sail it. I'm weight on by Martin Luther King Way talk about Martin Luther king. When we went to Birmingham. I said I want everybody here, which is a sign that that Martin Luther King thing well, there is nobody shouting us down. There is nobody doing that and I said on stage there will be there. It will be very kind How much time soon wear? you're going to have to decide there will be these times in our future- and you have to decide it now. We're just ahead a man
doing imagine doing a rally now we were afraid the restoring honour rally, because if you remember right, the black Panthers, we're gonna come and they were going to engage us well, the black pearl there is joined with with AL sharpen and they tried. They do us marched through. They didn't us trouble they just march through and we then go and this video of people saying good things as they're saying bad things- us we're saying good things to them now at the time What's it like anti far in Portland. And aunt. If I wasn't there. If you do a rally- and it is peaceful- and too far comes to attack and and we are the ones and we don't like us. What am I saying, good God.
And we don't turn away weed raise a fist. That's it for a story now and one that peat want to hear, because people are believing the media anymore and their seeing these words come out of. There are democrats, I'm telling you all over the country that say look I Maybe I believe, an abortion, but I dont believe in that globally partial birth abortion. I dont Even hey abortion should be. You know you should be proud of. It go shouted, it's great, there's nothing wrong with it! No normal! people. Look at that on the democratic side. I mean the voter that lives next to you, they look. Say look. I don't want to be involved in those decisions, but you know- I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that. Out of compassion medical, because as I dont know, people situation yes, but if thou That's your version of the pill and your
proud of it. That's a problem. That's who America is and they're looking there looking for a movement, looking for someone they can stand with, who just will call balls and strikes who are now. Going to say YAP. That's when Donald Trump Tweet, something stupid. You say it's stupid? I don't agree with that. But what he does something right, yeah I that look at that? Oh balls and strikes: that's what America is. The first thing we have to do is come together. In those principles, I don't care if you are on the democratic side of the republican side or the independents I don't care, I don't care who you voted for in the past. I don't care what you believed in the past. Would you if now, we believe or on the ropes.
You believe this system of government is worth saving. Do you believe this this capital is worth saving. Do you believe that The the scientific method is worth saving great Let's stand together and put our are due. Princes of approach aside, because we got a lot of work to see If this thing right now by the way Gavin has already been silenced on twitter and voices. Don't start coming together more going to be silenced. What was it five or six hundred we're silence! Last week from Facebook and I'll see anybody talking about it and see anybody talking about they're gonna came and went in just a couple of days. No big deal sixty million followers justice and acted from the voices that they were following last week
Sixty million nothing let me tell you about relief factor. Relief factor has been helping me, Olivier alleviate pain starting almost a year ago now is in December. I was getting did you go on vacation and we almost didn't go because my pain was so bad and I was just so desperate and mace who had given up. It seemed like just resigned yourself too. This is your life. And I was starting to resign- I was at the time saying this. What concern my wife owes its I'm sorry. I can't live this waiting where I just can't do it. I can't do this every day, and so I started taking relief factor and with three weeks I saw rate improvement I thought, okay. Well maybe this is maybe this is in order now I started taking it every day Continued one hundred percent drug free created by doctors, forky ingredients that help here
body fight against inflammation there three weeks I saw a difference and I'm getting back, and stronger every single day now it's amazing not on anything else, but really factor three week, quick start, try it I have nothing to lose, nothing to lose if everything to gain you, get your life back? Try it a factor: dotcom go there now relief factor, dot, com, still work What is it going to take me when you listen to govern Mcguinness about a half hour ago, the programme, and you listen when I said what it. So. What is it you believe in what is the America that you see? I dont see anything that should be shut down, and I think I don't see anything- that is dangerous or or any good that comes out from silencing, not only him, but You know even a crazy man like Alex Jones but
