« The Glenn Beck Program

5/25/17 - The Only Topic We Should Be Discussing?

2017-05-25 | 🔗
Congressional candidate vs. Reporter in Montana turns ugly ...Is it better for the GOP to have their candidate lose today in Montana? ...Listeners torn on Greg Gianforte ...Who the face of the GOP could be for the next 18 months ...Glenn's terrible experience with Katie Couric ...Another horrific Planned Parenthood video. How did we not stop this? ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The blaze radio network on demand felt offer fellow America for years. Tat has been talking about the means streets of L, a Montana, and I think we ve seen them with you believe it in four days Don't know this story about a guy running for Congress in Montana, a year ago, Europe will yield. Maybe you won't be amazed, I actually don't know how people are going to react to this, but work start there with a republican congressmen who-
the lights out of a reporter? We have it on tape. You decide. We begin right now, the fusion of entertainment and didn't might in it the Glen. Maybe this guy has no restrained, but what a Gregg drains a four day week. When I in Montana. Last week of the week before I saw after at in fact, their running so many political adds you'll run like is, than giant forty competitor, Jean forty back to back to back to back it's pretty unbelievers.
Everybody on on the network, cable shows or colony, John Forte, but because they want better day. It's Montana Jean working right right. So that's what he calls himself. Yeah zooming area and the azure Jean Forty or so. So greatly in four day is a guy who's running for Congress? They ve got one seat and he's running against the guy who's, a Bernie Sanders Socialist. It is uncomfortably clothes the reason that there are having an election now is because the former congressmen was taken by the Trumpet Ministry interior deteriorate and somebody I'm glad you dislike glad you finished at injured, didn't leave it just as he was taken.
You made a better answer is a terrible ITALY that every citizen families, let alone we have added a soul- must have only has one congressmen used to be like a bare minimum to write everybody, at least two, but obviously they change that rule Cassim. So did I. Senators by obvious yeah, but I finally another will state idle at least now. It's all that always been that way, It has been that weighs due to its. It is geared directly to population nice to its always too in the Senate. I knew that, but I thought well For this reason, I would remind you of the constitutional rear, good gig, that's power in Montana, at least in the senators of right, the lot anyway. So, Oh here is here's. The problem he's
having a private meeting and a member of the press from Guardian and not Montana Guardian, theirs, foreigner that we just let an behind was in, and somebody else from the guardian had apparently tried this before. Where are they just kind of break in, and this is his view on this, your well. That's what we got it onto that! That's it that's! What I was a little late in the day is a private meeting. Part of it is questionable whether uninvited they say yeah, there's other there's other media there that witnesses that we listen to this issue, which you think candidate was about to do an interview with Fox NEWS when garden. U s your border Ben Jacobs, Annette already: a new element is a room to ask him a question of Assyria score waiting, make a decision about health countryside labelling it just now and what I mean
with that question, he's lucky didn't get killed. He now you wasn't forty clear here about those other out here? Will back randomness Gm Forte had taken a position of trying to get basically through this election without taking a position on health, so he sees you was basically saying. Look you. I can't answer this acceptance into Scipio score. There was talk about how he had talked behind the scenes that he was going to support it, but didn't want to say the campaign, but it means that public aid. Why wouldn't you say it? Can I don't you're running against the socialist? Who is the candy man We ve also got a bill with a lot of thirty percent of liberating yeah. So so he is point is in a way Don't need to take a position on this. I can win without doing it, I'm sure so he's here software lucky for him, the CBS, scored, comes out like the day before his election. That is unlike silk. Putting, but within that context is important, because,
He's the one who said that standard he's the one who said I will answer this after the sea. Score comes out, and so this is a completely fair question. The rapporteur, although oh my gosh, what it was not invited into the room you or us by you're, a foreign english by our lonely. Just tell you somethin, remember one thousand twelve. Do we say your ass relies ready, asked why we do it again. Rarely have I don't have any heritage from. Then, why are you supporting him that sporting who the guardian get out, even though that he's English, I think, he's actually about what ever you s garden dares not can become registers Jacobs captured the sound of what happened next. Guy did the same thing, go on
Yes and you just running off you last thing: dandy, you're, just bodies livelier broke. My glasses get grew from funky watched in disbelief. They say, Jan Forte Grab Jacobs by the neck, with both hands slammed him into the ground. Behind him. The fox, gruesome Jan forty then began punching the reporter, as Jean Forte moved on top of Jacobs began yelling, something to the effective I'm sick and tired of this I mean there's a Fox news, witnessed it happening so you're, not. You know a fake news or anything like that and you know, there's witnesses. You're obviously heard the video I mean the I actually, the video or the axes me. The audio is incredible because it saw amazing, but the fact that their actual account of it is worse, because I can't
he's giving punched in the others. At one point you hear him go. You are less likely that one is like Joe get em or somethin now in Montana Trump, one by twenty points and so part of his message at least connected. And is it the part where they are sick and tired of the media law? Yeah, maybe even helps giant Forte, I dont know I haven't. I because I'm going to be a problem for the Republican Party if he's elect, is I think that this that the standard way people my talk about this today is well. Hopefully he winds or whatever, remember, what's gonna happen here. This is one see the Republicans. Majority- does not a one seat majority if they were to lose this seat. This away and then in twenty eighteen therein, an incredibly friendly district, where they can run basically anyone that doesn't assault reporters, and when I mean this is the night before the elections for election. You can't hold it together for just another minute or two right, and I didn't have the strength to to
hold out. The hoary starts choking reporter Reno Days motors after the election we arrived here tomorrow, you can show all the reporters you are but think about how the media is going to deal with this. If he wins first of all to say all republicans are its they're gonna be talking about Donald Trump and how he's tied into this forever they're going to Call for all sorts of show trials and try to make is the biggest thing in the world and they look. It is it's bad. You should not be assaulting. He was charged with misdemeanor result because of this incident, and so it is bad, but they will they will you they will make this your next six months This guy you, you have loyalty, Kosovo's hardy if you have loyalty to the party, this guy is expendable. There's not. This is not going to change the balance of power. This is not going to do anything but give the Republicans,
black- I already they're- going to Paul Ryan. Why do you ask Are you all right? That's all I mean it's you, recent Paul Ryan should have to deal with that if he wins a year and a half of that I had it, does it when it is going to it's gonna, be a blip. Remember they gone in a few weeks. I e the laughed the left does it. Ray job of telling all of their stories from two angles: harm and oppression care or oppression. So there don't you care about, The children and don't you care about a civil society gal. I really do I really do, and yet you put the suppressor in
This is a man who is oppressing he's from Montana, so he's gotta have sheep. He puts them in a pen. And then he believes up reporters. They will tell this story a hundred times a day and they ll use him to make you and the G o p. Look had we don't need any more of this, especially since there is theirs. He won't affect anything and what you get is a socialist in Montana. If you can't run a get if its close with a socialist in Montana, you ve got a pretty flawed candidate and you have a glimpse into the future of what is coming, but it doesn't have to be this way all we have to do is start connecting with ok, I'm loyal
the party. What's the best thing for the party, the best thing for the party is to think about the future and thinking about the future says, don't what a guy like that who a brawler, don't put him in charge and don't puts Buddy in that is going to look like another oppressor because you're gonna lose that battle, because we don't fight the right way we are not in charge of the story. They are and to be clear. Politics is an important links to look at this, but this is also just But you don't you don't do this insane outlined by someone who's completely, obviously not in control. I just want to make sure that too to everybody understands loyal to see to that? Hardy means you don't put it, guy in the earlier it's gonna learn to hurt the party its will smear the
