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‘Where is the follow-up?’: Bongino slams “60 Minutes” for refusing to ask Blinken tough questions on border crisis

2021-05-03 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Dan Bongino discusses media coverage of Biden’s border policies and crime surges across major U.S. cities.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Children as young as six children as young as six seven years old coming here with no adult who are sent on a dangerous journey, I dont think thats because of a speech. Joe Biden gave thats because of horrible conditions in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. We inherited a totally broken system, broken intentionally traffickers and others are trying to tell them that the border is open. Its not the children are being allowed in children are the one exception because we will not. It is the right thing to do Brian, when the children are the exception, thats going to bring more children in and why the Secretary of State is weigh ing in on border thats kind of interesting, too Dan Bongino Fox NEWS contributor is here Dan, I imagine you might have been screaming at the television. If you were watching that interview, because again, a Biden official was able to in accurately turn the tables and blame the Trump Adminitration for the epic failure in their
first one hundred days. You know even for liberals, this is really beyond the pale. I mean. How do you fall for this stuff? Do you wake up in the morning because youre a liberal Biden Right- and you say how do I get sucker ed today I mean so lets just go through what Blinken said and use again facts. I know liberals and facts. I know it doesnt connect, it never works, but lets try this slowly here. Okay, so with Tony Blinken is now saying they inherited a broken system, his words right, everybody heard it and that that broken system, his words under President Trump. We had an average of about thirty forty thousand people trying to cross the border illegally every month that we know about thats broken all right. Libs math here were going to do numbers. I know this is hard, and now we have under Joe Biden an average of about one hundred thousand a month. The system then be three times
more broken under Biden than it was broken under Trump math. I know its hard liberals. I know facts are hard, but again do you wake up every morning and say how do I get suckered with the leaders today, Brian, but there was no follow up. Of course, they will get away with it because outside of Fox NEWS and conservative outlets, these media folks wont tell the real story: wheres. The follow up by that interview was that Nora, Odonnell Brian yeah, where is the follow up? Sir thats? Not accurate, im very sorry, youre depiction of the events does not complete thats. What an actual media representative would say- and one more note on this- you know again liberals, facts and stuff, it doesnt ever work, but they dont seem to understand basic human incentive S, go to a search engine and put in operant conditioning. I went to graduate school to do lab subjects and study
psychology. It was really interesting when you reinforce a response with a reward. Here is a shocker guys. You get more of the response. If you give a kid candy for playing with a toy theyre going to play with that toy more when they get the candy. When you tell people hey bring your child here and dont worry, we wont do anything about it other than give them citizenship and a portfolio of benefits. Stunner you get more children in the United States illegally. Only libs cant figure that out Ainsley people are worried about whats happening with immigration down on the border and also worried about our cities around the country. Not only are illegals filtering into other cities, but were also see, I dont know if thats, because of defunding the police. I know they cut one dollar billion out of the New York City budget, but look at this homicides up. Forty five percent in New York City shootings up seventy eight percent in Chicago up sixteen percent shootings up twenty five percent Dan. You were in law enforcement.
This has to worry you. It does and theres a reason. I brought up that operant conditioning incentives thick it wasnt to try to be saying Monday, Freud on your show its for a reason. When you sent me these stories, the producers are tied together for the same reason, liberals will never digest the concept of incentives when you incentivize criminals to commit more crime, because you engage in things like bail reform, where you let them out the average criminal says to himself well. If I can make a couple thousand dollars a day, you know sling diagnoses, drugs on the corner and im only going to have to spend fifteen minutes in jail before I get out. No one comes and gets me on a warrant. Anyway, they say to themselves its pretty profitable to do a criminal activity again. This is only hard for liberals. Now, on the other side, why is crime exploding? I just gave you reason. One reason two: when you disincentivize cops, the opposite of an incentive for the liberals is when you
disincentivize cops to stop criminals, and you tell them your public enemy number one, the cop s, and by the way, if you ever lay a hand in a use of force situation justified or not on a criminal youre, going to become infamous on social media and liberals. Pile on here is a shocker. When you disincentivize the enforcement of a law, you get lessen force ment of the law again. This is only hard for the stupid people. Same people get this when you enforce the law and criminals go to jail. Crime goes down when you dont crime goes up its really sad. We have to talk this way because I really I tried to breakthrough and I get it that liberals close me off, but its the only way to try and breakthrough to these people who dont understand the concept of an incentive for some bizarre reason, Steve. Well, you made your point given the fact that you were in law enforcement for a very, very long time and youve got a unique point of view, thats right strategist. Thank you, Mr Dan Bongino.
I saw it. I saw it Brian and Dan. Just for the record, my undergraduate education, I taught in my psychology class to press a lever by giving it incentives, listen different training with water with rats its not easy. You got to make them really thirsty. First, I did that too Brian at the end of the class I had to, they gave me the rat. So so I let it go in the woods you can have that I live in Florida. We have enough tree rats, so were good. Thank you laughter Ainsley on the subway Brian thats, where they all are.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-11.