against Antiphon. I can see that when you get to this, you get to this point and you we ve always said more voices not last. Our approach should not fewer. I. Sometimes I get it, but you want them. That's the whole thing here, we're supposed to be able to talk about these things openly with people that you disagree with, and ideally right, like you care about something in your passion about it, you're working on persuading someone else s right. I dont know that you can get into a situation where you're on the streets talking to Antiphon that anyone can ever get convinced of anything. No, so I'm sorry, that's not where I direct my attention typically, but I understand that, like you can't have. If I lived in Portland right now, I would be happy, organizations were showing up to defend me against antiphon. I can see that get this? You get to this point and you mentioned earlier and when we
what about it? In both twenty fifteen in Alabama about how they know something there's going to be these groups doing these things are very ripping people out of their businesses there going to be doing terrible things are gonna, be destroying property. It's all here, that's all here and you know someone has to stand up for in it. The mayor's Knocker to direct the police to do it? What happens to the average citizen so organ Brazil next, because there is a there's, a presidential election, going on a Brazil that appeal to be pretty frightening and Steve Ban in surprise, surprise lies in the heart of back mercury, went back his coming like to talk about the right path forward and to make, via the people standing in the way we might not be able to save the country, but at least we can all go down. Laughing Glenn backed lie the addicted to outreach toward on toward this ball
back it's Tuesday October sixteenth. This is the glimmer. Our groundwater charge you a little bit about Brazil in the elections that are going on there. Nobody attention in this, because you know it's. It's was far more When we talk about somebody's Nuno Cherokee Heritage, but something it's happening in Brazil that can really upset the Americas, both North and south. They are. They are in an election now and the guy that might win. Has some scary earmarks and the press, if he ever hear talk about says, are thus Brazil's Donald Trump? No, no. I don't think so. Although I believe, speed banning is involved in this. This You remember when who was it Lula President and wasn't President Lula
it was really popular. Things are going well for Brazil. Everything seemed to be gone great for Brazil Fortunately, there was this huge corruption scandal in the government, and I think it was in the oil industry. It was ass. If just massive and a lot of people went to jail because of that the sum of the districts and put police had no fuel for their cars. Hospitals didn't have basic medication street crime; is off the charts and when that happens, then you start to get radicals. Fifty six percent a Brazilians now say that democracy is the best form of government, we we wanted to talk to somebody who could explain this to us and talk down to us, because, honestly, know very little about this Clarissa,
Only Vera is with us. Now she is some cover the brazilian general election. In Brazil for thee. Do you know the New York Times? If you will of Brazil Clarissa welcome to the programme, you can't land for. Having me sure the do you have a reason to be concerned about. Let me see his name is both Bolsa narrow, both an era we, yes, the fact is that brazilian voters are now responding to approximately decade of corruption. Scandals the workers body, that is the party from former President Lula- was deeply impact in the process. They are definitely not the sole responsible for these scandals, but as almost every large body in Brazil was reached
in some way by the car wash operation candle. You mentioned that started in the oil business. Generated in Brazil a completely different situation, burying the political class right, seven, seventy percent of Brazilian say they dont have faith in any political party right exactly and so what we are seeing here is more of a movement against the work. Spotty and the old way to make politics in Brazil, not only workers party, several traditional parties were infected in these elections, and this creates, an environment that allow jaded whistle matter to grow unexpectedly. No, Body thought it coming in this way I believe every other care all the other candidates were expecting him to stay. Small EAST and he'll be the Meda
the first three, and what happened? He was the victim of a knife attacked, and this allowed him to stay a far from the cameras and he was kind of protected so he wasn't exposed and the fact is, I believe yes, every country that has relations with Brazil, as a reason to be concerned, because we don't have any clarity on how it will be a both are not as governments. Ok, so you know exactly what the coming she he grew up in a time where there was military rule in Brazil, and that was that was overthrown. Democracy came, and he has hinted in the past that that's the way you know you should run a government he has is called for in what are the ninety nine, a civil war