ready. We don't need that brush. Back Mercury AAA seven seven glance that broken they select, let's go here and go back to Montana, in this race, with Jean Forte, who is the reply, can, who is running against a marxist Socialist Bernie Sanders fan, is uncomfortably close in Montana. Is that the only feet that is available in Montana. It is not going to change the balance of power by any stretch of the imagination. And I want to show you that you know what's best for the party is too stand up against a bully and a guy who can't control himself and look been around reporters
I have you know, I have years of being bullied and had to sit through whore, mobile interviews and had horrible things said about me and my family in it everything else, you don't lose your cool, you dont. If you can If you can't do that, you're gonna be a menace in Washington and let me show you this is the Porter from the guardian, who is speaking to CNN just a few minutes ago. This. Do you believe that what happened with you and John Forty is reflective of a dynamic between
what is in specifically those on the right and the media. The interaction I had with that interaction is so unusual. I did I performed died. Republicans are put it out that presidential candidate I've ever I've never encountered that I've had very sporting females tweets tax passages from republican politicians. Republicans exalted operates at affordable that I wouldn't want to anybody or anything with it. This was very unusual. Surreal interaction, ass it at that having performed. It sounds as if this is the first time, and hopefully the last time I'll ever get fatty flat by a politician. Again he's he's
allowing right like the again eager being trashing Republican, say I'm sure and most report many reporters would, but he saying look. This is not my our experience with these people. This is not a trend. Everyone's try to make this into a trend. Now, if you want the quota quote trend to continue of violence from Republicans elect this guy, because he's gonna be an EU gonna, be in Washington and every day there going to be asking This is making a big deal. You want. Some that's good for Donald Trump is something that go. This guy goes way, and we don't have to deal with us in other. They're going to hear, may never ever meet anyone who has ever met Donald Trump, but they tie, your him directly to Donald Trump Donald from it The poison and his name, a g g and forty drank poison. He was a trial to that poison and look at it spread
so that in all their goes its the same approach. They used against the tea Party, every time there be any one who had a traffic ticket that had it. You know I had a flag on the back of their car. It meant it was the poison from People like the land back who are these people all riled up and now look what they're doing it's gotta be the same type of stuff constantly and in all its ay? It's a difficult thing because you know you want seats and knew what votes and its understandable, but I mean look if I can't control himself. Twenty four hours away from the time votes are cast how one both you see the right guy to be in Washington and represent you. How on earth is that possible, the guys and either I went out with a view to further than that. If a guy can't control himself. How is he the right? Guy I mean we all have lotions everything else
You know. We all have rules moments where we snap, but we don't snap into physical violence. We don't do that. And a lot of people are, you know, you're in a lot of reports of people who sang well. This is this might help him with the Trump funds, because the Trump this is what the Trump friends like this is what they do. This is what they want and exactly what you're gonna say right. They will say that if he wants that, I remember this election is supposed to be a twenty point election. Instead, been pulling around between four and ten points where the Republican would win the seat. You know the narrative was going to be played here that Trump, what was so unpopular that he had already hurt this particular election and he was going to they were gonna, say if it was close. I can't leave us look at this. Trumps obviously dragging on other republic. I'd rather fight that then look it
and would you not even die, and he won by four points that the true people love. That's what you're gonna have a great excuse here if, if he loses this election or its gas in that like hey that we I bodies, so I M didn't she hoped and parmiter reporter the night before going like there's nothing to do with that. We're not those people. The other is on tromp was was not about violence. Was not about that all those things you said we were attracted. Do we're not attracted to that? That's why he won and look when it acts, happened. We showed everybody that we don't follow. Those things and I dont want those things, but, as you know, in its we're, because I think most people would think, while you want to see if they can just get through to see there's a chance that means that they would, he would win the election in the Republicans, wouldn't see them and only exactly how that process works, but that could happen, and there is something
happened in our lifetime. Isn't it's gonna be really ugly? If it does happen, I think when you're on criminal, when you, when you were connected I'm or depending on how that worth, misdemeanor Jeff he's got Mr Mr Eric bless. You realize you hi crimes and misdemeanor hers pretty widespread jaywalking murder around back in a minute. This is the Glen Back programme. Mercury. The programme will be too late. You are here. Tomorrow. It will further make tomorrow, Canada, no politics days, we hardly this bill is gonna, be on with us tomorrow. You don't want to miss that that
in our number two on the programme. The only place really here below Riley, except for his website at billow rally dot com. I can't say that without saying it he does Bill orally that combat billow, Riley Dotcom he'll be keeping pithy. He will be joining us. Although we have an update on the on the boy or from Manchester. Not a good guy. I don't know you what we're not a good guy. That's incredible! Yeah! there is also another story that I really want to. I want to hit, because Today is the end of year: you're fat man challenges in it yeah Duffy decided because we're going on Vacation covenant, Jeffrey decided. He wanted to get really thin and svelte and before the vacation start. Man that it works. Well, as you said, we re
Indy Sorrento me set it up it. Eighteen days in which you were going, to go on a real diet and lose some way. You were gonna be hard core. You are not going to school this time you made us now knew about it altogether. And then you really doing it really did have a good start. I've got off to a great start so kinda like eighteen pounds used on twenty one, and then I don't know anyone fell apart on the fell apart this last weekend for three or four days, and it was you know? How could you lose twenty one pounds and then give up My I literally. I gave up my tie it after daily for powers, eating frickin, Russell sprouts and gaining four pounds. Brussels gross, though I ate I I was torturers
How will these twenty one power there is doubt about fourteen somewhere, say gazed. Eighteen, in the wrong direction now losing fourteen pounds and eighty days is no no crime. Good, however gaming, but I'm I'm kind, we're gonna vacation I'm thinking about, maybe you know, make an appointment, Doktor Knowall place in Houston. This is a little rhythm aggravation we just end up, but does my six hundred bucks I believe it would be an interesting idea, just simulcast the radio show with six hundred pound life, because we can both get episodes at the same time. Where we all are at this time. I'm beginning my exercise: vs you're, not happy when you exercise that it makes, miserable. That's why I'm doing it on vacation promise my
Of course, my wife, she will I'm telling you if she wakes up at six o clock in the morning to exercise I might have to get a gene for He says he is. She is such a exercise. A holler, yes, and I'm Obviously, not in fact. Yesterday I found a story I was so excited loses headline. Weight gain with age, why it happens and how to stop it, both now as we get older, we tend to gain weight. But yes, yes, and not just because we're less active right right, that's dead. We lose muscle mass as we age, which lowers the bodies resting metallic metabolic rate. This, according to a diet, in Ohio, State University, blah blah blah blah blah where the
Goes age doesn't just pack on the pounds it changes where those pounds girl the culprit, sex, horrible he's right, ok as they decrease over time, men and women's waits tend to shift in predictable ways for men, that means more belly fat as they lose testosterone unthinking. Yes, that's what- it's happened well in the face and and the legs and the arms as well. But if you actually long testosterone, No, you didn't seem possible. Did a man's testosterone levels start to gradually decrease after the aged thirty four women, the changes later, but more sudden right before many pause. Typically in a woman, forties early fifties, her estrogen levels, begin to wane fat deposits tend to me. Towards the hip files and but though Blake Point that everyone is different, you're in Miami School of Medicine exclaimed the disclaimer for everybody drive
