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Working moms frustrated by Biden admin's hesitation on full school reopenings

2021-05-04 | 🔗
Working moms speak out on how school closures are impacting their families on 'Fox & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
That I would recommend, given the science if the vaccination program in this country, Prorksdz, if people do go, get their vaccines there. He does believe that schools should be able to reopen in September and reopen safely following the CDC guidelines, but he said probably he said did not say absolutely, because we have all seen this since unfortunately January of twenty twenty, its an unpredictable virus, Ainsley employment rates for working moms are still far below their pre pandemic levels. Many had to quit their jobs to stay at home with their kids. How is this fair to the children and how is it fair to the parents lets bring in a panel of Working moms, Emily, an economic professor at Brown, university and mother of two Jacqueline Staff, the founder of charm and mother of three, and we
have Cindy Lee a working mother of four, a single mom. I dont know how do you it Cindy? You are a hero. Thank you, Ainsley! Thank you all for being with us. Thank you, Ainsley Ainsley. I are welcome Emily. I will start with you. What is your reaction to what Anita Dunn just said? Might not open in September Ainsley, I spent most of I sp, studying this problem and part of what is troubling about this messaging is we have increasingly seen that schools can reopen safely? That was true enemy cases, even before widespread vaccination after widespread vaccination, that will be even more true. I think we really need keep pushing this, because we are seeing that for working parents for working moms in particular, this has been devastating not only for them, but also for their kids. We know that in person learning dominating virtual learning for kids, both learning and mental health. I think this is a crisis Ainsley Jacqueline. How has it affected your family
mom of three? Have you been staying at home with them, or have you been helping them through this situation? Yes, definitely been a challenge and I have to tell you I have such a deep appreciation for our Tennessee teachers and what they do, because it was very challenging for a child to sit in front of a screen for hours is not easy and you know really broke my heart to hear my 10 year old say I want to see my friends personally. I have a toddler that you know has challenges set back because he didnt have that social interaction. You know Ainsley, the bottom line is, we have to start prioritizing our children and we have, to you, know, make them a priority and not politicize. You know these schools reopening for one personal agenda. We are really hurting them with their social development, and you know advancing. We have got to make a change, Ainsley Cindy. How about you gosh? I dont know how you are doing it. What line of work? Are you in im in human resources and
im an essential employee? So I have been working during this entire pandemic and also raising four boys, and when I found out early on that, their public schools werent going to be resuming full time, I withdrew them and put them in private school that returned to regular operations. That begs the question can reopen and schools cant and the reason is because of the teachers, unions, the teachers unions are dictating the terms of reopening such as what we are seeing with the CDC story that theyre CDC what to write in final guidance and the CDC is incorporating it. The teachers union donate a large sum of money to Joe Biden and the Democrats, which is why the blue states have been slower to reopen. So, as the leader of this country, Joe Biden, needs to prioritize our children. He needs to tell teachers to get back to work if they want to take the vaccine, they can take the vaccine, but schools need to open now and to ensure that our childs education are in the hands of
the parents, and this never happens again. Parents need to get involved by contacting their state legislators to pass a school choice bill where the taxpayer money follows the student Ainsley. God bless you all saying: prayers for your kids. If they get pack in school, if theyre not in school right now, all the kids around the country do Jacqueline. You are married to Scott who in creed his music has gotten us through all of in this. I hope he gets back and able to.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-11.