and the liquidation of about thirty thirty thousand Brazilians. He is stronger airily divisive, but he is not here now talking about a smaller government. He is talking about a government run by the military, or at least he has in the past correct, and these surrounded by military, so he's closest advisers. Today military so an exception is APOLLO gadgets that is appointed as he's minister of economy. This guy is a liberal. So we have several differences of regarding president Trump. As you mentioned, he's a he's, a liberal, and he comes as he had strong relationships with financial markets in Brazil, so busy them. And then he points out as the base of the trust in his government, but
He says he is not clear how he will manage his own team. He has had some trouble controlling his advisers that have given interviews thing, instead he had later to unauthorized them. So it's possible bad. He will close down and keep a very close government regarding the press. For example, he has been using social media at his baby communication tool. This is the kind of the kind of the same thing that you got Java said when he was running the first time he said I'll know is not going to be this way. I'm not gonna die and he immediately I came in and he started taking over the media and end nationalizing, everything is Is there
is that where we're looking at, are we looking at a dictatorship possibility with, that is a military and is it when you say he's liberal. Is that it is that mean a socialist marxist or what does that mean exactly in Brazil, expect here, most analysed, don't see any mediate risk to democracy as he will take office and immediately he will shut Congress. That's not what has been discussed here at this time. What is expected is that maybe he could promote some change in constitution. It is not clear how he would do it. He has suggested that he could create a council that would, create a new constitution for Brazil, and that would be submitted.
To vote for after eight, so in the council to two people to electors in general, so it tattoo two to take back this this proposal, but it's not clear. He wheeled bring it back when he takes office, because the fact is that he's not going to debate, he is giving just a few interview it usually he controls the process has been speaking mainly through social media, so he has no conversation from the press and this creates an unknown territory. We don't know becoming bud Emily most analysed, don't expect something so drastic right at the time a including because in the legislative elections he God
a strong performance in from his allies in Congress. So we expect that he has some some level of governor melody and he will be able to do some of the changes. He intends to, but we still don't know exactly what would be the world changes. Can you tell me Steve bands involvement in this, but I also had a son advisable so now posted online awhile back a photo of him next to ban in and said Ben and said he would be glad to help in the campaign or something like this has generated a strong repetition. Bed. Bennet was involved than was responsible in a great part of both on a strategy, but both on auto himself came to public afterwards and was fake news. That has nothing to do with it. Would we know for a fact,
is that Ben and has given some indications that he considers both Boso NATO, an expression of this right wing movement that we see in other parts of the world and includes Donald Trump in this movement. So he understand that it is a clear wave in this direction. And also that it would be an expression of this, but we have no clear indication that he would be involved, there's a picture of him close to the president's presidential candidates, sun and some sort of a message that he took part in this somehow. But we don't know exactly at what point clear, a win win is the election finalized. When do we know now, at the end of the month on Sunday, twenty eight will The final result is very likely that considering the current pulse bad
also not a we'll, be elected. We yesterday we had a written Paul that gave us another fifty nine percent of valid votes and Fernando Dodge. If that is the candidate from the workers party, only forty one, though it's a big friends, and both or not or Paul after poor, has indicated that his electors are very sure of their votes, so we we would have I have a new fact something that would be strong enough to change. The scenario burn, very likely that hidden humans, they election Clarissa. I'll talk to you again after the election and find out, some more will be fine. Thank you so much per prescience. Ok, thank you. So much for having me, you bet what is disturbing about this is his history. He has.