the icy or little different for everyone whose studies nutrition in chronic illness told Fox NEWS that, during and after many as many women also see their wage shift towards the metal turning into visceral fat. So how can you stop these way? yes, I want now wait you take a bill. You just take a blow off right right, so the deal is gain weight. With age, why it happens and how to stop it. Horses alarmingly reckoning some news here good news, glass and exercise good news, wage, sifts, art. Inevitable, the big thing is to be consistent with healthy eating. In fact, size. I know I know I'm looking for a pale shocked, some thing, doesn't involve a healthy eating and exercise
do. Anything will do eat any kind of MC muffin. I give us wool high enough for her family willing to go on the all cocaine diet I improved. I know that not healthy. For my heart and thing whatever or blood is work before before liars skinny when I was on cocaine. What's the point? why you never were there any problems associated with the cookie is? Do you remember how some people claim, but you do good thing. I don't understand. I don't understand. Ok seriously, what's happening here, you your view views your heart rate goes down, so you start to exercise. Your heart rate goes up good co name caffeine at does that. Why does allow work? cocaine partly does work as to terrify earlier, but it causes heart attacks and sure other com,
cases in his life and sure of people, the goods illegal but we believe, I'm willing to move to Bogota Calamity. Yet I have actually in a variety of legal. They lie too, is really. Is that what is this really? Is there any place? Russia, Europe, illegal, there's a place? legal acts that are now well now Morrison the oppressor the railroad Sarian oppressors they always they always want control of the cocaine I am. I would move to Bogota. Let's say it was go, and I didn't have experience that it destroys your life if it was a pale. And you can only get it in We could only live in France, but you'd be sin. I'd consider
we are left with, live rare Before I get on a treadmill, it is really terrible exercises terrible's awful I mean. Is it? Is it a crime, probably eyes. I would say yes, I would say it's it's a criminal thing to that that there has part of this equation hot and I are going to have one serious talk. When I see him yeah, he think he thinks I'm he's gonna call me to the bench no. I got a few things to say to you to this whole exercise, thing to remain healthy. I don't like it, I don't like it. Jim's sweating, panting, it makes you feel better. No, it doesn't well. Yes, it does technically, but it is often we only with us
I don't think it actually does make you feel better. I mean Guess it actually to me it does, but it takes all, but negative, a thousand steps. Day. Somehow, like I've, seen your for your step tracker, it actually register's negative. I don't know how that occurs. They do not just have to you after. Raise your children right and why a lot of movies about the Faro. Does they come and he just put sticks underneath your bed and move you to the other room. You don't need to be shaped for that. Now, nice, our materialise they set about like right, but whose pick you up, yeah and are exercising their exercising its good for kids, their lifting they're, moving their use in their back- and I say pick me put your knees. We have a measure, no use your back. I would guess also pissed at that article Yesterday I was like right. Ok he's on it, there's something:
about them. As you know, the metabolism is slowing down because of testosterone. Okay, so may If I get my testosterone level up to about five thousand, maybe that'll work right now, you're a real secret. That's not a sea grips sonata secrets, ridiculous. Everybody knows it. You know, is really the only actual way. Gus- shudder no wait. I realised on thorns and really the harnessing of Amory, but as soon as you go back to eating is going back. So the only way is to change your lifestyle right now shut out the wearing them. I believe in Silicon Valley dies be nice seriously? Why can't they develop? Like we put a man on the moon. Why can't you develop some sort of a pill that just makes fat. The engineer is the appropriate out in yours
but I could just eat gristle all day long and I pay it out. You know that is something and tell her have talked about that before will pen has tailored into do much talking but he talked about how we see no, how science, essentially because of the way our capitalist system works will pursue two goals, as is is hard as they possibly can until they solve them, which is too things that we all love and that have consequences and they will work to make them consequence free, which is eating and sex. And they will constantly develop new solutions to take away. The Koran quote: consequences from both of those actions, the things that you might not want associated with that particular action programme. Ten children then be fat. My course don't have to have the children. So that's an interesting,
sale of nice, are making no you're saying making consequence free exactly like. So they idea is birth control right, like that, what that's one of that? That's part of that right. I'm fine with ten shouldering part of it- is look everyone's of look at where we ve come. As far as this goes. There are now sweeteners that are zero calories. There are salad dressings that are zero calories. Theirs order that is zero calories. Now all those things don't tastes as good as the food, color resale right. I mean that's the problem with it right now, but do you really? doubt science, if they're gonna be able to solve that at some point at some point it might be, two years from now. Unfortunately, our all it will not be fifty, but these things come there's an entire in the line of thought in putting science on notice, I'm going on vacation for two weeks. When
come back that damn thing better be done. Your listening to the Glen Back Programme, recollect backside grandma let's go to Heaven in New Hampshire. I don't have any the Glen Back Programme, thanks for taking my call sure, I'm looking for a long time. Thank you back story. I want to Montana State University in two thousand, sixty one greater now to use money for governor envy. The gestapo went out. Lily out of their minds after the announcement, because the crime- a great many that he's a Christian and had given to the family Research Council, and I suppose the gay marriage things they absolutely destroyed. The guy exploit all the students in Montana State
they were writing campaigns which is, of course, a legal because professors and supposed to do with students already just had mercilessly attacked him now for almost two years. I thought it closely, and this is a guy who s a christian faith as try to live a life and has been absolutely brutalized by these people. So I wish you were right about the arctic Circle but here honey we sustain, for Christians are actually a favourable way way way way way way way. See more person you did letter, writing campaigns, people saying horrible things to him. That's my life! For the last twelve years. That's rush limb his life for the last thirty years, rice hasn't anybody I haven't heard anybody: how does that justify snapping and We know body slamming in of parity according to witnesses,
robbing a guy around his throat here, of course it does it, but I'm glad you mention that, because I have noticed in the many user, listen to you that you really have backed off your truthful advocacy to go after these progressive warriors. You talked a lot about. You talked a lot about truth years ago. Remsen the partial I wasn t talking about truth fighter truth for us over the last several years really worked away towards copper eyes and while he sat untrue mean that is absolutely every hundred still. It was the truth that we stuck to during that campaign. I have you not, unlike the truth, I'm sorry, but it was still of the truth. I am sorry that you perceive that I backed off fighting for the truth. I am fighting, Exactly the same thing I will, Tell you I have often my language to try. To be able to get those people on the edges that
tired of this kind of atmosphere to where we're always just yet, yet each other. I think Make progress that way. They thought the Glen Back Programme, like you. The blaze radio network on demand for the Manchester bombing accomplices now extends to Libya. The farmer spoke to his plump nuclear scientists. Mother just before the attack and the Montana House GEO P candidate has
witnesses. We have the audio body slamming a reporter, Indeed, the witnesses that are from Fox said now it even body slam the door, so he grabbed him by the throat thrown down and start throwing punches. That's not The candidate in Montana says Bad news I have whatever the hell- cities today. This happen ass night, also top russian officials disk how to influence from AIDS last summer food Oh in one last story: politics is distract american workers and maybe killing our productivity policy. Getting in the way of real life.
