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Veteran and former law enforcement on Afghan withdrawal: I don’t know how we get our credibility back

2021-09-01 | 🔗
Veterans and former law enforcement reacts to the Afghanistan withdrawal at Keystone Grill near Fort Lee, Virginia
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Lets check back in with our lets check back in with our Fox amp friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones, whose having breakfast with Ourur friends a few miles from Fort Lee at the Keystone Grill in Colonial Heights, Virginia hey Lawrence reporter, hey there, my friend good, to be back with you im here with Martha Marthas family has served in every single war since the revolution- yes reporter. Why was this one different? This one was different because our country has been betrayed. We have traders who have given our lives, the soldiers lives and have given money and stuff to terrorists, and it is not a good thing. Freedom is what this country stands for, and if people understand that freedom and where it comes from, then they will appreciate it and stand and
fight for it reporter thanks Martha guys. I want you to walk with me and youve been hearing that all morning here at the diner ive got Curtis. Here you served and also law enforcement. You said the way this was done was a slap in the face. I do I believe we were in Afghanistan for the right reasons. I believe our troops there kept us safer here and the hasty, irresponsible manner in which we left was a slap in their face. I believe that I believe that our troops won the war there and our leaders, our so called leaders surrender that victory and its disgraceful reporter. You also served law enforcement as well. Yes, I did, and military reporter and military. What are your thoughts on the way that we left this war were approaching nine slash. Eleven was the victory in vein. Was the service in vein? Never being military is always good to serve they serve well. I have friends that went to
Afghanistan, went to Iraq and didnt come back. I just want to know where do we go from here? What do we do? How do we repair our relationship with the world with our allies? How do we repair that weve turned our back on them and, like Curtis said it was a hasty action it wasnt planned being military. We never would have done that we planned for those things. We never would have just dropped everything and run. I dont know how we get our credibility back with our allies and im afraid. China is going to just look at this as another step to take Taiwan reporter guys. You all hear the raw emotion here, weve been hearing it all morning, leaving people behind they take it very personal, the thirteen veterans that we have right here that paid the ultimate sacrifice. They went there to get our people back, they sacrificed their life to go, get our people back and you hear from veterans and their families
ive been talking to them all morning and they said that they just honor them by not making sure that every American was on those planes before they left guys its been an emotional morning. It has been a breath taking morning, but its also been a learning experience being on the ground. Talking with these veterans on the ground, we have people in Vietnam. We have family members that have been in every single war since the very beginning. They are passionate people and caring people guys ill, send it back to you in New York, Brian. You got the other element of the story and thats the Afghans coming here, and our Americans coming back thanks Lawrence Ainsley. Thank you. Lawrence military community, thanks family Steve, thats, great and such raw emotions, because its such an UN american thing to do is to leave people behind Brian. The president. Let.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-02.