He has a very, very strong history of of dictatorship, love and passion, and he is not Donald Trump. He's not IE has time in the government, and he is on record now. He says, he's a changed man, you know but- This is the way things happen. You don't come in as a dictator, you know, even Hitler didn't come in as a dictator He came in as a public servant and and think you're bad in Brazil, everything that is we we should pay attention to, is Steve Bannon STI Ban in his flying all over the world and he is held, being cobble together this populist movement and. Populism is neither good nor bad. It's. What are the aims,
and what are they? What what? What's you know? What does someone use populism to get through Populism is the Patriot ACT. You get so it sounds populist make it so it sounds popular make it. So it sounds like something everybody will want. That's populism can use it for good or evil, and in my Opinion Bannon is on the dark side of this one and he is definitely someone to keep your eye on and so are all the candidates that he chooses and choose to engage with because sir in the rest of the world, the The believe it or not, softness and tempered Donald Trump, doesn't necessarily exist, are spent.
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problem is Saudi Arabia, is that they wouldn't know per day for sanction. The Muslim Brotherhood well Saudi Arabia knows who the Muslim Brotherhood is and so he had a falling out with a kingdom, and then he had to go get a minnow divorce certificate, divorced. His wife and Saudi Arabia had to go in to leave saudi embassy in Istanbul, Turkey, and he disappeared, his fiance was waiting for him. Outside aid appears as though some these came landed a jet on the tarmac Kay. With a bunch of empty suitcases and a bone saw chopped him up and put him in the suitcases took him out of the embassy, put him on a plane and he's probably scattered over some desert in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia said: that's out landing, that's crazy, yadda yadda, the Turks went in
Apparently there was a massive cleaning crew that went in right before the Turks could go and investigate these are more things were leaked by the FBI or a sorry by the CIA etc. And now are. Terry of State, is over with the king of Saudi Arabia, and it looks as though they are going to admit that. Yes, They did kill him. But it was an interrogation that, just when horribly wrong and we're gonna punish all the people they were involved. So now twenty four episode. Us it's crazy here that this is. I mean this is honestly rear window, Alfred Hitchcock Miss exactly AL Hitchcock with somebody said, is sitting outside going wait. I I, I think they each her up. In that case the woman. I think they chapter up and took her away in the middle of the night. And areas like now. That's crazy! Let me
turns out it was and is the same thing here somebody sitting outside going. I think they chopped em up and took a mountain suitcases its it is cock rear window- and this is obviously gone- very arrive for the Saudis, because you don't do things like this and expect to admit to an interrogation gone wrong. Two weeks later, this autumn you do an you deny me. Russia does this all time their cost the killing journalism and intellectual? You are who you know. That was what is polonium. I've never even heard of the thing like that. That's their pattern and they never admitted if Saudi Arabia actually comes out of the yeah we kind of killed that journalists. That's a big moment in June. Politics is not a sign of tiny thing today or how, today or tomorrow, the way the President answers Saudi Arabia when, and they admit to doing this. This is an ally. This is one of our bigger backers. This is probably our best friend
to Israel in the Middle EAST. They stand against a lot of the stuff that we stand against their a b. Supporter now of Israel, We are in a proxy war in Yemen with them most people don't even know that, but were fighting a war in Yemen at them. Request and their fighting with us, they keep around an at bay. Where out to sell them a whole but load of arms. They also dont money into a tech industry Turkey is taking a leading right now because of this They also dump a lot of money, indoor banking system, but also that cool orb, that which is ok, let's sucking pretty sweet, sure, ok, the or predict this do. We know that has an own asked, the orb. Why hasn't anyone interviewed the orb about this incident? Nurse The orb is just me, stuff decided it he's stuck inside of how they said they had so much Mr President, do what do we do this,
you don't get involved in these things. That's none of our business. I mean I don't want it to be any of our business. I dont want to have our whole economy and everything else hinge on what they just did. You know like that. We don't want to endorse it, wouldn't want to be anywhere near. It certainly feels different, but I couldn't help me quantify the difference here for a minute these regimes are killing people all the time. Yes We know bad things are happening all the time, and you know Saudi Arabia's, not in innocent of these things. Is it just because it's a journalist is it just because it was on foreign territory and an embassy? Is it just? because you know like the Washington Post really cares, what happens to the skies are therefore become a big issue. Do they can go? you're a cushion honour and and and Trump because of the relationship? What would you would you think? That's a yes and all, I say yes to all of them. I don't. If this guy was a preacher, noble I ve been paying attention. Where did we get one back unknown? Nobody seem to care this one, because it's one of theirs.