If we get there right now, the fusion, entertainment and didn't like the green blow, America, let's go to the votes. I love to talk to you today on any topic that you want to talk about something that we have missed, something that you think we have wrong something you think we have right. I'd love to you're from you. The number is aided eight. Seventy seven be easy K. We gotTa Curtis in and so hello Curtis, welcome program running our ears.
I'm glad it's like the talk here still Jappy, also thanking ass. I think I think that every quarter on a tour of universities, eyes alot. Just a route. I'm saying all these fully tactics be used by the left for the last hour. Many years now set out at every talk, show the countryside. Discussions on Bali. There's only one way to beat a boy, that's the point you may say Sonny. Literally and figuratively, but then it out every once in a while. You got to strike a blow. You can't allow these people to walk into the local Did I shall people down no thought after the other? Likewise, matters people, the Abbe. They protest in the street physically sometime caused people hostage
Gaza has borders, while the that that ok, so, let's take black lives matter in their shutting things down When I first moved to New York and I started visiting New York even back in the nineteen eightys. I remember it was terrifying. When I think was deacons was the mayor before Rudy Giuliani, it was real, Lee bad because they had these windshield washer. People who were scary is how would you people yeah? They would colonnade squid they'd spray water on your window and then they would just squeaky and then they would pound on your own. They want money and want your money and it was dangerous and bad ok well. These people are harassing. There are starting to stop people yadda yadda yadda. What do you do you gotta do something you gotta fight fire with fire, no Giuliani Leon came in and
cleaned up its illegal you're, not doing that we're going to enforce it I mean there are laws and then there is, so the the basic law of morality, If you want to take on the press and and with righteous indignation, you can take on the press, but we use truth. We see for justice and we don't throw blows. The other thing is talking about the prestige bullies the guy guardian you as asked him a very calm, very simple question about this: LEO Score for the new health care bill, it was now incendiary. It was not confrontation,
no into bag. Screaming area means, in fact, Jean Forte actually brought that on himself that I was the standard that gene or to himself set. He said he would not answer any questions about the health care bill until the Scipio score came out. What happened to come out a day before? action, so he was. It is completely legitimate to ask him that question and especially One day before the election, and when you can't dogs that You said you would decide. When it came out. You were clearly playing a political calculation game. Hoping that it wouldn't come out, because you are going to vote for it and it has thirty percent approval rating is not a popular Rather it was a political calculation. He somebody should be asked about it and again, I think, there's nothing here too. There is a principle that concern it is generally abide by, which is the belief in you in individual
right where you are responsible for your own crimes. Another the tea party should not be held responsible for one person's crimes whose in a tea party right, we ve said that how many times it we said that should then applied reporters to I mean if this guy came in and was did something horrific to this This candidate is still would justify body slay me, but you might be able to make the argument. This guy is asking a completely com, balanced question and were holding because we don't like what other reporters have said about. Other candidates were giving this guy pass for body slamming one lousy guy who, since the last hour at the end of last hour, who invoke Christianity over it, I'm pretty sure Christ wouldn't have ground, the guy by the throat now slammed on to the floor. So there is actually reports that the worst things happened. Then sepia questions. There is reason enough statute does not allow the problem with. All of this is that we we respect authority and we
speck, the line of authority and now when the press comes and they bring the line of authority and their jumping out of the bushes add to and their setting you up it it really. It goes against everything in a conservative that that respects authority- and it pushes us in two into the loyalty category you're going. For somebody who has a different into view than yours and You been harassing him the whole time and it pushes us in into loyalty, that is that's natural, its natural and you can't. You know that the press wants to have it both ways they want to say
What what Donald Trump is created? These created hostility against the press, nobody's Google and arouse our be not the press. This guy gets in Vienna Donald Trump Storm report. That's exactly what the narrative is going to be, but the prince, won't take any responsibility themselves for being jerks. For actually doing many of the things that that Donald Trump is safe. That they do so. They are, however, again people should be treated as individuals responsible for their whole profession right. The other part about this is, if you want Gregg Jean forty, two b, the Republic and national spokesperson for the next eight months of Dublin trumps. A presidency then hope he wins, because the press will make sure that that that issue is
gigantic issue for every moment they can. They will extend it and extend it, won't hear it, and here the hairs on rather controversy have to deal here's the problem if you live in Montana, because of early voting he's probably too points ahead in early vote is probably get away, and I mean I was soon because it really voting so he's He might very well win tonight and probably will. Even if everybody turned out today and there, like- you, know what I like, I don't like the Bernie Andrews guy aimed is everything against, but I'm not going. For him, but I'm not going to turn out cause. I can't condone that behaviour. He still prom we're going to win and the press is going to use this to target Donald Trump, That's all you're gonna hear I guarantee you when he wins all. Gonna say as I see it,
trend. Look at the Republicans, those Donald Trump Supporters They want violence. We're all gonna be painted with the same brush. This is a seat that doesn't matter to the g Opie, it's one seat in the house, it doesn't matter. We have to look at things strategic clearly, as well as ethically. You my line up here. What did they nicely line, here yes line up easily here it's quickly and morally wrong. It shows it shows weakness in somebody I mean you don't believe me. I have wandered to throw punches in people as especially the press. I mean you're with me with Katy Correct I was not, but you weren't now, but I do remember that era. Yeah I mean I was doing
Let me tell you this rail link. I've ever told the story. Katy Corrick, her agent was my agent and Katy Corks or her publicist was my publicist ceiling just started with I think Yahoo or where, where did she go before Yahoo? Now she was not No, she was with the alleged facility, the right you. What was it? She was really struggling and she really needed. You know how ratings were ballotings were bad. She needed a big get your interview and so her publicist came to me, who I trusted and said Katy has said she just he's not gonna hit. You are below the belt, she's knock and ass. Those questions that we ve been asked an answer, and I said yes, she is its Katy Corrick. Yes, she is no Glenn. She owes me a big favor and she knows that you will be doing her a big favor she's not going to do it
all the way there and for weeks before she's gonna. This is suicide. What am I we see knows you're doing her a favor. I made it clear. She said it she's not gonna. Halfway through sandbag now Think I wanted to say to her and I should of Katy by coming on yours, stupid show. I knew I was gonna gain nothing. But I did you a favor, because you promised a mutual friend that you would accept this. Favour. In that spirit, you don't think I want the throw blows wildly?
no, you did not to be clear. You did not want to throw blows with category, but I'm just saying, but I dont you mean there's, there is an enormous things where you get hit, you give them orders you git emotionally, but you control yourself. You control yours, you could easily be like oh, you know what I could have like a tip. With a terrible and walked out? I sat there an ice hard. All I thought to myself was how dare you, what a despicable human being? How dare you I'm doing you a favor, but I didn't I didn't Tipp over the table. I didn't cursor out. I took off my microphone at the end and said I can't believe you ve done that we certainly never gave them a break.
