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Youngkin blasts former Gov. McAuliffe for walking out of interview

2021-10-20 | 🔗
Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Younkin says Terry McAuliffe is 'losing it' after abruptly ending an interview and criticizing a reporter.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Prevagen, healthier brain, better life, democratic gubernatorial, democratic gubernatorial, candidate, Terry Mcauliffe, getting test were with a reporter who test questions him on the vaccine, mandate, Glenn, Youngkin, rallies, voters, demanding accountability and sounding the alarm on a far left education agenda joining us now, with more from campaign headquarters in South falls: Virginia Fox, AMP, friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones, along with virginias gubernatorial candidate, Glenn Youngkin Good Morning Lawrence Good Morning, gentlemen,
good morning, Ainsley. Thank you. So much got Glenn Youngkin with me. I want to pick up where Ainsley left off. You have the former governor, your opponent that walked off the interview. Yesterday, the interview was about public safety and education. Why is it going this direction for him right now? Well, he doesnt have anything to say about it. He failed when he was governor. This is what Virginians want to talk about. They are worried about their schools and what did he do? He brought standards down and left us with a failing school system. Oh by the way, twenty year murder rate when he was governor, the murder rate went up twenty four percent. Not only did he not do a good job as governor, he has nothing to say about it. Now when I travel around the Commonwealth of Virginia, I get the same questions to me when I listen to voters. They want the costs to come down Lawrence. What about walking out of an interview? They say they respect the free press. This is a local reporter asking about education and public safety and walking out. This is what Terry Mcauliffe does. I guess
Lawrence is he entitled, I think he might feel entitled because he thinks he was governor, but he didnt do a good job. People shouldnt ask him hard questions these arent those hard of questions. How are you going to fix our schools and what are you going to do to make our communities safe? These are questions I get every day. I know im going to fix the schools. We had nearly one thousand people we were talking about it. I know what we are going to do to make our community safe. This is Terry. Mcauliffe wont answer questions yells at sheriffs barks at people all the time he is losing it because he knows this race is slipping away from him Lawrence. We are seeing that in the polls dive into the big issues. Number one is education. I talk to some parents yesterday, every single one of them mentioned education. Why do you think this is such a big issue in Virginia in the country? Well, first of all, Loudoun County has been ground: zero, its been ground zero for a long time about whats happening in education, its the culmination of whats been going on. Since Terry Mcauliffe was governor. He lowered the standards in our school. He wants to keep parents out of the loop. He said, parents dont have a
role in their kids education. He wants government between parents and kids, all ever the Suddennedden parents. Last night came and heard from me a very clear vision lawrence. He said you took him out of context. He said that to the nation, PA dont, a role in their kids education and he doubled and triple and quadrupled down on it. He sees parents are rejecting this parents. Are we geneticking the notion he is going to call his friend Jobe and have the FBI come and silence them? These are our kids Virginia has a fundamental right inscribed in our code that parents have a right to be deeply engaged in their kids. Education. Terry Mcauliffe is on the wrong side of this issue. He knows it. He wants government to control our children and parents arent having any part of it Lawrence. Yesterday, during your campaign rally, you said you want a full investigation. Why whats happened in Loudoun County first of all could happen across Virginia. What happened in Loudoun County was that the school board and oh by the way the commonwealths attorney, tried to cover up a sexual assault in a school, and
then they quietly moved the offender to another school and it happened again. He sexually assaulted another young woman, so theres absolutely gross negligence here and rather than the Justice Department investigating parents who are standing up for their children. The justice department should be investigating the Loudoun County School Board and the commonwealths attorney and oh by the way our attorney general currently has a job to do, which is to stand up for families and parents. In this exact moment and whats, he doing running around Virginia running a divisive campaign and not doing his job. He should do his job and do a full investigation because whats going to happen next, we are going to wake up and have another headline. This is not right and our kids cant wait Lawrence Lawrence. Well, we are going to be following this election. It was clear based on yesterdays rally. It was full inside you had to move the rally outside and talk to those folks as well. Glenn Youngkin thanks for taking the tough questions. Thanks for having me, everybody join us Youngkin for governor dot com and get on board. This is no longer a campaign. Its a movement.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-20.