The press care more about it, but also foreign soil, and you know the suit case thing. It's a pretty amazing story. Mercury This is the Glen Back programme. So still, can you help me war game this event, this Saudi Arabia thing, because right now, Congress is saying we want to slap major sanctions on them. Ok, you know that where we are at a point where I said you know back in the early two, thousands you're gonna get to a point where, You haven't dealt with these problems, it's gonna be too late, and there I'm gonna be a single good option. You are now I'm going to like the options. And so right now you have people saying yours got worse. We're not gonna sell the arms. Moreover, slap sanctions on they admit this is horrible in it is, it is, and that's probably what America should do. However,
Let me play devils Advocate, Oil is already up at eighty, some some. Oil is headed up to a hundred dollars a barrel weave pretty shut down the Texas oil reserves were me, we're slowing them down because of the price of oil. They couldn't make enough money, so they kind of them down. We have to open those things back up again, which we can do, but held hostage by oil, but a a spike a severe spike, a hundred twenty two hundred and forty dollars a barrel, that's what class, does last time in two thousand eight, was a spy. Two hundred and thirty one hundred forty dollars a barrel, you also have Turkey. This is coming from Turkey and Istanbul Turkey is no fan of Saudi Arabia Islands of power with Turkey is a little frightening
not likely the saudi royal funds are being in Silicon Valley, and that's why? One of the reasons why our stock market is taking hit, at least in the tech sector, because they think, if this the wrong way than the the fun than the funding is not gonna come from Saudi Arabia anymore. You know where the gonna go, to get it now there's other places for them to get money for the tech industry, but it was easy money from the South EAST it was easy to get. They had plenty of it. They were looking to invest it and when you lose a huge source of funding like that, it's in our can hurt the industry You also have Saudi Arabia being the massive check on on a ran if they are weakened. If They are weakened in the area, not only with a ran but also the Muslim Brotherhood. That's a significant force in our favour in that
I'm sorry Arabia has remained the least bad option in the region for awhile, Esta. Israel is Israel and Jordan and others that are then, I would say, are better options but with that amount of powers. And again credibility in the arab world. Obviously Israel necessarily have that but Saudi Arabia, you know is a is the big sort of beef Stop right. So what are we doing? We stop the worst of the things that your president, your presence president's, do what you do today, I'd resign enough I think you have to figure first, while we need, I would certainly the first thing I would do is have more information than they currently do. So while they are over, there were the king in the kings of such she's, screw up total screw up, sky blue. They were out of control. You know,
I wanted him brought over here they got out of control. They started torturing him for answers. He died, they just chopped him up, put him in a suitcase. Yes, all that stuff is true, and I can't really in these guys they ve all their already dead or whatever you know. But yes, we did it cheese. I mean I think you at the very least, are going to do something public you're going to do potentially sanctions or something of that nature. Here probably also going to tell them they need to be incredibly open about punishing these people sending that signal, Thank you but wind up as a precedent with everything that you have to deal with- I mean I think it's over. To take a stand and say the source of can't happen anymore. We stop relations with lots of a lot of countries who have done much worse than
killing one journalist a status. That is, I mean this is enough. This happened in the world. This is in the skies, not just a journalist. He is a. He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. That's really the problem here is that I believe that he was, you know how In the Muslim Brotherhood, again, Saudi Arabia and possibly even helping the Muslim Brotherhood here in the United States. So he's not just a journalist this that lets, let's let's clear that up this isn't Saudi re columnist really, and it's not that they were killing him because he was a journalist, but because of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood right think I mean it's. Its literally impossible to be able to judge all the moving parts behind the scenes that we don't know about right now. You know: that's why you. This is why you hire a precedent that you trust and- and and this is why you vote right- because its