Alex Baldwin for doing this, that no right and we shoot me didn't we shouldn't our response. It is half hour and by the way, look it Never given this too paparazzi paparazzi celebrities go through this all the time when paparazzi and the paparazzi are dangerous. They are truly dangerous. A thousand times so what we heard from this report only already there are dangerous and you don't give the paparazzi pass on it. The glad that programme mercury Let's up, let's take a look at Bitcoin there's something amazing that happened yesterday, whereas Bitcoin today
Twenty seven, eighty five, which is interesting in that cause at because I would say most people look at this and no one cares. No one has been calling for the most part, a lot of people, don't if you're in the audience, but you you might know that what a week ago, we were all sitting here going. Can you believe this this thing doubled? That was twenty two hundred then so it's up another, more than five hundred dollars is almost too almost thirty percent. If I wouldn't go diary which says we talked about a doubling, what I said I should have gotten in at eleven hundred is already got up. Five hundred- and I still haven't gotten in as for the year two thousand then in thirteen dollars for the year wow. So it's brand, it was at what, then what happened hundred when was it that I put I put it, I will I got in eleven hundred, which was what three four months ago humans. This I mean. I think it was that long. Put eleven hundred dollars in
Then we just brought up April two weeks ago. You said you double your money. Ok last night a story that comes out of Australia, and this is beginning a special. On the other side of the planet, The reason why this is going through such growth- going have another spurt now, Australia yesterday or the day before said they were double taxing bitcoin. They wanted to stop crypto currents, and remember that going to digital currency. Remember you Citibank in failure and many of Citibank don't have any characters so they're going to all digital currency, it's in the cards and couple of days ago. Australia said we're gonna, reverse the double tax of Bitcoin, which was killing it
and we're removing all the taxes and we're going to treat it exactly like money, so actually we're going to treat it exactly like currency, so they're accepting it now as currency, officially the government. Now that's what China started to do, and so these countries, one by one, are starting to say you know what we're going in going in another direction anyway, we're going to digital cash. This view no blockchain is the future bitcoin. We'll start taking it and treating it exactly like cash, and so this has the tensile of being a massive crash, because maybe some countries decide in order to use the blockchain technology ourselves in there's gonna, be U S currency in a week,
global currency and we're going to shut Bitcoin down it? You could lose everything, but there is also a chance that he and investment to day in Bitcoin is is who is gained changing for you could make you millions, literally millions of dollars for a very small investment? I mean look at. What's happened since April. Eleven hundred dollars and its it what now twenty seven hundred twenty I hundred that's re easy, especially when your bank, If you're lucky is getting you point, nine percent right. And I would not advocate this- is a sound investment by no means in a crazy arteries go to zero to markets. I recommend this to my friends and family, as do not put money. Think of this is going to
Vegas or on a weekend or they can. You know something that You were gonna blow anyway and you Mine, losing all of it. Do not put money. In here that you're like that'll, hurt me. Don't do that because you could lose literally lose all this could go to zero, gold will never go to zero. This could go to zero, but it also has a chance of being the biggest pay off ever so take, you know I have five hundred dollars that I I really wanted to we blow, but I'm not gonna buy that tv await on that tv. Put it in that put it in Bitcoin. We know something has gone up
seven percent that I invested in April Roland then said: I've doubled my money and it's gone up almost thirty percent. Since then, pretty me, that's crazy and it's all happening because part the world are now starting to open up and saying go ahead, you can you can buy before you can use the more countries that do that. The high it's gonna go back programmes? programme must go back to my two tesla and an Bitcoin here for a second. What Bitcoin is is its driven by something called blockchain and change is
truly remarkable. It is the security of the future and they say that it's on breakable and the reason why they say it's unbreakable is, as I understand it, and please forgive me for those people who are experts of blockchain because its complex and I barely understand it- so excuse this elementary explanation. That is probably only about fifty percent much good luck with gettin a fifty percent on average. You understand it not to get to fifty percent. Now here miss O. My first number was thirty, but I thought maybe it's better than that, but so the way what blockchain is is it? It takes information and it breaks it up into blocks and it's it's stored in several different places.
And only when it comes when you call for the information, that's when it calls that each of these locations and it puts it back together right- and they often don't look at me with armenia- they set about thirty percent the act, Well, what do you have already? Not at all, it's different outgrown efforts on research too stupid, oh yeah, so I've cross the line you're. When people asking these questions, I say you know what that part of it's just too complicated. Let's not talk about it. Let's talk about you go in you log in it gives you a price yeah, so what what what it is a way just to encrypt information and encrypted and split it up and put it on top of other information. That is only fragment fragments, and so you kid take a block and you open it up, and none of it makes sense because only pieces,
information from a billion different places. So you can you can peace it together. Less. You have the code that call all of these blocks in and SAM is the one block guy, as I understand it so The important thing to know is: it is a way to to store things in aid of vault. If you will, that is impossible to break into it's impossible to put all these pieces together, the point that that is the secret of bitcoin- that is the first part of it. The second part is a com Peter Programme that was started by guy from Japan. Where was he from you know? Still they don't know for sure who it was theirs.
That there is a guy. I think he was from Japan, who was rumored to be the guy. But, like eight, he denies it. It's a big internet controversy gay, so somebody put together a system that prints or not princess, puts out these bitcoins and it put some out at a certain pace for the next. I don't even know what it is twenty years and it it means, if you will this digital currency, and it just pushes it out into the internet, and there are minors that go out and they search it and rooms, full of computers that are just looking. For the you know, they're they're, running all kinds of analytics to be able to find the algorithm. That is the Bitcoin they they reach out and when they find it, they grab that Bitcoin and then
They have it these. Or it or they sell it, and so there these minors just like gold, and they go out they find them and there's all a limited number and it will never once ones. Twenty years is up just like gold, should be there's no more so you can print no more so the price of one bitcoin. Because it's a limited number and unknown limited quantity, the price of Bitcoin? You hit the the top and there there is no more to mine that one Bitcoin just keep growing in value, and you buy fractions of a bitcoin. That's what you use as currency and It's all digital, so there's nothing! You can hold and they have these saved
people that I uses Zippo a acts, a piano, I think, and they build their safe, in Switzerland and it is a sum zero supercomputer, that is, In the ground- and you keep all your bitcoins there and when you call for them it goes down robs. The number of bitcoins brings them up. Blockchain pushes them out. And you can use them anywhere. You want that's the way it works. Now to me, this investment, if you will, is risky and some people say it's the tulip panic and if you don't know what the tulip panic is that's from sixteen something or other where the people in HOLLAND Debate.