situations of the with Bush revenue. You met with him during the war and he formed you of nothing now topsecret or anything, but a lot of the different. Things that you had to consider when making these decisions, and it was easy to say well. We should just never talk to Saudi Arabia, get thrown out. There's a lot of things behind the scenes they're doing, for example, helping in the fight against terrorism they ve been while as we all know, nine eleven many of the people came from Saudi Arabia. There's been sorts of questions on that, and we touch distancing ourselves for a long time- and this is probably a great opportune- to do that a little bit, but in others there been. They ve also arrested and killed a lot of terrorists that assisted us over the years as well. On those efforts. So I get it tough one. I think you have to said the signal you have to make sure that probably sanctions or something if this is actually a proven,
you have to, you have to do something publicly, but you look at the eminent Russia's done terrible things like that and we haven't. We haven't, acted anymore, not selling arms to Russia. Now known you're, not selling arms, to rush of the idea that ok, well arms sales help jobs is not agree argument, and this is the one thing that we have to. We can really consider the economy first, when you're talking about arms sales, but I think taking that step of of, probably sanctions and maybe that's what it is, maybe its arms. Is gonna, be an important really really important decision for us was present, Glenda, First, I go back History- and I look at the Archduke Ferdinand moment, because this is the exact kind of moment that the world thinks it's no big deal that could spiral out of control so quickly. I send my secretary of state over which is exactly what Trump did yesterday
I gather all of the evidence and then I am as strong as I possibly can. Understanding in weighing everything that is currently going on, trying not to weaken them, but not necessarily empower them as well and try to get myself out of it and long term strategy of getting away the bad guys, and then I think you know we're both going back and forth a little bit because we just don't know, what's going on behind the scenes, there's not enough information to make this decision logically. But what I say is that, while I am not a fan and all of this Slogan- American America, first and I It has a terrible history. In this situation, that is Your priority here is, make sure that whatever happens is whatever is in America's best interest. You start a war, you can't see You can't go crazy and just to make a statement if the law term effect of this is a negative for the United.
Its- we seen this with North Korea right like I mean it North Korea. You can, I think, make a serious argument that adult trump wants to go out there and be. I will talking about how he loves Kim Jong Moon a publicly. I think he thinks that's the best way to avoid negative consequences and if war I gotta say a bunch of words- is better go We were saying last night on the news why it matters again the South Korea, time to take care of that was under the Bush administration. We didn't Clinton York we didn't, do it and now you're in a situation where you have no good options. Well welcome to the world that we ourselves created or allowed it to be created for the same situation in Saudi Arabia. Let me go to Chad. The key in South Carolina, hello, Chad, How are you going to bury good? I dont get area given great. Just letting you know how much I'm enjoying the predicted outrage so far only under chapter.
Three EC led my girlfriend just bought me the book yesterday I didn't, I tell you reliable there were, as you open up and say, describe yourself as an optimistic catastrophism. I think I could not relate to that more. You know you have trouble showing people be the silver lining whenever you're highlighting The negative aspects that out behind it are all the ways that you can improve, and that I think it's great ok, I'll fire and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it Barton I'd like to get it out after I just I just made one to your general sent it off in the mail Do me a favor call me when you're done I'd like to hear what you think of the end. Ok, thanks ought by Our aid IRA sponsor this half hour we want to thank american financing for making this programme possible, home sales have slowed down heading into fall, but not for first time homebuyers. They act.
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Cooperation and then allow one eight do through three: four: W: W W Dot animal s, consumer access, dot, Org, you see the stars Borneo. I know my wife did, though she loved it, eat bread. Cooper and Lady Gaga both deserve an Oscar and but he deserves an Oscar. Is you have to go? You know I mean I don't wish that on any here. Punishing Beaulieu rightly so they indulgently punished with an Oscar know that their just finance, He is good at singing. As she is at acting it's incredible, and just a great sir. I saw it with my wife on Friday we went in. There is a whole row of forty, something you're old woman women all coming in with a glass of wine. And it wasn't pretty as in pretty lay just wanted him with his shirt off and it just as it is not an age.