Their currency, not on gold, but on tulips, because with some run on tulips, and they were the only ones that have tulip bulbs. So the world was was dying we're tulips, we ve got to have tulips, and so the price of tulips tulip Bob's went through the roof. Night number of tulip bulbs in in HOLLAND, and so people say they D say: oh my gosh. This tulip Bob Craig it's never gonna end. There's! No! there's no end because we we and were the only ones that make them and every the world wants the tulip bulbs and my gosh? They were creating their houses for one tulip bulb. I don't think I need to tell you this, but I will tell you it didn't and well I hear that craze didn't end well, and some people say this is Bitcoin
but I dont think I think, there's a couple things driving this. I think that there are. Are those people who are a pudding, some money into this as a hedge against total chaos and saying you know what, if total, ass breaks out. You know I I Maybe this is, there I'll be able to be anywhere in the world and I'm not gonna have to cross borders with cash, and I get out of my crazy country. That's melting down in Vienna in Greece, and and I'll, have this currency That will be good anywhere in the world. That's the extreme I think the other is. This is a new technology. This is the work, who's, gonna change and everyone who
knows no who's that cashless society is where were headed. Now. What is the technology? Will it be a private company I have a hard time believing that that of a sudden, the the world central banks are going to Ah, you know what let's have them do that possess? The appealing thing I think, to a lot of people in the audience who deal with inflation and government royal. All this you know all the crazy stuff with the FED and everything else Bitcoin solves that. Right because if one it's one thing is permanent, there's no way to change it. You can't print more can't print more. You can't manipulated It's just it is what it is and that's the beauty of it and because that cuts out power for so many governments
I have a hard time leaving its what they're going to do, but until that time, what's gonna happen is Greece goes on and instead of going to the drachma, they go to bed coin once a country says that's our currency, and I don't know if that's going to happen. Grease is probably the best example of that happening is just say we're gonna, shut down? Are printing presses and everything else we're going to base all of our currency on Bitcoin, go to a cashless society and they'll do all the work and that is that way. You can trust that our dollar is gonna, be stable, everything's, gonna be fine. Now There is another story besides. Tulips this is not. This is not a comparison to the tulip panic. This is a better
comparison to something that happened here in Amerika. In writing. I was nineteen thirteen and it's it's It has every bit of this story repeating itself now in Bitcoin and I ll give that to you in a second that paper drivel eight, seventy seven back, yes, Sign up for the newsletter I get all the so you need to know what glanced back dotcom soap, I been invited to go to warden cliff this summer which, on long island- and they are trying to His money to rebuild teslas, dry of Warden cliff idle I too am I what,
listen to what happened, warden cliff and tie it directly to Bitcoin Tesla was trying to he re? He wrote the he raised a bunch of money, mainly from J P Morgan, and he raised a blot loto money to develop radio to develop some form of communication. Through the air and J P Morgan was really interested in that well Tesla. He goes to Denver. Because he believes there is more to the air, then just communication, so he's working on communication, but at the same time he's working on his Tesla Tower, which draw Does energy out of the sky and
pulls the energy from the atmosphere and then and then broadcast sit through the earth. So there's furs of him pudding light bulbs in the dirt at night, and they're all lighting up k it. It short circuited freak the people out. In the Denver everything was in boulder freak the people out, because we in all kinds of things were blowing it he was he was. He was causing some habit may not quite ready, as it wasn't quite ready yet, but it was truly remarkable, so he back in pieces, I've I've, I'm really close and gets them. And he says I want to build warden cliff, so he starts to build warden cliff and, as he gets it,
and he buys all this equipment from Westinghouse and everything else he puts all of it in there and, as these finishing up Marconi says I have radio and you can communicate the through the air We'll tv Morgan faces says I'm pulling on my funding as they just invented radio, and he No, no, no. There's more than you can do with it. Radio, they just Bubu poop. We can improve that and that the space from of using The wireless is, they called radio anything can be wireless electricity. Can be wireless and J P Morgan's is wait a minute. What really You do this without wiring houses, yes or Whitman,. How do I make money? Does it how you gonna meet her it? You don't meter it it's free! It's come from the sky. I think you misunderstand,
not investing in things that are free make my money back. Pull the investment war. Westinghouse Rick All of the equipment and testily was done with that, it's a hundred years ahead of its time Bitcoin, could be that with the central banks we ve got it What were cutting you out of power and it falls bank programme. Mercury. The blaze radio network on demand, pillow america- there is another plan. Parenthood take. This is worse,
then what we have heard before Sorry to say we all need to hear it very her head and one of the most important subjects of our day. This is going to be the thing that a hundred years from now people will look back and say these grotesque monster, How did they not stop? This? Just like people say now about slavery, lots of people who own slaves? the people who are standing around I'll think about it. Will they tried Where people that fried there are a lot of people, they didn't want to look at the problem, but in the end we fixed it and in the end this will be fixed. This will be accomplished. We will see murdering silver, name of Convenience-
But right now we have to just take a look at the latest state of play parenthood scandal. We begin there right now. The fusion of entertainment and didn't these days The Glen fellow America have you want to set this up for us yeah, they did more undercover video that has just been released. This was planned. Good at the National Abortion Federation, currently they host than the end of hosting some kind of secretive annual meeting trade show every April and
Oh, what we're to hear is from this when they went in and started talking and listening to these medical directors that plan, parenthood, people, some of the of the bourgeois activists and it's pretty chilling what they d so she said that the heads that gets stuck that we can't out the haemorrhages that we, you're all parts of words burns There's. No real good place to go and talk about this kind of stuff, so apparently she's inviting that in a really wonderful discussion here for us to talk about all the heads they get stuck in the arms legs. We pull off
The fetuses and tough little object, taking she's saying the fetuses. Are tough level object, you know taking it apart, I mean taking it hard day. One is very difficult, is very difficult. Third, witches oh, my god, I get it when the skull is broken. Its really sharp sparely cut her hand his skull Sometimes one brain, we think how their driving us or take it are actually said other target about taking the brain out in and keeping it and obviously than its very able to sell it is separated from the rest of it too.
You then another woman talks about an eyeball just fell down into my lap, which it was commuting performing an abortion, and I was really grows. I mean why, when I guys, can I write lynneborough tissue rearing? Why would I would you think it was girl? Can I can I make a bold statement here? still doesn't want me to. I like you to be bold. I just when you say when you give the disclaimer leading up to it. I know you're you're you're, trying something that's untested material, enclosed materials
play- I am saying it in that way, because it's you're saying something that you just thought of that you have probably not thought through all the way. That's why I'm may, I think, out loud for a minute and that's a rhetorical question. Our problem is not the wicked it's really not the wicked. It's not it's, not the people, who are performing the abortions. It's not. There will always be, and there has always been those people that will do those things about all the people who don't care rest is about the apathy of the average person. It's it's if, if, if I could stop all the wicked, but
but the fact the apathetic more people will rise up. We, if I could oh waken, the apathetic. It would stop the wicked, but we concentrate on the wicked. That's not the problem is really not the problem. Are you saying that you don't think we should play audio. This no longer work. You know none at all, we have two, because this will not be seen on mainstream media. Is it not to be seen, except in conservative circles, but two Perhaps we need to instead of an eye
mine, is an enormously the Catholics have done. Such an amazing job, I mean I've talked to leaders of of my church and they. Have said over and over again, thank God for the Catholics, because the cat links have led the way on this for a long time, and so I praise them. I've I'm grateful for them. I am grateful for the p. All who go down and take a stand. And you know, are outside of these clinics. Saying good things to the girls offering help, You know I don't think it helps to have the we know. Pictures of the cut up bodies- because this is so horrific- you just
one even look at it, but I appreciate that it has to be done. We have to stick a stand there and we have to call our plan parenthood, but if we would spend more time trying to wake our friends and neighbours who are just asleep. How do we nudge them? How do we? How do we just gotta gently? Nobody wants you to jump in There is nothing worse than when my kids, you know Come into my bedroom in the middle and aid or in the morning in a jump on my bad. Ok, ok, ok, ok! Stop! I was dead, asleep. I really appreciate it for my kids come up and they going put their hands on me and then just kind of slowly, just color take me awake a little bit gently we can wake up a little more naturally,.
How do we do that to our friends? How do we plant the seeds and take them from point a to point z But going through b c the e f g, we that's. The signs, are z. And the signs of for the people who are going in. We need to do is concentrate and target those friends who can be awakened, and I really think We need a very small percentage of people and when we have, I think it's this audience I always have, but if we can focus and weaken starts, making a universal language. The language of the right.
A universal language where the left and the common sense left not the Nancy policies of the world, not the people who are driven by politics, but those people who are just as sick of this Que Haces, as we are justice, of arguing all the time and bickering and. You know that they just want common sense. They week we are going to disagree on some policies, but when they truly understand what plan parenthood that who in your circle of friends, Do you know especially women that here that who is made Perhaps gin
We on the other side that you can sit down and say Madge like in the old soldiers commercials Madge. Can I talk to you about something sure honey, I'm soaking in it if soaking in soldiers, I think it was soldiers home all of whom all of these is so can the full mom olive was a whole different other. Without thanks, I have a pretty I'm a pretty good memory unless they are, but anyway to be able to take Madge an mover in that direction, and in a month or so be able to show her that- and you know what you're talking about as ay a situation of like walking people down the road and in trying to do this in a way, not so confrontation operational. Whenever I mean,
You could make a legitimate argument. After listening to the video that we should never talk about another topic, it's actually elevator really. I believe this to be the this stain on this. Duration. Some list is going to be. The slavery our generation, this is gonna, be things that that people will look back and say there were monsters. If we did, this show only Lena because now right we did not have because we want to entertain and in everything that everything else that mission of shove it was just a mission, would be that it would be. Literally only this is the only thing if you stop just this in our lifetime, everything else doesn't matter you ve got. One of these of abortion is saying that when she's doing a procedure- and she starts to fear that is about to be a partial birth, abortion she'll get a second set of Forceps, stop the body of the baby at the service of the mother, and
well legs off a Laker gosh, so that it's not a partial birth abortion like that. That is absolutely horrific. That is horrifying. We ve got like. If we put that in a horror movie, it would be totally acceptable as a horror movie. People would say what a monster you put scary music by that and people would say: that's the scariest purse. I've ever met, but because We call them a nurse and we call this this murder, a procedure. A medical procedure We accepted
This is the Glen Back programme that glad TAT program. I've seen better looking poison, zoo, mad dishwashing. One about is not an excuse when you that our dishwashing, pretty green, softens your hands by delegations. Forty gives marking in Washington must be mile have more than just mild, and you think, as such last, the lifetime Messiah softening heads Maggie you and palm olive liquid are a marvellous to him no, not that great size, another door deal euros till your husband resume raises unites us until your husband, but don't tell your husband
well he's range in chinese secret right, bad that it was a weirdo. Of the world everyone's. Why we do a segment of the patents do programme which happens to air in this network. Where we go over these old timey sexist at certain, like the fifties in the forties in the sixties, I love don't get rid of studying the stuff that Libya we wherever such well, where you think of this thing this, ring around the collar how'd you get there. You're a collar. Oh Asia, Chinese, the crew, river. How races that and then the Woman comes out. The wife comes out ears. Your aid agencies, the grid, is way it is here, and I want to set out your life, my gosh, I think, if we lose lying to us,
with more readily those people. Are you suppose that Arafat is guided what you get the chinese people are scamming rise. What we are supposed to allow it to become a whole presidential campaign soured aren't operating decide. What do you mean heat meeting with the president of Zaire?
you wouldn't understand very rapidly, and I figured it out- they probably what a new does, but it would have been while until you felt that he first blast of radiation, so loud softening my skin, to the point where I am a bubble: sidewalk, those that are weird sell, that, like China, had these secrets it like the second and said hurry and they resolve all the problems that weren't gonna come today, but no one is notice it until you saw this pop up bad
Literally, the entire medical establishment has just been like we're not going to put that at a handy, daddy pill and make trillions we're just gonna way for some shady company, you ve never heard of advertising the pop up window. Just does not work. Does it well, I happen to believe in eastern medicine to appoint. I think there is, I think there is to it deserve it. Some of it. You know, I think it's the combination that the problem is the east disregards alike no, you need chicken lips, No, I don't think I'll slowly, sexual retail, ground chicken lips and put them in this capsule. No, I don't think that's about these people become russian. So, yes is I can do. I can do that and I get in trouble and so you they dismissed western
Edison and we dismiss eastern medicine. I actually think that Chinese do dismiss western medicine. They have quite a feud medical doctor, over there in something and graduated from American medical school. Firstly, all the data was autism. Is it as much as we do right you, but they are also throwing in subjection lips. I mean it maybe not the hospitals, but you know out in the but there's a lot of people- do acupuncture that here One thing you gotta doctors are doctors here saying I again should have some acupuncture now they're saying you should have some pills or shots whatever I mean I M these are but the ozone right when ancient chinese medicine existed. Our life expectancy lasted around twenty five years. For about a couple of centuries and it's almost a hundred, so I think the east
the western medicine, is the superior of the two medicines that are such authority. Nothing of the kind we have now taken western medicine in some way in pharmaceuticals inside ways way too far, when we are saying some ways is definitely a first year in some ways when we are saying we used to say boy, he'll, be boys. Now we're saying that kid, to be on readily now boys will be boys. The way they are bank programme. The Glenn Beck programme these somebody at gunpoint. I'm sorry we are having an argued Monday's is about OJ, seem so J could be released from prison in July about ten per barrel, ivy zone is less than five years
five years, it's been over. Nine years has been nine years. He was from this site. That is authority, is three ok, let's put evaluating some of his power for trying to get the stuff back. That's not not what it is like it, but what it was used punished for being found in view murder people rather than he was found you. Let us know what it was. No executive now exists. That was a ok. They didn't get your, but we're going to see that what I do believe that that People think about that and figured in mobile lady without the double murder he may have received less of assent, and so I can I can I,
then like, however, lies. But why are we the people at gunpoint? You ve got the art, oh my god, he was met by all no harm. Are you sure the high you just lecture, does What's his name, Jean Forte yeah? What about it? your party, that larger by the way, one of us is being consistent years ago. Here's a guy four years ago! I hate that call it a reporter and in the witness the Fox witnesses, say, grab them by the throat and then party stem right, you didn't even do that. No, he didn't
to hear you no harm, no foul needed using all my own. Was it s, okay, so very hard to think about that seriously. Think without memorabilia thing, even a hold up at gunpoint, and he that wasn't first ants and nobody knew right. You want to go to six months in jail. I do think actually right and that we have to do is nine freaking years. Oh I'm sorry here are just work yet not how here? Yes, here's here's. Why. Everybody knows he killed his wife well not exactly maybe you're having key killed. His wife and run in some of those errors are in the trial. Now I think he was guilty. I saw us excellently rivalry phrases. Everybody, but o J and people sucking up to o J knowing killed his wife
so you have a guy who is dangerous. He wasn't punished. For the first thing, you can't punish him for that, but I certainly can take into consideration this man is dangerous and now to get his stupid footballs back he's gone to end he's, never paid any of the money that that that he was both the bay whose livelihood was gay and got you got away with it Scot free way. What was cut off jelly? Why? There was something I remember yet. A livelihood actually got to keep his pension by the way is what was cut off? Was his wife had thank you so and by the way, is now here's a guy who now has in paid for his crime that thing we can get away with anything breaks it You get his football memorabilia back
but I'm talking about here is this. I am not talking about the feelings of an unbroken about the actual no, and I ll then I'm saying that I judge I take into consideration that bans David s most can't you can taken begins nation is the crime did and the crime that is being tried. Right now and that had taken, but rather to racial, is pass that we found it isn't, for that only limited to the the of the possibility of a sentence. There's a range sentences right, and so he got the high end of the range. However, there is still in there. So you can't just dumb triple here, but we all know we are where we are absolutely, but let's also taken do now six, but it's not just his wife's murder. It's also beating the crap out of her multiple times before that so he's on right having all sorts of problems with domestic violence before. But you could have taken into consideration in the israeli and who have to be able to take. Is court wreckers. I agree with you. The judge can take place.