And they drank and they drank and they drank and when we knocked out. I'm not gonna give away anything, but if it happens in his home active garage with the last couple of scenes- and you know it it's kind of the climax of the whole movie and- and you you know it kind of- is a threat that We ve throughout the entire movie hunger and we're standing in the lobby on the end, the gun at Edison Wet, her garage but in the end there like and the other was like steel, like What did you eat? They were to Seoul blasted losses. Why you did. I did see him with a shirt off, so that was good for them. Stay away from alcohol give due seems really judge. You should see it yet and it didn't miss very well.
At least as far as the reviews go, people are talking about it as a victim Oscar move. Have you seen? What does it first evidence? First, man. First man have you seen. I haven't, though, I'm I'm fascinated by these sort of cultural controversy around surrounding that movie, which, and we talked about it when the story came out, that they didn't, put the scene of them planting the flag and the moon right in the movie, which is the iconic moment of this story. I met, but. The argument was it's not is showing its making it into a global thing, and I said if they have the patches of the flag on their armed, yet they the USA on the rocket in the flag on the you know the lunar lander. What's the problem right. It's it's an odd choice. I thought you know it's the iconic, of that movie. Why? Wouldn't you put it in the move? I would say, conic moment of that whole situation. I don't think so. I think the economic moment is the one step for man that's another on here is I mean it's a couple, but now
Knives not seen the movie, but there's a couple articles that are out talking about the flag and, first of all, the flags all over the movie. I mean they, they think, incite vigour. Fifteen twenty examples are the flag all over the place, and some of it is like this, the patch organs, which would you kind of understand what we really obvious if they tell ya, but it's not even only just that, for example, apparently they don't show them planting the flag into the moon. However, in the scene? You can see The flag planted in the mood of the background we ve been planted there and they show it. It's a wonder, avoiding the flag. They just don't shade about moment, not good enough. What, if those forty year old women, are there Again, I was there is somebody else, come up, get a couple bottles of short, and I do not understand this, but are we not just a victim here of
of outrage. I'd like it. This does not seem to be a thing. No it most of its most of it is this ok today the tweet from Donald Trump? Oh, did you there's something crazy. Of course, you did it's a tweet from Donald Trump. Today we are also talking about war and Elizabeth warns Cherokee Heritage. Why does this matter Why does this matter? I mean you. Again? We have the Saudi Arabia thing going on. That is much more important. I mean not to mention that work hit a trillion dollars in debt again for this year, a trillion dollars and debt? There is no sign of that letting up, despite the fact that we are in a good economy, we're we're we're Papa a trillion plus on the books when the unemployment rate is almost at full employment. We're all most at the peak of our employment situation. We are at a point where we are the stock market. Despite a couple bad Is this week
has been raging for a very long time. Housing. Prices are up everything. You know everything is proud pointing in the right direction and we're still throw trillion dollars on the fire, to put this up this new banner from CNN, but the appearance of journalists put spotlight on trumps business ties and that he is because candidate Trump talked about doing business with the saudi Arabian. Yes, he's talked about that for a very long. My gosh. Are you kidding me now The only reason why they care about the saudi arabian thing forget about you forget about gas prices. Forget about the economy, forget about the tech sector. Forget it all of that. This is just another way for them to talk about Donald Trump, don't play that game, just don't play, the game I wish I cared about anything in the world as much as CNN cares about what Donald Trump tweets I mean if they are presumably chemically obsessed with this man. They are
it's incredible. They are chemically addicted, they cannot break the spell and unfortunately, the one who loses in that. Is them Glenn back mercury.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-06.