And he was now I'm totally was he was acquitted of or redeemed innocent, but still is absolutely right on that. There is is wiser rank in a less than what the rapporteur is, that a range of punishment, its be so that there is a decision making process by the judge to apply a punishment to a particular crime. To his understanding of how dangerous this person is. I mean I can't believe you're saying that you know hey. I was just You know if seen the movie with the three old. Eyes- Morgan Freeman in the other, two latter Vegas last Vegas. Now whether new or where they go, and they robbed the bank's about its last Vegas too, is essential. You're talking about its exact same move, it was called something else about. Thank you Jesse. It was on. Your side were of no help your turn and did you
about the did you hear about the guy who was fired on Friday. I did not know me. I'm going who, though, you will tomorrow anyway, so the the point is, if you can't me that if somebody went into a bank with a gun and said I want my money and the money you owe me by gunpoint. No you you pull out a gun was nobody does thank you, as that would do all out what he did. I wasn't a bank robbery of your God the point of his own voice is it was once you introduce a gun. I am different,
holding somewhat hostage, but they wanted to leave and he was saying they couldn't leave letter was ever do you believe I will shoot you. That is not something that does not get punished and our society to your point, however, if it was the first thing he ever had done right again, However, it wasn't I spend my milk, but does that one of the cry communities for this crime use punished for his past crime, for which he was where we think that domestic violence, part of it, reverently, wasn't even tried for the domestic violence, partly led her to us and lacquered bright eyed, wonder is reckless record gets pushed to the range of punishments. How you view the right? Why won't you sector and the re- you guess Britain not into evidence than in this trial, which I'm pretty sure it wasn't you get when you know when you are getting is set, and what are you telling me that the judge can't doesn't look at prior crimes prior record
course. He doesn't. Usually the judge does that the Euro area? Does that mean he's the one who is signs? The Pandit examined. All trials were always done by a judge we should look at because a less elderly Hiram outward able to see what the judge saw to sentence the poorer correct We found Gill correct where we I was on a jury. We gave him the best, They are. The best vertically could cause with there. Were at loggerheads. So we come from. I gave him the the strongest we can get out of the jury and then the judge and judged came in, and we beg dim. Please please this can't. This couldn't have been the first time that this has happened. You don't do this. Is this guy's got to have a record judge straight face? That's none of your concern right! That's me, concern, not your concern. If he has a record then that comes
The play in sentencing if does that we have already heard that comes in its. Saying I'm a rethinking hearing everything that the person on trial had this past year at the sense in thinking ban on where we found unwieldy me too, me too, and if we had that information we would have hammered and more. I went up to the judge after the sentence, and I said how do I live with this? How do I live with this? This guy is going to eventually get out he'll kill. Her hill killer is Adam. Violence case because he had tried many times before. He's gonna killer and he's like he's going to spend decades because of his past it's no is my job to keep him away because of his past wasn't oji, honestly per
I can think they'd there's an illegitimate arguments. We made that OJ was punish enough when he was at that angels Game and he went down the stairs the wrong way and then flew off the top deck of the interest in the way sure and flip over and over and over again and then just landed on the bottom dang with levels of Euro Area documentary, but it was on the documentary naked guy. So he got them is not a documentary. That's not my friend who is like a great to have you back. It's him in the back. He goes all the way down whatsoever Several times looks lifeless in the air. And then we now see lands on whom we don't know. Okay, we now are you now I saw the follow up of that. He was fine, he was jumping in running in the airport. It was the documentary hurts failure and every day you have so it was the had been so damaged his body eighty hurt and is so that commissioner, there are very short documentary it does. It show tee what did nerd and he was running in the airport- is highly that
play that another has just had lasted six minutes like you should be to be a minute. I think anything under ten minutes of imprisonment of labour six minutes I am sure you are advocating. No, I'm not I'm. Ok, I'm saying who is it didn't fit the crime? That's what my nine years did not fit. Ok, all right! before, I am so tempted to hire some very realistic mob guy behind me. I pats house and hold him and busy. You cannot stay past five minutes in fifty nine SEC If you do that, you'll meet my air fifteen, so I wouldn't recommend an hour. Had him I'll? Have him hold you hostage, someplace
Where you don't have the air fifteen, but I'm going to have them hold you hostage and then we're men were six minutes tat. This is the glad that programme carry The european path seriously defending Oj Simpson for holding people. Hosty, no one. I don't know where all the papers plead for the crime is saying: the punishment length did not fit not even close. Rotative zero because he held people at gunpoint, for six minutes. Try to get results that I dont think you know what turned out not to be his own stuff. I wanted one plus I
Gwen you hold somebody at gunpoint there's a period after that is six minutes to ours. The matter if you're holding them at gunpoint this matter now? I was worse than six minutes. A lot I will say no and having it maybe like ours is the people that are being exploited, but it's not ok, don't talk to you when your held by gunpoint for six minutes. I dont have OJ stuff. Ok, How can someone, may I read it? I dont understand he went to go, get is memorabilia radio? Ok, so why didn't he just go through the proper channels in this but he stole his memorabilia stolen almost as some. Why not when somebody steals you don't take the law on your own hands? Why don't you just call them Leave him he couldn't call the police go and because he didn't
Have the memorabilia a legal way, the first place with what happened was he was supposed to give up all these memorabilia to pay off the boat family of zero he murdered? That is when it is about it. Is that only land of off to whom he still owes thirty million thirty million. He was not aid them. Not one penny bright. So here s another name, one way so wait. So he didn't to abide by the law right me So what did he do he? But it was because he was robbed now took though no real yes became. He took them and he held onto them when he wasn't supposed to have them, and then someone took from him- and so is the people from him. But he can go to the police because- he wasn't so as to have them in the first place, the people who are going to arrive at gunpoint also didn't have the memorabilia you. May I tell you something? We also wanted to teach him a lesson, do any good.
We learned a lesson himself, it's really nice nice. It is just as it is that perhaps it was just the holding people at gunpoint that he paid for he also was, but we also have The record of spousal abuse of violence, a couple laugh with holding deeply gunpoint starts to get little scarier and then, on top of it, a dozen appeared to be an honest broker of the truth. The only way to put an end to the other laws, not not just the I'm, going to steal my stuff back at gunpoint I stole for me, so I get out of another court order. There seems to be,
sty theirs? I don't I mean if I may is the same. I think that these May of Asia. I think we can all agree but stupid. Yes lives, stood. Leaning he's is dumb as my box, which is that we do not think it goes on they said the Glen Back programme like
Transcript generated on 2020-05-15.